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Bolt Action/WWII/General

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Thread replies: 312
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Bolt Action is the leading 28mm World War II tabletop wargame, using miniature soldiers, tanks and terrain to fight battles in the shattered towns of occupied France, the frozen steppes of Russia or even the sweltering jungles of the Pacific.
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I literally have 6000 pts worth of Germans and 2000+ of Soviets. Surely I'm not the only one who plays.
Bolt Action is fucking cringe as fuck seeing as veterans of this war are still alive. Jesus, wait a decade at least
And yet there are movies and video games dating much further back than 2012 when this game came out. I think 3/4 of a century is a long enough time that this isn't disrespectful. My opinion of course but as popular as it is it must be a common opinion.
Also as a veteran myself I feel that "re-enacting" these battles is actually an honor. If you read into it they have met with many of the surviving veterans to get their thoughts and feelings and they were universally positive. Also, it's just game.
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My father plays British, also has like 3000+ pts
We do some Company level engagements
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Hold the crossroads is my favorite battle to fight
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>Real Life
Everybody plays Bolt Action, it essentially collects people who are crying about 40K's latest iteration. I cry as I watch friends take as many assault rifles as they can and zerg rush with German infantry

Hardly anybody plays FoW, Chain of Command or IABSM and you have to work for your games

>On tg
There's a perma-thread for Flames and the "Historical" thread is probably the best on the board. Bolt Action is nowhere to be seen

For the first time I think I like /tg better than real life.

I'm being a shitposter... I actually like Bolt-Action, I have a Finnish Platoon, I play with my friends, we have fun... I cry inside that I can't get them to play something better!
This probably depends where you live and what your local clubs are like

>my real life
We all play Ostfront at 1/72 scale, and sometimes the older guys at club play TANKS! at 15mm. FoW sometimes makes an appearance, but I haven't seen it in years. Bolt-Action nowhere to be seen.

We need to do more second sino-japanese games...
I feel you. Bolt Action is not my favorite game (even if I think it works very well mechanically), but it gets the most play at my club.

Fortunately only about 1/3 of the players come from a 40k background and the rest are in it either or for history or because it's got momentum.

I will say though, pushing around my 1/48 Tamiya tanks is way more satisfying than my 1/100 Zvedzvas.
Nearly everyone I know who plays BA is a "ideologically pure Wehrmacht" type who plays krauts for MUH ASSAULT RIFLES and MUH TIGERS

It basically put me right off the game because it turned WW2 into TIGERS EVERYWHERE

The sole exception was a guy with a beautifully painted and converted French Resistance force

who would regularly turn up for a game and end up against the "not actually SS Panzer division, these ones aren't the bad Germans"
well BA doesn't have a general but it's pretty big in HWG, also IABSM and CoC are the shit, i wish i had more then a person playing it with me.
>Twofatlardies games
I occasionally go to an old man wargame several town over, to be the youngest by a couple of decades, to get a game in.

Worse yet the community such as it exists seems to not be online, as far as I can tell it exists amongst the old-guard who... I dunno, leave their basements and shit!
The miniatures page has a decently active community of old people
Fucking what? This must be bait, no one can be this stupid.
It wouldn't be disrespectful even if it was 1946
Wargames have been around a long time and people do current conflicts in them all the time
Yeah that's terrible, all of our group are military veterans so we play for the historical accuracy. We build our list based off of real life tactics and doctrine
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We should totally have a BA general every now and then
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We took 40k's Kill Team game and made our own Bolt Action one...the two games we've played have gone really well. Lots of fun!
I've got a lot of the epubs, I need to make a Mega
Does anyone have a printable reference sheet for the new BA2 rules?
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More from our Kill Team game
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Love me some BA
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1st BA game I played a year ago, DDay Normandy!
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Does bother anyone else that the LMG and MMG both are 36" and then HMG is also 36" but only 3 shots
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I wish I had an airbrush though

I actually don't see a good reason why the HMG wasn't upgraded like the others

Upgrading pintle mounted MMGs costs too much to be viable anyway, so I can't see a reason why
Wow, nice paint job!
I was hoping they would FAQ it but no such luck
rules for it available?
/hwg/ is a thing. You're welcome.
>Bolt Action is nowhere to be seen

Wrong. BA is a very frequent topic in /hwg/ and lots of people in there play it. (some hate it too). If you want to discuss some aspects of your list or general stuff like mini suppliers, /hwg/ will be helpful. (At least i will).
That sucks, but a Tiger + AR-Vets list usually isn't that strong.
I don't mind seeing a specific game general popping up every now and then, especially for a game like Bolt Action.
I love /hwg/, easily the best dynamic and friendliest of any ongoing thread on this site, but sometimes it gets old when they suggest playing games that are incredibly obscure or that virtually no-one plays all in the name of "BA sucks cuz its World War Warhammer".Sometimes I just want to fuck around with little painted army guys and I don't mind using a "mainstream" system because it's easier to find other players.
about 2000pts apiece for USMC, Japs, Winter Germans, and Winter Soviets

Really dig 2nd edition, they fixed so many problems. I'm not crazy about templates being back but it's a minor complaint and the only issue I've experienced.
What is the standard point size for this game?
1000pt Reinforced Platoon
but I like to run bigger 2000pt games

actually they changed it to 1250
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>tfw you're 90% done with 70 slavs and realize that you're only halfway done painting your army

The T34 platoon was a mistake. A beautiful, reckless, insane mistake.

Still need to highlight these guys, paint the molotovs, and finish the basing, but pretty happy so far.
I just got a shit-ton of germans. How did you paint your dudes? I'm assuming you assembly-line pained. I'm thinking I want to do the basecoat and quickshade method, but I'm not sure I can bring myself to do it.
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I assembly lined them. All 70 of the little bastards in one go. It involved a lot of binge watching south park and Archer, as well as a lot of liquor, but it's worth it.

It's the Only real way for me to catch up on all my painting projects I have laying around without going mad. I've got 4 bolt action armies alone, not to mention 3 flames of war armies, 5 40k armies, a DZC army, both bugs and MI for starship troopers, and countless other small projects that I know I"m forgetting.

Never go full retard by the way, it's a special kind of hell kiddos.
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>buy bolt action assault on normandy starter set
>buy tiger and puma off kind anon on /tg/
>buy a couple of shermans off ebay
>assembled all of it
>painted most of my troops and the terrains done
>start on armour
>going on holiday
>make bed and leave bolt action box at pillow in centre of bed
>its sitting out the way of everyone
>nobody has any reason to go near it
>come back from holiday
>box on the floor
>open it
>all bolt action minis are busted
>arms snapped off
>headless troops
>broken aerials, guns and armour barrels
>family all blame each other
>mfw can only post one pic to show my rage
Wow, that blows. No one will say what happened?

Is the damage completely irreparable?
nope they all said "Wasn't me I have no reason to do that" and blamed each other. Looks like I'm going to have to file the old glue away and remove the guns from the arms and paint and glue them all back together. Loks of filing painting and gluing ahead. Thats on top of my saga minis
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are you seeking to get some reperation out this

also i just bought one of warlords new stuart kits i like getting the wreakage tokens but i don't get the cards they seem unnecessary they don't really add anything.
Unless your Saga army is Peter's peasant crusade or Hereward the Wake it won't take you that much time.

It's still going to be a pain in the ass though.
well I have the 40 saxon theigns 40 hirdmen and then another 4 saxons which I bought from Warlord but yeah it shouldnt take too long

Nah no chance with that lot. Like blood out a stone. It's more the fact that I specifically put them out of the way where nobody would have any reason to go near them and STILL someones fucked with them.
yeah isnt the card just like a fact file? Also thats one nice kit I saw it on Beasts of war. Hopefully Warlord will go back and reproduce a lot of their kits in plastic. Metal is a lot of hassle and I've seen/heard horror stories regarding their resin kits
What kind of Saga forces are you putting together, Anglo-Danes and Vikings?

To keep some Bolt Action in this, does anyone have a good painting guide for US Airborne?
Yeah hoping to have anglo-danes who I can break down into smaller groups of anglo-saxons and vikings then once I get the hang of the game I can add to them and bring in other factions. Also I dont I'm afriad I have the warlord american painting guide but thats more infantry and tanks
no it contains points cost, armour, you know in game stuff.

but the game dosen't have any really unique individual weapons or stat profiles
Did you get the Dark Age Warriors box too?
A really good place to start with any Saga faction is 4pts - 2 hearthguard and 2 warriors.
ah I see its probably just like a quick reference sheet a bit like what you get in the boxed sets so you can have them off hand
I have a pseudohistorical skirmish scenario I am building, Rimini, Italy 1944. Veteran Panzergrenadiers vs Ghurkas. I have some of it built, but I got distracted by other tabletop stuff before finishing it.

Other than the assorted infantry, I have a couple of M3 Stuarts and a couple Bren carriers vs a StuG, Pz.Kpfw, and a Kubelwagen.
not got the Dark age warriors box yet I'm thinking that will be next after my vikings arrive. Then I'll look into some terrain houses or just make my own
forgot to add a pic. Also I'm thinking of buying a box of soviets or commandos with the warlord discount code just so I can switch it up and have a smaller quicker game with a friend. Maybe like annihilation skirmish rules or something. Capture the farm or w/e
can't go wrong with a whole mess of soviets, tovarishch. Especially if you get some t-34s for them to ride on.

So are you planning on just building 4 points worth of hearthguard?
>bolt action general

Oh fuck yes it's time.
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So I see a lot of people complaining that Hanomags aren't worth it. But since I have two and I think they are cool as fuck, I made a mechanised infantry list. It's "Generic platoon", but its an Operation Citadel list + begleit + Stuh (which for some reason isnt available). My army is based around Kursk so I thought panzerfausts are shit and I also don't take assault rifles.

Pioneers go into the 251 with panzerbuchse, begleit on the Stuh, Grenadiers in the other 251. Still in doubt if I should take a sniper or MMG team for this.

Will I get absolutely murdered with this list?
Any tips on making a Japanese list? What points should I run them at? Is there anything that I should avoid taking? Is there anything that is an "auto grab" or that I should always take?

Sorry, to be a bother. I'm just really new to bolt action and don't know what to take as there are many options.
I wish I could provide advice but I haven't really played much of 2nd yet.
Gotta be 18 to post here, kid
Bait. Bait. Don't take the bait.
Love the formatting on your list, you type that up or is there some list builder I'm unaware of?
Bolt action Facebook group dude
Google bolt action easy army- not that poster but its helped me loads anon
This is a fishing pole
Does anyone have any tips for making those fancy Warlord pin markers readable?

I'm thinking of maybe spraying the base part white and inking, or black and drybrushing.
t.infinity player
go back to yiffing
Now now, that's uncalled for. There's room for both Bolt Action and Infinity (not in this thread though).

To try to keep it more BA related: does anyone know a good alternative for Japanese tanks? I'm in love with the 1/48 Tamiya stuff for my Murricans, but as far as I can tell there's no Japanese alternative.
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You gotta make an account, which will then save your lists too. It's an amazing site/armybuilder, but not 100% foolproof so if you are going to play competitions, better doublecheck with your books if everything is correct.

Also, if you click top right on "view/OOB" you'll get the html version. Then click PDF for PDF (duh), but if you click on email it will not only send you an email (to whatever mail adress you made your account with) with the list, but it will also contain exactly what sort of minis you need to bring, see pic related. This is not on the PDF but for some reason only when you get your shit mailed to you.
The firey ones? I havent used them yet for exactly that reason, but I'm thinking of painting the base black, drybrush the numbers white and the pointy but that sticks out from the flame on one side bright orange or something. Painting those is very low on the priority list though, dice work fine and I still got like 40 nazis to paint.
Those are the ones. I just can't imagine what the guy who OKed those was thinking.
my guess is £££
I guess, but I don't know anyone who has them who didn't get them out of one of Warlord's starter sets (either BA or Gates of Antares).

Don't get me wrong, I think those pin markers are a cute idea - I just wish they were readable.
Yeah, I got em for free with an order for a wargaming convention. They arent as useless as the blind/turret jam/tracked etc markers that also came with them. Can't see shit on those at all. The HE ring is nice though.
Oh yeah, I had forgotten all about those markers. I agree that the ring is nice.

I guess we've just got to wait for v3 for decently designed accessories.
I play Wehrmacht too, midwar. Even though I can put assault rifles, panzerfausts and Tigers in my list I don't use either because
1) There were no assault rifles in '43
2) panzerfausts in '43 were absolutely shit
3) Tigers are expensive as fuck

And I play "ideologically pure wehrmacht" because Waffen SS camo is an absolute bitch to paint, I'm way too lazy for that.

I'll take Pioniere and PzIII/PzIV/Stug over Tigers everytime. Tigers are beautiful monsters but for 395 points you can have a Pak40, a Stug/Stuh and a fully loaded Pioneer squad, which also means you'll have 2 more dice for initiative.

If your enemy has a Tiger in a 1000 point battle, that means you will have at least 3 dice more to ignore it and fuck up the little amount of dudes he has left, or completely encircle the Tiger and shoot it in the rear. That's nearly half his platoon points gone in one beautiful explosion.

Also, if the battlefield is any good it will have a fuckload of terrain, so you can easily hide from that super heavy gun.
I'm painting a Jagdtiger in Afrika Korps colours, to go with my Afrika Korps army.

How triggered are you, rivet counters?
I find a small D6 works fine too. Also for wounds on fixed team units. Red die for pins, white for dudes shot.

Then again, I do have those pin markers anyway so I will probably paint a few of them, one day.
>tfw want to get into bolt action
>seems just as expensive as 40k
>metal minis are the norm still last i checked
am I wrong? Help a nigga out, I was thinking of proxying any bolt action minis I owned as guardsmen.
I've just been using dice likewise. But I've got those damned things and I figure I should try to get some use out of them.
Tons of plastic from Perry (if you're into NAfrica) and Warlord.

Also I got started with a 500+ point US army for about 60USD. One box of soldiers and a Tamiya tank.
Since Jagdtigers were around from late 44 on and Afrika Korps was done for halfway '43, You will probably not win any prizes for "best themed army", but you might get one for "most original army".

That said, on a scale from 1 to 10 triggers I'm about a 3. Afrika Korps had super cool looking tanks and armoured cars already, so it's a shame you have to get yourself a jagdtiger.
what should I start out with? Was thinking soviets since I already play Germans in Flames of War
>The sole exception was a guy with a beautifully painted and converted French Resistance force
Sorry if I'm being stupid but is there rules for that ?
There are plenty of good looking plastic boxes with 25/40 dudes in them for around 25 bucks. But lets start at the beginning; which nation would you like to play? Germany, USA, Russia, Britain, Japan basic armies are fairly cheap to start.
You really can't go wrong with a box of plastic troops and a tank. You can build your officers and sniper(etc) teams from that one box.

Just be careful since Soviets get a free 11 raw recruits to throw onto the field.

My "meta" is extremely casual though.

Armies of France and Allies has partizans
was thinking Soviets, I love playing WWI guard in 40k
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Does Bolt Action have anything for the Spanish Civil War or other Interwar conflicts yet?
My buddy has Soviets too. If you don't want to shell out 90 pounds for an army box in one go, just get a box of soviet infantry and a siberian veterans, that will get you 74 bolsjeviks to make out the vast majority of your army. Out of that you can also make a sniper team, an HQ unit. Now you only need some support in the form of an AT gun, a clown car, or a T34 or something and you're good to go.

Basically a standard 1000 point army is

HQ (2 or 3 guys)

2 mandatory infantry squads
1 to 3 extra squads
then pick or take all between
1 mortar (because they are the shit)
1 sniper unit
1 MMG unit
and finally, if you have points left, transports, a tank, an armoured car, an anti tank gun, howitzer or whatever you think is cool.

But you can always just go with a ton of infantry squads only and do well, as long as they have some form or shape of anti tank material with them (even anti tank grenades, which you dont need to buy as models, its just +2 points per guy and you're set)

I built my German forces over the course of half a year time, I didn't have the $$$ to spend 100 bucks in one go, especially since I also needed paints and basing stuff. I still haven't even bought the rule book or army book, the PDF's do fine for now.
thanks m8
There were wargames and whole miniature ranges made for Iraq and Afghanistan back in the 2000s.
Merci mon ami.

I'm looking to get into Bolt action and I'm still wondering what kind of army I want to, I'm still toying with the idea of making a french force that could be used (whole or parts of it) in early and late war.
I just noticed the Siberian Vets also come with Commissar and MMG team, so you don't even need to get those seperately. So you're about 80/90% set with just those two boxes.

One thing though, Soviets have a LOT of dudes on the table (12 man squads, extra free infantry squad as well) so be prepared to do a buttload of mind numbing painting.

That might be tricky with most armies considering the vast amount of one-upping all sides did, but I don't know what the Frenchies had different early/late. Also be prepared to have a bit harder time with finding models, French are not as well represented as the main nations.
The thing is, early and middle war are mostly the same, but switched sides. The foreign legion could go at any time period and the tanks can be looted by partisans.
100 Bamboo spear warriors and hug the back line
Hug the back line? Dishonorable! Full banzai charges every turn, all game!
You won't be able to use an early and a late war list interchangebly since once the French were kicked off the continent they came back in first british uniforms and then American uniforms. So pick a time period and stick with it if you're going French.

Or pick different armies. French for early french of course, but american as late wars for the frenchies in american uniform that were participating in the liberation of France
Which one is that?
You really want to bring the most boring and sucky list ever? Pick all Banzai bamboo horde and then get the special character which removes the banzai rule
>Nearly everyone I know who plays BA is a "ideologically pure Wehrmacht" type who plays krauts for MUH ASSAULT RIFLES and MUH TIGERS

I love those guys! It gets better though cause now the Maus is available they'll be stacking maus' to go with their all tiger and stg 44 germans
Konflikt 47 is allowed in these threads, right?
I'd argue all the Warlord games.

Anyone interested in getting into Pike & Shotte? Artizan designs have a sale going on right now
Don't tempt me. I've got a buddy who's all about dat English Civil War, and I've got half a mind to finish up my Sengoku Japanese just to see who would win, Oda or Cromwell.

And on top of that, I've got this idea that I should start a BA Free French Foreign Legion army for shits and giggles.
Early war I could do a standard french army that I could use as Vichy as well.

Colonial and Free France troops for middle war (especially African campaigns)

I mostly through about going full partisan for the late war, with "looted" gear and vehicles from the 2 previous periods (and maybe some légionnaires and other colonial troops) to represent the First French Army and the landing in southern France and the Alps.
As a collector of an early defense of France force I'd have to say that sounds like a good idea. My next move is probably getting myself a couple of Shermans to recreate the 2nd armoured division which liberated Paris.
Vichy used different uniforms so no I'd say. Pick a side. for early war. The Free France force in 42-43 used British uniforms unless it's the foreign legion.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

The partisan idea is baller and I've played with it several times.
So early war standard France, Foreign legion and colonial troops in the middle and partisans in the late war ?

I could go with that. I can see it happening very well.
I kinda want to get into Bolt Action, as it looks like fun, and I like the models, but no one in my area plays. I was thinking I could get a starter and get a friend interested, but aside from that I was just thinking as just using them as more pieces for my collection. Any recommendations?
Nice, and unless you're a stickler for things like this some things can be used in the desert and the battle for France. My favourite is the Berliet VUBD which there were a couple of in France in 1940. The only enclosed armoured car transport in the game. Mad Bob Miniatures sells them and a bunch of other French shit
It's pretty expensive but get a box of two different infantry units. Like 40 sovietmen and 30 germans.
it's like 50 quid and you get yourself some variation with loads of different weapon variety
I was looking at the fallschirmjagers, both for play and modelling. I like the look and history behind them. Is there anything I should look out for?
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AR's were available back then though. Granted it was called something like the MP 42 or along those lines and was limited to I think a few thousand for troop trials, but they were around.

Also, what about "tiger fear"? It seems like a handy new rule. Granted I'd just take a Panzer IV H if I want to make use of it since its far cheaper with Tiger fear, but it seems like a nasty rule. Forcing morale checks on everything in sight is crazy good in my opinion.
it's incredibly cheaper than 40k. You see those 1000pts army boxes warlord sell? Those really are a full army, they're not joking. If you're spending over $200 on an army between books and models for Bolt Action you've gone full snowflake or something has gone wrong.

Siberian vets box is nice because that'll get you an MMG. Soviets also get a ton of extra options in the box. Snipers, anti tank rifles, LMG's, panzerfausts, anti tank grenades, and plenty of bits to convert things like medics and officers as well. 90-95% if the infantry you make should be plastic if you put in some effort.
Honestly I wanna try all their historical games but Bolt Actions their most popular and even then its difficult to get a game for me
empire in flames has the wars in China and Manchuria. Even has rules for those Chinese trained by the Germans.
>it's like 50 quid
>It's pretty expensive

For 28mm this is pretty cheap. You get like 5 Space Marine Terminators for that price compared to 60-80 BA minis.
>Forcing morale checks on everything in sight is crazy good in my opinion.

True, but if the squads are full strength then it can repeat the check.

Also the Tiger has to be played aggressively to get into a position where it can be seen by everyone to maximize the effect of the rule while the enemy can try to stay out of its line of sight.

And if a Panzer 4 does that it can get killed quite fast if you bring some proper AT.

That rule is not as strong as many make it sound. Its not a bad rule and certainly not weak, but not really a "i-win-button". Neither is an army full of assault rifles (especially after the nerf in V2).
Its just that these type of armies are extremely boring to look at with them being rarely based on actual units. Just your "generic german vets with ARs".
Where should I find civilian french cars trough ? Also are regular cars any good for quick movement or should I go cavalry ?
It could be worse, you could be painting SS camo at 15mm
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Tamiya does a Citroen staff car in 1/48 which you can use in the game.

Obviously you can use it not only as the captured german version depicted on the box art.
Army of Shadows here I come
It's fucking bullshit. MMGs were put on tripods to be more accurate thus be effective at longer ranges. What did Warlord do? Same range. Durr.
they're awesome. The question is do you want to throw in a couple of Fallschirmjaegers in an army or do you want to theme the entire army around them?
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>Rifles are too short
>MMG are too short
>army lists are too generic
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>Anyone interested in getting into Pike & Shotte? Artizan designs have a sale going on right now
I do, but I'm doing Thirty Years War. Started on Swedes, but I'll need to buy lots of stuff...

LMG and MMG are esentially the same thing one is in a tripod mount other is in a bipod configuration. Only difference is in lmg mod you have to deal with recoil and in tripod you have a more stable firing platform. It only changes your accuracy

As for hmg you can give 50 cal as an example, which does not have a noticable range advantage over a mg42. Only difference is 50cal rounds are deadlier and penetrate more.
seconded. My pzIV tiger fear did fuckall against Veteran Italians, and also near nothing against soviets who can often reroll morale checks anyway. I wouldn't even mind if they removed the rule for the PzIV as it is now exactly in the sweet spot between affordable and decent in combat (compared to Panther and up), but Tiger Fear is definitely not that awesome. If you play against whiny bitches who won't play with that rule you could maybe exchange Tiger Fear for a free MMG unit, which would also support the theme of Germany.

I'm sure there were some available, but the vast majority didn't have them, so I don't either. Same goes for the Puma, it's literally the best armoured car there is in the game, but they made 100 of them, so it doesn't go into my special snowflake army, especially since it's based on Kursk.

I don't mind anyone else using anything available to them (I'd play against a Maus if someone put it on the table), but I do like my own force as a generic "this platoon could be seen almost anywhere". I use a generic list to get the Stuh42 in it every now and then though, because it fits an infantry based game, especially my eastern front army. Otherwise it's mostly regular Heer (1 SMG for the NCO, light MG, 9 men. If I go for a full strength squad the 2nd in command gets an SMG too), maybe a veteran squad and/or pioniere squad, mortar, sniper, mmg, and maybe a 251/1, stug, stuh42, PzIII or PzIV, a pak38/40, kubelwagen, anti tank rifle, motor/sidecar. I don't need fancy stuff myself.
>LMG and MMG are esentially the same thing one is in a tripod mount other is in a bipod configuration.
Yes, the British Vickers MMG is a...uhm...well! The Japanese type 95 MMG is the...erm...but then the US M1919 Browning MMG! It was the...erm...

If it's more accurate, it can shoot effectively at a longer range. The main point of an MMG was that it could shoot dependably for further. HMGs are an entirely different kind of animal.

The main role of machine gun is not to kill people, it is to supress the opposition. Sure it involves killing but it is not necessary. The main advantage mg42 had over the other machine guns were not its accuracy but its rate of fire.

I agreee that other nations lmg vs mmg is not that accurate representation but it is hard to portray in a wargame enviorement without making the rules too much crowded.

I have to disagree at the hmg range advantage again. If you look at the effective ranges of dshk,browning 50 cal and mg42 they are more or less the same. While they all state about 2k metres in real battlefield conditions all of them are about 1k at most. The main advantage hmg has over others is the ability to penetrate light vehicles and cover easily.
>I agreee that other nations lmg vs mmg is not that accurate representation but it is hard to portray in a wargame enviorement without making the rules too much crowded.
Longer range, more shots. Ta-da. Just like how it was in 1st ed.
i think i would love to play against you.

i usually try to build "believable" lists as well.
you could play it at 1/72 scale. would likely cost 1/4 as much, if not less. Gotta convince your buddies to play at that scale too though
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>>seems just as expensive as 40k
>also near nothing against soviets who can often reroll morale checks anyway
Not always, only when they would be destroyed
It depends. Are you going "time-appropriate" or "mash them in, whatever"? IJA, SNLF or a mix of both?

In any case, there's just one thing that's assured: japanese tanks suck, so take them only if you really, really love them (or you're facing armies with even worse tanks and little to no way to crack armour).

Kuroganes are a godsend though.
I was thinking of doing a time-appropriate list, but I don't know how appropriate the idea of my list is. Like, tons of 15-man inexperienced squads, a bunch of suicide tank squads, and maybe a few mortar squads. Don't know how close that is to a real Jap platoon, but I may be close to it.
So do you bitch when people post more than one 40k topic?
No. They just get buttmad that they are so deep in their own sunk cost fallacy that they can't get out and enjoy these cool and fun games that other people happily enjoy.
Best way to do a thematic list is to pick a time period or battle. Read up on it, then go from there.

From the sound of it you're picking a time early in the war, say the first war they had with Russia? About the only real time you would've seen suicide anti tank with relatively green troops.

Do you have an army book or the campaign books yet? They do a good job of pointing you in the right direction for a thematically appropriate force.
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Awesome thank you!!
I just picked up the Battle of the Bulge book, excited to start recreating Band of Brothers
Full strength units are almost never accurate.
How many men were usually in your regular infantry squad? I read up on it and it said that usually have 13-14 men each in them
With casualties and everything calculated in, 80% of the starting strength would be enough I guess.
So, 13 man squads. Eh, idk thought japs worked well off of banzai charges for bolt action.
Where you from? i'm getting some pals from my store to get into it but still need more players.

Standard Japanese squad size was 13 men with an attached LMG. I tend to run my squads at this number and it works well enough.

Technically speaking suicide AT teams work through the whole war. The Japanese got the idea for it in China since the Chinese were using it too. These are always a fantastic investment since if they make contact, you can fairly reliably kill just about any tank in the game. However, because each is a separate unit, you also get a dice for each one, and they can control objectives. I've won quite a few games thanks to one of these guys being able to run in on the last turn and nab or contest an objective.

Light mortars (the famous "knee mortars") are relatively common. I also use the dinky little 70mm artillery piece they have too, since it was one of the most common artillery pieces the Japanese used in the war.

Your list would work well for Okinawa or possibly the Philippines. One thing that annoys me a little is the lack of theatre selectors for Japan; on Okinawa for example, squads were given increased numbers of machine guns, rifle grenades and mortars. But there's nothing in the rules to reflect that.
>I'd argue all the Warlord games.
So this is just /hwgwarlord/ then?
You can stop playing 40k? Then you win twice!
Pretty excited by this because it looks like the Germans actually lose Sea-Lion, which is what would've happened. Thinking of doing in 15mm
What day is it, anon?
>>seems just as expensive as 40k
What the fuck are you looking at? You can get a 1,000 point bolt action army (the standard size) for under £75. £75 gets you like, one model from GW.
It's real


What's next, "Hunt for Hitler" book that takes place in Argentine?
I'd be up for that. Guessing by the Japanese with bamboo spears though, I'd say it's Operation Downfall (probably titled as Olympic or Coronet)
So what unit is the star in your platoons, /ba/?

For me it's been my medium mortar unit. Literally blew the fuck out of several fixed teams with a 6 on first try. Some games they just chill and even miss when it's down on 3's, but most of the time they are responsible for at least one unit wipe, usually 2 and blow away half a squad hiding in buildings.
southeast 'Bama
Got a box of Blitzkrieg Germans, and now I'm looking for a way to expand my army. Is the build an army deal worth or no? Also, what paints should I buy for an operation Barbarossa themed army?
>Is the build an army deal worth or no?

Compared to single purchases? Yes, totally worth it.

Compared to the starter army boxes? Depends on the nation, for most the "build an army" is the better deal.

If you get one for your early/mid war germans, make sure you pick the "Pionier" box. Its the same sprues as the blitzkrieg germans, but it comes with additional metal parts like flame thrower and AT-rifle. regularly they are priced differently, in this bundle that difference in their price is not there so you can save some extra money that way.

Oh, and if you want an sdkfz 251 in your bundle, pick one of the variants with the additional weapon like mortar or light pak even if you don't want to use it. You still get an additional weapon + crew which you might want to use for some conversions later on. Again, this would be more expensive for a single vehicle, but in this bundle you pay the same price, no matter what you pick.
Thanks anon, I never worked out the prices like that.
I'm doing a Narva Front army of Estonians in German service, but painting the national insignia on the helmets like you're supposed to is much to fiddly for me so I'm just putting blotchy Estonian flags on their right arm sleeves instead.
Does this make me a bad person?
Out of curiosity, how do you guys go about modeling Finns? Do you convert Soviets? If so is there a guide for doing so? I want to try Finns, but it doesn't look like there is anything in the way of plastic options for them.
the fins uniforms were closer to the germans but in light grey but with a similar helmet in shape
Finns have a uniform that is more like early war germans and Russian weapons for the most part. I'd get blitzkrieg Germans and Russian weapon sprues. That'll get you close.
Not a star, but I've taken a US forward air observer in 2 games. He's called in airstrikes on his own men 3 times in those 2 games.

I don't bring him any more.
French resistance anon here,

I saw that I don't have access to snipers and not much anti tank apart of medium guns and bazooka teams, should I start loading up on that or should I bumrush tanks with grenades and cheap bodies to deal with them ?

How are transports usually used (trucks or cars) ?
Check the errata, snipers were added
What about the cars/trucks, are they worthwhile or way too squishy ?
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Doesnt botter me. Also super easy house rule

get yourself a spray can with the correct camo color. DONT do any fancy detailing like SS camo dot paterns. Stick to 1 color uniforms. Spray the lot, paint flesh, bags, and rifles, give it a wash, then do a highlight of all the colors. Congratz you just speed painted like a pro
> pic related

easyarmy is a great site!

LITERALLY never see a heavy tank in bolt action games. Muh 400points is 3 fully equiped infantry squads with AT up the chupa. Not to mention 1 order dice for the tiger/400pts is a joke. I always hope my opponent sinks all his points in overpriced tanks so my fausts and shreks can have a field day. This >>52462681
guy gets it.

Check out blacktree they have great minis (pic related) with 50% discounts if you wait long enough. Get 40 guys there buy some 1/48 equipment and bob's your uncle. The 88 they sell isnt too nice though

For sovjets get a plastic 40men box or just get the build an army starter.

Just use early war lists from germans and their models + partizans?

thats what a mate of mine does.

In BA2 there is a small morale bonus for full squads. But generally i got 8 guys for german squads
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Also about that >>52493548, are the looted tanks worthwhile ?
How well do historically accurate orders of battle work in BA?

Command Section
2nd Lieutenant SMG Regular 60
+1 Infantry SMG
Forward Observer SMG Regular 10
+1 Infantry SMG
PIAT Anti-tank team Regular 40
Light Mortar teams Regular 35

Infantry Section 1
9 men Reg AT grenades with LMG 128

Infantry Section 2
9 men Reg with LMG 110

Infantry Section 3
9 men Reg with LMG 110

Total: 493
How long would it take a complete beginner to paint the Star Set?

Also, is there any way to move two of your units at the same time? Like, can I have an infantry squad marching under cover from an advancing tank?
My dude was something lik 16 out of 19 attempts for airstrikes that hit my own team.

He was a god damn Nazi agent.
I almost wonder why they left the chance of friendly fire in there. After all they changed the artillery observer for v2.
>I almost wonder why they left the chance of friendly fire in there
Becuase it happened in real life, maybe.
Bolt Action's least concern is realism.

If I had to guess, I'd say because it makes for a good tale over a beer. I just wish they would have softened it like they did with the art. observer.
You guys need to get better at rolling dice. Dice rolling is a skill based deterministic system.
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So I got myself a Kubelwagen and a Motorcycle/Sidecar. It seems to be both are a much better value than an MMG team. For 40 (sidecar) or 36 (Kubel, 21 + 15 for pintle MMG) points, you get a very movable softskin (6+ to hit) compared to a 50 points for the MMG. The only trade off I can see is that of course they can't hide in buildings. Also, any decent German player would be stocked up the ass with LMGs in their squads already anyway. With its speed it would be easy to harass the backline of the enemy too, and you can even dismount the sidecar motor for a two man MMG team anywhere.

So is there any reason to pick up an MMG team over a kubelwagen or sidecar motor?
officers can activate multiple friendly units when they activate. A 1st lt would allow you to do that, unless you're German where ever a 2nd lt could do it.

Oh, that's pretty cool.
>How long would it take a complete beginner to paint the Star Set?

Who knows. That entirely depends on your (natural) painting skills, work flow, willingness to keep on painting despite being bored as fuck, and how detailed you want your minis to be.

Protip: if you are easily bored (like me), just paint one squad/10 minis at the same time, and go from bit to bit, color by color. Painting entire armies in one go is much faster, but its also way more boring. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who can paint 100 minis at the same time without breaking a sweat but the average person would go nuts with boredom.

That's how I'm picturing it. I think I'll base coat like 5-10 minis at the same time, then go through each of them painting the same part in sequence, then moving on to the next part/color, etc. like a one-man assembly line.
Isn't the starter set only like 30 mini's? The basecoating is the one thing that's easily done in one go, assuming you mean a spray base coat. Put em all on a stick with some blu tack or poster gum, 10 seconds of work. And yeah, I usually do uniforms/face/helmet/boots/weapons and gear and belts. With 10 minis that takes a few hours maybe, depending on how quick you are and steady hands you have. The nice thing about it is that this way every time you are done, you'll have a complete unit done which will instantly be better on the field, because everyone knows painted minis play better.
I hope you're not going to use that as a MMG team
What site?
>So is there any reason to pick up an MMG team over a kubelwagen or sidecar motor?
There were shitloads of them and it's gamey not to take them.
I take my MMG to every game, not because it's good but because the real army had them. They always overperform though
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Would you mind if i did?

I am using them as squad LMGs. If you order MG teams from blacktree they come it teams of 2 and i believe the new plastics also allow you to make an prone team.

I have to sexy MMG teams ;) Pic related

bazooka teams are great for killing tanks. If you have the points have 1 or 2 five men tank hunt / close combat teams with sub-machineguns&tank nades.

I see quite a few trucks and transports. Usually 1 per 500 points. E.g. a kubel or hvy transport car is like 30 points. You can usually just blast them from the table. And delicious pins for the occupants.

That list would work. Small tip: make the command section a 2 man team to give it the hard to hit rule. Have the observer be its own unit. All in all, its quite a decent list for 500 pts which i would enjoy fighting.

Yeah, available slots in your platoon..

There are a LOT of tutorials out there, that and it depends on the army. There is a guy w. an airbrush who did a whole army in 1 day. For a complete beginner i would say 2 months IF you invest just joking, there is no return on the money you pour into this hobby in an army appropriate spray-can and decent paints&brushes. A friend of mine did his Finnish in about 1.5months but he had some practice.
Nice camo!
Shit, it has Finns?
Fuck, now.I have to.get.into this game.
It has every nation involved in the war.
Anyone play Konflict 47?

Rule worth it?
I haven't played it, but from what I've heard it's more or less an improved BA v1. So if you liked v1, you'll probably like it.
Good stuff. Have you tried their Weird War 2 game?
I've always wanted to try it, but no one in my area plays it and my friends refuse to pay into anything that isn't 40k.
That's too bad.

You could try to convince them to try BA? After all it's more or less the 4th/5th edition 40k that Alessio wanted to write.

Good news then. BA is basically 40K with slightly less-stupid pauldrons.
My uncle lives in Enterprise and has 4 separate german armies to himself, has 2 private tables and plays a ton.But im in TN

Whereabouts? Western KY Anon here from Murray.
Yeah pretty close to 30. It's 24 US Airborne, 12 German Grenadiers and a vehicle.

So completely doable in a few sittings - especially if you skip the camo.
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I have nobody to play with but might paint a finnish army for fun.
Get yourself some soviets too and you've got a winter war going.
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bolt action is a comfy game
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I managed to get three of my friends into BA. I live in Norway, and BA is not popular here, so I'm really glad I managed to convince them.
We played our first two games this weekend. Just 600p games to start, but it was a lot of fun.
What's the standard point value for a game? LIke how warhammer 40k has armies that are usually 2,000 pts in size.
Standard tournament size is 1000.

Some play 1250, others prefer 750.
also, does anyone have pdf's of the main rulebook and/or armies of italy and the axis?
/hwg/ has them.
If you want to play Italy, download "Duel in the sun" as well. (also in /hwg/).
>I see quite a few trucks and transports. Usually 1 per 500 points. E.g. a kubel or hvy transport car is like 30 points. You can usually just blast them from the table. And delicious pins for the occupants.
But are cars and trucks (soft skinned) useful for me to take ? It's the only kind of transport I can take.
Almost done with my Perry Miniatures DAK. Really nice models and I like their scale better.

But now I want to make 500 - 1000pts of Perry's French Foreign Legion now.

That way I can get my friends into it...

And re-enact Bir Hakim.
Bir Hakeim
Really? I feel like China is conspicuously absent.
Thank you habibi.

I knew I should have looked it up before I wrote it :c
No problem my dude, I used to live in a Bir Hakeim street when I was a student.
It has rules but nothing in the way of models from Warlord
There are some manufacturers making Chinese WW2 minis though
Nice. I really quite enjoy small points games. What forces do the three play? I take it pic related for you.
Sounds legit af.

What uni?
Empress Miniatures
Holy fuck. They have the French-Indochina war models.

Thanks anon!
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Wooden bunker from the Mannerheim Line for my Finns. Getting a group started on the California Central Coast. So far we have me with my Finns and Soviets(got Konflikt '47 stuff for them), another Soviet player, Germans, and someone starting Brits
It's an improvement on V1 and you can easily patch the K47 stuff into V2 if you prefer.
Where in the Central Coast? I been thinking about trying Bolt Action out and I live in the 5 Cities area.
You are literally within ten miles of me, but I play at Captain Nemo's in San Luis Obispo. Thursday afternoon. Want to meet there around 4:00? I could set up a demo game.
How much of a decent army list can i make with plastic soldier companys 28mm plastic soviets?

Because the warlord minis are expensive and most of them that i have seen in person are meh sculpts.
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Also picked up two of these barns from the craft store up the street from the FLGS
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During the Winter War, Finland ran entirely out of white paint, so they camouflaged guns by throwing linen sheets over them.
Oh man, if you think the Warlords are meh...get ready for some nice 15mm upscaled to 28mm.
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They also had a great setup for upgrading the StuGs they got from Germany.

"You see, ve have greatly improved ze third generation of StuG assault guns, and developed spaced armor that vill increase their defenses against ze shaped charges."
"No no, logs are better."
It's got lists in the Empire in Flames supplement. They don't make miniatures but suggest ways to kitbash them.
The plastic soldier company models are hideous. Seriously the plastic Soviets are pretty great, not sure what models you've been looking at.

Also the models are about a buck apiece. You'd be lucky to buy a box of 10 space marines for what you pay to get 40 Soviets from Warlord.
There's canonical reports of Soldiers in the Trenches of WWI writing Wargaming rules for refighting the aerial battles that happened above their heads. And that's in the fucking Trenches.
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Do you guys typically use 1/48 plastic tank kits over the ones that Warlord makes? How do they scale? I admit that I am not massively into scale models that aren't game related, so I am wondering if the assembly and painting process is especially strenuous compared to kits made for games.
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Yeah, I do pretty much exclusively. The only actual Warlord vehicle I have is a Bren carrier, and that was only because I was building my Desert Rats on a time crunch and when I went to look for a Tamiya model I couldn't find one in stock that would get to me in time. Pic is a Perry Bros 1st Batt, Rifle Brigade Desert Rat standing next to a 1st RTR (22nd Armoured Division) Tamiya 1/48th Crusader MkIII.

>apologies for the substandard paintjob. As I said, there was a time crunch.

In practice, 1/48th models look just fine on the tabletop, while I feel that the 1/56th stuff generally looks too small (*especially* next to Warlord-issue minis). This is partially because minis are raised on bases and therefore are artificially taller than they technically "should" be. Minis on bases standing next to a 1/48th tank have their heads come up just about to a height relative to the tank that feels about right.

It's also partially because the Warlord minis specifically are pretty chunky, and so look larger-than-normal compared to vehicles. A human forearm is between 4-5" wide, so a properly in-scale model should have an arm roughly the same diameter as a tank's gun barrel near the muzzle (~75mm calibre+1" metal thickness gets you just about 5" wide; the metal's on both sides of the barrel so add it twice). My buddy's Americans are from Warlord, as are his tanks, and the arms on his models are *half again* as wide as his tank barrels...which has the effect of making the tanks look rather weedy in comparison. IMO, the combined effect of relatively small-ish vehicle scale and chunky models makes things look subconsciously "wrong", if that makes sense.

Finally, from a gaming perspective, having a larger tank mini only really hurts you, since it's easier to see/target your vehicle. There's not much of an advantage in having a slightly larger vehicle, so anyone giving you business about not having the right vehicle scale should be told to sod right off.
Thanks for the writeup anon. I can live with having slightly larger than normal tanks if they look better, and as it seems, are cheaper as well.
wow what a scua fagloard
Really? Wow!
I more or less exclusively use Tamiya's 1:48 kits. Though that has a lot to do with the fact that here in moonland they're cheap and incredibly easy to source.

not him, but there are more alternatives in plastic when it comes to 1/48 than relying on Warlord resin and metal sprues.
Sure, but I can walk into any major electronics store or hobby shop and find just about every 1:48 kit available.

I'm curious what plastic alternatives your talking about and if they do any French or Japanese tanks.
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So, I had a question on the best way to authentically replicate the Indische Legion(Azad Hind) through model conversions. Any tips or someone with previous experience?
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>40 Soviets: £32
>10 Spess Muhreens: £25
I know hating on GW is popular, but come on anon.
>1.25 GBP per model

>2.50 GBP per model
>>1.25 GBP per model
Somehow 40x1.25 does not equal 32 to me.

That is what I meant, that there are a lot of kits in 1/48 from different brands which can be used instead of Warlords older kits.
0.8 per model, dingus.
Price per model is irrelevant in the face of the claim that:
>You'd be lucky to buy a box of 10 space marines for what you pay to get 40 Soviets from Warlord.

32 bongs for 40 Soviets, 25 bongs for 10 Space Marines.
I don't know why is that wrong.
irrelevant =/= wrong
Original statement was that Warlord minis are expensive because you can barely buy 10 marines for their price.
I think it is worth saying that with a good paint job, a lot of the warlord stuff looks pretty good.

Especially when you consider the discount price.

The biggest actual problem hobby wise is the plastic is less durable and some of the poses are annoying to convert.
>35€ for 10 marines
>38€ for 40 soviets
Not much of a difference, except that only 10 marines amount to nothing in a 40k game
The Finns removed the schürchen because they broke and got stuck in the trees. After the losses in their first deployment in Kuterselkä the Finns wanted to improve the armour so they modified their StuGs to match the modifications the German StuG Abt 303 deployed in Finland had made to their vehicles.
I think that sheet would have blown away after the first shot...
Why didn't they leave the artillery pieces bare metal ?
Paint is to seal the metal against the elements to protect against rust and corrosion. That's why people paint houses, too.
I play British, but I've built a small force of German too so I can play with the gf. My mates play early war German and US Airborne.
Infiltrating partisan teams with SMGs, yes/no ?
Sounds refreshing.

I have a question, i'm thinking about getting the finnish starter army here https://us-store.warlordgames.com/collections/finnish/products/finnish-build-an-army
How many units come in each infantry squad?
Also, if I have a squad of 5 finns and 2 of them die, does their special rule go into effect?

It's just a box with the sets listed under the Finnish Army category, so ski troops come with 5 and rifle squads with 9 men
No, they must lose 50% or more of their starting strenght, and 2 out of 5 is only 40% - with Finnish squads even numbers are your friend
1:48 kits look far better than 1:56 does. It actually looks like your infantry can get in and out of them.
Where I get them on discount I can often get them for the same price as a regular box of space marines. Why on earth are you guys paying full MSRP?

Check out the Warstore for example, they've got some discounts on Warlord stuff last time I checked.
Reiver castings Chinese are OK despite looking awful on their site, brigade games Chinese are excellent.
Pretty sure empress don't make ww2 Chinese.
Perry metal Indian heads on warlord plastic German bodies?
>tfw you will never fire an AT round at a tank only for it to hit the logs
>you will never be blinded by log splinters
I think with perry miniatures 1/58 is doable.

The tanks of WW2 were really hard to get in. They are smaller than you think.

Having said that, i use 1/48 for my Germans. But I will be using 1/56 for my French Foreign Legion
Yeah they are kinda useful, i would suggest buying a truck and finding out for yourself :) See if it works and if its fun
It's helpful, since some of the SS I ordered were metal, and the Indische Legion was eventually transferred to service with the Waffen SS. Now I need to "git gud" at painting so I can do the Azad Hind Flag.
Sweet, I'm totally down for that, but lets make it around 5 pm if that's ok.
Sure, I'll be there. Might be in a game with the local soviet player, but atm we have an odd number. Do you have any stuff of your own? If not, you could borrow my Soviets to play against the Germans guy.
Oh yeah, ask for Robert. Short dark brown hair.
No stuff of my own actually just watched a couple of youtube video batreps, seems interesting. I'll see you there.Richard btw, black hair and beard
pg. 10 bump
Partisanon here, bought a handful of prohibition-era gangster yesterday for 2 smg, 3 pistols, an officer and a rifle.
Cool. What are you working on in the back?
Undead (Ophidians for KoW)
cool idea, what nationality are they supposed to be?
Why are you getting so worked up by an alternate history campaign?
>worked up
>wrote a single sentence

What do you consider quite mad, then? Two sentence, or an entire paragraph?
It was mostly the incredulous tone. One can fit a lot of subtext into a single sentence.
And subtext is an anagram for buttsex.

It was kinda-sorta expected tho, they gotta milk it dry, and after major real life operations ran out, the "what if" stuff will come.
r8 my list, /tg/
Army: finland
reinforced infantry platoon
Officer: veteran 1st lieutenant- 90 pts
Veteran medic: 30 pts
3x regular winter war rifle squads w/ nco and 5 men w/ AT grenades-246 pts
Jaakari squad: nco and 7 men all with smg's, veteran fighters, skis and at grenades, +2 panzerfausts-178 pts
veteran sniper team w/ skis-74 pts
veteran medium mortar w/ spotter-75 pts
veteran 40tk/I38 aa gun w/ artillery tractor-72 pts
regular bt-42-140 pts
regular BA-10: 95 pts
total: 999 pts
also I should note that I'm building it out of the finnish build an army set
2nd army i'm thinking of building: japanese reinforced platoon
officer: 1st lieutenant(veteran) with sword + 2 guys w/ smg's
kampeitei w/ smg + 2 guys w/ smg's
bamboo fighter squad w/ 15 men w/ at grenades
4x bamboo fighter squads w/ 15 men
veteran MMG team
2x regular kamikaze
1x inexperienced kamikaze
veteran heavy mortar team w/ spotter
veteran type 4 heavy howitzer w/ 3 loaders _ spotter
type 92 tankette
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For anyone interested, Empress have just released a UBoat for 28mm.


Lets just not talk about the price
Not that I'm not very experienced in BA, but consider knocking down your sniper and possibly your officer to regular. They benefit not all that much from being veteran but the cost is considerable. Maybe get a captain even, instead of 1st LT.

Then again, it would be a bit gamey in an otherwise veteran-themed list, so your mileage may vary on this critique.
Sniper with veteran gets the buff to cover, plus small team- in soft cover at long range thats 6s followed by 6s just to hit
what games would use a 28mm u-boat?
>what games would use a 28mm u-boat?

What, are you kidding? A raid on a submarine pen, for starters. Or even better, while you've got the sub, get a tramp cargo ship (read, Q-boat) and have a battle between a U-boat crew and the soldiers on board. Bonus points if you've got an Indiana Jones model that has to make its way on to the U-boat during the battle.
I've been toying with the idea of getting into bolt action, since I like Warlord's minis and already use them for other games. I'm kind of anal when it comes to TO&E in historical games though. Is it possible to make historically accurate platoons that are viable to play?
I only play such lists. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but there was a reason they organized platoons like that. You'll learn how to use your troops effectively that way.
Kinda. Works better for some armies than others. Like Germany and Russia.
Over the 6 year course of the war almost every possible combination of materiel was tried at some point
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