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/hhg/ - Horus Heresy General

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Mechanicum shitfling edition
Tanks count as Tanks subedition

Anon posted the Centurion rules for 30k, EC apothecaries are OP, discussions on the viability of LR Achilleses happened. 3+ saves and 2+ saves happen 2/3rds and 5/6ths of the time. Plastic Thunderhawks???? More here: >>52079894


Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore

>Updated rulebooks

>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Make your unit entries, use Celestia Antiqua Std and Garamond

>HHG Discord
First for the first
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First for the First
Way to go.
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Just built my first Calladius Grav Tank. These things are comfortably thicc next to the giant Custodes.
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Also, Custodes really are fucking huge. This is my magnetized Tribune next to a Deathwatch Librarian.
Librarian looks nice. I like when characters in action poses have helmets, even though I think the Deathwatch helmets look a little derpy.
>Spear and shield

jesus that's triggering.
The look even HEUGer next to SoS.
>that pose
Man, I can't believe anyone actually uses that pose.
I've noticed the helmets are a little smaller than the standard Marine ones. They seem more proportional.

Also I agree. I loved helmeted heroes a ton.
He's magnetized. I adjust the arms and loadout as need be. Just standing at attention works decently.
Never heard of actual combat right?
The spear is blatantly made soley for two handed use. Custodes hands aren't big enough to grip the centre, and the trigger is at the bottom end. So you tell me how the fuck he fires a top heavy spear with ONE HAND from the BOTTOM?
The autism is strong with this one
Custodes are strong as shit.
Lore wise, there are two triggers in the spear
He activates it with his dick, who gives a fuck
>One hand stance for CQC while blocking enemy attacks with a shield.
>Two hand stance for shooting and long range slicing and dicing.

use the shield as a support.
It's a poor design, admittedly.
That said, these are the most elite supersoldiers who've ever lived, I'm pretty sure their black carapace equivalent allows them to fire their guns with just a thought.

Also it would be possible to balance the spear within the crook of the shield, somewhat similar to how muskets had musket rests and could be used on top of bardiches.
And then there's the medieval pavise shields.
This, how he doesn't get +1BS when so equipped is beyond me.
how was the build? authentic FW resin or recast?
then why even need triggers on their weapons? also the 'crooks' are looking too narrow and the shield isn't nearly tall enough to lay the spear horizontal

not the one modelling an absurd and unrealistic pose to fit a cheese weapon.
Different anon, but the Calladius was really easy to build, I mean half the models one goddamn piece, the thing's a fucking brick.

I also got two of the transports, I haven't assembled the second but the first was a bitch, tons of bent pieces and a lot of work required. Haven't yet made the second so hopefully it was just one being obnoxious
Reposting my list of armor... generalizations. Nothing more than generalizations.

DA: Not much info yet. Tend to be portrayed in Mk II since they were around longer.
EC: Strong preference for Mk IV, probably not much Mk II since they were small back then.
IW: Strongly preferred Mk III over Mk IV.
WS: Had mostly Mk II, some Mk III at the start. Then four years of boarding and scavenging (Mk V?), then Terra (Mk IV, VII).
SW: Not sure they care. Their 'thing' is preferring boxnoughts over Contemptors.
IF: Preference for Mk III (lots of boarding), but grabbed some Mk IV from Mars.
NL: Not sure but they don't seem the Mk III type.
BA: They seem the type to prefer Mk IV for its agility and craftsmanship, but they were sent away before the Heresy so wouldn't have received much of it.
IH: Strong preference for Mk III.
WE: Associated with Mk V with Sarum-pattern helmets. Doubt they really cared.
UM: Slight preference for Mk IV for its tech. They could manufacture their own.
DG: Strong preference for Mk III.
TS: Had modified Mk IV, probably preferred it, but had lots of Mk III too.
SoH: Mk IV because they controlled logistics, but they're often seen in Mk V too.
WB: Didn't care, were big and non-cohesive anyway.
Sal: Preference for Mk III, like all slow-but-tough legions.
RG: Associated with Mk VI, also liked Mk IV.
AL: Mostly Mk IV (flexibility > durability), but also the only legion besides RG to use a lot of Mk VI.
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See, magnetized

Authentic! Very easy build. Has some mold lined which will be easy to file and clean; worst part is balancing the peg before you glue it so the tank can sit evenly and not dig the front into the base.

I have a recast coming soon that I will compare.
Armour autism is the worst.
heard that the front bolters swivel the full 15 degrees accomodated by the two wings?
>then why even need triggers on their weapons? also the 'crooks' are looking too narrow and the shield isn't nearly tall enough to lay the spear horizontal
I agree. It's a bad design honestly, even though it *could* make sense if the design was slightly different. Basically it should looks less like a bolter with a bayonet on the end of a needlessly long and thicc sticc, and more like a spear (glaive, technically) with a gun built into it.

I imagine when they start doing "Custodes upgrade kits" and/or Custodes special characters, spears meant to go alongside shields will look very different.

Looks better in this pose somehow, though the spear doesn't really work as a one-handed weapon
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who'd use the most iconic custodian pose? :^)
Would you guys have preferred if each armor Marks have different rules/bonus, like Terminator variations?
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It's getting replaced by the Paragon Spear/Axe from the Ixion Hale model in a few days. Works a little better

I'd be interested if Hardened Armour could be an upgrade for everyone though.
Just ordered Kharn last night after work from FW to start a 30K WE army. I have none of the books, and no other immediate things to buy, but I'm heavily considering either the Red Butchers or a Kharibdis next.
Which rulebook do I need for the most up to date WE rules, and does anyone know where to get the BaC models without the game itself? I have no interest in the game, but for the price it feels like a good place to start the army.
since were showing off custodes
Check the OP for the rulebooks, read them before asking questions. Just buy Calth from a third party for about 30 per cent off retail and ignore the game, individual bits are the cost of two boxes.
No, it's nice to be able to choose just for aesthetic and fluff reasons and not feel compelled to use something because it's better (or a better fit) rules-wise.
There's two rulebooks from FW, the "red books", fittingly enough. One's the Legion Army List, the other's the one with Legion special rules.

Also there's no need to worry about not getting the game.The boxset with the game is far cheaper than the individual model contents without it, although I'm sure if you trawled ebay enough you could get the models for less without the boxed game.

Do you have any idea how you're going to get chainaxes?
>Which rulebook do I need for the most up to date WE rules

Legiones Astartes Age of Darkness Army List and Age of Darkness Legions and Book 6 Retribution has the rules for your special Apothecary if you wish to run him.

Just buy the game and throw away the cardboard.
Thanks guys. No idea on the Chain Axes without jumping to a 3rd party vendor. You have any ideas?
>hey guize, how do I heresy lol
>OP? what's that?
>no, I didn't even think to check the rulebook section on FW site to find which books I need
Is the guy sitting on tall chair, standing up, or walking down the stairs?
Ooooh, shiny.
Anvil Industr(y/ies).
walking down the stairs il take a picture of just the base
base isnt 100% done
No idea which rulebook is the most up to date, the FW site hates my phone (at work), and pastebin triggers an *i cant let you access this unsafe site, starfox* message on work wifi. So, yeah. Did have to ask here.
> Anvil Industr (y/ies).
Thanks, man. Those should work great.
Sadly I think the "official" chainaxes they're pushing for 30k aren't much use because they're designed for arms that are holding melee weapons and pistols, something the plastic box sets don't come with.


However, I did come across this last week and i can't believe it's not more commonly given as a solution: the old Chaos chainaxes.
They don't have hands, they come in tens, and they don't even have chaos iconography, so you can plaster them on the butts of your Calth marines and boom.

Thank you for clarification. Personally I would have preferred if the guy's pose is little more active.
I searched "chainaxe" on FW the other day while looking for their WE upgrades, and those didn't pop up. What hoops did you have to jump through to find them, or did it just hate me this week. . .
funny enough the arms are completely compatible whit the plastic custode arm slots.
When you take anvilus drop pods, do you fly them on to prevent DS mishaps or risk it anyways?
FW's search engine isn't fantastic to be honest.

There's a whole bunch of stuff in the "Warhammer 40,000" tab that would fit 30k perfectly in terms of models and rules too.
they have inertial guidance, you have try REALLY hard to mishap them unless you're in the corner of the table.
Was looking at the wrong book. Thanks for correcting my stupidity
"chainaxe" doesn't bring it up, but "chainaxes" does for me.
I think it depends on the day. Sometimes 'Chain axe/s' works, sometimes 'Chainaxe/s' works, and sometimes none of them work.
It's a bloody nightmare to try and find all the models in certain armour marks.
They can't decide if they want "Mark" or "Mk", or whether there should be spaces between "Mk" and the numbers, or whether the numbers should be Arabic or Roman numerals.
I've stopped searching for armo(u)r on there. It's stupid trying to find things.
Is it just me or are Terror Squads fucking awesome? They aren't that expensive, can be given shitloads of volkite, can infiltrate and shit, and their RoW that makes them troops isn't all the restrictive.
What's more cancerous, Leman Russ fanboyism or Sanguinius fanboyism?
>isnt all that restrictive
>the best slot
good one, aspie
Don't think Leman Russ has that many fanboys, and Sangy isn't fully out yet, so it's hard to tell.

Personally I think the Primarchs who have fanboys are:
>Mortarion (for some reason)

Maybe that's just because they're memeable. I don't know what your personal definitions of "cancerous" or "fanboys" are.
Rogal Dorn and Perty fanboyism.
Those guys who post about how much stronger and smarter their Primarch of choice is than everyone else at the slightest provocation.
Lemur Russ definitely.

Sanguinus didn't talk shit while failing to deliver.
>"For Fulgrim, for the Emperor, die heretic!!"
Wait you've never seen people going on and on about how they think either Leman Russ or Sanguinius is definitely the hardest primarch and no one could ever match them reeeeeeeeee?
That's lion and Russ fags.

I guess Angron fans can be put in there, but I sympathize with WE fans for wanting their one dimensional primarch vindicated
I'll jump in the bandwagon.
Angel fags gush over Dante more than they do sanguinus
I dunno, I play SoH and I'd probably put my money on Angron if I had to pick the nastiest cunt out of the primarchs. Being stompy is literally his only character trait.
Angel fag here, never actually see that. Mainly Sanguinius jacking.

Not that they are wrong, either.
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But everyone knows Horus is?
>fortify your arsenal
Finally cracked a grin at that one
I get the feeling he's Vegeta tier.

Talk shit and gets hit by anyone who won't indulge his combat high.
He beat Russ and Girlyman and Corax thought he'd be ezpz until he saw him fighting at the drop site massacre and immediately thought no one would be able to beat him.

I dunno, I kinda feel like it's the exact opposite. Everyone thinks he's a punk then they actually get in the ring with him and get Batista'd through a fucking table.

He doesn't even need a 2+ save let alone exothermic endothermic armour to do it
Inferno needs to be run through a spell checker.
Anyone interested in some Heresy models? They are best China men but I'm state side so will save you shipping and wait time. They are perfect casts I just don't have time to play.

I have Kharn, Angron, like 40 Mk3 Troopers with chainsword and bolt pistol. I also have special weapons, combi bolters, etc etc

If interested let me know in this thread.
>The rules team was having a heart attack all along the writing and reviewing process.
Accept it, that's the only way we can justify the mediocrity behind Inferno.
I look at it like, forgeworld shot their wad with the first few books and it's downhill from here.

Good luck Angelus. Haha
What's the error?

>>52095659 #

I actually play white scars irl

No I swear

Bikes are pretty good in any list, jet bikes are great in any list and chogorian brotherhood makes both scoring so they become phenomenal.

Outriders can be made out of plastic bikes with either MkV or MkIV bits, depending on your taste and availability.

Attack bikes like the other anon said are very points efficient but you have to convert

Land speeders and javelins are also excellent and go unused for mostly the same reasons
>reviewing process
All evidence points to there not being such a thing.

Where you at senpai
They only had 13 months to write it...

>to win us to do harm
Sadly, his actual rules make him pretty bad at primarch fights. Most of the tanky primarchs and and all of the assault oriented ones take him on handily.
For now...
Is the warlords Titan power claw actually good for anything?

Not that it really matters since that monster is on its own 3 tiers, but I think I might be missing something about it.

it tears other Titans apart, and has a Vulkan for infantry-shredding.
Eh, I don't really see him changing that much. Maybe an extra wound and attack. He'll still get punked by Russ.
Personally I think they're going to completely re-work all the primarchs when they go DP, Angron is a particularly noticeable example of being quite weak compared to newer primarchs just cause he was the first one to get rules.
Thats assuming he hasnt got his bonus attacks yet, once he starts racking up a few bonuses by murdering a praetor and his retinue he gets pretty good
Missouri, US
>>to win us to do harm
I think that's not an error, that's just deliberately archaic/poetic phrasing like is done in warhammer all the time.
>>to win us to do harm

That would require a grammer checker rather than a spell checker.

This. He needs to be fed power ups. Thats his gimmick. In contrast, Leman Russ' gimmick is he requires an entire army for an escort to deliver him into the enemy.
What book are the relics located in? I really wanna take one, but I'd like to see the full descriptions
Book 4 and you're an ass if you take the Nanyte Blaster.
Cool. Thanks, and duly noted.
Hate to bother further, but do you know what page? It doesn't list it anywhere
read Inferno
fuck the Emperor
fuck Horus
fuck Russ
fuck Magnus
fuck Ahriman
fuck the Ultramarines
fuck authority
fuck fuck fuck
You okay anon?

Methinks he got triggered.

Wait until Angelus and see how butthurt people get then.
What could trigger people? Dark Angels vs Night Lords?
I don't generally use them because they're only fluffy in the Hawks side of RG, and they mostly used jetbikes post-dropsite. (because they could when you have a massive legion sized armory for 4,500 total dudes)

I've also been trying to find a decent way to convert up some jetbikes, since I personally dislike the look of the scimtar, and I don't want it to just be an obvious hackjob of some ravenwing bikes (since all of the riders on those have mk VI armor)
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So what's the general consensus for Assassins in 30k?

I really want to take a Vindicare or something with my Legion and Custodes. It's fluffy too since they existed back then too.

I'm assuming just asking your opponents is the way to go?
Relics are supposed to be for campaigns only, you need permission to use them by themselves
Changes to DA and BL lore. Sangy and Lion being overpowered/underpowered. Changes to legion rules etc.
Page 222
Where were you last week, I just bought Kharn. Though if you're willing to parcel them out, I'm interested.
They don't exist in the rules yet.
I don't really expect many changes to the fluff. And my only expectations for the primarchs are very stronk melee. The legion rules could use some changes however.
Surely you can just use a 40k datsheet for them. Their rules overlap perfectly.
Holy shit I hope they're underpowered, fanboy fanwank over the Lion and Sanguinius is insufferable.
Guessing you would just use the pre-existing rules and points for 40k to field them in 30k. It transfers over well enough for a fun game

We already saw Magnus and Russ. The ride has already begun.
I haven't actually, I've been broke as shit lately so I wanted to set my plastic crack addiction to the side for a bit. They stupid?
Leman Russ kills everyone except Scoria with ease.

Magnus is actually impossible to hit if invisible. He can also throw out Nova S:D.
The local 30k group just imported them as agents since they've already had a book in the series and feature in more than one short story, so we know enough that they're pretty much unchanged.

so I take it you didn't like the latest fluff about Sanguinius taking down an Eldar Titan 1v1
Remember when it was a huge deal that Angron deadlifted a warhound for like a minute? It was a simpler time. A time less tainted by 40k.

what the fuck

He personally ended the lives of half of the World Eaters Legion by himself. How is this even more unbelievable?
I like Sanguinius a lot, but I don't remember this.

Do you even read the latest pdfs, anon?
Would you find it more believeable if I told you I'd beaten a t rex to death with my fists or 10,000 toddlers?
I must have skipped over it. Was it Inferno?
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If you beat 10k of these things in an all out battle royale, then you're probably fucking awesome.
Ever since LOTR, all I can hear when he speaks is Wormtongue.

Sanguinius is going to be broken as shit.
Willing to part it out

[email protected]

Let me know what you want
Trick question, they are both Alpharius
It's correct. Win is used as a verb, like convince. As in, "to convince us to do harm."
Email sent.
Daily Word Bearer Post #3

Just send over pricing
Yup. Contact established.

Question for the thread. I was given SLAMBO, an Exalted Death Bringer (w/ spear) and a Slaughter Priest (with sword and hammer) and a box of 5 Bloodreavers from AoS. Would you allow them in friendly games as either *Low-Tech* or Custom WE champs? They're on Terminator Size bases and the new standard unit bases, so I guess failing everything else, I could make Slambo a Red Butcher, and the other two big guys something special, and the 5 Reavers just unit champs or something, maybe with a bit of converting?
Thinking about a bullshit In-House melee weapon.
I don't know a lot about making weapons, or the game as a whole, but am working on a II Legion.

Chain-and-hook weapon.
Melee, Rending, Unwiedly.
20 point upgrade for Preators only
Melee range to 8"
Hits on BS, Wounds on WS, 6+ on wound to stick in target causing another roll.
Roll d3, for each inch you move the target closer to you- roll a 3, you move it 3 inches closer in a straight line to the thrower.
The best part about Inferno was discovering that the one thing nearly all Primarchs could agree on was "Fuck Magnus"
Take a look at the Blood Slaughterer's rules if you haven't already.
>Not getting the social cue to hate Magnus

Classic Lion.
Wasn't mkIII intended for specialized troops and thus wasn't supposed to replace mkII ?

Meme aside, it's a 40k Khorne Daemons/CSM unit in Imperial Armor 13 I think. A walker that deepstrikes in, yells GET OVER HERE and claws its way into combat.
Where's the bullshit ?
>Reasons to take man-portable heavy weapons with an effective range less than 30" on anything that isn't a bike or terminator
>Reasons to actually use assault squads instead of just upgrading a tac squad with an extra CCW
>Reasons to use recon marines beyond the RoW requirements

Guess which legion?
Bullshit as little to no thought or knowledge behind it.
>known to favour Magnus' censure
He publicly wasn't a fan of the big red giant.

>heavy weapons

You mean heavy Flamers? What other heavy weapons are less than 30"?

Heavy weapons that are man portable tend to be long ranged in general, that's the advantage you get for lugging such a big gun around

>assault marines

Assault marines are legitimately better than tacticals, especially if you get any move through cover available. They're great for getting objectives.
multi-meltas mostly. they're actually not bad points wise, but heavy 1 really fucks with them in 40k and 30k. make them salvo 1/1 or something.
R8, S+2, AP4, assault 1 ( I don't know what the numbers after assault mean, I think it means how many attacks it has and you can still move?)
Uses BS, when wounds on a 6+ roll a d3 for d3 inches closer to thrower.

Multimeltas should be salvo 2/1 t b h. They're just kinda cheap.


All recon marines need to be fantastic is just a flat point cut.
>-1/2 To Hit him in melee, meaning that everyone hits him on 6s
>every wound generates D3 AP2 additional more Wounds

>Literally can't be hit if someone cast Invis on him
>Ignores cover and line of sight by default
>Only playable while spamming OP Sekhmeths
>Can deepstrike and outright delete 1/3 of your army with one spell
>Can solo other Primarch with a fucking Smite from half the board away
I'm still confused about IC <-> unit rule transfers. So NO rules are transferrable from a unit to IC? If can, what are those rules?
>Only playable while spamming OP Sekhmeths
You do know you can take Maggie as a LoW without GotCK?
If only there was some sort of book or something that had the rules in.
the base cost isn't great, but that doesn't need a points cost reduction as much as the options do. Cutting points on destroyers, recons and a little QoL to make flakk missiles not so hideously expensive would be enough to make me buy a new redbook.
>Not that they are wrong, either.
This and I don't even play BA. I also have a strange fondness for Fulgrim.

Make recons 125-135 for 10 and they'll be great as is, since if they don't buy any upgrades they're just shittier tacticals who aren't compulsory and have scout.
Isn't that "win [X] over"?
Alternatively, make MMs heavy 2 36" range.

Maybe even let them choose a profile at the start of shooting? Salvo 1/3 24", or Heavy 2 36".
How to make breachers good:

Boarding shields: gives a 5+ invulnerable, increases to 4+ in the shooting phase if in base contact with another friendly model with a boarding shield. RoW no longer increases invul strength but allows rerolls of invul saves of 1 while in zone mortalis

Hardened armor: counts as void hardened and allows rerolls of 1 on all armor saves. Same penalties.

Yeah theyre tough and that's the point.

How to make recons good:

Same pricing as veterans

May choose either BS:5 and trigger precision shots on a 5+


WS 5, 2 attacks and counter attack.

May swap for sniper rifles for 2ppm and cameoline is also 2ppm. Swapping to scout armor gives cameoline for free.
no, just make boarding shields a reroll on armour saves against non blast weapons, and hardened armour reroll on all saves against blast
the rest i say yes to

T b h that's even stronger than what I proposed
they shouldnt have terminator level invulnerable saves, but they should be resilient against small(ish) arms shooting, and they still die like chumps to actual artillery, as they really should
"Over" isn't a necessary part, that phrase is a colloquialism specifically implying maybe an emotional impact in the process. "Win" is a transitive verb the way FW used it, being used in the same way you might say "gets us to do it" or more accurately "obtain."

It's right, trust me.
The only real problem with Magnus is this phantasmal aura combo with invisibility and his somewhat low price. I mean, the guy is the second most powerful psyker in the entire galaxy, rulewise he had to be insanely violent psychically and rather shitty (for a primarch) otherwise.

At least you need to spend a lot of warp charge in order to make Mr Cyclop reliable and he can still fail to cast his powers. Russ' exothermic shit is just a mindless, riskless "I win" button in CCQ, and the "LOL my armour froze you" thing is simply the most anticlimatic thing ever.

Please FW, nerf all this -X to hit unimaginative OP stuff, the fluff deserves better.
still leaves recon company RoW up shit creek, snipers being 5pts per is painful, same with camo, especially at larger squad sizes. Drop the ppm cost on both of those, leave the base cost the same, and they'd be considerably more worth thinking about.
Vs small arms fire it is, which I think was the point that anon was trying to make. Artillery should still fuck with them, and using rerolls on armor saves is something GW never did in 40k in favor of boosting invulns, and look where that got us.

Recons would be great even without the choices. what you're describing already exists (raven guard mor deythan) and the extra BS isn't really worth the points jump. just reducing camo/snipers is enough to make them a much more viable choice. (takes the cost of a 5-man unit equipped that way from 150 down to 120, 110 if they're in squishier scout armor)
I feel like I should clarify a point since others might point out mor deythan are considered good. What makes them good is mostly the increased rending range and ability to twin link weapons for a round, as well as terminator priced weapons and ability to get 1 special per 3 from a list similar to veterans 1/5, on a scout/infiltrate/stealth platform. The most common loadouts I've seen or used myself is usually combi-plas or flamers, nothing to do with using them like 'better recons' with snipers.
B-but I got into HH purely to avoid power creep and so my World Eaters could be scary again ;_;
Anyone got all the smiling primarch pics?
for a reductor archmagos, how should i do his abeyant?
just the basic bitch kit, or something a little more out there?
More Blood Bowl stuff from FW this week. I'd have thought that they'd be trying to get their new Thousand Sons shit on sale ASAP, but nope. It's mainly been BB and a steady trickle of Custodes. What gives?
Still not painted/production issues/waiting on Magnus so it can be released in big chunk
Yeah, that sounds about right. Maybe they're also waiting until after the Triumvirate of the Primarch comes out.
Abeyants tend to be highly personal reflections of the archmagos, and can be anything from draykavac's pimp pulpit to Cawl's heavily modified lower body. Got some fluff on your dudes that might help with figuring it out?
general idea is they're the guys who sweep through cities and eradicate any remaining resistance after the vanguards broken through and moved on to other objectives, besides that not really too much
thinking either the dreadnought legs thing or tank treads but not super sure yet, havent really fleshed out My Dudes
sounds kind of like terminator (the movie) style hunter-killer robots. perhaps something from the necron range with heavy conversion work? perhaps a tomb spider or one of thier walkers turned into a low-slung platform.
ooh, that would actually be great
i think i'm gonna do something quadrupedal and have him wired directly into the center of it
thanks brew
Tank treads (maybe from 40k Kataphrons) would look nice in a Reductor force IMO
>Sends first email to Z for a small order
>Nervous as hell
>Checks email
>FW sends me email one minute after I sent one to Z

Reminds me of my first time on 4chan, I went on /b/ for 30 minutes then got a bunch of shitty emails, I was convinced some shady anon had hacked me and sold my info to spammers.
>Order two Knight Titans from Alpharius
>Pay for order
>Five minutes later I get emails about Collecting Knights from GW
>Immediate sense or confusion

I feel you
I've never bought from recast intentionally, always buying box sets either first hand, from the store, or through ebay (hence intentionally, it was a bits lot).
The only reason why I'm doing this is I don't want to pay $200 USD for 40 pairs of handles MkII arms and 60 Wulfen shields.
Most likely Google's targeted add scheme.
>google gets GW to send you emails.
>BA: They seem the type to prefer Mk IV for its agility and craftsmanship, but they were sent away before the Heresy so wouldn't have received much of it.
>so wouldn't have received much of it.
Damn near every character in Fear To Tread is in Mk IV, as is the only art of a BA we've got so far (in Book 6). Try again.
>Hardened armour allows re-rolls of 1 on all armour saves

Holy fucking shit would Magi on Abeyants be the most terrifying bastards around. Scoria would have a 2+ re-rollable on T6 with 5 wounds.
Breachers should just get a flat 5++ from the boarding shield, that way they are 3+/5++ compared to terminator's 2+/5++
And a little points tweak. Piling on special rules and exceptions is usually a bad idea.

Recon squads just need a points reduction, and set point value for the whole unit for cameoline, and 1 point sniper rifles. There is nothing wrong with Recon squads and how they work currently, they are just horrendeously overcosted.
Are these guys easy to remove and replace with adjusted mark 3 guys?
Just replace the torsos and arms and head, no one will even see the legs.
Okay, meant to answer >>52104324.
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>Custodes in 40k getting a better transport vehicle option than that overcosted brick of shit FW gave the 30k version

fucking kek
But they'll know. Everyone will know. Know that you're a poorfag.
>that dred
The sheer amount of laziness in this picture is staggering. They could have not only forced FW to offer them the grav-tanks for the photo shoot and incorporate them into the rules, but probably gotten them painted by FW as well.
>golden land raiders

Looks shit. At least the contemptor, for all its faults, is not OC donut steel design.

I love it how FW screws GW kits over and GW screws FW kits over. Shit's so childish you can't help put the laugh.
How do you guys equip your Sniper Vets? Assuming you're fielding 10 men full-squad.
>2 heavy bolters
>sergent gear to flavor
>nothing more
maybe 2 flamers insead, but HB are the way to go IMO
so are adrathic weapons and all the fancy dreadnought custodes shit not available in 40k? Who the fuck would play custodes without that shit?
You bought BoP
It is somewhat confusing how the two parts of the same company dick eachother over all the time. I mean, if either of them gets more profit it benefits them both, so why this bullying ?

Probably the same reason why you can't order FW stuff through a GW store yet. No matter that it would mean more sales for FW, gotta be a dickhead

FW might release 40k rules at some point. Though if and when nobody can tell
GW released rules for custodes, so they are probably going to expand them, but it looks like they don't have the same wargear options.
No combi-Xs?
>Who the fuck would play custodes without that shit?

Because super special fancy shit was never what interested me in them. Hover rhinos, land raiders and slightly blingy contemptors for me.

Most likely because the two departments have to keep separate records of their sales. How can FW justify their existence with people buying GW kits? How can they show that those 500 Rhinos bought in February were totally because of us and HH? How can GW attribute increased hover Cadillac sales on their 40k rules?
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1500 points of freshly built Custodes. Cleaning and basing soon.

Literally 18 models total. Holy shit best and weirdest army ever. I'm so glad I got back into the game for this.
That a sternguard power fist on the vexilla dude?
Were they compatible? I thought Goldies are bit bigger, and had different elbow pad than Marines.
I cut it at the elbow and fist join, sanded both areas, glued the fist to the Custode arm, then applied the shoulder pauldron. Perfect fit and proportion since Solerite Gauntlets can be large or small.

I'm gonna do it twice more for my Hetaeron squad in the future, thankfully it isn't tough to do. Only takes a minute or such.
Raldoron was in Mk II, but otherwise, I'm pretty sure you're correct.

I don't know why the GW design studio seems to be reluctant to acknowledge the existence of FW kits, yet still periodically plunders them for ideas whenever they want some of that sweet Horus Heresy money.
>flamer on the sword hilt

bravo FW bravo
I mean that's pretty fucking cool.
makes perfect sense, it wouldn't start melting the blade or ruining the trajectory of the promethium at all.
Super-heated blade melt through enemy armor and plate with ease. Seriously, watch some Gundam man. It's called Heat Hawk.

Just joking. Crossguard bolter/flamer/anything looks silly for sure. Makes the sword look fat.
>a flamer melting a power sword, coated in energy
Yeah no
ower weapon units should get a 1+ invulnerable save against flamers since they can parry it :^)
>melting cermite blade
good one
Is there any way to make 'sniping' with flamer logically sense?
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>three data sheets
>our playerbase is too retarded to handle resin
acid flamer, can melt joints, but only if it gets into the right places
Whats your actual list?
was thinking of picking up the BoP ones for an allied detachment.
Not quite related, but did GW ever told why there's Sisters of Silence in 40k? I thought they all died in the Beast Wars... I mean you know, around M32.

Here you go

HQ: Legio Custodes Shield Captain w/ Praesidium Shield, Cyber-Familiar, Digital Weapons, and Paragon Spear 245pt

Troops: Legio Custodes Custodian Guard Squad of 4 w/ a Magisterium Vexilla/Sentinel WarBlade and Melta Bomb 250pt

Troops: Legio Custodes Custodian Guard Squad of 4 w/ Melta Bombs 240pt

Troops: Legio Custodes Sentinel Guard Squad of 5 w/ a Magisterium Vexilla and Solerite Power Gauntlet 325pt

Heavy Support: Legio Custodes Caladius Grav Tank w/ Extra Armor 200pt

Heavy Support: Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought 250pt

Total = 1500pt
That a surprising lack of AP2
not really necessary for custodes.
I wonder how effective DG vets with chem-(combi-)flamers would be.
Same reason why Cataphractii went from being completely unused in M41 to having rules in the Angels of Death Codex. GW wanted to maximise sales of the HH boxed sets.
they lack number of attack to really overwhelm 2+ saves dont they?
haivng said that you DO have Captain-Bullshit so i guess that works
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>every legion i want to play is too hard to paint
list 'em
All of his CC weapons are just about AP 2 and his tank is Long Range AP 2. He's got decent amount of Rending and the Dread will walk through things.

I would like to see maybe an Adrastite Spear or two though.
>rending shread flamers
Most of his CC are ap3, only his dread, captain and power gauntlet are ap 2
Anyone gonna use Custodes Terminator when it gets out? Or would it be still outshadowed by Veteran(?) Custodes?

Death Guard, World Eaters or Sons of Horus.
Wait, shit, ignore this i am dumb
>hard to paint
>Death Guard
>hard to paint

White, black, green, brass, drown in wash.

Show your work, without having to mix paints, because doing that consistently for a full army is a menace.

>full white army
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>dirty "white" is hard

Notice how I didn't claim WE were easy, because they're clean white.
its not exactly like FW has their own land speeders that aren't javelins
10 man plasma support squad on foot with an apothecary or 9 in rhino with an apothecary?
That's the excuse you poorfags always use.
Question about Siege Breaker and Suspenser Web.

>Art of Destruction – The Siege Breaker has the Tank Hunters and Wrecker special rules applied to all of their own attacks, and also confers these rules to the heavy weapon shooting attacks of any Infantry unit they join.
> A heavy weapon with a suspensor web effectively allows the firer to treat the weapon as having the type Assault rather than Heavy (meaning that they can move and fire at full WS, etc) when firing in the Shooting phase at targets at up to half the weapon’s usual maximum range. This has no other effect, such as on Snap Shots when charged, etc.

So, is it the firing mode (Heavy) or weapon itself (Heavy bolter, Missile Launcher are originally a heavy weapon) that matters regarding the Siege Breaker's buff?
white isn't hard with airbrush, and DG cream is easy as fuck. You have so many options as well, grey-white, yellow-white,brown-white.
I play metallic blue alpha legion(50:50 kator blue, boltgunmetal) , dont start with me about army wide paint mixing
What army
Am I the only one who thinks that the ever-increasing links between 30k and 40k, not just in rules and equipment but fluff style as well, cheapens both eras?
>Gullamon starting a Great Crusade
>everyone uses the same shit
>rehashing concepts interchangeably
Ten thousand fucking years are supposed to separate the two games but in tone, crunch and aesthetic they're closer and closer. As someone who has looked forward to 30k since the IA articles I'm getting sadder and sadder. Maybe I missed something back then when I was a kid?
Put them inside a Rhino. People with at least 2 braincells are gonna focus everything they can on a unit full of plasmaguns, so that support squad is gonna need all the extra protection they can get.
I'd say the firing mode because some 'heavy' weapons are assault or salvo.
Just ignore 40k then you can never compare them and only accept glorious Forgeworld fluff as your gospel. I couldn't even tell you the current state of 40k other than they are releasing important models three at a time now and there's a big fight for some reason.
Apparently, FW email says:

Thank you for your email. The Suspensor web allows you to treat the weapons as assault weapons for the purpose of firing, however, for all other purposes and rules they are still Heavy weapons, so they can benefit from the Art of Destruction special rule.
GW shouldn't be changing the setting of 40k at all. To quote somebody who put the issue to words in a clear and simple manner :

"40k used to be Grimdark. Then it turned into Grimderp, and now they're changing it into Grimderp with a sprinkling of Noblebright"

Maybe I should get rid of those old codexes I still have, because every time I read them they just make me sad. Liked it so much when the fluff was a lot more grim and mysterious, now everything is being resolved and explained and factions being turned into good guys that never lose, and even if they do it was still better for them somehow.
The reply I got was :

Thank you for your email. The Suspensor web interaction with the Siege Breaker creates a unstable tear in space-time continïuum, making the weapon fire with Str D instead of its normal profile

>FW emails for rules clarifcation are terrible and barely anybody recognises them as official, specially because they give different answers.
Is this the chan axes thing again?
The reply I got was:

Thank you for your Email. The Suspensor web isn't actually meant for use in official games and was just a supported home-brewed item. Please use your own interpretation along with feedback from your playgroup to see how you should treat this in your games.
Anyone want to help me house rule some things for Militia in a Victory is Vengeance campaign?

How would you handle provenances?

Should levy squads be removed, or perhaps forced into ad-hoc units without the option of solo models?

How should costs be handled for them, generally?
Guys, do you play Anvillus with or without Inertial Guidance System? Non-SoH
The newest version costs more and has that rule, so I don't see how it couldn't be intentional.
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DG are super easy.
> white primer
>ushabti bone, or Rakarth flesh.
> death world forest
> gold (or bronze)
> black, steel, grey for bolter.
> wash with brown wash of choice
> rehighlight bone, gold, steel, and green
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Well, it has in the box, but not under
If it's not intentional, why the points increase from the version they had just published a few weeks or months before? They would have done a straight copy paste. Basically you're arguing that FW made two separate errors instead of one, one of which (points cost) isn't their traditional copy-paste error and would have required thought.
FAQ when ? Between things like that and the piles of errors in Inferno we could really use one.
It is possible that FW decided to increase the Dreadcaw's point cost for some obscure reason.
I have a very shooty alpha legion list (big unit of seekers, vigilator, contemptor mortis, sicaran etc)and was thinking of adding the followeing allied detachment to add some melee punch:

Shield Captain: Cyber-Familiar, Digital Weapons, and Paragon Spear 225pt
4 SENTINELS, 4 power gauntlets 305 pts


That's correct though, it's just archaic since it's from the king James Bible
I really wish I could squash other models by deep stirking my drop pod right on top of them.
You're not allowed to ally Custodus to Alpha Legion
Why not?
Loyalist AL can BROTHERLY SWEAR alliance with Imperial Agents, which Talons are.
Maybe because traitor custodes is impossible ?
I am not running traitor alpha legion maybe?
I was under the assumption that people who played 30k did so because the cared more about the fluff, and dispised the raping of lore merely to gain an ingame advantage which 40k is rife with.

I guess I was wrong. There is zero difference.
>Trusting Alpha Legion enough to fight besides them

You're hilarious.
Loyalist AL?
great Crusade game?
>implying AL weren't loyalist from the very beginning

All the other fluff was just an elaborate series of false flags.
Liturally EVERY legion had loylist you dunce

My donut steal guys bascially where charged with hunting down DAoT relics, so where off in distant parts during most the heresy,so they sometimes worked with both mechnicum and custodes, depending on what was happening.
Every loyalist part of a traitor legion that the Custodes got near got either executed on sight or locked up ... and that is from examples with legions that weren't known for being a bunch of shady fucks like the AL.

Guess there are always going to be people that want to run Typhus in a loyalist DG force
Wasn't Omegon's AL acting as loyalist to null the Cabal's prophesy?
>There's literally a RoW for those who want to do loyalist members of traitor legions
>The book - you know, written by the people who knows the entire fluff better than anyone - even allows people to build their armies as loyalist or traitor, as long as they don't use faction-exclusive characters
>Anon thinks this is wrong and people should all defer to his way to play
Makes you think which one takes precedence, legion rules or RoWs. WB are traitors only, but then there's the RoW for loyalists of traitor legions and lists WB...
k, i'm still going have fun with my dudes, and have some fluffy fun at that
I'm willing to accept the opponent using an IC with different name but same rule as Traitor characters - say Typhus - for gaming purpose, because well.. game's a game and fluff's a fluff.

Would appreciate if the opponent gave said character his own interesting fluff though.
Now the autist has stoped screaming, can i have some feed back: is there something i can do better?
The issue was that the dude insisted on using Typhus as himself. As loyalist DG. After Istvann.

>alternate facts ?
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Thinking about getting this when it's out. My Iron Hands can use those vehicles, and custodes are interesting. What are sisters of silence good for?

Sadly, won't be able to use the custodes or sisters as allies because the iron hands didn't fight on earth, but apparently a custodes list is like 20 models so that's a good start towards a second army.
Fuck, I have to start saving. How much will the price be?
Not announced yet.

Since the vehicles are generic plastic, definitely going to just paint them in iron hands colors. If I'm running custodes I want the FW custodes shit with all the details.

Also comes with 40k detachments, so if you want to use the models in 40k you don't need to go allied detachment with them. Which is good because you'd need to get some HQs.
I think about £100 like all the big boxes.

Shame it's only 5 Sisters. Wonder if the LR comes with crusader/redeemer options or if those's are suppose to be just for Marines.
Now that's the spirit!

My (future) loyalist TS rise a toast to you!

>super easy
>just do a basecoat of a colour only marginally easier than pure white

why must everything i love be difficult
Gold painted rhino looks fucking terrible
>base coat difficulty matters when you're going to drown it in wash
Same here, started an Iron Hands mechanised army.
I was taken aback when I saw Custodes and Sisters so they'll fit right in, with some robes/tabards greenstuffed.

That sounds about right, hopefully it isn't more.
> loyalist TS
Do go on, i am curios now. i though many TS hated the other legions b/c of nikea and everyone being dicks
So I wanna start 30k, as Iron Warriors.

Are they doable without having to use any FW stuff, and ideally without having to scrounge around for bitz?
BoP and BaC can get you sufficient terminators and power armoured models. You will need FW for things like quad mortars and artillery unless you want to proxy or convert.

Use the era appropriate models for power armour if you can, an army of mk3 Iron Warriors backed up by some thunderfire cannons proxied as mortars is a lot easier to swallow than an army of mk7 Iron Warriors backed up by quad mortars.
buying the two sets nets you
>60 marines (6 powerfists/LC, 6 power sword, 6 PP, 6 MG/PG and 3 flamers)
>5 cattifracti termintors
>5 tatros termintors
>1 contemptor with either TLLC, assult cannon, or multi-melta
>4 charicters (3 PA, 1 in catti)

which is a good start for IH
You also get custodes, which as mentioned, go with everything

Yeah, I wanted to use the plastic regular infantry, it's just everything else that worries me, I don't want to deal with resin unless it's absolutely necessary.
>I'm too retarded to apply a light coloured basecoat.
Jesus Christ, the mediocrity people like you display is unbelievable.

Painting is not fucking hard, grow some balls and pick up a goddamn brush and start practicing,
Why, scared of the price or are you worried about the exaggerated working with resin horror stories you see posted here?
If you find a bits store and buy 3 MkIV legs, you can have 3 more dudes, since the BaC kits come with 11 torsos and enough arms and heads for all.

It's a shame the BoP characters aren't generic. But I guess you can always sell them.

The price, mainly. I can get BoP/BaC stuff on ebay for a good discount, not for FW stuff.

Plus it just sounds like more of a hassle than working with plastic.

I just don't have the money to waste on models to ruin with my shitty painting ability.
Would it be worse to take Typhon's rules fluffed as your own praetor? People complain about the prevalence of special characters enough as it is. Does this make someone a WAACfag?
Not that guy but death guard aren't difficult. The cream undercoat doesn't have to be great since things are being covered in wash anyway.
Custodes went all over the place in the novels, as did the SoS. Allies shouldn't be an issue.
They'll be part of those people in the fleets sent away by Magnus. They'll drift for a while, doing the Emperor's Work as usual - until the news of Prospero and the Heresy reaches them.

They'll choose to hide for a bit, until figure what's going on. They'll meet a group of scouting Dark Angels months after the incident with Lion and Daemons, so they'll be lenient with these TS (albeit suspicious). Both will catch up and decide to work together for a bit, as they're far from Imperium's eyes and ears anyway. Of course, the DA will keep an eye on them all times.

Slowly, the DA will converge to fully help the Imperium (as they normally did); working in tandem with those Astartes will make the Thousand Sons haging around to rethink their 'despiseness' towards the Imperium and notice how far the traitors have fallen - cue in some battles with the Night Lords.

When the news of Imperium Secundus reached the group, the DA and TS parted ways, as they wouldn't be welcomed in the lands of Guilliman. These stranded TS started to act as corsairs, pillaging traitor mechant vessels and, after building up a sizeable fleet (re-arming the merchant ones), military vessels as well.

This didn't go unnoticed by loyalist personnel - but with Horus & co. keeping their hands full, they wouldn't be able to deal with those renegades anytime soon. Equally, traitor forces tried to ambush or meet them in battle, but the psychic gifts of the sons of Magnus let them evade most of the attacks.

Lion El'Johnson, receiving reports of his scouts working with TS, first scolded them, but later tried to secretly order the TS (after sending some of those same scouts with missives to meet them) to be a more effective thorn in the Traitor's ass. The TS, having not much choice, accepted the offer. Later in the Heresy, this band would keep to themselves, as far way as Fenris and Terra as possible - which means the eastern side of the galaxy.


Of course, I'm open to improvements.
IMO bending the rules to fit your fluff is pretty bad, if your trying to deny me using the 'Hatred: Traitors' rule because your using a DG force lead by snowflake, loyalist not-Typhon then I'll be pissed off.

You are free to create new loyalist fluff and use his rules for your loyalist guy but on the table top it counts as a traitor army so I'm getting my hatred benefits and no allying with custodes.
Any advice on iron hands iconography?

I want to use autek mor as my praetor. Problem is, he became the red talons chapter master. If I want to use the models in both 30k and 40k I don't want his clan iconography because they don't fit on 40k iron hands.

Look at some third party space marine jetbikes, they can look pretty cool
Just don't put the red talon marks on them and only use the actual Iron Hand symbol and generic squad markings.
Mostly okay but I dislike involvement of big name characters in the fluff or random small warbands. For example my Dark Angels are being ordered about by a Knight Errant and that's as far as the fluff goes. Having Lion personally step in for a few Thousand Sons seems silly.

It wouldn't make sense unless these guys are a massive fleet of 10,000 or more, but then again they wouldn't be if all they could amount to is attacking merchant vessels.
Hm... I may use a captain of the DA, then.
>The daemons that managed to reach the Emperor suffered worst of all. The strongest, most savage of the kind, they swung weapons at a man who was no longer there, cleaving through the golden mist that swirled in His place.
>With thundercracks of psychic force, the golden warlord would appear at the beasts' backs, His flaming sword already buried in their spines

I mean do whatever you want, your dudes etc, I'm just putting out my opinion. I could see a sneaky DA captain trying to manipulate some stranded TSs.
how about Farith Redloss? As leader of the Dreadwing, he would have less problems manipulating TS
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If you are worried about using ushabti, use Rakarth flesh instead.

Ushabti are top, Rakarth are bottom.

Nurgle armies are easy mode, be neat with your basecoats, and then rape them with brown and yellow-brown washes.
That limp wrist on the thunder hammer looks pretty gay.

Paint schemes nice but what the fuck is going on with top middle?

His chest looks like it's melting

With the guidance of Redloss - who had better grasp of the bigger picture - and their own gifts, the TS managed to deal serious blows to the Traitor operations, even bolder and grisly after discovering that Horus was responsible for Russ' change of mind regarding Magnus and the legion. No Sons of Horus/Black Legion fleet was safe from their anger.

They intercepted some vessels going to Terra, but dared not come closer to the Sol system - as they would have been considered traitors anyway. As Nikaea's decision was slowly overridden by the Legions, they met and aided some groups of White Scars, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Mechanicum and Imperial Army suffering attacks from Chaos fleets - all had better relations with the entire Legion prior to the Censure and still had some leniency to give to those mysterious, yet useful Astartes.
>Anime tier fight

Thanks black library

>top ten anime swordsmen
I accidently left it for like 2 days when I was paint stripping it. It's whole left arm and torso engorged, and the detail melted. The face and bolter arm weren't in so their alright, but the rest was fucked up.

Could paint those areas like radiation damage, mite b cool
Are there any rules for "Independent" forces that aren't Loyalist or Traitor? My Reductor fluff has them as a reasonably large fleet that lost contact with Xana when the Heresy erupted, and the next Compliant World they came to tried to shoot them down, assuming they were Traitors themselves.
Now they're just cruising about the fringes of Imperium space, trying to get back to Xana for repairs and slowly going more heretical and basically attacking almost anything they come across, assuming the Age of Strife is come again because Ruinstorm. Any rules for that, or just pick Traitors because tech-heresy?

If you ain't loyal, you're traitor.
>lists a long setting incoherent reason for some pointless fluff tidbit

it's always the mechanicum players.
Hey Dorn, how are you?
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Autistic magos in game makes for autistic players which leads to autistic fluff.

[Spoiler]I would know, I do the same thing.[/spoiler]
I wonder, has anyone put that gas mask head on the right upside down into a Marine body? I was looking at one and at least the tactical squad one with the bald head might work as a face mask with those grills for the eyes.
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>istvaan happens.
>all the other salamanders in your squad get slaughtered.
>you get left for dead after getting knocked out by a ricochet to the face
>quickly change halfway into a dead death guards armour
> DG squad comes by
> the rads have got you good brother, you're practically charred.
>They're so afflicted by disease they don't even know anythings up now.
>tfw wading through rads, cancer, mud, shit and blood through trenches is your life now.
OK, sorry I wrote some fluff for My Dudes before reading every book in the Horus Heresy series and memorising every Black Book. Was an honest question, though, since I saw the Blackshields and wondered if there was something like that for other factions. I assume not, then. What did I get wrong fluffwise?
Well, I learn something new every day. Thanks.

Oh FFS, Sisters and Custodes in M41 vehicles? Alongside the terrible Calth Contemptor?
There are two kinds of Magos, those who follow the rules (As set by the TOTALLY super-legit, not at all hypocritical Fabricator General), these are the Loyalists. Then there are the "Fuck your rules dad, I'm going to go put Daemons in my bloops and unshackle their consciousnesses" type of Magos, these guys are smelly Traitors.

The schism was all encompassing for the Mechanicum, you were either a strict follower of Doctrine, or you were tempted by the chance to dabble in forbidden shit. There was no middle ground, plus Blackshields can just cruise around in their pimp ships raiding stuff, Mechanicum need Forge Worlds to do their stuff.
The whole point of the Horus Heresy is traitors versus loyalists, a civil war. The factions in the Imperium came down on one side or another, because it was obviously not going to be a stalemate. It's up to you if you want an irrelevant faction which couldn't justify most it's matchups in actual games.
The game is really based on pushing every army to be loyalist or traitor - it often won't matter but you should be determining your alignment before each match, if not before. Armies without a strong alignment get shoehorned onto one side or the other based on what the opponent's army is, or in an event, which side needs more players.
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Custodes box incoming for 40k

Unfortunately so much unneccesary or unusable shit for 30k though.
Anyone know why the Caraphractii terminators use the two-hole drum mag combi-bolters, when they come in the kit with the straight mag single hole bolters for marines and the tartaros use straight mag single hole combi bolters when they come with the curve mag double hole bolter marines?
Really? No somewhat shady Mechanicum anywhere? Not even on Xana, which I gather was basically the Mos Eisley of Forge Worlds? Traitors, then, given I want to use that cool Xana scheme and transfers.

I would imagine that a Reductor fleet could manage long periods away from a Forge World fighting everything, given that's what they do as a matter of course anyway, and their Galleass ships are explicitly designed for it.


Fair enough, I'm open to going either Traitor or loyalist depending on what an event needs, but I kind of like the daemonbloops.
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I agree, it's a case of trying to have your cake and eat it, too. If you want your own character, you should build him. There are, I think, some special characters that aren't actually locked loyal or traitor, typhon may actually be one.
Mechanicum Explorator Fleets (Reductor or otherwise) are probably your best bet for shady Mechanicum characters. They operate away from Forgeworlds for decades at a time, bring their own manufacturing ships, can mine asteroids if needed, some shades of grey are bound to pop up while seeing god knows what on the fringes of the Crusade.
I assume you've read the Xana Incursion story in Book 6. The Imperium doesn't let you try to stay neutral; by 009.M31 Xana was considered to be firmly on the traitor side.

In any case, Book 8 will have some Dark Mechanicum stuff and that will probably seal the deal for you.
Joking aside, is black skin easier to paint? I'm not great at faces, so if it's easier I might paint my red butchers leader like this
Tartaros and MkIV use Tigrus pattern bolters because all three are relatively new styles introduced towards the end of the Great Crusade.

Cataphractii and MkIII use the Phobos pattern because all three are older styles.
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In Betrayal at calth, cataphractii come with combi-bolters using the bolters from mark3 marines in BoP. In Burning of Prospero Tartaros termies use combi bolters made from the bolters of mark IV marines from betayal at calth.

When you buy either box set your terminators are inexplicably using different type bolters from the marines. Why would they decide to do that? It looks inconsistent and makes little sense.
Hey, that works very well. Stealing that, thanks.

Well, they managed it for a while. Fair point about the DarkMech, though. Traitors it is.
Still, why not release cataphractii with mark III marines and tartaros with Mark IV? It's fucking infuriating.
I reckon it's because Cataphractii was the old-skool Termie armour from the dawn of the crusade and kinda corresponds to MkIII, while Tartaros and Maximus are the new dynamic techno armours.
>Hey, that works very well. Stealing that, thanks.
Happy to help, make a cool force out of it.
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Now that 40k is falling to shit, I really want to play 30k.

Then I look at forge world prices.

I weep, /tg/. I weep.

It seems like the only reasonably priced things are the plastic tacticals from BaC/BoP. And only if they're carrying bolters, because as soon as I want special weapons, I need to track down lots of them to arm entire squads.
unneccesary yeah, but I don't see anything unusable there?
buy any GW box set and you've got the HQ, two minimum tacticals and all the heavy weapons for a support or vet squad you could want. It's cheaper than 40k. Or you play pride of the legion. Also you can sell custards and sisters for half the box price.
Because the manufacture of one sprue has no bearing on the manufacture of another and GW's just throwing stuff into the boxes with some handwaved backstory to go with it.

>maximum autism
>on my /hhg/

Perish the thought.

>and all the heavy weapons for a support or vet squad you could want

Except that's not true.
You don't? Man, I must take another look at my Talons list, because I could swear there's no land raider or rhino option and the contemptor has totally different weapons.
ohh right you mean for the Talons list.

sorry man I thought you another of those "no GW rhinos or land raiders reee" guys
*you were another of those "no GW rhinos or land raiders in my 30k! Reee" guys

fuck its been a long day
Why is it that ask your MKII armoured models have horrible casts?
Are they recast? It's your paint that thicc?
The entirety of the mkii dude looks like he just got put on the microwave for a minute. The hideous Thunder Hammer conversion doesn't help either.
Pretty easy, because the brown wash doesn't look so uneven compared to light skin, plus there is less work to do. And you don't need many highlights.

You can either go dark brown, medium brown drybrush, then brown wash.

Or light brown, then wash with brown wash.

Or dark brown then wash with black wash for full on Sudanese style black.
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fuck off m8, stop shitting up the thread for no reason
A little bit, yeah; brown covers better than the lighter fleshtones.

This might be slightly out of date but it's a guide: http://pastebin.com/shM2YEYW
Support squads and the like are based on plastic kits (Mk IV individual squad box) plus FW weapon sets. Still decent value. All the Rhino-based tanks are the FW Deimos-pattern prices, except the Whirlwind (non-Scorpius) which doesn't have a Deimos-pattern version.

I don't encourage getting a lot of recasts because I believe in paying the people actually designing these things, but even I plan on doing it for the lower-value units. I mean, 1 pound sterling per point is ridiculous.
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Primarchs needs to be on 50mm or 60mm bases, 40mm is too small. Thoughts?
>when autists fail to see the joke
Already been asked by someone.

The resin soaked up the wash and literally melted and swelled, plus the texture became sandy. I only kept it because I thought no one would notice in a nurgle army.
>if it's so easy to miss the joke, it's not a good joke
Horus just looks slightly concerned there
>implying anyone missed it but you
>'Is that a muslim man sitting on the plane with me, or just Indian?'
>cataphractii armour

no wonder the emperor shit on him in combat
>implying I'm the same anon as before
Mk 3 and cataphractii look vaguely similar. And mk 4 and Tartaros look VERY similar.

So then the bolters should be distinctive as well. Brutal chunky bolters for cataphracti and mk 3, sleek bolters for Tartarus and mk 4.

Then gw decided to mix and match because .. I dunno
>implying things
Stop being poor in my hobby.
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Anyone interested in buying a Horus Heresy lot? It's over 400 dollars retail, 250 dollars best chinamen prices and I'd sell for 140 for the entire lot

Despoiler squads x 8
World Eater Mk 2 Heads
Power weapons set, chain axes set, command sets, etc.
>Calas Typhon
>One of the few pre-WB chaos worshipers in the Legions
>Ever being allowed to be loyal
It doesn't really make much sense, you'd think they'd want to keep the tech standard across a boxed set. Also the characters in BoP use mark IV armour so it'd fit in better there also.
Why sell it?
Yeah, man, he should totally have gone with that 5++ against an opponent who he wanted to charge at him.

No time to play
Oh, sorry to hear that.
Not being fully up to date on BoP lore, but it seems like 1K Sons had a thing for Tartaros armor, so they probably had some special hook up for it. as for the standard power armor, before the Heresy, Horus tried to distribute MK4 armor preferentially to the legions he knew would support him at Isstvan. That is why the Sons and Wolves got more MK3 then MK4.
Why would they want to keep to a tech standard? They would want to offer a wide range of styles between the different units.

Remember, these are self contained games not the battleforces everyone treats them as.
BaC is partly ultramarines, which Horus obviously knew wouldn't support him. Also Forge World obviously made TS with the intention of swapping out mark IV marines which achean pattern. I guess GW expect serious players to buy both boxes at some point but it's just irritating when you already have to buy extra models you might not want.
Simply trade or sell the models you don't want.
You're not forced to buy BaC/BoP you know. Everything is, or will very soon, available as a standalone kit.
>but that costs more than BaC/BoP if I want 30 marines
Then buy BaC/BoP and stop whinging when you're already getting a discount jesus christ.
The point is to get you to buy both boxes. Also, the UM were apparently able to manufacture Mk IV on their own, and were also too big and important for Horus to totally blow off.

I think it was also just to get a stronger contrast between the power armor and terminator armor in each box.
What do you put on there though?

Plasma is a waste with sniper
Melta means you are going after wrong targets
Flamer... eh. Better on assault focused squad.

Vets are never to be underestimated in assault, especially versus non deathstars
I might bite, and I'll check around my game store tonight to see if anyone would be interested because Emperor knows we need more heresy players.
I'm continental us, shipping would be free.

themissouriboy AT gmail.com is an email
You are the one that replied to a 4 hour old post with no replies claiming it was shitting up the thread.

Seems like the problem here is your mental capacity.
Combi-flamers are pure murder because of the rending effect of the sniper rule. If you get burner as a warlord trait, they reroll wounds as well. A full squad of them can absolutely annihilate terminator units and other heavy infantry. a Dreadclaw or other method of delivery to get them close at full strength pretty much guarantees they'll make their points back by removing something vital.

Wonder if a Spooker of the Dead could be a good option to join them as well. 20 rapid fire plasma shots with Preferred Enemy and FNP should keep friendly damage to a minimum (by my calculations, excluding AA on sergeant and Spooker, the unit should suffer 0,123 unsaved wounds from 20 plasma shots) and give a little boost to damage.

Looking at 445pts. for the unit without any upgrades besides the Rhino and combi-plasma on the Spooker. 2x AAs and maybe great frost blade for the Spooker (the mail he has isn't much good for anything, while 10pts. more for a GFB seems like a deal and a deterrent. Maybe combat shield on him as well.
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Has anyone theoreycrafted a mono-sisters talons list? Seems like they would have a rough time without borrowing some custard vehicles, as they have virtually no anti-tank capabilities to speak of. Also, did I miss something or is talons of the Emperor anti-air basically tl weapons and pray?
>Maybe combat shield on him as well.
Why? He comes standard with a Refractor Field.
So, combining BaC and BoP, ignoring chapter specific stuff and non-legion stuff gives this:

>Terminator Captain
>Chaplain/Dark Apostle
>30 MkIII tacticals
>5 Tartaros Terminators
>Contemptor Dread
>5 Cataphractii Terminators
>30 MkIV tacticals

How much of an army is that without having to add extra bits?
Wait, so why does he have combat shield as an option?

I'm glad you listed that for us. I wouldn't have known what you get from BaC and BoP together otherwise.

To be less sarcastic, the big advantage is you now have more than 5 plasmaguns/meltaguns/flamers/heavy bolters, so can take a tactical- or heavy-support squad. Tactical support squads really work best with rhinos or drop pods, however, so you may need to splash some extra cash.
Its.. ok. Do something like 20 man tax squads, 2 vet teams to actually get some heavy weapons in there. Contemptor kinda sucks without a second kheres tho. Having no transports or armored support is rough tho
>stop whinging

but I'd rather never get a shit contemptor, mark III and Cataphractii with two shit characters and all it'd take is for GW to make a fucking consistent box set.
You aren't wrong. Air superiority might become the new hotness to deal with the new primarchs and the talons
I wish I could get one of these guys without having to pay $100.
Is this from some sort of "what if the legions which went traitor and stayed loyalist switched" thing?
'Cause I'm actually on board for Chaos Space Wolves.
if you go full magnet you can easily make 3500 points from that, possibly 4k, but it wouldn't be a great list.

unless playing RG/AL you will medically need transports, and some heavy weapon upgrade sets would go a long way to solving the anti-tank crisis you will find yourself with.

the good news at least is that you won't ever need many more PA bodies unless you want to do assault squads (for breachers just buy some of the 3d printed shields from a shapeways vendor, and stick them on 10 of the Mk IIIs)
>this box that gets me stuff cheaper isn't enough of a deal for me
Waah waah waah.
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