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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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"Buffing Armies" edition

>Dank Daily Duncan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGwYxqKGcvY [Embed] [Embed]

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 204% Organized

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs. Sorry, it's shit, but it'll read 3s.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempts to fuck up your list

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:


>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Don't you dare dog ear the pages.)
First for Nids!
So plastic sisters aren't coming, then?
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>"Buffing Armies" edition

Just make sure they're the right armies getting buffed.
>trusting plastic sisters rumours
But anon GW was really suprised by SoB and are pushing plastic ones ahead in the line by a year.
I'll soil all my pants with cum when (if) it happens, but I'm not holding my breath.
I never trusted them. I asked if only to point out that "sisters in February" was a lie.
The eternal search for feedback continues. Might add a little "design goals" blurb at the top with the contents explaining my desire to change as little as necessary.
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>(((Fellow))) Eldar falling for the message of the mongrel God in order to be a slave forever
Is 3 penitent engines enough? That's 90 euros in models already
M-maybe we should buff nids
Here anon, I made this for you.

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Mind repeating that?
N-no sir
The 30K Sons rules are neat, but aren't really applicable to 40K Sons.

D-Magnus shows that FW playtests as much as GW. That motherfucker can drop in an vaporize every vehicle in the same postal code.
I expect psychics to get toned down with next edition. But barring that, they will probably nerf him like they did Lorgar Transcendent.
>I expect psychics to get toned down with next edition
I hope not. The only things that need toned down are a couple Blessings and most Conjurations. Witchfires, Maledictions, and most Blessings are perfectly fine
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By the angel I demand a buff.
The Exorcist is the model of "random" that Orks and Chaos Space Marines need to be held to. 1/6 of the time it underperforms, 1/6 of the time it's adequate, and 2/3 of the time is good to amazing.
I just hope we go back to the old Psychic system. It's not fun spending half my warp charges on one tank buster shot.
Shut up marines are good enough
Sorry, only space wolves and eldar get buffs anymore.
I think we need more t3 races just to make it clear that t4 isn't actually the standard people should be held up to.
That can be done.
Just hand in your Snowflake Card and get into the big Space Marine Codex.

>Remember when Black Templar players wanted a buff?
As a SoBber I feel pretty cheap if I take three, but then I remember who I am playing.

I feel like a fun way to do an ork copy paste of that would be adding gets hot to it, and maybe cutting the price a bit.
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>eldar x 3
I mean, once you take marines out of the equation, the only race with base T4 is.. orks, I think?

Kinda hard to realize when tau don't use their infantry and eldar refuse to use troops that aren't on bikes, but still.
Considering that the Us brother of Blood follow the codex. Yes
The 6E system was pretty good, although its Deny the Witch system was retarded. I'd just cut it entirely and give every faction access to anti-psyker abilities/wargear.

I like the psychic phase, but it's not a very good mechanic when so many armies (Necrons, Tau, Sisters, Dark Eldar, AdMech, KDK, MT, BT) don't have psykers at all. It also makes things awkward between single-psyker armies and psyker-spam armies.
Okay, we need less Marine players.
...Fuck, never mind.
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you look like spess vampire to me.
how the fuck is dante still alive anyway
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Blood angels are known for their extremely long lives even for space marines.
What was the first clear part GW produced for their miniatures? The Eldar tanks?
They are waiting for the second seige of terra to kill him off
flying bases
Tau and Eldar don't really count then.

Elites for those armies are still T3 same goes for their fast and their Heavy.

Assuming it is not a vehicle since it does not have T in the first place
i mean from combat.
the fella isn't particularly gifted that is well known he just kinda ended up becoming chapter master and staying there because he just doesn't quit
Yeah, psyker defenses should probably be more common that just the occasional Adamantium Will or Psychic Hood.
>le SoB are weak meme
Good one.

An "Exorcist Missile Launcher"-esque gun would be a great weapon option for Ork tanks. Rather than let them loot vehicles, they just need to make Ork vehicles customizable enough that you can make an Ork-ified facsimile of nearly any vehicle. You want to make an Ork Devilfish? Throw 'eavy armor and lifta-plates on a Trukk. You want to make an Ork Exorcist? Throw a Rokkit Battury on a Battle Wagon.
I've gotten the advice to get Rhinos for the Tactical squads, so I'm looking to cut points. What's the "optimal" loadout on the Vanguards vets? Would it be a dumb idea to cut the flamers on the Skyhammer assault squads?
Alternatively, instead of cutting stuff, I suppose I could bring it up to 1850 points. What would you add to the list in that case?
I always thought that it would be fun for orks to be able to just loot anything and use them as-is and maybe put orky guns in them.
Or just give them a looted Leman Russ because that's the most common thing they'd find.
I don't know anything about rules design though and I don't know why Orks are so shit.
Just use the old 2nd edition rules for making Kustom Vehiclez and Robots. Every faction had them, and Orks were the funniest. Orks had a mandatory minimum percentage of their points that had to go to weapons, so ork vehicles and robutz were loaded for bear with shitloads of guns.
Kevin Rountree is more likely to post time-stamped dick pics on 4chan than GW is to include rules for something that inherently requires kit-bashing.
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Can anyone think of a good reason the Imperial Guard would battle against Space Marines? It feels weird fighting them as an IG player in Dawn of War
But anon they are shit. The army just lucky out that MSU works and their 3 weapons are still useful.

Try playing SoB outside of MSU and enjoy the failiure
One side is an illusion conjured by tzeentch
Or you could find points for a Knight Crusader and not need any transports because he'll just stomp and stomp and stomp until your opponent's army is a smoking mess.
Which is weird because that would sell a lot of expensive kits.
Also they already have some rules for stuff that doesn't have official models. Like Guardsmen with bolters.
Didn't third edition Orks pretty much allowed to take any vehicle and downgraded to BS2 ?
It would be a rules nightmare and require tons of books. Far easier to just give Orks a couple basic chasses (buggy, trukk, wagon), armor and mobility upgrades, and a plethora of weapon options that play with transport capacity.
>but anon, if you ignore all the good stuff they're shit
No, anon, you're shit.
Did you just started playing in 7th?

Looted crap for Orkz was basically replace drive with an Ork and you are good to go
I'm frankly not even sure, which is weird because the third edition ork codex is the only one I read.
That's why I also suggested a Looted Leman Russ, with like, I dunno, Twin-linked heavy shootas on the sponsons and a zapp gun or a flamer or a shoota on the front mount while the turret has a battle cannon equivalent.
They could just re-release a Leman Russ with an orky sprue!
I mean you wouldn't want people buying lots of vehicle kits to kitbash them, that would be bad for kit sales.
Just saying it's hard to guilt myself into taking less exorcists when I can't take drop pods, psykers, flyers, lords of war, plasma, or competent melee units without dipping into allies.
They're pretty steadily been removing all options that don't have an in-production model. Look at all the CSM and SM characters locked out of Terminator Armor, look at the Aspiring Sorcerer and his Force Staff.

I agree, it would move kits, but GW is terrified of the ghost of Chapterhouse.
Well i mean surving for hundreds of years while not falling to the genetic rage is quite a feat. I know little of his combat exploits but i expect he has many
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So now that inferno is out, that means there's nothing in the way of Fires of Cyraxus...

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>lords of war
On behalf of all CSM players, please allow me to offer you the Lord of Skulls. In fact, let me throw in the Trinity of Blood formation as well.
>Chaosfag get new models and rules
>They are still bitching
Why have only the good guys been getting models in the Gathering Storm though?
Really, being able to just field any vehicle and have it be BS 2, (and WS 4 I 2 where it matters), would be enough of a balancing factor. That, combined with using the Ork vehicle upgrades instead of the existing ones.
You say that like Orks taking unit entries out of other codexes has been a thing in the last several editions.

You'd have to make a huge listing of every vehicle-mounted gun in the game and it's orky equivalent for replacement. Plus all the oddball cases like drones and daemon engines. It's far easier to just include an option to let Battle Waggons take a big cannon in a turret and some sponson weapons.
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Orks go up 3 points across the board Nobs 10 Hq's 20, and become T5/6 respectfully. Are they best army now?
One faction has reason to believe, rightly or wrongly, that the other is tainted or has undertaken heretical actions. Alternatively, both sides have conflicting objectives. The IG are ordered to take and hold an area so the Inquisition can secure various objects/captives for study, but the Marines' have been ordered to purge everything.
Sisters got a new model and rules, shitpost at them.
So T 5 infantry for 10 points each? Makes them a hell of a lot tougher, but I'm not sure it fixes things.

If anything, it will make Ork bike lists terrifying.
I forgot about this picture OMG
I mean, even a bad one could eventually become good from updates, or be used anyway for fun or fluff or sit on your shelf.

Which reminds me I forgot to mention formations. I like the vestal one, it's cool, but I get jelly when my friends bring three or four cool formations and all I have is one. And then I look at the list and remember there are three apocalypse formations and I can't take them. It makes me sad.
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Not a fan of Knights
I was talking about a specific unit in the ork codex called "Looted Leman Russ" that would have it's own, ork-specific codex entry, instead of a catch-all. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do looted vehicles other than Imperial Guard ones anyway.
I guess your option could work too, and I think that's what GW is gonna do. Or something similar, but not really.
That doesn't seem like the right course of action.
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Now for others besides ants
You blast that falcon, random necron.

You got the Oscorp "not-bolt pistol"?
Vyridian? Yah she got new rules
Do you think IA are new rules for SoB?
Or that Celestine is a SoB?

Oh you poor bitter chaos fag.
Where are Vyridian's rules?

The fuck is wrong with you?
Inferno still won't be out for four-eight weeks, and they said the next few months will be TSons/Custodes/Yiff stuff, as well as Blood Bowl.
Im getting tired of this
>celestine is not SoB because she doesnt have a special rule
Unless you buy the model you are out of luck.

So technically speaking SoB still haven't got anything new.

The flying cow prevents SoB units to make AoF. So no Celestine is just Sister thanks to its faction not because of her rules
Huh, didn't realise it wasn't out considering a picture of almost every page has been posted on /hhg/ since the weekender.
Oh, I see. Neat, I guess. I kinda want the model but she doesn't really look like she'd fit well with the 30-ish(?) year old sister sculpts.
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For 20 more points she gets precision shots aura, and loses the ability to take any wargear. I think besides that and the power sword she is stock? I have not used a canoness for a long time. They are not very good.

I wish you would stop.
>And then I look at the list and remember there are three apocalypse formations and I can't take them
You guys really need to STFU about the Apocalypse formations. You were never going to be able to use them in regular 40k, nor should you. The formations aren't even good. It's like when Orkfags whine about trukks. It's a total non-issue that makes you look like a tard who just wants to bitch.

Sisters don't have enough different units to necessitate a bunch of formations. They need their demi-company equivalent, maybe a "penitents formation" with the Repentia and Penitent Engines, and that's about it. Just make the rest non-formation Aux choices in the detachment. Formations that are just "take three of unit and it gets better" are stupid and cancer that is ruining formations.
Anyone else dislike the way Duncan does gold armour?

The Retributor armour + reikland looks great, then he applies that terrible Liberator gold and ruins the look.
I'm going to be getting a new codex alongside new plastic models by year's end. You're going to be shitposting about how Celestine totally isn't an SoB for the forseeable future. Don't project your own bitterness onto me. I was just making a joke about the Lord of Skulls and its formation being complete, unplayable shit.
Yeah, pretty much stock. Don't know about canonesses myself, other than that they seem to be the only non-special character HQ choice the sisters have.
I-is it not cool? I like how it basically gives you an army-wide act of faith.

I know. It just really irks me that I have 3 apoc formations to my one normal one.
Dude go buy the grishnakh models war maidens if you wanted good lookin sistas pal. I am going to pick mine up today. Takes only 2 weeks to get to you and they only cost $38 per 5 (price + shipping).
But it is true, if you attach the bitch to a SoB squad of any kind that SoB squad can't do AoF.

That is why the stupid meme. Saint Celestine the Adepta Sorita special character prevents sisters to function properly.

Is not like anyone would actually know or care. Unless inside a tournaments but let's be honest has anyone reach the top 50 in those huge tournaments with pure or at least mayority of SoB models?

In practice it does not matter but it is still an issue and the meme will stay till it is fix
Oh those, last I heard they have an 8-month waiting list.
There are priests actually. But they are 1 wound and meant for melee.
It is not actually that bad, but since work best while capturing objectives not having Objective Secure hurts.

Unless I know we are playing kill points then sure that formation is good
Nah, I bought some on January 24th and they got here February 9th.

>The flying cow prevents SoB units to make AoF
RAW, yes. The reason they didn't include the Act of Faith and Shield of Faith rules was to avoid putting 2 more paragraphs into Celestine's rules. It wouldn't have made sense to include extra rules other Imperial armies will use with Celestine.
But by all means, please interrupt any SoB player you encounter in future if they dare attempt to get shred for their S3 flamers while Celestine's around.
This is totally unrelated to the concept of vehicle design rules.

The issue with chapterhouse is that GW can't claim copyright infringement for a company producing and selling a model of an official unit if GW themselves don't actually make a model for it.

GW does not have and has no ever had any kind of problem with individuals converting, kitbashing or scratchbuilding models using plasticard and/or GW parts, which is explicitly what the vehicle design rules were for.
At what point did "meme" become synonymous with "flavor of the month shitpost?"

You literally admitted that Celestine is a Sisters model due to her faction. You contradicted your own "technically nothing new" bullshit.
Provide some examples from recent GW publications where rules were given for something that necessitated kit-bashing.
Priests don't count as mandatory HQ choices, though.
Interesting, still don't know how to order them though. Send an E-mail to them? Can't seem to find a web page.
>Priests don't count as mandatory HQ choices, though.

Shit, you're right. I forgot about that.
Aside from Celestine not soon. But there are rumors...
Anon please. Are you implying Vyridian and Celestine is a decent model release for a faction neglected for what? 10? 20 years?
Email them asking that you are interested in their models. Also, just type Grishnak models war maidens into google and click on their vk page (russki facebook).

IA SoB priest do.
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Not that anon, but here. The Razorback Rikarius, from some dude's conversion they liked.

Also, nearly all the Renegades and Heretics, Inquisition Acolytes, Ordo Reductor artillery, Legio Cybernetica characters and the Arlatax robot, and a whole bunch of other FW stuff if we include them.
Plastic Sisters of Battle aren't coming. Even the mighty Atia's predictions turned out to be entirely incorrect. I like to think that she did actually see plastic sisters but that meme magic somehow managed to kill them before they saw general production.

The new, unsourced, rumor is that GW is starting to work on plastic Sisters in response to how well the resin Canonness and Celestine sold.
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I'm going to stay right where the goalposts were. You can either provide a real response or fuck off.
>just thought about running an army of literally naked sisters of battle
Where the fuck do I get these ideas
And where would I get that amount of naked models
Yeah, I found their web page. Still, they're not exactly gonna be enough to build a whole army out of right? You still need heavy weapons and characters and tanks.
Do you have a non-ant version?
What the fuck is that gun
And now the actual rules, because I provided a picture for mice.
Can someone tell me where are the Custodes-only sets?
I was browsing FW, when I noticed that you can only buy Custodes together with their vehicles.
Use Auric Armor instead
Also every codex that has weapons options that the kits don't come with, which is almost all of them.
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>his face is adequate for the experience of sticking the fuckers together
Yeah, I plan on having a fuck load of vehicles, priests (puppets war tormentor bodies), and celestine. Less power armour, moar treads.
I really really want that turret. God damn that is sexy. I wonder what noise it makes.
2 degrees from a lawsuit.
I wonder how they made that turret.
You're making a really good case for just ordering everything from GW at once.
>(tank, transport)
>Transport Capacity: None

Weird. I do like the idea of a sort of all-out guns Razorback though. Swap out the space for hurricane bolters and just go to town with a gun platform.

Probably better overall than a Autocannon/HB pred
Well, GW models look like fried, so I would rather not go down that route.

Well I guess I have a high tolerance for old GW models and their female faces, I guess.
And I'm extremely impatient with my orders.
Plastic sisters when? Celestine and the new Cannoness sold reallu well
even tau require kitbashing because they don't have enough weapons in each kit to to allow for fairly common weapon combinations.
Probably a year at best. From what I've heard GW was surprised it did well, so they probably didn't even have any plans.
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He bought it, according to the blog thing.

Turret is >>51662992


Yeah, looks shiny as hell. Wonder if they'd do homebrew rules for my Admech Biologis airship-whale thing I'm just ordering some stuff for. It'll be converted into something a bit like the Leviathan from the Scott Westerfeld books, only more Mechanicum, might use the Stormbird rules, since it's big enough.
Unless I'm a massive retard, Skitarii Vanguard/Rangers are impossible to build without any special weapons unless you have more than one box, and intend to build at least one of each.
Buying two boxes so you can get more fusion blasters is hardly a kitbash.
>They're pretty steadily been removing all options that don't have an in-production model
Explain to me why i cant bring half the options in my carnifex kit then anon
Why hasn't gw attacked Disney
Trying out a GSC list with some artillery support what do you think /TG/?
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>mfw trying Shadowstrike Killt Team + Bladewing Assault Brotherhood for my Black Templars against Elimination Maniple + Skitarii

I never imagined it would go THIS badly.

I managed to kill literally 1 unit of Kataphrons and Skitarii Vanguards before being completely tabled.
Sounds like a basic principle of warfare.
>Wonder if they'd do homebrew rules for my Admech Biologis airship-whale thing I'm just ordering some stuff for

Doubt it. They probably went with that because it was all official GW stuff, it seems. (Vindicator with sponsons from a landraider and a assault cannon turret)
Celestine isnt fat you autist
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And forgot the image
Nah it just took a turn for a good cult ambush roll
>The formations aren't even good. It's like when Orkfags whine about trukks

But anon trukks have been highly viable for orks for every edition but this one.
I had several 100 point games against only Kataphron Breachers and Destroyers and 1 Magos
I never killed more than 6 of them before being tabled. It was always fun but I just can't beat that army with the units I own.
Its not the end of february yet
I wouldn't fuck with Disney.
Crisis suits and broadsides are T4
Crisis commanders with Iridium are T5
Riptides and Ghostkeels are T6
The only T3 Elite they have are stealth suits.
it is by definition a bash of two kits.

If you want to define a kitbash as a bash of two different kits then we can go with buying an extra set of crisis suits so you can use the weapons for your commander.
several 1000 point games.
100 point games would be pretty weird
I can't imagine stuffing loads of cheap infantry into cheap transports could be un-viable ever.
His Kastellans killed 4 of 5 Scouts of my first unit turn 1, his Plasma Destroyers my entire second unit of Scouts (mind you, both scout units had a 3+ cover save and he had to go through difficult terrain to even get LoS on them), I was left with literally 1 Sniper scout on the board by turn 2, got my first Vanguard squad in, which charged and killed his Grav Destroyers, and got the remaining assault teams in, which scattered almost off the board and right into the open to be ripe for the picking because they couldn't charge immediately.

Was an absolute shitfest.
Yeah, I was mostly kidding. Also seems to be done by a GW employee, seeing as the bit about him building it was on their blog. Might do some homebrew with a GW rules template, though, just for games with friends.


Damn. That's basically my go-to list (or it was, before I dropped my Dunecrawler and the little nubs holding the gun on broke, now I'm waiting for magnets to arrive to fix it.)
I don't remember it being that scary, honestly, although I guess it would chew up and spit out MEQ-heavy armies without speed. I play against lots of Death Guard, Tau and GSC, none of which it's that destructive against.
I'm stealing this.
Assuming that "recent" means "after the chapterhouse lawsuit" the tyranid codex includes weapons options the parts for which do not exist at all.

Only one out of three of the termagant weapon options have parts in any kit, none of the bio-artifact weapons have parts either and the most common monstrous creature weapon: TLDWBLWs didn't have parts until forge world started making them.
It was a quick pick-up game at 850 points so there's not really a lot of non-MEQ stuff possible for Space Marines apart from going with a tank list. It's broken as all hell at that level.
I mean trayzen already stole another anon so go for it
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Especially when the rules were in place to protect the occupants, instead of in place to protect Cruds job.
Ghostkeels are only toughness 5. Not sure what that other guy is on about though.
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This was his list if I remember correctly.
Well hey, maybe 8th edition will bring back the footslogging meta.
I mean probably not with the amount of heavy fire power thats in the game right now unless their is army wide nerfs/buffs for it.
Yeah, pretty much my goto save I have a Dominus Maniple instead of the Skits when I have the pts for it, and usually give the Datasmith a Conversion Field. Need to get some actual Arc Rifle skittles, though.

I can see how that would be nasty, although save the Kastelans that's really quite fragile. Shoot the Gravaphrons, they die handily to Hbolters and hate Assault Cannons with a passion.

What was the biggest problem, the giant unkillable robots?
So Phil Kelly is the guy who wrote the Fracture of Ball-Tan book. He said that he gave it his heart and soul in writing the book lore and rules.

So how's the new rules and Eldar lore? Any opinions?
>I can't imagine stuffing loads of cheap infantry into cheap transports

There's your problem, no one with any sense does this because the cheap units are junk.
Kinda meh really
Not moving anything. Where are the plastic Seraphims, Battle Sisters, Retribution, Celestians, Canoness or Repentia.

Maybe there you could say SoB got something like chaos. Since they got TS models in plastic
Rules are pretty good. Lore is okay. Overall its alright
Those as in not the Tau or Eldar.
The fact that I was playing a Deep Strike Assault list that starts with only 2 weak units on the board that are kind of important for one of my 2 formations, everything scattering where it shouldn't and losing 3 of my 6 squads by the time his second shooting phase was over.

I probably could've done something if I had gotten a chance to clear the Skitarii portion and generally destroy the weaker units to deny the Kastellans their shooting, but I never had the chance to get properly into assault before being killed.

Hell, my Veterans + Chaplain squad died right after landing.
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>Orks are a melee race!
okay, there's literally dozens of examples though, you'd probably know that if you actually played 40k.

You're late.
Don't bother with the Skitarii next time until the Kataphrons are dead, they're the killers and the thing I really don't want you shooting. Can't help you with poor deepstrike luck, I'm afraid.

Kastys are big and scary, and expensive. Unless you're a Vanquisher with Beasthunters or something they're a giant deadly H2O molecule of NOPE, can't do much about them. They are over 1/3 of his list, though.
God damn I love the Orks so fucking much.
The other guy had 6 or 12 breachers and 3 or 6 breachers and so I couldn't use my dreadnoughts because haywire and if I got caught by the grav guns the marines died immediately. The only way I could get the upper hand was with assault but I didn't have any assault units. Hitting breachers with tactical marines wasn't very useful, so he could just grind down my army or get the upper hand with the caniticles. I build a vangaurd squad with power axes to fight him and the ravenwing player but I haven't gotten the chance to use them yet.
Lore's interesting enough, but all over the place.

The black guardian webway stuff should have just been baked into the core eldar book as an upgrade to units. Almost as a counterpoint to drop pods.... on the other hand, eldar getting more good rules is kind of annoying.
The answer is in doing the math for ork rules interactions even once this time around.
3 or 6 destroyers, that should be.
DESU its mostly that and the Mek Junka, also by proxy the battlewagon as the WD article that went with the looted wagon rules print said if you dont like it use em as battlewagons.
Huh. The Yncarne is a lot bigger than I thought it was from the promo pics.

It seemed like a decent vehicles until i realized the only way to give it any firepower is buy doubling its points
Drop pod a squad of something like Sternguard next to the KatDs, bombard with Hellfires and kill pretty much the entire squad of 3 right there. Do the same with pretty much anything, really, I've had them go down to stray Tactical bolters often. Transports also sting, because he has like 4 units on the field there, so dedicating two of them to kill a 5-Tac in a Rhino hurts.

Dreads just die, nothing to say there.

A Lib using Pyschic Shriek and/or Terrify really stings, the Kataphrons have shitty Ld and will probably lose 1 or 2 per use.
Vehicles will die, unprotected MEQs will die but the KatDs go down to those Drop Pod blast templates, or Devs with Heavy Flamers in said pod.

It's got a lot of firepower but not a lot of redundancy or health, since that's at most 36 wounds, even at T5.
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I mean, I didn't even get to attack the Skitarii and killed one Kataphron squad only.

My list in all honesty was pretty shit and experimental, picked up a bunch of assault guy recently and am testing things to run them in. Pic related.

List would maybe work against less tanky lists with vehicles to get my value from the melta bombs.
Say what you want of that Russian guy, at least he responded fast. Too bad his Sisters of Battle cost about the same as GW's and come from Russia.
what's the cost of a squad? I've been debating on picking them up for bits simply because GW hasn't restocked the immolator in my region.
Well, in game, the excuse is that the Blood Ravens want them to gtfo because "Muh secret artifacts".

Given that said Magpies love to horde shit, it's only natural to put them down and take it for the imperium. Hell, I bet they're hiding heretical stuff anyway.
5 for 58 dollars plus shipping.
So here's a question for you gents. In the new FoBt book, the Eldar apparently mention something about needing help from another faction to fight chaos. They automatically rule out nids for obvious reasons. Then rule out orks and tau before deciding on the imperium. Could they have or might they ever consider an alliance with the silent king and his Necron dudes? They aren't vulnerable to chaos like humans. Is there some reason Eldar and Necrons aren't willing to move on from a war eons ago? Just curious about this as it would be an interesting turn of events. Lore wise that is -- it would be totally stupid in game.
Burning of prospero or ebay. It sucks, i know.
5 for 28 dollars plus shipping, I meant.
It's kind of fun to have a loyalist hoarding faction.
Due to the nature of imperial bureaucracy a clerical error has resulted in both armies to secure the planet from the occupation of the other.
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Hello /tg/, i plan to buy Girlyman and add some wings to his back ( maybe taken from the sanguinor prime ) and then paint him like Sanguinius, do you think that will work ?
>go look into my stash'o models
>have a box of Imperial Defence line sitting there, half painted
Neat, I didn't even remember this
No. It's not just the war, it's that Necrons terrify Eldar on a spiritual level. The odds of them working with the Necron are about as good as them working with Slaaneshi daemons.
That SS Vanguard Vet squad basically lets you pick one of the units to instakill with Lightning Claws. The Bladewing will probably get shot to bits, honestly. Not much you can do about having to stand out of cover next to Admech, if there's one thing we do well it's shoot down cocky marines. I imagine sniper scouts would do well to kill pretty much anything there, since with camo you're pretty much safe.

Drop pods would serve you better, you need accurate and safe drops and you can't afford to let the Scouts get within 18" of the Skittles, or they'll be torn up with cover-1 radfire then probably lose the assault.

Honestly not much you could have done there, really. Fish in a barrel for Admech, especially with some bad deployment luck.
he has giant Us all over him.
Well, for necrons the war never ended and well eldars and arrogance as basically synonymous.
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>implying there's a benefit by following Tzeench
Anon please
Becoming a daemon Prince is a downgrade not a benefit
>Is there some reason Eldar and Necrons aren't willing to move on from a war eons ago?

Both races are extremely arrogant and unwilling to forgive grudges. Also, it's implied in some places that the Eldar were created by the Old Ones specifically to help them fight against the Necrons and C'tan - it's possible that their genesis means the Eldar simply can't conceive of any kind of peace or ceasefire with the Necrons, hypothetical or otherwise.
Is the Emperor Malal?
i could try to remove them or i may simply ignore them, i only see two of them on that pic, but maybe i missed some

Maybe i just say that the U stands for the U in Sanguinius
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>Chaos lord manages to kill my Hive Tyrant in CC
>Rolls for his Chaos Boon, turns into a Daemon Prince
>No longer an independent character
>No longer able to hide in his Terminator squad
>Pop his T5 ass with a St10 warp blast
But why tho? Is this fear discussed somewhere? Eldar or Necron codex or something? I'd like to read about it so this makes more sense.

I know the Necrons are creepy soulless robutts, but they don't want to take anybody's soul, just their planets. They have no psychic influence, so they don't attract daemons, which might make the DE appreciate them too.
How did he manage to get into CC with a FMC, anon?
i can't wait to see how he paints the Visarch, the Yncarne is slightly interesting and not as difficult to paint as i thought.

i have some spare cash to buy the book and models, but that's a bit much and i could just add in a vyper to sate my hunger for new models.

friends shouldn't let friends ebay while drunk
Why are nids considered as weakest faction?
Because he wasn't running some pansy brainleecher he was running a man's tyrant with a reaper of obliterax and tyrant guard.
They're not, Orks are.

Nids shit all over Chaos, Orks and DE.
Out of my head, i am sure there is more

codex chaos space marines:
Lord/sorceror on bike or daemic steed or with jump pack
there are no models for chosen except a few with fixed weapons
no models for combi weapons (use loyalist but that *is* a kitbash)

Codex SM:
Several razorback weapon options are only available via forgeworld if at all, so are many dreadnaught weapons
dozer blades for rhino and friends only through FW or get the Guard ones
SM HQs on bike except chaplain
force weapons for librarians as the models with sword and axe are largely discontinued

Codex Orks:
-bigmek with weapons except snotzogga
-bigmek with KFF is no longer in production
-waaaghboss with most equipment options including bike
painboy on bike
weapon options for buggy/wartrakk
rockets on trukk

Codex Necrons
HQ weapon options as all models only have a generic staff/scythe whatever but can take different

Codex Astra Militarum
weapon options for commissar
shotguns for veterans
With AdMech being my secondary army, I pretty much knew I lost the moment my shit scattered 11 inches from behind walls right into the open. Not really going to survive against 6 AOE Plasma shots and 12 Phosphor shots with anything on foot.

Going to test some more things on how to maybe use these Assault Marines in 850 games. I guess Battle-Demi or a Pinion would be alright if all else fails. Skyhammer is pretty unlikely to be usable in this point range as well so eh. Might just stick to my normal "Tacticals with stuff and a Vindicator" CAD and add the Shadowstrike Kill Team as my dedicated assault section. Non-scattering, insta-charging melee units are technically pretty fucking good for Templars, but then again, nothing is really "really fucking good" instead of any other Chapter Tactic, since there's ALWAYS one more suited for the job.
>5 for 28 dollars plus shipping, I meant.
US$, I'm guessing? Probably ten-ish bucks for shipping on top. That's not bad considering the quality.

I'll have to dig around to find his email and make an order.
Wouldn't a swarm lord be better?
What you're saying is that he was trying to lose on purpose.
Talking about this, and similar, aspects to the Eldar is very complex because so much of their ancient history is bound up in myths, and while the events in those myths did occur, the specifics are somewhat open to interpretation. Essentially, during the war in heaven, one of the Eldar gods was wounded in the process of banishing the Nightbringer. A splinter of the Nightbringer's body worked into the wound, which in turn poisoned the Eldar racial psyche.
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Say Ahhhhhhhh.
*...good" with Black Templars instead...
Chaos vs Nids is like playing cripple fights, so you can bring out stuff that would get laughed off the board by other armies. Like Tyrants without wings.

Actually no, because the Swarmlord doesn't have Fleet. If you want to run a stompy ground Tyrant, you're better off with a standard one, kitted out with a Lashwhip+Bonesword and Adrenal Glands. That way you actually have half a chance of getting into close combat, and it's cheaper to boot.
tyrant guard are so cool, I want them to not be shit
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>The rise of Imotekh the Stormlord has come to pass, proving true the Prophecy of Risen Doom contained within the Book of Mournful Night. With this revelation, the Seer Councils of the craftworlds are forced to concede that the danger prophesied by the Alaitoc Eldar is very real, and set in motion ancient plans to combat them.


>To the Eldar, the Stormlord represents the greatest threat posed by the Necrons, for they know that should he realise his ambitions, the horrors of a bygone age will once more return to the galaxy.

>Since the Fall, the tome’s covers have remained closed, sealed shut with flickering chains of light. Yet now, long-awaited portents have come to pass. A fallen sorcerer seeks the lore of the library. A king stirs in his court of death and silence, preparing to rise once more. Within madness’ eye, the champion of the Ruinous Powers prepares to seize a realm long denied. As the signs have come to pass, so the bands of light about the tome have flickered and died.
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Holy shit, and Lelith can roll with them too.

Fuck me, I know most of /tg/ is probably crying about Eldar getting even more cool stuff, but I'm just so happy that I may actually be able to run cool stuff like Wyches without them being complete trash.

I'm actually tempted to put Yvraine, the Visarch, and Lelith all in the same unit of snowflakey death. It just seems to make sense from a fluff standpoint.
So I don't have a Chaos Spawn, but I do have a Sigmarine and a shit load of Chaos bits. Would most people accept a horrifically mutated dude as Spawn?
Ok thanks.
>Nids shit all over Chaos, Orks and DE.
Not even remotely @ DE or decent Chaos lists.

Nids are second worst.
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>Starbane, eyes red in mourning, stained with the ashes of Somonor, blazing with revenge, had spoken. This war had become an obsession for the farseer. The anger of Khaine burned bright in his heart. Vengeance; deep, throbbing, emotions steeped far from those offered by any Path save that of the Bloody-Handed One. The exodites and their plight were merely another tool to be used in the war against the souldark.

>Illic accepted this, for this drove him too. He knew, perhaps better than any other eldar alive, the threat posed by the souldark to his people. The mon-keigh, the Lost Kin, She-Who-Thirsts, all these foes paled before the soulless evil of the necrons.
Running Incubi alongside regular eldar sounds more fun
Does inquisitor coteaz fuck up GSC bullshit not-infiltrate, or does it somehow not count? Tired of having to run guard in tanks every game to avoid suprise buttsex every game. And I do mean every game. Fucking 4 people are playing GSC here now. That leaves me the guard player, and an ork horde player who also gets buttfucked by bullshit. I dont care what you are running in guard and orks, 20 genestealers and a broodlord who only have to absorb one turn of overwatch WILL fuck your shit up.
Coteaz does nothing against Cult Ambush during deployment.

Inquisitor Greyfax counters the turn 1 charges, though.
Ulthwe Strike Force
1-4 Elites

Black Guardian Windriders
3ppm more than normal ones, but otherwise the same
get scatterless deep strike (but can't be within 9")

If you take four units of Black Guardians you can roll for Reserves T1
>Does inquisitor coteaz fuck up GSC bullshit
yes, because (aside from the pre-game deployment) they're entering from reserves

the witch hunter/greyfax NO INFILTRATE ALLOWED warlord trait (alongside servo skulls) will prevent/hamper the pre-game deployment, because they are infiltrating

>but muh healthy at every size
Celestine is thicc THICC
That seems really useful as a sort of drop anti-tank team. Throw in that, maybe a unit of Black Storm guardians with Fusion or something with Bright Lances in case of heavier AV things like Land raiders, but aside from those you'll basically ruin any sort of vehicle formation on turn 1 without any real chance for error.
Thanks to GW incompetence I have 2 Vyridian and 2 Valkyries.

What on Earth I'm going to do with the second Valk and Vyridian. Beside selling them.

Maybe some double Veterans with 3 plasma guns? Deepstriking? Kind of redundant since I have 2 scion that are already doing that, but hey plasmas are rare with my SoB.
>hungry skeleton vs human being
It's the armour, you dimwit. You could put an anorexic woman in Celestine's armour and she'd still look slightly thick.
Make vendetta
if you're allying in guard to begin with, you could take a company HQ with four plasma guns, or three plasma guns and a medic to patch them up when they inevitably blow up
We need to go thinner
How bad is the internal balance in modern GW codexes?

That is, can most of the problems with balance in the game be fixed by simply giving weak armies more points, or would you need to evaluate literally every unit to have all the options be at least semi-viable in a competitive environment?

>hungry skeleton

tumblr plz go
Double vendettas that is what 300 ish points?

Out of stubbornness I do not like having my transport empty. Since scion already deep strike. Is there something in the IG that comes in 5 or 6?
She's not exactly nurgle sized, if you know what I mean.
The second one. Dear god, the second one.

Even the best armies in the game have trash units.

The whole core system needs a good rework.
>Is there something in the IG that comes in 5 or 6?
command squads, special weapons squads
Special Weapons Squads.
I was getting one valk for the model and maybe use Acolyte squads with prescience for silly deepstrike. Not the most efficient thing but was funny.

But with Castellans? Well I can put actual guard units without much problems.

I'll check your suggestion thou, I have about 30 guardsmen so making command squads could be easy.
just buy Sanguinius when he comes out
Take 6 man special weapon squad with 3 demo charges.
Any Euros here?
I ordered something from GW two weeks ago but it is still "on the way". Their homepage says it usually takes up to 11 days max.

Germany here by the way
We have a winner! But wait can I use all the charges the same turn?
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>Any Euros here?

No, I'm British.
Why are the xeno factions getting access to D strength weapons in their normal codexes while Imperium has to go to forgeworld for the D?
>Ever coming out
Daddy is dead anon. Hes not coming back
Don't do this to me Anon
I was just about to order from GW and I can't stand waiting
>can I use all the charges the same turn?
there's nothing stopping you

Though to get a special weapon squad I think you still need to take a platoon, which may not be the best fit for your list.
still got the tracking number? maybe you ordered something they ran out of in the warehouse
We actually taking buffing armies? Cause if so I've been wanting to talk about the forge world chapter tactics for a while
Poland here, try going to your nearest GW store, I went there when my renegades were "on the way" for a month and they cleared that up.
Germany here too
when i ordered directly from GW it came from england, which took forever.
Always get stuff to a GW store if you can
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Y-yeah, all those D-Weapons...f-feels good boss
The balance isn't horrific, but when people only bring the strongest models in a codex they tend to trample over casual builds and entire codices that have weaker strongest models.

Some codices strongest units are powerful enough in comparison to their other units that you'll do considerably worse if you don't run them. (E.g. Codex: Flyrant & Codex:Thunderwolf)

Formations can throw things out of wack though. Some are useful in that they make otherwise unlikely to be run models viable (E.g. Raptor Talon) well some take strong units and make them even stronger, sometimes to the point of ridiculousness (E.g. Heavy Retribution Cadre).
Forge World need to update badab ffs.
There are only some things that need to get fixed with those, mostly some of the Tactics that got outdated by edition changes or alterations to the codex.

Fire Hawks, for example, is easy to fix by just giving Obsec to their jump units.
Storm sword and knights aren't forge world.
Salamanders got a D relic, and every Imperial army can take Knights out the ass. You're the ones who brought Superheavies and D into normal games to start with.
Give my renebabies some formations ffs, something that can make plague ogryns usable.
A shithead at GW took them from terrifying & respectable in CC & shooting to unplayable except for FMC Hive Tyrant spam.

>They pay more for Monstrous Creatures than any tank for inferior speed & armor.
>MCs laden with rules they hurt instead of benefit them despite high costs--Riptide & Spyder are infinitely better
>MCs & HQs have no invuln saves
>MCs & HQs have no 2+ saves
>Plethora of upgrades rendered worthless & w/o rules by said faggot above
>Complex rules that hamstring them, restrict them, or directly harm them when other armies have only beneficial ones for less in way of points
>Swarms require use of Synapse creatures just to not fucking kill themselves
>Nidzilla requires doubling up on MCs with Synapse creatures
>no access to better psychic powers (arbitrarily removed)
>No unit synergy; only punishment for not being in Synapse
>Weak troops who, again, kill themselves
>Upgrade options had rules stolen so tons of shit is worthless
>Dedicated CC models have WS3 & few attacks; dedicated shooting ones have BS3
>Many models have contradictory roles & rules (Haruspex has armorbane, but heals wounds by eating infantry--but 3A & WS3)
>MCs should be in CC, but no way to move faster than 6"

TL;DR a salty treadhead who got rump-rustled that he let a giant monster walk across the board and destroy his precious OC DONUTSTEEL snowflake tank hated the army & was allowed to write their codex twice, ripping away all the interesting & sensibly powerful upgrades & abilities while even shitting on them in fluff in their own book. Their rules punish them for existing when other armies can lay down units better in every way for cheaper & with beneficial rules.

Robin Cruddace is an unprofessional, pedantic hack who also probably wrote the 7th ed Ork insult, such that literally any fandex for them or a Tyranids is better balanced & fluffier--even Space 0din's abortion is superior in every way.
Britain will always -ALWAYS- be part of Europe, no Brexit will change that.
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>four-eight weeks
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>Another "'Fucking disgusting 1/10 would not lay' perma-virgin complains" episode

Hope this show gets better writers next season.
Agreed. Admittedly, most are ok. Mantises lost their big draw though and i would suck ward's dick for some fluffy formations for those chapters
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Hey /tg/

Just been introduced to the hobby by a friend of mine and gifted a can of Chaos Black at a Local GW, according to the Salesman trying to hump my leg I don't need a respirator or goggles or anything despite vapour warnings on the can.

10 minutes on google and results are pretty conflicting.

Anyone have an actual idea if I need to use a mask or not?

Filename should be "purge the mutant!"
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would only use outside* but no mask

*which is a bit of a problem when too humid or too cold etc
>according to the Salesman trying to hump my leg I don't need a respirator or goggles or anything despite vapour warnings on the can.

He's correct unless you plan on spraying it in your face.
Use a mask in a ventilated area if you enjoy having healthy lungs.
As long as you're outside and you're holding it at arm's length, you should be fine. Just make sure the wind isn't blowing it back at you.

If you're worried though, there's no harm in wearing goggles or a mask. It'll probably be like 10 bucks at a hardware store.
If you do it outside/in a opened garage you don't. If you're doing it inside what the fuck are you doing?
fuck masks, those are for pussies. let Papa Nurgle into your heart, wear a gask mask AFTER you turn thats what the cool kids do.
By xeno factions you mean eldar right? And I agree, why do eldar have so many d weapons, and extra movement, and extra shooting, and extra everything
I actually made Vaylund Cal before Smashfucker came out. He gave fnp to devastators in 5th ed and what he got in 6th? Fucking 5T devastators for FIFTY POINTS, it doesn't matter how many marines you have, its still 50.
Just spray into a box.
Chaos daemons have ludicrously easy access to the D due to supplements but only if you're Khorne or Tzeentch.
If you want to spray inside you should ideally have a vented spray booth.
Hey man, 50 points is 50 points
5 marines cost 70, 50 points is almost double the price.
I need glam as fuck elf/eldar heads to make some corsairs worth looking at.

You know with fluffy hair and stuff

anyone know where I might acquire some?
Does anyone have a pdf of the rules for Gathering Storm book II?
If you buy a squad of 10 for the extra wounds, that's only 5 each. It's not quite nurgle level, but it could be nice for a heavy weapon team with expensive guns that you want to protect.
What's better for an assault army, a Vindicator or a deckked out Predator/Predator + Wargear?
Dark eldar wyches and deldar bikes heads
P-sure the plastic sisters sprue was meant to be Celestine and the twins they were.
Both are terrible but if I had to choose I would pick the vindicator, because if they survive being a fire magnet it's pie plate template will wreck shit.
Gotta go with the Vindicator. It's better for taking out enemy tanks, and it'll want to advance alongside your troops. They can give it cover, or it can give them cover.
In small games, is it better to give my Warlord some extra gear or instead equip like 2 squads with special gear?

Or rather: give my Space Marine Captain some relic or give my normal troops more special/heave weapons in 1000 point games?
>"Celestine is fat"
>Celestine has corset on top of her armor.
Go for the squad upgrades.
Most of the wyches doesn't wear helmets and there are unhelmeted biker heads
Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but I'm super new to this shit.

I'm building up the Harlequin side of the Death Masque box, and I got to the Skyweavers now. It looks like there's two options for a gun underneath the ship. One like pic, and another with three prongs. The book that came with it says shit all, other than to make it the Blades of Fate unit, add Zephyrglaives.

Is there any real difference between these two weapons, or is it just aesthetics?
Would this be enough nurgle crap for me to try 40k? I mainly do aos, and I'd like to try:

Plaguebearers x50
Plague drones x6
Nurglings x6
Heralds of nurgle x2
Daemon prince x1

Tempted to maybe also grab some plague marines. There's also rumours of a nurgle update including a new great unclean one model, so I'm waiting to see what happens before I get one.
Yeah that's 5 troop choices, some fast attack, and your HQ's. I don't think you can take the demon prince unless you have them as a Chaos Space marine detachment, the good news is you can take zombie cultists as your troops to keep the flavor of the list.
They are two different weapons. The one in your picture is a shuriken catapult, the other is the haywire cannon.
The unit entries in the Deathmasque box have fixed loadouts. Use the Harlequin Codex to see what the full unit's options are
Hmm, in that case, I might grab the current, relatively cheap great unclean one, and use him as a prince after the (supposed) update.
>One like pic, and another with three prongs.

The one in the picture is a Shruiken Cannon; it's good at killing infantry and can damage light vehicles. The gun with the prongs is a Haywire Cannon, which is a dedicated anti-vehicle gun. Skyweavers IMO are best off with the default Shruiken Cannons and Zephyrglaves as an anti-infantry melee unit, so that's what I'd suggest giving them.
It is better to go for the squad upgrades than the space marine captain a relic normally. As its better to put your points into multiple groups rather than one guy who can be shot off the board by a unit worth half his points.
You can run that easily as something like a 1k army
The DP is an HQ choice, but a GUO is also good (but slow as shit)
No reason not to, greater demons are pretty awesome. I always have mine summoning in more demons.
Its still 67 points for a ap3 large ordinance blast, thats fucking amazing for orks
Yup. That'd be nice since summoning is crap in sigmar. Plus I read somewhere that they're either the hardest or one of the hardest models to kill in 40k (though I also read that a plaguebearer can eat 13-ish bolter rounds, so take that with a grain of salt)
Good to know. Thanks
Not my god, so Im not sure, but probably. Also its really cool you're playing monogod, I feel like Im one of the few sometimes. If you get lucky on your powers you can have your greater demon resummon itself at full wounds when it gets low, too.

I thought so too until you look at it as keeping mutable units in reserve instead of thousands of free points. Imagine having a stern guard pod unit in reserve, and instead of having to pick your combi-weapon at creation, you get the combi you need when they arrive. What if you need some AA support? Well, then you can bring in a flier instead.

That's the benefit of summoning in AoS. Unfortunately, armies like Sylvaneth that can only summon one unit are just better off taking that one unit.
I was thinking of trying to get into Age of Sigmar since I can just use my 40k demons for it, right? Its all round bases. The issue is I'm mono-Slaanesh and Ive heard Slaanesh got the boot with AoS
>Ive heard Slaanesh got the boot with AoS
You heard wrong
So I can take my Keeper of Secrets and some Daemonettes, and go play AoS with them?
>Ive heard Slaanesh got the boot with AoS
Nah, it's a plot point. The daemons and followers are all looking for it.

I did the same thing with Tzeentch in 5th edition. It's a good way to cover both grounds, though now I refuse to play Tzeentch in 40k for obvious reasons.


Totally. All their rules are free except the points, though they're free in the right place. The AoS app is kinda decent, actuay.
>sue Disney
>Disney respond by buying you out and firing your whole staff
>suddenly female Space Marines, turns out Sanginius was gay after all, Skitarii become an analog of transsexuals, Slaanesh killed off, etc
>Turns out sanginius was gay after all
Why does that make me the angriest of all those?

Nope. Slaanesh is missing in the fluff (believed to be prisoner to the elves), but all the units are still usable.

Click on a unit, then scroll down to read the rules PDF. All of the rules are also available on the app.

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armour on top of a woman who is an actual soldier

you fat fuck
What show is this?
10/10, would let her penetrate my rear.

because nowadays disney is full of sjw millenials, just look at marvel.
Slaanesh, pls go
>Shows a girl wearing weight lifting belt as an argument.

I'm beerbellied and built fat fuck and even I look skinnyt with weightbelt.
Lol, yeah. It's still playable though and it MIGHT get a reboot this year
Yup. You can find all the points in the generals handbook. There's a PDF somewhere in the aos thread
And then you have units like the screaming bell, which has the potential to summon a verminlord, which would have just been more useful on the field to begin with
Because it's fucking obvious he is, it's just that nobody wants it to become actual canon.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of khorne or chaos undivided.
That's what I'll probably be doing.

Incubi and Wyches are two of my favourite units. It saddens the fuck out of me that Wyches suck and Incubi are trapped in a trash faction.

The Soulbound formation, lead by Yvraine/Visarch in a retinue of balling ass Incubi, should be fun to play.
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>One is regular plate armor which is just thin metal sheets over an undersuit
>One is power armour which has layers of synthetic musculature under armor plates

Go figure.
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Can Yncarne beat Abaddon on the TT?

By the way, she is a cutie.
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As soon as our Spiritual Liege bitchslaps Fulgrim for giving him a 9,000 year sore throat.
Want to start Dark Eldar. Is it good time to start ?(idiotic Gathering Storm, not know that rules. They got molded into Ynnari?). What to buy as a starter?
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Anyone have the comic of Yvraine turning the thousand sons back to normal and then throwing them into the warp in front of Ahriman?
I wonder how they undo the girlymans poison
Buy venoms, lots of venoms.
the same way they undid the rubric — space magic
they accept the wisdom of the codex, and he wakes up to gloat about it
One of the articles on GW's community pages mentions that his armour includes some sort of built-in life support system, so I'm guessing they can't wholly cure it.
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Meanwhile, with mortarion:
Ynnead can reverse death.
Plastic Aspect warriors when?
Fuck you Eldar.
Forgot to add, don't want to use craftworlders pleb as allies, only DE.
>can it beat Aby
>literally got rekt by one of his flunkies
Venoms meme


The deldar start collecting is a great buy.

Warriors in raiders with splinter racks are perfectly fine now, but Venoms with Trueborn and Blasters are still great. Reavers are great. Scourges are great.

The Ynnari rules are retardedly overpowered and if you use them, you'll only wonder why you aren't using better units because you don't have the excuse of them being another army.

Ynnari is an optional list. You trade Power from Pain(gradually gain armywide special rules over the course of the battle) for Soulburst(take an extra action once per turn in response to a nearby unit being destroyed).
I said on the table top.

And Ahriman isn't Abaddon's flunkie.
Okay then when are plastic Pyrovores or biovores coming?
I dont want to have op army (also fluff of Death Eldars is trash to me), I like fluff of DE. Will get Start Collecting, thanks anon!

He's still alive in the 30k timeline though, and will be for quite a while.
Yes but i doubt his 30k model will be relevantly sized to what the 40k model would be.
Should I have a lightning claw on my raptor champion or just stick with a power sword?

Depends on the situation and meta, whether Shred is worth having 1 less attack.

Iirc, the math works out that shred is better in most cases.
4 attacks against ws4 t4: 1 dead
3 attacks against ws4 t4: 1,25 dead.
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40k rules for Lorgar and Erebus WHEN???
When you open your codex, you non-chaos fuck

He doesn't have rules unless generic Dark Apostle with Script of Erebus counts somehow.
It does.
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What would a fluffy statline for Thunder Warriors? I want to convert some to add to my Not!Vostroyan Unification army, but given their very, very minor appearance in the fluff, it's hard to stat them.

They seem to be superior to spess muhreens in strength, speed and possibly skill, immune to psykers, but equipped with shit armor and lacking any real emotion, though I can't really think of a way to show the latter in crunch.

Currently I'm thinking something like;

WS 5 / BS 3 / S 5 / T 6 / I 5 / W 1 / A 3 / LD 9 / Sv 4+ / FNP 5+

Standard bolter/chainsword wargear, maybe something to represent their apparant ability to just stone-wall even really powerful psyker's attempts to effect them.
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r8 my f8ce; pls no h8
Why would you want unique rules for something that is already in the codex just without his name? He isn't anything special in combat.
Thin your paints, looks great, though too much paint on there
before powers and other stuff i'd give it to abaddon due to his weapons
You gay now
>They seem to be superior to spess muhreens in strength, speed and possibly skill, immune to psykers

Nope. Master of Mankind said they were shit tier and the Marines needed to replace them for the fiercer wars out in the galaxy.
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Just about anything Imperial at any rate.
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>God that will eat your soul and torture you for eternity
>shambling Beep boop

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Do you guys try and make your opponent play it out when they try and forfeit

>usually I tell them if they aren't having fun then they should just say gg before it becomes bg, but if I see they have a chance to make a come back I'll tell them how I think
wow thanks m8. you wont believe it but its cadian flesh tone thinned at 1: 0.75, if not 1 to 1. camera phones are unforgivung
Illic's an idiot, too blinded by his hatred of the Dark Eldar and fear of the Necrons to see the truth of the matter.
I try to make them enjoy the hour - two hours we spend together.
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Cunt of a phone
>undying race of killer robots who warp reality around their cold mechanical hands that murdered your creators/gods

What isn't there to fear?
They were prone to breaking down mentally and physically at random and weren't biologically immortal like Astartes. Plus they were emotionless killing machines who couldn't do anything not linked to violence, which isn't a very inspiring example for regular human plebs to aspire to like the Humanity+ of the marines. That's why they were replaced.

The two times in the HH they're described fighting Astartes, the Astartes get rekt.
Necrons have the ability to destroy souls forever unlike Slaanesh. This is worse to the Eldar than being claimed by Slaanesh.
Not afraid of eldar therefor not afraid of anyone that eldar have btfo
Sure, but even at the absolute WORST, they can just kill your body. Your soul will survive and the galaxy will still remain, so new life can evolve again at some point in the distant future. If Slaanesh, and chaos as a whole, triumphs, you lose your soul and the whole of realspace vanishes.
>They were prone to breaking down mentally and physically

They were also weak as shit as said in Master of Mankind.

>Watching Warhammer TV cover the Las Vegas Open

>The players (all North Americans) are such poor sports and bad losers the very second they calculate they can no longer win they instantly concede
>This happened even when they were being streamed on the top table for the Internet

>Turn 2... and he's conceded... oh well we were expecting that game to last another 60-90 minutes, sorry guys, just twiddle your thumbs for the next two hours while we wait for the next game.

WS4 BS3 S4 T4 I3 A2 LD8 (stubborn) Sv4+ (FnP5+)

counter attack, furious charge

That's how I'd do it. .
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>Necrons have the ability to destroy souls forever unlike Slaanesh
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No u
The soul harvesting tech, C'tan shards, and Pylons.
If the most radical of the necrons win then the warp is closed off from reality and all life is extinguished

>that's been mostly retconned though right? These days necrons eant their bodies back, unless you're a destroyer
2 Start Collecting a and Gang of Commoragh is a good beginning DE army. After that I'd grab a Venom and Incubi to guard/transport your Archon.
Sounds like you'd keep them at S5 T5,
Maybe on failing a FNP on a 1 they take an additional Wound.
Lower Ld, but make them "savage/undisciplined" as in you need to do Ld tests not to charge.

A lot of their weaknesses (dying from old age), (willing to slaughter civilians, etc) don't really translate well into Tabletops... unless you do a crazy 1000+ year war campaign.
Okay, so, I want to use jetbikes, they look rad.

I also want to use scatter lasers, as they also look rad.

How many scatter lasers in a unit of five or six is too much? Why the fuck did GW give me the option to give them all these amazing guns?
>watching #LVO, such poor sportsmanship, people quit after turn two, my #imperialfists would have swept the tournament, sad!
because GW does not care
the asshole option is all of them
the option from the previous codex, i.e. the gentlemen choice, is one heavy per 3 bikes
Incredible on how the smurfs in DoW 1 have the wrong color scheme, same goes the Alpha legion
If you want to follow past precedent and other codexes to avoid being called a WAAC faggot go with 1 scat per 3 bikes.
>How many scatter lasers in a unit of five or six is too much?
1 per 3 is usually good

>Why the fuck did GW give me the option to give them all these amazing guns?

Phil Kelly has a major elf boner
(Also rules are dictated by the model, and Bikers had one SW per bike)
That's just autism, you see it in the lower tiers of super smash bros events too, people just don't understand what good sportsmanship is and they don't understand why you shouldn't scream and toss your controller while you're on stream

>also LVO is based on win loss and not on overall VPs? Doesn't seem as dynamic as it could be, mind you I am in no way a tourneyfag other than my LGSs monthly events
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New bread when?

Did this come as a surprise to anyone else?
This is the chess mentality, not a 'casual fun' mentality. The whole point of quitting once you're in a No-win situation is a courtesy for your opponent. You've lost, you know you can't win anymore. So you concede the win to your opponent so that he can move more quickly on to his next match and everyone takes less time. In that situation the dick move is drawing out what would otherwise be a 3 minute game into a 30 minute game.

This mentality has it's purpose. In Chess tournaments this is considered GOOD sportsmanship. But it's considered quite bad sportsmanship in many other games.
What? That they made non Imperium terrain or you're on Aus/NZ and bitching about the cost?



Phill "Eldar wins for grins" Kelly is why
We already saw the datasheets for it. More surprising to me is the price for what's basically a bunch of trees.
Nah, saw the new terrain with the gathering storm leaks.
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>weak as shit

Don't make things up anon.
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>The players (all North Americans) are such poor sports and bad losers the very second they calculate they can no longer win they instantly concede

that's not poor sportsmanship, it's considered BM to draw out a losing game for no reason...
Thats mentally, Astartes are meant to be more well rounded as human beings, Thunder warriors are all kill, all day, always.
How am I making things up?
You can read right there, the Thunder Warriors were far weaker and wouldn't stand a chance in the wider galaxy.

>Thats mentally

No, it's everything.
Weaker physically and mentally.
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Then should I use twin claws?

If there was a discount like in 30k (20pts for a pair), then sure. However, having to pay 15 more points isn't worth it on a 1W model.
Is an ordo Hereticus Inquisitor really that useless outside of an anti psyker force ?

And what is the best way to kit him ?
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Death guard list of doooooom

sorc of nurgle on bike

3x plague marines with rhino and plasma gun

2x blight drones

2x laser rapier vindicators

helbrute with power scourge and fist
2x cultist squads with 29 guys and a nurgle mark.
Null rod and throw him in a giant deathstar of doom.
two spawn as well.
what kind of deathstar ? (srry i'm fairly new and I don't know the most awesome synergies)
Nothing psychic as the null rod prevents blessings.

But a crusader full of termies or something similar works. (Thunder hammer storm shield.)
SO, what Girlyman will do when he discovers the Minotaurs?
are stormsurges the only tau unit that has destroyer missiles? makes sense considering a single markerlight turns it into a sDap1 weapon with like a 72" range or something
I don't like playing when it's not fun even if I can win. I will always call a game when it's boring. Waste of time and other people are waiting.
In that case, amazing. Keep up the good work.
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