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Guess Who?

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Thread replies: 380
Thread images: 50

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He's coming, ladies and gentlemen.
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Girlyman 2017. Make Imperium Great Again.
holy shit
do you think he will revealed what happened to the missing legions.
I told you he would like 5 months ago but people went "NAH HE'S DEAD LOL". Fuck you for not believing me. Last time I drop facts on /tg/. Fuck you all.
He's a big guy
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I miss 3rd-4th Ed 40k with none of this dumb plastic kit shit or DLC-type stuff like allies, detatchments, datasheets, formations.


Model is actually rather disappointing too.
>More named characters
I like it better than the 30k one, flaming sword aside.

Still needs a helmet, though.
That the new GK model next to him?
and a new Cypher
Why is Abaddon attacking a planet belonging to the Ultramarines? He must know by now that Marneus never loses.
Cypher and the new GK is next to him.

It'll no doubt be a £50/£60 trio like the first two. Goolyman, GK guy and then Cypher on the left, who looks pretty nice actually.
This really looks like 40k end times.
Marneus is kill. Roboute is back now.
Do you see Marneus anywhere in the leaks? No. With Girlyman back, he is redundant which means he can die to make way for the new characters.
Calagar kets wrecked by Abaddon.

>miraculous, game defining event

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>Do you see Marneus anywhere in the leaks? No.
they may kill him, but I would be sad because marneus is technically speaking a character older than robute himself
>The sword that Cypher has was the Emperor's Sword
>He gives it to Girlyman
>Girlyman uses the sword
>vows to give it to the Emperor

There. That's the plot, now shoo.
Readable paragraphs here:
>This month sees the release of Rise of the Primarch, the third book in the Gathering Storm series. Like the preceding two books - Fall of Cadia and Fracture of Biel-Tan - the title is pretty blatant, and the front cover leaves nothing to the imagination - Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines Chapter, is reborn!

This 136-page hardback book follows the introduction of Roboute Guilliman to the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium and the monumental task he has ahead of him - that of saving the Imperium. Alongside a cracking story you'll find rules for using Guilliman and his advisors in your games of Warhammer 40,000, plus maps, 'Eavy Metal showcases, epic illustrations, new missions, army- building options and planet more besides.

>Cypher's back! The mysterious, black-armoured gunslinger has returned at the hour of the imperium's greatest need, claiming he will help Guilliman, but only if he takes him to Terra. We sense shenanigans on the part of the Fallen Dark Angel and Guilliman is clearly not too pleased to the see sword that he's carrying. You can see more of Cypher's new model..

what are you circling?
>Kill Marneus to replace him with MarneusX10
Okay look, Space Marine Characters like Marneus are already big enough sues as is, never losing any campaigns ever, but now we get Roboute?

Shit we're in for a character who's never gonna lose anything the likes of which not even Logan and Dante can compare to.
Do you see Calgar near his Primarch? No? He's ded.
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can you really not see?
why is he so huge
Looks like a marine with a shield to me.
Model is great.

Dunno who it is. Mordaran or whatever his name was?

Terrible model. The Flaming Sword looks too much like the Emperor's sword and I don't like that.
>Cipher wants to help Girlyman
Has Robutt Girlyman ever WON anything? So far the only thing he managed to do was writing a book that not even the Ultramarine follow anymore.
You're baiting, right? I hope you are. If not, fuck off and lurk more. Fucking /v/ermin, /tv/irgins and /pol/cucks.

Cypher. Not Cipher. And he will only help (along with the Fallen) if he gets to Terra. Also there is due to be Fallen rules as well.
What if it is the Emperor's sword?
The primarch model is shit. Looks like a cartoon character.
Unlike the deviant Dark Angels chapter, the Fallen Angels respect and aspire to the teachings of the Codex Astartes.
Why do so many of the primarchs have girly french names?
Then that's just going to make me hate Ultrasmurfs even more. How did he get hold of it?
How Big is a Primarch? 10 meters?
just when you thought mk6 armour couldn't look more retarded they find a way. Those legs look like fucking popeye.
maybe cypher gives it to him

Did this rumour come out before or after the OP pic?

Cypher gave it to him most likely.
The Emphra used to be Napoleon.
One of them has one.

>10 Metres

Anon that's 32 feet.
Since when was Gillyman twice the height of a marine, I thought he wasn't one of the huge ones
Remember that he was dead, anon. The armour he's wearing will be barely understood and patched together. So chances are it's a mix of shit. So that's why he is the way he is.

Alpharius was the smallest at about 9ft-10ft. Magnus was the biggest, I think 15ft tall. So Girlyman is about 13ft tall.
Yeah but he's in 40K now!

40K is where, if your a named Space Marine Special Character from the right Chapter, you are incapable of ever truly losing.

And he's that to the umpteenth degree. Remember in his introduction alone he's already gonna beat back Abaddon's invasion and outclass a literal God.
but doesn't it sit with the emperor on the golden throne
but shouldn't the Emperor's sword be a force-weapon, and therefor useless to Big Blue?
see >>51537676

Cypher hasn't been to Terra yet.
3.5th ed = best ed.
How to did he get hold of it if DA never made it to Terra when he died and how did Cypher pick it up and keep it for so long? Why would Girlyman have the balls to use it anyway?

Plus the old art has a sword across Emperor's lap.
Marine should be 3 meters high and he look like an Eldar Avatar compared to them.
>7. Abaddon is likely to be killed during the last book, GW staffs are jokingly saying killed by the bolt pistol.

>killed by the bolt pistol

Hahahahah failure to the end, Abby.
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Looks like Joffrey Baratheon
Anon, that's 9ft. Space Marines are 7ft on average.

Primarchs are anywhere from 8ft to 12ft depending on which one you mean.
>Joffrey Baratheon
And is as just as smart.


Fuck you! I just wanted Dorn! This is fucking some serious bullshit!

Also, where the FUCK is plastic Abaddon?
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>the old art has a sword across Emperor's lap
no it doesn't
that's fanart

at least from GW, the most we've ever seen with him on the throne is his old helmet
Regular Marines have the Emperor's sword as a relic.
He's the first of the emperor's sons to make himself known to be alive and leading the defence against the pivotal battle that has been waved around as the thing that's going to end 40k for at least a decade now. It does feel right that he'd be given something of the emperors to lead the war with.

I don't even like Guilliman
I was under the impression that Marine were much bigger.
He's about to get killed by Cypher, no new model for him.
>making a plastic model for Abaddon when he's getting killed in Book 7

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7 feet and built like a brick shithouse is big

fans have gone loopy and think anything less than 11 feet is manlet status
god damn this is so bad



Fuck Girlyman. I want Sanguinius second coming!
>Cypher helps Girlyman
>Dark Angels get mad
>Civil war between DA and UM ensues

We live in the best time line
In power armor they gain more bulkiness and height
>DA get schooled on how to really covertly legion build.
I really wonder what will happen to the DA once Lion wakes up.
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More imperium shit

Abbadon still ancient model

What the fuck is going on
Is Lion even a Loyalist? I'm not sure anymore.
>new Grey Knights model


Okay, I won't.
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That's a laurel crown, you plebian trash
Who knows, he might not be Chaos either but just a dude who does his own shit like always.
>not sure anymore
It's never been more clear which side was loyalist, gav thorpe completely killed any sort of mystery the DA had.
No. He switches loyalists. Omegeon does as well.

Curze kills both.
Is that Draigo on the right?

Was sort of expecting Dante when the artist said gold, but looking back that would be taking his words literally when the colors of the two proceeding books haven't really been 1:1 with either Abaddon or the Yncarne. It would also have required Abaddon or someone of sufficient power opposed to the Imperium making it inside the Imperial Palace.


Cypher and GK look good, Guilliman is better than at first glance, but I'm still somewhat unsure. Curious who they got to sculpt him.


Anyone who didn't see this as a possibly is not familiar with the recent lore. I think since 5E it has been said that Guilliman has somehow been miraculously starting to heal little by little.


How are allies DLC? They allow you to actually sort of recreate what happens in the lore.
It looks like pure shit compared to the FW model.
I thought the Lion was a wake but a gibbering looney?
That's Luther.
I don't read Thrope shit. He is an Eldar-fag. I don't trust Eldar-fag.
No. Mordark or whatever that guys name was.
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>that model
Fucking hideous, and all the more so since the FW one exists. If they were smart they would have been all
>times are so desperate the UM took their primarch out of stasis and hooked him up to the greatest dreadnought because without his immediate guidance they would fall
That way they wouldn't have to directly compete with a clearly better product.
>Not actually looking at the picture for more than 5 seconds
>Not looking at the OP
Alright anon, you're only forgiven because Big blue's model is an abomination to the sight.
That's Luther, he's mental but has moments of clarity every now and then.

Lion's unconscious body was taken away by the watchers in the dark after their battle and hidden away in the rock. Not even Azrael knows where exactly Lion is.

I read somewhere that it's Janus, the first Grey Knight.

If true, it's either Garro or Arvida.
BEHIND his head you dumb fag
If the model is cheaper than FW with two ther heroes. Worth it.
he does look shit
>Formations for the Fallen
>Formations for Grey Knights
Dis gon b gud
>Remember that it's all just going to be Imperium Superfriends again
Boner killed
Wat, Mordark?

If it's actually him then we're probably gonna see some Red Corsairs up in this bitch. Hell yeah

Don't tempt me anon, don't tempt me with such hopes.
That's surprisingly subdued and clean compared to a lot of recent GW stuff. Breddy OK in my book.
It can't be Vorth Mordrak, the heraldic shield on the TDA pauldron doesn't match his heraldry at all.

so it's either some unknown or maybe even the High Paladin Gorvannon Bors.
Quick /tg/, how will you convert Big Blue?
WHAT would you convert him into?
Nah, this is going to be civil war. Dork angels are going to hear about Girlyman working with Cypher and throw a shitfit.
There's something off about this model. Maybe it's the proportions or the angle, but it looks a little like those third party knockoffs.
>10 meters
Mfw Gojira primarch

Why does he have Braziers on his shoes?
>Dark Angels sperg out against the Space Wolves
>Dark Angels sperg out against the Ultramarines
>Dark Angels sperg out and destroy the Imperium
Daemon prince. I have a spare thirster head.
Combine his torso with the galatean contemptor dread. So it at least makes sense that he's the size of a bloody Xbox!
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It looks objectively worse than the Forge World mini.
And once again, one of the worst things about him is his fucking """dynamic""" action pose.
>Always skip leg day
Cannot unsee
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A headswap, depending on if he comes with a helmet or not. Might pick up the eagle-faced captain to do it, since I've been meaning to get that model for a while anyways.

Will probably snip the flames off/file them down and just have him wave around a giant fuckhuge slab of steel as well.

[heavy breathing]
What are the other factions going to get?
I actually kind of like it.
Legs look wonky though.

Also, even the FW one has a halo, because why the fuck wouldn't primarchs have an iron halo you fucktard?
That feel when imperals steal a chaos special char cos we have way too many v_v

No seriously look at all the pointy swirls on his armor

it's like someone dumped a whole lot of slaanesh mark decals all over him
He was always a loyalist.
lol sure he fucking was, next you will say dark angels aint heratics. fucking doink


If I recall correctly, Ultramarines were second to the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus in number of worlds conquered during the Great Crusade, though they were the largest or one of the largest legions.


While the coincidence is interesting, it's the Bolt Pistol part that makes me doubt. I think it has been mostly proven at this point that the supposed Bolt Pistol is actually a folded up crossbow on one of the new mounted Stormcast models.


Those look to be part of the base.
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>chaos character
I think he would look better if they kept the armour details roman looking, it looks like tzeench patterns on this, that and the lack of the roman tassle armour make his legs look wierd
>Invalidating his sacrifice

No. Let him stay dead. Instead let us get some sort of avatar of Sanguinius with angel wings and wielding the Spear of Telesto.
cyther you fucking idiot
>I think it has been mostly proven at this point that the supposed Bolt Pistol is actually a folded up crossbow on one of the new mounted Stormcast models.
No, look at cypher's hip. The rumor engine bolt gun is the gun he's reaching his hand towards.
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Oh, hey cypher
Anon, anon I don't know if you're blind, retarded or trolling, but what the fuck?
My Favourite Pokemon, apparently.
I rather like what kopinski did with the Maine proportions. The Marines he designed really carry the weight of the supposed power they possess. After all they're touted to be "genetically enhanced supersoldiers in power armor". So with that description it feels okay to imagine they have inhuman proportions clad in armor that probably could crush the average man
gotta love them edges
>not omegon playing quintuple heretic from the very beginning
for god's sake their symbol is omega upside down
Read the thread, we know lad. Cypher kills Abaddon on Terra
Nah, the emperor's probably too big for Guilliman to lift his sword, what Roboute is actually holding is the emperor's Catheter
Bullshit. It's easy to say things like that, harder to prove on a forum like this.
2 chaos specials gone, oh joy
who wants to bet they bring him back and have another fight with and him kill off fulgrim
>white dwarf.
So the rumour is still plausible?
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Sanguinor could be an avatar of Sanguinius.


Oh that one, suppose it could be in the cards then.


On the other hand he gave them really small heads.
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maybe? I don't trust rumors, though.

Especially considering how they're trying to push abaddon as the "face" of chaos.
God that GK always looked the worst, just such small arms and head compared to the rest of it. The knight with the helm on behind looks normal in comparison.
>Read the thread, we know lad. Cypher kills Abaddon on Terra
JNah the final battle will be Abba vs Gulliman, in the end Abbadon winning and Eye of Terror consuming Terra, Yennead's legs crushed by falling rocks, but in this moment Emperor finally reborning in Roboute's body and keeps fighting even when most of Milky Way consumed by warp (then he finds Void Dragons and together they travelling to Ultramar)
Worst case scenario, they've got some Horus clones layin around right?
He doesn't even work for GW anymore.

He is excited about it though of course.
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This thread rn
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>matt ward gets rehired
>suddenly spiritual liege

Surely just a coincidence.

Ward has made his dreams come true.
>He doesn't even work for GW anymore.
He is back, and we already have
- uniting aeldari
They could always have him go daemonic ascension to not die and have an excuse to give him a big ugly model.

stereotypical good guys saving the day is my fetish so I am perfectly okay with this train of events
Nothing and you'll like it
Rogal Dorn would have fit the whole avenging angel vibe going on here. Fuck, the Khan or even Lion would have been a better fit than play-at-politics guilliaume.
When did this happen?

He needs to update his facebook then.
Small heads make sense unarmored, though. Although it does look pretty goofy.
I was bitching at ward because he started the whole Ultrababybluebullshit cascade.
Also refer to:
Meant >>51538300
That's along the lines of what I was thinking, anything to have another xbox heug model beef up the price of a chaos trio of goofs, might need it to get back the number of characters they're gonna loose by the end of it all.
So he will be Karl Franz for Gathering Storm?
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Well, i have some Gouf lying arround...
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The old world is dead.

Whose tail is that?
easy headswap, just hollow out girlyman's head and throw a polycap in there and you're set
Oooh. No, Grombrindal survived and is running around in AoS.
Seriously though is there anything beyond anon's word that he works at GW again?
he set us on this path though
Age of Gulliman when
Age of Ultramar.
In the grimdark of the 42° millenium there is no peace only smurfs.
>being such of a grognard that names characters offend you
I thought you retards died off in 4th edition when you couldn't handle the notion of more named characters being used.

I even remember grognards refusing to play lists if they had a single named character in them. Jesus fucking christ.
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>that cat tail

poor mr jingles
Oh I don't argue that at all.

Fair enough. I imagine contract work then since his status on his FB is still 'worked at GW', and he made no updates about anything 40K recently either.

Thanks anon.
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WHFB Is dead.
Fuck. Gargamel, you're our only hope!
>Oooh. No, Grombrindal survived and ruined in AoS.
I like Age of Sigmar, so it's cool.

Should have bought more models if you wanted Fantasy, Anon.
Alejandro has no fear.

He is a great Legendary Lord though.
It was an error with a pretty popular total warhammer mod.

literally deeper lore than AoS.
>Should have bought more models if you wanted Fantasy, Anon.

It was never going to make Space Marine money which is what they wanted. And their pricing structure for WHFB was pants on head retarded by the end.

The only really good thing to come out of AoS is Silver Tower.
not really, the forgeworld mini for gully is pretty bad.
>I like my first wargame, so it's cool.
>Should have bought more models
>8th edition models
nah thanks,
>Ultrababybluebullshit cascade.
It's selling pretty damn well now, so I guess they did good.

40k was my first, actually.
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Man I'm not even an Ultra boy, BUT I'M FUCKING HYPED AS SHIT.
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>buy 1 grand worth of models and paint them.
>watch them get squished by 1 spell.
of course it is. It doesn't cost 5 thousand britbongbux.
>It's selling pretty damn well now,
>40k was my first, actually.
top nkek
>It doesn't cost 5 thousand britbongbux.
Well since only 2k+ only playable formats ...
When they will sculpt some Eldar without that dumb backpack, so i could at least use them for my BloodBowl team?
You deserve nothing if you play Elves. Actually I wish to correct that statement. You deserve rape.

Fuck elves.

Seriously though are you after the pack itself, or the models sans pack? Either way cut/filing should do the trick.
But GW promised it totes wasn't.
Why you calling GW a liar?
but it isn't, even the leakers have said it isn't. 8th edition is next with a streamlined rulebook. Which is what is needed.

That's it. No new setting.
Filling does shit. I wonder why Dark Eldar got no backpack and Craftworld has to look like pants on head retarded.
Rape is too good for elves
Because GW are nothing but a bunch of liars.
40k does unquestionably need an huge rules overhaul from the ground up, but turning it into AoS wouldn't be a fix, it's just a different kind of bad.
Eldar aren't Elves you dingus. They're a race of ancient aliens that have a incredibly unique and surreal biology.

They just look like humans with pointed ears.
>40k thread
>people moaning about AoS STILL

Look, Kirby was a retard and fucked everything. Rowntree is trying to unfuck everything. I have 15k worth of Lizardmen anre 2k of Dark Elves (I sold my others) and I'm not moaning about it. I got on with my life. Oh no. If you want to circlejerk moan, go to DakkaDakka and Whineseer. Then report everybody who doesn't hate AoS so they get banned.

Then why are you here? Why do you care? What lies have they said? I always find it baffling people hate GW, yet they spend their time shitposting about them. Why don't you go play Warmahordes or FoW or Infinity or whatever. GW isn't the only company you know. Stop living in misery because HAET GW :(((.
They are seven feet when in armour.
I shitpost on Infinity general too. Don't worry. For me they are all equally worthless.
What are you trying to get? A smooth back? That really shouldn't be hard to nip off edges then file down.

Or maybe look for some older Eldar models then. 2nd Ed Guardians might have some stuff you could use.
And they're getting that. Instead of 4 pages there is 40 pages.
Do I still need to have the longest beard to win at Age of Sigmar?
Tried It doesn't work.
Great reading comprehension dingus. Unless there is an Eldar Bloodbowl team I am unaware of. In which case fuck those knife-ears too.
>. Rowntree is trying to unfuck everything.
Lol nice b8 shill, but you need a little more.
>I have 15k worth of Lizardmen anre 2k of Dark Elves
Yeah sure.
>If you want to circlejerk moan, go to DakkaDakka and Whineseer. Then report everybody who doesn't hate AoS so they get banned.
If you want to suck GWcock online, go to official community site
>Then why are you here? Why do you care?
Because we can, sorry shill, but it's not private GW site.
I don't really think GW would pull another AoS outta their collective AsS, 40k is just too reliably bankable, they might just have Girlyman reform the imperium and then leave it stagnant for another 10 or so years.
Go to Flames of War, they're cool dudes, sure they'll love you.

No? Why did you take joke rules as serious? Fuck sake. If you want to play with points, there is points, if you want to play narrative battles, then you can do that, if you want to play scenarios, do that. There is no more bullshit like longest beard. At worst there is Nagash's spell which is pick a hand behind a back if it's the hand lose the model. But Nagash is like 900 points.
What the fuck is a Lizardmen and a Dark Elves? Are they from that Warhammer thing I heard about?
>shilling so hard
wow looks like UK economy really bad
Only Furry and spergers play FoW. Is not even funny shitpost them.
Says the slav.
It could be worse, he could be a 40kid.
How are they going to make the setting stagnant anymore?
Hmm. WHFB? They have a general up I think.
You need to up your game then son. I mean even if it isn't a solid piece or something you can still fix it relatively easily with greenstuff.

Or maybe do ask on Dakka for suggestions.
>I don't really think GW would pull another AoS outta their collective AsS,
Well I think they wouldn't launch totally new setting, but I am totally sure new Milky Way will be more like AoS meme-realms than sci-fi space, and I am totally sure that Terra will fall and new (probably mix of Ultramarines and Grey Knights) poster boys HQ and anti-Chaos core will be Ultramar.
>greater assembly of fallen angels since ever
>no dark angel in sight
>There is no more bullshit like longest beard.
Yes, there is just "roll 3+/4+ to win"
I want to play with Elves that are not named like retarded or with Wood Elves that don't look like some Anime shit. Sadly this AoS doesn't provide at all. I want the Lady to not be a rape of a Wood Elves goddess. i wnat my 4th Edition Woord Elves who wasn't a bunch of dicks. I want Slaanesh free. Does AoS provide me that?
No, but I'm not trying to sell you it. Sorry it got ruined. Try 9th edition, WHFB has it for you.
If that's happening it's not happening for awhile. Several leakers have said it isn't.
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>rape a wood elf.
Wood elves are for handholding and cuddling.
>Several shills have said it isn't.
I want to summon the elector counts to run a train on her.

Fuck elves.
post yfw cypher's sword is the true drachnfewhatever
If you take away the rubble he's standing on, I think Guilliman's left hand will be at just the perfect height for giving Space Marines headpats. If not, that's still easily adjustable.
Diorama time.
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The Eldar aren't really uniting though, at most the Ynnari have possibly become the biggest faction.


Abaddon choosing daemonhood would be a big shit on him refusing it numerous times after seeing what it did to the Traitor Primarchs.


Guilliman is the possibly the best strategist and empire builder.


I suppose it depends on how you view power or terminator armor and maybe the angle. The terminator armor here looks thick, but the head doesn't seem as badly out of proportion.


AoS has a lot of good elements that could be incorporated. I also think dropping the simulationist stuff like AoS did is the only way 40k is going to get better, otherwise it's going to remain bloated.


Nagash's spell actually isn't even that bad if you look at it requiring you to roll a 4+ to bee successful, it's just giving you a 50% chance of success in a different manner. Could argue there is a skill of sorts to it since you're going to get blown out if you always choose the same hand or a predictable pattern.
I think his hands are disproportionate to his legs and the picture was taken at a bad angle
>Not knowing the glory of the Cheers
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Stop at a certain point and don't expand beyond it, like they did before. There is real potential for the Imperium and Eldar to become even more fractured than they currently are and Chaos will fall apart if Abaddon really does die.


So basically 40k and Fantasy?

I really believe anyone who puts so much stock in the the hit and wound mechanics of 40k and Fantasy has never played any of the other games out there which either use D6 in a different manner or uses different types of dice. Not to mention that going by AoS, the dropping of charts has gotten GW to unclench their ass about adding positive or negative modifiers.


She always truly was a rape of a Wood Elf goddess when you got down to the matter, GW just gave you the illusion that she might not be.

Sylvaneth also aren't a replacement for Wood Elves, they're straight up nature spirits which at most was a tiny part of what Wood Elves were.
>Cypher actually painted in black armour this time around

Fucking finally.
So... Emperor Text To Speech is canon now? Primarchs coming back and shit?

>Ward is back
Have you prayed to your Spiritual Liege yet, /tg/?
The Fallen think the codex is an even bigger joke than regular DA and view the DA chapter as complete cucks for following it rather than ruling the galaxy as a proper legion. At least, that's according to Astelan in Angels of Darkness. Not read any of their recent books given how shit both the Heresy books about them were.

sinc GW is probably watching Alfabusa's works atm

expect to see Daemon prince lorgar being Lex luthor instead of a horned daemon prince
Sylvaneth are shit, I'm not going to play a game that allow such shit to exist. Like I'm not playing anything that allow Eldar and Dark Eldar to fuck togheter. I've already sold my Eldar on EBAY as soon as i've seen that travesty called Ynnead. Fuck GW.
Alpharius was the size of a slightly-larger Marine. That was the whole point of him. He could actually hide in normal squads, and his bodyguards were HIS size. A primarch is supposed to just be about a head taller than a marine. Except for Magnus. Magnus was pretty much a daemon prince before it was cool.

They weren't too much bigger than a marine, but they were so crammed full of warpy goodness that being in a room with them felt like you were sitting at the table with Godzilla himself. There are numerous references of the Primarchs seeming bigger than things that were objectively bigger than them.

The one that comes to mind is Angron and Lhorke staring each other down, and despite Lhorke being literally twice Angron's size, everybody in the chamber still feels like Angron is the biggest thing in the room.
Doesn't Garro's armour still have that big old eagle across the chest plate?
Ok buddy. If you let your autism get the best of you that much, it's probably best you play another game and never look back. Both parties will be all the better for it.
Me too. I prefer early 4e to 3.5. Everything before the shitty DA codex.
How the fuck can the WD March issue get leaked when my local store still hasn't got the February issue in stock yet.
Soo, you' essentially play nothing?

Basically you're just /b/loatfly strolling around
since we have all of this action going on with all of these different primachs, can someone explain to me what is going on with rogal dorn?
MIA, presumed dead

the fists have his fist, which they scrimshaw the names of their chapter masters on
He looks fucking fine for someone who wasn't even good for dreadnaut
Also Cypher? the fuck? for the most loyal chapter they hang out with devious fellows
>So basically 40k and Fantasy?
For you since you never played them.
>Sylvaneth also aren't a replacement for Wood Elves
Yeah they are Wood Elves space marines, just like iron Horde for greenskins
>devious fellows
Oh the Ultras aren't that bad
Sorry guys, looks like we forced your new CEO to start AoS2.0
Is not my fault if Wargaming 3d is a dead hobby full of shitty games and even more shitty minaitures.
>On the other hand he gave them really small heads.
Heads are liability in combat, really. You can easily fit all the smarts a marine needs into a regular sized noggin, minimizing target area. The larger build of the body makes sense with the bizarre efficacy that melee has in 40k, so in a sense this is minmaxed body design.
Yet no one forces you to be here. That's what the other anon is saying. You have no point in being here except shitposting, so just stop, it's useless. Go do something else, a hibby you enjoy, a sport, banging your loved one, whatever.
any bets that the newest chapter master of the GK is no one ness than Loken?
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His heraldry (specifically the shield on his chest) seems to resemble Mordrak's though.
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>made no updates about anything 40K recently

Just because you dont pay attention doesnt mean there haven't been updates retard
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>Literally mirrored Abaddon
Surprisingly the model only has a reasonable number of U symbols, so I'm gonna see if I can shave them off and bring back the actual best primarch Rogal Dorn. Assuming that Rowboat doesn't have chapter tactics smurfs
>I always find it baffling people hate GW, yet they spend their time shitposting about them.
It's because they care deeply about the game. If they didn't give a fuck, they'd have fucked off without a second thought.
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Nah. The plastic one looks like a cheesy action figure.
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On the left you blind man
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>You face not the Ultramarines alone but successors from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th ... ... 25th and 26th foundings that I command.
I just can't handle the Duncan bants anymore. They're amazing.

Fucks sake.
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>Robot gorrilaman is back


Say what you like. Loyalty is its own reward.
They are no doubt gonna release Russ werewolf model later to go with this shit taste.
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Good, now release Lorgar
Perfect, they gave him a helmet. I'll most definitely buy the box then, even though I didn't buy the other two.
Thank fuck they actually have a helmet option.

I know FW has said they plan on making helms eventually, but seriously I think they look cooler when wearing helmets.
>two thin coats
>And Terra if we get there

I gotta say, I love how cheeky these bastards have gotten.
>He's about to get killed by Cypher, no new model for him.
Who will lead chaos then?
hopefully mah nigga Huron Blackheart!
magnus? some other daemon primach maybe?
Didn't like him based on the WD pic but this video has sold me on him
New GW is best GW desu
So is cypher going to revive the emperor/unplug the throne?
Yeah, that White Dwarf pic really didn't do the model justice, but now that the video showed the whole thing, I actually really dig it. Especially the helmet obviously, I'm glad Magnus wasn't just a one-off with the helmet options.

If the Lion and Lorgar do become a thing in the future I hope they also get helmet options.

Lorgar seems like the best choice, since he is the closet thing to an "undivided" leader of Chaos at the moment.

Other than that, mortal wise, I don't see anyone else with as much influence as Abaddon aside from Huron.
those are the fallen
>old marks
>black armour
>following cypher
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So the GK is not who everyone thought it was. It's the master of the 4rd Brotherhood.

Also, Guiliman's suits and sword are most definitely interesting.
3rd Brotherhood. Woops.
>greater assembly of fallen angels since ever
>of fallen angels
Not that anon, but are you lacking in reading comprehension?

Wait so it's not Mordrak? Who's the master of the 4th?
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He comes with a helm option.

If you're too lazy to look at YouTube.
we can reliably assume the relic in stasis in bellysaurus cool's vehicle at the end of fall of cadia was guillman; the question is: how did he manage to take it? the ultramarines couldn't just have given him up.
>even the eldar know that the Spiritual Liege is the only way to stop chaos
That's a pretty fucking goofy pose on Robot Gorillamong.
he's a big guy
Not Guiliman himself. His suit, more than likely.
>The detail on this model is incredible, from the archeotech-plasma pistol to the massive primarch-sized sword on his back – he is every inch the fallen hero of old Caliban.

I fucking called that pistol being Cypher's. Had a whole argument with some idiots that kept saying it was an AoS thing.

>we can reliably assume the relic in stasis in bellysaurus cool's vehicle at the end of fall of cadia was guillman

It wasn't Guilliman, the White Dwarf states that it just helped in his revival. The Ynnari and the Imperial Survivors of Cadia exit the webway, and into Ultramar. There they revive the giant smurf.
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the head is better when following his gun fist arm
>are you lacking in reading comprehension?

>"where are the dark angels hunting the fallen"?
>"on the left"
>"those are the fallen"
Huh, I just noticed that Black Legion chosen broken in half under the Roboute's feet.
>Ward returns
>Guilliman comes to life soon after

You can't make this shit up
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Sounds like a new character to me, but I'm not on point with GK lore.
Why would they rehire Ward when it's literally become a meme how much the fanbase hates him?
You do realise that the BIG STUFF is planned litteraly years in advance right?

We saw sprues of BaC 2 years before the models were released.
MAC daddy is the spiritual liege. He knows the codex astartes better than his primarch.

>Calgar give me my power fists back for I am your primarch
>nuh uh fuck off dad I'm the chapter master, go read your book more
It is the Emporer's sword
Yeah, seems like a new character to me, never heard of him before.

And is he really the first plastic Grey Knight special character? That actually kind of surprises me, but to be fair I don't pay much attention to Grey Knights honestly.

>The other thing is - I hope you aware how long it takes to actually design and produce something.
>Just to give you an idea - the first Blood Bowl sprues took roughly nine months, and they were actually quite rushed and fast (hence you only got one sprue per race).
>The 'Eavy Metal version of Magnus was painted almost a year ago. Same goes for the Lord of Change.
>Harlequins were done (as in, the sprue molds were already finished) in 2013, and I think released in 2015 if I remember it right?

I don't think Ward was actually part of the company at the time this was likely put into production. He only returned fairly recently last I checked.
>Hey Dark Angels players you were in fact le bad guys all along xD Despite the fact its been cleared up multiple times that you aren't but still, what a TWEEEEEEEEST!1!!

They could at least be a little fucking subtle about what they're building up to. The stupid fucking traitor memes are going to be unbearable after this.
So it's
>we're bringing back The Spiritual Liege
>bring back the IRL Spiritual Liege as well to make the most of it
I can dig.
>And Terra, if we get there.

My sides. Perhaps this will be a lead up to adding Custodes to 40k. Merge 30k and 40k to sell more models.
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Helmets automatically make a model a nobody.
Am I the only one who sees literally no difference between Guilliman and Galgar? Like, they both have no real character traits other than being tactical geniuses and lawful goods.

When Calgar is going to be replaced bu Guilliman nothing will really change in the ultra leadership character wise. On the other hand, the interaction between two of them would be retarded, should it happen.
Cypher needs refuelling.
How does he draw the swrod?
With that new GK Grand Master it seems like the Silver Knight of Slaanesh IS Draigo.

Why else would they do it? Draigo's days as Samurai Jack are over. Now he's Samurai Jackoff.
it's a plot point that he doesn't
Still shit
It's broken. He doesn't use it, he's just carrying it around.
Sure. I would have just avoided spreading the legs on the mini as much as they did.
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>Castellan Crowe
>Eldrad Ulthran
>ALL of the Phoenix Lords

All of these seem to disagree with you faggot.

And you could have at least used pic related in your post to make it somewhat less retarded.

Whats the deal with the little flamer doo-dads under the barrels of their guns?
For what purpose? Spoiler me please.
The biggest marine deserves the biggest marine squat. At least we know he never skips leg day.

no one knows

The rumor is it's the lion's sword and he's taking it to the Emperor for forgiveness. We'll undoubtedly find out what it's all about once G money manages to get him to Terra.
He doesn't. It's the Lions Sword and he takes it to Terra to confirm to the Emperor that The Lion is actually Chaos tainted and Luther was right. This event coincides with release of The Fallen Codex and Luthers model with The Lion being the Chaos Primarch
>literally who
>literally faggot
>literally sissies
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>implying that's alpharius, implying anyone is alpharius
fucking kek
Lion is canon confirmed to be 100% loyal via psychic powers, with no possibility for error.

The more reasonable and measured conclusions are that either Cypher was never a traitor, or that Guilliman and the Grey Knights fall to Chaos.
I prefer helmet A LOT more no matter what.
Fully enclosing helmet all day everyday. I like nobodies, I just want a rough mental image of the guy, no need for a face I'll fuck up with my imperfect painting skills.
Not if you follow the rumours. The Lion is not Loyal. See>>51541810
So learn to paint better?
Not the anon you're responding to, but when your arguments are memes, you should realise you're wrong.
Nah, helmets are cool and also functional.

A fancy helmet is better than heroically catching bullets with your teeth.

Sources for these rumors!
I just don't like faces ya dingus. Be it on tabletop, art, or vidya, I've always preferred helmets. Use the face if you want but I and other anons are happy to have another option.
To return it to it's rightful owner when they wake up/come back.
all primarchs besides alpharius are stated to be much larger than regular space marines, almost double their height.
Nothing solid I'm afraid. Usual bollocks. But they are rumours and that's what I'm saying.

The thing is, they're being said alongside AoS style warscrolls for 40k which is likely happening.
It's because the Lion's sword is magical and Cypher plans to kill the Emperor with it, thus kick-starting his perpetuity but at an increased rate thanks to the sword.

Age of the Emperor!
Except Angron, he was an angry manlet.
Rumour? To prove The Lion is Chaos tainted.

As for what will actually happen, nobody knows. All we know is they get to Terra eventually.
Girlyman comes with an alt-head that is helmeted. You can see it on BoLS.
Or just check the thread instead of visiting that cancer of a site.
B-but loyalty is it's own reward. This must be Russ's fault.

Primarch shitposting aside, I'm glad someone finally realised that without at least the possibility that they're traitors, all the Dark Angels have left is gay puns. I bought my Dark Angels to play as shady fuckers, not autistic fuckers.
The reason Cypher doesn't draw the blade is because it's Chaos tainted.

He is trying to get to the Emperor so the Emperor can use his powers to sense the hidden Chaos taint in the blade which will confirm it.

The only reason Cypher isn't killed on sight is because the Grey Knight confirms there is something off about the blade but can't confirm it's Chaos tainted.

Only Girlyman knows whose blade it is it is and that's the only reason he's willing to go to Terra.

The story ends with it being confirmed it's Chaos tainted and Luther was right.
Result is likely to be DA split and The Fallen codex arrives. Or at least rules for them.

Who knows. Need to wait.
that post is six hours old
>The story ends with it being confirmed it's Chaos tainted and Luther was right.

If GW is determined to pull triggers, I'm glad they went with this one. 100% loyal Dark Angels are boring as fuck.
Are you being deliberately dense, or are you unaware they're on about Cypher
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Either way, if the DA are traitors or not it will be awesome like everything about DA. Lion for life.

most players always knew that the Dark Angels were closet Heretics and Faggots


Ok yer sissy faggot lionlover, heres the footage of the Rock during their weekends, all thanks to Inquisitor Harris, who met his end after a mordian commissar showed him why she was named "Iron tight" Callahan

>most players always knew that the Dark Angels were closet Heretics and Faggots

DA have been canon confirmed loyal for years. BL officially confirmed it by using psychic powers to prove that Lion did nothing wrong whatsoever, and was in fact the most loyal of anyone.

Until published GW material confirms otherwise, you are still wrong and gay.
call me everything, minus a Happy Dark Angel.
Where does he say and terra if we get there i listened to it several times and did not hear it.
Oh wait i see the second linked video is difrent.
lol @ DA fanboy calling anyone else gay.
Where did this ''DA are gay'' meme originate. Also, Lion is loyalist, and no, DA are NOT my favorite chapter.
>perhaps gifted by some other hero of the imperium
Cato Sicarius?
The rock was the name of gay bar near GW home and their primarch is named about a gay poet.
Also their "dark" secret was a joke about pedo monk.
it's a link to the triumvirate set

so either celestine or greyfax gives it to him
Well, shit.
>Where did this ''DA are gay'' meme originate
Literally everything about them? Their homebase is named after a gay bar, their Primarch is named after a gay man, and everything about them screams "in the closet!". Except as traitors rather than their sexuality.
The gay bar shit is unconfirmed, there is a "rock city" bar in Nottingham still about, but it's not gay.


>he doesn't know that the lion's war name was Luana Lightsaber
> BL officially confirmed it by using psychic powers to prove that Lion did nothing wrong whatsoever, and was in fact the most loyal of anyone.
Why would the Lion be tainted?

>Fulgrim: oah slaaneshi Luana, stop with that, the ladies back in the pleasure palace misses you, come back to us
>Lion:STOP IT FULGRIM, how many times does i need to say? Im Loyal! STRAIGHT LOYAL, look at this Astartes Pecks, look at this loyalty here, look at this straight loyal and long Crux.
>Fulgrim: i told you that im not fulgrim anymore, im Serpenthelma, THELMA!
Well to be fair, he did grow up fighting on a half daemon world. If he was tainted by then someone would've noticed though.
As an Ultramarines fan I am so fucking erect right now.
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>Our Primarch came back first.

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I can't wait for the but hurt when it turns out that it not actually the real Girlyman, but actually Omegon.
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>UM reveals themselves as completely taken over by the AL
>Omegon helps Cypher waking up the Lion
>Lion is corrupted and turns the DA and successors to chaos
>The two chapters that were basically legions are now allied to Chaos
>The Imperium is destroyed in a matter of weeks

Oh my.
>has hair
he's safe, no hairesy here
>Lion perfectly fine and waiting to make his appearance literally for years
>Girlyman beats him to it
>Remake Cypher model
>Don't give him the same backpack
>Despite it being one of the coolest backpacks of all time
Thanks, GW.

>Alpha Legion
>Chaos aligned
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