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Pathfinder General /pfg/

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Pathfinder General /pfg/

What's your favourite non-standard build?

Unified /pfg/ link repository: http://pastebin.com/hAfKSnWW

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rV7kaF9JL2gw9xQalkEnlEDL9WXtbsaCqNABm_pLIgc/edit?usp=sharing
Malefex Playtest: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W3LrE8WyIxxYRr8d9dHsWioeUk_-HZaSMqVWRnzc9Fc/edit?usp=sharing

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aLaYQEFAWU4zQBx58boJPPaySLgJc0Emmw9eKyIJeGI/
Part 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pyLq03W2ju58PcKOUq5YXoFowf_weBNzuWtjCMdINXk/edit

Old thread: >>51454740
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Define "non-standard."

Do you mean like, an einhander barbarian with fluffed rage as combat focus, or something?
Don't do them very often, so the one I keep talking about here. Vanguard Slayer 6/Student of War 2 to get Mind-Over-Metal, dump dex.
Spheres of Might Preview 3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-LAt9Ti5pcnvHY4KnFRuItCjqtGM-YJC5r_0zXiKKUk/edit?usp=sharing
So do Strikers from SoM need Strength, Dex, AND Con? Or am I misunderstanding? I'm really not good at this building stuff.
If a witch takes a prestige class that only advances spell casting, does she still get patron spells at the appropriate level?
Is the patron feature something that scales by class level or character level?
Was going for "things you wouldn't really expect from the class".
For example, did you know Swashbucklers can do punch builds if you grab a Thorn Bracer?
>Does a wizard (or other character that uses a spellbook), receive bonus spells to add to his spellbook when he gains a level in a prestige class that grants an increase to spellcasting?
>No. The increase to his spellcasting level does not grant any other benefits, except for spells per day, spells known (for spontaneous casters), and an increase to his overall caster level. He must spend time and gold to add new spells to his spellbook.

Seems not.

Equipment sphere is also kind of odd in that it includes weapon-specific abilities, even when those seem like they'd fit better under other spheres (like the spear finesse one).

I think it would work better to focus on armor and defensive gear and wondrous items and stuff instead of weapons, and shuffle the weapon talents mostly elsewhere unless they're specifically "upgrading gear tangentially improves combat" instead of combat style stuff.

It also has the problem that a lot of what it could otherwise do with upgrade/downtime/buff effects has already been taken by the armiger/blacksmith classes.
Depends on the wording. Give me a minute I'll check

However, it should be noted that, for classes with Domain Spells, by RAW they get those domains spells when they can cast at the appropriate level even when prestiging. Of course whether a Patron does same same is again pending on the wording of Patrons
Alright, so Patron Spells says the following
>At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch's patron adds new spells to a witch's list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. Each patron is listed by its theme. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide.
By RAW, the answer is no, since it's based on class level, not on spell casting ability
I was originally thinking it worked like domains patrons have weird wording to them. Mostly asking because I was going to have my pact wizard go into stargazer but if that causes me to miss those patron spells then its a bigger trade off than I want.
Ava a cute
Although re-reading pact wizard, while I might miss out on having them added to my spell book does
>In addition, the pact wizard can expend any prepared spell that isn’t a spell prepared using the additional spell slot the wizard receives from his arcane school in order to spontaneously cast one of his patron’s spells of the same level or lower.

that still allow me to spontaneously cast them anyway?
I think the Sphere would benefit a lot if they consolidated all of the proficiency stuff into a small handful of talents.

Also if the reload stuff and craft firearms stuff go consolidated into one talent.
Either STR-Rogue with an Orc to utilize Strength-to-Intimidate and the like, or being a Skillmonkey as a Fighter (especially with all of the extra options that've been added to actually make such a thing viable).
White necromancer half-elf.
Who ironically hates elven tradition.
Well.. human raised what are you gonna do?
Posting link to my game listing:
Congrats on scaring most of us away with allowing bullshit like blood money and magdh obecience. Not only are all other int-based characters invalidated now, but now the optimization bar is way too high for assassins using anything other than magic. Especially since there is no PoW or SoM to shore up martials sucking. Gonna pass.
I don't give two shits how you feel.
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Enjoy playing with 2hu's trapsassin.

Avowed and PoW would fit perfectly with assassins, though!

Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.

#1. That's terror
>Implying I don't have full control over whether or not these people even get in.
They set the bar higher for themselves.
You imply that it's not just a case of "welp, they felt the need to use it, so I don't want them in my game". By saying you won't even make an attempt, you're proving to be just as much of a bitch as Magdh + Blood Money, and you have the same likelihood (IE 0%) of getting in.
Set up shitty rules, get shitty players.
To be honest, Madh is strong not only because it boosts all Knowledges AND stuff like Spellcraft but also because there are things like Student of Philosophy or Practical Activator that change useful skills to be Int-based. It allows Int-based classes to encroach on other niches.
I don't need to prove anything. I've got my games already. Not only that, but it's a bitch move to okay something as a trap so you can reject those people. Just say they can't use it.
And orator, which essentially gives you int Diplomacy/Intimidate/Bluff in one feat.
I was keeping only base skills that use Int in mind. If everyone is going to try and make characters that worship this one obscure eldest then I'm obviously not going to allow (or maybe not even any) in. It's on them to make the character and show suitable restraint. I'm not going to let them in if I feel they're only looking to cheese.
*in one feat and running off one skill
That. Also, allowing something and then retroactively banning it if the player gets "too cheesy" (where's the bar?) is also kinda dickish. Better to ban it and if you want people to smear themselves with blood to get thei Stoneskin on then just allow them to fluff it that way. No Blood Money needed.

To be fair, you do need to spend two feats on that and can't use linguistics for feinting, demoralizing, or gathering intel, but yeah it is kind of annoying that as far as using the social feats for social interactions Orator's only limitation is that you need to share a language with the guy you're speaking to and that's only NOT going to happen if the GM is trying to spite you.

And if the linguist can't talk to somebody fucking nobody will.
Okay, so you could tell people "No, I feel that's too strong and I'd prefer not to have to deal with that sort of thing."

Or you could say "Oh, everything is allowed but I don't like certain things so if you pick them I won't let you in, but you won't know what the things are until after you're rejected."

Not sure what to tell you m8, other than that you're shit.
My only non-standard build so far is my Living Legend Soulknife which, 5 levels in, I still have no clue how to build.
It's all about what a player decides to make. If I have to impose limitations for someone not to be a shitter then they're a shitter and I wouldn't want them in. Sounds like you're shit.
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>Gun scavenger gunslinger
>Ranger with a plant companion and natural weapons combat style
>Bramble brewer alchemist
>Bloodrider bloodrager

Anyone ever play any of these archetypes? I'd like to try one of them in my next game.
Two Feats because you need Skill Focus. Not like casters are feat-starved.


Eh, that requires its own investment. You probably wasn't going to do it anyway.

>gathering intel
Eears of the City (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/ears-of-the-city). Only chumps actually talk to people, autist wizards just pry the information straight from zeitgeist.
I made a bramble brewer alchemist but never got to play it. ;_;

The archetype looks really fun and the GM let me take it with a non half-elf character (half-elves didn't exist in his setting).

Holy heck that image gave me a big frighten.

Does someone on Paizo's development staff get paid by the spell that makes skill monkeys feel stupid or something?
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When was the last time one of your characters was part of a chase or a daring escape?

When we were labeled enemies of the state just as an ancient wyrm attacked the city!
Except /you're/ the only person who knows what qualifies as a shitter build. Archery builds do a lot of damage, does that make anyone who builds an archer a shitter? "If I have to tell you that manyshot is OP then you're a shitter." Have some fucking backbone and set hard limits.
LizardFolk Scout focusing on natural attacks
That Bath in Blood GM needs to realize that 2hu only asks about things that are too powerful.
Personally, I'm waiting for 2hu to post his sheet because I feel like there's some delicious salt to be harvested there.
Oh, he realizes, he just thinks you should be able to read his mind and figure out where /he/ draws the line.
2hu or not, why do people allow Blood Money? I think the ROTJR GM said it best: not even once.

Also I'm playing a symbiotic slayer DHB, back off HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
>That's my secret, anon
>I have no "line"
t. Touhou Bro
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Probably just read the blood part.
>Do you allow pre-game crafting?
>Do you allow Blood Money?

Right, no shenanigans going on here at all.
2hu asks about things that are either left up to individual GMs to rule out (like how certain parts of SoP interact with traditional Vancian) or are widely considered to be OP and banned more often than not. If they are allowed to take them then they there's like 95% they will optimize as much as they can.
*95% chance

Fuck, I need to get some sleep.
I think what's most interesting is realizing that it's not entirely 2hu's fault that people hate him. He can't help but be autistic, but other people can just say no to him, rather than indulge him.
I need names for a Taldan swordsman, give me names.

Athos, Porthos, Aramis.
Swordy McSwordface
Currently I've got a shield thing going on but one thing I'd also really like to do is one I'm just not sure how to make effective.

Specifically, one focused on all those save-or-get-turned-into-thing spells in Transmutation. Flesh to Stone, Baleful Polymorph, Polymorph Any Object, et cetera.
Like 99% of /tg/ is autistic, dude.

I like this one!


But those are the musketeers, silly head!
Because if you're not a complete ass about it, it's fine?

My Healing Patron Witch uses it to cast free Raise Deads and Restorations on people.

Salvatore D'Artagnan, got it!

His mom and Dad will be named Athos and Porthos!
Yeah, nothing worse than cold language and poor customer service.
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What race and class are this?
Anyone know where I can find art for a symbiotic slayer vigilante? That isnt Venom or Carnage.
You shouldn't be able to do either of those things for free.
It could be some kind of Tiefling monk, or it could be a human with the Ifrit or elemental damage feat trees for martial arts...

Or its just a human or tiefling sorcerer.
Halfling Brawler, perhaps Dwarven.
Is there a Starfinder playtest out yet?

Class looks like a Steelfist Commando or Brawler.

Race is a little tougher, the martial Focus makes me think Dwarf, and the huge breasts further make me think that.

Tiefling Sacred Fist of Sarenrae

Draph race stats WHEN?!

I don't think Paizo is doing any kind of public playtest.
I think so too. Good taste.

But is it somehow game-breaking that I can?
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While I scower about for some comm work, anyone have visual reference(s) for Onryou and maybe Arshea, Calystria and Nocticula? I was foolish in not saving the images some days back.

>Onryou with the three slut gods

He's clearly drunk.
Well, shit. I guess the only preview we'll get will be on Free RPG Day.
Paizo doesn't like anyone telling them their stuff is bad anymore. They learned their lesson with the Kineticist, letting people see that you can't design for shit and aren't going to use the feedback you're given is a red flag.

>Shortness +2
>Voluptuous +3
>Want Your Babies +9999
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I dunno, man. Someone tossed out names and I was like 'fug it whatever, they might make backrgound filler'.
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Here's some Onryou, senpai-a-lam.

Nocticula: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/storm-overdrive/images/1/1b/Nocticula.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150930203600

Calistria: http://alharadnd.wdfiles.com/local--files/calistria/calistria.jpg

Arshea: http://68.media.tumblr.com/02a3aa07935750815dd13d550e901263/tumblr_inline_mylk41NLhU1s2vv7d.png

As you might notice, Paizo is not exactly keen on giving their Literal Fuck Goddesses large chests. In fact, Arshea is not a woman at all, but both male and female.
Ugh, now one of those people is commenting on the SoM doc who thinks that Paizo was infallible when they made crossbow feats shit.
To that anon who was interested in the lewd discord pbp, but never showed up in the pfg discord.

What gives man?
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I'm not sure if that overpowering urge to get knocked up is healthy.
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Probably not, but I'm not sure that'll stop them from trying.
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One of these days I need to find out what those moon runes say.
Draph, but we don't heave these in Pathfinder so probably tiefling or maybe refluffed dwarf. As for class, in game she is a fiery kung fu master fighting with blazing kicks. She scores lots of critical hits, also has a way to dodge and counterattack. I would say she is Mystic (Aurora Soul) with Elemental Flux, Broken Blade, Mithral Current and maybe Thrashing Dragon or Fool's Errand.

>Includes question marks and and a heart

My best guess is that she's asking him if he wants to have dinner together sometime.

As someone who only knows about the Draph from memes and 4chan, and for the life of me can't really find any solid LPs or videos on Youtube that explain it... How do the Draph do, really?
What is he saying anon?
In a sense, yes. Free castings of those spells harms consequence for player action, taking away from the tension and harming the experience.
As in, how are they in-game? There is no unifying theme, as far as I am aware, and definitely not on the level of all dwarves being Scottish McAxelovers. They are your usual folk, but exceptionally brawny for men and voluptuous for women. They have their own kingdom which is mostly volcanic and filled with factories. It is also implied they were used as workers by the race of ancients. At least that's what I've noticed so far.
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Is it being a shitter to take both Orator AND Deific Obedience (Magdh)?
It's a shitter to be optimised to a level where you invalidate other characters in the party entirely, as this damages party cohesion and player enjoyment, which feeds back into everyone's game enjoyment.

I feel The GM should ideally limit maximum optimsation to prevent any one person from being able to do this. As one is unable to see how effective other party members are, the GM would be enabling shitlery by allowing broken options.
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>it's a "dude, sure would be nice to have bombs right about now, a shame you traded them away! :^)" episode
>this episode has played almost a dozen times now

when will they realize the joke is getting stale?
Sorry, I can't tell you that. You'll just have to apply and wonder if you didn't get selected because of it.
>There is no unifying theme, as far as I am aware, and definitely not on the level of all dwarves being Scottish McAxelovers.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was going for. Guess I'm too far up the "one race, one schtick" schlock that Paizo and others so often peddle.
So is Smash from the Air and the other weapon mastery feats worth getting for Monk? It is a long feat tree to climb.
I've known that feel. Actually, I've quit games over that kind of attitude--GMs who can't stop guffawing over how "stupid" and "hilarious" it is that PCs might try something like talking to NPCs outside of fucking cut-scenes or that we might miss attacks on occasion just need to get a different hobby and stop shitting up roleplaying games.
Go turn into a cow!
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>They're like, 12
>Still sporting D cups

For what it's worth, the consistency in Draph design is quite refreshing, alongside the real lack of sexualization and actually giving them proper proportions.
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Oh? How did that turn out?


Fennec foxes can be rather excitable.
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>one race, one schtick schlock
>yfw a race is described by paizo as having incredible variety
>yfw that race "doesn't need to have any alternative ability scores bonuses/penalties, because that doesn't make any sense"

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When I finish my dumb Cervid/goat race that I promised /pfg/ last year
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Why don't we create the alternate racials RIGHT NOW?
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Oh, anon, you're always so unhappy about that.
Races in Granblue Fantasy are rather unified and mixed with each other. Draphs have their own kingdom, there are all-Erune villages etc. but generally you are going to see everyone in most places you go. They are also human with different visual aesthetic for the most part. Which is not that bad, you know. There are only 4 of them so it is not getting into silly levels of special-snowflakiness some parts of Golarion display.

Again, that's what I've noticed in the game so far. Maybe it clears up later or in the side materials. GBF is a mobile game and while it has a plot, sidequests etc. it doesn't get that much in depth with worldbuilding.
Absolute Destiny Moopocowlypse
But anon, catfolk can't be STRONG or WISE! That means they're no longer catfolk, and they become just another hunk of stats! You don't want that? Do you?
t. Augunas and Friends

I will never not be mad at Augunas, even if I kind of like the mechanics of some things he writes. Anything remotely fluff-related that he touches turns to shit.
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Reminder Utena and Anthy are the iconic Betrothed Avowed and Patron

You're right! You're absolutely right!

Please, oh wise and excellent teacher, show me more Kitsune babies in diapers or Kitsune swordsmen or Kitsune hunks or Kitsune kids or Kitsune comrades or Kitsune in pickle jars or Kitsune spirits!

But remember, I know you don't have a thing for Kitsune!
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She's _8, dude. At least if i am not mistaken. Camieux is 13, I think. It is interesting, by the way, because it looks like their breasts grow faster than their horns. Maybe that's an actual sign of puberty for them?

>lack of sexualization
Don't get too ahead of yourself, there is still some of it. Look at that Aliza pantyshot above. Still, it is not very pronounced and rather tasteful.

>proper proportions
The best thing.

Race: You
Ability Modifiers: +4 Charisma, -2 Strength
Racial Traits: Multitalented, Perfect, Focused Study, Kitsune Magic
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O-Oh gosh, me? With all that Charisma? You're sweet, but I'm not perfect, I'm Anon!
How do we make crossbows great again /pfg/?
How is Razmir still in power over at Razmiran when people who are as strong as he is or almost as strong are dime a dozen across all of Golarion? Why haven't some paladins smote his ass for being evil?
no anon, those are the ALTERNATE racials, you got the shitty ones

-2 Strength +2 Int, +1 Wis
>What's your favourite non-standard build?
A vanilla fighter who uses a longspear.
>level 19 wizards are a dime a dozen
How many level 19 characters are there on Golarion? How many level 19 characters are there who want to try and take on all of North Korea?

Because Razmiran was written at a time in the lore when Paizo was giving a mild rat's ass about consistency.

When do you guys think Paizo gave up? When did they abandon turning their setting into the next Eberron, and decided to just milk the thing for all it's worth?
Because he's a relatively minor problem when things like Demons from the worldwound, secret Aboleth cabals, Deskari, and other things from across the stars keep popping up. So people don't bother with him because he really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things

I'd say about a few months after the ISWG was released.
Pull out the list of powerful mages across Golarion and you are bound to find at least a party's worth of 14-18 casters, let alone shit like the Hurricane King being a level 16 fighter/pirate, Kevoth Kul being a level 16 barbarian and so forth.
"Talents should only ever grant a single feat"
By the way, tieflings can be Small size. There's no other special changes for it, you're just Small instead of Medium.
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>Something with +Str, even if it just replaces the +Dex
>Something with +Wis
>Something in the ARTs to represent the "almost human" side of the race
>Something in the ARTs to represent the "one step away from just being a tiger on two legs" side of the race
Yeah, so you've got maybe 20-30 characters, none of whom particularly care, and a large portion of whom are some Evil alignment. They're probably not keen on interfering.
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>I'd say about a few months after the ISWG was released.

>Months after releasing the Inner Sea World Guide, a setting book that uses exhaustive detail for power players of the Inner Sea
>After all that effort, the Paizo employees sat back, broke their chairs, and just thought... Man, what a waste.

There's something sad about this, there's something very sad about all this.
Yes please do, I want

Wouldn't the Draph get better represented as generic horned "animal people?" I mean, some of them are explicitly described as goat-like, while others are very obviously bulls.
No one? I've read that they are good feats, but it seems to be much easier for a fighter to get. Or is pure damage what I should looking for.
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Racial Stats are done, as are some Racial Archetypes. All thats left are racial Feats, Racial Backstory, and maybe some equipment.

If ya'll have ideas for feats and things, I would be happy to hear and incorporate them.

The race, according to Fluff, as the capacity to fulfill any number of appropriate arteodactylids, including most members of Bovidae that are not of Sub-Family Bovinae

So if you want to be a dear, goat, sheep, pronghorn, blackbuck, oryx, or anything in between, you can.
White haired witch 2/strangler brawler 2/scout unchained rogue 5/Rose Warden 2/Sleepless detective 1

At level 12 you get 14d6+14 to your sneak attacks, with a free attack whenever you grapple with your hair and a swift action attack that will always deal sneak attack damage on a grabbed enemy. Plus you add your sneak attack dice to ac (stacking) and half of it to saves (non-stacking). Toss it on a kitsune and your literally choking people out with fluffy tails.

Or play a fighter kitsune with human heritage feat from blood of the beast and racial heritage (ratfolk). Dump all your other feats into tails (including combat feats using nine tailed scion) with the 1/6 tail feat favored class. You get all 9 tails by level 6, or 8 if you use the tail blades, and can make nine attacks a round.


Does anyone have heroes of the high court? I can remove watermarks if you don't want to be kicked off the AR team.
Who is this? Where is she from? I need more. I can't find any.
Smash from the Air is probably overkill unless you're expecting to deal with a bunch of siege weapons or Ray attacks. Cut from the Air is definitely worth it, though I'd avoid it unless you're a UMonk since they get full BAB. Most of the other feats are of varying use, though those two are probably the best ones apart from maybe Spellcut.
it's fanart of Puzzles and Dragons. It's a female, humanized version of Anubis. Actual Anubis in PaD is very much male, and very much Anubis.

NOT from Puzzle & Dragons.
>Racial Stats are done

Ooh! Ooh! Tell us more!

Do you have Alternate Racials? Sexual Dimorphism?
Oh, huh, neat. It had a similar overall design as well as the DARK ENERGY SWIRLS. Your link doesn't seem to actually HAVE a source, though?
Anyone know of a way to get Con mod to Reflex/Will saving throws, 3pp included?
Man, all that reminds me I gotta do my OWN goat/sheep people.
>not expecting to deal with ray attacks

Remember that a bunch of high-level monsters have like two dozen SLAs.
I think it's the Anubis from Monstergirl Encyclopedia.
that is excessively unhot.
it's even antihot.
fucking americans and your "body-positive" bullshit.
It's been semi-confirmed that Avowed will have a two-feat chain to become based on CON. Updates expected... sometime in the next week or two.

Then you just take one of the pacts that originally gave CHA to saves.
Ah, so a Constitution version of Embodiment of Aether? That'll work then.
It's from another mobage, Cryptract. Doesn't seem like there's more art of her.
Um, actually, if anything, that's very healthy.
Kinda the whole point of life, even.
Well being a Monk I hope to have good touch AC to avoid that. Unless that is still an issue.
As a resident of hamburger-land, let me just say fuck "body-positive". That's just an excuse to stay lazy and stupid. Like how "sex-positive" is only ever used by people who want to be total sluts without consequences.
>tfw you ask what sort of limits we should keep ourselves to because there's gonna be a big crafting break and everybody's rich, using "like, say, maximum +4 stat gear instead of +6s everywhere" as an example after some of the party has started writing those very +6 items in, and the GM and half the party start accusing you of trying to minmax.
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I love playing my suplex Vigilante/monk mix. He has yet to kill an enemy, he just goes full luchadore
Maybe some kind of variant repeating crossbow that allows you to qeue up a few shots and make an attack in a cone or line, like a machine gun?
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>Ooh! Ooh! Tell us more!
without tipping my hat too much, they have +2Str, +2Dex, -2Wis. They have traits for their hooves, antlers, and a few misc things

>Do you have Alternate Racials?
Yes. They have alternatives based on ecology, size, horn/antler type, and fey influence

> Sexual Dimorphism?
Yes, but its minor and heavily dependant on what animal they are fluffed off of. If its a female that lacks horns, there is even an Alternative Racial Trait for that as well. Other than that, they don't have much mechanical effect at all.
Huh, yeah, there's that.
you mean like 'scatter'? Nah, better to actually have it deal additional weaker attacks.

First, anything that would be "Reflex half" is right out; it basically means "it will deal half damage, or none if they make their save. Lines are pretty useless too. Sometimes you can hit like, two guys with it.
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>+Str/Dex for QUALITY
>A bunch of potentially cool ARTs
>perfect for a Str-based Self-Pact Avowed

>Betrothed Archetype
>Who's this handsome fella?
>!!! THAT'S ME! Daymn, I am looking NIICE.
>And this? ... That, that's my shadow!
>Lookin NICE!
>I'm lookin nice
>My shadow's lookin nice
Blood Alchemist.

Even after the errata it's still pretty weak, but I just love the flavor of it, especially if you can create tactical circles to create cover for your allies or buff them, or create pits under enemies.
>>A bunch of potentially cool ARTs
Eh, don't get too excited. I usually have only 2 per base ability, ant they're mostly just for movement types and different environments to better suit the multiple potential species.
In most campaigns, you will be better off using the Base race, with the ARTs being for minor niche things.

If anything, the Racial Archetypes will be more worth it than the ARTs

I thought you couldn't use Esoteric Pacts with Betrothed
You can't, anon's just thinking with the wrong head.
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You can't, which is a shame!

>You will never have such immense magical power through sheer pride/training that you manifest a clone of yourself

O-oh my.

Why would girl deer need antlers?

Are they fighting for the right to mate with someone?
female reindeer have antlers.
I kinda had a similar idea for a race once, with women getting something like more side-mounted or back-swept horns while males had a big ol' bone plate at the front. The idea being that males were supposed to have headbutted for dominance in prehistory, while females needed to lash out at unwanted males.
Oh, almost forgot, ther are some variant strains of whitetail that have females with antlers. Further, antler growth can be coaxed in females of many deer species due to higher levels of testosterone.

Antlers are not Horns.
>the females are taller and stronger than the males
>their relationship structures tend to be the opposite of humans, with females as the more assertive ones who pursue the males they like

I know, I was just being silly
more like trying to make it cater to your fetish
>assuming those can't be the same thing

It sorta seems like a lot of beast-folk would have kinda different gender relations from humans if you base 'em on social behaviors of animals. Particularly in prey animals.

I mean, goat-folk you'd have all the women and kids hanging out together under the rule of a queen, who's the biggest, toughest, and most aggressive of the bunch while the dudes wander around by themselves or with a small party of their bros, staying close but off doing their own thing until it's mating season.
>I mean, goat-folk you'd have all the women and kids hanging out together under the rule of a queen, who's the biggest, toughest, and most aggressive of the bunch while the dudes wander around by themselves or with a small party of their bros, staying close but off doing their own thing until it's mating season.

That sounds exactly like how Catfolk are currently written.

Their society is built entirely around villages full of women and children, and when a Tom wanders into town they all get a turn with him before he basically gets kicked out.
Kinda reminds me of that one guy who's the only male mithra in FF11.

From what I understand, feral cat colonies do tend to be a bit like that, although there's usually a couple dudes that travel between a small number of colonies and they do take an interest in how the kittens are doing.

Interestingly, colony cats apparently raise their young collectively, which doesn't tend to translate when people portray catfolk because it's harder to depict everyone in the area looking after each others' kids.
>inb4 'my wife's son'

I don't think cats would even understand the concept of monogamy.
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>it's harder to depict everyone in the area looking after each others' kids.

I know it isn't really the same thing, but have none of these people been a part of a big family? It's not that hard to stretch that out to including your neighbors, especially if it's a "village-sized" community.
>but have none of these people been a part of a big family?

Western society doesn't exactly place a lot of stock in sizable families anymore, even something like a "nuclear" family (two parents and a kid) seems quaint.
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>Every year, there is a grand tournament to see which male is worthy of being the consort to the Queen of the Goat Kingdom
>this causes the males to develop a culture of chivalry, and errant knighthood, so that during mating season many a warrior follows a romantic path of showing strength to the ladies through chivalrous skills, accomplishments, and lifestyles.
Now I just need pictures of Knight Goats
Live with me, my five siblings, my parents, grandparents, uncle and aunt and their five kids, and usually another cousin or two. Just throw another person in there, I probably wouldn't notice.
Well it ties to that when cat goes into a heat, she gets it on with as many males as possible. That way when she gives a litter every tomcat will leave them alone for the possibility they may be his offspring. That's right, catgirls sluttyness makes them more realistic.
Sorry, this is off topic but:

I just started reading it. It's giving me a bad vibe of being a homestuck ripoff.

They arrived with the doctor to where he will become a doctor. Does it pick up soon?
Homestuck isn't that bad, it can still be enjoyable. It's the community that pushes it over the edge, and they tend to move as a unit.
>That's right, catgirls sluttyness makes them more realistic.

They should only be sluts when they're in heat!

But oh boy, when that happens they're gonna want multiple deposits on a nightly basis.

What about foxes? What's their habits? I know "vixen" is synonymous with an extremely promiscuous woman, but aren't they monogamous?

Red foxes do mate for life, if memory serves.
>mother was pureblooded italian with a pureblooded Italian family
>house constantly filled with guests every weekend, have cousins overnight all the time and stay overnight at relatives houses
>mfw that's all gone out the window recently ever since one of my brothers died
>mfw loathe trying to get together with anyone outside of immediate family now

I miss it when I looked forward to holidays, and was seeing several dozen family and friends at once.
The problem I have with homestuck is it's just so fucking long. Is it even over yet? Close? The author keeps coming up with random shit to keep the story going.

I enjoyed problem sleuth way more anyway.
It ended last year yo
it's over.
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Well shit.

Was the ending any good?
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I remember a mention a while back of a trait/feat/enchantment/something that let you use a one-handed weapon in a bite without penalty. Does this exist or did I hallucinate it, and if it does, where is it?

I'm making a walking Okami reference for a game and 1d3 bite damage is bollocks.
3.5 mouthpick weapons, 'fuck you I'm the GM' otherwise.
It was literally the worst possible ending you could imagine. Rather than being a middle finger to the characters, it was the BIGGEST fucking double fuck-you to the readers. The ending felt like an animation student's thesis project and all of the stuff that they built up at the very end of the story went unresolved. Hell, most of the stuff from earlier on in the story went unresolved. The absolute worst part is that Hussie gave the keys to some fuck that's continuing the series on fucking Snapchat while making an active attempt to make everyone as homosexual as possible.
Fuck if I know, I haven't read it in years.

Apparently people got buttmad at GAY MARRIAGE tho.

And now Prequel's dead.
Damn. Will have to take my shit damage and like it, then.
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Alright, /pfg/, I think we should take a moment to talk this over. What exactly defines "comfy"?

I'm bringing this up because I want to air my personal answer: The fact that it adds an accent to the stakes.

Having a comfy game in a cozy setting with cute characters and an easygoing atmosphere makes it a lot more serious when the game turns out to be about stopping a murderer or solving a mystery that threatens your home; Diamond is Unbreakable or Twin Peaks come to mind as decent examples. Dealing with a fey incursion or rooting out a cult is fine and dandy, but a comfy game helps keep it from seeming mundane in a game largely about going out and fighting monsters.
Favorite non-standard build?
Take a rogue broth, thrown in an earthbreaker via the shoanti tattoo trait,add minced enforcer, a dash of bludgeoner, then stir in a pre-mixed blend of sap adept, sap master, and the scout and thug archetypes. Pump strength for maximum taste, and you wind up with a big strong-man rogue who scares the shit out of stuff and does ridiculous non-lethal damage with a big as fuck hammer.
Oh thank god I don't need to read it then
Would-be new player here. There's a shitload of options for this game...I want to have at least the basics of a character together before I go looking for a game, because of how many options there are for it. I'm interested in doing a support class - I don't mind not doing anything flashy, so long as what I do makes the party overall be better. I was a bard in other games, but I'm a sperg and I know it, and making high charisma characters is awkward for both me and the DM. I'm not interested in being just a healer, because I know you can get wands and potions to just make my existence irrelevant - and even if they don't, the fact that they could would sit in the back of my head as I played. So, what would you recommend?
Forgot to mention, add intimidating prowess to taste
Does your DM allow third party?
>Oh thank god I don't need to read it then
Yeah, you know how the big bad of Homestuck got defeated? The author declared him defeated. The characters literally wound up going to Hussie and going "Shit, we're fucked" and Homestuck ended by in-universe Hussie ending Homestuck to defeat the villain.
This is just figuring out what I'd do before I found a DM, so assume no.

Honestly, I have the same feelings as you. A game without conflict is hardly a game at all, even if that conflict is something relatively meager in the scheme of things.

Adding my own example to the mix, the type of game I've always wanted to play is something based on that ancient greentext of Saltspit, a story of Industry and Trade where the entire focus of the campaign was on exploiting a stable portal to the Plane of Salt and thus cash in on the Salt trade.

It just... Clicks with me, you know? That to me is the ultimate comfy game; you aren't trying to stop a threat to the kingdom, you aren't fighting against the forces of darkness in a brutal crusade, you're just a gang of merchant princes out to make a name for yourself with quality products and ample politicking.

Hell, it even gives opportunity for all the things you'd ache for in a campaign; maybe the mine breaks into an underground cave crawling with troglodytes. Maybe a rival merchant company sends assassins after yours... Maybe you send assassins after a rival merchant company. It's all a struggle, but it's a struggle you willingly took up!
In my opinion the core of comfy is the knowledge that at the end of the day (or week, or month, but eventually), you'll be able to go home, curl up in front of a fire with your friends and a mug of cocoa, and just relax. Your family isn't getting murdered when your back is turned, there's no time crunch as the evil wizard plots to end the world, and you're not being hunted by beasts from beyond the stars. Sure, you love and you lose, it's not that there aren't any threats, but they're threats that you can deal with on your own time, rather than a constant sense of pressure atop your head.
if not, Alchemist is a good non-CHA party support option. `
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So, so glad I got over that pile of shit.
Ava's Demon - avasdemon.com
I'm a fan of witch. There are all sorts of builds for a buff witch.

A lack of urgency defines comfy for me. Most games are about defeating the bbeg before he destroys the world and sometimes I just want to be a merchant, farmer, guardsman, or something that the world doesn't rely on me to carry their weight. Most of the time when I play I am some form of Atlas, holding the world up and without me everything goes to pieces. In a comfy game I just want to tend my garden and live a more mundane life. That does not mean it has to have conflict. Things happen, but it should not be conflict that I have to make sure my Last Will and Testament is in order.

I want to have roots someplace where people know me and I make regular appearances at. I want to be able to recognize people and have them recognize me back. I want to wander what the NPCs are up to today instead of wondering what the contents of their packs might be worth.
Comfy to me means that time is set aside for mundane things that aren't life threatening or plot defining.

There are quests to investigate strange happenings and it turns out to genuinely be a harmless joke or experiment gone mildly wrong by the local wizard.
The GM encourages a full RP scene detailing how the party cooks their first meal together and enjoys it afterwards.
PCs can fool around and do silly things without lives hanging in the balance.

Of course, this doesn't mean serious stuff can't happen, but it's an indicator the game won't be all high stakes all the time.
As someone who has never read homestuck at all, I wonder if there's anyone who enjoyed the ending since this anon's account might be right but also might be heavily biased.
Thank you for this, I'll look into those classes soon.
No, that's pretty much it. Homestuck's most diehard fans have trouble justifying Homestuck's ending. That wet fart of a finale is a huge part of why it vanished from nerd culture as quickly as it did.
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Not him, but could you give me (3) campaign hooks you would define as "extremely comfy, and I would apply in a heartbeat?"

Would you apply for something with the following premises,
>Party discover a patch of land rich in a resource, it is up to them to develop it and gradually expand operations throughout the region
>Party are retired adventurers living in a rural community outside of a major settlement, being simple farmers tending their memes n' dreams
>Party are all members of an upstart guild/gang in a major kingdom's capital, players can focus on anything from being the local muscle to being a master craftsman to expand their group's renown
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Just to play devil's advocate...

Well, I mean. At least it's finally fucking over and it can die.
1) Just smalltown girls.
2) Living in a lonely world.
3) Take the midnight train going anywhere.
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>That time the party spent three sessions willingly diplomacy-ing instead of murdering everything in sight, not because the universe was on the line, but because we ran into notromeo-and-juliet and thought they were a cute couple
The fact that we made mad bank through insider trading from knowing the two families were going to join forces was actually incidental for once.
Let's be honest here, even the most diehard fans were really only in it for the porn.

The first two for sure. The third could be a lot of conflict and that isnt too comfy unless everyone involved was some kind of NPC class.

>Running a cozy mountain castle where rare ores/gems were recently discovered. It is situated around a natural hot spring (actually a pin sized portal to the elemental plane of fire at the bottom of a spring)
>Merchants traveling in a caravan, maybe by ship, from place to place, buying low and selling high. Sometimes having to hire adventurers to keep you safe from bandits
>Druids in the wild, making sure your groove is the best groove that ever grooved while holding weekly groove parties with groovey music. But seriously, being the druid enclave around a forest village where you make sure plant growth is always cast on the crops and they come to you every time they break a limb is cute to me.

I am not sure what it is but urban games are hard to make comfy. Everything is fast paced and there are a lot of risks to me. Everything I tried to think of was meh.
The PCs are summoned to a cozy little backwoods town by the murder of a local beauty. Though they are charged with catching the murderer, there's plenty of time to meet and get to know the locals, and take in the charming scenery along with some delicious coffee.
holy shit a game about living on a giant world-crossing train and protecting it from bandits and evil fucks would be so cool
Hey now, the music was pretty catchy

I'm in love with that first idea, maybe combine it with the second idea where one player takes on the role of merchant.
Fair point, though I found it kind of hit or miss. And besides, the credit for the best music goes to guys on the periphery of the fandom, rather than the original creator.
Not him either, but
>A wizard has died with no clear successor, and the local villages want someone to take up residence at least some of the time so his rivals (a particularly unpleasant bunch) don't move in

>A school for adventurers is opening up, and the call for teachers has gone out. Deal with academic politics, snotty brats, and weird shit from the nearby forest as you pass along your skills to the next generation.

>An evil necromancer managed to cast a country-wide ritual that made the dead rise from their graves. Fortunately, he fucked it up and they all rose as free-willed, noncontagious undead. For now, the official government stance is to help them integrate back into society, but there's always incidents.
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It is actually based on one of my cityfus. The place was built around the hot springs and it pipes the hot water all throughout the castle, wall and parts of the village so even though it is chilly, inside stays pretty toasty and comfy.
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>The place was built around the hot springs and it pipes the hot water all throughout the castle, wall and parts of the village so even though it is chilly, inside stays pretty toasty and comfy.

Sounds like Winterfell!
It's mostly something only seen in very crowded cities among those with ties back to "the old country" if you're in America; Italian, Mexican, Irish, Japanese, people with that sort of ethnic make-up are more likely to keep to the concept of a large family than British, French, or German descendants. Alternatively, if you're in South America at all, moving out of your family house without being married is seen as being foolish and/or cruel to your elders, since you're not there to help them even though they helped raise you.
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>One player oversees extraction and refining operations
>One player focuses on the castle upkeep
>One player is the chief merchant and craftsman
>One player focuses on the castle village
Also exists in one of N.Jolly's Vigilante books!
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Kind of. I have always liked the idea of a mountain village kept away from most people but still being cozy and not having to wonder if they cut enough wood today. I always envision those places stripped of trees for miles and the land around them just barren.
oh, good!

Or maybe the place is surrounded by a thick evergreen forest inhabited by fey or monstrous beasts, forcing the party to go out and cull the populations from time to time... Yet, in the process, acquire wondrous pelts of rare creatures who might serve as extravagant mantles for armor or coats!

Yay trading good for the warmlands!
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Back from doing stuff, gonna check out the comments on SoM 3. Also thanks for the comments on equipment sphere, really need to pound the pavement there.
Improvised weapons talent.
>wanted to build a symbiote for assassin game
>DHB also wants to build symbiote
>it's gonna be better than mine
What do I do /pfg/?
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Sudoku time
Constantly remind the other writers that they're trying to save Pathfinder from caster supremacy. Don't let them fall into Paizo's traps. Remind them that Spheres of Power ought to be the optimization benchmark, that Might talents should be as good as Power talents.

Spheres of Might is our last hope for saving Pathfinder. If it fails, we all suffer.
I was going to do a symbiote too

I'll probably just do it anyway

I don't have much faith in that game thanks to the recent developments anyway
Recent developments?
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Oh yeah, you haven't seen the barroom sphere, which is dedicated to improvised weapons.

Sounds like something someone else just told me recently, but I'll try to make sure of this.


Be sure to include a few talents for the many uses of liquor. Blindness, fire damage, alcoholic healing, ect.
wow what a qt
2hu ruining yet another game.

Why haven't we learned to ban 2hu from all /pfg/ games yet?
The GM adopting the "retroactive banning" policy to some of the game's most poorly thought out feats and spells, then being ornery about it when people tried to tell them why it's a terrible idea
Report and ignore folks.
Who was he ornery too?
People telling him that it's not very nice to allow options as traps so you can ban someone for picking them.
People trying to give him advice in the thread. This thread, in fact.

I think the bigger point here is to also remind people to give non-combat stuff too, and that it's perfectly fine if something gives one bonus in combat and another out of combat.

Like, "all your speeds gets +10, and in overland travel treat your speed as if it was +100 more" or something, I dunno. But you get the idea? You can give cool stuff that can substitute for teleports and whatever without necessarily completely upending the combat paradigm.

>out of combat
This would fix the biggest problem with existing 3PP like PoW. PoW gives cool combat stuff, but you get barely anything for when you're not fighting.
>yfw Snowpiercer

Reminder for new thread that SoM's 3rd preview is up.
Not only not picking them, but also potentially picking them yet still later banning the option if the player "cheeses" with it
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The hell is "retroactive banning"?
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>tfw nobody ever wants to interact with or react to your PC
>tfw you wonder what's even the point when you feel like a cog, not a character

Why don't people ever want to play with me, guys.
Banning something after having permitted it to be used, I would guess.
"I don't like the things you picked from the options I allowed, so I'm banning you"
Tell us a little more about your situation?
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We're going to work to give more non-combat stuff, although please do be patient with us; I'm doing my best to respond to comments since I was out all of today, and it may take me some time to get to all of your concerns.
How useful is disguise if you have low char? Can you use it to banish into the crowd (perhaps combined with stealth), or look like a servant?
vanishing into crowds is Stealth, since there's a trait associated with doing just that.
i often find disguise useless without disguise self, regardless of charisma
But that would be too anime!
There should be a talent to disguise as a swift action. Hide, disguise, "What, who? Oh, he went that way."
What's wrong with that if it's breaking the game?
Because if things break the game, they should be on the allowed list in the first place.

It's like giving someone a box of chocolates, except you secretly injected several of them with concentrated chili extract.
>There should be a talent to disguise as a swift action.

Like a real villain?

It is one thing to say, dont use this, this and this because it breaks the game. It is another to say, you can use these three things, but if I dont like how you use them I am going to ban you.
...shouldn't be. SHOULDN'T be.
It's possible to use overpowered things in a way that DOESN'T break the game.

Like Broken Blade + Primal Fury.
I like spicy chocolate, though.
Because the player might not know what the GM's idea of "breaking" the game is. Rather than having them constantly having to check with the GM about every application of the spell or ability, the sensible thing to do is ban it outright.
I still don't get how Robbie can disguise himself so well, when that chin of his should be giving him a -4 penalty
Let me guess, you also ban Broken Blade and Primal Fury?

It's a case of always being the bridesmaid and never the bride; I'm always up for helping people build or expand on their characters using both IC and OOC, but my characters are always left untouched - I'm always the one interacting, and while it's often processed it's never acknowledged IC, and nobody ever tries to start conversations with my characters, at most it's a general declaration to the group rather than directed at anyone specific.

It's like, I exist only to steal the spotlight because the DM's the only one that appreciates my lack of quipping or actually making real choices in the plot - and when it happens the other players are just flabbergasted, which tears me up because I've spent so much of the campign trying to accommodate them.
Level 20 Rogue's Edge: Disguise

Because everyone wishes they/their friend/their significant other/etc. had that chin.
The spheres seem kinda narrow compared to SoP. Like, Barrage is entirely about doing a bunch of ranged attacks, I guess? But in SoP most of the spheres can do multiple duty for attacks, buffs, and defenses in one way or another.
Hmm, I was going to suggest doing things that force a reaction by doing plot things, but that doesn't seem to be working. Would you mind giving a specific example of people ignoring you IC?

(also obligatory haveyoutriedtalkingtotheooc.jpg)
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Seeing that people want more utility from them, we're going to focus future efforts on getting less combat orientated uses from said spheres.
Is +2 natural armor bonus (1st lvl feat) from the get go good?
There are better things you could be spending a feat on.
If you're ac stacking, yes.
If not, then it's a toss up.
One thing that might help would be to think about broader character themes for each sphere. For Barrage, like, instead of "lots of ranged attacks" think "Legolas doing Legolas things", maybe.
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Makes sense to me
It's okay. Depends a lot on what you're going to be facing.

+2 AC is good at a low level, but it ages questionably, since most things that want to hit you, by higher levels, are going to anyway. Even at low levels, touch attacks will bypass natural armor.

If you're fairly confident you'll be able to make it earn its keep (playing a character who would otherwise have a lower AC like a monk or wizard), then sure.
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Dark Allure or Dark Authority?
Which of the tiefling racial feats would you recommend?
Depends on the group (and, barring that, depends on the character concept).

d8 HP ain't doing you much good as a tank, though.
Maybe Fiend Sight, for 120 foot darkvision, but only if you go in dungeons a lot. Otherwise, they're all niche and lame.
Grasping Tail has some potential, though it's a niche you could probably fill other ways.

Armor of the Pit is nice, but is probably going to age poorly.

Monstrous Mask and/or Ancestral Scorn might be good for an Intimidate build.

Banner of Doom might be cool if you're a cavalier.
its a 6 member group

i want to do some cursed razor debuffing and i did want an "infectious curse" theme but i'm scared of getting my ass pounded once i start claiming stuff
>Ancestral Scorn

Trying to intimidate evil outsiders will age even more poorly than Armor of the Pit.

>Monstrous Mask

Doesn't age quite as poorly, but still, unless it's a humanoid-heavy campaign it'll be nigh-useless pretty fast.

What about the ones that improve darkness? Is darkness an useful spell?
Dark Allure.

Don't tank, kite. Remember, with maneuvers you'll still have movement every round, and a bunch of the maneuvers include extra movement themselves.

Not at all. Anyone with Darkvision can still see through it fine, and that will be many humanoids and the vast majority of monsters. To actually get useful magical darkness, you have to get Deeper Darkness, which blocks darkvision.
I just allow str and a half to them similar to regular bows, I'd like to say it works fine in the games I run but nobody has ever used them so I can't be sure.
is there a 1pp 'religious'-ish archetype for Fighter? i want a hint of devotion for my backstory but don't want to play a cleric or warpriest.
Darkness is never not a useful spell...
It's not 1pp, but you could play a warder with the ordained defender archetype.
ah, would be nice, but no can do. 1pp only.
It is from a companion book
Those are not made by Paizo
Mayb a Lore Warden?


So, is better to get Maw/Claw(1d6 or 2 1d4 ), Soul Seer (deathwatch spell), Underworld Guide (+2 bonus on initiative checks, and on saves against traps and hazards when underground) instead?
Warpriest is about the best you're going to get, then.

Definitely. I'd go for the first or the last, depending on the rest of your build. +2 Initiative is way, way more valuable than it sounds, since going first is the most universal "good thing" for every combat you'll ever get into.
This. It's entirely possible to make a reasonable character while using things that are traditionally banned. Make a concept and a character before you make a sheet. What's so hard about this?

Limitations shouldn't need to be imposed for you to be able to show restraint. The game isn't a vehicle to try out broken shit, it's a vehicle for a story.
Does magical Knack work with spheres casting?
ask your GM.
enjoy playing mother may I with Edna until the end of fucking time, bro
But where's the line? For example, most would probably agree you shouldn't be able to Fabricate yourself up 10,000 mithril suits of armor with Blood Money. But what about, say, Raise Dead? Should you be allowed to give free resurrections for your party, forever? Some might think its fine. Others might not.
As written, yes.

If I go with a polearm, could the claws one replace whatever short weapon I use for close quarters?
>The game isn't a vehicle to try out broken shit, it's a vehicle for a story.

If you're a wizard, then the game is a vehicle for the story of how the universe breaks to your will.
Unless the GM is smart and nerfs your shit into the ground.
Yep. But keep in mind that at mid/high levels, to get enhancement bonuses on the claw attacks, you'd have to get an amulet of mighty fists, bodywrap of mighty strikes, or similar item separately from any upgraded primary weapon.

It also means that if you can use the polearm without reach (the Weapon Trick (polearms) feat can do this), you can do a full attack where you make all your weapon attacks, then do all your natural attacks at the end at (highest BAB -5).
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Okay, I've listened to commentary here, and I'm slowly working on adding more utility talents to the spheres, starting with barrage. We have two straight utility talents in distracting shot/trap technician and one that lets them hit swarms, but I'll be hopefully adding 1-2 more before trying to include other spheres in this utility initiative.
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>tfw read that as "distracting shota/trap technician" at first

>one that lets them hit swarms

I wouldn't call that utility. It's just part of the combat toolkit, albeit one that non-spellcasters are usually sadly lacking in.
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That's why I separated it from the others, it's combat utility though which isn't bad. Like I said, I'm working on adding others, but I'm one guy going through the doc in an attempt to answer questions and create new content, so it's gonna take a while.
So, Merfolk might be allowed for an upcoming campaign, but looking over them, I gotta ask...

How best to get around that fucking 15 ft at best land speed? I'm thinking my best option is to go for the Telekinesis sphere and grab protokinesis feats out the butt so I can make mind-legs and at least get up to 25 most of the time I'm not flying.
Harbinger/barbarian/probably other classes idek give you a bonus to movement speed and the former also gives you a permanent fly speed at level 9.
I think it should be in the rp, and it's not really free as you're getting two negative levels from it or whatever. If you go through the fanfare of ritual sacrifice, why not? Gold piece taxes on spells are silly after a certain point. If you're level 15 you can probably toss away 250gp for a stoneskin easy least. Not to mention by reducing their strength they're setting themselves up for failure when they're confronted with a poison or effect that deals strength damage.
Get a mount to ride on. Summoner, Paladin, Cavalier, etc. Or be a construct rider alchemist and ride around on a robo-throne.
Except you're not the only wizard in the world. Every other wizard in existence has access to the same shit (and counter-measures against said shit).
Right, because they're just going to leave that Strength damage as is~
For a second I was thinking you meant using a Summoner, Paladin or Cavalier as a mount to ride on. Which I was gonna call lewd on.
Who is Edna? If someone is constantly probing for limits that's just irritating and they're clearly not interesting in the game but wrapped up in their own character and build.
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I can't wait!

Synthesist Summoners are indeed sometimes used as mounts.

Which is, y'know, optimization makes for strange bedfellows and all that but it'd be a funny world if we were all the same, eh?
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were the gm of the game in question.

I've seen two men having sex that were less gay than this image
>Synthesist Summoners are indeed sometimes used as mounts.

Please, tell me more.
You mean my game i'm looking for players for, anon?

But you can roleplay ritual sacrifice anyway, if that's what you want to do. Why should you get a 5k gold discount on the resurrection thanks to a first level spell? Doesn't that harm the tension of having a character die? Is the material component a part the balancing? If so, how could circumventing it be anything but imbalancing?

Take another example, what if I want to be a necromancer and raise some spooky skeletons? That means investing my character's wealth into onyx, hoping I have the proper amount of onyx with me when I want to animate something, the onyx being available for purchase, and then actually physically carrying the onyx around. Or... I could just take Blood Money, circumventing all of this with a first level spell. Is that okay? Shouldn't the GM tell me beforehand if it is or isn't?
Wait shit woops wrong link lamo
/pfg/, quickly, I need your help.

What's a very high power level class, that's built around being a robot?

I'm playing a skeleton in a high power game, and another PC - a mad scientist - wants to do a bunch of mad science shit to me to turn me into a robot. This is being ruled by the DM as a class change, so I'm looking for something to match the campaign.

Oh, and my skeleton can shapeshift into a bear, if that helps.
no, the assassin game that's at the center of this 'should I ban easily-abused stuff before game' argument.
Ah, was just curious, since there's an Edna asking chargen stuff for mine, and suggesting possible adventure modules to use, so.
Same Edna. Likes to harass GMs into getting their way while telling them how to run their games.
>implying i even need to

i'll just body possess something with a higher strength
>Likes to harass GMs into getting their way while telling them how to run their games.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Go away 2hu witch hunter.
Yes - look at his behavior in the assassin game.

Anyway, I've said my piece and I'm not in either game so I don't really give a fuck what you think about me.
Hmm. I wonder how it could be tweaked to allow for a discount or maybe effectiveness with necromancy/evil spells only? At low levels having to pay so much gold for that fresh new spell you got sucks.
>Yes - look at his behavior in the assassin game.

>asking game questions in a thread for asking game questions is bad

Sure thing buddy.
New Thread
Came up with Punchy McPunchface, a URogue/UMonk who dumps STR, maxes DEX, and punches people unconscious with one blow.
Also an NPC, the hot-blooded (and possibly yandere) Changeling Brawlbarian. I may have an obsession with martial arts lately.
>Changeling Brawlbarian.

Please share
I don't remember what I did with her stats but she started out as a Brawler 4/Barbarian 4 with some focus on Elemental Rage. Her mom's an Annis Hag so she's not completely mechanically terrible. I have a hook set up so that if a PC beats her in a 1-on-1 fight she'll come back at higher levels to challenge and possibly kidnap them. Otherwise she's just the muscle for another Changeling, this one a more mechanically optimized Mesmerist.
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