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Horus Heresy General /hhg/

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Thread replies: 363
Thread images: 55

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The Discord of a Can of Phosphex Edition
Roach poison Sub-Edition
This is getting ridiculous but we can improve. In the last thread we talked about the DA wings, Anons posted models and received criticism, being gay and Jetbike patterns have connections, bitz were posted and had questions, Awoo!, and everything went down hill from there
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
>Updated rulebooks
>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Make your unit entries

>BoP's Paint guide

>HH Discord
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nth for the XIXth
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Post phos-gas container marine, anon!
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Since Hunter Killer missiles are only 5 points a pop and land speeders can take 2 each, would it be interesting to run a squad of 3-5 land speeders with missiles?

It's a lot of strength 8 on platforms that can easily get side armor
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I love you no homo.
Land Speeders are pretty points-efficient. Take as many as you can.
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Kekked and checked
How many Land Speeders are definitely too much? 20?
Missing the "Inferno repair shoppe" for all your fixing needs.
I always take 2 hunter-killers on each javelin. That's four Str 8 shots at BS 5, half of them TL, on the turn it comes in and blows its load for just 65 points. And if it survives the retaliation it can still do something !
There is no such thing as too many land speeders !

Nah what it should be is "Inferno - making /hgg/ great again" on a billboard or something

For normal land speeders whats the optimal loadout for vehicle hunting? Single multi melta + 2 hunter killers?
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Interestingly, today's real-life /pol/ news is discussing the definition of "access to." Two of our favorite topics, /pol/ and chainaxes, all rolled into one. I won't state any opinion on either.

On a more serious note, are dreadnought drop pods still out of stock? I've heard that footslogging Leviathans exist only to die, but a Kharbydis is hard to justify (in both points and money). What do? All the stupid drop pods other than the plastic one are such expensive models and it sounds like they suck to assemble. Argh. Give me a tracked vehicle or 3-wheeled bike to make them faster. (Ooh, that means White Scars might consider taking them.)

I hope White Scars get something pretty unique to make up for all the unit types they seem not to take.
White Scars in the HH make up for their paucity in certain units with having the sickest burns in all of the fiction.

>that means White Scars might consider taking them

White Scars have dreads, super heavies, artillery etc. They just have fewer heavy assets. Fewer Deredeos and Leviathans does not mean zero.
Normal speeders can take graviton guns. Add a multi-melta and you already have some serious vehicle stopping power

Footslogging leviathans with double stormcannons are a pain. Chew through anything without a 2+ and light vehicles with little effort and hard to shut down because of the stupid 4++ they have.
Or a grav gun to haywire them armoured ceramites
>I've heard that footslogging Leviathans exist only to die, but a Kharbydis is hard to justify
But they can take regular dread drop pods anon
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Is there anything I could approximate a graviton gun with? They aren't too expensive from FW but I don't want to wait a month to fill out 5 land speeders.
I wish they would delve more into the Emperor childhood and nos former immediate family.
Like how he delivered justice upon his uncle for murdering his father and we also also discovered that the Emperor had a girl cousin
No, it's fine as it is...But I'd like to know more about the shamans
Are you sure, you don't want more Lil emperor pre-historic adventures?maybe we will learn that his mother was a MILF
They're out of stock.
I wish contemptor squadrons could take pods and GW would make plastic dread pods. Like, seriously, you can't even fit a boxnought into the regular drop pod, how is that suppose to transport contemptors as well?
In the old RoC lore it said he brothers and sisters so he was the baby of the bunch.
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Finally finished a Rhino. Damn they're as boring to paint as I remember.

That looks really good.
It's like the one in the book. Nice, anon.
Its cool. But the black seems blank you put transfers there? Maybe weather the black a bit.
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Cheers. The black actually has grey sponging on it, it doesn't show particularly well in photos however. I'll likely add some kind of unit marking on the big doors though. Maybe.

Company or Battalion markings?

There's an amazing guy on Bolter and Chainsword whose Iron Warriors are the XIV Dragoons and they have their very own unique symbol on their tanks.
Ah I see. Your IW are pretty cool. Got a group shot?
I really should come up with a company or battalion. Always up for seeing more IVth, link?
Not currently I'm afraid. I'll likely be aiming to finish painting most of it first, as currently it's all arranged in a cupboard.


He is the Bolter and Chainsword's foremost Iron Warriors fan. He makes most of the IWfags here look tame.

He also hates Angel Exterminatus.
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His imperial heralds or whatever the word bearers use to be look nice.
>He also hates Angel Exterminatus
A man of taste.

That quote on Peturabo's page about it being a crime against his character came from him. It was lifted from Bolter and Chainsword and dropped there for interest.

White Scars object to Dreadnauts on a cultural level not a tactical one.
Excellent, thanks. Seems it's not been updated in a while, but more than enough to look through for now, cheers.
What quote you say?

Angel Exterminatus was an absolute crime against Perturabo. I will give credit to McNeil for his grand attempt to humanize the mind the most mentally inhuman primarchs, but Occam's Razor applies here, as it always does in the mindset of the Iron Lord. Simplicity is the key, expedience the goal. His is a mind entirely composed of mathematical equations, looking at the world around him in angles and percentages, statistics and numbers. Emotion is unwelcome, an unfactorable variable, but it's always there, the ghost that haunts his finely tuned thoughts. He buried his dreams and his heart on Olympia's ridges, and willingly cut all ties and dived into Hell, because his Father asked him to. He murdered millions, because his father asked him to. He broke empires, shattered armies, and his Legion bore the most grievous wounds and losses, because his father asked him to. And he ignored the implications of it all, because his Father asked him to.

Do you honestly believe none of this ground into his long lost humanity, the empty core of his being that he cut out, because his Father asked him to?

He is War-Broken. We're talking about God-Level traumatic mental disorder here. Perturabo can't control his emotions at times. He stares out at nothingness, and speaks to his past. One moment, he's unreachable, and the next he's ripping your head off because you brought him bad news. He can become utterly lost in fine details, both in crafting weaponry, and tearing down citadels. It calms him, returns his mind back the the emotionless numbers that represent hundreds of thousands of his sons dying. The further detached he became from reality, the further he tried to hide from the horror he was crafting, the worse his emotions got.

And Perturabo still buried that shit. He moved forward. He got the damn job done, and the next, and the next, with precise equations and algorithms.

Olympia was the line crossed. His mind broke, his heart broke, and he became the Monster he ran from his whole life.

Because his Father asked him to.
>that copy pasta
Defend him often I see

>Before his internment within a Dreadnought, Honoured Temajin served as part of the great Kyublai Khan's Honour Guard.

>However, whilst locked in a great duel with a fell champion of the Black Legion, Temajin was shot in the back by a Legionnaire's plasma gun and laid low.

>Whilst many White Scars find the prospect of being confined within the metal sarcophagus a horror, believing their soul should be allowed to roam free, Temajin has vowed to hunt down and enact revenge against the coward who shot him.
If Iron warriors wore yellow and Imperial fist wore silver how many fags would actually like Perturbo?
Pasta or not, no reason to change it if you get it right on the first try.
That's a very nice argument.
I would still identify with Perturabo, and orange is my favourite colour, so in fact I'd like the IWs even more.
Even if they had the IF battle role, I'd still be IW.
and yet they still make use of them, just less so than other legions/chapters
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Rolled 7 (1d10)

Thats a strong conviction anon. If they were actually yellow the hazard stripes on top, would make them the construction vehicle legion.

I will roll the dice to see if Perty wanted you decimated.

Personally I can't relate to any of them, they all seem retarded.
Playing EC, got a sizable amount of infantry from BaC/BoP and a Dreadclaw.
What should I prioritize next?

>Land Raider Phobos for Breacher/Terminator/Primarch transporting
>Rhino for Volkite Charger Support/Seeker transporting
>Javelin(s) for mobile anti-tank
>Venator for mobile anti-tank
>Jetbikes for mobile anti-tank
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Testing reds for Thousand Sons, what do you think?

Get a bunch of jetpacks
Get a bunch of Grey Knight style glaives
Get two Land Raider Spartans
Get two Contemptor Mortis
Get Eidolon and Fulgrim
Re-enact this glorious battle all day every day: https://youtu.be/-Fs5v3YbVJQ

Looks good, although I would have gone with green eyes.
I think it's a bit pale. I like the blue eyes

I'd go for something like pic related. (This shit isn't mine obv)


There's a vague guide of how he did it in this post.
I like it, shiny but not stupidly shiny like some people do.
Yeah, I'm not sure what to do with the eyes, they're a work in progress, this was really just a test of the red.

>I think it's a bit pale.

It is actually a fair bit darker in person, but my light set up is none too good at the moment.

Thanks, I did have him very shiny but it was bit distracting.

Isn't that the guy who went cray over his Stormbird's stand.
Go home, Nusquam, you're drunk.
Well if it's darker in persona and you like it go for it.

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Hey is the guy who did this Iron Warrior still here? I wanted to know if you'd be open to a one-off commission. I'd like a truescale marine of this quality for a tabletop RPG.
I'm still here. Are you on the Discord?
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What is this shit meme and why do you force it like a faggot?
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>Personally I can't relate to any of them, they all seem retarded.
That's why I can relate :^/
Until the bitter end, anon.
Don't respond to them, that feeds their ego.
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>tfw I just bought an icecream.

I made pic related in the hopes of correcting my problem. But I'm happy you like a legion that much anon. you also survived the decimation
>I made pic related in the hopes of correcting my problem
What problem?
Sometimes the path to know what you want is accepting what you are, which doesn't necessarily mean remaining what you are.
You can always become better, anon!
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>if Dorn and or Pert had an office
So black shields who don't give a fuck? I feel like that kinda misses the point of the heresy.
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Drunk on leaving no survivors
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You do remember that's a novel, right?
ft Caleb Decima, Morturg and pic related.

Space Marine pirates, before the Red Corsairs were cool
I am not. I would need to learn how to use it real quick. Unless you are on rizon.net
Whats the name of the novel? I haven't kept up with BL
Haven't used irc in an age I'm afraid.

Here's a discord link - https://discord.gg/S8Wwr
Ah it's by Wraight too. I'll check it out.
>>So we'll never see these shields sold on their own, right?
>but they are?

If FW persist with the BaC squad, I might actually consider this. Would feel no remorse too.
A list with just one pod would be unusual. Get more.
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Not that anon, but boo, I need an app to possibly also inquire about a true scale commission?
These guys look dope. Sauce?
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Planning on starting out 30k soon so messing around with a plan of fluffy models to get.
r8 my Alpha Legion list m8s

Legion: Alpha Legion
Rite of War: Legion Recon Company

HQ [1]
Armillus Dynat

Troops [4]
10x Legion Recon Squad
>Cameleoline, Sniper Rifles
10x Legion Recon Squad
>Cameleoline, Sniper Rifles
10x Legion Recon Squad
>Cameleoline, Sniper Rifles
10x Legion Tactical Support Squad
>Plasma guns

Fast Attack [3]
3x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron
>Heavy Bolters, Cyclone Missile Launcher
10x Legion Seeker Squad
10x Legion Seeker Squad

Heavy Support [2]
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship
>Tempest Rockets, Reaper Autocannon Battery
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer
>Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons

The idea is that all the Infantry Scouts or Infiltrates up into some Ruins for that sweet, sweet Turn 1 2+ Cover save and then hopefully get some decent shots in before the Raptor shows up and the Venator Hetzer's in for support.
Was kind of hoping to get a Saboteur in there as well to combo with Dynat but damn he costs a decent amount for a single dude running around with no access to heavier weaponry.
And I guess I'll just curl up and cry or whatever whenever I have to go up against an Admech player.

Also is it just me or are the Alpha Legion Special Units kind of pointless?
The Headhunters have this schizophrenic wargear list due to how oddly clashing a lot of the Alpha Legion armory is.
Like Venom Spheres with no access to better weapons than Power Daggers with no access to a Lightning Claw for the Prime either, losing access to the fantastic Specialist ammos for the benefit of costing 20 more points and 5 points more per guy, no Mark for Death, etc.
They have Infiltrate base though I guess.
Not the mention the Lernaeans that are scoring with Volkite Chargers and Axes for storming objectives (neat) having near exclusive access to Conversion Beamers (confusing).
They just seem kind of lame and confused on what they should be doing.
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That image, couldn't help myself.
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>Also is it just me or are the Alpha Legion Special Units kind of pointless?
>The Headhunters have this schizophrenic wargear list due to how oddly clashing a lot of the Alpha Legion armory is.
>Not the mention the Lernaeans that are scoring with Volkite Chargers and Axes for storming objectives (neat) having near exclusive access to Conversion Beamers (confusing).
B-but muh tacticool loadout, anon-kun
You're right, the AL legion specifics need a complete rehaul. Thing is, we're not getting any.

The Lerneans used to be kind of like shooty Justaerin...that is until the later gained +1BS and +1W along with a noticeable price reduction, while still keeping the WS5 Furious Charge and Retinue + Chosen Warriors that characterized them.

>"They're good and we're overcompensating for their initial overcosted version, plz buy!"

Not to mention the Headhunters are worse than the previous version, having lost Preferred Enemy (All infantry) while ALSO lacking the original Seeker "Designated Prey". Because you know, the Alpha Legion invented Seekers.

Regarding your list, Dynat isn't contributing to your list AT ALL (no Sweep, no Dreads, barely one AP2 squad), not to mention he's alone AND legging it.

0/XXth headhunt again.

Headhunters are subpar for sure. They're essentialy worse than Vet Tacs and the recently updated Seekers. Which is a shame really. Good concept, poor execution.

Lernaeans are top-notch. They're only 3 pts. more expensive on a model per model base than Legion Terminators and gain WS 5 and Stubborn for that price. If you want assault-oriented terminators go for Lernaeans.
You'll be better served with Skorr and a Vigilator in this list.
You lack anti-tank. Las-sponsons on Venator aren't a wise choice as his main weapon is ordnance.

On AL specific units...
Headhunters are crap due to how good Seeker are.
Lernaeans are an excellent unit for the cost. Conversion Beamer is an awesome option, if a bit situational. In ZM it's going to pay off on the first blast. No one is forcing you to take it.
I'd say perhaps you should take a look at the Ultramarines section, they might be more to your liking. ...nothing personnel/tips fedora and slashes through air with katana
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This is the type of person who plays space wolves and will be at the weekender.
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He never showed up, did he?
could you post a tutorial on how you did your weathering? im incredibly curious
Either he meant the weekender, or
Fair point on the Lernaeans, they're are pretty good.
It's just Assault Terminators doesn't seem very tacticool operators operating tacticooly you know?

but i dun wanna pley ultras anon i wanna pley alfas
I get that you're probably talking about Coils but I got kind of turned off by the idea after seeing too many guys taking shit like Gal Vorbak with it.

Yeah you're probably right with Dynat, mainly brought him for the Cognis-signum.
Could probably replace him with Skorr and a Master of Signals for effectively the same benefit.
What was that faggot mad about? What happen to the space pups?
I assume ryanair is unreliable airline held together with duct tape?

Well, if he goes in with a bad attitude he's going to get kicked out in short order.

If he goes in with a modicum of respect and asks about the Wolves to Bligh in person, he'll get a decent answer. Bligh is a really nice guy, he's the sort who will buy you a beer to chat about the Heresy over. Sitting with him and chatting in the pub part of a HH Weekender was a massive highlight.

I dearly wish he would take over all of 40k, he's passionate, fair and loves what he does.
Bligh really is a champ he answered my question about minotaurs on a forum where he was incognito.

Answer was the chevrons minotaurs have represent kill markings. IIRC 1 chervon was meant to be like 50 or a 100.

They cant possibly delay it this close, right?

We should have had the first trailer by now. If it isn't out this Friday, then the chances of it being delayed become probable.

The weekender isnt even on the calendar

That's because it isn't at Warhammer world. it's at the Belfry Hotel in Nottingham.
>It's just Assault Terminators doesn't seem very tacticool operators operating tacticooly you know?
Lernaeans, Headhunters as well, have one thing most similar squads don't - they may take Dreadclaws.

>but i dun wanna pley ultras anon i wanna pley alfas
>I get that you're probably talking about Coils but I got kind of turned off by the idea after seeing too many guys taking shit like Gal Vorbak with it.
I'm not talking about the Coils, you should read more about the possibilities with AL. Taking Gal Vorbak in the Coils list is like spending hours on sharpening your knife and then smashing it up on a diamond. There's a shitload of units with good synergy, there will be more of them in two and a half weeks.
They have so many options which are unaccounted for in the army list that it can get overwhelming at times. However, nothing can beat the smug smile you get when you properly pull it off.

>Yeah you're probably right with Dynat, mainly brought him for the Cognis-signum.
>Could probably replace him with Skorr and a Master of Signals for effectively the same benefit.
A Divination Librarian will serve you better than a MoS.

The preview trailer is unnecessary at this point, they know even people who don't play the two legions to be released are holding their breaths in expectation.

They've done it for every single other book without fail. I can't see why they wouldn't do it now, They've never simply released a HH Book out of the blue yet. They need to build the hype and let people know it's actually coming out.

The fact we haven't had one is very suspicious. If the rumours of a simplified 40k are true, they may well delay Inferno a few months so the rules line up with the new edition of 40k. That's my only explanation for the deafening silence thus far.
The /HHG/ OP had asked if Inferno was delayed from the December release.

I hope he buys a bunch of Leman Russ and burns them in front of the hotel entrance.
I hope they do change the rules some. I've been out of the game since 4th and mostly been picking up models to paint for fun and display just for me. Obviously I'd love to play too, though my local scene is basically non-existent.

The sheer amount of rules/steps/processes/contradicting rules is so much to get your head around if you're fresh to it, especially if there's not much scope to practice, and I'm not a stupid person by any means
The book is printed you silly goose. At the open day FW had the shipment inbound.

The worse case scenario is that the stupid boat gets delayed by a short time and the delivery doesn't make it for the weekender, not that they cancel the whole thing.

Why would they release the book knowing it'll be obsolete within a few months?
They released the YT preview of Retribution on 12 Feb 2016, I can't remember the date of release, but it was also in February.
Same reason they released the latest red book when it was already partially invalidated.

It was released three days later, though it had already been released at the Weekender on the 26th January.
I see now, we already had a part of the book scanned by the end of February.
So the preview went up only before the book becoming available in the web store.
A question for you all: I have three boxnought kits sitting around (plastic furiosos, to be precise), and I want to paint them up, buy some additional weapons online, and incorporate them into my BA list. I know the castaferrum is generally seen as pretty crappy compared to the alternatives, but any advice on how to go about this? Dreadnought drop pods just seem way too costly and you can't use them with a talon anyway. Speaking of which, I'd go mortis, but then you can't take a talon of those anyway. Footslogging close combat weapons seems a bad idea, and before anyone suggests assault cannon shennanigans those cost something like 50 points extra per dreadnought (I could take 2 sets of TL lascannons for that kind of expenditure). I'm at a bit of a loss.
Boxnoughts may take frag assault launchers, Flamestorm cannons and Missile launchers.
2 assault cannons with full benefits of two CCWs > 2 TL lascannon shots.

You could just replace one flamer with an assault cannon and model it as a regular AC + CCW boxnought.

>Footslogging close combat weapons seems a bad idea

Depends on what you give them. I've seen twin grav gun on a whole squad suggested in more than a few places. It's a bit short range, but will do damage.
we go over the fucking AL unique units every time one of you XXmemsters comes into the thread, yes they're aweful, give banestrike assault 2, give learneans the scout special rule or deep strike and you're done. thank you.
What do you want to talk aboot, anon-kun?
how people complain about both homebrewing and at the same time complaining about things being OP or unplayable.
Nobody was complaining, some of us simply stated the facts without whining. It is as it is, I'd rather they fix the general units such as Destroyers and Recons first.
I'm at a loss, do I complain or do I propose fixes?

its nothing personal against anyone, its just that whenever that errata anon posts up his errata we get some people going >>muh changing holy FW texts, an some other people going >>muh fixes make the game better

I personally have a errata I'm working on with my group, but my aweful/interesting meta isn't representative of the major world and therefore I wont show my work.

What, all three at the same time? Seems a little schizophrenic. In all seriousness though, the flamestorm seems like a good idea, and I can convert those pretty easily. Dreadnought missile launchers are irritatingly impossible to get hold of.


Still expensive. Works out at 525 points for six assault cannons. Graviton isn't a bad shout either. I mean, I suppose I'm battling against the fact that boxnoughts are grotesquely overpriced. At least doing something that keeps some fighty capability has that benefit over paying 2-3 times as much as a similarly equipped heavy support squad, and they would make you think twice about trying to roll up in a vehicle.
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What have Recon Marines ever accomplished? They're one of the most useless units in the list.

Saboteur+Dynat is a great combo so try harder to squeeze it in. I'd consider dropping a Seeker squad for a Dreadclaw for the plasma dudes, or splitting them into two 5-mans.

Headhunters will be okay one day. The legion-specific book was updated (and only lightly so) before the generic army list was, so Seekers got better and now Headhunters should get a follow up.

Boxnoughts make good Mortises or normal dreads with graviton guns.

The Dreadnought Drop Pod is priced for Leviathans, unfortunately.
Don't forget that they can take havoc launchers, so that should give them at least something to throw down range, if there's nothing in reach of their grav guns. Maybe use the grappling hook launcher for the conversion. Put some missile tips on there.

>I'm battling against the fact that boxnoughts are grotesquely overpriced.

There's no way of getting around that. FW hates you and everything you stand for. Buy more of their resin.

>The Dreadnought Drop Pod is priced for Leviathans, unfortunately.

Unfortunate indeed, you'd have to be a madman to stick anything else in one. I'd go for mortis dreads, were it not for the fact that you can't take them in a talon.


Or hunter killers, to sling a couple of krak missiles upfield. What would be an actually reasonable price for a standard boxnought though, 80 points?
HKs would fit the anti-tank profile of the vehicles. I forgot they're only 5pts. A good deal in my book.
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>>51280494 (Youuuuuuuu)
Not enough golf for dorn, and not enough cable ports for pertuabo, how else do you think he keeps the iron circle charged
So when we talk about homebrew are we talking about fullbore own codex full of snowflakes and donut steel oc, or just twiddling with paint schemes or unique models?
Or all of the above at once, if you're nasty.
neither in my case, fixing destroyers, boxnaughts, recon marines, headhunters, reavers, the mastodon and much more.
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I like the old Salamanders alternate colour scheme. You know, like spotted salamanders
There's a nod to that scheme in the FW book 2.
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Idk. I'd call this Obsidian Forged, but sure it could be.
Has FW put anything about Vulkan's Rhino, the Nocturne's Hammer, in their HH books?
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Text only, in the exemplary battles.
Oooh right. I think I had missed it, nice find thanks.
Any time, missed it myself, but got interested in the campaign few days ago, that's when I noticed that detail.
After reading MoM and how the Custodes perceived Magnus as a giant, blood-drenched abomination... just wondered how a normal untainted human would perceive Prospero: would they see the magnificent crystal pyramids and great libraries of lore or twisted pyres with blood leaking from their forbidden rites and temples to forbidden knowledge?

After all, when the Emperor arrives to Prospero Magnus isn't doomed yet, he makes the pact with Tzeentch to save his Legion so it must have been after being granted command so who knows if when the Rout arrived to Prospero it was the first time since Imperials other than Prosperians had been there since the Emperor arrived.

This stuff is pure gold, and makes me feel so much less bad about my beloved Rout rating Prospero.
My Mechanicum need bodies. I thought about taking some Adsecularis, but they're expensive for tarpits compared to the Cults and Militia Cult Horde and Tainted Flesh Levy squads. 350ish points buys me 100 fearless hatred Rending bodies and a 3w IC with the same as well as Instant Death.

Really thinking that may be the best method, especially given that being only Fellow Warriors doesn't really mean anything in this case.

Anything else in the Cults and Militia list that might be handy to stick in there? Chaos Spawn and Ogryn seem inferior to automata.

How do you arm your Castellax? Two with Mauler-bolt, frags and S10 melee and two with Darkfire and Enhanced Targeting seems nice.
Nothing like that was mentioned in Propsero Burns, which was told from the perspective of a 'normal' person. Your Furries are still retarded.
>Prospero Burns is not a book listing all the bantz and insults between the wolves and the sons
Lol he was only like that because of the spell he was using. Prospero was described as one of the jewels of the Imperium. Your beloved Rout still genocided a loyal world on the orders of the arch-heretic. No matter how hard Magnus fucked up, the Imperial citizens on Prospero didnt deserve what the wolves did.
What are some good ways to /deathguard/ /hhg/?
I get the reaping is cool, but what are some different ways to run them? I want to have a few different builds to start buying for
spam assault marines with MTC and rad grenades, spice it up with some outriders and play a //fast// deathguard army if you don't want to footslog bolterblobs that laugh at phosophex.
I run blobs and artillery with creeping death
Militia gets that one cybernetics provenance that makes them friendly with Mechanicum.

>Anything else in the Cults and Militia list that might be handy to stick in there?

Artillery? You get quad mortars or Medusas with siege shells.

>Ogryn seem inferior to automata

Depends on the provenances, I suppose. T6 3+ Ogryn swinging a S6 AP2 weapon four times isn't terribad. They just lack transports.
you dumb, fucking animal
But you only get rad grenades with the reaping, unfortunately... what is MTC?
Move Through Cover, something which you also get with The Reaping. It's almost as if anon's talking about DG with The Reaping RoW.
How does that work out? Just two twenty man blobs, medic in each, quad mortars?

Can the Death guard foot slog a lot of termies well, or do they all need a delivery system
I let my Wardens talk, since they're more of a shooty kind and their Cataphractii gives them some survivability. My Deathshrouds ride with the Praetor in a Land Raider.
Ah, ok. I just wish I wasn't feeling so pigeonholed into the Reaping with Death Guard, but it seems to make them pretty strong.
I just don't want to be taking the same shit all the time. Gets boring for everyone
Is a Siege breaker almost mandatory so you can get your phospex on? And do you keep him naked, or tool him out to counter charge the shit that out flanks to silence the guns?
I suppose you can mix and match, though often RoWs are quite weighed on certain things, so to get the most out of them you'd best concentrate on the units that do benefit from those things. Using the same units with another RoW might not make that RoW as effective.

But you can always make a more mixed army and use what you feel like using. I do like the Creeping Death, but most of the benefits are sort of lost on me, when I can instead get heavy support squads and vets as Troops, MTC (so I can phosphex the shit out of the board and huff that shit till the End Times) and make every squad into Destroyer Squad. Sure, it's only 1 Fast, but I can live with just bikes, seeing that they get to blast through cover.

On non-RoW specific units, I like flamer support squads with chem-ammo. They can kill a bunch of Marines while suffering 0.5 unsaved wounds themselves. And with close combat weapons (and rad grenade sergeant) they can charge in afterwards and do some more damage.
ya but this does not look like a normal prospero

The Rout are present here, could it be like MoM where the Custodes see the real version of Magnus? But here it's the Rout who are seeing the real version of Prospero: twisted towers born from their warp deviancy.

I think you are just a little too quick to dismis this idea.
>Is a Siege breaker almost mandatory so you can get your phospex on?

If you want Phosphex, yes.

>do you keep him naked, or tool him out to counter charge the shit that out flanks to silence the guns

I just gave him AA to protect him against sniping and usually stuck him with some anti-tank unit to help them blow shit up. Like laser rapiers or a heavy support squad.
Or they're seeing what they (and Tzeentch) want to see: a reason to purge Prospero.
Thats after you cunts firebombed the place retard. Magnus only fought at the end of the BURNING. Stop trying to justify youre legions biggest mistake.

At least the other legions who commited genocide on an Imperial world a world had the decency to turn traitor.
>magnus the reduced.jpg
There must be a term for the one dude in a painting looking back at the observer.
When ever theres new artwork I always check to see if its still there. Its so campy I love it.
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Is there a rough historic or cultural analogue to Sons of Horus?
I'd like to expand on the /aesthetic/ but all they look like is as if they've been child soldiers in Africa.
One pod is great for getting quality out of the Drop Pod Assault rule, any more than that and you have to start playing with unreliable reserves
Leering Joe the Shitgrin
You can always throw in the Odd Numbered Deathstorm, if you have the slots/points.
>[knot taking intensifies]
What the fuck is that artwork though? Magnus looks so fucking bad. Besides Magnus didnt fight on Prospero until the very end against Russ according to BL anyway. So what the fuck is he there on the front lines with Ahriman?

Shit artwork is shit.
>this artwork isn't 100% accurate to what I know
>no artistic licensing allowed

What if it's like a psychic manifestation instead his physical form?
Yeah fuck the fluff on my fluff book amirite? Neck yourself faggot.
>this one piece of art invalidates EVERYTHING
Yeah cause thats what I complained about not the fact that the artwork is shit though right dumbass? Keep going with your autist screeching though mate weve never seen that before.
>"Magnus didnt fight on Prospero until the very end against Russ according to BL anyway. So what the fuck is he there on the front lines with Ahriman?"
>t-totes didn't complain about inaccuracy in any way, p-phaget
>inb4 more damage control
>>this one piece of art invalidates EVERYTHING
This was the strawman you ACTUALLY used. Keep at it though champ!

Keep trying, I'm sure you'll turn this around in your favor.
Hello /HHG/, how are you enjoying this newest conversion? Do you like it? Is it stimulating? Do you feel like an intellectual discussion is being had and you wish to partake in it?

Because in 16 days this is what every single /HHG/ for the next few months will be filled with.
What's even your point? The artwork IS shit. You havent defended my points at all? Instead just gone off the rails completely.
>implying inferno will actually be released in 16 days
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Working on some Bitter Boys and replacement arms for tacticals that I did some shitty conversion on.
Dem smooth coats with an airbrush man. Those 3 models would have taken me much more time hours to prime and basecoat by brush.

I agree on everything, except that Olympia wasn't Empy's orders. Perturabo destroyed it by his own will.
>Do you feel like an intellectual discussion is being had and you wish to partake in it?
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The hung/hanged approve
If Friday doesnt have a reveal/rumour then I think were in for more bad news.

Inb4 more knight heads
I hust wish shitposters and immarure people would understand that there's no point in getting so anal about the fluff of little plastic men.
>What's even your point?

That it doesn't matter if it adheres to particular narrative of events or not.

>You havent defended my points at all?

It's not my job to defend your point.
>It's not my job to defend your point.
Heres your last (You).
>show up
>pick one

My sides. I hope wolfanon enjoyed paying to piss!
Well, if you want to specialise that way they beat out Vorax, I suppose.
Taking cyber-augmented would mean dropping one of the melee Provenances I already have, and I gain no real benefit from being Sworn Brothers with my levy hordes.
Artillery would be very handy, actually. Do they get the vehicle ones or stationary guns? With my Provenances the latter wouldn't be able to fire.
Quick rules question, can raven guard (and others like alpha legion) infiltrate rapiers? The crew have the Legiones Astartes rule but the guns don't, so I'm not sure.
Militia artillery is the stationary kind.

>"An Immobile Artillery piece cannot be moved after it has been deployed, and ignores any effect which forces it to move."

It would seem like you're safe.
As long as one model in a unit has the rule, the whole unit benefits from the rule.
Sweet. Cheers me hearties.
*Record scratch*

Well, you might be wondering how I got into this situation.
So why did Magnus tell Khan to join the Imperium instead? White Scars joining Chaos would pretty much end Heresy in Traitor's advantage.
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Anyone have a download link to the Garro Audio Book Collection? The torrent won't seed.

I would greatly appreciate it
Nah, loyalists would have gotten someone else on their side.

Why is it that traitors get legions heavy on massed infantry (DG, IW) while loyalists get the speedy ones (BA, WS, DA)?
dubs picks my legion
Word Bearers
Because Magnus wanted to stay loyal, he just wasnt allowed to hang with the cool kids anymore.
2nd or 11th Legion.
Loyalist Word Bearers
Their cultural design influences are what-if Vikings came from the Indo-European region.
So go wild with a fusion of any historical soldiers or practices from those two eras.
Traitor imperial fists.
It's in the Mega Libraries.
Things I hate about Space Wolves:
> special snowflake names like "the Rout" and "Vlka Fenrika" that they insist on being called
>retarded playerbase

They have decent art though
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Here's your (you).
Shattered legion, all 18 at once.
Do it faggot.
Lol. Source for that? They're literally just hiveganger-tier children of miners.
Loyalist IW with imperial militia
Traitor IW with renegade militia.
>Indo-European region
The fuck does that stand for?

There are legions I like, then there are legions I'm indifferent about. The Space Wolves are the only one I dislike and I don't even know why is that.
I dont think anyone actually like the Wolves anymore. I think people used to before the WOLFWOLFWOLF started but its just too much now. Maybe FW can salvage it for 30k but Logans sled is just the saddest shit.
>tfw you actually like the sled but the wolves pulling it make it too ridiculous even for you
I hate space wolves but the nicest dudes I know plays them so I really can't hate the players
Okay I'll settle for Imperial Fists.
>tfw I'd love to put a terminator praetor on that thing, run it as a jetbike and stick him into a squad, but I don't run jetbikes
Pretty much the same, honestly. Mechanicum player, so I feel Ferrus and his boys need some more love, but I hate the Wolves.

I think it's because they're not actually soldiers. They just rush the enemy and expect them to break, and are also massive hypocrites. By all rights they should be utterly destroyed when they come up against a force like the Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists or Ordo Reductor, who will just clinically take them apart from range or overmatch them with actually clever tactics in melee.

It's the combination of ill discipline, arrogance, hypocrisy and slight plot armor that makes me annoyed.
>tfw actually that's a good idea, might work for WS if you replace the wolves with cyber horses, and some of the wolf stuff repainted to look like chogorian wildlife
What animals live on chogoris that aren't eagles?
Horses. True horses, unlike the wolf-kin of Fenris.
Yes, but people don't hunt horses for the pelts.
For fucks sake anon.
Nostramans hunt other people for skins, it's basically the same thing as Fenrisian wolf pelts.
World Eaters also pretty much just bumrush the enemy. I don't think they expect them to break though. At least we don't have any false sense of "honor" or whatever the fuck SW use to try and feel superior.
Loyalist Word Bearers.
>At least we don't have any false sense of "honor" or whatever the fuck SW use to try and feel superior.
Because Rimmeresque blaming everything on your upbringing is so much more dignified. :^)
Don't the Scars like an alcoholic drink which totally isn't fermented yak's milk? Would suggest there are animals which totally aren't yaks on chogoris.
So, Iron Cage aside, everyone can agree that Dorn and the Fists are perfect, right?
>Angron literally has a mind-altering device that makes him constantly angry implanted in his brain
Lol how can this pleb get away with being such a crude brute, smdh, Space Wolves on the other hand encapsulate the true nobility of the Imperium.

>Emperor prevents him from continuing the fight against the people who enslaved and brutalised him and his loyal followers, sides with them instead, and forces Angron to work as his slave for all eternity
How dare he rebel against the Imperium!

Literally the only reason Dorn didn't get made Warmaster instead of Horus was because he wasn't going to lie to the primarchs that refused to do shit the proper way just to soothe their egos.
Pretty much. The World Eaters will actually use decent tactics prior to the bumrushing, though. Ferrus praised their armoured tactics.
Also, they don't have the arrogance to expect the enemy to be broken before they arrive. If it comes to a brawl I'd say it would go to the World Eaters, too.

They're meant to be the"Emperor's Executioners" but they massively fucked that up in several different ways, and don't seem to appreciate that the enemy is allowed to be smart. They're not good enough at anything to have a niche, either.p


Hey, that's nowhere near all of them. I suspect Angron would have been a hell of a general sans nails, and I have some respect for the"Well done" moment. Also when needed they'd stop moping and get shit done. It's a trademark of most of the Legions I like. Iron Hands, IW, IF, DG, and the Salamanders all actually act like proper soldiers worthy of their enhancements. Space Wolves are a comparative waste of geneseed on what are basically a bunch of convenient Vorax. World Eaters could have been so much more, but there's no indication that the Space Wolves had any promise beyond attack dogs.
Swap the TS and SW on who's fighting for who and the traitors would have lost so hard. But instead, space sleds and riding wolves bareback.
No, their gene-seed is shit and degraded.
>implying the TSons didn't have the most egregious plot armour on Prospero of any legion at any point in the HH
>traitors get an extra codex
>loyalist get a army that's been shit for most of its existence

I doubt anyone would mind.
This. Swap the TS and SW for any two other legions and people would notice how
>My legion X fights 10 times their number in legion Y plus custodes plus the unit specifically designed to hard counter them PLUS another company of legion Z while not even knowing they were being attacked XD
Is the shittiest idea ever but of course since /hhg/ wanks off legion x, legion y gets needlessly shit on.
>lose 90% of their number
>plot armour
>missing the organ that makes marines faint in battle
>shit and degraded
Pick one.
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What type of list and legion is best for just wiping out the enemy. I was thinking Ravenguard to go full murder mode, but I'm open minded. Basically i just want to say fuck objectives, elimination is my victory condition.
I have always really wanted to like them. I love the Vikings and animals so they should be a done deal for me but they are executed so poorly that I literally can't enjoy them
>special snowflake names that they insist on being called
>retarded playerbase
this is every legion, though

or almost every one
Death Guard? Just phosphex the shit out of the table.
>hey look it's the Space Wolves
>RAWR what the fuck man my preferred pronouns are "Vylka Fenryka"
>*butchers innocent civilians*

>hey look it's the Imperial Fists
>Ha ha, thank you citizen, but knowing the Imperium is safe is reward enough for us, we do not require your adulation.
>Go about your business and praise the Emperor.
Ordo reductor, allied to a bare minimum legion "primary" detachment. Don't forget to put all your artillery on a skyshield landing pad for added bullshit.
I don't want to be a dick about things, but would be fun allies.

Buy up a bunch of mk3 and arty?
>fuck objectives, elimination is my victory condition
You're a world eater, son.
>"Hey, look, it's Luna Wolves."
>"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Sons of Horus."
>"Oh, sorry, Sons of Horus it is."
>Abaddon teleports behind you
>"Nothing personnel, Horus, it's Black Legion now."
>teleport mishap
I-I'm a what?
MkIV fine too.
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Is it just me or does the moonman looks like young Rutger Hauer
Exactly 1,292 Thousand Son marines escaped the First Battle of Prospero to Sortiarius.
This is why I love /hhg/.
Ah yes, exactly 143.555555555555555556 times the sacred number of tzeentch. It's all so obvious now.
>death guard
>mark IV
they look best in marks II and III imo
Is Loken in your opinion good or shitty character?
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This is why we can't have nice things.
Mortarion isn't a cheapskate like Perty.
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What a fag.
Quick, download everything.
Why are custodians so mean to children?
Blah blah spoilers blah.

He was a good character up to the end of Galaxy In Flames, and had a perfectly good character arc which ended neatly. Resurrecting him was a mistake, especially as he doesn't really have any personality beyond ANGRY in the later books.

Come on lad, at least scribble over the names if you're going to do this.
Children are the emperor's greatest weakness.
Even GW hates PDF.
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Children are our future, unless we stop them now.
Which two out of three from jumpspam, planespam and dropspam should my BA be?
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You might as well JUMP

Nothing says angels like falling from the skies in blazing teardrops of murder, if you ask me.
Jumpspam fits 'em best IMO.
I have some weird dislike for jump packs so I'm not collecting BA but boy oh boy I'm going to get jelly for real once Sanguinius is released. no h-homo
I would if the guy wasn't a cunt.
That Darão kid did seemed pretty sharp for his young age, although I think his little sister will be the true problem.
what armor marks should I use for Ultrasmurfs? What units should I use? Should I go full MSU to utilize my chapter tactics?
Orbital Assault.
>Chapter Tactics.
If after Calth-
>armor marks
Any and all that you can. Mixed armor units, a lot of MkV and MkII/III, even armor mixing itself
>MSU to ultilize chapter tactics

That's where hhg is split. Between WAAC/ Fluff. It comes down to you, but the Suzerians and Terminator squads are always good options.
All marks are fitting.
Make some Ultratestudos.
>Between WAAC/ Fluff
What would a WAAC and a fluff list roughly look like?

WAAC suzeiran deathstar in a spartan or storm eagle? Or drop assault with special support squads?

Fluff with PotL and lots of Infantry?
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>DG totes didn't use MkIV

I'd like to know where this MkII meme cropped up, because vast majority I've ever seen DG in has been MkIII and IV.

Anything really, but I have an aesthetic preference for them using multiple tactical squads, almost as much as any of the "heavy duty" legions (IF, IW, DG, IH). The Sons of Horus are a relatively close parallel to UM in terms of what they're about.
>"MkIV with MkIII helmet"
>helmet is closer to MkIV than MkIII
>chest is actually MkIII
>arms are actually MkII
>shoulder pads are actually MkVII
>legs are some amalgamation of MkV and MkVI

Was that image made to trigger armour autists?
He's a little bland. Never really has any agency, just gets carried along by the tide.
>>helmet is closer to MkIV than MkIII

>suzeiran deathstar
Which is funny because the newest UM Legion breacher squad is closer to the red book Suzerian than the Suzerian models with their predominate power swords instead of power axes. And for an extra eight pounds, you get a full ten miniatures compared to five
Who is your favorite character of HH?
I guess?

but armour autists are faggots who get triggered by anything pre-FW
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Imperial Rangers.
Does anyone play 30k with previous edition rules, like 5th or 6th?
>what is the official TS cover
>what is replying to 6 hour old shitposting
BEcause that was one of Magnus' loyal shards speaking, he literally has multiple personality disorders now, but they have bodies
thanks Obama
Indo-European is the Indus Valley to the Euphrates
So the first civilised white and Indiana people
Look up Sumer, Akkad and Persia for reference
Your pic doesn't have the "mohawk", "eyebrow/sideburn" protrusion or separate eyes, all defining features of MkIV and up. The old pic doesn't have the pickelhaube spike either, so the only similarity is the vertical jaw vent thing.
>dark angels are known as The First
>emperors children don't have one
>iron warriors don't have one
You think the autist legions would be able to come up with nerdy shit but no it's basic or nothing
See that Fists, you are so zealous you just rush in, rather than access the situation and think of what would be best
>So the first civilised white and Indiana people
Indiana people have never been civilized.

You're, um, very welcome.
Horses that are actually decents of human colonists so we can have the OVERHORSE meme
And only similarity to MkIV is the vent on top. MkIV didn't invent the face piece being a separate piece.

And by the way, what makes those shoulder pads "MkVII"? The fact that they're not like how FW makes them? How many MkIV have that thin trim on their pads before FW?
A faggot
>the fluff has always said humans are evolving into psykers
>psykers are the masterrace
>a superhuman of the legion of the best psykers who are taught how to psyker at age 1 and have the whole empire to recruit from. Are more powerful than the legion which can only recruit from a world where humans devolved into wolves rather than advance tech
>Nicolas cage.jog
> when he is banned from the local GW, I get to be top dawg!
> furiously Jerks off 2 inch dick
Why haters got to hate /hhg/.
>immune to pain
>doesn't realise their arm is about to fall off
>charge into melee from the trenches to rout the enemy
>arms all fall off mid charge
Make this meme diorama but with abaddon
It's interesting how WS don't have any Horse themes.
Nothing about their bikes being as fast as a horse, or their swords hitting people with the strength of a horse kick, or their strategy being as efficient as a horse anus.
This is what's wrong with retcons, also how many survive the fleshchange.
It would be cool if it was their legion number times 1000, but only 9,000 survive as only they were in tzeentchs favour
9 is his number right
It took you two hours to come up with that scathing bit of repartee?
If that is what the Imperium requires of them.
>implying this is a forum where you don't respond to anything a page earlier
>effiecny of horse anus
My professor for the biology part of my biochemistry course disagrees but what Evs
>not realising I said running from trenches
>meaning they would have survived
I think he is double-referencing my reference.

That's when you kick them to death with your feet, angry-marine style.
There's a reason they're both yellow.
It's literally identical to MkIV/MkVII except for the vents you fucking mong. The recessed face piece isn't exclusive to MkIV but it sure as hell has nothing to do with MkIII.

Of course I'm calling the shoulder pads MkVII because they're not like FW's MkIV, my entire point is based on comparing old art to new art/models.
Nah just saw the post, and reflex kicked in
Damn, my meme-fu was weak today. Back to the training cages for me.
how does he fit?
Old fluff says the Khan likes to ride in (on?) a Razorback, which must be even worse.


Land raider
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I think it said he rode on it.
>recessed face piece

Something which you can also find on GW's IW upgrade kit.

>they're not like FW's MkIV

Something which didn't exist back then, so complaining about old art/models not adhering to modern aesthetics is a bit pointless.
They don't have Razorbacks in 30k apparently?
Through the top hatch?
Do shield custodians seem decent in ZM?

They're a bit more in points cost with a 2+ and a rerollable 4++ while keeping the defensive grenades and essentially being I5.
Would Custodian shields fit Terminators?
Haven't gotten my hands on them yet, and FW is delaying on Vigil Storm Shields.
Vigil Pattern Storm Shields are inbound. There has allready been a preview.
There has, but BoP is more readily available.
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>It's interesting how WS don't have any Horse themes.
Weren't they Mongols in the mongol planet?
Mundus Planus is great for cavalry warfare, the complete opposite to space-Geece Olympia the mountainous planet.
Which is why Greeks relied on infantry formarions rather than on mass cavalry and cavalry archers like the mongols from the plains did.

Eagles are pets, but all WS are horse riders, which makes it easier for them to transition to bike combat.
It's not clear whether Tartaros terminator armour can use them at all, though.
They aren't psykers, they're just channeling the power of Prospero itself.

It's all very above the board and not in violation of Nikaea at all. And if you think otherwise Magnus will go full Lion and punch your head off.
I'm asking if they fit in general, I don't care what the rules say about Tartaros as the Vigil entry's a copy-paste job from before the distinction of Tartaros and Terminator so I'll just house rule it. I'm not the one playing Imperial Fists.
Oh, you should have said anon, then you would be able to practise your completely daemon free shamanism in peace.
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>They aren't psykers, they're just channeling the power of Prospero itself.
I am a TSfag, so don't tell me off for calling them psykers brother
I just find it interesting the ways the Legions took to avoiding Nikaea.

Russ: Muh planet-spirit magic.
Magnus: What's a Nikaea?
Lorgar: 100% loyal and following the rules.
Lion: No witness, no crime.
Angron: Censure me, faggots!
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do you even siege.jpg
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>World Eaters
Kek. War Hounds at best. Meaning they'd be Knight Errants and thus sanctioned by Malcador.

>Iron Warriors
"It's not mind bullets. Think more like 'mental artillery'".
>Imperial Fists
"How am I to fortify this position without fortifying my mind first"?
Im still looking for that quote by Corax about Nikea. Something about leaving corpse worlds in his wake. Ends justify means. I cant rmemeber which book its in...
>Something about leaving corpse worlds in his wake. Ends justify means.
Sounds like typical ramblings from Lord Emo himself.
You forgot Khan.
What was librarians situation in others legions?
IF closed on Phalanx
But what about IW? EC, SoH, IH, RG.
People sometimes seem to forget what a brutal motherfucker Corax could be when he felt like it. This is a bloke who subdued his home planet with a massive nuclear bombardment, let's not forget.
>This is a bloke who subdued his home planet with a massive nuclear bombardment, let's not forget.
"But m-muh freedom fighters"
I never forget.
And then he banishes Arkhas
IMO killing people with claws and axes is more merciful than nukes.
Or the time he dunked a space station into a star because they pissed him off and he left comms open so he could listen to them scream.
Or the time his approach to prosecuting a war between two floating cities was basically to enact RAMMING SPEED.
When? I'm eager to read about it.
They don't. At some point the more recent 40k SM codices started saying that Razorbacks were a recent discovery in M41. But that was written after the old fluff about the Khan leading from the top of a Razorback during the Siege of Terra.

Maybe someone drew a picture, turned it into a woodcut, which was repainted in watercolor, then scanned and future-Photoshopped when it was starting to fade, and next thing you know some ignorant museum worker in the 41st millennium sees it and labels it, "Khan on a Razorback."

I'm surprised there isn't even fan art.
No, that was nice, Arkhas would agree to that.
And even then, it wasn't Corax but an unbound force of 30 Moritat Sable Blind.
But the reprochable thing was that Corax pulled out his whole legion for several months to find said station, while the Imperial Army was bleeding.

That's Dereliction of Duty in my book.
>And even then, it wasn't Corax but an unbound force of 30 Moritat Sable Blind.
He still left the comms open so he could listen to them beg while it fell into a star
Becausehewasatyrant & myfreedomboner.
Why are all Word Bearers bald?
They are slaves to baldness.
Zardu in particular may be bald due to having been exposed to too much rad weaponry, since he's stated to be an "Ex-Destroyer Centurion".
Other WBs simply shave in order to tatoo their scalps.
I like this meme stuck
In >>51295613
Requesting a photoshop of this as one of Lorgar's titles
New thread apparently?

We are running out of time.
New bread
Lorgar was bald
Why are like 70-75% of all Marines bald anon?
Probably because it's easier to sculpt and paint and GW and it's subsidiaries have a habit of laziness.
Or you know, it's easier when they wear helmets.
Yesugei talking about the Khan (in Scars):
>in any case, he will take no notice of Edict. None of us will. The gift is part of who we are, has been for long time. Imagine if I tell you to put away your flamers, or you, son of Medusa, your metal hand. Would you do it?
They shave their heads. Lorgar's geneseed actually gives WB long flowing black hair. This is actually canon.
Neither of us were fists though?
I just want more loyalist IW :(
Terran recruiting grounds, big black book numero uno. Lots of their marine names are based on words from both regions, ie Garviel Loken, Tarik Torgaddon etc etc.
Additionaly, Cthonian gang markings are based on Sumeric, though there's no in-universe connection.
Whoops, missed new bread.
Terran recruiting grounds, big black book numero uno. Lots of their marine names are based on words from both regions, ie Garviel Loken, Tarik Torgaddon etc etc.
Additionaly, Cthonian gang markings are based on Sumeric, though there's no in-universe connection.
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