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Fun-posting discouraged edition FALL OF CADIA >http://ww

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Thread replies: 362
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Fun-posting discouraged edition


>Previous Heretical Discussion


>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

>Not always current PDFs:

>Up to date FAQs

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Blaecki Libraeri (Beware blue sorcerers asking if they can check out books on your card)
ultramarines are cool, I hope they save us from the dumb stuff happening in 40k right now
you should not have posted this

call for the devastators brother, call for the first company too, send the terminators, we need heavy flamers to cleanse this foul infestation
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Ultramarines are dumb and I like it when they get eaten by Maulerfiends, even though Maulerfiends don't even need to eat.

I think Ultramarines are just okay. Even if I am Word Bearer.
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wtf is this shit how do i read this book m8s
Nids are the only ones who can save the galaxy from chaos
but maulerfiends are super duper dumb
It's clearly Morse
Are the doubled headed Lords of Change meant to mock the Imperium's Aquila?
you rub your dick against it
Trying to drum up an 1850 list for the CSM army I'm starting. I've left a lot of room here because I need to ask:
1. Should I got MSU or 10-man for my vanilla troops? What about the noise marines?
2. Do I really want to buy 5 rhinos if I do everything MSU?
3. How should I kit out my lords, termies, and bikers? Any good relics?
I'm pretty sure it's so they can give confusing answers to questions
Looks like morse. Fuck you GW i have no idea how to translate that without massive fucking work.
Kairos Fateweavermind.
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>tfw WS3 I3 A2
Can you repeat the question?
Alright /tg/ lets pop a squat and shoot the shit: Today's topic: ULTRAMARINES

Now, some of us love 'em, some of us hate 'em, some of us love to hate 'em.

Why though? Do we really have a justified reason for hating them? What have the ultramarines done that is really so bad.

Is Guilliman's Codex Astartes really that bad? 1000 space marines still kick a load of ass, and with all these extra chapters beyond the legions there's even more room for YOUR DUDES beyond the lost legions.

On top of that, someone needed to be the face of space marines. If it wasn't the Ultras then it would've been the fists (lol no it wouldn't because yellow was/is hard to paint) so why not the ultramarines, consider instead if your favourite chapter/legion was the poster child of space marines, if your chapter had little timmy painting ugly chalky non-thinned paint marines that looked like trash.

Ultramarines are custodians to all astartes, everyone with a 3+ save owes it to the ultramarines to be the boring clerical guys who "suck the fun" out of everything. But lets be honest, you wouldn't want to room with a space wolf, he doesn't bathe, drinks all your beer, then he siphons your gas to mix with beer and drinks that which leaves your car empty.

TL;DR Ultramarines aren't that bad, they have a thankless job of being the poster child for space marines which lets everyone else be cool and it directs the hipster hate-wave away from your favourite chapter
You're super duper to the max dumb, so there!
You're not the boss of of me now.
in the op it reads

>>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

Use readium for google chrome, or kobo reader on android (google play books should work too maybe)
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>mfw WS5 I4 A4
I wish venerables could get AV13 on the front. Ironclads aren't nearly as cool.
that's not the correct answer, now the heads get to eat you
The Ultramarine hate stems from the days of 5th editionand Mat Ward breaking everything. It became a meme because smurfs were Ward's favorite army and a scapegoat for all the hate spawned from the daemons, marines, grey knights, and newcrons.
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>tfw only WS3 BS3 S6 12/12/10 I3 A2 HP3
Pls no. Maulerfiends deserve to be buffed into a fearsome creature. I love them. Pls, GW.

>tfw they didn't even keep the Draft FAQ's Maulerfiend Buff into the final draft
how do i kit out my cultists in an Alpha Legion Insurgency Force?
cool list, looking pretty solid

>1. should I go MSU or 10 man, what about the noise marines
you probably want rhinos

>2. do I really want to buy 5 rhinos if I do everything msu
yes, putting guys in rhinos means two things have to shoot at one squad of space marines to kill it, sometimes possibly more due to the nature of dice

>3. how should I kit out my lords, termies and bikers? any good relics?
uh, I know the khorne axe was really good but since you're EC you can't get that

check traitor legions, I don't know slaanesh too well

for your terminators you should think about what you want them to do

the standard loadout is three terminators, each with a combi-weapon (combi-melta, combi-plasma, etc, note that the terminator champion pays more points for his combi-weapon upgrade because shitty codex)

this is because terminators are notoriously inefficient, however they become very efficient when you deepstrike them next to something you want to melta, then shoot with three melta shots, then your terminators get killed, but it doesn't matter because they already made their points back with efficient one-use-only melta shots.

They tend to be given power-axes so they can aggressively chop anything if they do manage to survive a turn.

Your bikers probably want some lovin' too, possibly plasmaguns, because bikers get relentless from their bike wargear, which means they can rapidfire the plasmaguns and then charge
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>unironically proud
>thinks other anons give it a second thought
I forgot it was even the OP image.
autopistols and CCWs, no upgrades for maximum WAAC

they're annoying massed small-arms fire (great for killing terminators or space marines) which come back from the dead sometimes (but you get two rolls because haha alpha legion suckers)

essentially they're really cheap, disposable, objective campers which are annoying for your opponent, infiltrate them aggressively because when they die they walk on from your board edge, so they'll be readily available to secure back-line objectives if they come back.

Since you can't mark them you can't do cute things like use mark of khorne to have a deceptively punchy assault unit.

You could possibly dump some points into them to give them auto-guns if you want them sitting in the midfield.

If you want to do anything with them make sure you have the apostle nearby to make them fearless, or else they'll break morale and die really quickly
If i roll a 4+ on both roles do i get 2 sets of cultist?
I'm guessing that slot is a tax, but would you recommend possessed or chosen over termies?
Also I didn't really get an answer of whether or not I should add more bodies to my infantry squads.
I'll throw some shit on the bikers once I have the other stuff sorted out.
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I was looking at contemptor dreadnoughts because pic related is hot hot hot to me.

I wish forgeworld wasn't so super duper slow at updating their rules to stay in line with current editions - the imperial armor contemptors have all the neato wargear options like graviton guns and plasma blasters, but don't have the proper attack profile for dreadnoughts? Conversely, the angels of death contemptors have only what's in betrayal at calth for no real purpose?


If I'm going to field them, which version should I pick?
Considering selling my army off.

Why is this feel so terrible?
I would take three termies with power-axes and combi-meltas

chosen can be good but they get expensive fast as you begin to pimp them out

power-axe might be bad given MoS is +init but eh....... power mauls can get bogged down so easily in combat, then again your dorks are disposable anyways.... maybe powerswords would be really nasty
They didn't keep the Maulerfiend buff?

There was a Maulerfiend buff?
Because they're YOUR DUDES anon.
if you cut one head off the hydra, two more spawn

yes, any of your cultists which make up a LOST AND THE DAMNED get two rolls to come back

the way this works from a rules perspective is Cult Uprising and A Tide of Traitors have different rule-names so they stack

This gets a little confusing when you read that Cult Uprising adds the newly spawned unit to the detachment, but a tide of traitors adds a unit to the formation (which is part of the attachment).

So if one unit dies you roll for cult uprising which creates a new unit that has the cult uprising stamp, but not the tide of traitors.
Then you roll for a tide of traitors which creates a new unit that has the cult uprising stamp and the tide of traitors stamp.

It's a little tedious to mark them but your opponents might be ok with all your cultists getting two rolls no matter what
because ideally you spent time and money on them so they're more than grey plastic

and remember that while you can always make more money you can't make more time

the time you spent on them will be lost forever as soon as you sell them
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such is the fate of chaos!

>mfw debating putting a second venerable and squadroning them just because
>Conversely, the angels of death contemptors have only what's in betrayal at calth for no real purpose?

It's because GW refuses to admit that forgeworld exists, so forgeworld only items will never appear in a rulebook that is sold in a GW store.

However, GW sells a plastic contemptor and since they put their models on their shelves that means they need a sexy little rulebook for 40k so people can use those models in 40k without anyone complaining about ordering books from forgeworld

Contemptors with assault cannons are sexy, I like 'em with double assault cannons but I really like shooty things
Increase the font size dummy
i read "being part of the original detachment" as being part of what they originally were, so part of the formation, nested in the insurgency force.
They never really did end up being much of "my dudes". I did conversion work to save money, so a fair chunk of them look unique, and some have names attached, but I'm not attached to them. They're just dudes. Not "my dudes".

20% or so painted. I lost a lot of motivation after getting a Battleforce and a few loose boxes gifted to me. The time I spent on them would be lost, yeah. I've got plenty of other lost time in my life I'm not broken up about. Rent and food is a little more important to me. If I sell them, it'll be to a friend, and I'll get to face off against them in the future.

Just waiting for someone to ask which army it is and be self-righteous as soon as I say it's Tau. Every time.
>Though still haunted by the cost of recent campaigns, the Space Wolves were determined to bring honour to both their new Wolf Lord, and their old: the slain Egil Ironwolf, whose icons and name the company still bore until the stain of his death could be washed away.

So Egil's the guy Magnus shrekt with his own lascannon shot on Fenris right? So why is his Wolf pack/whatever the Yiffs call it the only one who made it to Cadia. Wheres Logan?

Remember that SW-fag who kept shitposting about Logan being the grand marshal of cadia? Well he didnt even make it there.

As someone that thought they were getting out of 40k way back in the day and sold my army off. Terrible decision unless you are selling it to expand a force or start a new one. Even if you don't feel like playing for awhile keep your army. The time invested in something like that isn't worth just throwing away. Take a break from the game or painting or whatever it is you do with them.
being part of a detachment and being part of a formation isn't the same thing,

so being part of an insurgency force isn't the same as being part of the lost and the damned inside the insurgency force.

All of B is A but not all of A is B, you follow?

It could be interpreted as such that in order to be inserted into the detachment it would have to be inserted into the formation to maintain the legality of the detachment but there's no clear rules for which to hold that up with.

It's a valid interpretation but I believe you're taking a leap of faith here, the wording of the rules for cult uprising only adds the new squad to the detachment. Full stop. I don't believe that this would insert the squad into the formation but it possibly could, ideally it would be FAQ'd
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I completely agree. I really want a pair of kheres cannon bros to hang out with ol' dorito. Since I was going kheres and fist anyways, I was thinking the GW ruleset might be best for the statline, but mannnn twinlinked bolters are borrrring and gain nothing from fist chapter tacticsssss.
If I do sell, I'm going to start Inquisition with Marine allies. I've got a squad of Marines and a squad of Scions that I can use for acolytes already. I want to play, I just don't want to play ______Tau specifically.
Nope, thats it. Abandon thread. Remake it. God I cannot wait till GW squats slanesh to be more kid friendly and all deviant sexuality disapears in our universe as a result.
Did they all go to Cadia at the end of WoM? I just kinda thought the ironwolves went full vengeance crusade mode and ran off on their own to die in combat.
>tau player hates his army
should've played marines anon, should've played marines

OK WELL, pretty much what >>51253340 says

If you EVER, EVER, go back to playing a Tau army, for any reason, you will 100% regret selling off your guys.

I get that rent and food are important, and tight, but you should be looking at other means to get this money, unless you're quitting the hobby forever, because if you ever go back to playing tau you'll be negative a ton of money as the price of models creep ever-upwards. (you'll also be out a fair deal of time)

Try and pickup some extra shifts, bum some bucks off a friend or two, keep a written record of any money you lend, work hard, pay them back, survive comfortably, hopefully with your plastic toys intact.
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Deres only one genda you grots. And dats orks.
you take a fist for punching, not for the boltgun

even on a fist I would consider dropping the boltgun for the flamer

also since you're getting contemptors you could consider buying the GW plastics, there are many guides out there which prove that reposing the legs adds a lot to the model's pose.

It would be a fairly simple conversion (given that it's plastic) and if you go with two sets of autocannons you'd need a left arm from forgeworld which would enhance any new dynamic pose you give to the contemptor.
>tfw waiting for triumverate ebay prices to settle down so you can get celestine + greyfax for a reasonable price
Oy, but wat about da grots? Dey ain't relly orks...
>So it was that the Space Wolves departed for the Cadian Gate, elements of every Great Company taking to the Sea of Stars once more to bolster the war effort against the forces of Abaddon the Despoiler. Fenris was left under garrison, but its defenders were few in number, for between the Wulfen’s Curse and the invasion of the Crimson King the Chapter had been reduced to a fraction of its former strength. Still, the Great Wolf’s conviction was infectious. They would meet the threat of Chaos head-on, and if they successfully hunted Magnus unto death, their sagas would be sung from one end of the galaxy to the other.
>Only when the grand fleet of the Space Wolves had made translation into the Cadian System did the stones cast by the Rune Priests all begin to form the same shape.
>They showed the ancient Prosperine symbol for vengeance.

The SW Grand Fleet confirmed lost in the warp?
Dats because deyz grots, so dey dont count, see?
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pic related, look at how cute these plastic guys are, all they need is new hips
and a formation is a detachment. the unit's original detachment is the formation, which is nested within another detachment.
I appreciate the input, but taking extra hours isn't an option. I'm already doing ~56 hours a week and capped on hours I can take, and the way they're spread means I've got 6 days a week occupied for 10-12 hour blocks a day. Internship + college means I'm unpaid for a lot of time and actively losing money. Like I mentioned >>51253356 Marines are actually what I'm planning on going to when things stabilize.

No matter what at this point I'm going to regret the whole Tau mess. Keep them and regret playing them, sell them and regret selling them. Shit happens. Don't intend to blogpost, sorry.
I'd say either completely naked, or with autoguns
Well if dey don't count den don't dat mean we're not countin' a numbah? So we'd be at tew, but it dunnit count so dat makes wun... but ders akchewly tew...

>all they need is new hips
>fw feet
One of my buddies had tau as an army, got fed up with the game in early 6th and only recently came back when he remembered he liked painting. He'd actually given the tau away to a friend who was considering playing, and that friend never ended up using them, so he was lucky enough to retrieve them. Don't know your situation but yeah, you might regret selling your dudes especially if you've put time into them.
oh well, I only skimmed your stuff, if you're flipping the tau to eventually get marines do it

you won't regret marines ever


I play CSM, KDK, Vanilla SM, DA, GKs and Deathwatch.

Marines are GW's bread and butter for a reason, they're versatile, easy to paint well, hard to paint flawlessly, and there are endless colours to pick your favourite from.
Has anyone actually won a game using Rubric Marines, ever?

Everyone ends up playing marines at some point. I'd happily sell my blood angels. Xenos for life.
Wait... does this mean Logan left Cadia to fall?

You don't want to play Tau why? Has all the Tau hate gotten to you?

Won't lie I love to hate Tau. But, one of the three guys I play regularly plays them and they are some of my favorite matches. Better than space yiffs
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Totes adorbs. Saved for my future converting. I should definitely do one GW plastic for money saving purposes anyways.

You can't swap the TL boltgun for a flamer in AoD, right? I can't remember.
Aren't squigs and squiggoths technically a kind of ork too?
They're an Orkoid species but not really an Ork.
I was going to kit my lords out more, but I decided on more troops. Should I put those infantry elsewhere or spend the ~100 points on drugs and more goodies?
I didn't get into the hobby intending to start Tau. I started with Skitarii and stopped when I realized the price to get any further with them. I moved to Tau because I had a Kill Team box and everyone else in my area has Marines, no exceptions.

All Tau do is shoot. There's no other options, no other solutions, no other tactics. I play close-quarters Tau as a bandaid, but that's all it is- you're still shooting, there's just more risk. It's not exciting, it's not fun. I also don't even like their style all that much. Fire Warriors are neat, but anything bigger is just... eh. Plus, you know, constantly getting mocked by fa/tg/uys on here and IRL for my army choice. You know who you are. Sorry about the stealth suits.

If Sydonians were $30 and Dunecrawlers were $45 I never would have bought a single Tau model.
>no thread title
Read Ragnar Blackmane novel. The Space Wolves realizing that Cadia is lost, pull back their forces. Some companies are on the planet but the majority on the Wolves are going elsewhere where they can do good rather than fight a losing battle.

Why do I have to spoonfed you things? The Ragnar novel was released 2 years ago!
>has vehicles
>has bikes
Not even tyranids, who have to footslog across the entire map every single game.
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100yuan = 14,5$. Its resin but the quality on better than Forgeworld's.
Which Chinaguy is this from? I have Z, CCON, and MI's information but I haven't ordered from any of them.
too old, can't delete
I think I have CCON's information, where did you get your information from? google?
Any tips on how to find the info? I only have CCON
A guy posted them here a while back. I'm away from my PC and don't have access right now.
Sorry champ were talking about canon material here not EU. Go make a containment thread if you want to talk about your BL stuff.
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I want to get a Levi for my NL because of this pic.

I don't even know if CSM get them outside of HH
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Yeah. Boring was why my tau friend originally dropped them. Breachers, pathfinders, and fire warriors are neat though. A single ghostkeel is pretty inoffensive too to be honest.

You know the thing about this game is that you always know in your heart who your dudes are. If you've always wanted to collect skitarii you're never gonna be satisfied until you do, you'll just waste more money along the way. If that's your path, take it. Go slow. Paint what you own to a high standard while waiting. Watch for packaged deals.
That's hot. That's a hot way to live.

You could always declare it a decimator siege engine in 40k?
Are those tau just primed white with black pants and a red detail?

Different anon, but. I may have jumped the shark and gone overboard doing that. I have a backlog so huge it's painful.
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Right? It's beautiful in the very NL sort of way. It's the same reason I want a Mauler/Forge Fiend.
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Anyone based in edinburgh / been to?
whats this group http://www.edinburghleagueofgamers.co.uk/ like? I'm trying to find out a place I can play

Why did GW remove the Maulerfiend buff from the FAQ?
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Yep. If I recall, he speed painted them to be table ready an hour or two before. The rest of his army is nice. I liked his weathering on the stealth squad.

I was like you last year my dude. Set small, achievable goals. Try and paint up something that excites you and be proud of it. Use it in games. Move to the next thing. From being mostly grey tide trash last year, I painted a knight, a demi company, a Ravenwing Strike Force, a hell rain brigade, a valkyrie, a pile of deathwatch, and a deredeo. I believe in you, anon. Duncan believes in you. You just gotta get started.
Anyone converted this guy into a dark apostle?
they didn't remove it, they haven't finalized any faction FAQs since they were posted to facebook
Some nice lightning really goes a long way.
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No idea. I didn't really get to experience it anyway.


This one is actually mine


>use it in games

That's part of the problem. I have no games. My LGS owner and I have been trying to get it off the ground for 7 months now. The closest GW is an hour and a half away, and they had to downsize years ago because there was a lack of interest.

As for models, I have edgelords to paint. Between these guys and dark eldar, plus stuff from AoS to paint AND two Knights I for 40% off that I couldn't turn down.

I think I want to do the NL first, which are mostly being made from the HH boxes, but I have no idea how I want to build them.
But the latest update to the FAQs is September 2016. It includes the Helbrute stuff, as well as the BRB stuff? Or have they said that they haven't finished updating it yet?

I think with how bad light walkers are right now things like dreads could go up one AV each. Ironclads would be 14, Contemptors stay at 13, Leviathan can either stay at 13 or go up to 14, but I think it might be too OP at 14/14/13 HP4 4++ but right now it's quite frail for its 300+ points when fighting heavy hitters. Nowhere near as sturdy as a Riptide, WK both cheaper, or 75% of the sturdiness of a 400 point Knight.

This and Sa'cea are the only acceptable Tau sept schemes. All other septs are digusting Taufag trash. ESPECIALLY Farsight and T'au.

I think that's a problem with the state of the game, not specifically light walkers.
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Thinking of starting up a Necron force in honour of Trollzyn. It seems however hes complete garbage rulewise? Anyways I pretty sure you cant go wrong with a decurion right?
b-but i like red.
>the quality on better than Forgeworld's.

It's as canon as everything else. Sorry, anon.

There's a reason superheavy walkers are fine.

What do you guys use for a pallet while painting?

I assume relatively few people drop the cash on the GW ones.

Additionally, how interchangable do you find different shades of paint? Eg. If a scheme calls for Khorne Red, is Mephiston Red close enough, or would you spring for the other?
Tau look the best in red!

Like the space commies they are.
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As much as I totally dig your night lord work, why not take a break from it while you ponder and knock out a knight? They're really fun to build and paint. Mine was what got me back into swing for painting to begin with. Painting a wholly different sort of thing can be refreshing.

Sorry I think this is my only photo of it around at the moment, but take it for motivation.
Tupperware container, with some wet kitchen paper and baking parchment paper. Keeps your paints wet for hours and thins it down really well by itself. I add some glaze medium depending on what I want the paint for and it's all ready to go.

If the scheme is red, then use any red, but if it specifically calls for a particular colour, use that.
Wet pallets are extremely easy to make. Just a tupperware tub, a sponge, a paper towel, and a sheet of wax paper. Works really well and keeps your paint from drying on the pallet.

You can use whatever you want. There is nothing special about actual palettes. They can be wood, plastic, whatever. The ones you buy are only sold as palettes because they're white so you can see the color better, and may have dimples or little cups to hold paint better.

You can use a mirror, a piece of glass, a ceramic tile, a plate, whatever you want.

I recommend if you're not going to buy or make a wet palette, at least get the wax paper and use that as a "dry wet palette". The wax paper really helps the paint to bead up and not get wasted by being smeared all over the palette.
>Eg. If a scheme calls for Khorne Red, is Mephiston Red close enough, or would you spring for the other?

If you want to match the scheme you need the Khorne Red, or a similar dark red. Or you can try to darken the Mephiston Red with a dark wash like Agrax Earthshade, Nuln Oil, maybe Carroburg Crimson, etc.

Generally I don't follow color schemes like that unless I want to. If it says "use Khorne Red" well fuck you I'll just use whatever fucking red I want, it'll probably work good enough.
So witg my wet palette my paints still seem to dry out at the same speed. Any known reason other than i am an idiot and built it wrong?
Maybe not enough water, maybe you don't get the wax/baking paper wet enough.

Maybe your area is just too hot and dries shit out fast.

Not enough water in the tub.

Not enough water soaked into the wax paper.

That's all I can think of. If you REALLY can't make it work, you can thin with acrylic Drying Retarder instead of water or thinner. That slows the drying time of paint.
There's a few steps to it. Soak your sponge in water then ring it out so its damp but not dripping. Do the same for a paper towel. Take your wax paper and run hot water over it for about a minute, until it starts to feel moist on both sides. The wax is pretty good at keeping out moisture, that's it's job, that's why it keeps meat so well. You need to break it down into a thinner layer to be semi permeable to water. Wrap your sponge in the paper towel then lay your wax paper over the top. Put a shallow layer of water in the bottom of the Tupperware, just enough so there's water on the bottom, then put your spongy pallet on top. Blammo, wet pallet. If you put the lid on, it will even keep paint workable for days.
Any Necrons got anything to say about using Trazyn?
If you want to use him its generally a good idea to have some fast aggresive units so he can cop some bullets and come back through another one, deathmark are good for this, but lychguard are to expensive to be replaced.

>take a break

That's literally my only one, though. Out of BoC, BoP, a CSM box, and a Raptor box, I literally have a single dude assembled and painted because I wanted to see how I could pull of some Duncan inspired lightning.

The kicker is that I'm already taking a break from my main army.

As for the Knights, I want to magnetize it, which is a project all its own, and frankly, idk if I have the space.

My main issue is that I need a reason. Just painting my dudes for the sake of painting my dudes doesn't cut it if that makes sense. I like when other people like them.
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I've been working on my 1850 for fun close quarters melee Guard army, but I'm not really sure where to go from here. I've taken all the units I love for close combat, and I have some Meltas for hitting vehicles up close, but I'm not sure if I should keep everything close range or go for some long range back up.
Thanks but I thought Trazyns re-spawning only happened if there were other lords/overlords he could replace?
Different anon, trazyn isn't great unless you load your army with crypteks, and even then he isn't necissarily as useful as one.
I have a pile of spare glazed tiles (accidentally bought literally twice as many as I needed), so that was actually what i was thinking.
Wrapping baking paper around it isn't a terrible idea, cheers.
Man that's a great piece of brass.
Cheap water colour palette, makeup cottonpads in each hole with parchment paper over for multi-slot wet palette.
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I know what you mean. Part of what motivated me was I'd take semi regular trips back home out of state to visit my friends who all play. Id be motivated to finish units to use them by the time the next month or so came around. We also would regularly share our progress with each other and give critique, suggestion, and motivation. I hope you can find something similar. Sorry you're in such a dry area. Your edgelords are very handsome and deserve to murder punk bitches. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
The only real way to make the most of him is to run him in a Royal Court. On a side note, if you max out a Royal Court, you can buy a Ghost Ark for them and jink them into combat for fun times.
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Hey guys, wondering whether this army is too cheesy for normal play or whether I've made some ridiculous choices with weapons.

The reason I put the solar staff on the destroyer lord was so blind becausefuck other necrons
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>Forgeworld Quality
$300 of premium resin right there.
>hur durf resin has flash

All the sculpting imperfections are going to transfer over to the recast version of those bits too you dipshit.

>having that photo saved just to defend your shitty recasts

I'm sorry I'm not autistic enough to have a folder full of the terrible chinashit floating around the internet that everyone here already knows exists, nor am I autistic enough to go look for it.
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This is actually my photo of a headhunter kit I ordered from Forgeworld

Heres a followup picture where i had to calmly explain why the cast was shit because the replacement wasnt any better
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>chinaman quality

And you honestly think a recast version isn't going to have the same problem when they're recasting the same shit casts you're getting? How did the chinaman clean the wire without destroying it then?

The mold for the headhunter weapons is obviously fucked up. Its an embarrassment that FW is still selling these kits in spite of this, and at full price too.

The chinaman ones might have the same fuckupunless chinaman got a first run cast and recast that one, but at least you arent paying full Forgeworld prices for chinashit-tier miscasts
Don't forget about the cancer dust
As opposed to the other, healthy kind of resin dust.
desu chinaman recasts aren't exactly too bad, for the price I'm paying for them I only care if the damn thing looks like FW

>fw resin doesn't have cancer dust
you should already be cutting and sanding ALL resin under running water, regardless of origin

With gloves on because mold release isnt good for you either
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Hahah oh god I'm going to die of cancer, I'm so fucked.
I live on the third most polluted city in the world (might be 4th now or second) I might get cancer first from the contamination first than resin dust.

Also chinaman quality is about the same and some times better than GW or FW. That is rather impressive.

My chinaman look better.

>Just assembled 10 Kromlech meganobz
>No sanding but cut a bit of flash off them
>No water used
>Vaccumed it up afterwards

Well I had a good run I guess
>take alpha Legion detachment
>Get your cultists coming back on the board
>Also take Typhus in a Nurgle detachment
>Have waves of fearless tarpit zombies coming back on
Read the rules, you ball bags, cultists just have to be in same army to become zombies.

And in this episode of "I'll send myself an ask so it looks like someone agrees with me..."
>Any one can do better endless tides than Orks and Nids

Why live?
It's really transparent. No one would be that excited over a name change, even if they liked the name.
Wait, didn't venoms used to carry 6 models?

So now I can't do archon and trueborn hunting safari without a raider?
No it never carried 6

Where did you get that ludicrous bit of info?

I must just be remembering wrong.

Trying to work out where to put my Archon now it turns out I can't put him in a Trueborn unit in a venom.
what is this cancer dust you speak of
Dust from resin is super toxic, wear a mask when you work with it.

...on foot?

Foot Deldar is the new meta because nobody ever expects to face it, so you have the advantage of surprise by default.

And of course it's not Dark Aeldari, everyone knows it's Adarki Aeldari!

I swear, they do this to make future google searches for their products more confusing. It certainly isn't how copyright law actually works.
What's the standard loadout for Sternguard Veterans?
My chinaman regularly cusses FW to deepest shitholes of hell because their quality is so asstastic that he has to fix the base models himself before he can start reproducing them. I think now that he has other people to sort out orders and shipping, thats his job mostly.
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ObSec is BestSec
Why not put the squad of ten in the drop pod and the other 5 men crusader replace them with Scion?
The drop pod squad is meant to drop on top of their most "this has to die" unit and nuke them with Grav shots and the blank Crusader squad is meant to be 3+ meat shields for Coteaz.
Bolter, bolt pistol, power armour, frag grenades, krak grenades, specialist ammo.
Couldn't you like, Sue gee dubs if you got sick or some shit?
>And of course it's not Dark Aeldari, everyone knows it's Dork Aeldari!

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Long term lurker first time poster. Just wanted to show my current wip archmagos to the general.

Sorry if the size is mahassive
How did you do that metallic effect? Some darkmetal + nuln oil?

I can't decide whether to do Cawl or a custom Archmagos, because I don't really want to buy a second Celestine and Greyfax.
Why? This is the general, not the WiP thread
They could sue you for using their ™ cancer without permission
Leadbelcher brought up to rune fang steel, agrax wash, nuln wash and a rune fang steel drybrush
Nah, you chose to file that resin without a mask and you live with the consequences. They offer plenty of warnings and tutorials on working with resin.

I've heard finecast is a non-toxic resin though, but haven't confirmed it anywhere.
Actually GW does warn you that resin is harmful and should not be inhaled nor ingested, you could only sue if they did not have that warning.
The absolute Heretek
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Not a fan of WIP, very personality driven.

Managed to get a nice energy effect on the power coils at long last
Still seems a bit too dark, still

>Not a fan of WIP, very personality driven
I'd normally disagree with you, though considering they're literally arguing about the woes of selling uggs and about Australian bogans right now, I can get your stance on it.
That looks really fucking good, but I don't think the general is the place for it really.
On the topic of resin, do you have to wash Finecast parts in "dishwasher liquid" and warm water and then brush them as well, or is that just for FW?
That's fair, I usually paint my models to use and whenever I ask for just some touch up tips those cunts give me a fucking 20 page list on what to do
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Heretical as it might sound, why not take some Genestealer Cultist "counts as" to represent Catachan Deathworld Vets or so? You could slot in a Doting Throng without even needing the explicitly Genestealer stuff.
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>It's because GW refuses to admit that forgeworld exists, so forgeworld only items will never appear in a rulebook that is sold in a GW store.

Oh they do.

Just not in the way most would probably like.
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Anybody got the shadowsword epub?
Also did anybody notice that the cover art for baneblade is a recoloured version of the art for escalation?
All resin.

Hell plastics can benefit as well.
Anyone else have plans for big shopping now the Brexit speech tanked the pound?

I wouldn't mind buying one or two of those Khornate Dragons their rolling out from Age of Sigmar.

I think they'd be neat to make Forge World Gargantuan Creature Greater Daemon conversions.
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Just picked up an old 1996 finecast Kharn lads, how tf should I paint the helm ornamentation so it isn't plain red?
Could do pre-heresy colors for funsies.
I win with my Rubrics all the time.
>>sharing what you're working on ands posting your dudes doesn't belong in the general.

> Implying that WS4/S4/A2+1/Rending is not appropriate for Catachan Devils

Honestly even after typing that, I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not.
For those that missed the cringe:


>Try to get to the end of his OP without cringing

> Cult Insurrection
> Brood Cycle
Acolytes- 10, Rock Saw
Acolytes- 10, Rock Saw
Acolytes- 10, Rock Saw
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Seismic Cannons
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Seismic Cannons
Metamorphs- 5, Claws
Purestrains- 5
Aberrants- 4

> Doting Throng
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Mining Lasers
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Mining Lasers
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Mining Lasers
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Seismic Cannons
Neophytes- 10, 2 Grenade Launchers, 2 Seismic Cannons

> Brood Brothers
Scout Sentinels- 3, Autocannons

> Brood Brothers
Scout Sentinels- 3, Autocannons

> Subterranean Uprising
Metamorphs- 5, Claws
Acolytes- 10, Rock Saw
Acolytes- 10, Rock Saw

Neophytes are Guardsmen
Acolytes are Devils
Metamorphs are saboteurs/badasses
Purestrains are Command Squad
Primus is Colonel
Aberrants are Ogryns

It's not a good GSC list, but it works surprisingly well.
Maximum fluff would probably swap the Uprising for another throng though.
What if Plasma Pistols didn't have Gets Hot?
>Put backpack on
Bang, you has a Dark Apostle.
And a cool one at that.
I honestly don't see an issue with this with the exception of his statement that savlar are never mechanised.
Nearly had it, but the god-awful arbiter conversion really got me.
Nvm I've just looked at the models
>Wait. what? Cadia has fell
>Shit, I guess no more pleasure trips into the edge of the eye of terror
> And they may have taken creed
>The bastards.
You can get exact same effect with one coat of leadbelcher and a nuln oil
maybe he is referring to all the pictures of cosplay(?) on the last page.
That guy looks just like the usual crazy russian and seems to be into a tank girl / Mad Max style. So who cares, he could dress as apocalyptic gorilla or whatever.
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> Implying this guy is S3 and not Rending
> Implying this guy won't shank a Marine to death

These are Catachans, not Orks.
I want to play AoS just for this guy. Is there anything wrong with that?
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Recently built and painted a fuckton of CSM, but I painted each one different Legion colors (primarily for practice since CSM come 3 for 10$ and to see what works best), would it be a dick move to put them in Alpha Legion insurgency force even though most them of them are clearly NOT alpha Legion?
My fluff reason is that they're infiltrators and double agents.
Pic is my progress as of 2 hours ago
No. He's actually really good due to his reality-splitting axe.
I would honestly be OK with AoS if only I had fun playing the game.

And all the unnecessary factionalization of the main groups, what kind of faction name is Deathrattlers?
My only problem is that he's part of the xboxhueg box set and i really only want him.

Honestly, it doesn't seem like that bad of a game if you exclude the fluff or were ignorant of WHFB like I was.
It's a copyrightable name is why. Same with the new name for Eldar.
Did you make it right to the end of his OP? It gets a lot worse.
Personally the whole 'slave girls' thing irks me - none is stupid enough to drag their slaves into combat, so why would you model them onto the models? Also the whole shameless nudity thing.
A certain Dark Eldar model actually did have slave girls on them.
The other thing is he's tried to paint his slave girls as attractive, and slave girls aren't attractive. Maybe I'm just being autistic, but hey - its /tg/.
Also someone please share shadowsword
best alpha legion list i ever saw was all painted up like blood angels, screaming for the emperor and baal. they had hydras painted on the bottoms of their boots, it was glorious. cheeky, but glorious
It's not the names themselves.

For example, they split vampire counts, a single faction of all kinds of undead, up in to:
Dead-walkers (zombies)
Death-rattlers (skeleteons)
Soul-blights (vampires)
Naught-haunts (ghosts)

They did the same thing for the empire so you have the free people as the human faction but all their warmachines as classified as ironwelds for some reason and priests are again something else.

> Clan Skryre: THE COHORT OF DOOM. Seriously, this is a formation made of smaller formations. First, you need Ikit Claw (or an Arch-Warlock, how they call it now). Then, you have to add at least two of this formations (known as Enginecovens) along:
> Whyrlblade Treshik: A Warlock Engineer, 1-3 Stormfiends, 1-3 Doomwheels and 1-5 Doomflayers.
> Arkhspark Voltik: A Warlock Engineer and 1-3 Warp Lightning Cannons.
> Gascloud Chokelung: A Warlock Engineer, 1-3 Stormfiends, 2-5 Globadiers and 1-3 Poisoned Wind Mortar team.
> Rattlegauge Warplock: A Warlock Engineer, 1-3 Stormfiends, 1-3 Jezzails and 1-5 Ratlings.
> Gautfyre Scorch: A Warlock Engineer, 1-3 Stormfiends, 1-5 Warpfire Throwers and 1-5 Warp-Grinders.
> Arch-Warlock
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vects allowed to do it because he's the supreme overlord of a interstellar empire built on slaves

if he needs more he can afford to get them, and if they try to betray him he's got two trained killers to stop that from happening
the helbrute got A4 but not the maulerfiend who unlike the helbrute has a good chance to make into melee

That is honestly the one thing I don't understand. I'm actually pretty ok with the rest of AoS, but that shit confuses me. Why the fuck did they split everything into a hundred different factions? FIREBELLIES ARE THEIR OWN FACTION WITH ONE FUCKING MODEL. Why?
No he's talking about the magma cutter buff, where it'd get to hit units it already hit instead of just models it had already hit, meaning extra hits on tarpits instead of how it is RN where its just extra hits on big things (since anything smaller that gets hit by its power fist is already dead).
>AoS decurions
But the whole reason they gutted the game was it was too complicated to get in to.

They get rid of the base of the rules but end up transplant cancer from 40k on top of it?
5 chosen, 1 with heavy weapon in a rhino
But formations cost points, so the bullshit gets balanced
Not really.

Just like bad units and good units in 40k, bad formations end up with high points costs and worthless bonuses while good formations end up vastly undercoated for the bonuses they grant.
If you are min maxing the noise marines you might as well drop the sonic blasters
And you're not so big
Infact, kakophoni is a core formation why not go all noise marines and invest in a sorcerer or two

But I thought points only gave the illusion of balance and that player arbitration is the only way to create a truly equal experience.
This is just one of many reasons why AoS is revolutionary and better than WhFB.
I chose a warband because I figured I'd want access to cheaper troops and bikes.
Also, how do I go about minmaxing the kakophoni? Isn't the whole point of the detachment to boost sonic weapons? I didn't think it did anything to bolters.
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are khorne daemonkin playable?

i really like the idea of summoning daemons because i die/kill a lot

They are alright, probably as good as pre-TL Chaos can get. New World Eaters are definitely stronger now that TL is out though.

Basic gists:
> Decurion is horrible and filled with stupid tax. Play CAD every time.
> The only Formation of note is Gorepack, which does a 180 into being exceptionally powerful and good enough to spam.
> All of your Troops are horrible, and the vanilla book does Lords better.

In fact most of the comparisons are better. Even within the limitations of Khorne-only, WE with Daemon allies offers more units, with *mental* buffs, along with better artefacts.
Honestly the only reason for KDK existing any more is the Gorepack and the free Bloodthirster meme.
Not sure how they size up compared to World Eaters but I've heard good things. Make sure to pick up a lot of AoS bloodbound for conversions
If you're going Kakophoni you'll want to go with 6 squads of 5 with sonic blasters all around and probably a blast master per squad.
It's expensive but S9 blasts with split fire and S5 Salvo 2/3 guns everywhere is crazy fun.

3 squads is fine though I guess as Shred is in there by default and the jump from S4 shred to S5 shred is maybe not as valuable against certain opponents.
I've considered that, but I like the Guard and I enjoy doing melee Guard. Priests and Psykers with a blob always do really well. Re-rolling a 4++ gets pretty insane. Sometimes getting Rending on the unit is great too because then you get to re-roll hits and wounds first round. That can do some serious damage. Bullgryns and Straken are also my favorite things.

I'm just not sure what else to add to the list. I was thinking Sentinels and a couple of Russes.
The ideal setup for larger games is definitely a full kakophoni and a warband, but I'm afraid I'd be lacking in versatility if I dumped everything into noise marines at 1850 points.
I guess I'll play around with it.
Get yourself a winged DP with Goredrinker and kill everything you throw at it so long as they aren't able to shoot him.

6-11 S10 ID at I8 is amazing.
How viable and effective is a geanstealer cult/Tyranid army, really?
And CAN i put a saddle on a carnifex, c7s reasons?
My biggest issue with Rapture Battalion is no way to take bikes outside of a Warband.
Its versatility vs. drugs.
Drugs gave me BS5 for a game with 6 squads of noise marines. It was beautiful.

May as well use a single spawn to get the aux at that point to keep the costs down (which isn't too awful with a biker lord.)
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I'm thinking of getting into warhammer. Specifically as a guard army any recommendations for being guard and fighting Chaos and Eldar? I have one friend who plays solely Khornate Marines, and another who is Eldar but forget what type. I'm thinking of going as Mech guard using a lot of combined arms and specifically either a custom regiment based off the STALKER series or Tallarn or Vostroya.
Eldar are allergic to artillery, especially anything that has both ignores cover and ap4 (3 if he plays jetbikes), and hydras can be used effectively against all of their skimmers, swooping hawks, and their flyers.

Most chaos units will die to plasma guns, massed lasguns, or that artillery mentioned above.

wyverns are both love and life against everything but wraith units and pain engines against eldar, grab a full unit or two if you're gonna go full tryhard but at least one in every list because they're too good not to use

I give my platoon command squads full flamers to act as a charge deterrent against melee armies but YMMV
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I'm thinking of brining bombers or Valks and Vultures with munitions meant to kill the Berserkers and leader (Chaos) and Harlequines and Farseer (Eldar) how would air support and dominance work because chaos guy also has 2 Of those giant metal chaos bird things I forget the name.
My original Platton command was a Leman Russ commander and 2 supporting Leman Russ tanks all with front mounted las cannons and side bolters, dozen blade, and extra armour.
I'll give him props for seeing that project through as far as he has but that's about it.
I only thought the cosplay was cringy, the rest was fine.
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As an ork player against daemons in general, are blasts, walkers and skorchas the way to go?

Or just a high concentration of boyz and bikers?
>fucking bastards how dare they make my bootlegging operation more difficult

Lol guess FW should just hand over the molds and masters amirite you entitled fucks
I don't think you read that right mate.
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Why were the gork/morkanaut made when these already existed?
Wew, now I remember why you're meant to use spray paints in well ventilated areas
RIP braincells
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Because, Games Workshop wanted to introduce a big model to sell for Orks, much in the same vein as the Riptide and Wraithknight.

Technically, the Orkanauts are a departure from the Mega-Meka dreads as they have more Hull Points and more weapons and aren't just enhanced Deff Dredz.

That being said, the Mega-Meka Dreads are technically more powerful as they get access to the Supa-Kannon (STR 9, AP3) and hit a lot harder in close combat with re rolls for penetration due to Sunder.

The Meka Dread with a KFF is also cheaper than a Morkanaut with a KFF.
Those warnings are just The Man trying to prevent you from expanding your mind dude. Breath deep.
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Rate my noise marine list? Is there anything I can take over the helbrutes to fill my tank-hunting needs? Because it doesn't seem like noisys are good at popping vehicles.
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have they ever played DoW characters into the tabeltop? like Gorgutz?

and are they gonna do anything with margeret thatcher here to coincide with the rise of theresa may :^)
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Imperial Guard 8th edition wishlist. What do guard lack and anything you'd take out?
Drop the Spawn or sort out your Lord to acquire points for the two extra Blastmasters

What is your plan with the Lord? Sticks out like a sore thumb at present. Either give him a bike to go with the Spawn or give him a Burning Brand to hang out with a Doom Siren combat orientated Noise Marine Squad
>All Tau do is shoot. There's no other options, no other solutions, no other tactics.
All any army does is roll.
>mfw these posts go entirely underappreciated

life is unfair
Warhammer blossomed into something beautiful under the premiership of a mad bitch in the UK. Here's hoping we've got another golden age ahead of us lads.
Chimera chassis mass hunter-seeker ATGM carrier.

The buff to vox casters from that artillery formation and unlimited order range if both parties have voxes being standard.

Leman Russes being able to shoot all their damn weapons and sponsons being able to target independently, seriously they gave it to chimeras' las gun arrays.

An air superiority aircraft.

Chapter tactic equivalent.

New troop kit, all these humanoid boxes lately have been a huge tease.

Well, the Tau are a reflection of their lore.
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what do we call our new ork warboss, theresa may?
>tfw when you give an army you overlooked for ages a shot and they're the most fun you've ever had in 40k.

How the fuck did I not pick up Dark Eldar sooner? I know they're not A-Tier right now, but holy shit everything being GOTTA GO FAST level is so much fun.
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Best loyalist
>Why though? Do we really have a justified reason for hating them?
nope every newfag just reads the 1d4chan page. As an ultramarine player every time I play a game I have one of those mouth breathers come up to me and spout those autistic memes
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>ATGM carrier.
my nigga, when I put up the wishlist post I had this in mind but longer.

Everything else I would love too.
He's garbage and his respawn rule is a drawback rather than a boon as it replaces a useful model.
Tear-Eeza Gitmaker
>My LGS owner and I have been trying to get it off the ground for 7 months now.
you should let other people play with your models in small games
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I'm still trying to get feedback over this list. It's going to be a CASUAL 2000 points of Raptors in a Castellans detachment. Although it's more or less an excuse for me to bring a CAVALRY CHARGE of rough riders. I've got 30 Empire Knights that have been sitting in my collection for at least a year.

The plan is obviously to have a horde of rough riders charge across the table to kick-ass and take names, while the rest of my army serves to either distract the shit out of people, or to shred heavy/elite units to pieces. FATMAN goes after the biggest fucker on the entire table, and MURDERWINGS flies around being a sneaky bastard who tries to find hordes to go solo with his upsurd number of attacks, and the Honour Guard+librarian in a land raider are similarly there to soak fire and distract things, while also being ded killy.
A lot of interesting potential but the whole think keeps getting fucked up by one guy?
I had a similar idea to use that Ork Wyvern from AoS for a Bloodthirster. Only problem is I don't run Khorne Daemons, so it'd look a bit out of place.
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God Bless you anon.



How so?
What books would I actually need to play 2ed WH40k? I DL'ed the WH40k 2ed rulebook and Chaos (2ed) books, but the two don't seem to be the same edition. The core rules talk about using dice for psychic resolution and don't mention cards at all, whereas the Chaos book mentions using cards for power generation and resolution.
Never seen Mega-Meka's fielded. Not even in tubevideos. Don't stop being awesome Ork players.
"make everything drones"
t. tau player
As though you wouldn't prefer the Tau superheavies having Ork Ballistic skill? It'd at least be less stupidly against their previous fluff.
>the Riptide should be composed of multiple drones
>it should have the ability to separate into two leg drones, two arm drones, a torso drone, a hip drone, a head drone, and two jetpack drones for situations where you need many models instead of one large one
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I think it's referring to Dark Millennium's cards.
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Bring back Marbo
>Riptide slowly loses effectiveness as you deal wounds to it

How is this not a good change again?
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Get past my 1000 cultists, my daemon-engine warpack, massed artillery bombardment, and my 6 bunkers and then say that to my face son.
I agree with all of these except chapter tactics. We don't need chapter tactics. We have orders. Orders are unique and fit more with an army that relies on discipline and teamwork instead of individual skill.

We need orders, especially for vehicles. The Cadia supplement and Armored battlegroup lists are a good place to start.
Building for a 1000 point tournament at the end of next month, weighing up

A Khorne Daemonkin army with the focus on berzerkers and then a juggernaut chaos lord embedded with some Bloodcrushers


CSM World Eaters with, again, berzerker focus by way of the Maelstrom of Gore formation (I might just field a dickload of zerks and then some spawn to fulfil the 1+ aux requirement) and I dunno what
Thing I can't decide between is what to head the maelstrom with
>Chaos Lord with the artefact of +3" to move, run and charge
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>Never seen Mega-Meka's fielded. Not even in tubevideos.

I have several times.

However, they've slightly fallen out of favor unless you're running a walker mob.

At just AV 13 with 3 Hull Points, they aren't as durable as they were in previous editions.

They are one of the more durable Ork Walkers however. They at least get a 5++ naturally.

The Meka Dread is a neat one as it's a character for the purposes of challenges and can join a squad of Deff Dreads in a Dred Mob army.

It also may have some excellent use in a Waaagh! Ghazghkull detachment where challenging is mandatory.

I'm surprised they haven't made Tau Lords of War that are just massive, drone operated mobile gun batteries that wait for Marker Light support to be effective or to make their fire power more effective.
>ork ballistic skill
>remora drones
They would be bs3 minimum
To be fair, once you make a gun platform that size there's basically no reason to not put an actual pilot in it, Drones aren't exactly that capable in adapting to battlefield conditions, even in fluff, and putting them solely in charge of a critical weapon might not be the best idea.
>A Khorne Daemonkin army with the focus on berzerkers

Already a shit idea.

World Eaters all the way if you're into zerkers, that crazy movement + Kharn is the way to go. KDK is only good if focusing on daemons, dogs, crushers, bikers, maybe a lord/DP etc.
Viable infantry regiments.
plastic armagedon steel legion
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if Orks isnt melee race cause >i2
and not shooting cause >bs2
what they are?
A meme faction, apparently.
Oh and a soulgrinder with torrent flamer on the Khorne army

I seriously cannot seem to make KDK work at lower point values at all it seems. I'm probably trying to build entirely fucking wrong. I kinda have fuck all dogs and no bikers though. Which is useful
I do have a boner for berzerkers
Looks like the main three guys from Small Soldiers
Yep. Thanks.
Tau fluff could be more interesting, but Peter Kelly has been the primary Tau author for two editions now and it just keeps getting progressively more grimderp and ridiculous.
The drones should be based on a large cat, or something. And each one should be a different color.
>what they are?
I don't even play guard, I just own a collection of Empire Knights that invariably get played as rough Riders. I wish Rough Riders were vastly better. Don't even change the points cost, just make them better.
> +2 Initiative on the Charge
> AP2 on the charge, Ap5 off the charge.
> Hit & Run
> Options for taking better armour.

Why the fuck would I want R'varna guns?

We could call it Tau'tron and give it a giant version of Farsight's sword!
Yes, wouldn't be much point of circling the forgeworld stuff in a GW codex if that circled stuff wasn't forgeworld.
When's the next Forge World Open Day or equivalent event?

To be fair, it seems like they don't focus on everything the Tau can bring to the table.

I mean, the big suits and technological progression is nice, but I'd kind of like to see what kind of machine of war the Tau's allies can bring to the table.

The Demiurg can not be the only other technologically sophisticated faction that is aligned with the Tau and I refuse to believe it.

I'd also like to see the Tarellans a bit more too.
>AP2 on the charge
No thanks.
>Hit and Run
Everyone should have the ability to try to leave CC, it should just carry penalties for failure.
Jesus fuck. Farshit was the last straw for me. A planet thats just globules of water? A planet cut like a gemstone?? I can't take it anymore.

When I first started getting into 40k I grabbed a bunch of different codices and the Tau one had some sick fluff in it. The kroot ambushing the eldar patrol was sick, Aun'Shi's fluff was sick too.
They really need to bring in xenos auxiliaries just to bring some CC and psykery to the table. It's stupid to have "this army literally ignores half the phases in the game" as a feature.
Planet of haaaaaaaats
I'll have you know that Hatticus Prime is solidly in imperial control.

That's one thing they should introduce for the Kroot.

I find it hard to believe there are no Pyskers within the Kroot.

Unless any psychic genes are culled for whatever reason.
Yeah, if they don't want to bring in new xenos, at least expand Kroot into a Harlequin/Tempestus sized force that can provide some dedicated decent CC support and a psyker or two.
>Humans on horseback in the far far future should bet better than Marines on ceramite bikes, giant snake-monsters, and Chaos spawn for like 11pts each
>LANCES when NOT charging should be ap5 when a chainsaw has no ap at all

No. Fuck off with that dream.

Be lucky you get AP3 and i5 on the charge. i will admit t3 is pathetic for something that's melee focused and mounted.

Give 'em t4 OR two wounds. and Hit and Run. Do they have frag grenades? probably not, assault units never seem to in 40k so throw them grenades too. There is your buff, but it'll never happen until they get plastic models.
>invisibllity buffer for riptides
>for fluff reasons

Yeah taufags, we know
I have; they're fucking awesome.
There are the Nicassar, who have ships in Battlefleet Gothic, and are essentially a race of giant Telekinetic flat polar bears.

Including those on the tabletop would be as easy as introducing a new skimmer with the Psychic pilot rule. Just make it a sort of Psychic tank that blasts things with Assail.
>Unless any psychic genes are culled for whatever reason.
Maybe the shapers tell them to not eat psyker meat? It's halal for them.
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What a diverse list with many types of model
Give them power spear options for a price :^)
Or at least a lance/hammer weapon, like the knights of old!
Are Skitarii / IG armies viable?

They can be, but each seems to bring the same kinds of things to the table. You're better off allying them with a force that brings radically different things, rather than the same.
Out of BAngels, Yiffs and CSM, which can field the better terminator heavy army? Black Legion seems pretty good.
There's some older fluff about Kroot eating the shit out of some Eldar, but I can't find it right now.

I remember a story about that.

It was in one of the Anthologies and some Marines encountered Kroot with skin that was apparently like the void of space or something to that effect unless I'm not recalling it correctly.

The marines in question thought they were actually fighting Eldar till they struck one down and discovered the deception.

I like them because the Mega Dread can bring two STR9, AP3 blasts to the table.

Large blasts, especially ones of that type, are something Orks are kind of starved for.

It's practically two overcharged Riptide blasts, if one AP weaker and with significantly shorter range.

I meant one STR 9, AP3 blast, but it's twin linked.
None of those are Dark Angels, so offhand I want to say BA because of fast land raiders.
They've also got a charge-out-of-deepstrike terminator formation. I'm just not sure if it's more useful than Black Legions possible turn 1 deep strikes. Probably is though.
DKoK riders cost a little bit more but have 2A, 2W and FNP 6+ and are apparently usable, though this information comes from 1d4chan so it's probably worth fuck-all.
Well it's outdated, but so is the source book from where that's from.
New DKoK when?!!!!!!
"I am afraid that we do not have a date for when an Errata would be ready for the Death Korps army, however we have been advised that for the purposes of the allies matrix, you should assume the Death Korps to be Astra Militarum in the event that there is no option on the Krieg allies matrix." - Forge World, e-mail, Dec 2016
t. Soulja boy
Thats the one.
Yah trick, yah.
desu that happened because mankind went too fucking far with AI. Tau could always opt for remote controlled drones as well.
I swear ive seen a thunderhawk in a codex before

What about Escalation and Apocalypse?

They both have quite a few Forgeworld units.
Back when they sold a metal one. But honestly it was not a codex
What about that picture at the end, oh the pain
Manz in a wagon, stompa, and bikes.
you will still lose, but it will be fun
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bring back creeds rules
bring back all the special characters
Fearless on yarrick
keep 3 point conscripts
and 24 inch hot-shots
it's fucking suffering
...Kitchen paper? Are you talking about paper towels?
Parchment paper
I think Eldrad has been shaping runes in order to turn it all into one giant conehead helmet, though. At least that's what I hear on the grapevine.
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