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/kdm/kdg/kdmg/ Kingdom Death General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 368
Thread images: 98

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Witch Appreciation Edition

>What is it?
Kingdom Death is a board game where you kill monsters to make cool new hats.
>Where can I buy it?
Nowhere. You just missed the kickstarter, and the webstore wont be getting any more stock while the update is in production. Should restock on Black Friday. If you want to play it, check eBay for the old version, or play over Tabletop Simulator.
>When does it deliver?
Core game will likely be this year, mid-late fall. Current Expansions will ship soon after, followed by Gamblers Chest and Promos next year, then Expansions shipping in two or three waves between then and 2020.
>Can I add to my pledge in the Pledge Manager?
Nobody knows. Anybody who claims otherwise is lying.
>WTF is this Ekoi shit?
Ekoi is an anon who got his OC made into the Anonymous Survivor promo and a direct line to Poots. He namefagged for a bit then some faggot and everybody else decided to be Ekoi too. Real one is !JPiuy1x7.k ignore or report all others.

Previous thread >>51175027

>Threadly Question
What 1.5 Changelog or GC item are you most hyped over and why is it not the Gold Smoke Knight?
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If you get mad about people not liking your angel fanfiction you need to go outside.
If you were to roll Intimacy with Disciple of the Witch (male), what would the coat do? Keep looking? Give snarky remarks? Curl into a roll and stay in the corner?
See you don't even have to say you like it, just mentioning it causes him to flip his shit.
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worth it /kdm/?
Critique both your forms, no doubt.

Interpret that as you will.
>Post Partum Fade Mini
>"Basic Hunt Event" card that does stuff other than roll on the table

She's kinda meme but if you like the mini at least you get a little gameplay. And supposedly Red Witches will interact with her.
Meh, wait for the next black friday.

>Flip shit =/= telling you you're dumb.
wew laddy
One neutral mention in the previous thread causes you to make a big post crying about other people getting mad.

I don't even like the theory but your reactions are great.
>angel fanfiction
>>he's still mad about people having ideas he doesn't like

It's been a while dude, make like Elsa and let it go.
There's a theory this one anon made a bunch of posts about that Dragons are the KD version of Angels, nothing noteworthy.

But for some reason there's this one anon who gets insanely mad whenever anyone mentions it and will go on huge tirades and whine non stop if anyone mentions it.
>>He's still losing his shit

W e w


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Are you talking to me?

>One sentence.
>Big post.
>Can't actually deal with people disagreeing with you.
Is it autism?

If you're a newfan you should probably lurk more before posting here so your feelings don't get hurt.

A few anons think KD is heaven, dragons are angels and that Satan is literally satan from biblical lore.

Suffice to say they watched way to much Evangelion and become stupids.
>Literally foaming at the mouth.
Anybody else want an MLP crossover or just me??? Would be awesome minis!!!
>watched way to much Evangelion
And would you guess who else is a huge weeb that made a DBZ crossover expansion?

I'd love for this theory to be confirmed true only so I could get to see you completely lose your mind.
>What 1.5 Changelog or GC are you most hyped over
Changed Hunt Event Table.
I really like to know more about that.
I honestly wouldn't even care though since I'm not emotionally invested in your fanfiction.

You can celebrate whatever victory you want, power to you.
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Wow. That sounds kinda sad.

>DBZ crossover
As much as I dislike DBZ, I did get a few laughs out of that. Though to be honest, I've never understood the difference between SS1 and SS2.
>I honestly wouldn't even care though since I'm not emotionally invested in your fanfiction.
Then why do you keep responding?

If you weren't emotionally invested in hating it you'd just ignore the posts rather than going on and on about it.
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SSJ2 has spikier hair, electricity, sharper aura and is twice as strong you dumb fuck
Forgot my trip code
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>Implying you're not being baited because you're so defensive and emotionally involved in anonymous theories about nebulous game fluff.
Get a hobby my dudes.
Oh, don't mind me, I'm just laughing at the guy who gets enraged by fan theories.
>>Implying I'm not being baited because I'm so defensive and emotionally involved in anonymous theories about nebulous game fluff.
I think that's what you meant to type, no need to thank me for correcting your typos.
>DBZ showdown
>inb4: ()()()()()()()()()() : gains 10 Strength tokens and 10 Accuracy tokens
I'm the same person though.

>Thinking people on the internet and 4chan of all places get mad.
>Using a perceived emotion response to measure your contribution to the thread.
Kinda pathetic my man.
Alright /kdg/ I'm assuming some of you have Kingdom Death minis so I'd like your help in scanning in 3D Models for stuff like Tabletop Simulator. There's some free software that can do it like autodesk remake and all you need to do is take a picture of your model from a bunch of different angles, if you upload images to imgur I may be able to do it. Currently Tabletop Sim has models for all the base game minis and the Gorm, Sunstalker and Lion God minis, so anything from the other expansions would be nice also some of your survivor minis may be cool to give players more options when choosing their minis.
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>this thread
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Do you want them to be painted?
I have Dragon King, Lion Knight, Flower Knight and Manhunter, almost all the minis you're missing, but none are further than pre-shading.
This is funny because you're the one claiming everyone who replies to you is mad and upset.
They don't need to be painted, plenty of the ones in Tabletop sim aren't. Unpainted models are better than none at all.
How do I get my dad to get me some expansions too? He got me the normal game but that is like no content from what I hear???
Alright, I'm going to bed now but I'll see what I can do tomorrow.

The interesting thing was that, like a day after this theory was posted, The Abyssal Woods expansion was announced.

And the lore for that that we have so far heavily implies that the terms 'god' and 'dragon' are, as far as KDM is concerned, basically interchangeable. Both are powerful beings that have huge monstrous battle forms as well as the ability to take up human forms.

This was a part of the lore theory as well, so as you can imagine there was a modest freakout about being at least partly right.
>heavily implies that the terms 'god' and 'dragon' are, as far as KDM is concerned, basically interchangeable.
Kind of. But not really.

Sparrow King is a God.
He's not a real Dragon, that's just a disguise. He's never really referred to as being a dragon except by the name dragon goblin. Which is a lie.

So depends more on how you interpret it.
Thats Dreaded Decade though
They are not angels. Find me one thing Poots has said, directly or through lore text, that suggests they are. Go ahead
Still the goblin is associated at least to some degree with the people of the Stars, through his constellation, so there is certainly some kind of connection going on here whatever it may be.
Forgot my trip again. Sorry about that. Anyway find me one instance and I'll give you some credit
Goblin is associated with everything in KD simply by virtue of basically being "The God of Death" there's no direct correlation beyond that.
Just wondering what you guys think, should i get DBK and DK for 105$ or switch out the DK for FK and LK
Get flower knight unless you're an idiot. Everyone loves flower knight
You're current selection is good, Flower Knight is a good expansion but not as good as the Dragon King and the Dung Beetle Knight. Still if you don't have anything to fight in the early game you might still want to consider the Flower Knight.
triple knight is a pretty fun campaign that gives a bit of everything.
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Speaking of which what does tg think of my Lion Knight? I have no idea what to do with the base.
The cape needs highlights and the woman are kind of lazily painted also it looks like you took this picture mid wash.

That said, I like the gold bits on the face.
Would furry survivors/monsters really be that bad? I mean we already have the Lion Knight... I know I got a lot of negative feedback for my suggestion a few threads ago, but is it really that bad? It's lore friendly, creative and would allow for some cool paint jobs on minis.
Paint the base like the faces are alive, Screaming Gallery style.
Use a variety of skin tones to give an impression of cobblestones, until people look closer.
I was including the women in the "not sure what to do with the base". I'm not super happy with the cape yet but what do you think needs washed? I'm really new to painting so I'm looking for pointers and such.

this is a neat idea
I for one am very excited to be getting my gold smoke knight. Always loved that fuckers design and wondered why he was just in the hunt event Finale. Seemed such a minor role, and the event seemed like it should have been bigger.

Lol'd hard dude, keep up those good memes, you got me!
Did you just assume my gender? I can switch my gender whenever I want using a polymorphic spell... learn your pronouns, shitlord.
Normally, I'd be pretty against furries being crammed into a system, but I kinda agree they wouldn't change KDM too much.

Literally the only problem KDM has is that it won't compromise its setting for triggered millennial hipsters that try to be the center of "board game culture".
I just wish i could spend 40 more bucks and not have to make this choice
Just ask your parents for 40 bucks. It's 40 bucks dude it's not a big deal
I mean technically we already have scalie survivors with People of the Stars, so you're right about it not doing much.

More events or similar like Dark Dentist's that can make your survivors more like monsters seem like they'd fit well.

Well despite what some people would have you believe we might still be able to add funds in the pledge manager, so if that's the case you'll hopefully have gotten 40$ extra disposable income by then.
I would recommend DBK and DK my dude. Flower Knight doesn't come with much and Lion Knight is honestly kind of pathetic in terms of content. They're all great fights but DBK and DK both come with so much content that I don't think you'll be disappointed just getting those two. With DK, you're also getting an alternative campaign and a new nemesis fight. (can only be used in the alternative campaign, though)
>(can only be used in the alternative campaign, though)
I was thinking you could probably work the tyrant into a normal campaign with a bit of homebrewing.
One scenario I was thinking of was if you hunt the dragon king the tyrant can show up at your settlement to fuck you up in person.
Alternatively he could replace The Hand and show up at your settlement (or an emissary) demanding you swear fealty and become a vassal to his "empire".
When you inevitably refuse his demands you have to fight him.

If that happens, if you lose the Tyrant should steal some of your people.

So -2 population, but there are not technically dead. Just stolen by the Tyrant to add to his settlement. After all, your settlements bloodlines must be doing SOMETHING right.

Or maybe you do the reverse: If you beat him, he requests that you send your finest warriors with him. If you do nothing, he just gives you some scrap for your trouble and wanders off. But if you accept, you have the chance to trade people for Dragon King gear.
Do the thread a favor and don't respond to Ekoi posts.
>>ideas that aren't mine upset me for weeks on end

Kekkamundo gigante
>>Implying bad dragon anon could ever realise his anger at fan ideas is the problem

Your faith in human beings is touching, but probably wasted.
Ekoi is a giant cunt and best ignored.
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>got my first Christmas bonus ever this last month
>find out about this incredible box while looking for a new tabletop game to celebrate having a living room again and a big wood table to play on
>Kickstarter ended last week
Am I gonna be able to buy it through their store or am I gonna have to find a scalper?
too late now that the KS is over
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>Am I gonna be able to buy it through their store or am I gonna have to find a scalper?
When it comes back in stock, yes. The production run has just begun. Sign up for the newsletter and pay better attention in the future.
The problem is the fight gives way too many rewards. If you took out all of the archive after you hit it cards then it might be fine but I'd have to look at the HL deck too make sure.
Ah no, it's not that you need a wash it looks like you took the pic while the wash was just applied. It looks wet if you catch my drift.
>pay better attention in the future.
I know it exists now, so I think I can do that.
oh yeah the pic was originally for someone in my gaming group who was excited when I said I would paint it in time for the level 3 fight so it was right as I finished. Thank you for the feedback though it helps a lot.
Anyways, the wait time will be just as long as everyone else trying to get 1.5 as there now has to be more product made before it ships over to us kickstarters. The rest will then be put up on the store. All in all it will be months from now.
Unless you like buying out ebayers, who if smart shouldn't be relisting, as the you can "piggy back" off others to get core sets. If they are, find one for the MSRP or cheaper. Pick up a update from the store later when it comes out if you like it.
It should hopefully be in stock on their store by the end of the year at around $400 probably.
Does anybody use house rules here? If so, what kind?
I use a house rule that if a survivor dies in a fight and it's a bullshit death it doesn't count. Has saved me whole campaigns
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The DBK's more or less done save for whatever random cleanup I can find... and eventual basing. I wonder how it'll look like with dulcote sprayed on.
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I'm glad Poots is adding multiple new settlement events in almost every expansion. Was really weird only having 3 out of the 12 current expansions contain settlement events.
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It will be interesting to see what Campaigns of Death is like if it mentions anything like that.

But you'll be able to tailor events to have a woodsie doodle feel or mountain feel looking at the numbers. Inverted in particular has 12, crazy.
What about Silver City my dude
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I did these late last night so I figured I would miss a couple.
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why is this thread so ded

come on guys speak up
We're just waiting on the game to ship so we can get started on painting and play.
Waiting on poots' verdict on the pledge manager
Boobs or ass?
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anybody know if this character is still in the works?
How much KDM do u own, /kdg/?


Thighs and legs are superior to both
You should also color the inside of the cape, other than that you are doing good for a newbie, keep at it anon!
There was a anon a thread or two ago that wanted to buy TTS when it was on sale. Its half off on humble bundle right now.

Its one of the class minis. They aren't part of kdm.

Eventually there may be a reprint. The Knight sold out right before ks2 and necromancer won an award recently.
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That was me anon.

Thank you. Now maybe I can find a way to play this game!
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>Boobs or ass?
>Thighs and legs

The beauty of Kingdom Death is that you don't have to choose.
Gotta choose if you want two arms though
She has two arms. One of them is just a little shorter than the other.
>you will never have a Belt of Gender Swap
I need this mini just as much as I need this game.
Do I technically already own shit that I paid for in this kickstarter? I voted I don't own shit regardless.
So, if a man who turns into a woman uses the belt around her boobs, how does a woman who turns into a man use it?
The belt around the chest and breasts was just a clever design element to get around toplessness, since the survivor also happened to get Vestiphobia some time before they got the belt and couldn't wear chest gear.
That just can't be a thing.


Fuck, you'd think I'd know better by now.
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Real Ekoi is a cool dude. Fake Ekoi is a shit.
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It's not a totally crazy phobia, it's not like it's omphalophobia.
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Nice ultrasmurf...not really it looks like shit LMAO
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My current campaign after a signifigant amount of time since my last made a CRITTICAL rules error that we actually found super fun and just rolled with it. We remembered that you can't suffer multiple severe injuries from a single hit, regardless of the damage inflicted. However we MISREMEMBERED that part and thought it was injuries in general.

So Light Injury and Heavy Injury soak the full attack before you start taking critical damage.

Honestly, it feels like what the Hero Mode variant SHOULD have been. It makes the game less lethal and less swingy, and makes characters feel like heroes. It's led to some crazy fun good times. We are playing like this for the rest of the campaign, and then going back to the regular full lethal mode for the next one.

It's been a very enjoyable reprieve from the typical gloom of the setting.
It's a belt...I can't imagine it has to be worn around the chest of a man to make them a woman.
Plus why would wearing it around your chest change your genitals?
The real question is can it get damaged during combat, and if so will you then revert to a guy mid-fight?
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It adds no armor.
Survivors are just armor boxes for your settlement.
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You know, we've had some anons comment on how cool it is to have a being known as the "Goblin" be one of the most powerful evil beings in the game, but I've gotta say that having a being known as the "Mountain Man" be one of the scariest and most intimidating in the setting.

The Mountain Man. Paul Bunyan, as a terrifying mythical demigod. It is hilarious, and I love it.
Be a man!
Do the thread a favor and don't reply to Ekoi's shitposts.
Don't listen to that cocksucker. It looks good, just needs some touch ups around the eyes
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>Spidicules, spidicules
>Does whatever a spidicules does.
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Dragon King.pdf
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This >>51197080
It's not at any location so unless there's something really obscure that hits jewlery, it won't come off in a fight.
Jesus, why does googling shit from these threads always lead me to strange results?

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Egad, but still,
>he doesn't know about slenderman
Well, yeah. The extent of my knowledge for Slenderman is creepypasta, bad video game, and failed web series. Know idea why he's so popular, or at least just well-known. It's like a short SCP entry got out of control.
I can do this, I have all of them. Only expansion one I have painted so far is the tree though.
Is it still possible to get into this game? Like, is there still a (relatively) priced starter/base set with a decent ammount of mini's? Is there anything that's a 'must buy' add-on?
Shitposting + nice pinup is still shitposting Anon.
At least try to be constructive.

Nice to see you made efforts for the photo! You're still selling yourself short, but the mutliple pictures help see a bit better. I really like what you're doing with that blue. The colour scheme is original, too.

But you definitely need some more work on that gold. Some shading would have been nice.

As it is you seem to have shaded everything using black, which is a shame because it takes away from the vibrant colours you picked for your scheme and makes it all looks dull and dirty. The strong lighting doesn't help either (one strong light means you will have very strong shadows; turn on all the fucking lights you can in your room, before taking the shot).
You'll likely have to wait until around Black Friday to get a core game.
>girls commit ritual attempted murder over Something Awful meme.
You could say they did Something Awful.
You really should have known better than to google something from 4chan.
>something from 4chan
Hmm, nothing strange there.
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Look up dung beetle knight on google images absorb their energy, there are many to copy. I think you should do another highlight layer on the fur and try to hit some scales too. The gold trim is sloppy.

Personally I'm not touching any KD models until my brush control is much better, heres some practice models since ppl will say "well then show us your work figgit! >:^)"

I'm only mean because i love u bb <3
If anyone is up for the job, the pirate pack of the game still needs:

Watcher's Mortify AI card (The one in there is a mislabeled card, the actual mortify is missing)

The Lion God innovation card (for what the expansion pictures have, they're complete except for this one card.)

And finally, for all expansions:

Hunt Event Cards
Strange Resource Cards
Monster Resource Cards
AI Decks
HL Decks

Remember for Monster Resource and AI decks, card counts matter.
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It's not bad
Has anyone attempted how Manhunter was going to work originally? I had to modify it and it came out weirdly.
That expensive huh?

I would hate to see what shipping here to ausland will cost me.
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>watching Stranger Things, all of it
Oh hello KD Slenderman

Dark water and fissures in reality and everything, it's uncanny
Really nice work Anon. Your brush control seems just fine, but then I know what you're saying. I'm sitting on a pile of Chinaman recasts and even then I'm terrified of fucking it up. Will practice on other models first.
I've always had such a hard fucking time with gold. It's the most pain in the ass color for me to apply besides most shades of yellow. At least silver seems to apply really easily. Gold? No matter how much I shake it, half the time it's just clear goo with gold flakes that kinda sorta want to go where I brush it. Or some other awkward descriptoin like that. Not even my Game Air gold is all that good (the silver is fantastic). At least brushing it over silver/brown is working all right.

In previous shots, I used other color wash, but something drove me to say "fuck it" and paint the cracks in the carapace black.

I've gone back over it with white and lighter blues again, and it honestly looks better in front of me compared to the pictures. I'm pretty much not going to get the color-shifting effect I originally aimed for, but I can get something suitably scarab-like, still.

The wings. Ehh. I'm trying to go for shiny multicolor bug wings. It still needs more work in that department.
Still no pledge manager yet?
how cute.

If the PM shows up within a month it'll be extremely quick, let's put it that way.
If all you have is one shade of gold, it's pretty tough yeah.

One trick with bright colours (yellow, red, etc) is to shade them entirely, then go back with the base colour to "highlight" it again. Better that than trying to highlight the base colour by adding white!

Personally, I take a silver and just add shades of what I want (brown, beige, yellow, etc) and do my shading that way.
or even just pure washes over silver, that can work too.
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I like the wings actually, blends are nice. For your color scheme maybe try a red wash in the cracks in shadowy regions, and mix in some olive greens and oranges for some highlight areas.

I think you can easily take your guy to the next level with some multicolor dotting like pic related, the blue drybrush isnt enough.
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Are the new expansions here yet?
Yes, you should check your door if a package hasa arrived.
Abysall Woods is great, I can´t believe they actually hid ANOTHER quarrie in it.
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You were right! And to think it was the Ringtail Fox!
Looks like we hit bump limit, do we need a new thread?
I was... inspired... by certain of the themes and aesthetics in the Honeycomb Weaver expansion reveal and decided to make a fan expansion where you play a settlement of people who live in an "abandoned" Honeycomb Weaver hive. Some highlights:

* Instead of saviors, you get "Royal Honeypots" - female survivors who are slowly immobilized, but also empowered, by their expanding wombs as they gain hunt experience. They are the only female survivors that can intimacy.

* Initial limited access to intimacy and a unique intimacy table that enables hyper-pregnancy and a considerable chance of female to male vore.

* A settlement location that is actually just a really, really big person.

* An attempt to make cooking not suck. I think I failed.

I've attached a pdf of it if anyone's interested. It currently uses the Butcher as a repeated nemesis, so I can test it, but eventually it will use the Honeycomb Weaver as a nemesis instead.
Seems stupid
Sign up for the mailing list in the kingdom death store. More likely pools MAY offer the game sooner. Not sure, just speculation based on past.
Are you retarded? Even the KS copies are pushed back, the retail ones wont be until at LEAST black friday
Don't be an idiot
Suck my dick faggot.
Wow nice response!
Ignore and sage the dipshit. Get on that mailing list, write KD store and ask when game will be available. They may answer you

This, but I would probably wait a bit before emailing the store. So soon after the kickstarter, I doubt Poots himself knows the answer to that yet. He has to have a lot of plates in the air right now.
do you even know what saging is, you newfag?
Poots isn't going to tell you, do you really think you're the first person who thought to ask him? fucking retard
Forgot my trip
also if Poots doesn't make a crossover with MLP for this game I will boycott it
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I miss the days when 4chan was good.
I wonder how the Gold Smoke Knight is going to work, if the watcher is going to be changed, or if you have to just put it off in order to face smokey.
Poots isn't the only one that works the store. Yah, it may be too soon after KS but it doesn't hurt to ask.
In meantime humble bundle selling TTS 50% off. You can try the game and xpacs for 10 bucks!

The difference is, this time the tripfaggotry is the only thing that saved us. This was the exact right situation to use a trip.

The original Ekoi is a cool dude with a fan character that got its own promo content included in the kickstarter, and is in contact with Poots about that same content. He is a point of contact that can forward concerns of ours directly to poots, and might even be able to let us know some stuff about Poot's operations and timetables. That's pretty valuable, and being able to pick him out of a crowd so we know what is true and what is bullshit is useful.

The Ekoi that has been popping up in the last few threads is a trolling faggot with a self admitted mission to ruin this community because he is a manchild who hates it when other people have nice things. He insults everyone and everything, and constantly makes inflammatory 'suggestions' that exist to do nothing but stirr up trouble. The only winning move is to pretend he isn't there at all.

But we know he isn't the real Ekoi, because he can't find the right tripcode. Without the trips in this place, it would have taken much longer to figure out that he is an imposter, and we wouldn't be able to recognize him so easily for what he is.

So this is one of those rare situations where the tripcode is doing its exact job. For use to get any use out of Ekoi, we need to be able to tell the real one from this shitposting manchild.
Just some fat, jealous fag got
This has a lot of issues. I do like the idea of it having special intimacy requirements, but you are going about it all wrong, making it feel VERY hamfisted. Saying "Just ignore a bunch of rules to make this work" isn't the best way to handle it.

I suggest you go with something like:
>If this event was triggered by the Love Juice Resource, instead [SOME OTHER EVENT]
>If neither nominated Survivor is a Royal Honeypot, subtract 5 from the roll.

The Love Juice event could allow you to special encounter a Honeycomg Weaver to start getting special survivors earlier, or if you already have them, give them some kind of small bonus.

The 2-3 result should read "Gains +1 Hunt XP" not lantern year experience.

The effects of Age 4 are redundant, they would still keep all of that from Age 3. The 16-19 result on Age 3 and Age 4 should be "+1 to Movement, Accuracy, Luck, and Strength" instead of saying what it doesn't give bonuses to. I also expect that your INTENT was +1 Speed instead of +1 Movement, as the survivor can't benefit from Movement anyway. The way it's worded right now is also ambiguous for if it gives you Courage/Understanding/Weapon Proficiency/Hunt XP, as those could be considered stats.

I suggest making a custom Bold milestone event, so that you don't have to worry about matchmakers subverting your intimacy system.

You used the Hunt Event card frame for the Resource cards.

Also change the description of purple pheromone trail. There is no sky, periwinkle or otherwise.

Finally, your fetishes are bad and you should feel bad. Delete this entire thing.
60 freedom dosh for the core game.
Forgot my trip :^)
His intent is also to get people to filter the name Ekoi, because he is a jealous fag. He's also the same person who was spamming that stupid (You) gif any time Ekoi or TTS Anon (who doesn't even use a trip) posted.

He's hoping other people will adopt his mindset of "everyone should be forced to be anonymous just like on /b/! The only good board", but all he is really doing is making it even more obvious that there is literally only a single person in these threads who thinks that.

I know its not the reaction he is looking for, but... I honestly just feel really bad for falseEkoi.

He's been at this for days now. On the one hand, he is persistent. But on the other hand...

What must his life be like, that obsessively spending days in a row trying to ruin a couple of threads on a message board is the high point of his life? This isn't the sort of behavior if you have anything constructive to do with your time, or people to interact with.

I almost hope he really is just a dumb teenager, because that means there is still hope for him to grow out of this. The idea that he is an adult and still is trapped in this level of immaturity would just be too tragic.
>can't intimacy before Year 5
>if you choose anything other than purple, you can't intimacy until Year 10
terrible campaign tbqhwyfamalam
I think he is a fat adult with diabetes. Very angry. Self destructive. Despondent.

The colours are way too flat
Actually, it is really:
>can't intimacy before Year 5
>after year 5 you have to get the right innovation to intimacy
>terrible campaign tbqhwyfamalam

It's disappointing that everyone who makes custom content tries so hard to make their content "SUPAR SPESHUL", between the Dead End being unkillable until it LITERALLY fucks you, and this campaign being "no you have to play IN THIS WAY! IGNORE ANYTHING THAT SAYS YOU CAN PLAY DIFFERENTLY"

Which is a shame because the concept of the campaign is decent enough mechanically, it's just shoehorning in to many things that make it not even the same game.
Not tabletop standard. No shading, bad colour scheme, clearly painted by an amateur. Don't come near these models unless you have at least 20 years experience and commensurate skill.
This is kind of true
All this Ekoi falseflagging is getting out of hand
Best we can do is not respond, even if he never gets bored and gives up, we will be denying him his life's only pleasure.
It'd also be worth trying again once we actually have the Honeycomb Weaver expansion.
Is there a specific armor set you like to go with each weapon /kdm/?

They obviously want you in white lion for katars/dagger, lantern for clubs, and kind of sorta antelope for spears. What about the rest? Do you base the decision on looks or stats?
Well, aside from taking it in the ass of course.
I think this looks good. Is there room for improvement? Sure, but, you have good fundamental basis on colors. Just need to add a little bit more to make it pop
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Hey guys, I need a little bit of advice. Which would you recommend?

The Oblivion Mosquito, or the Honeycomb Weaver? I am buying the Abyssal Woods campaign, so I know that does say it has optional interactivity with the Honeycomb weaver, but I already have an extra Node 1 Monster (Frog Dog), and a fair amount of Node 3's as well (Death Chicken, Flower Knight, Black Knight, etc). I dig the Oblivion Mosquito design, I don't have many Node 2 monsters, and the mechanics of hunting it sound really cool, but I;m not sure if she'll meld well with a Abyssal Forest campaign. What would you guys recommend? I'm really torn between these 2.
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Mosquito. Her vulva swells and distended when she drinks survivor blood.
I am now matter. I play tabletopstimulator kingdom death. I have taken five lion ballsaks and dranken the juice. Lol the juice is lose.

I like the screaming deer. It big mouth belly so dangerous to hunters. I lost one survivor, Marianas lLaudiddio Victoria to it-my best survivor! I glad I pledged this game, I cannot wait to get game in mail.
>I am now matter

What did he mean by this?
Prior to this he was an incorporeal energy being, Kingdom Death was so life changing it cursed him with flesh.
I have a reaper MSP series gold, which is what I used for the most recent layering of the trim. It goes on fairly thick and has somewhat better coverage than the Vallejo Game Air gold I used. I'm pretty sure it'd go on way better if I just airbrushed it, but this is gold trim. Not exactly suitable for airbrushing.

I think I'm going to try painting yellow/brown/etc over silver, then wash it, then go over with gold paint. Good idea. Thanks. (For this go I did gold over silver)
Oof, yeah. I really like that one. I should get my hands on that silicone-tipped brush that Games & Gears was selling...
On a scale of ded to ded how ded are we
Roll a 1 on the severe injury table ded.
we're ok. its morning (ish) time in the americas, so the people interested in this game are probably doing whatever they need to do to afford it.
>being a wageslave

lmao just be born into a rich family its not that hard lmao
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Is this a crossbow shotgun?
looks like Power Girl
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Anybody better at dialogue boxes and want to put in some /tv/ credits at the bottom? (Poots productions, or whatever)
Whoa, source?

Forsaker, white speaker, twilight knight at the bottom... snow the savior?

And who is the guy in lower right? I can't seem to place him.
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just found off a google search from a DA account, plus crappy shoop of the game title
Any MLP homebrews in the works? Or a cucking homebrew maybe?
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Campy 80's theme works well, I like it. I second the motion for someone with a photoshop doctorate to add film credits at the bottom
It was one of the earlier pieces for KD

I think it's the Preacher
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dead thread

Someone use the extra innovation to create better discussion on the next one. Like post all the lion god rules that are apparently so awful, and lets house rules improve them
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So from what I've read from the monster manuals, this game is Dark Souls the Tabletop. Bleak, unforgiving, and anger inducing.

Honestly, it sounds super creative, and the art and character design are top notch, but I could never play in a campaign where everyone dies all the time. When a PC dies for non-story reasons I just stop caring.
Too roight
It's not that they're awful

It's just super hard, so it's not really worth unless it's for the challenge

It'll be better as an endboss after Silver City, that's for sure
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I just realized that the Storm Knight pinup isn't the only pinup featured in the KS that did not have an expansion to go with it.

The other is the Lantern Festival pinup.
Yeah this dude is not getting the love he deserves
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>Someone use the extra innovation to create better discussion on the next one. Like post all the lion god rules that are apparently so awful, and lets house rules improve them
I was going to do a Lion God campaign on TTS with a custom timeline (pic related) during the second half of the Kickstarter, but then I decided to go full Satan and the Silver City got revealed and I decided not to spoil any more of the game for me until I got my deliveries.

The gist of the campaign was just having mandatory hunts against a L1, 2 and 3 Lion God in LY20, 25 and 30 respectively. Failure during any of these hunts means losing the settlement.

there are no pc's. you play as the village. not the villagers.
Damn that's good 2d hottie. That guy does the best creamy tits that look like they have soft weight to them
So what about all those witches and barbarian chicks everyone keeps showing off?
Is his vagina-tail face the parasite within him, or is that just him? Same with the tail, parasite or butt dick?
If you were Poots would you have just ran away with the money? If so where too?

You have individual characters who proceed through the missions and such. But don't think of them as like D&D protagonists, they're another resource to spend. A comparison would be if each time you died in Bloodborn, a new chosen had to fill the spot of the last one who died. The survivors tend towards the 'fast and easy' end of the character death scale.
See it as a civ game. When one of your units die it's a bummer, but it is your civ as a whole that is the important part.
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Hows this?
Jesus Christ People of the Stars are sickly overpowered.
That Butcher got his ass kicked in three rounds, the only thing he ever did was scream in fear at us as we hacked him appart.
And now we got F&T and Shield Mastery thanks to our Storm Queen. This is going way too smooth.
Only problem we have is that we still only have two Survivors with a Constelation. We should fasten up on getting that up.
What are good ways to farm Courage and Understanding reliably?
I'd guess the dick tail is the parasite, seeing as he has the same hand-parasites coming out too, like the phoenix
nice, needs a couple inside jokes, or game references
That's some solid feedback. Don't be mad, listen to what he says and make it better
You know I've been thinking about it, and I think this guy was sexually molested. He sees KD:M as rapey (which its not) and needs an outlet to 'get back' at his stepdad. And it's so sad. An obscure thread on an obscure board on an obscure site to shit post to make his feelings of demasculinisation go away. But it won't work. Nothing will but real therapy. I'm so sorry that happened to you .
looks like angels...
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Bleh, that makes me feel dirty. It's too real for me, thinking like that.
Ah, the type of game I suck at the most, right next to 1v1 fighters. No, I don't think I'd like it at all, no matter how cool it looks.
>Only problem we have is that we still only have two Survivors with a Constelation
Yeah, you might want to work on that.

Courage is best found on the Hunt. Understanding you have to get a little luckier on but augury isn't a bad start unless you picked Survival of the Fittest. Once you have some good high-stat survivors you can breed them and let the offspring inherit a decent load of at least one of those.
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>Ah, the type of game I suck at the most, right next to 1v1 fighters. No, I don't think I'd like it at all, no matter how cool it looks.
Wow, you are dense. I just said that you have to change your perspective and see the Survivors as resources.
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Why the fuck did we go tranny elf for the promo in a setting where elves shouldn't exist. Why the fuck did we go with a trap in either case. Bunch of faggots if you ask me
No need to be hostile, elves are a great addition to Kingdom Death, and I hope there are more, preferably slimmer than the human women as a contrast.
Guesses on the ass ram expansion dungeon tiles? Clearly it looks like there are spike walls, the red and green are probably whatever the plants are that it cultivates
Problem with an expensive, M-rated, very limited release game is there are few people to discuss it with, outside of spergfests like the kickstarter comments section (even that's pretty dead)
>Yeah, you might want to work on that.
I know we do, but it´s just so random most of the time.
And some things it seems you can only get from the Tyrant.
any euros in this thread that want to start doing a few years on tts?
No, this is a great addition as a new "race", no elves or traps
Gross. A good compromise would be to have the worm creatures, but also the elves in hidden last bastion of beauty and technology. Maybe they venture out to help humans and are guiding the twilight knights
If I had TTS I would totally be up for it.
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That's just it, it's not that I can't see them as a resource, it's that I wont. I don't like doing that, it feels wrong to.

If I'm playing a game where I can save an NPC, I spend my time saveing and reloading until I do. Not doing so makes me feel like shit.

I TPKed my own party once in my first D&D game for a non-existent child. The rest of my party was totally for it because, "Hey, it's what Fatso Mc Crimelord hired us to do." was okay with them. I guess I care too much.
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Something like this, they'd fit right in
not the elf anon, but not against elves joining the KD world. This might fit better
here's a bigger version from Spiraling Cadaver directly.
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Yes it was quite clever of them to give him a more old fashioned style of halo that simultaneously implies the shape of wings.
The "elves" make the most sense if they're just normal survivors who have surgically altered their ears for some ritual reason, like with scarification or trepanning.
Tyrant is the best place to start things, but with the right innovations and maybe a little breeding luck you can get any dragon trait without him Even Frozen Star
So it would be the best to send in fresh Survivors with the least amount of Dragon Traits to get the most out of the Tyrant I guess.
Not sure how good that will turn out with Level 3 Tyrant though...

I generally liked to mix in experienced and fresh. Like have one really aces survivor who can spend most of the fight on Gate bitch duty and step up to fight all out if things are looking grim and then others who are sucking up minimal penalty versus the "test" style HLs. But that mirrors how I play in general, frequently rotating the hunt team so "fresh" survivors either get crippled and become permanent stay-at-homes or get positive distinctions and become able to pull their own weight.
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What do you all think of a campaign where you get a single weapon mastery after the prologue (or maybe year 3 since nothing happens then) which your settlement gets as an innovation but you don't auto get a master that actually has it. As balance you cannot gain settlement masteries other than that one (you can still have masters but everyone doesn't get specialization) and you can't select F&T or Shield.

Pic related
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I made a thing.
>tfw getting all of them

feels good tbqhhyf
Awfully made, can somebody else here do a better job?
Can someone help me out with the point of mining? Looking over the chart, it seems like the change of having anything good happen is so minuscule, that it's not even worth it. It seems like if you want iron, it would be better just stack endeavors, and just Spam scavenging. Am I missing something?
looks good

it's missing rime tho
>it's missing rime tho
Rime's a promo, not a pinup. Same reason why I didn't put Sci-fi Aya or Neko Twilight in there; they're classed as promos.
>Elves in KDM
This again? First impression: seems out-of-theme for canon. But then I actually thought about it. Could KDM do elves? What would they be like?

I'd want them to be something a bit like Pratchett's elves -- glamorous (literally) and at least perceived as beautiful, but harsh, cruel, terrifying beings with zero non-feigned empathy and an interest in Survivors that is 100% exploitation.

They wouldn't be out of place -- in different ways, Manhunter, Oblivion Mosquito, and Illuminated Lady (/Man/Parasite Queen) already play in this conceptual area of kidnapping, compulsion, deceit, mental fuckery, and temptation. Spidicules too, if you look at it the right way. KDM Elves could evolve those sorts of themes by a few traits. One, they're organized. A lot of KDM monsters are solitary, but Elves aren't. Second, they could trade in serious paranoia shit. Back when Spidicules was pitched, part of the blurb involved it potentially hiding out in settlements. Not much of that made it to the spider's actual expansion, which leaves that open for elves and changelings.

If you're just looking for sexy knife-eared ladies/bishie knife-eared dudes you have greenstuff and pinups. But an inhuman monster that makes you see the world wrong and does its best to defeat you from inside your own mind; a hypnotic, brain-warping horror in a sexy knife-eared lady/bishie knife-eared dude suit? That seems like it would fit right in. Also, +str to wound some HLs with metal or at least "early iron" weapons could be neat

You call them the 'fair folk' because they're beautiful... and because you never know when they can hear you, and calling them an unkind name would be quite unwise.
Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
scrap scavenge is a 30% chance of getting getting 1 scrap. Mining is 1 chance per hide and bone (and you will have a lot of bone) to 50% of the time get a scrap, 20% of the time get an iron (which is 3 scrap and some endeavors saved) and only a 50% chance of losing a tool. If anyone gets the 30% you then all get a 30% chance at an iron or a 30% chance to make the hunt shorter (just put mining right after overwhelming darkness). this is even better if you have pick axes on everyone. I wouldn't gather if your fighting something super challenging but in that case you don't have the slots for tools anyways.
Sounds harsh. Ruling out getting the settlement-wide bonus for masteries other than one specific one is more of a penalty than getting a freebie mastery (that's NOT F&T or Shield) is a bonus. This makes it a neat minor adjustment to the campaign. Good stuff, anon.
elves are gay and dont add anythin to the kingdom death world... they suck! makes me think of christmas which offends me (im jewish)
With how fuckin jumpy the Tyrant is, would it not be best to make the noobs do Gate keeping duty so they actually have a chance of hitting him?
I think the biggest problem with the existence of elves is how they would hint towards the overall scope of the setting's makeup. Right now, it's vague -- is it a fantasy world, is it hell, is it some alternate plane, what's going on here. If you put elves it narrows that quite a bit.

I'm sure that if Poots wanted to do elves he could make them fit in, but it'd bank heavily on what unspoken lore there is regarding the setting. So it's hard to speculate what it would end up looking like.
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>tfw no Kingdom Death Harem
Feels bad man. I wouldn't know who to dick first anyway tbhfamalam.
I was thinking of adding an additional bonus with the settlement weapon or maybe like an innovation like Spiral Petal that lets you train up weapon proficiency might help offset the downsides. Also maybe an event LY 13-15 that gives a selected master a special ability as a reward for having a "true" master. I dunno I'm going to keep working on it. Talking about it makes me want to flesh it out into a full campaign.
if you guys think angels and elves can be in kingdom death world, what's wrong with ponies? if you make them scary they can be fine as a cool crossover and if you dont like it you don't have to buy it! whats wrong with a little creativty!?
True, if you need a teleport you need a teleport, no two ways about it. If a "training" survivor can get a hit in without surging through a gate, though, that's even better.
this thread is amazing right now. Love you kdm
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Please include best girl
She's not a pinup. Or even a promo.

I mean, like, it's a great model, but what do you want me to do, make an image with every single female model in the range?
Well we always tried to smash every Gate we could reach so the Tyrant pretty much killed himself by getting all his Moods out.
I know this resulted in us not getting some potentional bonus, but we thought we better play it safe.
Only problem is having enough of the right type of weapon for Gate smashing. Thankfully 1.5 will help in that regard with the Bone Club (which still baffles me how Poots did not think about the easiest weapon you could make out of a bone sooner).
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Only the best
>which still baffles me how Poots did not think about the easiest weapon you could make out of a bone sooner
I'm still surprised that there isn't a bone spear. Like, it's the oldest weapon in human history.
Sorry man. It's a compilation of new pinups -- if the model doesn't have the word 'pinup' in the name then it doesn't belong.
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Ok dr autismo
Making a spear from bone would require a very large bone, and I don't think any of the early game monsters have any big enough to qualify.
>make a compilation of pinup art
>get insulted for not including things which aren't pinups
shut the fuck up hes right

Depends on how much Poots wants to borrow from Berserk really, because fantasy races exist there but tend towards the (much) more brutal than how they're normally portrayed. I THINK elves appeared in it at some point but it's been a long time since I read through it. Trolls, witches, and mermaids certainly have.
Should have called it "pinups" and not "Waifus" I was kind of expecting the non-pinup waifus and not the male pinups, but for what it is, good job.
kk good organizing then. you're on top of things
To be honest he really does not borrow very much at all from Berserk. Like, there's the big and obvious 'plain of faces', and then there's the concept of humans being at the bottom of the food chain, and then there's some similarities in monster design but that's about it.

And yes, there are elves in Berserk -- they look like fairies, although their leader is human sized. Even dwarves get mentioned at one point (they're the creators of the berserker armor) but not shown.
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Did you line up toy cars by size for fun as a child
>Should have called it "pinups" and not "Waifus"
Fair enough, I was being whimsical mostly. Plus, the name 'Pinups of Death' is already taken.
Needs more flour witch in this thread. Every thread, really.
Dear elf fans, I love that you guys love this game and want to enjoy it more. Not every game has to have elves. Maybe find joy in the fact that you can play a game you like that doesn't have elves and has a different kind of creative Direction.
I mean I was trying to suggest a method you could have survivors that looked like elves without actually having elves in the game, and what fits better with KD than mutilating yourself for no good reason?
What--feel bad about my fetishes? That would require me to posses the capacity to feel shame.

Like your suggestions, though. I've fixed the typos you mentioned, cleaned up the "Age 4" description, and changed the intimacy event so that, if you trigger the intimacy story event before having a Honeypot, you move your next encounter with the Honeycomb Weaver nemesis one year closer on the timeline rather than rolling on the table. This'll let folks get into the fight that lets them make children earlier, but they'll have to work for it.

That Bold event's a good idea. Any recommendations for what it could entail?
I've seen a lot of shit about this game and I'm interested, but I have one major question before I look too much into it.

Is there pornographic content of any kind in the game itself, or is sexualized characters and art as far as it goes?

Because the amount of sexual content DEFINITELY has an effect on how willing i'd be to drag my friends into playing it
>pornographic content
What do you mean? There are dicks and boobs clearly visible in the rulebook.
But nothing depicting sex or rape or anything.
Prepare for nudity of all kinds, but sex is limited to consensual and demurely illustrated "intimacy" events. It's typically presented as one of the kinder moments in the game
No porn, but tits and genitals on THICC women and beefy dudes is in the art. The only sex in the game is expressly stated as consensual sex in the missonary position for the purpose of procreation, to spawn more Survivors for your settlement, and that is rolled on a table rather than shown on a How To pictograph.

Thanks, that's pretty much exactly what i wanted to know.
Be warned the game is not for the squeamish, there are some pretty horrifying and disgusting non-sexual things that can happen.
Not only am I voting for more elves in kingdom death, but, all of the gods are angels, too.
Then it'd my kingdom death
Fuck off dickless loser
>miniature rpg
>not for the squeamish
do fags actually get scared of boardgames?
Yeah. I know there's a few of you guys in every thread. Not the hater who blows up on you every time, but I just feel like it's aiming low.
>It's typically presented as one of the kinder moments in the game
The different Intimacy illustrations are kind of interesting. The core book illustration is a moment of peace and serenity, very warm-and-fuzzy sort of deal. Dragon Intimacy has a more passionate flair to it. The illustration is still clean (cleaner than... a lot of other illustrations seeing as it has no uncovered sex organs or breasts) but the composition is more suggestive of something vibrant and active. For Sunstalker there's... I want to say a little trepidation in how the survivors are posed and their expressions. Still a ton of softness but not the peace of the core illustration nor the passion of the Dragon illustration. There's a definite feeling of there being weight to what's about to happen.
Expansion tier list?
Who's the one on the top center, sandwiched between the butcher and the disciple?
Death Armor pinup
Death Armor.
Sunstalker gonna stalk
Some guy on stay runs a service for resculpting the gross parts of KD minis, I thought it was worth mentioning.
If you're going to keep spamming this, at least post pics of the pony some anon was turning into a survivor.
I reported that guy, he seemed to have very violent trndancies. Scary, really. Shouldn't be posting on Traditional Games.
>Some guy on Etsy
Is what I meant
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>Glorious Alt Campaign
Known: Dragon King, Sunstalker
Unknown: Abyssal Woods(+Spider/FK), Gryphon, Lion God+Silver City, Inverted Mountain+Lots, Campaigns of Death
Shortened/Kinda: First Hero, Abyssal Woods, Red Witches+Pariah, Black Knight

>OMFG Replacement for L1 Lion!
Old: Gorm
New: Honeycomb Weaver, Frogdog

>At least it's Cool
DBK, FK, Lion Knight

>Dat Hype
Red Witches, Screaming God, Ivory Dragon

>Not Worth It
Lonely Tree. Lion God without Silver City

>Just Kinda there
Anyone whose name I did not call (Unless they come out of the gate with awesomeness for the new xpacs)
i dont have that but that sounds sick!! can somebody post this please?
what a fag! bet he wants to censor MLP too... <.<
If you were a real horsefucker, you would have been lurking that thread.

From what I gather, Manhunter and Slenderman aren't really worth it, is that it?
It's best to just ignore him, I already fucked up by responding to him just now because I failed to see the trip.
If dragon is angel- who else?
Thanks, anons. I completely missed that update.
Undead elves would be cool
They're nice if you have the money to spare but should be considered low priority.
By the looks of that...

Mountain Man, Watcher, (nobody)
Sunstalker, (nobody), Spidicules
(nobody), Maybe Gorm? (nobody)
why do you hate trips!? people like you force me to change mine whenever i post to avoid filters
i dont fuck horses XD i just like MLP! im a brony!

They're actually pretty great. However, you probably want one or the other as they're both pretty involved events/fights.
Both give you much better rewards than the generic nemesis fights.
I didn't mean that their bad, I'm just of the opinion that quarries should be given priority over nemesis monsters.
People claiming he would run away are idiots who know nothing about him.

If Poots was given INFINITE DOLLARS to retire and just do whatever the fuck he wants for the rest of his life, the thing he would do is keep making this game. It's his opus, and he probably loves it more than his actual child at this point.

God knows he and his wife put in more effort in making Kingdom Death than they did in pooping out a baby.
Slendy replaces Kingsman with a much more intricate campaign-effecting nemesis. Kingsman sucks. Armored strangers Sucks. Slendy is a really welcome alternate. He's not on-par with the top tiers, but he's not trash.

Manhunter is inoffensive. Like Lion Knight he doesn't burn any of your Lantern Years and is fought in addition to regular nemesis encounters. He's got a neat story and some nice rewards but isn't a necessary buy. Pretty punishing foe, too, so pick him up if you feel like you'd be interested in applying some extra challenge.
I was hoping he'd post pics and get banned.
Manhunter is also nice if you're always finding yourself short on resources but with pop to burn.
Nice adulting. Take good advise poorly given and run with it.
Are the pathfinders of death also wanderers? trying to figure out if it's worth it getting death drifter and them
>Are the pathfinders of death also wanderers?
They are not listed as such. Doesn't mean they won't turn out to be -- anything could be anything when it comes to the final delivery -- but the listed image says nothing about them being wanderers at the moment.

Currently the only confirmed wanderers are Candy & Cola, Goth Amy, Death Drifter and Anonymous Survivor. Speculation is that the False Messengers pack may turn into wanderers as well, but that's just speculation.
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They aren't, they're part of a new revised hero mode, and also come with a smaller alternate campaign and some philosophies based on their classes..
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I mean they didn't even bother to make his initials anything other than A.P.

he's the result of the most low effort baby-making known to man

short of me
New thread, lads!

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I don't see any reference there, no.
Never read the blurb?
I don't even know what figure that is. So no.
I'll make it easy for you
So, let's see.

Wrong hair color.
No armor, let alone armor of the right style.
Wrong eye color.
Stupid gaudy jewels that Griffith doesn't wear.

Yep, definitely a clear reference. Of course it fucking isn't, they're both bishoujo and that's the extent of the similarities.

I actually figured you were going to say it was a Serpico reference, as he actually does look somewhat like Serpico, but whatever. In the end it's one single non-game figure in an extensive range of figures. Even if it is a straight out 1:1 reference, which it certainly doesn't look like (blurb I haven't read notwithstanding), it doesn't change anything with regards to my initial claim that the game is only barely related to Berserk outside of the one large visual feature.
>Featuring Rime from the /tg/ May Cry Series
Herpaderp blurb
>Most live a drab life, nurturing a fantasy of their world painted in bold striking colors. Visionaries are the few that come across a relic that empowers them and demands action. Often, they will lead many to their death, building a staircase of corpses towards their lofty ideals.
Necromancer is absolutely amazeballs. I already think Warrior of the Sun Pinup is crazy good, but that Necromancer is such a fantastic concept...
Gold over silver isn't really a good idea. All it'll do is make it look bad where you miss a bit. But I'm looking forward to seeing how you improve that gold.

Also I like the wings. As it is, there is really nothing to be ashamed of. You've a good "tabletop quality" model. I'm just being picky for the sake of motivating you to improve, is all.

and I still think you should post all this in /wip/, but whatever, I appreciate not everyone likes /tg/ brand of comments and criticism
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Actually I am right in the middle of re-reading Berserk, and there is quite a bit more than that.
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WIP is hugbox garbage with nothing to offer besides ruined forgeworld CSM heroes, "le thin you're le paints" and "le epic le JOHONNY xD my melanin-enriched companion xxxDdddd"

Some ppl in KDG can actually paint, like the guy who did pic relate
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