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Warhammer Fantasy General

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Warhammer Fantasy General: Give-give is warpstone-shekels, goy-thing!

>Previous Thread

Kindly no End Times or Age of Sigmar. It's not the same universe. Please go shill/troll elsewhere.


>Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)

>Third Party Miniature Manufacturers

>List of Warhammer recommended proxies

>Tomb Kings Range reborn!

>Bretonnia range reborn!

>Fimir range reborn!

>Warhammer Wikis

>Resources (Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)


>9th Age

>Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning (Alpha)

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War
First for Ulric and the Empire
>creating a new thread when the other is at page 7
will you shut the fuck up already
you haven't provided any arguments in what feels like 20 posts


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>They're also stupid cretins and cowards.
This. They are fundamentally animalistic. They're not really stupid as such - they're actually quite cunning. But they're weak-minded, cowardly and just.. base, not to mention debased. They rage easily, they are lazy, and they're incredibly disorganized, and fiercely tribal (or pack-oriented).

>they're all children of chaos
>why would they hate each other
>do they perhaps in reality just hate THEMSELVES?
I realize it was intended as a joke, but it's probably actually pretty true. They hate themselves, they hate humans for everything they have that they cannot have (including, usually, the favour of the Chaos Gods, their very creators), they hate other packs or herds for not being them, and because they want what they have, whether it's just food or land or a ritual site.

They're basically nietzschean slave morality taken form. They want to tear down everything that has any advantage over them, simply for them not being as savage or hated or depraved or poor as they are.
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>will you shut the fuck up already
>being this much of a triggered SJW

Really, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point. If you have any arguments that hasn't been paved, you would've presented them by now.
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ignore him, he's just a random troll
how does telling you to shut your stupid fucking mouth make me a sjw?
you're just clogging up the thread cause you've lost the argument a dozen times by now and honestly it's just infuriating to watch any more of this
jews are rats, we get it
but most other aspects of their design allude to nazis or something else
Can you please stop trolling/shilling WHTW, it is NOT THE SAME UNIVERSE. Please go elsewhere, this is the WARHAMMER FANTASY GENERAL.
I totally approve of this
piss off, everyone here approves of Total Warhammer since it captures the feel and scale perfectly

grasping at original canon is inviting End Times faggots
that wasn't me, bud. kek.

hey, maybe the reason you can't grasp an insulting Nazi parody is cuz it's making fun of you?

you seem to fit the bill for "racist idiot", at least. "making them not rats removes the aesthetic completely" hurr durrr *watches ratatoulie* mien gott it's the skaven juden again!!
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Its last WHFB thing you will ever get, at least at this quality.
It is NOT. THE. SAME. UNIVERSE. Most people accept this.

Kindly go shill elsewhere.
>AoS shill mad because people prefer Warhammer to AoS
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>piss off, everyone here approves of Total Warhammer
I don't
>since it captures the feel and scale perfectly
it doesn't and you're a fucking retard
the WHTW feel is the end times feel, the post-7th edition feel, which is not the feel of warhammer, it's the feel of WH dilluted by shitty videogame and CG aesthetics and robbed of its essence
go fuck yourself I hate you and everything you stand for

See? You had your chance, and blew it. Discussion of TW:W just invites autism and shilling.

Kindly take it elsewhere.
Could Solland ever make a comeback? What about Drakwald?
so what? it's the same setting.
WFRP, WHFB pre-SoC, WHFB post-SoC all differ enough to be considered different universes. we care for the setting and the atmosphere, not about technical differencies between 99% similar universes
>the WHTW feel is the end times feel
>in a game where Archaon may not even appear
>in a game where Archaon can be rekt the turn he appears on the map
TW:W is not Warhammer. It is different. This is the WARHAMMER FANTASY GENERAL.
Go away AoS faggot
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Excuse me, that's the justification Age Of $hillmar WEB TROLLS AND HECKLERS use to justify shilling their DIFFERENT UNIVERSE.

Kindly. Troll. Elsewhere.
yea, clearly I was talking about gameplay or cherrypicking about specific character appearances rather than complaining about the overall aesthetic of the game or any WH-related product of the last decade+
I believe it could, if Empire ever had a bit of respite
gather minor criminals: convicted for desertion, debt, manslaughter

it was fine until this very thread where you came to us. so please go and stay go.

it is Warhammer. it doesn't even contradict the fluff, really. it apparently happens where 8th Edition armybooks leave the fluff, so it's alright. it basically what WHFB would've been if End Times didn't happen.
That's why you fail, End Times autist. There is a double standard : neither TW:W, SoC nor any fucking fanfiction out there is as bad as what you are shilling.
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No to the former - Wissenland would not cede the turf. Drakwald is possible if only because it's de facto no man's land.
>8th Edition armybooks leave the fluff
What difference is there between 6th ed army book fluff and 8th ed army book fluff ?
>Drakwald is possible if only because it's de facto no man's land.
It's Middenland turf IIRC.
I think you will find I am trying to defend the thread from GAYge of $HITmar shills.
crap, got distracted by AoS shill, didn't finish typing

I believe it could, if Empire ever had a bit of respite
gather some non-utter criminals: convicted for desertion, debt, manslaughter, etc.
give them all a chance to start live anew as colonists. they don't have much choice anyway.
when some settlements are started, extend an offer to the homeless and the poor to come help with colonization.
send a small army force and some witch hunters to keep crime and heresy under control and voila, you have nice fronteerland inhabited by people who have nothing to lose and built their homes with their own hands,so will defend it to the last.
once it's all nice and rolling, choose some exiled noble from among them, elevate him to Elector Count, give him the Runefang, give the colonists some gold and a lot of kudos, and voila, your recognition of them buys you their undying loyalty for a generation or two. after that it's just another province.
8th Ed is just the buildup to BEND TIMES and FAIL OF SHITMAR, it is NOT THE SAME UNIVERSE and we DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
and 7th is buildup to 8th, and 6th to 7th... let's all go play 5th! oh crap, its bright clashing colors, cartoony aesthetics and low model count! no, I'm not going back to edition that has everything from AoS except sigmarines.

now piss off.
are Vermintide DLCs any good? I mean the big ones - Drachenfels and that Karak Something.
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De jure, yes. But the only one who goes out there besides dem elfs is Boris Todbringer when he wants to find his boyfriend.
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I enjoyed them, but I think they're a bit pricey for what you get. If you like Vermintide, though, go for it.

The new weapons in both are great fun.
I doubt it just because of vested interests.

Maybe Solland if Emmanuelle von Liebwitz goes through with her plan to separate Nuln from Wissenland.
But really, I don't think there's any desire to. Most of the old Sollanders are dead and the ones that remain seem to be doing quite nicely in Averland and Wissenland.
>Todd is german word
>Bringer is english word
so he really has a surname in two languages? one of which probably doesn't even exist in WHFBverse, and even if it does, it's spoken only on a secret island no one been on for a hundreds of years?

I mean, if it was purely in English you could say it's a translation, but being half on german it probably is meant to sound exactly like that in german...
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>oh crap, its bright clashing colors, cartoony aesthetics and low model count!
none of those are bad
and the low model count is relative to 8th where they just had find a rules excuse to make you buy 50 boxes of clanrats
less models means you get to spend more time with each, the army is more personal and the army centerpieces can stand out without being disgusting 30 inch tall plastic monstrosities
meh, it's not a big model as long as it ain't bigger than your dick

can't wait to buy new Lord of Change
more elven asses please?

you didn't even post that witch elf one.
>can't wait to buy new Lord of Change
can't wait for your kind to be eradicated
sorry to hear you hate people with big dicks
If everyone would help report the shill and all his posts for violating global rule #3, that would be great.

>how does telling you to shut your stupid fucking mouth make me a sjw?
It doesn't. Getting upset over caricatures, trying to pitch nonsense, being a political trying to inject ideology, getting buttmad over losing an argument and then telling someone to shut up makes you a SJW.

>jews are rats, we get it
Nobody ever said that, but you still haven't grasped that. You're just too offended to realize it.

>but most other aspects of their design allude to nazis
As has been established, practically nothing alludes to nazi stereotypes, other than in your politically divisive head.

>Can you please stop trolling/shilling WHTW, it is NOT THE SAME UNIVERSE. Please go elsewhere, this is the WARHAMMER FANTASY GENERAL.
You really, really, really don't have anything better to do, do you? Were you born this autistic, or did you have to train for it?

Total War: Warhammer is absolutely compatible with the overall majority of themes, narratives and concepts in Warhammer Fantasy. And what's more important, everyone agrees on it. You're really grasping at straws in your shitty trolling by now.

Low-hanging samefaggotry. Also, bait.

>Its last WHFB thing you will ever get, at least at this quality.
That's actually sad as shit, because it's true. It's Age of Shillmar from this point onwards, most likely. They're going to try to push and inject that shit into everything. We're unlikely to ever get this big of a batch of mostly-quality games; Total Warhammer, Vermintide, Mordheim, Man'O'War, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they C'n'D Return of Reckoning soon just to help purge it all.

>are Vermintide DLCs any good?
If you enjoy Vermintide, yes, they're great, and you should get them. If you're not into Vermintide, they're not going to change things for you, either.
You can get a lot of them at >>>/e/ and >>>/aco/
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god you're an insufferable idiot
meh, I figured new CEO doesn't believe that "video games are a fad" bullshit so will keep pumping out games.
and I have a premonition we might see some attempts to cash in on T9A/WHFB players, since IoB repack includes square bases. so we miiiiiiiiight get some WHFB stuff from GW. probably. maybe. sometime. like 1% chance, but still.
man you are either going deep level shit with trolling, or i got you shook bad. "samefaggatory" lmao, ill bet you a permanent ban from tg that only one of the dudes you just quoted was me.

aos does blow and tww/vermintide is groovy tho, so you've at least got taste, numbnuts
is there any good 3rd party generic giant model? I want to convert a Vermin Lord, but lack a good base model
>And what's more important, everyone agrees on it.

Most people don't.
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>cartoony aesthetics
>none of those are bad

You're either misunderstanding what people mean by cartoony aesthetics, or you are the living cancer of the world.
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can you expand on that?
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Not that guy, but 5th edition could get pretty cartoony.
>Most people don't.
Discounting the Lord-Autist of WFG that is only engaging in his impotent screeching in order to be a contrarian misfit, I've never seen anyone opposed to the inclusion of Total War: Warhammer here, and I've stuck around continuously since November, starting about half the threads or so since before Christmas.

I could be misunderstanding what you mean, or you could've misunderstood me, I guess. What I meant to say is that most agree that Total War: Warhammer belongs here, and fits the aesthetics and the nature of the Warhammer setting, and certainly does not go against any established themes or concepts. If a lot of people feel otherwise, I think we would've noticed.

It helps that it's a phenomenal game that is generally popular even with people that aren't necessarily into the setting or other Warhammer Fantasy games, of course.

>meh, I figured new CEO doesn't believe that "video games are a fad" bullshit so will keep pumping out games.
The thing is, the new CEO, Rountree, doesn't seem that different, and he was appointed by Kirby, the old one, who was certifiably retarded and more than a little bit incompetent - arguably a delusional sociopath.

Also, GW changing CEO doesn't necessarily change much. Let's not forget that while Tom Kirby was a terrible human being and a useless waste of space and air, he was only CEO from early 2013 to early 2015, but GW has a terrible track record far exceeding that. The almost universally reviled 8th Edition, widely considered a set-up for End Times, it itself a set-up for Age of Shillmar, was first released in 2010, under CEO Mark Wells (unless I'm mistaken).

We're talking about the company that, when it realized that it's IP:s are it's greatest strengths, immediately started to wreck both their major IP:s in order to be able to copyright and trademark as much as possible. Even if we disregard a lot of shit (writing, etc.) this place is not run by clever people.
but they still included square bases in not!IoB and dropped the price a bit. I have some hope.
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The weird-ass Chaos-thing to the upper left, what is it?
pulled by mutant ogres
garbage, hot garbage
Here, just for you guys, I put together all the best bits from the 5th edition rulebook.
If anything the game is more like the Storm of Chaos because Chaos can fairly easily get it's shit wrecked without causing much real damage to the Empire at all and the whole world ending threat meekly vanishes like a bitch.
In my most recent game Middenland (which had eaten most of the northern and eastern Empire) fucked up Chaos basically by itself and left a few straggling stacks for me and nobody else even got fucking involved.
>Could Solland ever make a comeback?
Probably. It's technically possible. The people would likely not mind, too much. The question is really if it would be accepted as the real Solland, since all the people died.

Might get a lot of political pushback, though. The Elector-Count would most likely oppose it, since it'd mean ceding half a province to someone.

The question ultimately is why you'd want Solland to come back, or rather, why would the Emperor want Solland to come back? I like the idea, I just can't think of a strong justification as to why or how it would.

>What about Drakwald?
Again, possible, but so little is known about Drakwald. It's not even clear exactly where it was (as far as I know, other than "the Drakwald" obviously) or why it disappeared to begin with.

I think that getting Westerland and Marienburg back is a lot higher on the list. Question is where we're going to start getting extra runefangs, though. Speaking of which, where the fuck did Westerland and Marienburg get a runefang to begin with? There's not enough to go around, if you consider Solland and Drakwald.
i wish this kind of whimsical humour had stuck around. a real Wizards sort of art style.

the Blood Bowl rulebook has some good shit in it as well. bw ink but still with self aware humour to it.
Can a Beastman, a Norscan or a Skaven be a decent person if raised by decent people, taught morals and ethics, treated well, regularly fed, etc?
>autistic screechings
Absolutely. Norscans are just people, and are generally decent already.

No, it's extremely unlikely. They are naturally predatory, debased, and animalistic.

Extremely, extremely unlikely. You might get it to not kill things, but many of it's more unsavory instincts can likely not be curbed. They'd still be thieves and backstabbing liars.

That's not to say that such treatment wouldn't make them "better", but if you're expecting to get a functional member of society out of it, no. Their minds are warped by their nature and corrupted by chaos. Even finding one that can't be considered to suffer from multiple mental derangements might be hard.
norscan are just humans so yeah. once they're chaosified, then no: the chaos gods are micromanaging jerks.

beastmen are wild animals with a culture all about being brutal and hating people... id think they could be "tame" but still unpredictable and maybe lacking in the ability to make moral judgements. or, they're chaos and thus innately "evil", with evil generally being "always does whatever you would not like someone to do"

skaven, well, you could say they got culture that's making them all fucked, or genetic tendencies, or you can say they're chaos and thus will be evil assholes all the time. the former gives some possibility of individual goodness, or some degree of that, but i know a lot of fatguys like the hard line in fantasy races being good or evil, or think the idea of a not evil skaven wrecks them, so go with what pleases you.
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Is anyone here an expert on Estalia?
My players are about to dock at Bilbali, and I have zero ideas to throw at them.
>Empire strikes a deal with Bretonnia and High Elves
>High Elves supply boats
>Empire and Bretonnia, ALL OF THEM, get aboard and take sail to Southlands
>Chaos comes to plunder human lands
>sees empty land, not a single man in sight
>battle-hungry barbarians turn on each other and pretty much wipe each other out
>some decide "fuck it", go home and start centuries-long war with Dark Elves
>most patient ones continue south and get wrecked by either Wood Elfs, Dwarfs or orcs
>humans come back and settle their homes again, free from the threat of Chaos
why don't orcs all go north? aren't chaos hordes a perfect source of fight for them?
>their homelands are now hellish landscapes full of daemons
>or even worse: colonized by wood elves, dwarves and orcs
Why not use the fan-made Estalia sourcebook, Swords of the Maiden?
Somebody already made all the hard work? Awesome.
>where the fuck did Westerland and Marienburg get a runefang to begin with?
Do they even have a runefang ? Wouldn't that be Nordland's runefang ?
>take sail to Southlands
Lots of beastmen and lizardmen there.
Some do I imagine, and some don't.
EVERYONE is a source of fighting for orcs, including other orcs, so most of the time they tend to stay in the Dark Lands and southern Badlands fighting each other unless a particularly successful leader stirs up a Waaagh!
In addition, Goblins have different objectives then "fight shit arra time", as do hobgoblins, one that also involves lots of infighting.

Ironically, in my first empire playtrough I stopped the chaos advance at Middenheim, and the chaos forces retreated to the mountains.
Magritta pirates, Marienburg merchants, Bretonnians on vacation...
My biggest problem in my Empire playthrough by far were the Vampire Counts and Greenskins, ESPECIALLY the Greenskins and fucking Grimgor and his way overleveled ass.

Chaos was a distant third at best, and Archaeon personally wasn't even worth a shit during the whole thing at all; Kholek was considerably more annoying.
>mfw I get off a boat on estalia and it's cost del sol with fully armored bretonnian knights sunbathing instead of hojo
The origonal creator was out by 6e.
Everything after that is as a result fanfiction.
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Can't wait to get my Avatar Of Shaah.
Made To Order you mean?
Add Gyrobombers to this.
There was a Beastman kept like a retarded son in one story as I recall.

Remember that Beastmen are just a blatant ripoff of Broo. Raise one with love and you get a son or daughter. Abandon them, you get a monster who will sire a generation to destroy your civilization.

Also, female Beastmen are sometimes tame.
I meant like bringing back / making new model for factions that they discontinue, but that are popular in T9A, since AoS "fluff" allows them to include anything, up to pink flying hippo unicorns with anime eyes. Shieldworlf, IIRC, is making Bret minis and they are quite popular, so I'd expect GW to try to cash on that.
>"Oh, mortal realms totally have whole countries of feudal knights, guys! Come buy from us! We'll even throw in square bases!"
Some people theorize Skaven evil is based on the fact that rats and humans raised in overpopulation are insane.

If you could smuggle a Breeder and an unwilling fresh amputee for a sperm donor to Ulthuan and raise a small generation in safety, maybe. But since GW villains mostly rely on daddy issues, they'd probably go full Chaos when they found out their lineage. Hell, maybe go Khorne instead of Horned Rat.
Thanks, anon
>norscan are just humans
>Norscans are just people
I really doubt that, but if you say so

>and are generally decent already
utter bullshit
>Norscans are just people
>I really doubt that, but if you say so

But they are, they're just Northmen, Vikings. They trade and raid and all the things but they're still men. They get a bit dodgier further north but they're still men.

Oh, hey Craig! Dropped the trip, huh?
as if being expies of retarded barbarians with frostbitten brains who could do nothing but raid and pillage is not enough, they are all corrupted by chaos. they live too close to Chaos Wastes to be normal. all that land belongs to Chaos.
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>I really doubt that, but if you say so
You can be a Norse Berserker right in the WFRP 2e Core book.

The Norscans live in the shadow of chaos but a lot of them just worship Ulric and Ursun equivalents.
Pic related anyway.
then she goes and tells the merciless raiders - her father, brothers, and husband, who's probably her brother, about all that gold in that town, so they can raid it later
I think Warhammer has gone steadily downhill since 5th Ed...
what's wrong with 6th edition?
SOme time ago we started homebrewing a Olm-people race.

Anyone wanna revive that idea?
That's the implication, yes.
Turns out people did that in the real world too.
Nothing. He is just using low effort bait.
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That's not discussing Fantasy, that's bitching that there is more than one conversation going.

Let the Longbeards grumble.
They are the least corrupted out of the northern Chaos tribes.
Vikings discovered the Americas, conquered Britain, sailed to India, and gave Christians a butt so hurt they still whine to this day.
They could also navigate the sea without stars.
And they did it in boats Age of Sail captains would consider laughably primitive.
Also were the first to fight and fuck Kebab.
i tought GW is the devil and you didnt want to buy anything from them ?
They were not really all that primitive. They were also useful to drag across lands when going from river to river.
They traded with the Kebab more than they killed them. Only a retard fights trade partners and the Vikings were not retards.
I love how Caucasians spread so slowly across the world because we kept forgetting how to into boat, then became the #1 naval ethnic group with the ones who went the furthest north going "fuck it, just bring the damn thing with us".

Much love Polynesia, ocean4lyfe.
Europe and the Medeterranian does have a lot of bay areas, nooks and crannies that makes for good port regions.
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>that one whose spine rips out by itself
every time
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>Give-give is warpstone-shekels, goy-thing!
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stop using this word for everything you don't like you goddamn fairy
if you can't appreciate oldhammer you're a pathetic manchild with garbage taste in everything
kill yourself immediately
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Yeah, it's pretty great.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this exact picture is what got my to start masturbating as a youngster

Good times.
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so you like nignogs,, we are all happy to know that
Damn, that helmet looks dumb as fuck.
Lookit, a Chaos Elf of Nurgle.
Literally shonen.

>White elven madien
>female Beastmen
I thought there weren't any female beastmen?
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There's no female Beastmen models.

I know of four times they are talkedablut, and at no point was it ever said there aren't.
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Ogres can't form decent units (all units have to be 4 models wide in order to have ranks)
There really should have been something fixing that in the first Ogre Kingdoms rule book
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which rules ? in 8th its 3 models, just look up the Rulebook
Nah. Ogre sized models only needs 3 units to form a rank.
I was thinking you could probably just redefine the Drakwald borders and say "This is New Drakwald now". Maybe to reward some saviour of the Empire. At least the Drakwald Runefang isn't used by somebody.
Taking back the Wasteland would involve fighting against elves as well.
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This is understandable.
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Please don't feed the trolls.

For me it was pic related. Particularly that very subtle silhouette on the left.
At least I can say it was a quality image, unlike all those grognards who got their start on the succubus in the AD&D monster manual.
I bet you think albinos nignog arent nignog ?
>at no point was it ever said there aren't.
I thought so too. I just don't remember any being mentioned at all.
And they look a lot like satyrs (yeah, i know), so well...
That's in 7th. In 6th it's always 4
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le darkemogirl xDDD
If they are white then why are they call DARK elves?
Great. Now I have to look that up when I get home. I'm convinced that it was also in the 6'th edition.
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Nice stuff, any other hidden gems like that? Something about Tilea, Lustria or generally, anything else for 2ed?
Skull helm with eyes looks awesome I admit but those oversized horns are warcraft style retarded.
Skull helmets are always okay for Chaos. It's really the proportions of shit and slapping on too much crap that ruins it.
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I never understood why they made new demonettes.
Why disgress from perfection?
8e army book says they are usually super docile, Empire guards see them frolicking and think they are cute but don't realize it means males are nearby who are going to be wiping out the settlement soon.

Oldhammer supplement says that any Slaanesh worshiper is allowed to fuck their females and males are forbidden from retaliating. So a Slaaneshi cultist can go fuck those frolicking faungirls while the males are destroying his hometown in frustration at the cuckolding.

In Gotrek & Felix Gotrek kills some highly aggressive Beastmen, it mentions a female among the attackers.
well, beastmen do have horns. checks out.
Page 73:
>If your formation is a unit at least four models wide Then you may claim a bonus...
>Fast cavalry and skirmishers never gain a bonus for extra ranks
Nothing about ogre-sized models

I don't have the pdf so I had to look for the actual book
Daemonette lore is that they appear otherworldly beautiful, like Feyfolk, but their true appearance is a twisted visage reflecting their nature. Other lore has them shapeshift slightly based on mood.

Sexy Daemonettes are seduction face. Newest and oldest are their warface.

It nicely fits my philosophy of mixing old and new models intentionally. Scary Daemonettes in the front ranks, sexy in the back.
making the sculpts worse wasn't enough, they also had to make the material worse (metal -> plastic)
Man, they really are the red-headed stepchildren of chaos.
Got any art? (to satisfy my curiosity, not for fapping... yet)
call them dumb grognards, "sjw" is just meme shit
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Liber Fanatica is down currently because of hosting fees, but here's a few good ones: https://mega.nz/#F!kZklBaqA!Kg0lXVWQpP8pH6NAeXMLzA

Spears of the Maiden is the Tilea book, Sorcerers of the South is Tilean, Estalian and Arabyan magic, The Thousand Islas is the southern sea and Defenders of the Forest is Wood Elves.
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>utter bullshit
No, really, they're mostly normal people with small villages or farmsteads. Some even become mercenaries in the Empire.

>they are all corrupted by chaos
No, that is objectively wrong. A Witch Hunter might disagree, by virtue of practically all of the Norscans worshipping some local chaos god or variant chaos god, or a pantheon of them, etc., but factually speaking, the vast majority of Norscans are raiders and traders.

Ethnically, they're probably almost impossible to distinguish from the Nordlanders.
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>>create a safe space
there's a different between that and "get out of my sight and take your garbage taste with you"
>place feelings and opinions over objective facts if it fits their narrative
can you offer an example of that? because I'm willing to debate old vs new sculpts/illustrations/fluff until the sun comes out
>triggered by he mere mention of something they don't like/agree with
it's natural, I like seeing people who can appreciate the quality old stuff and I get disappointed when I see people who prefer the newer trash
>>bullying/harassing tactics used on anyone who provides evidence to the contrary
what evidence?
>can't even all fully agree on what issue they're really standing for
agree with whom?
I'm standing for quality and substance in the warhammer hobby, something that has all but evaporated at this point and has been in a steady decline since the mid-00s
You find a lot of Norscan sailors in Marineburg and even else they trade from time to time with the Empire.
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Actually, is anyone interested in a WFRP fan material archive?

I have a lot of stuff I've collected over the years, including the Warpstone issues I posted the other day. All the stuff that was on the old BI site too. Might make a decent companion to the stuff in the pastebin.
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Goddamn, I've never seen that before. I've seen it posted countless times, I've had it forever, I've posted it many times, but I guess I never *looked* at it.

You can certainly do that, depending on what you want to achieve. It should have profound political repercussions, though. A lot of lords loyalties will be shaked up, upsetting centuries of order. A family could've been sworn to a given count for generations, and now suddenly find themselves expected to swear fealty to some new asshole, while the old count is steaming over the whole thing, ready to declare war.

>Taking back the Wasteland would involve fighting against elves as well.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but why would it? I know that Marienburg plays the Empire against Bretonnia and vice versa, but where does the elves factor in?

Bretonnia would lose it's shit, though. Whether it happens peacefully or by war.

Picture related.
>Ethnically, they're probably almost impossible to distinguish from the Nordlanders.

Nordland is pure! REEEEEEEEEEE!
Please don't feed the trolls. They're easily excited and get all riled up. If they're autistic enough they may even think that they've gotten a friend. Try to just report and move on.

>All the stuff that was on the old BI site too.
I'd love to have everything, but especially that.

dis nerd is having to deal with more impotent rage today than a beastman watching a chaos cultist yiff his bae
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>Nordland is pure! REEEEEEEEEEE!
Well, that's about how I'd expect Nordlanders to react if you told them that.
It's part of why they are my favourite province.
>not classified as slave of the Empire

nice try
see >>51176215
hey now i'm the one that got him mad enough for him to call me an autistic secret jew sock puppeteer troll and i aint letting an AoS shill steal credit here
They aren't creating a "safe space", they're excluding foreigners.
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There is no art of female Beastmen from GW.

Minis from other companies, art from other settings.

But GW avoids talking about civilians and females whenever possible. That's why they handwave them away. Spawning pools, spores, giant skyscraper-sized breeding machines, one female to every ten males, and so on.

That's why the only girls in AoS are legacy characters from WFB plus some of the female-only tree people.
Metaposting and off-topic discussion is against the global rules.

Karak Norn is best Hold.
karak norn are fucks
6th predates WOW?
Are Azhag and Manlet still hilariously OP in W:TW, or did they get round to nerfing them?
Why are those dwarves fightin in just their pants? What happened to all the chainmail?
t. sober Hirnling blowhards
I think Warcraft 2 predates 6e.
>GW avoids talking about civilians and females whenever possible
Not with elves.
Anyway, that's the probably the reason why I thought there were no female beastmen/
In what part of the game?
Hard to sell figures to kiddies when they are covered it titties. Parents disapprove.

>dwarf slayer

i know its bait but...
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Bigger council for the Horned Rat's holy day
Their ability to fly over to leaders, spirit leech them into oblivion, then fuck off with barely any way to slow them down.
Chaos was especially vulnerable to this tactic.
and Warcraft 2 also still blatantly rips off Warhammer aesthetic.
The retarded WOW look showed the tip of its ugly head in WC3 and even then it was passable.
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>Blizzard copied GW

when will this meme ends ?
In my last Total War campaign as Dwarves, Karak Norn rejected every diplomatic advance I made to them until they got annihilated by dirty Wood Elves.
Serves them right.

These things happen.
The book is great, by the way. Thanks for the hard work.
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Warcraft can look pretty good though.
The problem is pauldrons errywhere.
pauldrons legit trigger me

total garbage ass fantasy armour is my eternal foe
play historical then fgt
>not charging with ogres and gnoblars at the same time to get the ranks
wew fampai
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>Using Ogres
>Not Unwashed Masses
*begins falling into crushing void of the shit dimension*
What is this? It looks interesting.

>Metaposting and off-topic discussion is against the global rules.
So is trolling outside of /b/. It's annoying that you can't tell janitors/mods anything in a report, but if there's enough reports, they'll eventually take notice.

>But GW avoids talking about civilians and females whenever possible.
This is honestly true to the point where it's almost bizarre. I haven't given it much thought, but they practically never cover anything that doesn't have something immediately to do with war & conflict, and that's honestly pretty sad, because that is an important aspect of wars, and it shouldn't just be handwaved.

That's probably why they never did anything with Post-Storm of Chaos, either, despite it being such an interesting setting - most of the interesting things is happening at a very human, basic level.

Awesome. Slightly odd that there'd be two different versions of that, so specifically skaven, but alright.

>when will this meme ends?
Not a meme. Warcraft was originally intended as a Warhammer game, but GW cannot recognize opportunity. I remember reading about this in gaming mags way, way, way back when.
looks shit
>Not a meme. Warcraft was originally intended as a Warhammer game, but GW cannot recognize opportunity. I remember reading about this in gaming mags way, way, way back when.

Everyone know the story, its still a meme, Blizzard refuse a GW deal because how bland WH was at the time thats all
Fuck you, Warcraft Gnomes and Goblins are amazing.
Until I see a Fyreslayer female in art or miniature, its canon to me that they have a cooch in their beards and literally facefuck each other to procreate.
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>Doesn't know Unwashed Masses

Point a'im. Point a'im an' larf.
>charging with gnoblars
like that was ever even possible
It sure was easier when you didn't have to roll for charge distance.
>High Elf Ogre
>that pet
This is great.
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the weird aversion to providing context for warfare is really just bad fantasy writing 101, it seems. for warhammer, it seems to have gotten worse and worse, and AoS is its zenith, where it's just eternal fight mans, forever.

the "no women" thing is just low key nerd sexism, I'd think. some writers tried to go somewhere with that (brettonian knights sometimes being disguised women, for instance), but then they got more regressive as the writer quality diminished due to GW being GW
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As a WFRP dm, absofuckinglutely.
Bringer exists in German too, though it can have the same or a different meaning as the English one.
>nerd sexism
You say that as it's a real thing and that worries me.
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>yfw the Gnoblar is dressed as a parrot
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>yfw the Gnoblar is a purse dog
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let's just not get into it, then.

which clan is better and why is it clan skurvy?
There's one about Tilea, yes.
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man, the sculpt is literal shit tier, its like saying
>hurrrr he doenst know orcs because he said pic related is shit sculpt
Not maneuverable enough for cavalryhammer. Sharpstuff never did it for me

kek, don't try to publish this in spain with this title
Also called chaos ogre.
Am I the only one who gets triggered how lazy GW was with the name giving of the Chaos units?
Chaos spawn
Chaos warrior
Chaos hounds...
Apparently in WFRPG it says that Slayers DO wear relatively light armor.
Not mail or anything because stuff like that is expensive and they kind of have quasi-oaths of austerity going in, but leathers and all that stuff.
It doesn't make them any less suicidal, as they tend to pick fights with foes where armor doesn't help all that much I suppose or odds that get them killed anyway.
It is, but you likely have never encountered it yourself just as I haven't personally but met a few who have.
It doesn't really have to do with the same reasons as regular sexism at all I think and is more a combination of nerd awkwardness and trying to project confidence and just coming off like an asshole who who likes to sound superior, which results in scaring some folks off and then the sadder of the guys getting really bitter about the whole thing.
I have to agree with you, at least with oldhammer there was plenty of lore and stories about how the civilized races lived and went about their ways between the shit-fucker invasions.
... this is WHRP, also, in none of the codex did they were mail or leather
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What sculpt?

Unwashed Masses has nothing to do wuth that pic. I just posted it because its funny.

I'm mocking how his only context for what I'm talking about is the pic I posted with it. Not even a google search. Just a random guess to talk out his ass with.
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_____ Of Khorne....
_____ Of Nurgle...
_____ Of Tzeentch...
_____ Of Slaanesh...
>Apparently in WFRPG it says that Slayers DO wear relatively light armor.
Not really armor.
First of all it doesn't have any rule that Slayer couldn't wear armors but every GM wouldn't allow any.
Second Point of armor is not really military armor but just some thick clothes which probably doesn't violate the slayer code.
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There are no codexes in Fantasy.
I think it's more that historically soldiers were men and most monsters were also thought of as men.
The exceptions generally retain their feminine characteristics in Warhammer: Harpies, Dryads, Succubi (Daemonettes) and the like.

The only one I can really think of that doesn't is female trolls. But then Warhammer trolls were patterned after D&D trolls which were patterned after Tolkien trolls which were pretty much just brutes. More like ogres than Huldra.
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Picture related.
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yeah, this, more or less.

im not trying to be the notorious s.j.w. here: i don't think there's any real malevolence or hatred involved, just kind of skewed views on women and what historical fantasy "ought" to be, among some other things. it can come across badly.

i liked the women knight thing in WHFRPG, since it did acknowledge the problems women faced, and the issues of role, but then said "it makes a good story of person vs society, and let's us include some people in our lore that'd have been excluded, so we're doing it"

yah it's what drew me into warhammer as opposed to stuff like WoW. less caricatures and big overwrought BIG FANTASY, more archetypes and willingness to build a whole society you could get a mind for and play around with. something where you could get personal conflict and small scale stories, and where there's less tendency to go "it's fantasy who cares if it's stupid arbitrary nonsense?"
where's my baba yaga, gw
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Kislev has Hag Witches.
In Realm of the Ice Queen.

There's like a whole section on hags, dammit.
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So I looked up where Sudenburg was, and it's not in a bad position. But it's also on the west coast of the Southlands. Even if the elves hold various spots, they aren't going to let even humans through sometimes.

Would it be stupid to try and fluff a few human enclaves on the uncontrolled islands or the safer parts of the coast?

neat, didn't know that
Old GW made civilian minis, which were for the RPG, decorating scenery, and objectives.

New GW literally only wants to talk about soldiers. Not their lives as soldiers though, just the battles.
Which is why everything GW writes now feels like bad super hero stories.
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I'm okay with traditional roles.

Just fucking talk about them, maybe make a mini.

In AoS everyone may as well be spore apes. In 8e Fantasy, family was a footnote at best.
Solland is kind of a no-go - it was horribly decimated, and for whatever reason they haven't resettled it. Even if a bunch of the old Solland noble families in Wissenland and Averland tried to set themselves back up, they'd have no real power to support their own claims. Which is why the Empire army I'm building is basically a mix of Averlander and Wissenlander troops, fighting under Old Solland banners.

Drakwald has a similar situation going on, but in this case while the provience might be reformed, there aren't even any clear descendants to reform it. No one even calls the area the Drakwald anymore, outside the forest, where Solland is still often referred to.
>In 8e Fantasy, family was a footnote at best.
The whole Druchii lore was about a family, you dolt.
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speaking of family, I for one always thought an underappreciated reason for skaven fucked upness was their total lack of family structure, in exchange for a cruel, ideologically based hierarchy.

few skaven know their father (who views them as nothing but assets), their mother is an unintelligent blob, their brothers all try to kill him, and he's only raised as a tool for the local clan state.

it'd fuck even a normal human up real bad.
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Why are all those Aztec names in my Pygmy-land?
>Would it be stupid to try and fluff colonists in a setting with conquistadores themes?
gee anon
No it wasn't.
now THAT is a racial caricature, holy moly
This. I mean, a slayer might fight wearing their jerkin, but probably not intentionally. One slayer NPC in my game actually sewed all his money up into his jerkin, which made it actually modestly more protective, but he still discarded it in battle.
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But most of those conquistadors go to Lustria, and there's lore behind those settlements. The best I could do for Southlands settlements is pull some old vague mentions from Man o' War of a Bretonnian admiral with lands down there.
>projecting this hard
Fantasy based on real world history is best fantasy. This also goes for aesthetics.
Not him but a family is fundamental for the development of trust, something the skaven obviously lack.
Yes, they consider this a weakness.
Skaven don't trust anyone except themself.
Thx, appreciate it!
>Actually, is anyone interested in a WFRP fan material archive?
yeah, bring it on.
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Class Student 2.jpg
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I did my best: https://mega.nz/#F!EU1GVBJC!av8u7FgGUA_nz99_lt1mRQ

That's only the 2e stuff and Warpstone. I tried to give everything readable names with subtitles so you actually know what they are. There's a lot of material though.

If anyone has Volume 2 of Blasphemous Cults, it would be much appreciated.
That gap is bugging the fuck out of me.
Is everything in the "New Careers" folder the official BI stuff that was posted online?

Either way, thanks a ton, man. Can't wait to grab all of this.
My Gnoll-engrom, may your beard grow ever longer
Most of the BI stuff was just fan material they hosted on the site.

Out of the careers folder though, I think New Careers, Kislev Careers and Caravan Careers were from the BI website.
Oh hey, I remember you. I never even knew about warpstone before, thanks.
Anyone have all the White Dwarf Warhammer comics?
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You are truly a hero of an Empire, son.
I'm going to grab all this stuff and put it to actual everyday real life rpg use,
Mostly Nordland actually.
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Where did it all go so wrong sons of Sigmar...

He's not hidden at all.
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7'th edition.
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Because original Daemonettes looked like this.

I guess deviating from what is old is absolutely haram, unless you can kind of use it for jack off material, than it should become the new norm.
Well, here's something I made up a while back:

I like to imagine how the nobles of Bretonnia and the Empire 'imitate' each other to insult the other country's nobility.

Like, the Empire nobles will walk around with a bowlegged gait and stick their nose up in the air, making their voice as reedy as possible and sniffing as they go around the room, commenting on various things. "By the Lady! This wine is from 2510! Lances at dawn!" "By the Lady! This piece of chicken is dry. Lances at dawn!" Then they would skip over to a friend who's acting as a proper Imperial gentleman, the skipping supposed to be like that of a prancing pony, and pretend to fall back over. "By the Lady! You were unchivalrous for defeating me! By the Lady!" They might also have a laugh by charging at other random objects - statues, pillars, tapestries - and getting 'defeated' in the same way.

The Bretonnian lords, in contrast, will hunch over a bit and stroke a long imaginary beard while speaking in a grumbling peasant voice with a bunch of hard German sounds worked in. "Zigmur's blessinks, mhm, wat'ren me cropz, yah'um." "Schnot enuff gunpowdah, ja ja. Itch need enuuf ta schoot from fa, fa aweh." Another Bretonnian lord acting as a proper Bretonnian would show up, and the 'Empire noble' would fall back in distress, hiding behind tables or chairs. "Schnell, schnell, get der peasants ter protek me, ja ja! Ich been scurd, scurd!"
why the hate on the mortis engine?, I can understand the rest anons but that thing looks fantastic
I always thought it was silly looking and not in a fun kind of way.
fair enough anon, taste is up to everyone, didn't previous editions have a number of hideous models as well? (and future editions, like all of age of 40kmar)
Every edition seems to have their stinkers. Even the 6'th edition which I love has a bunch of crummy models.
Well, a few of them don't look too bad to me. The Tomb Kings things look great, mostly because the great stone texture and gold. And the giant spiders are nice, because fuck yeah giant spiders make great enemies. They both also don't have so many...to sound childish, sticky-outy bits. Half those models have a ton of spikes or ropes or other things that seem really delicate, and make the models look grossly over-baroque instead of just detailed.
This. A lot of stuff from 7'th and 8'th edition just looks to bussy to me.
How do Wounds in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay translate into Wounds on the tabletop?
you can get a rough idea of how many wounds a creature in WFRP 2e should have by taking the tabletop wounds and multiplying them by 10 or so.
That Mac Tonight man has 6 fingers on one hand
That's 30 wounds for a 3 wound model. Except that under ideal conditions (Dwarf, rolled 10 for starting wounds, took hardy skill and maxed out Wounds on their career) the character will have 23 wounds. 9 and 8 is also unreachable while 7 can cause the possibility of what would be a 2 wound model in the wargame at the start (albeit unlikely) while still being unreachable for Halflings.
besides it being kind of sexy, why is the dwarfess' ass showing?

Because it's sexy.
It can be rounded pretty far up or down depending on what feels right.

Averland represent.
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Can someone recommend me some good empire lore/material?

I play Freeguild but I want to know more about the Empire of the old world. I can't find a fantasy rulebook and wiki's are rather hit and miss.

I'm a huge fan of Averland but can't seem to find much on them either.
Is it sad that your game only lives on in Vidya form?
Or that Total war is more fun than WHFB ever was?
I guess at least the armies in the game are in color.... unlike the grey plastic shit like 99% of fantasy armies.
Only comes with round base. I hope that's not an issue.
Wait why would it be? No GW games left that use square anyway.
See if you can find any WHFRP stuff, 2e preferably.
Sigmar's heirs especially.
What about a Fantasy rulebook? From what I understand they have both lore and rules in them.
OK, that looks awesome. The gnoblar is fucking ace
Sure, some, but only the role play books provide much depth.
This is the problem with Age of Sigmar, it won't match Fantasy until it gets an RPG, and that probably won't happen.
Well it looks like there will be a Freeguild battletome so hopefully that will provide some much needed background.

Alternatively FW.
>1-18 Wounds = 1 Wound
>19-27 Wounds = 2 Wounds
>28-36 Wounds = 3 Wounds
>37-45 Wounds = 4 Wounds
and so on and so forth. Alongside this, I would double the number of maximum additional wounds the Advanced Careers can gain. With this method, it's impossible for any basic career to ever get about 1 Wound on the tabletop and Advanced Careers can eventually reach 3 wounds on the tabletop. The only issue is that some special characters such as Archaon and Malekith have 4 wounds which is unreachable under my system. Any other advice?
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Okay so, what the fuck is wrong with Kings Of War players? like seriously, if I walk over to you're fucking table to look at how the games going, that doesn't mean I need a speech on way KoW is better than WFB, how it's the "superior" game, and is way better. While the fucker with the My Little Pony army is a table away, playing against someone who is not even using models, just the bases with the unit names. So no, I don't wanna play AoS just with blocks. Seriously KoW fags, stop it. I was going to try that game, then these fucking shit heads turned me completely off from it.

Okay rant over continue.
>ask wtf is wrong with kow in the whfb thread instead of the kow general
>get mad
>implying there is a KoW thread

There isn't one so assumed someone on here might have experienced this.
its better than wfb you retarded faggot, dont get near our table fuckwit, we are here to play not to hear about autist like you
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>Clan skurvy
>Not Clan Ektrik
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
Any decent 3d print files for fantasy? Need some standard rank and files for wood elves. Already got skaven and chaos.
If I'm correct, rank and file are usually 28mm? About all I can create on my own is movement trays right now.
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For the sake of making a proper choice, here's a shitton of clans
Do you have an Empire equivalent?
There's 3d printer files for skaven?
It's Clan Fester that appears in Vermintide, incidentally.
The backstory behind that is actually pretty cool
The grey seer in charge says that they will get the cure for their disease if they take the city
Skaven are cute.
Fancy Skaven when?
It's reaaaaaaalllly shitty proxies, just to supplement my collection because, you know, blocks of 90 as a regular for skaven.

I just need cannon fodder in large numbers. My very small play group has alot of the bigger models legitimately. I just find it odd that there isn't a forum or somthing devoted to freeing us from the jew workshop.
clan skully and clan "fancy rat" mange for me
whoa, sympathetic motive. kind of. maybe.

too bad the only cure is death by fire
Because 3D printing is still way too shit at the moment to replace injection modling ?
is WFRP 3e as bad as I hear it is or is it a case of "change scares and upsets me" ?
Answer is probably still no but.

Any rumblings/rumors of a return of WHFB as a GW game?
It's shit.
Wrong tone and FFG's patented "BUY OUR DICE" technology.
n o p e
There are some actually pretty decent printable files I've found, just so very few are whfb related and they are side projects at best. I'm fine with that as long as they are appropriate size. Again, just looking for acceptable proxies if anyone knows a decent place for them. I'm one of those very strange people that puts playing the game before the models (I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely enjoy well painted armies but time and money is currently a thing).
So what's tg's opinion on Warhammer Total War? Gameplay and lore wise. Left fantasy about sixth edition, and want to get back into it. Vidya format is fine.
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As a huge total war fan: every total war game includes some great steps forward, and a few steps back in other areas
Total warhammer though is my favourite total war because while they have somewhat simplified campaign maps, the battles have never been better.
also although the campaign managements simplified most of the factions play very differently to eachother campaignwise

as for dlc: BLOOD is mandatory
all the rest will be in your campaign regardless if you buy them or not, so just play as whatever you feel.
what army did you play anon?
its cool, good, fun, and it lets you smash archeon in the face with goblin chucking catapults while crying softly because thats how end times should have gone, goddamnit

i wanna play skaven super fucking bad. CA give me my doomwheels
Empire. Are most of there cool shit represented in-game?
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pic related is every 'unique' empire unit in the game. have a look at the unit cards. The empire insanely well represented
I think the majority of the cool shit is. Its not at all a 1-1 translation from the TT gameplay, but its a pretty faithful translation to TW style gameplay, with factions all playing differently and maintaining their overall "feel". If you liked randomness and dice rolling, you're SOL, but if you liked maneuver combat combined with smashing the shit out of tiny screaming men with angry zombie dragons, then you're in good shape.

Most of the rosters from TT are represented, with some exceptions. Rosters have expanded consistently with both paid and free DLC; even without any of that, it was hailed as one of the most complete, stable, balanced, and fun entries into the TW library, and it's only gotten more and more expansive as time has gone on.

I suggest getting the base game, and maybe the Legendary Lords pack or whatever for whatever faction you want to play as, as they add new units and lords which are considered some of the best (not pay2win best, but "most fun and interesting gameplaywise" best). You don't need to get race DLC unless you want to play them: they appear in game as enemies regardless.

imo the only lousy faction right now is Chaos, and the devs have acknowledged that they need to revisit them at some point. the plus side is that the success of the title has expanded their budget and development space, so its not an idle promise.

Races so far
Base: Empire, Dwarf, Orcs and Goblins, Vampire, Brettonia (multiplayer only right now, will be free DLC soon)
DLC: Wood Elf, Chaos, Beastman
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except for Generals of course, I only included one of the generals. because one general per army. the other generals are Balthazar, generic empire general, balthazar and arch lectors.

as for empire dlc anon, it adds
Free company, arch lectors, flagellants, volkmar the grim. and regiments of renown, which is mercenary versions of a heap of empire units.

just remember the dlc shits still gonna be in your campaign, you just can't build it yourself
This. Once skaven gets in, I'll be all over this shit.i have the core game, but I will Fucking drop all other games and play my skaven. Too bad it'll be about 7 months probably
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except I botched that post regarding the lords, its 40 degrees celsius here I'm dying.
here are the list of ALL empire lords.= for SINGLE PLAYER

General of the empire:
Arch lectors
Karl Franz
Balthazar Gelt
Volkmar the grim *dlc

Skirmish/multi lords
Boris Toddbringer- elector count of middenheim/land - unlocked from beating beastman campaign.

also there are mods for everything anyway
I haven't actually played it, but I've heard some worrying things - namely that the fortifications don't seem very major, and the tech tree and stuff is simplied.

From what I've seen, the battle map gameplay is fine, great even, but it seems like every Total War game they have to shave off some of the stuff I loved most about games like Medieval 2 in order to make the new stuff.
Non-city forts are handled by stances; I don't think you get legit forts like in Rome 2, but I wouldn't know since I never really used defensive stance as opposed to ambush stance.

Settlements don't get walls, unless you build upgrades to give them some, which takes up a slot. They're really worth it, though, since otherwise you get stunties or some metal assholes burning your border settlements all the fucking time.

You only see one wall or a corner with a siege, which, imo, is an improvement. AI handles it better, you still get to spread out your deployment or go for an all in on one breach like before, you just don't have a map where 90% of it is totally irrelevant because there's always one obvious point to attack.

What I miss most is actually seasons. I liked them a ton in Fall of the Samurai, where you'd get four turns or so of winter to just kind of cool off while quiet music played. very comfy feel.
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>There really should have been something fixing that in the first Ogre Kingdoms rule book
Yeah, by no starting an Ogre Kingdom book
fucked up
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There was also quite a sense of humor. This picture was posted on a previous thread and it was explained thus way: >Margaret Tatcher in an orc banner
>Orcs are archenemies of the dwarves
>Dwarves are miners
>Margaret Tatcher was hated by miners
Plus, the play on words on previous editions was significant, example was an undead hero from "Terror of the Leechmaster" called Mikael Jacksen
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