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/f1/ - Formula 1 General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 500
Thread images: 164

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>Countdown to BelgianGP:

>Session times in your time:

>Queen of /f1/
Sophia Flörsch

>Usually reliable 24x7 F1 Acestream:

>HD Acestream (only during sessions):

>Summer stream

>/f1/ Fantasy League:
League Passcode: 9637387

>Season standings:
1. Sebastian Vettel 202 points
2. Lewis Hamilton 188 points
3. Valtteri Bottas 169 points
4. Daniel Ricciardo 117 points
5. Kimi Räikkönen 116 points

Hulkenberg had a birthday
Perez says new Force India deal is close
Steiner defends Kmag's work ethic
tfw no actually interesting news
Reminder that Kimi will win Spa next week
Currently watching:
VLN 6hr from the Nordschleife

Friendly reminder that only literal autists and Dorftrottel follow F1.
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le no podium man is 30 today
wish him happy birthday
I like the OP
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Italian lad.jpg
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Glad you approve :3
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a fucking cat.png
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just want to see how spot on this is

FYI: it's Italy's OC from the last thread, so don't give me the credit.
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>€12 million
>for a fucking car
>for an old fucking car

You wouldn't be saying that if it was a submarine.
I'll take two. Genius!

It's a fucking awesome car though.
Fat Nick you here lad?
Nick doesn't normally get up for another two hours IIRC.

Is there an entry list for VLC today? Are they all literal whos?
never mind, qualy results will suffice
>tfw speedskating will never be considered a mainstream sport

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Sabine getting in

>rain in 5 minutes, still
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Rain immediately delivers!

>literally ping ping not racing
Well this escalated quickly
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Mmmm dat ass
Tim O'Glock is doing DTM right now

VLN is probably better watching though.
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Is someone kill?
VLN or other series?

Indycar is streaming now too.
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Summer Stream: Canada 2014

>Lewis On Pole
>S I L V E R A R R O W S C H O K E
>H I S T I M E

Correction: Nico On Pole
Do you guys think any of the STR/RBR guys actually drink Red Bull, ever? Or the Merc guys Monster? Without his teeth Ricciardo would be powerless.
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Pretty sure it's just some kind of water, maybe high minerals. Plus I wonder why basically all have twirly straw desu
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Other than marketing purposes? Depends. Energy drinks are basically necessary if you want to function normally without sleeping and I'm sure they ocasionally have nights with poor sleep just before the track days.

Twisting is basically length adjusment.
Spa predictions :
Front and 2nd row
First DNF
Fastest lap
GO !!!
kimi wins, that's all that matters
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you know its anonymous
and my shitposts stay poppin

yes i fap to flörsch
and no im not from reddit

4chan is my city
and if it werent for /f1/
then 4chan would be shitty

ill pass it to bahamas
cause you know he loves riccy
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Post unexposable drivers, I'll start
As much as i don't like it, he's already exposed by the toothpaste mang
Why do blacks smell funky?
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How many years until it happens?
Well how often do you shower?
fake news
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are finn's human?
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No, they're much closer to Russians
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Less than eight days left.
Anyone have video / webm of gimi having a drink after crashing out of Monaco early?

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Halo haters where are you now?!
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>mfw it's going to be a rain race at Spa
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either 2018 or 2019 after he retirers
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nothing personnel, kiddo...

>halo digs into the sand
>makes it even harder for the driver to get out of there

bravo Sven
Sweaty Sophia Pt 2
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all this gimi bullying...
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6 full days until FP1
0 full weeks*
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bwoah 2.png
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damn forgot the original quote
fixed version

Aww that's sad. Everyone deserves some podium once.
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Summer Stream: Austria 2014

>Felipe Baby On Pole
>Lewis Starts 9th
>Perez 5 Place Grid Pen From Canada
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He did, just not in the big boys way
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>those abs

fucking hell, just the perfect amount of abs for a female, they shine through but aren't too big and muscular
Wouldn't "It's not F1 time anymore" work better ?
The first one also has "it's" not "it is"
i thought that but "It is no longer" sounds more appropriately autistic
You're right but can you imagine gimi using "no longer"? His English is a tad broken.
I thought about "It is not F1 time now" but we lose the sense of evolution and it sounds retarded not autistic.
What about "F1 time has stopped/is over"?
>i no longer have a frontwing
Alright, you've settled it
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>paul di resta aka p diddy
fucking ingenious
what is sophia flursch snapachat?

P Dirry
she only gives it out if you give her some money to fund her career
Or dickpics
Only if you include a measuring stick. She only lets people bigger than her in
>thingken of podium
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I think it's the other way around.

Energy drinks are fucking toxic, and if anything, drivers need to calm down more so they can sleep and stuff like that. So they stay away from those unless they're partying.
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Summer Stream: 2014 Spa

>Nico On Pole
>Nico Hit Me
>H I S T I M E
>H I S T I M E

Broken clock
who /reddit/ here?
who here /4chan/?
Van Shitburger just got another penalty added to yesterday's race on top of other penalty kek. Based Scott got another one too but still finished ahead kek.
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real queen of /f1/ coming through
I am the hacker 4chans

Summer Stream: Singapore 2014

>Lewis On Pole
>"Contamination" Of Nico's Wheel
>Kamui DNS

tfw No Poster
I just realised we can use Manors posters for 2016. RIP Manor.

Do you have a link for those posters?
They were on their website that's now gone. Seem to be on the manorracing Twitter that's still all up
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>RIP Manor.

>They were on their website that's now gone.

m-maybe the server is being repaired.

ETA: 1 Hour Till RIP Jules
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>Mana had to call out Kumakichi for actually cheating on Rookie according to Toyota's Twitter

Good girl.
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Summer Stream: Suzuka 2014

>Nico On Pole
>Rain Delay
>RIP Jules

>Mana doesn't know that Rookie cheated on Toyota Kumakichi with Lexus Kumakichi

I'm just glad that Toyota Kumakichi found someone new.
fuck manor they killed driers und gave us halo
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Yeah but the pink dragon thing is Chirara who is a mascot for the Suzuka circuit. That means she's a Honda girl.

That is serious level betrayal even if your gf slept with your black Americanised brother.

inb4 a jealous Kochira beats Kumakichi to a bloody pulp
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They all operate different sections of the Suzuka theme park. Chirara runs a garden and according to this towel I found on eBay, she gardens naked. No wonder kumakichi went for her.

(It's 4:30 am, why am I discussing the intricate relationships of Japanese Motorsport mascots?)
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>according to this towel I found on eBay, she gardens naked

>that wink
What a slut.

>(It's 4:30 am, why am I discussing the intricate relationships of Japanese Motorsport mascots?)

>pic related
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>Toyota Kumakichi got rejected by a slut with a watering can

What a pathetic loser. No wonder Toyota can't win anything.
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Supercars race in 10 bings

>that webm

Literally a stalker,
I love the double take and bashing on the glass as if he has just spotted Mana coming towards him in the distance
Is there alternative commentary? Gonna stab my eardrums out if I have to listen to mark skaife any longer.
Crowd for Supercars when it was on free to air TV
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Crowd for Supercars after several years paywalled on subscription TV
Nice "car" you've got there.
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He didn't believe that he can fly
>Gonna stab my eardrums out if I have to listen to mark skaife say """witness mark""" again

They seem to think it sounds intelligent or something.
But but but anon we're headed to an exciting new era of environmentally friendly racing in a grassroots sport for families viewable only on an expensive pay TV package! Guaranteed success!
>Mostert hands the win to Wingecup.

Anything else on tv?
>lowndes engine dead
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Probably the sheep sheering championships.
"I thought Shane might have run him wide."

Seriously, fuck this cunt.
Just remember the better times when Russ put him in the wall
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>unironically threatening to punch a car
absolute madman
RBHRT888 to take each other out when?!

Hopefully Bathurst for toplols
Scotty should punt SvG off again for bants.
"Fabien" is easily on the podium for gayest names.
>well thats obvious
fuken lol
Fabian is the worst passer in V8's to be honest.
nah mate thats later in summer IIRC. not memeing but i watched and bet on it. good times
Someone have a superformula acestream?
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Pretty pls?

Trying to find something.

What was the channel it's on in Japan? Something 3?
Apparently Motorsport.TV has it with English commentary.

Guess I'm gonna have to join the hive mind

Yeah I saw that.
>look for something possibly on YouTube
>Blancpain are racing at Fuji with 40 minutes left
>Also I've missed the first 13 hours of a 24hr 2CV race at sneterton

What thrilling options

J Sports 3
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post gridgirls
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Real queen reporting in
What is /f1/'s favorite circuit?

We basically all agree on Spa/Suzuka
Vatican circuit when?
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Fast and simple, just like me ;^)
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why is there never a real technical revolution like new fuel or cars driving upside down
>like new fuel
Well they used to carry all the fuel needed during the entire race
DTM Zandvoort Quali for Race 2

thx, m8.
>you'll never be balls deep in mana while watching Spa FP3
Feels bad


top keke
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it's the Irish blood

Timo Glock being an absolute MAD MAN

Glock Nines muthafuckaaaaa

The camera out the windscreen on the M4 makes DTM look like a computer game heh.
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RIP bear boy.jpg
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Jesus he's going to jump

The foam in the head should hopefully cushion the fall.
whats the yellow thing in the middle of the cabin?
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>vet ham
>vet ham bot
Precisely 169 bongs until Kimi wins at Spa
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hyva suomi

DTM race 2

amx is there
>we apologise for the BAD language
please watch our sport
thread wont even get as many replies as this one during the race kek
Toyota is dominating NASCAR only because they take it way too seriously and spend way too much money
:( Don't be mean
Sorry let me correct.

* No wonder Toyota can't win anything of worth
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ute kek.webm
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who /utes/ here
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They can't. My point was they only win when they can outspend rednecks 3:1
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>have a race on toothpaste track
>geoblock the race for toothpastes
167 bongs now
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You get home and this man is on your couch, giving you this look.

What do you do
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Summer Stream: Melbourne 1996

>First Race At Melbourne
>JV Debut, Schumi's Ferrari Debut, Fisi's Debut
>Brundle's Car Goes Flying (Alonso Before Alonso)
Ask where his sister is
The term bogan (/ˈboʊɡən) is a derogatory Australian and New Zealand slang word used to describe a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour exemplify values and behaviour considered unrefined or unsophisticated. Depending on the context, the term can be pejorative or self-deprecating.

Since the 1980s, the bogan has become a very well-recognised subculture, often as an example of bad taste. It has antecedents in the Australian larrikin and ocker, and various localised names exist that describe the same or very similar people to the bogan.
very good, informative post
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hülk exploitable.png
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Summer Stream: Interlagos 1996

>Hill On Pole
>Wet Start To Race
>Rubens v Schumi
Will you guys be buying F1 2017?
Hybrid engine IS a technical revolution. Just because it sounds bad faggots like you ignore the impossibly high efficiency it brings.

Maybe if it goes on sale, I just got 16 like 2 months ago
Indy in 20
If you don't want the whole turning right thing in your racing

On one hand you are right. On the other hand I wouldn't count it as proper technical revolution like it was mid-engine design or wings because it was imposed, not a real breakthrough discovered by one team and it revolutionized the sport entirely. I guess the last one had been William's active suspensions.
"Hey guys look, we're more brainless sheep then you'll ever be" - F1 ""fans""
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For those who want to catch Indy at Pocono, plenty of streams available.

It was pioneered by Road cars and raced in LMP1 cars for years before F1.
Depends on the kind of hybrid. I'm specifically talking about ERS-H. Prius tier hybrids are for fags.

>not a real breakthrough discovered by one team
>William's active suspensions
Those two don't fit because active suspensions have been around for a long time. Williams just figured how to apply it to racing.

I'd say crosslinking the dampers for extra stability was the last one. Forgot which team that was. Also blown diffusers etc are pretty revolutionary too.
S ducts would be up there

The way to apply it to racing is still a big part desu.
Still hybrid engines were imposed and not a strategic choice by one team to gain advantage over the others.
I'd make that an exception because engine rules are very strict. They can't come up with new ideas, they can only find workarounds
>rules are very strict

That's it really, as far as we know there might be an ultra meme tier solution that would make the cars reach absurd results but they are forbid by regulations
Wasn't there a choice between mechanical and electrical ERS at some point. Or maybe it was just a team added a mechanical ERS.
But yeah it doesn't really count.
yes but i won't buy it on steam since it's 10 euros more than amazon for some reason
Wait time is almost over.
His time?
saw the Williams documentary
the scene at the end where Claire was crying reading her mother's book and Frank was just sitting there like a dead fish was awkward as fuck

Do you think Frank was good lad to hang out with? Now he's clearly brain dead and looks like a Rothshild but back then maybe he wasn't autist like Ron
the documentary makes it seems like he always had a mild case of the 'tism but still a pretty sound lad when he could walk
almost killing yourself in a 1.6 litre Sierra when you've literally been a racing driver is quite impressive
>I don't agree that danger is a necessary part of the show in fact I believe that we should do everything we can to improve safety because safety is the most important thing there is and I can show you statistics that prove that the safer F1 has become the more popular it has become so my thinking goes that if he make the cars safer we can make the tracks way more dangerous so that it would be more of a challenge for the drivers because safety is the most important thing

What did he mean by this?
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>I can show you statistics that prove that the safer F1 has become the more popular it has become

What a dumdum
with the halo there is no reason not to drive on the roof of a tunnel now
>not putting a hairpin on St Peter's Square

What a waste.
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Summer Stream: Monaco 1996

>Wet Monaco w/ Schumi Pole
>Three Finishers At The End
>Meme Win For Meme Team
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Summer Stream: Barcelona 1996

>Damon Hill On Pole
>Torrential Rain
>Schumacher Makes Them Look Silly (GOAT Driving)
Would le rainmaster Senna be able to survive in any of these races?

Probably, and it would have been an epic battle. Though assuming Senna was in the Williams, maybe he have a pretty big car advantage.
When is f1 on?
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>tfw can more than likely last that long without killing myself
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>not colgate max fresh
Toothpastes btfo

>tfw you desperately buy 11 tubes of toothpaste because you still can't get the taste of Kmags balls out of your mouth.
he's literally shilling toothpaste
Aquafresh is the patrician choice though
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t. mr flow

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Liberty Media was a mistake.
>cleaning his teeth
>with literal toothpase

May as well just come out now. This is why he never scored a podium.
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>cleaning his teeth
>with literal toothpaste
Well, not all of us brush their teeth with ice cream.
this could be kinda lit honestly

it's not like anyone cares about safety>>77732680
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Summer Stream: Hockenheim 1996

>Damon Hill On Pole
>tfw Gerhard Berger
>Forti Runs Out Of Money & Folds
I like F1 :^)
Do you like Forza and anime?
Woke up with a terrible feeling of regret this morning and I feel like shit. Is this because of no F1?
Maybe it's because you didn't followed your diet last week Nick

It's just the diabetes.
life is so short and there are so many cute ladyboys, don't let it all overwhelm you
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>mfw there's a 50% possibility of rain on sunday
Thanks for the goncern but I'm not Nick so I don't think it's either of those things.
>Rosberg now doing YouTube vlogs

Do you like the drama or the tech aspect more?
Is Will Power /elite/?

>being elite
>having a gimmick name
pick one
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excited for the f1 to be back this weekend desu
whose time will it be?
I think he's alright
The unexposable's time.
funny joke
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every Ricky win ever.webm
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Vettel exposures: 1
Hamilton exposures: 2
Ricciardo exposures: 0.5
never been exposed

One of these drivers has never been WDC.
No reason to exited this far away, if it's still that high on Friday then we're allowed to get hype.
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Aus17 Ricciardo Crash.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
/r/ing monaco 16 pitstop webm
One of these drivers has NEVER had a top drive.

>implying you can win multiple races without a top drive
A top car is one that can win races on merit and not just Monaco due to rake memes, or just getting lucky.

>car gets pole position based on merit
>"i-it doesn't count, it's a meme"

Literally /r/formula1 levels of narrative desperation.
Did he win though?
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he didn't win
>the team fucked up a pit stop and cost him the race
>"t-that means the car wasn't good"

>Literally /r/formula1 levels of narrative desperation.
Decent guy, once he won his championship after being a bridesmaid for 3 years straight, I stopped rooting for him.
Better people in the paddock.
>Better people in the paddock.

>implying IndyCar has a paddock and not an RV parking lot

Really makes you think.
he's been doing them since he drove for williams
He was going to win, but the original statement was that Ricciardo has never had a top drive as refuting why he doesn't have a WDC. That was the only race in his career that he wasn't sucking up Mercedes oil. His car has always been 2nd best or worse over an entire season with a 0.5 second + difference to the best car normally.
Just like V8 supercars, so he doesn't get homesick

Power is a fucking GOD, utterly BTFO Newgarden yesterday

Also the Indycar field is just so painfully weak. It says a lot that Rossi with like a decade of lukewarm performances in Europe, being mostly known for the fact that he was American, can show up to Indycar and be a top level driver by his second season says a lot.

Maybe the series could have an actual interesting championship if it was Rossi vs Newgarden or something, but it just ends up being some 35 plus year old veteran winning always, which again says a lot about the level of the field.
Rossi impressed me more in F1 than he did in Indy TΒF. He's been ok but he got lucky at the 500. Otherwise he has been good but not spectatular. In F1 he absolutely BTFO Stevens (you now remember Will or whatever he was called Stevens) despite being thrown in near the end of the season.

How many winners has Indy had this year anyway? 8? 9? To me that's refreshing after so many years of F1 being a one or two horse race.
F1 "conspiracy theories"/rumors you actually believe:

I'll start with a few

>Mansour Ojjeh fucked Mr Autismo's wife which then led to Dennis' resignation
>Ferrari have routinely sabotaged their second drivers' cars
>Ferrari forced out Gimi to make room for Alonso and Santander (not really a secret at this stage)
>Ferrari intentionally Gimi's car and made changes to the car without his knowledge in order to hinder performance (up until the Massa accident) to make the firing look more justified
>Massa has only ever had a career because of his nationality and the fact that he is highly lucrative for the sponsorship interests in South America for F1 teams and partners
>Webber was never a good driver
>Ricciardo was a bully in Highshool

What else?

I mean its a bit hard to judge Rossi based on F1. Stevens is probably one of the worst drivers to even drive in F1 in the past decade so its not a huge achievement to beat him. Stevens often got beaten by Roberto Merhi as well even though Stevens generally got preferential treatment in terms of getting upgrades and new parts first, as he brought money and Roberto didn't.

Rossi is slowly beginning to shine in Indy, but he still seems to be lacking that special something. He is good but can't seem to piece it all together, just like in the race last night, he was strong when it didn't matter and then just kind of faded in the end when he really should have been the one to win it. He's young and American though so I guess it's basically a given he will have a career there for as long as he wants.

I think the Indy field really needs a bit of spicing up. More younger drivers, more crazy and quick ones. Would be nice to see someone like Rosenqvist get a chance there but it's probably not gonna happen.
Stroll got his manager to dick Claire so as to remain close in the team even with daddy money.

That or daddy set it up.
>Stroll dicked Claire
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>F1 "conspiracy theories"/rumors you actually believe:

>Senna was gay
Rossi was mediocre in GP2 as well, despite having a fuckton of experience a rookie Vandoorne blew him out of the water
this beta now finances his wife company of making coffee
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Never say never.
Ganassi REALLY likes Rosenqvist.
It's a real possibility he may have a ride there this season if Ganassi can put sponsorship together for him.
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how does it feel knowing motogp is 20× better than this snorefest?
Perhaps it just says a lot about Scott Dixon, I would put him favorably against any driver ever. He so incredibly consistent even on his bad days.
>motherboard and/or processor is fucked and the repair people don't have any AMD stuff to test which is the piece that is fucked.
>Probably don't have a warranty on them anymore

Fucking great.
*Blocks former world champions path*
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Is the FIA trying to sabotage F1 in order to push FE?

His name is.
Three paragraph Finn.



Feels like it.
F1 and Indycar merger when?
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I'm a NEET with over 1000 euros of debt and I just ordered PS4 Pro and F1 2017 because one store had an offer that you could order stuff now and pay it in late October. No regrets.

#yolo #blessed #stilliplay

pay denbts
2018/19 Formula E cars will have full canopy

>Not renting them at your local library
>Prost got sacked from Renault because he fucked his boss' wife
Fuck off, Vivus
>the sole reason FIA banned tyre changes in 2005 was to stop Schumacher from winning another title
>Maldonado's win was down to some "special" tyres from Pirelli as a gift from Bernie to Sir Frank Williams on his 70th birthday
>Ferrari paid McLaren 100 million for the 2007 WDC so McLaren intentionally sabotaged Hamilton to prevent him from winning the WDC
>Vettel sandbagged in 2014 to get out of his contract
>the crying Ferrari kid was a plant
>Senna was shot by a sniper

>over 1000 euros of debt

lmao so you're better off than like 80% of this country?

Also you can pay off a thousand in debt in like a month if you GOT A JOB
None of the Indycar paddock has the kind of money to run F1 except Roger Penske and he is not interested since he had middling results, but also lost his driver and dear friend Mark Donohue in Austria 1975.

Now making the regulations a bit closer to each other while allowing F1 to still develop freely, that would be an interesting development.
They're leaving the open wheel market and becoming Prototypes basically.

>Maldonado's win was down to some "special" tyres from Pirelli as a gift from Bernie to Sir Frank Williams on his 70th birthday

This is a likely one. Also the mysterious garage fire right after his win. F1 circles really aren't as big as people think, especially when considering the "old" big players. It's not even that ridiculous to consider things like this, I'm sure various other forms of collusion or agreements like this have been made in the past and no one found out about them.

There's also plenty of F1 journalists who often hint at things behind the scenes which they never fully detail, many things relating to Senna, to the 2007 season etc. It could all just be baiting but I also understand why these journalists wouldn't want to disclose that information as it would probably result in the end of their careers and such. Still, the suggestion seems to be that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes that even the avid viewers simply aren't aware of.

>Vettel sandbagged in 2014 to get out of his contract

I don't think it's quite that simple. I would probably categorize it more as Vettel not being quite as comfortable with the new cars, knowing the car wasn't dominant, and therefore not really trying that hard. I do think his lack of performance that season is partially due to his own choice and to set up for the Ferrari switch, but a part of it is also genuine bad form. I also don't think he expected Ricciardo to be quite as strong, especially when he's been used to BTFOing old Marky Mark for the past 5 years without even being challenged.

It is not too outlandish to think that the FIA gave Mercedes a lot of behind-the-scenes say in the forming of the 2014 regulations and set them up in such a way that the FIA could be certain Mercedes would come out on top, to bring an end to VWL, which like Schumi's dominance, was really hurting the sport.
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Daily reminder that Kimi will Spa next Sunday
*will win
Informative post. I'm new to F1 but I'm loving how it is shadowy capitalism and politics: the sport. The on-track action is only half the fun

>Kimi gets pole
>Gets VETTEL'd during the pitstops
>wooo yess boysss

kill me.

>Select all the punching bags Captcha
it feels weird to see a photo of yourself, right?
>in debt
>no impulse control

>plays videogames

It all checks out, Cap'n.

>Obvious Irvine 1999 sabotage
>The whole FIAMG and Ferrari International Assist eras
>Hammertime and Mercedes' magical switch
>Glock 2008
>the sole reason FIA banned tyre changes in 2005 was to stop Schumacher from winning another title
this is clear
>Maldonado's win was down to some "special" tyres from Pirelli as a gift from Bernie to Sir Frank Williams on his 70th birthday
doubt it, the risk and potential damage to the sport is too great
the tyres were meme but Williams just got lucky
>Ferrari paid McLaren 100 million for the 2007 WDC so McLaren intentionally sabotaged Hamilton to prevent him from winning the WDC
More likely the FIA demanded that McLaren stop either of their drivers winning it or they'd be banned in 2008
>Vettel sandbagged in 2014 to get out of his contract
He would have tried to beat Rick at the start then maybe just went with it when he fell behind
>the crying Ferrari kid was a plant
kek, maybe
>Senna was shot by a sniper
completely implausible and pointless; sabotaging the car is much easier
>completely implausible and pointless; sabotaging the car is much easier
>>Senna was shot by a sniper

Senna suicided
>See Barrichello almost dying
>See Ratzenberger actually die
>All in less than 2 days
>Big heart Ayrton couldn't stand that
>He wants to do something for driver safety
>Charlie won't listen
>Bernie won't listen
>He realizes there's only one way
>If the fans demands more safety, F1 will get safer
>But fans don't want safety
>They won't cry for safety over a random injured monkey and a dead austrian
>Someone has to motivate them
>Their biggest love
>The most beloved driver
>Is it Prost?
>No, he's not even driving
>Michael Schumacher
>Not yet
>Yeah, it would work
>But how does he gather fans attention on it?
>Speak after the race win?
>Press conference before the race?
>He knows there's only one way
>Showing them what lack of safety could do to their favourite
>He knows it's the right thing
>Like Jesus Christ himself
>Sacrifice his own life to save the others
>Proceeds to drive straight during a turn
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GOAT podium.jpg
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Right to left, anything else is Reddit
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get a new pc already, dude. This could have been over weeks ago.
>1000 euros debt
Thats cute, kid.

Monza 1988 was a fix. Maybe. For Ferrari to win in Italy in that season immediately after Enzo's death seems too good to be true.

Agree also they didn't want Irvine to win in 1999.
Oh, also Benetton had TC in 94 and were generally a bunch of cheating fucks.

And the sole purpose of running that race with six cars was to give Ferrari a win.
That Nico was frequently sabotaged by Mercedes (or maybe even the FIA) to allow Lewlew to win
>comfortably in the lead of the championship
>needs a DNF for Lewlew to even have a a shot of challenging Bossberg
>Nico has a perfect practice and quallifyfing
>race day gremlins turn up causing him to DNF or finish way down in the points
>any time Lewlew crashes into Nico, Nico is the one at fault and Lewlew gets off (Mercedes tells them they will real with it internally and no action is needed)
>any time Nico hinders Lewlew's race at all he is harshly penalised (Mercedes tells them they need to set a precedent with this sort of action)
Too many things just don't add up in the rivalry. How does an electrical system work fine in practice and Qualy but then fail several times before the first lap? Why is it when Lewis intentionally drives into Rosberg nothing is done but when Rosberg pushes Hamilton wide a little he is punished? It just doesn't add up.
so what happens in October if you haven't paid for it?
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I just want Kimi to be happy, if Vettel truly is the friend he claims to be he should say stop to the Ferrari management bullshit just for one race.
I lose my credit and can't rent an apartment anymore or get a phone contract or basically do anything that requires trust of any sort.
Are you the Finn who claims he always bets large sums on sports?
Mercedes had been developing the power units since 2007 and basically forced them into the new regulations by threatening to quit.
Yeah. How did you guess?

>one more CALLE and I will blow my fucking brains out
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Just a feeling. If you got any money you should bet it all on Gimi winning Spa, either make it all back or go for broke having fun.

>12 storeys high

Thought it was at maximum 7 songs high, 4 tales at best

From a marketing perspective having Lewis win is a no-brainer.

>bigger fanbase
>wider fanbase
>bunch of negros all over the world now probably want Mercs or associate them with greatness
>whole American market

If the point of Mercedes F1 is at all to sell more cars and raise more awareness towards their brand, then Hamilton makes sense. Rosberg basically appeals to maybe white people and one crazy Jap and even then he is a "rich kid" so not hugely relatable. Plus every single white person already knows Mercedes and Mercedes AMG and already have their notions and ideas of what the brand is, and for some reason people continue to believe they are like the benchmark of excellence even if you buy a bottom of the line C class diesel because muh GERMAN RELIABILITY.

All the markets Hamilton is more popular are basically markets that are somewhat more untapped than "White European Males" when it comes to Mercedes as a car brand and whatnot.

So yea it makes sense that they wanted him to win even if it is shitty. I think the only thing they weren't expecting was the fact that Rosberg actually kept Hamilton honest and eventually beat him. Who in their right mind in the pre-Hamilton-at-Mercedes era would have ever thought that Nico Rosberg would roughly equal Hamilton and then eventually beat him to a fucking title? I think Mercedes were just looking for a driver good for the classic market of the brand to be a solid second driver
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>a short drive drive from Spa
what did they mean by this?

It's like vroom vroom
>for cleaning after he sucks Magnussen's balls
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Holy shit! Check for pic related at 1:07
They are memeing us hard
I'm gonna get a new processor, motherboard and ram. They are both under warranty still so I'm gonna RMA them as well so I have some lower grade backup parts and so as to not let the current ram go to waste.
Just out of curiosity, how many of you guys actually have real life friends, a decent social life, girlfriends, etc and how many of you are losers, NEETs and socially awkward?
I have a few true friends, I think I'm well liked at my job, I believe my parents are happy with what I'm doing with my life, I lift 3 times a week, go run every Sunday and I just about manage to hold the spaghetti when talking with pretty girls
I'm also an autistic kimi fanboy

Despite the girlfirend part I have everything else, also a job I actually like
>IRL friends
2 groups of friends that I see at least every fortnight, I flat with one of my good mates too. Go round to the main host friends often and meet them at bars all the time. Friend groups are mixed guys and girls.
>social life
Not really anything outside hanging with my friends and brothers. So good enough to not be lonely but I wouldn't say great.
TFW no GF. I should probably get out more and actually try to meet girls.
>other bits
I wouldnt say im a loser but who am I to judge that. I'm not a NEET. I am a little socially awkward, main thing for me is feeling like I'm always a bother to my friends and overstaying my welcome ect.
>the sole reason FIA banned tyre changes in 2005 was to stop Schumacher from winning another title

This is why I loved Indy 2005. Fuck the FIA for that BS rule. Also truly I was stunned to learn Ferrari could have vetoed that rule, but I guess they felt they were up to the challenge.
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how to become a Schumacher.webm
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any update on karting crash kid? is he ded?
I have a job, I live with my family and I have you guys as friends.

The steering loom was ""contaminated"".

It was such nonsense honestly.
Wait with no Big Ben anymore do we still use bings and bongs? THIS is the most important question in this thread this week.
how long until presser? i need a reason not to kill myself
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Not out yet my dude. No race program or anything from what I can see. Last year's press was at 15:00 on Thursday local.
pic related
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Fucking CALLE
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finntipp: you don't have to type in calle. with the legacy captcha, one of the signs is not identified, you can write whatever you want (although this is a disservice to google, which is using people on captcha to identify shit i am sure). calle is always that sign, for some reason, just type in the other one.
Which calle was the calle that wasn't needed here? >>77740570
Also you don't need a space between words if you type them correctly.
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is captcha trying to suggest movies to me?
well they switch between left and right. the OLD legacy captcha had two words, where one had a specific font and the other had a different random font, which made it easy to identify which was the fake one since it had the same font all the time. impossible to tell now i think.
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Summer Stream: Indianapolis GP 2005

>1/2 Meme Tire Related GP's (Silverstone 13 next)
>Michelin Tires Can't Handle The Diamond Cut Surface
>FIA Doesn't Care
>6 Car Starting Grid
Aside from Baku, what's the memest race that ever been raced?

Sorry, in the modern era, perhaps from late 90s to now

Indianapolis 2005
1996 Monaco was pretty meme. Imagine /f1/ if it existed then.
Whole thread would have gone


after half a lap
When he goes pop
>Implying that has been shit from day one since he joined Ferrari because of their management.

Everybody wants to see Kimi win but until he starts giving a fuck again he won't be able to challenge Vetee.
Just imagine all the


by the end of the race
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Summer Stream: Silverstone 2013

>Second Meme Tire GP
>Many Tire Failures
>Aussie vs German
Damn i'm enjoying this.

>Verstappen out in the first turn

You'd get

>R E G E N C H O K E (Schumi Out)
>R E N U A L T (Hill Engine)
>I R V T H E S W E R V E (Taking out Hakkinen, and Salo)
>The City Of Ponzano Veneto (Alesi/Berger Misshaps)

Of course

>G O A T I S (Panis GOAT)
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We're going to make it, anon.
Everything is going to be okay :)
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Summer Stream: Australia 2016

>Lewis On Pole
>Fernando Emulates Brundle
>Haas Debut, Ferrari Choke, Ted Spergs Out
Why did Alonso leave Ferarri? Wasn't everyone saying the car was going to be good and that's why Vettel wanted to go there?
Now taking bets on whether Gio the Nazi will crash his car in FP1 at Monza.
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I have a handful of very close friends but I made them all online. When we meet IRL we meme like autists.
>social life
I made lots of acquaintances from bars I went. Not really "friends", but they're glad to see me and chat with me whle having a few beers. It's not the "disgusting" social life. More like a few bros hanging out in pubs.
I could say I'm a bit socially awkward. I have no friends in school. Waking up early is tedious as it is. I don't want to deal with people on top of that. I just get myself a coffee from a vending machine and sit on my seat silently.
I just don't give a shit. If someone wants to talk to me, they're welcome. But I don't give a shit and so I'm not going to be the one who starts it. I rather keeping a low profile and observing and this saved my ass a lot of times.

>It's not the "haram" social life.

Can't imagine drivers drink them to be honest. They're effectively athletes and those things are poison.
>Decent guy
lol no

Will Power is a cunt of the highest order

t. got stealthed by Will Power
t. Ryan Briscoe.

>IRL friends
A couple of groups of friends - one set is my childhood buddies and their partners / wives, most of the guys have known each other for 20+ years. The other set is my friday night drinking pals - we seem to have chosen each other due to none of us wanting kids, it's a diverse bunch but extremely close knit, 25-45 years old age range, with wives and partners often joining us.

>Social life
I go to gigs all the time, gym / pool 5 times a week, quite often get invited to gallery openings and art exhibitions. Occasionally do a guest slot on a radio station as well.

No girlfriend, but I'm seeing a couple of girls purely sexually, neither of whom are keen for anything more, and there is another girl who lives in a different town who is slightly more complicated

I can be a bit of a sperg, but hide my autsimo pretty well, and those closest to me find it endearing. I spend a lot of time within my own head, and am constantly reading / learning new things.
I stealthed your mum cunt

kek enjoy your aids
the aids your sister gave me or the aids I gave your mum? yeah will do lad
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thats the best I can do.jpg
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>hurr hurr I fucked your mum and your sister

Weak bants m8, literally primary school tier, best I can give you is a 2/10
2/10 me all you want

I still fucked your mum and sister
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will power is a cunt and a giant banana bending flog

fuck queenslanders
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worst australians btfo.png
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>fuck queenslanders

Would be worse...

*could, obvs
>Would be worse...
yeah queenslanders are worse.

glad I was able to enlighten you, champ
kek more discussion about indycar in an F1 thread than the indycar thread WHICH didnt even make it a DAY after the race. TOP KEG

WTF. I hate indycar now.
/f1/ is practically the motorsport general.
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It will rain at spa
It will rain at spa
It will rain at spa
It will rain at spa
It will rain at spa
It will rain at spa

>meme rain quali confrimed
Handful of really close friends since forever, various hobbies with more people I like and vice versa, gf for three years now. I used to be a spaghetti spiller until like 10 years ago but late puberty got rid of that.
Only thing people dont get about me is why I follow F1, being neither an autist nor a Dorftrottel.
it's absolute chaos here
people are waking up at 11 and going to bed at 4

Wow, you're up late. You should go to bed, m8.
That is kinda disappointing. Rain at the first or last 25% is kino.

/f1/ is in actual fact, more motorsport general than /motorsport/ general.

>implying this isn't /erotic fan fiction/ general
where's the last one with floersch dying? I never saved it

I have it on good authority that it's a Dunlop Series driver behind the @ifollowhotwomenwiththis ig account btw.
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I'm going to miss qualifying because gf's half brother's annoying little piece-of-shit son has his 5th birthday. And I agreed to come. FUCK
Just get so drunk you can't go.

Or drink a pint of salt water. It works as an enema. You'll have the shits and can use that as an excuse.
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Gimi win aborted D:
nth for kmag nut sweat
>Belgian lightning is red
Jesus do they even try to be normal?
Is this apartment development /f1/ approved?


One of the apartments is going to have a wall encased with a heap of drivers signatures, which is pretty fucken badass.
>Ville ends up doing salt water enema
>ends up missing most of the race due to diarrhea
>ends up missing most of the race due to diarrhea
>not moving your tv/computer to the dunny and watching while on the throne if there's any chance of missing a moment
When WRC is coming back to NZ?

>literally less relevant than Argentina, Mexico, and Poland
why isn't mana queen of /f1/ is florsch is for turkfags?
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>an escort
>queen of /f1/
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whatever, retard.jpg
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Next year

So you're saying that I can fuck my waifu
Keep defending that ugly turk lol
>gf's half brother
he might be syrian but that's no excuse to call him half a human

Reminder that Nico Hulkenberg is the most unsporting driver on the grid
/sp/ is a normie board. Thats said i'm a neet loser. Everyone around me think of me as dissapointment which I am.
I wonder if he will still be upset about nut sweat this weekend.
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Vettel confirmed.
>ferrari wcc strategy
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>mfw being too old and too slow doesn't mean you can't be an F1 driver

There's hope for us all.

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>F1 Esports Series

>Compete against the fastest drivers in the world on F1 2017 and earn your place at our live grand final, hosted at the 2017 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix this November. Register today to start your journey.

Finally we can attend a Grand Prix lads

>A motorbike racer critically injured in the Dundrod 150 race earlier this month has died.

>Gavin Lupton was 37 and from Otley in Yorkshire.

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>Prema wants to enter F1 as client team (like many MotoGP ones)
>Wants to race with only one car
>Currently client teams aren't allowed by rules
>Liberty wants more teams and maybe allowing client teams might be an option


Elitist sport as always. I can't compete on my outdated PS3 and controller with no R2.
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So basically Gimi WDC 2018 is confirmed?
Which safety measures are they going to apply to make racing safe?
Good. We need more cars and drivers we can actually support.
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Mercedes WCC 2018 Confirmed
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there is a 50% possibility for everything; either it happens or it doesn't
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>the Finnish driver
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So /f1/ what have you lot been doing during the Summer break to kill time?

>Game (Ok not that aussie who hates games)
>Social stuff
>Family stuff

Also just wanking &/or shitposting the break away is a fine option too

Reminder that video games and cartoons are for literal children.
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Nice repeating digits aus friend. Knew you'd be first to post
What do you do that philistines don't?
>implying there's anything wrong with being a literal child
None. The opposite will happen. The bikes will get faster and the circuits stay the same. The roads they use are closed public roads, so there's not much they can change. Maybe add a chicane here and there, but that's about it.
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there can only be one queen of /f1/
FUCK YEAH! F1 has barely any other interesting drivers. F1 will live another year.
Chess is a game. Poker is a game too. Here's a (you)
>tfw Joe, Lee and Palmer still gets no points

Is it only for Renault or for RedBull and Toro Rosso too?
only for Palmer
what are the odds of a massa podium this weekend?
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Better than Hulkenbergs.
I don't think that's allowed anymore
>People actually think Alonso will leave McLaren
>People actually think McLaren will leave Honda

Why are such stupid opinions even allowed? Alonso isn't going to Mercedes because it will never happen, Ferrari won't take him back, which leaves him with.. Renault or McLaren. Why the fuck would he go to Renault at this point, they won't be a top team in several years.

Honda has had their fuck ups but what other choice is there for McLaren? Mercedes won't allow it, Ferrari won't allow it. And even if it did happen, they would be a customer team and you're not going to be beating either of those teams in the current regs with a customer engine. Plus their only realistic chance is fucking Renault whose JUSTing is only being overshadowed by Honda. No one's won a non-meme race with a Renault engine during these regs anyway and their development seems fucking terrible even with all their resources. And again McLaren would be a RENAULT CUSTOMER, lmaoing hard tbqh.

Alonso WILL stay at McLaren, McLaren WILL stay with Honda, Honda WILL surpass Renault by 2018.

Plus if Honda do an absolutely abhorrent job yet again then Alonso can just go do some Indycar for fun
RBR should still have engine parity in the contract, this may change soon.

Of course it is. Ferrari and Merc do it all the time and they test out new parts of the engine almost every race and then eventually introduce a new spec for the customers, sometimes several races later.



Iirc in Russia Renault bring an engine update to be tested in FP and I'm not sure Red Bull got it too
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- Kimi Räikkönen 2017
>Perez still biding his time thinking he will be selected for the Ferrari seat
>Grosjean thinks he deserves the Ferrari seat and is also biding his time at Haas thinking he will be selected

Second rate drivers BTFO. I really hope Ferrari keeps GIMI for 2019 as well and then just bring in Leclerc and Giovinazzi double trouble team, or even one of them and cucking all these muh deserved top seat daydreamers to eternal midfield

Also there's no actual point for Alonso to leave McLaren at this point. With Honda backings he has a good shot at Indy
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"the brakes don't brake, they breaked"

- Romain Grosjean 2017
No such a thing as satellite on f1, probably f2, f1 so fucking dumb hope they lost another team next year.
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>"I've never heard of Charles Leclerc before this year but he's doing well in a feeder series when driving for the best team with the best car and biggest budget against one of the weakest fields the series has seen in years and makes hella frickin epic overtakes so Ferrari have a moral obligation to promote him straight to their main F1 team without a single race of F1 experience" -reddit.com/r/formula1

>Be Perez
>Be in a comfy Ferrari satellite seat
>Pull out good performances
>Start being liked by the fans
>At the first occasion go to rival team
>Do absolute shit in that team and get dumped 1 (one) year later
>Voices in the paddock say you are also a cunt
>Wonder why Ferrari prefers an autistic tard instead of you
Hmm, I thought they had to give costumer teams the same spec engine as the works team at all times as of this season. I guess I'm wrong.
Bad post.

Good post.
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>>Be Perez
>>Start being liked by the fans

Rude post.

>Not rememebring 2011 and 2012

The funniest part of the Perez at McLaren situation is that he performed like shit, but it wasn't even the reason he was let go. It was because as you said, he was acting like a massive cunt whilst not delivering results. I honestly don't know how you can be so unappreciative of driving for a good team (in 2013 they weren't too bad but still, back then they were still THE McLaren). Being difficult to work with and acting entitled probably isn't the best way to go forward with your career. I almost thought he matured up a bit at Force India but this season he obviously seems a bit intimidated by Ocon or whatever it is and he is back to his old ways. Stuff like what he did at Canada is a pretty good way of never getting a Ferrari seat.

Same with Grosjean, he whines about stuff EVERY race weekend and basically trash talks the team, not to mention he isn't consistent at all. There's absolutely no chance he will drive for Ferrari in the future. I think his F1 career will be done after Haas, unless he manages to talk himself back to Renault, but even in this scenario it seems like people like Ocon, Kubica, even Sainz, Perez seem to be higher on their radar.
Last digit is where retardo finishes

Do you?

After Perez signed for McLaren with half a season left at Sauber, he drove the Sauber like a fucking idiot and threw away a ton of points.
Sauber was actually still a popular "second team" back then, and people were pissed at Perez.
Wanking. I've almost been tempted into getting an R18.com account

As I said:
>At first occasion go to rival team

Implies also stop being liked m8

>Being difficult to work with and acting entitled probably isn't the best way to go forward with your career.

Especially if you aren't a top driver either
Super GT, little bit of NASCAR, Indycar, IMSA, various GT racing, and crying. Same as I do when F1 isn't on a break.
Because mana is the queen of everyone
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>give gold

t. redditor
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He is just jealous that he didn't get to touch Latvala. I mean who wouldn't be?
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>gokkun hammock
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>That much spillage in a Gokkun with not even a tray to catch it.

Pretty poor showing.

>tfw I will never see mana or juria annihilate a Gokkun beaker as if it was just water

They would down that stuff with ease
>>tfw I will never see mana or juria annihilate a Gokkun beaker as if it was just water

You never know, m8, CGI is damn near perfect now, and getting cheaper all the time...
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>tfw another autistic update
>gimi stays
>amx to ferrari after all
>goa77as dropped for vetlel
>gasley to rbr
>everyone btfo
You forgot the spine.

If we are doing CGI then I would prefer that about halfway through the collection process you could see the regret start to form.

And then once the beaker is full and they are holding it up to the camera for the front cover of the DVD, you see them thinking about every decision that lead to this moment and how they wish they could change it. How they wish they could have just stayed at Toyota, how they wish Rosberg would swing in and save them.

Then the annoyed director starts tapping his watch behind the camera and they raise the frothy and foul beverage to their lips and grimace as they take a sip. The stench overwhelming their nose. They decide to try and get it over quickly by taking large gulps.

With their eyes scrunched they take a huge gulp of it and shiver with revulsion as it oozes down their throat. They are only 3/4 into the beaker but their tiny girl stomachs are already filled to bursting. They almost look like they're expecting the way their tummies bulge over their bush.
Another gulp and they almost drop the breaker when they lurch forward as their stomach muscles tighten, convulsing as it tries to empty itself. Their spare hand rushing to their mouth, knowing they won't get paid if they fail. A bulge can be seen in their throat but with another eye scrunch they swallow back the vomit.

Breathing heavily they take a moment to regain themselves before the director starts tapping his watch again. With tears starting to well up from the burning in their throat they take another large gulp to make it halfway. Another lurch, another convulsion but this time it is too strong. Hand on mouth trying to hold it in but they know it's useless. One look at the director shaking his head and a large burp followed by a retching sound fill the room. Tears flow as the yellowy-brown liquid seeps round their fingers. They crash to their knees and retch into the near by bucket.

>implying Mercedes want 2 dominant drivers in their team

they learned from the Rosberg/Hamilton years
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>You forgot the spine.

>being this worried about the immersion for when you fap to it later

>2nd part

...and now I'm off to download some gokkun.
Don't forget the guide

If it has two wheels then security doesn't matter as simple as that
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lads... what if gimi DOESN'T win at Spa?

You mean like, arrives first and then is penalized because of FIAMG?
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we are all going to watch Jenson fail in the Suzuka 1000 right guys?

New thread

>Inb4 8 posts early

I wanted to post my OC
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Real queen
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Kingdom's goblin
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Autistic queen's sister
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Future queen's guard
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Overseas territory governor
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King of /f1/
Thread posts: 500
Thread images: 164

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