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/f1/ Post-Race Thread - BAKU MEMED US ALL Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 111

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Pic related didn't age well desu senpai.
Bottas a fag
Jesus chirst what a horrible anthem
First lady AND a vice president? WTF BAKU?




it really is the fucking worst
First for Bottas unsportsmanlike behaviour
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Bottas pulling off a Button
wtf i like stroll now
>yfw Max Vershitten can't even finish a race
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anyone know what brand champagne they use now?
it's eerie that such a non-country has an anthem
can't they just use some beach themed music
>bottas sees the shoey and runs away
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Bottoms up f.a.m.
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Before Baku:
>VET: 141 points
>HAM: 129 points
VET +12 points

After Baku:
>VET: 153 points
>HAM: 139 points
VET +14 points, plus got to ram HAM for being a cunt

How does VETTEE manage to be this based?
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TOTO finally snapping on Ted

ted gonna blame rosberg on the headrest
reddit lost respect for vettel

wtf i love vettel now


What happened? Tell me pls
What did he say?
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Rundown on that? I can't stand Kravitz so I just read here what he says
>vettel is not banned
>muh fia
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Lets not forget that Alonso actually got some points this race
Yeah, Vettel is not blackflaged, rigged shit.
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Toto's had enough of Sky's shit stirring.

About fucking time someone put them in their place.
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Fucking Sky
Do you think they fired whoever put that headrest on? lmao
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Is Vetlel /ourguy/ now?

I'm suddenly okay with this.
Is Lewis a fuccboi?
Are people sure Lewis brake checked or just guessing?

Doesn't he have the right to control the pace anyway?
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BOT has 111 points
Of course
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Eyy fuccboiii
He's a literal who at this point.
"Fuck off you gypsy cunt with you dumb questions. Seriously Ted, just kys."
paraphrasing a bit but pretty close
What did he say?
Clearly Mercedes spends half his budget to develop a harder nose for their car, so that they can use their second pilot as bait to ram one of the Ferraris out of the race almost everytime
And once again, no penalty
Subtle, but clever
Do you think Hamilton deserved a penalty for braking hard just at the exit of a turn like that ?
he always was
Unless it endangers other cars.
>if he wants a fight, we can take it off the track and into the ring
>Black Flagging for a little shunt while going 20 mph

Come on, Leaf this a man's sport here.

>tfw drivers put them on by themselves
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Digits confirmed?
no he's got enough penalty in life when he was born as a nigger
Should I go the gym while I'm still hype lads?
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Is Hülkenberg the second-worst driver on the grid?
That's was legal and you know it.
How long until a recording of the race is up? Is there anyway I can watch it right now?
for jew

How do you call the evolution of Chad? I suggest Lawrence
>chimpout and hit a car
Reps for Stroll
It was obvious he was brake checking.

He just made sure to do it in a niggardly way with the excuse of a the safety car being to slow.
Is Sky's coverage any good? I've never watched it
RTL watchers: Did they interview Vettel?
He did and he deserved to get hit.
They already got "by accident" one of the Ferrari out. What if that damage broke Vettel's car too? We'd be fucking mad right now, and quite rightfully so
Makes you wonder where Renault would be if they didn't have the worst pairing
Legal? Probably
Douchebag nigger move? Definitely.
Okay for anything not involving their precious HAMMY
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That's a big nose.
No. Watch Channel 4
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what is this stance called?
Why is Tom Jones doing an interview
cringey commentary
Friendly reminder that his real name is LAWRENCE STRULOVITCH and he is an ORTHODOX JEW
Everybody's does it Jesus Christ...
Satan guide my cock
What did Toto say to Ted?
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>tfw she's completely unaware of the amount of cum the perverted barista put in her drink
Is Vettel mad at Germany's immigration policy and taking his anger out in the wrong way?
>implying Hamster didn't know it was Vettel behind him and deliberately wanted out.
I do, but they only do about 10 races and they lose all coverage next season
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Reminder that OCON attempted based murder on PER
well done baku
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Ted was basically badgering Toto, trying to get an answer out of him as to why Hamilton's headrest wasn't fastened properly. He repeatedly told him that they were going to investigate the issue and not jump to any conclusions. Sky being Sky of course wanted to have his answer fit their narrative of the odds being against Hamilton and Toto got pissed off at him because he knew what he was trying to do.

I'm probably reading into it too much, though. F1 should be more about the racing and less about the drama.
told him to stop being a cheap hack of a journalist and called out the entire network (sky) for having an agenda.
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Literally everything's legal when Hamilton does it, thanks to affirmative action.
He didn't brake hard, he maintained cornering speed.

Not accelerating != braking.

>M-muh brake screenshot
That was after Vettel rear ended him.
vettel = prost
hamilnigger = senna
Cuckbook time
why doesn't someone put a nasty spider in Murdoch's bed?
>McLaren get their first points
>Boullier's reaction is "FUCK HONDA WE SHOULD HAVE GOT PODIUM"
Prost was classy.

Vettel is a little bitch.
vettel did nothing wrong, he should control his anger but imagine being behind a merc during a SC lap and he brakes in the middle of a FUCKING curve...
Means nothing, HamGOAT will close the gap easy.
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>hamilnigger = senna
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>In order to avoid the likelihood of accidents before the safety car returns to the pits, from the point at which the lights on the car are turned out drivers must proceed at a pace which involves no erratic acceleration or braking nor any other manoeuvre which is likely to endanger other drivers or impede the restart.

pay attention
So does anyone have an explanation why Hamilton's pace died immediately after his final pitstop? Comfortably leading the race, no challenge from Vettel, Vettel meme's his way in front of Hamilton and suddenly Hamilton is stuck behind him for like 20 laps and doesn't even look threatening.

inb4 Mercedes can't overtake, see: Bottas

The track has 2 km of flat out full throttle section with a DRS zone, not being able to pass Vettel is honestly inexcusable. How did he manage to not pull it off? Even in the non-DRS analytics he had like 10 km higher top speed than Vettel.
What's wrong with that?

A good mexican is a dead mexican

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>He did and he deserved to get hit

Stop lie to yourself. If that's was the opposite, of course, you will have the same opinion! Of course, of course.
Hulk for merc
went from 62 to 49 AFTER the apex and even took a cheeky look in his mirrors before he did it. Stop spreading misinformation.

both drivers broke this rule tho, still doesn't excuse Ham not getting a penalty.

Ocon on podium in Spa.
vettel = schumacher
hamilton = senna
some seconds later he made an oscar worthy face...I didn't save it
>t-tell bottas to slow down so i can catch him

lmao, what a pathetic shitter of a driver
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which one
That shunt shook him.
>Speed decreases in a corner
Wow. Amazing.

Considering the crash happened at 52, we can all agree he sped up after 49 then.
Hamilton needs help, the race was already rigged beyond any expectations so he got angry and finally he asked Bottas to slow down...
I mean...
holy fuck kravitz is annoying
Schumacher was better then Senna.

and bottas is even worse, actually doing that following his master's orders
just like he did at the start
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what part of after the apex did you not understand?
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they both fucked up you dinguses
100% agreed

also prost > senna
hamilton needs be thrown out of F1, disgusting dindu
based toto
he had his mouth open
Is that it? What were you lot wanking off over
No one here is old enough to have watched senna.
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>tfw Massa could have unironically won or gotten a 2nd place in this race

Fucking hell, there's SO MANY guys who could have should have gotten meme podiums today

>Magnussen (longshot but still)
>Having opinions
based Toto calling out Sky on their SABOTAGE agenda

wat you mean son
Bottas didn't slow down for Hamilton, he kept pushing to catch Stroll
do you realize that without the red flag Vettel was out?
Hamilton played dirty
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Where do you think the apex is located?
Watch the times, like half a lap after he asked he lost 0,6 and then 0,8
Hamilton did nothing wrong, though.
This was all Vettel's fault.

Wtf I love Toto now


fuck that nigger

Very rewarding race overall, both Vettel and Hamilton BTFO
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They're social shut-ins. They don't really understand that a mild confrontation and disagreement isn't a cataclysmic event.
>/sp/ still shill vettel
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aren't mercs confirmed slower in dirty air than ferrari
>tfw no Ocon podium
All this incident proves that you guys aren't able to look at things objectively.

Just imagine if the drivers were reversed and Hamilton crashed into him.
BREAKING: Ferrari mechanic spotted near #LewisHamilton headrest during red flag.
So why didn't Vettel want to admit he deliberately shunted Ham? Can the FIA further punish him?
meme continues to happen
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>the moment Toto finally got sick of years of Ted's shit and snapped
mercs were also quite a bit slower in corners than vettel, thats why it took hamilton so long to get past ocon
Somebody explain what happened? Was watching tennis.
Yes. The car is designed as a front-runner.
I think Vettel should have been given the penalty, but the rules are rarely ever enforced objevtively especially so with Ferrari and Mercedes so you can understand why some people think he should have gotten away with it.

No. You made your choice.
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toto is a big guy
would have like to see ted tremble in fear and shart his pants

>It's a "Toto realizes Ted is a Jew" -episode.
>Watching Tennis over F1

Nah, you made your bed and now you lay in it.
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>Reddit watermark

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>nigger breaks like an idiot resulting in damage to Vettel
>Vettel proceeds to outchimp him with road rage
Perhaps HAM should have gotten a penalty, there's nothing more to say except the race lead being cucks by making their decision only once he was forced to go into the pits
weak af desu senpai baka
>someone will defend a 3 times world champion suddenly hitting the brakes well past the apex of a corner in order to damage the driver currently leading the world championship standings
not surprised desu, 4 time world champion world class driver can tell such things pretty accurately
like he said on the interview after, maybe not intentional but still brake checking
if you lads are bored later might want to check out the NASCAR race, it's a road course today so you may find it entertaining
>Motion blur on his helmet from being punted from behind
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hamilton is such a fucking nigger, not the first time either he is such a faggot just like in Japan 2007
here we go, the Ted propaganda is starting
VET was right to get a penalty for ramming HAM.

HAM doesn't do anything that other drivers don't do behind the SC, he just does it more egregiously.

They'll probably make a new rule saying you have to drive smoothly and the next time HAM drives like a chimp, they'll warn/penalize him.
>series is so easy even stroll can podium

lmao how can you watch this?
I wish they still showed it on to here.

I remeber a road race with Marcus ambrose and it had the craziest ending.
>They'll probably make a new rule saying you have to drive smoothly

This rule already exists.

Ted: "Hamilton didn't break test him, he decelerated from 89km/h to 40km/h"

LMAO could they spin this shit any harder
>penalizing hamilton
but that's racist anon
>barely taps him at safety car speed

>Lewis does the same
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Me on the right.
whatever Hamilton did this again in China
shut up
and the midget cripple happily follows him, kek

>h-he was just warming his brakes!

>implying there aren't streams
No, there isn't. You can drive how you like, you just can't pass anyone or the safety car.
Herbert said you should expect braking in the acceleration zone.

>They got to you too Jonny
>They'll probably make a new rule
didn't they do that after vettel fucked around in Fuji? I'm thinking around 2009 or 2010
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>Max is the number one dri-
Vettel wasn't holding the steering wheel when he hit hamilton, he didn't do it on purpose, but still it's his responsibility to control the car ofc
he doesn't know how to become a champion tho
Was it Montreal a couple of years ago?
his tyres had done 30+ laps at that point, they were getting worn and Vettel was still pushing

you're reading too much into it. if Bottas was going to slow down to back Vettel up he would've backed up a TON
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Accelerate in to corners...
>39.5 No car may be driven unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner which could be deemed potentially dangerous to other drivers or any other person at any time whilst the safety car is deployed.

Given that Hamilton's driving caused an accident which destroyed Vettel's front wing, this is clearly a case of driving being "potentially dangerous to other drivers".
Für dich.
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>reddit video screencap
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...brake coming out of corners.

He a good boy, he dindu nuffin
On how many levels of psychological advantage is Vettel ahead of Hamilton now?
>waaaah the tires are too hard
>waaaaaaah the safety car is too slow
>waaaaaaaaaah he should've got a bigger penalty
>CHARLIE!!! make bottas slow down and push vettel into me!!1!

>when did I do dangerous driving lol

>penalize British driver or a Ferrari
the FIA must be so torn
seriously what fucking retard thought he would be 1st driver when you have based ricky?
I think it was glen Watkins or something but I remember there were oil spills on track and a bunch of lead changes at the end. It was weird going from watching f1 to watching that, like something out of mario kart.
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i left during the safety car phase
how many times have you had pasta?
someone post a webm of hamilton's throttle/brakes when vettel rear ended. I can't find one
>See the evidence he was brake checking after vehemently denying it throughout the race

Based Toto
There are probably people on this planet that placed a meme bet on Stroll to finish in second.
That thought makes me happy.
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Hamilton went from 89km/h to 40km/h in one corner during an SC lap for no reason other than damaging Vettel front wing before the restart
wtf I love Toto now

Today twice, why?
>safety car is too slow
>brakes mid corner
Can we all agree Hamilton is a shit driver carbabby finally
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>Stroll now has more podiums than Hülkenberg
>Ted: "Hamilton didn't break test him, he decelerated from 89km/h to 40km/h"


SkyF1 everybody...
press F to pay respects to Hamilton's hair
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>Stroll is only 3 points away from Massa
Why would you accelerate when you're pointing directly into a wall?
Mercedes or Ferrari didn't win. There were countless crash highlights. Those should be the stories. Instead, the F1 media is focusing on man drama between Vettel and Hamilton. This semen slurping sport.

Vettel dindu nuffin. Of course the second hit was deliberate but why does it even matter at that point? That interview was annoying.
all of the levels. all of them
At the end of the day, Hamilton is still the GOAT.
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It was his time all along
>>safety car is too slow
>>brakes mid corner

My fucking sides
even when everything is given to him on a plate hamilton still fucks up. PATHETIC
NEEEED alonso to have some power next season
what are you on about?

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it's 6 pm, did you have pasta for fucking breakfast?
>At the end of the day, Hamilton is still a nigger.
you asked how many levels of mental advantage he's on and I joked that it's close to the number of how many times an Italian eats pasta in his life
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>state of reddit right now
>posting 4chan OC to reddit

whose reddit acount is /u/JackVS1?

So how about Leclerc guy? Where is Ferrari going to put him?
Did Stroll actually overtake anybody? I can't recall ever seeing him do it.
That fucking slo-mo of RIC is disturbing

Stream for Indy race, green flag in ~45 minutes

Lunch and leftovers after the race desu
Why didn't Hamilton get a penalty too?
It's funny because Reddit has turned on Vettel and Daniel

>implying you didn't
>policing reddit for stolen 4chan content

>all these posts about reddit
What the fuck are you doing there in the first place? Fuck off Reddit
great, another meme lost to normies
he needs to die
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>f1 is r-r-racsys
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>dindu nuffin is 32 and has 3 titles
>vettel is 29 and has 4 en route to a 5th

post yfw Lekek Hamilel will never be the best
amx would've won easily today had he not retired

really, the only reason anyone on the podium today got there is because of all the retirements and tomfoolery up front
I'll give a downboat
It's cool then my friend
It's sunday, it's sort of tradition to eat a meat or a fish plate rather than pasta
Usually during the week we eat it once a day
Haas, verstappen gets gimis seat for at least next yesr
Why would RBR let VES go?
Beautiful day for F1, to see Karma bite Hamilton on the arse so hard is extra sweet, reddit and twitter are devastated.
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>amx wouldve easily won
no.2 drivers dontnwin, KEK
What happens if Daniel Ricciardo gets a rare foot fungus and starts killing people who do shoeys?

I will never get tired of watching this.
VES wants to leave. He's sick of the lack of reliability
Verstappen wants out since his car keeps breaking.
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>maple senna
Aussies have good hygiene.
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>Nico ''2015 Le Mans Winner 'see ya later' '' Hülkenberg
because he trashes their cars and they know he's a meme
(((they))) have finally found their driver

You now remember Kvyat beat RIC in their season together

he's going to be another kubica
He does, it can't be a coincidence anymore.
our /hothead/
Even if he lost out today Vettel established he is the alpha and dominant driver. Hamilton will be too scared to play chicken with him if anything vettel should have given him a pit maneuver and made sure he didnt finish the race
Is there a bigger bitch in F1 than Romain Grosjean?

All he fucking does is complain about the breaks. Meanwhile his teammate did a double overtake in a shitty Haas and was running in P3 for a good few laps.

I honestly just dislike Grosjean a lot. He doesn't shine, his good weekends are rare, and mostly he is just dissapointing. Why would anyone want him as a driver? And he thinks he has a shot at the Ferrari seat in 2018 lmao. I'd be surprised if he got even the Haas seat next year, with Giovinazzi and Leclerc waiting.
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>Vettel deliberately crashed in to his rival
>refuses to admit he did anything wrong

>tfw Vettel is becoming Schumacher
Fucking based
hes grosjean but twice as hotheaded, he wrecks cars and thinks hes top shit
>infinitely more podiums than Hyuruk en bergu

what a time to be alive

I think I found the problem with Grosjean's car
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>Is there a bigger bitch in F1 than Romain Grosjean?

>filename related
He scored more points but he was clearly inferior.

Go to bed faggot.
yeah he's a cunt
If someone had strapped down Lewis's headrest AMX wouldn't have won.
If Vettel hadn't lost control of his anger AMX wouldn't have won.
If Bottas hadn't smacked the curb at turn 1 AMX wouldn't have won.

Don't see how Ricci's luck is any different to Max's unluckiness, literally 1 of a number of things and RedBull don't have a sniff. They haven't been good enough to win a race since Monaco 2016 or perhaps Singapore 2016.
Always deny everything thats the way to go
>my acestream won't stop buffering

are you lads using 53793f3854af450d1c62dc9c3f659e60e7b99400 acestream or is there a different better one?
Hamiltonn thought he could use the same tricks he used with rosberg, but not anymore
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the white dinduns
I'll take it, Kubica was goat.
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yeah, it plays for me
the 400 is good
Wasn't kubica going to replace stroll? That should have been his podium.


Bookmark it, ID will change.
>VES leaves for Ferrari
>Ferrari goes back to 2009-2016 spaghettiness
>RBR makes newey machines for lols
>Ricciardo continues to laugh at AMX for the rest of his career

I'm okay with this
Drivers who have scored podium(s) in Formula One:
>Piquet Jr

Drivers who have not scored podium(s) in Formula One:
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can you make your own vegemite if you have yeast infection?
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>people thought I was baiting when I said stroll was finishing no lower than 5th this weekend
No, Kubica was "rumoured" by a shitty blog site to drive for Renault in FP1 at Monza but that was denied
Be honest
Do Australians still think the shoey thing is funny?
Winning Le Mans means jack shit when it comes to F1.
>Yannick Dalmas
>Volker Weidler
>Allan McNish
>Jan Magnussen
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>you now believe in karma

No. Only bogans do.
Does it matter if it is funny or not?
You forgot Petrov.
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watch seb dodge buxton's questions, masterful
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Of course, how else can you make it?

Alpha as fuck.
why can indians easily drive deathtraps in hell-tier conditions yet fail to produce one F1/2/E/turnleft/rally driver?

it's embarassing desu
AMX hate fucking victoria as we speak
Seb was trying to dodge the odor of Hamilton's nuts on Buxton's breath
>Narain Kartikheyan
>Karun Chandhok
Didn't Haas just hire some young Indian on as a test driver
Speed's defense of Hamilton was pretty cringeworthy desu. I know they were somewhat biased but it was near Sky levels this race.
Indians are more of an ownership/management kind of people senpai.
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Me on the left
Using lavatories is probably one of the racing license requirements
better than winning t b h
>force india
they are shit, absolute shit

I have watched them for years

karthikeyan fucking choked in the first Indian GP, fucking negro
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>mfw people stopped believing that vettel was a whiny dirty cunt after he joined ferrari
>mfw people said "fuck u he's changed"
>mfw people ride his dick because he's a german with a sense of humor
>mfw i still hate hamilton and love the drama
Fucking pussy cant even admit he was in the wrong

So glad we left the EU
I hate Vettel and Hamilton but I side with Vettel today.
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There's one in Haas academy
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>sudanese """humor"""

don't you have an ebola infection to catch my dark skinned friend?
Has Ricciardo EVER won a race on merit/pace alone?

>Canada 2014
>Luck - Merc troubles
>Hungary 2014
>Luck - HAM started from pitlane and ROS fucked over by safety car timing
>Spa 2014
>Luck - Mercs collided
>Malaysia 2016
>Luck - HAM DNF and ROS spun
>Baku 2017
>Luck - fucking carnage
>reddit lost respect for vettel

>crash in to driver at >200km/h to win the championship
"Senna is so awesome"

>tap someone at 40km/h because they brake checked you
"OMFG what an asshole, I was wring to like him"
Buxton is a cunt.
Monaco last year.
What are you doing on reddit, friendo?
>tap someone at 40km/h because they brake checked you

>conveniently forgetting >accelerate up to the side of him and intentionally ram into his sidepod
Sorry but I can't find some Indian dung to catch it

>dark skinned from an Indian
Well the one time his car was actually capable of winning they lost his tyres.

Just mad cos Finland is bad.
He's our based Reddittor.
Has a slow car ever won a race on merit/pace alone?
He didn't win that one
Given the skill of the drivers it still really isn't that dangerous. It was pretty much all tire to tire and at the speed there isn't really that much chance of someone getting injured.
>my dark skinned friend?


Also don't bully Sudan, he's a top lad

Well, besides Singapore 2015 I don't recall anyone winning a race not thank to luck in hybrid era before 2017
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Maybe Toro Rosso in 2008?

>winning anything on merit ever

His luck is astounding though.
Didn't he overtake Massa?
Thanks bro, good looking out and sorry if the prior comments in the other threads were insensitive
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>137 overtakes
>25 with DRS
>0 for the lead
the women who gave birth to Ted and Buxton should be taken into a dark room and be beaten
we are the evolved smart africans who escaped africa

you are our subhuman neanderthal ancestor
That was a Adrian Newey car.
>the only man to ever win the F1 championship through his own engineering
Sir Jack Brabham, kiddo
Upboat given to le epic comment!
Grosjean is a whiny bitch. Valterri is a full blown cuck.
This is like that women's supercross race
what do you mean by this
tbf he always put himself the best position to take advantage of the situations.

In Canada/Hungary he had to legit overtake drivers for the win and in Malaysia he had to battle his teammate.
Your better than sucking up to this /pol/ nonsense, I know from Indian acquaintances

Why do people think that car was somehow not the fastest or second fastest car of that weekend?

That car excelled under those conditions (heat caused by Brembo breaks etc), and Vettel simply drove it decently unlike Bourdais. Also benefitted massively in having Cuckalainen be in P2 and Hamilton way back. Had Hamilton started on the front row he would have walked the race, basing on the pace he had otherwise.

Vettel didn't overdrive or overperform that weekend, he just drove the car and it was a good one that particular weekend in those particular conditions. A true "shitbox in the wet" drive would be Schumi in Spain 96 which was probably one of the greatest drives by anyone, considering the level his car was at.
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>Paul di resta

>paul di head resta
how can someone be this deluded?
>still shits on a street because hasn't invented the toilet yet
vettel got 3 meme points, one more mess up and he is banned on for the next race
Does someone have the video of that Indian prototype racing car that completely breaks down while braking from 50 kmph?
ohly shit VET is like a kid who knows he did wrong
james vettee bond
Ah yes, the great Indian super power.
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how does it feel to be less relevant in world poltics than a street shitting country my mongolian friend?
I don't want to interrupt a squabble between darkies, I just have to know:

How much "gold" jewelry are you wearing right now?
>peter windsor's USF1 couldn't even reach this level
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Seriously i didnt see a single anti-hamilel post on leddit 90% of them are blaming it on vettel and 10% are le both should get penalty xD why are they so scared of exposing hamilel? are they afraid of being called racist?
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gott strafe england
Jesus, so he loses time and actual points.
Jos only allows that when he gets good results. She's probably sending him cute pics though when daddy isn't looking.
Pls go
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>hfw this is technically accurate
His car has never been good enough to win a race on merit/pace alone

(with one exception)

although every married woman gets fuckloads of gold as gift in this country
He has jewelry compressed and molded from millions of years of geology, you have fossilized dung on your fat arse from last Wednesday
don't do this to yourself, don't try to follow their arguments with the retarded reply and upvote system. nothing useful comes out of it.
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here's an example of what i was referring to
Kys, fag. Literally every time you post here, you end up shitting up the thread
just read a race summary. How seething is multireply right now?
bretty good considering we have one of the best standards of living and quality of lives in the world :^)
Kys, fag. Literally every time you post here, you end up shitting up the thread
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Wasn't this car powered by human poo or was that a meme?
To where? I don't get it
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hhelo temam pls maek boatts slower
>ywn go rafting with tricky rick and amx

vettels team radio
here it is when did I do dangerous driving kek
What was charlie thinking with those back to back safety cars and red flag? Pretty much every race has had one in the first few laps this season but today really took the cake, thankfully we still got a good race.
Stop trolling.

fuck off
>frogger teaching his friends how to ride a lilypad
Would Vettel have gotten a penalty if HAM didn't get the black and orange flag?
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Everyone raging over Vet vs Ham, meanwhile they both got styled on by Tricky Ricky.

>i can't imagine
oh the butthurt
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Take the L fuckboy
>We do not want to recriminate because it is not in our style. But judging from what happened between Bottas and Kimi and what happened to Sebastian I have to say: is this Formula 1 or the Colosseum? Because if we are at the Colosseum just say it, just make a technical guideline and we'll align ourselves. Criticizing too much may seem inelegant, it may seem an excuse for us. That being said, the situation is that, when in doubt, FIA will never blame Mercedes.

Arrivabenis dropping truth bombs
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slash f 1 slash dOuBTeD HIm
slash f 1 slash sAId heD nEvER wIn agAIn
Haas is now ahead of Renault


Seb said himself that he didn't drive dangerously, he does not deserve a penalty.
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>no more BWL
>Pirelli is rumored to add a new even softer tyre compound next season
>they are calling it "mega soft"

The memes just write themselves
you got a source on this? big if true

Based ArriveWell destroying the FIAMG.
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>Less podiums than LANCE STROLL


>inb4 they introduce a tyre so soft they call it "Bernie's dick"
Le Teutonic Master Trolle strikes again. Seb the BIG BALLER! Hamilton microballer STAY IN YOUR LANE!
>Ultra negasonic death soft

>Mega greater than Ultra

Why they have to suck even in that
Kimi team radio


>stewards examined Hamilton's car data in Vettel incident. Did not brake or lift off completely. Maintained more or less constant speed And behaved the same at that re-start at that point on the track as he did at the other two re-starts.
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rightful champion?
why can't they just move the tyre colours up a compound

ie. ultrasoft becomes supersoft, supers become soft etc and have a new tyre called ultrasoft
>Lewis's dick
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they're unbearable. they've never been this badly ass pained.

>the calls for black flag/DSQ
>the calls for a 1 race ban
>literally hamilton dindu nuffin
>it was DANGEROUS"
when clearly FIA opinion here >>76764527 = 'potentially' dangerous, and common sense opinion = not dangerous. those bumps happen in corners all the time and nothing happens. nobody died, nobody suffered meaningful damage that affected their performance. no harm no foul.

all these fucking faggots so desperate for authorities to interfere with the outcome of their results in the race and ultimately the championship. they hate penalties and marshal interference until it favours the outcome they desire. these left wing parasites need to be GASSED.
Hamilshit BTFO beyond belief

>Maintained more or less constant speed
Was anyone else annoyed by Hamiltons "think of muh children" piece?
oh yeah the car magically goes from 84 mph to 40
I too live in a fantasy world
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>Maintained more or less constant speed
race is over vatlteri, you don't need to defend lewis anymore
/Indy/ starting momentarily, streams in the general


So Vettel got 3 points penalty?
Why does /pol/ always associate the people disagreeing with them as left wing?
This shit has nothing to do with politics you autist.
Any word of FIA investigation of Vettel? Normally deliberately driving into another car is an automatic ban.
are you allowed to turn right in today's race?
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Is he autistic?
I'm not defending Lewis, I'm just enjoying all the Vettel fans so salty that Lewis wasn't penalised

I enjoy it when either Vettel or Hamilton gets penalised and drops points so Bottas gets closer in points to them, I don't dislike one any more than another
That's not the corners fault
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>yfw Vettel and Hamilton will take each other out in Austria
3 penalty points and a race ban if he receives another penalty
his saving grace from an automatic ban would be his arms were off the wheel.

that's why he only got the stop-go.
>asking this on a website where /pol/ is just around the corner
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>Maintained more or less constant speed

>went from 89km/h to 40km/h
>used the brake, >pic related
>Andrew Benson, aka the internets biggest Hamilshill, says it so it much be true


Also, the other 6 points are from MexicanGP so they won't count anymore only after that GP
how can anyone defend hamilnigger after seeing this? baka delusional.
>It's da ebil white man keeping the nigger down
Mountain jew pls.
Could have been worse. I'm okay with this. Where did the 6 other points come from though? Surely some from Mexico last year right?
whos this guy and why does he think hes relevant
>Source: FIA
nice source

Neanderthals weren't Africa m80.
not only are you allowed, but you are required
Hamilton telling kids not to support Vettel anymore
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dude your candidate lost lmao get over it
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t-that's me
>tfw wheel on wheel battle soon illegal on f1

so f1 is kill ?
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kek, 1 vote from Coco
holy shit max fans on twitter are so buttmad
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Gimi!!! :DDDDDD
>If he wants to prove that he's a man we should do it out of the car, face to face.


That sounds like Vettel is about to recieve some bullets
Ignore him he's a mong
Is Baku allowed to stay on the calendar now?
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based hamilton who know he has the higher grounds
Source pls.

It was since last year GPKino race desu
>stop watching F1 because it's boring as fuck
>this happens

Hamilton is not cut from the same cloth as Vettel, Vettel is gonna bully his way to the championship.
a three times world champion doesn't beg his engineer to impose team orders on his teammates just because he can't catch up
Typical abhorrent leaf post

Fucking pathetic nigger cunt
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This desu fampatchi.
>The city of Hamilbabies right now
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Has anyone checked on him in the last hour?

Horner shouldn't leave him alone, and especially not with access to some rope.

He's getting a beating from Jos.
just read he left before the race was overhttps://www.gpblog.nl/24525/gp-azerbeidzjan/max-verstappen-was-tijdens-race-al-naar-hotel-vertrokken/
I feel bad for him.
He outpaced Ricciardo in almost every race and lost so many points due to technical failures.
inb4 he hijacks the plane and flies it into the sea.
>Ctrl + F "nigger"
>12 results
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VET penalty for overtaking behind the safety car where?

As you can see from this screenshot, Vettel's car is in front of Hamilton's (by a couple of cm). Under FIA rules, this qualifies as an overtake and he should therefore be penalised.
Normies on facebook are losing their shit
Is he dare I say.. finished?

>Ctrl + F "nigger"
>13 results

Check for shit too
he gave the position back ;^)
>Ctrl + F "nigger"
>14 results
>Ctrl + F "nigger"
>14 results
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Swedish girls laughing at Sven.jpg
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>Ctrl + F "Hamilton"
>17 results
How can they get away with such blatant lies?

New sliced bread

Holy shit Ted just got told big time

Fucking cocksucker, finally

Based Toto
This isn't the Codemasters F1 games, you get penalised for it even if you give it back. I think Magnussen got penalised for it a few races ago even though he gave it back

>Ctrl + F "nigger"
>16 results
finn humping

>Ctrl + F "nazi"
>21 results
Hamilton fans confirmed for racist against Germans

nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi
How many layers of kek are we on now?
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>the F1 media is focusing on man drama
F1 is a soap opera set against a backdrop of auto racing.

Racing is relevant to why people are fans of F1 the same way wrestling is relevant to why people are fans of WWE.

no... it happens all the time under safety car, if you give the position back they never penalize anyone

Thank God
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wobbler is thirsty.gif
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not quite, the first 2 points will expire in a couple of weeks. he only got 2 for mexico.
ugh Hamilton is the worst, pointing the finger at Ferrari accusing them of wrecking Kimi's race because of team orders then begs his team to sacrifice the second step to help him deal with Vettee

What a surprise
>holland calling anyone else a non-country
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