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ConforGOD edition


1. Manuel Margot (R) CF
2. Yangervis Solarte (S) 2B
3. Wil Myers (R) 1B
4. Ryan Schimpf (L) 3B
5. Hunter Renfroe (R) RF
6. Allen Cordoba (R) LF
7. Erick Aybar (S) SS
8. Luis Torrens (R) C
9. Jarred Cosart (R) P

1. Michael Conforto (L) LF
2. Jose Reyes (S) SS
3. Neil Walker (S) 2B
4. Lucas Duda (L) 1B
5. Wilmer Flores (R) 3B
6. Curtis Granderson (L) RF
7. Rene Rivera (R) C
8. Juan Lagares (R) CF
9. Robert Gsellman (R) P
Please be gentle Mest.
Conforto and DeGrom to be traded for prospects soon.
Remember when mest fans thought Gsellman was going to be good?
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sup guys
>bruce on dl no one knows why

he has a back injury, it's why he was taken out of the game last night.
Got heem
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i mean, i'll take it, but what was that lol
hahahah what the hell

>dads baserunning
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/whoatthegame/ here?
Place is fucking dead. No wonder my field-level tickets were $14.
You cant stop him
Haha killed him rev up that bullpen again dads
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>tfw you literally can't stop getting on base
Cosart plz don't die
>padres pitcher feigning injury already
kek they know they're gonna get btfo
whoa $14? how? that's dirt cheap. it's also still early, place will fill up more later on, everyone's probably still stuck in traffic and shit.
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*steals mvp from bruce and goldy*
lol bruce hasn't been an MVP candidate for about a month
bruce herper
balk kek

oh yeah that makes more sense

>actually committing a balk
jesus dads, get it together

how's it always this same "Mister Met" guy making these threads every fucking time.

are you autistic? do you not have a job? serious questions.
Are you that doyer fan or are you an actual dads fan?
conforto is not a great baserunner. just about his only flaw
Loyal dads fan here fampai
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Don't want any filthy doyer fans in this thread
Full value on ticket is $26 but I bought them from someone irl for $14.

I'm just glad there's a thread for me to shitpost in while I watch the game in-person.
Cosart plz I can't take another 5 run inning

answer my question you fucking nigger
That faggot was off the base but whatever.
>caring about a tripfag's life
the city of you

i'm a college student, and i like to watch baseball. not sure why that makes you mad
you fucking weeb nigger*
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hey i also make threads every once in awhile if i don't see misuta metto put one up. i appreciate his time and work.

pew pew pew here have a custom mets mega man that shoots baseballs in yo face.

>tripnigger no-friends weeb likes boreball

kys my man
>being on the chans
>surprised there are asian mets fans in /sp/
>citifield is in queens, most azn population in nyc
>call everyone weebs

just go die, plzkthx
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pic related is literally you right now
duda has really made himself a quality defender at 1B over the years

please feed me more of your hot shitposts
>being this much of a butthurt dads fan
If you want to get nipscribbles fired up, just shit on Syndergaard and Harvey.
sorry i offended you by talking about the game
As long as he doesn't have to throw the ball
If I was a Padres fan, I'd be salty too. Still, watching him beat up on mest fans is pretty satisfying. You're alright Salty Dad.

>implying i watch boreball

i just saw this tripshit faggot on the front page for the millionth time and decided to come to the thread to expose him as a faggot friendless weeb
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delete this
>coming to a thread to point out the obvious
>not using the catalog
kys my man
The pain must go away eventually right...
>Implying any of us give a shit as long as there's a thread to post in

put your trip back on faggot
If you want to bully mest fans, you have to come to the gamethreads because they're too afraid to post in the general anymore.
only if this current group wins a WS imo. otherwise it'll be a massive what-if forever, unfortunately.
insurmountable 1-0 lead gg pads
Solarte finally clutching it again fukken nice
Trash shortstop
Myers literally missing every fastball down the middle lately
man wil myers has been BAD this series
as much as i love to shit on reyes for failing, that ball was legit just out of reach. can't hate on him for it.
There's no way this group wins a series.
it really does feel like 2015 was the best shot we were ever going to get with the current generation. sucks, but what can you do
Inb4 Conforto tattoos Cosart again
Not even if every other team's roster came down with AIDS?
>Margot ded
Didn't even look like he did anything on that ground out. Hope he's ok
Blame management.
for the team not being WS contenders? of course. i blame the terrible fielding/bullpen for losing that specific WS though

I think Andy Green just told him he won't buy him ice cream after the game if he allows a run.

It's on now
duda will hit home run cap this
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haha these goofy assholes trolling every pitch.
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wilma flores
based crying man
Based Crying May Flowers

3-1 GET REKT DADS!!!!!
based billy flowers what a lad
Hung it too high good lord
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very grand
>STILL shifting Granderson

>all this action with 2 outs
It happened again, Torrens and Diaz should just start already and the result would probably be the same at this point
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just tuning in

about to get comfy
gsellman quietly having a good game
So now that Adam Rubin doesn't do his thing anymore, who am I supposed to follow on Twitter?
>balk x2

I just want 2016 Gazelle man. So fucking efficient. Nothing that blew you away. He was just a 6 IP, 2ER, 7Ks kind of guy. But it was everything we needed since all our pitchers were dying at the time.
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Michael Conforto is ______
All star worthy
Adam still works for Daily News, no?

He just isn't the beat writer, but still heavily covers the mets. Anthony dicomo i think is the other schmuck that covers the mets
Going to be a Washington National by August.
the 2017 MVP
yeah dicomo is the MLB.com mets writer. i also follow michael baron, who writes for SNY
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You now realize MIchael Conforto has more World Series home runs than the entire Washington Nationals franchise
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>Dinelson Lamet
member when rollins called jeremy hellickson an ace
Conforto will get screwed out of a starting All-star spot because of Terry being a cunt
Fans pick starters.
The ASG doesn't matter anymore
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aaand gsellman starts falling apart, against the worst team in the league
Solarte looks like he's ready to go streaking again
>against the worst team in the league

The Phillies are playing the Rockies
the dads have a worse record, believe it or not
Conforto has to be a write in because he wasn't a starter on opening day, which drastically decreases his chances despite him being literally one of the best hitters in the game right now
Flores is such a base stealing threat
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>throwing over to first when the slowest Latino in baseball in on base
kek, said no one ever ahahhaa. wow.
when's the last time the Mets had a reliable utility man like flores
marlon anderson?
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Me on the left
I can't remember the last time the Padres picked up a utility guy that could hit above .250 and Aybar is basically Alexei Ramirez at this point
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Solarte plz don't walk Wil has been dreadful lately
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>Neil Ramirez
gg padres
Inb4 grand salami
missed it by that much
>10.32 ERA

Wowee if these blockhead base runners kept running it would be 6-5
Good to see that league-leading 5.01 bullpen ERA will improve after tonight
hay why my trip stop working, wtf is up with that.

>hi please come in and tie the game up
Hey remember that pitcher that fucked up against the Angels the other day? Yeah let's put him in with the bases loaded.

Genius move Terry
2014 Eric Campbell
2011-13 Justin Turner
2008-09 Fernando Tatis

But Wilmer Flores is trash. Being equally abysmal at every position doesn't make you a utility player.
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Hanshin Tigers legend Eric Campbell
how come there's an unlinked player on this page?
Do we have ANY good relief pitchers aside from the Blev?
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i'll only be happy with losing this game if they fire terry collins by tomorrow

Fuck this bullpen
Can we admit Josh Smoker was a meme now? He's not a major league pitcher.
>le throw fast man
we brought him back up after we sent robles back down. both are horrible. i don't know why they didn't go with literally anyone else.
based fucking le gold glove man
ron tearing terry's ass up with truth.

lagares nice play.
So glad lagares isn't a fatty anymore
>montero warming up

welp, that's it. gg padres.
Blevins: Elite
Reed: Good
Edgin: Ok
Salas: Trash
Robles: Trash
Montero: Not a major leaguer
Smoker: Not a major leaguer
Sewald: ERA will be over 4 in a week
>Maurer warming up

Looks like Andy finally figured out that Brad Hand should have been the closer from the start
>dads "defense"
>Dropped ball

I thought the Angels left town
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>our "bullpen"
kek, how did me manage to fuck that up. but i'll take it.
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i almost don't want conforto to bail terry out again. but at the same time i will definitely fucking take it
Wait so with Smoker pitching tonight does that mean that Montero is gonna be taking Millone's spot in the rotation? I thought we were definitely gonna be getting a reprieve from that.

You obviously didn't look at his AAA numbers.
>annihilate your bullpen during a 9-3 game and leave your innings eater on the bench
>next day, take out your starter whose thrown 83 pitches and use same pitchers
>when they get tired, put in minor leaguer with 10+ ERA with the bases loaded

Alderson didn't do a good job of building a bullpen when he knew all offseason that Familia would get suspended. Terry has done an awful job balancing the workloads.
AAA numbers mean jack shit, he's been a fuckup every time I've seen him with very few exceptions.
>minor leaguer
Huh? Ramirez hasn't thrown more than 20 innings in the minors since 2013
blame the wilpons. they don't spend any money and force the players to play with injuries for the ca$h.
regardless, garbage
wow you're right
they're stupid for not calling up Goeddel
>Flores vs a lefty
Alderson and Ricco underprepared the bullpen depth, which got the ball rolling of Terry mismanaging the workloads when Familia was suspended. Then Familia gets injured and everything falls apart completely. It's really everyone's fault.
this, this season's bullpen failure has been a group effort. poor performances by the pitchers, extremely poor management by terry, and poor roster management by sandy.
Except for Jerry Blevins
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Someone just get the Mets out of the friggin Nevada desert.
blevins and reed have been good, everyone else can die

>Flores up against a lefty
Come on May Flowers
1, it's hard to trade or buy bullpen depth when your budget is Jeff Wilpon's Bar Mitzvah money.
2, Terry is incompetant as fuck on and off the field. he's a cuck and needs to be fired ASAP
3, Familia is just a disappointing career desu.

whole situation is so Mets it hurts
Why on Earth would Wilmer be bunting right now?
grandershit pls
>bases loaded, no outs
if grandy doesn't score a run here he should retire
he should retire either way
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Yea, this feels helpless now.
we just need a fucking decent base hit what the fuck cmon!!!!!!
>Taking pitches right down the middle

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>bases loaded 0 outs still can't score.
Granderson needs to be DFA'ed tomorrow.
God bless the Hand. I was scared and then he pulled off a 4d chess move

GG mets what a comeback by my boys
That was absolutely awful
this team is so fucking bad
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>Bases loaded
>No outs
>Relying on Grandy,Rivera, Lagares
>All taking strikes right down the middle like idiots
This is the bullshit I can't take
gg dads
if Granderson starts a single game after Cespedes gets back, Terry and Granderson need to be taken out back and let go ol' yeller style

not a mets fan but oh my gaad how do you load the bases with no one out and not even put a swing on the ball.
Games like this make me happy we lost the WS in 15. Fuck this team, franchise and front office to the core. Hope these losers never make it to the playoffs again. I'd rather be a braves fan
Granderson is the worst player in the National League
Rivera is a backup catcher
Lagares did put a swing on the ball at least which should have at least been with the game tied

I understand but I counted like 5 hanging sliders over the plate. A farm team could take care of business there.
completely this. they took about 6 strikes on that fucking pitch, even a popup ties the game before lagares.
That's coaching. If Terry isn't chewing their ass out to a nub right now, he's absolutely the worst manager in the league.
he's not don't worry
Just got home from the game.
What a fucking shitshow that was.
>Salas and Ramirez being trash
>Smoker being trash
They call him Smoker because only someone who was high would throw such shitty pitches.
>3 fuck-ups in a row despite bases loaded and 0 outs
Riviera was owed a fucking hit too but he blew it. Granderson at least did something this game instead of that chucklefuck.

You guys should have heard the fucking booing from the entire crowd (or what was left of it), if this was a more "urban" area, shit should have been smashed, I promise you.
this game unlike that chucklefuck*
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