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Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 109

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What camera do you guys use?
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unironically Fifa 16 camera zoomed out a little bit
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Anyone pick up the 87 balotelli? ??
Anyone tried if consigli yet?
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Don't mind me, just being the best bang for you buck ST/CF/CAM in the game
Why engine?
just bought 7 premium packs, and only recieved 2 rare players.

most valuable player was a silver.

quite incredible
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>67 strength
Should I sell Aguero and pick up SIF Son?

Because he needs that pace + balance boost more than he does for anything in physical or shooting.

>94 balance

it's like you've never played against Musa before
>bang for your buck

>he spends money on a video game he
Already owns
pls answer
>3* skills
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>buy new game so i can stop playing fifa
>72gb update required to play it
>almost double the size of the game itself
Wonder if they'll do a PL player of the season SBC like the PotM ones.
>trying to stop playing FIFA
>still posting in a FIFA general
You've got no chance mate
>skillz babby

>not wanting to at least have the option to do a rainbow flick over the keeper
get gud
Yeah, he seems to do much better than the 84 Donnarumma I was using before
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*blocks your path*
really enjoy it when no stamina teams outplay your team in the second half.

fuck off EA.
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How do you feel about the referee?

I don't understand why he isn't transparent in the sense that players can run through him and the ball can't touch him. I understand the touch of realism it brings but there are times when I play a simple pass between my two CMs and the referee slightly brushes against my player knocking his stride and causing me to lose possession. I wouldnt even say this is incredibly rare. It happens, for me at least, a few times every 10 games or so.
>falling for the Butland meme

Get Cech, he's the perfect blend of height, card stats, Reactions and low price
>3 star skills
>zero strength

Enjoy getting raped by Smalldini
>using skills
>implying 180cm isn't good for a striker
>needing strength when balance is 90+

25 goals in 18 games now in Div 1. He'll make you his bitch if you ever face me.

Tried Cech, he is useless at saving low shots
Every keeper is useless at saving low shots.
You've just got it in your head that Butland is broken so when he saves 1/10 low shots he's amazing but when Cech lets in 9/10 low shots he's useless. Stats don't lie
>thinking chem styles actually boost stats that much
What's it like in division 5?
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>You have 24 hours to name a player you can buy for less than 100k who is better at holding up the ball and shrugging off defenders than IF Dzyuba
Pro tip: You can't
>13 of April of 2010+7
>Still playing FIFA 17
how the fuck do I stop handballs

He is just fast enough that he can't shield the ball from OP coon with ease.
*he can shield the ball
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>wait persona 5 for like 5 years
>play it a few days then go back to fut

theres no way out
Normal Benteke and Lukaku
>sells the game
>regrets it
>shitposts on 4chan

I can't play single players games anymore at my age

I'm 27 and I work full time to slog through a 40+ hour campaign is nigh impossible unless is a truly exceptional game

the last game that made me feel that way was probably The Last of Us
De Bruyne is under 100K now m8. Cazorla is objectively better though and can be got for around 10k
>open totw pack
>china flag

i've only gone and packed son
Can't fucking buy anyone for this MM SBC. Everyone gets snapped up immedietly
> tfw you got 35k worth totw pack with 8 possible walkouts and few good nonwalkout players

Worst pack ever. Now I need red Ronaldo from monthly rewards to get my morale back.
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>fut birthday rewards for daily sbcs will be issued before April 14th

EA are fucking useless
Same, except I always get bored. Haven't dven bought a non-fifa game since uncharted 4.
>Regrets it
Nice implications you have there.
>No more rage
>Don't have to deal with retarded or terrible made basic gameplay mechanics (reminder heading is STILL broken)
>Don't have to farm matches in FUTChampions to get 8 >86 IFs next month from a literally who league
>Don't have to endure literal retards beating you because they had 1 lucky chance (that most of the time is not your fault)
>Don't have to deal with a ultra-jew company as EA that doesn't make public the odds of packs. Reminder you aren't guaranteed to get even a good player no matter how much money you spend on UT.
>Don't have to endure a game in wich having 500.000 coins doesn't garantee you a top tier team
>Even then it doesn't matter because it's mostly luck and how much do you endure getting fucked in the ass by the game
Meanwhile I'm playing Rogue Legacy, Nioh, Persona 5, Titan Sould and more.
[spoiler]I'll be back to FIFA 18 because I love the game[/spoiler]
Where the fuck is my monthly reward?
>russian MM SBC costs like 50k
no thanks
SIF/TIF Balotelli
How do you defend against turbo manlets
Spoiler tags don't work on spee you fucking simpleton.

Nice blog btw.
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Div 1 & WL Gold 3/Elite 3 stats
Worth every coin.
>Barges defender away from the ball
>Dies from a stitch
Smash them early, hope they get injured.
Meant for
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>being this new
Injuring players does nothing
>finish MM
>have a bunch of players in club
>cost nothing
>get the argentinian 81 IF
where the fuck are the monthlies I am sick to death of this game I put an extreme amount of time and effort into to when I have ,ugh better things to be doing and they cannot even FULFILL THE BARGAIN AND GIVE the packs ON TIME sitting on their arses counting their money and far too content because PES is fucking dogs hit it's 8PM WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY they should come out at a set time and date every fucking week and not leave me sitting here like a FUCKING IDIOT waiting and refreshing and logging in and out like I have nothing fucking better to do and then waste my fucking time again to complete it next week too this is fuckng absurd and kills me
It does if you have to force substitute.
>i put an extreme amount of time and effort
tldr you pathetic cunt
Which hasn't been a thing since October...
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>open up WL rewards
>get walkout in pack

dunno if i should sell him now or later 2bh.
What the fuck are you blathering about Steven? I had a game yesterday where I had to sub a player because they were injured. Do you even play matches or just buy packs and shitpost on here about how sick your team is?
He's right you autist, forced subs was patched 6 months ago
He's right though. EA patched out forced player subs from online FUT games ages ago.
That wasn't even me but the other Canadian is absolutely right. Quit playing singleplayer like a shitter and maybe you'd know this.
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Fair dos lads, come to think of it it was a local game with a m8 and not fut
Don't ever @ me again cunt
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Get fucked Steve.
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Whatever you're pissed about, EA doesn't give a shit
Thanks for that very obvious statement
>Company worth billions
>Unable to release reskins of virtual cards they have already released
>spend 60k on new MM SBC for TOTW player
>expecting discard
>get Ozil

Lads should i sell now or later? I can get 200k for him now
I used to know a particle and fx programmer for EA, he had been working in fifa games for a few years, lots of hours to earn a mediocre wage in mexico

they are running a really cheap show, making all the money they can
I'd sell later. His price will still be down from weekend league rewards I'd imagine.
>saving weekend league packs for TOTS
>22 packs already
cant wait to post a screenshot of 35 packs and get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
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Should I pick up son 88 now? 300k in ps4
i did that for toty and got dick all
honestly i just do it to have a good laugh at fifa
If you have the shekels, buy him.
I would rather get normal Hazard.
Congrats la I got fucking brooks.

I would keep till next week

Sold him. Couldn't resist having some coins to play with for a change.
I got the German lad Hunt...5 minutes after I got him in one of the packs I got for the sub-challenges
Is SBC Ratking worth it? Im a little tempted to finish it. Missing Atletico, Barcelona, and Halal
Might wait to see what I get from Monthly rewards tho
Who should I buy next?
Die's IF
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Might take my for-fun team into the WL tomorrow to shake things up.
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Your team done right, and done cheap.
That team is shit
>70 passing
>high defensive WR
>at CAM
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not bad desu

finished gold 1 with 6 games to play, couldn't finish because of >work
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looking for a better strike-partner for cavani. anyone tried IF Rolan?

also is it worth investing in chiellini, bonucci, barzagli? are they much better than koulibaly and manolas?
Any hot takes on >pic related at cdm?
Clearly a CM
>purple Knockaert going for 17k

Crazy. He'd be 100k+ if he was premier league, and he's not even hard to fit into a good team considering how many good French players there are
Want to build a new team but having trouble with the right hand side could you guys recommend something
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Would only play him as a LCM in a 3 man midfield
>83 pace on a winger
lol you couldn't be any more wrong. 40-50k max if he was prem
I'm not your carer, kiddo. I've no interest in tolerating your autism.

Take it elsewhere,
>be wrong
>shitpost in response
Classic inbred post
stock up on

Barca vs Juve

Schalke vs Ajax

Leicester vs A.Madrid

Anderlect vs. Man U

players for the next MMs
Why as an lcm? Just curious

Left footed
But he isn't.
they're gonna swerve the next one and do libertadores and asian cl
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this is what I have right now, what do?
open for any suggestions, formation change, players, whatever.
want it to be OP af
>want to be op af
None of those meme players are OP except maybe Emenike. Taiwo is good but is useless by the 60th minute
Let it go, anon
rewards when?
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I felt the same way playing Gears 4, I played 3 and Judgement before going to 4 becuase I never played either. I enjoyed playing all 3 however each one except Judgement started to feel tedious about half way through. Judgement was really well thought out and done.

I don't know if it's just I don't have the time anymore, games suck or I prefer the thrill of playing and beating someone else who is human in a shooter, sports or racing game.
Weren't you supposed to get the birthday versions of players in this pack? I just got fucking scammed by this shit company

He's good except the stamina still is kinda shit. Definitely a step up from the first motm but didnt displace if bonnaventura, 85 naingolan or Sbc parolo for me
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>matrial played against bateson
>matrial is a pace whore who uses the typical bpl squad

really makes you think
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>best pull is lw qtnho

Fucking ea pulling my heartstrings
>open pack from FUT Birthday
>30 rare gold players with a chance to get a player from FUT Birthday squad
>best player is 84 Glik
>3 players rated 83 (Jonas, Carvalho, LLalana)
>2 players rated 82
>rest is a bunch of literary who
fuck this shit packs
Better than mine was
>monthly rewards
>86 Subasic and Thauvin
>85 Dost
>84 Burki
quite disappointing lads
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who jelly here?
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>monthly rewrads
>2 bronze packs
>mfw 1 week vacation and 3 weeks of rage quit after 5 games
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>tfw just realized they're untradeable
>""""""""""""""ultimate"""""""""""""""" pack
>best players are Pedro and Cuadrado
into le trash it goes
I had 3 regular versions of birthday players...
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21 of the 30 players i got in the bday """ultimate """ pack were rated under 79
how comes i dont see that sbc for fut birthday on pc?
bet none of you fag packed #epicbrozovic
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I usually use Bundesliga squads but I may have to mix things up with pulls like this.
How many times has EA not given out the correct players in packs now?
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This card looks really nice desu
Can you motherfuckers stop bidding on the same players as me? I always try to search for players that none has bid on yet, then some motherfucker over bid me on that particular card.

Go the hell.
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>Birthday Abate
>IF Dost

pleasantly surprised tbqh
Best Italian Juventus CB?
Got 91 untradeable Cavani but the only have 87 WL verrati to link with. Should I even bother building a team for this or just use his as a super sub?
Suddenly it was 12 shit players I will never use. Now I'm upset.
stfu you faggot you have like 6 million coins
get gud Mohammed
Get off my dick you literal nigger from ontario
bro if you buy packs, wait for the bigs ones.you could spend that 125k and get no rare players or get 30 rares.

better yet spend the 125k on a player you can use and whose price is bottomed out.
Where are you getting 125k from?
>99 rated
>100 chemistry
>Exactly 11 TOTS players

Infinity rated Harry Kane where you ascend into paradise if you load a game.
this is why I never sell my shit players. Had enough to do the sbc (bullshit argentian league IF) and dooking out all those non rare gold russians at 8k each feels so good.
you should wait until there are sbcs like the special birthday players that required ridiculous team. goalies are least in demand for that sort of thing but it should give you a nice premium.
you're an idiot.
they said there was a chance so no. and fuck you for being canadian.
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>made the finals of dkt 6 times the last 2 weeks
>didn't qualify either week

Just fuck my shit completely up senpai. Every finals has been someone who is monthly gold or the button lag is unbearable.
if my coin bank is 6 mil plus I'll buy 10 or so because it usually takes at least that many to get a walk out, but it doesn't always happen. i've bought 15 without getting one. Got lots of decent players and ok and shitty informs but no walk outs.

I've never spent fifa points but has anyone ever done a comparison from watching autists buy packs on youtube I think coins give you better pack luck.
>retarded americuck
>cant understand basic english
Nothing new here
>coins give you better packs
Literally the opposite m8, never buy packs with coins

This year it's true more than ever, especially since if you really wanna pack and don't want to put $10 on it there are tons of SBC packs you can do that give decent packs for a 1/4 of the coins the pack would cost
you weren't SUPPOSED to get b-day, there was a chance. I said a chance so no, making fun of EA for giving us shitty pack luck, is that laid out well enough for your socially retarded faggot ass to understand?
You unironically can't understand basic English lmao
just saying shit over and over won't make it true cunt.

you asked about what we get in the pack and I told you, and you're being a cunt about it like you are about everything, why mate?
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>open free FB pack
>best player is Matip
I didn't ask what we get in the pack you dumb fuck, do you know what a rhetorical question is? Fuck off back to Mexico already
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R8 my future squad
waste of good digits
That get deems it god-tier
>recurring numbers autism
Why is this still a thing?
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Tbh I did waste that
Is a player on 5 chem viable lads? Do any of you regularly use one?

I've been using the non-rare LM Marcos Alonso at LM on perfect chem but feeling an upgrade. Shame all his IF's are LWB but I might use him anyway.
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Gonna try this team this week. With options Godin -> Hummels and Lahm -> Tolisso (Kante).
Obviously I change formation in game.
I hope I didn't forget how to play 3421 after few weeks of 433(4).
Sad state of the current /sp/
Use 5 ATB maybe

why is kante a meme? Matic is my go to for running around the midfield raping players, and once I put his chem boost on pace, wew lads.
Guys... suker or larsson to pair with dost? Tbinki n g either dost can hold up play for larsson or suker can create space for dost.
A LB in LM gets 7 chem with loyalty + manager boosts

Yes. Chem only negatively affects players if it's below 4.
Sissoko is so good at RCM, he's like a bargain bin Pogba
any1 looking for one on xbone?
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lmao, since UT started I go poverty zillians with 5 star looks
English please
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Bargain of the century
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>high defensive WR yet can't defend
>60 strength
>shit league with zero (0) usable links outside of IF Gayle

Yeah, nah, you're retarded
So are most wingers, doesn't matter
>high defensive WR yet can't defend
Doesn't need to when playing as a RW/RF
>60 strength
High balance makes this irrelevent
>shit league with zero (0) usable links outside of IF Gayle
Lots of quality french players to link with though so it's not hard to fit him in a quality team

I bet you're the type of player who would pick Bale over Messi because MUH PACE MUH HEIGHT MUH STRENGTH.

Stop being a shitter.
>butthurt manlet detected

did I touch a nerve? also who the fuck picks messi over bale, you'd have to be retarded to pay 2.5 times more for an objectively worse player. nice contrarian championship player though dude, too bad NIF Dembele will always be a million times better for a couple thousand coins
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>Valencia on the left
>1 star week foot
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Well fugg

I didn't want any of these, but I guess I will have to build a BPL team now.
Why not just a 523? Set wingbacks to always overlap and it feels the same. Never understood why people don't use it more just because 'muh 5 defenders you must be shit' meme
Damn you're a pathetic faggot
I can't believe you've posted this
i pack the most expensive player i've ever got (thiago silva) and it's untradable

>have worst pack luck of all time
>take a 3 week break from fifa
>start playing regularly again last week
>get FB Luiz and IF Rossi in gold upgrade packs and IF Ozil from the new SBC


Hi Jamie. Your such a qt in your vids oxox
>TIF Balotelli is less than 50k

That card looks brilliant though
>63 stamina
wtf I love players who stand around doing nothing, but still die of exhaustion after the 30th minute
This tif dost is pretty good. He can actually win headers! And he pulled off an overhead kick while being marked by 2 defs :I
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>had a totw pack from last week open it
>that meme feyenord player
>ea releases mm sbc
>that meme feyenord player

I had the same thing happen with the HSV player
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>Marcos Alonso

But I don't know if I even want him or not and he's going for like 90k
He keeps scoring for me. Tasty driven shots across the keeper

He feels a bit clunky though
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Is it normal to get gold players for silver monthly? Looks like an insanse super sub in midfield.
Ye they updated the rewards structure, 1 gold player if you get Silver 1 monthly.
Semedo is incredible, give him architect if you're playing him in midfield;
strength, vision and long passing are more important than boosting terrible shooting attributes to be slightly less terrible
>4 midfielders with H attack.

literally kill yourself desu
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le kun man.jpg
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who jelly here?
i've got his 85 untradeable.

bring him off the bench to play at CM or CAM. his dribbling and long shooting is great
Decided to do a bunch of SBC's that gift premium gold player packs. Started with 20k, now sitting on 75k thanks to pulling Muller, MOTM Germain and a bunch of russians.

Who's the best player 75k can buy?
lol why do you get a mega pack for the Roma calcio a sbc. Only costs 12k to do
Somebody bought my Kasaev for 9900. This Russian sbc is a goldmine
>not using two modern legends
Does anyone know why SIF Sneijder's price doubled in April?

Did he die or something?
He's a relatively high rated dirt cheap IF so was useful for the expensive fut SBCs. All cheap IFs rated 85+ went up.
Fut birthday SBCs i mean
Spanked a guy 4-1, Spanish it seems.

Messages me: cedro! Con los centros

Translated it but its rough. Anyone?
>he thinks Bale is better than Messi in this game
Good game my friend! You played better than I did and I deserved to lose.
Imagine being that lame spic? Damn.
>being so retarded you don't understand what that means
>being canadian

Imagine being a salty amerinigger that can't lose in a videogame without throwing a tantrum
>spic defending a spic

Checks out.

And all I'm saying is there's no reason to ever message someone after a game unless you are lame or 13 years old.

I'm thinking of building this team. It just about fits in my budget and i have danny untradable.

should i do it?
get Kvirkvelia instead
If you put Luis Neto at LCB, you can put any Portuguese RCB, RB and GK you like into the team and not lose chem.
Check out Nelson and Ruben Semedo for RB and RCB. GK I'd recommend Lopes but Rui Patricio would be good too.
That defense is not good enough atm
Does anything else matter but SPEED
I'm currently using Higuain. I just packed TIF Balotelli thanks to the marquee matchup sbc and I've never used a Ligue 1 side before, so I'm interested in using him if hew decent - so how is he? Low/low workrates look killer but he's otherwise better in every way than Higuain.

I guess I'd play a 4231 with Balo just behind Lacazette as it's my preferred formation, and last year I played Pogba behind Dybala. I like a nice strong cam behind my twinks.

I also have that first SBC Sterling because when I packed decent stuff at the start I wasted it to get a card I regret, then never hit anything good since. He's been decent, but I'd rather have the money.
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just realised i've been playing with a broken controller for the last week
Hop off my dick I'm not your friend you loser
Don't expect much from ballotelli off the ball. If you're a good dribbler then give it a try. Most of my success with him came from long shots and forcing 1-2s to get him in the box

Dat stamina tho
Trouble is, I don't know what kind of player I'm after yet. I've only played about 40 games of 17. I didn't enjoy it much at the start and since prices are really Hugh this time I didn't find someone who I really loved, like Dybala last year.
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>hurrr durrr you werent supposed to get the birthday version on the players
>just got 3 birthday cards that i packed the normal versions of
IF Reid, TOTT Amartey or FB Ogbonna?

Or should I just stick with Smalldini?
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Get rid of the hue manlet, and build this instead.

It works.
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>hurrr durrr
Why has Marchisio gone up 8k in 2 days? WL doesn't increase prices this much
Go back kiddo
No. Herp derp :^)
>or should i just stick with the most overpowered player in the entire game

*tips fedora*
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Could be fun yeah?
why are the people in this thread always so vitriolic to each other
>meunier as RM
>toornstra as holding midfielder
>shit keeper
>he felt for the 3-4-3 meme
0/10, you should be ashamed
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>Dzyubainho at CAM
The absolute madman.
Why are you always whining about your feelings being hurt?
Is it possible to ask questions bout Serie A without being memed on?
Only the autistc American is against Serie A, just ignore him like most people do
Lacazette or IF Plea?
sorry i mean why is everyone always le arseblasted

first time i've brought it up
Meunier has the all around stats to be a good RM, plus his work rates help.
Toornstra is meant to be a box to box player while Kry holds the midfield. I used Vorm before and he was surprisingly very good for me. His reflexes were great and never let up any huge sitters. I haven't used Futre yet as I can only spend the money on one really expensive player at a time but absolutely loved him in 15. Heard great things about him too. And I've come to like the 3-4-2-1. I'm used to 3atbs since I use the 3-5-2 a lot as well.
Sure it is m8 :)
>Meunier has the all around stats to be a good RM
Besides acceleration, agility, balance and dribbling?
His accelation is actually a weak spot haha, but he has good shooting for a RB/defensive RM, has fantastic stamina (90) and strength, and good overall passing. An engine chem style can boost his pace, dribbling, and passing to help even more.
Not to mention 3 star skills.
why not just use an acutal RM...
Besides RM Lemar (who has low stamina), there are no real good defensive wingers in Ligue 1, nor ones that have high stamina, which is so recommended in 3atbs. If I want to use Sissoko to link up with Toby, I'd have to ditch Kry for Rabbot.
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>defensive wingers
Trust me, it helps. It sounds autistic but that's how 3atbs work. You want wingers that can do a bit of everything. If they don't have the best defending, at least have one that can run all game, like Lucas Vasquez.
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>faggots so insecure about playing 5atb
Enough of this garbage

>an American trying to teach me how to play
Internet is a wonderful place
>just repeating what stevenf the autistic fake italian posts as if it's fact
>its insecure to shame shit players
He went up in price because of autism?
packed Alaba from the Man Utd - Chelsea SBC.

genuinely the first ever player i've ever packed that's been worth more than 20k. it's absolute fucking disgrace its taken this long
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Di Maria is kinda shit desu. Why not try something like pic related? And don't listen to Sal, he always shits on other people's squads but never posts his own. Futre is one of the best LFs in the game btw.
>admitted earlier to never trying 3atb this year
>still giving advice on the wingers required for the formation
I play 3-5-2 m8, I said I haven't tried 3-4-3
Do you have success with using attacking LM/RMs with that formation? I'm curious to see your team desu.
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rate my 5atb lads
I've played with the teams, and they work and they fit my play style. When I 1st tried the formation, I threw Depay at LM and his work rates and stamina killed me. You need the right players.
I played 3atb with Chamberlain and Walcott as the wingers and it was fine you autist
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What did EA mean by this?
why the fuck are spartak moscow players going for 10k
i know it's sbc but still
How is verrari working for ya? In a 3 man midfield he felt clunky. Incapable and simply just not good enough.
You know why mate
Pretty sure you aren't even in Div 1. Not surprising that it works fine when you play against shitters all the time.
pretty good. really good passing and dribbling. just needs a speed post card.

stamina is bad tho. needs subbed every game

the SBC reward is a TOTW player too, so fucking everyone will be doing it
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Finally bit the bullet and bought a fifa game for the first time ever.

What should I expect from FUT?

Any things I should know?
FUT killed the radio star

Fuck Ultimate Team it gay and so are you

Franchise mode all day baby turning Palermo into a Champions League contender.

I can't play online anymore I get too angy i just rage. People just play like fags and i get so angry even when i win it is a stressful situation i mean i am supposed to playing to relax, right?

The only fun thing about FUT/MUT is making all white teams
don't play it
why not breh?
is it addictive or is it the bullshit that was also prevalent in carrer for years?
Addictive but the stress will take a few years from your life
Any suggestions for an upgrade over 83 Cuadrado? I tried 84 Salah for a couple of matches, but he just didn't feel right for some reason
Every player using 5atb is shit? Do you understand there are ways to have wingbacks always bombing forward?
MOTM Pjaca
3 full-defensive centrebacks and 2 central midfielders than can defend is enough

you don't need more than 5 defensive field players
You literally can't do anything but make assumptions you braindead faggot
I like to have well-rounded guys as my LM/RMs that can attack and defend. It helps a lot if you play against counter-attacking pacebabbies.
Post your record then.
Don't see how my record is relevant at all since I constantly dashboard at the end of draws and have 150+ losses from quitting out of single player matches for injuries, reds and loyalty.
Quitting out of the TOTW challenge doesn't affect your record. What div are you in and what's your best Fut Champs finish? If you aren't in Div 1 and haven't reached at least Gold 1 then your advice on 3atb is not needed.
It does affect your losses you moron, I'm division 1, best finish Gold 1 with 2 games left. Now suck my dick bb
nuclear bomb to north america pls
>it does affect your losses moron
It doesn't though.
Why do you want attention so badly?
Are you actually retarded? Go in to a TOTW match and forfeit right after kickoff you dumb cunt
I was literally just doing this last week.
You were doing a no loss glitch, not just forfeiting out of the match...
That's your fault for being a retard and not dashboarding then.
>doing it a faster way makes me the retarded one
Okay pal lmao
>your opponent hits the post 3 times on one on ones and you score a last minute winner
Why is it that as soon as my team is stacked with special cards and/or is higher than 82 overall it turns to complete shit?
Anyone tried TIF Arnautovic at CM on 7 chem?
stop bullying us or else you will toothpasted m8
Because scripting
Bronze bench.
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Pls rate. This is about as good as I think I will be able to get this team while trying to mesh viability and effectiveness with (almost) all players I like. A few other players I like such as Pulisic, Pjaca, Michail Antonio can come off the bench. Little worried about Dost because I've never used a striker that slow full time though but his shot and power seem so insane.
Is spamming driven passes into the. box a good strategy I have no idea how else to create chances

I do it a ton. I'm in division 3 almost perennially but my average goals per game AVG is slightly under 2. So take that for what it's worth.
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>le 3atb with defensive wingers or 7 chem fullbacks
Are you really so afraid to just play 5atb you cancerous fucking idiots
Get IF Azpilicueta. He's one of the best CBs for 3atb in the game.
i give it two thumbs up and three bags of popcorn
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There are far more fullbacks with good attacking stats than there are wingers with decent defending. They basically act like CMs, would you use a CM with 40 defending?
Anyone know why Dybala's price is rocketing up?

He just had a great game and the hype built around him even higher, so everyone wants to play him on their team.
Thanks, I might sell my 86 then
The match was 3 days ago...

His regular card? It's because it's out of packs this week due to his IF
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Show me a better team than this because it's not possible t b h
What is that autistic filename
Ah that makes sense, thanks!
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fucking finally

been bpming for a hour. Not paying 11k for two bundesliga 2 players
>Luke Shaw at LWB
lel don't even try to pretend that you attack with your wingbacks.
Seeing this made me realize how much I miss having MvB.

Really makes u thing
>Suarez thrown in on 7 chem
I know he'll still play amazing but it triggers me.

>tfw I didn't know that regular cards were taken out when IF's of the same player were active

Can I be redpilled on 5atb vs 3atb

I'm no expert at this game but so far I've found that 5atb offers only slightly better defense at the cost of noticeably worse offense. The biggest issues I encounter defensively are when the CB's act like retards and let through balls in to the pace babbies. Having two more along the side at the back won't help that. If anything, it's better to bait force the opponent out wide to either beat them or stall them until the other defensive players get set.

Both are as shit as each other
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>EA won't ever make chaining skill moves viable again in mainline FIFA
I love facing people that spam b while running around with 90 pace midfielders, constantly ruining my attacks but never getting any cards

Ho ho! Is funny because you DON'T love them!
Just got raped by SBC El Niño. Not even mad lads, the way he find the space and makes the perfect runs make him impossible to mark. Kind of regret not doing the SBC. Also
>le shoot from anywhere and goal
I don't think I've seen anyone use Iniesta's standard card yet at all. Is he another of those good IRL shitty at FIFA players
Has anyone used any of the speedy midget legends? Tempted to try out Butragueno or Hernandez
Yeah he's a weak manlet with mediocre shooting and pace
Picked up 92 hig because he was cheap and wanted to try him. Every shot I'm taking is going in, even half chances. Is this normal???
Alex Sandro and Coleman are the best wingbacks in the game.

A Canadian is probably triggered by this statement
Gonna need better bait than that pal
>just started playing FUT recently
>be in division 9 (pls no bully)
>some cunt has in form zlatan, sanchez and de gay

Did the team have IF Perisic and birthday Candreva? Torres is doing work for me right now, 9-0 start. Usually start 6-3ish. His runs make it so easy.
could be worse. I've got a pretty decent squad (SBC suarez, neymar, IF mane, de gay etc) and can't get past div 6.
I prefer braithwaite if
>china flag
top kek
>guy messages me and tells me he was 10-0 before i beat him
>add him and look on the leaderboard and he only has 6 wins
>ask why he lied and he blocks me
Not even the first person to lie about their WL record after I beat them, what is the point?
Fucking hell man I thought people like you were a myth
SIF Thauvin or TIF Bernardo Silva for RF?
I've seen some pretty decent Nigerians, like Taiwo and Emineke. Has anyone used a squad?
Just beat a top 100 guy. Absolutely made his Smalling my bitch, feels good. He was definitely good, but all these guys just do the same shit over and over again. Get the ball to Ronaldo in the box and do the fake shot drag back to far post shot.
what is the memeist card and why is it musa?
Ma nigga

Done this to a 38 wins dude last week. I scored from a corner which is fairly shit but I limited his pacefagging with koscielny and varane. Had 58% possession too which goes to show how much he relied on counter attacking
Lower division teams with great players usually means a 9 year old with mummies credit card

Comfiest games 2bh
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i'm still playing fifa 16
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had 4 untradeable guys in hummels, gomez, higgy and morata and this is what i made


made it with the wrong formation but you get the idea
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Think your defence is to slow, can you get david luiz/ IF alonso?
Check mine la
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>cunt keeps pausing the game and doing 'ssshh' and hand to ear celebrations despite only scoring equalisers
>mfw i gain a comfortable lead and keep pausing the game in the last few minutes

I wouldn't behave like this in public
>face some cunt with a 50k prem team with musa up front with an attribute card on him
>hes park the bus faggot and scores a right footed blooter with dembele after having 0 shots before it
>lose on penalties after battering him all match
Nice """"""""""competitive"""""""" game
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keked and checked

check em
Fuck I'm hungover. Great night last night. My friends girls party was a BANGER and ended up hooking up with a hot ass girl. Overal 9/10 night. Now to chill eat some sushi and watch some tv. Work on Monday. Cya.

>is this normal??

You know you're a huge loser right?

any updates on the nuke to north america situation
>he thinks his country would stand a chance in a war with The USA

Now that's funny. You would be able to wipe Canada off the map though. But that's not a big accomplishment.
based kim jong un gonna blow north america back to the stone age and this thread'll finally be dece again
No shit

>pic related
>Canada's latest weapons development LEAKED
>pic related

pic related
spent 400k on packs and got icardi
>Pig at CM
Also, how's TIF Balo? Loved his SIF at CF.
Don't care
Well that sucks, sorry to hear
thats not nice why would you reply to me like that
Needed some physicality cm with manlet gattuso, could do nain with chiellini in defence but eh.
Real nice, passing upgrade is noticeable shots are turbo boosted and 98 strength is great just needs more agility, tempted to pop engine on him
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>i call substitutes "supersubs"
>i switch formation at kick-off
>i play strikers at cm
>i crab-dribble excessively
>I post images of animals wearing hats on a pangean yoghurt lid collection and disposal forum for the benefit of the government
To any bundes players, ive found the absolute GOAT midfielder, his stats are beastly for his price and he plays like a dream
this playerlad is an absolute BEAST!!
>I show of muh skill moves at the kick off right after I concede a goal
Hope they add a transfer system in next FIFAs pro clubs. Just put a bunch of generic players that your team can upgrade to by winning divisions, titles, and cups. I'm tired of having a team full of niggers.

Also the captain actually being the teams captain, and being able to set tactics, choose roles, penalty takers in cup matches, etc.

It's by far the best game mode in FIFA but idiots like some here that spend money on FUT means that pro clubs wont see any real changes.

What exactly is idiotic about spending $1500 on a video game you already own?
they wont add shit
Bit naive to think EA will do the right thing desu
banega/isco both have shit stamina which is arguable the most important stat for CM
Lacks strenght just judging by his stats alone but the balance looks good.
C'mon let's all share our Weekend League record!

Have no shame, I'm 10-5

because faggot youtubers started this tall and strong at cm meme while completely disregarding defensive stats and stamina
What player is number 1 on your goalscoring chart?
Hiroto Nakagawa
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Why do you always post this guy?

Is he that good (as in, actually, legitimately good), or is he just your personal memey good-for-a-cheap-player good, and 30k+ will get someone better no question.
>he's played over 1000 games of FIFA

Now that's pathetic.
yeah he works best with a strong CDM next to him, just an overall solid player
He is the best CAM/CF I have used, but I never really had alot of coins, so I haven't tried with the best players. I also haven't used him higher than div 4
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Started from Div 10, here's my current team. Switching in game to 4312 , Dybala on the right, Reus on the left, Cuad as a CAM.

Who is to improve next ? This defense is phenomenal, I was wondering if you guys knew some gems to put inside this team.

Poor as fuck, got like 10K
>Poor as fuck
Everything I had went in the Dybala + Reus duo in Div 10, now I'm poor.
What chem style should I put on IF consigli?
i used his base card for more than 200 games with glove

but it doesn't really matter since all keepers are more or less the same
Free kicks are always such a nice bonus on players
>laggy af
>my buffon scores own goal
>fag goes ptb
>his smalling scores own goal
>I score with tevez in the 120 and win
Fag messages me saying pay to win. Doesn't realize how much the game favored him. What a bunch of deluded babies.
>he spends money on a video game he already owns and calls others faggots

Delusional much?
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>tap pass button back to goalie (not holding LB)
>defenders blasts it as hard as he can

Every fucking time
I'm surprised I've not conceded from it
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Why do all FIFA youtubers rely on the counter attack so much? I haven't seen one that actually holds possession and not sprint all over the place.
Easiest way to score and therefore most exciting content for a video.
If you have 10 mins of footage of you just keeping possession and 2 mins of footage of you scoring off of counter attacks, what is your video made for ADHD teenagers going to feature?
It's about the most depth of gameplay FIFA offers. Counter Attack, Defensive.
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>press triangle to rush the keeper
>Keeper makes the save
>Keeper immediately drops the ball
>Not sure if my fault or button lag
>Quickly pass the ball to my defender because his fucking striker is rushing at me
>Pass it
>In the cluster fuck apparently my keeper trips his striker causing a benuldy at minute 94 of extra time
>he thinks you spend money in the game
>easy to make coins in this fifa
>not having a stack team by now
No wonder you always conplain in this camborian weaving basket site
It is the easiest way to abuse this shitty game.
But Draxler is the best bang for buck CAM.
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aight niBBas i got some money in my hands metaphorically speaking

Just wait for FIFA 18

enjoy finding no matches in a month's time on PC
kek this game will be available on Origin Access next week

now i gotta figure out if a proxy works for this shit
Goal and assist for Shaqiri today playing CAM, would be a tasty SIF to convert to striker.
>you now remember Nene
wow you are bad.

>all those offline wins.

meme yourself
Best legend CAM for 600k or less?
Anyone willing to buy Kok and Burgess 10k each? I want to open this 25k pack and I nver had more than 15k on my acc since fifa 14.
I have 170k to buy either Griezmann or Dybala. Who would you pick?
>slav flag
Checks out

Don't buy those packs. There's loads of league SBC's that gift those packs and better ones for like 5-6k each.
>go on futbin
>look up price for player I want to sell
>set buy now 1k lower than his lowest bin
>not selling
>go back on fut bin 5 mins later
>the list is now full of cards 3k lower than mine

Why wouldn't you just search on the game you retard?
You now remember IF Julio Cesar

Because said player has multiple IF cards and it's a pain trying to find the right ones
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Is it worth to put bronze contracts on transfer list?
Just go to the one you want in game then compare price.
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Thoughts on this team?
Schurrle a shit
Midfield is slow and small lichsteiner is poor too
>Schurrle a shit
Have you played with his IF? He's great
>Midfield is slow and small
70+ pace for midfielders is good. And it's not really small when they're 5'11'', 5'9'' and 6'2''
>lichsteiner is poor too
Best Serie A RB due to his height, H/H WR and good all round stats. In this formation i don't like my FB to bomb forward so he's a better fit than Florenzi etc.
Just don't like Schurrle's M/M and 3* skills on a forward
The mids just need physicality, Kheddys dead at 60 mins and so is gundogan
>Just don't like Schurrle's M/M and 3* skills on a forward
>using skills

are you 14?

>The mids just need physicality, Kheddys dead at 60 mins and so is gundogan

Only if you're holding sprint for the whole game running around like a headless chicken
No i just use scoops turns spins etc and dont like forcing my forwards to move
H/H low stam is all
Do you have assbergers?
Which one of the two would be better together with 85 Nainggolan and IF Parolo?
>english surnames
>literally beautiful man
Noticed FIFA 17 is only £20 on Origin right now and decided to buy it. I haven't played fifa since 14, what am I in for?
Gundogan has no stamina, get Emre Can
Payet as a striker in a 442 y/n?

Maybe if I move him to CAM when the game starts?
Only just discovered L1+X passing, no wonder my team just hung around the middle without making runs
Feel like a prized plum desu
should just drop the y and add an 'n' and pretend it's german or something
Just started playing this shit, made it pretty easy up to div2 but then hit a brick wall. EVERY fucking team has martial/kanté/smalling and those three players wreck me every time.

I just met a dude with messi/neymar/suarez up top and I swear I beat him easy compared to people just loading their teams with supposedly broken players.
Xbox or PS?
>tfw ive been relegated all the way from div 3 to div 7

what the fuck went wrong? I feel like every game just isnt going my way
How good is FB Eto'o?
you drop from 2->3 when everything is going against you. if you drop into div 7 you're just really bad.

i don't judge you though, improving in fifa is really, really difficult.
What's the most important thing for a midfielder? Do you just go for pace and tackling?
just back out as soon as you see a british sounding psn name, or bpl kits or badges.

thats what i do. british """"people""" are cancerous
PS4 so i assume it's LB+A for you
are you fucking serious?

how long have you been playing fifa? this has been a feature since like at least 2002
>packed aubameyang in a 5k pack

based god
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What is the best looking Kit and why is it the Terek Grozny Home Kit?
When is TOTS coming out? I want to sell most of my team before prices tank.
Stamina and interceptions are more important than pace and tackling, as long as pace is above 70 it's fine
It's literally going to be free in a week or so, the game is dead already and you just wasted your money.

I have used both, Bonaventura is a force, but Pjanic has better free kicks
Zola is based and you'll have 400k left

last year epl tots was the last week of april
Thank you.
Ill sell this week
>started some squad building challenges in the russian league
>picked the challenge with terek grozny
>they have lots of silver players which all start at min 1500 coins
>even the special bronze ones start at 2000 coins
what the fuck is wrong with this game? Have you ever sold a silver or a bronze player for 1500?
I've sold bronzes at max bin lad. Just sold a bronze literary who GK for 10K because of MM sbc.
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Thanks m8, I already have Dybala and he's good enough for free kicks I reckon
inter milan 3rd kit
this kind of baffles me.

no matter their rarity and color some players just seem to be very rare.

I think fifa manipulates shit a bit to keep the market stable. Like after a few weeks into the game they looked at all the card prices and adjusted pull rates based on them, and perhaps they constantly do that to make it harder to make coins by pulling 10k cards from cheap packs.
I've sold 3 players at max bin this weekend alone m8, some Cuban who plays for braunschweig twice and some French gk I've never heard of.
So I have the whole fucking day to play for once and there's fucking nothing on FUT for Easter, only one of the biggest fucking holidays in Britain and America. fuck you fifa.
Thought Americans didn't celebrate easter
Nice proxy Steven
We need daily, weekly and monthly challenges for UT.
There is nothing to do between weekends.
Most people at least have a nice dinner. For some it's comparable to christmas.
You mean there's nothing for Gold and D1 players to do. Us shitters are trying to qualify for WL every week
There should be fucking tournaments.

And you should be able to make your own tournaments and leagues/charge entry fees/put up prize money/create your own requirements.

I want to play in a 512 team max 50 overall foreign Korean league player only tournament ffs.

But I can't think of a better idea to make people use all the cards for once.
Somewhat this. I would love to play polish league tournament.
Only religious nuts and no one cares about that minority of people
I had 3k today morning. God bless bronze packs.
How's Eder from Inter, any good guys? Been using Gabbiadini
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why don't you celebrate easter though?
Pic. Should i keep bronze helsea players?
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No prob m8 I liked both cards dont get me wrong but since he got his upgrade the 85 Bonaventura is just amazing to me.

Also who's body is ready for this card
I've never had so much money /fifa/. I wasn't even playing this game today. What do i do wih this much moneys.
Negro you have 20k
Yes! How do i make 40 out of it? Buy more bronze packs?
>tfw even on vidya you live in a poor depressing shithole
Feels bad to be you senpai.
Just have to wait for the ones with the minimum starting price, they usually only get up to about 800 or 900 unless you are bidding against someone who is watching closely

Do the league SBC's. You'll make your money back every time from the packs it gives you.
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I've done these and got shit goldies every time.
Why lie you cunt?
Best way to make coins is to play the game, just buy a team and play

Of course you're gonna get shit, they gift a two player gold pack.

If you look in all the league sbc's on futbin, there's loads of teams that can be done for 5-7k and it gives you rare packs, premium gold players packs, prime gold players packs etc.

I started doing them the other day and i'm 70k up on what i had and i now never have to worry about buying contracts or squad fitness cards ever again
>League sbcs right now
How are TOTS release?
A league per week or all leagues at the same time?
>not welsh
Found the new FIFA autist.
Found the American autist, wanna play me on FIFA?

Add my gamertag it's Cess203
What instructions should I put on that 87 Lacazette? I feel he's not that good, has horrible first touch, and drops way down for whatever reason. Kinda regret doing the sbc for him.
Play him in CAM
>4 games left
>need one win to get div 1 for first time

Praise be to jesus this is going to be 4 losses isn't it.
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no, two draws and two losses
Put the buy now at 200 you mong
reminder that if you call it the bpl you are a troglodyte
Opened a bronze pack which had a silver pack inside, the silver had literally who russian player that sold insta for 6.6k

Is this the closest i'll ever come to packing Ronaldo?
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got this guy in a pack and was gonna put him in a gold upgrade sbc, then i looked on futbin and see he's insta-selling for 10k. Thank fuck i decided to look first
Enjoy the ban
One loss so far (got wrecked so that's fair).

Two draws where I had 12-15 shots on goal and opponent had 2-3.

One more game. If I lose this one I'll throw this piece of shit xbox out the window.
So you don't want to play FIFA?

Add me when you do, my gamertag is Cess203
I bottled it.
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