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Eternal Arsenal Thread

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Thread replies: 508
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first for freeing Lucas
2nd for freeing Welbeck
Official Thread Theme

We sit down in tears
And call to thee in the tomb:
Rest softly, softly rest!
Rest, ye exhausted limbs!
Your grave and tombstone

Shall for the unquiet conscience
Be a comfortable pillow
And the soul's resting place.
In utmost bliss the eyes slumber there.
Wenger in
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lets make predictions

>Bellerin move to barcelona
>wins da CL, copa de day, and spanish league

>alexis move to serie a
>wins da italian league and italian cup
>>wins da italian league and italian cup
well that's not hard
fuck you and fuck welbeck
>wanting Welbeck to stay at the club

Fuck you faggot
I'd drive Bellerin to Barca myself if they offered upwards of 25 million. What an overrated player.
and I suppose you think Jenkinson is fit to be anywhere near the starting XI
Obviously not. Doesn't make Bellend relying on pace, making shit crosses and being useless in build up good.
Does anyone remember when arse was in for fuckin berbatov lmfao
friendly reminder
yes also zigic
>Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil, 28, and forward Alexis Sanchez, 28, are demanding wages in line with Paul Pogba's £290,000-a-week salary at Manchester United. (London Evening Standard)

>Chelsea are ready to battle with Arsenal for Wolves' £20m-rated winger Helder Costa, 23. (Sun)

>Midfielder Jack Wilshere, 25, says he has no clue whether he will be with Arsenal, Bournemouth or another club next season. (Daily Mail)
and replace him with who?
Seamus Coleman la
>thinking Coleman wouldn't be anything less than £35m in the todays market
Honestly Arsenal should completely rebuild at this point. Sanchez and Ozil money can make the team back enough to more or less replace every position. Name one Arsenal player who would start for Bayern.
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>Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil, 28, and forward Alexis Sanchez, 28, are demanding wages in line with Paul Pogba's £290,000-a-week salary at Manchester United.

It's not like money's a problem for Arsenal.

>Arsenal player
M8 he's off in the summer
>Sanchez and Ozil money can make the team back enough
You do know that they'll be sold for well under their true value don't you? Firstly because they're in the last year of their contracts, and secondly because Wenger sold Cesc for pennies.
Fuck you nigger if you reply to me again I'll fucking kill your family
250 for Sanchez, 200 for Özil
If they don't want it they can fuck off

[spoiler]thats how autistic you sound[/spoiler]

Cech IN

Who gives a fuck, not our money, they will be raising ticket prices at the end of the season as usual anyway
bit rude
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WOBs actually making me proud this season. The commitment to these protests is beautiful.

They're planning to have a fucking Wenger OUT plane fly over the stadium on Saturday and they're already planning the protest for the next home game.
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>200 for Özil

Hello Özil, didn't know you were a /sp/oster
>it didn't count, what's the problem? Another clean sheet and 3-0 win, are we now blaming players hypothetically?

not sure if this guy is memeing or not
40m isn't enough to buy average players anymore
>you now remember us not signing Kante

>tfw no Diaby-Wilshere-Rosicky midfield three
>implying any of them would be fit after 2 matches
Sanchez to bayern
Ozil to. Juventus.
Buy mbappe
Marco reus
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I am not gay but I want to suck Alexis dry.

Can someone explain this phenomenon?
you're gay
We can go for a walk where it's quiet and dry, and talk about precious things
But when you're tied to David Dein's wrist, no one talks about nearly-there season, oh

We can go for a walk where it's quiet and dry, and talk about precious things
Like loan clauses and pitches too far from the fans (These are the things that kill me)

We can go for a walk where it's quiet and dry, and talk about precious things
but the box-to-box midfielder that flattens my out-of-position 10, ooohh (These are the things that kill me)
So I broke into BT Sport
With a clipboard and a rusty zipper
They said: "I know you and you cannot give a team talk"
I said: "That's nothing, you should see me give tactical roles"

Oh has the world changed or have I changed?
Has the world changed or have I changed?
Some nine year old tough who peddles out banners, I swear to God, I never even knew what vlogs were
>if they offered upwards of 25 million
>implying they won't corrupt his mind, tell him to wait his contract out and come for free

>wanting to sell Bellendo for 25m
>wanting to get some guy for 10m more
? ? ?

Just sign the extensions and sell those fucks in the summer. Arsenal is dead, can as well get some money off the last working organs.

Arsecucks will be 100% irrelevant next sesson i cant wait
where the fuck are the baba nudes??????
seems reasonable

this. arsenal ticket prices are prob. highest in the world. give that fucking money to players instead of kroenke.

very true. should have offerd liverpoo at least 60mil for suarez and his winners mentality.

literally one of the very few top strikers that is good at assisting and working for the team.

your american straight (aka no homo)
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Seen in the Minnesota United FC crowd.
Kek, will be overlooked by this thread (if it's not awful UK hip hop, they haven't heard it)
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Found /ourguy/ to replace Alexis
£35m buyback clause which Utd will use if only to sell him elsewhere at a stupid loss, because they understand the emotional impact to the fans losing a player they have first refusal of.

The differences between the mentalities of the boards and managers.
is wanger finally kill?
why is he doing the hitler tache
then why do you need 25M?
Joel Campbell > Iwobi
people are greedy

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Because like it or not (and many in this general will not), Wenger Outism is a right-wing movement.
i will trade nudes i hacked from a professional model for baba's nudes
you're not getting nudes because MALAYSIA IS A PUSSY ASS NIGGA there i said it
post one and I'll post her tits
I will share a link if all of you can agree that Özil is Arsenal's best player of the decade and you don't deserve him and you are idiots for falling for the media campaign against him.
Never mind, Özil can fuck off

i have many better ones
Özil is like the icing on top of a cake. You need a complete and solid cake before putting the icing on makes any sense. The rest of the team is far from solid and therefore Özil, a very talented player, sadly doesn't make a lot of sense in this team.
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Telegraph FootballVerified account @TeleFootball
Exclusive: Arsenal step up hunt for sporting director to ease burden on Arsene Wenger. @JWTelegraph reports
Why does everyone bully us? Even Metresackofshitter is getting some.
he's staying

did you see these?
of course i saw them, don't know why people didn't post ze nudes of baba or whatever her name is

thats such a stupid fucking name
wenger out lads
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They're planning to appoint a new DoF probably means Wenger in :/

where the fuck are the baba nudes???????
WtF is baba

> WtF is also Who The Fuck
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Which one of you was this?
Bayern supposedly monitoring Xhaka
It was DT
mfw i have 100 euro on him staying at 3.00 odds
I could care less if Wenger leave or stays. Hope he changes his tactics a little bit. The players need to practice shooting in and out of the box. They need help in crossing (getting tired of low crosses to opponents feet). And finally Wenger please for the love of god, some of the players you stuck with for the past years are not doing it. They need to be sold.
is this your first year following arsenal?
Since Henry joined desu
then you should know he will not change anything
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M-maybe in pre season he will try something different
I understand why people hate him, but he's the best chance Arsenal has. lets say we get a new coach and then what. The board will still be the same, they might not be lenient on the new coach. the fans need to pressure Wenger on changing his ways and not firing him.
This is extremely accurate.
we paid more for xhaka than chelsea paid for kante, including wages

was that the board's fault too?
kill yourself
Ozil to replace Xavi Alonso on Bayern. Alexis to replace Douglas Costa and Ribery. You heard it here first.
Charles to replace Ozil?
Lol Bayern would never buy a lazy slob like Özil
Kante preferred Chelsea over us. You can't blame him either, they got a better squad. The problem at Arsenal is the players. Apart from Ozil and Sanchez, no other Arsenal player get into first IX of the other top 6 teams.
Really makes you wonder who's buying these Arsenal players and not buying better ones.
I love my life bitch
Literally the worst kinds of people.

>last preseason
buy Cech and no one else because Wenger thinks all we needed was a keeper
>this preseason
realise the squad needs strengthening so he spends £100m

And absolutely nothing came from it. If something that takes as little thought as this doesn't make it obvious that Wenger is the problem then nothing will.
who /utd/ here?
really makes you think, who's been solely responsible for the last 200 transfers except welbeck

and you're wrong about kante anyway, we could have offered him substantially higher wages than chelsea. wenger chose xhaka
The man is senile imo
damn, I wanted Chelsea to lose
>tfw Kante can even score longshots

Kante when?
>watching Britain's darkest taboo
>That Emma Kenny woman

What's her purpose other than explaining the obvious? So fucking annoying
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based WOBs
our guy DT right there in the middle
who are we getting in the draw lads
after this game i think
we get shit btw
Imagine signing Pogba for a world record fee
rather have him than ozil desu
Rather that than pay coquellin minimum wage tbf
People slating him for the Bayern loss are retarded, he got the ball less times than Manuel Neuer. People also don't talk about how he moves off the ball a lot to make space for people, he's a complete team player offensively - perhaps to a fault.
It's a step in the right direction though it's come very late. They need a few more steps like this before the end of the season if I'm going to trudge through another season with Wenger
Summer 2017, finish 4th
Sanchez leaves, Ozil and Giroud forced to stay
Summer 2018, finish 5th

Ozil and Giroud leave, Czech forced to stay
Summer 2019, finish 7th
Wenger leaves.
Fans of Chelsea, Man City and Spurs eagerly sitting round the TV now praying that they draw Arsenal.
I hope we draw ourselves
>Jose Mourinho
>Specialist in failure

the scum can only draw with arsenal at best
kane is out for the rest of the season too

remember when they had bale, modric, etc and were bragging about having a deeper bench (lol) than arsenal and they got crushed 5-2?

Pochettino is a good manager but there some things even he can't change

fuck off what a boring draw
Lads, it's only City
Sane to score another two offside goals
City will be playing the second leg of their CL QF hopefully just 4 days before our game. Let's hope for some injuries lads
Chelsea v Spurs
Arsenal v Man City
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Man City (Wembley)
Spurs (a)
Man Utd (h)
Stoke (a)
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dis gon be gud
Win 5-0 vs Spurs in the final

Wenger resigns after in a blaze of glory

let it happen
how fucking nightmarish would a final against the Spuds be. Just imagine the build up in the days and weeks beforehand
the worst thing is I'm genuinely not sure whether I'd want us to win or lose. wenger did this to me.
glad to see parts of /arse/ finally talking sense on the Wizard.

I wonder about this too, not sure how Ozil would do at DM, but with Buyerns defese being basically the GOAT (seriously, Boateng, Alaba, Hummels and Lahm, not sure how it could improve..), the Alonso position just needs to make good build up play and passes.

Xhaka is definitely the better shooter, Kante got lucky just now, De gay just hopped the oppsite way, otherwise would have easily saved it.

>still would love to have him in place of the Coq right now..

Any chance that the rapid exposure of Pep will trump the slow and steady exposure of Arsene?

if being in the semi final of the fa cup, joint second and pretty much in the quarter finals of the CL is exposed, what is wenger right now?
can we all agree that man shitty was the most boring draw we could have got?
this tbf
Monaco will rape them
Close enough https://archive.4plebs.org/sp/search/image/ljGhwzVoFA5KfP5j57Vdag/
pep's crazy autism is already destroying the core of a recently premiership winning side, ruining goat talents like de bruyne, plenty of inconsistency and the same predictable pacy manlet playing style, after the massive failure that he was at Buyern (only achievement was bringing Kimmich into play more), i think it is fair to talk of rapid exposure.

Wenger has certainly continued on a slow decline, is seriously one sided tactically and has also made some failing purchases ( too a far lesser degree though).

Seriously, purely talking of failing managers, I would not trade with city right now.
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Ah, fuck it

why not, never too early for a fap
Fuck Ozil. I pray he leaves.
what am i looking at?
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>I would not trade with city right now.
Christ the absolute state of Baba. Tara confirmed as queen of /arse/
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Arsenal needs to heavily invest in themselves to stay competitive enough to be relevant again.
he doesn't speak for the rest of us m8
>you now remember Wenger spending £100m+ in the summer
We just need to invest in a new manager.
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Old tripfag
hes probably just a bad troll
Pep has already made 3/4 of the financial losses that Arsene has made in his whole Arsenal career.
That on a squad that had over 1 billion pounds invested in it since Arsene started at Arsenal.

I am not saying I rate Arsene nowadays, but if you factor in Pep's massive mispurchases at Buyern, his forcing out several core players of Henyckes Champions League winning squad and complete failure to play at Heynckes level in his three years there, I think you may come to agree with me..
>I think you may come to agree with me
Not at all.
I haven't been on /arse/ in about a year and a half and this fucking charles faggot is still here.

Thank god the schar faggot left
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Who's the britbong that posted this qt muzzie girl here last summer?
Allegri soon™
Would it be okay to finish below Spurs if Arsenal beats them in the FA Cup final?
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If we finish top 4 I guess it wouldn't be awful. Arsenal have finish above spurs for 21 seasons running
this is literally every generic muslim girl in my college

they're actually hotter than her

but how can you not consider money when it comes to deciding who is a better manager?

You really think the achievements of pep at three richest and/or best playing clubs in the world are equal to arsene's work with a hugely stingy mid table club?
All the muzzie girls at mine are ugly including the one who's blue eyed and pale as fuck


I hope Arsenal finishes out of the top 4 and loses the final against Spurs. Imagine AFTV after that.
trophies are more important
my college is full of 10/10 qt arabs

feels good
If trophies are all that matters, you really should bandwagon a higher spending club then..

also my question was, who is the more exposed manager and for that spending has to be factored into the equation.
confirmed 10 million views for robbie
no one gives a fuck about spending if it's getting you trophies
yes pep spent a lot more than wenger, but he's also won more trophies.
>you now remember Mertensbro, and how we all laughed at him

If only we had have listened to him ;(
Strongest FA Cup Semis for a long time.

We're probs going out :(
Kimmich angling for a move from Bayern, though might stay longer since Lahm retires this year

He'd beat a great RB/DM

Sign him up not-wonga
Only chance would have been to draw Spurs in the SF since they are shit at Wembley, then get raped in the final

wouldnt make it in the PL
keita baldé when?
Why does Pogba get so much more of a free pass than Ozil when he cost twice as much?
he doesn't
every time I've watched Utd this season the commentators are always on his back and talking about his price tag
because he plays under mourinho for manchester united
how many headlines are telling calling out Pogba for his performances? compared to ozil

literally 0
what headlines call out for Ozil?

It was just last year everyone was raving about his assists.

His Ludogrets goal is still the most overrated goal I've seen talked about this season .
love Kimmich, not sure he really wants to leave (any sources?) and since he is the perfect Lahm replacement, chances are very close to zero.

Similar with Dortmund's Dembele, would love him to join Arsenal but that is never gonna happen unless we spend it like Shitty.
Christian Oxlade-Chamberlain when?
all over the media today

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Bournemouth manager Eddie Howe is having second thoughts about making Jack Wilshere's loan move from Arsenal permanent. The 25-year-old midfielder has been absent from the starting line-up for the past two Premier League games. (Sun)
Arsenal want to sign Everton central midfielder Idrissa Gueye, 27, in the summer. (Sun)

Gunners boss Arsene Wenger is looking to strengthen his defence with a summer move for 19-year-old Celtic left-back Kieran Tierney. (Daily Mirror)
Fake news. Buyern will never let a young national team player go.
I spent all summer saying we should sign him from Villa for £8m

Also always wondered wtf is going on in the webm
Claude too
claude is old and busted
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>second thoughts
so close to finally ending this meme too
Claude has gained wisdom from his age and experience, DT is just an angry mong.
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nah claude is an idiot, DT is a smart guy
Don't worry, you'll realise the errors of your ways when you are older.
>t. AKB
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You ready Arselel?
I secretly want to crash out, this season has been awful and I don't want anything to distract from that or gloss it over
So is this Ben Gibson fellow any good

Seems that most of the big clubs are interested in him

Rather lose to poop than chelshit again in the final.
jesus that's bad
i am just going to say it. Now that we are out the chimp lig and have no chance of winning the prem. chances are that arse is going to have their best games all season and beat shitty and whoever else in the final.
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Anyone else here starting to grow out of Arsenal??
of course, focus will be on the FA Cup and finishing top 4

business as usual
still like arsenal for their community work in innershitty london and general football ethics, but am getting tired of embarassing myself each year telling (german)friends that they play good football and will beat (insert name here), shortly followed by them crumbling under some refball and embarrassing themselves and me.

>i suppose i will just learn to be quieter about supporting the arse in the future..
You know what would ease the burden on Arsene Wenger even more? Letting him retire.
if wenger died tomorrow where would arsenal finish?
>wenger chose xhaka
But they are not the same kind of players, are they?
you're right, xhaka is literal trash while kante is the best dm in the league by a mile

and if you watched the game last night you saw that kante is the better ball-player than xhaka too
>spend and fail
>don't spend and fail
>A-at least he's cheap, right?
Mate, are you deluded or what.
>he got the ball less times than Manuel Neuer

Was rather thinking that Hxaka plays a more defensive, destructive (gotta explain them red cards innit) role and, of what I've seen Kante (not much tho), Chelsea's player is more forward oriented.
Alas, I ain't so sure.
you are dead wrong
>get to be embarrased by one of city/chelsea/spuds in wembley
oh joy
His achievements at Barcelona alone surpasses everything Wenger has done.

>allowing someone else to choose the towel colour in the dressing room
>ceding control of what kind of chalk is used on the training ground pool tables
>letting someone overrule his fabric softener choice when the kits are washed

I don't think he could possibly work effectively with a director of football. he'll carry on as usual. hopefully this is to avoid dropping the next manager into an even bigger shitstorm than they already will be.

who /wengerIN/ here
Remember when we beat Pep in preseason, I had a vague sense of optimism then even though it was a meaningless game
Just a young English Cb who gets game time ala Stones
Keep Chambers around and we sell him for 40m in a years
>nips and krauts hanging out together
This won't end well
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>Euro final
>Being a Lorient fan
>Being an Arsenal fan
Why do I still watch football ?
can someone explain something to me?

at southampton, chambers was not only good, but very promising

under wenger, he immediately began regressing and is literal meme tier now
you shouldn't be a fan of another european club m8
find a shitty SA club to bandwagon
>you shouldn't be a fan of another european club m8
Tbh I grew up loving Arsenal and while Gourcuff was still the manager of Lorient, Arsenal and Lorient had a pretty good relationship, thanks to the manager's friendship mainly. Arsenal players were often loaned to Lorient and I still remember Kos playing for us.
So I don't feel too bad about bandwagoning Arsenal. Lorient is first in my heart though.

>find a shitty SA club to bandwagon
Never watched SA football outside of international games. I wouldn't know who to pick.
top kek

10-2 LOL

southampton, like most other teams, actually coach players
wenger does not
>being a remaincuck
>preseason friendly against Bayern this year

wew lads
Is it true Wenger 'almost' signed Neymar?
Bsed Tierney
Are any of them true, and does it matter if they are?
i think a lot of them are. for example, wenger chose to sign gervinho over hazard

and walcott over bale

asked him to do a trial
refused to buy his parents a £250k house
wenger wanted verbal agreement not contract
wouldn't pay £12.2m
lol we only want walcott
allowed stats company to overrule him

what is the nerman story?

arseblognews @arseblognews
New: Lucas Perez linked with summer West Ham switch

Reports in Turkey claim Boro Primorac is set to takeover Konyaspor at the end of the season which would end 20 years of being Wenger's man
>Barcelona approach for Bellerin

Wenger will bite off their hand if they offer 30+m
It's getting more depressing by the day
get rid of all the cancer at once

My birthday is in October lads
>always wondered wtf is going on in the webm

holy shit

i hacked this 17 year old girl and she and her friends (they all go to a private school) all have online sugar daddies. they get paid shitloads for sending nudes and just talking online??
even found the fake id she used to sign up on seeking arrangement

i could ruin these guys lives by calling the police and reporting they have child porn. already found 1 who lives in australia
She will not have written word one of that book.
Says you faggot

I would tell you to do it but...maybe you could blackmail them and split the money with us
It's pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a dimwitted cunt that these books are all ghostwritten.
the guy is a fucking security researcher!

i have all his mastercard details too, he fucking gave them to this girl so she could buy herself lingerie

he practically fucking deserves to get ruined, just for being so retarded

now an official author

b-but muh ghostwriter

Just fuck off, even if that were the case it wouldn't matter...
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share the wealth la
not yet sure how to go about taking his money without getting caught

also can't blackmail him cause he'll delete everything

the big question is, do i cause a huge load of trouble for this guy or not

they are 17

its not too bad, and these girls are not doing it against their will

seems like a mutual thing
still, possession of child porn is big
what are the odds he's shared them round too? he could get really fucked

he does kinda deserve it for being a fuckwit
you said the girl lied about her age so clearly she is more guilty here
that's not how this works lol
you know how many people get ruined for fucking a girl they met in an 18+ nightclub?
I don't think he did anything wrong desu

even if he was married i wouldn't think he deserves to have his life ruin and they are 17

thats nothing, when i was younger i knew 14 year old girls who were dating men in their 40s and everyone knew and did nothing

17 is totally fine imo
right but its a little different when the person met the victim under the parameters of a sign-on website where you would assume anyone there is of age cuz you need to provide id

so all the effort she made into this deceivement, and the fact that shes 17 as opposed to 13..

this wud get thrown out in court

in fact he cud prolly sue her
i've seen the pictures and they are clearly quite young. i definitely wouldn't believe one of them over 18 myself so he probably knows

so what if he goes even younger?
if he does that would be a problem but that hasn't happened

the guy is probably lonely is this is the only way he thinks he can get something out of a female, be it sex or emotional support no matter how fake it is

its not that big of a deal

i don't think he's doing anything wrong

age of consent is like 16 in Australia as well, let the man cook

if anything you should warn the girl's parents
it might not be that big of a deal morally but it certainly is legally

also he has a masters in cyber security and he's fucked up this bad? i would be doing a service to the tech companies he consults for
you just want to ruin the poor guy's life

just do it man ffs
Kristof Terreur Verified account @HLNinEngeland
Romelu Lukaku has told Everton he won't sign a new contract
She fails at all 3 and she failed at writing as well. Also, stop shitting up threads talking about the ugly fucking cunt. You're a City customer for life, fuck knows why you post here.

She is Zoella-tier desu
Wouldn't be shocked
>Bellerin won't be at Man City next season
>Bellerin won't have a Premier League Winner's Medal around his neck in 14 months time
ffs lads come on
>She fails at all 3 and she failed at writing as well
you don't know what you're talking about
to be fair lad, that book was almost certainly ghostwritten. the rest is up to you

what are you up to in wot/farseer btw?
>greatest player in Arsenal history
>appears on a vietnamese variety show

We HAVE to sign Lukaku and a DoF in the summer
third book, looking it so far...shame he keeps rejecting pussy who he wants him

also i didn't expect him to have a daughter

of course it was obvious in the second book but it would be kind of lame if he had a woman and child

hope they die desu

no spoilers pls

I just cannot fathom what happened in your life to make you such a pathetic autistic faggot. I truly feel bad for you.
>Reports in Turkey claim Boro Primorac is set to takeover Konyaspor at the end of the season which would end 20 years of being Wenger's man
Pls be true. It's baby steps but one of Wenger's biggest yes men leaving can only be good.
romance in books shouldn't be allowed

probably meaningless like the sport director story from yesterday

troopz is really out here

is that Moyes boys?!
reading up on it now, i'd forgotten so much

apparently the other hobb series are all connected to farseer, if i'd known that i wouldve read them

>it would be kind of lame if he had a woman and child
oh man
where are you at? I'm going to read them all, its been fun desu

enjoying far more than wheel of time

probably because its just one POV
oh i was just reading the plot summaries again

and yeah it's hard to compare them though because these are so much shorter - you need exponentially less buildup here than for keeping a story interesting for 14 books
thats true I suppose, but i really prefer one POV books as a whole

sort of annoying when you have to switch characters and its someone you dislike

Stormlight Archive series is the only one that doesn't suffer from this imo
you can't have an epic with a single pov

but i know what you mean, especially with the shit characters
Lukaku when
Leicester City will be more successful than us in the CL and league


true enough, don't like ten book series though, more of a trilogy guy
BBC Sportt @BBCSport

Breaking: Tottenham striker Harry Kane has suffered ligament damage to his right ankle.

It could be worse though:
Wes Morgan when? First Jamaican to score in the CL
Wenger doesn't like black CBs anymore

he even has a white man at LB

pretty pathetic desu
We should sign Leon Bailey though. Next (first) Jamaican GOAT
he has a hardon for half-castes

it's the only way to explain trash like coq and oxlad
yeah he loved using them as LBs
but his obsession with them is very annoying, most of them have been fucking shit

Ashley cole was the only good one imo

making me want to play FM again and make Jamaica have all the goat players
That little asian who plays for Leicester is so confusing, i'm not sure if he's shit or decent
I'm legitimately proud of Leicester. Good luck, lads.
>making me want to play FM again and make Jamaica have all the goat players
I always have a save just for this. Always takes me a while to get started though because I have to add Jamaican nationality to all the English lads FM forgot to make eligible.
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>Get rid of your manager
>Stop being shit

It's so easy
whenever i bring through a legit jamaican goat they always end up playing for England and i just sell them afterwards out of disappointment
Leicester can be another team to beat the Ro16 while we fail for the past 7 years
really hoping that sevilla let in another goal so i can post 'more like sieveilla' in the r soccer thread; reddit upvote farming is my guilty pleasure. wenger must go.
who /bringbackNas/ here?
christ i'd like to make nasri's face into raspberry jam. what a fucking fat cunt
that vardy overreaction though kek
what the fuck
I'll stick to Allegri in tßh
they play like Arsenal though, trying to walk it in
been seeing a lot of shit penalties lately, it's weird
horrible pen
I don't care about playstyle give me trophies
>people say Emery would be a good manager for Arsenal
>gets BTFO
>people say Sampaoli would be a good manager for Arsenal
>gets BTFO

How badly will Jardim, Tuchel and Allegri get BTFO?
Then support Barcelona, you cunt.
Idiot. He obviously means regarding Arsenal.
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But wait I thought the team is supposed to fall apart and implode when the old manager is fired
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>Leicester did what we couldn't do
look errr
every single leicester supporter in the KP is happier than any arsenal fan has been in the last 12 years
Lad banter xD
Week arsenal don't even at well anymore. Apart from a handful of performances a season we play like crap
Will here

Congrats to Leicester city, amazing game! :)
Tuchel's doing alright. Still on a direct CL qualifying spot, cup semis and CL quarters in the season after they sold 3 of their best players.
Wenger in
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not even once
It's not particularly difficult to qualify for the CL with Dortmund since there's only one team in the league that's better. And Benfica were probably the weakest team in the Ro16 this year.
>not taking the banter with a grin on your face like a proper lad

salty abnormie virgin detected
>lestah sacks manager
>wins league
>lestah sacks manager again
>makes it to QF
makes a man think
Came in here to laugh at you.
muh Wenger controls everything at the club so it would be hard for a new manager to come in because Wenger did everything

this is some of the excuses we have to hear from AKBs
arsenal should feel ashamed that they haven't achieved what leicester has done in the past 2 years

what a joke of a club this is
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Happy for Leicester but I can't stop thinking about this girls belly I saw on Instagram it's really taking the fun of Leicester losing away from me
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Allegri hasn't lost a CL game at home managing Milan in 2012

Liverpool are the only English team not to get further than us in the CL since we last beat the Ro16

Even moyes did it
Can anyone here justify 'wenger in' anymore other is it just a meme
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Seeing people on twitter say that Arsenal were unlucky to keep drawing Barca/Bayern when you got Monaco and still bottled it.
we need to go deeper
>Aside from his physical performance, Roberts said Wilshere had impressed everyone with his attitude and leadership skills since joining last summer
>Jack's contribution off the field has been amazing - he's a great asset for the club"
>Wilshere, who is on a season-long loan at Bournemouth from Arsenal, was described as the ‘ultimate professional’

Captain Jack when?
>jonker gone
>boro next

It's happening.
Haven't seen much of Jack this season. Is he playing well?
Yes. Not spectacularly, but he is playing well.
could anyone please post the Arsenal cycle meme chart or graph or whatever it is ? need it because reason. Thx
Thank you Mr britbong. I still hope he "makes it"
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Remember when Wonger said that Lester would struggle in the CL?

This is their first time competing and they've already gone further than >us in 7 years.
>there are people who actually think Wenger could manage barca properly
Seeing Claire Abbott naked has finally brighten my life. Arsenal used to do that.
share the wealth lad
>Lestah got through the last 16
I'm fucking done m8. FUCK OFF WONGA
disappointing desu can't image this brightening anyone's life
I don't think Arsenal could've beaten Sevilla desu
Kek relate much to the lonely old nonce, lad?
Still a win. Something we lack at the moment.
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I fixed Arsenal lads

Elneny -5m
Ramsey - 25m
Ospina - 5m
Debuchy - 3m
Jenks - 3m
Monreal - 3m
Mert - 1m
perez - 15m
ozil - 40m
Insigne - 30m
Fekir - 25m
Keita - 20m
Nzonzi - 25m
Rodriquez - 15m
Barrgan - 10m
>Ramsey - 25m

Biggest con of the century.
cyka blyat
In todays market West Ham would pay that

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you're not wrong
+1 on the "let it be" vote or at very worst freak him out a little.

been reading a lot of the horrors of pedogate and feel that there are so many more people fully deserving of having their lives ruined and if the rumours are to be believed, courts are gonna have their hands full in the near future..
she looks better with clothes on
>That one in three record right after he left
Can imagine the AKBs in that universe going on about how you're a fraud and Wonga should never have left. Then Ramsay goes back to being >Ramshit
he should post them to imgur
share the love
Rodriquez is shit. dont fall for le penalty taking left back meme
>she looks better with clothes on
95% of women.
Iwobi is cute feel bad that hes being used as a scapegoat
Working with his financial restrictions and the constant loss of core players, yet already lining up the next GOATs and playing the awesome free flowing attacking football that arse can only show tiny glimpses of.

the man's a genius and probably too good for arse..
Pretty much, There aren't many managers in CL spots of relevant leagues starting a 19 year old, a 21 year old, a 23 year old, a 24 year old and having one of their first attacking sub choices be an 18 year old.
100% of women.
he tends to play his players in too many positions and change his formation a bit too often
Away form in the Bundes this year has been bad, but he'd be a great upgrade

shame he'd never come
anyone else here would feel shitty as a leicester fan right now?

genuinely would prefer to loose, but playing honest, quality footy (inb4 - not implying that arse is currently), than to win using scum of the earth playacting/gamesmanship or getting obvious ref support.

maybe i am just a romantic, but i love the moral high ground too much. i think i would actually stop supporting arse if they started using the old win-by-any-means approach.

>these thoughts actually making me respect wenger again, though i am still WOB cause we sure don't play much quality footy against good teams or crumble way too quickly when the despicable happens to us..
you post like the american autist, minus the jokes
genuine question though.. guess most brits are only good for banter (lived on your little island for 15 years, so this is based on xp)
I've loved Arsenal since lot of time, but I don't see its future. It's a team that content itself with competing but not winning! Maybe the arrival of a new couch will change that spiritual concept in this human group.
> i think i would actually stop supporting arse if they started using the old win-by-any-means approach

The Stockholm Syndrome is real.
>Working with his financial restrictions and the constant loss of core players, yet already lining up the next GOATs and playing the awesome free flowing attacking football
why does this sound familiar
He's been pretty consistently playing a 352/343 system for a while now. Only had to change it recently due to injuries.
this. fucking weirdos. it's not like we play good football nowadays anyway.
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>Spanish daily SPORT are reporting this morning that Arsenal officials have met with Barcelona representatives to discuss a proposed £35m deal for Hector Bellerin.
Good, good.
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>gf is away for a year
>ask her if we could go on a break while she's away
>she ignores my question

guess not

Spanish daily sport?! Must be true then eh
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>mfw Allegri finally manages to win the CL with Juve this season
>Juve decides to keep him
>mfw reading Arse general after
this thread will explode either way the day Wenger’s decision is announced
The day his decision is announced is the day I leave /arse/ forever, because he's definitely going to stay.
Still, versatility is a good in players but I think he takes it a bit too far
>25 man squad
>implying Alexis is staying
how do akbs feel about fans of other teams wanting wenger to stay at arsenal
Looks like yet another perfect candidate to inherit Arsenal.
The fucking chokers.
On the training pitch that wrecks your body
and the Gunnery that wants your money
The Arsenal is dead boys, and it's so lonely on a limb

Life is very long when you're with Kroenke
Two league winners entwined pass me by
and heaven knows I'm miserable now
I was looking for a cup and I found a cup
and heaven knows I'm miserable now
In my life, why do I give valuable time?
To a club who don't care if they get left behind?
I don't need a stadium that's a showplace
I just feel that we're going no place
While you say that Cesc Is A Four-Letter Word

"So change your club"
There is so much I know that they can do
Come and see
And take all of this gold that is waiting for you

If you stay
I'll stay right beside you
And my club
May help to remind you
To forget that
Cesc Is A Four-Letter Word

Loving you is driving me crazy
People say that he was born lazy
I don't want to say
That Ozil Is A Four-Letter Word
The low life has lost its appeal
And I'm tired of walking these streets to a trophy room with its cupboards bare

I'm not sure what happiness means
But I look in your eyes and I know that it isn't there
We tried and we failed
We tried and we failed

Oh Arsene,
There's ice on the pennies we saved
So how can you call this a club when you know its a grave?
Yet you still have that greedy grace
As you tidy the place
But it will never be clean Arsene
We tried and we failed
We tried and we failed
We tried
and we failed

Gash on the nail
Its just a fairytale
And I don't believe in magic anymore, Arsene
You can also interpret it like a silent agreement, lel

Good, sell everyone.

Then make Wenger the new DoF and bring in a puppet manager, so that Wonga can build a new team for him and tell him how to manage it
>make Wenger the new DoF
that would defeat the purpose of having a new manager. Have you seen who he signs? Dein was the one who forced Gilberto Silva on him, for example
trip on so we can filter you
otherwise stop spamming the thread
The more you ignore me
The closer I get
you're wasting your time
Or maybe there's more things involved. I mean, he needs to get those youngsters from somewhere, innit. Arsenal used to too, but it looks like not anymore.

there's a new fappening going on right now

amanda seyfried is fucking hot
The spirit of sportsmanship is long dead, Nipanon. The sooner you accept the fact, the sooner you start sleeping well in the night.
I do hate those cheating cunts, tho.
emma watson nudes too

media hasnt picked this up yet
>Bellendo for £35m
Oezil for £45m.
Alexis for £55m.
youngsters need developing, e.g. emotional support, training, figuring out how to play them best. All things I believe Wenger is no longer able to do.

I think Walcott is a perfect example of Wenger's failure.. The guy would probably be an England legend if he had had a better manager.
Wafer is just refusing to deal with that shit.

Makes them wear fair play armbands and other retarded and meaningless crap, but refuses to retrospectively punish gamesmanship and unsporting behaviour.

Apparently MLS is fining players for diving and that Chinese guy who stamped Witsel may not get paid for the rest of the year (although he even got a red card for it).

not sure how much ausanon actually cares about footy. Only seem to read post about nudes from him.

Saying that, Amanda Seyfried is fucking hot. I thought the Watson's were fakes or is that just what she said?
i post a lot about football, im basically the only aussie that posts here

anyway the new watson nudes look legit, no face but all the moles etc match up

amanda seyfreid:
do you have more links?
go through the rest of that subforum
i know at least a few others are there including emma watson
That image pretty much confirms what I said though. They've been playing a 352 that shifts into a 343 if Dembele drifts wide, and one of the strikers (usually Reus before the injury) moves to the wing too. The games where they played a 3142 are just matches where they didn't have as much defending to do, so Guerreiro and Durm ended up pressing high, to the point they were practically out and out wingers, instead of wingbacks. The only players that really have to be versatile are Dembele, who's shown he's as good coming through the middle as he is on the wing, and usually the striker that isn't Aubameyang.
>Wenger is no longer able to do
I agree that Wenger would not be able to do those things if he even could find decent youngsters at all.

>Chinese guy who stamped Witsel may not get paid for the rest of the year
There's a difference between playing foul and diving. Fouling can always land you an extra penalty.
Also, ain't Witsel the cunt who did Wasilewski back in the day? If so, fuck him.
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>tfw at work and can't even get a sneak peak for a stealth jo on the slag EW
i'd rather be caught looking at nudes than on 4chan desu
It's only here, /n/ and /co/'s storytimes, so it's OK.

Have you heard of irony?
If I were you sad fucks, I'd be spreading Lukaku to Arseshit rumours like crazy right about now.
She's so ugly now, her girlish looks are gone my dick didnt even flinch looking at those mosquito bites
What the fuck, she's over 30 now?!

I feel old /arse/
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Who do you guys want to see winning the CL now?
Juve or City
How's that even a question? Although I wouldn't mind neither Monaco nor Poop. I like cheeky newcomers and I don't mind them having rich sponsor as long as there's more challengers, all's better than UEFA-aproved clubs again.
I figured Arsenal fans would hate to see more English clubs overtaking them on the european cup honours list?
after Chelsea won it i stopped caring
Good Morning /arse/
Where are the resignation letters?
How? I thought he was injured?
thought so too desu
dont remember when he got injured
chambers > mustafi
>away for a year
>Stay in the realtionship
You're a fool, Jew.
so apparently emma watson has said she takes a bath nearly every day

adds more evidence that the new nudes are real
been years now lad, i trust her

they are disappointing desu

Jennifer Lawrence nudes are the only celebrities that i loved, her body type is perfect
some really hot models got leaked this time, too bad they weren't really famous
Watson's just for nerds who were obsessed with HP desu. The short hair look is rank.
All this talk about leaked photos made me remember that Arteta and Sagna used to have hot-as-fuck WAGs

Wouldn't mind if they got leaked tbqh
Messi Minutes @MessiMinutes
According to @CatalunyaRadio, Sampaoli will STAY at Sevilla this summer. Barça to focus on acquiring Athletic's Ernesto Valverde instead.

eh Cara was the only one worth anything, the rest are meh imo
prepare yourself to be cucked by a negro.
sorry that you guys have such bad experiences with women, its pretty sad
>its pretty sad
>Says the mong giving up a year of intimacy with women
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>a bunch of virgins with little or no experiences with women are criticising me

that's pretty funny desu
>E-Everyone on here that sees how retarded LDR are is a virgin
Another kek.
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sure lad, sure
Chilean women are loyal and pure. I believe that brit women are not. So she probably is going to cuck you with a big dick negro.
Well she isn't British so I'll be fine then
>implying fake nigger jamaican wouldn't love to be cucked by an actual black person
>Chilean women are loyal and pure
why did alexis' gf leave?
>Roleplays as a nigger on 4chan
>Posts celeb girls all day
Made for cucking.
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This seems like a good place to leave this.
hes' here
because she was from Spain, not from Chile.
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Any news on the Mbappe to Arsenal situation?
Allegri and get Dybala or Simeone and get Griezmann? Neither will happen btw
he's in direct contact with manchester city later tonight
So, now that the media storm and shitposting has calmed down, how do you feel about the Bayern loss and the situation of the club in general?

I'm just a bit sad really, it's like watching the Leicester players before Ranieri got sacked. I think if Wenger went at the end of the season we'd see a lot of players go (the ones that know they wouldn't get away with slacking), but the ones that stayed would harden up and prove their worth. I guess it depends what manager we get or if >Wonga stays
Britain's darkest taboo should be renamed don't date anyone white black asian, woman or anything at all

so depressing
Same as before. This >>74691784
I'm not really bothered about the Bayern loss. If you ignore the scoreline, we were never going to beat Bayern Munich anyway because we simply aren't good enough at the moment. Without Koscielny, our defence is dire. Without Cazorla, our midfield is dire. Without Alexis, our attack is dire. We're too reliant on certain players and one of them is permacrocked anyway. We actually didn't play that much worse in the Bayern matches than we did in a lot of our other matches, the only difference is that Bayern are a good team who can actually put away their chances when they get them (which is reflected in the scoreline).

As for the future of the club, there is work to be done but I don't think it's too bad. Under a new manager, I think Bellerin, Mustafi, Xhaka, Ox and even Ozil would improve. And assuming that Szczesny and Wilshere come back from loan, the only positions we really need to look at is LB and CF (assuming that Alexis leaves, which he almost certainly will). However, under Wenger I can't see this team improving. And even if Wenger left, I doubt think that he's to blame for our injury problems so hopefully a new manager would bring a new medical team with him.

Although one thing is for certain and that's that Wenger really takes pride in the fact that he's finished in the top four for 20 consecutive years. He mentions that whenever an interviewer asks him how well he thinks he's doing at the club. If he does finish out of the top four (and it's looking more and more likely that he will), it will be a huge blow to him and it may even be the thing that persuades him to leave. I feel slightly bad for Wenger because I do believe that he genuinely cares for the club. But I'm not sure whether he can admit that he can't take the club any further and until he does that, this club is doomed to stagnate.
>And even if Wenger left, I doubt think that he's to blame for our injury problems
So who's to blame? He's the only constant in every case.
I do think he legitimately played guys like Diaby, Fabregas, and Wilshere too often. Have no idea why someone like Gibbs can't get through games. Ramsey and Ox have been injured pretty often too.
A lot of key members of the medical staff have been at the club for a long time too, Wenger isn't the only constant. There are some reasons that explain Arsenal's injury problems that can be blamed on Wenger (style of play invites the opposition to injure them, he doesn't really rotate players often, his playstyle requires smaller technical players who are prone to injury). But that doesn't really explain why it takes our players so long to come back from injury compared to other clubs. Wilshere came back almost immediately after getting injured at Bournemouth this year.
didnt you read that article a while back by a phsyio that said wenger's ancient training methods are bad for the players?

i think the gist of it was he focuses way too much on ball training, sacrificing strength and conditioning

and anyway, you can't blame the medical staff for it. these players see independent world-class specialists, all the club's staff do is basically first-aid
Wenger IS the only constant though. The medical staff and heads of specific departments have changed multiple times.
hope we sign the new Henry
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right, it's the pitch...that's why Wenger had the club install new grass
Jardim then lads? but more importantly, Mendy IN
I couldn't tell, sorry
monaco will choke this, someone tell arsene to go for mbopped
you sure?
ya, watch shitty get a weak penalty
how come de bruyne is shit now?
How do you feel about Arteta? I mean, he was your captain then, at the first chance, he flew to fucking Man. City ahahaha.
Akbs said justified the fact he was still in the squad despite being terrible and perma dead was because wenger was moulding him into his successor and then he fucks off
but he's made sterling good
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Well this is stupid.
If you look at that back 4 he definitely has a point. How did the guy get only Stones as a defender last Summer?
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So in 25 years Arsenal's brave Archie Wilshere will lead us to the CL final?
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>the phonecall that saved Arsenal
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This piece is from 2014 and at times it's pretty autistic but it's still worth a read.

arsene almost signed him too
We are getting Jardim right?
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>Arsenal scouts at end of season Monaco games with us linked with Mbappe/Mendy/Bakoyoko
thread gets hype
>Gazidis spotted in Monaco allegedly meeting with Jardim
thread gets even more hype

>It's a fakeout and all that happens is we sign Valere Germain to replace Sanchez, our only first team signing of the summer
I can see it already

>getting hype

Look err, I almost signed________
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Post ur rare Wilshs
Lester so it would go down in history books as the first and only country champion and CL winner to get relegated.
>nearly every day

>how do you feel about the Bayern loss and the situation of the club in general?
The second game didn't mean shite. The meltdown in the first one was an absolute disgrace and heads should roll. Well, it would be the same heads that should've rolled after the fiasco of the whole last season, so you know.
I want to see Arsenal try. The players, managers, board. I don't believe a simple change of a manager will magically solve all the problems, but, if it meant the club started caring, it should be done.

>I'm not really bothered
You are part of the problem, la.
Wenger's shit fullbacks from 10 years ago lmao are still good for a real title contender team. Why aren't they playing for >us?

I remember Monaco, with Morientes, Rothen and Giuly, being a thing.
i havent had a bath in years
Can you imagine watching your team playing attractive, attacking football and winning great games?

Must be nice being a Monaco supporter
pretty sure bathing is way more filthy than showering
Why are there so many Arsenal fans on reddit? I fucking hate this cancerous fanbase.
Hold on lads

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