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MLS Opening Game Matchthead

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Thread replies: 427
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Timbers v
Minnesota /united/

Starts 9:30est

Send Minnesota back to USL their team sucks
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>I am an avid enthusiast of the "Major" League "Soccar"
who /loons/ here?
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/lifelong/ desu
>minor league spickick
MLS is a fucking disgrace to American sports, it's embarrassing to watch. How do guys take this garbage seriously. What's even worse is the American hipsters who use football vernacular and think they know everything about sport. Fuck the MLS and fuck all the fake fans

kek this nigga wants to be european so bad

Really makes me think
You have to go back
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ICE is coming for you Jose.
Wtf i love MLS now
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We have an OK league for what it is worth. Ww just need to get a relegation system so it indices teams to fucking try. Houston dynamos deserve to be relegated desu
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This. Have MLS 1 and MLS 2
3-1 Timbers, probably.
Who ya got? Da >loons or da >tumblrs ?
Cheeky LOONS
>1 (one) American player

Nice """"""league""""""
Your opinion means nothing here lad
4-0 timbers
expansion teams are awful especially this one.
>one American player
Oh shit we have a team now!

Any MinneGOATa bros here? Is it on FSNorth?
Valeri still plays there? I loved his style when he played in our domestic league
>the shantytown of American player development

It's on national tv, FS1

Right here senpai. FS1
If you wanna talk player development look at Dallas, they won 2 trophies with 12 academy trained players on their roster
And yet their best players are all spics.
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Comfy. I'm watching Tombstone on CMT now.
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Sounds like Arsenal lad
Oh, definitely best academy in MLS.

Hopefully in a couple of years it'll become a reliable feeder of competent national-team level players

this is true of practically every league
The best players in the world are spics, regard
Meant to say RETARD
Iowa fag reporting in, should I root for MNU or Chicago Fire?
Loonsbros, would it be gay to but my a jersey?

The NASL jerseys were top tier
You're in for crippling depression either way
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Do you cheer for Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Illinois teams in other sports?
whichever home stadium is closest
I look at this lineup and I'm now regretting saying it'll only be 3 goals for Portland, this could get ugly.
I'm from Phoenix and only in the last few years have started following sports so I might go for Minn or Illinois due to muh big 4 teams.
>mohammed saeid

wtf i love minnesota now
Rasmus and Vadim are /ourguys/
good intro to the gauntlet known as mls 1, aka western conference.

>THREE (3) americans on the field on opening day

college soccer did this
> 2 (two) US players

Seriously wtf? No wonder the national team is ass
>Minnesota - shanty town club with amateur board who picked up scraps of players from 3rd world leagues

>Atlanta - professional ambitious board who got a good coach and picked good players from South american leagues

The South always wins baby
Ibarra and Ramirez super sub when?
except that one time
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I don't know what that means I'm just here because /Minnesota/
>not rooting for the scrappy underdog
I want to get a Minnesota jersey without the Target logo because Target is NOT /myguys/
Go Loons

Is there any Minnesota United meme art?
Just dont jump on the bandwagon when its the cool thing to do, alright cletus?
Dont forget our new stadium bro.

We are going to rape this league and fuck spic boipussy in the CCL and win a domestic treble + CL

I am not a falseflagger btw
Without college soccer there would be no soccer in the US
Also college soccer is about as foreign as the EPL now so idk what you can complain about
It's the development of players before the age of 18 that's lacking
You know before college
>because Target is NOT /myguys/
what did she mean by this anons?
Which stadium is Minnesota playing in this season?
College sawker fucks over young players because the quality is so abysmal and the season too short.

Not one good player has ever come out of the college system. And those that have did most of their training in National team academies or recent mls/usl academies.
The outdoor stadium the Vikings played in the season before last
Minnesota has a team? Why?
Who /ayyy/ here
TCF Bank
>it's a loons vs loonies episode
>raining again in the PNW
Because they were one of the only successful NASL teams.
The one with the cool brick walls?

They're bringing it home la
The other teams need fodder to look good
That's true
I'm not sure what you're mad about
The college system wasn't constructed as a development program for making professionals
It's basically more organized intramurals

You should be mad about the reliance on college soccer for professional development
We're really lucky they didn't go with this option
Jesus christ, that's some jacket
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Soccer noob here

Redpill me on the numbers with a lot of dashes between them like "3-2-3-4"

What do they mean by this?
Is the new Vikings stadium not soccer compatible?
Formation. Going from back to front
>You should be mad about the reliance on college soccer for professional development

Thats a meme. The superdraft is slowly becoming irrelevant. Nowadays mls recruits in the international market. The last generation of 30 something year old mls players who began playing in college are a dying breed. The new recent academies are already producing players for MLS 3.0 for 2020 and beyond. College sawker is a thing of the past for the league.
that would be so gay. Does NYFC ever plan to leave yankee stadium?
It's a formation, like 4-3

That would be 3 defenders, 2 defensive mids, 3 attacking mids, and 2 forwards, which would be 13 players
3 his
2 def
3 midfielders
4 forwards
Can someone please screencap that fabulous MLELS blazer?
just mlels start times anon.
I see, thanks

So if a player is marked as a "defender", do they have to stay that way throughout the game or can they change to being a "midfielder" or something else?

United's bid beat out the Vikings owner's bid so they're a little pissed off
Plus the Twins owner has a stake in United
/lifelong loon/ Iowafag reporting
This is the year I seriously into mls bros.
I promise this time.
Wish me luck.

No, it is. Chelsea and AC Milan had a friendly there. The ownership group for that stadium lost their MLS bid though, and MNU decided they didn't want to play there, I guess.
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Yes, but it's more of their base location
Sometimes a d end goes into coverage and linebackers blitz
Likewise you'll see the fullbacks bomb forward and d-mids get back
Depends on the coaches decisions really, it's more fluid than that.

That and in certain situations, like set pieces, you'll see defenders try to generate some offence.
So now they will use taxpayers money for another brand new stadium? If so thats rough
The Vikings tried to sabotage the stadium efforts I think

No, their new soccer specific stadium that they are building is privately funded.
they might build a stadium in the bronx
It's probably for the best.
I doubt Minnesota is going to sell out an NFL stadium any time soon.
Oh wow, that seem rare in this day and age.
Actually it's entirely privately financed
Alright, thanks for explaining
It would make sense.

Yeah, no one here wants to pay for another stadium.
Easier to do for a $200 million stadium than a $1 billion one
>getting a permit to build anything in NYC
>they went to the wrong tunnel
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reminder that SKC will win the MLSC up and you cant do anything to stop it

What a madman
reminder that dallas will top the western table and you cant do anything to stop it
>Minnesota has went into the wrong tunnel

>no singer
oh okay then
Why can't we get fancy singers and backing music like the NFL?
>against fascism

Thanks for the reminder, Portland friends
This is basically Hull vs Southampton or the Browns at the Dolphins so why is it the opening game instead of Seattle vs. somebody

Also why isn't Seattle opening at home?
take notes USMNT, let the fans sing the anthem not a pop star
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>All the kids kneeling
because seattle fans are a cringefest
Lmao dat bob ross tifo
Happy Trees
And the tumblrs aren't?
who knows why mls does things it does lad
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they arent FIGHT AND WIN bad
It's fucking Portland
They're that bad outside of the the Tumblrs
>1 minute in
>No goals

*slurps semen*
so epic man
>shooting from that angle
You're in the Away section?
Disappointed that i cant be there. REEEE
Why do people still think Nagbe is good
If Target is /yourguy/ you better not be assuming my gender and call me xe
reminder that dallas will top the western table and no one will be there to see it
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jfc that target logo is obnoxious
>satellite problems
Bravo MLelS
What the fuck is happening?
Who here /satelliteproblems/?
> satellite problems

>satellite problems

Minnesota is so fucking bad they turned off the feed
>no anti-drumpf mural
it's 2017
>satellite problems
looks comfy tbqh
>satellite probs
welcome back mlels
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>Wrong tunnel
>Bob Ross
Because we're getting one for da 'sota

Entry level bogpilled
is sitting in the rain fun for you?
>implying there's something wrong with Bob Ross

At least they have the lines painted properly so far
that would have been too much i think, it's fine everyone likes bob ross.

just see the triggering a couple of scarves generated.
somebody get that hothead out of there
North Korea just tested a nuke
Minnesota here, how shit is our team supposed to be?
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>tfw you bust ass to overlap your teammate but he decides to dribble it into the defender and lose the ball instead
Please tell me it's headed to this stadium
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>all this murder ball

How is Minnesota even a team?
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like the rest of the teams in your cursed state
who cares, i want know how many selfies trudeau took today

they're definitely shit but it's not clear what that means in the mls

Pretty shit. It will fit right in with the rest.
It's year 1
You're supposed to be just happy to be here
>When danger approaches, sing to it!
What did they mean by this
>grabbing during corners is a point of emphasis for refs this year
expect some game changing penalties called in extra time this year
"adi's a big guy"

for you
I've been reading a lot of forums. We won't be great but we should hover over .500
did the sideline reporter really just tell us that the defenders are communicating as if that is a breaking story

>sometimes yelling
how many more?
meme goal
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>that goalkeeping

pls come back to SKC
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>that goal
>"""""The Most Beautiful Game"""""""

I'm going back to watching Tombstone on CMT.
united get your butts ready going to get a pounding.
xe shoots xe scores
It's pretty embarrassing to get raped by a team who'd have sex with a cartoon horse
Right in the nuts

This to be honest (desu)
that couldve been a red
Chill game so far Boys
They do not need to have him yelling on TV that loudly
kek he's coaching them like a youth team
Minnesota fucking SUCKS
Did I miss something here? I didn't even see how it was a foul...
wew, gonna be a long ass season for the loons
spaghetti in the box
studs or something
Evidently you missed where he stamped on both of the guy's legs.
are you guys seeing this shit

wonder what the euros think of that
That failed defensive header lmfao
couldve ended the guy's season with that stomp
Someone fix this goddam satellite.
Are we talking about the same play? They both got all ball. It was just awkwardly timed.
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lel again
>Are we talking about the same play?
apparently not if you think it was all ball
Its comfier without video

Better when you don't have to watch minnesota fuck up constantly
The Canadian ABM posting is getting tiresome, lads
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>russians hacking the satellite

Wondering if it's some mad prairiefag

I don't understand why a Canadian would be so anti-Minnesota
canadians cant into comfy
Minnesota is pretty bad desu
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I bet it's this guy
who's the boobs
what a diva

I won't argue with you there.
There is no reason to like Minnesota because their team is complete shit.

Seriously how can you be a fan of THIS team with ZERO offensive presence and NO creativity.

Their """expansion""" team is literally 11 pylons. At least Atlanta tried to make a team. Go back to USL with this shit, you are making the league look bad.
just give him the magic spray so he can start playing again
make like a leaf and burn
>USMNT coach sitting next to Don Garber
Pretty sure if Garber saw Klinsmann he'd punch him in the face even if it was today
if you are going to act like your leg was blown off in a marathon then try to get back in the game immediately, the ref should be allowed to make you wait until he waves you on
name a better debut than Houston Dynamo
inb4 11 minutes of stoppage time
I decided to try and give MLS a try, since this is the opener.

Sorry, but this has been atrocious.
This is the equivalent of Hull v Stoke to be fair
fucking porter

agreed with guardiola when he didn't shake his hand.
Good leave
I gladly will.
Nah this is Macclesfield vs. Forest Green Rovers
He's fucking up in the EPL.
putting an expansion team in the season opener was dumb
>tank to get draft picks
>git gud

I'm not too worried about it
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Activate it WHEN?
Remember the people who wanted Christian Ramirez to make the ninja turtles?
Doesn't even start on this shit
Macclesfield is 3rd in the based vanarama national league so I don't know wtf you're getting at m8
Wow, so exciting.
>only 1 down

It could be worse desu. Though it probably will be by the end of 90 desu.
It's to be expected, Minnesota is probably the league's worst team.
Fuck, I meant Forest Green Rovers

I'm drunk tbf
He is saying the league is trash
>draft picks
If you don't have 3 designated players you are just shitting up the league. I will allow 2 if you are rebuilding.
>vanarama national league
literally WHO?
That's not gonna help that much here m8

>he doesn't rank the vanarama national league
Non league is /comfy/ as fuck lad
Based Christian Ramirez will make a late appearance and score a consolation goal
Its over? i wanted to see some comfy u17 style football and laugh a little.
>the she believes cup
>it's a whichever sugar daddy gives lord jew the most shekels gets a team

I'll pass on this league desu
It's only halftime
MLS is boring
Nice, firing up the acestream.

Its "comfy", don't be mean.

thats every american sport
>team's 2 best-known players
>park them on the bench in game 1
what did Heath mean by this
Are you the guy with a raging hateboner for lodeiro
Wow look his Audi score is a -33

Fucking Americans.
>Nagbe: -33
>Team average: 148

o i am laffin
you cannot like the league and still not dick suck everyone with a non u.s. flag
Nah, he's decent sometimes.

Above average for MLS though.
It is really not a good league
Its gotten better, just give it time, wait until papa Trump lifts the transfer caps.
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This is also as useful as an Audi score
>its an "i can put out a shit product and blame the teams that actually care for not sharing" league

Marxists fuck off, if you build a team like Minnesota you deserve a decade of basement-dwelling.
>pink cows 24
>not 27

Minnesota doesn't even deserve a team
t. SOONfag
Of course
See, they don't.
What does that huge sand nigger flag say?
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Turf...yeah, some teams play on it...it's not great...

>haha seriously guys we are getting better xD
a goal with pace and power

thanks obama
americans shitting on their domestic league are so KOOL
but it really is poor
Random thought, MLS would greatly benefit by banning drums and any kind of shit that muffles actual voices.

See, that was a nice goal.

"not great" i can see the plastic from my shitty stream

But it is better than say, 10 years ago.

They just need to get rid of the transfer caps so they can act as a bridge league for south american talent, LOCAL>MLS>EUROPE every player would do this and vastly improve the MLS.
Lalas voted drumpf probably
Even Portland has to share with football
It's at least the best turf field in the league
Saying MLS sucks doesn't have anything to do with Europe.
>Alexi "Freedom" Lalas
That's already happening, young South Americans will come here in droves now look at Atlanta
He did
How is he the conservative voice in the liberal hellscape that is American soccer?
Argentina BTFO
>LOCAL>MLS>EUROPE every player would do this and vastly improve the MLS
this is likely what's going to happen with the lads ATL U signed.
alexi is a huge hippy
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>best turf field in the league

But there is still a cap in wages right?
Who gives a shit about who someone voted for?
Nagbe had a nice run they missed him
Designated players (3 per team) are exempt from salary cap to some degree
There's 3 dps and TAM, more than enough to bring in promising lesser known players
It's a pain in the ass
But if you've ever seen a football field after a game you'd understand why most teams opt for turf
which football team is in portland?
>best turf
Decent by Minnesota there desu
Portland State
It's a FCS School

Only one Henry would play on
portland state

Every MLS team should sign 2 forwards and 1 midfield then, seeing the level of MLS defense.

Most of the world manages, i findtit understandable if the field is shared but its still pure garbage.

Please remove name/trip if you want to be taken seriously.
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>Sharing with an FCS school
>putting a star above your logo for some irrelevant title

All the good teams sign half decent DPs or at least try to

Usually they are forwards/mids

Minnesota has 0 DPs
>Most of the world manages, i findtit understandable if the field is shared but its still pure garbage.
He's talking about after an american football game. They get shredded
Only Montreal doesn't share with another sport and that's because it's right next to the Olympic Stadium
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>forgetting about the best stadium in the league
That's not red bull arena
Objectively wrong

Jesus you can't even escape the sandnigger advertising outside of Europe either. I'm sick of everything being emirates and shit.
do something about it big boy
Isn't Toyota Park soccer only? Avaya Stadium too
That's not soldier Field
>the best field is my home team's field
>arabic behind the goal
>the caliphate of poortland
I shouldn't have posted about the field.
go disappoint your family some more
can't wait to see gulf arab countries btfo when the oil money runs out
Predictable response.
Has no other tennants but they do hold other sports events, it's a host stadium of the Rugby 7s world cup next year
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Pic related

Used as a high school field
Hosts rugby matches occasionally

We have this arguement
It was bound to happen
>I shouldn't have posted
Why isn't Josh Gatt playing?
playing one football game in the stadium per year does not equal sharing m80
BMO Field is a multi tenant stadium with a football team that has a grass pitch

Just saiyan
>black dude
>plays for Minnesota

Almost the entire league is
The only ones that share with football are Seattle, Vancouver, Portland, LA (lolwut), and Atlanta
He's from Sweden :^)
have the memes gone too far?
I see no difference?
I would say turf and bad acl but their home stadium this year has turf

Not for long

I'm sure once there is someone to share with you will
>I'm sure once there is someone to share with you will
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Minnesota is rightful Norwegian clay, Swedes out REEE!
Are you saying this because there will never be anyone to share it with or that you still wouldn't share?
they built the stadium so they wouldn't have to share
Why are you this upset?
They did it to get out of a NFL and then a minor league baseball stadium
>photonegative flag
hmm really made me think
i know. ive been going to games 5ever. of course, arrowhead and community america ballpark are both natural grass so the turf meme has never been an issue
Minnesota United season theme song:

>Portlel Tumblrs giving a goal up to a shitty NASL team
>being scored on by a mini soda
>i score like minisoda
>center forward standing at the top of the 18
>nobody firmly planted on his ass

gjge portlel defense
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I don't see it.
>83 minutes in
>only 1 sub a piece
portland thinks it was smart to score that penalty but they must not have realized that it put them in the most dangerous lead
Wait what the fuck

why was he allowed to kick point-blank at the goal?

Don't there have to be players in between for free kicks?
It was a benuldy
*cuts up a fuggen log*
he was a minority so they arent allowed to build a wall in front of his kicks
no clue what that is, i have a lot to learn
>gay flags
>nu males

what type of message are the Timbers trying to convey
nagbe is fuggin class, I wish he had gone to Celtic
bear love
*continues to only have a fucking leaf*

a fluid one
When a defender commits a foul in his own box a penalty kick is awarded to the other team
So now that we know Mini soda is not going to win a game this season, how can a team like Portland give up a single goal to a NASL team? They are easily bottom tier.
>muslim writing on the the supporters banner
Sweet it's time for lolmattocks for 5+ minutes.

Over/under how many sitters he misses?
Sorry, what is meant by "box"?

Is it the defending half of the field or that tiny rectangle that the goalie stands in?
It's the rectangle.
It's the rectangle the goalie stands in
Lalast needs to go.
use some critical thinking
ok thanks

what's the bigger rectangle called, the one with the semicircle in front of it?
A "half"
the crease
Tetrischant time.
>swedish goaltending
Well lads, at least we got one tonight.
>MLS defending
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This desu
Gonna be a rough year for Minnesota
I see
so what happens if a foul happens in the goal box instead of the penalty box? is it still a penalty?
Stop stop they're already dead
I don't mean it like that lol. The SPL is worse than MLS but Celtic gets noticed given CL/EL and would let him springboard into a top 5 league
Thank you based Satellite, I don't need to see anymore.
>that defending
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>yfw that applies to every sport
>the state of minisoda
That wouldn't make that much difference
It's called MLS defending
They wouldn't meet Portland's transfer fee demand.

Americans are criminally undervalued in the transfer market
Almost like 7-1 all over again
Can't really say that since most of the team is from scandanvia
>moment of the match was literally refball
why would they say that
the leaf ALWAYS wins
In a perfect world, he'll be highly sought after Russia 18 though
>turning your back on an attacker that is running directly at you
for what purpose
Oh boy, it's going to be a long season, still beats watching the Twins though
except the stanley cup
Minnesota plays like an NASL team, good thing pro/rel doesn't exist
>423 posts in a game thread

Not bad, not bad.

TRIPS OF (more or less) TRUTH
I've reviewed the entire thread, and this is the best post in it.
I think my highschool could seat more people
Thread posts: 427
Thread images: 36

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