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Leafs vs Sabres: Matthews is better FACT

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Thread replies: 172
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Connor Brown is elite
Lets keep it comfy :)
Can we please just settle this Connor Brown is not elite
Easy laffs win
Andersens in net tonight, he was elite last game
I will post it until its true then.
he was ight

is it me you are looking for!!!!!!!!!
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Marner a average
NOT comfy
>averagely good as fuck
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>His team's best players are a mexican and a muslim
>bustthews and jihadri
>best players
Andersen and JVR?
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jihadri gets a goal and an assist tonight
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>His team has a grammatical error in the name
Do you guys think Ill Mike Illitch wore a wig or not??

>Gabriella Iglesias Robulez singing the anthems again
>tribute to ilitch
classy af canada

also, that hot little beaner with the anthems
It's brilliant from a trademark/brand protection perspective.
Shes filipino
and 14
not a grammatical error
the logo is one (1) leaf
so they are the leafs
too old
>this fan on the Leafs broadcast acting like the Canadian National Anthem is some Christina Aguilera women empowerment anthem
>being this jealous of the Canadian anthem
They're the Toronto Maples Leafs, not the Toronto Maple Leaf

You're welcome.
you just dont understand freedom
because there is more than one player on the team you mongoloid
>that feelio when no Nylanderoni
The plural of leaf is leaves.

It's grammatically incorrect. The team itself points to the grammatical incorrectness of it to defend its trademark rights.
is there anything better than HNIC + alcohol lads?
>3 drinks deep
>58 minutes left in the game
>Cherry inc
finland pls
>gardiner with his first turnover turned scoring chance
Its a proper name so it doesn't follow the same rules you autist
the plural of panther is panthers
the Florida Panthers logo is one panther
they're not "The Florida Panther"
i love finland
what you drinking
Is the team fucking asleep out there or what
the cheapest amber rum i could find and iced tea
i like to switch it up from beer from time to time
>arguing against the team itself

>According to MLSE’s Notice of Opposition, which asks the TTAB to refuse registration for pending trademark applications for LEAFS BY SNOOP, “Nearly 90 years ago, the Maple Leafs adopted as one of their key brand names the trademark LEAFS. They have used their LEAFS mark in U.S. commerce since 1927. The LEAFS mark reflects a highly unusual and distinctive spelling, since the plural of the English language work ‘leaf’ is usually presented as ‘leaves.'” The opposition states that the rapper’s “use of the LEAFS BY SNOOP plus design mark first began 90 years after the Maple Leafs' first use of their LEAFS marks.”

Panthers isn't grammatically incorrect.
Will someone please tell the defense to start playing Hockey?
looks like it mate
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>Letting a locker room cancer score on you
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>it's 2-0 already
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call a timeout pls babs
P-playoffs are s-still in reach...r-right?
Are you fucking stupid? Its a proper name just like any persons name. A person or company can call themselves whatever they want and spell it any way they want there is no right way when its a proper name.
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>mfw sabres powerplay
Yes no one in the east is really out of it
I don't get it, you're agreeing with him
Just because it's a proper noun doesn't make the word itself not grammatically incorrect.
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Hackey nicght in Canada. No Romanuck for 3 hours. Im okay with this.
How is it 2-0 already !!
The entire Leafs team is going to hit the rookie wall.
Literally the worst. I'd rather listen to senile Bob Cole
Yes it does, its a name.

>Hi yes is this Toys R Us? You're going to have to change your name because its not slept right thanks.

Froot Loops
Cheese Whiz

Is there anything else that triggers you?
It literally does though. It's ONE Leaf. The team is named after ONE leaf. The team is composed of more than one player, so they are the Leaf(s).
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>a type of word that can be spelled arbitrarily
>it should be grammatically correct though

cole and harry o neale were incredible when i was a kid growing up in the 90s.
I'd rather listen to ice melt
I never said it's not a proper noun, guys. That's beside the point.

You're the one having a shitfit.
Merely saying something is grammatically incorrect doesn't mean it needs to be corrected. It's just a fact, you complete dumbshit.
we all know that the plural of leaf is leaves, but the team isn't named after more than one leaf, so therefore then name is grammatically correct
Atta boy JVR get some life into the rest of the team
It doesnt matter if you said it or not. It is in fact a proper noun so its not subject to the same rules of grammar.

>american education
lol, but atta boy
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hahahah what a fucking faggot ristolaine
good on rasmus for just holding the guy
"Leafs" is grammatically incorrect whether it's a proper noun or not. It doesn't mean it's against the law or even a bad idea, given the distinctiveness of it.
mfw 4th lines has best offensive shift so far.
marner and mathews back on bustwatch
>if I say it over and over again, it might come true

You're hopeless. Stop having a mental breakdown over something so unimportant.
>if I say it over and over again, it might come true
>he says while repeating the same thing over and over
Matthews has two fucking worthless linemates. He should win the Masterson for triumphing over that adversity to score 25+ goals.
>Blows whistle
>Keeps playing
Really makes you think
your mom is grammatically incorrect
it would be incorrect in any context other than it being the name of something. But it is named after one leaf. You are wrong.
fuck you he could've dumpstered the dude

hymans grit/60 is off the charts you idiot
Saying something repeatedly is different than saying something repeatedly in the hope it makes that something come true. You're a bit slow.
Eat shit.
>Panthers isn't grammatically incorrect.

now I'm positive you're trolling, nice work though
The only reason I was repeating multiple times because you seemed to not get it the first time so I thought I would repeat it again with more information.
anderson pls
Yankees to Fighting Irish: What's Behind Your Favorite Team's Name
By Michael Leo Donovan

>Among the teams he scouted for talent were a group a young men who called themselves the East Toronto MAPLE LEAFS - grammatically incorrect, but effective just the same.

You're done here.
mcleleleleleny should be the starter

there i said it
>the leafs will win this one for sure
don't blame anderson for the shit tier defense infront of him
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>you're done here

it was some impressive baiting tho
gardiner pls
that's why babcock isn't pulling him

if they were weak, he'd definitely pull anderson
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>j-just t-t-trolling
You wish Anderson played for you. You are stuck with Andersen.
>nothing is ever andersens fault

why cant laffs fans just accept hes an average goalie who occiasionally has really good games
oh wow well then that non-sourced independent "quote" proves it
>nothing is ever andersens fault
literally never said that
i accept this
>anyone can say anything and that means its true
Oh.... Okay I guess because Leo Donovan says it the regular rules of grammar dont apply to it.

No one can actually be this stupid right?
Let's see, an actual book. written by an actual author, reviewed by an actual editor and actually published or some autistic teenager on a Chinese rice farming website taking personal offense to a simple fact.

I'm really on the fence here.
>actual published books never have errors
>personal opinions are never wrong
Books tend to be a little more authoritative than the internet.

Sorry you were wrong. It happens to the best of us.
Any one can write and public a book you fucking mong
In harry potter he fights a dragon does that mean dragons are real?

It is a proper name like Froot Loops or Chik-fil-a
>everyone is wrong but me!!!

Bury your head a little deeper in the sand there, Gordo.
Don is spiffy as fuck tonight
No one can be this stupid
then again youre american
I quit lmao
But not everyone can find a publisher.

it's time to stop posting 2bh
Except youre the only one in the thread saying its a grammatical error? Everyone else thinks youre retarded
>n-no you

Slink away now.
>you will never be this dapper in your 80s
feels bad man
>this commercial for muslims
fuck you ontario
He's far from elite yeh
He's far from a 2nd goalie too
A great starter, nothing flashy
did the leafs chance their jersey just this year
connor brown is kinda useless
Updated logo(s)
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If get Buffalo will score on Leafs' own power play
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8 rotated 90 degrees is infinity.
>marner and matthews together
wew lad lets get it going boys
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it's over
>marner and matthew together
Activate it.
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>off the field issues
>Tall people btfo
>bouncing it off defenders foot knowing he would be there to protect the wrap around

marner playing 4D monopoly
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I would have sex with Mitch marner
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you're just not ready justin
>implying there is any other option
Just like his idol Kane he doesnt take no for an answer
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crowd sounds like they had a line of those salts marner is on
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>Carricks shot directly onto Lehner
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babcock better throw some shit in dressing room.
>most dangerous lead
hes been learning from hyman

hymann needs three maybe four more pk goals to break nhl record.
lol no, that wouldnt even break the record for Short handed goals in a season for the leafs (Dave Reid - 8)
>by a rookie
That was clearly apparent in your first comment. Fucking retard
Jesus fuck that shift from Marner just dumped Ristoleinen
>wasn't even my comment
That one wasn't mine
Lol how did the leafs go from blowing leads in the 3rd period to having the 3rd period be their best hockey but blowing the game in the 1st.

Really makes you think....
Everytime Marner touches the puck he does something
The puck always ends up on his stick its like a magnet
i would literally have sex with him
im not even memeing i would put my penis in his asshole
i would pinch his neck and kiss it
Everyone passes it to him when he's on the ice because they know he will figure out something to do with it.
T-then what would you do?
Step up Matthews
this 2bh been invisible while eichlel has 3 assists
Let me explain with a very brief grammar lesson. Most know that words that end in ‘f’ are pluralized by dropping the ‘f’ and adding ‘ves’. But that is true of common nouns (most, but not all – ie. “roofs”). Proper nouns, simply put, are nouns that are specific names of people, places and things. And when these proper nouns end in ‘f’, they are pluralized by simply adding an ‘s’. So, Leaf (from the regiment) becomes Leafs.
buffalel cant stop whining even when theyre winning
stop passing to Brown!
>that kadri hit
clean hit but gionta will bitch about it anyways

all these former habs bitching

pathetic tbqh
>this laffs 6 v 5

are you actually kidding me?
marner a shit
>marner taking on Ristoleinen to protect Matthews
Wow give this kid the C
>wow give this kid the D
>give this kid's mom the D
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ill just leave this here.
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