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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 146

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pedosota isn't sustainable edition
1st for /nrl/
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reminder that these 2 players will be the best in the NHL
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Why are games allowed to be on at 10am?
because hongcouver is irrelevant
>Braindead laffers don't know how the salary cap works

Back to grade 13 you libcucks LOL
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Is this you?

>26 posts of pasta
>not a peep for 5 months
Top zoozlezozzle
What a shit thread
Anisimov's career path is funny. A literal who for the most part with the >rags, grows into a solid 3c type for the blowjackets, then finds himself playing on one of the most offensively dynamic lines in the league with the reddithawks mostly just scoring garbage goals from kane/panarin memery
He was pretty nice to have as a jacket
Until he started to play like shit after he got injured
He was ready to get traded and they Got saad
How does Toews feel cucking his homecity?
The Detroit DEAD wings
Does he still get regularly destroyed skating his head down through the ice? Remember seeing him get leveled like that half a dozen times
Fuck the mild
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he's a big guy
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>mfw hongcouver will never draft as high as 5th overall again and they used it on a fucking mongol bust
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That's the 3rd time in 3 years he's come to camp at around 230 pounds. He's going to die of heart failure at age 50
Has there ever been any greater bust
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the faggot they drafted last year isn't trending much better
>finnish man cucks yet another canadian
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I own that adidas jacket too.jpg
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There's one waiting in the wings
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What are you talking about? The parents are "in Finland", meaning they aren't in Finland.
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Chloe's career busted pretty hard
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>mfw hongcouver stays mediocre for the next decade and never win the lottery
>another Finn

hmm... there seems to be a pattern here... can't quite put my finger on it though...
going out for the weekly fin bashing lads. think i can break my high score this time
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>hongcouver in charge of not being delusional and retarded
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Are there any dumbasses like me who watches KHL (the worst league in the world) https://youtu.be/gTLuIGJ7Vho
finnish league is way worse than khl lad

NHL >>>> KHL>SHL >>>> mongol liiga
Except this exact same thing has happened in the NHL. But worse. I'm talking "10 year old picking his nose and playing with bugs in the outfield" tier.

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she's working hard at getting it back on track desu
Never had the opportunity

and i hear the talent is really stretched out
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centers fault. dont let them get a clean faceoff like that, fuck their stick up. both are good shots too

anyway what is this expression trying to convey?
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hello out there
>Finnish goal tending
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>He just went ANOTHER GAME pointless
35 AHL games, 9 points
>drafting ehlers would have made us better
>and this is a bad thing
KEK https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bCglRr24mjQ
McCabe singlehandedly killed the finnish golden generation, since ever he headbutted Laine, Laines not been able to hit the broad side of a barn. 50 goal scorer turned to a potential 10 goaler
>capuano was coaching in 2010
>capuano coached humpty dumpty
how did this wop/chink hybrid mongol keep is job so long?
I have access to new developmental medicine that is said to unbust even the most busted of mongols. For the low, low, very low price of ONE (1) Leveraxe, I will direct mail this medication directly to your doorstep.

-Michael from Charleston
Jesus fucking christ Laine have you held a fucking twig before in your life? Constanly whiffing and mishandling the puck like a utter retard given a lumber and told to go play.

Think I'm just going drop watching Laine and keep on following Aho and Rantanen, 2 finnish rookies that can actually play the game of ice hockey.
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love it
Should we start calling the mild the cantpuckasotas
>hongcouver in charge of logic

those gooks looooooovee doing mental gymnastics to defend jim benning
Are you hockeydipshit on twitter?
can you post the original please?
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wew finally beat the jests
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for u

his feed is good for getting your fill of hongcouver assdevastation though, i'd recommend it to anyone looking for that
>blaming it on a single concussion when legitimately elite players routinely shake off concussions

nice attempt at damage control there pekkka
>chris Cuthbert doing pbp on nbc

fug bug
did tampa win?
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>hongcouver sinks down the standings
>finishes 28th ahead of only crapalanche and sparkledogs
>gets cucked out of the lottery by crapalanche sparkledogs and las vegas
>jim benning still doesn't get fired and selects another bust
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>When Pajeet Rajminder from Toronto starts talking about hockey near me
So that muslim that the Capitals did all this crap for the other night was all just an anti Trump statement, right.

nhl is just copying some of the other corporations doing this stuff right now, pretty soft virtue signaling

nice daniel dubs
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>Every public wifi hotspot in downtown Toronto is banned on /sp/
haha fucking sean

tried to shitpost here from pearson when i got back from peru and could not
tfw layover in toronto from brazil and no hotdogspot in toronto
Why does Sean not post on /hoc/ anymore? Don't think I was around when he stopped
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Not so fast Tampon Gay
Did you just discover this tonight?
Mods cracked down on the two who shall not be named
i went to a hockey game tonight
it wasn't an nhl game
damn that sucks, /hoc/ was way better when he posted here tee bee aitch
behebhebehebehebeh hunned hunned
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Is early 90s Gwen Stefani perfect female form?
>perfect female form
>was fucking the guy to the right of her for that entire time period
>rumor masquerading as matter of face around Nationwide: the blow jackets are reefer toking cool guys.

For the love of all that shits if this is partly the reason that they suck 10 kinds of ass right now.. I don't even.

Quit blowing glass. Wake up before noon. Win a game in regulation.
Females minds are inherently flawed, desu
pick one you nostalgia jerking normie cuck redditurd. you gotta be 18 to post here
if pot's all >your team's players smoke that's nothing relative to some of the other stuff that's popular in the nhl
>People alive during Gwen Stefani glory days would have at least been teens during the early 90s
>Therefore must be at least in 30s now
>Therefore must be at least in 30s now
so you're actually a bigger faggot than he initially described you as
No I just remembered Sean for some reason
>early 90s
clue me in anon, do people do meth

have you ever been in a fight
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Listen up shitheads because I only want to say this once:
The Minnesota Wild are the absolute best team in hockey, in any league, NHL, KHL, you name it. They are playing as one; each player can count on his linemate to be exactly where they anticipate and they are moving fluidly as a unit.
Simply put beating the Wild comes down to puck luck and capitaling on scoring chances (though the Wild are top 6 in GA/GP) because a full strength Wild team is just stronger and faster and better equipped than the opposition.

This isn't some home ice advantage gimmick ala 12th man, though Minnesota does have very boisterous fans and a famed crowd, and it isn't because they are on a lucky streak.
This is when a coach and GM have assembled the pieces required to fit the scheme designed and it working as intended. This is when the cogs are all turning and the wheel is spinning. The watch face is ticking because each little intricate piece is doing exactly what it needs to do.

My question to you is a simple one at first but a difficult one when thought about:

Who can beat the Wild?


gee, when have i heard this before
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mainly cocaine but also whatever's trendy
a ton of pill poppers too
rip in peas bob probert
you now remember when dean Lombardi got mike Richards arrested for having oxy on him in an attempt to terminate his contract
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>i just realized mike richards is only a year older than me but i'm a fat unaccomplished NEET who will NEVER make the show
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America is kill. Once fentanyl is popular in the US, it's all over
yeah those were the days
I've always been pretty quite. For the longest time I never had any friends or enemies and the one dude I didn't like moved. In short, things worked out for me one way or another. My life's just been uneventful
how do i get fentanyl and do i have to inject it
asking for a friend lol
stop being degenerate
honestly i don't really care about the mild much but if >my team is eliminated i'd root for you guys cause of based b00dreau
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It's a death sentence. A shot of Narcon(overdose reversing drug) won't save you. Right is the typically lethal amount of fentanyl compared to heroin
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When are the nucks going to change their jerseys?

I'm hoping for pic related
They'll never change their blue-green palette. It's the one they adopted to reign in the Aquilini ownership and that won't change unless France$co sells
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File name should be Pedro Force 1
Next edition Ilitch edition pls no bully.
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I don't have any shoop skills, I want it so it has the Mexican guy saying this instead of peppy
Owner of the Red Wongs who died today
i hope they have free food for his dying anniversary
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>that face she makes when I watch classic hockey games all day
haha fat chance faggot

if they reverted back to those they would lose out on money from the dinos who already have those just getting the nameplates and numbers switched out
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>Laffs fans have died in the last 50 years

Feels goodman
>female portrayed in picture doesn't have unibrow and hairy upper lip

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I dont watch hockey but I heard the Finnish "golden generation" was destroyed by some guy named Jake? Is this true?
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>Aladdin not Chinese

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>Hongcouver trying to make this about chinks
Who would have thought
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>white people stole Lion King
>white people stole Aladdin
>white people can't stop stealing
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>laine's face when he read this post
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>white people stole open IPs anyone can use
You're so fucking stale
>open IPs
>got sued for it

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>still replying to the autistic race-baiting tripgook
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>3rd world chiming in on a 1st world sport
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>Canada Says It Will Accept More Immigrants This Year Than It Has in Decades
>> Canada to let 300,000 immigrants enter country in 2017
>Way more migrants are now sneaking across the US-Canada border

One of our countries is trending in the right direction and its not Canada.
Why are white people always so triggered?

>lefties: "they misgendered/mispronouned me!!!"
>righties: "omg black people and mexicans and muslims grrr!"
Is that Frankenstein's daughter?
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you seem to be the only one obsessing over shitposts. Its an outplayed meme that wasnt even funny in the first place. I feel bad for you if anything, thats about it. stop overthinking it.
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US race by age.jpg
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>The US lets in 1 million LEGAL immigrants ever year
>White people have the LOWEST fertility rate in America
>The US use to let in 1 million LEGAL immigrants ever year

whats up with you and race? were you molested by a shitskin or something?
>I want only pretending to be triggered



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I'm a different poster, desu
what team do you cheer for?
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>I want only pretending to be triggered

says the guy with blacked.com imagessaved to his harddrive. think about that for a second.
youre all the same, and canada will be a hell of a lot more culturally enriched by shitskins than America is within the next decade.
>being this new
they're good reaction pictures

i don't even know the website they're from, but they trigger people pretty badly for some reason

hahaha USA = trasHED!
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>muhh expired memes make me an old fag
>only 2 points ahead of 3rd worst in the league
>going to get cucked by the GKs in the draft lottery
You're so fucking stale and haven't been funny in over a year so now you just post race shit for Youvotes

Fucking sad, stale fuck
i assume anyone still responding to her is new
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because only a sheltered canadian that has to create a name for himself on an anonymous image-board would find it funny. lack of real life social interaction would do that to you
Its patrik laine
>being this wrong

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>over 90% of the population of Canada lives within 100 miles of the U.S. border.

really makes you think whos the cuck here.
>a team that relies on jayson megna to play top6 minutes

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>hating on Jayson "Mega" Megna

holy shit, how limited is your hockey knowledge?
good posts
made me laugh out loud
her posting style is obnoxious in a way only a dumb cunt of a woman's could be
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>his team has a blue primary home sweater
disgusting desu
>"she" was born in toronto but chooses to cheer for the cantpucks

>coilers and laffs will make the ploffs
this is her cousin
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typical coilers fans.webm
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nice crosbo dubbos
nice rantanen dubs
nice number of blue jackets cups dubs
nice your name dubs
6/10 a decent laugh

I know somewhere there is a Chinese bootlegger who actually thinks Your Name is a player
nice martin dubs
which padbabby has been most exposed since they shrinked the pads down last week?
You are so fucking SALTY and titled
Kalsarikännit tonight, Finland.
nice andersen dubs
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Nice Thicksby numbers
>martin dubs
>not le scooter man dubs

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nice jihadri dubs
>tfw Zyzz died almost 6 years ago
Where did the time go?
>in one year the red wings have lost both gordie howe and mike ilitch
fuck man
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Idk, never forget the super autist who got super shredded
didn't he just use a lot of drugs and dyed having sex with men
No, he apparently had congenital heart disease(genetic) that was never diagnosed. No doubt the cocktail of roids, HGH, testorone and excessive stress due to exercise killed him quicker but he was probably doomed to die in a few years anyway

He did lots of steroids and died from a congenital heart problem in a sauna.
>mad at the jackets
he must have been half finnish to die in a sauna

he overjuiced and had a heart attack/failure
wtf i love hair dye now
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'mirin a kurd shitskin
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Dats a big bener
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also @NHL just posted in russian
>people are seriously going to call this a russian hacking
also, he's not the best looking but he's very nice in person.
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Zyzz 2.jpg
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Normally I would shit like that stupid, but that really does capture the spirit of Zyzz
No he's a good guy met him before, but he is miles away the ugliest person I've ever met
I've met far uglier people in my lifetime.
you want a real ugly sports star look at niki lauda
That looks like a horrible photoshop
NIki wasn't born that way, pavel was born with a dorito head
laudas mangled face is a reminder of how baus he is
Poor niki, he had an amazing career before the crash
would you trade your looks for Datsyuk's skills

imagine if your face was 2 times as triangular and your chin was twice as point as datsyuk
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>Zyzz was into Jojo before it was cool
A true legend

He was real
niki was born with a face like a rat

yes of course, look at his wife, she's pretty decent looking and he has all the money as well
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Niki looked pretty normal.
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still had buck teeth.
Lauda pre -accident was better looking then Datsyuk.
Lauda after it is another story.
Mike Ricci is pretty ugly though.
Just look at that nose!
What about Bill though?
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anyone else have a thing for barely average girls who are really dolled up for a special night out?

they look so adorable I just want to squeeze them
their faces just scream "I have a under 110 IQ"
Dying in the sauna is a russian thing
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power wojak.png
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>Zyzz was born in Moscow
It was fate
I wasn't aware of this
I must now watch the world sauna championships to better understand
being a woman screams "I have an under 110 IQ" so I wouldn't hold that against her
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cyka blyat.jpg
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That's a good source for proofs right there
What a shitty format. One of those eastern rounds, and the likely round 2 matchups are a joke. Can you guess which one?
how fitting that the reason he died is because he tried to cheat
dirty russians getting what they deserve for once
Who do they likely take from them as well? Extra bit of cucking or shit to pick from?
thats pretty true
am I clinically retarded if I like both doc emrick and pierre mcguire?
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goog niggit
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Buffalo Sabres general manager Tim Murray was asked a question about Sabres star forward Jack Eichel and he gave one of the most unsual responses you're ever going to hear from an NHL GM.

"He certainly won't get his pee pee slapped by me for being a little more outspoken," said Murray as per Mike Harrington of the Buffalo News.

I wonder what would get a pee pee slap?

Doc no...Mcguire yes.
>wake up
>hokki in less than 9 hours
I like it
only plebs hate them

Proud to be a pleb if that means not liking mcguire
>not staying in media blackout and watching yesterdays games with the ability to FF ads and intermissions
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eight and a half hours until hokkei
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doc yes
pierre no
Wew lad, too anti-social for me tbf
Will Finland beat Czech? I must know
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>laine 0+1
is this a good price for coffee?
normal juhla mokka is a low tier coffee for people who dont know any better
>tfw juhla mokka is a dumb teenager that wants to get KHANED
If that's the pure colombian blend, yes it's a steal
I'm willing to offer a full khanning for a green card and ten million US dollar
juhla mokka is absolute shit tier coffee. no reason to import it when you can just buy the cheapest crap at your nearest supermarket and it'll taste the same
t. coffee autist
I watch hockey for hockey not as an excuse to shitpost
I didn't say that it was wrong to do it your way my friend
whats your recommended coffee

under 5 euros per 500grams of grounds
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Hyvää yötä
Good night
Buenas noches
God natt

Going to wake up just in time for hokkie
i like to do both

vancouver will win the cup btw
me neither friend
I don't buy grounds nor coffee that's under 5 euros for 500g because nothing is good at that price range so I can't really help you out there.

If you want decent coffee that's widely available segafredo intermezzo is 12.70/kg and roasted right here in Finland
Fair enough, have a nice day!
and as for my recommended I've recently been really liking the stuff they sell here https://goodlifecoffee.fi/ though it seems the online shop has much less variety than the brick and mortar store I visit. but their asking price of ~15€ for 250g is a little steep.
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>McDavid has 0 (zero) Thirty goal seasons.
>hes """""""the best"""""""

Can someone explain this nonsense?
It's all about secondary assists in the current year.
Neither has Gretzky. What's your point?
Get your fucking facts right Swede. In 91-92 Gretz, yeah i can call him Gretz, scored 31 goals. So yes, in fact Wayne did score a 30 goal campaign.
Is Minnesota the most likable team in the NHL?

>state of hockey
>international core of players
>underappreciated for years
>little press attention outside Minnesota
>forwards are defensive minded. can backcheck and kill penalties
>team built around defense and skating ability
>classy fans
>finally getting what they deserve

How can you not love them?
>carried by tossed around goalie
31 isn't 30 though
This is why noone likes Sweden
Swedish /hoc/ posters > Canadian /hoc/ posters

Well known fact
Is Sweden even a real place?
Yes, but Canada isn't
Swedish /hoc/ posters: know about hockey
Canadian /hoc/ posters: nothing else is on TV so I guess I'll go shitpost on /sp/ like I understand the sport because of my flag
hey man dont say that to our friends

only sweed no one likes is the nylander poster
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oilers fans are mental defectives
A very good post. Thank you for your support and telling the truth

Sorry, the truth has to be set free. You can find solace in your nice numbers though
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Swede ish bully
Finland is also bully
at least you'll never be as bad as burgers who bought into the whole "rivalry" meme and act like wild monkeys because the TV tells them to
I'm sorry you feel that way. I can't take the truth away from the people though, that would be a crime against humanity
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I respect Kanada as a nation.
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Plz stop bully
>nordic countries in a nutshell
I never bully on purpose, but I can't stop spreading truths
relax friend
in finland we call this a jerry
canada is gay lol
Now, this is just pure bullying. Please stop.
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cute doggo
Is that a dogster?
its a hag
That name makes me sad, please consider changing it
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Why does Laine keep busting? How can we help him
Not sure what you mean. He doesn't need any help busting. He is a Fin.
he plays really nervously now because people are targeting him.
Concussions are so common nowadays because the enforcer is essentially a lost art that is less practiced than latin,
This means people can get away with too much on star players, and can deliver harder hits to a player who takes more risks such as Laine.
Laine had this coming a mile away and so will other young stars.
Nobody seems to have a role and to play it well anymore.
The Russians (and players as a whole) can't snipe and dazle like they used to because they're expected to play a two way game because every team expects an Ovi type player.
We're starting to trend away from that but it's still there.
Rockets on his skates
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What's stopping him from winning the norris trophy?

Makes me think
Pretty much only an injury could at this point tbf
Laughing SO HARD at Minnesota Wild, and the state of Minnesota in general.
is poopooojarve good? pls no memes
Are all you "pizza gate" dipshits going to leave Zach Parise alone after Bannon gets thoroughly raped by a defamation suit?

>this is bait.
>I fucking even labeled it. ffs your pathetic

Also, the wild look like they're going to run away with the West. Who do they need to rent? they look stacked, but I don't think their bottom 6 can count on each other..
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Let's just start early and congratulate the 2017 Stanley Cup champions, the St Louis Blues!
If NHL would be smart they would give it to the aryan god looking RR55 instead of that inbred hillbilly Burns to be honest.
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Quite rude Norge. Would you like to elaborate? What did Minnesota do to you? A lot of Norwegians immigrated to Minnesota a century ago.
How he win when he in bin?
Please don't get offended by what dopeway has to say. They have no right to speak about sports
Please ignore all posts made by dopeway they're not really worth of your (You)'s.
if I roll the dubs i will get a hockey loving girl in this current year
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Thanks for clearing that up.
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>tfw it took you 12 years to realize there is a bear on Mild logo

how retarded am I
I'm surprised at this point I haven't gotten myself banned again
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is this a man or a woman?
I don't think anyone knows for sure at this point

>get girl
>make her watch hockey with you
>show her qt player on >your team
most grills aren't very interested in the team but instead players. Whether they have an interesting back story or are just attractive.
Find girl first and the hockey loving will come, assuming you aren't some sunbelt faggot.
>get girl

was with you until that
is this what orgasms sound like in Norway?

another top notch post by the brilliant finns
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Hey I am speaking from past experience not current
>is this what orgasms sound like in Norway?
Yes, since all norwegian girls are pretty much witches
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I want Lindholm and Aho to succeed in same line so we can finally have elite swedefinn duo.
is this what life looks like as a Coyotes fan?

well thank you for that advice, I will stay away from the witches so they don't put a funny spell on my penis
Probably the best post posted today tbf

You're welcome!
That is a very wise decision
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Quality thread
So Icelandic girls are whores, Finnish girls smell like herring, Swedish girls are into the BBC, and Norwegian girls are witches?
Just making sure I get everything down right.
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Is it possible to filter tripfags in clover? Normally I put up with them but this desperate attempt for attention is ruining the comfy morning /hoc/.
>inb4 phoneposting
>Norwegian girls are witches
This is the only thing you got right. Stop being so silly with those other ridiculous claims
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Never mind I could have figured it out in the time it took me to solve the captcha.

Have this in penance.
just take your (you)

The finns said before the girls smelled like herring and I read a book that said the icelandic girls were whores
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finnish girls are also whores
using your phone as anything other than emergency backup is for 15 year old girls
that or unless you are using it for financial stuff or emails on the go.
All girls from every country in the world are whores. Its just in their nature and they can't help but be like that.
counts as emergency since you aren't capable of using a computer if you are on the go

omg look at that fukken monkey
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How do you post while laying in bed at 730 AM hungover?
Last weekend was tough. Had to meet two of my buddies new GFs. At least I have a date with someone from work monday.
Hello nerds! :D When is hoki?

Just dropping in to let you know I feel FANTASTIC and ready for the game tonight! Had a healthy breakfast with some oatmeal and fruits, jogged a little, ate a snack, went to the gym, lifted HEAVY, took a shower and now I'm cooking DELICIOUS chicken and veggies for lunch. Man do I love life :D

I hope there aren't any losers here who've been sitting on their asses all day. Or even worse hungover from yesterday :(

Accept jesus into your heart and through exercise you will reach mental fortitude! Go Panthers!
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Go to /tg/ if you want to roleplay.
3 games start at 1pm eastern
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TBQH everything I said was true except maybe the jesus bit. These weekends are pretty fucking great since I stopped drinking alltogether.
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holy shit tomorrow is going to suck boys Ive been up since 6 on friday

at least julien got fired holy shit now we need to send krug down to providence and make him play wing

g o b r u i n s
By tomorrow you mean Sunday? How are the amphetamines?

Just like the islels the GM needs to be fired too. Both teams have made shit moves and only the coaches have been blamed so far
just sleep longer then? I often stay up for 30+ hours and just balance it out with a good 12-14 hours of sleep.

well maybe not often but once a month approx.

too busy furiously shitposting in bed to go to my desktop and post the 2 sweeney memes I have, but yes we need to clean house and fix the manlet ridden defense, we are 3 trades away from a cup


I can never stay asleep
Subban for Crosby, Burns, and Karlsson is one of those trades?
Maybe trade one of those tantalizing 2015 first round picks.
Finally gave in and bought a fleshlight

It ain't bad but it's noisy and smells after I use it a few times
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>he bought the meme
use your hand my man
its an adjustable fleshlight
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>It ain't bad but it's noisy and smells after I use it a few times

This is what is putting me off it. I've had so many neighbors who just complain from the smallest of noises to ever be able to make any sound even in my own home.
I've had 3 of them for nearly 3 years now. Wonderful things but you gotta warm them up for 10-15 minutes before use.

Haven't masturbated by hand practically ever since I got them.
how autistic are you? it's a noise that is noticable if someone is in the same room but it won't fucking be heard to your neighbours' place
It's not incredibly loud but if I put the bottom cup on it for suction supposedly for a tighter fit it makes noise. When I leave it off there's no sound

Don't want dat snake grip

If you go to Amazon there is one that starts with "Doctor" something which I bought my brothers as a 'gag' gift. It's apparently top tier and costs 10 USD
Hossa's SHG last night moved him into a three-way tie for 11th all-time in SHGs.
when I got them I always put the cap on for the tightness but after a while I realized it feels a lot better with the cap a little open.

pro tip: put the cap on but don't tighten it all the way. then grab the thing so that your index finger is in the gap between the thing and the cap and holding it in place so it doesn't jiggle back and forth. minimal sound and feels good man
>men in the 21st century discussed rubber masturbation contraptions on a hockey general that features on the sports board of a japanese owned anime website that is well known for it's famous memes
what the fuck is happening
well hockey doesn't start for 3 more hours
Says the guy with a tripcode implying anybody here cares who he is or when he posts on the same anime image board.
hey at least I can admit I'm an autist
I know nothing I ever do on this general will ever be worth anything of value and I've made peace with that fact.
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Is this real?
Toronto is a shithole.
I dont see anything wrong with this picture.
wow there is at least 2 muslim people in toronto this must be a photoshop

me on the right
>team finland has lost 11 games out of 14 played under head coach Lauri Marjamäki
>this includes 3 defeats in world cup of hockey

Could we fucking get a new coach before the olympics. I can't believe this shit country refuses to kick out clearly incompetent coaches until the last point when they absolutely have to do it.
The guy on the right is a Sikh though.
Go Preds.
pretty sure he's indian
Is that a different coach from the one in the WJC? Didn't the team turn on him?
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Not mutually exclusive you jumbo dumbo.

They're going to show these hipsters what it's all about
Indians can be Sikhs too. Muslims are the real enemy Sikhs are bro tier.
No that was Rautakorpi. Both we're supposedly good coaches in the FEL which probably tells us just how shitty the league is, or how bad the choosing process is for the national team.
it's not his fault that our euro defenders can't make a fucking pass to save their life.
Three-point night for Henri Jokiharju last night.
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>tfw afternoon game

I'm worried lads.
Gotta love early hockey games
Easier for us europeans
Thank you
We've always had shit players, but at least before they could do enough of an team effort to actually play for a win. For some reason these FEL coaches absolutely kill all team spirit.
obligatory picks of the day:

Homeless over Sementors
Pengs over Sparkledogs
Buffalol over Laffs
Herps over Dickass
Jagrs over Prebs
Wapanig over Blightning
Capos over Duckos
Cawks over Boilers
Cantpucks over Broobans
Sasquatch over Flybers
Boos over Canadas
Abs over RAGS
Bloop Jackits over Detoit
Not very, it's a confusing logo

Broons over Cantpucks
Snes over Islanders
Shorks over Flys
Canes over Sturs
Preds over Pantlels
Wongs over Jacks
Bloos over Habs
>rags over Avs
laffs over buff
Bolts over Jets
Caps over Cucks
Pens over Yotes
Coilers over Blackcawks

Trust me
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literally every team is doing this and every team has a player who is their rep for that program.
Brad "The Nose" Marchand talking about respect in the league?
>Anonymous 02/11/17(Sat)17:55:36 No.74171393 ▶>>74171420 >>74171429
>File: broons.png (318 KB, 640x617)
cant stand that cunt

good lord who is that tittymonster
Yeh I'll need that info too
Holy hell
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>tfw your team doesn't do all this shit
Feels good lads

But I rarely go on Faceberg either so they might have some
I don't get it
People want the canes to relocate to Hartford
Didn't they move away from Hartford due to attendance issues too?
It's just memers looking for shake-ups
muh nostalgia
It is only a matter of time.
I would pick Zucker to do it. I am like 60% sure his wife's daughter has Down's syndrome. His wife is a dime though.
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The NHL has proven time and time again it is retarded. The talent pool is stretched thin enough and they are putting a team in Vegas. The first of the 4 major American sports to test that market and it is fucking ice hockey.
Then there are franchises like Arizona and Florida who have shit attendance but are held up by the earnings of other teams.
Outside of a few markets hockey is a bandwagon sport. Look at Chiraq, they even have ice there.
Basically the league needs to be reduced to something like 18-24 teams but the owners and Buttman will never let that happen.
Is there anything missing from this video?
I made it 1:27 in before the guys obnoxious buzzfeed voice drove me nuts.
As for missing, I am not sure that background music wasn't in Goldeneye for the N64, but they should have added some of that music.
Most of the time I forget the Islanders even exist.

I hope they get relocated to a state with no NHL team.
eh, pretty low effort
canes>sallad bars
car badges<prods
sword riders<laffs
cucks<dice game
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Just got quads in another thread. Sad I could not share them with /hoc/.
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>just now noticing the bruins social media person
>arm pit fat

No one said you had to marry her you virgin
Just because I have standards, doesnt make me a virgin(I am thought but thats irrelevant).
Her head reminds me of Littleleaf. And her tits seem to be around because she used to be fat. I would still pee in her butt though.

So have the avs and wongs taken over the mantle of shit teams rebuilding? Avs were always reaching for it though.

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>94 posts early
mcfucking kill yourself my man
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what the fuck
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anyone here still /pulju/
god their new logo is so shit
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Always and forever. Amazing dubs too.

But I am more /haula/ here if i am being honest.
Disregard this faggot
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Never stopped
nice pulju dubs my man
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Haula is nice. close second to bulju is /aho/
somebody post something fuck
it hurts me to know i'm alone now, and its worse when i know that i chose it
>Andy's back

Hey man, don't fret, I've been alone for 14 years.
can i still get into heaven if i kill myself?
Who /beer/ here
Being alone is heaven.
no, suicide is the biggest sin you can do.
>that flag
>that post
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speaking of suicide
maybe if you wanted people to join your thready ou shouldnt have amde it so early you fucking retarded faggot.
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Thank you messi?
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>Ruins Cantpucks game starts in 5 minutes
>Have to go to work in 1 hour and 30 minutes
Tis the life of a wagecuck
>litening to a band that does spoken word vocals
i remember being 14 and knowing people that liked this
>flyers still wearing their away jerseys again

i'm 21 and i like this

whats the problem
that spoken word shit is gay as shit my man

i almost dropped the hotelier for doing that shit but i like some of their songs too much toto tally drop them
>ruins anthem singer
what a fucking mong
lmao the ottawa ones a total queer
Daily reminder that if your president/country leader hasn't participated in a pond hockey tournament, you are not a real hokei country.
should the floyers rebuild? i.e. trade giroux
Best NHL-team-agnostic jersey to wear to an NHL game?

I saw a Team USA Mike Eruzione jersey last night that looked really nice.
Didn't your president step down after getting exposed as a tax cheat by the Panama Papers?
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team canada 2010 jersey Crosby
patrician choice is your alma mater's jersey
>implying you went to university with a hockey team
national team jersey is fine too
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go sharks
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What if there is a massive pond hockey tournament 20 minutes from my house, complete with a skate-up bar
The schools I went to didn't have a hockey team.
Did Trump participate in it, or at least your state governor?
Wew that is dank
irrelevant if you don't actually ever go to it
Just get a Fighting Hawks sweater.

So they suddenly decided that they actually need to tank this season?
then buy an RIT Tigers one
just get the most aesthetic one you like
I have been but never participated. My parents never pushed me into hockey and I had to teach myself with my canadian buddy's dad's help at 16 to skate.

Doubtful, I can't imagine Trump doing anything human. And the Governor is busy with prostate cancer though he may have in years past.
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>the sjw-diseased shitty of bombston
Scoring goals won't win you the cell key ya dink
Can't. My Dad did that for some no-name career AHLer and I give him shit every time I see it.

>he doesn't go to 4-5 hockey games/year with his Dad
just look at the smug look on that little faggot's face
literally knows nothing about politics yet and thinks he's so amazing for bringing a retarded political sign to a hockey game of all places

what a faggot
You're not even American. Why are you talking about American politics?
i think it's a ""woman"" desu KEK
>the city of Boston
Am I right?
>future Hall of Very Good inductees Henrik and Daniel Sedin will retire physically and emotionally broken in just over one year's time

Praise be to Allah.
>hurrr muh alternative facts sweeney sucks xD

LMAOO bombston sjws are gay as fuck
You're not a hockey country. Why are you in a hockey thread?
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fuck you faggot i'll see you in court bitch
23 of 30 NHL teams (soon to be 24 of 31) and the NHL itself - the company - are both based in the United States.
>three literally whos in a row
>all drafted by bombston

>country 10x size has more NHL teams
Damn that's a shocker
They wasted those picks on nobodies instead of picking Aho.
>calls are decided in canada
>hockey hall of fame is in canada

The next three picks

Matt Barzal
Kyle Connor
Thomas Chabot
Most calls are made on the ice. Most games are played in the US. Virtually all playoff games are played in the US.

Checkmate. Didn't even try.
tbf what have any of those 3 really accomplished?

barxals the best of the trio and even he's pretty shit tbqh
Barzal and Chabot were Canada's two best players at the WJCs and Connor made the Jets out of training camp, although he's in the AHL now.
>good at the wjc

he is clueless outside of the offensive zone
It kinda does actually.
>most of the players are Canadian
>Canada has 1/10th the population of the USA
Oh yeah how many cell keys does Ovechkin have?
Whereas the majority of the Team Canada players were clueless in every zone.

>one of the best American teams we've seen in a while had to win in a shootout over a team with 2 certified busts in strome and PLD
America couldn't even win tournament MVP either.
even jost looked leagues better than barzal

i dont think bombston is missing out on anything of real quality
Not what I meant you doofus. Getting goals/points help make you noticed when awards nomination time comes around.
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Mild picks after bombston's
>Joel Eriksson-Oak 9GP 2G 3A before being sent back to Sweden for ELC purposes
>Jordan Greenway BigNig that did well in the WJC and has 3rd-4th line potential
The last WJC was amazing for mild fans.
It's a defensive award though. He's also a winger which makes it almost impossible.
The American team wasn't all that good. Based on the trajectory of US hockey right now, that was a middle-of-the-road team.
>trajectory of US hockey

you've literally had decades worth of time to catch up in producing centers and still havent lmao
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It is, but the NHL sees it more as an award for the best two-way forward.

>He's also a winger which makes it almost impossible.

Never stop believing lad.
hossa still hasnt won the selke

youre a delusional pathetic cunt for thinking/wanting mark literally who stone to win it
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>there likely will never be another game better than the 2010 Olympic Gold Medal match in our lifetimes
Feels bad, only wish the result was different.
>kapri-sun tearing it up every game
future is bright desu
>Mark ''garanteed 60+ points and your puck is now mine'' Stone
>literally who

Why do you discuss hockey if you don't watch it?
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Until Parise's back gives out and his massive contract weighs down signing players like Zucker, Coyle, Granlund, and Dumba. Suter has looked great despite what canadians here say.

Try harder.

Your country has produced one competent goalie in the last two decades.

>mediocre player on a mediocre team whose leading score is Erik """"Fourth Forward""" Karlsson

ayy lmao
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Those are 3 competent goalers currently you dumb faggot.
*Price has shown he can be good but the habs suck penisdick and as a result he has too.
Miller V Howard
Quick V Price
??? V ???

Until the playoffs roll around.
Failed everywhere until he found a trap team.

>one decent season
>competent goalie

It's been a little more than 1 decent season idiot. He's also in the top 3 for the Vezina this year.

>30 year old finally has a decent season after playing behind the deepest team he's ever been on
>"h-h-e's legit I swear!"

until he gets shelled in the playoffs again
Frame it however you want it still doesn't change the fact he's been one of the best goalies in the league for almost 2 years now.
Holtby has the best playoff stats of any active goalie(excluding the big one Ws). Caps playoff failings are on anyone but him.
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