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Official Rolex 24 at Daytona destroys Continental Tire stock

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 546
Thread images: 118

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Almost half way through....

Who needs traction anyway.
evidently the #22 car did,

>an hour and 25 minutes fucking early

Kill yourself
WTB a big hat like Ray's
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Wunderground suggests that the rain should clear up at dawn?

I think I'm gonna go for a walk.
If they red flag, I don't even care about the rest of the race
>What if someone gets hurt?
Bunch of pussies
Professionals should be able to drive in a bit of rain.
They're not all professionals.
They won't red fag it.
But they might stay out under safety car for like an hour or so
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What the commentary just said
24 gearbox
14 Accident
54 oil line
16 Lambo accidents x 2
73 killed by PC
51 mystery

Are they or the pic wrong?

Yes, but they won't red flag that shit.
I agree. But unless something goes really wrong under caution, it pretty much the same as it being red flagged, as far as entertainment goes.
I'd rather listen to them speculate about what's actually happening under race conditions rather than what could happen

>For geocucked Americns

>For everyone else:
http://imsaintl-lh.akamaihd.net/i/imsaintl01_01@84216/master.m3u8 (open in VLC. Media > Open Network Stream)
nice sport you have here, real riveting stuff.
Nah, it makes those drivers keep going as opposed to being able to chill, and it also burn fuel.

Not exciting as running full bore, but it throws a wrench into the race more than a red flag.
Allright niggers, time to bag out for a few.

Fuck you all, and see you in the morning.


Yeah, I suppose you're right
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How long until he knocks that SC board on to the track below?
Going green! The madmen!
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Those Fords sure have a lot of wet traction
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That was a pretty long green flag period for an American race.
>tfw no viper
Been away for a while, what happened to the #67 Ford?

Did they find it dead on the road at some point?
nice trips
he curbed in the bus stop and backed into the fence before NASCAR 3
spun it into the wall coming out of the bus stop, spent a few laps in the garage fixing the rear end
Ah, bad luck

Nice dubs
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>Fords out of the top 3
Damn, collapsed after the second raclette party.
Any major event in the last ~5 hours ?
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real glad they got back to green flag racing, but I almost got too comfy and fell asleep since I thought the racing was done for the night.
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>tfw you're not living the marshall pruett bbbw life
What the heck is that 'BU$TED' paper?
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Have we gotten any good pit crew shots yet
No active cameras in the pits right now, only RoofTopRay, on boards, and some static cams around the track.
it's a hilarious paper that posts public mugshots of usually methheads and other lowlifes. Florida has plenty of people that fit the bill.
That's unfortunate, oh well
whatever they're paying rooftop ray, it's not enough
ray is the best
The true hero of the race
Anything interesting happen since yellow flag for rain?
Looking through the thread there was a yellow for a spin?
Been a couple of yellows for that
Doesn't look like the rain has eased up at all, did they go back the green from boredom?
It actually did ease up a bit. Forecast doesn't show any end to the rain so they also probably thought that they might as well just race rather than wait for nothing to change.

In other interesting news, teams might run out of rain tires if the rain doesn't end.
is based gordon gonna get the win lads?

>In other interesting news, teams might run out of rain tires if the rain doesn't end.
Re use old tyres then I guess?
That could spice it up but the problems seem to be heat rather than tread depth so probably more of the same
If the tires are just ice cold anyway they could just cut grooves into the slicks too
I believe modifying tires is illegal this year.
shea adams talking about her strategically placed handwarmers paints a sexy picture in my head
Tyres modified by the supplier would probably be fine
As in continental start groving them and putting them on rims for teams
I imagine if they did actually run into an issue where most of the teams just ran out of wet tires the organizers would probably allow it given some restrictions/scrutineering as it would be better than having half of the teams out of the race because they can't drive anywhere without hydroplaning. I highly doubt it'll get to that anyway.
oh to be the handwarmer on that cooter
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>Reach into my back pocket, anon
>>73937385 What I'm getting out of this picture is that her hand isn't actually freaky like it looks in this one >>73937347
Sleeping at Daytona between work shifts listening to the patter of rain andmuffled engines sounds so damn comfy
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>a Lambo doesn't look happy
What else is new
At least they haven't all killed each other yet
what did she say about her handwarmers
>Buemi who drove the Toyota at Le Mans
>now driving the Rebellion at Daytona

why would he do that to himself
>rebellion literally changing the entire car
Porsche please just time your release better
"The cold is more bearable thanks to my 6 layers and a few strategically placed hand warmers:
ooh baby
10 looks really good all day and doesn't have much competition left. If they keep it in one piece and on track it looks bretty gud
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I'm really more curious about where she put them than this traffic jam they're calling a race
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didn't realize that "YOU PEOPLE" liked racing.
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Currently leading GTD in first. It is doing very well for a car that is just starting out in racing. here's hoping NSX win their class.
Maybe it'll help make the road going NSX less shit
Alright I'm going to sleep, see you in a bit
Can someone fix and update the kill list >>73935219 that post is what the commentary said it should be as of 12 hours in
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what happens if these drivers have to take a shit during their stints?

and do they just have catheters inserted and a pissbag strapped to their legs? would be unfomfortable holding your piss, then again i wouldn't think a catheter would be all that good either
One of the Ford drivers that came in recently was out for a triple stint and said he held it in the whole time when he needed to take a piss before getting in the car.

If you really can't hold it in you just shit/piss in your suit and seat and just deal with it.
they take laxatives mate
if they need to piss they do it in the car
>what are adult diapers

Seriously though, 2-3 hours isn't that long, they likely just go right before they get in the car
many drivers say they just let it go. not many have said anything about a condom catheter
Tony Stewart once shit himself during a race he won at Watkins Glen. Skipped the interview and had to go get a "clean suit" before doing victory lane stuff
#SAMBOOST let's go
I think it would feel worse having shit caked to your legs and ass than to hold it in
It's not that hard to hold your piss that long while you're doing something. You're also sweating in the car which makes you have to piss less.

The drivers probably are most likely to piss themselves at an oval race, such as in Indycar, so their bladder doesn't burst in a crash. See: JPM getting out of his car last year.
I remember watching that
Said he needed to go "freshen up" before the interviews
It'll definitely get better with due time. I like to think of it as a Video Game that gets patched up to run better. AWD Hybrid sports car chucked full of technology is ambitious and means they can go a multitude of ways with this.
He had the flu I believe, probably couldn't hold it in if he wanted to
What did he do piss himself and it showed when he got out of the car or did he get out during a pit to piss?
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Is there a stream for the mercedes onboard? Wish more of them had the same camera placement as the Porsche stream t b h
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pit reporterfus

Shea Adam
Jamie Howe
Louise Beckett
>splash and dash for fuel

I'd give her a "splash and dash," if you know what I mean
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>fantasizing about women whose vaginas smell like axle grease
That's a better smell than what vagones normally put out.
>not wanting a pre-greased pussy
>not getting off to the smell of pharamones mixed with car fluids
left to right
kill, fuck, marry
neither of those are Lee McKenzie
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>Krista Voda
>Nicole Briscoe
>Jamie Little
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Briscoe and it's not even close
i gotta be at work in 2 hours and im so sleepy
Tell your boss you were late because you were watching IMSA with ya m8s on 4chanz. He'll understand.
sunrise in 1 hour

(at least it's getting sunny right now here in NS)
>safety car out of fuel

fuck this gay shit let them race
Fuck left, marry center, kill right
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I wish I could do a brake replacement this quick
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>screenshots taken at the exact same race time
The IMSA Sports Car Championship, where the technical regulations are made up and the sporting regulations don't matter
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Was the '12 Daytona 500 the greatest in /sp/ history?
>The 24 Hours of Safety Car
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>jet dryer in the track
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>jet dryers
>pc car spins under caution
In b4 Jet truck
>another pc wreck under caution
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>The city of prototype challenge
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>more like challenged
>start getting tired with 7 1/2 hours to go
Shit this is the worst time. It's too late to sleep but still a long time to go. Plus fucking nothing will happen until it's light there.
The Suns coming soon; it's light outside my house, also slightly raining
Went to bed around 12, what did I miss the last 7 hours?
lots of rain
lots of full track cautions
lots of PC crashes during those full track cautions
FCY and safety car train galore, they literally just went to green again
Yellow flags
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How's AMG doing lads?
The thing with Daytona is half the time there is like an hour of goddamn fog at sunrise until it's high enough.
bmw driver has the red mist
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Gizzy is officialy out

Press F to Pay Respects
All dead, huh?
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should have taken that left turn at albequerque

>5 seconds a lap faster than everybody else
Nah one of them is leading the class, others had problems though
Haha time for penalties
Thanks. I'm too poor for tv and the stream I tried doesn't work in Burgerland.
Will the ferrari burst into flames or will the corvette crash in a corner first?
>Go take a dump because I figured it wasn't going to go green anytime soon
>Get back

Why are some cars blinky but not others?
Early morning is so /comfy/
Blue flag maybe?
They're rain lights, but I think they're only for the prototypes.
Taylor gaining on Filipe
>here we go!
The Fords have them too, I believe it's just up to the teams if they want to equip their cars with them or not (or the drivers if they turn them on or not)
seems like the 911s are going wekk in the rain no matter where the engine is
live timing

Ah thanks!
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Will the Porsches be allowed to race each other
Engine is still further back than the other cars, probably still have special rain tires for bullshit reasons.

works fine here, you just have to have it open in youtube and not embedded
Sweet, thanks.
Porsche ftw in gtlm, kek wills it.

Also, these colored leds make the cars look absolutely hideous
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I think they look cool
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>not wanting your racecar lit like a gay bar
#31 limping?
When is based Hindy coming back on the mic?
There's always 1 or 2 cars that have 50 different things go wrong
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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your driver lineup. Luckily, the visitors of /sp/ are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to use a factory driver lineup in GTD, but the driver ratings have nothing at all to do with the idea behind customer racing! Whoops! You should always remember to check the FIA driver ratings at the end of the year, unless you want to race factory efforts in Europe! Having factory drivers in your lineup when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to follow the idea of the class you are racing in, unless you can bankroll the organizers with a shit ton of money!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the customer racing culture!
What's up with the damn PC cars
They're designated chaos agents, their job is to fuck up and create """excitement"""
What happened to the forza Lambo? According to the livetiming it did some more laps after the initial crash.
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>Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the customer racing culture!

It crashed again IIRC.
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>ywn get paid to spin prototype cars around daytona
how is this race compared to the WEC?
less professional, more skyactiv

compare f1 and indycar
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> PC driver in the car

Are the Mazdas still running or did the meme engine blow up yet? 300bhp/l holy cow
Like pottery
Lambo lambomemeing...
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>letting a Canadian drive
better not look at the pink PC, then
why are some of the gt cars overtaking prototypes
They have actual tyres instead of the circular black plastic things the prototypes are forced to use
The City of Pee Sea
The City of Bu Dee Rice
I believe they have wider tires or something, the commentators have stated the GT cars have more mechanical grip

>yfw the 2016 winning pro-am aston has a leaf in it
Blame Continental's "wet" tires
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is there a 24 hour race for street cars only? i wanna know the fastest street car
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>previously frozen

Last year didn't they have a wet qualifying and all the prototypes got destroyed? GTLM cars on pole but then the officials insisted that Prototypes start first for the dry start.
Prototypes rely on more aerodynamic grip. GTs rely on mechanical grip and the Michellins are much better tires. It's like this in every series.
michelin is literally the only good tyre company in motorsports
That was PLM in 2015, where it rained in the race as well and eventually there was a red flag, but a GTLM Porsche was leading so it won overall
>what is Hoosier
Define 'street car'. The answer is probably no.
hoosier, bridgestone, yokohama (lol) and goodyear/dunlop are merely decent
What is Avon
certainly not the only good tyre company in motorsports
they're shit for anything other than their historic tyres which are just longer-lasting old goodyear clones
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Who /hungry/ here?
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>f1 redditors pretending they know anything about motorsport
24 Hours of Lemons
Shame their regular tyres are built to last and nothing else (no grip LOL no wet grip LOL). Pilots and Sport Pilots are good, though
>muh autocross
mass production cars that are street legal
With no Avon tyres how would historics still race?
>based company imo
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GTE used to be that, then the FordGT happened
Going a bit wide there, m8
Sneak gonna run one more stint right? Ricky's getting close to done, Jordan can't cover that much by himself and would they throw Max back out there after those night hours?
He's in America, it's acceptable
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Then Porsche made sure we're back at GT1
Still street legal? None, unless rules are liberal enough to let you drive around on slicks. Closest things would be GT3 cars (production chassis and engine, suspension pickups), and Porsche Cup cars (tfw never daily a Porsche Cup car). Porsche Cup cars are pretty much stock 911s with go fast parts stuck to them.
>we're only ever going to build 500 road cars
>we found some spare parts and will build 250 more
Fuck off

yes and due to BoP changes he is only required to run the oval the rest of the race
theres this if you just wanna know the fastest car round the track


tldr porsche are the goat
Being cucked for one year was enough for based Porsche. Two can play that game.
It sure does look sexy though.
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I sure like the hell out of it.

I'm waiting for a P1 GT1, or a 918 GT1. That would be based.
do any of those renault sport trophies have 24 hour races?
>no la ferrari lap
>no P1 lap

Didn't Mclaren make a big hablewy when they wouldn't release their lap time for months and then just said "under 7

I remember rumors that they couldn't keep the battery charged the whole lap.
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always liked the gumpert

>mfw it costs like 1m now
I could see there being room for another class of GT cars with hybrid systems.
>this commentary
A non hybrid 918 showing what the based flat-crank vee ate can do. I like how you think, bróder.
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>petrol only class
>AWD 918 vs RWD LaF beating the limiter at LeMons
never knew the merc was that quick
I'd imagine driving an open top car in this rain gets pretty cold.
>918 and La Ferrari
pure cringe
Why do I see so many girls with bloody noses lately?
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Yeah, because Ford GT's are hot, raite?
they have allergies
supercars are retarded
dude p1 la ferrari 918 bro, greatest cars my dude check out my reddit karma xD *dabs*
exist for a reason
What happened to the Rebellion that put it so far behind? I never caught what happened yesterday.

>Thought they would win this race
They spun themselves out in the midfield at night. There might have been some damage from that or something else I missed.
i want a arton senna supercar gt1

by mc laren and honda engine ofcourse
I heard McLaren was working on that, they're joining WEC with a P1.
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f1 a good now
In the first few hours they were in the pits doing repairs for ~11 laps. Not a hundred percent sure why.
>3/4 of a minute
>what are seconds
Fucking americans
Audi is coming back to WEC with an F1 powerplant - it's allowed in the rules. Then they'll have a WEC programme and help Red Bull with the same engine.
>how's that for F1 in motor/sp/orts?
>when Ross Brawn did the same with the XJR14 he was called a genius, except by comfy Merc and Peugeot who didn't like being shown up by some F1 arrivistes who just BTFO next year
Yes f1 isn't happening now thats why it's good

Of course it's a PC.
Does the #10 have it in the bag?
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I think I'm going to miss them next year
>See some bodywork on the track
>is it from a PC?
Oh yes
lads what food did you cook during this race?

i made turkey tacos seasoned with shallots, garlic, tabasco, and a taco seasoning pack from trader joes and with lettuce and shredded mexican blend cheese of course. Im about to cook up some mushrooms with garlic in a white wine reduction next to snack on. I wish I took a pic of the tacos they were pretty delicious.
PCs are the leafs of Motorsports
need a 24hrs dedicated exclusively to them

40 PC cars, would be delectable chaos
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Spare parts on track
It would never reach 24 hours
IIRC some classes in VLN endurance championship are/can be oad legal

this happened in 2010
>american flag
>australian picture
you cant hide from me you emu fucker
rolled up some whole wheat tortillas with herb and garlic cream cheese and spicy steak strips

and some popcorn
>massive crash at each green flag
>caution every 20 laps
>fcy every 50
IMSA is owned by NASCAR
>do it
I didn't know Daytona was in Australia.
No. The car choked last year and almost killed Angelleli with smoke. There's no in-the-bag in a 24 hour race.
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whats your fav jet fighter lads?
Cheese and onion crisps
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Lmp2s don't break down anymore
>oh wait, there's a burger vee ate in that
louis hamelton f1 fighter
>de bris
how can one person be so aggro and so wrong
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Based Saab
>#63 Ferrari stuck a lap down


How do IMSA wavearounds even work
tfw automatisk fart kontroll
Pitlane scramble boys
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Sexiest Gen5 fighter by far
That doesn't look like a Drakken to me
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Flankers in general, even Fullback is sexy as fuck. Those curves man
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I usually cook something a bit nicer on Sundays, now it was pappardelle pasta with creamy smoked reindeer and portobello sauce with flakes of grada padano on top

it was p good

>my slav waifu
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II love how Daytona has the ads on the backstretch conveniently placed so you can't see the foundation of the old backstretch grandstand.
Aggro about DPi? You betcha.
>being cucked by Hughes de Chaunac instead of based LMP1 (even if non-hybrid)
>cut-price racing
>mfw they call me poortugal
>pc crashes
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Mercedes or nothing
rip PC

We're going to miss the prototype modelTs

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>that's not replay
Does the Porsche's radar screen say Camera Failure on the bottom?
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DPi makes a hell of a lot more sense than FIA/ACO P2 or P1-L. Those choices are either spec shit or prohibitively expensive. DPi attracts more manufacturers and more than Oreca is supplying chassis for IMSA. I'd rather see the amount of manufacturer involvement we have here than 2-3 manufacturers.

LMP2 makes more sense from a business and racing perspective for North America than F1-budget P1. The track upgrades needed for P1 would mean no calendar and no series.

Might be why it only has the green grid
Yeah that's what I thought as well.
>German Cars
>Electrical reliability
Even Fox is making a special feature about all the action involving PCs
that sounds quite exqusite do you snowniggers eat reindeer oftern?

for dinner tonight im cooking scallops wrapped in bacon with asparagus
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Lmp1-lite isn't F1 budget. It's just manufacturers manufacturing a chassis. DPi is engines and body kits, Indycar-level.
>circuit upgrades
Did I dream about LMP1s in ALMS and Audi/Peugeot bringing the Diesel monsters to Sebring?
will do m8
not that often as reindeer meat is expensive if you don't hunt it yourself

this was store-bought but my godfather lives at the arctic circle and tends to stock my freezer up when he visits the south

also you should wrap the aspargus in bacon too, that shit is ace
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Live shot at the hairpin
They really need to think about allowing tire warmers. This is just silly.
The gift that keeps on giving
I thought Bathurst was next week....
>PC leader is 15 laps ahead of 2nd in class and 37 laps ahead of 3rd
yeah but i already have bacon on the scallops, i am thinking of seasoning the asparagus with salt and a little bit of lemon
how do you figure making manufacturers spend more money on racing in 2017 is a healthy investment idea for the sport?
DPi has much more aero/body freedom than indycar
>eating ass pear i guess
>mobile advertising
>hey tv viewers have you seen our trackside signs yet
what are you on diet or something

asparagus with lemon, butter and little salt & pepper is mighty good too, though
>let's just leave that shit there
Nissan Vs Continental
can't say i've ever seen that happen before
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k e k
asparagus is delicious if you get the good stuff and don't trash it when you cook it
new aero
>a yellow won't come out because the sponsors/organizers won't allow it

sign is to aero like tire is to grip
still more drag-efficient than indycar
knee sand helping build the wall™
This thing could be the GTR-LM's spiritual successor
no i just like eating healthy and tasty shit, bacon is fine once in a while
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>the sign is still there
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aku nauraa.jpg
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moments like these are why I love endurance racing so much
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>local yellow
>lexus just noped the fuck out
It's nice we have visitors to our great Motorsports events, but please calibrate your camera to be right side up.
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RIP lexus
not yet
danke. it was dead on the archive

for some reason I lost my 4chan sized version of this webm that also had the minute of white at the end cut off as well as the raw project so I can't make another easily so this'll have to do

I'm real bad at webms
fuck you buddy hes taking pictures of the bathurst 12h practice
Car way off course safely away from traffic

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You're going the wrong way
Also >spinning on fcy
Burn baby burn
420 blaze it faggot
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>lelborghini again
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here you go cunt
Dallara was intimately involved in the Audi P1 efforts, though the later R18 monocoques were provided by YCOM.
I was in the bathroom, why the caution?
thanks cob
LAAAMBO or PeeeeeeeeeCeeeeeeeee
Lexus met tires, Lambo vap'd
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What's the chaos power ranking between

Mother Nature (rain)
Prototype Challenge
Continental Tires
corners lmao
>Amazing piece of driving by Vilander
>Immediately fucks it up at the chicane

>scoo'd area

>pitting under green just to change drivers
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now he's going for the Ford
Why can't this thing perform? Is the BoP different in IMSA than it is for Blancpainm, the ADAC GT and the VLN?
Hi is now when I
screw "best in class" bullshit

vilander is gunning for the outright win
It leads GTD right now
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It keeps happening
It's leading in GTD right now with the #33, and the #50 would be fighting for the win too if it wasn't for >Pooper. Merc teams have been complaining about the lack of straight line speed but other than that it's doing fine
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>Wake up
>Cadillac still leading

This is good

I hope they aren't assassinated by Ferrari or some shit
look at all those cunts
>commentators talking to Continental shill
>car has Continental tyre failure during the shilling
>commentators don't mention it
How do the Continentals seemingly get worse every single year?
death row
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>new driver

oh boyo here we go
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all the money goes on the marketing budget
They have finally fully taken over Hoosier
>Still learning

Finally we have an engine go up.
nice and toasty mazda
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rip apex seals
It woudnt be an imsa race without the 55 going up
>Lmp2s don't break down anymore

>"oh there's a PC"
fucking PC
>PC again
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PCs confirmed for stealth caution clock
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Pc go home, you're drunk
>Pee Sea

Meme magic
FCY courtesy of the 8 Pee Sea
Just ban those fucking PC cars
but what about the memes?
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anything I need to add?
time to add the 55 to the kill list
I'm sure a V8 has been mentioned at some point.
50 lead changes most likely
I distinctly remember them going through the whole gibson model line or something.
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they were talking about the sound of the Ferrari V8 and how they loved the current one's sound at some point
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comfy mazda.jpg
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i'm sure mercedes got a penalty during the night, and Jeff Gordon was a lap in front of the field when Hartley crashed
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got it
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>tfw hungover
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>mazda and nissan running underpowered

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start drinking again
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Get back to it you pucci.
>i'm going to get a nice clock for free :D

>binland, the post
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>Mazda on fire again
>triggering my PTSD

>taking photos of the car burning to death instead of trying to smother the fire with your underwear

Useless cunts
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>A watch face that's as big as my face! :D
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>tfw thick blanket and cinnamon rolls
Dang, looks like I fell asleep during the rain caution about 5hr ago.
What I miss?
>1 PC in top 30
Crash it
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epic memes and crashes

PC was a mistake
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>tfw damn racecars won't stay off your lawn
>animu-like Audi R8
>pink eagle decal
wat u doin
install gravel there then, or do what zandvoort does at turn 3 and have no runoff but miles of tyre barriers
u wat
please fuck up into the earth
>this triggers the american
bit disrespectful having the bald eagle painted pink m8
>tfw no hoverboarding gf
>you will never be part dolphin

I'm pretty sure that lake is fucking disgusting too
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>diving into lake lloyd
Why would you do that?


PC needs to be eradicaed
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the kind of chad that uses those jetpacks is very much acclimated to diving into nasty wet holes
>(3.11 MB, 2432x4320
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what brand
have you slept yet?

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And we're back

Now that I think about it, I'm amazed they haven't filled in the lake and turned it into RV parking. Either that or let people slip their boats in and sit in them for the 500
These radars look cool as fuck
i wish i was aussie desu
>have you slept yet?

I feel asleep at 9pm and woke up at 2:30am

Now I don't know if I should still make dinner, or wait until breakfast.
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Stop trolling me bill gates
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the night radar was better
Are any of the fords out?
wait until breakfast unless you live near a Taco Bell for some fourthmeal
They probably need it so the water has somewhere to drain.

Yeah the one with the busted camera is awesome.
>Gordon is ready to get back in the car
Aero designed by Audi engineers at the Sauber wind tunnel, chassis/suspension/engine integration by Audi Sport, carbon layup and autoclaves by Dallara, final assembly by Audi Sport.
>it's a Dallara

IMSA has deleted the AMGs "special" ignition maps
is there a br equivalent to this shit tier beer? its malt liquor but """""""""""""""""""""""fine"""""""""""""""""""""" and doesnt taste as shit
Every country has shitty cheap beer designed for alcoholics, yes.

It's a DPI. Let's see how many Gibsons go up in ELMS and WEC.
>Cost capped including maintenance. If the engine goes up and it's not the team's fault Gibson has to eat up the loss.
yeah but mickeys tries hard to trick you into thinking its perfectly fine to casually drink malt liqour
Yup I failed. The 24 is v8sc.

Duly chastened
j-j-jordan usually closes out
>Corvette with 2 Fords on each side
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das right mane

personally, I'm knocking back shitty königsbachers as if I wouldn't have to be in a meeting at 8:30am tomorrow morning
>bathurst 12 hour
>letting in fun street cars anymore
your newfag is showing
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majority of malt liquor are imported, so not really cheap
we're only good at pilsen beers
pic related is cheap piss-nasty pilsen from br
> R$ 1,70 for a can (equivalent to 0,55 dollars)
>Ford sandwich
Maybe the the 24hrs of BurgerKing?
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Meh, I like prototypes I've never cared to see who excludes them.

I'll be a Sebring in march famalam
>The 24 is v8sc.
you drunk anon?
The V8s race is 1000km, around 6 hours.
He won't be able to since the team got him in the car with more than 4 hours left
>Taylor in charge of racing strategy
>525 posts
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>youtube stream just got shut down

Oops, fair enough. I usually miss it regardless.

I just woke up. Sorry to shit up the thread
Anyone else having trouble getting the vlc stream to work?
Might just be me shit connection
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Is that damage on the front of the #10 Konica Minolta from when Jeff Gordon nerfed some dude in his first stint?

Also, I love the nitty gritty of racing. I love seeing up close, hi-res images of cars immediately after finishing a race with all the debris and black marks caked all over this machine. I much prefer those shots to the shiny new ones at launch and pre-race.
>dragonspeed's wing exploded

uh oh
that much debris
>pooper macneil

have my babies german bro
>french build quality
I hate the BoP shit.

Regulate dimensions, weight, and displacement, sure.
But if manufacturers can't make a decent road car that can be transformed into a race car well enough, then fuck them.

>good job making a better car than your rivals. Now we nerf it so all your efforts are for nothing
I love when cars get BLACKED
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Try >pic related

If it's not loading at all, make sure you don't have a space at the end of the URL.
It's also geocucked for Americans if you're not using a VPN
jewtube stream died until the dragonspeed car accidentally
What happened after GTLM packed up?
How did cheby get past?

amerifat here
guess I'll eat my trans fat and wait for browser streams
yay freedom amirite

The thing with GT3 and GTE is that there are no rules (or very few rules in GTE).

The maps were illegal and were put after BoP. Just like the VW ignition maps for Dieselgate.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQALjf45mCo is working for me
>Is that damage on the front of the #10 Konica Minolta from when Jeff Gordon nerfed some dude in his first stint?
Yes. It was a decent hit but they didn't replace it. The Dallara is a fucking war tank
It's back up again, thanks
Why don't they let a couple classes run the road course and a couple run the NASCAR oval?
Thread posts: 546
Thread images: 118

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