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Ideal Mate Thread - no forms edition! C'mon, people, l

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Thread replies: 273
Thread images: 62

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Ideal Mate Thread - no forms edition!
C'mon, people, let's get personal with these threads again!

here are the doll makers, if you'd like, but they're not required

don't forget contact info!
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and here's mine.
from the US, because I realized I forgot that.
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Sooooo, does that mean we just post the girl or like we have to say things as well?

I bet the guys are really going to line up for a depressed single mom that has no idea what to do with her life.
I mean, posting about yourself is always good, but if you don't want to that's okay

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I grew an inch

Not interested in contact trading, only posting for nostalgia.
>no forms edition
The templates are dum
Hey, I just added you on skype, but aparently mobile skype has a character limit in the intro message, so I didn't get to say everything
i misspelled intelligent

>Early 20something male, east coast USA
>White, brunette, brown eyes
>Very calm, pretty much imperturbable, not at all prone to anxiety, but not always good at relating to people
>College educated and gainfully employed
>Good cook
>I don't live with my parents
>I don't play video games
>I don't watch anime
>I have my life together

>Have your life together or be making a real effort to get it there
>Have meaningful interests/hobbies/ambitions

let me know if you want contact info
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>21 years old, Male, straight, Unfortunately lives in Turkey
>White, Black hair, greenish blue eyes
>183 cm tall, 90 kg
>cook in a good restaurant
>Likes video games, animes, senphonic death metal, some kind of indie songs
>Loves to cuddle, sleep together
>just hungry for real feelings

>be yourself I don't even know what I want from you just be yourself
oh btw let me know if you want any contact info
> Female in her mid twenties from southern United States
> College educated and going back to get her MD in the spring
> Gainfully employed, not in debt, no loans; not financially fucked
> Emotionally stable 80% of the time; will have a bitch fitch every now and then, but will quickly admit when she is wrong/fucked up
> Drug free, social drinker; not an angry drunk
> Outgoing but also enjoys staying at home
> Enjoys reading, movies and videos games
> Paints in her free time
> No real heavy baggage

> Late twenties
> Male (or female if you want to be friends)
> Educated (college or technical school)
> Can financially support yourself
> Not liberal or pushy on politics/religion
> Enjoys adventures, late nights every now and then
> Emotionally stable
> Not submissive and can take initiative
You sound too successful for /soc/, don't you think? How far south?
A little vague, but I fit so far and I'm interested. As the other guy said, what state at least?
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that's some good shit
Not sure if I am ready for relationships.
I am the female btw.
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Forgot the fckn Picture.
what do if not in uk
not me.
4'11? you're like a miniature person
what kind of asian? do you send nudes
yup haha, I am oddly skinny tho.
I hate how all the girls I would probably like to get to know
all live too far away.
Preferred method of contact?
>blue eyes
>5' 2"
>pierced septum
>super into music, has a Tool tattoo and a cat named Jambi, always up for convos about music
>laid back as hell
>420 friendly
>always looking to make you laugh
>high sex drive

>taller than me
>also very into music
>dark hair preferred
>funny and clever
>high sex drive
>musician (literally anything I love music)
>always looking to laugh and have a good time.
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>the amount of females in this thread vs. the lack of thirsty virgins...

>in metal band
>kek'd inside
i can create semen for you and I used to like tool in like 9th grade bby. can i fuk?
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I tried to have fun with it, which basically means I wasted more time than I needed to.
Match made for me for sure
My kik is adriananmily
I hit most of those, especially the music part, I fuckin dig that cat name and ink. Any contact?
I texted you. You actually described me with your post before.
Let me know :)
I have kik : Utulululu
My kik is adriananmily :)

Pretty interested. Where abouts in the UK?
>down to earth, passionate about something
>not a total sjw
>little bit nerdy
>patient but also ambitious
>silly humor
>not a gold digger, not materialistic
>preferably not too extraverted

>Mid twenties, Europe
>Successful entrepeneur, hard working
>Into self improvement
>Easy going
>Introverted, respectful, ambitious
>In my free time i make paintings, do archery, make electronics, watch a movie ...
>tfw you sound perfect but I'm not in the right place to be with a single mom
>Unfortunately lives in Turkey
siktir git lan
lost my virginity to a guy b/c of an ideal thread, there is hope my friends
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tfw you don't live in the middle ages
>average bodyweight
>loves to cook and makes a living off it
>shut in nerd
>enjoys reading,videogames, painting, anime, pen and paper games, religion, mythology, occult, ect
>emotionally withdrawn
>uncomfortable with large crowds
>trust issues

>Significantly shorter or taller
>at least casually enjoys nerdy stuff
>isnt poly
>has passions and interests
>must enjoy cuddles
>a switch in bed
> 24/f/southeast-asia
> asian/white
> 5'2"
> chubby thicc
> very domestic, aspires to be a housewife
> love cooking and baking
> crafty
> likes animals and has pets
> shut in
> don't play vidya but I don't mind if you do.
> somewhat goth-y / alt-y
> unnatural haircolor, changes semi-frequently
> anti-theist
> likes to read, occult, paranormal, alchemy, art and music.
> kinky (to an extent)
> Bipolar, on medication
> multilingual
> a bit clingy and jealous

> around 6'+
> from around here would be good
> preferably white or half white
> preferably dark hair
> glasses are cute
> skinny/medium built. fit is not a must. figure doesn't matter too much.
> age 24 and up
> shares at least one interest with me
> caring dominant
> introvert
> intelligent
> honest, speaks his mind
> no weeb
> likes books
> understanding, lean on each other's shoulder when needed.
>not liberal

My field is highly politically skewed, because it kind of has to be given the current political climate. I'm an ecologist and if we ecologists weren't liberal and didn't support liberal policies and politicians, we'd be even more fucked, and so would the planet. This is why so many science fields are skewed liberal: the reality is that those who lean conservative also tend to have corporate biases, which benefit in the short-term from anti-science policies. Just saying, it's complicated, and depending on the type of educated person you want, you might get a liberal fireband because their job literally depends on it.

Do you like Agalloch
You didn't really list enough interests for me to say if I share one. I fit all of your traits, though. I'm 30, white, tall, have glasses, am an INTJ, etc.

If you use kik, mine is whyamievendoingthis
If you don't, shoot me some contact info.
messaged you! ^__^
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I listened to some of their stuff, but I prefer Summoning. Others are Korpiklaani, Fintroll, The Sword, Iron Maiden, Blind Gaurdian, Budos Band, and weird retro synthwave like Carpenter Brut, Gost, and Perturbator

Anyway, I'm going to bed. If anyone wants to be buds, I'm DELUXE TOAD on Steam.
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>blue eyes
>dirtyblonde / brown hair
>6/10 looks probably
>play a lot of vidya
>into powermetal/rock music. any big genre I can listen to
>passive and quiet
>shy, introvert
>no friends, no gf
>into programming

>somewhere in the world
>into vidya
>wants a autistic robot bf
>any sort of looks
>any race
>any personality

If you want pics or talk contact me on kik: Azrogg
Added you.

You seem cool: Maybe you can help me get over my writers block. Or convinve me to finally play Persona
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I haven't done one of these things in years

Let's see what comes out of it
You forgot your contact deets
my skype is: [email protected]
I'll try to convince you!
Sent, hope me asking didn't lead to you getting spammed to shit :/

I like to believe that we have quite a bit in common, is there a chance for us to get in contact with each other?
Sussex. Just thinking about dating, that's all.
I liked talking to you and it's sad you just disappeared and never logged on again, what happened? You lived just around the corner, too.
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i'm not gonna do all this shit here's me
are you sure? message me on kik if you think I'm the same person you're talking about or leave yours so I can add you.
25/m very interested kik jdilla414
Contact info ???
and age maybe
A minimum
>26 male Philly
>very loving
>I have autism and worked with my old high school on their special ed training
>hoping to start up work at a certain museum soon
>good sense of humor, love to make people happy
>people are listing their heights so mine is 6 foot 2
>large but not in charge ;_;
>people have told me I'm too trusting

>female somewhere or other
>clingy/needy--trust me it works better
>doesn't go out much
>ANY brain problem accepted, we can share feels
>I want to give you the warm and fuzzies

My discord is mr.bubbles6838#7259
Be my waifu pls
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This is pretty much it.

Discord is Eclipse98Xx#1673
>conservative scientists
There are dozens of us!
>Likes to learn/independently research
>Martial arts geek and fight fan
>Practices martial arts
>Huge movie buff and loves watching/discussing movies with people
>Love music and loves talking about it with people
>Loves vidya games
>Good sense of humour
>Have been told I have an attractive voice.
>Highly affectionate
>Loves cuddles
>Very sexual
>Is bi but prefers Female and only likes feminine/trappy guys.
>I don't mind Long Distance Relationships though this is usually a bit more casual.

>I like curvy, Athletic or petite girls. Body doesn't matter a ton as long as you have a cute face
>Has a sense of humor/likes to talk shit
>Has an interest in any of the things I like
>Is chill and laid back
>Roughly my age
>I prefer long, dark hair
>Has interesting hobbies to learn about, or is just intelligent
>Also affectionate/sexual
>Location doesn't matter as stated above

Oh boy! If anyone is interested let me know, I would prefer to talk on Discord, but I also have steam.
Fuck I love persona. Literally the only JRPG I like. Do you mind if I am in a separate country from you? I mostly fit those other requirements too.
I'm very down with everything you like. Down to the depression and anxiety. Lol. Only bad part is I live in the US.
>trans girl (or mtf, whatever), has been transitioning for over a year. Presents androgynously, kind of a tomboy. is tall and chubby, wears glasses. Doesn't have any tattoos or piercings yet
>is from Ohio
>is a huge Queer, I'm attracted to cis girls and trans girls
>is a musician, and currently a NEET
>mostly listens to metal, post-hardcore, hardcore punk, experimental rock, noise rock, alternative, and ambient/drone
>likes horror, suspense, and science fiction movies
>is a social drinker, avoids most recreational drugs

>20 to 28
>average, chubby or skinny, body type doesn't matter too much as long as they're healthy
>is from the US or Canada
>NEET or not, is at least doing something productive
>slightly or not religious
>into the same kind of music and movies
>not a heavy drinker or substance user
>doesn't mind distance

my discord is SidneyBuckeye#7116
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Male, 25, White British, 6'0", UK
2 degrees in biochemistry.
Wagecucking while I volunteer and job shadow to get enough experience to get a real job in clinical perfusion.
Conservative politically, socially, romantically, etc.
Drink a beer once a week at most, recently quit smoking, no drugs (don't even take painkillers).

19-23, Female, White European, UK/Europe
Short, QT face preferred but not essential, small butt and bosom.
Mild mannered, polite, clean.
Apolitic, or just won't be a bitch to me about my opinions.
Social drinker, non-smoker, no drugs.

Married life is about delegation and exchange. Gender roles are there for a reason.
I want a traditional family where I am the head of the family and play the role of provider and protector.
My wife will stay at home and raise children, and will play the role of mother and wife.
I face hardship in the world of work so that you don't have to.
You make homelife comfortable and easy.

I know what I want, but words are hard.

No roasties need apply.
now that's bullshit.
dig ur art mane
had a giggle
>no values
>nothing matters
>black humor that is usually about sex, death, or disease
>studying physics and chemistry at university
>never paid taxes other than sales
>future illicit drug chemist/arms dealer
>listens to punk rock/neurofunk dnb
>makes neurofunk
>likes guns, drugs, videogames, and music
>ideal first date is weed, beer, pizza, music and BDSM
>abuse stays in the bedroom
>6'3" slim and athletic
>skateboard = bae

>having values and caring about things is ok, just don't expect me to
>anything but boring

If you are a tranny I'm down to get with you just don't expect me to marry you.
Can I get an idea of what you look like?
Shit, sorry it is upside down. I'm on my phone and don't know how to fix it. I can give you my snapchat if you give me yours.
Negasonic teenage warhead?
Would fuck/10
I'm Deluxe Toad on steam! Or you can drop your skype and I'll add you.
Do you have Kik?
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>26(27 this year)
> 5'7 a bit chubby
>likes reading, working, photography, bass guitar
>working full time
>likes dogs

>older than me
>funny and kind
>sympathetic but pushes me to do my best
>bonus if taller and bearded

Kik: adotattheend
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6 gorillion hours in MS paint
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SKYPE: [email protected]
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who else /unlovable
Would you be interested in discording or whatever it's called?
It's alright, some of us just aren't meant or made to experience love
>25 y/o
>6'2" 175, in decent shape and getting better
>likes vidya, but also the outdoors
>good career, self-sufficient
>dog person
>kinda clingy

>on the shorter side
>small, petite
>light brown or blonde hair
>feminine but not obnoxiously so
>very affectionate

I can't think of much more cos I guess I have low standards.
I do have a kik its HighRoller195
ill chat with you unloveable girl.
godisgr8usa4life#4550 on kik
I was under the impression everyone hates wearing shoes
1. whats the best rpg
2. how soft is soft
w0w im 18 f florida and u sound like my type of hell
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Million hours in MSPaint

Probably missing some obvious things like "Must not attempt to consume my eyes." that will come back to bite me
That is me, most things fits perfectly except that I am a few years older.
How many?
12 years older
Yo where at? I'm in DeLand. My kik is _a_n_0_n, but I just made it and don't know how to use it very well.
a few lol
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Where abouts in SEA are you? I'm moving to Thailand next Saturday and would love to chat with someone who is more introverted than me as I doubt I'll meet many over there.
Slightly overweight
Bit sarcastic, fond of dry humour
Too honest for my own good
Bit slow on the uptake sometimes
Into Anime and JRPGs, prefer single player games to multiplayer
Occasional tabletop gamer and roleplayer
Music taste is firmly in old rock
Not much of a TV person other than news
Trying to make it as an author
Non-smoker, social drinker
Either a sub or switch, not enough information at this time

23 – 30
As tall or taller than me
Blonde or Ginger
Not fussed on body type so long as you aren’t delusional about flaws
Indoors type, but not incapable of going out once in a while
Not addicted to social media
Non-smoker, social drinker
I am 22.
>Shy is fine
>Kind is a plus
>Anything creative is a plus (writer/musicians get bonus points)
>Likes staying in most of the time, but doesn't mind going out once in a while
>Enjoys trying food, not too picky
>Can think for herself
>Is not afraid of sharing secrets or feelings
>Enjoys sex and being intimate (not required daily)
>Cuddle bug
>Doesn't want kids/Open
>Independent, does not mind alone time or when we don't talk all day (not clingy)
>Would love to have pets/has pets

>26, male, white
>dark, long hair
>blue eyes
>mostly quiet, though I can get talkative
>musician and occasional writer
>play in a tribute band to pass the time as the bassist
>full time job, own a home, live alone
>I occasionally cook and try different things

Kik/telegram: nazunalika
discord: Sokel#8058
steam: Sokel
that's not terrible.
That's what I am trying to tell myself.
Is there anywhere else we could talk?
that's perfectly understandable. you'll find someone just right some day, anon!
> 20, female, U.S.
> 5'3, orange-red hair, tan, goth, introverted but forcibly extroverted
> I speak multiple languages and hope to learn more as a hobby
> In school for computer science, but I love physics and literature
> I'm rather conservative
> thrill seeker
> my interests include traveling, hiking, running, cooking, animu, music (classical to power violence, hip hop to country), wandering around, writing, insects
> I'm pretty silly and bouncy when I'm comfortable. I would say I'm piglet in the beginning tigger once I'm comfortable, haha

> 21-28
> white/Asian, very lanky and tall. Introverted and awkward. Long hair is super cute
> perhaps dresses oddly, although I like the contrast and like someone who dresses rather plain, too
> preferably speaks more than language and studying a science (or finished)
> is also conservative, I don't mind opposing views but my gosh, some liberals are too crazy
>has interests and hobbies, doesn't matter what, doesn't need to be the same. I enjoy learning new things. Hopefully they are open to things, too
> likes to travel and is also a thrill seeker (or open to trying new things!)
> can make fun of anything and isn't offended easily
> essentially the same where it's important (political views, traveling, humor, open minded) but all else can be the opposite, I enjoy contrast

I'm not stringent on what my ideal is, except the essential things and physically (I suppose, It's what I'm attracted to)
I'm two years older than you prefer, but I fit well otherwise. Probably most interested in the silly and bouncy part, if that's true. I can't stand quiet, shy girls.
heh, sounds similar to me but not from the US :c

Powerviolence <3
kik is absitplague, I think we'd get along well.
im sorry long lost lover it is simply not meant to be, i dont have kik and ill be moving to washington soon(ish?) i think

well, backpedaling now, ill be in daytona for at least several months, do you have skype? im trash so thats all i use, if u dont has, we r simply 2 ships passing in the night [poetic sigh]
thailand! any way you can contact me? send me an email [email protected] and we can exchange other ways of messaging then! x
>22, male, new york
>5'10'', caucasian, dark eyes and hair, slender
>Humorous, introverted but outgoing when I need to be, politically indifferent, relaxed
>Into cooking, film, learning languages, listening to and making music, occasional vidya, plants, reading, running, travel, writing
>Music taste is broad: ambient, bleep, classical, downtempo, electronic, hip hop, indie/psychedelic/new wave rock, jazz, lo fi, shoegaze, whatever else
>Wasted some time on a literature degree, going back for computer science in the fall/winter
>I just wanna live comfortably with a cutie and make music and other things

>Identifies as female
>5'6'' or shorter, pocket-sized cutie
>Healthy weight, hygienic, preferably into fitness

We'll cook together, go to museums and other places we've never been before, share interests and hobbies, teach each other things, tease each other, try new things together and generally inspire and push each other to be the best versions of ourselves

Not really looking for anything. This was mostly just for self-reflection. If you wanna say hi and share recs based on my interests tho my kik is woujdn

p cool 2bh, wouldn't mind chatting
Very interested in this
Drop me an email on [email protected]
Do you like girls and do you have discord?
Literally me

You got contact, or should I post mine?
>18, male, US
>dark hair, glasses
>on the skinnier side
>cynical, dark sense of humor
>good at making people laugh
>make music, show everyone my soundcloud to the point where it's embarrasing
>into science fiction
>people tell me I'm intelligent and I hate it
>huge fan of SNES games and RPGs
>doodles shitty pokemon-looking monsters that people seem to really like

>around my age or just a little older
>cute fashion sense
>likes to read and write
>slightly cutesy but not to an obnoxious extent
>also a cynic with a dark sense of humor
>affectionate and passionate, not emotionally cold
>glasses are a plus
>also into vidya
>has suffered enough to know what suffering is

Ask if interested
longish hair
5'10 120lb skeleton
very chill personality, nothing ruins my mood
likes to take things slow, nothing is a priority
very to the point, I will tell you what I want straight up
student, but no idea what I really want to do in life
wants to pursue music as a career

preferably ruski
have to be down with not being showered with attention 24/7
ability to share your feelings with me
not easily offended

I'm In NYC if anyone is interested
Looking for a Canadian girls to get high off allergy medication and Arizona green tea.

Have some sad trumpet music:
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>6'1 lanklet
>dark curly hair
>Mostly laid back but can be goofy as hell
>Art student with a full time job (cant wake up)
>I paint/draw/make music
>like reading and writing
>like philosophy
>Spontaneous, do a lot of traveling just because I feel like it
>Smoke weed and do the occasional psychedelic

>preferably on the smaller side/petite/skinny
>Artistic/creative type
>funny/doesn't take life very seriously
>Smokes weed/or doesn't care that I do
>likes to hold hands
>likes to go out and do things/but is also okay with staying in and watching exclusively adult swim and anime (im not a weeb) on occasion
>will talk about life with me without getting bored
About to do one of my own of these but in the mean time, if you're still lurking, was wondering if you have face pics or Discord? I'm f, 23, Canada but can/will travel if things go well, I like vidya, I'm a sarcastic douche and I love pets, I can put up with shit and reassure you
i hope ur not my ex
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hella mspaint skills
worth a shot
>chuuubbyyy & adorable
>talks a lot
>is a crybaby sometimes
>can make u laugh a lot
>down for irl or long distance
>idk what else

u (male)
>knows how to talk bout problems/emotions or issues in general
>in tune w how u feel
>any body type just try a be a lil confident
>takes care of themselves
>likes to be babied a lil sometimes
>over all dom & protective
>any age rly
throwaway Kik: hollaNdaize
I guess I'll post my contact for the hell of it because why not? You definitely seem like an interesting person.
skype - jesus chris (avi is me in jesus outfit)
kik - BanksOfBanks
discord - BanksOfBanks#3304
snapchat - jesuschris_112

If you're interested in contacting me, and would like to talk through a different social media then the one's I listed above, just let me know.
I doubt it. Who is he?
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I am relatively quiet and shy at first. Why can't you, though?
<3 best to listen to when running
You saying we're a match?
We can chat if you'd like
sic pic

You got skype? I have a pretty sizeable collection of PV records, some rarities. Among other things that fit your descriptions.
Contact info?
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Hardly unlovable, you sound awesome to me. Contact info?
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shoot your goo my dude
The male.

Not really looking for anything romantic, but I think you and I would get along. I'm conservative, know multiple languages, write music, and u guess the rest you can just get to know me. What's your preferred contact?
I am this guy >>25163335
Are you interested? If so do you have discord?
idk if ur same poster cus u hav dif id but he lives in cali thats all ima say
I'm glad I decided to check the thread after class. My discord is CIA_Desu#1719. Whoever replied to you earlier isn't me, and hopefully the post IDs reflect that.
Probably not
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I am sure this won't work but I'll try anyways.
Sweet! Wish I had space to be able to buy records. I do, I do. What's your skype?
Sure, I'm honestly not looking for anything romantic at the moment, either. Chatting would be lovely. Skype or kik would be fine.
kik: tarotbard

Oh ya have kik? lisztless is mine; I'll give you my Skype on there.
I am the same poster. On a phone so the IDs are wonky

Shit, I do live in california
Who are you
Just sent friend request
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Real actual unloveable here.
Got some method of contact?
Nah you sound pretty neato. If you're still in Minnesota though I'm out of luck
I fit him really well contact me on kik @ jackflan187

>24/M/US Midwest
>6'2", slightly overweight but winter's over so it'll be fine don't worry about it pls
>works full time in live music industry as a sound/lighting engineer
>no drinking or drugs but not "straightedge" because that shit's annoying
>raised in the country, lives in the city
>was briefly a teacher at a music school (taught for a year)
>a couple tattoos, not into piercings for myself but I like them on others
>falls in love with every animal immediately
>shitty knees
>tabletop games, science fiction, stand-up comedy, music, the same shit as everyone else basically
>Very enthusiastic about new experiences because I'm probably on the spectrum or something


>Early/mid 20s
>Not an alcoholic
>Has read a book for fun
>Hasn't ever kicked a dog on purpose
>Preferably asian but beggars can't be choosers

Not going to check this tread again, my kik is StopCallingMeThatPls
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@patch is my gf
hg80 please i'm begging you.
@patch is indeed my gf
You are gravely mistaken.
@patch is my gf
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@patch is totally my gf
im the one who lives in flroida
might aswell

>6', black hair, half asian half white, medium build
>About to go to university
>Introveted but not socially incompetent
>Usually chill and humorous but like deeper conversation
>Not expecting serious lasting relationships to come of this but sharing mutual affection is nice
>Likes literature, the arts, humanities, film
>Very curious about everything. Want to explore and experiment.
>Want to write, eventually. Very self conscious about it though.
>I like nature and walks a lot
>Can be quite emotional and insecure but kept mostly under wraps.
>Wide music taste from classical to prog to jazz to hip hop. Also play vidya sometimes

>Willing to actually have fleshed out conversations with me.
>quite intelligent and curious. Values knowledge for its own sake.
>Affectionate. Don't mind sexual but not a must.
>Has some opinions/thoughts on things but doesn't see in only black and white.
>Into similar things I am.
>Fairly understanding and patient.
>Not snobbish
>humorous/lighthearted and able to at least tolerate my sense of humour
>bonus if able to have a sense of wonder at the strangeness of the world

Kik: Haricots.Verts
I have skype too
I'm stupid
It's HaricotsVerts
There's no dot
I don't sexually identify as a nintendo switch. Best of luck to you.
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>24/F/TX/Pansexual/not an SJW
>Not fat but a little extra
>Video games
>Makeup, Beauty, Fashion
>Cooking (I'm a cu/ck/)
>Good communication skillsTM
>Mostly financially stable
>420 and drink friendly
>Introverted but not a social retard; I just have to have my alone time

>20 - 30 range
>Not fat
>idgaf about height/sex/gender identity
>Similar interests; artsy a plus
>Good communication skillsTM
>Not clingy
>Not an SJW
>Patient and understanding
>Must speak dry sarcasm as a second language (if not first)
>If not kinky, willing to let me participate in kink
>Pls no contact if you are NOT poly, or have no PRIOR poly dating experience

The Kawaiiest Baka#4478

No pictures until I get to know you better.
you have adds turned off.
Fixed; try again?
sent, nice get
What sort of mighty quest must a lad from the green lands of Oregon embark on to gain the affection of a Valkyrie from the north?
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>24 / M / KS
>Newspaper designer
>If I'm in the kitchen, I'm happy. Cooking, baking, mixing with the funkiest spirits I can find. I adore bold flavors, spices and acidity.
>Love tabletop gaming, but haven't done it in person in almost a year. Forever GM, would like to be a player again.
>Sort of on the chubby side.
>Not political.
>Weird schedule forces me to be nocturnal. It's chill, but can get lonely sometimes.
>Feel kind of uncomfortable posting in these threads because it feels fake and plastic. I don't like marketing myself or virtue signaling, but if it's what it takes to meet people...

>Confident, but not self-absorbed. I prefer being around people who know — and like — themselves pretty well.
>Cooks or bakes, or is willing to learn.
>Doesn't live passively. Is generally more interested in producing things than consuming them.
>Stays up late.
>Defines herself by what she does, not what she is.
>You saying we're a match?
Yep. I wondered if you're interested.
>sic pic
y-you too
>23, male, straight, midwest US
>5'10, 156, lanky but I'm going to the gym, gained 20 lbs
>dark brown hair, brown eyes, slightly dark hispanic skin
>working as a watch repair technician, but I'm about to switch to water and power
>hobbies are video games of all kinds except sports and music, anime of all kinds except the big three, and reading and writing
>extremely introverted, I can go weeks without social interactions but enjoy spending time with friends
>Stoic personality, calm, my emotions aren't very pronounced, slightly narcissistic
>I hate social events with a passion but don't mind going to friends parties
>drinks about once every week or two weeks, no drugs or tobacco, happy drunk that socializes with anyone

>early-mid twenties
>preferably emotionally stable, but I have patience
>slender figure, ideal height would be 5'8 but shorties are adorable
>in love with asians
>no trannys, I don't have anything against them, but for some reason all the ones I've met have hated my guts after a few sentences

Honestly it'd be nice to meet a girl who hates to socialize, but it's hard considering the aforementioned hate of socialization
BEWARE just got warned by severeal girls about this guy. Serial cheater, liar and abuser!
I've never dated a girl who lives there. You're in the clear.

Contact, yo.
Sigh. Maybe some day...
how many times have you fucked before?
3 different guys
over 500 times with the first
once with the 2nd
5 with the last.
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i seriously just want a cute nord husbando, straight out of norse myth.
expectations seem too high, i'll aim for nice friends instead.

>stereotypical boring asian.jpg
>likes coffee, cats, and coding
>career oriented and easy to get along with
>western history buff
>history buff

Good on you. Have contact?
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So many choosy beggars here.
I'm a large hairy man with long flowing locks, though I have no accent and am not actually from anywhere in europe. Still that's a start right?
Any particular centuries of western history?
Skype is nastykatt and the picture is Sam Hyde with an ak 47.
Put yours up, you sound like a cool person
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>19/Male/East Coast USA
>6'3 average build
>Curly black hair, brown eyes
>Egyptian so I'm not white white but not dark enough to get any scholarships
>Know arabic and english, kinda sorta know spanish a little.
>First year uni student studying comp sci
>Spends time playing vidya/graphic design/finding music/boring nerd stuff/hiking
>Into Indie Trash (Bon Iver, The Antlers, Arcade Fire, Radiohead...)
>Makes goofy jokes
>Can be super serious if needed
>Always try to help out my friends the best I can
>Depresso but not a total downer about it
>There for you when you need it, I always want to make sure you're doing okay

>Looks aren't too big of a deal for me, just don't be obese and take care of yourself
>Location doesn't matter much
>Light Hearted/Funny, knows how to make me laugh
>Has the same sense of humor as me.
>Can be serious if needed
>Kinda a shut in
>Introverted or Shy
>Enjoys spending time with me
>Has her own taste in music, doesn't just listen to Top 50 hits
>TFW you sound cute but I'm too old for you
I actually forgot to reply to OP, because I match this pretty closely, minus the dark hair.
>27/Male/East Coast USA
>6'1 average build/kinda fit
>dark brown hair, brown eyes
>White, Irish
>Speaks English only, wants to learn other languages
>Retail Manager, working as IT on the side.
>Spends time playing video games/anime/music/hockey/friends/drinking.
>Into Japanese music, anything rock, and alternative rock, techno, electronica, classical music.
>Makes goofy jokes, and sexual jokes, and dark jokes.
>Usually laid back, can be serious when need be.
>Always try to help out my friends the best I can, if I'm not tired or preoccupied.
>High spirited person and very Pervy lol
>Is Dominate in bed, not abusive you idiots.

>Looks aren't too big of a deal for me, just don't be obese and take care of yourself.
>18 to 35
>Female (No MtF)
>Location doesn't matter.
>Light Hearted/Funny, knows how to make me laugh, is cool to talk to and chill with.
>Has the same sense of humor as me.
>Can be serious if needed, but mostly relaxed
>Shut in or not doesn't matter
>Shy or not doesn't matter
>Enjoys spending time with me :)
>Likes my music but nught try to make me like hers.
>Interested in watching anime, tv, movies with me.
>Interested in playing games with me if not a gamer.
>Likes to be dominated is a plus.
If you are interested contact me on kik at JackFlan187.
You can still add me anon, no reason we can't be pals if other things don't work out.
>In a metal band for a living or working on it

As a guy who's been in a metal band for a long time you never make money from it. The only bands that make money are in L.A. and even they don't make enough to survive.
I can't tell if this is desperation or a troll
Based on the text I would assume it's a troll.
Even responding to this, I've bitten the bait already.
>22/ female / Midwest
>blue eyes, blonde hair, chubby (losing weight just recently started kickboxing) 5'7"
>full time student
>gets flare ups of anxiety, nothing too extreme.
>has lame sense of humor.
>loves to travel

>male, 22-28, wherever
>preferably as tall/taller than me. I like wearing heels.
>educated (graduated/in school)
>can appreciate a strange sense of humor.
>financially/emotionally stable.
>tattoos/piercings/beards are neat.
>can just be yourself I'll probs like you anyways.
Kik and Snapchat are both maddewsa pls don't send me dicks.
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>22/Male/Southern California
>6'1 ft tall, athletic build
>Black hair, brown eyes
>part time student/work full time
>like to play vidya and learn about coding
>enjoys watching films, with the occasional anime
>INFJ, introverted, shy at first
>Always interested in the paranormal, can actually read tarot cards
>Good sense of humor
>Have shitty pick up lines
>Loves music (Portugal. The Man, Bjork, Tame Impala, Grimes, The Cure, My Bloody Valentine, Circa Survive, Mac Demarco, Slow Dive, Beach House, etc)
>LOVE cats and all animals

>18 - 25
>Kind and light hearted
>has somewhat similar interests, doesn't have to though
>funny and good sense of humor
>be yourself

Kik is: jlrcat if anyone is interested
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This entire thing is gay and a waste of time. Here's my doll shit. Here's my discord. Take it or leave it. I'm nicer than the shit seems.
>Tubular Son#6612
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Taylor.Alaska ≧ w ≦#9530

incase you need to copy the emoji face, not sure how it works.
I can't find your discord, can you paste it?
>Taylor.Alaska ≧ w ≦#9530
I added you!
>Art as a hobby, exhibited many, times sold a few
>Plays piano by ear, doesn't know how to read sheet music, make up my own songs
>Loves vidya, favorite being Mount and blade
>Have a great voice and confident tone
>Try to make everyone happy - friends, family, doesn't matter
>Pretty decent cook
>Living on my own
>Working as sys admin
>love to cuddle
>decent libido
>will cheer you up when you're feeling down

>likes to hug and cuddle lots
>wants to explore the world with me
>huge plus if you're a creative type so I can be creative with you
>huge plus if you know other languages so I can learn

Reply to me for contact details
>18/m/south africa
>love music in general, can appreciate pretty much any type of music
>aspiring metal/rock musician (inb4 kys)
>enjoy videogames
>half latino/ half european (not south african)
>naturally thin/fit but going through a tough time so i'm currently a bit chubby
>long black hair (not as shit as stereotypical metal musician, its more like eddie vedder)
>speaks 2 languages fluently and 2 other somewhat
>strange sense of humor (eric andre show)
>love talking about psychology, philosophy, music, and pretty much anything else i like getting to know people
>a bit on the extroverted side, but most people view me as introverted
>am moving out of south africa in one year's time to europe, not sure where

>doesn't have to like the same type of music, but must be able to appreciate it and be somewhat knowledgeable in it
>pale is a plus
>not fat
>not an "omg im s0 quirky?!1!1 one" type of girl, just be yourself

also looking for friends just to chat to

kik: jonpzabp
> 31 / m / australia (Sydney)
> skinny
> red hair
> intelligent, funny, nerdy, a bit weird
> software developer
> video games, science, astronomy

> under 30
> any body type as long as you are cute
> intelligent, open minded, kinky, nerdy

kik: bigredron
Still there?
27 (28 next month)
Pacific Northwest us
Chubby but I'm active and junk
Has 2 dogs, a bunch of reptiles and some fish and frogs
Plays games(board, tabletop, video)
Job, housing, food
Smoke a shit ton of weed
Sleeps sometimes
Kind of a shut in but not terribly
Works with animals are

At least 27 or older
Into similar things I am
Not afraid of dogs or reptiles. That would be really silly
Likes food.
Likes weed
Likes games
Let's me nap when I randomly fall asleep.
Will play games for me when I don't feel like it.

I'm about to make some handmade peorogi so that will be funs.

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>Pic related
>Late 20's MtF, Chicago, Illinois
>White, black wig, blue eyes
>Slender build, but that may change as I undergo HRT
>Provocative/sarcastic sense of humor, intelligent, knowledgeable in many different areas, fan of horror, comedy, science fiction, fantasy, noir and general quirky independent films and fiction
>Produced screenwriter/published author
>A short film I wrote/produced/directed is screening at a film festival this summer
>Employed as an administrative assistant, but heading back to school soon for a computer science degree

>I'm mostly into women, but will consider guys
>Good talker, willing to debate
>Not an SJW or misogynist
>Fan of film, books and video games
>I banked sperm in case I want to have kids some day, so someone willing to consider in vitro would be preferred if we work out in the long term

Contact info:
[email protected]

I'm Harley Kay on Skype.
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skype is

kik is

I prefer using skype but either is fine
>Engineer (eit)
>Vidya (League, whatever I feel like buying on steam)
>Loves movies, huge fan of film events/festivals
>White, tattooed, pierced, short trimmed beard, glasses, otherwise average looks.
>Stand up is great, rip patrice o'neal / John Pinette (All around the place on humor dark/sexual/puns whatever I'm good for it)
>Getting into cosplay for next summer
>Outgoing introvert (ie, outgoing when you can get me to actually go somewhere)
>No debt
>Open minded
>Not a fan of forced small talk
>Cooks/Bakes (Gottah take care of yourself and who doesn't like cookies and cakes?)

>Early/mid twenties
>Preferably not super clingy
>Slender-Average build, Cute
>Financially stable
>Communicates directly

Reply if interested.
please thread, dont die.
Okay why not

>18 (will be 19 soon)/m/Midwest (US)
>Str8, m8.
>White, 5'7", short/medium blonde hair
>Gets along with anybody who wants to get along
>Strives to improve myself
>Making people happy and making people laugh/smile
>Vulgar language occurs often
>Gets depressed from time to time, paranoid as well
>Not really into anime lmao but i've watched a few
>Play vidya casually, not super often
>Wear glasses half the time, mainly for driving
>Mostly introverted, but breaking out of it. But I've always loved hanging out with my friends
>Respects and recognizes boundaries
>I like to surround myself around artistic people
>Have my GED but am having trouble getting hired
>Wide taste in music. Metal, hiphop, punk, electronic, blues, classic rock, even a tiny bit of country though i dont listen to it on my own, but not modern-pop country shit. Basically whatever sounds good to me is what I like. Theres music I like and dislike in every genre.
>loves to sleep

>Not way too old for me
>Is okay with talking to eachother about our emotions
>Friendly and sweet, not way too clingy
>Wants to meet irl
>Have your own passions
>Doesnt have a problem with the process of me writing music
>Strives to improve yourself

just be you

kik: tangerinedreamer
Just realized I never put my skype...

My skype is lantonor if anyone wants to add me.
>all these girls
>none of them are gay

Bump, come on lads and ladettes
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I was too lazy to draw my own character thing
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Do you know what the definition of insanity is... ?

It is posting in the same threads, over and over again, expecting to somehow get a GF eventually
Welp hope you aint dead cause you have not gotten in contact with me yet
One that involves sparring, strong ale, and ADVENTURE! Dare you ride forth?
Not my type but you seem real fucking neato to hang out with

I also wish you luck on finding a fellow gay viking partner.
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I am this guy >>25177686
Who also made this post >>25163335
Can I add you just to hangout and talk?
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Everything's in the pic, desu. Crossing my fingers, so someone interesting sees this~
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lol i tried

discord me @ izlah#9586
if u want my skype i can tell u on discord
picture isnt 100% accurate but i suck

cool i tried
Oh god I completely misread that whole image I thought you were male. My bad. I am now definitely interested.
A man who does not dare will never gain the day. The only question remaining is how to get in contact with fair brynhildr.
I do BJJ, watch every UFC event and love history/ historical martial arts. I added you on steam.
>4'11" 40kg
I need a picture for entertainment purposes
>tfw lanky skinnyfat 6'5" 90kg

Probably too late but Uhm I think we'd get along, I'm in your state, but I'm chubby so it probs won't matter anyways since you're probably long gone. I don't have discord but my Kik is blackpoolgraves
I am a blind man . Just saw the steam name, I've sent an add request.
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>5’ 7”, 140lbs
>Bisexual, but mainly into other dudes
>College Grad

>Loves watching movies, anything from silent era onward
>Enjoys going to the theater/film festivals
>Likes to play video games
>Likes computers and would like to get into IT (shouldn’t have gotten the BA in English)
>Has a cat named after Orson Welles

>Wants to remain independent, even after forming a relationship
>Would love to have someone to share the rent with

>What do I want in a partner? Were you not immediately repulsed by my description? Then you’re just my type.

Kik: The3rdMann
Discord: BleuTux
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ideal mate stuff.png
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>6'1", skinny, asian (born in the states)
>english is my first language, i speak korean too (hint: i am korean), also took russian for 4 years in college
>i do IT stuff as a job
>my secret dream is to be a writer (litfic and also genre stuff too) and that's what i spend a lot of my idle time working on
>i like video games, anime, books, especially if they're interesting or artsy
>music: electronic shit (ambient, chiptune, shit from Ghostly International, trip hop, basically any electronic genre), 'pop/folk/rock' (shit you might hear on WFUV, FIFA soundtracks, Indie/Rock Playlist), and miscellaneous (lots of video game and anime OSTs, a russian band named kino, romantic era classical music, dad rock). i will listen to everything.
>i drink sometimes. i smoke (cigarettes) sometimes but i'll drop it if it's a dealbreaker. i'll try almost any drug once.
>i get depressed and anxious sometimes
>i will hold hands with you and boop you on the nose

>20s, female, skinny and has short hair
>employed/student, or otherwise can support self
>have a secret or not-so-secret creative dream
>tech literate, doesn't use much social media
>like to talk about emotions, serious things, and not-so-serious things
>emotional stability not required
>not liking cuddling is a dealbreaker
>patient with me being romantically inexperienced
>will wander around cities together and buy a bunch of weird clothes
>want to go on adventures sometimes, like driving across the country with no real destination in mind
>like to stay in sometimes and watch random shit while cuddling under blankets on rainy days

heresallmypersonaldata at gmail
oh, [email protected] is for skype. and email too, obviously
I'd >>25178503 date you.
Here is me next to a normal human.
that is adorable
bump, hope this thread stays till morning
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Haha! Oh man, don't worry!

I've trained intensely in Katana combat and follow Bushido to the letter in every aspect of my life. I've also learnt many Jutsu and actually successfully used a clone attack once, my friend saw it you can ask him, we didn't get a video though. I could show you my power but I'd have to trust you first, not only do my powers come from the strength of love and friendship, but people fear me, anyone who sees my powers begins to avoid me, out of fear I presume.

Dare you walk the path of the ronin with me?
Ninjas following Bushido is a strange concept, but anything can happen in shounen manga.

I assume that's a yes.

>asian living in sydney
>21, female
>65cm/57kg (willing to lose or put on weight to please to the right person)
>studying a bsc majoring in neuroscience but keeps fucking up my studies due to chronic illness and depression
>trying very hard to get my shit together and would like to have someone else in the same boat for support and encouragement
>plays video games to deal with depression (but able to quit when i feel better)
>really into self improvement despite set backs, currently learning a new language
>likes reading, skin care, keeping healthy, shitposting and dark humour
>preferably asian too but i don't mind that much
>older and taller
>not too skinny nor fat (ie. likes to take care of self)
>into self improvement and wants to get your shit together along with me
>has a good sense of humour
>college educated
>wants to become a nomad in the future so we can travel together and learn languages together

idk, i guess it's whatever, if anyone's interested, i'll post contact info :)
Sounds exactly like me. I'm assuming you meant to say 165cm. I'm >>25175764 if you're interested. Contacts would be good
> 28 m nyc
> 5'8'' white/asian mix. slim
> software engineer
> likes beer, concerts (emo/indie), hiking, video games (dota2, overwatch), reading
> alternate career trajectories: neurologist or zoologist
> im younger than I look so seeking similar

> 21-30 female
> shorter 5'8
> laid back, educated
> down to earth, love to laugh

kik: zeusthehick
Hey if you are still here, I do very much fit your description,

kik: AnyDayYouLike
>trying very hard to get my shit together and would like to have someone else in the same boat for support and encouragement

I feel this. I'm no where near Australia rn but it would be nice to have this

My Kik and Skype are octohelp if you wanna say hi
Do you have a Skype?
>dat helm
Would Crush Muslim Heathens with
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Eyy, another upstate new yorker.
hey boss, do you have a discord? i'm a dude who likes friends

Sure man.
I do have a skype: od_bod
Where in Washington are you at?
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>20/m/bi/Ontario, Canada
>Laid back musician
>introvert/extrovert hybrid
>also into the typical vidya and anime
>long brown hair
>Not overweight but not thin

>matching any interests
>not gross
Yo, I'm 18 but we pretty much match perfectly. Chaos9051 on Kik
Friendly bump before bed time
Thread posts: 273
Thread images: 62

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