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>Low standards thread Thread for people with low standards

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>Low standards thread
Thread for people with low standards to find other people who can meet those standards and are interested in a relationship.

Here's the template:
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
>What you're looking for
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else

Good luck!
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 20, Germany, straight/some bi tendencies
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm not perfect, I'm not the smartest, I don't have much money, and I don't expect anyone else to (be).
I am a very dynamic person who enjoys adventuring, gaming, anime, going above and beyond crazy over mundane things (in a humorous and playful way; I like to think I'm down to earth enough to not actually be crazy).
Although I just might get crazy over you.
In that case I will never let you go <3
>What you're looking for
Relationship and friendship are both good.
I need someone to goof around with and maybe get a little emotional with at times.
>LDR or irl only?
I'm okay with both.
I'm willing to put in the effort to turn LDR into IRL.
>Anything else
I like yandere things.

Contact info:

Discord: Fly#3568
Kik: fiercefine

Anyone feel free to add me and get to know me! (since I already know all about you, hehe...)
Unique idea I like

>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 20, Netherlands, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a student software engineering, I'm from /r9k/, full on robot, KHHV, and have almost zero standards whatsoever because I'm not really in a position to have them. I'm a big gamer and like to share lots of great games. I'd say I'm a funny person to be with, but give me time to open up and be comfortable!
>What you're looking for
A girl who likes to game a lot and meme a lot. Someone to have fun with and who is in the same position as me and maybe connect further with.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else.
I like sarcastic humor. It's great.
If you wanna find out something else about me just add me, I don't bite.

Kik: Azrogg
Skype: [email protected]

Can give steam / discord as well.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
26 male burgerland very straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm disabled
>What you're looking for
awkward clingy girls
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Birds are my favorite birds

Kik: mrdespair1990
[email protected]

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Female, 20, UK, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have body/food issues and am prone to depression. Self harmer and socially isolated. I would probably be a certified robot if I wasn't female (and if I could get myself to participate in the boring circle jerk that r9k has become). I'm not the kind of asshole that can't have a conversation without making it into a pity party, but I just want to be open. I'm also totally average looking and unfit. HKV.
>What you're looking for
Someone with a brain who is willing to put up with me, I guess. I generally like older people.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I like languages, games, making stuff sometimes.
If you think you're horrendously ugly or obese or something I'm happy to never exchange pictures and just enjoy connecting through personality.

I wish I lived in the past.
Sent you a message
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 23, Ireland, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I didn't socialise much as a teenager and was socially underdeveloped and anxious when I started going out. I was also fat and ugly back then, probably still do but it's better now. I'm below average inside and out
>What you're looking for
Mostly friends, but I'm open to something more
>LDR or irl only?
Not much people from here on /soc/, so its likely gonna be LDR
>Anything else
I'm into music (playing and listening), some vidya, wrestling and watching sports. It might take me a while to get comfortable talking to you, so I might seem boring at first.
Forgot, skype is scrambles 12

also, thats not me in that pic
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation

Male, 19, Portugal, straight but can get off with men (a bj is a bj and a bhole is a bhole)

>Bit about you/why your standards are low

Well, i'm out of shape physically since i've been a kid. Never had much contact with girls and the one I had didn't turn out very good. Not a wizard tho, still managed to have a girlfriend or two.

>What you're looking for

Girls who are willing to chat and have fun, trade some pics (any kind rly), entertain someone as I entertain myself.

>LDR or irl only?

Doesn't matter

>Anything else

kik: sirelliot990
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 27, US, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm someone that's transparent and knows what he wants along with an absolutely massive amount of love to give.
As for the why, I have almost no one in my personal life that I can find for what I want and online dating is a complete and utter joke.
>What you're looking for
I'm looking for a traditional, loving and kind woman to have 8 children with and build a home for the inevitable fall of the American Empire
>LDR or irl only?
I would mention long distance with make 8 pregnancies then raising those 8 children quite difficult
>Anything else
I have no clue how I'm going to name 8 kids
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Been alone for a while now and just want someones company. Have mild agoraphobia and social anxiety which made it hard to form or keep the relationships I did have, but have been working on it and I feel like I'm in a better place now where maybe I can maintain some sort of relationship and really would like to form a connection with someone.

>What you're looking for
Girl to talk to and hang out with. Someone who shares my sense of humor and love of nerdy things and who wants to do stuff together. Go for a hike, watch a movie, stay in and cuddle while playing some vidya, stuff like that. If it leads to something serious or long term that'd be cool.

>LDR or irl only?
Ideally would want IRL, but am okay with LDR to start off with.

>Anything else
In the event you are interested after reading this my contact info is

Kik/snap/skype: sweetcreep
if you;d have skype...that would be alot easyer. cba to mail you desu.
otherwise i would have gave u a chance
18m dayton ohio. Straight.

Standards are low because I'm ugly and a little chubby

Would consider ldr but irl is much more preferable.
Kik is zbr.Cs
wtf i didnt even put desu in there, what is this shit
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 35, Indiana, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm 35 with very little sexual experience, no social life, and a shit job. I can't really expect to be landing something great.
Although, my standards might not be low per se. But I'm looking for traits that other people would find unattractive because I don't believe I deserve "normal".
>What you're looking for
Female, 25-35, preferably no kids, 1 or 2 alright older the better.
Under 200lbs.
Trashy is fine. Hot even.
Cheaters are fine.
I will stick my dick in crazy.
>LDR or irl only?
Either is fine
>Anything else
tamlin42 on skype
Btw looking for fwb or relationship
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 25, Brazil, bi but I mostly prefer girls

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Typical introverted nerd that doesn't go out a lot, doesn't help that there's fucking nowhere to go in my town. I'm not super attractive but I don't think I'm ugly, I have a dregree in law but I'm currently unemployed but studying hard to get a public job.

Again, I'm a typical nerd guy so I'm into videogames, movies, manga/anime and music.

>What you're looking for
A girl with similar interests to talk to, which doesn't mean "like the same stuff I like" just the general scope of things, someone I can talk about how much I'm enjoying a game without feeling awkward.

Someone to do stuff together, like playing vida and watching movies obviously, but also going out and doing fun stuff like hiking, drinking, whatever.

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
I'm not about to drop my skype or e-mail here so if you wanna talk just reply and I'll make a throwaway one for us to talk.
Also this should go without saying but I'm looking for a relationship
would it be weird to add people from here just wanting to chat/be friends instead of wanting a relationship?
not really, imo.
Not at all.
you pretty damn similar to myself
>empty email

i sent a second just now - if that doesn't work i could just post contact here, if you like?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Female, 20, United States, and bisexual I think

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a loner, and pretty much the polar opposite of a qt white girl in every way possible. I'm in no position to be having high standards.

>What you're looking for
I'm really not sure. I guess I'm looking for friendship or just people to chat with. I doubt anything more will come out of it, but a girl can dream.

>LDR or irl only?
LDR. I'm too much of a pussy to meet up right off the bat. Maybe if we talk more and I'm comfortable with you, I'll be more willing.

>Anything else
I like cooking, as well as arts and crafts.

I'm not too comfortable throwing my contact info out there, so maybe I'll make a throwaway or something if anyone is interested?
Hey I'm interested in chatting.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M 20 France bi tendencies
>Bit about you/why your standards
are low
I'm a lonely person, I always want to share with people but I too shy.
I know I'm ugly with acne
But when i know you I become more sympathetic
>What you're looking for
Girl mostly but guys you can come
>LDR or irl only?
Both, even if never do ldr
>Anything else
Kik: Utulululu
I play a lot tf2
I also love outdoor stuff like hiking or camping

>polar opposite of a qt white girl

So, a black, non-qt girl?

Nah i'm just kidding. Are you interested in guys, or mostly girls?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 24, Germany, straight but i'm likely in the gray-asexuality spectrum
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have a schizoid personality disorder and therefore I don't intense emotions usally. also means I have difficulties enjoying stuff.
also I don't except you to have sex with me or do sexual things via webcam, etc
>What you're looking for
easy girlfriend who accepts it and is adorable ^.^
>LDR or irl only?
long-distance relationship preferred
>Anything else
if you are a borderline girl feel free to contact me because i heard there are a lot guys having the personality disorder i have who have relationships with BPD girls. it's like they are perfectly matching some claim.

Skype: anon.schizoid
Sure why not, I'm down to chat
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 27, USA, bisexual

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
nerdy black guy in Illinois, my standards a low because I've always been the ugly friend growing up, felt like I couldn't do better. I'm told I'm attractive now but I just don't see it sometimes.

>What you're looking for
Mostly attracted to girls but I wouldn't be opposed to nice bottom guy if I connected with them. Love a sense of humor and someone I can talk to.

>LDR or irl only?
irl preferred but I'm not opposed to LDR if I have a genuine connection with someone.

>Anything else
I have an eclectic range in tastes, love music, movies, comics, video games, sports, art, so I'm pretty decent at keeping up convos. I dig affection and stuff, fairly open guy here.
o: i'm down to talk
Made a throwaway kik: aquickshlick

Well I've never been in a relationship with a female, so I guess men

Well i mostly just wanted to know so i didn't get your hopes up. I am a dude so. But yeah i'll contact that throwaway m8.
I'm a trans guy with BPD and I hate doing can shit.. My most recent ex is gray a. Sucks that you're straight... :/
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
21/M/America/ 98% like girls

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
They are low since I don't really care about looks or anything too much. I just like people.

>What you're looking for
well, if I filled this out I would be moving my standards up. I guess someone to talk to.

>LDR or irl only?
Either, I'm not picky for companionship

>Anything else
I have been mistaken as gay since I treat girls and guys no different and I don't judge on anything but personal thoughts and experiences for anyone. Guys can message me for friendship too! I also hear I'm empathetic to maybe a fault so there is that.

Discord: Ebisumaru#5413
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, Germany, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm not the tallest, not the most muscular, nor do I have the best social competence and therefore I don't expect a potential partner to be any better.
>What you're looking for
Just a girl I am compatible with.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR only first. Maybe irl later down the line.
>Anything else
I'm an extreme nerd. I get absorbed into fictional worlds of any kind and enjoy videogames maybe a bit too much. Discord Al#9728
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 20, USA, bi kinda
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm fat, but I've never really had trouble getting girls. I'm not super sure why my standards aren't high. Probably because I don't feel like my looks warrant high standards.
>What you're looking for
Just someone that's cool to chill with
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I play lots of video games and watch a lot of movies and TV. I'm also a political junkie, so if that kind of stuff annoys you, I'm probably not the best fit for you.

Discord: Pippo#3206
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Female, 25, US, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I've always been socially autistic and my habits of prolonged isolation has only made it worse, including my many insecurities about my looks, my low intelligence, the way others perceive me and my lack of understanding social cues. I fear I come off as a passive-aggressive self obsessed jerk or if I'm just a weirdo to others. I also have a fear of men which makes it very rare to talk to them on my own and therefore remain forever alone :’)

>What you're looking for
Cool peeps who can be a positive influence in my life and will put up to my mindless rambling. As for a bf, a guy who is at least more social than myself and can help me look pass my severe social anxieties and we can go out and explore new places, eat out, and hunt pokemon.

>LDR or irl only?
Preferably iri because even though I am very introverted in person I am actually way worse online. (I'm fucked!) Though I have been in a ldr in the past and I would consider it if we connect well and if the distance isn't too far.

>Anything else
I'm a weeb and I love to do art (though I'm too shy to post it)
now I'm off to sleep
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Well im an 18 year old straigh dude from socal.

I really like shopping at the mall and fashion. Music wise Im really into surf punk but also lots of american stuff from 50s/60s and 70s/80s like dion and the belmonts to beach boys to the bee gees and billy joel. I dont go to big concerts for stuff I like small gigs. Well im into weeb stuff. other than that im studying archaeology so I love history and ancient greece. Ive been getting into photography lately and I enjoy to build stuff. Plus I do archery.

Well I guess I just never really had high standards to begin with so they are pretty low. Dating girls with high standards is such a pain since they try to change you. So somebody with low standards I assume wont try and turn me into something im not.

Im looking for somwbody to be friends with first and see where that goes. Im game for either ldr or irl.

>anything else
Should we post pictures of ourselves on here?
Where in the US are you? 25/M/MD here, and i think we may get along.
Well im not asking you to post it but what kind of art do you do?
your discord didn't work.
you never posted any contacts? also what state do you live in. Do you mind someone who is also autistic as fuck?

is me, reach out if you think we'd get along
I contacted you too by mail just hit me up on kik: marco_willi if you want
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 30, Europe, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Drugs, alcohol, neet
>What you're looking for
A young girl who is into dd/lg and preferably a virgin
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I just want a qt shut-in virgin bf who doesn't do drugs ;_;
Ahahahahahahaha, I'm social and smoke tree like almost daily lol
Where are you from? That applies to me.
19 f Canada straight
standards are low bc I'm the human form of a piece of shit w bad mental problems
looking for friends, a relationship, anything at this point
I'd do ldr and irl
Kik: 11blockss
Me too. Did your ID change?

Anon, i don't do drugs or drink, and i pretty much never leave the house unless i absolutely have to. I basically stay in and play vidya most of the day. Do i qualify? Also i'm from England.
Yeah I switched to pc. Give me some contact info so we can see if we get along~

Mind if i give you my throwaway email?

[email protected]
Do you use Skype? My Skype is: [email protected]
I'm not a virgin but I fit everything else. Do you think we could talk and see if we connect? If that's possible, please leave me a message on [email protected] with your contact.
kik chrliebb

Oh and i mean, send an email to that email, do not add it as a skype. I do not use that email for skype so.
19 mtf Northeast US
I'm desperate for some kind of physical and emotional support but at the same time I can be very distant and blunt. 0-60 real quick and back down to 0 almost as fast.
>looking for
bf or gf willing to deal with my shit in return for occasional romantic gestures and clinginess. Not fat, not stupid, maybe have a hobby.
>ldr or irl?
I'd prefer irl
That's me, but you've probably got some physical standards you haven't realised yet that I don't meet
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 23, Southern California, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Considering I'm a big dude, who am I to be picky

>What you're looking for
Someone to talk to and get to know

>LDR or irl only?
Doesn't matter

Kik is PrettyOriginal69 if anyone is interested
Just don't be hideous or obese.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M/22/Ontario Canada/bicurious I guess?
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
The short answer is that I suffer from an assortment of mental illnesses acquired/developed as a child and youth, some I have been diagnosed with, and others I hide out of fear. They cause me a lot of trouble in any sort of social situation, making keeping a proper job difficult (I get by on odd jobs and being a student, not quite a total NEET) and dating impossible. For a long answer, ask me, talking about it with someone helps.
>What you're looking for
Realistically: Someone to talk to.
In an ideal world: Someone who cares enough to try to fix me.
>LDR or irl only?
I think LDR is more realistic, but I would love to have an irl relationship.
>Anything else
My interests include diy, electronics, wood and metal working, fixing things, reading, computer games, hiking, biking, canoeing

Kik: Mjgci
That totaly me
Where in canada are you?
someone can't magically go from vancouver to toronto
in half an hour so "canada" is a little vague on your part
What city do you live in?
Ok, I meet those but only just
You won't add me or email me?
give contact info then
sure. heres mine
Kik me if you want: insertincestjoke
nah I know you

Average looking shut-in except for college skinny clean and sober virgin guy here. From europe.

What happens now.
Oh damn. Not sure who you are but I assume you've already made up your mind
Let me contact you?
Alright my discord is Handyman#8692. I also got a kik and skype if you want.


Sorry about that, mixed up the numbers
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
27, m, us, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I used to be a romantic and wanted happily ever after, after a bunch of bad experiences, I'm convinced that girls aren't worth the trouble, now, I want sex for the least amount of effort possible.
>What you're looking for
female, not fat, does anal, that's it.
>LDR or irl only?
[email protected]
Where in the US?
I forgot to mention that the email is my skype. I don't check the email that often. Location is PA.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, Preston, Lancashire-england. HeteroFlexible
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I think everyone deserves a chance. Someone others see as undesireable may be someone that makes you truly happy,
>What you're looking for.
Realationship/fuck/friendship. Anything really
>LDR or irl only?
IRL prefferably but willing to try LDR
>Anything else
Contact me [email protected] subject as 4chan.
Or Snapchat: Capt.shrap
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also pic attachment
>Gender, Age, Location
20, Male, UK
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm really shy and quiet, i've been bullied trough school and people still seem to pick on me. I have low self esteem and no confidence, also i can't express my feelings and emotions very well. I've been told i have nice eyes and hair, and i've been called cute by a girl who rated me 7.5/10 before
>What you're looking for
A relationship, someone to talk to a lot and connect with
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I'm not fat, i don't have any mental illness but i'm pretty clingy, and also a kv i've never been in a relationship

Kik. atazs
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have no social life outside of hanging out with my closest friends occasionally and I work afternoons. My social anxiety flares up bad when I'm in a bar, clubs or huge parties to to to so I never go. I'm pretty average looking Asian guy who can't compete with the high standards of average girls in my area.
>What you're looking for
Looking for an introvert girl who wants to know the complex feelings of an extrovert. Basically want someone I can nerd hard about Videogames, music or just plain converse about how shitty or radical our days been. and talk about real shit. Nobody on here seems to look for legitimate connections anymore tbch
>LDR or irl only?
IRL is preferred since my last major relationship was Ldr. But I'll make exceptions... Maybe
>Anything else
I'm a pretty good cook and I'd totally cook something up for you.
Can't think of anything else tbch fampai

>Male, 21, Cincinnati, and Straight
>Just got out of toxic 3 year relationship. I just want someone to talk with, maybe flirt a little. I have friends but it's not the same. I could have another girlfriend but I'm wrapped up in guilt and I won't let myself talk to anyone. If you're looking for someone quality with a lot of baggage, my kik username is benjamintruth.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male / 18 / Germany / I guess bi but straight leaning
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
It's mostly because I'm not really thinking high of myself. I'm average at best.
>What you're looking for
A girl with no high expectations. Body-wise, well, chub is fine.
>LDR or irl only?
Both is fine but I'm not sure about IRL.
>Anything else
I can't think of anything right now.
Skype - thebigemprah
Discord - Ranushka #5019
>All these German autists
Paint me suprised

You're all cringey and autistic asf

Get some standards you blue pilled omega phaggots

t. /fit/
Re apo pou eisai?
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male / 31 / Florida / Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Older anon who's lonely and keeps a low profile, who hasn't really caught anyone's eyes over the years. A regular day for me involves either photography or media work, and enjoying my pet rabbit with a side of vidya or web surfing, since I'm happy being a shut-in. I'm overweight and treated for bipolar II, which causes me to have depression issues due to the nature of the illness, but I always spring up just fine. It's a lifetime problem, so I've learnt how to work with it, instead of having it rule me.

I'm not picky, and just kinda curious to see if anyone is interested. Have to play the lottery to win and all that, you know?

>What you're looking for
The typical fairy tale of meeting someone and things just working out from there, since both parties are awesome at what they do.

I'd like the chance to talk with someone and see where it grows from there, though I am hoping for the long-term. I don't really care what someone looks like or what kinks they have, since my deal is that I'm understanding. I'd probably feel most comfortable with someone a bit similar to myself, meaning their weight isn't the best, or maybe they have some mental hiccups as well, since I can understand and relate to stuff like that as a person.

>LDR or irl only?
I'd perfer to have an IRL situation in the end due to looking for something long-term, but I'm fine starting with long distance due to the nature of /soc/ having posters from all over

>Anything else
I wouldn't mind playing some games with people, though I don't have much time to do so these days.

I have multiple forms of contact info, but I would prefer an old fashion email first: [email protected]

I hope everyone has a good night / day, and keep being awesome to one another
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 28, Florida, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Honestly? I think I'm boring and cynical as fuck, though I try my best not to be. I guess if you can tolerate me, you must be a pretty cool person.

>What you're looking for
Anything really. Chat, hang out, relationship, hookup (lmao to the last two).

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
Iif you're already posting here it's likely we'll get along. I like going out to performances: rock/metal/hiphop/etc. I travel whenever I can. I like hiking, kayakking, fishing. I like to read, movies, some animu. I guess I'm also looking to expand my horizons in nearly every way.

kik: AyyyXD
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male. 20. Washington. Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
A bit about me is that I'm very simple in a complicated way. I enjoy learning anything and everything I can. Be it reading or observing people. I play too many video games to distract myself from my mental issues and to remove myself from the damaged world I live in. Yes, I know, sounds "edgy". But the reality is I've read too much and now I hate everything.

Why my standards are low is a boring story. Basically my ex left me for a better looking, more sexually appealing guy. That coupled with my ability to rarely see someone as a potential relationship candidate, I've set my standards next to nothing.
>What you're looking for
Friendship or a relationship, if it came to it. I've learned that I connect to a female much easier than males. Possibly due to a lack of any male figure in my life being able to connect with me, but either gender is fine.
>LDR or irl only?
Preferaby long distance. As I tend to freeze up in person
>Anything else
I'm emotionally and mentally damaged to the point of being a borderline sociopath. So if you don't mind clear and precise communication and an unwillingness to "sugar coat" anything, it should all be fine.
Also, kik is: NoobishExcellence

I tend to be pretty introverted and bad at relationships in general. My first gf actually abused me in the relationship to the poomt where I never developed relationship skills.

Im looking for friends or more i just want to talk have fun and try to put myself out there more.

Kik: wonderland.is.lost
Also down for ldr and irl it will probably take time though so please be patient
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
m 25 australia straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
i'm annoying and neurotic and a bit fussy, so i try not to judge others and forgive them for their personality faults. physically, i like fat girls the best but would also smooch a skinny girl. i don't mind if you've got acne or a big nose or whatever.
>What you're looking for
a nice gf who is also a weirdo/mentally ill. normies are welcome but you won't like me
>LDR or irl only?
IRL only, LDR is too frustrating. i would consider it for someone in australia though
>Anything else
im a fucking retard. i'm decent looking though so pls respond

discord: Memes#7289
>implying i will get any adds
Contact info?
I'd be down to talk to you some.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
26/m/Toronto (Canada), straight, but with the right guy I'm okay being the bottom
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm honestly pretty boring. My days usually consist of working for 8 hours, going to the gym afterwards, watching /g/ related YouTubers, sleep, rinse repeat. Days off, replace work with anime. Also, I've been going to the gym for 2 months, so while I have a lot more strength, I'm still fat.
>What you're looking for
Honestly, physical human contact. A cuddle buddy to watch anime with, or a girlfriend.
>LDR or irl only?
If you're able to carry on a conversion, LDR; otherwise IRL. It's not the distance that's the issue, it's that I'm boring lol
>Anything else
I guess, if you're in the Toronto area looking for cheap PC repair or a warm body to hug and sleep next to, give me a shout? Also, I'm a Silver V support main in League. Pic is me.

Kik is Ironsolari, discord and Skype are available as well.
Are you a multiple personality of mine manifesting itself as shit posts on /soc/? Because without the whining we are pretty fucking similar.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
5'7, 120ish LBS
KV, never been in a real relationship
I am an unattractive autist with interests that have very few females. I'm also a neet and kind of a shutin.My top Interests include History, Vidya, and where the two meet (Mostly Grand Strat)
>What you're looking for
A Biological female with the same/similar interests and a willingness to at least try the autistic games games I play.
>LDR or irl only?
I'm fine with either, though I'd prefer the distance doesn't hamper our ability to communicate with each other. Not that it should, since I can be up at any time
>Anything else

Discord: Ryan #2074

I'll tell you my skype over discord since I don't want to post it here right now.
PLS skype shadowmaxim
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I may be decent looking, but many people think I'm too immature. Last relationship was over 2 years ago. I'm also prone to depression which doesn't really help.
>What you're looking for
Girl around my age who doesn't mind me being a bit goofy, and bonus points if she likes anime (definitely not required or expected though)
>LDR or irl only?
Really I'm ok with either if we're nearby, but obviously if you're far away its going to be LDR
>Anything else
I enjoy swimming, hiking, camping, and am actually a pretty good cook.

skype: [email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 23, Canada, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
The big reason my standards are low is that I'm in a wheelchair. I like video games, film, hockey, anime although my taste is very entry level.
>What you're looking for
Someone to carry my ass to diamond in Overwatch with me only playing Lucio. Someone to meme with or watch shows with. Someone who has an erratic sleep schedule like I do. Someone who can princess carry me up stairs
>LDR or irl only?
Either or
>Anything else
I'm not a big guy but sometimes I wear a mask. I have skype and Discord but I'll give those through my throwaway

Email: [email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
im crazy with mild autism and trust issues
>What you're looking for
someone to like my survey I guess
>LDR or irl only?
imaginary gfs are kewl
>Anything else
I like electronics, space, & bass. I don't like stress, jerks, and flakes.
I fix linux servers with other autistic children, studied computer engeering & infosec.
I'm creative and cynical. I'm not dishonest or violent.
6' 140lb Pale Skin Dark Hair Green/Hazel Eyes
I also have a kik: g.oak
Skype is liamac42
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
female, 22, USA, whatever
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a mentally ill degenerate
>What you're looking for
let's smoke weed and watch tired old TV shows. let's go on road trips. let's talk about music and food and our dead end jobs.
>LDR or irl only?
doesn't matter
contact info?
Kik me at Supremlyswole
We can talk about degenerate things like taco bell and weed

Any female can add me, I won't discriminate on anything. You're allbootiful

Kik: winniebloo

my kik is iffyy2j. I love old tv shows and music and food
Thanks, I've sent you a message.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 24, New Jersey, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm unattractive, short, severely socially stunted, have no confidence, am a virgin, have no experience with women whatsoever because none have ever shown interest, and have autistic interests like anime, vidya, D&D, and shitposting. My only normal hobbies are travel and going /out/, which I do exclusively alone.
>What you're looking for
Ideally I'd like to find another awkward loser as clueless about relationships and who's into the same stupid stuff I am. Someone I can sperg out about geeky stuff with. I don't care if she's ugly, but for the life of me I can't be attracted to fat girls (my only physical standard).
>LDR or irl only?
IRL would be ideal, but I'll settle for LDR if she genuinely likes me and there's any chance of being togeter one day.
>Anything else
I'll post Kik and maybe a picture if there's any interest.
Where in US? It's a big place.
My kik's kekrepublic
still active? could be me you're searching for
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 24, England, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low

I know im not the best but i feel like i have a lot to offer, girls who i have spoken to are unable to be clear what they are or who they are.
i am just setting low expectations, but if you are able to be yourself that i am sure we would get on to some degree

>What you're looking for
Someone who likes to talk at least an hour or 2 every other day. I like to think i am kind clingy but not completely

Someone who wants to do something with their life, it doesn't matter if you don't know what that is yet

a girl who wants a guy to follow through life or be guided by

>LDR or irl only?
idm LDR if we met irl and don't live too far away
Pretty down to make friends if we live that far though
>Anything else

Good things about me
> Honest
> Dedicated
> I know what i want from life
> Kind(though i need to know you properly)

Bad things about me
>Have trust issues from the start
>Need to spend at least an hour or 2 within the first week ttalking to each other to understand where we both stand
>can struggle to communicate my position or feelings properly when talking about something im unsure of.

will be in the thread for a while if you are interested
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 18, UK, heterosexual
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I don't know, I wouldn't even say my standards are low, but from conversation I've learned they are. A girl I would consider 7/10 a lot of people would give a 4 or 5. But, it works in the opposite way. I don't find 10/10's to be that attractive.
Also, I'm not exactly a looker myself.
>What you're looking for?
Nothing in particular. Someone to talk to would be nice, I get quite lonely, I'd say maybe even bordering on depression.
>LDR or irl only?
Either, as long as we eventually meet
>Anything else
Just ask if you want my contact info and I'll figure something out.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, Sao Paulo Brazil, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I've been rejected a lot, I'm skeptical about love and right now I'll just take whatever I can, since I've only got disappointment up untill now. I really don't have anything to lose.
>What you're looking for
Friendship or a casual relationship, maybe friends with benefits, I don't think I'm ready for a serious relationship right now
>LDR or irl only?
LDR is ok with me, but ultimately I want IRL
>Anything else
I'm into chubby girls, not too much though, I also enjoy cuddling and talking about each other and past experiences, netflix dates are cool too

I'll provide contact info only if interested
no contact info but okay
well you sounded fine until the fat part and I'm not sure if you're interested in friendship anyways.
I'd hang out with you, what state you in?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 18, OH, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I look average at best myself. I love music, video games, astronomy, and ive just started getting into anime
>What you're looking for
Play some vidya games with me! Add me on steam: loudbill
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Not really looking for much, just someone to play counter strike or something with.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 20, USA-wisconsin, strait unless you're a tranny or a feminine boy
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a 5/10 and my talking to women skills are not the greatest
>What you're looking for
a gf or hooking up we can like talk and do stuff together idk I'm up for anything
>LDR or irl only?
irl OR a ldr BUT we meet up within a few months- I don't want to be in a LDR for a year

contact me at:
Discord: John#4841
Kik: jimharoldson (thats a made up name)
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29 male located in OC/LA area (california, 562/714) Looking for a female.

Standards have lowered a lot lately. I've been going to the gym which makes me more horny in general. I haven't been this thirsty since high school. And now masturbation isn't doing it for me, neither is porn. I made a tinder and POF which both suck or I'm doing it all wrong, but that's aside from the point.

I'm THIRSTY AF right now to get my dick wet. Oh and I've already dropped my kik in numerous places here on soc to no avail. I'll leave a pic as well bc standards are going down fast. Just looking for a chubby, or smaller female who is proportionate. IRL only please.

Kik Josh_del_sur
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 25, US west coast
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm tall and not bad looking, but socially isolated and and have a soft spot for homely looking ner girls
>What you're looking for
A genuinely nice girl who isn't crazy or manipulative
>LDR or irl only?
Preferably irl, but I guess it depends on how well we get along/other stuff
>Anything else
Reply to post if you fit the criteria I guess, just looking to see if there's anyone here like that
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male/29/Southern California/Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Well im a typical nerd who enjoys gaming and anime. Not really that interesting at all. Kinda funny. I settle cuz at this point, why not. Im older than most anons on here and just watn a qt to spend time with. Im chubby and fugly so I dont keep my standards high
>What you're looking for
Looking for someone to watch anime with and game. PC gaming would be very nice since that's what I have. Someone to look forward to and eventually turn it into something serious.
>LDR or irl only?
Both. If its LDR I hope to meet eventually. IRL i hope to meet right away or soon at least
>Anything else

discord: Boots#8251
Not him, but if you are still in search my kik is yarofame, nice triple dubs btw
For the love of DOG, at least post your state
Do you have kik?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
25, Male, Greece, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I don't really care to answer.
>What you're looking for
Voice chat and Text messaging
>LDR or irl only?
I only want to have conversations with people, I don't care if you have a vagina or a penis. I wasn't planning flirting with you anyway.
>Anything else
I use discord, and you should too. Skype and Kik, both are horrible.

Find me on Discord: dailenth#1395
Dude I used to live in greece what city?
I'm from Veria, a City of 50,000 people. Northern Greece. ~60km Away from Thessaloniki, which is the largest city in Macedonian Region.
Oh dude ive passed through there probably. I was staying in athena and visiting giannitsa since my friend lives there.
I've been to Yiannitsa, it's an eerie and quiet place. Lot's of farms though :)
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 24, Califrnia 909, bi-sexual/female lean

>Bit about you/why your standards are low

I am a calm and easy-going person. I tend to trust people and show empathy often. It doesn't take much to impress me because I find most things fascinating to some degree. I love games-- and doesn't matter if it's a board game, a group game, or a video game. Time is the best medicine, along with hugs.I am somewhat spiritual but in a non-religious way-- rather spiritually agnostic. I definitely don't preach my unique sense of spirituality unless I feel that it could possibly offer help. My standards are pretty low because setting somebody to a high standard has fucked me over in the past; and with that I've learned not to expect too much.

>What you're looking for
I can only realistically expect a short-term connection; but I'd prefer a long-term connection of high quality. I am interested in meeting somebody who is interested in meeting me - even if the reason for it is simple. I guess if things were to go perfectly out of this, I'd like to meet the person I'd eventually marry, and that would be a female.

>LDR or irl only?
I've done LDR in the past; it never worked when I was younger but I'd be willing to have a LDR again... as long as the goal was to eventually connect in person. I'd prefer something in-person with somebody who is within two hours of my location.

>Anything else

Contact info:
Discord - Meno#4720
Skype - Menoww
KIK - Kbode123
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 24, Eastern U.S., Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Because I want to have a meaningful connection with someone and judging them by the "societal" measure of standards inhibits that.

>What you're looking for
Socially, awkwardly, honestly relationship.
>LDR or irl only?
I don't care (maybe that's why my standards are considered low?)
>Anything else

Kinda looking for any social interaction not too picky.
my kick is pipredomese
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M/27/US-KY Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm pretty shy and I've never been to good at making friends I guess an introvert
>What you're looking for
Someone to talk to and connect with, maybe meet up one day, anything really
>LDR or irl only?
either or just friends
>Anything else
I like to play games, watch movis/tv, and when I have a running one I like to ride motorcycles

kik: Finwrick
State in the eastern US?
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And this.

So fucking irritating.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Didn't graduate hs or college, working min wage job, been dumped several times, verrrrry fat (300 lbs, 5'2)
>What you're looking for
A guy who will like me
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I don't like video games much
Are there people (women) even lurking in this thread?
wisconsin, us (and I am straight)
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Looking for someone who will sell me estrogen

Kik: RedMatzoo
I'm TALKING about the women!
I feel identified with u. Im not a monster...nor a model tho but i have low standar...
I would like to chat...i like to talk and give advices. [email protected] (gmail also)
Any way to contact you?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 21, Australia, straight-ish
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
im 21 and never had a girlfriend and still a virgin. not in shape, but getting there slowly. as for uni, i do okay...i wish i did better to be honest.
>What you're looking for
i guess a female really. someone to talk to, perhaps have a growing relationship, really sometimes i just wanna be able to love someone.
>LDR or irl only?
i guess both (what is LDR)
>Anything else
Yeh, find me on kik first: NOMover9000
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 22, Portugal, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Shy and introverted guy who doesn't really go out a lot as I usually prefer spending my time playing vidya and watching anime/tv shows. I would be more outdoorsy if I was in a relationship as I would like to travel and walk around with my significant other.

>What you're looking for
A girl that I can connect with. There's my idea of "ideal mate":
Around my age
Likes staying home most of the time but doesn't mind going out once in a while
Shares similar interests (in the infograph)
Loves cuddling
Caring, loyal and honest
Would love to have pets and to travel around the world
Short is a plus

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
The infograph should give a brief idea about myself and what I'm looking for. If you're interested, please message me on my throwaway email with your contact and I'll contact you. - [email protected]
my kik is bard93
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 19, Northern Virginia, straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
No one ever acknowledges or replies to me with interest, so I don't even have a chance to have standards. I'm open to anyone as long ad they're the opposite sex to me.

>What you're looking for

Someone to take my virginity. Maybe we can be friends or more and chill with each other afterwards. MY main concern is not being a virgin though.

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
My Kik is I_Tackelberry_I if you're interested.
I'm the kik: mrdespair1990 guy from earlier, if you care at all.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 22, Central Fl, straight but curious for twinks
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Put on some weight recently from drinking after losing 120 lbs about 200 rn also I am way too open when talking
>What you're looking for
Someone to talk to as a friend maybe grow closer and be more than that
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
My Kik is kool_kyle1221 if you're interested, I play Vidya, smoke, drink, usually up for whatever.
anyone had any luck in making a new friend of someone else in this thread?
cannaseur91 id love to chat hit me up
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 19, sydney, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
because I can't talk to women or escalate conversation beyond small talk
>What you're looking for
someone, anyone
>LDR or irl only?
irl only
>Anything else
not really
kik: vintagedrumandbass

kill me.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
21 f, na, idk
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
idk im ugly and desperate
>What you're looking for
people to skype me n stay in call with me despite lots of awkward silences
>LDR or irl only?
idk idc
>Anything else
im lonely

Add me, unknownentitycanada. I'll probably be up for a while longer.
If you wanna talk you can hmu on kik: gesetzesvertreter

Basic stats are:
>In between things as I'm going to grad school so I don't feel that I can be choosy for the moment
>Someone to talk to, possibly bullshit time away trading pics or something
>I prefer IRL but willing to do LDR for a while
>I'm probably under the influence of hormones since I swore off fapping/watching porn.
are you from t h e u n i t e d s t a t e s o f a m e r i c a?
close, contact info pls

Canada based.
hmu on skype it's gstoka
I'm quite bored and wouldn't mind company. 26/M

Skype: Tremefy
M, 27, Birmingham UK, Straight

Been single for about 9 years straight now. Been messed about by girls needing emotional support but not wanting to actually commit to anything. Last girl strung me along and then moved away, without even saying good bye or anything. Just gone.

I'm looking for female attention I guess. Doesn't have to be dating, but I can count the number of female friends I have on one hand and I'm not very close to them. Couldn't hang out with them invite them to a movie, it always has to be a group setting.

Would prefer irl, but happy to chat to anyone who wants to.

I'm interested in technology, games, movies, and renovating my new house.

Contact me on kik: amco137 or skype: lets_you_in
i legitimately have autism. i'm pretty cute and have a big dick but everyone hates me cuz they can't put up with my autism. i constantly need female company. any genetic female who is kind to me and will put up with my autism will do. also need someone kinky.
kik: NOMover9000
HMU if u want.
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bumping my post with my picture this is me
M, 18, New Zealand, straight

I suffer from extreme babyface and am having a hard time getting over a recent breakup

Looking for any girl who maybe just wants to chat or even hang if they're close enough.

LDR is cool so I'd irl idm

Thanks :)
30, male, appleton wi

LDR or irl is cool
Kik: ItsMxddi
>people to skype me n stay in call with me despite lots of awkward silences
That sounds very doable! Skype: [email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
female, 18, scandi, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
i watch movies, read books and play vidya and im interested in psychology
low standards because i have bpd and a drug abuse and am severely depressed
>What you're looking for
Only friends?
32 Aussie m - skype kcad56
ditto my post above
What books/movies/Vidya do you like?

>my favourite author is Bret Easton Ellis and i like Chuck Palahniuk, Paul Auster, Jack Kerouac and Dostojevskij. idk if it says u anything
>american beauty, trainspotting, taxi driver, drive, girl interrupted, inglorious basterds (basically all tarantino movies lol) and Der Untergang
>skyrim, the last of us, bioshock infinite, saints row, resident evil, alice madness returns
I'd be keen to chat, contact info?
not sure what my skype-id is, so post yours
Tfw dont have skype. Rip
tfw not sure if I look homely enough

Yo, not them but 25m here and also into nerdy girls, my kik is ddl991
Add me on skype, [email protected]
I'm also in Scandinavia
What's your preferred way of contacting?
>18 m pennsylvania, straight
>I'm 5'8, a bit skinny, otherwise I'm pretty blessed in the facial department
>girl who can hold a conversation, I'll talk about pretty much anything
>I'm fine with LDR, meeting irl would be cool but I'm a broke college student so I can't venture out too far (I'm in 610)
I don't wanna give out my info bc its all related to my name but just ask and Ill add you
kik discord?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 36, UK, straight bit curious
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Married and kids young. Split at 30 as I felt trapped. Never felt I could connect with anyone even through my 20s. Turned 30 now feel I'm living my 20s. All my friends are young. Have a gf. But we don't have anything in common but too weak to end it. Will break her heart.
>What you're looking for
Relationship and friendship are both good.
I need someone to confide in and feel comfy with
>LDR or irl only?
I'm okay with both.
I'm willing to put in the effort to turn LDR into IRL.
>Anything else
Lots of time outside work

Contact info:

Snapchat scotdemill
Kik: penfolduk1
I'm back, kik is fizzlebeef_
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 28 , Houston / Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
typical 4chan chan user / akward - social anxiety, the whole works (no friends / no gf) lol
>What you're looking for
someone to keep me company in our own akward way. (female)
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
uhmm no one like "one word" responses. the least we can both do i try to keep the ball rolling.

my skype is rpocjiab555
Skype, what's your user-id?
Hey man, just want to say keep it up with the gym stuff. You sound like a cool dude and you've definitely got a good face, after a few years of hitting the gym I have no doubt you'll have girls all over you.
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I'll post why not

> 26/m/us(TX)
> heavyset always have been. Always felt rejected because of it.
> love chubby boys and girls and everyone in between. Would love chat,flirt, pics
> either
Kik jimaray

Does it matter where we're from? I'm an English guy.

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
mtf, 26, US, straight (into guys)
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm trans. Kind of restricts the dating pool a bit hah. Beyond that I think I've got things pretty well put together.
>What you're looking for
I would say friendship first, and see how things develop from there.
>LDR or irl only?
Either, irl would be awesome though.
>Anything else
Not too much. I like brewing, reading, yoga, and swing dancing. About to get castrated soon, and I expect to be fully passing by the end of the year at the latest. I lucked out.

Kik: Rikijook
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Low self confidence, low self worth, virgin shut-in who pretends to be normal but really just goes to work and comes home and retreats to his room. Specializes in friendly conversation, feeling sorry for myself, getting attached to people who don't care about me, and failing to establish meaningful connections with other people in my life.
>What you're looking for
Someone who's caring, understanding, interested in doing dull things together if for nothing else but enjoying each others company. Someone who wants to go on an afternoon hike in the woods, or watch some interesting movie we know nothing about, or sit around playing video games together. Someone who can clean up after themselves, and doesn't just live in their own filth. Someone simple and boring like me who doesn't want to smoke or do drugs.
>LDR or irl only?
irl eventually is the dream obviously, but getting to know each other online to start? I don't live in a major city so I don't expect to be able to meet someone immediately, nor do I really want to just fly out somewhere to meet someone a week after meeting them just to confirm we're not compatible.
>Anything else
I'm realizing I really didn't do a good job of making myself sound very endearing, but I guess I just got caught up in the post.
At any rate you can kik me @ buttsmackenzie
Hey I would love to talk we have the similar mindsets in life i guess .Well pm me in kik Paranoidposicle is my name. Hopefully we can be friends
[email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
F/20/ Canada (east coast)/ definitely bi, but I prefer ladies.

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
First and foremost I am sometimes not the most mentally sound person. It's getting better, but there's still days where I make things very hard for my friends and loved ones. As far as looks go, I'm not completely hideous I think, but I'm certain that I'm below average.
But negativity aside, I love to talk with and make people laugh, and I really, really like to help people. I think that's when I'm happiest, when I can help my friends out with something, or if I can do something to make them happy and smiling. There's also very little that I will ever judge a person for, and I like all kinds of people, and ive noticed that I (probably because I've always been seen as this myself) tend to gravitate towards people who would be considered strange or odd.

>What you're looking for
Friendship, maybe something more, but ideally a good friend. I had a best friend for 7 years, and they were my world, but things became complicated and it ended. It's been very hard for me to make friends irl since then, and I miss feeling that human connection.
I'd like to find someone with similar interests (spooky/cryptid/innawoods and occult topics, another artist to help motivate each other, kinky AF and sexually open minded/likes to talk about sex and kink, creating characters/OC's, enjoys movies/cartoons/good tv not just watching but to actually think and discuss/explore ideas and topics about said shows) and a similar mindset/sense of humour.

>LDR or irl only?
I don't think I could be in a LDR romantically, but definitely could have a long distance friendship,or friendship and then some.

>Anything else
Sorry that that was kind of long, thanks for the read though. I'm going to make a kik, and I can post that or Skype if anyone is interested.
also I'm a culinary school drop out so I can cook really well if we meet up.
I'm interested, my Kik is n0b0dyy0ukn0w
I'm kinda interested. Good friendship would be nice without the pressure of having to take it further. If you made that kik would you mind posting it?
this is skype
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm not this kind of person who should have high standards. I am skinny guy with no real friends (just some people i hang out with), a bit handsome, a little hunchbacked. I probably have depression but im not diagnosed becouse i to shy to speak about this with psychologist. I don't like my own character traits (but im not talking about them a lot with people so don't worry). I like memes (what a suprise), good movies, music and vidia (although i don't play much). I can be weird sometimes.
>What you're looking for
Friendship or relationship. Somebody to talk to, friend mayby? Somebody who will treat me the same I treat him. Somebody who will not pay attention to my grammar stumbles (lots of them). And somebody willing to listen me.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I like art (but don't know much about it), music, reading books, games, animals. My dream is to speak fluently in english and russian. I would like to live in tenement house, earn enought to live and to go on a trip to Chernobyl, Hungary, USA and Italy.

My e-mail: [email protected]
I don't use it much, but giving away my skype etc. don't seem to be good idea.
Also this is my kik: Az0t
Unfortunately not.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
F 19 Canada bi
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Pffft. Look at me on fucking 4chan like a crippling autist posting on this thread. This does not need any further explanation.
Fyi, I'm into vidya, pol, books &etc.
>What you're looking for
Friend? Bf? Idk.
>LDR or irl only?
Anything works rly...
>Anything else
Kik: Elizabeth Clingerman
LoL IGN: i wil rek you
I sent you a message.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M,28,Ohio, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I honestly think we are living in a generation of disconnection, loneliness and social media. I have a pretty badass job, live alone, own a car and stuff but just can't seem to meet anyone. I also have friends but they typically date coworkers which I tried and ended poorly. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs and spend most of my time working at my career so that is the reason for low standards
>What you're looking for
We can start with someone to talk to, ideally female friends. Relationships are tough and you gotta start somewhere
>LDR or irl only?
Either is fine, done both before.
>Anything else
I'm good at conversation so don't hesitate to send me a message and see if you like talking to me at all

Kik: really_wut

Thanks soc
I have a skype, my throwaway is [email protected] I'll give you my skype there. I'm also from Canada and looking for a friend
>kinky AF and sexually open minded/likes to talk about sex and kink
This is suprisingly hard to find. [spoiler] [email protected] [/spoiler]
>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Female, 21, East Coast (MA/NH), Straight
>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Fat girl with low self esteem, don't go out much, have two shitty jobs, dropped out of college, find myself boring
>>What you're looking for
Someone that I can talk to and hopefully have a relationship with
>>LDR or irl only?
Ideally irl but willing to try LDR
>>Anything else
Some of my interest are anime/manga, movies, drawing, comedy shows

Kik: skippedbeat
you into anime? Not like full weeb just like enjoy it
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 22, USA eastern washington, bi

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a bit of a shut in, with social anxiety that I've mostly gotten over but that still rears its disgusting head at the most inconvenient times. I'm chronically depressed. I actively avoid thinking about a lot of things that I might otherwise enjoy out of a combination of shame and an inability to express myself. Hobbies are mostly vidya, actual books, occasional anime or TV, and dorky fanfics of those 3 things.

>What you're looking for
Somebody I can be really affectionate with and who won't make me feel ashamed of myself when I talk about the things I like or when I act a bit fuckin' gay sometimes.

>LDR or irl only?
Irl only. I rely on actual cuddling too much to be able to really invest myself in an LDR. The only exception would be someone who lives close enough to visit more than once a month.

>Anything else
I'm kinda subby but that's also one of those things I avoid thinking about, so.

Discord: stray#6652
Kik: switchabloo
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may be if that's some sort of code for my name
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 23, UK, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I actually do have autism but I don't really care. Socially isolated and shy, I feel like an alien, but a smart alien. I'm a massive stoner too.
>What you're looking for
A girl who'll accept me and enjoy getting high together and helping each other in our aspirations.
>LDR or irl only?
Prefer IRL, I have experience with LDR and not my thing.
>Anything else
I love sex. I've yet to meet someone who's into the same kinks as me.

kik: checkitchewy
R0gU3 discord
Hey guy, I just wanna talk to someone new. Making some new friends and all that over the internet. I never did this that way so I thought why not give it a try.
>Male, 18, The Netherlands straight.
>Well I just wanna talk and have a fun time with someone over the internet maybe play some games have some nice confersations. >You dont need a pretty face to be able to do that.
>Just looking for someone to talk to :3
>Both are okay
>Feel free to add me on Kik I know it is kik and its weird and all but we can have our first contact there and if things go well we can always go on skype or whatsapp and all that good stuff. Have a nice day.

Kik is dodomeneer
If that isn't your name then you're not the girl I thought you were (she's am absolutely gorgeous drug-abusing bipolar girl with daddy issues).
I will add you on LoL. IGN will be Alvredus.
Oh ya I remember you. You ghosted me for no reason. I enjoyed talking about anime and manga with ya.
>M/28/Morocco, Rabat
Hello, I'm interested.
I've had quite the lonely childhood, for most of my life I couldn't connect with people on any deep meaningful way, not counting a handful of friends, but in recent years I have been managing better, would love to be of help, and why not a friendship if possible.

I'd like to point out that the recent betterment of my social life is mostly due to a huge change of environment, and a few lessons of psychology I have been having.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male 21 Pittsburgh straight (also into very feminine qt traps)
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Generally depressed, socially anxious and a bit autistic. I'm a homebody (though I'd like to get out more) and don't really have any friends. But besides being attracted to you and maybe having some stuff in common I don't think theres much reason for a bunch of standards.
>What you're looking for
Would like a girlfriend. Someone that I can hate out with doing whatever and insert my penis into when either of us feel the tingles.
>LDR or irl only?
Preferably IRL, because you know, sex
>Anything else
kik: dreadlocksamson
email: [email protected]
Ideally you'll be close in proximity or maybe if you're in another country you could marry me and have me as your mail order husband
Where in Canada anon?

>Support main
I know this feel
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 25, Midwest, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm not as bad as i think, just my luck is bad and life style, also where i live is a negative. I'm pretty outgoing, not shy fun to talk with, play some video games, love music and movies. I hardly drink only smoke weed and occasionally some drug use. Think my standards are bad because i smoke amd stuff which most females by me don't, i tend to prefer staying inside type of a guy but can be outgoing if worth it, and have a high sex drive/real kinky which I feel like majority of women by me aren't interested.
>What you're looking for
Honestly friendships and relationship, preferably females only. Someone to talk with about how their day is, goof around with each other, talk about our problems and issues, honesty is great. I also enjoy kinky women and talking about experiences/kinks etc.
>LDR or irl only?
I don't mind either, I've had more ldr though because of where i live not much luck.
>Anything else
I love keeping someone happy and satisfied!
If anyone is interested and have some similar issues, feel free to message me! Kik jdilla414
Girl, 18, Canada, straight
I'm a huge ass hole and people tend not to like me. I can't maintain a conversation to save my life.

Someone who isn't boring as shit and can also put up with me being boring as shit

Either I guess

Playing overwatch on pc is a bonus
I like to think im interesting but who knows. would you be bored listening to me just talk and talk?
Would be sweet if you posted a way of contacting you
contacts? =) battlenet approved!
I'd be up to see how things go if willing to try chatting? Bored
Shit I forgot to put my kik it's reagleagle >>25000204
I want your skype for sure, or discord if you have it.
M, 20, IN, straight

Not very sociable. Pretty average person who keeps to himself.

I'm looking to chat with anyone, because I don't chat with anyone Irl, so I get lonely

Doesn't matter

I spend my days going to college, work, drawing, and video games. That's about it.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 19, Colorado, Bi

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Because I'm a shut in with little motivation who lives with his family still. Also I'm average looking and rude.

>What you're looking for
A reason to live.

>LDR or irl only?
irl, preffered anyway.

>Anything else
I really like titanfall 2. Also the same nerdy interests as the rest of us losers here.

kik: Terrible.Justice

Add senpaiwillnevernoticeyou on Skype.
Kik? If so drolrats. Will give Skype there if gel.
Hit me up on kik anonmale1217
27 yo living in Europe south Sweden.
Got part-time work while studying biology but I like to keep to myself too much outside the anonymousity of the internet, still waiting to play boardgames with people though as it can get pretty lonely at times.

I think I wish for a cuddling companion more than meaningless sex even though I miss that.

I go to concerts alone because friends aren't interested in it or don't got the time/cash.

I got more books than games. Winter gives me increased depression and I am slightly damaged inside like most of us.

I don't want to give my Skype here so have my kik: MirreMicke
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male/24/biish(like traps)
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
A loser with depression and anxiety problems. And ugly. Not really good at anything and also a neet. I get attached too easily. Im bad at talking.
>What you're looking for
Gf or fuckbuddy
>LDR or irl only?
Either is fine
>Anything else
Ill be surprised if i meet somone this way. I usually get ignored whenever i try to post in places.
In us. Forgot to type that. Im also a creepy pervert
What part of the US/state?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, UK, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I am an average guy with not a lot of money around 5/10 imo.
I think I am a very interesting person I like to read books and/or comics, I like to play video games, watch anime, I love nature and beauty scenery. I forgot to mention I draw art (am not that good tho) and I like to listen to new or not well known music artists generally
>What you're looking for
I am looking ideally for a relationship but if you are cool we be friends.
I would like a general lovely dovely relationship (i know) with somebody who shares my interests, would like to hang out with me when she's bored, to play video games together, Spoon in bed or go watch a movies together.
>LDR or irl only?
Ideally IRL
But I am willing to put in the effort to turn LDR into IRL
>Anything else
Looking for a cute girl who shares some of the general interests I mentioned or wants to.
Preferably 18 - 26
Neets are fine.
Bonus points if you're blonde or black haired.

Discord: Bibblack#7943
Kik: SomethingSuggestive
I am an artist from europe, I like to help people, listen to their issues and get to know them, I'm a fetishist of many things, in my twisted conception of life I don't have many issues and the ones that I do admit having are not a problem for me. I am honest thou I can lie pretty effectively.
I am bi, but I am a huuuge gynophile, so everything feminine fits, penis or not.
I am up for things and stuff, I can disappear from time to time but I don't to it without a reason. Get closer to me and I might not disappear for you, thou no sexual innuendos for those who get close to me.
I wrote it like shit, yet I wasn't in the mood of writing something up so, cba.
Guess I am more up for replying potential questions than showcasing stuff.
Oh, since the gender matters apparently, I am psysically 70% male, tho 90% agender/genderfluid.
Come as you are.
Just gimme ya new kik abbs, skippymisfits24.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 20, Belgium and straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I find myself pretty ininteresting, i find hard to have the good words and know what to say in conversations and stuff, very awkward guy and boring i think. And i dont find myself pretty, i have no experience whatsoever with girls since i was born, some girls told me im cute or handsome online but never irl why ? i think its because they lie or just cause irl im much more awkward and uninteresting.
>What you're looking for
Girls to maybe find love, or just friends with or without sex affinities
>LDR or irl only?
Both is ok to me
>Anything else
Contact infos :
Skype : craizy96
Kik : Volioze
discord : Craizy#5456
>gender age location orientation
23/m/Washington DC area

Mostly straight / gynosexual (aka typical desperate chan user)

>bit about you / why your standards are so low

Slightly on the autistic spectrum (was diagnosed with ''nonverbal learning adisorder'' as a kid, had a shit time in school and eventually retreated into academics and vidya and had no friends in HS and college). I have a masters in electrical engineering and a good job but outside of work I live like a shutin and have no social life.

I like obscure/retro vidya, and pokemon but not that deep into anime (though open to it).

I also play piano and synth, but am years out of practice and just started trying to produce music. I'm really into synthwave and 80s type stuff, vidya OSTs, prog rock / prog metal, and grunge/post grunge now and then.

I browse /g/, indie general on /vg/ and /vp/ as well as a few obscure non-4chinz imageboards such as endchan.

I used to use /pol/ and /r9k/ but now I'm utterly sick of politics and stopped seeing the point of wallowing in misery even more than I already do.
>what you're looking for

Looking for either a long term relationship or a friend with benefits, with a girl. Would consider fucking a trap but don't think I could be in a real relationship with one.

I'm Into bigger girls as well as older women. I guess I have a slight mommy complex, but I'm not after an ageplay or bdsm centered relationship at all.

Certain ''ugly'' features on girls turn me on, such as freckles, round faces with weak chins, and cellulite, stretch marks and veins on pale legs. Ideally I'd want a girl 2-5 years older than me who feels rejected or worthless and wants to cuddle and play vidya/watch movies.

>LDR or irl only?
IRL only, looking for someone in the DMV area.

Kik: jelt414
Or throwaway email: [email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 19, Western Washington, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I am an attractive person but through depression and trauma it is hard for me to talk to girls so i mostly play video games
>What you're looking for
A girl who won't stop talking to me after an hour, pretty much any girl
>LDR or irl only?
Doesn't matter, either
>Anything else
Kik: theclamden
Sype: clamden1
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, The Netherlands, straight/perhaps bi, not really sure
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Hi there! First of all thank you for reading my post!
I'm not really excelling in anything important but I try my best to just be a good person and friend, not really afraid to help out or talk about difficult stuff.
As to why I'm posting here, I used to be fairly socially underdeveloped until a couple of years ago. I'd like to think things are going pretty good nowadays on the social front although I still struggle from time to time.
Got diagnosed with Aspergers at a young age, but I like to think I've got that under control for the most part.
>What you're looking for
Just someone to chit chat with, not specifically looking for anything romantic or sexual but not opposed to it either. If you're from another country then that's nice! Love to get to know other cultures a little. From a conversation perspective I prefer to talk to females as I often have a better "click" with them but guys are fine too of course!
>LDR or irl only?
Both are fine!
>Anything else
I love to try new stuff even though I might be afraid to do it at first.
Really enjoy listening to synthwave / retrowave and other electronic music.
Play games fairly often and also like to watch movies and series, I read books every now and then.
I imensly enjoy having "deep" conversations, talk about peoples lives and having a good conversation with someone.
Also, I got a cute tortoise!

kik: Roverboef
Also have a temp mail set up: [email protected]
Not sure how long I can keep that mail up tho!
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 20, Washington state, Straightish
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Well I'm stupid and currently homeless and not super attractive
>What you're looking for
I'm not even sure, I'm just alone and sad
>LDR or irl only?
If you live in the same state, that's preffered
>Anything else
I'm okish at OW, hmu or not. Terrordar#1607
You still around? Do you have Skype?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male 18 England straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Never really had a lot of luck with relationships so I just wanna meet somewhere new and see where it goes
>What you're looking for
Anything really. Let's just get to know each other and shit
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
If you're interested Kik me: joesboredaf
Has anyone had any success with this yet?
In what sense?

Good friends or more. I thought i made a good friend/chance of more, but then they just vanished.
par for the course my friend, par for the course.
welcome to /soc/

Eh i guess i just assumed it'd be different because of low standards. I know it happens in other threads. Ah well. Maybe i'll post my own and hope that goes better.
Sent you a message
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 20, Balkan, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Fat, hate the people in my region, never had too much intimacy, probably bad at aproaching and starting conversations irl
>What you're looking for
anything goes, as long as its retarded and funny, also sometimes intelectual talk.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Hakuna mattata ( i didnt know what to say )

Oh and contact, ristex1 (kik) if any weirdo out thar
Hey there here's my skype [email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, Mootxico, bi
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
So I´m schizophrenic and have avoidant personality disorder, been one year on treatment, slowly getting out of a chronic deppresion, looking for someone to talk and yada yada
>What you're looking for
Just someone to talk about life, music, books, anime and vydia
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Hit me on discord, just point this thread
All these ohio dudes so why not

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M 21 Ohio straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I literally just don't give a fuck. Nobody is interesting.
I'm like a 6/10 chubby dude.
I don't try to have any type of relationship.
I can be super honest and therefore come off as a dick.
>What you're looking for
Chick that is interesting and isn't dumb?
>LDR or irl only?
Never tried ldr, Irl would be cool.
>Anything else
Kik is randommang
if you're gonna talk for like a day or two then disappear donty both. I will also drown you in questions.
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i'm not looking for a relationship i'm just lonely.
i turned 19 today and don't have anyone to talk to.
19/female/new mexico
>why are standards low
i dont know how to talk to people
>what am i looking for
people to talk to
skype: sillyboba
Sure thing.

Kik might be better if that's possible.
Just because I do have a skype, but I rarely use it.
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im just lonely. need a friend who won't leave

Male, 25, WA, USA, straight
>Why my standards are low
I'm lonely, alcohol and drug addled, and suffer from emotional problems and I don't feel I deserve anyone better
>What I'm looking for
A girl with a nice face that's willing to get intimate (sexual or otherwise) immediately. I just want to cuddle someone, and yes I realize how desperate I sound


Email me @ buddticks @ gmail
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
female, 21, Amerifat, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have a lot of trouble relating to people/socializing (borderline shut-in). I turned to video games/food for comfort and now I feel inadequate compared to my few irl friends
>What you're looking for
friends, I suppose
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I like b-horror movies and crime shit
skype: ch33to de_dust
male 23 texas straight

I don't have low standards, I'm kind of picky really but looking for friends so am open to talking with anyone and everyone. Just as long as there's some daily communications or back and forth I'm pretty content. I like to get to know people.

Looking for friends, maybe vidya related friends or anyone that wants to talk really.

Can do either LDR or IRL but not expecting a relationship from this.

I do carpentry and I work from like 7 to 7 most days and I enjoy my work so don't be upset if I don't get a chance to respond all the time.

Kik: laufing

Anyone can feel free to add me.
I'm gonna add both of you on skype if that's okay
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 25, US, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
i'm a gross NEET that plays a ton of vidya and has no irl friends. i don't presume or expect anything of anyone because i don't have any myself. i myself am low standard so i don't carry any standards. am also a passive person so that's a real hit with people
>What you're looking for
someone that will message me and be actually interested in a mutual conversation
it'd be nice to feel something for someone
>LDR or irl only?
whatever works desu
>Anything else
i like vidya, anime, manga, listening to music

kik: anotheronegone1
discord: anotheronegone##8784
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>ch33to de_dust
What do you play? Besides CS, obviously.
What state are you in?
Killing Floor, Diablo II, FFIX, F-Zero, Primal Rage, Breath of Fire
muh nigga
The best ff hands down. I really liked IX and IV
I liked 5 and 8 more than 4, but 4 is still good

no FF will ever come close to Xenogears though in terms of story at least
Never got to get my hands on Xenogears.

Also, I live in SD now. Was from CA
Too bad I'm all the way in Maryland.

Just emulate it, it's worth it. Or you can get it on the PSN store I believe
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when she starts nerding out.png
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im also an artist discord is Kitten#8303
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 24, North Carolina, straight
>Bit about you
just look at >>25004845
>Why your standards are low
Extremely reclusive most of the time (even though I worked my way through my social anxiety years ago), poor, literal noodle, long-term depression
>What you're looking for
Just add me if you think we'd get along, honestly. Whether you're interested or just want a friend. Anybody is fine friend-wise, though I tend to get along better with girls either way.
>LDR or irl only?
I don't care
>Anything else
Skype: pichi.dee
Discord: Pichi#1925
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M/23/Santa Barbara California/Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I've never been in a relationship before and am a big guy, not obese, but a tall guy with a little extra.

>What you're looking for
I'm wanting to enjoy the feeling of holding a girl close, cuddling with her, caressing her hair, and possibly going further to love eachother.
>LDR or irl only?
IRL. I want to meet any girl.
>Anything else
I don't have a preference. I just wish to finally experience love and say I've have a young lady who I can care for.
I forgot to add my kik. It's THEREDLUMA
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Honestly, I'm posting this. im ok with anything, ive always attaracted the crazy ones, i've given up on normal.
>What you're looking for
just talk you know, skype or other things like kik. More or less.
>LDR or irl only?
Cool with both.
>Anything else
skype: arcticpenguin2
kik: jagerlion
ask if you want something else.
I posted my stuff down below.. well above this.
Interested to get to know you, kik is jad.k98
>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M,19, CA, straight
>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Can't get courage to talk to the females
>>What you're looking for
>>LDR or irl only?
I'm down for either
>>Anything else
Need someone to share memes with
Didnt put this add me on Instagram sweet.jeezus or discord moaboi #6997
Well at least you have a good taste in games.
Are you happy with the launch of the nintendo switch? What 3rd party support can we expect?
>Primal Rage
I dig it... but that's really fucking old. D2 is another great one. Do you play any more current games or just the oldschool?
posting from a dif. device

thanks, anon!
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 29, CA, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Went through a serious and long bout of severe depression that I recently came out of, essentially starting over
>What you're looking for
The rush provided by crushing on someone, and hopefully the deeper feelings of love in time.
To be more specific, someone to share silly and meaningful things with, to learn all her secrets and joys, and to be my occasional travel buddy.
>LDR or irl only?
Okay with LDR at first but eventually irl
>Anything else
I want to travel and explore more, finding someone to join me would be perfect. I can be quiet at first but very goofy and loving once I get to liking someone.
I love when my mind and heart is taken elsewhere, be it by a book, a song, the outdoors, but especially by a special connection. I'd love to feel that again.

I have the usual methods for contact if anybody is interested.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a shut in and I have no fucking clue what I'm doing when talking to anyone so I've been a KHvirgin my entire life.
>What you're looking for
a relationship or just some friends
>LDR or irl only?
either but I prefer irl
>Anything else
Ask and you'll find out I guess, I'm an open person. Oh and I'm a massive weeb.

skype: sal miakk
discord: Salve#0240
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 20, UK, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I don't have many opportunities to meet people irl due to not having a car and living in quite a small area. I was never able to make much of a romantic connection with those I knew either. I'm also somewhat introverted.
>What you're looking for
Looking for anyone willing to give me a chance for either a casual fling or an actual relationship.
>LDR or irl only?
Irl is preferred. I can deal with LDR for a start if it's still within the same country and general area.
>Anything else
Fan of Anime/Manga. Enjoy drawing and discovering new things.

Contact: [email protected]
>Gender: Male.
>Age: 18.
>Location: Washington State.
>Orientation: Bisexual I guess desu.

>About me: Well, I like to draw, listen to my records and talk about music a whole lot, I love to make new friends, and I'm just an all around loner who plays video games and draws.

>Why are my standards low: I just been so desperate for someone to love. And I've been so lonely and never really had the opportunity to just kinda click to someone.

>What I'm looking for: Just someone who loves music, loves to talk daily, put a smile on my face, look at my art, and just someone to say 'I love you' to.

>LDR or IRL? I honestly just prefer LDR. IRL seems like a real pain in the ass.
>Anything else? Ah, Hell. I just love talking and meeting so many new people and I just hope I meet someone I can actually like and have feelings for.
Kik: SleepySnaker
hey sean come back to /dat/

Your discord doesn't work, senpai.
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Can love bloom on /soc/? Short answer, no.
But, at the very least I could meet a nice guy or something.

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
MALE, 20, US East, bi

>Why your standards are low
Everybody is really picky. I'm not scared of taking a chance and getting hurt by people, anymore.

>What are you looking for
Certainly not a relationship. On /soc/? Friends are fine. Not having anybody who wants to listen a little to your problems and vent thoughts to really screws with you mentally. Yeah, a friend sounds like something I can't find right now.

>LDR y or n?

>Anything else
Yeah, contact info. I have a discord: Lucky #3916.
Jaded shut-in gamer is what people describe me as. But, I like movies and some anime.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
female, 20, chicago suburbs, pansexual

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
i've gotten fucked over too many times to care about who i end up with and i'm done being picky because i'm just going to end up bitter and alone.

>What you're looking for
nothing too serious right now, but feelings happen, yknow?

>LDR or irl only?
i've tried long distance relationships before and i've only gotten fucked over but at this point i don't really care. i'm down for whatever.

>Anything else
my kik is c0ckroach_ if you want to contact me.
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t. not me
I never left!
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>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 23, South Australia, Gynosexual.
>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I've been alone for so long I'm desperate for any kind of human interaction.
>>What you're looking for
A living human, preferably one I can chat with regularly. Even better if we could meet and hang out.
>>LDR or irl only?
Either is fine.
>>Anything else
Really don't know why I still bother trying as I've all but given up hope.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 18, Austria, straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm just a shy introverted idiot, who likes to listen to listen to peoples problems, but gets rejected everytime I have a problem. I stay at home 24/7 (except for school), unless there is a cool concert or movie in my area

>What you're looking for
Just a normal human being I can play video games/interact with. I don't take things very seriously, but I still enjoy playing them I guess. Maybe even a relationship if possible

>LDR or irl only?
I don't really care, but if LDR it would be cool if the person would be from europe, so I don't have to stay up until 4am to talk to them

>Anything else
That's it I guess, made a throwaway kik account for this: hehexdpls
Kik me: Teddybearroosevelt
Welp guess i didn't answer in time
>it's another men doesn't get any replies thread

neck yourselves you thirsty fucks
If youre still looking for someone to chat with my kik is i cantthinkofaname995
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
man, 22, nyc USA, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm weird and random, blonde at heart, quiet most of the time, clingy 6/10 with anxiety issues and depressed

I love exploring, the outdoors, going to the theater, talking about games, history, philosophy, anime, whatever. I'm silly and funny but only when im comfortable with you
>What you're looking for
A friend or girlfriend to spend time with, who will accompany me on those sleepless nights, get some bubble tea and cuddle at home watching netflix. Someone I can care for and doesn't mind my affection.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I love memes and morbid humor.

kik: Volkyrie.
Kik me -babyclio
Also I forgot a few things I'm straight and location is south Africa but I also wouldn't mind just making more friends in general as I am pretty introverted
>why my standards are low
because I've just had no luck what so ever when it comes to woman every time I've ever asked someone I've been rejected.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 18, Netherlands, straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Socially anxious and I never go out (for that reason). My wish is that at some point it's eventually going to disappear, if not, then I would be ready to work on it and myself. I feel like that would be much easier with someone I really like and feel close with. I consider myself a kind person, too much of a kind person sometimes I suppose, and I am very much interested in history and politics. I am honest about myself and my beliefs and ideologies.

>What you're looking for
I really like intelligence, I am not specifically looking for a 10/10 hottie, I like prettiness, I don't care whether you're a normie or not, and I like kindness, and maybe shyness, just like myself.

>LDR or irl only?
I am totally fine with both.

>Anything else
Not at all.

Skype: danitje44
do you have a discord or a skype?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 19, Burgerland, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Immature, socially underdeveloped, a lot of wierd behavior according to the people that tell me. Abandoned by parents on several occasions, physically beaten, incapable of feeling worth anyone else's time.
>What you're looking for
Anything not landwhale tier. Got to have something to talk about I guess, dank memes and bad jokes are good. Video games, automotive, diy stuff...
>LDR or irl only?
don't care
>Anything else

Snapchat: anidiot89
>wants a girl who is fairly skinny but is okay with chubby guys
fuck off, I hate people like you. Double standards are so fucking dumb.
>stop being attracted to something that isn't exactly the same as you
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation


>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Low self confidence, anxiety depression, etc.

>What you're looking for
Like-minded females. Up for whatever. Nothing dirty unless you're into it. I don't care what size you are. (In rather chubby myself)

>LDR or irl only?
Whatever works.

>Anything else
I like video games, anime, heavy music, and memes.

Kik: Throwitaway89
Skype: [email protected]
This sounds actually perfect I used to have a friendship like you described and I miss it a lot. Let make another one, Kik is leeboof

I know that feeling anon.

Also why not post some contact information or what you're looking for?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male,20,uk,straight or bi, not enough experiance with either.
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I am a 20 year old virgin that has never had a emotional relationship, I am overweight diagnosed with depression and autism with a bunch of self loathing and anxiety.
I am a typicall man child, never had a job dont do anything other than walk my dog and play videogames and watch tv shows. So i have low standards because I am aware of how much of a fucking mess I am.
>What you're looking for
Someone to love and grow old together, live life with and protect, share everything with and be happy.
>LDR or irl only?
Dont care.
>Anything else
I'm a 23, almost 24 year old straight guy, just looking for a girl for friendship or more. Would love nothing more than to play vidya together a lot and laugh about stuff. I have next to no standards, other than just be hygienic, and don't be a huge smoker or drinker.

I don't care about body type as i'm a fat dude anyway. Had a job two months ago but got made redundant and haven't found anything since, so i'm full neet mode at the moment. I don't mind if you are or are not. In regards to distance, i'm from the UK but i don't mind where you're from, as long as we get to talk sometimes. I'm pretty introverted and indoorsy, so it probably won't work out well if you like being outside more than inside.

If this sounds ok, send an email to my throwaway: [email protected]
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male. 21. socal. straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
i am really introverted. its very hard for me to connect with people and hold conversations. my few friends are very busy these days and can rarely hang out. i long for company a lot so at this point im down to talk to anybody and open to internet friends
>What you're looking for
any sort of human interaction, friendly people who like to talk alot.
>LDR or irl only?
im willing to do irl if we live close enough
>Anything else
i live with my parents
currently full time student
my loneliness often leads to brief periods depression
kik: felixcatux
>into ballbusting, just want a girl to bust them
>whatever the fuck i can find desu
skype/kik: breisler
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
32 m virgin los angeles straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
i dont think theyre low but people of all sorts seem attractive to me
>What you're looking for
localish femanon
>LDR or irl only?
irl within like 100mi
>Anything else
kik: zsasza
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I'm attractive, geeky, reserved, good-natured.
I never forget any bit of kindness extended to me, and i'm loyal.
>Why do i have low standards
For one, looks are largely irrelevant. If a girl shows interest in me, she becomes endlessly interesting to me, to be honest.
>What you're looking for
A female perspective would be a nice change i think.
I want to know someone for a long while before anything romantic but i'm open to it.
>Anything else
I like to draw!

skype: daandro
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 25, Canada, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I am a gamer, I just haven't done to well in the date department in the past 2 years.
>What you're looking for
Anything, Girls to chat with really.
>LDR or irl only?
Up in the air
>Anything else
I swear i'm not crazy

Kik: Explodingknees420
Kik is lessthanneedle
no it's more like
>stop expecting people to be attracted to something when you're not
aka don't be a fucking hypocrite. If you want a skinny chick then don't be surprised when they're not attracted to a fat dude, I thought that was common sense?
I usually just lurk since that allows me to choose what I find. You can link me to your post though and I'll check it out.

it's not hypocrisy in the slightest, my dude.

i'm curious though. would you also get upset about a white person that's not attracted to white people, or a male that's not attracted to males?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Currently NEET, spending my time immersed in vidya, anime, music, film, and other media.
>What you're looking for
In general, people to pass time with.
In regards to a possible relationship or any semblance of: Awkward/introverted/clingy/goofy/weird/shy/cute/sarcastic traits all work for me. Doesn't necessarily have to possess said traits, as long as we connect and stay honest with each other, I'm good.
>LDR or irl only?
Fine with either.
>Anything else
Avid basketball and football fan.

Kik: Twistedmental1996

Will provide other contact info through Kik or throwaway email if desired.

I posted my thingy like.. two posts after i wrote that to you. But here: >>25011192
M/21/US/97% straight
I'm socially awkward as shit with depressive episodes that end with me feeling like shit and drinking a lot. Chronic smoker as well, plus I'm not the most attractive looking dude.

Looking for more people to talk to, maybe a relationship (idk it's been too long since I've been in one)

I enjoyed vidya games, anime, cartoons, music, drinking and looking at the dankest of memes

KIK: Blythe_Havok
That's different because you can't exactly control those things. You can control being fat though.
And >you have an opinion, that means you're upset!
lol okay champ. I'm just pointing out your bullshit.
>you can't exactly control those things
and you can't control what you are or aren't attracted to either. people can be attracted to whatever the fuck floats their boat, deal with it lmao.

>your bullshit.
i'm not even the guy who made that post, i just chimed in because you were being silly.
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Sod it; why not, eh?

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation:
26 Male Uk, Hetero.

>Bit about you/why your standards are low:
I've started thinking more and more about the future and the internet and /pol/ has ultimately jaded me on THE ABSOLUTE STATE of the modern world, and in that, I've learnt to do what one ought to do, one needs to compromise many other things.

>What you're looking for:
Not fat or """""thick""""", Cis-female, low number of sexual partners (Numerically low, not "relatively" low.). Would like to think I'm not setting the bar that high, tbqh.

>LDR or irl only?

IRL only. long distance in the UK is workable.

>Anything else:
Basically, I want somebody who's not going to bugger off with my house and kids in 10-12 years time, is that really so wrong?
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 20, Shitaly, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Uhm, this is a good one. I don't rightly know, what I know is that I'm far from perfect and I'm not looking for anything specific or anything, just someone I can be alright with.
I've liked people others considered ugly, or not particularly bright, or introverted and uncouth before. These are just traits which can be liked and disliked, sometimes I like them.
>What you're looking for
From friendship to anything else
>LDR or irl only?
I'm open-minded about both

Skype: Padanian Fog
I'm looking first and foremost for friends and cool people, this is worth a try even if I know this post is about to get ignored by the rest of the universe like there's no tomorrow
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 19, England, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Diagnosed sperg, but im not a flaming autist at all. I'm really shy and anxious around people and really not that great looking. All height and no width, I'm skinny as all fuck but I'm trying my best to gain some weight. Probably not that interesting and a bit closed-lipped about my interests but i'll answer questions about them if someone shows a genuine interest. Also got a lot of anxieties and some depressive episodes. Mostly into video games and writing but can also talk politics and religion if that's your thing.
>What you're looking for
Friends, relationships. Just no one looking for a wank buddy or anything like that.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR first, i'd want to get to know you before meeting up even if you were super close.
>Anything else
I'm not judgemental at all so don't worry about me turning you away at minute 0 if you're quirky too.
forgot kik and skype: overworlder97
lmao that edgy "deal with it"
It's not like I was trying to change anything, I was just pointing out how stupid it was, deal with it lmao.
alright fuck bois heres my shit
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 18, usa california, bi
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm the living defenition of a meme lord, i do have depression,plus i get clingy VERY VERY fast and i get emotional too im a huge Nerd and try to be cool by other peoples standards plus my self esteem is lower than the twin towers.
ok i love video games and anime and SPACE *3* im a very fun person outgoing funny rediculous at times can be hard headed and i dont give up easily
>What you're looking for
Relationship and friendship are both good.
I need someone to goof around with and maybe get a little emotional with at times.
>LDR or irl only?
I'm okay with both.
I'm willing to put in the effort to turn LDR into IRL.
>Anything else
I am the very sexual and cuddly type of person
ahhhh fack forgot to add my kik OAO its juliansischil
i killed it T~T
Nah, all things die. Maybe it was time.
Tbh; I've just been lurking. I can't decide if I have low or high standards. It changes from day to day and I don't want to hurt anyone.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 20, 210, straight with a tiny amount of bi-curiousness when drunk.

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Whoo, where to begin? I'm fat, poor, un-confident, not healthy, and to top it all off, got a fairly small dick.

>What you're looking for
Someone to spend time with that doesn't make me wish I was alone

>LDR or irl only
Whatever really. It's a low standard thread after all

>Anything else
Yes, I'm amazing at parties.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M/24/Western Canada/Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
No one gives much of a shit about me outside of work, and I'm awkward as fuck when trying to hold conversations. Have literally gone on just two dates, and people in my city are picky as fuck. Typical anime/vidya fan with a thing for cooking and /o/ related activities.

>What you're looking for
Friends, GF, I don't fucking know, just people to talk with

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
BL3FW on kik
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
social anxiety, college dropout, don't talk to many girls anymore
>What you're looking for
just a girl to practice talking to
>LDR or irl only?
LDR please
>Anything else
kik: nygfan272
join college/uni discord: https://discord.gg/86BtDba
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
m/20/MA/mostly straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
boring, no social skills, etc... like most people here
>What you're looking for
someone to talk to, hopefully in my area. see if anything happens from there?
>LDR or irl only?
either i guess
>Anything else
i like vidya, booze, and memes
Almost ded bump.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 29, Michigan, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Not the best of shape but better than others who just won't get better I'm scared of meeting others I work 3rd shift so I have a difficult time meeting new people. I don't expect anyone to be perfect but to at least try to be better.
>What you're looking for
Friendship maybe even a relationship I don't know myself never have done it. Always working.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR but maybe IRL after I get to know a person better.
>Anything else
Not much I have a difficult time talking to strangers I like to play video games read and to be friendly as possible

KiK: nobody1202
>I don't want to put any effort in my life but I think I deserve something better
This thread is hilarious.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
m,20,australia, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
im fugly and shit in every possible way, have 0 interests, definition of a dull cunt
>What you're looking for
nothing this is lame shit, drugs
>LDR or irl only?
who cares
>Anything else
hit me up
Male, 18, Maine, Bi

I'm pretty prone to depression and anxiety and have some past self harm issues. I just miss being happy and someone to help wouldn't hurt I guess.

Someone I can care about and trust and see where that goes

Both I guess, but I'd like to have a physical relationship at some point

kik: conebone43
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a lazy otaku neet who is a bit stubborn and can come off as domineering. I'm oblivious to a fault, and can sound rude, although it isn't my intention.
I am a bit of a mistress type, I like to be in charge.
I like typical blushing nerds who like anime and games and girly guys. Looks unimportant, it's the heart that matters!
>What you're looking for
I would love to talk about anime, games, or crafting of any kind. I would especially like to talk to those outside of the US. I'm very interested in other cultures, so please tell me about yours!
I'm not looking for sex pests or exceedingly conservative people. No disrespect to ultra conservatives, I just feel like we would be a bad match. Other than that, I'm not altogether too picky.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR preferred, I'm too nervous about IRL. Unless I really, really, really like you, I probably will be too scared to make that step.
>Anything else
I prefer submissive men, and I abhor men who try to play dominant, or try to push me into situations I'm uncomfortable with. I won't be a fuckbuddy or fwb.
I don't discriminate based on looks, but I do discriminate based on behavior. If you're kind and respectful, I will be as well. Conversely, if you are rude or pushy, I have no tolerance for it.
Forgot to add my contact!
Kik: hanamioverdrive
you put pansexual yet you didn't say what you prefer in females... does that mean you aren't interested in them or what? Also do you have anything other than kik?
>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Female, 20, United States, and bisexual I think
>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
>I'm a loner, and pretty much the polar opposite of a qt white girl in every way possible. I'm in no position to be having high standards.
>>What you're looking for
>I'm really not sure. I guess I'm looking for friendship or just people to chat with. I doubt anything more will come out of it, but a girl can dream.
>>LDR or irl only?
>LDR. I'm too much of a pussy to meet up right off the bat. Maybe if we talk more and I'm comfortable with you, I'll be more willing.
>>Anything else
>I like cooking, as well as arts and crafts.
>I'm not too comfortable throwing my contact info out there, so maybe I'll make a throwaway or something if anyone is interested?
Do you have a Kik or something
Add me on kik: spongetops
Gimme your kik pls
do you have anything other than kik? like discord or skype?
are you interested in girls adding you?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male 18 michigan straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
don't know how to enter relationships also im a weaboo college student
>What you're looking for
people to talk befriends with maybe fuck
>LDR or irl only? ldr untill i know you
>Anything else
virgin but want to get it over with also i like tomboyish girls alot
pls respong >>25003182
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, GA, bisexual-ish
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I barely click with anyone. It's honestly starting to get to me. I have a group of friends that I socialize with every day, but I've known them for years and can't seem to find another person I genuinely like or group that I fit into. I desperately want a change of scenery.
>What you're looking for
Conversation, new relationships? It'd also be hella chill to find a girl or trap on the dom side. I'm not looking for an overtly sexual relationship with anyone, but it'd be great if we could have open discussions about kinks, etc.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR is fine, and if we hella hit it off, I'd be more than down to meet up IRL.
>Anything else
My hobbies include: my smut collection, Vidya, Animu, self-loathing, meme rap, shit-tier metal, and whatever else. I have a PS4 and soon will have a PC built, fuck yeah.

Skype: dethroned--
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2MB, 3790x4542px
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 22, Portugal, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Shy and introverted guy who doesn't really go out a lot as I usually prefer spending my time playing vidya and watching anime/tv shows. I would be more outdoorsy if I was in a relationship as I would like to travel and walk around with my significant other.

>What you're looking for
A girl that I can connect with. There's my idea of "ideal mate":
Around my age
Likes staying home most of the time but doesn't mind going out once in a while
Shares similar interests (in the infograph)
Loves cuddling
Caring, loyal and honest
Would love to have pets and to travel around the world
Short is a plus

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
The infograph should give a brief idea about myself and what I'm looking for. If you're interested, please message me on my throwaway email with your contact and I'll contact you. - [email protected]
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 24, Maryland DMV, Bi
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
my relationship standards are still high but my friendship standards are totally low, I just want to watch anime and read comics with a decent human being
>What you're looking for
to watch anime and read comics with a decent human being
>LDR or irl only?
both is fine, I've got a steam account and I drive so I can meet up with anybody IRL
>Anything else
I just want a cool friend who can read comics/manga, watch anime, cartoons, and can have decent discussions with without them getting too butthurt

If you want a relationship though I can send pics if you do first, I really don't mind but being friendly is more important than sexual attraction
also keep in mind I'm really only gay when I'm full of alcohol, it's just how I was raised...
20, USA, bi

Life is hard

I like people who take their hobbies and interests seriously.


kik is attrition010
Ah I should mention that I only like feminine people, so like women, traps, trans, etc.
You made an attempt at least...
What games do you play?
I prefer anything in females. Ladies are great, so I like them all. Ladies, men, anything in between.
Nothing but Kik, sorry.
I love rhythm and adventure games, like Zelda and Pop'n Music. I'm terrible at shooters!
Sent you a message on Kik a bit ago
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 29, Aus, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Why not?
>What you're looking for
Relationship/friends - chicks only
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Add me on snapchat - k65224

Thanks bud, I appreciate it. The gym has been fun, but I'll need to start cutting soon, so kys meme will be in full effect soon lol. Otherwise, it's great.
Fuck i wish i had hair like that

Hey, sent you a Kik add, I'm >>24987183.
i think i fit what you're after that pretty well - are you still looking for someone?
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>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 27, UK, Straight

>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
27 from London, enjoy watching comedy shows, friends, impractical Jokers, playing games and well i want one day to meet someone i can travel and see some awesome places with before i die. My standards are low because i am don't socialise so i don't go to places to meet people even though i think personality wise I'm good catch cause i can talk about anything. I've become slightly depressed i think due to me getting older but not.finding anyone to enjoy life.with

>>What are youre looking for

Looking for a girl to talk to , get to know, and see where it goes, if not in a relationship then hopefully just as a friend to talk to.

I would prefer IRL but if you just want to chat I'm cool with that

Forgot my contact is Skype: h.jaffri2
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>why standards are low
not too sure really. ive just never really liked myself and i have no future. i get called cute and stuff a lot but that doesnt mean much to me. im also really shy so its hard for me to get anything started with anyone. i am way too scared to flirt
>What you're looking for
just people to talk to i guess
>LDR or irl only?
either works for me
>anything else?
im a pretty submissive person. especially towards guys
oh whoops. kik is pqwerty, skype is pqwerty555
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male ,23, Kentucky USA, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Well I tried alot of dating site and the girls I meet there where just bots and girls I meet in IRL are just really picky.
>What you're looking for
I'm just looking for a girl who is down to earth and a thick girl Also play video games
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Mexican to I'm 5'7
Oh I forgot SC is elcyclop
Whereabouts are you? Contact?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Female, 20, USA, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Depressed/broke college student/I don't have a lot of free time
>What you're looking for
Clingy/affectionate, makes me laugh, kind, doesn't constantly ask for nudes
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I don't check my phone much, so don't get disheartened if you don't immediately hear from me

Kik: LittleBlue11017
What part of the US are you in?
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
24/M/US (MO), bi

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I haven't had a real life girlfriend since I was in high school, so

>What you're looking for
someone who likes the same stuff I do. I have a big preference for girls but I wouldn't mind a guy if he was qt/a trap. Trans is okay with me too.

>LDR or irl only?
I'd be fine with either, but would prefer if you at least live in the US if it was a long distance thing

>Anything else
I'm sub as heck. A girl sweeping me off my feet is my dream. Also I'm a weeb, so hopefully you like weeb stuff too.

kik: ubu92
Please say more than "hey" if you did! I'm getting a million "hey"s and they're all bleeding into each other!
Feel free to send me a message!
SC. elcyclop
Do you have a penis?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
21/M (aspiring trap, tho)/Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Straight-ish, might switch to bi soon, who knows.

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm some weird weeaboo-metalhead hybrid who doesn't really fit in with either crowd, so I'm pretty lonely. I have deeply rooted self-esteem and confidence issues that cripple me in my day to day life. They make me very shy, so I don't really go talk to anyone and people don't talk to me IRL either. All in all, I'm extremely lonely, but /soc/ helps a lot with that.

Physically, I'm very smol, height and weight wise, have extremely long hair and normally wear typical metalhead attire. People have said of me that I'm kind, thoughtful, attentive, a good listener, smart and a very moral person, but I don't know how true this all is. I sure don't feel it, haha. I'm cynical and pessimistic when it comes to my own life, buy weirdly optimistic regarding humanity's future as a whole. I'm very into futurism and stuff.

>What you're looking for
For people who are easy to talk to and like to talk. It's not out of the ordinary for me to spend the whole day chatting on Skype or even doing it up all night until the sun rises in the morning. I'm mainly looking for people with an interest in anime, metal and their related subcultures, as well as people who are either well-traveled or have read a lot about the world (or would like to), because close-mindedness and willfull ignorance pisses me off, desu. Anything is okay, physically.

>LDR or irl only?
LDR doesn't bother me too much as long as there's a possibility of meeting up one day, but I know for a fact that it's harder to do the farther away the two people are. For exemple, anywhere further away from Montreal than, say, the West Coast or westernmost Europe would be really really hard to maintain. I'm still willing to try it.

>Anything else
Je parle Français.
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Autistically forgot my contact info, kek.

Skype: [email protected]
Kik: TheCutestLoli
Discord: CutestLoli#7729
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 20, Australia, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I want a girl i can trust not to cheat on me. As long as shes not chubby/overweight and has never cheated, she fits my standards.
>What you're looking for
A girlfriend, someone to grow old and die with.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
Kik: p37891
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male 27 California Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm not a neet, I'd say I'm successful software engineer.
I'd say s
tandards are kinda low because usually the girls I've date before never considered themselves super hot, although I did.

Also, I'm an indoor kinda person, video games, anime, movies, etc.

Love going on walks too

>What you're looking for
Looking for someone with an adorable personality and similar interests, someone I can connect with

>LDR or irl only?
I don't mind LDR but IRL would be ideal, or from LDR to IRL

>Anything else
I'm a techie/geek software engineer, into video games and movies/anime and kinky stuff
Forgot contact info:
kik: its.paddles
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Im average at best, and so is my intelligence. Dont want to bother with people out of my league.
>What you're looking for
Someone to chat with. Im open for anything really.
>LDR or irl only? LDR
>Anything else
I love music, vidya, and im bored. Here is my kik, feel free to add me if you wanna chat!:
Sent more than a hey, messaged again
You seem cool. Not that this is the first time I've seen you, but still. I'm sorry you're not really happy with yourself. I'm not sure I'd say quite the same thing, but I'm not too far off. Hey, it's not an uncommon thing to be sad and off in your own world. You just don't see those kinds of people sticking their heads out very often, obviously.

But really, you seem nice. I'm not sure I'm what you're looking for, though. Or vice versa. So I'm in that middle ground where I want to tell you that you're probably a perfectly lovely person, but not bother disappointing either of us by trying more than that.

You don't even look bad desu, you have that kinda of 19-20th century man charm
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I don't see myself as having low standards. Rather I've rarely had feelings for objectively attractive people. They've always had other qualities I liked. Also I'm pretty ugly myself. I do have a standard that you can't be obese though but kinda fat is alright too. You must find sphynx cats to be adorable, like nature and outdoor stuff. And I want you to have a job or at least be looking.
25, Scotland

Irl. I realise it's unlikely
>pretty ugly
>qt in picture
I'm quite similar to you, kind of a normal looking boring person with a superiority complex, but i generally just dislike morons unaware of how stupid they are.
>padanian fog

Kek, "solo la nebbia"
I just want a qt shut-in (virgin) gf who doesn't do drugs ;_;
Are you a qt grill or a guy empathizing?
Funny that I would check back in on this thread 10 minutes after someone replies lol
Okay, sure, I'll bite.

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Confused about gender -- but I'm physically male, 25, residing in Ann Arbor, and if you're attractive and have a good personality, that's all that matters to me -- I couldn't care less if you're a girl or a guy or an alien from Jupiter.
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Let's see. I was homeschooled so I never had a social life, I've only had two physical relationships and both of them went very badly, and most of my online relationships ended with them cheating on me or leaving me for their ex. I'm average at best, but my health is declining, so I'm not physically fit. I'll probably be wheelchair bound within 5 years by my estimate. Also apparently my personality comes off arrogant and narcissistic because I'm very literal and corrective when it comes to conversation, but it's because of the way my brain processes things. idk.
>What you're looking for
A valid reason not to kill myself. But if I'm being entirely serious, friendship is always a welcomed thing. If it leads to more, that's great -- but I'm hesitant to ever think anything could work out that well.
>LDR or irl only?
I honestly prefer long-distance more, but if we click, and we're close in person, I might try it.
>Anything else
I smoke cigarettes, but I don't like weed, and hard drugs are a big nope for me. Alcohol is okay in moderation, but I can't deal with alcoholics or heavy drinkers. I use computers regularly, either for watching TV, playing games, etc., so I can't be expected to not use technology for long periods of time. Any more details you need, you can absolutely ask me about.

Kik: kd_winters
Snapchat: keiidryn
I'm a guy, also you look like a former classmate of mine so maybe that's why you caought my attention.
And btw, i'm not even in the US.
>every female gets dozens of replies
>every male gets ignored
Every. Single. Time.
Shit, wrong post, sorreeh
Back page bump.

Same poster, different ID.

On the off-chance I haven't missed the boat on this one, have a throwaway skype:

>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 28, UK, straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Engineer trying to finish a PhD, I'm into gaming (both videogames and tabletop), anime, books. As for why, I am fat and ugly, and being shy doesn't help.
>What you're looking for
Mostly friends, but would be great if I can find something more as well
>LDR or irl only?
Both work
>Anything else
[email protected]
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Also see >>25030994
Living in Glasgow. Love cats, used to go go hiking a bit, but haven't done so in a while. Am fat, as for how much see pic related.
Guess im foreveralone
Where in SD? I go to SDSU
Fuck it I guess I will give it a shot.

Female, 23, Florida, Bi

My standards are so low because I am depressive and have had a shitty life. I am a bbw with no self esteem and I in general am pretty miserable neet. I help take care of my sick mom and that is all I generally get to do. I have lost most of my friends. I feel like I am not good enough for anyone so anyone will do if they are willing to give me attention cause honestly I don't deserve it.

I am looking for someone who is into video games and anime and is very clingy and lonely. Friendship is good or something more if you can stand me. I do have a thing for asian men so that is the only big plus for me.

LDR or IRL is fine with me.
That's not how to type fat
:( I know.
Why don't you just lose weight if it makes you so unhappy?
do you have skype or kik or something?
m 26 straight

Lazy as Fuck!

Que sera sera

Kik: xmorxm
So lazy i forgot to mention that i am from Austria!
I actually think your face and hair are pretty! I especially love your eyelashes!

Do you have Skype?

Aww, no contact? I'd add you anon. So long as you don't mind people from England.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male 24 jordan Asexual but romantically gay...It's tough..
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have social anxiety but not really it comes and goes,I guess due to where I live and due to my sexuality it's hard to find someone and more so I can rarely feel need to be with someone
Also I am not slim or a trap bit average so I don't expect to find someone who would typically be out there looking for a partner
>What you're looking for
A guy to chat and flirt with I guess the thing I can offer is that I will always find time to talk to you so to show you what I draw or what I find funny etc or share our humaness..Idk @_@... but I guess I am looking for someone to waste time with and it's hard with usual gays cause they want sexual chats and I get uncomfortable so in a way they lose interest.. but I get it .-.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR Would be great just to talk or motivate each other or flirt or even play games or get to know each other well but if all that somehow leads to IRL friendship or more maybe?
>Anything else
I can jump topics,ask random questions without it being obvious why and sometimes I could disappear but I will always get back and I have seen people say that but they don't but I will
Also since I am asexual it will always start as friendship And you might be very great looking but I wouldn't appreciate your butt photos...Sorry
I am not into traps or boyish guys just to be clear or really old men ._.
It's too long sorrry!! oh yea my Kik is scienxe
well, females get dozens of replies from vapid, boring, desperate retards who are so desperate for a girlfriend it's ridiculous.
not exactly a good thing.
Plus I actively add males and have added plenty, it's just again: I don't bother with petty stupid whiny babies who go on about how they're a virgin or need a girlfriend or how lonely they are. I go after people who are actually interesting, put effort into a conversation, and aren't just whining about things they can fix if they tried. And by interesting I just mean willing to talk about things and their interests and actually carry a conversation.
Maybe if men put in more effort things wouldn't be the way they are, eh?
Where in florida you at?
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
22, M, Ireland, Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low

I wouldn't really say that I have 'standards'. Don't care all that much what you look or sound like as long as you're fun to talk to.

>What you're looking for
Someone with at least somewhat similar interests to me, that's fun to chat with on voice.

>LDR or irl only?
Either, not like anyone here is gonna be from Ireland anyway lol.

kik: Whatsmyusernametho
Skype: live:5f6f169de32eb7ff
Gotta ask what the fuck is up with the number of Canadians in this thread
Okay ignore that skype ID lol, ask me on KIK for skype.
Hey, I could really relate with what you're looking for and I would love to talk and see if we could possibly connect. That if you're okay with me being from Western Europe (time difference of 4/5hrs). Please leave me a message with your contact if you would like to talk and I'll reach you.

[email protected]

kik - maxjenius81
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I travel and think that most girls probably want a provider, which I am not.
>What you're looking for
I don't really have any expectations.
>LDR or irl only?
Both? I'd either want to hang out when I'm in the area, or I'd want someone to travel with me.
>Anything else
I can't hold a conversation about television shows or video games since I don't do either, but I could tell you everything you'd ever want to know about sleeping on the beach and cooking over a campfire.

Well since i'm not sure you're gonna post again, send an email to my throwaway: [email protected]
Hey, do you have Skype?
where in FL are you from? and do you have kik?

if so, msg me @ blutard
>Gender, Age, etc
20, M, USA (CA), Straight
Because I'm dead inside and work fucking sucks. I'd at least want to put my mind off work with someone interesting or fun.
>What are you looking for?
Hard to think of. Have people ever gotten laid here? I digress, I would like someone to share some interests with.
>LDR or IRL?
IRL obviously, but for buds only, LDR works. If we live nearby each other somehow, LDR start, meetup next.
>Anything else?
Obviously, I like games (TF2's been on my mind lately, but I have 220+ games on my Steam...with only one regret.).I enjoy comedy of all forms, King of The Hill especially, I only barely watch anime, and it's entry-level shit (DB, Jojo, and North Star.). Music's been an interest, but I just listen rather than play. Not affiliated with any genre, but Vaporwave and NuFunk have been my interests lately.

TLDR: It's a blog. Anyway, it'd be nice if a chick were here.

Contact info: https://discord.gg/yccWz2k

Our economy is going to crash this year; also, we get snow, so all that seasonal depression shit comes out. Usually pretty chill in the spring and summer though.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M, 22, Prison Island, Straight

>Bit about you
Obese weeaboo NEET sums up my being. Barely any hobbies beyond thinking that [thing] would be interesting to learn about, also inconsistently learning how to draw.

>why your standards are low
It's hard to put into the right words without sounding like I'm crying about it, but I understand that I'm not a prize in any way, shape or form. It's also not as much that I have low standards, but the people I usually get along with the most a similar and I don't care that much about looks as long as I mesh well with the person.

>What you're looking for
Someone similar, someone who wants to just live an easy life in the long run, someone who'd be okay with me working from home making enough to get by if I ever reach that point with drawing, someone that just wants to co-exist with another in the same space. I'm bad at putting what I want into words.

>LDR or irl only?
Either or.

>Anything else
I am dangerously autistic.
Oh hey, I happen to be asian and I enjoy vidya and anime (and the other things too)
[email protected] here's a throwaway, send me a message and we can exchange contacts

>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 30, Ohio, Striaght

>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I hate myself. I know I'm awkward and clingey and annoying. I'm boring and can only talk about stupid shit like history and video games. I was also married for 5 years and don't know how to date or have any kind of game.

>>What you're looking for
Honestly, someone who is just nice. A woman I can just talk to and be romantic with. I'm a cringey asshole who will lock up and not text for 3 days because I'm afraid I like you too much and I panic because I'm going to emtionally invest in someone who just going wad me up like chewed up gum and stick me in the garbage when the flavor is gone.

>>LDR or irl only?
IRL only, I'm too paranoid for anything else

>>Anything else
I don't think I'm that bad looking though. I'm mostly just an emotional wreck.
>kinky AF and sexually open minded/likes to talk about sex and kink
This is code for "I will guilt and trick you into 'a poly relationship' cheat on you constantly"
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, UK, Questioning?

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Starting off, I'm a nig - easy deal breaker.

>I'm not perfect, I'm not the smartest, I don't have much money, and I don't expect anyone else to (be).

I don't really like going outside regardless of the reason for my outing; I'm much more of an inside person.

I'm pretty aimless but trying to push myself in the right direction in IT because it's sorta what I do. I do play a few games but my PC's trash so I'm very limited to what I can do. Also have a 360. I'm extremely morbid and pessimistic (inwardly), but pretty supportive, I guess.

Standards are low because I'm probably the definition of a low standard.

>What you're looking for
A relationship or friend that'll make dark and morbid jokes with me, go out with me, cuddle with me because I really like affection.

>LDR or irl only?
IRL would be really nice but I can do LDR.

>Anything else
I'm surprisingly not clingy. Also fairly tall.

Contact info:
Discord: Hildagarde#0851
Kik: RoriLoli
I'm probably a bit too late but are you still looking for people to chat with? I sent you a hopefully non generic message a couple of hours ago
>>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 21, Germany, Straight / Bi-Curious

>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I hardly open up to people or push them away. Mostly try to avoid contact with people I dont already know. I have trust issues and tend to be rude sometimes without even realizing. It seems I have a negative attitude according to some people.

>>What you're looking for
Preferably a girl near my age, but really anybody who's willing to give it a try to get to know me, maybe get ne to open up.

>>LDR or irl only?
Don't really care. I'm fine with both.

>>Anything else
I have dealt with a lot of people with issues and am also willing to offer emotional support.

Kik: TryOutGuy
you sound pathetic.
Contact? I don't live in Ohio but you sound nice.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Female, 21, Canada, straight.

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have mood and anxiety disorders that make me difficult to love sometimes. All men act like they're cool with my particular needs at the beginning, but that always changes. I'm a mess. But!! I'm in multiple therapies and on medication. So I'm actively working on getting better.

>What you're looking for
Friendship. Maybe more if we click and it comes organically. I'm not opposed to that.

>LDR or irl only?
Irl or willing to relocate.

>Anything else
I have a few of redeeming features and I'm somewhat cute, so I'm not a complete lost cause.

Kik: warmdoe
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 22, Southeast US, Straight (though a lot of people assume i'm gay because of my body)

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a korean american virgin with a micropenis, and grew up in rural places, most of the time the only asian in my class and even school. Became a mute in middle and highschool, didn't make friends, didn't feel like i belonged anywhere, sad. In college now, but just go to lectures and go back to my apartment.

>What you're looking for
Someone that's nice, that doesn't see me as a fetish. I know nothing about my culture or kpop or anime (become sad whenever I try to start a show for some reason).

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
I have quiet bpd, mood swings, sleep most of the day. I autistically go to the gym everyday because I have nothing better to do, and it helps me get exhausted to pass out at night.


How do you feel about vidya and weighty guys?
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 23, Floridaaaaa, straight-but-il-cuddle-traps
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
An obscure broth of mental illness preventing me from being productive or sociable. I can confirm ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, Alexithymia. I suspect High Functioning Autism and/or shizoaffective disorder.

I also may or may not be mtf. Alexithymia is a bitch :D
>What you're looking for
Grills, Traps, Weirdos, People-With-Multiple-Mental-Disorders-Facing-The-Sisyphean-Task-Of-Pretending-To-Be-Normal-Around-Others-But-Really-You-Just-Want-To-Find-Someone-Who-Doesn't-Take-It-Seriously-When-You-Accidently-Your-Clothes-And-Then-Ask-For-A-Hug
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
I'm one of those lovey dovey types who craves emotional intimacy while also being god awful at attaining it. Emotional trainwrecks and otherwise mentally fucked individuals are more than welcome to attempt a conversation with me. No refunds.

kik: kecioo
Oh, also forgot to mention that I have periods of really low moods don't have any one to talk to about it. Seen multiple counsellors and taken medication, but it really doesn't do much.
im intrigued by u
Well, feel free to message me!
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
M 20 Daytona Beach FL Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Like 5/10 short, skinny, beta, moderately aspy, have a hard time starting any kind of relationship
>What you're looking for
relationship or friendship, im just lonely
>LDR or irl only?
Either one
>Anything else
no particular tastes
happy to be shown new things though

kik: oddball4913
>M 19 California

>I'd say I'm a 5 or 6 out of 10. Kinda just looking for someone who doesn't care that I'm not built like a Chad. I'm 5'7" pretty skinny. Only 120. I'm a bit of a nerd. I consider myself a nice guy. (Inb4 beta) But if that's your thing, a nerdy pale skinny white guy, then I'm all yours.

>I kinda have a thing for older women personally. I'll take what I can get. I don't mind weight at all. Chubby/fat is sexy in my book. Don't be shy.

>Either LDR or IRL is fine by me.

>Looking for a relationship maybe, and a bit of fun if you'd like. I'm down for whatever. My kik is Anonymous14888
Also forgot to mention I'm straight.
Add me. Playing 3 vidyagames right now.
Kik drolrats
Snap dayvud2cool
Kik and snap chat are LEGENDARY8BALL2
I know there is such thing as wheelchair basketball... never heard of hockey for cripples tho?? Intrigued AF

[email protected]
Email I just made for you guys who want to contact me who asked.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
male, 21, US/508, straight.
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
because I'm piss-poor, socially retarded, have a lot of disorders, fairly average looking, don't really have anything going for me in life. If that's the case I'm not really in a position to expect more from anyone else.
>What you're looking for
Friends are all well and good, preferably like to meet girls. Someone to spend time with, talk about stuff, see where it goes. Ideally someone that would want to come over, smoke weed, play vidya, do creative stuff, watch anime, go out for food, urbex, take apart computers, etc.
>LDR or irl only?
LDR is okay if it's not serious. Only do serious relationships irl. Too many unfulfilling LDRs.
>Anything else
My kik's matrick311 if you want to kickstart things. Be warned that I sleep/wake odd hours.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 19, Aus, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm chubby with below average looks, average intelligence and a shitty personality. i'm way too into anime and video games so much so that it consumes basically any time that i'm not working. Haven't bothered forming relationships with people IRL because I already know the outcome.
>What you're looking for
friendship or relationship, honestly doesn't matter to me.
>LDR or irl only?
both, thought most likely LDR because i live in bumfuck nowhere.
>Anything else
i'm pretty weird with a fucked up sense of humour.

kik: nothere2fuckspiders.
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>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 25, Canada, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I have odd body image issues, so that kind of affects how I view things.
>What you're looking for
friendship or relationship, either one is fine with me.
>LDR or irl only?
Either one, really. But irl would be nice.
>Anything else
I'm in school to be a physiotherapist, and spend an unnatural amount of time in the gym.

kik: navlaan.
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male, 25, Bumfuck Iowa USA, Straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I wouldn't say my standards are low so much as I have a different perception of reality. I am a west coast guy living in the midwest, no friends or family in the world, I waste my life playing MMOs and would like a bit of human interaction.
>What you're looking for
someone to connect with.
>LDR or irl only?
>Anything else
KiK. lostthenloved
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
19 f NJ straight
>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a fat black girl. I want love and someone who is loyal with a big heart. Looks mean very little. Most people are average looking anyway which is cool with me.
>What you're looking for
Friendship and maybe more.
>LDR or irl only?
Both are okay.
>Anything else
No racists. I'm depressed and socially retarded. I don't play video games other than Sims 3. I don't like normies.

kik is co0kiemonsterr / say low standards in your first message.
Where in Canada?
southern NSW, further south than ACT.
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>>Bit about you/why your standards are low
Well, i've been through a lot of hardships in my life, i've spent almost my entire adolescence out of school or with no friends at all/taking pills.
It has definetely got much better ever since i started seeking therapy but i am still lonely as fuck. I have many interests and hobbies, but it ain't enough sometimes. I think i'm open-minded and easy-going, i'm awkward only when my unconscious says so, lol
Oh, if you think you are ugly or boring and are a "low standard" i would disagree in most cases.

>>What you're looking for
Friendship, i don't even know
>>LDR or irl only?
>>Anything else

Kik: DanielUnknown95
Please say that you come from this thread
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584KB, 580x947px
why is my pic sideways wtf is that a metaphor for my life
Gender, Age, Location, Orientation
Male/19/South Africa/ Straight

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I've never really fit in anywhere, always stood out throughout school. Always got told that I'm weird and that no girl will ever love me. Super shy and i don't get out much. I like vidya, literature and electronic music. I'm very open-minded and I like drugs.

>What you're looking for
Looking for an interesting girl to talk to who can hold a conversation. Preferably one with problems to avoid boredom.

>LDR or irl only?
Irl would be nice but chatting's cool too.

>Anything else
Kik : khronickriegan
>Gender, Age, Location, Orientation

>Bit about you/why your standards are low
I'm a big guy (not super obese multi chins,but I'm not skinny) I'm not attractive at ALL imo. Big anime and video game fan. Love to read a good book,and LOVE music of all kinds. My standards are ow,because I see everyone around me and I feel like they're more attractive and deserve nice things. I'm ugly and only deserve the scraps I receive. Whether it's true or not,that's just my thinking.

>What you're looking for
Friends for right now. I'm accepting of all personality types,really. Crazy,clingy,stalkerish,etc. But I absolutely LOVE glasses on a girl. Especially if she's awkward and mousy~

>LDR or irl only?

>Anything else
If you aren't a girl,don't fret. I'm looking for buddies too.
I threw you a friend request on discord if your still looking for someone to chill wit
Thread over post limit, so it's gonna die. Someone post a new thread pls.

kik - maxjenius81
Thread posts: 504
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