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Post ITT if you want a guy or girl with low standards. >a/s/l

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Thread replies: 505
Thread images: 117

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Post ITT if you want a guy or girl with low standards.

>what are you looking for?
>post hobbies or interests
>what your usual day consists of

I mean. I know some guys who like BPD girls because they're rumoured to be incredible in bed. And some people enjoy the instability...
>mfw bpd
not fun f.a.m
>tfw messiah complex

It doesnt even hurt anymore.
>>It doesnt even hurt anymore

The four nails?

My side actually.
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I will start

Because I was molested and abused by my parents as a kid
>what are you looking for?
Someone who went through similar. Or just someone who will end normies with me (heck. I'd even take a bro)
>post hobbies or interests
metal detecting, walking, listening to Bowie as I smoke and think about how shit life is, exploring cities, museums and art... Sex and murder
>what your usual day consists of
When I'm not working it consists of sitting in my room most of the day
kik ntkys. Will provide alternatives if that isn't an option
k m8
BPD is fine for hooking up but dating one will get you killed.
Nah. I'm more likely to kill myself and blame my partner. But yeah bpd is no picnic I'm SHOCKED when people put up with me for any length of time.
bpd hmmm i seem to recall from abnormal paychology that they were messed up. id be interested in conversing with a girl diagnosed with this.
if you want a sad, anorexic girl with low self esteem who buys too many clothes, you got me.
lets do it
prefered method of contact?
Mee, I'll have ya. Got kik or snap?
cmon you want to i think anorexia is hot
Black boipussi
yes. but i also want you to live in around new york and i also want someone who does a lot of drugs and drinks too much
a lot to ask i know.

my bad.
wow no way im from ny and abuse drugs. i dont drink though. also im a guy so
gotta hop on that drink train dog.

really cranks up the sad level. gets real gross. p visceral.
i used to drink but thats why i dont now. because its depressing. i like being stimmed out
depressing is where it's at.
Borderline girl here. Diagnosed and trying to become less crazy. I'm lonely and sleep a lot. Send me your skype or kik if you're looking for a yandere
[email protected]
i dont have time to be depressed. big business you know. i dont even have time to properly date. which is why im lurking around here like a sleeze ball
I'll hop on the train
24 m uk
Cos im like a 4/10 and I can't detect if a girl likes me unless they straight up tell me. Otherwise I'm alright socially
>what are you looking for?
Someone who will speak in facts, none of this hints and bullshit
>post hobbies or interests
laying about doing fuck all, drinking, getting high on MD sometimes, gaming
>what your usual day consists of
Lectures and drinking (and sometimes going out and about with friends)
leanliving kik
nah brah, maybe in chat
oh yeah imma hit you up in a bit
gimme a few
You need to see a psychiatrist.
24 m Illinois
I'm fat and boring
>what are you looking for?
An ass to spank
>post hobbies or interests
Metal (black and recently death), reading nonfiction, ddlg
>what your usual day consists of
Up at 530 work 630-430
Ride bike 445-545, dinner, listen to one album the whole way through, waste time online, bed by 9
No one cares m8
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I've seen 4 lad and they've all discharged me. I've been diagnosed with Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. (special snowflake syndrome) Fuck the NHS

Aren't there any guys or girls who will kill people with me?
Then you need to euthanize yourself.
I'm ugly and shy
>what are you looking for?
Sugar daddy or someone who is up for having virtual parties
>post hobbies or interests
>what your usual day consists of
Laying in bed watching YouTube while starving myself
Will not post
Sure why not? Kik me throwitaway89
Are you a virgin
I'm straight but you seem pretty cool would go shopping with
want someone to talk to
anything really
I work a lot!
Borderline girl here, currently taking meds. 22, bi, ohio. Lonely, llike insecure guys, like fat guys too, doesnt matter. I play video games mostly, draw and paint. In either working or playing video games.
actually im too lazy to email. send me a skype: bigkittymuffin
Yeah im the dumb 22 year oldborderline who forgot to add my kik pizzaxxslut

schizo depressed shut-in who struggles to relate to people

>what are you looking for?
someone i can actually talk to and feel somewhat human around maybe? perhaps?

>post hobbies or interests
sleeping, disassociating, music, games, generic things i guess im not that interesting

>what your usual day consists of
waking up and staring at a screen until i fall back asleep

if asked for i guess i'll drop it

sure look at this dope hedgehog
Just my kinda girl
what are yr favorite black metal bands?? always looking for new recs

>Aren't there any guys or girls who will kill people with me?

where can i apply?
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This is exactly the kind of response that made me into this monster in the first place. You have nobody to blame but yourself for being part of the problem.

Also I wouldn't warn any authorities about my posts. The police know, the psyches know, my probation officer knows and yet they don't do shit. And once again, if I do anything stupid they are to blame for not acting when they had the chance.

I even slit my wrists in the police station because I was so desperate for help. So don't pin this all on me. I've tried a million times and still I'm left to rot.
The only requirement is that you live in England and are over 60% sure you want to end normies. My contact

lol it's not hot, it fucks up your body.

sounds good let's go

i don't drink anymore or do any drugs, sorry anon

i have kik. post yours pls?
damn, usa
Its pizzaxxslut i ended up posting it after
Mmm nope. You're not going to put this on me faggot. You're a psychopath long before the time I saw you in this thread. 4 psychiatrists and you get booted from each? Yea, you should be locked up and the key thrown away. It's hardly my fault the English police are fucking pussies.
Keep being mean anon. You should know only love beats the demon. Perpetual hate creates cunts like me.

I spend most of my life saying sorry even when I don't need to because I know pain. And I do feel. So your label of "psychopath" is way off the mark.

I love you
>anxious/depressed with non-existent self-esteem
>someone to like me, even a little
>vidya gaems and cooking
>work for 8 hours then go home to unwind for 4-6, then sleep
>kik: blutard
I just wanna say Im rooting for you, Annon. please dont kill anybody who Isn't rich and or famous though. think maybe you could sneek a gun into a jeezy concert? "quality" over quantity. jk plz dont kill nobody
i'm sure you're lovely but don't make a fuss about everything
You seem chill
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Thanks to the both of you. You know the deal. *hugs*

Have a pic of the sunset I took 4 years ago
*Group hug Ziggy sandwich*
*shit pants*

its your fault for hugging me so hard now you have to change me uguu~
I'm a SEVERELY depressed female but have a decent amount of confidence so I still have standards :^)
I don't know any obscure stuff just the bug names. Fav is Gorgoroth. Also like Darkthrone Burzum Windir and Antestor if that counts. Did you hear Abbaths solo album or Arctic Thunder they're both new from this year. Also Narjanaham and Illidiance ate two lesser known ones I like
Lonely depressed male, msg me if interested. Pretty open to talk about whatever, kinks etc.
Ofc my tiny bb
You're digusting
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21/m/swe, 6'2, 219lbs

there is nothing really wrong with me (except for ADD, seasonal depression and impostor syndrome but that's all self diagnosed) I'm not fat, autistic or ugly. I'm just a faceless nobody. I spend most my time not working doing nothing at all into the small hours of the night and when I'm working (professional chef) I do the bare minimum. sometimes I go to the gym and I've been dieting a lot lately.

when people ask about my hobbies I generally say art, music, literature and video games. but its really 99% videogames as I am extremely lazy. all I want to be is entertained. I love hearing people vent about their feelings/problems because it makes me feel better about my own shit.

there's one thing though: I need to be talked to, I'm not great at striking up/ keeping up a conversation. not that I wont try probably.

kik - onemanempire
hey you, add me
And you're illiterate as well as making my point
i was actually just speaking with you
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I'm not a fancy or showoff type of person
>what are you looking for?
Female Friend, I work in IT and programming related company, wich means I'm surrounded by guys most of the time, when I was younger I had problems socializing and speaking to women, I overcame this problem at around 22 ~ 24 yo, but now I'm married and my wife is super jealous, to the point that just talking to a female either at work, gym or any other place makes her uncomfortable. So it kind of makes me feel as if I'm back at the begining with my socializing problems.
>post hobbies or interests
Technology, webdevelopment, programming, robotics, electronics, fitness
>what your usual day consists of
I prepare my own meals, go to work, after work exercise, call my wife before bed(Different country atm)
[email protected]
I dont know. broke up with gf of 4 1/2 years in July and just feeling depressed and not wanting to do much of anything but feel love
>vidya, comics, movies, music
>work doing loans for credit unions
>kik: jhornberg
>when we contact ;)
sc & kik r2d2aa
joseph88g on kik add me
are you sure? send me a message.
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just noticed, smaller image here
nice traps bro
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I'm kinda lonely even though I have plenty of friends, slim pickings in my area, I have low self-esteem because I'm fat, and my life is a mess.
>what are you looking for?
Someone to chat about bullshit with
>post hobbies or interests
A lot of Xbox one, DnD, MtG, my dog
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, walk my dog, go to work, go home & take my dog to the park, come home & play video games, go to bed, repeat. Weekends are more video games, some movies, and junk food.
Kik: Priwen
thanks m8, you workout too?
I live in Ohio and I have low self esteem, I also like to paint and draw but I end up hating whatever I do if I look at it for too long. you got contact info?
More likely to eat a mans soul and claim you'll kill yourself but never really do it, because really all you want is attention.
yeah but im cutting 20 lbs atm
What's your skype?
22 m north new jersey
because i like to meet new people
>what are you looking for?
>post hobbies or interests
I collect figures and shitpost on the internet
>what your usual day consists of
get up at 6:45 go to work, get back at 5:30, play games, troll figure forums, listen to music
Sigma517 kik
I've attempted twice. I have an issue with people I've broken up with not fucking leaving me alone, trust me, I do not want attention. I'm not saying it's NORMAL to want to kill myself because of something that happened while I was grocery shopping and then be fine 30 mins later I'm just saying it's legit. Like I have the energy to care what anyone else thinks of my being suicidal. Take a psychology class or fuck off.
Can I have your skype? I really want to talk about this and learn more.
PTSD/BPD. Major Depressive. shit i don't talk about.
>what are you looking for?
a cute robot that can pass a turing test and will cuddle with me forever
>post hobbies or interests
hiking/long walks, ambient bass, astronomy, electricity, programming, sketching, daydreaming
>what your usual day consists of
troubleshooting linux webservers for a living with lots of time on the train to think. smoke weed, watch anime, and create technology with spare time usually

cause no girls like me

>What are you looking for?
a friend to play games with

>Post hobbies or interests
Music and games

>What your usual day consists of
wake up play games go to sleep or work


Me too, used to be ripped af before marriage, gained some weight, and now that I have to cook my own food I'm back on my diet in the road to shredded heaven
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28/m/OH (513)
Not actually looking for anyone with low standards. I'm chubby, nerdy, alone, and it doesn't bother me a bit. I'm just very comfortable around people with mental disorders.
>what are you looking for?
Ideally, a creepy yandere girl. I really like clingy girls.
>post hobbies or interests
Vidya, movies, TV, nerd shit.
>what your usual day consists of
Currently, work and sleep. Nothing else going on.
follow.grey.fox is my Skype. Add a Gmail dot com to that and email it, if you want my kik. I don't post it here because the name is old and makes me sound like an edgelord.

And since there seems to be a fair amount of discussion in here (even if you're mostly telling each other to kill yourselves), does anyone have a possible explanation as to why I'm comfortable around the mentally unhealthy? By sheer coincidence, every girl I've dated has had some manner of mental illness, and I'm usually the only guy they've dated who didn't run away upon finding this out. This is my first time actually seeking out someone with a mental disorder, because I now feel like it's all that I know. Perhaps that's a problem in and of itself.

Never sought any kind of diagnosis for myself (I don't know that I'd be willing to spend the money for that, honestly), so I have no idea if there's anything wrong with me.

- 50+ self harm scars across arms, legs and one on face. 6 that are really deep and noticeable.
- Diagnosed OCD, Anxiety, Major Depressive and trichotillomania/dermatillomania. On 2 types of medication for this.
- Last relationship was sexually, verbally and emotionally abusive

>what are you looking for?
Someone that doesn't care about that baggage

>post hobbies or interests
Art mostly, horror movies, being cuddled

>what your usual day consists of
Work, come home, sleep, repeat. Aside from all this I actually do manage on my own now from a lot of therapy.


East or west side of Canada?
19/m/416 around dt core
i'm moody, obsessive, anxious, and avoidant. seasonal mood swings are around the corner
>>what are you looking for?
somebody who i feel comfortable around, who is 420friendly
>>post hobbies or interests
industrial design, art, drawing, music, reading, lifting, psychs
>>what your usual day consists of
studying for b.des, waking up late, smoking dude weed, finishing projects, drawing, lifting, watching random vids, and sleeping late
upon request
four-eyed azn male
>mentions Abbath

You're awesome
> I do not want attention. I'm not saying it's NORMAL to want to kill myself because of something that happened while I was grocery shopping and then be fine 30 mins later

The contradictions are astounding.
Doubt I'm what you're looking for, and you probably like real art, not like what I draw but I draw a bit. If ya wanna talk artsy farts, look at my dumb shitty drawings, or form an awkward connection through the exchange of words through a digital medium hmu, Kik is black_h4t
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Bipolar, ADHD, fat and probably boring
>what are you looking for?
Someone to cuddle with on the couch and play video games with
>post hobbies or interests
Anime, Video games, reading scary shit
>what your usual day consists of
Playing video games
i like the picture of your hedghog do you like to go fast??
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I don't look very masculine, which a lot of girls seem to want. And i look a bit forgetable and don't look my age
>what are you looking for?
Just happy talks for now
>post hobbies or interests
music, vidya of all sorts(lately a lot of gba games), photography, hiking, art, cat petting, craft beers, cooking, thrift store shopping
>what your usual day consists of
a lil bit of music, vidya, herbal supplements, sometimes I make breakfast, work...
lonely,depressed and i have no one to talk with like i dont leave my house send help
>what are you looking for?
>post hobbies or interests
>what your usual day consists of
i wake up get on my computer and thats it
i have discord username: reyuzaki #0447
Also am lonely + inexperienced and have a hard time finding girls that are interested most of the time
Drop that info anon.

Tell you the truth, forreal to anyone looking to just chat. Hit me up man, xXCimichangasXx. I just like helping. Listening, yknow? Vent away. Talk. I Just like to feel needed and helpful. I guess.
>depressed shut-in who struggles to relate to people yes yes and yes

kik: vintagedrumandbass
19 M Australia
Lonely and too awkward/unattractive to date anyone
>what are you looking for?
A friend, possibly lewd, someone to talk to really
>post hobbies or interests
Art, gaming and animals
>what your usual day consists of
I work, a lot, I'm a keeper at a wildlife park for Australian fauna
kik: Bai5511
>Just wanna chill and/or bone
>Any girl who is down to just be friends with/without benefits or just trade pics. Whatever
>No hobbies really. Like Vidya and movies and drinking.
>currently unemployed so days consist of being at home applying for jobs online or going out to interviews.
>Snapchat: datanon89
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Am schizophrenic NEET who spends most of my time high. Also lowkey(not so lowkey sometimes) hate everyone around me, even though I don't actually.
>what are you looking for?
qt to sit around and talk to all day, play vidya with, cuddle and pass out with.
>post hobbies or interests
Art, vidya, music, anthropology, theism(not religious tho), cooking, taking walks to nowhere in the middle of the night.
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, work in yard/garden, read, draw, open overwatch, get bored, read, get bored, watch animu, get bored, write, draw, repeat for 30+ hours.
Skype: cmarchmarching
Sleep deprivation is my waifu

>Male, 19, North Carolina
>Heteroflexible (Will only date/marry women)
>Kissless virgin by choice
>5'10" and 135 pounds
>Not very hairy
>Feminine body
>Brown hair and eyes
>Borderline hipster glasses
>People say I look like Clark Kent and Rivers Cumo
>Likes wearing grungy jeans and rock t-shirts, loves oversized sweaters
>Likes Steven Universe and Filthy Frank
>Likes classic rock and rap mostly, can listen to anything
>Musically talented
>Can draw
>Wrote a novel once
>Can be naive and boyish
>Fuckton of kinky fetishes
>High sex drive
>Easily aroused
>Loves innocent affection
>Getting back into anime
>Does not play vidya anymore
>Has a job
>Depressed but not suicidal
>Does not do drugs but wants to smoke weed
>Smokes a cigarette/cigarillo once a week or less
>Has a southern accent that sounds slightly black
>Would not drink alcohol
>Beleives in LBGT rights but is annoyed by over glorification
>Hates feminism
>KIK: kurdtmorrison


>Any age between 18 and 40
>Any skin color/Race
>Any height
>Any weight between 90 and 300 pounds
>Preferably chubby
>Kind and sweet
>Preferably kissless virgin
>Will rp with me
>Likes the same music as me
>Has a creative talent of some kind
>Can be a NEET but has to have ambitions
>Must be able to tolerate a foot fetish
>Preferably in the United States
>Will love me for who I am
>Won't try to change me
>Wants a loyal white boi who will spoil her and be nice to her
tfw nobody wants to end normies with me
Small social circle mostly comprised of my childhood friends and due to work, I got no nightlife since I work afternoons.
>what are you looking for?
A close female friend or a lover. I'm surrounded by too many dudes and it's slowly driving me mad, also I'm slowly getting desperate.
>post hobbies or interests
Music nerd, vidya game nerds (metal gear solid IV, destiny, overwatch, SMT IV: apocalypse ) low key musician, low key otaku, lately been hopping from junkyard to junkyard looking for parts for my luxury rice rocket.
>what your usual day consists of
Work as a Truck and coach bus mechanic apprentice from 2-11 pm and I stay awake from whatever time I get home till about 3-4. Always driving out and about during the weekends, rarely ever home the entire 2 days.
Email: [email protected]
Skype:Post-mutant93 (don't check often btw)
It's on my Kik and Skype too self conscious to post my face on here

What I want summed up in a pic. Best OTP
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General anxiety coupled with manic depression. I will cheat on you every chance I get.
>what are you looking for?
The kind of woman that wants a pet project
>post hobbies or interests
Board games that take four hours to play, MTG, cigars
>what your usual day consists of
I wake up at 10am, sell cigars until midnight, watch Netflix, smoke weed.
WittyEpithet on KIK, Snap, OKC
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>Sexuality: Mean and gay
Not very good looking, i live a pretty boring life, not a great talker, depressed
>what are you looking for?
Someone to care for and vice versa, even if it's not in a romantic sense
>post hobbies or interests
Vidya, guitar/music, photography, tech
>what your usual day consists of
Work 8 hours, come home, play a game, watch some YouTube vids maybe, go to bed
If there's any interest
After we talk for a while
I don't care what a girl looks like as long as she's a virgin
Kik is Vineclaw
anyone want to have sad chats? I'm a good listener, my mental health is variable and I'm a sweetheart 200%
19/f -
i like talking to people who don't expect much, I do drugs and other bad things and I have the best sad tunez

[email protected] on skype
I don't understand. I was already talking to you and you suddenly signed off. You still are offline and have not responded in hours. But I'm not blocked. If you want someone to talk to I'm already waiting on Skype to continue.
> But I'm not blocked
Brotip here my man, you can't see if someone blocks you. They have to remove you for the icon to turn back to grey. I belive you can also avoid that by blocking before removing.
25/bi (prefer women though)/Brazil

Socially I'm alright, I hang out with friends and stuff, I ocasionally go out drinking on bars with them and whatever, but finding women with a similar personality and interests as me is hard.

>>what are you looking for?
A chill girl who likes playing videogames, watching movies, a huge nerd basically.

>>post hobbies or interests
Videogames, movies, comics, manga/anime, music, exercising.

>>what your usual day consists of
First half of the day I study Law for a cout job I'm trying to get, later half I take it easier.

Too lazy to set up a throw away skype right now, message me here first then I'll do it.
I don't think I'm blocked. I see her sign on for a second here or there sometimes. Would not make much sense to have blocked me either. We were just in the middle of a conversation. Nothing happened at all.
your Skype doesn't work, post again pls
Hey I'm busy at the moment. I made the post before something came up. I'll be free to talk tomorrow.
Skype: tcella37

I'm down for discussing horror films.
Odd, I can't spot a typo. It's cmarchmarching
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>cheated sexually online
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:( ?
Skype is apparently fucked currently, I'll add you later though.
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because tfw no gf
>what are you looking for?
a gf, or autistic memes
>post hobbies or interests
getting drunk and listening to the same song on repeat
>what your usual day consists of
getting drunk and listening to the same song onrepeat
kik is turbopleb
back when i had long hair
add me
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Been a while since I had a significant other
>what are you looking for?
A girl who likes to talk about anything on Skype(voice or video) and Kik
>post hobbies or interests
League of legends, talking shit, movies
>what your usual day consists of
Going to work(work as a Spanish interpreter over the phone at a call center), then going home and playing league of legends. Weekends generally consist of going out to do random things with people I meet
Kik: DaWulf
Skype: Willie04221
Email: championwillis @ Yahoo


My life sucks ass, ie, I have shrapnel in my chest.

>What are you looking for
idk, just talking mostly, can't really live my life, so it'd be nice to hear and live through others.
Anything else is a bonus.

>hobbies or interests
eh, I like reading, watching tv-shows, movies ? I'm a pretty good basketball player.

>what your usual day consists of
the above. Also chatting with people on skype/kik/4chan/wherever

skype john.abraham162
kik hanserissken

Skype seems to be fucked currently today though
I think this thread's pretty sad in concept, but I'll give anything a try at least once;

22 / M / Syd Australia
Lookin for friends, keen to meet new people. I work full time so it's hard to get out there
Friends, possible relationships. I'm pretty chill and easygoing when it comes to meeting people online through forums like this, or Twitter or Instagram or what have you
Huge film buff working through backlog of pure kino. Occasionally keen on some gameing
Most days I do a ten-hour shift at my creative job
Shoot me an email at [email protected]
Can't find a good pic of me so here's a shot of my close look alike, this college photo of Mark Harmon
> 32 m virgin los angeles
> eh
> girl
> games
> work school
> kik: zsasza
why the fuck not?
>what are you looking for?
idk man whatever comes my way.
>post hobbies or interests
vidya, reading, watching shit or god tier(no in between) shows, cooking, and my cats.
>what your usual day consists of
wake up, plop on couch and browse /r9k/ or /b for a while, once im sufficiently awake play some vidya for bit. cook me some eggs because fuck yeah bruh love me some eggs. tidy up maybe, go outside to smoke my pipe (feel like an edgelord even though i picked it up from an older friend of mine) go back in do laudrey and take shower. play more vidya, maybe watch a michaelcthulu video. check time, get off my ass, go to work. come home do it all over again just with some other meal to replace those eggs. sleep.
kik satanicallydubious

hit. me. up.

also pic realated. its me. so you know
I'm a guy with bpd, let's self-destruct together
Do you have skype dude? I wanna talk to you.
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22 f us


>what are you looking for?
chats about whatever with whoever.

>post hobbies or interests
movies/shows, music/instruments

>what your usual day consists of
crying, youtube, ice cream

kik - aw_tum

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18/m/Australia - brisbane
Too much anxiety to put any ammount of effort into meeting people.
>what are you looking for?
Anime and cuddles
>post hobbies or interests
Anime, YouTube and nintendo
>what your usual day consists of
YouTube and laziness.
Kik: lonelycunt69
I am tired of being alone?
>what are you looking for?
Someone to chat with, play video games with
>post hobbies or interests
3d animation, drawing, programing, cooking, video games: ESO, overwatch, Dishonored.ect
>what your usual day consists of
waking up studying, working, playing some games or drawing, sleep
kik zutalos
skype zutalos
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23/m/UK - newcastle

I have aspergers & my social skills are terrible, I do have friends that I meet up with regularly but I'm terrified of going out to meet new people & I have a craving for intimacy

>what are you looking for?
A girl [spoiler]or convincing trap[/spoiler] to chillout with, chat about anything, watch tv/movies/whatever, cuddle & get intimate with

>post hobbies or interests
Video games, anime (especially slice of life stuff), internet, video game design/development, origami (though I'm a little out of practice) & trying to learn to play the ukulele

>what your usual day consists of
Go to college, get home browse the internet, play some pokemon, maybe watch some anime & sleep

kik: Paradigm_man
Bump. This thread has a lot of responses. Not a bad idea
You sound like the kind of girl I always wanted to take care of.
Fellow geordie lad here. See ya rund the toon yer gadge
HMU on Skype or kik
Everyone loves the BPD women, but nobody loves the BPD men.

BPD male here. Looking for another BPD girl so we can relate to each other on a horrific level, or just a nice woman to talk to.

I like art and writing; I'm a harpist, multidisciplinary artist, and author.

I've also got a hella deep voice.

>contact info

Will drop a Skype if anyone's interested, or just wants to talk.

>me on left
>yes, I do go into rate threads sometimes

ay lil mama lemme whisper in your ear
Your videos suck. Maybe if they weren't blurry and half covered up, or if you were doing more than master baring in an unsexy way.... but no.
Drop your kik. Mine is "niggerSuicidalFag" (was a joke, but im to lazy to change it)
Where in Canada you from, would like to talk
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Because I'm moderately attractive but socially awkward.
>what are you looking for?
someone (preferably female) to chat or cam with, have some fun.
>post hobbies or interests
the outdoors, games, history, film, etc.
>what your usual day consists of
freaking out over school
skype: mr.pirate2017
snap: snapjilk
kik: double_s_1994
not comfortable sharing here. add me and you can see whatever you want.
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24/M/New England


I live with my parents for now, because its better to save money for school and things, plus they cool af.

>>what are you looking for?

A best friend who will play video games and watch movies with me, go for a bike ride and then come back to have passionate sex.

I'm straight, so females only please.

>>post hobbies or interests
Video Games, Computers, Anime, Animals, Science, Biking, Hiking, Travel, Cooking.

>>what your usual day consists of

Going to work, then either going out with my friends or coming home to play video games, and other nerdy shit till I pass out early in the morning.


kik: JudeLove92 | Skype: Mrlafittey

>> Pic:

Ask later. Discretion!
i'd like to talk. same age and also bi. this is me. >>24690503
it worked now
I need a friend with low standards for friends because that's how much I suck. I'm not a yandere with bpd like so many people are saying they are now. In fact, I'll probably get sick of you and drop you after a while. I'm flaky as fuck. Ahhh I remember the good old days when pretending to be bi was the cool thing to do
>what are you looking for?
A friend. 1 friend. 1 is enough. Nothing sexual.
>post hobbies or interests
Pokémon, wine, cooking, sleeping, TV shows, being comfy.
>what your usual day consists of
Going to work, getting pissed at my boss, going home, dinner, wine, couch, TV, shower, bed, the cycle repeats. Wow, pathetic
Leave yours here I guess. I'll search your name in the archive to make sure you're not someone who posts in all the sex threads and then I'll message you if I like your name, or something. Just being honest.
sleeping and TV isn't a fucking hobby its time killing. I'm sure plenty of people would be happy to be your friend if you were productive AT ALL,
Productive how? You mean I should be more outdoorsy? I don't see how that's going to help me make online friends. Should I make art or music? Should I brag about working out? Is gaming really a hobby? That's cool and all, but I don't care about any of that stuff and wouldn't want to talk about it. I cook, and I'm pretty damn good at it if that counts.

>productive AT ALL
As far as productivity goes I have a career in healthcare and work with people all day long and it kind of zaps me. I just want to turn my brain off at the end of the day. I maintain my house and take care of older family members. But I don't think any of that matters for a friendo nor do I want to talk about that.
whatsssssssss burgerland??????

also, dope. you seeM p cool. almost everything in Common™. i am a low standard individual AND as a bonus, ///human scum///. id probably flake out on your before you flaked out on me. unfortunately i'm looking for something strictly sexual. u no. i just think its cool to fuck yur friends. i dont understand why most people dont. check out how often i post in the slut threads and let me know my score, ty. i fucking love those.
dont contact me

kik: vintagedrumandbass

kik: mrcesium

for +1 internet friend
i'm shy, have no social skills, my face is weird, low confidence and intimacy issues
>what are you looking for?
not sure, someone to talk to i guess. a bf would be nice but i dont wanna be unrealistic
>post hobbies or interests
getting drunk, sewing, i like dancing but i don't do it enough to call it a hobby; interests are: art/design history, plants/botany, music, some other stuff
>what your usual day consists of
sleeping, studying, cooking, small amount of physical activity (like running), maybe attending lectures
if interested drop me yours
is this a real post? its like a try hard tried too hard

burgerland is america btw
F/bi you seem cool, hmu if you wanna chat. Kik: mirei94
Add me
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19/m/Tx, USA
Im just awkward, bit shy. And im really bad with words.
>what are you looking for?
Someone to vidya with and maybe hang out on the weekends catch a movie somethin iunno
>post hobbies or interests
Vidya, music (im a hip hop kinda guy but up for anything),
>what your usual day consists of
Work from 0630 to about 3 or so, then i'll just sit in my room and play games or work on music
Kik is iampenguino
Snapchat is iampenguino as well
Im interested.
Kik is cherkam
intrested: Benchbird
I feel like you're me but at least you have a job. I collect disability to lay on my floor watch netflix and not eat all day.

Too much nihilism for productivity. What does productivity mean? Why no suggestions? Isn't she the one who has to decide whether something was productive or not not the friend? I think I know what you were trying to say but I think you chose the wrong word. You were telling her to get real hobbies. Real hobbies don't HAVE to be productive. Or like, I could make 50 fucking bird houses and see that as really productive but who the fuck cares about birdhouses. People don't want robots, robots are supposed to be productive people are supposed to be interesting, (and keep themselves and their living space clean) beyond that, why should the friend give a shit that that's what she does when she's not with them?
Please kik skippymisfits24 you sound perfect ;3;
You still around anon.? How badly do you want to go killing people, willing to come to the U.S.?

Don't like fat guys.

Depressed, no confidence in looks or personality since ex broke up with me months ago, bipolar.
>what are you looking for?
Anyone who wants a friend, or a girl who wants more maybe.
>post hobbies or interests
Music, history, movies, video games etc
>what your usual day consists of
Listening to music nearly all day (metal, pop punk, 80s cheese music), playing video games on PC and ps4, watching Netflix too much
Kik id is i_dont_know12
Can't post pictures for some reason
Skype : carmeau1
Cause I'm nonpassable forever in boymode with social anxiety.
>what are you looking for?
Friends of all gender, males for relationships/hookups.
>post hobbies or interests
Mostly playing the guitar terribly.
>what your usual day consists of
>all of theses "so bipolar lol xD" and "MDD" normalfags and roasties
>even some fags posting mr. robot shit

lmfao, normies who fell for the psychology meme always crack me up

probably the same kind of faggots that post in the """""""shut-in""""""" thread as well
Skype: astoriannights
Fat but not socially awkward, going through some shit right now.
>what are you looking for?
Trying out men but wouldn't mind a woman, maybe. Any guy who wants to talk to a big and tall guy (375, 6'4), never done anything with a male so its uncharted territory for me.
>post hobbies or interests
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms. Watch some animu, play a lot of games, pretty big /pol/ user.
>what your usual day consists of
Sleep in, get up, play games, run errands, eat, sleep.
kik: IscariotRising
Can send it if we hit it off.
How to contact you?
Kik: casualgyno
Kik: Vineclaw
Kik : jd60950
>not awkward or anything, just trying to lend a helping hand to anybody who needs it
>pretty good listener
>if anybody needs someone to talk to I'll be here

Contact: kik- jd60950
Depressed, no motivation, clingy, really shy, low self esteem, i have difficulty expressing my emotions, can't flirt
>what are you looking for?
Someone to give me motivation and brighten up my life
>post hobbies or interests
History, gaming, reading, writing, programming, airsoft
>what your usual day consists of
Either college, then doing nothing in front of my PC before going to sleep.
Or work then doing nothing in front of my PC, then work again later, then do nothing before going to sleep
Kik: atazs
this is more or less me at 20 and still a bit like me now at present age.
25/m/col (south america).
I'm shy and have no social skills, a bit overweight. I'm a 5/10 and i can't detect if someone is interested in me. I've been single for almost 4 years.
>what are you looking for?
Someome to speak/text and waste time, i want a girl with no complications. Also i want to have virtual parties, i'm bored as fuck. I'm a good listener.
>post hobbies or interests
CS Go, languages (my native language is spanish and i'm trying to learn english and french), music (mostly nu-metal and grunge), books, films and cooking.
>what your usual day consists of
Work all day, and in the night go to the university, i'm usually stay at my room looking at the ceilling listening to music.
kik: deepestdude
in the chat if you are interested.

Sorry for my bad english.
19,m,canada west
I'm an insane NEET shutin who goes months at a time without stepping foot outside of his house.
>what are you looking for?
Anything I suppose
>post hobbies or interests
most of my time is spent arguing about half-baked philosophy with people on 4chan all day
>what your usual day consists of
4chan, TV series, sleeping
[email protected]
would only send pics if i was going to meet someone IRL
>write a giant post describing why i'm shit but why i'm still dateable
>realize there would be probably nobody to reply anyway

a-any females in poland?
Should add I'm looking for female friends mostly, not necessarily dating, it didn't really show in the post
eu reporting in
spermiarz alert

Life destroyed medically and i can't see a happy future or and so depressed to talked to a girl
>what are you looking for?
I have this thing where if I talk for about 10 min I will really want to get you for about 3 month and then return to normal
>post hobbies or interests
Music, vidya, sleeping
>what your usual day consists of
Sleeping and music practice
my dicks on the net so my face is nothing
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paranoid, depressed shut-in, pretty sure i'm autistic
>what are you looking for?
someone to like me
>post hobbies or interests
vidya, animu, sleep,
>what your usual day consists of
stare at my computer screen, jumping between hobbies, attempting to go outside with family
discord - Mabel#2934
will reinstall kik if anyone really wants.

plz don't bully my bitchboi baby face
because i need someone that im forced to work with everyday
>what are you looking for?
anyone really, dont know if i'd like you until i start talking with you
>post hobbies or interests
taveling, currently building a drift car, not really time for anything else but i like videogames and browsing 4chan i guess
>what your usual day consists of
wake up at 540ish, shower, eat breakfast, drive to work and work 7:30-1630 (normally stay late then drive another 30 minutes back) make myself dinner, somehow end up wasting a bunch of time then falling asleep
cosmiccow6 is my kik
add me on kik for a pic i guess
my skype is chikenjerker
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im lonely as shit
friends idk
i sleep and drink and drive around at night looking at shit and going places i shouldnt be
sleep work smoking shitposting and some other shit
skype is chikenjerker
ill upload 2
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i get it im a huge faggot
Holy shit you are exactly the type of women i hate you boring peace of shit go and fucking die in your dull and lame life what are you even worth for talking about?
Small minded naiv thot you trigger me bitch.

Interesting strategy
Depression, anxiety, body issues, and general weirdness about being myself means I've spent the last 24 years stuck in a box by myself and that shit suuuucks.
>what are you looking for?
Another dude/trans* who has similar issues to talk, play games with, trade memes, and hopefully meet if you're close enough. Prefer skinnier guys, though I am a fat dude myself. Within Virginia/Richmond is a big bonus.
>post hobbies or interests
Video games (action/adventure, roguelikes, etc), sci-fi, fantasy, Disney, movies in general, Steven Universe, Avatar (TLA + Korra), sculpting, game design. Not too much into any one thing sadly.
>what your usual day consists of
Reddit and YouTube, chilling on IRC, jerking off cause bored, hating self. Now have job so doing that, then sleeping.
Kik RabbitMaster_ or reply to post
Not gonna share on the boards, but will describe: white, 6'1, 380lbs, brown hair, close shaved beard, round face, glasses. IMO 6/10 but I'm biased.
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i'm lonely and have no super close friends and all i have are my four animals and live w my bf who is also mentally ill
i'm looking for a friend or a best friend
>hobbies n interests
anime but i'm really picky(samurai champloo, tatami galaxy, mononoke, paranoia agent, hxh, one piece which im behind by like 60 episodes now lol), movies (jmovies like detroit metal city or nana, others like pacific rim), bjd, street fashion, travel (been to japan, going to language school after college. i was streetsnapped when i went and met kurebayashi and junnyan and had ice cream with them :9)
>usual day
i wake up at a normal time, feed n let dog out to pee, feed cat, smoke weed, do ???? whatever until i need to walk dog, more weed, sometimes i go out and do stuff (conventions, events, sometimes little day/weekend trips to NYC, Virginia, or Boston) i spend a lot of time in DC

my dad is an old hippie who buys weed off the darknet, like an oz a week, for me him and my bf... he supports the fuck out of me and i go to therapy weekly for severe depression, dissociation, and anxiety
i'm an over sharer bc ive never had privacy my whole life, so i talk. a lot.
i have telegram, skype, line
my telegram is yankii and it's the easiest way to contact me
Depression, anxiety, body issues, and general weirdness about being myself means I've spent the last 24 years stuck in a box by myself and that shit suuuucks.
Roughly. Don't know if I would have said 24 years, but I am the same age so there's that. I'm not nearly as fat though. Does that make the body issues problem more or less surprising? Mysterious.
Maybe more but I mean, you can hate your body at any size. It doesn't even have to be a weight thing, you can love being a fat ass and just not like your ears or some shit lol.
I'd like to kik u
Because I have what's called low standards. Virgin, depression, and other tales.
>>what are you looking for?
Anything honestly
>>post hobbies or interests
Video games, manga, anime, movies, music, playing drums, muay thai
>>what your usual day consists of
Work, browse, watch, play
Just ask
I don't want to get hurt, I'm probably slightly below average + old

My ex wife is a real piece of work. BPD is not for me. I learned my lesson and I steer clear of any woman with even a hint of a trait of a possible case of BPD...
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37 male FL
Enjoys guns, videogames, b movies, hiking, camping, technology
I have little luck with women because I am not very good looking and kinad pudgy.
My average day I wake up shower read watch some tv and go to work.
Sociopath fits, though.

You know what you do is fucked up, but you simy don't care. A psychopath does not know what they are doing is fucked up.

Long story short, you change your emotions to match what others project. Or you show specific emotions when you want people to think of you in a specific way. A social chamelion that very subtly manipulates others to get what you want, be it empathetic actions or words, or favors including but not limited to sex and money or even a place to sleep at night.

Either voluntarily commit yourself to a mental health institution, or quit your fake bitching and take your false ,"oh woe is me" pity party elsewhere.

"Go sell crazy someplace else. We"re all stocked up here." --Jack Nicholson
Kik is AdamAFact. Its pretty cool you like to dance.
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20/m/straight/417 USA
I was sexually abused as a kid and I realize that dealing with that sort of emotional baggage is a lot to ask of someone.
>what are you looking for?
Just someone to relate with and is 420 friendly
>post hobbies or interests
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, with 13 years of traditional experience playing violin and viola; and 3 years of experience with bass guitar, keyboard, and drums.
>what your usual day consists of
Really depends, I try to avoid routines altogether however I do try to practice playing music 2+ hours daily
[email protected]
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>because I am a living farce, a disgusting throwaway beavis and butthead gag character
>a girl who will settle for an inept, neurotic spooky skeleton
>playing bideo game, taking walks and reading books
>wake up/go to class/come home/study/repeat until dead
>if you honestly feel even a little bit interested in me I'll share skype
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I am here because I lost in an election and I am too much of a borderline narcissist to admit that I lost fair and square.

I am looking for others to blame for my failures.

My hobbies and interests include hating men, throwing tantrums, believing in conspiracy theories involving the Russians, and sucking Rosie O'Donnel's clit for hours on end.

Contact me at [email protected]

Pic is me when I lost the election. It feels so shitty.
wow, anon!!! how original!! incredible post !!!!!!
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reply i sent you a message
Post whatever you said here. I can't access my server right now because it is still under seizure by the FBI.
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ass shit.jpg
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22/m/tn, bi
im a low-functioning idiot who tries to make up for my lack of life skills by enjoying avant garde art shit
>what are you looking for?
friends, someone to talk to at 1 am
>post hobbies or interests
literature, music, video games, trying to get back into film, i also like gunpla
>what your usual day consists of
playing guitar and video games, masturbating
del tha funkee homophobe#4130
should also mention thats my discord
These threads don't work because the ratio of male to female is about 10:1

No girl wants to be the focus of 100 NEETs banging on their proverbial door, clawing to get inside their digital pussy. If these girls didn't have the confidence to be picky about their suitors, they do now.
Do you have Discord
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bpd, emotional problems, inability to make something meaningful work with humans
>what are you looking for?
>post hobbies or interests
anime, reading, writing, consuming media, tweeting, online posting
>what your usual day consists of
join my discord server. expires in an hour:
Regardless of my skepticism about this whole thing, I'll post.


I'm about 20 credits away from four different degrees, but will never finish any of them. I have *zero* goals, ambitions, or aspirations. As obnoxiously fucking edgy as this sounds, I'm a borderline nihilist. I'm good with money, but I will never own a house or have a retirement plan beyond social security. I've suffered from pretty extreme depression since 4th grade. Fundamentally, I just don't see the joy in being alive, but I'm not an annoying drama queen about it. Very emotionally independent, bordering on dismissive avoidant personality disorder, but still would like somebody in my life that I actually care about.

>what are you looking for?
A gf or whatever who is just as dismissive of the idea of accomplishment as I am. Someone who I can spend my time/life/whatthefuckever with where the two of us can just slowly melt away into the slow grind of time waiting for our lives to just fucking end.

>post hobbies or interests
Music, music, music, music, music. Also video games, idle fascination with the occult, but not in a douchey way.

>what your usual day consists of
If I'm not working, then I'm just by myself all day, trying to find new music, playing video games, reading. I'm extremely introverted, but not that socially retarded. People generally just exhaust me.

If you want it, just ask.

If you contact me, I'll send you one if you want one that badly.
ya.. it's also Yankii #3576
Nigger do you have a kik? I will drunk message you every morning at 1am.
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come back femanon, i love you
I struggle with depression, probably partially due to being completely misfitting with the turn relationships have taken in 2016.
>what are you looking for?
A girl who enjoys talking about everything and nothing, perhaps even understands what I'm going through. Be better to support one another, right?
>post hobbies or interests
I like video games, smoke weed, take walks in forests, I like to write but I haven't in forever.
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, work, vidya, sometimes go hang out with friends as of late.
Kik: hiimneyt
I'll show if we chat, but I'm 6'0" redhead
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Depression, Emotional problems, unable to socialize or get in touch with people, hardly able to feel emotions, health problems.
>what are you looking for?
Girls to talk to or play games with. ( Since I'm lesbian and can't endure guys most of the time only girls)
>post hobbies or interests
>what your usual day consists of
Working out, walking/playing with my dog, school and alot of Dota.
skype: nunululu69 or leave yours here
Leave a note preferably.
cause I'm a genuinely nice person, but I suck at making connections with people, and am only average at best. Also, I like girls with issues, since I guess on some weird level it makes me feel needed.
>what are you looking for?
just a girl who I can connect with somehow.
>post hobbies or interests
video games, science, anime, the usual
>what your usual day consists of
watching tv, playing games, walking my dog
skype: logic.hates.me
via skype.
this is great

who are you
Totally missed the window on that server. :( I just moved to the bay area. Looking for friends, trying to find people to go out and do stuff eith that generally hate it as much as me. Lol. Kik me @ nerdferguson!
Ya'll niggas are fucked I tell ya

Why what? My self esteem is good
>what are you looking for?
Friendship, looking to bring people up considering I've had a very good life and things just keep getting better for me I've had no luck with women since every girl I get feelings for is in the shitter in their personal lives but other than that I'd like to get to know different people and possibly cheer them up in the long run
>post hobbies or interests
Hunting, go-karting, vidya (occasionally since I've lost interest in the new upcoming games) reading, listening to all sorts of music ranging from death grips to the strokes
>what your usual day consists of
Reading a book in the morning that sparks my interest, church on Sunday's, lodge on Tuesdays and driving around hanging out with the little friends I have on the weekends will mostly be at basic in 2-6 months (navy)
I'll skype ya once we get to know each other more
bpd is not worth it friends. Don't think that the nice but clingy starting relationship you begin with is where it ends
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Fuck off mentally sane normie.
20/M/Nebraska U.S.
I've been clinically depressed for a while. Plus I have a pretty difficult time talking to people irl, I just get anxious. I'm also kinda boring, almost painfully average some would argue. Lately I've been feeling incredibly lonely, usually feel like this around the winter season, but it's been especially grueling this holiday.
>what are you looking for?
Some girl to talk to. I'm no stranger to baggage, so I'm not afraid to talk about stuff like that. Maybe have some similar interests to go off of so it's not like we're talking to each other as walls.
>post hobbies or interests
Basic consumer stuff: Watching anime, movies, playing vidya, occasionally walking around town, listening to music, attempt to write anything. My favorite bands are probably GY!BE and Radiohead.
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, make some coffee, play some overwatch for a couple hours, maybe go out to eat, go back to my room, watch some dumb let's play, after watch a slice of life anime, then listen to an album to its entirety, try to write something down, masturbate, sleep in frustration.
kik: IInnRRaaiinnbboowwss (I've posted in some other threads, but no luck)
You'll see if you look up the kik
this has my attention
samfever on kik
I have no sense of self worth and the only women that are comfortable with that also are socially crippled
>what are you looking for?
A girl willing to watch netflix and movies with me. Someone comfortable with chilling at home if they want to drink. Or alright with me being sober at parties. (I don't drink or smoke much because I don't enjoying loosening self control around those I do not trust.)
>post hobbies or interests
Science fiction in any medium, low budget horror movies, Bengals football, reading, trying to stay fit, history
>what your usual day consists of
Work, working out, reading, internet
Don't have a kik
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I guess it's worth a shot
I'm lonely, depressed, and don't really know where I'm going with life. I'm antisocial as hell, but that's probably normal here. I just think too much about shit, and suffer because of it. Sleepless nights, panic attacks, among other...less common things
>what are you looking for?
A girl to watch movies and shows with that laughs at my overall cheesy personality and dark sense of humor. It's a weird combination. I'd love someone to share my life with. I don't mind forming friendships though, of course. And I don't really mind long-distance stuff if you're up to it yourself. Basically, I'd love to have someone to chill with.
>post hobbies or interests
I'm currently studying to be a translator. I like and know about many languages. I'm a writer, I like writing short horror stories, usually with a little twist at the end. I'm pretty fucked up and that's how I vent. Besides that, though? ...I guess the usual, like video games, books and shows. Big fan of cartoons and animation in general. Very nerdy as well, I love Star Wars and I still enjoy cartoons like the powerpuff girls and spongebob.
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, college, study, sleep. sometimes not in that order. Now I'm in my break though, so I'm pretty much free. Will start studying Italian soon, during the summer (which is january here)
I have a kik, it's fuits. I don't really like posting pictures here, but I can send you a pic or two through there if you want to see me.
22/mtf/west usa/into women

I have underdeveloped social skills, face to face and online, and difficulty keeping up the social contacts I do have. Relating to others is also challenging. My mood swings from normal to depressed, with the lows lasting longer. I have motivation, memory and concentration problems. Kind of a shithead. I'm very nervous and insecure about my body, and have experienced social exclusion most of my life. I can fray apart into bizarre behavior sometimes. I'm lonely even if I've just been with someone because I don't feel connected. Stress is maxed out half the time.

>what are you looking for?
People with advice, or who have an interest in talking to me. It doesn't matter who you are, I'm pretty accepting. Just remember my flighty social nature, and don't take it personally if I go quiet. Open to romance I guess.

>post hobbies or interests
Video games, /tg/, wandering nature or cities, road trips, books, galleries/museum/history, diy craft like candlemaking, cooking, dance, acting.

>what your usual day consists of
Work, eat, watch a youtube lecture, sleep. Music, reading, coffee, tea, or laying around watching shows.

I'll post if there's interest or you can respond with yours.

Proud of you. Here's a (You)
don't be a faggot.
> i feel like shit, im extremely lonely, i live with my mom, i dont have any friends anymore, i think im borderline
>what are you looking for?
female internet friend with big problems
>what your usual day consists of
8 hours of work, then at home internet, games, cigarettes and weed, sleep, repeat
21 M France not Paris
I'm on a one year streak of constant rejection. I would try anything.
>what are you looking for?
I don't even know, I'm experimenting
>post hobbies or interests
Sound technician, obviously music, cinema, DIY, stuff...
>what your usual day consists of
If I have something to do outside I do it, otherwise I'm on the internet doing pointless stuff like posting on 4chan
kik : Namorg
No I'm a boring 6/10
trust me, you don't.

Hope I'm not too late. I usually don't go out of my way to make a kik but you sound cool so...

gatesofdawn is my kik, hope to hear from you soon!

trust me. i do.
>tfw sent her an email
>she deletes it
Question for girls ITT with BPD: what do you do when a guy directly calls you out on your shit? I do this with a girl I'm seeing who seems BPDish and she'll get her act together and stop pulling bullshit (for her it's being flakey due to weird trust issues). I'm legit angry when I do call her out and she knows it, too. I don't like using anger as a relationship management tool but it works so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don't know if you are still hanging but - wowohwowee
Looks like we're one in the same
SC: DanJei
Kik: DanJeiii
28 M NJ
I'm 4/10, maybe 5/10 if someone is being generous.
>what are you looking for?
A girl that would be down to play video games/watch shows and not make stuff up in her mind that aren't true.
>post hobbies or interests
Vidya, Anime, Driving, Music (with story) or that sounds nice and getting competetive in things I enjoy.
>what your usual day consists of
Work->Shopping a bit -> home improvement if needed->internet
Rather try to go the route of enjoying each other's company first.
>A girl that would be down to play video games/watch shows and not make stuff up in her mind that aren't true.

A boy then
Right, but in a girl body I guess. d:
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20/M/Washington State
Bad childhood in combination of always being mentally ill and just strange
>what are you looking for?
Probably someone who's deep down a nihilist like me but struggling(or not trying) wants to try to care about certain things and find some sort of feeling of content despite how small it might be
>post hobbies or interests
I like going for walks and watching animals. Watch anime or tv. Music, playing instruments
>what your usual day consists of
Working and then staring at my phone until I sleep and repeat
(253) 376 (6322)
24/M/New Jersey
Because no girl with anything above "low" standards would want anything to do with me.
>what are you looking for?
I would like to try having a relationship with a girl
>post hobbies or interests
Vidya, reading, travel, outdoor activities
>what your usual day consists of
Playing some kind of game with my friends online, work. If I'm somewhere interesting and have some time off I'll check out nearby museams or historical sites
Kik: jmfit01
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/captain-calamity
Maybe if there's interest
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25/m/twin cities, usa

Because I'm a shitty person

>What are you looking for
Girls who are fucked in the head, love being abused, and basically small loli girls who I can toss around

>post hobbies or interests
Does it fucking matter?

What are you an Angel?
snap me: somenonewho
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29/bi (mostly grills or convincing CD or trans) TN
I have no grand life goal, I'm not working my ass off for some amazing career; I just can't bring myself to care enough, I'm more than happy living a basic job, so long as I can afford basic amenities and support my hobbbies
>what are you looking for?
just enough money to live in a comfy apt or small house, a qt grill who is fine with that too
>post hobbies or interests
Basic interests are just vidya, movies and some animu
As far as unique hobbies go, I've been studying arthropods (insects and arachnids) for the past several years as a hobby, so I know spiders and bugs pretty damn well
>what your usual day consists of
Considering I recently got laid off...not much. I wake up really late, play vidya, drink booze, shit like that
KIK: KeenDreams (I'm not that great at replying immediately, but if I see a new person, I will reply) no BBW pls tho, I'm not into it. And none of those misleading Myspace angles where you look cute but turn out to a blob irl, that's just a shitty thing to do to people

Shit pic is shit, but I don't care enough
>My life sucks ass, ie, I have shrapnel in my chest.
Damn nigga, how did that happen?
My skype is masteridstewart
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Instabilty is desirable
>what are you looking for?
Girl looking to be loved immensely
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, smoking weed, watching videos
>what your usual day consists of?
Fantasizing over food, eating food, longing for someone to love. Normal stuff
>Pic? Yes
Down not across
Are you a potato farmer? And cut/uncut out of curiosity?
Stuck in Ohio as well. What vidya do you play?
20 / M / WA
I don't get out much, and want someone like me
>what are you looking for?
someone who, for the most part, would rather sit inside and cuddle than go outside
>post hobbies or interests
Vidya, tabletop, cooking (have a lot to learn about it)
>what your usual day consists of
Class, sit at home on pc/console/ sometimes go to LGS
ask for these if you want them
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Depressed, not much self confidence. I think I'm fairly decent looking when I'm showered and shaved and all but most days I just feel like shit and can't bear to even think of approaching women.

I'm also pretty introverted and not good at normie stuff
>what are you looking for?
A mommygf that doesn't care that I dropped out of uni and moved back into my mom's basement

Ideally we fall in deep passionate love and get our own place.
>post hobbies or interests
Anime keeps me sedated. Used to be into vidya and wouldn't mind going back (PC master race)
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, vape reefer, consider the absurdity of life, sedate myself with porn and anime
kik: dreadlocksamson
21* .-.
afg ?
social anxiety and depression
>what are you looking for?
a girl
>post hobbies or interests
vidya, drugs, idk
>what your usual day consists of
vidya, Internet, and depression
Kik is lukewarmth
Ask in kik
19 / M / Venezuela
I would like to have someone to talk over Skype or anything, just chill out.
>what are you looking for?
A girl that likes to speak about anything
>post hobbies or interests
music mostly, vidya and yt
>what your usual day consists of
playing some guitar, using the pc and walking on the park
diego-e-loco skype
+58 412 0634324
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18/neutral(born male)/east coast usa
where else will i find someone
>what are you looking for?
anything, from just chilling to relationships
>post hobbies or interests
music, overwatch, driving
>what your usual day consists of
working, playing vidya, listening to music
Discord: kaimoto#1798
Will this shit ever finish
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23/m/usually Vancouver
I'm fat (bmi 30.1) with an overactive sex drive
>what are you looking for?
Female, ideally for fwb, will take casual
>post hobbies or interests
Doing a masters in linguistics atm, love travel, love animals
>what your usual day consists of
Slaving away at another paper, playing games and walking my dog every now and then
skype is tribalskygod, mention you're from here or I'll assume bot
related, but I got a beard now
Or you left the thread for good?
26 male freedomland
I have autism and I will never work with a normal well-adjusted girl
>what are you looking for?
A clingy sad gf
>post hobbies or interests
Birds, history, miniature gaming
>what your usual day consists of
Looking at birds, studying for no reason, painting minis
kik is mrdespair1990
skype is mr.bubbles6838
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>those flags

i'm an uggo
>what are you looking for?
an uggo to share my shit with
>post hobbies or interests
games, chuck e. cheese
>what your usual day consists of
playing wii u or ps4 and watching shows
constantly look for new music, into death metal and indie whiny stuff mostly
ask and you shall recieve
>i'm an uggo
i'd be down to end some normies dad
23/lady/ US - Oregon
DID & nocturnal & needy
>what are you looking for?
Someone to talk to a lot-a lot and be uguu with
>post hobbies or interests
Shit memes & work
>what your usual day consists of
Wake up in the afternoon, work all night, get high af
Kik & discord - unbealievable
Please take those British flags off your wall and give them a respectful burial at sea.

My mom had BPD.

I'll never date a girl with it. Anyone who dos is making terrible life choices.

Yo, if you thought Bipolar Disorder was bad, wait until you get a load of this.

What's the discord with #'s?

You'll never get through to guys who lust after BPD women - I say that as a borderline male.

All BPD women are batshit insane. All BPD men know how to effectively play the game of emotion.
Just cross the line bro
Kik holaquehace21410
Add me

Add Utulululu
m 20 europe
I'm mid transition and I only partially pass
>>what are you looking for?
Locals or Internet sugar daddies
>>post hobbies or interests
Video games, cars, motorcycles, makeup
>>what your usual day consists of
School, work or video games
Kik: Julia__dreams (two underscores)
>I only partially pass

you don't at all
Been laying in bed all day depressed. Kik is ShizzakeNBacon for any girls that want to talk
Fat, below average looking
>what are you looking for?
Girl who is open minded, kinkier the better
>post hobbies or interests
Movies, Reading, Video games
>what your usual day consists of
Work, Eat, Sleep.
30/m/az usa
Bpd add and substance use disorder
Posting on here to find a woman that is in the same boat as me. I want to show that just because we are different doesn't mean a damn thing. I work with others who have diagnosis and provide hope. If you are looking for that small flame in your life... Kik me
Pic upon request in kik
I Work grave yard and am a rampant insomniac.

do you have any other forms of contact?
I'm easy like that, no deeper reason.
>what are you looking for?
Friendship, love, cuddles, gamer buddy.
Preferably people from around the area, but no must.
Willing to give ldr a try if you're hopeful, motivated and we click.
Idk, I guess I'm kinda awkward for even kinda believing in that.
>post hobbies or interests
Gaming, going on adventures, web stuff, some anime, various other things.
>what your usual day consists of
Work, gaming, jogging, hanging out.
kik: gonertype

Got other contact details, but dropping my kik here for now.

Sorry I'm shy >_<

Social anxiety, low self esteem, depression

>what are you looking for?
Girls to talk to. Nothing Sexual unless you're into it.

>post hobbies or interests
Video games, anime, music, etc.

>what your usual day consists of
Wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed. On days where I don't have work, I usually just play games or guitar. I only go out if I'm invited somewhere.

Kik: Throwitaway89

Will post on Kik
come on, hes at least lena dunham level
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25 / M / Finland
I'm a schizotypal autist who just made the best thing in my life disappear because I'm suicidal.
>what are you looking for?
Someone with whom I can REALLY talk, someone who doesn't play games and says what they mean.
>post hobbies or interests
Occult stuff, the Cthulhu Mythos, vidya every now and then, writing, making music.
>what your usual day consists of
IRC, coffee, and cigarettes. Feeling like I'm drowning. I try to write whenever I get the motivation.
kik is icetrollwizard.
Why of course!
22 / M / France
Just trying it out, Basically not leaving the house at all.
>what are you looking for?
A girl to talk and maybe more, if you only wish to talk that's fine too.
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, friends, girls, I love nudes ;3
>what your usual day consists of
Usually talking to people on skype, discord, playing League of Legends, video games in general, I never go out. only on some Saturday to go to school.
kik : raijinar
Sorry, but I'd rather not, I'm an "okay" dude though. I guess it depends on what are the standards.
Because im not very lovable
>what are you looking for?
Im looking for a girl that wants to fall asleep with me while calling
>post hobbies or interests
I do wahtever
>what your usual day consists of
Sleeping work stuff
Guy looking for a girl why even try
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I love sex and getting to know a woman. I'm sexually attracted to a lot of different features of a woman, so that makes me not so exclusive.
>what are you looking for?
I want enough money to take care of myself and ultimately to take a woman out a couple nights a week, come over, I make you dinner and watch a movie. And we fuck.

That and someone to go different places with. I want to travel for real. I'll take you to Paris and Rome.

>what does your usual day consist of?
Work-go smoke after work
Go out and go see friends all across the city or stay in, jerk off, play civ, go on /pol/, read stuff. I did community college courses for awhile. Just whatever.

Science particularly Theoretical Physics
Working out (I'll make you do squats to make the booty fat)
Rap music in particular; alternative and punk music aswell

Send me your Skype.
Kik: thebahamallama
27 / Male / BC, Canada
I am short and fat, depressed and don't want to be alone
>what are you looking for?
A girl that cares about me and preferably wants to have sex
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, weeaboo shit, card game and board games
>what your usual day consists of
Thinking of killing myself, jerking off, watching weeaboo shit, playing video games, listening to music, watching youtube, sleeping
Because I'm unstable unless in some kind of relationship and have low self-esteem and depression.
>what are you looking for?
Somebody who has simiar intrests, preferably a girl (weirdly picky about guys).
>post hobbies or interests
Cinematatgrophy/Film Production, Writing, Avant Garde Music, Kink Experimentation, Graphic Design, Occasionaly Run
>what your usual day consists of
I wake up at 10am, go to class though that's going to change, come home and sit around maybe play guitar or a game and then listen to music while I finish classwork and then read before bed.
drproffmrsir on snapchat or reply for skype.
I'm way to paranoid to post that haha but more than happy to show if you add me!
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Cause I'm fat and ugly?
>what are you looking for?
Someone to make me feel not so alone.
>post hobbies or interests
Gaming, D&D, anime. (go figure right?)
>what your usual day consists of
Watching youtube and gaming.
Kik: ItsThatOneDood
kik? im v. interested, 19 y.o. female
you also in Illinois?
No, NY
I'm in NJ if you wanna chat
Kik- goblue46200
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anxiety and depression
>what are you looking for?
anyone, people around my age hopefully but its ok if you arent, im bi
>post hobbies or interests
nothing really
>what your usual day consists of
Internet, anime, college
skype live:69baq69
shit me too.

my list and that guys lists are eerily similar. with some small exceptions, my day is different and I listen to more death metal than black metal. besides that. the same. it's weird.

if you're still interested (kik): vintagedrumandbass
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I didn't read and just clicked the pic. I thought you were a woman. A 30ish slightly chubby woman, but a woman. After you're done just do a little exercise and make sure to moisturize. Good luck!

Just out of curiosity, Is it really necessary to do the 'split hot dog' on you junk? Couldn't you just take your balls off and/or take testosterone blockers and keep that one 'little' part? I'm mostly straight, but I know that I'm attracted to femininity NOT females. It's not the wiener that is the deal breaker for (guys like) me, it's the dude connected to it. If you can REALLY pull off femininity a lot of guys wouldn't care about the dimple or dangle.

(pic, If this had a dick I'd gobble it just like I'd gobble it's pussy)
I'm not very attractive,over weight,poor,currently live with parents due to recent open heart surgeries (2),ex drug addict ect.
>>looking for
Used to be cop dope get high now I like watching basketball,football
Kill time doing nothing productive but will look for work at 3 month post surgery mark
Kik: dankoner42 tell me where you saw this
Pic if you kik me and show intetest
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33 / M / TX

Single father, overweight, 5'6" short (I don't care about it but most women do), disabled thanks to Trigeminal Neuralgia, and depression. I tend to assume someone would need low standards to want to be with me because of all of the above, even though I'm a nice guy and have always been

>what are you looking for?
New friends mostly, but I'd love to meet someone with the potential for more. Preferably, someone I could talk to and maybe play games on Steam with. I'm

>post hobbies or interests
Vidya (mostly on Steam), Netflix binges, anything sci-fi, one-on-one interactions with people, spending time with my 6 year old son (also into the vidya), cooking, doggos

>what your usual day consists of
Taking care of my son (he's easy though), cooking, sleeping, taking handfuls of medications to deal with chronic pain, playing video games, watching Netflix, browsing 4chan, playing with doggos (I have 4 little ones).

KiK: NickTheToiletBear
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/callmepotato83/

I went to culinary school but I work IT because fuck being a cook. I'm thin, I have hobbies and passions. Who wants me?
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18/m/Chile (Sorry if my english is not that pro)
I have social anxiety and depression. I think not that much depression right now, but just because I hide it to live a more "normal" life. And the social anxiety is something I can control. Now I'm just empty, really, I don't demonstrate nothing more than an otaku kid that like games too. I can not demonstrate a lot of emotions right now. I think it's because I spent a lot of time looking for answers or something else, Changing my way of being, tor realize that I never had a real face. Always smiling, so the people around me can not worry. Yeah this is a bit edgy but it's true tho, I just cared about the others more than me. The only things I have are my friends, and no one of them is a girl so you know. I love them, for me, friendship and love are importants words with great meaning. They are my only reasons to be alive right now, and goals I suppose, because everyone need goals to feel they are doing something.

So it's because I feIt for a long time that I must find that special someone. Not by a typical egoism, but to be each the pillar of the other. I really hope that someday I'll find it, someone like me, or it does not have to be like that. But I'll now it's her. So I'll place a little hope there.
>what are you looking for?
As I said, someone with the same problems maybe, just a cute person to talk, to feel we are having a good conection. Something like that I suppose. And I really think that there is someone with similar problems. Or just looking for someone.
>post hobbies or interests
I like to draw, I'm starting again. Watch hentai, yes. The artists are amazing, a like a lot of kinky shit. Anime, videogames and tipical things. Pretty moefag tho.
>what your usual day consists of
I like to sleep a lot. At the screen all day, being a potato, sometimes I practice my drawing. And in the night watch videos on my phone until I get sleepy.
Kik: DieTomoGzg
Skype: thediegox444
short, garbage looking neet whos trash at social ineraction
>what are you looking for?
a girl to date preferably, dont really mind anything you might think would make you unlikeable i guess considering im pretty not great myself
>post hobbies or interests
really into music, video games, anime, spooky /x/ kind of stuff
>what your usual day consists of
a lot of sleep and listening to music
in chat or whatever
I'd voluntarily commit myself if that was possible in England. And kek. I'm no social chameleon. I've only slept with 3 people.

Plus I didn't bitch.

Tfw my thread has been succesful but still no Brits want to end normies with me
I have an extensive facial care regimen of really nice products, and I just can't get my face looking how I want. I use dermalogica gel cleanser, daily toner, exfoliant and a moisturizer from another company. Idk why my skin still looks so shitty

And I will lose weight after my boob growth plateaus
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Because I'm socially retarded, diagnosed with PTSD despite just being a super depressed jaded pessimist (I try to be a nice person though!); I live in my Grandma's tiny house with her and my legit retard brother
>what are you looking for?
I don't know. I don't even know why I'm posting this. It'll lead nowhere and I'll go back to [See next]
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, TV/movies, anime, masturbation and DUDE WEED LMAO
>what your usual day consists of
See above. Seriously, there is nothing else going on in my life. All 5 of my friends are online.
I really only use discord, might drop if anyone is interested enough.
Maybe later, if anyone cares
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I have crippling depression leaving the house is terrifying and rarely happens if I'm not going to work, I also have a massive eating disorder
>what are you looking for?
friends, truthfully I have none and would like to have someone to watch awful movies with
>post hobbies or interests
film, art, snakes and horror
>what your usual day consists of
work, sleep, paint
skype: camryn-d
sure thing
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of fucking course its upside down whatever heres a different one of my mug
I'm not sure about this
what do you mean?
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>Male, 19, North Carolina
>Heteroflexible (Will only date/marry women)
>Kissless virgin by choice
>5'10" and 135 pounds
>Not very hairy
>Feminine body
>Brown hair and eyes
>Borderline hipster glasses
>People say I look like Clark Kent and Rivers Cumo
>Likes wearing grungy jeans and rock t-shirts, loves oversized sweaters
>Likes Steven Universe and Filthy Frank
>Likes classic rock and rap mostly, can listen to anything
>Musically talented
>Can draw
>Wrote a novel once
>Can be naive and boyish
>Fuckton of kinky fetishes
>High sex drive
>Easily aroused
>Loves innocent affection
>Getting back into anime
>Does not play vidya anymore
>Has a job
>Depressed but not suicidal
>Does not do drugs but wants to smoke weed
>Smokes a cigarette/cigarillo once a week or less
>Has a southern accent that sounds slightly black
>Would not drink alcohol
>Beleives in LBGT rights but is annoyed by over glorification
>Hates feminism
>KIK: kurdtmorrison


>Any age between 18 and 40
>Any skin color/Race
>Any height
>Any weight between 90 and 300 pounds
>Preferably chubby
>Kind and sweet
>Preferably kissless virgin
>Will rp with me
>Likes the same music as me
>Has a creative talent of some kind
>Can be a NEET but has to have ambitions
>Must be able to tolerate a foot fetish
>Preferably in the United States
>Will love me for who I am
>Won't try to change me
>Wants a loyal white boi who will spoil her and be nice to her
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I'm a simple person, who just wants a quiet life.
>My day consists of
I stay home all day.
>Looking for
I'm looking for a guy or a gal who will be there for me.
Social interactions in general are supposed to be super good for you.
Please treat me well!
This is me, I'm in NC

I'm further up the thread, can't link it on this app
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I don't really know. I never had anyone and I'm curious. I'm a very quiet and reserved person. INTJ.
>what are you looking for?
I'm looking for a nice girl who shares some of my interests and doesn't need too much attention. Preferably an introvert like me.
>post hobbies or interests
GNU/Linux, programming, literature, anime/manga, videogames.
>what your usual day consists of
Manga, eat, sleep, learning something, videogames, anime, running, book, fapping. Yes, all of that in order from Monday to Friday.
For now, Kik: qtlain
You can ask later. In case you're racist (it doesn't matter to me), yes, I'm white.
No, faggot, that is not you. It's me. Fuck off
Lol I'm drunk and tried to link my post. I'm the 23 year old mtf further up. Just look homie

You can always talk to me if you want! Kik: kurdtmorrison
contact me sometime :)
I'd love to be friends
[email protected]
The bullet has been bit.
Depressed, overly emotional, etc
>What are you looking for?
I honestly don't know. People to talk to, I guess.
>Hobbies or Interests
Games, music, whatever I can find really.
>Usual day
Internet, sleep, work, and food.
Kik: Shiggusdiggus1 I like what little privacy I can get.
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22/M/Long Beach
DESU I'm lonely
>what are you looking for?
Someone within driving distance. Interesting to talk to
>post hobbies or interests
I post on /sci/ and /tg/ my hobbies are usually educational or Roleplaying.
>what your usual day consists of
Lots and lots of school with tudoring sprinkled throughout the week.
I'm in the Iron Maiden shirt
Im a loser who is creepy and perverted and cant do much of anything
Someone to love me
videogames. Not good at it or anything really
playing games and using computer.
kik i guess
24/ F/ TX
because fat, gross, with shit self esteem.
>what are you looking for?
weeb friends/ weeb dating. I like fat guys and guys with long hair.
>post hobbies or interests
I'm a weeb fanartist. not quite deviantart tier but learning how 2 art good tier. I like metal, and I never grew out of my goth phase.
>what your usual day consists of
art, sleep, anime, walking, not for weight loss but because I like to get lost in my own mind while my feet are busy.
I have no idea what a kik is so I guess I don't have anything.
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just gonna post here and see what happens.
skype is propane.accessories
kik is pr0pane

I prefer skype

Day typically consists of working, running errands, taking care of pet, downtime for things like vidya, 4chan, etc
>tfw no fat goth gf
add kik john.bau
kik is an app on phone, make a kik and add me
you're cute as fuck. i have a little bit of a crush on you after seeing your pics in some other threads and i'm surprised to see you in this one.
i would definitely cuddle with you, overeat and watch shitty movies.
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older than you/female/usa
I'm queer. I was molested as a child - as a result I have BPD but am agoraphobic at the same time. So manifests in isolation. NEET. Was a severe cutter for many years. I take antidepressants.
>what are you looking for?
Looking for anyone who likes to talk on mic, kind, open minded, liberal - likes gays/queer/lgbt, likes/is open to psychedelic drugs, doesn't mind mental illiness.
>post hobbies or interests
Draw, paint, anime, nerd stuff.
>what your usual day consists of
Talking on skype and tumblr.
opalcocoon is skype - you must be okay with being added to a skype group. Or you can contact me on tumblr - http://opalcocoon.tumblr.com/. I will always be around Friday and Saturday nights/evenings.
Some art.
I am chubby and shy, lost like entire childhood because i was ill, and then spend most of my life playing games, mehh.
>what are you looking for?
Looking for anyone who likes to talk,maybe number one girl, like games, and stuff have ts or discord <-- hate i. I know 4chan is not the best place to look for your decent number one girl but why the fuck not.
>post hobbies or interests
Anime, games,
>what your usual day consists of
Playing games, talking on ts, playing random games<-- i think i just said that nvm.
Kik: Usanagi
Steam: RA|» Awaken
Hey its ugly me yay.
by the description you dont sound that bad desu ;P
Email or skype then?
social anxiety, depression, no friends because everybody hates me.
>what are you looking for?
any female that likes to talk, because i can rarely endure guy company for long
>post hobbies or interests
Technology, science, IT, cars, woodworking, games.
>what your usual day consists of
wake up - work - home again and do more work, and if i'm lucky squeeze in some youtube/netflix and rarely some games as well before bed.
ask here, as if
don't want to break the 4chan servers
What part of Texas are you from? Fellow fat Texan. For an easy, kind of anonymous way to contact people, go to the app store on your phone and search for Kik. If you dont want to post it, just message people from the thread that seem interesting.

I am this anon:
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19/ding-a-ling owner/hell
Because I can't function like normal people do. Because it feels like I'm acting as a human but I've never even known what I am like or what I'm supposed to be. I feel like I only have a couple of sentences until who ever I'm talking realizes I'm kind of insane and will naturally want to get the fuck away from me...
>what are you looking for?
Someone who will laugh at my weird shit and stays up for days and loves the night time
>post hobbies or interests
I like making people uncomfortable...making people question their beliefs is pretty fun, but I like to doodle and play vidya... daydreaming is probably my biggest hobby...I like space
>what your usual day consists of
Waking up whenever, smoking, going out into the world and doing shit I don't want to do until sunset...after I probably will go to Stones and get blasted... then I go home at some time in the a.m. and play/watch something till I pass out
Kik: devils bubble
I got steam and stuff.... contact me for everything else
Look at this cute ass plushy I found do
Ohio or Oregon?
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Almost 30 / m / Melbourne Australia
Ugly, fat, lazy eye
>what are you looking for?
Just someone to talk to, am straight but willing to talk to anyone from anywhere.
>post hobbies or interests
I read a lot and I watch a lot, use to be into games and comics, not so much anymore.
>what your usual day consists of
On my days off I generally just stay inside all day, reading and watching, once in a while I might go for a bit of a drive when I'm feeling too claustrophobic
kik: feliz_1984
Idk but I guess I should say it
Never had a gf and obviously virgin

I suppose it is because I'm ugly?
Disagree, you are pretty damn cute imo.
Do you think so? I mean I know I do not have much self-esteem, but I don't consider myself pretty.
And well It's not like many people have told me. Girls less
Well, as a gay guy (sorry), I can say that just based on your picture I would absolutely click/swipe you. So, it's probably how you present yourself that is why you've not had much luck getting girls. Self esteem is a bitch though, I understand, been dealing with the same shit myself for years :/
Oh np, and yeah I mean I don't even present to girls you know. It's lame but here it's hard to find someone with common interests, well I'm pretty shy
How ugly are we talking here?

Like fat?
Bad teeth?
Club foot?
That's pretty close to my life generally and I'm in WA (253). Kik/discord?
Hi I'm not him, but I'm another guy in WA.

I'm 25/m/seattle. email me at [email protected] if you want
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>18/m/south america
>I'm not very attractive in both personality and body/face
>Watching movies/shows/anime, playing pc games
>Watching movies/shows/anime, playing pc games, studying
>some faggot on steam
>Do I look like I'm from the India?
Could always email me, fat guy here, long black hair, beard, glasses, just finished up naruto.. still need to finish bleach manga.. email: [email protected]
Can only relate to fucked up people. I'm dom and I like a girl that can take very rough shit
>what are you looking for?
A cute sub goth/punk/alt girl around my age close to London
>post hobbies or interests
Rock, gaming, board rpgs, tattoos, you get the point
>what your usual day consists of
Gaming and studying, work most of the weekend, literally nothing else. As little human interaction as possible
kik: timeloop112
I'll provide if contacted
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Have orthorexia (working on it), kinda underweight, asexual, plain appearance, lonely, not really depressed anymore but was hospitalized for attempted suicide @ 13 and have quite a lot of scars, hate most people because they're boring shits, but then most people think I'm overly serious and boring so idk
>what are you looking for?
Someone capable of holding a conversation, can talk about and is interested in things other than games, anime, that ludicrous display last night and le meemees xDDDD Other than that I guess idrc, I just want someone to talk to.
>post hobbies or interests
Games to an extent, Asia/Japan (not in a weeaboo way though), travelling, linguistics, languages, nutrition, arts and crafts, cooking
>what your usual day consists of
Get up, attend uni, think about food, waste time online, do some knitting, revise, listen to asmr and go to sleep
i am pretty drunk and dont really understand the words youre saying for the most part but your skeletal structure in your face isnt very indian, you look south american like you said, probably brazilian
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21, male New York

I like old movies and reading about esoteric things.

I build things and talk to the few friends I have about their day, try to support them the best I can. Oh yeah, and evidently I fight crime.

My Skype is omnishake

My kik is noicebrew

Let's talk about things

Your kik?


Kind of boring to talk with (have niche interests in making stuff which bores people to death), extremely judgemental and don't keep many friends.

Pretty ambitious career wise. Whther it will work it is beyond me.

Had attachment issues with people when I was younger hence my xurrent love for independence.

Had an especially rough past few years. Pretty bleak attitude but optimistic about somehow breaking through to live alone in peace.

Reading the news literally every 15 minutes. Need to get off the internet more.

Always looking for a better job,

Kik: shoegazed
Pic: on kik, if you ask and show first.
Rest in peace my speling
Do you have a kik id love to talk with you mine is
Halfbreed_pro im 20/m/USA
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degenerate recluse
>what are you looking for?
cool convos with people i vibe with idk
>post hobbies or interests
old vidya, some anime, music (electronic, rap/hip hop, jazz, metal)
>what your usual day consists of
streaming, sometimes running, nothing substantive otherwise
skype: pichi.dee
discord: Pichi#1925
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well, i don't usually post. but this is interesting. i was sexually abused for most of my life and have resulting anorexia + intimacy issues as well as addiction problems. i don't expect the average well adjusted person to deal with that. i'm pretty much a neet although i'm at college now
>what are you looking for?
i've never had people to talk to about this stuff.. im pretty suicidal recently
>post hobbies or interests
pokemon, horror movies, /x/, and i love cooking because i'm obsessive about food, also bdsm/fetish stuff and writing
>what your usual day consists of
waking up and exercising, then settling down in bed to game, listen to music, conspiracy theories, smoke a pack
msanemicroyalty on kik i guess
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Lonely, hate being around people irl.
>what are you looking for?
a qt to talk to thats depressed and anxiety ridden so I can relate to them.
>post hobbies or interests
Listening to music, Drugs are interesting especially Research Chemicals. I'm boring.
>what your usual day consists of
Sitting in front of my computer cos I'm too afraid to go outside.
yep me on right
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>Tfw this sounds amazing for a fuck buddy as a nihilist into goth shit
Hit me up if you're in DFW area
Skype and kik are blackpoolgraves

>she's probably long gone and will never see this, haha fml
Can you post a skype to contact you on?
>i'm pretty much a neet athough i'm at college now

Seriously? Shut the fuck up
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I have BPD (welp there goes that chance) and in the middle of sobering up from drug abuse. I also have a hard time socializing. I'm also NEET.
>what are you looking for?
A female friend or something more maybe. I'd like to chat about anything, maybe pick each other's brains for a while.
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, computers, learning foreign languages, electronic music (I like all kinds but tend to go for harder genres)
>what your usual day consists of
Waking up, sitting at PC for long periods doing nothing or playing some game, then off to sleep.
later, depends what you use and if you wanna chat. I use discord and snap mostly. But can get kik if required.
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Fucking cell phone images.
wrong side silly. post feet
where in nc?
28 m
Because... I'm 28 and retraining into a different career
>what are you looking for?
Someone to chill with chat with maybe play some online games.
>post hobbies or interests
Motorcycle rebuilding one atm and trying to figure out how to customize it into a cafe racer style. Love hiking and anything to do with fish or water.

>what your usual day consists of
Work. Home have a beer while I relax and sort out papers.
kik jayzso7
S.C jayzso
Sure via snap or kik
neet, shutin, lazy, gross face, narrow interests, boring personality, depressed, socially bad, insecure
>what are you looking for?
A girl who's interesting and enjoys keeping a 2 way conversation going by asking questions about me and answering my questions about her and putting a modicum of effort into a conversation and interpersonal connection.
someone who enjoys communicating
cute voice would be nice too
>post hobbies or interests
videogames, listening to music, reading manga/webcomics, sleeping, online card games
>what your usual day consists of
playing games eating sleeping browsing internet
discord: anotheronegone#8784
kik: anotheronegone1
I'm not a looker
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because i'm a 12 year old in a 21 year olds body i've been trapped in here most of my life and im overly jealous and will kill u if u talk to other girls
>what are you looking for?
other people like me
>post hobbies or interests
colouring play at playground and dress up games bedtime stories
>what your usual day consists of
eating cereal and watching cartoons (no milk in cereal because im racist) im also extremely racist against japs chinks niggers and white and brown people
reply with yours please thanks
I would be interested in talking if you have a Kik.
I don't get the whole recent obsession BPD meme. As someone with BPD girls let me know if it's a turn on or some shit because I highly doubt it

gf obviously
lol nothing, ok hiking and shooting guns on the rare occasions
>daily routine
work and lurk the internet
girls won't read this shit and wouldn't work out anyways because I can't carry a conversation to save my life and grow tired of people within minutes
see above
kik: whatizlyfe
pls love me
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What? Post kik and we'll see what happens
I'm not looking for someone with low standards, I have low standards, and a lot of people that are insecure can be truly wonderful people
>what are you looking for?
I don't mind talking to men or women, I'm not looking for a real sexual thing, however, some nights I can get real flirty
>post hobbies or interests
I draw, I'm finishing my senior year and ready to go off to college next year, am really excited
>what your usual day consists of
I read books almost every day, start a new one almost by the end of every week, I cook a lot of the meals in my house, I take care of my three wonderful cats, basically normal shit
kik: shalavore (no I don't do vore, I don't even know what vore is, seriously)
I have em, if you want them just strike up a convo with me and ask politely
Color me intrigued. On the other hand, I'm on a vacation right now and can't use kik because it's being an asshole. If you've got another option, say so. If not, no biggie.
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Unattractive asocial weeb who collects figures and dakis

>what are you looking for?
A gril who's not fat and shares some of my interests.

>post hobbies or interests
Watching anime, playing games, shitposting, trying new restaurants

>what your usual day consists of
Working 12-16 hours and sleeping. On days I don't work, I drink excessively and watch anime.

fatanimenerd on Kik. Koromoe on Steam

That sound fun, add me Usanagi
Which uni ?add me if you want kik: Usanagi
standards are at an all time low for me lately (which isnt saying much desu) so hit me up for a potentially fun conversation
kik: NOMover9000
cuz im apparently really shit when i comes to relationship instigating. Been friends with so many people...never more.
>what are you looking for?
someone to talk to about thing's that aren't small talk or normal. getting real bored of these constant monotonous conversations i always end up having.
>post hobbies or interests
anime, gaming, reading, movies, plastic modelling, lazing around, sleeping (sometimes), cooking.
>what your usual day consists of
during this uni break? waking up, finding a reason to escape home, failing to do so will result in sitting infront of a computer the whole day wasting it away for lying around looking at shit memes and stuff and wasting the day way. on few rare days do i do something productive.
kik: NOMover9000
it's on my kik. cbf posting.
i never go out cus i have social anxiety + dissociative disorders
>what are you looking for?
a girl or trans girl to talk with would be nice
>post hobbies or interests
good weed, my chemical romance, edm
>what your usual day consists of
i play games, have existential dreads, smoke weed and write music
kik: isthatbill
20/M/ND, USA
I'm incredibly average, somewhat overweight, and just a bit unstable overall
>what are you looking for?
A woman that doesn't weigh more than me and won't be confused with an Orc.
>post hobbies or interests
Games, nerding out about guns.
>what your usual day consists of
Sitting on my ass playing games with my small group of online friends.
Discord or Steam(same username and icon on both): Cdr. Amora Shepard
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22, m, PA
im a recent grad with fickle going for me until I start law school.
>what are you looking for?
a chick with low standards the fuck
>post hobbies or interests
writing, wood burning, biking, climbing, whatever bullshit really
>what your usual day consists of
now, very little. Used to be a full time student and work for a law firm
kik phillyyaks
forgot to mention, 2 of my closest friends have BPD and one works in porn the other is getting there
my past exes have had depression, anxiety, borderline, bipolar, and all range of shit
so im kind of just used to it by now
down to talk and shit
you got a Skype? Kik is ass
Why not !?
could be fun
kik : Utulululu
Goodness i hope you aren't literally 12,
Kik skippymisfits24.
holy shit you're a edge lord
I'm in the UK as well
Add me on kik?

I do have a skype but give me yours instead, mine has my last name in it
> goodness I hope you aren't actually 12
>posts kik
> nice alibi for the police, punk
I want to try fun with a guy. Not sure if I will like it.
>what are you looking for?
Twink like, cute smooth guy that will meet up.
>post hobbies or interests
music, concerts, walking
>what your usual day consists of
typically wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV. Weekends, look for things like shows to go to.
KIK = scottronica
i'd like a gf like this but since i'm from a little shit country in a centre of europe (guess which) there's almost no chance meeting someone from here, at least for me.
HMU it gstoka

my skype is Captain Pl4nt

hmu, fricker
23/M, would prefer cutie with a bootie, but that is not going to happen for me. So ladies with or without a penis hmu. Or not super gross dudes. No dick pics of the bat though.
Have you taken pollution down to zero or everyone gonna be a tree?

Also how does Gaia feel about this? She is bodacious.
Oh turlbird is kik
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>stay away from BPD chicks

I learned something after all
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Sure I'll bite
I'm short and fat can't really imagine a girl without low standards being interested in me. I can be pretty quiet but I atleast know how to talk to people.
>what are you looking for?
Honestly just someone to look forward to talk to atleast semi-regularly I rarely leave my house lately and all my friends live pretty far.
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, reading, movies and television, music. Pretty generic person.
>what your usual day consists of
Working or sitting at the computer.
Will post if interested last time got a bunch of stupid ass spam accounts.
Could use a haircut and beard trim but fuck it I ain't trying to impress nobody
Why should people stay away?
That chick looks legit underage.
You're kik doesn't seem to show up btw
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18 male seeks forever home n love
Will move to Europe or US if nearly asked
I like to dance n smoke weed !
Joke clearly !
Good luck finding love or a fuck pal
If you don't just remember this quote by Steve Hawkins
"Screw you guys I'm going home!"
she deleted her kik i think, she appears in my start chatting list now. last reply was 2 hours ago, too many dick pix i guess.

everyone on soc is flakey af.
Felt lonely all my life, crippling depression and anxiety..
>what are you looking for?
A girl. Sex would be nice, but cuddling is more important.
>post hobbies or interests
Gardening, cooking, computers, Everything 80's, politics, history, etc
>what your usual day consists of
Lately it is barely eating and sleeping and just going on candid.
Give me yours.
Hell to the no.
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I was always put down as a kid for not having a gf and shit and I have BPD. I was also sexually diddled with as a kid. I'm not really sure what started it all but I just don't like what I see in the mirror
>what are you looking for?
someone to chat with, don't really care I'm pretty lax
>post hobbies or interests
I like to do different drugs but mostly pot, play Vidya, read, watch anime, explore the great outdoors, play sports/just stay active, and chill with my ferret
>what your usual day consists of
play with my ferret, smoke, and play vidya
kik: thadcastle54
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Mate why did you block me?

I thought we were getting along well.
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20/Male but I don't look it/Texas
I only e-date because I'm afraid of real people and I'm afraid of being betrayed.
>what are you looking for?
Girls that can be understanding of my gynophobia. Someone less mentally fucked up than me. Someone with a lot of care to give.
>post hobbies or interests
Music and writing are my main two things. I write for commission but every person who I was going to commission for backed out before I could even get the initial payment, or they disappear on me randomly.
I can talk about music, mental health, psychology, and sociology pretty easily.
>what your usual day consists of
I used to wake up at a normal time but now I don't know when I'm gonna wake up and when I'm gonna sleep. I'm trying to go back to my normal sleeping schedule.
MooMuu#2359 on discord
Have a picture of my 5-string tenor bass instead
Kik GauntsGhosts31
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Oh shit was I supposed to use the
section to talk about my life.
I'd rather people ask me about what's happened than just openly say it. M'bad.
Kik GauntsGhosts31

I was talking to one and she decided it was best to delete and ignore me instead of talking about her being depressed. Should have seen that one coming.
snapchat is iamtheway, since i'm not getting any adds on discord.
Skype is qtlegs, made it when I was 16 so I know it's a shitty name
doesnt eveyone?
god forbid
emergency bump
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Kik: wdwolfe
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I'm pretty independent and thus I greatly prefer low maintenance people
>what are you looking for?
People who identify as women who want someone to hang out with
>post hobbies or interests
Gaming/Anime, Psychology, Media Consumption
>what your usual day consists of
Gaming, learning new things online, planning new things try out on the weekends
kik is pepesilvia96

I don't post on sex shit. I'm flaky as fuck and want someone to kill time with.
18 F USA
My if my self esteem were any lower people couldn't even use it to limbo.
>what are you looking for?
A buddy who is cool and who will be a cool kid with me
>post hobbies or interests
Video games, drawing, exotic pets, body modification, anime, and more.
>what your usual day consists of
•wake up
•go to classes
•come home
kik is terminafalls and Skype is kingofthismountain. Steam is Coconutcreampielord.
Never encountered a more pathetic conversational dead fish.
Never? Impressive. Cause, like, half of all people you meet are pretty fucking bad.

Yeah, well my self esteem is so low you'd dig to China before you reached it.
you can't dig to china too much magma, take a plane instead
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18(ID pending)/ male/ Ireland
Because I'm bored of cliquey friends and doing nothing but hang around people who whine and bitch
>>what are you looking for?
someone to go to gigs with and hang around with.
>>post hobbies or interests
gigs of any kind,guns,cars,animation and other stuff
>>what your usual day consists of
get up, go to school, go home, work in the mechanics on holidays,party and gig on weekends
snapchat: jingochesh
(I'm straight)
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19/M/South America
I have a babyface and I'm kinda chubby (although I want to get into kickboxing or something to get fit)
>what are you looking for?
Someone to talk to, preferably a grill
>post hobbies or interests
vidya, literature, music, animu
I enjoy writing and really want to become a novelist
>what your usual day consists of
I translate articles for a website so that takes up most of my day, although I like to hang out with friends whenever I can. It's also very important for me to find time to write
Kik: jacintoplanta
Pic related
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21 M Ger
Low standards are people who are down to earth i prefer that. :)
>what im looking for?
Convos, people to play games with or maybe even find somebody to make some sport and memes with.
>Vidya, politics, art, science, sport, adrenaline, fashion, philosophy and much more.
>Getting up, coffee, university, preparing meals, go and do sport 2-4hrs, study and go to bed.
>KiK: Shitpstizmadude
Because life tends to be pretty boring when you're alone.
>>what are you looking for?
For some friendship or a relationship, but really just want someone to chill with.
>>post hobbies or interests
Really into music and video games, computers, pro wrestling, and cooking.
>>what your usual day consists of
Sleep, play games, go to class, eat then repeat.
Post reply if interested
My kik has my pic
What do you mean? I try to respond to everyone, I'm swamped on kik so ask for Facebook or something if you want to interact more.
Can confirm. I've dated 2 BPD gals and I'll never do it again unless they're seriously committed to getting help.
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36/M/Stafford UK
I'm ugly and have low self esteem
>what are you looking for?
A life long partner t love and cherish
>post hobbies or interests
EdX, taking things apart, sometimes putting them back together, the theatre photography
>what your usual day consists of
Get up, go to work, come home, do an EdX course, go to bed
snapchat/kik: dep_uk
email: [email protected]
MSc graduation shot. (3 years old)
The photo is three years old, clearly I didn't get an MSc at 3, nor did I have a beard at 3.
Oh I'm hetroflexible but prefer women.
I'm not gay but. Love your comment about why you have a low standard. I totally agree.

You're very attractive though. You probably could pick and choose women very easily!
Very rare that I see a guy as good looking as you on here that doesn't come across as a douche *thumbs up*
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Low self-esteem and my own issues
>what are you looking for?
Chat, discussion of common interests, possibly more down the line
>post hobbies or interests
Cyberpunk, reading, writing, independent comedies, horror films, punk rock, ska, industrial, alternative music from the 90's, non-gangsta rap, international politics
>what does your usual day consist of?
I work an office job Monday through Friday. Most of my spare time is dedicated to independent film or decompressing and by decompressing I mean jerking off.
See my post above. Want to chill?
Hi, if you want to Kik me you can. nathc39
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27 male united states


i'm fat, ginger, antisocial, zero hope for the future, zero motivation to change (due to crippling depression which has turned into an apathy that permeates my every waking moment) and i'm introverted which means most of the time i will be playing vidya or doing my own thing while you do yours. i fucking suck at relationships. i'm not sentimental, or romantic, or thoughtful most of the time. sometimes i think "i should do something nice, for once" but that's definitely not something that comes naturally. i'm an asshole who will judge you for listening to shitty fucking pop music and calling things fleek. and i don't even make up for any of this by having a monster cock or $$$.

i'm a shitty boyfriend, basically, so finding someone with low standards (who is also fucking terrible and can't get a normal, decent person either) is my only hope for companionship.

fortunately, i find damaged, weird, fucked up girls attractive (not just because i'm desperate, but i genuinely do enjoy weirdos way more than normies)

>what are you looking for?

i've had two real relationships and both were great because we basically just sat around, watching movies, eating junk, getting high, doing fucked up kinky things and talking mad shit. Were they healthy relationships that improved my mental state and got me closer to being a functional member of society? fuck no. but i'm looking for a companion, not a savior.

>post hobbies or interests

vidya, reading, playing music, bdsm, cooking

>what your usual day consists of

wake up, go online, make something to eat when i'm so hungry that it hurts, go back online, struggle to distract myself from the reality of being me, fap 2-3 times so that i'm tired, eventually fall asleep at like 6 am


too lazy to make a throwaway and i'm not a girl or a trap so nobody's gonna reply anyway


no fuck u
but i look like a ginger version of jack osbourne before he got addicted to oxy
>because i'm a 12 year old in a 21 year olds body

Goddamn son, learn how to read.
Any female from around germany here? I am a leftist with issues tho.
Thanks for pointing that out, I just thought you were like some super genius toddler.
I'll write the reasons for wanting to talk with those I quote here. kik is personalthrowaway, if you prefer skype or anything else my email to which to send them is [email protected]

I've dealt with anorexic girls in the past, I would like to get to know you better and the situation you're in

Interested in knowing what Art you like

I left my contact for you at the beginning of this post, am interested in helping with the struggle

I don't care about that baggage besides knowing more of yourself and what interests you want to share

I've been honest in all the thread I posted, but you can either ask me directly where I post and why or check by yourself. Don't think we'll get along, am just mostly curious since you wrote that "A friend. 1 friend. 1 is enough. Nothing sexual" sentence, and because you work in Healthcare.

I'd like to help with the confidence and intimacy issues since they marred me as well, and because you seem like an interesting person overall.

>inability to make something meaningful work with humans
adding you because of this, and because the server link is gone.

had missed this, it's good you have standard but I want to know in detail what kind of confidence helps the severe depression.

didn't know about Orthorexia, and the attempted suicide and interests make you interesting to me.

wrote to you on kik, send those suicidal thoughts away please.
You sound like a really solid match for my personality. Unfortunately you live quite a ways away.
Let's try this.
29 m svk
Did my time through some stuff, but now i am ok. So, if someone wants to chat, just message me.
>what are you looking for?
Some straight forward conversation
>post hobbies or interests
music, food, hockey, scifi/fantasy movies, anime etc.
>what your usual day consists of
writing som stuff for one onlie magazine, working on my phd
kik: vlad2387
you can see on kik
Fuck it, I'll go on a beta rampage with you anon. We will scream and throw pasta as far as the eye can see.
I had to Google that. I suppose there is a resemblance.

I also forgot that I posted in here, until I skimmed through and saw my own face.
propane.accessories is my skype
tell me more about your gate for niggers
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I love vulnerable little girls
>what are you looking for?
A little girl to spoil
>post hobbies or interests
Music, animals, gardening, hiking, cooking, drinking
>what your usual day consists of
Get up, listen to music, do stuff, spoil little girls, drink
Skype: astoriannights
I guess so
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Because I've not had much luck w/ those w/ high standards
>what are you looking for?
Just someone to hang out with really but haven't been laid in about a year- so sex is a big draw.
>post hobbies or interests
Gigs, museums, days out like the zoo, parks etc. Pubs, clubs. Oh and netflix and games.
>what your usual day consists of
Delivering peoples letters and parcels as a Postie, then straight chilling at home
reply to this post, then we'll talk
Kik me at Donner556, sad anorexic guy with low self esteem who buys too many games
Kik me at donner556, wanna chat

25 M USA


I have social anxiety, depression, very self conscious of my appearance and how I look which can significantly affect my mood on a daily basis. I'm terrible at holding a conversation, I'm just really shy and have trouble finding the right words but with the right person I can feel comfortable. So basically, carry our conversation pls. I sometimes get spacey about replying to people so don't take it personal or get self conscious about that either.

>what are you looking for?

Women to talk with, cisgender or not makes no difference. I don't really trust guys anymore.

>post hobbies or interests

Video games, computers and technology, other things that I'm kind of embarrassed to say. I do have a big interest in international cultures like Japanese culture and just conversing with people from other countries.

>what your usual day consists of

For the next few weeks, I'll be waking up whenever the hell I want to since I'll be out of work soon. I usually do some kind of gaming or watch YouTube videos after I come home from what I currently do. I can't fall asleep most the time and stay up way into the morning hours, if you're from outside the US it could also be the perfect time to contact me since I'd likely be up.


Kik: delierious.otter


Honestly, I may not share it for awhile, don't feel compelled to show your photo when we talk. I'm just a very shy person and afraid of being judged.
>A / S / L
20 / Male / Watford, United Kingdom

Because I think this is perfect place to find random people

>What are you looking for?
For a Female, preferably 18-26 years old.
For chating and long distance friendship, maybe more.

>Post hobbies or interests
Reading, watching movies and documentaries, enjoying the nature and traveling, photography.

>What your usual day consists of
Sleeping, eating, working, enjoying free time, and taking a dump sometimes :D

Sure, Skype: HAR1Ux

Sure !
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Kik is winstonthethird
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Kik is lukewarmth. Ignore filename. 18/m/str8
>legit underage
Choose one

On that note, there are a lot of people that would be less unhappy if they could have had sane, adult friends when they were (angsting)^2 in their teens.
Do you have a blank version of that?
Maybe we can chat, my Kik is nathc39
Kik: Dejects

You sound cool, are you still around?

i believe you have me added on skype already!

I'm a hypnotist. I can fuck with your head a bunch if you want to have fun. Skype is Pempheridae also [email protected]
They are already fucked in the head
BREAKING NEWS: Cringy beta orbiter feigns some kind of power over reality on 4chan to lure girls.

yeah, see >>24732164

breaking news, ignorant uneducated psudo intellectual who thinks he knows anything about the world outside his bedroom
>fedora tipping intensifies 300lbs
That's what I like
>le beta
>le fedora

Judging by the stock internet-insults you're using, I'd wager neither of you know anything about the world.
You probably have some retarded daddy fetish and can't get stable girls so you have to manipulate vulnerable ones.
How long have you been practicing hypnotherapy? How many people have you successfully put under before your own eyes and not merely online? I don't know why I am even asking because it's not as though you would tell the truth anyway.

You think you're the first guy online to claim to be a hypnotist just to get closer to women? kek nice one
Lastly, you obviously don't have anyone's best interest at heart beyond your own you fucking cringy creep, sure maybe they'll add you because fucked up people love to self destruct and be abused a lot of the time but you...you are a dark magician. Go fuck yourself.
The world is a shit place where everything is upside down, autists one day shall uprise and rule these realms. Heed my words.
Besides Trump

tfw he is the first psyker in human history and you are insulting him, HE WILL RIP THEIR THOUGHTS ASUNDER! WITNESS YOUR DOOOOOM, IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Hypnotists Guild, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret NLPs on celebrities, and I have over 300 confirmed trances. I am trained in conversational hypnosis and I’m the top stage hypnotist in the entire US therapist guild. You are nothing to me but just another subject. I will wipe your mind the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of handlers across the USA and your information is being looked up right now so you better prepare for the organized stalking, maggot. The stalking that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can control you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare voice. Not only am I extensively trained in visual hypnosis, but I have access to the entire hypnosis texts of the International Hypnotist Collective and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ego ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking mind dead, kiddo.

New thread >>24732328

New thread >>24732328

New thread >>24732328

New thread >>24732328
Kik: Vineclaw
> I'm flaky as fuck

then you deserve a life with no friends. why should they make any effort if you dont?

I just messaged you on kik. I hope to hear from you. Also, please don't suicide. If anyone still loves you it'll hurt them so much.
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