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Autistic Hobbies Thread

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So I have this hobby where I take pictures of black people wearing the color red. I've always noticed how black people like to wear the color red but anytime I say anything people tell me I'm wrong. So i decided to get proof, am I wrong or do black people just really like the color red? If so then why?
Also, thats pretty gay. Consider your life OP
I think brown and red just look good together.

Could also be repping the Bloods, though, especially if you're in the L.A. area.
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I have a lot of pictures, I'm just saying they do like to wear red. Here are some more pics.
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None of them were in the L.A. area, but a lot of them were taken from various parts of the U.S. and some East Asian and South East Asian countries as well. I like to travel. Again it's just weird they like to wear red all the time.
So if I spend 5 years collecting pictures of white people wearing green, it's proof that they really like to wear this color?
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i'm just saying there is a strange correlation with black people and the color red.

Go to Compton, Los Angeles in a blue T-shirt and blue shorts and try to get some more pics of black people wearing the color red.
delete this thread if you know what's good for you op
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Probably not going to go there, I live in a nice area now and I'd like to keep it that way.

I'm just going to keep posting the pics I took on my phone. Sorry for the shit quality.
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What's good for me? What's going to happen if I don't? Also here's another pic of black people wearing red.
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Why do they always seem to be wearing red? Actual question.
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I think your autistic as fuck and incredibly stupid. See >>39165426

But please dont stop posting.
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Thank you friend, I'm going to keep posting the pics from my phone. Luckily enough i've never been caught.
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Good to hear, I originally started doing it when I asked a black friend of mine why blacks wear red all the time. He didn't believe me so I started taking pics and sending them to him. He kept getting pissed at me and told me to stop stalking blacks. I thought it was funny as hell.
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Still want to know why they like to wear red. I honestly want to know, I have theories but they're silly.
What kind of car is that? And clean that shit, you swine.
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It was my brothers, it's a toyota echo. That dude is a bit of a slob.
reminds them of fire, they're ready to kill and rape at all times to it makes sense.
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Thinking back on all these pics I'm surprised I didn't get caught. I'm surprisingly sneaky for someone my height.
Did you take photos of black people wearing colors that aren't red? I think you would've reached the same conclusion about every other color
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>presumably lives in Atlanta
>wonders why black people walking on roads downtown wear the color red
it's truly a mystery
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I don't think that's the answer but at least we have theories.
your research means nothing if you don't also record the black people you see not wearing red.
They like Coke and enjoy looking like a bottle.
You named your thread Autistic Hobbies Thread but your hobby is so autistic that it's going to dominate discussion of anyone elses autistic hobby. This is core, concentrated autism.

Lots of normalfags, Chads, and Tyrones wear red because it's the boldest and most attractive color there is, with studies backing it up. You're posting gym rats, guys with girlfriends, law-abiding vending machine users... yeah, some of them are going to like red. It might be subconscious, but I don't think it's unique to them. There is also the gang aspect- you posted one subject with his pants sagging and ass exposed. This is from prison culture where sagging your pants signaled you as sexually available, prisons go hand in hand with gangs

If anything blacks like, it's plain white T shirts and wifebeaters.
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That pic was taken in San Diego, California m8.
What if you just keep seeing the same black person everyday who just so happens to really like the color red?
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I really, really like this thread. Keep posting more red nigs, OP.
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Not sure about that either but we're making progress.

>concentrated autism

That made me laugh, you have to admit though there are a lot of blacks that like to wear red.
I'm not black but have brown skin. I also like to wear red. There's no secret or anything it just goes well with darker skin imo.
They're clearly not the same black people
im just sayin theres a strange correlation with George Bush and 911
wasn't this a thing before?
I'm pretty sure I remember reading this on /b/ or something
>clearly not the same black people

That's racist, are you trying to tell us all black people don't look the same?
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Will do anon, I still have plenty
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Good answer

I posted it a long time ago but I have new pics now. I'm still continuing the hobby. I only use pics that I take on my phone.
This is a strangely interesting thread.
Red makes you faster.
Black guys like to run.
Therefore, they wear red shirts in order to get an advantage in running races.
Mystery solved.
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Thank you anon

How does red make you faster? Last i checked sonic was faster than knuckles.
You're gonna get FUCKED up by bloodz nyigguh.
Pic was taken in Guam btw.
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They have to catch me first. I'm surprisingly fast and agile. I also run long distance, this isn't me being a jackass or anything I just like running.
I like playing with Thomas the tank engine trains and filming my own episodes, occasionally i'll upload them to youtube.
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This thread is pure autism, I've seen autism in small doses before but this is refined and pure. It's beautiful.
And if you look at the evidence, Eggman is even faster than Sonic.
This is probably the most autistic thing I've ever seen on this entire board, and I've been here for 4 years
Post an episode please.
>Image search
>no relevant matches

My god it's real.
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any other theories?
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Interesting hobby and thread OP, keep it up
black and red it's a pretty good combination tbqh
This is a good thread OP. Keep doing what you're doing.
Pls be kind, I'm working on getting a better camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFiB6Hbq5hI
Please post your youtube channel.
Maybe it's because red is a passionate color and black people like to be seen as vivacious.

What got you interested in this OP?
This is a good quality thread OP, keep postin. Also, my theory is they are in the Bloods gang. How many pictures do you have??
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Will do, and I thought so as well.
God's work, OP.

You need to work on steadying your camera. Set it on a table. Also I'd recommend lighting up the room more and speaking more loudly. It seems like you're mumbling.
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>What got you interested in this OP?
I answered that here >>39165588
THink of it anon. You need to take pictures of all black people you see so that you can get accurate percentages of blacks wearing red.
Right now, all of your pictures wont really convince your friends of anything as you coul dhave been at this for year...I don't know.
It would make a more convincing argument.
I'd say your biggest problem is sound.
It's not shot that well which is easily forgivable considering it's just a little home movie type short film but the audio is really hurting it.
It's really hard to understand what you're saying because the microphone you're using is really low-quality.
Other than that, I unironically think it's neat. Without a hint of irony, sarcasm of subterfuge, I think your home-made Thomas the Tank Engine episodes are cool and I hope you keep making them.
>Please post your youtube channel.
I posted one of my latest projects here >>39166056
Lol you're in San Diego
Thanks for the feedback! I'm getting a HD camera for Christmas and i'll ask for some lights too.

Maybe I'll do an episode where pepe needs a train ride to the r9k mansion.

Who ITT texting Nataly Zuniga?
With the exception of a black suit, red shirt, and black tie.
I would rather be underdressed than wear that combination.
>you have to admit though there are a lot of blacks that like to wear red.
i really dont
It feels weird knowing there is some violent emotionally driven ape in our little club.
Works well on the skintone. A lot of asians/whites wear red and it brings out the rosacea in their cheeks but it looks good more often on blacks.
Do you live in southern California? If so I think I know why
Just because of how black and red looks/contrasts. It's a very common color combination in logos or designs, or anywhere really. Pretty simple.
because it matches with their jordans
The dude says he took them in San Diego

Are you saying the subjects of the pictures may be Bloods? That gang is pretty seated within Southern California and most people know its dangerous to wear red or blue in southern cali in hopes of not being affiliated with the Crips or bloods.
Wow at a library.

>anything weird relative to the mental construct of normal is autism

please leave normie scum
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After taking down it's prey, the black man feasts on it's oriental prize.
I like collecting words, phrases/lingo from different era's and putting them together.

>e.g. You tryin to hornswoggle me son ?
>Hell no, that's egregious!
I never noticed that before OP but you've convinced me. Now that I think about it there are a lot of black guys wearing red.
Someone find a black guy and ask him what's the deal.
someone should probavly cap this thread for some nice uplikes
that guy looks so happy to be eating that food
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I once knew a girl who collected vomit bags, in mint condition of course, from airplanes.

Nice series of pictures OP
This, honestly. I've only worn white tees for the past seven months
Why do white people wear blues, and have whole styles built around pastels?
Why everybody that doesn't want to think about it goes for black even tho it doesn't work as well?
That shit works with their complexion.
Black people could go bolder, but red is plenty bold already and easy to find in a market that caters to multiple skin colors at the same time.

>3 clues
Are you in the Navy OP?
>that research method
Hypothesis: Black people like to wear red (more than any other color).
Method: Count examples that fit the hypothesis, ignore everything else.
Result: 100% of selected examples wear red.
Conclusion: Black people only ever wear red, so they must like it a lot.
say this to the next spook in red
This is hilarious, i fucking love this, thanks for posting weird shit like this! It's autistic af but kind of makes me want to do something similar!

ok, so why red? hard one other than it looks good, in their opinion?
one never sees whites wear casual red shirts, this is mindblowing.
Huh, i've never really thought about that, but if i had to guess it would be like >>39168035
. It goes well with alot of sneakers, and it's seen as a color that pops, so since they have dark skin and pants, they wear it to standout.
I go on 4chan sometimes.
I'd say it helps to have a contrasting or vibrant color on so you don't get hit by a car
I doubt these were made by you. I've seen this posted elsewhere before
Originally in Atlanta
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I do OCD things even though my will power is so strong i could stop doing them at any time if i tried
Da fuq is a SATE
take pics of all people wearing red then post results
i tear up in public for no reason
I'm pretty sure he is
It's originally Safe, use some common sense
Because of color contrast, maybe they're doing it subconsciously. I think the best colors to contrast with dark skin would be red, pink, tan and white.
I swear I saw this thread about black guys wearing red several years ago
Have you posted this before OP?
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Yeah It was a while back, I kept the hobby.
Your city so clean wow
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It's a military base
they look like coca cola bottles
You're doing god's work OP! The world must know about black people's fondness for the color red
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It really is weird isn't it?
how did you manage to take this pic? he's in motion so it's a bit questionable. did you follow him to take the pic? do you always have your camera on standby? I'm very curious.
Textbook confirmation bias, dumbass
This is a classic 4chan thread. Good on you anon I really like it.
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I either use my phone or my GoPro, I always have one or the other. The pics I take from my phone are always kind of meh but my GoPro pics are usually pretty good.
They like the way that red shirts look with the purple of their drank and the green of their box of Newports.
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Thanks anon, I try to keep things interesting. I get a thrill out of taking the pics anyway.
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you have a fun hobby anon, keep being you.
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kek, i like this answer.
Wait what? I didn't get this fucking memo. Nobody told me. All I have is grey and black.
Why are white people always doing creepy shit?
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How many pics do you estimate you have shot of the red shirt phenomenon?

>All I have is grey and black.

OP means your regular clothes, not your "sneaking around the neighborhood stealin shit and waiting for George Zimmerman to shoot me" clothes.
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Might be the most autistic thing ive seen in my 10 years here.
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Yeah those are my regular clothes. I do have a yellow pineapple shirt tho but it's the only colored shirt that I have and don't wear it much
I dare you to take a photo of Purple Aki in red mate.
Bro looks absolutely ready to dig into that rice and noodles

This is literally the mentality of every white boy on the internet

>topic of race is brought up
>I disagree with the notion that black people can be generalized
>wow you're such a fucking nigger, your species is violent and retarded, dumb apes
>why do libtards get so triggered lel
It's so cute when the monkeys try to greentext

>Ooga booga!
>We is chillin and shit
I dont even own a red shirt.

I have one maroon, but not that red.


I don't know why people are always looking for correlations when it comes to race. Can we just start looking at individuals and their personal decisions instead?
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This is the PERFECT example of confirmation bias. Textbook shit.

I think this whole thread should be made into some sort of experiment or study. Literally all it takes to convince a bunch of autistic white kids that black people love the color red is just pictures of black people wearing red.

I thought 4chan was getting dumber, but this is even worse than I expected. You retards must realize that whoever took these photographs is obviously ignoring the hundreds of other black people who aren't wearing red. But we momentarily forget that those people exist, because all of the pictures showing black people wearing red. At this point, OP is so obsessed with black people and the color red, that his brain literally ignores black people wearing any other color. I can just imagine how many black people this dipshit walks past every day, who aren't wearing red. Of course he just blocks them out, searching only for red. What an absolute shitshow

Tyrese really fucked you up in english class the other day, damn lol
And I thought that running around the house fantasizing things and doing pew pew and woosh woosh noises was bad
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>I don't know why people are always looking for correlations when it comes to race. Can we just start looking at individuals and their personal decisions instead?

I'm willing you admit you're probably right but I'm far too deep in the rabbit hole to go back now. This is actually my hobby now, I send it to my black friend every once in a while.

go suck a black dick faggot
This isn't autistic at all. Merely cool, If I was a girl and you showed me this, you might get laid because it is super cute
did you really need to reply to each post you dumb faggot
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Got really angry when somebody touched my chair in hs.One day Chad sat in it and demanded I go to his place(which was way better), but nonetheless it was disrespectful and I went behind him while he was sitting and started punching him. Also took him to the ground and poked his eyes. He tore my shirt and I his. He went to his place and everybody thought I was a fucking weirdo after that.
Oh let's not kid ourselves now, I'll be the first to admit it's autistic. i've only shown these pics to a few people I know and they usually think it's pretty funny. I've shown blacks as well.
You've clearly never been to Georgia.
honestly you're just doing confirmation bias now. you should be taking pictures of every black guy you see and get the actually percentages of who's wearing red or another color
I've lived in georgia

The dude says he took them in San Diego you troglodyte cunt. how about you read next time will ya?
>It's a military base
>None of them were in the L.A. area, but a lot of them were taken from various parts of the U.S. and some East Asian and South East Asian countries as well. I like to travel. Again it's just weird they like to wear red all the time.
thats hella groovy you whippersnapper, it doth please me, ya dig?
>That pic was taken in San Diego, California m8.

>Naval Base San Diego

Californian license plates
>short shadows
Are you in Hawaii or deep Texas?
That means all of them are? Fucking brainlet
Australian here.

Aboriginals LOVE the color red.

They wear it all the time.

He's memeing. That's a guy /x/ used to obsessed with.
>That means all of them are?
>strawmaning this hard
When did I say that? All I said were that the dude took the photos that >>39167744 was referring to, in San Diego. You argue like a woman jesus.

When are you going to kill the abos off m8. I've only met them twice and I prefered hanging out with a subhuman Canadian cunt
>subhuman Canadian cunt
I bet you don't even like all dressed chips. Grow some class
I guys it's like how male animals will be brightly coloured to attract mates
But a)not all of them wear red
And b)I'm so scared OP is gonna post me itt.Since my uniform is red.
nah m8, i stick with the classic ketchup flavor
>repping the Bloods, though,
The 90s are way fucking over dude.
Each color has an unconscious assocation. Green is calm, blue is happy and red is power, anger and dominance. Genetic cuckoldry aside, modern Afro-American culture is littered with instances of appraisal of the masculine, strict gender roles and demonization of feminity, so it wouldn't be surprising for them to overwhelmingly choose red color. Though it's more likely that you're just developing a psychosis or are a dumbass.
Red clothing is definitely popular with blacks. I even had a black gf and friends tell me this before.

No idea why though. Maybe because red is lower on the spectrum. White people usually look better in blue.
>step up from abbos.
no wonder white girls consider them real men compared to white boys
I love red white blue and green.
What now faggot nigger?
I love that OP literally stalks black people without them knowing any better. With the amount of pics he/she has I'm certain OP's perfected the art of sneak.
>They have to catch me first.
>I'm surprisingly fast and agile.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
It means you're a faggot for liking any color
OP would make a great Russian Spy.
What makes you think i'm not? I travel across the U.S. and various other countries and I have access to military bases.
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