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Thread replies: 532
Thread images: 86

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This thread better be VERY comfy, or there will be consequences edition
Bang on 500

Nice timing bro
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Second for strange feelings as a kid when I first watched this

I used to pair up members of various girl bands.
Kimberly being a total sub to Cheryl in Girls Aloud for example.
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So some lad mentioned a /britfeel/ sticker
Who would have more reddit karma if they were alive today, Nietzsche or Buddha?
Ebin would still have more
My mate had a DVD of this video which we watched constantly.
Buddha. Nietzsche's philosophy wouldn't gel well with the current majority world-view.
You didn't change the motto
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Bit partial to the Kev sticker though.
You are retarded and you don't understand the teaching of either of them. Stop pretending you do. You are acting like a normie redditor yourself

You and ebin are both fools
>hehe whitty layers of irony comment
It's a shame you don't know one of my buddies. He's involved in the production side of the British wrestling community and has worked with Kev many times. You could have many long, drawn out chats about your meme.
i don't know, rick and morty shows that reddit loves faux existentialism
>It's a shame you don't know one of my buddies. He's involved in the production side of the /britfeel/ and has worked with BritNormie and the other writers many times. You could have many long, drawn out chats about your memes.
I don't actually browse reddit (I don't judge those who do) so I concede to your insider knowledge.
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I wasn't aware it got changed. What should it be?

Honestly would love to have a chat to Kev.

Guess can't do stickers and not do a Shipman one.
Lads... Was Chloe Ayling in on her kidnapping?
It's a shame you don't know one of my buddies. He's involved in the production side of the homicide and has worked with Shipman and the other mass murderers many times. You could have many long, drawn out chats about your meme.
Scio fratrem affectus

I know that feel bro
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Alright lads,

This is my current PS4 collection. Not pictured are DOOM and The Witcher 3 because I gave them to a friend.

Is there anything ESSENTIAL that I'm missing. I've looked on Metacritic, and there doesn't seem to be anything good that I've missed.

All ears to any suggestions though lads!
seriously considering getting a badge with the autism logo on it or something to show everyone i'm a spaz and they have to use kid gloves when dealing with me.
drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
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>not getting the autism cap
Daily reminder that ebin is the perfect redditor.

>he reiterates views he has heard like normies because he does not study anything himself

>he feels the need to give himself an identity like a reddit fag

>he is ignorant that he actually thinks he is aware like a normie reddit fag

>he reiterates memes like a reddit fag

>closet homosexual

Literally fuck off to reddit ebin . It is perfect for you
>he doesn't already look and act so autisitc that people do this by default

Also let me borrow Persona 5
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>You are retarded and you don't understand the teaching of either of them. Stop pretending you do. You are acting like normie redditors yourself. You and ebin are both fools
Where is bloodborne
Earth Defense Force
too childish. i don't want to look like i need to be monitored by a carer 24/7 to prevent extensive damage to person and property. just special.

sadly when my mother chose my clothes she actually made them fashionable so normies have tried to talk to me about music and come away baffled.
I tried FFXII on the PS2 and got TOTALLY fucking bored of it. I dunno what it was about it either, it was okay gameplay wise, but the story was just totally fucking boring. I got just past a part where you have to walk across a desert/industrial factory area then gave up.

Is there enough changed about the PS4 remake to make it worthwhile?

I went off the Souls like games in a big way. I played Demon's Souls when it came out, then Dark Souls and DS2 on their days of release. By then. I was already completely done with that sort of game. BB just looks like more of the same shit. Bearing in mind I platinumed Dark Souls, and did a LOT in DeS and DS2, I just have no interest in those kinds of games anymore
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just wear this lad
A shippy sticker would go down a storm lad, I fully support it
that's actually very cool, you have a die cutter?
guess what number I'm thinking of
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Pleased to report I've now gone through all 41 algorithms for f2l. Now all I have do is consolidate them by going through them all and making sure I can recall them all. After that I'll do about 100 solves to improve recognition and recall time to decent levels. Then I'll move onto OLL+PLL. Then when I can do full CFOP I'll probably work on performing the f2l algorithms from any angle to reduce the number of cube rotations I have to do
It does seem strange. Mr Newsman keeps putting emphasis on the fact she "claims" it happened. I don't believe it myself.
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Lads i need to get a new internet provider.

Who should i go with? Virgin? BT? Plusnet?
Damn that's a lot of doctors, engineers and scientists I see
These people are propping up our NHS right now
>getting a internet provider when you could provide your own fantastic network infrastructure for a fraction of the cost
any girls browsing this thread want to be my gf?
I live in nottingham
It all depends on your area lad, where I am Virgin and sky are good. However I've never been in a place where BT is good.
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There we go.

They have a option to play it at x2 or x4 speed which really helps with the boring grinding sections of travelling distances. Set up a decent gambit order, put it on x4 and just level up super easily.

Also changed how the licence board is done to jobs so you don't end up with everyone becoming a healer and tank etc.

Not sure if that would help at all, but it did feel like it picked up after that point to me but I don't think i got that much further myself back when I played it on PS2 due to someone deleting my save.
propping up your mum too
I think I see one woman there. Is this some new ethnic friendly where's wally?
>There we go.

muy bueno
Just arrived from gatwick to Greece lads

Pretty nice country, less miserable than south London at least.

Is /britfeel/ going on holiday or been on one this summer?
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Good morning lads, how are we today?
Anyone know where to find some maple cured bacon? Thanks lads.
you know that wont work lad. even 3/10 girls get orbiters these days.
Sounds cool lad, what sort of stuff are you gonna do there?
No holidays for me, not really a summer holiday person. Prefer the weather here desu
Already been. This grey country is depressing as fuck in comparison.

How long you there?
Oh god I wish a car would just wipe me out on the way to work one day and do me some serious damage.
>Shitty broken bike gets written off
>I get an insurance payout
>Back in the hospital
>No work
>3 hots and a cot until they discharge me
>Video games and takeaway at home until I've healed up

That would be the best thing to happen to me right now.
i hate all this end of the world crap. half of the time when i go on facebook there is someone posting some end of the earth shite. how can people believe it, it never comes true.
The usual, beaches and pools, sleeping or reading - if it was just me I'd be walking in the mountains but my parents just want to stay in the beach and town.

two weeks
Not heard any new memes about it, what are they saying? Although i did dream about the apocalypse last night, was kind of a relief desu.
aye, well dont go to facebook then lad savvy?
>slept for 15 hours
>had a dream where I ate the ass of a girl I knew in school
>ate the ass
like, on a plate?
Your parents sound a bit dull lad. You may as well take advantage of the opportunity even if they wont.
When I scrounge some cash I always wanted to climb mountains, first on the list was Kilimanjaro, but I want to do Snowdon and Ben Nevis again.
did you wake up to a girl sitting on your face telling you to eat your breakfast?
because its like 4chan, newfags who are like tee hee the worlds gonna end. somebody give me a (you)
(You) you need to capitalise
Also /britfeel/ has been saved now that mouldy boy has taken his trip off.

this is it. some retards think the world is going to end in September. i swear there is a new meme every year.

i dont really. i just go on it sometimes out of boredom. even reddit is better than facebook.
My erotica is already taking a foothold into r9k

Stay tuned for more scenarios in future
>some retards think the world is going to end in September.
Bloody hope so, getting pretty bored of this season.
kek, why do people hate so much on reddit. the people on there are dickheads but the website is actually quite good.
no I don't. that would require effort, and the sentence reads just the same.
and no it hasn't, because another will be along in a minute.
had a dream that started in tescos trying to buy food for my return to university but getting into some trouble with the checkouts (the layout of the store was nightmarish and i went to a closed one that still had a guy behind it.) then i left to find my aunt and by the end i was hurling abuse at microeconomists (on bicycles) while singing (literally) about how everyone should study macroeconomics. while doing this i overran and walked right past my aunt's house.

it's worth nothing that i am not an economist and that my dreaming brain can create some pretty catchy tunes (though my wakeful one can forget them very quickly.)
has he taken his trip off or just fucked off? i kept telling him to take it off.

yeah, true. people just do it for attention.
>ok guys, we were wrong about the mayan thing
>but this time for sure its happening
Stopped reading halfway through. I had a mate who was into that Nibiru shit, acted so smug about it too. WALLERLOADASHITE
I've got virgin and they're pretty good.
i dont like it because of the karma system and up-voting, it diminishes the potential for a well rounded argument.

i remember seeing some guy in uni that i speak to using reddit and he did not know what 4chan was.
the content is better on there but the comment section is shit
Less tripfags shitting up the place
Starving but theirs absolutely nothing in the house lads

The dick to based user ratio is actually much better than 4chins.
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This plate is your fate lad.
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>moving out in a month
>mostly exciting about buying pic related
You probably posted this yourself
which part lad.greece is great
pic related i reckon is why some of you neets can live with out sex.
Most people say they feel like real deal. I'm not a virgin so I'll be able to compare. Hoping it does though then we'll be one step closer to removing women

Your mollusc is showing lad.
might eat that whole packet of fig rolls
been desperate for a shit
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>sex dolls denigrate real sex workers to merely being an object
give me a review when it comes lad. i have always wanted to try that or a fleshlight. i reckon it might be better than real sex because you wont have to worry about making the girl cum and you can edge easier.

if i lived on my own i would probably get one
when they bring out even better sex robots, you know some feminists are going to try and get them banned.
Can someone just put me in cryosleep till we get those gf robots from futurama that you can upload celebs to?
That looks a pain to clean... Where's the hole in the bottom for the cum to leak out of
when I get out of uni I will start saving for a multi-thousand pound sophie turner doll
Of course. There will be a widespread movement to get them banned. Plenty of women get by on their sexual value. If a possession can have the same sexual value as a real woman, they'll have to deliver value in other ways. Essentially they'll be on a level playing field with men. That's the last thing they want.
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I'll like to see them try and ban VR Sex rigs
You pour the water in to clean out most of the cum then you turn it inside out and then give it a proper clean.
this. If a woman has become replacable by a doll with tits and perhaps some sort of AI, she deserves to be replaced.
Then you just need to save up for a professional voice actress to recite lines for you, then put it into the doll
Haven't they already spoken out against them?
It's somehow going to make men more sexist etc.
That reminds me of the talking dakimakura that came out a while ago. The fucking japs have no limits, no wonder nobody is having sex over there

Might try to only wank to less-degen things for a week or so just to calm it down a little bit as it's getting a little out of hand.
try to decide between gammon steak or mixed beans in mild chili sauce for tea
Pic related here already mentions it >>38955637
>prostitutes objected saying a doll cannot match the services of a real person
Then how come they took you out of business?
>cannot match the services of a real person
Prossies think people are seeing them for their personality and customer service and not just because they're a hole to fuck
Good idea. She already has a great deal of audio interview footage ando ther appearances, but it would be difficult to program something to intelligently output it (and it would sound disjointed too).
aww I want one
while AI and robotics havn't yet caught up to the point that they can be company on an emptional level, they certainly compete for sex (which has to be 90% of the reason that these places exist). It's illegal here I think, though, so we can't have the whores unionise.
That's what I've been doing. Wanking to some proper sick shit recently.
>It's illegal here I think
Robot whores or just whores? Prostitution is legal here, don't think brothels are though
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Go for the gammon steak, that other meal sounds low T
is it really? I had no idea.
yeah but I've had gammon the past 2 nights
Isn't there a weird thing here where soliciting is illegal but using the services isn't?
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Afternoon lads, how are you all feeling?
Good I hope.
Any plans for today?
I'm having to force myself to do something productive and I think I should also be able to sort out my passport soon as the guy I asked to cosign emailed me back so I'm super stoked.

What's your favourite meal to have for dinner?
Post waifus.
Yeah women have exchange sex for money but can't have a pimp or do it on the street or whatever.
Yeah adultwork and shit is completely fine though
where the fuck is the pineapple

>Prossies think people are seeing them for their personality and customer service and not just because they're a hole to fuck

I can assure you that they do not.
Family going to nandos tonight, free so I can't complain I guess. A couple of times I've ran into people I knew there though so I hope that doesn't happen again.
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Any lads here with an onahole? Is a USB warmer worth it?
God I hate women, I actually wish I was gay but I have zero attraction to other males.

Women are just stupid cunts, all of them. Our society's decline can be directly linked to the increase in rights for women. As they get more power and influence, the society they're in degrades to the point where it is just a fucking shell of what it once was.
Only if you can stick it up your butt after taking it out of the onahole so you can have a nice warm prostate while fucking it.
It looks possible but I'm not into that
Sounds like you need a trap gf in your life.

Speaking of shells, you're retracting into yours I see Mollusc!

Just a life might be a start.
You would be if you tried it.
I'd fuck you until you loved me
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>Women are just stupid cunts, all of them. Our society's decline can be directly linked to the increase in rights for women. As they get more power and influence, the society they're in degrades to the point where it is just a fucking shell of what it once was.

I love you already little mollusc.
Where do you think you are?

Taking a break from the /soc/ threads, Chad?
You could try prison gay. It'll take time, and you'll need to condition yourself (futa is a good starting point) but it can be done

what is this? i keep seeing someone mention it on here
Not him but isn't it funny the only people who hate women are the people women won't sleep with?

He's in /britfeel/ which is a normie thread, friendly to molluscs.

Now, where do you think you are?
Zyzz despised women and he fucked tons of them

So take your cognitive bias elsewhere, lad
>called me Chad
quite flattered honestly
Zyzz was a closet homosexual lad, the signs were all there
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Most women are indeed cunts but you need to realize that a lot of the blame for that is on men, for being so desparate to get laid that they spoil them rotten and chase them around, giving women power. 'Men' like pic related for example
>removed visitors OKC
fuck you kikes, that was the only thing worth my time, at least I got to know if people were looking at my profile
>Zyzz despised women and he fucked tons of them


Pull the other one anon.
Zyzz attracted the worst women though. i would hate women if i only atracted retarded stacies
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Trying to into stats today, it's going better than I though it would. Also reading the woman hate I kind of agree with a lot of it :(
Are you getting the pasport to go anywhere in particular?
I do like chicken fajitas myself
Plenty if not most Chads hate women as well and they've spent more time learning them than any of us
The exception is not the rule
Not that dude but I've only ever had sex with prostitutes when I've been abroad.

I don't want to have to talk to women, they've got nothing to say.
i think guys can be cunts though and a lot of the time worse than women, we are just desensitized to it because we are so used to it. just look at how horrible people can be to eachother on 4chan for example

both men and women have problems.
There's thousands of Chads who are the same, so no, it's the rule

False, young mollusc.

And about 3.2 Billion who aren't you piss gargling spastic.

Your shit brained "durr only uggos hate women" is still incorrect. Try again
>there's 3.2 billion chads in the world
What are you even saying?
Going to need a source for that claim
Rain's too heavy for a comfy /rainwalk/
Need to buy a rain poncho desu
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Goodluck anon, stats at least at A level - Degree level looks fairly tedious so I hope you power through it.
I've not heard of the book so I can't really comment but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
I'm not really though, I've never had one and I'm constantly asked to have it for ID and otherwise and it's extremely annoying not having it. I'd like to go abroad at some point but it all costs money, which I don't exactly have an abundance of so we will see.
Sounds cool though, and interesting choice at least haha.
I honestly can't say for sure but I do know that I miss puddings from chippys up north, can't wait to go up and try one again will have to restrain myself so I don't get fat on them though
Kek implying he's even me. >>38956097
is me. Your claim was just dumb. why would people obsess over something they hate?
how can you pretend that men are better when half of the time the same lot of you hating women are calling normie men retarded.

Only those unable to form meaningful relationships with women hate them. Fact.

But please continue to provide the sentients here with entertainment in the form of further evidence of your pathetic, impotent rage at a planet that you are simply not good enough to inhabit.
chads don't really obsess over women, they've had so much sex that they see women as disposable and don't put them up on a pedestal.
a girl tried to sleep with me once but in the end we just literally slept together rather than having sex. (tbf we were both unreasonably drunk, although this only further clarified for me that vaginas are icky.)
this experience did lead me to the path of woman hating, but not because i regret not having sex - because i'm still angry she only wanted sex and didn't want to be friends, thus further confirming that nobody will ever want to be my friend.

alcohol apparently makes one fuckable but not tolerable.
Then why do the majority get married. Surely they're putting that one girl on the pedestal
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>But please continue to provide the sentients here with entertainment in the form of further evidence of your pathetic, impotent rage at a planet that you are simply not good enough to inhabit.
Hating women is literally fedoric lad

Is that you anon?
Nice hat.
does the only woman in britfeel know she's minging?

Give him a second, the monitor is going to need a wipe.
Men here are worse lad.

T. Ebin
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>walked past a stray cat lying on the floor on the way to the shop
>bought it some food and milk
>it was dead
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Bit mean lad. Pigeon-mummy is /ourgal/
You killed it. Cats can't drink milk
>I've not heard of the book so I can't really comment but I hope you enjoy it regardless
haha, I meant in this thread
I got a provisional drivers licence as my ID because my parents would kill me if I lost my pasport and I'm too scared to actually learn to drive and get a propper drivers licence
I do love a good chippy, it's a shame that he nearest one is all the way across town. I'll see whether there is a good one when I go back to uni
didnt even have the opportunity, it was already dead

Does she actually claim to be Keith Flint's mother or is it a joke that I'm too stupid to "get"?
mummy pls giv milk pls
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>wanking to cute femboys
>one of the related videos is literally just a old man in a wig
>reality sinks in I'm just wanking to men
>I got a provisional drivers licence as my ID because my parents would kill me if I lost my pasport and I'm too scared to actually learn to drive and get a propper drivers licence
kek. this describes me perfectly
you really need to be less open about your wanking habbits ebin, you took up almost half a thread yesterday with your last revelation
Are those her tats? Fuck I fapped like mad to her hand pic, I am going to spend the next week fapping to this.
People successful with women hate them, fact

It's only the beta neckbeard fedora lords who like them, because they think it makes them a "nice guy"

Like you.

Still, enjoy being virgins I guess, lol
>Those stripes

Fuck off James.
I'm not even a virgin but nice projection
There's also a feet pic floating around, but I'm not particularly a fan of her feet

Cracking tits though
>the tranny meme is spreading to even the best male stock
somebody really must do something
go team autism
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How are you all feeling? Nervous? Excited? Couldn't care less?

Plans for after your A-levels? Apprenticeship, uni, or exalted NEEThood? Tell us what you're doing and where you're going!

Scottish students got their results yesterday, hope you got the results you wanted!

Remember, on A-level results day you can get some free chicken from Nando's! https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/4188680/free-nandos-chicken-for-students-getting-their-a-level-results-but-theres-a-catch/
>reddit spacing
kill yourself originally
James even has the autism to pretend to be a woman on an anonymous forum and raise pigeons
Go back to redit ebin, you're missing vital upboats
You would have better luck with this post in /brit/

There are times when trips are actually useful. I'm pretty sure I don't hate my wife, I'm pretty sure she doesn't me. I know I don't own a fedora nor do I have a beard. prior to marriage i spent twenty something years in and out of relationships with women on six continents. I hate... One, maybe two of them, I'd hate them if they were blokes also.

I was last accurately called a virgin 35 years ago. So... Eh... Nah.
You need something to do when your coworkers fuck up and you can't record some more of your tv show for amazon.
Post with a trip you cunt
Fuck you lad you dirty under 20 year old
>girl i'm talking to is genderfluid

As in she's a girl who thinks shes a boy not vice versa. Remember when we just referred to these people as tomboys
Nothing pisses me off more than the word 'eh'. I used to know a guy who would say it CONSTANTLY when you could tell he was just trying to sugarcoat his disapproval

Rest assured that I am sugar coating nothing.
I tried to abort so I could add the trip but I was too late

Fuck you granddad, go claim your bus pass
He said he left but he's still here for sure, he's too egotistical to pack up and fuck off completely. I'll hazard that he'll be back in a day.
Whoops. I just sort of glanced over it haha.
I do too but for example with Unis/Accommodation and all manner of other things have been asking for my passport/the number so instead I have to send my birth certificate and a letter and it's quite tedious.
Yeah, although I end up having something from them and whilst it's nice I feel extremely sickly afterwards.
I think my favourite basic meal would just be a full english desu.
Very nervous and don't like the prospect that my life is probably going to enter turmoil in roughly a week.
He uses that silver haired waifu a lot trying to develop a new waifu/personality.
You still have time lad. Leave here before it's too late.
Mate you've been saying that for weeks. I think you might be more paranoid than Ebin
i wonder if they're "asian"
Masturbate to pornography
Keep your trip on Ebin/Tilde
How do we all feel about world war III habbening?

North Korea/United States tensions are getting worse day by day.
>It's only the beta neckbeard fedora lords who like them, because they think it makes them a "nice guy"

you're autistic and obviously dont leave the house
Going to Rotherham to visit relatives, lads. What wacky adventures will I get up to?
Fuck off racist, you're kind aren't welcome here.
stop falling for propaganda
In what possible universe is the NK being bombed to shit by the US a "world war"

Unless you're a mongoloid who thinks China or Russia would defend them
These girls were not forced they are chav filth who will do anything for a joint.
Don't worry. If you let them cry on your shoulder enough, they'll totally leave their BF for you! Just keep at it, lad
back to r eddit
/brit/pol and /britfeel/ are allies
Just had one of your lesbian scenes up Ai, I'll get onto it now.
No, no we are not

>US neutralises NK Missile Silos
>Invades country to remove the dictatorship
>Occupies country to stabilise tensions and keep it's military industrial complex at full speed
>Suddenly China has the United States on it's door step, with hundreds of thousands of NK refugees trying to cross the border
>China mad

World War III ensues.

Two complete mongs, both utterly inadequate for the tasks they have to face.

It's not entirely dissimilar to asking an /r9k/ mollusc (not a based /britfeel/ bro obviously) to run a country. What you're seeing, in effect, is prolonged international autistic screeching.
>Yfw the Norks bomb japan
>Yfw when the weebs go into meltdown as anime stops existing
Probably rape some young white girls, maybe throw some acid in peoples' faces?
Wondered when that was. Hate the news coverage on this shit every year.
>bullshit inspirational story
>blonde girls jumping
>look how young this kid is getting mad results
>kid faking a reaction opening an envelope
>they're getting easier
>they're getting harder
Ours was just a load of tired looking lads in a grey gym standing around reading papers then leaving. Well the AS one's at least never made it to A2 but I imagine it's the same. Good luck anyway lad.
>queuing up for hours on end to get nandos
I'd take a pass
>China mad
>China does absolutely fuck all, because the US doesn't need a land border to rape the living shit out of the country
>No World War

Stop shilling these threads you fucking scum.

Chinese will intervene to prevent an American military presence on their border. Do not doubt that.
again, you're obviously autistic and dont leave the house. if you actually left the house and spoke to people you would know that the average person does not hate women. you're an edge master.
Your mums a mollusc
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yes we are
go on /brit/pol and you can see they are just as depressed and fuck up as we are
>mum looking for an architect for an extension
>literally rejected one because he "looks jewish"
Is my mum /ourwoman/?
Have you seen the size of the US navy? Why would a piss poor little border in NK matter?

There's plenty of other borders if they cared that much.

My mother is a patch of nitrate rich earth, which may support several colonies of mollusc.
>i'm such a le nice guy
>hey fembots (there's none here btw, so lol) look how n-nice I am
>w-we should d-date

inb4 you're married and get pussy regularly
a shitty cilla-tier forced meme
i dropped out of sixth form. i've done nothing since
Say that I found out where tilde works, would it be innapropriate for me to go in and ask for one Tilde at the conter? Would it creep him out?
>because I don't want politics in /britfeel/ I must be a lefty shill
Oh I am laughing right now because I'm about to go to sleep. So I don't care about how bad this will fuck the thread up

>immigrants put into the country more than they take out
>the government should actively promote minority cultures to put them on an even footing with whites
>jews are in top positions because they worked for it and have an average IQ of 110, not because of a conspiracy
>mixed race children are objectively more beautiful than white children because they represent overcoming bigotry. A pure white child is simply a symbol that racism still exists
>blacks are more violent because of their social conditions

Hope you don't choke on those massive truth pills
just did a wank after about 2 months dry and it came out brown

also took less than 20 seconds
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surprise surprise 102
>im such a mong that i think the average person hates women
>hey mollusc (you're the only one here, so lol) look how edgy i am
>w-we should act like retards

inb4 you're a normies and you leave the house regularly
>Why would a piss poor little border in NK matter?

Ask a Chinaman.

I doubt there's a viable military option available to the US in all honesty. The thing would be to horse trade with China to aid in bringing about the end of the Kim dynasty.
Ask for a builders brew
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>shabbos goy getting mad his shilling isn't working
how would you know you're actually talking to tilde?
I know his height and rough working hours from his post history.
I just don't want to scare him
yes but why not keep political discussion on britpol where it belongs?
Look for the only man with makeup on
Might be crossing a line, stalking wise
European immigrants make more than they take out, non-Europeans don't. Are you being disingenuous or simply ignorant?

The rest is obvious trolling
Invasion through a land border is much more viable than one through naval means, doesn't take a genius to figure out.
It would be an issue however if they don't want war there could perhaps be a good level of communication and buffer zones established after the regime capitulates or whatever.
aye lad, but tilde is closeted
Pigeon roastie is cancer.

So the ones we're getting rid of are actually the good ones?

We rool at polytiks!
Doesn't have to be an invasion. Destroying the entire coast line and blockading sends China into a civil war. It's not as stable as it projects.
Hee has little tiddies though.
Eh, I've done so much work to figure things out that I have to go through with it now. Might perriscope it here actually.
Non Europeans are a huge burden on the economy while Europeans made more than natives.
All of this is true tbf. But you won't get any reasoned debate on 4chan, /pol/tards are, ironically, the biggest shills of all
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Come on lads let's salvage this thread now it's halfway done.
Anyone getting closer to normiehood? I'm going out on saturday so that makes me happy, and I also got a job. I just have to read through a bunch of bollocks and sign stuff.
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Fuckin hell if you're gonna do that set a date in advance, I don't wanna miss that
Doing that would just strengthen national unity.
Not really a hearts and minds approach, think of it as if some retard from across the ocean just decided to bomb your home and the people you know, despite the countrys division you would probably take up arms like fuck that
It's a complex situation but undoubtedly having the US on your doorstep in times where there's tension will not be doing anyone diplomatic favours
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H-haha, I will give you some stuff for free anon!
>implying brexit was entirely about immigration
>implying we're going to just boot out all the European immigrants
Are you being dumb on purpose?
>Doesn't have to be an invasion. Destroying the entire coast line and blockading sends China into a civil war. It's not as stable as it projects.

Yes, but on this planet as opposed to the one in your head?
I'm actually going out saturday too lad, sunday aswell I believe
It's a good feel
That sounds pretty comfy though anon, are you thinking of going elsewhere or staying there for a good while?
So if I come it it's fair game to show your face here?
In a lot of cases it's even worse than that. They aren't just replaceable, the doll is actually preferable because it doesn't have the personality flaws the woman has, which men only put up with to get sex and companionship.

And I say this as a guy who has a wonderful girlfriend who could never be replaced by a machine. But she's an actual decent person and not some cunt.
Yeah that's the argument they'll use. That it somehow devalues actual women. It only
You have no idea how good the US navy is do you?

You could put the next 5 countries together and it would still win easily

Educate yourself

Wheter we boot out the euros or they leave, there's lots aqnd lots and lots of new friends from the commonwealth on their way.

They want to tell you about Vishnu and Allah and lots of other things that you've only previously read on the back of take away menus.
"I don't understand firepower, logistics,force projection and military opposition"
The post

Are you aware of the physicl size and location of China?
P-prefer it if you did not do that anon!
I wish you weren't a wageslave, I wake up when you go to bed :(

As soon as I wake up I go to the /britfeel/ thread I left off and do ctrl+f 'tilde' in every thread

>tfw all this attention I'm giving tilde will probably turn him into a stacey
A beautiful flower spoilt
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I live with my mother at the moment, I really want to leave though. She isn't very tidy and I don't think she helps my mental state at all. Although renting is very expensive, I hear other people at the job I'm taking share flats, and it might be possible to go there. I have high hopes but low expectations.
On saturday I'm actually meeting with a girl, but she seems a bit hot/cold when I'm texting her, which I don't like. Hopefully she is not a roastie but again, high hopes low expectations.

Where are you going on saturday anon?

Do you perhaps, anon, feel the need, the need for speed?
I might follow you home actually. It can't be much more than a 15 minute walk home, and I know your mum isn't very observant. Do you think she'd here you struggle? your desusan is mine, girl
Depends on how our immigration policy turns out doesn't it?

The UK is going down the shitter anyway so hopefully more nonwhites will just increase tensions to breaking point.
Pakis are 7% of the population yet manage to commit 33% of all rape and 90% of street grooming cases. Imagine what the figures will be like when they're 20% of the population? It will be standard for white children to have been molested at the very least
Don't be mean to Tilde!
>tee hee, I'm a cute ""trans girl"" flirting with anons, come orbit me!

I am delighted to welcome immigrants to this country anon and I will continue to hold that view and to do everything in my power to aid them, accommodate them and generally make this part of the world the single most attractive place to live for humans from every corner of the globe.

Nothing you or anyone else can say or do will sway from this course.
I dunno desu. I see five main areas of being normie, I'll say how I think I fit in with them:
>social interactions
Definitely not. I hate going out, hate meeting new people and hate most people in general. I find almost everyone annoying and with shit taste. I have no normie hobbies or interests. I also, literally this morning received a diagnosis of Asperger's. I'm cognisant enough to know that it's quite mild but nonetheless it's a thing.

>political views
Again, definitely not. I'm essentially alt-right at this point.

>economic success
I very recently got a job so I'm not on neetbux any more, but I only make just over 15k so it's a pittance really. The post is only for a year as well, but hopefully I can use this experience to get myself into a more stable job and make a career out of it.

I am currently in a relationship, have been for coming on three years. The first and only relationship I've had, we were both virgins when we met. In the beginning it was a genuine intense, strong love but now I just don't see our future together. Never ever been unfaithful though, I find people who are repulsive.

>sexual success
Been in the relationship for three years, been having full intercourse for the last two. Nothing too out there or normie-ish like threesomes or whatever, but pleasant and exploratory in our own little ways.
We've talked about this mouldy boy, do not use a trip and you are welcome here. If not you can fuck off.
You're waifu is mine, boy. she might even enjoy it.
Gomen! I would like to talk more too

I'm flattered that you Ctrl+f me desu. And doubt I will become a Stacey haha

You should not be so upfront lad! You can come around and play Tekken with me whenever you wish though
Why do you want to do that though, since all the data shows immigration from the third world causes more problems than it solves, what's the point?
>come around and play Tekken
It's like netflix and chill for autists.
Ah, I'm in the same situation infact I'm the only one that clears up around here, my room is practically immaculate and everywhere else is in a dire condition and it pisses me off.
Goodluck with the lass, if she's messing you around it's not going to be worth it lad, but goodluck.
On Saturday I'm meeting up with some old friends who live quite far out so it could be nice to see them and be social.
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You would be better off improving the living conditions of other areas instead of moving them all to one area. There would be too much strain on infrastructure and natural resources and of course culture clashes
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Nothing autistic about Tekken, lad.

Pic related: Panda, my main (currently Overlord rank)
Hey Tilde do you go back and read through the threads you've missed? If not you should, the threads are really good in the real NEET hours
Ok my turn
>social interactions
I'm really good at small talk and I like talking to people, the main reason I'm a robot is because I used to be very depressed and sit in my room skipping school all day. I was sad because I had no friends and I had no friends because I was sad, and already had no friends.

>political views
I'm still on the fence for most things, there are too many variables for most things for me to be bothered to look for them. Even with the NHS I'm still not sure if it should be private or public. The only thing I've managed to put my stake on is brexit, and that's leave.

>economic success
Got job but not yet

The closest I've got to a girl is copping a feel and kissing, then she told me she's christian and wanted to wait until marriage. So I dodged out of that one.

Then I found this girl in spoons who's taller than me and a 9/10, and I'm like a 5/10 at best imo. She is hot and cold on texts and we were going on a date, but then she invited her friends and told me (this is where I'm going on saturday), I also know she talks to other guys about me through texts, and shows them my texts without consent. I don't like this but I'm not sure if it means she likes me or is making fun of me, she also told me she's talking to another guy. Again, not sure if it's to entice envy, jealousy or just to be nasty.

>sexual success
I'm a virgin.
Is it possible to uncuck ebin, or is he refugees welcome forever now?
I'm very proud of my room being tidy now, which is nice. I still need more bin room and storage room to throw out shit.
I've set goals, I decided I would fix my life. First off was getting a job, got that, next was cleaning myself up, did that. Then it was getting a girl, that's ongoing. Lastly is learning how to cook. My routine is still a little off but I've got to fix it and follow it.
>what's the point?
He gets to virtue signal to all the qt liberals
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Friendly reminder Ebin is an unironic cuck
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bored as fuck lads so i took 30 seconds out of my day to make a shitty reaction image
Made me laugh haha

Are the bears easy or difficult? A lot of people say they are easy but their moves seem tricky to master

Hiya lad! Sometimes I read them but not always. I do like to stay on top of /britfeel/ lore. Was last night's any good?

He hates lefties so I think he hates refugees too. We will have to ask him
Nice, thought it was Bez for a moment. It's not Bez is it?
its some guy wearing an inflatable cock halloween costume i saw on amazon
Thought ti was Russell Horward
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nah, just some random dickhead
was looking at halloween costumes after wondering how much the big lebowski cardigan thing costs but its fucking extortionate for a good one
Yea it looked like an older Russell Howard. I really that that twat

The world really is a bizarre place
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>haven't seen anyone for a few months
>have a faggy normish haircut
>shave head completely today
>neighbor's cutie daughter sees my stupid small head
>wont even look at me or say hi

Et moi:-

>social interactions

Normal compared to a lot on here, but not "usual". I've almost never had to socialise or interact with people who I don't select to socialise or interact with and most of the time I just don't do it. That said, I'm married, I have a relatively active social life and I get invited into the neighbours houses at Christmas/Birthdays etc.

>political views

Strongly left-libertarian. Probably influenced to a degree by Lavayan Satanism, which is about as serious as I take theology/philosophy.

>economic success

Yes. But absolutely not of my own doing. Have attempted to do "business" once or twice in my lifetime, sufficient for me to realise that I'm not an entrepreneur, that people are unlikely to pay to pursue my hobbies and I pay a financial manager and an accountant for a reason.


Almost eight years married. It wasn't something I thought I'd ever do, then it just sort of happened. Nothing much changed.

>sexual success

Number of sexual partners is greater than fifty, less than one hundred.
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people think this is a thing

Political compass terms.
Try not to be a fucking spazz please.
>just some random dickhead
Top bants
left-libertarianism sounds like classical liberalism, the 19th century type

Possibly slightly more lassiez-faire, but that varies between the economic and the social.
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I need an honest face rate but I don't want to get banned and I don't want it being in a public board like /soc/
Please explain more about your relationship
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>lions BTFO'D!
how will they ever recover?
You're supposed to mask it cleverly so it's not explicit.
ask /p/ if youre photogenic
Jun and some of the waifuposters were pro-muslim despite being fags themselves. Baffling behaviour but that's gay politics for you.
From what I remember the term "libertarian" was originally a leftist term used by Euro anarchists in the 19th century but was co-opted by the right in America which is where most people associate the term today. Some leftists today attempt to take the terminology back but I doubt it will gain any ground due to it's current standing in the US
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Thats understandable, I have a little bin to just throw bits and bobs in but nothing major.
Sounds great though anon! I think I'll be trying to follow roughly the same steps barring a few specifics. I can do basic cooking but thats it haha.

Have to say though lads, rainwalk was super comfy and I went to the shops to pick some stuff up and made some small talk with the shop owner and cashier, put me in a really good mood and had me smiling all the way back home haha.
We met in university on sister courses. First time we talked she approached me because I looked like I knew what to do in the lab class and because I have a nice voice. She invited herself over for lunch during a break (I lived 2 minutes from the uni building) and then we kept on seeing each other as friends. Eventually it felt like a little more than friendship and we kind of asked at the same time if we liked each other. Both said we do and so we started dating. A year in we took each other's virginity. Loved spending time with her, she wasn't annoying like everyone else. We were and are still different people in terms of tastes, politics, media etc. but that didn't bother me all that much.

Carry on until year three. I'm ashamed to say I don't love her as much as I did. I enjoy her company mostly but it's becoming apparent to me that we're too different to work out. I suppose I still love her but I need to end the relationship before it goes too far. Unfortunately our situation is going to make breaking up reflect very poorly on myself or cause her an immense amount of harm which I don't want to do because I still care for her.

I'm in a difficult position ngl.
I really hope it's not your politics causing you to want to end it.
I had a really nice rainwalk too, went to sains and bought some sausage rolls, mainly went to withdraw some money for my sister.
I like how it was just a little windy, so the rain would curve before it hit the ground and bounce. Looks great.
Not really, it's one of many contributing factors though. We're just too different.
Thanks! I like him too. Do you have a kot lad?

From what I know most of them are lefties.

Junlad was a really nice lad though. He used to make an effort to speak to me even though I was not very good at it. I think he was genuinely concerned about me too.
Yeah but he's a right bugger to get a photo of.
I often wander how clever I actually am. I'd say I'm average but it's the kind of thing you can never actually know the answer to.
i reckon most people are below average
>i reckon most people are below average

That has to be some sort of paradox.
what the fuck is faux existentialism?
Panda/Kuma are easy to learn hard to fight. Low ranks don't know how to handle his stances and you can combo from wake up
I thought that, but it really depends how the average is calculated
No he's just an idiot lol. By definition most people are average
How come you got married to the person you lost your virginity to but you've slept with more than 50 people? Are you swingers?
what? I think you're mistaking my posts with someone else
I've only ever slept with one person: her
some guys with supermassive or superlow iqs could throw the average out for everyone else
LADS LADS LADS...ive got a great idea from another thread ive just seen....what about one of us makes a /britfeel/ family on the sims? a house full of /britfeel/ regulars just spacking out... whos up for it? who would we have in the house?
Depend's what average you are doing as the other guy said. If you're using the mean then thats the case but if you use the median then there would be exactly half on each side making it an equal number of below and above.
Yes do this lad. This actually sounds interesting.
do i look like a dictionary lad? google it for yourself
Listen mate I'm not judging your lifestyle, if you want to swing that's up to you
We could even make the house look like feel street
No I mean I've never done that. I've found the post where the guy says he slept with over 50 people, this one>>38957122
and that's not my post
my post is this one>>38956877
Getting really sick of this constant fucking rain tbqh lads
sounds solid, we have quite the selection of characters

>sexual assaulting paki
>closet homosexual ebin
>bulimic tranny tilde
>serial killer doctor
>sex master kev
>wojak and pepe
i would be up for helping you out, offering advice, supporting you etc.

sounds like a good idea.
If I get paid 13 grand a year does that give me the entitlement to any sort of bennies? It's apprentice pay
>forgetting mummy may
disappointing lad
Ill be honest lads, i dont actually have a copy of the sims, i was just seeing who would be interested and maybe pushing someone else into making /britfeel/ family
Ah sorry mate I got confused and thought you were trying to backtrack about it when swinging was mentioned
Ys, you'd get about 4 pound/week
Forgetting Ebin's mouldy walls and disgusting attitude to cleanliness
should put hard knock in it too

wojack and pepe are more 4chan memes and not original to britfeel
Only thing I can think of is discounted council tax
i have the sims 3 on console, not ideal but its an option
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"made" a nothing nowhere wallpaper lads, enjoy
pirate it you mong
just took a selfie, made me feel pretty sexy lads haha
all of a suden i feel like playing mapplesorry. it reminds me of singapore
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Just about to wank to some Anri Okita lads. Thoughts?
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>mummy offered me another takeaway
>say no thanks
>sounds like she's going to cry when she says okay

Really hate myself lads
people IRL don't like me
and people online don't like me.

How do you fix yourself?
yeah: JAV sucks fucking ass how could any of it possibly turn you on?
I like the random girl just sat on her phone in the back. Sets for stuff like this must be so weird.

So say yes and don't eat it.
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Not a big fan of asians my lad.
what's wrong with you? at least, as far as you can tell
Just bloody tell her you want to gain weight in a healthy way lad.
She definately part Asian. Look at her eyes lad.
I don't have the self control for that lad
who dat?

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Yeah but she's not full asian
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The random girl in the back is her sister in the scene, and Anri fucks her bf

It's not perfect by any means but it beats the western shit

That's fair, to each their own
not a fan of eurotrash either
IRL I'd say I'm too silent which may put people off appearently I also look sad/pissed off quite often.
But I have no idea why it's also happening online since I'm far more talkative there.
She's part Maori. Which is Polynesian, not Asian.
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The best part about posting 3D girls is that it removes both the disgusting tranny lovers and the weebs.
Nice girl, name?
maybe you're just a cunt?

Chop suey is probably not the worst thing in the world lad or a chicken & steamed veggies dish if they have one.

Frequently the case with your hard core mollusc.
That's a possiblity.
Wouldn't know how to fix it tho.
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cilla angry.jpg
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Forgetting Cilla...
>but it beats the western shit
it really doesn't, western porn is way better in general
sorry but a boy-bodied girl squinting and going "EEEEEEEE, EEEEEE, AAAAAAA EYYIAAAAHHHH" as some ugly dude with a three inch dick flicks her nipples before shoving his pixelated genitals into her pixelated genitals isn't hot

sure anri okata might have a decent body but fuck JAV that's for sure
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Don't know name unfortunately but it was only softcore stuff. Who's yours lad?

And I agree, I'm sick of these weebs and trannies hiding behind their 'cute' avatars
Miss Alice 18, she has other names like miss alice 94. I found a subreddit for her which holds all her pics and vids, which you usually have to pay for since she's a cam whore.

In what sense? Japs have the best fake tits, just the right amount of jiggle without being landwhales like the western 'thicc' pornstars. The squealing does put me off I have to admit but they don't all do it
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Oh shit I thought she looked familiar. Are her tits real?
Sounds super comfy haha, I got some fruit and some bits from the co-op, sandwich meal etc
Sets me up nicely ~ 700 cals
Yeah they're real, just super perky. Helps that she works out.
fucking hell. imagine sucking on them boobs.
that t-shirt fits
fucking should do, lost 3 stone since I bought it
Tell mummy to start cooking proper meals.
>Tell mummy

Family dynamics, you're doing them wrong.
You around Shippy? I'm thinking of selling some Rubik's cubes on Amazon, would be good to hear what you look for when you buy a cube.
>something in the post coming between today and friday
>isnt here yet

disappointed desu, hopefully it comes tomorrow
I don't want to myself in that position because she will have expectations of me and I'll disappoint her

I think that will be one of my next goals lad. To eat a "healthy" takeaway without purging

Mummy is ill and hasn't cooked for years. It used to be me that cooked but it made my binging worse so I try to avoid it
mum cant handle the banter lads
i took a shit in my brother shoes last night and the cat got the blame hahahaha
But maybe then those expectations will help you stick to the goal more lass.
anyone else got acid reflux? feels like I cannae breathe.
What did you say to the old cunt?
>Are her tits real?
>Yeah they're real
There're not. Sorry, bud.
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mums..... do we need 'em?
she just takes everything i say too seriously
yeah but what did you say though
Li'ul munky fella.
>Oh shit I thought she looked familiar. Are her tits real?
nah she got them magic injections years back on her boobies and butt. Surgeon should be thanked.
turns out... little prostitute
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Just got emailed and asked if I wanted to sort out the passport deal tomorrow lads super nervous haha
I haven't actually printed off the form yet so I might go to a library or something to do it
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is this confirmed?
did she admit on stream?
lil gay fellas OUT
the worst are the 18 year olds that complain about being alone and wanting to die. they can fuck off. they dont know what loneliness is until they are 30.

You can be lonely and suicidal at any age.
Comparing scars is kinda tiresome TBQH.
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>Karl Pilkington: Apparently... right... there's this channel on the internet.
>Ricky Gervais: I think you misunderstood something.
>Karl Pilkington: No, really, it's, there's a channel 4 on the internet. They have kids, and television, and animals.
>Ricky Gervais: Is this a monkey news? Should we play the-- play the intro, do it.

>Ooooh, Chimpanzee That! He's written it down!

>Karl Pilkington: Alright? They show this bloke, from the Batman films, and he's knockin' about on a plane... and they say he's a big guy. I think he sounds like... he sounds like the guy who played James Bond.
>Stephen Merchant: Of course.
>Karl Pilkington: Now I wouldn't say he's a big guy, I'm probably... I would say I'm probably the same size as him.
>Ricky Gervais: Do you have any idea what he's talking about?
>Stephen Merchant: I've no idea what he's on about. A plane in the Batman film? Do you mean the third one, with Tom Hardy?
>Karl Pilkington: Yeah, he's got a mask on, and he's--
>Ricky Gervais: Karl, what the fuck are you on about, there's a channel on the internet that shows Tom Hardy on the plane in Batman over and over?
>Stephen Merchant: That's a good movie.
>Ricky Gervais: I thought it was shit.
>Karl Pilkington: They say he's a big guy. And then it's, for you.
>Stephen Merchant: What?
>Karl Pilkington: For... for you.
>Ricky Gervais: Don't talk shit, Karl. I swear to god that was the most useless waste of time we've ever had on this show.
The worst are lads who don't take into consideration that people will feel what they do at any age and it's important to support and reason with those individuals to help them better themselves and overcome barriers
nearly got caught by my mum with my cock out managed to get it under my longish shirt in time I think
most of them are just edgy kids looking for attention though. being a virgin at 18 is hardly something to be suicidal about.
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The worst are the lads who think they're better than others because they have shittier lives.
At least he younguns can be fixed, there's no hope for you, may as well commit.
misread that as "Skirt" at first
Fucking loath Ricky Gervais but that was a mild kek, thanks lad
forgot the part where steve agrees that its shit after ricky says he thinks it is, otherwise kek'd

You lads just restored my faith in people who browse this thread a bit.

I've felt isolated and lonely since I was 14. I'm 25 now. This is despite having gone through periods of relative popularity, girlfriend, lots of friends to being pretty much actually alone now.

It doesn't really matter on your specific circumstances. We shouldn't devalue somebodies subjective experience of their life just because they are different to us, or we perceive them as less worthy of the pain. We should be striving to help one another.

It's getting there. If you're 18 and still haven't dipped your wick (or at least had the opportunity) you're parents have almost certainly had the "where did we go wrong with anon?" talk.
>I've felt isolated and lonely since I was 14. I'm 25 now. This is despite having gone through periods of relative popularity, girlfriend, lots of friends to being pretty much actually alone now.

this has to be bait

That's just plain funny.... Mollusc like even.
Undoubtedly theres kids who just want attention, some of them don't even know it which is even more fucked up honestly but it doesn't change how people feel and putting them down for what seems like no big deal to you won't help honestly.
We all have our issues and it's important we support eachother through it, that doesn't mean just pandering to people either it means helping them see through whats going on
Thats my take on it anyway
i am going to in a couple of months
This is how all my favourote on literotica starts

She's constantly thinking of your penis right now, and is planning the next opportunity to catch you "accidentally"
bastards from my old weekend shift working over. as soon as i saw them they started taking the piss, banging on constant questions about my dog i had to get rid of. told 2 of them to fuck off. then another came up started talking about his dog for 10 min then says,oh sorry pal forgot you had to get rid of yours. then walks off laughing. fucking cunts
We all have problems lad, I'm sure you can power through it
I find that introspection also helps alot, you can try and spot where you went wrong with something and better yourself. Keep on it lad and don't get dragged down goodluck to ya'
Masterpiece lad. This is the golden age of karlposting
she has come into my room and caught me naked at the PC. in that instance there was nothing I could do but roll with it and we just finished the conversation normally
Like I said, she does it on purpose

Now make her your slave-mommy
no. its just the depression meme going too far. they are just a bit down because their mate is getting pussy and not them. its cool for kids to have mental problems now a days
I mean it's an interesting concept but I don't know how to make that work
so you sat there and had a conversation with your mum while naked? bit weird init
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>we should be striving to help one another

Agreed desu. We should be respectful of each other's circumstances
I was only joking...

Good lord, lad. Have you been drinking the "hug your imouto" pill?
Why is that bait?

There is something wrong with me. There always has been. I have never been able to shake the beast of depression that has dogged my life.

I could have millions, a large mansion on an exotic island, a beautiful wife and kids, tonnes of friends and I'd still feel depressed and lonely.

Look at all the celebrities who supposedly have it all who've topped themselves.

Stop being so narrow minded.

I appreciate that anon. In honesty I don't think I'll ever beat it. I'm destined to have a different perception of reality than others. I suspect I'll kill myself when my parents die. If not then I'm just sort of sitting around waiting for natural death to take me.
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What is everyone's favourite NEETSnak? I like the 1 squid Sainsbury's own Skips or butterfinger chocolate bars.
not really. its quite normal for a lad to still be a virgin at 18 now a days.
Space Raiders mate. Classic NEETSnak.

Asda's reduced baked goods. I got four custard Danish things for 50p last night.
Very nice lad, got a particular flavour you like?
>There is something wrong with me.

yes, you need Jesus.
lads there's a slug outside with a hole in it. whats that about
This. Most of my mates lost their virginity between 18-20. Chavs lose it between 14-16, handsome lads lose it between 16-18, and average lads lose it at 18, 19 or 20, depending on their looks and social skills.
well yeah, I was in too deep at that point and she just carried on what she was saying, nothing said about it at all.
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These are super nice but like 1.30 a pack which is a bit much desu
Well you're entitled to that opinion but I've seen myself go through shit and others, it's not always the case and as I said some do just want attention and to feel wanted, that's an issue in its own right.
There's plenty who are going through shit though and it isn't just "Boo hoo I'm not getting it on" that would be a gross oversimplification.
People of all ages have their issues and each is to their own but it doesn't change the actual fact that those people in one form or another do need help.
99p cofresh lemon and coriander grills. Or 99p cofresh bombay mix. I normally buy from sainsbury because they have a lot of self service tills at my one.
most of the lads i spoke to in uni lost their virginity at around 19. a lot lads started uni as virgins.
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They are all good but it has to be Pickled Onion.

Usually if I was going to the shop late at night for a NEETSnak then I'd get one packet of Pickled Onion, one of BBQ, and one of Beef for variety.

Another great NEETSnak is the 99p big bags of Doritos Chilli Heatwave. To drink, I'd normally go for pic related as it's a bit cheaper than a normal can of coke. The difference is enough to get another packet of Space Raiders so it's an easy decision.
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you wanna get to morris at the right time lad
they cut 50% at 8pm and 90% at 9pm
>insider secrets
take this to your grave
>tfw you almost made a post pretending to be ebin for (You)s but you remembered it would lead to him putting his trip back on and ruining the thread

close one there lads
he'll surface for the start of the next thread. I've got money on it.
Sainsburys cheap tortilla chips with a bit of cheese melted on top. If i can't be bothered i'll just munch on digestives
Lads what's the most mental thing you've done for a (You)?

I used to kill animals on /b/ when I was a teenager.
I think hes buggered off tbqh
he said he would last night and honestly the thread has been mostly comfy without em
If hes anonposting posting he is not really causing all that much trouble so its great
his posts are too edgy so it derails the thread into everyone discussing how shit trips are
Pack of those cocktail sausages
there ain't no morris where I live, know any other places that do this?
all the big chains
don't know what times but it'd be around 6-8pm

you want to get there on the hour or else all the good stuff is gone
he posted with his trip on last thread. he still here. he is either lurking or posting anonymously. he could be anyone of us. he could me or you.
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Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle child sex network convicted

Culturally enriching
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Milk Cat 149
make up stupid stories and bait someone.

i have made a few threads on /adv/ that got me hundreds of (you)s. they are easy bait.
He's not online. Believe he was going to pick his bike up

>19p for those chocolate tarts

Jealous. What other reduced stuff have you got for dirt cheap anon?
If only you weren't a drama loving twat you wouldn't have to deal with these urges lad
>The white guy with a skrillex haircut

How did he link up with all the pakis and get into their rape gang?
Last post in the last thread was half two in the morning familio
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asda flapjacks lad
that's a girl kek
>White woman siding with invaders
Checks out

No. No it's not.

And don't bother bullshitting yourself about it either.
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That's a female, believe it or not. She was a junky given free drugs to lure girls to be culturally enriched by the Pakis
That's a shame, I was hoping it would be a funnier story. Like a heartwarming "fish-out-of-water" type tale.
She's the worst of the lot then. A traitor
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They're always reducing oat cakes down to 9p and nobody buys them
fools, they're lush

a few cakes, a WWE ring one and this spiderman one
yesterday I saw a bakewell tart for 25p

trying not to check so often coz I'm watching my figure
yes. yes it is.

why dont you think it is?
Tempted to buy a 3ds, worth it or not?
>go on /toy/
>all the where to buy websites are yank site

this is why i come on britfeel.
alright fess up lads. which one of you got desperate?
what were you looking to buy lad?
Course they are. best breakfast meal in the whole country. Toast is for faggots.
wait for the 2dsxl
I always get the portables just for Pokemon/Fire emblem desu. Nintendo better not cuck me out of a poke game by putting it on the switch.
Reckon I could get this type of stuff if I go to sainsbury's at 7pm? They close at 8pm I think. Where do I go to buy the super cheap stuff? Is there a particular aisle where they put the cheap stuff or is the cheap stuff in it's regular place?
nothing in particular lad, i was just browsing. only figures i really buy are figuarts and i have only bought 2 of them.
Yeah I want something with actual vidya on it, I have a vita but after finishing persona 4 golden I can't really be arsed with it.
there's usually one in the bakery, the produce section, the chilled section and the frozen section
big supermarkets are your best bet, not the small highstreet ones
Pigeon cunt will still defend diversity.
Just got in from work took 40 fucking minutes and now I'm laying under my duvet in the dark playing Oblivion while the rain patters outside

Maximum comfy has been achieved

As will I. Nothing will change that.
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Bow before me mere mortals, for I have generated the Gondola tripcode
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Teach me anon
I require this knowledge
I have to fucking pack in smoking, i have an e-cig but it just isnt the same, just couldnt get used to it, any lads whove packed in here fancy giving me some advice or tips? 15 marlboros a day roughly if that makes any difference
im quite looking forward to dying
Diversity is good for women because if she gets impregnated with foreign genes then her children will have greater resistance to disease.

It's bad for men because it means there's less opportunity for us to pass on our genes.

It's common sense. Simple common sense.
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lads, these paki fucks neighbors left their fucking home alarm for 4 hours and completely ruined my sleep and day. I'm not gonna fucking stand for this shit.

Is it easier to just get spraypaint and shit all over it as opposed to keying? I don't think they'll have a car alarm but just want to make sure.

Is there a non-pain alternative that fucks up their car just as bad and takes literally 5 seconds? I'll do it 3am the next day when it's dead quiet outside. fuck them I might not be able to do shit in front of people but i sure as fuck can do it while nobody's looking.
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Ok lads I'm going to go to sainsbury's at 7, and look for some good cheap gear. I'll tell you what I get lads.
Sugar in the petrol tank

RIP their engine
smoke a pipe it's cheper in the long run
Call the police on their house. Their alarm is pissing everyone off, and the alarm is made for people to phone in to the police. Breaking shit and causing damage is a bad idea anon.
Better make sure it really shuts at 8 and not 10 or 11 otherwise you won't get anything.

It's good for humans, generally.
get some brake fluid my m8, pour that all over their car and theyll never get it off (if you get any on your hands wash it off ASAP)
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Just saw that they are paki's
Anon I think you should at least key their car, but that wouldn't be enough. Consider taking a shit on the bonnet.
I googled it and it says it shuts at 8, is 7 too early?
some indian guy in america didnt have the grades to get into medical school, so he pretended he was black and got accepted because of affirmative action, kek
quite smoking about 2 months ago after cutting down. you might want to limit yourself, recognise what causes you to want to smoke (apart from addiction.) thing like stress, anxiety, after eating, alcohol. find alternative methods for dealing with those things. also dont forget that to smoke you have to spend (waste) money on buying them. thats what helped me anyway lad, all the best.
Hybrid vigor only applies to inbred Arabs.
>Ebin has more Steam friends than you
>Ebin has more friends than you
I am officially less desirable than a mouldy, closeted, miserable cunt.
Nah 7 is about right but if you don't see stuff then hang around until half past 7.
yeah but ebin is literally a nomrie, so dont worry about it

Most here are.
>le police

are you that detached from reality pal? they are useless as shit. they literally just said "wait it out"
>Get text at 8am saying my package will arrive today and that I'll get another text when it's almost here
>Package still hasn't arrived
Nice try, Shlomo

im so bored
Like the NHS, police service is a post code lottery lad. Deflate their tyres perhaps? Rub shit under the door handles?
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Yeah but he's still a massive cunt to everyone yet he still has more friends.
t. "depressed" sixth form student
New thread: couldn't think of a good edition as I've just came in





Think I'm the only one he speaks to lad. So I wouldn't worry about it
It's /pol/scum, it'll piss its pants and little elese.
>post code lottery
Wish I could find out how good my NHS and/or police are. Anyone know if I can do this?

>Just got back from work myself
>As I pull up, someone is waiting for me outside my house
>Hey anon, wanna hang out of something?
>Err.. I'm a bit busy actually
>Go inside
>Phone battery has been dead for hours
>Plug it in and turn it on
>about 6 texts from him
>"Hey anon what you up to"
>"Wanna hang out or something"
>"Guess you must be at work"
>"I'll pop round in a bit"
Still more than me la.
thats what normies do lad
Go to your NHS and if it looks third world, you lost. If it looks second world, you've won.
You can add me if you like lad! I don't want you feeling lonely
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>I don't want you feeling lonely
You would if you spoke to me. Theres a reason I'm isolated.
Nothing surprises me after speaking to ebin haha. But add me if you ever feel you want to talk
I'll consider it mate. Thanks.
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Can you drop the source image for this please lad

Devilish/10 lad you should definitely do this.

Go for a small one lad they don't have to block piracy sites.

posted, over the hump just two more days

Outstanding, did you do it on a GPU?
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oops I posted in the old thread like an idiot
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