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Thread replies: 509
Thread images: 79

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Remember to tell the tranny to go away edition
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friendly reminder this woman is 44 years old and has an 18 year old daughter
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>tfw will never be a monster truck driver

So her mother's obsession with making her daughter a whore is still creepy, but at least now is legal
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Shipman edition? Very nice
Well fuck me lads, is she really 44? Im 20 years younger than her and i look old enough to be her dad
Guarantee the tranny is going to post soon since it's a new thread and he didn't get any attention by talking about getting girl clothes today in the last one
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I can't say I'm surprised I was successful. I was determined - and I got it.

Cilla Black
Whats the story with her daughter.
Also is that kate beckinsale?

They can't sink the ship!
tfw you know you dont have an incurable strain of gonorrhea
>Don't even know who you're talking about due to all the trannies on britfeel
Haha fucking hell
>tfw will never be a digger driver
shame we don't have monster trucks here desu
>Also is that kate beckinsale?

>Whats the story with her daughter.
She has a weird, quasi-incestuous relationship with her daughter, with a strange (and public) attachment to cocks.
there's only two
tilde and pakipoo

only one is desperate for attention
>tfw will never operate a crane
You're forgetting about anons. There's one who gets triggered if you call trannies men and another who kept talking about clothes too a while ago. I assume there's more who I haven't interacted with.
>only one is desperate for attention
Nah they both crave it.
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we are indeed, drifting into the arena of the unwell
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jsut throwing this out there
Why not climb one like your fellow neet bongs
There's something extremely uncanny valley about her face
Technically it's undefined, but we call it "forever face". All immortals have it
Looks fucking horrifying but great.
>In Sweden you can change your legal sex without having surgery.
/Swedefeel/ when?
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daily reminder that this is a picture of ebin losing his virginity
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that's two wristbands and two bags of doughnuts in total

the game is kinda growing on me
it's a fun timewaster
Going on my first ever date tonight lads, I'm shitting it
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Anybody up for a spot of cheeky waifu posting?
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>One full year of working for 23k
>Have saved 1.5k

How the fuck is this even possible?
why is salted caramel everywhere now?
just kinda sprung up out of nowhere, like pulled pork
dont you will upset ebina lad
you're spending way too much on unnecessary shit, or you live in london
fucking 31 years old - no gf EVER EVER EVER

decide i will go to the pub to try to meet wimmin this afternoon - which involves walking a mile into wigan centre. FUCKING 19 degrees C. cunting twatting boiling hot - no way i'm walking in this furnac

fukcing cucked by this foul weather

i will stay in and get wankered
That seems like a normal amount to save lad granted most normies are spending it on night outs and normie activities

same, but I bought a car and clothes and shoes
Is this a rebirth of the 30 year old virgin living with romanians meme?
how the fuck did you end up in that situation pal?

My bills are like:

Rent 525
Internet 30
Power and Gas: 85
Council tax: 90
Car insurance: 65
Car tax: 25

I literally have no fucking clue where the rest of the money goes.

I even have a lodger who gives me an extra 300 a month
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About to go get some food with mummy, will take pics
hadn't he fucked a prostitute though.
Yeah which ultimately killed my respect for him
try get some upskirt ones for the lads.
Lad even after income tax (and assuming you pay tax on your lodger's rent which I bet you don't) you should have like another 800 quid a month. Pay attention to your spending, that's an insane amount of money to just lose track of
>tfw my only bills are 100 bong board to my mum and a 20 bong phone bill
>spend my 800 a month paycheck in 2 weeks tops
Post mummy's hair pls anon
I have milf fetish
told my mum i might start boxing for money when i get good enough and now she is trying to stop me.
it is not a fucing meme its my miserable existence


screwed some hookers in the past - so what
>the nice doctor man told mummy that he's sorry to say i'm 'rerarded'
Where can i earn money from boxing?
I can kick a 300 pound boxing bag(i made myself)
>open jar of hot sauce
>lick the lid
You expected pity from us for being a virgin yet are normie enough to go out and shag random women
Why would I pay income tax on my lodgers rent he's just helping me pay the rent and bills.
>so what
i couldn't give a shit if you've fucked someone prossies. was just correcting the virgin bit.
Just got back from the hospital. The nice lady let me choose the colour of my cast this time so I chose pink like a cool boy.
Let me sign it you batty cunt
wag one senpai

I am always up for waifu posting lad
Maybe it's because I bought a 200quid camera and a 200quid bike last week.
If I want to apply for a job but can only do specific days of the week how do I go about it? Do I specify it in the CV, cover letter or say that during the interview? Or do I look for jobs advertised specifically for those days? I can only do Thursdays and weekends.
just ate my tea
now I don't know what to have at tea time
>200 quid bike

fuck sake lad what is it? that's most likely gonna be wank if its new, when it comes to buying bikes at a budget its always best to buy a 2nd handed decent one for 300ish quid
As someone who interviews people you should probably only apply for work offered on those days, or make it clear in your cover letter.

I get annoyed when it comes up in interview.
>why would I pay income tax on my income
wtf is that mechanism, youve set my autism off
It has pedals and it goes when you pedal it. What more could you want in a bike?

I'm not about to join the Olympic cycling team
It's not really income though is it? He's paying it to the landlord or the companies that issue the bills.

Just means I have to spend less on rent and bills.
no offence mate but most workplaces will laugh at you if you start specifying terms like that, these people are probably receiving upwards of 100 applications for even the most mundane jobs and the majority of them will be desperate people/foreigners willing to do as they're told and bend over backwards

ur only hope is looking for something with those specific days, if i was you id go for a weekend job and then after a few weeks id have a word with the manager and enquire about any possible further work on ur other free day. If you do it like this it makes you look like a person with good work ethic rather than a demanding part timer
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Come on anon, it's not that outlandish.

The real genius is Woodward's use of the thioaldehyde to ensure regioselectivity compared to the ketone.
Lads, I'm about to get 494 quid back from the taxman because I've overpayed all year.

What should I buy with this extra little boost of cash? I was feeling either a Nintendo Switch, but there's kinda no games out. I was also thinking I might add 200 and build a pretty nice 700 quid PC that will futureproof me for a while. At the moment, I'm using a budget PC that cost me 400 bong in 2012.

Any other suggestions lads?
Hetero pride when
cryptocoins u dumb fuck. Invest in something good so you can turn that 494 quid into 1000 quid.
save it for a rainy day
as someone who's a tight bastard and had that same mentality to begin with i can assure you the difference is huge tbqh lad

i buckled eventually and bought a bike for around 1k gbp and the comfort of the ride and lack of torture to my body was all it took for me to never look back
>I don't like being ashamed of putting my dick in a man's anus
that is neither my problem not my business
I keep my kinks to myself, please pay me the same respects
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already triggered with just one link
get a pro boxing membership and get your coach to find fights for you. you wont earn much money unless you win a title but i guess it would be nice to earn a bit of cash on the side from it. a lot of pro boxers work normal jobs on top of boxing.
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Why would you talk like this, you know it hurts my brain anon!
ive not seen a thioaldehyde as a synthetic equivalent before so my brain shat itself, also fuck organic
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Shit like this makes me not want to come out.
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oh yeah, I'm triggered for sure

I might call their bosses and tell them they're bigots and get them sacked.
That's how triggered I am.
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all that plastic
why would you bother to begin with? nobody needs to know that. Maybe when they see you have a boyfriend and ask just say "yeah I guess haha"

if you """"come out"""" your just going to have your meme sexuality define your personality to whoever it is
>Maybe when they see you have a boyfriend and ask just say "yeah I guess haha"
That is coming out, you moron
Ebin confirmed for closet homosexual
Ebin a homophobic racist and Tilde a racist.
Let's drive these people out.
Its not as bad as making a big song and dance about it though
For 1k you can get a car. No bike is worth that. If you can get a CAR for 1k that is the bench mark.

And we can all agree that a car is a much better item to own than a fucking push bike.
>nobody needs to know that.
I wish you and the waifufags would follow this statement. Instead we know in great detail how gay/prision gay you all are.
At what point did you gleam that I was going to make a big song and dance about it?
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i just lost 40 pounds in online poker
on a related note, how do you/ did you study organic? im a physical/maths autist with no spacial reasoning skills, its hell
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>Weekend is the only time I get to drink
>Weekend is only time I get to study
>When I drink I don't want to study

What do?
you playing on a treadmill bud?
A pc is always good, but you should have some games in mind that you want to play of course. I tell myself if I had a better PC I would enjoy playing a new mmo like Black Desert Online, but I might be fooling myself falling for the mmo meme again. That game could very well be shit even with nice graphics.
Black Desert is coming to console aint it?
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BDO has atrocious pop-in that is literally unsolvable. You could have the NASA super computer with the world's fastest SD drive and you will still get pop-in.

Also the combat is good buit once you play it for 20 hours you realise it's just enough pointless MMO. Grind and make money to get better equipment to do what? To grind more!

So many MMOs or open world games lack any kind of direction or point to anything.
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The problem at the moment is that my PC can't handle any games at all. I've had it on 24/7 for the last 5 years. I think I've just burnt out my graphics card. It was a budget PC that I only built to play Guild Wars 2.

I spend most of my life when I'm not at work on my PC anyway, so I think it's a good investment

Pic related: My old ass PC
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Then don't. If you don't have a boyfriend I have no idea why you'd want to come out at random, if you do then I have no idea why you'd care about this cancerous crap when you've got your qt sorted.

Just a normal condensation but you lose hydrogen sulfide instead of water.


I wish I had an easy answer, what I will say is that my uni placed a very heavy emphasis on working out mechanisms and drawing arrows, and learning general trends rather than specific examples.
I have no idea but the big perk of that game is the amazing visuals and that would most likely be turned to shit on console.
Get into a fued with an Irish traveler then arrange a fight for cash.
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Rate my waifu

>Amazing visuals

Yeah You're going to be turning these all off so you can get even close to a stable frame rate.
Ebin is pretty based for a faggot
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Watchu listening to lads
pls no bulli
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Milk Cat 115

That music is catchy, something you can really sing along to in the car
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wouldn't go that far lad
I feel like all I ever listen to is the OST from Tron Legacy

It's sublime
You literally jerk off to two men fucking. You literally flirt with another boy in this thread.
well your not wrong but I haven't looked at anyone in a sexual contact in real life so I can never know
You're actually not far off. You'll never knew how satisfying it is to speed down an empty road at night screaming CHRIIIIIIIST RAAAAPINNNNNNGG BLAAAAAACK METAAAAAAAAL

vibin to some 90s g funk
context not contact haha

think i'll try watch a film I tried starting all yesterday but never managed to

You mean that gay porno you kept chatting about on your discord?
yeah but at least he is not a virgin and has only shagged girls.
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Reminder that Beckinsale would let you get a whiff when you're fucking her.
think I'll marathon the matrix trilogy
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Not a big fan of this edition tbqh lads!

We are just friends Anon! for now at least
why? watch the first and call it a day
I had a dream last night where Donald Trump and Kevin Rudd became best friends
>you can't get student maintenance loans if you are an orphan of immigrant parents
What a life fellas.
No one mentioned you you attention whoring racist cunt
Stop trying to force yourself in to getting attention it's pathetic as hell
What is your opinion on ebin losing his virginity yesterday?
Surprised if anything haha! Always knew knew he was going to make it!
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Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
not shocked that this isn't original tbqh
>Have been in britfeel since 2014
>Always liked ebin
>My opinion of his has fallen like a rock in the past week
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Never knew Tilde is a Mad Max fan.
Mad isn't it. He is a legend in the streets and a Chad in the sheets.
Don't play on ebins feelings like thatjuat or attention it's sickly
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always had it in me haha... Just a primal beast waiting to emerge in the shell of a pathetic socially dead neet

what went wrong?
what uni was it lad?
britfeel is so dead. literally the same comments every single day.

is there a way to block all trip posters?
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Who's laughing now?
filter then create a more interesting personality
My hands are not that bad. Probably average. When I am handling money at slavery lots of men have bigger hands than me, sometimes the women too. The skin is really bad though but I am working on it
>Son of Single mother
>Abused by degenerate Mothers boyfriends
>Schizophrenia, depression, anxiety
I'm going to kill myself soon.
Looks like someone is jealous of ebin becoming a normie LOL
whats wrong with your skin tildle?
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>not sure if these posts are subtle bullying or playful jokes
Whats this then? He get buggered?
Have you thought about taking you and ebin to /soc/?
You aren't wanted here, no one gives a shit about you two flirting with each other yet you hate the waifufags for the same thing even though they don't do it in the thread

This constant gay roleplay with tilde really. It's not even the trip that bothers me because your avatar was a defacto trip anyway.

You encourage his delusions, at least you're not that fagging yet
But anon, it's okay when Ebin does it because he said so
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https://youtu.be/U4WiyxXpyZc is heard playing faintly
*truck boys pull up
*set bud canon to maximum power
*blast you both into the sun
*drive off

truck boys
I'm just having a bit of banter lad
Wow you are more autistic than i thought

Cambridge to be quite honest with you lad

The only problem with the course there is there's so little lab time, people graduate with solid theoretical knowledge, but completely cack-handed in the lab.

Can we do it?
He was bent to begin with, lad
Who else has been here since 2014, or at least the first half of 2015?
>This constant gay roleplay with tilde really

I don't think this has really happened though, the 1-3 people who reply to every tilde post in a negative way spam the thread more I think. i'm sorry anyway

Anyway I'm going to force myself to stop looking at 4chan and try to actually do something, lucky for you lads
He was always bent lad, his dad used to put pepperamis up his shit slide when he was a wee bairn
would like to quickly note that this is a falsehood
You're constantly blind to your own actions and it's fucking annoying

If people are telling you it is happening then it obviously is you retard
I know you can't do mathematics but fucking hell you have zero comprehension of anything
tilde and ebin have completely ruined britfeel. dead and it aint coming back.
Fuck off. You ruined this thread again. Had to make sure attention gets drawn to you
Which one of tilde/ebin is the paki tranny?

I want you to stay, you are a core part of britfeel, its tilde I detest I just think we shouldn't encourage him, he doesn't think highly of you or anyone, it's all just a roleplay. I'm not even the person who replies "fuck off to soc racist" to everyone one of his posts.
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Y-you're just butthurt waifuposters, th-that's it haha

Britfeel always bounces back, I've got something up my sleeve for Monday to bring it back to life and steer it away from trap/fag posting
You should try saying it too him. It's fun. And the fact the spoilers bother him is great.

What is the most sexual progress you have made with a woman ever. Ever kissed on the lips even in primary school? EVer french kissed?
nah its dead mate.

'chad in the sheets' etc. been the same recycled posts for weeks.

shouldnt even be called britfeel anymore, it's the tilde & ebin show.
i am a little worried about ebin cause he's clearly been influenced by tilde's behaviour and he's gonna be devastated when tilde fucks off to someone else
he was flirting with someone last thread calling them cute too and then he says shit like we're just friends (at the moment) to string him along

I was raped by one in a back alley
Chad in the streets has only been said twice. What do you mean?

That Polish woman?
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This post isn't about Tilde OR Ebin. Can you delete it please?
His response of hoping your day is going well is so obviously fake too

He just gets his orbiters to say all the nasty shit he wants to say for him, it's so convenient

It's March 2018 in britfeel
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Why didn't you listen to me, anons?
>implying it will still exist then
I bet a fair few are him without the trip.

Funny how for someone so nice he never tells off his orbiters
oh, poleys back i see
I unironically preferred Poley to this
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lad I'm going to do something else, talk about something else I won't interject or shit it up
He's not racist but he's fine with statements like "pakis out tilde in"

If he posts pictures of his girl clothes tonight then it confirms he just uses the thread for attention
Tilde acts the same way as len. So why do you all hate tilde but not Len? They are both as fake as each other
>Anyway I'm going to force myself to stop looking at 4chan and try to actually do something, lucky for you lads
What did he mean by this?
why is frieza's ki purple?
he a alien
Name a recent thread in the last month that Len has shitted up in pursuit of attention.
Poles was actually interesting , tilde is the same shit every day

teehee girl pills oh no I vomited were all gonna make it r-right ha ha i love all you strangers how am I expected to care about the strangers in grenfell
>why is frieza's ki purple?
>a's ki purple?
>Purple Aki
Tilde has hardly posted pictures of himself tbf. He posted like 2 pictures of something.
>Frieza just wanted to feel Goku's muscles

Could have saved so many lives
Len is genuinely nice and doesn't post for attention or blog about his life and isn't racist

Guarantee you're tilde by the way

can you post on soc? this thread is for ebin and tilde.
Fuck off, you Paki nonce
He won't stop using britfeel as a dating service and also posts the same shit about wanting to be a tranny and vomiting
Remember when people called out he looked like a bloke? He started calling every anon a jealous bully because he was getting all the attention
Legit tired of this tripfagging attention shit.

Honestly lads, tell me how your week has been? I am actually interested in how all you lads are holding up.
you lot are daft as piss, you keep winding yourselves up about them two shitting up threads but 75% of it is you lot shitting up the threads complaining about them
What I need to know about Tilde/Ebin, lads?

Always tried to avoid tripfags, but obviously I need to know about them.
anyone got one of these so called pics of tilde? must have missed a chapter
len uses it as a dating service too, he just does it subtly.
You forget if they piss off, then the complaining does as well. Why should everyone suffer because of 2 attention seekers?

Fuck off Tilde
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Pretty rough, desu. The one person I talk to has been out of the country and I was going to go with them until my mum guilt tripped me out of going. Since Tuesday I've had four mental breakdowns and have had a very difficult time with, well, passing the time. Every hour I'm awake I feel sad and want to kms. Can't wait until they get back.
People will complain as long as they're posting
Ebin having a meltdown because he started dating sakulad doesn't mean he shopped around as far as I can tell, ebin has never actually elaborated further
im at durham, and theres basically no mandatory work and you just self learn the entire course, so i end up doing nothing. also because i got diagnosed with chronic fatigue, im always sleeping

our labs are 10-5pm thursday and friday, so decent lab time. but they skim over anything remotely maths related or derivations, ive learnt no maths thus far that wasnt in my A level further maths
Ah damn lad. Why she guilt trip you out of it?
Anything in particular causing the breakdowns?
Been alright mate, a bit slow. Luckily i was indoors most of the time, sheltered from the heat. Speaking of heat, i'm now doing a really hot poo. How's yourself?
Here's my take on it.
>months ago Len dropped his steam so anons having trouble with stuff could talk to him confidentially and not shit up the thread or whatever
>Saku added him
>they liked each other so they started dating
>Going to Paris next week
>Hotel is in a notoriously bad area
>Thousands of people sleeping on tents in the street
>It was even in the news yesterday



A-a-am I going to make it back alive? I originally intended to walk to the hotel, before I even realised how bad the area was, and anons on /fr/ said I should take a taxi as both the metro and walking there would be unsafe
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Hi lads, had my food with mummy. I was a bit anxious being around people again because I've been inside a lot lately. I was also quite tired because I've been up all night shitposting on /britfeel/

Those are 3 half-sausages, not 6 full ones. I'm not a piggu desu
That's exactly my take on it too
Christ, is this still happening. I thought they cleared them all away before now. I wouldnt go, wouldnt want to get robbed or killed.
Racist prick. Go back to /pol/
How warm was it down your end? (Location not bottom)
Been eating some spicy stuff have you lad?

Been good myself though thank you. Saw the new Spiderman movie today, probably one of the better marvel movies in a while. Made me realise how big and unwieldy they have become in the last couple of years.
It's an internet friend so that's why she was worried I guess. Since she said I couldn't go I've lost a lot of confidence, I started leaving the house more but after that I've not done it much. I nearly started crying when I went shopping once. I set a lot of reminders for the flight (which I paid for, I might add) and each one of them going off just made me feel worse. Eventually once he got on the plane without me everything just hit me at once - the lack of control I have, the lack of confidence I have in myself, the lack of confidence others have in me - since that I've just felt terrible ever day.
I should probably confront mummy about it since she's effectively crippled me.

They clear them away once a month roughly, but 100s more come every week so as soon as they clear space from the pavement new people set up camp.

I'll stay put, poor b8

I work part time usually but have been covering someone else too so have been practically full time this week. At least I'm got the whole of next week off though, see >>38231059

Also my 25th birthday next week

You can't stop them speaking, but you can steet away discussion yourself, good post anon.
Not wanting mindless racists on /britfeel/ is hardly bait, you braindead chav
I haven't had a greasy meal like that in almost a year

jeez, should I pig out?
Are you ceiran, the new king of britfeel?

I may be a racist but that wasn't explicitly relevant to my original post. I'm not a braindead chav either
That's proper shit to hear lad but totally can relate to having all those things just hit you at once.

Have you tried smaller things to try and build up some confidence again? Maybe a quick 5 minute walk around your area for a few days just to feel a bit more comfortable before forcing yourself to do something a bit larger like shopping. I'm not too sure if confronting her will solve much, I could see it causing more harm than good myself. But maybe once you feel more confident in yourself you can feel a bit more in control. Still though lad. I'll try to keep around for the future threads so don't mind helping if possible.

Ah always a shitter when that happens, at least next payday will be good?
Good luck with France, hope you enjoy it. I'm back from Vietnam in a few days myself. Planning much for your birthday in Paris? Early Happy Birthday btw.

Thanks again lad. Just feels getting some more discussion going helps drown out them a bit at the very least.

Treat yourself lad.
Nice try paki
It's been pretty good anon, thanks for asking.
Week before was hectic because the boss was off so I was covering half her jobs, now she's back so I can relax but I've also got a few more responsibilities and stuff so that's cool.

I hope this might translate to a raise at some point but the company is pretty por so it's not too likely
>I'll try to keep around for the future threads so don't mind helping if possible.
You're a good lad, anon. Thank you very much.

I should enjoy it, assuming there is no trouble, hopefully having the camps cleaned out this week will may it safe for my trip at least. The birthday is earlier in the week, was considering a casino trip as is traditional for my birthday, but I need the money for spending money in Paris. Thanks lad

How was vietnam? Business or pleasure?
Found out my dad has a cuckold fetish a while ago when fixing his laptop and no fucking joke my mum has invited a black guy over
>im at durham, and theres basically no mandatory work and you just self learn the entire course

No tutorial sessions or anything? It's definitely a big motivator to have to hand something in every week.

You could always do problem sheets yourself but it's just not the same if it's entirely self-directed.
Average white family 2017
you gonna film it for us then lad? or at the very least have a cheeky wank when you hear her get bulled by the bbc
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Sounds normal for the modern anglo.
It's all going to ebins head. He thinks he's some sort of online god personality.
I legit wish those 2 would fuck off. tripfagging is unethical.
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>wife's son found the blacked.com folder
why is the knife trapped under everything?
What you working as lad? Still even if you don't get a raise, proving yourself to the boss might lead to something better down the line. Probably get you a bit more flexibility if you ever need a few days off etc.

Very welcome lad. Hope you get better though. Seems hard to do when at that point but it's possible.

Ah good timing, it's a shame with what's happened to Paris, looks like it would be a nice place to spend a week.
Well if you are having to save, have yourself a belated celebratory drink or something in Paris. Off on your tod or with friends to do that with?

Vietnam has been great. Bloody hectic but bloody gorgeous food and bloody good fun going around on a bike. Pleasure of the non ladyboy variety.
was that in a cafe or something or did your mum make it?

looks fucking god tier hnngggg
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Why do trpifags ruin everything?
how do i find girlfriend in britain?
I honestly find the wife's son meme funny as fuck. Not even sure why but it really tickles me.

Cause they divert the wider attention given to everyone by being anonymous to a select few due to their identifying marks.
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People keep on giving them attention.
Remember what the doctor ordered, lads.
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But Doc. can't you just give them a lethal dose of morphine?
I was going through my parents loft and I found loads of VHS tapes of shemale porn
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The Kev/Shipman combo is amazing tbqh.
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>Off on your tod or with friends to do that with?

Sort of both, I'm going on my own but I'm going to a Rubik's competition so will be with friends I know from competitive speedcubing while I'm there.
put my tinder age range 35+

hoping for some thicc mature slags
Damn it, why couldn't he have just given me a lethal dose of morphine instead?

>ywn go to Shippers to get a sick note so you can have a few weeks off work
literally cannot stop wanking to cuties in tights
avatarfagging is the same as tripfagging though shipman
there are tutorials, but theres 6-8 people in there so if you dont do the work they dont care. the work is usually just a few questions that take literally half an hour usually, i get the feeling the staff hardly care and just want to get on with their research
Never did finish the one cube I got as a kid.
Competing or just watching? If you are in the competition, good luck lad. Keep us all informed on how it goes. Hell do it regardless.

/ourdoc/ was back in the news this week

do you have brown curly hair and play guitar?
just a longshot guess that ur someone i knew.

dont remember his name though..
It was about 27 degrees, way too hot for my pale self. Was fuming too because rain was forecast but didn't see a drop. And no, I had a wind pill a couple of hours ago, wondering if that dislodged some tar pits.

O aye? Not sure if I should see it or not. Really didn't like the Amazing Spiderman 2
>he thinks posting a picture is avatarfagging

That post was not me (shipanon). Probably less than 50% of shipman related posts are actually by me
fuck off tilde tbqh
be black or paki
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Dusting and cleaning my vidya consoles, pretty nice desu.
eating a big meal and its making me sweat. am i dying?
Ah. 27 sounds like heaven right now tbqh. I'm never a fan of rain on a hot day. Makes it a bit too muggy for my tastes.
Well seems more effective that shoving pipe cleaners up then when you want to give the ol' plumping a once over.

It's totally unrelated to that movie. This ties into the Marvel MCU, so it's the Spiderman that was in the recent Cap America movie.
I'd say it was better than the recent Amazing Spiderman movies. I'd have to give the first Tobey one a watch again to really compared. Not having the origin story again was a nice change.
I'm competing, it's for the world championships. I can do it in about 11-12 seconds, but that won't be enough to come close to winning, the average world record was broken recently and is now 5.97 seconds, the fastest single time is 4.73


No thats not me, but I know virtually every cuber in the UK that competes.

Funny enough the one time I ever posted a pic on 4chan, someone immediately responded with "I know you from speedcubing"
>No thats not me, but I know virtually every cuber in the UK that competes.
Ah fair enough. I think his name was cohen, or owen, or something like that idk.

It wasn't Rowan was it? I know him, he's faster than me, I also know an Owen who is slower
4.73. Bloody hell lad. Still good luck with it and such. Definitely one of the more interesting things a lad here does.
LiverpoolFC are selling Shipman keyrings, will surely be appealing for you lads.
Oops, link:
Yes that's him! Knew he did rubik's stuff from fb. Super nice guy, really good guitar player too.
I do that when I put the knife down to stop it from possibly falling into the floor if I accidentally knock it
Yep we went out to eat. The sausages were really nice, cumberland
does he have an erection or just a big willy?
don't you get triggered by getting grease among other things over your knife where you'd grab it?
I try to only put the blade under the food, not the handle. But yes when that does happen it isn't nice

He had an erection, a lot of people in the cubing world pointed this out after he posted that WR video, kek.
lovely image but the thought of possibly having to deal with that when picking up the knife overpowered me and i felt i had to ask
harold shipman keyrings for sale


I haven't seen him since last august, he isn't going to Paris which is a shame, because he wouldn't do too badly
most of the comments are about it too, must feel a bit weird doing something seriously impressive and all people comment on is your over-excitability

the lad next to him looks like he might have got a bit excited too

The lad next to him was the guy who held the former world record of 4.74, and just had it beaten by 0.01
who here /indebt/?

still owe 5k on cards but it's all at 0% for another couple of years and I've got enough savings to pay it off. I've upped my direct debits so I make a bit more of a dent in it


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>>38231658 (You)
Fuck off Ebin, clean up your mouldy room first before begging for attention
>Someone posts an innocent Rubik's cube video
>Ebin just notices the guy's penis
Haven't even seen the Captain Americas, I became very wary of the Marvel films after the Avengerses. Superhero films have got way too bland. Pleased to know its not an origin story though. Cinema near me is cheap so it'll only be a few bongs.
This is getting fucking pathetic now lads. What is this /ebinfeel/?

I'm leaving the thread for good. And in honesty, I'm usually one of the top anonymous contributors here. I'm going to /int/.

Seeya later.
Who is the "political commentator" on youtube with the bitch tits again? I'm looking for the video where he talks about nuking israel.
i thought this was /ebinfeel/ already?

i'm going to go watch csgo instead of posting in here, ebin's back and only a matter of time before tilde will be flirting.
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Why didn't they listen?
who the fuck are ebin and tilde? ive been ignoring it but as the other anon has said, its pathetic and unbearable. not comfy at all, lads
>What you working as lad?
Finance admin, mainly on the suppliers side but covering more of the customers stuff recently. Tbh it's great already in terms of flexibility, friendliness, etc....it's just not very well paid ;_;

Still, it pays enough to live on so I can't complain too much.

You'll probably be back, at least to check if things have changed
Two hypocritical tripfags who insist on using this thread as their dating service and blogs instead of /soc/

I don't understand why people engage with them, unless they're just samefagging all the time
How come Tilde and Ebin are so important that they can't post anonymously?
State of these threads these days.
No wonder albarnlad fucked off.

Kev should be thankful he got deposed.
>Brady died before he could murder trips and bury them on the moors.
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>tfw no punished Yakuza gf
fucking hell its perfect
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>tfw never had any debt ever
feels good, not really sure how people end up with it. Surely you understand how much you earn and what you can afford
You lads reckon the NHS would cover a septoplasty?
Feel like Kev also fucked off because of those 2.
i opened and cleaned out my original xbox last weekend

first time i've ever done it since i got it in 2003 the fan was caked in dust sounds much quieter now as well
*raises hand*
not quite as much as you, a little over 2k on 0% cards here. I've got enough saved to pay it all off too, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay off a penny more than I have to as long as it's not accruing interest. Rather have that money in my accounts earning me interest desu
I know right lad.
I get 1200 a month. After rent/bills etc I have a good 400 to play about with.
If I need something I save.
>TFW my car, couch, motorbike are mine outright.
Fuck buying shit on tick.
I may be working class but at least I'm not buying above my station to pretend I'm something else.
Tilde in

Ebin in

Pakis out
covered afaik
Haven't been on here in about a year. Where the fuck is poleaboo?
He's in this thread, you can tell which posts are him if you know his writing style.
what do you guys think tilde and ebin are up to right now?

wish they would post
Such a sweet girl ;_;
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Fucking sound.
important question:

Ebilde or Tildin?
>tfw no bulimic tranny weeb gf who works at greggs
I am absolutely raging about Ebin being more important in the thread than me. Going to take some action against him.
4th day weed free. been pretty horrible.
Go away, you weird Paki nonce

You had a good run, you really did, but Ebin is the king of britfeel now
Ebin has some powerful friends such as the Cilla poster and Milkcat..be careful
I believe its an organized campaign to spam and shit the thread up so people revolt
Nothing's ever your fault is it ebin
Project Ganges all over again
What if we made some forum to purge the Normie untermensch from our lands? We could call it Normfront
Mummy brought me a mug back from her holibobs.
Having a nice cuppa from it rn.

Was feeling pretty comfy until this >>38232275 fucking cunt came back to stroke his ego. Will you honestly fuck off, you ruin all these threads.
Shall I play Overwatch or Tekken 7, Ebin
I'm going to STRANGLE that Ebin
In the name of God and Jesus I curse you to die and burn.

What do you call spamming pictures of Xi Jinping? Operation Yangtze?


This is a call to arms. A call for revolution. FUCK THE TRIPS.
Last nights thread was pretty good tbqh

Please pay attention to these posts, they're extremely important.
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ok I'm going sorry

I'd say Overwatch but that's because i'm too shit to beat AI on fighting games

d-don't do that
I agree, ebin, you've never ever done anything wrong your entire life, every one has been against you and things just go badly for no reason and nothing you've ever done has caused things to go to shit. I think you're in the same circumstance as poleaboo, life has just always been so cruel to you.
I think Monday's thread will be a little better
Furious Paki pervert detected.
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>Officially Declaring a /Britfeel/ State of Emergency

In light of this Sexy Kev is reinstated as PM as the recumbent has been absent from duty.

PM Kev please lead us and guide us to a resolution to this tripfag situation.
Its strange really, im 27 years old and have had sex once when i was 21, i know for a fact ill never get laid again but i still feel somewhat upset by the news reports of killer unstoppable gonorrhoea, as if it might stop me from getting a shag somehow...strange that
I'm actually done with this pish. Tilde and Ebin can fucking have /britfeel/
wont stop you lad just means you'll get gonorrhoea and the roastie will be like "Whats the big deal? EVERYONE has it, don't slut shame me"
I might post a picture of me at a service station later

lads do i get onion rings or hash browns for my chippy side? i'm frozen with choice
I wonder what Ebin will think about this
did you know your mp has no compulsory duties whatsever? he can fuck off to the Bahamas for 5 years if he wants
Please do lad, give us a sort review of it's services
who gives a fuck you aren't Ebin
Yes, me too. His opinions are really good and everyone should hear them
Britfeel got through operation ganges, it can get through this
What would Ebin do? This is quite the conundrum
onion rings desu
Onion rings for sure lad, hash brown is just more potato

It'll be Newbury services if I do end up passing, my favourite services of all. It's a bit small, but it the one I've been to most and have fond memories of it
Well I'm leaving this thread. It's become worse than the brief moment of forced memes.

Why some cunts here tolerate the tripfags is beyond me.

/britfeel/ used to be comfy, now I'd find comfier discussion on /b/
Fuck off, I just want to hear Ebin's input on this, not yours

Just come back Monday evening lad, I'll have it sorted by then
mods should ban anyone who uses trips or gives themselves a nickname
this bad idea
You lot are delusional if you think Ebin doesn't LOVE being the centre of attention on /britfeel/.

Telling it to fuck off is equally as good as conversing as far as attention goes.
Shouldn't have to though. The quality of these threads has fucking dropped dramatically in less than a couple of weeks.
I honestly feel bad for the lads who are more lonely and want some proper discussion.
At this point /britfeel/ could get banned from /r9k/ and I'd agree with the decision.
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ever been to Charnock Richard on the M6? very comfy stop if im on a /nightwalk/ around that area, there is a link road that runs from one of the A roads down to the services, been to the late shop there for a pack of cigarettes and a drink a few times, no pic of the so pic of the motorway just because

>think i may have spoke with you before about this actually
I just got a warning for using an avatar, despite not having used my avatar for several threads. I guess the trip is coming off now to be on the safe side
you sound like a smug redditor who should be posting on facebook
Spammers should fuck off desu.
i got onion rings lads

Nah never really go up north much. I went to Hilton Park on the M6 once, and to Knutsford as a passenger but no further.

I'm in the south so most of the services I've been to are down this way
>tfw britfeel won't survive 2017
Is that Tilde or Ebin?
what the fuck is ranch?

In January 2016 they said britfeel wouldn't last until the end of the year
i believe tilde and poleaboo still weren't posting again back then?

What regular posters don't we see anymore, for better or worse?

I almost never see poleaboo, and haven't seen pikeylad in months. I was also worried gloucester anon had left us before he doxxed himself

Roadwars anon never seems to post either

id forgotten about roadwars anon dessy, also miss stuck in east devon lad and train posting laddy
who's gloucesteranon?
Can someone tell me who the fuck ebin & tilde are seriously.

is either of them the paki thats transitioning?

He was an anon who had a lunatic threatened to murder him outside his flat because of some misunderstanding with another neighbour, he's fine now though
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>tfw ran out of mixer for vodku
technically they're all a creation of britnormie, whom himself is a creation. possible of an intelligence agency
it's 5 in the afternoon you mad cunt

No, that's Poleaboo, he is 25-26 and works at a call centre in Manchester

Ebin in a 23 year old NEET who lives in absolute squallor, pic related. He has completely given up on life, and isn't that bad compared to others, but has been attention whoring in the last week

Tilde is a wannabe tranny who works at greggs, he takes estrogen but it has little effect because he keeps vomitting it up

I thought there were no girls on the internet.
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pic related for that post
What's your point?

I lost the ability to be able to drink spirits straight, I'm not sure why. probably because i drink too much
>moment of forced memes.

I miss reliant robin lad
I told my girlfriend about Ebin and showed her this picture.

She doesn't believe it's even real, and said "I bet it's someone just talking shit like you do on there"
>not drinking your vodka straight in the first place
Were you drinking with your girlfriends?
i used to commute to gloucester and have witnessed many an argument outside flats. wonder what the chances are i witnessed that one. was it over bins?
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>tfw you will never force a meme this hard
Same. We complained about them unaware we had something much worse coming.

At least she knows you should fuck off too.
Thanks. IIRC Poleaboo was alright.
Ebin seems like a boring attention seeker.
Tilde takes estrogen? Like just estrogen? Can that alone even do anything?
Sorry, I don't want to corrode my esophagus anymore than I already do.
>Tilde takes estrogen? Like just estrogen? Can that alone even do anything?

He's a stupid tranny on 4chan, you don't expect him to actually do proper research do you?

He once took some estronge, then AFTERWARDS read the side effects and vomitted it up 30 minutes later when he found out it causes weight gain
So where is everyone gonna go when /britfeel/ gets shut down? i really need somewhere to shitpost about my /nightwalk/../int/ and /pol/ dont really seem that comfy to me, might have to find a new sit even
I've considered making my own image board in the event that this happens.
Guys I always crave a cig, but then when I smoke one I don't enjoy it.

Anyone else had this before? I'm always 'quitting' but then I'll buy another pack when I'm drunk or bored or out of weed.

Just stay here lad, 50 quality posters should be able to outpost 3 shitposters. We need to lurkers to join in more
i to have thought about this, we could organise mass north vs south fights
You probably don't enjoy it because you failed to quit.

Try and power through it lad.

Yet all it takes is a couple of non stop posts by them to ruin a thread.
there's the 8ch britfeel but last time i was there it was more of an extension of /britpol/ than this place
Makes me curious if Ebin and Tilde are northern or Southern.

Might explain something
Good question. We should ask Ebin
the problem right now is people spam more about ebin to make it clear that he's ruining the thread.

ebin will pretend like he's going to leave to calm it down, but as soon as the thread gets back on track he starts posting again for the attention.

/britfeel/ and ebin can't coexist. simple.
Ebin is from Filey but Tilde is secretive about where he lives. Pretty sure he's midlands, maybe peterborough or rutland
i believe ebin is yorkshire born and bread.
if you're talking about HRT then estrogen alone does nothing
if he still has his bollocks then they're still pumping tesosterone into his endocrine system, which counteracts those little blue pills

for HRT to work you need to chemically neuter yourself with antiandrogens
I think he takes spiro or something
Fucking hell. Here I was thinking Bradford was the shittiest part of Yorkshire.

Just nipped onto the 8ch /britfeel/, not a single mention of those 2 cunts. Feels quite nice.
I have evidence to suggest tilde rides a moped/motorbike

captcha: calle calle
It's spelt oestrogen, you americanised poofter
Fucking hell ive camped in a field alone in Filey
>could have been stabbed and raped by ebinlad
thank god you're here
did I get anything else wrong?
>tfw will never be a space Pilot
desu if he was less aggressive about correcting you i would approve, americanisms need to be stamped out, some people don't even know when they use them
You didn't capitalise God, you pagan fuck
Lads what's the best racing game on PS2? Is it Underground 2?
either that or midnight club 3 WUBBADUBDUB edition
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>tfw forgot pic
fuckups like this is why nasa wouldnt let me fly
That the one where you can make ur car look like a drug dealers?
you're a very dangerous person
>TFW you will never win an Isle of Man TT
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Wow Tilde works at Greggs no way.

>tfw Tilde will never sneakily put an extra steak bake in your greggs grease bag
Shut the fuck up about greggs.
durham uni lad, when you say your course has no mandatory work and it's a self learned course, do you mean you're spending 9 grand a year to be away from your home, reading books? What's the fucking point if you don't mind me asking, Durham is part of the Russel Group and you should be getting a shit hot education.

>Inb4 looks good on my CV, work etc

Do your course, get in a fuckload of debt, get a job. pay it back for the rest of your life. It seems pointless.
yesterday, i blackpilled my mother, showed her all the pictures and explained the mechanics of proper human skull anatomy
but obviously she started refusin all that shit and throwin things like u need to work more not to think about such nonsense, and u r crazy
fucking bullshit, fuck genetics, fuck them for abusin and destroyin my childhood and adolescence, fuck everybody, fuck this world
i just want to go and rot in bed till the day i die, its over for me
No one likes your gimmick.
Fuck off.
I haven't been posting any differently though and certainly not a lot, its just 1 or 3 people who are spamming for no good reason. It's only this bad because its saturday and they're off work.
Our cranial shapes are different but are brains are exactly the same, you bigot
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Do you really want these hands touching your food?
Wanna be my stinky bf?

I'll take you out of your rotting room and look after you.
I wonder what Ebin's opinion on this matter is?
Holy fuck those disgusting man hands.
Orbiters are that desperate that they would settle for that?
What a fucking laff.
crazyfrog racer 2

speaking of old things, anyone old enough to remember the chav era?
Enjoying /ebinfeel/ today lads?

>tfw became absorbed into the chav subculture instead of the emo subculture and having a chance to fuck QT emo and scene grills
old enough to remember moshers vs townies tbqh.
I know those words but not what they mean
I'm 29 so yes.
>TFW remember mallgoth, chavcore, scene kids, emo kids, skaters, 'punks', straight edgers, hardcore kids and 'green street casuals'.
On what basis do you think it's just 1-3 people?
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More than 3 people want you to fuck off
Moshers were the guys with neckbeards Slipknot tees, baggy jeans and aorwalk shoes.
Townies were chavs who wore polo shirts and jeans and Adidas originals, not trackies.


what was this?
don't think i'd be a good match lad

they type the same and reply the same everytime. There is more people doing it now since they continually spam. Its obvious who would be doing it
You're deluded lad
More than 1-3 people want you to fuck off.
It's stupid of you to assume only that many want it.
There's only so many ways you can be told to fuck off.
t. the 3 posters
i 'av a good idea

reply to this comment with the funniest/most interesting event that occured at a school you went to
i didn't post one of those and i wish you'd leave
>don't think i'd be a good match lad

Why do you think that? What if we're actually the perfect match?
I also want you to go away.
You had chavs who basically spent the weekends at shopping centres being dicks and harassing people (they are now the junkies doing the same things).
Chavcore were the harmless ones who just wanted to wear sports gear and rive around in cars listening to techno and happy hardcore.
I do wonder what happened to you to make you so autistic
Rather you fuck off though

If I bought you a tin of paint and a paintbrush, and dropped it off next to this stone marker


would you pick it up and use it to paint your room with?
Y-you're just samefagging
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Outrun 2006
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>tfw no friends to sneak free stuff to

I do it all the time. Today it was a pizza and yesterday a white chocolate cookie. I haven't been told off yet either. Also let people off if they can't afford what they want.

If you go in when it's quiet and there's a young lad serving alone I think you could ask for something for free and probably get it. If not play it off as a joke.

Feels really weird to see my own terrible handwriting haha

2 kids took ecstasy in a class, one of the ended up stripping down to his boxers and wandering around different classrooms asking where the swimming pool was (we didnt have one)
Eventually they were caught, put in an ambulance and sent to hospital to have their stomachs pumped, good times
They have tongs, couldn't care less.
Feels weird that you're still posting here you lying attention whore

Take your blogs over to /soc/ and take ebin with you
A lad got caught wanking in class.
I know people have these stories that they heard, but I witnessed it.
I love you. You have good taste.
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sounds like an ambush lad

I'd ruin it or do something stupid

shall be leaving now, you can stop your autistic spamming now, you are more dedicated than me to this haha
>shall be leaving now,
no you won't
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this is you ebina
two questions for you /britfeel/
who dat boy? who him is?
>TFW you will never sit in a caravan at 17 drinking with your mates listening to taking back Sunday, death cab for cutie, bowling for soup, motion city soundtrack etc.
2005 was easier times lad.
still the best bit of oc in months
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>who dat boy?
>shall be leaving now
until 30 minutes go by without a mention you attention seeking melt
>He wasnt here for the Fox Hunting Adventure
Who bitch this is?
Origiblox lads
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samefaggers out to get him
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Not even the best Ebina OC this year
This looks really weird.
Like they've traced the outlines of something else and then tried to draw features on top.

The quality levels are drastically different.
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>Criticising decent funny OC
Calm down Picasso
That is neither decent, nor funny
eating a snickers ice cream
Ebin, I'm the lad yesterday that asked to see your timestamp. I couldn't find it and forgot to ask before the end of the thread
>I'd ruin it or do something stupid

That's a silly excuse, how do you know?
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one last post before I disappear

well I don't but I don't have reason to believe otherwise
Pretty bonkers, lad
fucking knew you were still lurking, you can't bring yourself away
disappear permanently.
You was right lad.
The cunt can't fuck off.
I'm waiting for the thread to die
Fuck off with your excuses.
Seriously dislike you now.
My ass is waiting for the thread to die
these posts are from the same person
>waiting for next thread so you can get more replies

I see tilde has taught you well
>well I don't but I don't have reason to believe otherwise

Why is that?
Easier to imagine it's only 1-3 people who hate you as opposed to a majority of the thread?
When was the last time you Overwatched ebin?

My biggest regret in life is not being part of that subculture, i literally think about it every day
I haven't for weeks till this morning, played a game and got POTG for ressing 3 people as mercy. Its a bit stressful and I get tired after 30seconds though
Been on stage with Bowling for Soup. Great time and great people too.
fuck off with this tired shit

nobody gives a fuck
>Ebin is angry more people dislike him than he hopes
Well done senpai was it comp or QP? People seem really sick of Mercy's shit in my comp games now, most hoping for her to get nerfed.
ostensibly im there for access to the academics, facilities and the course. but yeah, theres hardly any work at all that gets marked and im too autistic to speak to any of the staff for help. so im basically paying 9k for 11 hours of lectures, and ~14 hours of labs a week
if you can get it theres a game called shox I think. great arcade style racer, very fun to play with someone else.
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