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Squeeze your sibling, verbalize your affection, report conclusion

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Squeeze your sibling, verbalize your affection, report conclusion
I love my brother and I hug and kiss him regularly. He hugs and kisses me back every time.
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I wish God could smite all you incestuous faggots
How's it going?

But anon, imaginary friends can't even interact with real people.
>How's it going?
Going pretty good. I have some guy advice to ask, though. For reasons, no vaginal sex with my brother for a few days, does oral get boring for guys?
If i never get bored of regular masturbation then im sure oral doesnt get boring

T. Anon who masturbated consecutively everyday for 6 years
>everyday for 6 years

I'm almost there now and I really think I'm going to beat it. I used to be so filthy I would hide in a store room in the theater room and rub it out during lunch.
>Barely gotten out of bed today
>Mom bought me food
>Have to deal with another day or this
I almost want to have work tomorrow, just to do something
For fucks sake anon that's madness
>mom bought me food

pick one
Are you complaining about mom bringing you food or 'having to stay' in bed for another day?

>For fucks sake anon that's madness
What? Guys fapping at least twice a day, every day is pretty normal.
how old. I want to masturbate to this
Shit I'm stupid, I wasn't complaining about her buying me food, just mentioning it
Sorry I'm and idiot
>every day is pretty normal
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but I'm gonna assume no
Not him but I've been on a 5-7 times a week schedule for about five years now.
>but I'm gonna assume no
Laura plz, constant fapping for men is nothing.

Let's try it out, gentlemen post how many times you masturbate a day/week, ladies ask your brothers how many times they masturbate a day/week and post results.
I meant no, as in you're not being sarcastic, I believe you
Fuck that's a lot
How hard is to learn nip? I want to browse 2chan and leave this shithole
Oh I misunderstood, sorry.
Really hard, plus 2chan is actually a lot worse.
It's not too hard the other way either if you use a shower head instead of your fingers, don't want to get bruised.

He goes daily, we all know towels aren't normally that sticky or crunchy.

It's not too bad if your standards for a good time is low.
Every day.
Don't they have an IP block for gaijins? Just go to /jp/ for there moonrunes thread.
futubua > 2ch
>Every day.
>When he has a sister-wife.
Don't make me enter the screen so I can punch you.
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Go ahead. Hit me. I've been going at this for far longer than I've been in a relationship with her, and I'm not going to stop. Were you implying I'm alone when it happens?
Wait, but even if she's right there when you do it, why not just stick it in her mouth, pussy and/or ass?
I think I've said this before, but we just like to throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. Sometimes mutual masturbation is fun, and sometimes other stuff is more fun than that. I can't explain why besides that we just feel like doing what we wanna do.
Oh well, guess winging it is also a nice way to figure out what you like and dislike. Kinda forgot you were both virgins.
Guten Morgen thread, did y'all sleep well ?

I fap from 5-7 times a week, sometimes more
Not for a while now. But yeah, it's a nice way. Bumping heads figuring it out between the two of us is something that I never knew would be so much fun.
I'm about to go to sleep after working on a doodle for too long. Hope you have a great day, Slav.
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Giving the best thread the ol bumperino
(in an original fashion)
That reaction image is oddly familiar...
>Not for a while now
I meant as in when this all started, so you never had the chance to figure that stuff with other people.
Its pretty easy for me cause i have a good work ethic, a lot of my friends call me a very consistent person

Jesus I just read this
I can't masturbate anywhere but home
Yea I guess consistent is the word for you
It's called dependency and addiction. Also just having a bunch of problems in general.
Is she floating in like really cold chicken broth or something?
>tfw haven't seen my family in 9 years

This sucks!!
Probably like 3-6 times a week but that's gauged from how often I found his tissues in the bathroom bin or heard him enter and leave quickly
>but that's gauged from how often I found his tissues
d-did you check often?
did you use them?
Is there a way to tell if someone has used your panties in a less than savory way?
>no matter how much fanfic I write about having an imouto it will never come true
how do I deal with this feel, robots?
Depends if they're used before or after they're washed but I assume they're used before they're cleaned which would make it difficult to tell. Have you tried looking for any abnormal crustiness or marks?

Maybe you should ask him.
Too late but good night bear, and thanks

Such a lewd smol girl but can only masturbate at home
Tbh i fap about once a week...and when the MOOD hits me...i can fap 3-4 times it usually last about a day...male (male)
Lots of drinking.
Morning thread. How's everyone on this absurdly hot Monday?
Also my sleepy brain read "consecutively every day for 6 days" and I thought "why's everyone freaking out, that's not so bad".
But six years is quite an achievement. Never got sick or something?
>masturbating outside your own home
Shiggity diggity anon
School bathroom during lunch break. Forgive me Padre
Only did it intentionally a few times, it's just easy to tell since he rolls them up way too neatly for anything else.
No comment
My sibling is married and hundreds of miles away.
I miss her.
I'm doing okay, weather isn't too bad and I had a good night's sleep for once.
The risk behind doing that stuff in public makes it so much more satisfying, doesn't it
I'm glad to hear that. I'm not exactly a healthy sleeper either but I feel surprisingly okay today.
Right? I get way nervous about it though but the excitement is amazing.
Give her a text or call her and tell her you love her as a sibling.

>did it intentionally
You should tell him how much you enjoyed sniffing his jizz while rubbing off. Guaranteed sex.
The nervousness is what does it for me, I used to go commando under skirts and dresses all the time just because of that rushing feeling
Yeah, just sniffing. Stay innocent anon.
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>Go up to both of my sisters
>don't know my own strength
>hug them to the point that it hurts
>they gasp for air
>I loosen up and tell them both that I love them and that they can always come to me for anything at all
>They start hugging back and tell me the same thing
>leave room
>go to kitchen and make myself a sandwich
>start eating sandwich
>sisters go to kitchen and both take a bite out of my sandwich before they go to the fridge
>I throw a casual kiss at them
>they throw one back
>I come back to my room
>take my shorts off and stay in my undies
>curl back up in bed
>take my phone
>come back to this thread
>post results
>wait for replies while skimming through other threads and watching YouTube videos.
>sisters go to kitchen and both take a bite out of my sandwich before they go to the fridge

What complete cunts
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That and the airiness. Feels good. I should wear dresses more often.
Also this reminded me that we have very interestingly positioned water jets in the pool.

You did good anon.
But maybe don't kick your sisters too hard
Also taking a bite from your siblings sandwich ought to be punishable by whipping.
I do tell her I love her.

I still miss her. She was my only friend.
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>not indirectly kissing both of your sisters at the same time
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>implying you did more than just sniff
That's lewd.
Describe what you did

>they can always come to me for anything at all
>sisters go to kitchen and both take a bite out of my sandwich
You can tell where their priorities lie
All I give this world is love
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tried holding myself back from telling them off about it at the moment. I actually really hate when they do that shit. They always take some of my food.
>tfw my sister has become a weaboo

so proud desu
Before you know it she'll be going to cons and getting gangbanged.
>not just subtly doing it in class
Where are your priorities
Treasure them always but don't allow them to take advantage of your sandwich again.
Unravel the tissue then lick it or rub myself with it. I'm not proud and felt disgusting afterwards, I only did it when I got especially desperate.
And saying "I have infected another one" before dashing out of the bathroom after getting fucked.
Were going to Comicon together later this year, she will not be getting gangbanged on my watch
Excellent job.
I'm kinda trying to get my sister into some weeb stuff too. We watched Eva the other week and going to watch some Ikuhara stuff, or maybe Satoshi Kon movies.

There's my problem.
I used to put a thick marker/pen under my skirt and rub myself against it during class. Feels good but I've never gotten off from it.
>and felt disgusting afterwards
That's only because it wasn't fresh. Tell him instead of using tissues he can come to you.
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>licking your brother's cold dead semen instead of asking for it fresh from the oven
What other kinds of lewd things did you do?
Make sure by doing the banging yourself.
Morning there Austria, the Monday is hell, drank 1,5 liters of water and I'm still suffering from a headache, also substitute classes killed my whole week but otherwise it's kinda desu

Protect thee sandwich, it is thy holy food, none other should touch thy legendary dream sandwich
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I'll do my best to preserve my sandwich desu. And they're my little angels (even though they're both older than me) so I'll forever treasure them. desu they're actually the only thing I can actually be happy about at all and the moment they move out will be the most depressing of my life.
Keep drinking water, stay out of the sun, don't exercise too much and maybe take some acetaminophen to take the edge off. It'll be better soon.

>not moving out to move in with your nee-sans
I hope you're a girl cause if my brother did this is beat him so hard he would look like his fave gained 50lbs of fat.
>that spoiler
Dream of sexually confused brothers everywhere.
You don't have to let your dreams be dreams.
It's 5 years too late to act on that.
Now I just drink vodka until I think it's real for a minute.
Already took that, still in school and I'm trying to stay out of the sun and running away from any source of heat
I can't stand any heat, at +35I'm near fainting. I love cold tho, I can be only in muh sweatpants and hoodie in -20 without any problem summer is basically hell to me
5 years too late, you say? Why?
Because 5 years ago she wasn't taken and I wasn't an alcoholic.

Not that she would have ever came to me like in my Japanese anime.

>B-baka onii-san!
>You don't have to use those tissues
>Y-you could just use me
>But don't think I like you or anything!
Did you expect her to do all the work? Ah well, at least people can learn from the mistakes of others.
>Did you expect her to do all the work?
Didn't know what I wanted until it was gone.

Take that shit to the bank Anon.
Have you ever just grinded on the chair out of desperation even though it wasn't at all pleasurable and just made it worse? Happened too many times.
He rejected me.
>other kinds of lewd things
Uh I rubbed myself with his boxers and put them in the clean pile so he'd wear them and also sniffed a dirty pair and/or wore one of his smelly shirts while flicking.

Normal stuff really, I shouldn't do it anymore.
Giving up on love so easily, are we?
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they've both said that when they do eventually move out it'd be separately so I really wouldn't know which one to go with since I love them both equally.
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What kinds of fantasies did you have about him while masturbating? Could you be lewder than Laura?

>raping your siblings
>raping your siblings
I think you mean tenderly loving
Freaking constantly. From 14-16 or so I was so freaking coiled and frustrated I rubbed myself on things like a cat in heat, without it ever helping much.

That's tough. But be sure to visit them all the time!
All abroad the bump train, we leaving the page 7 station in a few minutes and will arrive at page one
Choo choo.
But yeah I'm guessing the Americans are still asleep. Quick, post superior European memes.
This Amerikaner has not even gone to bed yet.
>not going to bed before 9am
Doesn't the birdsong just make you want to kill everything feathery? If I go to sleep past 6am I might as well not bother with all the chirping.
I work nights so I deal. I've foil over my windows and keep a fan running for the white noise.

The cunting dogs barking is much worse than birds anyhow.
Earplugs and one of those sleeping eye mask things are a wonder for a daysleeping trashfire such as myself.
Ah okay, that's fair.
>dogs barking
Tell me about it, our dog goes all death-before-dishonour every day.

That's not a bad idea. I got a sleeping mask but I can't really sleep with earplugs, just feels weird.
>I can't really sleep with earplugs, just feels weird.
I can't sleep with regular earplugs either but I got ones that are specifically for sleeping and they have been working like a charm. Alpine SleepSoft's are what I have.
1-2 times a day usually thell be 2 days were i dont which assa up to 10 times a week
Yeah? I'll google those, thanks anon.
>tfw dying of heat at the pool
>reading fanfiction that suddenly turns smutty
>dying of even more heat
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>suddenly turns smutty
You knew what you were getting into
Well, yeah. But I'm still surprised how quickly some authors go from "romantic love and cuddling" to "curling two fingers inside Anna".
So it would be better if it was "romantically and lovingly curling two fingers inside Anna"?
I don't suppose you could link the fanfic?
I need it for science.
By science I mean masturbation.
No, don't get me wrong, I love smut. I just usually like some build-up. But this one is pretty good.

Knock yourself out anon. Basically every chapter has some smut but it gets sorta emotional too along the way.
Thanks much my friendo.
I'll never get the appeal of fan fiction.
Sure buddy.

What's not to get? You like some novel or movie or TV show and someone writes interesting stories about your favorite characters, so you have more material involving them than just the original source.
I mean, how much of it is not absolute shit?
Like 10% if you're lucky. Just as with movies or anime or whatever really. You only go for those 10% and that's still a fuckton of stuff to read in most bigger fandoms. Some Elsanna fics are novel-length, and really good. Even if you don't care much for Frozen.
>american wines are better
Are burgerfats honestly this delusional?
I'm new to these threads but that op pic baited me.
Used to ignore these threads.

Anyone have ss about real incest stories (with imouto)
>with imouto
It's just how to piss people off, doesn't have to be true...
Why is it so frowned upon to have sex with siblings, you shouldnt have child with him/her that's true but beside that I see nothing wrong with it, yet it seems to be a huge no no
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The short answer is because normalfags have shit taste.

If the feelings are mutual do what you want and fuck everyone else.

Not literally fuck them. There's only one person you should be fucking at that point.
But what if you have more than 1 sister?
I mean, if it's mutual between all parties I guess that's fine too. I think at the point you're romancing / fucking both your sisters though you should start playing the lotto, because you're too goddamn lucky to live.
I didn't say 2.
We're getting farther and farther into the realm of hentai now.
It's not like people can't have 2+ siblings.
I'm talking about making a harem out of your sisters. How many sisters are you fucking?
I wasn't talking about a harem, just saying, a big brother is supposed to take care of his little sisters, regardless of how many there are.
I'm no expert but it's probably because it's biologically abnormal and heavily associated with non-consensual forms of incest (i.e the Josef Fritzl case). But as someone living in a fairly liberal country where incest is legal I feel like most people I know wouldn't really care as long as it was consensual - they'd probably even be extra supportive because of the stigma against it.

Also just found out Fritzl was Austrian, didn't know that.
How would you feel if your brother told you he found mutual love with your younger sisters?
Propaganda, Fritzl was Australian, Hitler was German but Beethoven was Austrian.
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>I used to go commando under skirts and dresses all the time
Late to the party but I did this yesterday.
summer dress no panties no bra in public
The day before yesterday I meant
If one thing would make me renounce my penis and become a grill it is this. Fuck me I'd love to do that.
I've never quite had the guts to go commando in public. It's always been an appealing thought but I'm sorta afraid of being caught/noticed.
But walking around at home semi-naked when my parents aren't home is pretty good.
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I only live with my brother so I just go full nude at home on hot days because it's really hot where I live. Feels nice to not have to wait until he leaves anymore though.

commando in public is a bit scary but I can't help but to like it
I'd take it calmly and kill both onii-thieves.
It's too bad your little Austrian empire never fully adopted Napoleon's civil code like all good European countries with legal incest.
A dress and no underwear is part of what makes summer good. You're making me want to do it again now
Definitely try it once, the risk is what makes it so exciting.
>legal incest
Yeah but that shouldn't matter to you anyway
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>all these lewd commando enablers
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You still haven't told us about your lewd fantasies.
Do pic related and post results
Maximum lewd.
Just thinking about doing that makes me blush. I'd at least need a longer dress to go commando.
Nice privilege
my imouto reeee'd at me

she knows about these posts
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i will fap three times before i get out of bed no exception. it's been somewhere along the lines of 10~ times a day (unless doing something out of the ordinary like camping, sleepovers, road trip, have had sex xddddd, visiting family etc) since i was 6. i've been fapping since before i could get erections.
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>10~ times a day
Dude. But thanks for making me feel like less of a nympho.
Don't you get oversensitive or chafe or something?
fapped to the thought of seeing your upskirt thank you titcow
>tfw feels almost nothing when I fap since I hit 28
>still fap every night out of habit or else I can't sleep
feels pretty bad
when chafing sets in i just do a massage method instead.

idk i just power through the oversensitive sessions. take like a 20 second break and use the time to load some fucked up tabs.
Do you have no fetishes? I find that stuff I like always manages to give me a boner when everything else fails.
Fair enough. Are you actually that horny constantly or is it more just a fun way to kill time? For me it's always been a mix but obviously I don't have much of a refractory period.
Sidenote, I think I've learned more about male sexuality on 4chan than anywhere else. Huh.
that's absolutely mental. Do you not need a cooldown period? how long does it take for you to get hard again?
that horny all the time. it's not uncontrollable there are days or two that i go without fapping at all due to circumstance (which i think should say a lot about my situation? not sure) and it doesn't effect my day much but mostly now it's routine. if i don't fap for a few days i'll have trouble getting to sleep. alotta sexy people on earth.
I have no trouble getting a boner, even if it sometimes go soft when I don't find any worthy material for a little while or when internet decide to stop working, but the pleasure isnt there
Do it, you know you like it
Also yeah why not lewd fantasy posting
y-you're welcome I guess
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>have trouble getting to sleep
Can relate. It's basically impossible.
I mean I can go without it no problem for a few days (and often do, thanks period) but I would really prefer not to. Because, y'know, why would I. I like orgasms.
on rainy stay-in days it gets nasty. ending up on old flash porn games from my childhood raking up bigger numbers than ten. i have a life now so it occurs much less but it does still happen.

i don't stop if i go soft, but it's common that i'll be hard again by the time i'm gonna cum. in that same vein i don't have a cooldown. i mean sometimes i stop and go meh but when you find really tasteful erotic shit you don't wanna stop.
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sexuality and shit is fun and amazing but more often than not it's an annoyance and a problem. fuck needs sometimes... until i have those needs. then fuck yeah, needs.
There's a few but the recurring fantasy was being his stay-at-home girlfriend locked up in his apartment. I'd take care of household chores and never clean my private parts after he uses me at least three times a day so that I'd always smell of him and have his gunk down there to remind me I'm his when he lets me go out in public.

The idea of being claimed like that is probably my biggest fetish but I'd never want it in reality, like I've also thought about period sex and being peed inside but that's actually pretty disgusting to consider when I'm not in the moment.
Tell me about it, I've pretty much exhausted everything I'm interested in.
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Sexuality is definitely fun. It's never been much of an annoyance for me. I mean, of course it gets frustrating if you're all tingly in public and can't do anything about it but that's never for long and the anticipation just makes it better.

Am I weird for thinking that's adorable? Like being so trusting and depending so much on your lover and being marked as his, it's cute.
make your own. even if you suck at every artistic medium in existence. it's good to be creative now and then anyway.
Make my own what?
>I would really prefer not to

You're smarter than that, come on
That's pretty lewd. You should tell your brother you like period sex next time you're menstruating.
Smart enough to deny myself pleasure? Or what do you mean?
> everything I'm interested in.

suppose it's different when you can just pretend your arousal doesn't exist, but i assumed it'd be uncomfortable or at least somewhat tedious having to deal with.
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>being a cumdumpster is adorable and cute
Lesbians are weird
smart enough to not turn your brain to mush, and also appreciate being unconscious. You have dreamless nights right? because dreamless, restful sleep is one of the best things in life. And maybe what you're dealing with is not so much insomnia as much as it is being addicted to porn and posting on 4chan nonstop for 19+ hours
Oh, I can never pretend it's just not there, but I can try and focus on something else and distract myself for a time at least.
Sitting through class in soaked panties can definitely get uncomfortable though.

I meant more the "being protected and controlled" aspect, but I guess you're right.

Yeah, I rarely dream.
I don't really watch a lot of porn, though.
think you skipped a few steps there bud.

i mean if you're looking at it objectively some people think dogs marking their territory is cute too

i mean, an erection is undeniably visible unless you're halfway buried into a watermelon or something.
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>Be me
>See this thread
>Go squeeze qt.314 sister
>"I feel affection toward you sibling"
>Suddenly realise I'm holding my sisters naked breasts
>she's in the shower
>totally freaks out. Runs and tells parents.
>Dad says I have an hour to move out or he's calling the cops
>Mom says I'm dead to this family now
>Sister won't stop crying

It's didn't go well guys.
>cut your losses and fuck all three of them.
Oh, being visible, I thought you meant the feeling itself. I mean, there's signs for girls obviously but nothing quite as crass as your pants pointing at people I guess.
>halfway buried into a watermelon
That can't be a thing surely.

Anon, you're supposed to hug her first.
>I don't really watch a lot of porn, though.

Whatever, Erotica and fan art. Point is, irremediable insomnia is a meme. Some people just don't realize that they are their brain
Is it just me or is this sort of stuff way too common?
>think you skipped a few steps there bud

What do you mean? Can't you be bothered to type more than once sentence and actually substantiate what you're saying?
I wouldn't describe it as cute but there is a romantic side to it.
That's tomorrow but I'm definitely not going to do that
I know that feel. Sister?
Go for the naivety route
I'm quite aware of that - and really my insomnia isn't that much of a problem, I get along fine with 5 hours of sleep.

>I know that feel
I mean, doesn't everyone occasionally, right.
Are you sure about that, you know how I feel about my sister.
>I'm definitely not going to do that
You'll never gonna get him to fall in love with you like that
Tell him you're on your period tomorrow and would like a massage. Post results.
>I know that feel
How often do you masturbate per week? That goes for Austria >>37354076 too.
that is too much effort for a conversation like this

you do crazy things to impress the people you like. i haven't yet, but who knows tomorrow is another day.
>tfw you're probably the most vanilla itt
>tfw you're probably also the most lewd fembot irl itt
>How often do you masturbate?
Varies quite a bit with my cycle. Not at all during my period usually, but pre-period horniness can easily go into the double digits, especially if I've had some especially hot lewding earlier or stuff like that.
On a normal day, I'd say something like four, five times I guess? It depends a lot on how I'm feeling (migraines aren't very helpful) and how much privacy I got.

>you do crazy things to impress the people you like
A-are we still talking about watermelons?

Quasi-virgins are sexually frustrated, horny as hell and ready to burst constantly. More news at 11.
There's nothing wrong with liking handholding
What?! Why would she be into that sick shit, she just said she was vanilla, not Caligula

what's your favorite color and food with that color?
>Are you sure about that, you know how I feel about my sister
Hey now I'm not trying to get between you two. You know I wouldn't mind.
If I'm not on my period probably up to 3-4 times, I think I have a high libido in general.
Vanilla thoughts are the best thoughts.
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>probably the most vanilla itt
Vanilla is good, I like vanilla.
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>Quasi-virgins are sexually frustrated, horny as hell and ready to burst constantly
I lol'd at this
I like yellow and I don't know, uhh, lemons are yellow and I like lemon flavored things?>>37354209
Vanilla is best
thanks for the (You)
I'm very glad there's another gal here who enjoys regular solo love.
>You know I wouldn't mind
Guys I take it back, can I make Ella gay instead of Laura? I think she's more receptive.

>I lol'd at this
Well it's true.
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Do you hold hands with your brother while you're in school? You should try it if you don't.
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Imoutos must hold their aniki's hands at all times
hey slow down, that pic is dangerously adorable. You should have spoilered it and gave a warning
>can I make Ella gay instead of Laura
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Vanilla is good, but Sherbet or Matcha is even better.
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Pistachio is top tier too.
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Haha I don't think I'd need much conversion at this point. I have a folder for that.
I did a few times before I told him everything. It would just make things awkward now.
but seriously if any of you play osrs and want to sit around while i train ranged i would love your company
I take that as a Yes.

Random question, is it true that Americans don't have stracciatella ice cream?

You don't seem to need much convincing yes. Good girl.
Also I really regret having never lewded in my school's uniform. I hated them in school whenever we had to wear them but looking back I feel like I missed out.
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I'm a pleb that can only enjoy cookies and cream.
You should try dating a girl to get over your brother.
or maybe want to make an account so im not lonely
Anyone ever ridden on the outside of a train? It's pretty nice
>Random question, is it true that Americans don't have stracciatella ice cream?
I wouldn't know, we have it in Bongistan though.
Is it as nice as ruining a perfectly good thing and casually talking about trains afterwards? Why are you still here?
we usually just go to a local place that makes "high quality custard cream made on location"

It's pretty good I guess
Anyone here ever ruined a relationship? It's pretty nice.
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>Good girl
Never had to wear a school uniform here, I'd actually have preferred it since it would've made going commando even more exciting because it's "wrong".
I don't think I'll ever get over him. I wouldn't want to put a burden like that on anyone.
I'm sorry anon I haven't played Runescape since 2008, it's lost a charm that even old school can't replace.
I'm having a good amount of fun... :(
>I don't think I'll ever get over him
Only thing left to do is become a nun.
Here's more unspoilered adorable posting
Vanilla is still best
>is it true that Americans don't have stracciatella ice cream?
False. It's probably not too common though.
I'm sure he appreciates the (You)
>I don't think I'll ever get over him
It wouldn't hurt to try.
What do you think she's been doing?
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iM sUre He ApPreCiATes tHe yoU
I meant trying a relationship and seeing how it goes like Laura did.
Yeah, I know that much. I was just talking to some American guy and he didn't know what I meant so I figure maybe it goes under another name.
"high quality custard cream" sounds nice though.

Yeah we only had to wear them to special occasions (Easter Mass, Morning Mass on Sunday etc) but they were knee-long scratchy skirts and a boring blue blouse.
Would definitely have been fun going commando.
What is the most criminally underrated incest pairing and why is it mother/daughter
It'll go the same way Laura's did.
ive always enjoyed myself a bit of mother-daughter if im going to be honest
And you normally have such good taste Beargguy, for shame!
>Vanilla is still best
You're an ice-cream plebian Kissy
Nice Facebook meme, kill yourself tbqh fampai
>tfw you will never date a girl and convince her to have a threesome with her mom
>tfw you will never play matchmaker and get them into a relationship with each other while you fuck them both
Why can't life just conform to my fantasies?
kill yourself unironically, even if this is bait
I can see why people like it, I guess, but with how my own mom is the very thought kill my libido for hours.
It's obviously aunt/nephew.

Just imagine it. A mother's son is fucking her sister
Shad is the man.
I don't know what's so bad about cookies and cream. My sister likes mint chocolate chip. I'm guessing that's shit too?
I won't argue that vanilla isn't great.
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>I won't argue that vanilla isn't great
My mom is probably the only person in my family that I would have sex with honestly. Early childhood abandonment issues, unnecessary levels of gratification when she realized she was doing a bad job when I was about 10, a little bit of affluenza. It can make you a little crazy.
>I don't know what's so bad about cookies and cream
Cookie dough is one million times better. Also, mint choc chip is pretty good actually.
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I'll post lewder images if you don't stop
I never got the appeal of momcest, I get the attraction from the caring and nurturing aspect but the physical attraction is completely foreign, she's old and loose.
Wait, I worded that wrong. I meant that is great.. I think.
I'll admit copies dough is great because of that but of saltiness I've tasted, but I'm just a sucker for the sweetness that is cookies and cream. I'm not even into that much sort stuff, but I'll never turn it down. Cool the know my sister beats me in tastes though. Never changes.
Keep posting them, regardless if she stops or not.
Ha, nice backpedaling Satan, you can't fool anyone.
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Are you a guy? I know the mommy issue/Oedipus thing is almost as much of a cliche as daddy issues. But yeah I get the caring/nurturing thing I guess, my mom is just a homophobic old hag so y'know.

>I'll post lewder images if you don't stop
If that's your way of discouraging me, you better step up your game. Not that I really think you want me to stop, because I'm sure you're enjoying this.
pic related, how sisters should be
Also I've finished The Lies We Tell Ourselves, pretty gud smutfic desu
>I'll admit copies dough is great
Not even once
>Keep posting them, regardless if she stops or not.
I agree
No I'm not, I just had a really bad time from ages 5-17.
Yee.. a combination of a stupid phone and the cold temperature of the office is leading to mistakes today.
Hey, I'm Satan for once today. I mean it though.
osrs is the worst game for a lonely person. I remember the exact moment I lost my will to live and it was while I was training agility.

Far too monotonous, gives too much time to let the loneliness sink in and because it's so brainless, your mind is left to wonder what you're doing and how miserably pointless it all is.
It's almost like you're describing life.
brother x brother pairing is underrated and cute
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>I'm sure you're enjoying this.
I didn't hear you say "please"
Pretty much every time I played Runescape was with my brother when we were kids. I tried playing it again like a year ago and it really is boring alone.
It's not too bad if you're used to being alone
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Ice cream, best to worst
>Cookie dough
>Cookies and cream
>Literal shit
>Rocky road
>Anything not mentioned

enjoy this list of countries that kicked out Jews with dates
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I want fujoshis to leave. Mom/daughter is way cuter.
>going out clothes shopping with your mom
>taking her to the dressing rooms and fingering her as she tries to keep her voice down
>afterwards going to get pedicures together while holding hands
Then again this works with sisters as well.
>Pretty much every time I played Runescape was with my brother when we were kids
That's how I got started with it too way back when. My entire school went nuts for it, so much so that the website was banned from school computers, but it was fun as hell as a child and with friends. Too bad I ain't got any of those anymore
None of those countries did anything wrong.
Unlike the jews.
>I didn't hear you say "please"
Getting a little dominant huh?
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Forgot to add a pic
I really should stop letting myself go
Well, I'm not going to pretend that I haven't same fagged before. I'll say it for you, whoops.
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Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. And I'm no liar.
Also I never played Runescape, is it (still) worth playing?

Good taste Laura.

All love is beautiful anon.
But yeah brother x brother is worst pairing.
I didn't really play it at all before getting into it now. I tried the current game and it was a big mess and too much like guildwars so I tried osrs and I've really enjoyed it.
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Oh dear, that was a bit silly wasn't it?
>But yeah brother x brother is worst pairing.

how could it be worse than father/son?
Yeah it was pretty good. I've been rping for a good long time and from my experience he first rule of rping is always check your trip.
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Believe it or not I actually did intend to reply to myself
I really have no idea, I haven't played properly in a long time
I'm conflicted with your list. On one hand, you're cool for putting cookies and cream that high. On the other, you're saying my sister eats something worse than shit.
My only memory of the game is when I got rainbow booties. Still fun.
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>Chocolate that low
>Believe it or not I actually did intend to reply to myself

Good save, idiot
Never said they did
I know
all this les posting...maybe I'll watch a les video out of curiosity
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If you're going to post Madoka yuri at least post a pairing that isn't bad.
It was obviously the old "I'll reply to myself to try and start a conversation about a point I'm trying to make" technique. But I mean say what you want I guess.

You don't really flirt with yourself with your trip on, it's kinda weird.
>Never said they did
/pol/ Laura is back lads
Alright, thank you.

You should definitely do that, Laura. Just to see what's it like. No harm.

Sayaka is best meduca.
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I was intentionally replying to myself to reflect on what I said but sure
Maybe she meant it to point ot something she noticed in her old post. You know, like she realized that she came off a bit dominant or something.
finally two things I can masturbate to
hahaha oh Beargguy, being a softie again and also dense
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This is what I tried to say yeah, I realize it's coming off as samefaggy especially without the picture added
Alright, alright. That's DEFINITELY what was going on.
I'm not a softie. I'm macho. I don't know if I should argue about the dense part or not.
I really like you, Ella. I hope you know that. But god, looking at these colors makes me want think improve so badly.
>tights and yuri
Oh boy, this is good.
Not my fault she eats shitty ice cream
>Liking chocolate
Do you buy it for your wife's son Tyrell?
Never left
I probably won't, thinking about it, just out of spite
I'll probably find some ss or loli soon
It's good material
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So you're saying you've never been to those threads where people dump pictures and reply to themselves with short sentences?
>not liking chocolate
I don't think I've ever seen taste this bad.
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You should fap to loli yuri then. Here's a good one. https://exhentai.org/g/606727/fc3fbd37e6/
No reason to keep going, you've already convinced me.
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>Do you buy it for your wife's son Tyrell?
Holy shit Laura, my sides
It's not my fault that you make shitty lists. Frick off and watch your lesbo porn.
>I'm not a softie. I'm macho.

I guffawed
Improve it then, Bearg.
Don't think I've forgotten about your surprise, I'm still excited about whatever it is.

>just out of spite
>missing out on great porn just to pretend you don't like shlicking to gay stuff
Please don't do this to yourself.
I like chocolate, but most things are better
>frick off
Watch your mouth
Its just sad pandas for me
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>Its just sad pandas for me
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Is it really that much of a stretch?
Oohoh, you'll get what's coming to you.
>just sad pandas
Google "how to sand get past sad panda exhentai" or some variation. It's a doujin site.
>Is it really that much of a stretch?

I mean yeah. You're king softie of these threads, it's part of the reason the girls love you so much
That was probably just a typo. He meant to tell you to flick off. Which you should. To qt girls.
C'mon Laura.
There's even a Chrome extension for it now. And apps. EHViewer even syncs across devices, it's comfy af.

Well I'll be waiting eagerly.
>but most things are better
Like what?
Yea but he's an adorable softie
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You should definitely go to sadpanda though, all the good stuff is there.
Really, we're not gonna acknowledge my "flick off" pun? I see how it is.
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>reason the girls love you so much
I thought it was because of my model kits.
I'll accept both flick and frick.
What kind of person do you think I am? It's my main site for cute non H doujins. You're too nice
I didn't get it until now
Don't act like you don't watch hentai
Alright, I'm gonna go masturbate repeatedly to drown my sorrows and hope my mom doesn't notice
We all love you Laura
Now beat that panda, I know you can do it!
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Literally the best way to drown sorrows, 10/10 doctors recommend diddling yourself into ecstasy/exhaustion. Enjoy yourself.
>and hope my mom doesn't notice
Or just moan "daddy" over and over in hopes that she does
I don't live with my brother, and even if I did I wouldn't hug him since we're both stoic as fuck
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I've never been to exhentai either, this place has enough romantic/platonic stuff
Good luck
Holy shit, lewd!
Eh? You've never seen a pair of girlballs before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...


AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, anon! Th-Th-They're just sacks of testicles on my croch, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy Anon?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful; my cock is super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy...~!

I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my dick too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!

S-S-S-So, what do you think? ...Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, anon! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram it in something! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better s-s-s-suck it up RIGHT NOW!
If you notice that you may be forming an addiction start using the shower head more. You really don't want your vagina to be bruised from overuse.
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>ragin' 'rection
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Is this about a shemale, newhalf or futanari?
This is important.
>tfw my current crush is a cigarette blonde with punk and heroine chic style

that makes me sploosh
Did Austria bring her friends from /u/ or what? cause this is now lesbian general not that I'm complaining
>implying I'd have friends to bring
I'm definitely not complaining either though.
although I got that impression just from the one post above mine

cause I was surprised to see a lesbian who was not tripping
I've just never had a preference either way. A cool chapstick gets me going just like a musician in a pair of jeans.
In other words while watching pirates of the caribbean both Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom make things a little warm down under
Well, she's got good taste desu.
>surprised to see a lesbian who was not tripping
I mean, I'm sure there's some around, lurking. I'm the only lesbo tripping, far as I know.
So is Ella fake?
Thanks for agreeing on my taste but I have no idea how to pick up girls. Any ideas on how to pick up a lesbian while she gets a smoke break from her job as a bicycle repair woman.
I'm really one to talk, but are you really surprised?

Have no interest in lesbo stuff but I have to save those. They're too good, especially that last one

also Ella, why do you have so much lesbian stuff? Bisexuality is usually just a meme, and I got the impression you were leaning straight
>i totally meant to reply to myself goys
What do you think?
That made me laugh you anonymous poster you.
Darn, my over use of the word "really" must have given it away.
I really like to pretend I believe everyone, but she just made it really hard not to.
Austria = Ella confirmed?
Oh hey Anon, I was just wondering but this was you >>37355503 right? Funny, I remember a few lines like that from a certain story.
I wish I could help you anon, but I've never really picked anyone up. It's more me getting picked up, if anything. I guess just ask her out for coffee and see if there's any attraction? Worst case scenario you're having a coffee break with a hetero.

Most bisexuals are more hetero leaning I always thought, but just collecting cute girls doesn't really make Ella a lesbo. Memes aside she's still more into guys I assume.
I've been looking at the posts and how she responded and I don't think she is, at least I think she did intend to keep her trip with the samefag.

Firstly, the meaning of the post is vague since it didn't start with "you're" or "I'm", which means it could've gone either way. The fact that she replied to it within seconds saying she'd forgotten to upload a picture indicates she at least intended to add a picture. Furthermore she said "I should really stop letting myself go" in the second post, which implies she was getting turned on which would be a reason for flirting with herself and realizing she was being dominant, which, from her earlier posts implying she was generally submissive, would probably be surprising to her.

From the other perspective, the biggest reason for samefagging would be to present a point that she could reply to later, which doesn't necessarily mean she was fake. Austria's reply was about 15 minutes before the post in question, which suggests that maybe Ella (or perhaps whoever is behind that name) wanted to keep posting lewds and samefagged to give herself a reason for dumping more pictures.

I think those are the most likely conclusions, personally I think the former is true and she just made a point about how her attitude changed, this becomes more likely if you add "I'm" to the start of the sentence, "I'm getting a little dominant, huh?" and if she didn't forget to attach the relevant picture. If the latter is true, that doesn't mean her story is fake. So far it's not inconsistent, she's given some detail about her personal life and the progression is expectable. If she suddenly starts posting about how her brother changed his mind I think the obvious conclusion is fake, until that happens she has the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, I've talked about having some sexual interest in my mother before. My childhood problems, only a little.

I'll start studying on asking out people after I finish this book at my job about body language.
How did you deal with your brother and his friends, or did you just start avoiding them?
Nice to see you lurking and posting more often.
I just decided to not. My brother being a soggy bitch hasn't said anything about it and is just hiding from me anyways.
Guess he at least realized how much of an ass he was.
i guess she has the benefit of the doubt. the way it was handled is more or less believable and replying to yourself so you can post more images has been done before. i think it was the lack of pic that made it suspect, if the pic was included it'd just have seemed like she was image dumping.
Or he doesn't think he did anything wrong
What happened with the brother and friends?
I don't care, as long as it continues to be a non problem. If suddenly it comes up again I'm really going to make it hard on him.
Do you have any preferences for girls you'd be into?
If anyone deserves a perfect end, it's you anon.
Sorry I guess I'll lay it out there.

A few days ago I turned down hanging out with my brother and his friends. Apparently me not being there caused them to circlejerk very, very explicit fantasies about me, which my brother joined in on. Then he came back and told me about pretty much all of it, in detail.

Right now it's the hottie next door that I watch from the children's reading table.
>I'm really going to make it hard on him.
Oh I bet you will.
Wait you're a dyke?
I'm an anything. It's a result of >>37355503.
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>suddenly, bisexuals
This is just like school all over again. If any of you try to kiss me "as a joke" I will scream.
Ella is allowed, though.
What about Laura?
I literally think my mom is hot, I don't know what other form of verification I need.
Bisexuality was an extremely popular trend in the mid 2000s, did you pick up on that?
Wait I was afk for a while. Why is she fake?
Obviously, but she didn't seem to excited about the idea. But if that ever changes, gimme.

I'm not saying you're not "really" bi or anything like that, I'm just surprised by the sudden influx.

Pick up as in, got something out of it? Because I was a pre-teen in the mid 2000s.
>Pick up as in, got something out of it?

"pick up on" as in notice
Sorry, it's more from me posting more often. If we explored my sexuality again more sooner than now then it wouldn't seem weird I think. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say.
>I'm an anything.
No offense, but I hope I never reach that level of desperation.
You have to also be in love with her, otherwise you're just the degenerate kind
She was replying to herself and failed to take off her trip, which triggered everyone's fake alarm.
I'm not going to deny that I'm both desperate and degenerate. My sexuality is a big, big mess. We talked about it before. Maybe dig through the archive or something.
Not really I'd say. Like I said I was still pretty much a little girl, with no interest in sexuality. Maybe around 2010 or so, but even so there wasn't exactly an explosion of bisexuality in my circle of friends, insofar I had one. A few of the popular girls said things about that to seem cool (and experienced). But then again, Catholic school and all.
I want to eat dem digits like grapes

Yeah, you *were* in a private Christian school (all-girls?) full of pure qts, so it makes sense that you didn't witness the bisexuality meme
Do you think she's into girls at all?
I think complimenting her or starting a conversation would at least let you gauge initial interest.
All-girls, boarding. Well, half-boarding, you were allowed to leave if you wanted. And honestly they weren't all pure qts. Lots of qts but lots of bitches who stayed pure by trading blowjobs for Molly, but to make up for it got extra good girl points by bullying dykes.
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Real life isnt hentai dipshit. Kys.
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>good girl points

did you finish with a lot of those? ever masturbate at school?
Well at least getting you into threesomes and orgies would be easy.
We actually had a points system of sorts, like teachers rating the students behavior during class and at the end of the year you'd get a grade in behavior in addition to your other grades. I always was pretty good with that because I was quiet and kinda passive, the only teacher who gave me bad points was my Philosophy/Latin teacher because she was a huge bitch who couldn't stand being corrected.
Sure, who hasn't. Never during class though. Well, never to completion during class.
I haven't. Surprisingly I was never bored enough to want to masturbate during school, I would only get turned on when someone said something really raunchy. Besides who wants to get off in a bathroom stall?
Well that doesn't really mean anything so I guess that was the real false alarm
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>who wants to get off in a bathroom stall?
See pic
I mean, it's not about want, it's about need. Of course a small gross school bathroom wasn't ideal, but what can you do.
>We're going on a fieldtrip today!
>now before we go: who needs to tickle their cameltoe in the bathroom?
>everyone raises their hand
Am I the only one who doesn't masturbate in public? Geez.
Joke's on you kissy, now you can't fill out the list of places to fap without being arrested
If only it were that acceptable. I always fantasized about sleepovers that turned into a bunch of giggling excitable girls rubbing off together.
>tickle their cameltoe
>not flick the bean

I guess you're just a pleb.
Also a lonely bathroom stall isn't exactly, super public.
To be fair you don't go out much at all do you? You're NEET. I'm sure you occasionally go to the grocery store but that's different, I doubt Austria has done that much
Those cucumbers tho
Just kidding. Never, and absolutely no intention to ever try.
feast on poon and tongue-punch bean (for oral), play vagina dj, do the taco handshake, play puppets, flicking bean, playing cuntry on the clittar

That was all me. but most of that is from Jon Lajoie
>I always fantasized about sleepovers that turned into a bunch of giggling excitable girls rubbing off together
Isn't that what happens anyway?
I've been going out more with my aniki lately but other than that, yeah I basically only go to convenience or grocery stores
Practice safe sex, diddling the skittle, watering the field (for showerhead related lewd)
For my sister and me it was always just "doing homework" as a code word.

I wish. If there are any big quasi-gay shlicking parties, I've missed out on them.
Every time I try to filter these fucking things you change the name. Stop it or I'm spamming again
>doing homework

and on school break?
Actually didn't have a separate term for it. Between the two of us we'd still just say doing homework.
But honestly our parents always gave us our privacy, comes with living in a big house I guess.
That's cute. So for the past month, month and a half? that you've been lewding, it's been your go-to code that you don't need to use
Well, these days we don't really need it anymore, yeah. Plus we're both out of school obviously. But a few days ago she's asked if I "needed help with my homework", looking all seductively. And being the idiot I am I had no idea what she was talking about.
Also, I'm off to bed now, my father always makes me work on Tuesday so I'd rather not be all zombified. See you, thread.
Don't forget to diddle your sister
How could I.
Not tonight though.
Roughly once a day, occasionally 2 or none, averages to somewhere at or just below 1
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It's interesting how forgetting to attach a picture and not preposing the sentence with "I'm" can cause such problems. It was just a little fucking jape at myself but I guess it couldn't be left as just that.

I was just getting more comfortable here and sperged out as usual. I don't normally let random anons decide how I feel but in this case if it's so fucking easy to invalidate me and everything that led up to and after being rejected by the love of my fucking life I don't see any reason to talk about it here anymore, I've dealt with a year of this already. By myself.

Oh and here's a shitty picture in bad lighting to at least prove I'm not some greasy neckbeard. Bye.
Oh my God, Ella a cute. Someone send this to Austria.
Fucking autismos, ruining something good as usual, just do what everyone else does and ignore them.
Please stay, you're a qt.
Incoming a certain someone screaming REEEEEEEEEE CAMWHORE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Please don't leave, aside from the shitposters people here love you. Don't let some shitty anons put you off of coming here.
Why are all the smol breasted women here cute?
I hope you come back some day. If not, have a nice life, I hope your brother returns your feelings eventually
Please don't, not everyone thought you weren't real.
Most people just ignore those posts and carry on as normal because the thread turns into a shit-storm otherwise.

That's not very nice of you anon.
>Why are all the smol breasted women here cute?

They have to compensate, obviously

>"Have a nice life"
>possibly ruined Laura's chances at a nice life
>That's not very nice of you anon
Remember the last time a trip posted their face? We're going to have an autistic sperg session when they see this
Do you people legitimately think I ruined her life? All I did was ask Laura to tell the truth and explain why I think lying about it was bad, it was her choice in the end and K's fault for not accepting her. Laura doesn't blame me, but I still feel bad about it, and I don't need you guys making me feel bad about it too

Can you not try to stir shit up?
I think if I was your brother and I rejected you, it would be against my will and it would cause me great physical pain.
>I don't need you guys making me feel bad about it too
You should feel bad about it. You manipulated someone into ending a relationship for the sake of your orbiting.
Hey, remember when you were going on about how story-chan's autism meant she couldn't be held accountable for any wrong she did? You probably don't, but I remember when you implied exactly that. Now, does that apply to Laura, who is quite possibly a legitimate autist, and is not that hard to convince?
>Ella's brother didn't hit this.
Yeah he fapped to you at least a couple of times.

>Still trying to pretend you didn't do it on purpose.
Of course Laura doesn't blame you, she legit thinks you were trying to help, she's naive as fuck, if we would have told her to blow her dad to wake him up, she would have done it and when her dad would send her to therapy she wouldn't have held a grudge against anyone here and would actually thank us for trying and supporting.
The only reason you feel bad is because you didn't expect Laura to be this miserable.
Kill yourself you fucking cunt.
I just think that antagonising people for the sake of it doesn't really help anyone. Especially since she always appears to defend herself, thus making people more angry.

The fact that you talk to her directly makes this very difficult.
How do we know that you're not holding pictures over her head and whatnot?
It was me. I ruined Laura's life. Not to orbit but for keks.
I didn't manipulate anyone, I didn't make anyone end a relationship, I'm not orbiting anyone, and if K left her because of how she feels, then he wasn't good enough for her and it's better for it to happen now than later

>remember when you were going on about how story-chan's autism meant she couldn't be held accountable for any wrong she did?
I never said nor implied that, and Laura's an adult that can make her own decisions

I was trying to help, if K had accepted her despite her feelings I'd have been happy for her and would have been fine with them being together

I'd post screencaps to prove I'm not blackmailing her, but I was mad at her and said some things I don't want other people to see. Maybe when I get home I'll post something. I'd never blackmail her, that's a dick move and we're friends
You reek of being a creepy orbiter who emotionally manipulates her under the guise of "friendship". Laura deserves to have a much better friend than you.
Laura deserves to have lots of great friends, but I don't think she wants many
Can we please stop arguing? Ella, please don't leave. I don't want anyone to leave. Ignore the comments, and ignore the people having suspicion about you. Just ignore it all and keep posting. The thread has gone through so much constant and was able to keep springing back up. You can do the same.
>and if K left her because of how she feels, then he wasn't good enough for her
No, K left her because he doesn't want to be in a relationship where he's always gonna be second. You wouldn't want your girlfriend to be thinking of someone else when she's with you, right? You knew what was going to happen, you knew their relationship was kinda shaky and you decided to abuse it.

>I never said nor implied that
Not that guy, but I actually remember you saying something at least along those lines.

>I was trying to help, if K had accepted her despite her feelings I'd have been happy for her and would have been fine with them being together
Yeah sure, you orbiting creep.
>Laura's an adult that can make her own decisions

We all know that's not entirely true.

>if K left her because of how she feels, then he wasn't good enough for her and it's better for it to happen now than later

Your white-knight logic (literally defending cuckoldry by the way, by definition a cuckold is "one whose partner is unfaithful") has consequences. Laura could potentially never get into a relationship again because of you. Not just because because she may or may not find another decent guy who actually likes her enough to put up with her issues, but also because you ruined several months' efforts and I can imagine that's demoralizing for her.
I really enjoy the time that I can spend with you guys.
Well said Bearg, Ella please come back if you're still lurking.
Laura would never be unfaithful
I'm not arguing anymore, this thread isn't the place to argue about it
This x1000

beargguy dropping truth bombs
>Laura would never be unfaithful

She already was, not intentionally though. You think K should have put up with being second to her dad, that is very much your problem. Because you see, that kind of thing is a no-brainer for people who have testicular fortitude and self-respect, which you lack.

Go ahead and leave though, not like people missed you
I'm sorry I should've known this would happen
Please please stop arguing I just want to sleep
>I'm not arguing anymore, this thread isn't the place to argue about it
Yeah sure, go back to orbit you sack of shit.
We're not arguing over you Ella, don't worry.
Just remember that everyone loves you and wants you to stay.
I don't think anyone was being negative towards you, just some people mad about something else.
This isn't about you though qt, you're welcome here any time. Not everyone here is worth talking to, but the other trips besides Deer Guy actually are very good people.
Relax, nobody is mad at you, people are just tired of Deer's shit. People actually want you here.
No that's not what I mean I don't want people to argue about what Deer did

It's morally right for Laura to tell K but it would also have been good for her to keep it secret so she can try to move on. Both sides have their merit, the circumstances led to one being chosen over the other. The point is moot, trying to blame and exclude someone from this community for choosing the moral side is just cult behaviour and it's stupid.

They've already broken up, both arguments have said their part and what's happened has happened. The rest is just acting like petulant children trying to find excuses or someone to blame because you can't deal with a stalemate. This goes for both sides. Just fucking shut up.
Okay, I'll leave the orbiter alone but he should never have made that spoilertext post last thread.
No, see you haven't been here long enough to know what you're talking about. There *is* more to this than you think.

You just don't know how naive and neurotic Laura is and just how obsessed Deer is with her.
I'm actually arguing more about Deer being such a massive cunt, you aren't a guy so you wouldn't know, but it's clear as fuck he did it on purpose he wanted to break them up, regardless of Laura's choice and it being morally correct, what led her to that decision was just a guy that wanted to keep orbiting because he thinks he actually has a shot with someone he might never meet.
I legit think Deer should do Laura a huge favor by never giving her any kind of advice ever and if he's feeling really generous he should do the thread a favor by killing himself.
>it's pointless to argue about the morality of someone's intentions

this right here is as much proof of your gender as a frontal nudity picture
>he should do the world a favor by killing himself*
Then let's resolve this argument.
Deer, you have two options:

A. You admit thay your advice was shit, and the best thing for her is for you to leave her alone.

Or B. You continue as her friend, confirming that your "advice" was intentional sabotage.

Because you either know you fucked up, and a fuck up of this magnitude would make any sane person withdraw from a friendship out of sheer respect for the other person, or you know that it was with the intention of sabotage, and continue being a "friend", which will inevitably lead into more of the same.
You really messed up by bringing the content of your private conversations here, that spoiler post last thread has fucked you royally.
He must have thought Laura would just bounce right back up and when he saw her being so upset and miserable, he started feeling guilty and thought posting it here would be good, which it wasn't, let's just hope all the shit talking him eventually leads him fuck off and/or kill himself, if we're lucky he might die on his job in a train crash.
I don't understand this. I kind of disagree that intent doesn't matter. For me it's the opposite. Intent is virtually everything. I think this and I am most certainly a woman.

If someone hurts me by accident I don't hold it against them. If they try to hurt me [even if they don't] I do hold it against them.
>I am most certainly a woman.
Proof with full frontal when?
>This qt was just talking about how she masturbates using her brother's used tissues a couple of hours ago.
>The same qt fantasised about being claimed with her brother's cum and having him piss inside her
Masturbating to her stories suddenly got really easy now that I know she's a literal fluid druid.
You're so cute Ella, I just want to hug you and stroke your hair.
>you will never have a cute imouto who is addicted to smelling your cum
Why even live
and how does her brother even resist
>how does her brother even resist
I'll be honest, if I wasn't so messed up in the head I probably might have turned my brother down under normal circumstances. Two siblings having the same urges isn't "normal".
Nope, it's great.
> I probably might have turned my brother down
Weren't you the one that started raping him?
You're right, it is great. But normies and all that.
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Wait what? No I didn't do that.
>started raping him
>there are people in this world who saw her lewd eyes in public while she was going commando and grinding herself on her chair in class out of frustration
well some tumblrites would argue you raped him, specifically his thigh
I swear you just started suddenly raping that poor man's lips
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Well I mean later he told me he knew what I was doing and let it happen.
He kissed me back though.

Do I need to remind you guys that my brother was a siscon for a long time before I started being that way too?
Poor Austria lost a potential qt lewding partner and doesn't even know it yet. Guess we can only watch as she eventually converts Laura.
Now that you mentioned it those eyes are kinda lewd, her upper eyelashes are the perfect thickness and her eyebrow seems to curve upwards a little. Kind of looks like she has some really subtle traces of Russian ancestry
Did you ever ask him how many times he masturbated to you each day?
Dude it's literally half her face with another half blocked by a fringe.

Stop perving, she's for pure only.
>she's for pure only.
This, Ella is now the thread's cute pure imouto.
>implying Laura will go on living long enough for that
>she's for pure only.
Did you read her lewd fantasys? This slut needs some Onii-dick inside her ASAP.

purest female is Austria and purest person is Beargguy by far
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We actually talked about that yeah. He told me he used to fap to me a lot but it started getting really painful for him emotionally to do it so he stopped for a long time. but would do it whenever he saw something he couldn't not fap to like seeing down my shirt and seeing my nipple or this one time he peaked at me changing clothes
>This slut
You stop that, she's not a slut if it's with onii-chan.
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Okay correction because I just asked him this. He peaked at me a lot more than once intentionally.

Not sure if I should be embarrassed or happy about this.

Also it's kind of nice knowing Ella is a real person.
>purest female is Austria
Bitch wants to get dominated until death, no way she's purest female.

>purest person is Beargguy by far
Yeah this actually.

Be happy of course.

It's less slutty, but still slutty, no way she's pure.
But the problem is that she isn't with him.
>Bitch wants to get dominated until death

she's the most expressive about how in love she is, and is so happy with the cuddles that she doesn't care that much that she's not getting eaten out.
but for real osrs is fun and i would like some friends
Why osrs?
Do you not have any other games you enjoy?
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>when other boards are also talking about incest
This. Austria seems like she would've been content with just purely cuddling her sister for life.
And correction, she doesn't want to get dominated until death; she wants to get lovingly dominated until death.
And if we're just going by fantasies alone, then there are no pure females here.
All the other games I like are on dated consoles.
Is that your first time on /a/? We talk about incest all the damm time.
Fun fact: I only came to know these threads because someone on /a/ linked one of them on an incest/imouto thread. /blog
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Let's not argue
Ella, you said you were going to sleep, but if you're still here I think you should stay
I can't make you do anything but you're a nice person and I like you
plus, Austria has shifted her sights from me to you, have fun
You saved my gif, I'm so proud.
For example?
I'm sure some of the trips or myself would be willing to be friends with you if you asked them. Unless you're just looking for people for osrs, then that's a little more of a niche market.

It's a good gif anon - hold your head high.
I'm more just looking for people to play osrs with. I should stop trying to use the thread to do it.
How's it going? You feelin' better?
No it's a screenshot from somewhere. My brother showed it to me. I don't go on /a/ though.
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Why does that make you proud?
Nothings changed really, I just laid in bed all day, but what else was I gonna do
Hopefully work will get the ball rolling or something will, until then I can't really work up the will to do much of anything
I know I'm being a whiney pity party at this point, but I just feel like a failure, I can't have a relationship until I get over my dad, but I can't get over him without something else, I'm fucking stuck
>screenshot from somewhere
Yeah, /a/.
There's actually 2 threads going on over there.
Do they talk about this thread much? Since you said someone linked you here.
Not trying to start shit again, but I still don't understand why you listened to Deer.
You should have stayed with K you said you liked him, he might have been able to make you forget about your dad eventually, I honestly think the best way to forget your dad is just get someone else.
Guess going back to K isn't really an option, right?
You should just become a nun.
Not really, It's mostly just posting doujin pages from imouto doujin then people ask for sauce but they get told to fuck off because "Spoonfeeding REEEEE."
Most of the time a couple of guys show up and start talking about their own sisters, but they usually get told to fuck off because "Blogging REEEE".
Ocasionally someone brings up the old incest posters (though it never got to this threads level) and people start wonder what their up to until someone shows up and starts calling "Fake stories REEEEE".
Even when the guy who linked this thread said they were "real" incest stories here the few people that replied to him told him to fuck off.
Nuns can't get married, have sex, or kids
You make sense, but regardless it's too late, like you said I can't go back to him
So? Are you gonna try to get another boyfriend?
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Reminding me why I don't go to /a/. It's as bad as people say it is.
That's the idea, but I don't know how, and I hate the idea of having a bf while having feelings for my dad
Fuck it, just stop playing the game then.
>like you said I can't go back to him
I mean you could try...give him a call/text say you want to talk, it's clear he likes you and got frustrated over his 'lost time', if you do give it a try tell him you miss him, give him a repeat about that other time he brought up your dad, tell him stuff, like you didn't mean to make him mad/jealous when you said you still have feelings for your dad, that you were just being honest and didn't want to keep secrets from him, assure him that you do like him, I dunno stuff like that. I'm sure he would at least consider it, I would.
You mean give up? I want a life and a family of my own if I can't have my dad
Well we're at

>boo hoo I can't have my dad
>better get a bf to fill the hole
>boo hoo I can't have my dad
>better kill the relationship for the sake of "honesty"
>boo hoo I can't have my dad

Rinse and repeat. There isn't much else we can say.
Yeah I usually only browsed /a/ imouto threads because where else would I get my imouto dose, I was lucky I was browsing the exact thread this one got posted in.
I'm serious you need someone to get over your dad.
> I hate the idea of having a bf while having feelings for my dad
This was barely a problem for over 3+ months, stop listening to deer faggot.
Are your sure you aren't self sabotaging yourself?
Cucks exist, I'm sure you'll find some guy, maybe Deer?
yeah desu most there are underage or newfags, so they act like that as an attempt to fit in
>says deer guy hoping for the sexual validation he's been longing for as he posts without a trip in an attempt to trick Laura
Shouldn't you be hanging yourself deer guy?
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Not that you asked for my advice but I fully plan on keeping what I'm doing with my brother and my feelings towards him a secret from any future partners. Assuming my social anxiety dies down enough for me to get one after me and my brother end it.
Do you like this thread more than the /a/ ones?
I doubt he likes being called a cuck. Or maybe he does, considering how he defends them.
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>any future partners
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>any future partners
>after me and my brother end it.
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I don't post without my trip unless I'm bumping
Partner I meant. I really don't think I could stomach sleeping around.
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>Partner I meant
I'm not self sabotaging
I know, it's not the best way to handle things
I do like him, I guess I've got nothing to lose
she doesn't have a choice in the matter

Too bad deer, guess she isn't buying.

And don't call him. Just move on. At this point you just seem clingy and, sorry to say, crazy as fuck.
>Do you like this thread more than the /a/ ones?
Yeah people aren't huge faggots here. (most of the time), I wish people would at least post more cute stories though, hell I wish people would actually post stories here, over 80% is off topic blogging.

>any future partners
>after me and my brother end it.
Literally what the fuck am I reading?
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>Partner I meant.
Try again
Sorry I'm trying to stop rping or I would help with that.
>I fully plan on keeping what I'm doing with my brother and my feelings towards him a secret
You are a genuinely disgusting human being. A true subhuman
Oh well at least you did your best when you still posted, now that I remember even when all your characters were still around things never got this off topic, though I guess that's because half the trips were just you.
looks like we have a lot of new friends today

Kissy's brother established that they were going to end it in a few years. Kissy doesn't want to, she wants Mook's babies
Nigga please, I just think it's disgusting.
I'm from before these threads were about incest. Kissy's a subhuman for wanting to hide shit from a poor cunt later on (and for fucking her brother)
>looks like we have a lot of new friends today
No, I know, I was just showing my disgust at her for not doing her best to erase such thoughts out of her brother's mind.
Funny how 3/5 of those (You)s are mine, I was trying to make some sort of emphasis on my disgust.
I patted my imouto before I left to go back home to my apartment
I dont think you ruined her life i just dont think you gave enough thought, K was her closest friend before she was dating him, and now their relatioship will never be the same. K Liked her and she liked K doesnt make any sense why she would tell him and break him up
Also this is 4chan get thickker skin honey
Sorry, now I can't tell if I did more damage or good. But at the same time things have been slightly better these last couple days so I don't think I did much damage.
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Look guys I really don't want it to end with my brother but he's the one holding that over me.

Fuck it this shit is getting me emotional I'll talk to him about it right now, he's not working tomorrow anyway. BRB after this post.

>I wish people would at least post more cute stories though
Eh, I guess I'm guilty of that too. I'll try posting more cute stories from now on.

>I was just showing my disgust at her for not doing her best to erase such thoughts out of her brother's mind
I don't know how anon.
She's in love with her dad, when you consider that you'll realize that whatever relationship they could've had would never be good with that up in the air. His reaction would've been worse if he found out later on.
Could be a mix of both,thread quality was objectively better when you were here, but seeing how well everyone get's along with everyone (except for deer guy I guess) is pretty nice and refreshing in it's own way.
Good night, it's getting late over here and need to wake up early.
Funny how people say mean shit to kissy every time you're around. Really activates the almonds.
oh boy

guess whose turn it is to have an emotional breakdown

first Ella, then Laura, now kissy
Please don't start, it's barely mean.
Who do you think is next?
What's your brother trying to do by humoring you with this relationship? If you're gonna be lead on for like 5 years and end up nowhere, you might as well not start in the first place.
See you later

Not only does that seem like you trying to start a fight, I've been here all day and nothing has happened except for the Ella thing and I was actually getting dinner with my parents then.

Austria? Clogs maybe?
Pretty sure shes told him before, now shes just reinforcing it. Im fairly certain she is always gonna love her father she cant let that not get her into other relatioships with people she likes, otherwise she will never be with anyone and will spend the reat of her life crushing on the impossible
>Pretty sure shes told him before
And he didn't break up with her then because...
Slav though he's not an incest poster. If I had to pick one of them, either Laura or Austria, most likely the former.
Calling someone a disgusting subhuman is not "barely mean". I'm sick of people singling out trips, especially with how irrationally bad Kissy gets shit on.
I'm not starting a fight when I'm responding to someone being shit on and you just happen to start posting as yourself having a samefag conversation.
They werent dating then, and prettt sure she speagettied while telling him
So essentially, if she didn't fumble or whatever, he'd have never gotten into a relationship with her.
There's something I read recently that is an absolutely perfect response for this situation.

I don't need this and I am above this. From now on you're just talking to yourself.
You're not above it if you hold a grudge enough to shitpost and not admit to it.
Eh probably but tis not the point, she wasnt really using K because she actually liked him, and he actually liked her. She told him bc she felt like ahe was lying to him. Being in love with your father isnt something you should go around saying. Now she ruined her relationship and friendship, over something thats going to be a problem for a very long time
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Alright, reading all this I'm starting to regret my decision, whoops, fuck me ten ways to Sunday
More like
>First Laura, then Laura, Laura...
Give it a week, I'll be crying about something, I know I'm pathetic
I want to hug you, I know you wouldn't like it but I want to
First an appreciation of my expression AND an understanding of aspergers?

I would let you do more than hug me.
>I'm starting to regret my decision
What suprised me was how you didn't even bother coming to the thread to see if everyone thought it was a good idea (like you usually do), you just showed up and had already made your decision. Even when I and a few other anons told you it was a bad idea you still went through with it.
Don't scold her. She's still an adult and you're still just an anonymous poster on a fucking anime image board.
I don't want to do any more...the humph was just cute
I'm sorry, I just thought I had the answer for once, and now I've fucked it all up again
If he was going to be in a relationship with her, he deserved to know that.
Sorry, I'm still trying to stop my natural reaction of flirting with just about anyone who says something nice to me online. It's a habit from roleplaying.
Make like a deer and kill yourself.
You mean like roleplaying when you talk to yourself or roleplay when you bully Kissy
Here's a cool thread check it out
OK I see people debating this in the thread, but before your most recent conversation with K, did he already know about your feelings for your dad?
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