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Thread replies: 565
Thread images: 91

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Let the wagecucking in 2016 commence.
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Let the normies enter this thread.

Keep that Amerislime out of here tbqhm9
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Morning lads. Another miserable day.
Keep an eye on BBC lads.

Anywhere I should be avoiding m9?
Bought some phenibut and noopept for the new year. Let the withdrawal symptoms commence.

Gonna get some benzos too. Fuck January
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Haven't even been to bed yet lads, the ride never ends.

Morning lads. Doing anything interesting today?
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Going to have a shower and a shave, go to Co-op and buy some junk food and snacks, check how much money I have left in my bank then decide if I really wanna drop my meager savings plus crimbo cash on a ps4 with bloodbourne and mgs5.

How about you?

Places of employment if you value your comfy.

But how can I be comfy when being a poorfag?
Depends how prudent you are.
Might watch some cute girl anime
shave your cunt?
Not sure yet.

Probably grab a meal deal and spend the rest of the day back on the internet box

just fucking end it all
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Meal deal from where lad?


Got a petrol station just a few seconds away, so I'll probably head up in a bit

Also qt
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>tfw the petrol station 2 minutes from my house has a subway built into it
>tfw I'm too scared to leave my house to get something from there
Fear'll all be worth it after you come home and tuck into your Subway

deliveroo it m9
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Sounds good fella, closest thin to me is a pretty big co-op that's always teaming with people so it's always a chore going.

Wish I had a subway that close I'd abuse it all the time, though I remember the first time I went in one and got stressed at all the fucking questions they ask, it's pretty good when you can just rattle off what you want so they don't have to ask you a million things though

>tfw signing on today

wish me luck lads
Fear keeps me from ever leaving my house, being asked questions as well is too much for me so I don't think I can do it. I'll just keep dreaming about it and going there one day.

Not in my area.

My own fear keeps me from abusing the mcdonalds and subway which are within 5 minutes of where I live, I just stay in my room and wish I had the balls and bravery to leave my house.
Just had beef stroganoff lads, what the fuck am I playing at?
>I just stay in my room and wish I had the balls and bravery to leave my house.
THink of all the money you're saving though lad.
I just spend it on other things like takeaways or games or just random shit online.
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If things start looking shaky start asking em questions to waste time, like Could you explain what a zero hour contract is as I keep seeing it pop up in several jobs i've been applying to. They usually what people in and out when it's just a signing sesh.


I get more anxious waiting for it to arrive than running up to the station quickly
My new years resolution is to lay off the fast food. Rather spend it on good food or something totally different.

>I get more anxious waiting for it to arrive
Kek and that won't be a problem, I can just about handle the supermarket once a fortnight.
Morning lads, who else /GettingReadyForWork/. Fucking knackered Tbqh.

Probably leave the offer today around 2-3 considering I'm tired
It makes me really nervous, but once I order it I have no choice in the matter so that's how I get through it, with going out I can just opt out and I can't put myself in a position where I have to go out to get a nice mcdonalds or subway, even if I desperately want to

I don't want to lay off fast food, it's one of the only things that brings me joy
>Brits post waifus
Fucking digusting
>it's one of the only things that brings me joy
Learn to cook for yourself lad, it can be really satisfying.
Tried in the past, even with help from my mum, just ends up in depression, and I prefer the taste of fast food.
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Have one on the house, lad
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>tfw no hannah gf

bot blocking my hannah feels
I decided to upload some pictures I'd drawn onto instagram yesterday, ended up with about 30 or so different interactions, follows, likes etc
One was an art collector with 13k followers and another was an art magazine with 10k followers.

It's given me a positive outlook for the year ahead.

It's only a small thing but it still feels like an accomplishment, like I'm furthering my passion.

Today is just another day, but it carries the potential to change your whole life.

Its hard to see that when your constantly bogged down with negativity.
I used to and then one day I was halfway through an egg mcmuffin and started vomiting violently.
It lasted for three days and could have been chalked up to food poisoning if it weren't the fact that the same thing happened anytime I tried to eat any form of greasy food afterwards.

I think my body just couldn't continue surviving like that.

I eat a lot better now and have learned that I love food I hated as a child.
Seeing the change to your body is great as well.
You can lose so much weight just by changing your diet its unreal.
At this point it feels like every day's been blended into one tbqh
Can you make anything?
Do you live in leeds?
sounds horrible, I've been eating nothing but shit food for a good decade or so though with no problems so I think I'm fine, I hope what happened to you doesn't happen to me because it'd pretty much kill me since there's no chance I'm eating anything healthy. Also I'm pretty sure you still need to exercise even if you change your diet, I can't imagine you can lose weight by changing up your diet but never moving.

Anything I can just put in the oven/microwave, obviously that's not actually cooking but I'm just saying that's what I can "make".

Do something to make today stand out.

They say that making a change in your life is something you have to do immediately.

Tomorrow never comes and all that.
I'll see what I can do

Never heard that piece of advice before, but maybe it'll be the one that sticks

Cheers, anon
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Not having much luck on this POF dating site lads.
It's really hitting home that I'm fucking shit at girls.

It's self sufficient at least, I know people who struggle to do that. You should try branching out into basic stuff like pancakes,
Post pof roasties
Things I have failed to make:

Store bought burgers you just had to grill (this with my mum's help and with a grill we had)
Chicken (with my mum's help)

I'm a retard, not like "oh I'm stupid", I'm a legit retard, I cannot follow instructions properly, panic too easily and cooking isn't for me.
Yeah I had the same trouble.
I don't think dating sites are all that useful in conclusion.
Especially after seeing the statistics regarding reply rate from women to good looking men. It really is true that a small percentage of guys fuck most of the women.

I think the best thing is to meet somebody out in the real world.
Its hard but that's life. It if was easy it wouldn't be worth as much.
singed on over christmas, it's the easiest money you'll ever get my man, best of luck.
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There's nothing to post desu lad, its like they're all carbon copies of each other, throwing around the term "genuine guy" while they post pics of themselves pouting at glasses of wine. It's fucking depressing.

Genuine guy must be code for Chad or something.
Pasta is the easiest
>boil water
>put pasta in boiling water
>turn heat off
>keep checking it until it's soft enough
literally that simple

Well done for trying so much even if you do sperg out it is practice but you sound sick of trying.
nothing much lad
drinking coffee and listening to death grips

did some situps because I'm applying for military, got 65 which is more than enough. still going to try get to 80 or so though
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I failed at pasta, on the first occasion the wafer boiled and went everywhere fucking up the stove and then I didn't leave the pasta boiling long enough, on the 2nd occasion too long. As I said before, cooking isn't for me and I'm too so upid.
What should I buy from Co-op lads?
leave the lid slightly open, like sit it at an angle. that way it'll boil/simmer without water rising.

meats are easy to cook. sausages are easiest, steaks are hard to get decent but still pretty easy (just look up), chicken is same as steak but even if it's slightly overcooked it doesn't taste too bad.
mince/burger patty i don't get how you'd fuck that up, you literally just flip it a few times and wait till it's obviously cooked.
eggs you just crack (only hard part) and flip like pancakes.

if you can't cook toast then i don't know. you literally press a button and it does all the shit for you... theres no way you'd fuck up cooking toast if someone else uses it and has set the dial to right amount
Sounds good, keep it up!

I've had thoughts about joining bit idqk yet
No worries about that - NEET here.
post em lad
don't put too much in, pasta expands. Fill the water only slightly above the level of the pasta

leave a wooden spoon on top of the pot, that stops the water boiling over

also salt the water slightly (put a pinch in)

cooking is all muscle memory really, after a while you just learn how long stuff takes, how long stuff takes too cook etc

just keep at it
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Keep at it lad, I've just started to have my music and art recognized by some people that really inspire me, it feels good!
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New shoes are making my feet a little sore lads, don't really like this desu

If I won the lottery I'd find somebody with the exact same size and shape feet as me and pay them to wear my shoes in.

Try this site:


There are some genuinely desperate cases on there and plenty are DTF as well.
Wtf is Hannah doing these days? I remember some of her videos were quite hot.

They can help.
Who /fucked up sleep pattern/ here?

I got up at 9pm yesterday evening and I'm starting to get sleepy now, but if I go to bed the cycle will repeat as I need at least 12 hours of sleep to feel refreshed.
IKTFB been up since 8pm myself, plying myself with caffeine and hoping to last until late tonight

Exact same situation here lad, dunno if I want to carry on or just fall back to sleep
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Inner turmoil consumes me.

Should I buy 24 pounds worth of ME3 DLC or keep the money for a jacket or something. I mean, I've got like 3 hoodies and a nice umbrella already...

I wish you all good luck lads. I can feel my mind slowing and I've already moved to a laying down position, won't be long before the eye resting begins.
Me too, anon. Went to work today at 7, but I fell asleep at 3.45 am.
It's dark as hell outside which isn't helping, I'm sat here with all the lights on and the curtains open, feel like I'm in a fishbowl desu
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>not pirating the dlc

I had two installs of me3 when I played it. A pirate copy for the story with all the shitty dlcs and then a cheap legit copy I got from a russian keyseller site for the online. Too bad the game was shit. Online wasn't all that bad though.
just got back from the centre and how the hell are you suppose to spend 35 hours looking for work thats ridiculous

Won't EA find me and black bag me and sell me to a Chinese iPhone factory.
>tfw everyone in your house is back to work today

Let the comfy resume
>nice umbrella
Explain how umbrellas can be nice pls.
>how the hell are you suppose to spend 35 hours looking for work
by applying to jobs.
Watching the news

>Argentina wish to begin renegotiations with Britain over the status of the Falkland islands

What is there to negotiate? They got btfo in the war and literally nobody on the islands wants control passed to a fucking third world country.

It's not ragged.
Are you grill or faggot?
By pretending to apply for jobs, just go to random websites, write down the references and say you applied for them. It isn't like they can check up on it.
Shit I replied to the wrong post, drunk by 11, not my record.
>It isn't like they can check up on it.
It would be covered by data protection laws that they weren't allowed to disclose who applied?
Tesco cos they don't charge extra for the "premium" options
Boots meal deal used to be amazing, big can of relentless, triple wedge of sandwiches and a medium bag of sweets for 3GBP
Yep, precisely.
Captcha: Giftbox selection

;) Maybe I can show you my umbrella anyway bb
Doesn't that make the whole system redundant?
>Applied for these
Prove it
>Show reference numbers
Ok thanks anon see you next week
I was on jobseekers for four years just filling out my activity log the night before using this template -
> Checked Universal Jobmatch everyday
> Checked various job websites everyday
> Checked local newspapers each wednesday (job page day)
> Phoned agencies every monday and friday
> Spend an hour looking for possible jobs, note down jobsite references, email addresses and spread them throughout the fortnight (Doesn't matter if you applied for them or not, data protection and all that).

Sure it's a little bit of effort, but it's free money.

Fortunately I've found a job that I actually don't mind going to, having something to do, however boring, is actually quite satisfying.
>Fortunately I've found a job that I actually don't mind going to, having something to do, however boring, is actually quite satisfying.

what is it?

An original comment about Anon being A rent boy.
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>you will never be a siberian cossack exploring new lands and removing kazakhs
Document processor in a scanning department. It's not complicated but I can't really talk much more about it since it's MOD related. The people I work with are really nice and there is no stress, currently of sick but I'm back in next monday.
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Has anyone here applied through UCAS without a reference?

I've been out of school for a few years and my tutor is no longer there so no one will write me an academic reference.

Do they even check the reference, like did they contact your reference at all? Could i just be cheeky and write it myself?
>tfw finally home after 2 weeks
>tfw finally found a /comfy/ chair
Probly not worth risking. Are there no teachers still there that might consider giving you a ref? Even an old teacher that liked you would probably give you a reference.

Or you might be able to track down that old tutor in this era of social media.

Oh and they do check references and providing false references is a crime. Not worth the risk.
How the fuck can anyone with an IQ above 70 fuck up making PASTA?
How are you seeing pasta as being a worse fuck up than toast?!
Everyone fucks up toast now and then
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No i've tried through the school. The problem is it's so close to the deadline now, that i need to be quick about it.

The only person i can ask is my supervisor, but i've only been here like a month and i don't think he really likes me. I don't really trust him to do it either, and even if he does he knows so little about me it seems kinda pointless in the first place.
Wish you could see how done it is tbqh
Why aren't you at work or getting educated right this minute anon??
I have been educated on how to do a dodgy JSA report thing.
>was supposed to have work today
>car wouldn't start
Boss says no worries and that they can sort out a lift for me so I can come to work tomorrow
My bedroom's really mouldy. How do I fix this? It's annoying because I spend 95% of my time in here and I can't help but feel it's damaging my lungs or something
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Remember to keep your old one when it's full and simply rewrite it on your new one with changed dates.
>tfw depressed lazy NEET that does nothing
>tfw I actually worked up the motivation to put some laundry on so I can take a shower later
Been about two weeks, lads. Gonna feel so fucking comfy after I shower.
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scrub the walls with some anti mould cleaner, dry out your room with a heater, buy a dehumidifier.
Paint over it - POOF! it's gone, mind over matter my friend.
who here /failed A-levels/ ??
I think my parents have all those things, thanks anon.

I don't trust your enthusiastic tone
Make sure you change your bedsheets for newly laundered ones, makes it super ultra comfy.
Yeah my bedsheets are filthy right now. Haven't changed them in literally half a year. I'm fucking disgusting, I know. I was just so sure I was gonna finally kill myself that I completely gave up on any form of personal hygiene whatsoever and now it's become normal for me to be gross and filthy.

Gonna wash those, too. So soft.
hello hi

Depends what you mean by failed.

I got three Cs and rejected by all the unis i applied to.

>one uni had a typical offer of CCC
>give be a conditional of BBC and then reject me

The first anon is right, the second is a cowboy.
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>tfw 320 ucass points by colouring in posters and writing some science on them, IT and an arts subject
>tfw 3 BTEC and 1 A level got me into a pointless degree but had the easiest and best 3 years of my life
My SSD card came yesterday and it feels so nice for my shit to work straight away after windows loads.

Time to move all my games onto my old HDD that Windows was on
SSDs are future lad. Me laptop boots up in a about 10 seconds, unbelievable tekkers
are countries with the union jack in their flag allowed in britfeels threads? if not, sorry lads I'll leave
what is wwronf wtih jerry face
which one la
Sandisk Ultra II. Got a 960gb for 143 quid during the amazon boxing sales. Was about 200 quid before that
State which colony.
/totally original comment.jpeg/
Prisonfag with sleep issues? Why not
> the second is a cowboy
Nope, just irish.
Set up a business and work from home like me, I'm in my dinosaur onsie watching cricket, its decent.
Updated: January 2016

People that have blocked me on Twitter or Instagram (IG) or both:

Most recent: Gianna Michaels (Porn Star) & Richard Sherman, Seattle Seahawks. I called him out for playing like shit earlier this season lol lads

Ronda Rousey - UFC Fighter - Instagram
Andy Milonakis - Actor/Rapper - Twitter & IG
Michelle Branch - Singer - Instagram
Scott Stapp - Lead Singer/Creed - Twitter
Phillip DeFranco - Internet Celeb - Twitter
Sarah Dunsworth TrailerParkBoys Twitter/IG
Suicide Girls - Porn/Modeling - Instagram
Paul Walker - Actor/Fast & Furious - Twitter
ShoeNice22 - YouTube Celeb - YouTube & IG Pat 'HD' Barry - UFC fighter - Twitter
Christy Mack - Porn star - Twitter
Grant Imahara - Mythbusters - Twitter
Dirt Nasty - Rapper/Actor - Twitter & IG
Jada Stevens - Porn Star - Instgram
Jen Selter - Ass/Fitness model - Twitter & IG
Gianna Michaels - Porn Star - Instagram
Richard Sherman - Sea. Seahawks - Twitter
Any other jobs you worked in the past you could ask from?
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Friendly reminder

original like ur mum tbqh
Why did gianna block you?
kid on the lefts called archie
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i c u
archie second name begins with r

not gonna doxx him on britfeel

not a cunt
do you live by yourself?
Did you call Andy Milonakis a middle-aged 12 year old?
gets posted countless times yet still no proof this was an r9k meet
>at work about 2 hours ago
>sorting out paperwork
>go to deliver it to the office girl
>walk into her office
>look up at her calendar
>mfw it's still the 2015 calendar
>"damn, office girl, you've still got last years calendar up?"
>"I've not had time to change everything over yet."
>"Christ. Get with the times. I mean it's 2016. COME ON!"
>"I'm only one girl."
>"It's THE CURRENT YEAR. You should be on your game."
>"You've still got your 2015 calendar up in your office though. And it's 2016. Come on!"
>tfw she's fucking got me
>"I'm only guy."
>tfw she laughs

I really need to stop bringing memes into work.
Please tell me this wasn't an actual /britfeel/ meetup
It was. What's wrong with it?
I don't think that image was a britfeel meetup.

There's only been one /brit/ meet up and that was last year.
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Huzzah for anonymous imageboard meetups.
Alright lads, Poleaboo has to go to the job centre in 3 hours, gotta apply to some jobs and finish that online training thing

Had a tough time getting to sleep last night, after the realisation that it was the Polish girl who got him fired from both jobs yet he is the only one facing legal action for "stalking" made him mad
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>It's a "poleaboo tells us his day" episode
With a subtext of "blame someone else again"
>Know her address
>Living with at least 2 adult males
Makes home invasion tough

Could easily trick them into gaining access while only one is at home
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It's like a waifu simulator
lol - actually applying for jobs. You aren't very good at this.
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check em lads

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This shit would probably be quite helpful if I wasn't in a rush to just finish this
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what is this shit
I miss the old tracker :(

My word, they're so pale.
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Got my Lucina figma today, for a pretty good price too. She's looking pretty qt
The tracker's useless for me anyway. The pakis at my Dominos never bother updating it, so it's always guesswork as to when my pizza will arrive.

Who cares where your Domino's pizza is? It's still going to taste like arse when it arrives.
>Be me
>Last night
>Put electric toothbrush on charging stand
>Go to sleep
>This morning
>Take electric toothbrush off stand
>It hasn't charged
>I'm puzzled
>Realise the plug wasn't fully pushed into the wall socket
Pain in the arse! Right, lads? Ha ha
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>I know you'll get a gf
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>mfw I look almost exactly like that guy on the right
local pizza place with a stonebake oven are closed mate, gotta deal with this shit. At least they have a thin crust option.
Absolutely savage

What the heck is this?
who here /waitingforJSAclaim/?
easiest money i'll ever get lads
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It's what the JobCentre is making Poleaboo do to get his bennies
What the fuck? The JobCentre is shilling relationships now?
Is that ginger chick someone's mum?

Is it Jewfro's mum? Is she giving thumbs up guy a sneaky H?
Getting a gf is the first step to getting a job apparently
What's with the fucked up face, spelling and capitalisation in the corner? Does getting a gf make you retarded?
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>tfw 2 vanilla danish crowns
>All these spooks
Sickening, really.
So did Poleaboo actually stalk someone?
Define "stalk"

The pigs define it as merely upsetting a woman
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>couple days of work left
>Bottle of jack, 5 strips of codeine and a sack of weed for days off

How do I get more prescription pills? My doctor has NEVER given me pain relief other than telling me to take paracetamol and ibuprofen.
He scared the bitch so much that she actually left the country
Get in a car crash?
I get codeine and tramadol on repeat prescription after mine
Maybe my doctors just a fucking idiot though, either way, I'm happy
Afternoon posse

>Tfw the threads going to be quiet and comfy again because all the normies are back at work

Good times.

So I'm hungry but all my mum left me in the fridge is some tendies and some fish fingers in the freezer which I don't feel like so I may order something in. Going to browse Just- Eat now. How is everyone else doing today?

Also a quick aside, does anyone know what diseases you need for euthanasia in the UK and how easy is it? For example if I booze it up until my liver packs it in would they let me be euthanised? I will do some proper research but I've just started thinking about it this afternoon.
who /dolescum/ here

original mang

Now there is a comfy drug. Can never get any though.

Don't know if I'm willing to crash my car and injure myself for a script either.
Nah, got some bad intel, can still find new uni projects by the ex-roommate online. Detective was just trying to make Poleaboo feel bad.

The classmate on the other hand, she has definitely been crueler to Poleaboo than he deserved
Poleaboo deserves to have his fucking cock cut off so she can't have been too cruel.
Are you actually her?

I can't understand why you'd be so antagonistic otherwise

All he did to the classmate was write about her on his blog and spam her facebook pics
On the other hand she tried to get him fired from two jobs and pushed the other Polish girl to press charges against him twice
But who started it?

Hmm, that's what I thought :)
>than he deserved
pakis deserve death. quit being retarded
Thinking of joining the tabletop soc when I go back to uni so I can make some friends I can relate to and get on with but I'm scared everyone would be TOO autistic for me. Anyone got any experience with a tabletop society?
He's a mental patient who secretly records his housemates in the bathroom. He deserves to have his cock cut off.
>who started it?
That's very immature, it's irrelevant who started it, each crime stands on its own

Don't worry, they're all normies just like you
>TOO autistic for me
dont think you need to worry about that m8 you're at the very tip of the spectrum

When I was in Uni a friend of mine dragged me along to a session of our tabletop soc. Autistic doesn't even begin to describe it. It was anime society levels of awful. I wouldn't bother mate. If you want a quiet and comfy society join a film or music society, they're much better.
lold at shoenice
[dole music starts]

>tfw /tv/ doesn't have jobseeker threads anymore

I don't know how those threads ended up on the /tv/ board in the first place, but I fucking miss them.
>tfw feel like the impulse to kill yourself might become too strong not too in the next couple of days

Gotta trust your instincts though I suppose
So I've been with my girlfriend for a year now, lived together for 3 months (please hold your reeees)

She's always had depression and some pretty bad social anxiety to the extent that her only friends are me and a few online people. I've tried her hooking her up with some of the Girlfriends of my friends but that went pretty poorly

Anyway her depression has been getting worse lately, to the point I've found suicide method searches on the PC history and I've noticed some of our medicine cabinet rummaged through, and anxiety is getting so bad to the point that if I even go out to see a friend she panicks and is a mess when I get back thinking I've been fucking girls (she doesn't say it because she knows it's stupid but when I pressed her to why she gets so upset that's the reason)

Obviously this isn't healthy for either of us, short of generic zombie pills from the doctor is there anything else either I or her can be doing to treat it?

And are there any alternative medicines which don't just zombify you? Not sure what to do at this stage lads
What am I then?
I joined the film soc but didn't make any mates as I just left after screenings, don't think I could handle going to the bar after
She's got OCD she needs OCD medication.
Hey brits, has anyone tried matched betting here?

can you make much coin from it?
Okay lads

Which one of you did this?

Cut her loose lad.
The house always wins anon.

Just tell her it's the current year. And to come on.
If you know what you're doing, profit margins aren't great, Google for that shit.
All me, laddy.
Skip MGSV Bloodborne is great tho.
Alright lads just ordered


wahey time to get fat

Do you think I could make around 500 quid in a week
bad choice, lad.
try and find a place that sells relatively cheap pc parts
Is that when you get deals for if x happens you get y back free.

My manager at work used to have about 5 betting accounts and whenever there was football on would be doing math about what deals are where and how he can put bets on with absolutely no risk of losing money. Sometimes he'd make over 100 quid risk free.
Whoever did it is a bro getting everyone an extra day off they better stop bullying him and thank him for his kindness after this.
Depends what deals are on the best deals are normally when Champions League is on

Yeah, that's what it is
Dominos will be here any minute boys

I got some cookies as well never had them before are they good?

The secret ingredient semen really adds flavour.
anyone want to meet up for a cuddle?
Good I love semen normally I have to add my own
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you are insane
fecking homos out
honestly right now yeah definitely, I kinda need it, where do you live?
No, he lived with her so just filmed her shitting, it's not stalking when they come to you.

Im stuck hiding in my gf's room at her halls of residence atm after coming back from eurrope travels for 6 months. No job nowhere else to go to, been looking for a job constantly, wat do to get monies in the meantime?

Inb4 rentboi
Poleaboo is off to the job centre now
like an hours journey from london, did you want me to come to you?
Can you tell """""""""""poleaboo""""""""""" to fuck forever
I'd rather go to you

Where do you live?
Watching Take me out ain't fun without /tv/
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>Broke up with ex 3 or so years ago
>Have no idea what she's doing now
>Found a lewd I didn't delete
>Had a cheeky wank to it

Dominos taking forever to get here. Fuck the tracker they should put GPS in the pizzas so you can see where the lazy paki driver is taking it.
aylesbury desu
I kept all my exs pics and vids.
>3 years
Post that shit laddie
I thought I deleted all the pics I had of her, she removed and blocked me on everything. Found some sex coupons in the back of my wardrobe when I was clearing my room out this summer.

can't wait until I have my new fast 4 cylinder shitbox
we dont fucking care you paki fuck and talking in the third person isnt fooling anybody
Here we go lads, nice night out for us.

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Here lad, SFW unfortunately, gonna have a look to make sure there's no more later
She's whiter than me I'm a full time lair dweller

captcha: and itsmad
Oh and cheers for the upload lad, nice to see OP delivering. Most wont even post the girls who are blowing them out on pof.
She was a shy shut-in with few friends, she was nice while we were together though. Would like to see her again to catch up and see what she's doing in life but I have no way to contact her.
normalos leave nowwww

fuck off reeetard, probably been here longer than you've had pubes.
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>be unemployed for a while now
>so long I lost my dole bennies cause the job centre got impatient
>got a interview on some commision-only shit like ark promotions or whatever
>most likely gonna make peanuts unless you're a super normie who can sell well

I dunno mates, I mean, SOME income should be better than fucking no income I guess.

And my job gap is getting bigger and bigger it feels like I have not much choice in this shit, maybe I can be a decent enough normie to make at least minimum wage from this shit.
>>be unemployed for a while now
How long senpai? Did you see this guide on how to get bennies for 4 years?

> Checked Universal Jobmatch everyday
> Checked various job websites everyday
> Checked local newspapers each wednesday (job page day)
> Phoned agencies every monday and friday
> Spend an hour looking for possible jobs, note down jobsite references, email addresses and spread them throughout the fortnight (Doesn't matter if you applied for them or not, data protection and all that).
>implying Zordon ever felt anything

Space wizards have no emotions or morals

yeah man, they just literally lost patience cause I've been collecting the dole for so long and never succeeding in any interviews.

Plus JSA really isn't enough to sustain me, I wanted even a shitty regular job so I can be self sufficient and go to the night clubs every week or 2.
>night clubs every week or 2
Guys I'm feeling murderous rage. I want to start the revolution now by ending my chav neighbour.

How does one bag a qt pale gf?
reported to GCHQ lad
who /rocketleague/ here? desu
>Was a fat quiet guy, 15, had a couple of friends
>Never interested in any of the girls I went to school with or knew
>Friend of mine says he knows a girl he thinks I'd get on well with
>He knew her when he was kids, his parents divorced and he moved where I live
>He introduces me to her over MSN
>We get on really well
>Nervous as fuck but tell her we should meet up first week of summer holidays
>She gets the train to me, we go for Frankie and Bennies, watch Splice at the cinema and go for a walk
>Go on a couple more dates
>Realise I actually really like her
>Start a serious relationship a couple weeks before my birthday in October

Only meaningful relationship I've had with a girl. Got rejected by a girl I thought I could like just as much a couple of months ago so now I'm just focusing on my university work since it's my last year.
Tell them I've got a grenade launcher I want to go out being shot by the police

So you got fairly lucky with the social links. Nice.

Tfw female isolation.
Great story mate, thank you for sharing it
Back from the job centre

In and out in seconds, not even they think Poleaboo can get a job
> not even they think Poleaboo can get a job

But you had a job, nay you had three jobs. You're a normie desperately trying to be a robot
why do you respond to it?
Yeah pretty much. I've had girls since then but nothing near serious with a girl I'd actually appreciate being with.

Worst thing about the girl that rejected me is I've lost like 50kg and changed a shit load since I started uni but she's just not interested. Feels bad man.
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Some of those people aren't bad looking, the problem is they dress like shit and have shitty haircuts.

I guess it's part of being an autismo but I don't understand why people wear the same kind of clothes that I was wearing when I was 13 that my mum bought me.

You don't even need to be a /fa/ggot, just ask for a haircut that takes more than 2 minutes and don't wear children's clothes.
Montgomery is one of the shittiest schools in blackpool, I can't say I'm surprised. It looks like a prison.
Same reason I keep visiting the angry black Belgian, what the else do I have to do
>You're a sex pest desperately trying to be a robot

Fixed that for you senpai
Poleaboo only ever got jobs when they were desperate for staff and hiring anyone
why are you making excuses for a paki? are you mentally challenged?
It's him you moron, he thinks 3rd person posting will bamboozle the police
well shit atleast I got trips
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>tfw no (You) today, nobody even commented on my chair
Silver 2 in 3v3 solo even though I'm shit, sometimes I get lucky
there are no IDs here retard and plenty of other retards here always defend him so how am i supposed to always know? literally hang yourself, i guarantee nobody will care
Stop overestimating the oinkers, you'll save yourself a world of pain and fear
would play with you senpai desu
Chill out buddy
Runcorn reporting. Anyone been to the cinema here?
back to reddit

see i can do that too retard
Anyone /csgo/?
I remember when Runcorn played Bristol Rovers here in the FA Cup. That must have been about 15 years ago.
>defending pakis

I'm guessing we got shit on
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>fuck up applying for UC
>go to a meeting anyway
>"UC has a much stricter system blah blah"
>get a phone call next day saying I fucked up applying for UC and have to go on JSA
>tfw get to have an easier time and more frequent bennies but still get more or less the same amount
This isn't /pol/

Go away

Just do what the normies do, totally break contact with her, then try hitting her back up 2months+ later.
Wew lads angry anon is back again

There goes another comfy thread
This is /britfeel/ and pakis should get out.
You're new, you contribute nothing, get lost. You won't be missed

It's like you're trying to imply /pol/ is a containment board or something.

Their values are not uncommon desu. I mean it's 2016, COME ON.
wew lad you're fucking autistic with your dank memes ayy weed lmao
>/pol/ is a containment board or something.
I've contributed a lot in /britfeel/ so you should fuck off you miserable lefty prick
State contributions.
I see her pretty much every other day since she's in my friendship group, she'll be finishing uni in a couple of months but I'm staying on another year for a masters
>/pol/tard killed the thread
>tfw signed on today for the first time

whats the difference between UC and JSA
The person that killed the thread is the faggot that couldn't accept pakis should be removed.

That goes for that pakiboo prick.
wanted a kebab earlier, its 1 hour and 47 minutes later and I'm still having to build myself up to ordering it because I'm scared of having to answer the door and see another person
Yea it's all of us who were /comfy/ until you came along that are the problem
You're so fucking new to these threads

Fuck off or learn the culture
Learnt the """"""culture"""""" already mate. Pakiboo should definitely fuck off because he's a delusional twat who stalked some polish girl and she fucked him over.

Serves him right.

Does anyone have said video of girl shitting?

Surely a bathroom cam (I'm guessing this is how he did it) would also capture her naked from the shower or something?
>whiteknighting on /r9k/
>being racist towards our already small and marginalised community
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Before I was on JSA, fortnightly payment and I think your advisor has more control over you than a computer system. 4 months of work later the area I live has been moved to Universal Credit which by the sounds of what I was told is better if you get work through an agency and don't have to keep signing on and off (fuck that noise). Monthly payments, depending on how much you've worked and been paid you can still get a little extra from UC, however if you don't meet any of the weekly tick offs (35 hour job search, attending non-sign on meetings etc) you will get fucking sanctioned, and that shit is whack. As long as you don't dress like a flid and genuinely make it look like you've been applying to work and inquire about things your advisor will give you some leniency.
Right so I am a bit of a normie (hold back your REEEs please) and I have been wondering about you shut ins.

Obviously people are made to go to school and things like this, so you have to leave the house. Thusly there must have been a point where you stopped leaving the house out of fear, or only do it in desperate situations eg need food or toilet.

What was the turning point for anyone that is a shut in? Have you tried to address the problem to make yourself more "normal"?
35 hours for 10 hours worth of money
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>actually leaving the house in a bit to hang with friends
>open a new tab to check the weather on bbc weather
>instinctively open /r9k/
I feel like I'm stuck here forever. Please lads, just let me leave
The worst thing is in 35 hours you could apply to all the jobs you're qualified for on UJ and reed/indeed (all other websites are trash with no moderation on job listings) , so the next week there's about 3 hours worth of jobs posted, that's when you make stuff up about applying to companies directly on their websites
You're better off here, it's cold and wet out, have a vanilla danish crown instead
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get out of my board NORMIE
havent had a shit in like 2 and a half days and i've eaten loads
>Right so I am a bit of a normie
You're probably not a normie then, just a beta.
>offered you a hug yesterday
>find out you are a disgusting normie shit

I feel horrible now, I hope you die.
Just took adrafinil for the first time and holy fuck this is great. Would recommenced to every robot
I dropped out, so I drifted from the people I knew, then found myself with zero reason to do anything at all.

My family enables my lifestyle, so I have no motivation or reason to change. Also with no desires I have no reason to learn any skills or gain employment/income. No reason to become more "normal".

So for now I'm just existing until my family dies.
I know it's you, pakiboo. You're a freak of nature. Fuck off.
>new season of The Undateables starting tonight

You hyped, lads?
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ordered the kebab, super scared lads, can't wait to become even more fat and put extra strain on my heart
>applied to be the bar bitch parading around deansgate selling cocktails with a tray, 10pm-3am every day

This is like my dream job, fuck I hope I get in.

Best of all I can work 2 jobs and save up for jaw/cheek implants, then just go full time on the nightclub.
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Mmm yummy thank you kind anon ^^
nah jk i'm here to stay faggot
Jokes on you, it's too late to take back that hug now. I saved your gif, now I can have your hugs WHENEVER I WANT! MWAHAHAHA
I wrote the date down as 2015 earlier because I'm so used to doing it. I couldn't stop laughing when I realised what I'd done.
Cheese on chips and Donner? What's that like senpai
>started losing weight a month or so ago
>Christmas was hell
>New Years was hell
>now I get people posting about their kebabs on /britfeel/

If I just continue onwards I won't even want shitty food, right?

I appreciate your honest answer. Do you have a plan for if the family die?

Do you not want to find happiness, get higher levels of satisfaction or even just do something else like play sports, travel the world, get a gf? Also do you not want to improve your own intelligence or anything like that whilst NEETing? Just a question, not suggesting you should.


Fuck really? What time?
In a word; lifeshortening
Absolute madman you lad
9pm anon. Get hype.
Starting a new blog
Nope give yourself one cheat meal a fortnight
No idea, thought I'd try it out.

Ignore me anon, don't be like me.
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Are you thirsty? All of that combination of beverages screams diebeatus
I hope I get diabetes.
Are you counting your calories? If so you can easily have a kebab every now and again as a treat.
>This is like my dream job

You have simple dreams anon.
Nah m8, cheat meals just lead to cheat weeks then where I was before. Maybe once I can stop this 1300-500 calorie diet and can start bulking I will.

It's difficult to ignore, it really is. Back when I was at my worst I was eating a Rustlers or a Pot Noodle as a fucking snack.
Any Xbox users in here?
Is there anything cozier then Takeshi's castle and Ninja warrior episodes on challenge?

Oh well mate, at least you're not at my level, I have a couple of rustlers rib sandwiches as a snack lol, eating is the only thing which as brought me happiness in life and I get the added bonus of killing myself with each meal.
/360/ casual gamer reporting in
Yeah, got My Fitness Pal (shit's great with the barcode feature that surprisingly works here). I've had 400 calories so far today and plan to have around 600-700 at Dinner.

See my post above on why I don't want to do "cheat meals" or anything just yet.
Watched some of the original Japanese Takeshi's Castle the other day. It's so different, I feel like I've been lied to my whole life.

Craig Charles is bae though
Craig version is best version. MXC is the worst.
Never seen the yank version and I don't intend to

XBone is my main console but I own the others too
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im eating asda smart price mini scotch eggs in smart price spaghetti in bean sauce.

good meal for like a pound.
No plan, just day-by-day.

For me, there's no reason to do any of those things. Clearly it would be better to do them, but the desire, motivation, just isn't there. If I had the mindset to want to do any of those things you listed, I wouldn't be a shut-in. I think that's the best way I can convey it.
xb1 here
Had an 360, but then my brother sold it for quick money because he's a cunt

Might get a PS4 though, since I haven't had a Playstation since the PS2. Also wanna get all those weeb exclusives like Senran Kagura
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sperged out today lads

I'll tell you about it if you want

the road to normiedom is hard as fuck
Just came back from the GP, Citalopram film coated tablets ahoy. They always make me feel nauseated and I can't take them without food along with them. The common side effects don't look great.
Just watched an interesting documentary about an abandoned island in Ireland. Looked quite comfy desu.

I wish I had the money to just move far away to some peaceful, comfy place and live in isolation.
no job centre on an island. v hard to get your benefits and do your shopping.
My 360 is broken as of this week. Suppose I could buy an xbone. Is there any backwards compatibility with 360 games? Otherwise the charity shop is getting them.
That's why I said I wish I had the money senpai
lets hear it lad
Have you considered buying vegetables and learning how to cook so that you don't die?
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>tfw no drugs
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Sounds scrumptious senpai. Britain objectively has the best poverty food.
There is backwards compatibility, not on all games.

>isolated island

You shoukd read The Wasp Factory, that's the life you'd have.
>Otherwise the charity shop is getting them.

Ebay. Don't support the charity jews.
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>tfw fat with an 8" dick

I have.
its just nice to have quick food in the cupboards for when I cant be bothered.
which is most of the time.
plan on having a go at making some polish food sometime, that's dead cheap to make.
they have a million recipies for cabbage and potatoes.
who /oversensitive/ here
Thanks, looks like a decent list.

Can't be fucked with that. What's wrong with charity?
You're not a virgin tho. So fuck you.

Also lose weight faggot.
Got a gf but you're a virgin?
Template for those with lack of lurking
It's only another 10kg, soon I will be Chad
im an atheist but I don't argue with people cos I cant be fucked and don't even care what they believe.
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Was at uni, getting some piece of work assessed, terrifying marker comes around looks at out stuff. Just before the girl I like gets her work marked I hold out my hand, kind of asking for hers thinking I could just play it off as a friendly gesture / jokey thing.

Do it with a serious face and she kind of looks at my hand like there's a dead animal on it, says 'No I'm alright' and I just kind of try to play it off, pretend I was reaching for my stuff and fuck off.

I can add detail, but fuck that was humiliating, infront of other people too. Can't drink to forget about it because I have an exam tomorrow.

Going to be a long 2 years lad.
I'm sorry

arigato cumment
Can all of you report the name JAYISBENT on Xbox.


I need to lose body fat, but in normal range.
I'm not clean shaven
I have like 3 computer games
I have 1 person I would call a friend and lots of acquantances, but I set the bar for what constitutes a friend high.
When I have nothing on I can spend 12+ hours a day browsing.
I masturbate atleast once a day.
Lol at furries
Never had a real gf despite everyone believing my lies.
Lol at bronies
I don't shower every day, not good for the skin
I was kinda a bully, the class clown that offended everyone
No, working class, mum has needed money off me before. However, I am really struggling without a job.
I kind of had sex once. It lasted 30 seconds and it was at her friends house, really funny story didnt use a condom.
Nope, but I study abroad.
I'm agnostic, couldnt care less either way
Nope, vanilla porn other than random chubby or foot fetish when really horny
No comics
No anime
No lol I hate people who use memes irl and pretend im oblivious
I used to play lots of sports. Not been to gym in over a month despite paying for it as I am somewhat depressed with no motivation.
No, but I want to have a pokey bum wank just to know about it but scared.
No, I dont really listen to music like a normal person.
I am deeply against third wave feminism.
I dont really know that that means.

Am I a robot?
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>tfw stalking oneitis' tumblr after talking to her all week for the first time and there are posts indicating she might be interested but not sure if she's talking to other people too
>tfw she's messaging me a lot when I talk to her but never initiates a conversation but that could be due to her anxiety problems
>tfw you're a 4/10 and she's a 8/10 w/ makeup, 6ft, thin and flat and hair just above the waist
>tfw getting impatient so might just send a dick pic and see how it goes
New blog, lads

Not sure if I'll keep the trip though

It's a spiritual successor to Poleaboo and I may or may not be him

>Finish work for the day
>walk out of the office
>Undo top button and loosen tie
>Jump into car happy
>Day is finally over
>Starts again first thing tomorrow
>Have to go to bed after I eat so I'm up early

Not even the worst part. The worst part was trying to keep my head above water as people demand stuff of me and I can barely understand how to open my emails
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kill yourself desu senpai

this comment isnt original
Jeez man just fill the chart in, 2/10 not reading that text wall
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>Wagecucking tomorrowing
Not your personal army newfag

noice bait got me to reply/10

>its empty

I could fucking strangle you poleaboo
12 spots but no bingo, glad I have a fast metabolism and always weigh between 11-12 stone
>first day today
>CV mostly lies
>Anon can you get this press release written please
>Anon can you take this call from a ceo

I literally fucked up bad. Wonder how long it'll be before I'm fired
That list is retarded

>being cleanly shaving
>not masturbating more than 3 times per day, let alone week
>showering every day
>believing in God
>not being against Modern Feminism

Might do
your parents are very lucky

I took the time to write it so I would appreciate you taking the time to read it as you have nothing better to do. It goes beyond circling boxes.


Metabolisms are pretty stable my man, you just dont eat much.

>not awnting to work in a nightclub

ok work in front of your cubicle all your life, bet its worth the extra dosh.
Fake it til u make it nigga
I don't know them
so lads a nice comfy night in for me

got spag and meatballs cooking looks fierce

started king of the hill from the beginning all the episodes

gonna play some planetside 2 later
beer and a weed, this is how i monday
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wew lad any one want to beat me?
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The Angry Anon, his life fuelled by madness,
Good tidings are none for his life is bare,
Angry Anon, his rage masks his sadness,
His ugly round face, unwashed in his lair
Can't lad, my CV lists my experience as much more substantial experience than I've had.

Literally never written a press release in my life, before today, in which I've written two which will be carried in national publications.

They said I'm gonna have to start filling in radio slot interviews when I get more confident. I'm a fucking sperg.

Fuck fuck fuck, I'd quit right now if everybody wasn't over the moon for me getting a job
I wish I was you. Honest to betsy.
>Failed at making toast
I'm not even gonna make fun of you, you must have a really tough life if you can't even make toast
kek no, just pay to get it changed you faggot. Maybe next time you should password protect your account.
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>Seventeen of those apply to me
>23 years old
>smoke e-cigs erryday
>drink about 24 units of booze every other day
>on days I don't drink I am hungover so drink around 2 liters of coke to cure my hangover
>live mostly off eating pizza and cheese based foods (toasties and the like)
>rarely leave the house spend about 18 hours a day in bed
>5'11 surprisingly only 10 stone in weight

How long you reckon I've got to live lads? I'm trying to commit suicide by indulgence.
I haven't got 8 quid.
The only reason I finally got gold was because it cost me a quid.

thank you
dem quads
i still feel the pain the same as anyone
>smoke e-cigs erryday

Hopefully not long
Is too late for you, must save life of children
I quit smoking because the taste it leaves in your mouth when you wake up started making me feel proper sick, so I just smoke e-cigs now instead as there is no taste.
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>tfw tinnitus
>imagine working behind the bar with really loud music
>"Can I get a fancy shot smasher and coke twisty in a big glass"
>don't want to ask again so I get the guy a vodka redbull and a budweiser
>"Anon this is the 7th time tonight and it's been like this all week with you, I'm sorry but this it, just go home"
How do you do this everyday but also go to work?
>implying I go to work

What is this Normiville?
alright, how do you afford this?

Is life not depressing at 23 with no prospects?
Degrees of separation are funny

>Poleaboos Chad roommate is friends with Polish girls bf
>Poleaboos Chad roommate works with the Polish girl
>The Indian who grassed up Poleaboo at the amusement park is friends with this Paki who Poleaboo was friends with during second year of uni
Just quit completley
Well that was daft. What's the job?
Back in the day I was a bit of a normalfolk so I worked for some years and saved up lots of money which I am now living off of. I can sustain this for two years without having to worry about running low on funds.

>Is life not depressing at 23 with no prospects?

Yes, mate, it is. Hence why I am actively trying to die via alcohol, pizza and fizzy pop while laying in my bed.
Kek throwback to yesterday, what a salty faggot that guy was.
Government and external relations for some fuck off big company.

It sounded respectable and paid well.
Don't have the will power friendo
lol I'm enjoying this new feature hopefully it keeps the spacker away knowing everyone in this thread thinks he's a bellend
Sorry to pry, but why'd you give up lad?

Why would you just stop working and burn through cash?

There's always a point to life
Just start doing coke mate it will give you the confidence boost you need to perform and you'll be able to write like Hunter S Thompson
>if you don't work in the service industry you must work in a cubicle

No mate. I don't work in either a hospitality role or in a cubicle, and make good money.
how did you get that job? theres a few MOD places near me and I wouldve always liked to get a job there but I never see any being advertised. I have all the background checks etc done already (work customs at heathrow)

What job do you do? Sounds pretty interesting. How did you pass the interview if you bullshitted on your CV so much?
The reason it's respectable is because you need to be switched on to do it mate. I work for a massive company and they take publicity extremely seriously. Can't have some goon representing you right?

Not sure what your options are really. Wing it or tell them you can't work there anymore. I suppose you could try winging it but looking for an easier job at the same time? It'll all come out eventually and from the sounds of it the work is so over your head you haven't got long.
Stop fucking stalking people you weird cunt
Well I've always hated working desu don't see the point in it so I've always been miserable, I was planning on killing myself anyway. When the opportunity to go NEET arose I thought I might as well take it and go out living the good life rather than going out impulsively throwing myself off a bridge in my suit and tie on my way home from work one day.
she had a couple of kids, no point pursuing her now
I intend to keep his offensive stench from this thread of solidarity
why do you think anyone cares? you literally have a blog why do you post it here?
Bro... everyone can we all please just agree to stop responding to him. Maybe he'll go away.
Everyone in the scanning department at my place is a retard. It's and admin job so anyone can do it. I work for a company though, MOD might be different.
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that's pretty lewd.png
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I love seeing justice served here

Yeah I get that, I just wanted a job to make mum and dad proud because I'd been without one for so long and not using my degree.

I'm aware they take it seriously though, I just thought they'd ease me in or give me some nice easy taster sessions and practice.

Instead they've given me and ipad and a macbook, sat me down, give me a credit card and said I can get fuel and dinner on it if I'm with people and then I was away

Meeting some very serious people over the coming weeks and I don't really know what I'm meant to do.

Any advice on big companies lad? Will they give me a chance or am I fucked?

Government and external relations for a huge company

They said my interview was fantastic, although I don't really know why, other than me just bigging up insignificant stuff I've done
He'll just go bigger, maybe even do something stupid IRL again, that's how he keeps getting into trouble
>Maybe he'll go away.
pakis are like roaches. they never go away
oh this meetup that happened over 2 years ago and was first posted to reddit, then to /pol/?

yeah hmm, sorry to btfo of you once again
This anon is correct.

t. scanmonkey
This picture never fails to make me cringe. The fucking humanity.
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What's with all the Islam hate recently? I'm a Muslim and I used to have fun on here but I don't anymore
People tend to get a bit salty when you behead non-believers, stone women to death and ban bacon unfortunately.
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Do you even vape bro?
Why would anyone want to live any past 40 anyway?
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go away

>scanning department
What do you guys do that a photocopier can't? Or are you just like the team of guys with clearance to use the photocopier to protect the company from spies?
Nah fuck that pretentious shit, too much hassle having to fuck around with that contraption. I just buy e-cigs with replaceable cartridges.

Fuck off you boring cunt
Well I don't eat bacon but those things are not Islam they're wahhabism
I'm bisexual anyway
Yeah and I bet they go masjids funded by KSA (Wahhabism)
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Thought this was some kind of new interactive porn. Shame.
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Thoughts on chicken madras girl? Personally I would like to smell her bum after she's had a sweaty curry
Sorry, didn't mean to patronise you. The company I work for (multi-national insurer) wouldn't let you loose on something as important as the work you're doing without making sure you could do it so the situation seems ridiculous to me.

As far as general advice goes I got where I am by volunteering for things and having a positive attitude but still speaking my mind when something sucked. I've got ten years experience, all at the same company so they trust me and I've got a good reputation. That's it in a nutshell. You can't do this in your situation because you've only just got there and you're a fraud!

The only advice I can give that might be helpful in your situation is to be as prepared as possible for things like meetings, especially if it's for something important. I've done stuff with our board of directors and it looks shit if someone's obviously rocked up without preparing. It sounds simple but you have to go in knowing what you want to get out of it and what questions you are likely to be asked about. You might need to know what your company's goals, strategy etc are and have some general stats and things handy as a minimum. Depends what you do.

I honestly think your best bet is to wing it for now and try to look for a different job at the same time.
/pol/ can ruin anything
whatever racist
Please tell me how you reconcile these two.
These "i'm a muslim" posts are getting boring.
>watching TV
Why would you do that to yourself lad
>without making sure you could do it so the situation seems ridiculous to me.

They aren't even that bothered though. I sent an email copy to my boss and he just told me not to bother, if I'd read it and think it was okay then they trust me.

Maybe it'll all come flooding back when I fuck up.

>I honestly think your best bet is to wing it for now and try to look for a different job at the same time.

Cheers lad, gonna wing it for a few months, see what comes of it
>small white penis
I'm not surprised
Britain is not an Islamic country and we all commit what you would call sins
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behead those who insult islam desu

Why have you posted this picture? Where did you even get it from?
Can't speak for the MOD guy but the job our Scanning Department do is more about indexing than anything else - that's a letter from a customer that goes on this case, this is a letter from another company that goes on this case etc. That way the work comes to the right person with the right priority.

They still manage to fuck that up. We're outsourcing it to India so all they'll do in the UK is physically scan it in. That way we can pay some Indian graduate peanuts to read it and tell the computer what it is. Indians are faster and more accurate so far.
you should be alright, big companies have HR departments which can make sacking people messy business so they'll probably prefer to give you a chance. Mind you i'm saying that but my company will sack people in lumps, you may have a shit month and get sacked for it 8 months later when HR actually decide they need to do some work.
>having 4 inch paki meat
>making fun of others for small penis

Muhhamed pls go
Is that small? Fucking hell.
So when you blow yourself up and Allah gives you your 72 virgins can you request half male and half female or what kind of set up would you go for?
I'm actually a Jamaican revert but whatever
he's really fit, but the creepy cuck overtones at the end are just distracting. I get that most people won't notice it, but as a 4channer it's just right there.
So you're a half assed Muslim. I hate Islam, but I hate half assers like you even more.
Should have said: Don't forget the obvious easy things like turning up on time, being polite and presentable etc. Again, sorry if that's patronising but you never know on /r9k/.

Best of luck however you handle it.
>police interceptors starting on channel 5

Fantastic programme.
>tfw you almost single-handedly derailed a /britfeel/ thread
feels good senpai
>We're outsourcing it to India
I didn't know that was still happening, it's basically stopped in the software industry.

Though outsourcing IT to third party companies in the UK is surprisingly common, especially amongst county councils.
I did some research on the original months ago. Turns out it was never even related to 4chan but it gets reposted like it is.
I didn't like the song or the ending. That fucker coming back in and winking or whatever. The sad thing is that a Chicken Madras is what I have from the Indian so I'll get that fucking song in my head every time now. Fuck TV though, I try to avoid it.
>I'm actually a Jamaican revert but whatever

So you're a lazy, weed smoking, giant cocked terrorist. The worrying part is you'll have easier access to uzis and sawn off shotguns, the relieving part is that you're probably constantly too baked to shoot in a straight line.
So when you shoot up a school and your own the news do you think they will call you a terrorist or someone suffering with mental health issues
Yeah so you hate 99% of Muslims? Oh wait I forgot according to the BBC we're all terrorists who stone women and blow shit up
Never heard the song, my tv is permanently on mute and just on in the background
Some guy who went to my school died the other day I think he an hero'd, weird thinking about it used to talk to him a bit, lent him a Dragon Ball Z game was pretty cash, never got it back though
Who /Taiwanesemathrock/ here?

Yes but why did you post the <3 pol pic?

Are you a /sp/artan? The pic has nothing to do with /pol/ or /r9k/
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>on a training course for 16-19 year olds
>in an open office plan type area
>whip GOMAD out of my bag
>start chugging away
>somebody notices and tells all his friends
>everyone is making a big deal about it
>"whoa you're getting royal off milk"
>me: I don't know what that means
>assume it means getting pissed Idk
>black fat kid asks how strong my bones are
>"pretty strong"
>challenges me to an arm wrestle
>pull up a table, grab each others hands
>battle of the races
>3, 2, 1, GO
>we're in a stalemate for a good 20 seconds
>I start to lose it and I'm going down
>give in and lose

fucking bastard cunt I let my entire race down
I said later on that I was mad about it and he said we can rematch any time
This is fucking terrible.
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>enter a thread
>be hostile for no reason

Don't be an edgy scrub
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Lads I think I need help.
Knock on his door and ask for it.
I didn't really understand that mate, sorry. What is a GOMAD?
>So when you shoot up a school and your own the news do you think they will call you a terrorist or someone suffering with mental health issues

Why would I shoot up a school mate? I'm not an Amerilard. Also, you didn't answer my question. How am I supposed to embrace your culture and religion when you won't even answer me basic questions regarding it?
gallon of milk a day
6 pints a day of whole milk
>according to the BBC we're all terrorists who stone women and blow shit up

Actually the BBC loves Islam mate. If it weren't the BBC a lot more people would be a lot less blind to the horrors of your barbaric religion.
All furries need help lad
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>this old myth again

a moderate Muslim is somebody who won't stop the radicals cutting peoples heads off
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It's a curse desu.
Yeah you'll probably rape a child instead
You aren't asking legitimate question you're just taking the piss
>Literally beheads people because they read different fairy tales than him
>calls others edgy

Islam ladies and gentlemen.
i know the word autistic gets thrown around here a lot but that really is spergy
who else /DragonsDen/ here?

Fucking love me some dragons den.
why do you need help?
I can't rape a child mate they won't let me in the Muslim rape gang. Too white.

Alright forget the terrorist part I'm sure you're not going to blow anyone up (wink, wink) but let's say you die and you go see Allah he says "well done for being a good Muslim and not eating bacon or boozing it up, here are your 72 virgins which brand would you like?" Are you allowed to choose to have half dudes as you are bisexual, and if this was an option what kind of split would you go for?
it's just fucking milk, it has its benefits
Horrors? Travel sometime idiot most Muslim countries aren't like Iran,Isis or Syria
>topple governments
>fund terrorists
>allow "Allies" like the KSA to fund wahhabism in the west

>blame the moderates
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just had a cringe memory lads
>working as steward at glastonbury
>finished and get invited to chill with some people I worked with
>sat in shorts with shirt off with my legs up in a camping chair
>go to take my shoes off and notice the gap of cloth between my shorts and underwear is loose and my balls have just been in this one guys line of sight for about an hour
>he literally said nothing to nobody the whole time he was there, he was just sitting drinking
I'm not sure if it was more awkward for him having my balls in view for an hour or me having found out after that there must have been loads of people walking by getting a look at my hairy wrinkly ball bag as well as 1 guy who just sat there with them in sight
pic related, a cat that turned up out of nowhere on my shift
How about Saudi Arabia? They seem like nice people.
nice cat, hope u petted
New thread for fuck sake
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I just know it isn't right.
Why is that cringey? If that is the worst you got then you got nothing man. That's hilarious and pretty alpha desu.
but you enjoy it, what's the problem?
Like making your tears more chalky when you lose to a fucking nignog.

I don't know.

I think of it like smoking. I really need to quit.
piss off dude Islam has been a violent expansionist religion for a very long time

did they only just start killing people for apostasy and stealing, or for women cheating? I guess that was after muh western intervention
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he was friendly enough to sit with me for a few hours
I just feel embarrassed about it, wanted to go back last year but was scared that guy told everyone about my ball moment and they would recognise me
smoking yes quit, but as for pokefapping, go nuts, it's not damaging you
>14 year old whores dressed in provocative clothing who go out looking for old men to drink with
Probably not but how am I supposed to know? Ask an Imam
>Literally beheads
Stopped reading from their
stop reading the daily mail
>The little white sluts were asking for it! They actually wanted paki cock!
Vintage rasheed.
Yeah what about almost Turkey,Syria (before you destroyed it),Lebanon,Kuwait,Qatar,U.A.E.,Jordan or every North African country?
Yeah because it's not as if Christianity has been doing that
The crusades,colonization ect never happened

Holy shit, are you literally victim blaming 14 year old rape victims right now?

>they were asking for it!

Fucking hell. Kill yourself my man.
Why are you being racist? I'm not Asian anyway >>25490685
Nice try at putting words into my mouth though
>muh crusades

literally read a book, your argument is shit
also colonization actually created something worthwhile, Islam has done jack shit for the world

>muh golden age
yeah thanks for keeping that up, Islam contribution to the scientific community is practically non-existent
New thread pls, I don't care about paki trolls
It's legal in some European countries to have sex with a 14 year old
It's hardly rape
>victim blaming
Because that's one of the guys at the meet. It was posted to /pol/ as a though it were a /pol/ meet and he came to correct them.
The thread was in the moe archive, if you download the /pol/ segment of the archive and search that filename you will find it.

>it's legal in some degenerate parts of the world so it doesn't matter.

No. That's not how it works you fucking pedophile.
>went to work today
>will go to work tomorrow

No end in sight.

Does anyone know whether it's feasible to live in a cave and eat fish that you catch in a nearby stream?
Yeah because "read a book fgt" is a great argument
>created something worthwhile
>murder hundreds of millions
>at least we created some things
and we're the ones always getting called terrorists...

Look at the Scientific proofs in Islam or the Islamic golden age
>14 year old whores dressed in provocative clothing who go out looking for old men to drink with

BOOM! There it is! Thank you!

People need to realise this, no matter how hard these people try to defend their barbaric religion you just need to keep gently shoving them and eventually they'll crack and spew their disgusting beliefs out in the open for everyone to see.

gg Muhammad
Caves are damp mate, you couldn't get comfy while you're damp.
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So Germany,Portugal,Austria,Italy ect are degenerate countries? Go back to /pol/ idiot
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>lads are going down the pub in a bit
>too poor to go join them
hate this tbqh lads
Maybe if your women didn't act and look so disgusting then disgusting things wouldn't happen to them
You're the bad one
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>those things are not Islam they're wahhabism
Don't even get me started m8.

>The crusades,colonization ect never happened
MUH CRUSADES. Pic related.

Islam is not a religion of peace, Jihad is central to Islam, and has been going on relentlessly for 1400 years since Muhammad was alive. Its not going to go away any time soon.

Is that even a serious question?

Top kek.
>Maybe if your women didn't act and look so disgusting then disgusting things wouldn't happen to them

Hahaha! And remember guys this guy is a 'moderate' Muslim who was desperate to come off as reasonable and moral in this thread. This is what western moderate moral Islam believes straight from the horses mouth.

What if you lit a fire inside? There must be a solution.
I think it's pretty funny
how was your first day of the 2016 wagecucking year?

mine was surprisingly good, rather pleasant in fact
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Jihad doesn't mean terrorism you idiot it means religious struggle maybe you should look these things up before saying them
How many Native Americans,Africans,Asians and Aboriginals did western Christians kill?
>What if you lit a fire inside?
Caves don't have chimneys lad
>slice of veggie pizza, 2 chicken drumsticks, small shitty cookie

>can of all day breakfast, 2 of those polish version of blood sausages and a kitkat

What should be my 10:30pm meal be?

>fish and cheesy fries with lotsa salt, vineger and beans


>medium rogan josh with some rice or chapatis


>just eat fucking nothing
the latter, rogan josh
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Fuck, this is looking less and less feasible. Shaking my head, to be honest
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>14 fukken wurds mate
Native Americans were the terrorists. They had no concept of land ownership, so when they began their attacks it was on our lands.
I know what Jihad means, Jihad of the sword and armed struggle against the Kafir is also a central part of Islam, to say otherwise is simply lying, which is permitted under Islam if you are lying to the infidel in order to draw out his weakness and defeat him.

>How many Native Americans,Africans,Asians and Aboriginals did western Christians kill?

European colonialism was profit driven, not prophet driven. Your comparison is invalid.
>act like whores
>get treated like whores

Muslim guy
>"Maybe you shouldn't act and dress like whores"
What's wrong with that? It's logical
Why no money?

I spent most of the day wondering whether I'll keep my job where I've been essentially left to my own devices with very little supervision and only vague ideas of what to do or how.

I'm like Fran in that episode of Black Books.
fish and cheesy fries, makes me wanna cook em but im having a sausage butty already
>Native Americans were killed because we were christian
>Native Americans were killed because they weren't christian

neither of these are actually true, however they would be if you replace 'christian' with 'muslim'
>which is permitted under Islam if you are lying to the infidel in order to draw out his weakness and defeat him.
>act like horny, preying pakis
>Fuck them after getting them drunk illegally

Civilised guy
>Why on earth do people still defend Muslims?
>12 year old girls act like whores

t Muhammad Islamabad

You couldn't make this shit up
We come to your continent
spread diseases,murder millions of you and take your land
But it's your fault when you try and get it back
Prove to me that the Rasidun,Umayyad and Ottoman caliphates weren't profit driven
just made us a new thread to use this evening my good lads

>nigger holding an english flag

uhhhh, what is this shit? do the edl accept niggers now?
No, you don't understand. To Native Americans it wasn't theirs.
It was literally up for grabs.
Yea but mate in the western world we don't consider a women revealing her ankles as being provocative, dirty whores who are asking for it.
There are two forms of lying, Taqiyya and Kitman. The former being to say something that isn't true, and the latter being lies of omission.

Plenty of relevant references and examples in the Quran and Hadith here:

>asking me to prove a negative
Yes they was but that don't matter anyway because the people doing it was Christians but that doesn't get blamed on Christianity though
If you dress like a bank robber and carry a gun then it's the policemen's fault for shooting you
t. jerry the victim blamer slayer
lol no, it was not
indians were never killed in the name of christ
Shut up racists you know that I'm right
Yeah but there's a difference between showing your ankle and drinking with a group of male strangers whilst dressing protectively
>showing your ankle is dressing "protectively"

It doesn't matter

read what I said
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"showing ankles"
i did, you're an idiot
the difference is that when muslims kill they do it because they are muslims, because of their religion
it is directly related to their faith
it's a stretch to even refer to the american settlers as christian, as it wasn't what defined them
>I can't restrain myself and simply have to rape when I see bare skin

muslims in a nutshell
god damn are there any chav porn websites out there? its probably my biggest fetish to bang a chavvy.
>talks about 12 year olds
>posts women in their late 20s
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