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Fire Emblem: Blazing Quest Thread #5

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Thread replies: 113
Thread images: 17

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Last time, on Fire Emblem: Blazing Quest, we:

>Killed Migal.
>Reunited with Lyn's group.

And Now:
>You find her taking care of her Pegasus.
>She looks rather happy taking care of the creature.
>It isn't until you are rather close that she notices you.
>She makes a small squeak as you approach.

A. "Hi. Do you mind if we talk a bit?"

B. Other.
>A. "Hi. Do you mind if we talk a bit?"
>"Umm, o-okay."
>"W-what do you want to talk about?"
ask where she hails from and how she and lyn know each other
>"Umm, I'm from Ilia."
>"H-how we met?"
>"She, um, saved me from a bunch of bees."

A. "Bees?"

B. "What's Ilia like? I've always wanted to go there."

C. "Do you have any family?"

D. Other.
>A. "Bees?"
>She turns a little red at your reply.
>"Y-yeah. I was stuck in a t-tree, and there were bees around."
>"She, um, saved me."

A. "What's Ilia like? I've always wanted to go there."

B. "Do you have any family?"

C. Other.
>A. "What's Ilia like? I've always wanted to go there."
>"Um, it's very snowy."
>"And c-cold."
>"It's very warm here."

A. "Do you have any family?"

B. Other.
A. "Do you have any family?"
>"Um, I have two sisters.
>"Their names are Fiora and Farina."
>"T-they're mercenaries."

What else do you want to ask her?
Ask her why she seems afraid of men.
Does she enjoy fighting cause she gets to stab them?
>"Um, I-I'd rather not say..."
>"A-and no! I don't enjoy stabbing people, E-even men."
"Sorry, bad joke.
So how'd you get the pegasis?
Do your sisters work the mercenary life together? "
>"Oh... h-hehe."
>"Um... I got huey once I started training to become a pegasus knight."
>"N-not really."
>"They don't, um, get along very well."
"Thats too bad, the three of you together must be terrifying on the battlefield."
"Well, i'll let you get back to taking care of huey."

>The sun seems to be dipping over the horizion now.
>What will you do now?
sleep, set a light guard/watch just in case the bandits return.
>You decide that, since it's nighttime and you're pretty tired from all the fighting that's been happening recently, you'll go to sleep.
>You tell Isaac to keep watch for a bit in case the bandits return.

>It must have been very late at night when Eileen woke you up, shaking you calmly.
>"The bandits have escaped."
>She's referring to Carjiga and the other bandit you kidnapped.

A. "Let us not pursue them. We have no need to keep them."

B. "We must find them. We can't let them get back to the Ganelon."

C. Other.
>B. "We must find them. We can't let them get back to the Ganelon."
>You tell her that you are going to find them.

Now what?

A. Wake some people up to help you find them.

B. Ask how she found out they went missing.

C. Just run out there and look for them.

D. Other.
Also, I forgot to mention this, but here's a link to previous threads.

>A. Wake some people up to help you find them.
Florina, kent and sain and the mercenarys should be enough
>You wake up Kent, Florina and Blaise.
>Sain was already awake, and so was Eileen.

Is this group okay?
Good enough
>Blaise pops a question to the group.
>"Where do you think they went?"
>It is Kent who replies.
>"Most likely? West of the shrine. That's where the Ganelon base most likely is."
>Sain speaks abruptly.
>"West it is! Tactician, if you'll let me, i'll fly as fast as the wind and get them. Just say the word!"
>Kent, however, disagrees.
>"Sain, while that might be a good idea, there's a fog rolling in. I think it'd be best if you stay with us, so we don't lose you."

A. "Sain's right. He should go on ahead."

B. "Sain's right. Me and him will go on ahead."

C. "Kent's right. You'll stay with the group."

D. "Why don't we just all ride horses westward?"

E. Other.
>E. Go with him, whether on your own horse or backsaddle
>You tell Kent that Sain's right, and that you and him will ride ahead.
>You grab one of the horses and begin riding alongside Sain westward.

>You find the duo running after around 30 minutes.
>They both appear to be tired.
>They notice you, unfortunately.
>Sain literally jumps from his horse and tackles Carjiga.
>The other bandit runs.

A. Run after him.

B. Other.

(Give me a 1d20 to catch him, if you decide to do so.)
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>A. Run after him.
>The bandit proves to have really bad stamina.
>You grab a hold of him but you both fall to the ground, with you on top.
>You've captured the bandit.
>"Let me go!"



C. Other
>Soon, the whole group is here.
>Blaise and Eileen shared a horse, while Kent and Florina took their own.
>You escort them back to the temple.

>You are now back at the temple.
>While that wasn't the most exciting event in the world, it still has you wired.
>You probably won't be able to go to sleep for a while.

A. Go to sleep anyways.

B. Volunteer to keep watch.

C. Other.
>B. Volunteer to keep watch.
>You're now sitting outside the temple keeping watch.
>Also with you is Eileen.
>Perhaps you could talk to her?

A. Don't talk to her.

B. Talk to her (What?)

C. Other.
>A. Don't talk to her.
>You decide against talking to her.
>Instead, you look out for in case any bandits show up.
>She seems not to acknowledge you, is if you're not there.
>Perhaps an hour goes by before she gets up and leaves.
>Soon after, Wil comes out.
>"Whoa, Bob? What are you doing up?"

A. "Prisoner escape, couldn't sleep after."

B. "You're right, what AM I doing up?"

C. Other.
>A. "Prisoner escape, couldn't sleep after."
>"Prisoner escape? Huh. You get em back? Why didn't you wake us up?"
"Yeah we got them, didn't want to wake up everyone for just 2 prisoners.
Had 7 people chase them and sain and i ended up being enough.
You can go sleep, i've got this."
>"Oh wow."
>"Are you sure you want me to leave you alone?"
"Its fine, we're gonna need as many people as possible to be well rested if we run into more bandits tomorrow. "
>"Okay. Well, thanks."
>"I guess i'll just go then."

>Later, Kent comes to greet you.
>"Bob, i've come to take your place on watch duty."
"Thanks, the excitement from earlier is finally wearing off.
goodnight kent."

night everyone

>It is now the morning, and you're awoken by Lyn, who must be oblivious to the events of last night.
>"Time to get up Bob."

A. "Okay."

B. "Five more minutes."

C. Other.
B. "Five more minutes."

>Five minutes passes by a lot slower than you would have expected it.
>Soon, however, Michael is the one to wake you up.
>He is shaking you.
>"C'mon man. Get up.:

A. "Okay."

B. "No."

C. Other.
>A. "Okay."
>A couple of bones pop as you get up.
>It seems as though you were the last to get up.
>Sain is the third to greet you this morning.
>"Ah! Sir tactician, you have finally risen! How did you sleep?"
>"Never mind that. We are almost ready to depart."
>"Is there anything you would like to do before we leave?"

A. Say something to the Priest before you go. (What?)

B. Manage inventories.

C. Seek someone out to tell them something. (What?)

D. Other.
B. Manage inventories.
probably need to distribute some of them vulnerarys
2443 g

Bob Smith:
Heal (28/30)
Lightning (35/30)
Lightning (32/30)
Elixer (1/3)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Iron Sword (21/46)
Chainmail (37/40)
Mani Katti (45/45)

Iron Sword (32/46)
Iron Lance (31/45)

Iron Sword (30/46)
Iron Lance (36/45)
Vulnerary (2/3)
Iron Bow (45/45)

Lockpick (15/15)
Slim Sword (28/30)
Emblem Sword (60/60)

Iron Bow (43/45)
Vulnerary (1/3)
Vulnerary (2/3)

Slim Lance (18/30)
Empty Vulnerary (--)

Iron Blade (35/35)
Iron Sword (46/46)
Elixer (2/3)

Slim sword(25/30)

Iron Sword (41/46)

Javelin (20/20)
Iron Lance (45/45)
Vulnerary (2/3)

Iron Axe (42/45)
Hand Axe (17/20)
Vulnerary (1/3)

Note from Marquess Santaruz (--)
Iron Axe (45/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)
Vulnerary (3/3)
Antitoxin (3/3)
Torch (5/5)
Red Gem (--)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Move whatever.
Bob gives his vulnerary to lyn, wil gives one to sain, kent puts the iron bow in the convoy.
Eileen, blaise and michael get a vulnerary from the convoy .
Is this okay?

2443 g

Bob Smith:
Heal (28/30)
Lightning (35/30)
Lightning (32/30)
Elixer (1/3)

Iron Sword (21/46)
Chainmail (37/40)
Mani Katti (45/45)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Iron Sword (32/46)
Iron Lance (31/45)
Vulnerary (2/3)

Iron Sword (30/46)
Iron Lance (36/45)
Vulnerary (2/3)

Lockpick (15/15)
Slim Sword (28/30)
Emblem Sword (60/60)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Iron Bow (43/45)
Vulnerary (1/3)

Slim Lance (18/30)
Empty Vulnerary (--)

Iron Blade (35/35)
Iron Sword (46/46)
Elixer (2/3)

Slim sword(25/30)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Iron Sword (41/46)
Vulnerary (3/3)

Javelin (20/20)
Iron Lance (45/45)
Vulnerary (2/3)

Iron Axe (42/45)
Hand Axe (17/20)
Vulnerary (1/3)

Note from Marquess Santaruz (--)
Iron Axe (45/45)
Antitoxin (3/3)
Torch (5/5)
Red Gem (--)
Iron Bow (45/45)
Is there anything else you would like to do?
>D. Lets start traveling like we planing to
>Your group leaves the temple, heading west again, towards Caelin.

Is there anything you would like to do before another event happens?

A. Yes (what?)

B. No (Fast travel.)
>B. No (Fast travel.)
Lets goo
>A couple days pass by, and you arrive in a village in the Bern Mountains.
>A commotion occurs upon you reaching the village.
>It isn't until an old man comes forward that you realize the reasoning behind it.
>"Young man! You're still alive!"
>It takes a moment for you to realize he's addressing Wil.
>"Of course I am. Did you think some brigands from the mountains could kill me?"
>The old man laughs at that.
>"It is refreshing to see you alive and well. I thought for sure the Ganelon would have killed you."
>"Well, I might have if It wasn't for our tactician right here."
>He hooks his arm around your shoulder as he says that.

A. Say nothing.

B. "What's going on?"

C. "They were bandits. Not anything special."

D. "Please get your arm off of me."

E. Other.
C. "They were bandits. Not anything special."
B. "What's going on?"
>"This is the village that I was staying in before I met Florina, and Flynn."
>"This village was always pretty nice to me."
>"Anyways, how has the village been? Have the Ganelon reared their ugly heads around?"
>The old man shakes his head.
>"Surprisingly, no."
>Dorcas taps your shoulder.
>"Could we talk?"

A. "Sure."

B. "Nah."
>A. "Sure."
>"Natalie says that she agrees with me. We both would like to travel with you."

A. "Okay."

B. Other.
>A. "Okay."

fuck,, sorry op. i'd love to keep going but im drunk as fuucuk right now, goodnight
Good night.
>"We have to go to a nearby village for a couple of hours to sort things out for a bit."
>"Would you mind waiting here a bit for us?"

A. "Go ahead."

B. "Don't go ahead."

C. Other.
>A. "Go ahead."
>He walks away.
>Lyn approaches you.
>"What was that about?"
they've got some things to take care of before joining us, should be a few hours.
>He walks away.
>Lyn approaches you.
>"What was that about?"
They're tying up some loose ends before joining us. Few hours for everyone to relax
>"Ah, alright."
It seems you might have a bit of time to kill. What would you like to do with it?
go find sain, he'll have some ideas for something fun to do.
>It takes a bit of looking and some directions from Isaac, but eventually you find him, inside a local inn with a mug in his hands.
>"Greetings, sir tactician! What is it you need from me?"
Start drinking with sain
timeskip to dorkas returning
>You spend the rest of your time drinking and partying with Sain.
>Although you don't drink as much as the others.
>Considering your considerably low body mass, much less alcohol would get you drunk than other people.
>Even then you enjoy yourself.
>Along the way, Michael and Wil started drinking with you two as well.
>After a couple of hours of drinking, partying and Sain getting rejected by every girl in the inn, Dorcas arrives back with Natalie.
>Kent is the one to fetch you.
>"Sain, have you seen bob- oh there you are. Dorcas told me to tell you he's back."

A."Sweet, let's move out."

B. Other.
>A."Sweet, let's move out."
>You gather everyone up and leave, which takes much less time than you'd expect.

Would you like to do anything on the way?
Nah, we've had enough fun at the inn.
>A couple of nights later and you are at the Lycian border.
>Sain seems simply ectstatic at this.
>"Lycia at last! How my heart aches at seeing my homeland once again, after so long. We shall dine on a feast of kings in celebration!"
>"Kent, what territory will we be entering?"
>He answers Wil's question after thinking a moment.
>"I believe this is Araphen."

>"Say, does this village seem a little... empty to you?"
>Wil's question does not go unacknowledged.
>"It does, almost suspiciously so."
>"Relax Kent, I highly doubt the Ganelon would be that bold."
>Lyn, however, was disproven when Wil shot a man dead from the back of the group.
>Suddenly, your group is surrounded.
>A large man with a purple shirt and purplish gray hair walks forward.
>"Give us back Carjiga, and MAYBE, while my good mood lasts, we'll make your deaths quick."
>Lyn growls at the man.
>"Not a chance!"
>The man looks down in a bout of mock disappointment."
>"Very well then, I guess we have no choice but to kill you."
>The mean begin closig around you in a circle.
>Your group draws your weapons and prepares to attack.
>Suddenly, however, two fireballs descend upon the bandits.
>A quick scan of the area confirms the fireballs to have originated from a boy on the roof of a nearby house, donned in a red cloak.
>"Damnit! Men, fall back. Cut off every exit, we won't let them escape!"

>The red cloaked youth jumps down and tries to greet you.
>Before he can, however, a loud voice pierces the air, which comes from a woman with pink hair opening the door of the house he descended from.
>"Erk! That was great!"
>She bounces over to your group.
>"Oh hello there! Are you guys who these bandits were after?"
>Before you have a chance to respond, she speaks again.
>"We're behind on our trip to Ostia and it's YOUR fault. Now how are you going to fix this?"
>Again, before you can speak, you are interrupted.
>"I apologize for Serra. The bandits nearby have taken control of the city, laying a trap for someone that would pass through here."
>"I'm guessing that's you."
>"Anyways, we shall trouble you no more."
>He goes to leave, but the woman stops him.
>"Wait, Erk! We can just leave these people without a mage or a healer!"
>She bounces over to Kent.
>"Knight sir, we shall lend our efforts to you!"
>Erk groans.
>"Actually, he's our tactician."
>Kent's words send her to you.
>Allow us to help you. I can heal, and Erk over there can cast magic! With us you can wasily turn the tide of this battle.

A. "Sure, why not. We could use some help."

B. "No. I already do all the healing and magic casting this team needs."

C. Other.
Supposed to be

>"Allow us to help you. I can heal, and Erk over there can cast magic! With us you can wasily turn the tide of this battle."
A. "Sure, why not. We could use some help."
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Pick 7 of your party (Other than Bob and Lyn) to fight.

Also, if you'd like to manage items, say so.
Sain, kent, wil, eileen, blaise, dorcas and florina.

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Is this okay?
Thats good.

fuck, thought i had auto update on.
Your move.
Rolled 6, 17, 4, 6, 5, 9, 13, 20, 17, 12, 16 = 125 (11d20)

Eileen, blaise and dorcas form a line with the house to their left flank and dorcas at the top of it and bob moving towards them to position behind them.
Florina visits the top house with a door.
Lyn, sain and kent form another line with all of them equiped with swords. Serra and wil behind them. Erk infront of the sword line prepared for the archer
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Rolled 6, 5 = 11 (2d20)

>Your group forms two lines.
>In ascending order: Blaise, Eileen and Dorcas in the back, Kent, Lyn and Sain in the front.
>You, Wil and Serra are in the middle of it.
>Erk is standing at the very front, ready for the archer.
>Meanwhile, Florina visits the house to the north.

>She knocks on the door lightly.
>Suddenly, a man comes out, swinging a hammer.
>"Get out of here!"
>Florina moves out of the way, without getting hit.
>"Wait, you're not a bandit, at least I don't think."
>The man thinks for a second.
>"Are you fighting these bandits? Here, take this."
>He hands her the hammer, which is a little heavy for her.
>"B-but I-"
>"There's a knight among those bandits, and that Hammer will do wonders on 'em."
>"Take care now!"
>Florina got Hammer (20/20)

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>The archer lets loose an arrow onto erk, which embeds itself in his left arm.
>He pulls it out quickly.
>Meanwhile, a Brigand charges Eileen, but she sidesteps his attack easily.

Your move.
Rolled 7, 1, 8, 2, 2, 19, 17, 17, 19, 6, 14 = 112 (11d20)

Wil and erk strike back at him from long and close range while serra heals erk.
Sain and Lyn hit the brigand above the archer while kent hits the archer or brigand if the archers already fallen.
Florina trades the hammer to dorcas, he then attacks the brigand closest to him. Eileen helps by attacking the same target.
Blaise strikes the brigand below the double teamed one and bob magic attacks him from afar as well.
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Rolled 2, 8 = 10 (2d20)

>Lyn and Sain attack the northern Brigand, and neither lay very damaging attacks, but the man is still bleeding.
>Wil and Erk fire at the Archer. Erk hits him, while Wil's arrow misses.
>Meanwhile, Florina flies to Dorcas and gives him a hammer.
>Then Dorcas and Eileen double team a brigand, killing him.
>You and Blaise kill the other Brigand headed your way.

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>The archer fires at Kent, who, unfortunately for him, is moving to fast for the arrow to hit.
>The brigand, meanwhile, swings at Lyn and misses.
Your move.
Rolled 11, 11, 15, 10, 5, 11, 14, 2, 5, 2, 13 = 99 (11d20)

Eileen, blaise and dorcas strike at the brigands closest to them, bob strikes at them from behind the front liners and florina repositions herself better so she can strike at either side of enemies as shes needed.
Sain and lyn strike the brigand near them and kent, wil and erk strike at the archer.
serra heals if anyone needs it.
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Rolled 4, 16, 19, 17, 9 = 65 (5d20)

>The brigands in the back are not close enough to attack.
>Sain and Lyn manage to finish off the Brigand.
>Kent delivers a blow to the archer, which Wil finishes off.
>Erk casts a fireball at him, but it misses.
>No one is currently injured.

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>The back is attacked, all except you.
>Eileen and Blaise are unlucky and can't fully dodge.
>Dorcas is luckier in that regard, but not much.
>Meanwhile, Kent is attacked by two Brigands.
>He dodges one, but the other hits him firmly.

Your move.
Rolled 9, 12, 11, 14, 6, 1, 19, 1, 2, 20, 19 = 114 (11d20)

Serra heals kent.
Kent and wil attack the bottom of the two brigands and erk and lyn strike at the top one.
Sain comes down on the closest surviving brigand.
Dorcas, blaise and eileen strike at the brigands right by them, taking one each.
Bob heals eileen and Florina flanks from behind and attacks the brigand tangoing with dorcas

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Rolled 11, 1 = 12 (2d20)

>The brigands to the west fall, by everyone's hand but Sain's.
>Serra heals Kent, who takes care of a Brigand with Erks help.
>Lyn and Erk finish off the other Brigand.
>Meanwhile, the east isn't doing to well.
>Eileen decapitates her Brigand.
>You heal her right after.
>Florina descends and attacks the brigand Dorcas is fighting, but misses.
>Dorcas also misses his attack.
>Blaise manages to get the drop on his opponent, but still doesn't do too lasting damage.

>Blaise's opponent returns full force, finally finishing him.
>Blaise is in critical condition.
>Dorcas's opponent is unable to hit him.

Your move.
I'm just posting to let you know how I admire your dedication to each other in this thread.
Rolled 8, 10, 15, 18, 16, 17, 10, 18, 15, 7, 12 = 146 (11d20)

Dorcas and florina strike the top brigand from opposite sides.
Bob heals blaise and eileen covers blaise from the brigand and attacks him.
For everyone in the west side have them reform the line on the edge of the west most house with lyn at the top and kent and sain below her. Erk, wil and serra behind them.
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>Eileen jumps in front of Blaise to protect him, and stabs the bandit, resulting in him slumping over dead.
>Florina swoops around and attacks the remaining brigand again, giving him a nasty gash.
>While his eyes were focused on her, Dorcas finished the job by decapitating him.
>Meanwhile, the western front retreats inward, forming the line formation again.

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Your move.
Rolled 1, 11, 10, 15, 17, 12, 14, 12, 3, 5, 14 = 114 (11d20)

Bob continues healing blaise.
The western line advances and strikes if they're in range without leaving the line formation.
Serra heals if anyone needs it with wil and erk following the line closely.
Dorcas and eileen head west and florina heads northwest behind the houses and closer to the frontline ready to attack soon.
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Rolled 15 (1d20)

>The western group advances west, with Dorcas, Eileen and Florina on their way to join them.
>You stay behind and heal Blaise more, fully healing him.

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I'm trying something new.

>Sain is attacked by a brigand, the only brigand out of the three bandits coming your way.

Your move.
Rolled 3, 4, 1, 3, 12, 8, 10, 19, 3, 9, 13 = 85 (11d20)

Florina goes as far west as she can.
Dorcas, bob, blaise and eileen also head West.
Sain attacks the brigand as does wil and kent attacks the myrmidon with his lance.
serra heals sain and Lyn and erk hit the mercenary.
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Rolled 15, 9, 20 = 44 (3d20)

>Sain and Wil attack the Brigand and bring him to the last inches of his life.
>Lyn and Erk attack the mercenary.
>Kent is left to fend off the myrmidon himself with his lance.
>Serra begins moving towards Sain, to heal him.

>The Brigand begins thrashing about, and catches Sain off gaurd, critically injuring him.
>Sain is now critically injured.
>The mercenary attacks Lyn, giving her a gash that runs down her thigh.
>The myrmidon attacks, injuring him harshly.

Your move.
Rolled 13, 5, 5, 3, 10, 11, 2, 14, 7, 3, 13 = 86 (11d20)

Florina and wil aim to hit the brigand, Erk and lyn attack the merc and kent strikes the myrmidon.
Serra Heals Sain.
Dorcas, blaise, bob and eileen continue to head west.
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>Florina comes down and finishes the Brigand before Wil has a chance to shoot him.
>Lyn and Erk's combined efforts kill the Mercenary.
>Kent finishes off the myrmidon.
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Your move.
Thread posts: 113
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