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Apocalypse Civs

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 125
Thread images: 16

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Many years ago the world was baptized in atomic fire.
From the ashes that cast man down there arose a new generation of people, more awakened by the brightness of the bombs, and more alive than the ancestors that had come before them. They saw technology as the defining trail of destruction, and in an effort to rid themselves of the total obliteration of mankind, they went about drowning the world in fire once more. Though this fire burned no flesh, instead it burned the likes of papers and texts, old machines melting upon pyres of leather bound knowledge like the world was better off living as it once did, dim and ignorant.

Since the bombs there has been an unknown number of years gone by, but many assume centuries. There lives now many scattered tribes living as their book burning ancestors intended, without knowledge of the old world, nor how to rebuild it.

Now it is their task to stray away from the old, and construct the new. Only the gods know who may rise to power in the coming years over The Lord's Crater.


Every civ will be allowed two actions per turn, those of which may be:

-A Technological Breakthrough
-An Act of Labor
-A Cultural Development

Actions cannot be the same type in the same turn, such as a civ may perform an Labor & Culture action in one turn, but may not perform a Culture & Culture action in one turn.

Now please wait a moment as I introduce the three civs you will be playing as.
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The Children of The Abbey are a religious movement that have inhabited an old abbey along the outskirts of town for generations now. They have taken on men and women from around the region who seek to adopt a religious lifestyle and accept the new age teachings of their skewed version of Christianity.

They believe that in the event of the atomic bombings that god himself was struck down, but as an immortal being he arose once more, this time as a lord over the new state of man, one that had been changed by the atomic destruction just like the land he created had been.

Currently The Abbey has been maintaining itself off a mutated form of lake moss that grows grand berries upon the water's surface very much akin to grapes. In their time they have been discovering how to refine the juices of these fruits into wine.
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The Kings of The Crater are men of the old ways.

They long ago were some of the most prevalent warrior clans in the wastes, and have followed the likes of great warriors as lords and kings over the people of their clan. It was only after a savage defeat in the frozen north lands in a region far from this one that the tribe was divided.

The tribe now living near The Lord's Crater has become settled in believing they are the beings chosen by the god of war to carry on the legacy of his children. They believe that their monarch is a direct descendant of The War God himself, and intend to let his iron fist show that the weak should not only fear the strong, but should be subservient to its might.
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The Forest Men are a pushed people who have been persecuted throughout their existence by the likes of demons that they believe are out to end their way of life.

They have come to believe that the gate to the hells themselves exists within the dead and burned forest that they live beside, and that the creatures that the abominations that walk out of it are demons that have escaped int the mortal realm to feast on man. They claim that the devouring of these creatures will bless man with demon's blood, and will make them stronger against the demons that come after.

Through journeys into The Dead Forest they have seen who shall be chosen as their new leader by seeing visions of fearful demons, and knowing that the head of their tribe should be whoever the gods have foretold shall be the bane of demonic life for generations to come.
I won't be able to participate for long, but I'll take on the mantle of the CoA till then.
Oh yes, The Abbey Dwellers live in a big Abbey currently.

The Kings are currently living in a collection of trailer houses, except for the king, who is living by himself in two trailers pressed together.

The Forest Clan is living in a collection of rent-cabins out by the riverside that at one time served as rugged vacationing spots for people in the city just on the other side of the river.

We shall start when every tribe has at least one player working for them. Do try to keep the tribes occupied, but for now there will be no hard limits on how many players a tribe can have.
Discord link ?
As of current there isn't an official discord.
We'll be running this quite old-style.

If clans want to run their own servers or players want an unofficial one running then that's fine as well.
I'll take the lead for The Forest Men
I'll also join the Children of the Abbey if you wanted to join another faction.

What faction did you want to join?
I'll take the kings
Neat. lurking.
Ill join in on The Forest men
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Neat, looks like we may have everyone, and if not others are always free to jump in.

Either way discuss among your teammates your starting action and we'll get this ball rolling. Remember that you get two actions a turn. Next turn will come whenever all three tribes turn in their actions and the turn update comes out.

This will be our anchor post.
Should I switch teams to balance the factions out, or stick with CoA?
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I propose for The Forest Men
Tech: Wood Carving
Labor: Dig a ditch close to Dead Forest like pic related

So long as we don't get more actions for more people it should be fine
Stick with CoA if ya like. I think the guy that wanted to join it near the top of the thread said they couldn't stay around for long and we've had a pretty big wait for players, so I doubt they're still around.

Leaves a space open for you to slide in.

Labor: Expand Population Capacity
Tech: Construction Tools
Is this enough, or should I be more specific with the actions?

Do we also roleplay and act individually as characters, or do we primarily vote on civ actions?
Roleplay is pretty optional but loosely encouraged, usually we adopt names and stuff to represent us so we know each other when we pop unto a new thread.

On another note the actions usually are more specific, such as if someone wanted to expand food production or population capacity they would either expand farms, find a new food source, or for capacity they would go around and make new houses.

At the same time though they do need access to various resources to get things done, mostly so things stay in the realm of believably. Like if you want to build houses you may want to use lake mud, or start a quarry, or go out exploring in a direction to look for other goods.

Don't forget to check the map in the OP to see which directions might yield something good instead of just barren wasteland.

Finally though civs usually have a vote, or if there are very few people running a tribe there might just be one or two people making decisions. If the answers turned in to The Anchor Post conflict too greatly and the tribes haven't come to a conclusion on what they wanna do there could be either mishaps.
Do we have IC knowledge of the map ?
Also are you same guy who made this quest long ago ? I remember the exact same quest popping up before.
Forest warriors are in agreement
Yeah you do and yeah I am.
Got a new map upgrade and two new factions and all that though.

Anyway, you guys have ICly lived here for a long time.
Culture: as believers of one creator God children of abbey have faith in their creator and in the fact that he would create a logical consistent universe which can be understood and explained. Thus replacing the old irrational belief that simple radiation could be caused by sin with curiosity and desire to learn about God's creation.
Action: explore the city for technological relics or science books
Got it. Should we stick with teams or are we encouraged to switch teams when there are a lack of players? Particularly if we're namefagging.

How much knowledge are we assumed to have regarding stuff from our reality? Things like iron crafting and recipes that's not listed on our tech.
You're encouraged to stay in the tribe you start with.

You have pretty vastly underwhelming knowledge of advanced things like metallurgy and machinery of the old world. You'll need to go through learning that kinda stuff on your own. You've been blasted almost literally to the stone age in terms of science.

You can still read though so if you find anything out there you can certainly learn how to rebuild some stuff. Good luck on ya.
Culture I support, Labor I'm not so sure about.
If demons or mutants exist in this world, then we might want to train some scouts instead so they'll know how to evade the critters.

Makes sense if we're roleplaying.
So starting from the bottom it is.
I would support that, training holy warriors of scouting.
Ok what do you suggest for labor action ?
( On unrelated note I'm going to turn us into the center of scientific and cultural revival)
We still need a turn report for The Kings.
If we don't get one from them soon we may have to proceed without their turn.
I can shill your quest in other threads, if you want
You can in generals if you want though I'd prefer if other quests didn't get disrupted by ads.
Labor: Train Abbey Ruins Scouts
For now these scouts should solely focus on being able to evade enemies, and specialize for the ruins or urban terrain. No unit would be good without their faith, of course.
>Culture: as believers of one creator God children of abbey have faith in their creator and in the fact that he would create a logical consistent universe which can be understood and explained. Thus replacing the old irrational belief that simple radiation could be caused by sin with curiosity and desire to learn about God's creation.
I think the CotA's belief is that demons or mutants are born from sin, and wherever they go, they create radiation.
Technically the radiation is what creates the demons or mutants, but our grapes are made from mutated plants so that's a story for another time. So this is good enough.

>tfw the Kings get deposed within a few turns.

If it's through quests, don't do it without the approval of the QM or players though.
Good Guy QM.
So uh, what's the name of the CotA's modified Christian religion, Abbeyism?
The Faith of the Truly Risen
I'm going to tell you this now. I'm reverting It back to normal ASAP
Are we going to keep the part where God's apparently a zombie like Jesus?
a radioactive zombie!
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In light of the absence of Kink Players we shall be continuing their turns automatically until a player joins.

In their time along the lakeside there has been a discovery made with ranged combat, that mainly being the use of their corn-husk strings to form slings that are used to throw lake stones far and hard at those that draw near their kingdom.

Along with this they have expanded the presence of corn fields by order of The King to prepare for the introduction of new serfs and slaves later on in the year.
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The Forest Warriors have grown more tense about the ever looming threat of demons spilling from the dead woods around their home. They have decided that the best course of action would be to dig a trench along the boarder of the tree line. Any demons that approach them now will have a pit to deal with during their charges.

In the time it took them to dig the trench they have also started to put their axes to work chopping down trees and putting them to a more conventional use. They have started to form planks, proper tool handles, and other various wooden works.

There have been older members of the clan that fear the use of dead woods, as they associate them highly with the presence of demons, and fear that if they begin using that wood in camp then they will too think the camp is their home. Many of the younger clansmen though have never seen a demon, and truly do not fear the idea even if it was true. They are confident in their ability as fighters.
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In The Abbey's time there has been a long period of stagnation where all who live there have made little progress in the way of advancing themselves aside from learning scripture and brewing alcohol.

There has been a new movement throughout the younger ranks of abbey members who claim that the old ways are surely false if they've done nothing to change The Lord's Realm.

They've started to abandon the idea that radiation is caused be hellish demons and instead have embraced that there must be an answer to the world's problems within the world itself, for god wouldn't simply create a world that lacked its own explanation.

Older members of The Church are mad with this change of tradition, and refuse to believe that radiation could be caused by anything other than corruption and sin.

Regardless the new movement is gaining traction, and has started an effort to ready potential scouts to journey into the city near The Lord's Crater so they can collect information about the world that has been lost to time, and the savages that burned away all knowledge so many years ago.
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Anchor Post.

Make sure all final turn decisions get linked to this post.
So, what tribe needs players most?
The Kings. They got nobody at the moment.
>Older members of The Church are mad with this change of tradition, and refuse to believe that radiation could be caused by anything other than corruption and sin.
Looks like we're going to have to slow down the Cultural changes until we can get the older members on board.
How much does Population represent, do we literally have 10 members or is it more of an abstraction?

On that note, does the CotA believe that God is literally a zombie or a radioactive one, or is it more like he revived himself the same way Jesus did when he died?

The Kings, apparently.
>On that note, does the CotA believe that God is literally a zombie or a radioactive one, or is it more like he revived himself the same way Jesus did when he died?

A mixture of both. He isn't a zombie because of radiation, he is revived because he is by definition immortal. But he's damaged, like the world, he is 'alive' but warped.
>Devil Trips

Yeah the population present is pretty literal. You're a holy order so you've got like four old guys bumbling around that have beat the ods and grown old in the wastelands.

They believe that God isn't necessarily a zombie, but that when he arose once more his form reflected the world that has been destroyed, so his personification is often that of a death-like creature, skeletal with a giant beard that glows in embers and sheds ash wherever he walks.
>Yeah the population present is pretty literal. You're a holy order so you've got like four old guys bumbling around that have beat the ods and grown old in the wastelands.
Kek. If that's the case, then we should do a group discussion later to share everyone's experiences.
I’m guessing by default the players are the younger members, possibly seen individually in actions.

>They believe that God isn't necessarily a zombie, but that when he arose once more his form reflected the world that has been destroyed, so his personification is often that of a death-like creature, skeletal with a giant beard that glows in embers and sheds ash wherever he walks.
So he looks like he came straight outta Dark Souls? Cool.
Looks like it.

A bit of a mouthful, what's the shorthand for conversations? The Risen? Risenism? Might get a bit confusing if there are undead in this reality.
Kings it is.

Action: Scout around outside our holdings, looking for possible settlements to enslave or useful remains of the old world.
Research: By sealing a rock in a rope holding, we manage to make a padded flail type item.

Also, that discord link doesn't seem to work, could you provide another?
Try this, I just made it:

Any direction you prefer scouting in?
Oh here's a version set not to expire:
In each available direction equally would be preferred, but if only in one direction, East.
Culture: Sister Miriam was always faithful and loyal to abbot and the Lord. She has been friends with the abbot since she was the child and he thought her many languages by reading scripture - Greek, Latin, Hebrew. She was trusted by him, but one day cleaning the abbey she had stumbled upon an old bible, only she and the abbot could read It because It was in Hebrew. The sister had discovered that It was completely different from the scripture she had read before, after comparing It with other books she realised this one was an original and others had been fakes. The revelation was devastating. Although she can't say unexpected, she always felt something was off about that, after all how could an omnipotent creator be striked down by his own creation ? Was abbot, completely aware of his actions, willingly deceiving his people to stay in power ? She decided to start the culture of intelectual discussions, topics rainging from everyday worries to interpretation of scripture, deceiving abbot to her true intentions. But most importantly revealing the truth of his deception during secret night meetings. People were flabbergasted by this, unsure whether they should be angry about being led astray or concerned for elders souls. Either way they decide to keep this a secret ..... for now.
TL;DR culture of god being a zombie replaced by Intellectual discussion consisting of scripture interpretation and other topics. And abbot and elders aren't aware of this change.
Forgot name
>2 turns in and there is already going to be a schism/holy war
The fuck am i reading
The result of me browsing infinity Chan's Christian board entire summer
Got another action to do?
You get two a turn.
You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Sisters of Battle when?
Or, considering our tech level, Sisters Of Sigmar would be more appropriate

What if this destruction was an illumination? Would not those able to withstand the horrors of sin shine brightest in these dark days? The world has changed, and we must be one with the new way, god's new revelation to his creation. We must be shining beacons in this twisted world, and our creed much reach all the twisted sinners until they join us in god's light.
Sounds like a good idea, Glowing Man.
Help yourself to pin joining a tribe and pinning that belief right on them. I'm sure they'll prosper for it.
Or start glowing.
Either one.

Gonna need some ROLLS right quick.

Trees roll me a D100 for attempt at Capture.

Kings roll D100 for Scout

Abbey People roll a D100 for suburban tech scouting, you get a +10 for Scout Training.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

No we aren't
Man it's been hours, we need turns done now.
I apologize.

We can do it together.

Well, I had considered the children of the abbey, but I don't know if they'd accept me or shun me for being a glowing irradiated man.
Well they just recently repealed the idea that radiation is sin.

Not to mention you could say the same thing about probably all the other tribes.
Tech: Carve branches into wooden spikes, small and large. Some can be placed into the pit while longer ones can be used as weapons.
Labor / Culture: The selective breeding of roots is fine actually.

That is my proposal.
Join us and we throw you into the child pitfighting rings.
We can have our next labor action be hunting some filthy demons, sure.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Nigga wtf I was here before you.
Right, we'll be contenuing on with the turns shortly, and since The Abbey isn't rolling we'll do a quick roll for them.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)


Wait, shit. Don't potentially start a Holy Civil War just yet!
The old farts are probably just really upset the young folks don't seem to be interested in their wisdom, since we seem to operating independently of them so far. We should try amending any bridges after this turn.

CotA Turn #3 Proposal:
Culture: Bring everyone to share their experiences and stories, if they're busy or away then they'll share when they're on break.
Labor: Train Abbey Ruins Scavengers, particularly on hidden items and texts of knowledge.

We'd accept you, but the Kings could use a dank irradiated man.


Culture: Establish Inquisition to root out heretics.

Labor: Train Holy warriors for said inquisition
We are still on turn 2 guys
I figured he already finalized the turn, and we're waiting for the post be made.
If it's under discussion, then
Will be for Turn #2.

There's only 10 members in the entire faction, though. We should do that once we establish what we want the vision of the faction to be and see everyone's allegiances. Good idea though.
I thought we had already trained our scouts ?
Scavengers, not scouts. Scavengers focus more on finding goodies and recovering them. Scouts focus on charting areas out, estimating the number of enemies, and being evasive enough to get close enough to get that intel without being spotted.
Scouts pave the road for Scavengers.
we could train the ones to take both roles, considering how few people we have
Yeah, which is likely what's going to happen if training indirectly counts as a Tech. In any case, more training to not end up like the rest of the dead factions can't hurt.
Since I'm going to bed I'll put a suggestion to turn 3
Labor: Hunt a demon of The Dead Forest
Culture: Fear is for the weak. We should strive for glory and one day shut down the hell portals!
Can you people just decide a turn.
It's not like we are going to not have any other turns past this one, just pick something and wait for a open turn to do what you want, or even better, get in discord and discuss it with each other to work out a plan.
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Okay we're moving on and Abbey is using this: >>1596653

Because it's not only complete, but it actually makes sense.

You're ten people living in an isolated ass abbey for generations, there's no reason why this girl would randomly stumble upon a book written in a strange language when everyone around the place speaks English, and you're certainly not going to be switching culture traits if you're actively trying to keep it secret from a portion of your population, let alone THE LEADER.

Stop trying to convert the nuke cult into old form Christianity without the consent of your other members, and without doing so sensibly, you WILL cause a schism in your already small numbers.

We're moving on now.
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Ever since the youths have begun to train themselves for their urban explorations they have started to chart out the value of certain objects based on the remnants of old world knowledge that many of the older generations still know of from, their time out in the wastes. Scout and Scavenger teams are now ready to catch high profile goods when on crawls into The Broken City.

Due to the prominent tensions rising between the generations, The abbot has called forth a meeting between his people. The event has kicked off with the sharing of ideas and events in the lives of those within the church, expressing that information and opinions between members have the most value when they're expressed freely. In this, the virtue of information sharing has been established, and the elders are becoming content with the acts of these younger upstarts, for now they feel as if their traditional beliefs may still be valued even through these times of change.
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The Kings Tribe has been put to work developing their slave catching techniques, many of the free living members of the society growing excited at the idea of moving up in life through the capture of many forced laborers. They expect many serfs to till their fields one day, and will only grow content once their corn field are bustling, and they live like true kings.

Some of The War God's chosen have started to scout outwards into The Eastern Mountain by their camp, quickly enough coming to see what they had been looking for all along. They found the likes of a small settlement, reports saying around six or so individuals in a building that they've been maintaining and rebuilding like some form of temple. A continued watch of their practices shows that they grow strange plants, the likes of beans that they grind into a brown drink that seems to give them hyperactive powers once consumed. The Scouts spent an extended stay of four days observing their habits, noticing that they celebrate a nightly ritual where they gather around the visage of a queen with two tails and dance about her symbol painted on a white sign after consuming their hyper drinks. Sometimes the younger members of the clan collapse after the dance is over and sleep for hours on end until being woken up by mid day the next morning.

The scouts have returned with this information, growing ever excited about the idea of this group's capture.

One man by the name of Durnock has claimed that he will be the hero that does the will of The War God and drags the drinker slaves back to the glory of The King.

However a few of the wiser clansmen are voicing their concerns over the fact that if they did in fact catch these slaves, they have no real cages or homes to keep them in.
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>tfw I forget I'm posting without a name the whole time.

The Forrest Men have spent their days working their new lumber abundance into long spikes the likes of which they've been settling into the trench around camp. The Elders find this viciously amusing, and are much more than pleased with the development. They believe that with all the wooden spikes in the pit that The Demons may start thinking that the pit is their home too, and will jump in only to get impaled on the many spikes below.

This has unfortunately rendered the pit useless for keeping trapped demons within, but is certainly more lethal in the way it defends The Territory.

Some of the longer wooden spikes have been taken up by warriors to be used as spears, they measure the usefulness of a spear by its ability to reach over the trench, so often enough they've been collecting rather long ones in preparation to stab charging demons.

Along with this some of the less violent members of society have started to bunch the bigger root plants together in their own gardens, segregated from the smaller that are soon enough being weeded out for the much greater roots that feed all that many more people.

They've stated that it may be a good time to think about expanding housing to let families grow themselves out soon.
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Turn Anchor.
Turn 3 has now began.
Link all Final Turn Reports to this post.
Labor: Hunt a demon of The Dead Forest
Culture: If eating demons makes us stronger, then using The Dead Forest wood should make us stronger too!
Action: Send a small party down to open communication with these savages, maybe learn their strengths, weaknesses, how many weapons they have. Also attempt to trade some corn for some beans
Culture: Honorary Chosen. Every five years, one of gods chosen (slave owners) may elect a slave to become Honorary Chosen, and present a list of his/her deeds to the king. The king will then decide whether or not this boon is to be granted. Honorary Chosen's offspring are considered true chosen, so long as they are the fruit of a marriage between two chosen people (Honorary or true). Honorary Chosen are not allowed to present a slave to be Honorary, only true chosen may.
I agree with this.


I say we should just enslave them after we learn how to make their "hyper potion"
Yeah, were going to get one to sell the rest out, then enslave that same one.
I wasn't expecting you to be a demon of culture.

>You're ten people living in an isolated ass abbey for generations,
On another note, how much of the Abbey has been explored and scavenged already? Does everyone already know it like the back of their hand, or were they too busy with surviving to do that?

>Due to the prominent tensions rising between the generations, The abbot has called forth a meeting between his people.
Good Guy Abbot, crisis averted! What's the Abbot like?
That abbot is a rather swell guy.
Ye he's pretty fat these days.

The Abbot is an old man by the name of Innocent that's been raised up in The Abbey since he was a kid and his family got fucked up by forest demons.

His mom carried him all the way out of the forest and finally found sanctuary in The Abbey where he then grew up to outlive everyone around him to the ripe old age of 60, which is mind numbingly old in these harsh times, and he did it by being a naturally huge man that's been known to literally kill demons by knocking them down with his bare fists.

He's got this head of long black hair that reaches down to his ass and has more crosses hanging off his neck than anyone's ever counted, likely more than fifty of various sizes and metals.

He's mellowed out some in his old age, but he's still scary to look at.

On another note that abbey has been explored from top to bottom, yeah.
Should we bother with stealth training or go exploring now
U should bother with getting in discord my guy
>tfw our Abbot use to be a huge warrior monk.
I'm now concerned what would've happened to the young folk had they started a schism.

CotA Turn 3
Culture: Get everyone together to discuss their visions and aspirations of the future. Encourage people to record their own experiences and thoughts when possible. Get that techno-theocratic faith going.
Labor: Ruins Stealth Training so the Abbey Reclaimers can avoid detection to obtain better loot.
Is Reclaimer a good name for our multi-roled explorers?

Good idea, thanks for bringing that up. We'll do the Stealth Training while we're on one more turn of getting everyone's heads together before we go out. Don't want to risk a potential infight while we're out exploring now would we?
>and the elders are becoming content with the acts of these younger upstarts,
We're pretty close to getting the Elders on our side now, or tolerating any further changes.

Ok next turn however we need to look into agriculture and construction to expand our housing and population
That culture action doesn't do much of anything, you already have sharing information and collecting knowledge as culture traits.
Culture:selective breeding of crops and farm animals
That's not a culture thing.
That can be a tech thing though.
Oh yeah, totally. After this turn it looks like we'll have a workable image of what our Civ will be like.
Next turn, Labor into scouting, Tech into researching that? We don't need to research agriculture now because we have a food surplus, fortunately.
How does Culture: God of Cinders likely wants us to rediscover the events that caused the atomic bombings, then redeem his children that have been led astray to prevent another cataclysm like this again sound?
Wouldn't that be a Tech?
I mean that might work, but it looks like you're seeing this culture stuff wrong.

A cultural development is something that's finite, like a social law, a tradition, a cultural value, ect.

What you're trying to do is establish culture traits as like, some kind of goal to complete, and that's really not fitting because if you complete it, that trait just might as well straight up vanish. Do you understand?
How about researching a way to preserve food
Oh. That makes sense.
That sounds like a good idea. Use that to help feed Reclaimers on missions? It'd be in time just before they start exploring too.
We can pretty much make grape jam from the mutated grapes to fulfill that.
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Labor: Ruins Stealth Training so the Abbey Reclaimers can avoid detection to obtain better loot.
Tech: Food preservatives, grape jam from the float grapes for travel rations.

Oh, right. Sorry hopeless monk.
Hey GM, when and how often do you run your sessions?
It's over man OP said so in discord. QM's like him piss me off if you aren't going to finish then don't start.
Oh. What a shame.
So does Book Burner have any other plans after this?
Thread posts: 125
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