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Chapter 5 -Prey.jpg
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Last thread: 1503076
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=[PROTOTYPE]

Subject: Jacob Marshal
Designation: Deimos
Infected: Evolved
Bio: Jacob Marshal, an ex-mercenary in his mid-twenties. Having picked his visiting cousin Nina up from the airport, now finds himself trapped in the Florida redzone. While trying to get his cousin to safety, Jacob was ambushed and infected with the blacklight virus. Now one of the evolved, Jacob must find a way to safely get Nina out of the exceedingly deadly hellscape the eastern Floridian coast has become.

Earlier today, Jacob had gathered food, observed the Blackwatch testing an area denial system, received a line of contact from the strange Alexis, and is currently being pursued by a strange green toned evolved.

“Jesus fucking Chri-“

You can’t even finish that exclamation as the slender greenish blade slices partly through the rooftop just inches from you. Jumping down onto the street below, you look up and see your lab coat clad pursuer diving for you with his razor appendage.

1d20-2 to dodge this thing.
+2 if you can think of a way to use your powers to avoid it.
Rolled 17 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

maybe try to push him back with our tendrils
also try diplomacy, even if the guy doesnt look like he wants to talk
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 13 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

test, please ignore qm
17 success

Tendrils soar up above you as you hurl towards your decent. They strike out towards the Lab Coat. His blade swings out to slice the ends of your Tendies, giving you the time to land and kick back and avoid your attacker.

“Hey! What gives? The hell did I ever do to you!”

He’s not responding, already charging at you and swinging downwards, you sidestep and he attempts a thrust, as your about to leap away he swings wide, and you block it with your claws. The blade digs partway into the edge of your bladed fingers, you can even feel the edge trying to dig further against your fingers. Managing a boot to his chest you disengage.

“Not a fan of talking?”

“Silence, the child demands your blood.”

“chil- oh fuck off you-“

He’s already lunging again.

also, anons, i'm adjusting the combat system. i'm finding that the number set and decisions on what to do or use are kinda slowing down the quest. damage is going to be more freeform and based on what you do and how, rather than focused on number stats on weapons.

current upgrades.
>combat reflexes stays the same, as does the muscular structure enhancement.
>your tendrils reach improvement stays, not the bulk however, i'm substituting that our for (minor) armor penetration. if small arms can pierce it than so can these.
lets see if we can deal with him

sounds good, just be free with combat, we arent playing a fighting simulator after all
Rolled 13 (1d20)

ignore this, also someone give me 1d20+5

good luck
Rolled 19 + 5 (1d20 + 5)


Use claws, jam them right into the fucker's arms. Then just dig in and start tearing open one gaping wound, get rid of his legs next, if he's too fucked to continue then finish by consuming him
Rolled 10 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

I like your way of thinking
also I think you guys should add armour penitration
it hurts like a bitch on evolved, just saying
File: image.jpg (21KB, 218x300px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 218x300px
I realized something, in terms of appeal (I forget what the fuck we look like). We look like pic related.


pretty much, add a cowboy hat and it's there.

there's a slight problem with armor penetration on evolved. Half the time they can just reform their wounds for a minor loss of biomass, and the other half they can cut off what pierced them and consume it to repair the damage.
so its a question of what you want ot focus on? black watch or the infected

[at some point I want to find heller, if only to see what you will do with it/mercer would be nice as it is probable he regrew from the arms heller cut off]
looks don't matter, we can literaly shapeshift. technicly we could craft a entirely new face, it would just be incredibly hard to do and look ugly without genetics to match

And now to set off to find a .44, get a dog the size of a small horse for a pet, and a peverted companion that's as smart and dickish as he is perverted


>tfw I realize we look like Harry Dresden
>tfw someone says we can shapeshift

Hell's bells man
play the second game, you will understand this quest better and its tonnes of fun.
sure storys and charecters are shit but the sheer awesomeness ob beating a tank to death is worth it
Plenty of time is spent rolling back and forth, trying not to be impaled or sliced open. You do notice something however. Every few strikes the bastard swings his sword into the ground and gets stuck for a minute. Biding your time and taking a few minor cuts to the face you eventually get what your waiting for, he slams into the pavement and you lunge. Your claws form quickly and sink into the blade arm of the assailant, and you slice along the length of his arm, tearing out a good amount of his biomass as your other claw makes a swipe along his face. As he’s about to throw a punch from his free hand you see it shift, becoming a mass of jagged edges. You jump over him and as he’s turning around take an extra leap back, a good thing too, judging by how far his slash went into the ground. As he rushes you, something against your thigh begins to vibrate, and you hear, wait is that the beginning of Kid Rocks cowboy? God damnit, it’s the phone Alexis gave you.

>Try to Answer mid fight?
>Ignore it, you can call her back.

I have played the second game, I just wanted to point out before we became a shapeshifting, canibalistic lovecraftian monster in a human body we looked like a book character. Series he's from is pretty good.


>Try to Answer mid fight?

We can try
answer mid fight, rilling around hurling dividers and such

"hey there alexa how are you? I'm..shit dodge...fine how are you?"
"~well I'm packing up my-*beep* ah Jacob, I was beginning to think you wouldn't pick up."

As she talks you squeeze the phone between your shoulder and ear, using both arms as tendrils to uproot a street lamp and slam it down near the green veined evolved.



"what? The hell is going on over there? Throwing a party without me?"

The impact was loud enough to be heard over the line. Great.

>"Can I call you back!"
>"Hey think you can give me a hand!"
>"Yeah, sorta, what are you calling about?"
>write in.
>yeah, sorta, what are you calling about
yeah having a tremendous party over here
>>write in.
More like a brodown with a new friend, can this wait?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

"yeah having a tremendous party over here, More like a bro-down with a new friend."




You meet the blade wielders lunge and give him a knee to the stomach before rolling under it’s arm and leaping up another post and onto a roof.

“What are you calling about?”

“Well, you said you wanted a fair trade for your cooperation. This was going to be the start of negotiations. You are free to talk, right?”

The Blade had just landed next to you as a fist meets your jaw. he's about to thrust again.

1d20+2 anons.
>write in response( to Alexis, the evolved your fighting, or both.)
Rolled 17 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

always happy to help you out, alexis
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"One Second."
Grapple the fucker and lunge the claws at his midsection, ripping him open.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

I can talk now -punch or kick the mother fucker whos fighting you- WILL YOU GIVE ME A MIN YOU STUPID EVOLVED, so what are you willing to start the betting with..

[carry on like that]
well hes definetely gonna feel that move
Is-Is this what it feels to be useful?
you did good, paristie #14 you did good
“Always happy to help you out, for a price. could I-“

You parry away the thrust with a minor effort.

“. . Marshal?”

“One Second.”

You put the phone down in your pocket (still on) as your predator swings for your neck in a wide arc, which you dive under. A flurry of claws rip open the stomach of the lab coat, slash after slash throwing large chunks of biomass all over the place. Before he can react your tackle him (claws first) and roll, landing on your feet lift him over your head, and throw him off the edge of the building. The splat is a sound you haven’t heard in a very long time, except last time the body didn’t get up and start moving. He begins to flee, looks like you’re the predator now.

>let em run.
>write in.
aint you getting away motherfucker
Rolled 4 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

You pick your phone back up.

“I Clearly called you at a bad time.”


>It could be worse. Onto business.
>yeah it is can I call back?
>Never a bad time with you, so, what is it you want done?
>Nah, just chasing some greenish evolved son of a bitch. Can I check in later?
>write in.
could be worse, onto bussness what do you want? make it quick I'm hunting an evolved bitch and want to eat him
>Nah, just chasing some greenish evolved son of a bitch. Can I check in later?
need someone to either break the tie or put in a third option.

>Nah, just chasing some greenish evolved son of a bitch. Can I check in later?
>a quest set in the prototype series
Awesome. Just going to read up on the archive first.
>They call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist. I'm all of these things.
Its better than that, I promise you
. . t-thank you anon

also I fucked up the archiving the other night and accidently archived the recent EDQ thread as chapter four. anyone know if that can be fixed or are the archives fucked like a turtle.

"Nah, just chasing some greenish evolved son of a bitch. Can I check in later?"

“Wait did you say green?”

Your prey isn’t moving very fast, you lunge in and make a swipe for its back with your claws. The evolved swings in retaliation, preventing you from digging into its hind quarters.

“Jacob, listen, do not say my name or anything important.”

“wait what? Why?”

Getting desperate your evolved opponent grabs a car and attempts to swing it at you, a quick roll to the side ensures you don’t get flattened, but now he’s leaped into an office building. Jumping up towards the floor he’s on leaves you meeting with another blade slash as he attempts to throw you back to the street. Fortunate, your claws actually dig into its blade this time. You shoot a tendril up through the window of the floor above him.

“If it’s veins are greenish, unlike your red, then it’s got a bit of a hive mind going for it, anything it knows another green creature will know. Terminating connection.”

Your tendrils begin to burrow into the floor and start ripping through the wood and asbestos as you reply.

“wait what do you mean it-*beep* god damn it!”

As the floor collapses you catch the trail of the lab coat of your mark. He’s just rounded the corner at the end of the hallway.

1d20+3 to pursue.
+2 if you can taunt the greenish evolved.
+1 for inventive Alien style ambush tactics.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

arent you tired of running ? come and face me like a man
so, as we wait. how goes it anon?
Rolled 17 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"Are you sure you want to run? Don't want the juicy knowledge in my mind?"
He'll probably burst out of the roof, so we stop listen and wait for his move, Infected aren't the most stealthy bunch
well i was playing vidya so i missed ya, sorry qm
Doing alright, have a massive hangover from a party i went and a sore back from the bench i crashed on.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

You wait a second and listen, no footsteps. You head towards the end of the hallway and swing your tendrils around the corner. You feel two of the three severed but the third sunk into something and you hear a loud exclamation of ‘Fuck!’ Got ‘em, with your other arm you swing a claw into the walling putting a fine scratch on the face of your prey. He severs your other tendril from himself before rolling away. Bastard.

Beat the roll anons.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>how long you gonna resist asshole ?
Rolled 15 (1d20)

I ment to also type that i had to go but for some reason didnt post.
He lunges first, the blade passing right by your cheek as you drive another claw into the arm. Tightening your grip around the elbow with your other claw you give the evolved a firm kick to the jaw and pull. The crack of bone, the rending of flesh, and the cry of pained frustration hand thick in your ears. Getting a firm grip on his severed arm, you drive it into his shoulder blade.

“No! damn you! Don’t take my-.”

"How long are you gonna resist asshole!"

Well, you were expected begging but now he’s just stopped crawling away and has formed a flail out of his remaining appendage. You form your needler and fire at him several times, large spikes jutting out from its chest, he finally stops resisting. Tendrils in both your arms you plunge them into it’s chest.

1d20 for consuming a PRIH specmin.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Sorry I'm late! I had things to do.
welp, better hope someone else rolls much higher really damn quickly, cause this is gonna hurt.
Rolled 7 (1d20)


I had problems with captcha


Tooooooo fucking close man
*whistle* those dice really don't want to give you your prize.
Apparently not.
Should I maybe roll again?
well, times up, bad news anons. you don't get the upgrade. however.

Your feeder tendrils worm their way in and around the body of the defeated evolved, you can actually feel a sense of satisfaction as the blade arm is reduced to the sharp rim and clatters to the floor. However, while consuming your defeated enemy something feels wrong. There’s a mass inside of you that seems to bubble up and weigh upon your chest. It hurts like a mother fucker but it does finally come out of your chest a little, a thick greenish ball of writhing flesh.

You grab it and pull it out, it actually feels like your tearing something out of yourself with it. When you do get it a few inches out of yourself you see why, it had latched onto one of your ribs. Your biomass works double time to push it out, even coating the rib and tearing into the mass, eventually it’s expelled and your left breathing heavy.

First thing you notice as you regain your breath, is that your dominant arm has changed.

>Axe Blade, your arm takes a shape similar to a bearded axe, while great at cleaving and tearing into heavily armored targets or a wave of enemies (with a bit of impact), it’s not very agile.
>Cutlass blade, while good at dealing with softer targets, the cutlass isn’t really known for being able to knock enemies around, or penetrate armor. It does however do a decent job of cutting through groups.
>Hook blade, A blade that curves into a hook with a fine point, these do well at puncturing armor and are very nimble. However, don’t count on this to help you with a large hoard of enemies.
>write in for your own idea's.
>Axe Blade
We've already got the claws for the light-weight agility stuff. Let's get some heavy damage going.
Your arm seems to extend a bit further, and at the end where your hand would be is a fan of sharp edges, but that’s not the strange part, it’s that from where your smallest finger would be, a thick biomass forms into and holds tightly to a long blade that runs parallel to your arm. It’s thick, heavy too. Giving it a good swing you feel quite a bit of momentum to it.

You give it a minute before reforming that blade to your hand. Should you go back to the building and clear out remaining infected, or should you call Alexis back, something else?

>call back.
>go back.
>write in.
>call back.
See what she knows about these green guys. We can test out our new blade on the shamblers in the lobby later. Information is important right now.
>>go back.
anyone else.

>write in for your own idea's.

I got two

>Maw arm, arm forms into a worm like mass with a human-toothed mouth and covered with small spikes. It can stretch up to 15-20 feet, eat something the size of a man, has the biting power of a nile crocodile.

>Saw arm, arm forms a serrated blade-like growth to swing around. (Think the Orphan of Kos from Bloodborne.)


Goddamn it! Fucking captcha!

>call back.
*brrt* *brrt* *brrt* “Alexis?”

“Where’s the green?”

“Where do you think?”

“don’t quote me.”

“So, what the hell is with those green things, I ate one and no memories or nutin.”

“Oh good, you noticed that too?”

“How can I not?”

“When you figure that out, tell me.”

“you wanted to work out my contract right?”

“I do believe that is what I was calling about earlier.”

“what’s the job?”

“I need some noise made, targets silenced, and a few other things done while you’re in the redzone, I’m guessing you want a ticket out of there, so if you play nice I’ll grant you one.”


>that is what I want.
>I want someone(s) taken out of the redzone.
>I was hoping for some cash payment.
>write in.
>I want someone(s) taken out of the redzone.
"It's not just me I want out of the redzone. I've got some other people I'm interested in getting out."
>I want someone(s) taken out of the redzone.
"It's not just me I want out of the redzone. I've got some other people I'm interested in getting out."

You hear a bit of laughter from Alexis’s end. “Oh, how virtuous! Or is that selfish? I just can’t tell. Tell you what though, there’s a Blackwatch site about five miles north from your little hangout. Do me a favor and get the phone I gave you connected to the Blacknet terminal over there and I might be willing to get one of your little friends out. Might.”

Two actually, and you got a deal.
“Two actually, and you got a deal.”

“Two, no. Make it one, go to that thing I asked you to do, and then you have a deal. I’ll get the one out, and then you can work towards the next. Agreed”

>take it?
>try to convince.
>add a flirt to them.
>write in.
If there's a deal to get the other one out of here too, then yeah
I suppose that's the best we can get out of her now. if we make ourselves useful, and gain more strength in the process, then we'll have a better bargaining platform. Also keep collecting survivors and making our own little group.
"You have a deal, now where is this thing I'm putting the phone?"

You can swear you can hear her smiling. “Do you know where the gun club estates are?”

“the one’s right above the trump golf course?”

“yes, those have become a barracks for some high rankers in the Blackwatch. You’re going to want to get yourself in there. They’ve set up quite a perimeter, good luck getting inside. They most likely set up a Kevlar lined tent to handle their communications equipment, that’s where you’ll want to go. You should know what machine your plugging into when you see it.”

“thanks, that’s very helpful.”

“why I’m always helpful sugar. Now take care of it.”

She hung up. At least now you have a job to do, question is, how do you want to go about getting inside once you get there.

We'll have to consume a higher up official, and then bullshit our way into the base, or we could become a technician and get a way in

Consuming a big name would help. Hey E88, did you see the two powers I had laid out?
Rolled 12 (1d20)

You quickly, and quietly seeing as both Madison and Nina are asleep, get your AR and sawn off from the apartment, then begin the trek over towards the estates compound. deciding to get in through deception you stake out the area surrounding the estates.
yes, I had. they've been modified and added to my notes. );{D>


Seems to be that a few of the technicians have begun to sneak out and have gotten into an abandoned vehicle.

>go after that, you can kill and consume one or all the technicians and take a place.
>you've eaten Blackwatch before, just use one of those forms and maybe you can pass for one of them.
>abandon the stealth approach, go in loud.
>write in.
>>you've eaten Blackwatch before, just use one of those forms and maybe you can pass for one of them.
We can stop the car in that form. They'll just think they've been caught by security.

>yes, I had. they've been modified and added to my notes. );{D>

Bueno! I'll keep throwing out more ideas of body horror lovecraftian powers. Just gonna think on it.

>Tumor's the size of baseballs that can be grown, thrown at a fucker, and cause him to become just one big cancer cell. The Big C

That's one thing I got for now

>you've eaten Blackwatch before, just use one of those forms and maybe you can pass for one of them.

Be subtle first, and then mass chaos
>go after that, you can kill and consume one or all the technicians and take a place.

Blackwatch seems much more competent here than in the games. I would think that they'd have put out some kind of notice about the people we consumed, so I wouldn't be too trustworthy of old disguises.
Last post of the night.

You adopt the appearance of one of the Blackwatch soldiers you consumed recently and slip in through the rear of the barracks that one of the men who sneaked out used.

1d20+2 to avoid being recognized as an infiltrator.
Rolled 19 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Well, I was going to roll, but I'd hate to screw this up.
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

just a question OP, would you appreciate any help with viable powers? if so ill let you know if I come up with any, if not. it doesn't matter anyway since I cant think of any right now.
my notes are rather empty anons, while I do have the plot written out, along with paths and event's that are for the most part interchangeable with different consequences, some characters I have yet to set up or introduce, and powers and upgrades I haven't put forwards, I still only have 9 pages of notes written out. if you have an idea feel free to share it. In one form or another It might find it's way into the quest.

You manage to get inside and start walking around. Seems you’re getting a few glances by security but they think you’re one of them. It’s a good start but now you need to know a couple things. Where are the high rankers, where’s the terminal you have to plug into, and what are the security procedures here? There are a few options for solving this puzzle.

>Try to sneak into an occupied home and consume a sleeping trooper.
>One of the night watchers might know something, consume a guard.
>Wait in the latrine. Someone’s bladder is bound to get full.
>write in.
>wait in the latrine
>Wait in the latrine. Someone’s bladder is bound to get full.
If nothing else we'll thin the ranks.
You can’t help but feel a little wrong for considering this, but, you have done dirty jobs before. You sneak into the latrine, although it looks more like someone took a bunch of scrap and built a shed around the ruins of a bathroom. Whoever once lived on the corner of Springfield and Garand is probably pissed. The inside is even worse. The rubble has all been pushed to the corner and clearly nobody bothered to bring any Lysol.

About an hour passes and still nobody has shown up, boredom might just get the better of you at this rate. As if just to spite you Cockroaches have begun to crawl out of the bowl, one thing does cross your mind though. Does insect taste good?

>Consume. What’s the worst that can happen?
>Just keep to the corner. Someone has to come by soon.
>Fuck this, just go to someone and stop waiting.
>write in.
>Consume. What’s the worst that can happen?
Use tendrils like a lizard tongue
Producing your tendril arm, you and can’t help but think how gross this is, none-the-less you’re going to do it. Snapping quickly the slightly hooked talon at the end of the tendril makes a kebab out of the roach before you pull it back into your grip. A squeeze and consumption later and all your holding is an empty shell. Then it gets weird, your vision blurs and your sense of touch actually itch’s and tickles, yet it oddly feels strangely pleasant. You haven’t felt like this since you and the murkywater company set that African drug farm on fire. . . your high.

A couple moments pass, and from looking at the clock on the wall, you find your trip only lasted for five minutes. That short?

>eat more roaches, that was a good way to pass the time.
>drugs are for looser, and so are roaches, just wait.
>write in.
>drugs are for losers, just wait
>drugs are for looser, and so are roaches, just wait.
Drugroaches,now that something straight out Florida Man's Twitter
Winners don’t do drugs. . or insects. You can’t help but sigh as boredom overcomes you and you pull out the phone, putting it on silent. You find your number, which has a lot of eights for some reason, as well as find you’re not even connected to a real service provider. Your Bluetooth doesn’t even fit your ear, although that’s nothing some bending on the ear loop doesn’t fix. Then you hear footsteps. Someone is coming.

1d20+1 to stealth consume.
+2 if you can think of a good way to ambush and quickly silence the soon to be victim.
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Textbook back attack: grab him by the mouth and plunge a knife at his heart, only a claw instead of a knife.
Rolled 18 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

supporting his move
Rolled 13 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Hide behind the door and snag him from behind when he walks in. Cover his mouth before he can make a noise, then stealth consume.
Waiting behind the door you see a boot enter the room, as soon as you see a body you kick the door closed and push the troopers chin as far upwards as it can go, preventing him from opening his mouth. You can feel the panic trapped in his throat as you plunge your claw through his chest. Poor bastard never expected this. Your tendrils start to push their way into his back as his body is dissolved and pulled into your own. As natural as this is becoming you don’t think you’re going to get used to that.

The memories come in. Joined Blackwatch after NYZ, bit of a size king when It comes to bullet caliber, the technicians tent is over on the south west end of Colt Dr. The higher ups are in the Palm Beach Emergency Management Center building, some talk of a card game over there. There’s also rumor of a secret research unit that is holed up in the ‘Supervisor of Elections’ building.

>head to the tent, in and out.
>head to the research team.
>get into the EMC building, consumer a high ranking officer.
>head to the research team
>head to the research team.
We're to low ranked to go to either one of those options, so we go to the research tent and eavesdrop on their conversation, who knows maybe someone with higher clearance shows up.
>head to the research team.
As you make your way towards the research teams building, security seems to get tighter, and you don’t have all night to wait in another bathroom. The roof seems to have guards posted, so you’re not getting in that way. Front door does have biometrics, you’re not sure what that means but this flesh suit will get you past it, except for the fact that it’s also got a blacklight detector on it. Rear entrance seems to be fore vehicles only, and odds are low some trucks going to come by. There is a chance that someone has left a window open but it’s not high.

Can’t help but ask why security wasn’t this tight already before the election. Whatever they have in there now must be a lot more important than ballot boxes.

Rear entrance, its chances may be low but are better than the 100% chance of being detected by the scanner.
look around and use your soilder skills, find weaknesses in their positioning and the standard operating procedure in the event of attack or fire, then when we have more info make a plan. also listen in a bit that might help

[by the way a black light scanner scans for infected right?]
Forgot to mention that it's just to recon out the the place, no need to attract unnecessary attention.
remember in the second game, how the scanners would go off if you walked by them? these go off if you walk through the front door.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

ignore my roll, hope it's high.
Not much is happening, the intersection seems to be clogged with infected, however after a while the back entrance opens up. Several Blackwatch soldiers come out armed and begin to advance towards the infected. Meanwhile on the other end of the intersection gunfire seems to be going off. Sounds like someone is about to arrive and they’re cleaning the entrance.

>go for the truck, try to get inside.
>maybe you can slip in with the soldiers.
>this isn’t good enough, keep scouting.
>maybe you can slip in with the soldiers.
If anyone asks, we just got reassigned.
supporting, try to grab a gun if we don't have it already
Not sure if it works like that way but supporting nonetheless, we have a gun right?
1d20+1 for deception.
+2 if you can play to the idea of a rookie who's obsessed with larger calibers.
Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

"Hey guys, we should ask command to give us some SAWs, that way we could clear this mob in a heartbeat."
...That's like, the third 20 I've rolled in this quest.
We're a SEAL or what?
>muttering under my breath and as soon as we are stopped have an almost nervous disposition

"HI how at you I just got here, do you know where the turrets are or the armory? please I just want a big boom and more DAKA"

the orks
SEALs are nothing compared to stealth [Prototype].
we must be better than heller, we must be if we are to asend. on the other hand, I kind of want to shed the human baggage as in get them out of the zones then strike out on our own, no waeknesses
As you approach and get a weird look from at least one of the troopers, you say something so stupid people completely stop paying attention to you.

“Hey guys, we should ask command to give us some SAWs, that way we could clear this mob in a heartbeat."

You can actually feel the disappointment and frustration dripping off the Blackwatch soldiers here. The best part, nobody stops to question who you are or where you came from.

Everyone stops marching as soon as your all about a foot away from the edge of the hoard, everyone levels their rifles and a spray of gunfire cuts down more than half the hoard in a second. The hoard begins to turn and advance towards you. Unfortunate considering now on the other end you can see the truck and its guards coming out. Any further and they would be in the line of fire.

1d20+2 for zombie clearing.
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

one shot, one re-kill
fuck me, I'm not rolling anymore
uh hey can you give me some of your blessing from the dice gods..pleses?
I have a theory that the "human baggage" is what keeps the Prototypes/Evolved from going off the deep end. Look at Mercer, who has issues with his sister, compared to Heller who has his daughter.
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Last post for me
farewell anon.

hmm, that is true but on the other hand I want to go off the deep end, don't you cause chaos and havoc keeping only those usefull or those we cant kill yet close? sure it would be a bit difficult but in an appocolse it is FUN
I'd like to point out killing everyone and everything like an unstoppable murder machine without any attachments or goal besides rip and tear is fucking fun as hell in Vidya, but removing everyone that can be called a character and smashing all that opposes you without interacting with it makes for a fairly lousy player driven story.
I'm not saying cut off all ties, I'm saying once they are out, we got full doom guy rip and tear our way through the human demons of black watch
then rinse and repeat with the yellow and green zones. also three outbreaks three blackwatches, better to end them all
This group of Blackwatch troopers is fairly competent, the hoard doesn't last very long and any friendly fire incident is avoided. you’re not sure if you should be thanking god or their drill sergeants for that. The truck finally comes in on a very red fleshy carpet as you and the troops pile into the building, plenty of them head off towards storage, two of them go to the laboratories and the rest stay in transit.

>stay here at the loading dock.
>labs, go to the labs.
>write in.

Sorry all, had a bit of a connection issue.
See if we can find some useful goodies.
You head back towards the storage area and the whole thing looks like what you would expect to see of a warehouse. Crates are marked as sample, experiment, even one marked copier paper. Notes posted on them seem to indicate what kind of sample or a handling procedure, even ID numbers and tags but there’s enough nonsensical symbols mixed with the numbers and letters you’re at a loss for what’s inside.

Some of the Blackwatch here are talking about earlier.

“what kind of idiot would want a saw dealing with that, the barrel would melt before the hoard was cleared.”

“I swear these uniforms make my balls itch, this powder is doing nothing.”

“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in-”

“I heard some of the techies managed to slip off to gay bar. Bastards are probably chugging all the booze and won’t even bring us anything.”

Interestingly, someone wheels in a very large glass case that has an additional layer of glass, it’s the leg of one of those hunters, and this one is greenish just like the guy you ate. You also notice someone go into the bathroom, they had one of those fancy officers caps and were dressed in what looked like an officers uniform, although not one you had ever seen.

>go to the bathroom
consume him#
is this going to be our new gimmick ? might as well try and get it over
Agreed. Steal his fancy hat.
You slip into the bathroom and see the commanding officer looking over his shoulder at you from one of the urinal stalls.

“Salute maggot.”

>stealth consume
psssh... nothing personnel
Salute, let him get his guard down, then consume.
salute but as he turns away, neck break and consume
You raise your arm to your forehead and straighten your back.

"Damn right, hah hah hah.”

He turned back towards the stall as someone else ducks into the toilet stall.

1d20-5 to stealth consume.
Rolled 10 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 2 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Well, there goes my luck.
Rolled 16 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 4 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Be back in a couple hours Anons.
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d20 + 5)


"Ever watched Silence of the Lambs?"

I better go kill myself now
supporting this
you just had to come and ruin it
In your defence it's probably best of three so no harm done, right? R-Right?
Rolled 19 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 7 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

I'm back and Jesus titfucking Christ you are all lucky.


Quickly you plunge your claw into the back of the throat of the high ranking officer while he's not looking. There is a loud gurgle, loud enough that you can hear the person in the stall quickly pull up their pants, your feeder tendrils start making their way into the dying NCO. you can feel yourself sweating as your racing against the clock.

"Sir!" the Soldier on the stall calls out as he burst out.

"Salute maggot!" you bark at him.

You can already appreciate that now, it's kinda satisfying forcing a lower ranking soldier to fall in line. but, now that your done in the restrooms.

>try to get into the labs above
find out what they are doing
To the labs!
Also, why'd you have to come back right as my meeting started?
As you come out of the bathroom you can’t help but be overcome with a sense of self satisfaction. You’re not sure if it’s because you actually got away with this or if it’s because now you practically have the keys to most of the base. Regardless, it’s lab time.

Setting foot into the lab, the scientist and soldiers give you a salute. “Commander! We were not expecting you this early!”

“At ease. How is your little project coming along?”

“Honestly, it’s not going well at all. We have little to no idea what’s making the virus progress through its life stages so rapidly, and we still haven’t found anything meaningful in the genetic difference between the New York Strains and the Florida strain. Whatever we’re dealing with is not something our older materials can work with, we are not even sure if some of the biological counter measures from New York will even work longer than a day.”

“Are you telling me you have not learned a damn thing?”

“well, almost, we know that it still won’t mutate a way around the BACK-RIDE system.”

You can’t say your entirely confident you can keep up the ruse a too much longer.

Give me until after my meeting ends, and I will try to write some mil-spec science mumbo-jumbo.
>Hmm, I see, well good thing we have the full might of the US military and a blank check to help with us. We can use the system and build off of that.
"I see, well good thing we have the full might of the US military and a blank check to help. Amazing what that did for us back in New York.”

“Oh. . sir. Um. We are trying to develop something, anything really. But in all honestly this is adapting to quickly to do anything on a biological level with, we might have to change focus to something that works on the senses.”

“very well.”

>keep here, try and continue discourse.
>go, you still have to plug your cell into their network terminal.
>kill them, quickly.
>write in.
>>go, you still have to plug your cell into their network terminal.
kek I totally forgot we had a mission
As you leave, you remember just what problem is sitting in front of you. The front door is designed to reveal what you are to everyone on the base, leaving out a window is beyond suspicious if anyone catches you, and there’s no way your leaving out the loading dock unless you can somehow outwit four security guards.

Also give me a 1d20 for your chosen method of leaving.
Why would we need to outwit the security guards? We're disguised as a commanding officer, one who has already proven himself to be a big asshole. Just make it clear that if they give us any trouble, it's going to come down on their heads.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

And, forgot the dice...
Rolled 14 (1d20)


Take a truck out, and along the way tell everyone lower than us to go fuck themselves

QM I got more power ideas. And an idea for Blackwatch

Powers list:

>Tarantino Mode- Jacob is able to turn his body into red blood cells that he still is able to control.

>Xenomorph- Blood is now acidic to an extent, (does not over lap with Tarantino Mode)

>A Monster? I look like a Monster to you?- Jacob is able to take the form of an infected abomination. Hunter, Brawler, Juggernaught, etc. needs a certain amount of them consumed to take their form

>Look! I'm Jesus!...sort of- Now Jacob can heal people, but use it a bit TOO much on someone after they're healed will give them a cancer

Blackwatch. Bullshit:

>Callsigns are based on either birds (Shrike, Eagle, Osprey, Sparrow). Or warriors (Samurai, Viking, Knight, Crusader, Mongol).
Taking a deep breath, you come to a startling realization, you’re going to need to channel every ounce of Floridian in your being if you’re going to get out of here undetected, and in style.

First you sit yourself down in a forklift. One that you are mostly unsure of how to operate, but you do well enough to drive towards the loading dock. The grunts around the building seem confused and give a mix of salutes and head scratching. The shocked stares you receive once you get to the four at the loading dock door give you quite the smile.

“MaaaaAGGOTS! Open that gate!”

“. . uh. . uh. .S-sir?”

“Did I stutter like your retarded latrine scrubbing ass! Open the loading door!”

“R-right sir!”

They scramble quickly and you can’t help but to laugh like a ridiculous Saturday morning cartoon villain as you drive the forklift out of the building and down Gun Club Road. The base personal seem to be mentally unable to comprehend what they’re seeing as your roll up towards the technicians tent like a baller. The technicians inside start talking amongst themselves about this as you park right outside the tent.


Go in and chow down on the techs
This. Then we can upload the phone if we do this quick enough
Killing everyone in the room, as quickly as possible, and risking detection. BALLS!

+3 if you can think of a good way to mix your abilities to kill them all quickly.
+1 if you can think of a way to also kill them quietly or relatively quietly.
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

If we use our claws to lightning quickly slash their throats, then we can use our tendrils to pull the people right into us
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Seconding this.
Two steps into the tent, two steps and that’s all it takes for you to form your claws and fly into the middle of the tent, swinging your claws for every neck you see. Your blood rushes as you slice into the last neck and form your tendrils. Digging into the backs chest and sides of up to two of these unfortunates. Pulling them all towards you, you remove the tendrils and from your claws again, swing wildly into the mass, spraying blood and entrails through the tent and onto every piece of electronic equipment around you.

That thrill, it takes minutes to come down from. As much to your surprise as it is your horror, you have successfully killed everyone here, and made a large pool of blood and body parts that will no doubt be seen when it finally leaks outside.

>try to consume it. You’ve already just gone this far.
>No, it’s bad enough you did this, just hurry and connect the phone.
>write in.
>>No, it’s bad enough you did this, just hurry and connect the phone.

Consuming doesn't suck up the blood anyway
>No, it’s bad enough you did this, just hurry and connect the phone.
Well, that was violent. We're going to have to try very hard to not be seen for a while.
Searching for the port to attach your phone isn’t that easy, especially when everything has a Samish red coating that makes it blend in with everything else. Maybe you should have consumed - oh found it. Sorta reminds you of one of those iPhone docking stations, except more angular. You call Alexis and attach the phone to the port while the ring continues.

“.. Hello?”


“. . Are you there?”

“[I]Little shit, just do it when I tell you it’s connected! I don’t care if you have been waiting or over an hour! [/I]”


“Hi there Tex! Sorry to make you wait, please tell me this is about that little thing I asked you to do. I would hate to be delayed any longer.”

“uh, yeah it’s done, phones connected to the system.”

“[I]There! It’s done! Do it now![/I]” god you feel bad for whoever she’s barking at, no doubt she’s going to try and sound all sweet once she gets back to you. “Now, I just need you to keep that connected for a couple minutes, think you can handle that?”

“A couple might have to be shorter than half an hour.”

“…. The fuck did you just say?”

“There’s a good chance you won’t get to have this connected longer than half an hour. I made a mess.”

You can hear her ever so slightly, barking madly at whoever that is she’s been yelling at while on the line. Whatever she has had done is taking a bit longer than either of you would like. Peeking a bit out of the tent you don’t see anyone approaching, it’s only been five minutes but now it’s starting to feel a whole ten. Finally, a break through, Alexis returns to your ear.

“Ok! He’s done, get the phone get out of there now! You better not leave anything there that can identify us, hear me cowboy!”

“Yes, I got it! And what the hell could I possibly leave behind?”

Unplugging your phone from the jack you rush back outside, and hop right on the forklift, and make a beeline for the gate.

1d20 for good luck anons.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

You’re almost there, they let you out of the gate and now your rolling down the street, on a stolen military forklift. . . god you hope this doesn’t make it onto Florida mans’ twitter. Just a bit farther and you’ll be out of the line of sight, just a bit farther. A loud bang, metal being ripped into and torn, they just put down your forklift with a .50. You could be next, and now your hearing the sound of a helicopter.

Pick up the forklift and be ready to throw it into the military's cool helicopter
Are we near any sort of water? Like a river or swamp or something? Ditch the forklift and bolt. If we try to run normally, we're going to get followed by that helo. The IR on one of those is good. Like, see you through trees kind of good. But deep enough water ought to hide us long enough.
should I roll? anyone else want to roll or write in?
Well are we near a body of water?

you haven't crossed the Military Trail overpass and are on the Gun Club Road.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Go for that canal! I'm rolling again so we can at least get three rolls. Although if someone else pitches in, ignore me.
lets get to the canal
do anons want to support?
Rolled 15 (1d20)

taking that as a yes.

1d20+2, ignore my roll.
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 54 (1d100)

rolling for something.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

and I used the wrong dice.
Rolled 17 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

As you dive for cover you feel your leg being torn off of your body, and holy fuck does it hurt! A thick line of Sinew is barely holding it attached to your leg as your use your arms to pull yourself forwards. You scream in agony as your biomass begins to try and pull itself back together. Leaving behind a trial of your blood, you manage to toss yourself under the Canal, right as the Chopper passes over you, sending a hail of bullets into the water.
Your spine, it burns horribly, you’ve taken a hit in the spine! And another! They just keep firing away. You feel one rip through your breast, air forced out of your lungs, you can't breath. you could drown like this!

1d20+2 to swim away.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 6 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

one more needed.
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Can I roll again? If not, ignore my roll.
11 fail.

As you swim, the chopper keeps strafing, pelting you with machine gun fire that leaves you unable to scream as much as you want to. You manage to pull yourself up on the shore of the canal, and are met with even more gunfire. This is killing you.

it's the same thing anon
Well fuck, I guess we have to take down that helicopter. I say we use our tendrils to drag it towards the ground
This is the best I could think of too. Out of curiosity, what kind of helicopter is it?
d o a finisher, drag yourself up to it, and punch through the glass, kill the pilot then scram
I don't think we have finishers yet...
does not matter, a finisher means it cant be stopped but this could be. its all I got what about you?
....we don't even need to breath, just stop moving and play dead.
Spell a coherent sentence before posting.
you can read it cant you?
Barely, fix your keyboard or tear off your fingers.
barely is enough to understand my points,[if there is a point] and if I break my fingers how will I flip you the brid? on the up-side, I could give you the middle finger
See, was that so hard?
am I not allowed one slip of the key?
and yes my wit is that great, it was difficult to transcribe it upon this machine
Neat, now all you need to do is actually link your vote to the correct posts and its golden.
Destroy or grapple helo.

Whats your problem man? Just chill out.
when no one else is in the thread, its not hard for you to know who I'm talking to
or did you mean my suggestion?
Yeah. Its irritating as shit to see random posts that are for a vote in the middle of the thread not connected to anything.
Speaking of, which...do we roll now?
have we reached a consensus? I said drag yourself to it then kill the pilot

someone said play dead, and there was another one, so break the tie?
Play dead, we just need to break away, dragging more attention to us when our rolling is shit is not a good idea. We'll just get more fucked up if we do.
They are just going to keep shooting us.
Look here, you lot. I don't want to see another decent quest killed off by arguments between the participants. I've seen it happen too many times. The participants get toxic, and the QM abandons ship because he/she doesn't want to deal with them anymore. So knock off the bickering and sniping and play the quest.
trust me this isn't the worst we could do, and while annoying anons criticisms were valid, also we will argument its aourn nature if you give us a choise. but we will not kill of the quest
will we guys?
The only one continuing it is you now, so on to the more important task of trying not to die.
What are you voting for, we got a few for play dead, a few for trying to kill the copter, and I think one other option?
You roll more ones when we have a successful roll than anyone else. Dragging this out might get him killed.
>argument its aourn nature
in our nature, sorry about that

and also that's why I am not rolling uless you lot get nothing above a five
I had a vote for killing the copter earlier. Playing dead is going to get us dragged off to a lab, and I bet Blackwatch and Gentek and whoever have gotten a lot better a keeping their research subjects captive since the end of [Prototype 2].
Also, I asked about what kind of helo we were facing, because I figure if it's something Jacob has seen before, it wouldn't be so far-fetched for him to know a good place to hit it. I know a bit about aerospace design and all that, so I figure I can maybe point out a good location.
would the part where the blades connect to the actual chopper be a good pace to hit?
Technically, yes, but it's a hard target to hit on an evading helo, and if we miss we're sticking our hands into the rotors and that will not be fun.
what did someone suggest? grabbing onto the underside and doing something from there, I suggested killing the pilot but the rotors are also a target
The underside of a gunship is armored. Not the best place to hit. Engines are risky too, they're turbines, which means lots of thin metal blades moving really fast. I'd stay away from the intakes and the outlets. The easiest thing to mess up would probably be the tail rotor, but any smart helo pilot is going to keep that as far away form a target as possible.
I ment use tenticals to hang there, then attack where we want
That might work. The armor is mostly good against small arms fire.

Honestly, if this helo goes down, it's his own fault. Especially if it's an AH-64 Longbow like in the games. They have such good long range that there's no reason for them ever to be anywhere close to being hit.
so do we agree, tentical up there and cause havoc
If we can't kill the thing, then we should at least damage the IR sensors. It'll make us much harder to spot.
well there is my oppinon on the matter, all who like link here and second/third and so on it
Why am I being linked?

Voted for free helicopter ride here

ok, before I write up, may I please get a 1d20?
Rolled 1 (1d20)

May i ask for what?
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Ignore this, the lower the better.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

The chopper hangs above you, out of the side you can see the gunner on his turret. You can’t allow this, you haven’t gotten them out yet, you’re not dying here. As they begin firing your tendrils fly toward the bird and you can already feel it starting to climb, trying to get away as you begin pulling yourself towards it. “It’s latched on! Shake it off! Shake it off!”

“I’m trying! I’m spinning this thing as much as I can without losing control!”

God, they’re whipping you around so much you feel like you’re going to vomit. Just one moment of hang time is all you want, just one. When the chopper almost rolls and throws you up to an even level with it you get your wish. The tendril tightens and coils rapidly throwing you towards the buzzard as you make your axe blade. You swing as you make contact, right in between the cockpit and the door.

“No! No! You bastard! You’ve killed us!”

“I don’t wanna die, not like this!”

“Don’t eat me! P-please! Don’t eaaat meee!”

The bird goes inverted. That feeling of wanting to vomit is back again as the crew is thrown around the vehicle. One of them ends up being tossed out, screaming on his way down, if only you could be so lucky. The landing is a sickening crunch. All around you are the dead crew men, poor bastards are either cut open or crushed by the ruined Helicopter. You crawl your way out, vision going in and out. Looking back at the wreckage, you think you see what looks like bleachers behind it, then you pass out.

“Is he awake? Pa, I wanna see!”

“Back Jr. no telling how he’s going to react, he did just crash through the roof after all.”

“He shouldn’t even be alive; did you see the others?”

“Your damn right he shouldn’t be alive! Do you have any idea what can get in here now that the roof gone!”
“Relax Steven, we still have the rest of the building.”

Who the heck is that talking? And why can’t you move?

“Hey He’s stirring!”

You open your eyes, and – HOLY FUCK THE SUN BURNS!

“ARGH!” you exclaim, as your try to roll yourself over and fall onto the floor. A stretcher?

“Holy shit! Should he even be able to move like that!”

“Ewe! What happened to his arm! It’s all deformed!”

“Forget the arm, he’s missing skin on his head!”

People? Wait where did that chopper go? Is that a chalkboard? You’re hungry, and your head is pounding. Looking down at your arm, wait, it’s bent mangled and broken, why isn’t it reforming?

“Easy there son, you’ve been in one hell of an accident. First things first, do you remember your name?”

Jacob, where-where am I?
>Jacob Marshal, and where the hell am I?
Perhaps i should explain my train of thought, if they are more concerned about geting informations instead of reasuring us of our concerns (like a victime of a trauma would react) then they are probably not just some random survivors.
I can of course be overthinking this
>Yeah, yeah. I remember my name, can you please stop torturing me with bright lights? It really hurts. Oh...before I forget, don't, freak, out. Names Jacob Marshal.
“Jacob.. Marshal… Where.. where the hell am I?”

“well, guess that means your heads working. Do you need a few painkillers or anything, you really look like you need it?”

“N-No painkiller... Just, where am I? And can you lower the lights.”

“right, Samantha can you get some candles or a dim lantern.”

“yes sirito.”

“Well, welcome to Cardinal Newman High I guess. Gave us survivors quite a scare, coming down through the roof of the gymnasium. Freaked out some of the kiddo’s when they saw you crawl out too. You got lucky, only survivor inside the Chopper, nobody in the gym got worse than a few minor scratchs, thank god.”

“Ah, I see.”

Looking around, you’re in a classroom, seems they pushed out a bunch of the desk and made a makeshift hospital room. Even hooked up to an IV, although you can’t say it’s doing much other than filling up your bladder.

“Not much for words are you Jacob?”

“No, just, I was in a wreck, I’m still trying to catch up to everything here.”

“Oh, pardon me then. Ha ha. I have been told I tend not to do so well with people. Names Jimmy. We’re looking for gauss right now to bandage your arm, we’ll have you all fixed up soon.”

How long have you guys been here? Is this place run by Blackwatch?
“How long have you been here. No, wait, is this place run by Blackwatch?”

“Blackwatch? What the heck is that? Some kind of street gang?”

Well that answers your question.

“We have been here since the outbreak started and the CDC announced what was going on. We barricaded the exits and all got the keys, everything. Staff is a little busy trying to keep everyone calm. It’s not every day that we get a military chopper crashing through out gym you know. So, guess I’m your doctor for now.”

>Its okay, save it for yourselves. How long have ya'll been here? With Blackwatch running around shooting civilians I cant imagine its been easy. I'm gonna get back up so don't freak out about the infection...thing. Its a recent development. Like, this week, kind of development. I can see what I can do about the roof if you want. But I might be a better idea too clear out of this place for awhile, the guys that own the chopper are kind of pissed at me.
Seconding. Also we really need to get out of here as soon as possible to find something to consume.
>and all got the keys
got all the keys. Check the words before you accidentally a large gaping typo.
Also just shift this to my vote for this one. And explain what has been going on to the best of our knowledge.
>through out gym
our*, slipped on the t* button m8.
yeah, auto complete can be a bitch, so can the QM.
Yup, I hear that.
gonna wait a little longer so that nobody tries to vote and gets stopped by captcha, and finds it too late.
Its looking like people are out and about today. So it doesn't look like many others are going to vote.
Agreeing with this
think of it as aglare to everyone, no matter if they are good or not...[also no naming names]

also "no I don't need a doctor, just a bit of food" if he expresses intent to restrain you "where is the chopper, I left something there" consume the bodys and morph your arm if they try to stop you
No. Don't be stupid, stop right there. Leave the civilians alone. We aren't some psychotic stupid Evolved. We are chaotic cowboy.
"Chaotic Cowboy." I like it!
Which means, rescue people from wild stampedes(i.e. Infected swarms), cattle rustlers(Blackwatch...which considering what they do to civilians, not that far off), and wild animals(every other mutant freakshow that isn't us or friendly).
I was only suggesting morphing if they refused to cease and desist, you leave me to my consumption and I don't have to get violent
That's fair, just preference that its going to gross, and read the room. They have us on a stretcher, and we aren't tied down, why would you assume something as dumb as, they would try to stop him? Their a bunch of highschool teachers and students to boot, there is literally nothing they can do.
have you heard this saying?
"sir you are in fit condition, please stay down"
then they push us down..[or try to] and then an explosion happens then the story continues...admittedly that was in a war film but it still counts
“I can’t imagine it’s been easy for you lot. Look, I’m going to get up, so just don’t freak out, ok.”

“But Mr. Marshal, you shouldn’t be up and moving with your injuries, you should lay down and let your body – oh my.”

You get up and check yourself, looks like they left your phone, which strangely isn’t cracked, on the desk next to you. Your wallet which has everything still in it is right there as well. Seems that they’ve actually been playing host for you over the last night. It’s been a night?

“Sir, please, just rest. If you need privacy we can clear the room or hallway and let you make whatever calls you need. Just don’t over exert yourself, alright? I mean, we can handle repairs and everything here, you don’t have to lift a finger, just heal alright.”

You really have to take a breath on this one. “look, I’m fine. Don’t need to rest or need help or anything. I don’t need a doctor. I don’t need gauss. I would help with the roof, but it might be a better idea to clear out of here for a while, the guys in the chopper are kinda pissed. Shooting civilians pissed.”

Jimmy chuckles. “Oh, come on, the military doesn’t shoot civilians. They’re our first line of defense against terror. Hero’s! They wouldn’t come here and start killing us, that’s insane.”

Not really, that's like a poodle trying to push up against a human hugging it. Its adorable, but completely inevitable, hell, getting the bodies from the copter will heal us for more than anything they could do. Plus, it would be nice to actually save a group of people.
the guys who own*
Follow through with,
>these aren't friendly military, these are, so black opps they will shoot you, military. And a lot of the dudes they have on with them are fucking crazy. Like, rapping a injured woman in ICU, crazy.
then proceed to explain most of the shit we know, while putting our body back together. While stressing the, "don't freak out" bit.
that's what I ment with the coppter, and we did [sorta] save a group of peaple
>Listen, I am not going to convince you in the time that I have, but when the military comes in and finds a crashed helicopter, they aren't going to be too happy. These guys aren't the regular military either, they are the fucking black ops that you read about in your novels, that can shoot civilians and bomb neighborhoods without repercussions. I thank you for your help, so this is my way of repaying you, get the hell out of here.
can we combine these?
"They are contractors, not military."
A half lie
this, but don't tell them the repayed by getting the fuck out, just get rid of the chopper and try to make it seem like the school isn't inhabited
scratch that, combine these >>1544895
with this>>1544899
[this smells like a nat one waiting to happen]
Which means the second a roll is needed and we get a good roll, STOP ROLLING AFTER IT!
I stopped rolling after my 3, well unless you lot get five or less, and I did good too. you lot got a nine, I got a sixteen
In, any, case, we stop rolling after a success.
You need to consume something or someone to Heal or put yourself together. An apple won’t cut it.
“These aren't friendly military, these are Black Ops contractors. The fucking black ops that you read about in your novels, that can shoot civilians and bomb neighborhoods without repercussions.”

“Jesus Christ, you must believe in that Russian hacking nonsense.”

“Listen, I am not going to convince you in the time that I have, but when the military comes in and finds a crashed helicopter, they aren't going to be too happy. They will shoot you. A lot of the dudes they have on with them are fucking crazy. Like, rapping an injured woman in ICU, crazy.”

“…I Really don’t appreciate you saying such horrible things about our military.”

“They are not our military. Damnit, they attacked the hospital me and some survivors were camped at. They shot several people before putting them in a cage like animals.”

“Stop it!”

“I thank you for your help, so this is my way of repaying you, get the hell out of here.”

1d20 anons.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

I don't like this, not at all. my option is still open should he refuse to see sence.
On top of this, put someone on the phone from the safehouse, eyewitnesses tend to help.
...okay the guy is dumb, he cant help that, doesn't mean we start fighting with survivors we are, "supposed" to be helping. You know, trying to keep ourselves human-ish enough in our head, keep the 4chan virus from overwhelming him.
it is simply a reminder, I will always vote for the plan that gets us what we want, quickly as possible. if that means offing a few civilions as well as blackwatch you can over rule me, but its the point that matters
Sorry but your phone is connected to a private (read Olympia Inc.'s) network, Nina's number wont go through while there is no cellular service in the redzone.

“You, you have to be lying.”

“For fucks sake Jimmy, if you won’t listen to me than give me someone who will.”

“… Go to the dean if you’re so insistent. Or walk around, do whatever.”

“Thank you.”

He leaves, in a bit of a huff. God damn your hungry. first things first, mending your flesh. You focus, but for some reason you can't seem to get your biomass around your arm or the burned patches about your face to change. You even try to form your weapons, anything, but not a damn thing on you shifts. Your down to normal, sore and tired, crippled in your arm, and stuck where Blackwatch will probably show up.

Can we consume the dead from the helicopter crash?
Seconding, as long as we can do it without being seen.
We should probably do this, at the very least so we can show we are fucking serious that shit is hitting the fan harder then they think...in fact it may be a better idea to grab a few more open minded people to keep watch for us while we do the do. Proof that we aren't normal, and can at least get some people to clear out, from fear of us if nothing else.
might wait a bit longer while this gets discussed more. I'm actually enjoying reading your discussion.
Can we lift heavy shit still, and can we at the very least jump good?
Guess I’ve waited long enough.

You head down towards the crash site, and several of the students are heading in and out of the Gymnasium for some reason. It’s not too surprising when you see why, they covered the dead in white tarps and set up a small memorial around them. Candles, flowers, little crafts, and a LOT of crosses surround the bodies. Every few minutes someone walks over and puts something down or prays.

A short girl walks over and looks up at you. “We’re sorry about your friends, did you come to pay your respects?”
about as much as you could before you were infected. except you only have one arm. as for jumping really high, you do maintain a good amount of your agility, you can jump over short walls or tall hurdles but not much higher.
>I-I did. Would it be too much to ask everyone clear out so I can pay respects in peace? (Make it sound so sad)
This, although we're probably going to want to book it after. I don't think these people will be too happy about the bodies disappearing.
This, we can say we are an escaped experiment when they find the bodies gone. Say it was their last wishes to keep us alive or some shit.
NOOO! That is the opposite of what we want. We need these people to believe us, that means not running away like a criminal, we have to sit them down and explain whats happening. After our lunch then it will be a lot easier.
How would it be a lot easier? It seems that we should just talk consume and leave
I get the distinct feeling these people are not going to be in a listening mood. I'm all for trying to talk things out, but Jacob really isn't the best diplomat and these people are on the fervent end of the scale.
Doesn't mean we cant try. We have plenty of proof, after we heal and give out "sad" story about how our "friends" in the chopper rescued us from experimentation, then we can take people out one at a time, with cameras, and go look for what these bastards are doing themselves, giving whoever the camera man is a gun while we're at it of course. We may need to loose some trackers and an unarmed civvie isn't going to last long.
We can do this...probably. I want to read at least one Prototype story, where the protage isn't a psychotic evil moron. At least not yet.
actually you have a +2 from your charisma score. it's just circumstances that usually reduce your bonus.

“I-I did. Would it be, I’m sorry, would it be too much to ask everyone clear out so I can *forced sniffle* pay respects in peace?”

“no, not at all. Give me a minute.”

She heads over towards the crowd of teenagers, asking everyone to clear out. Some of them look over towards you and seem a bit confused but after a few minutes the gymnasium is clear. Now it’s just you and the dead.. probably.

>1d20+2 to see if you can consume without someone being a lookie-loo.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 11 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Well, here goes...
Do a prayer thing over each guy, maybe try to stealthily find out their names, maybe a little about them too. Small bites and all, with just enough to get it done. If we cant do that, after we're done, ask them to come back in, there is probably someone watching us anyways while we do this, so we need to play it up a bit, just not too much. Then when we have them come in we can give their last will and testament, and show them what we are.
STOP RIGHT THERE! No more jumping the gun on this shit, we need to think this through. We can eat them when we get the crowd.
Stop it you fools! THINK, they aren't just going to do this without some random teenager sneaking a peak at us, they noticed we shouldn't be fucking moving with our injuries. Someone is going to look!
But we need the health because our body is fucking wrecked.
Note the text for the roll option. It's to see if anyone catches us doing it.
Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

That's fine, get the crowd first, context is king and the first impression is god, if we get caught before we can explain shit, then we look like the bad guy. These people are gullible enough that a good sob story can help us. Until they learn the truth, we need to play the manipulator....for what good that does to a mutant cowboy.
Fine. We eat just enough to find out who they are, BUT, we cant let it show on us until AFTER WE EXLAIN SHIT TO THEM!
To that effect, I might as well roll to see if we get something better than a 13.
Explain*. And oh thank god I rolled high. And no, WE DONT EAT ALL OF THE BODY! Just enough off of each one to fix us up. Then crowd, then sob story, then full feeding, then get these people sorted.
And by, a bit off of each one, I mean we do it that way when we go to pray on each of them.
Looking back towards the small door window it doesn’t look like anybody is watching. Kneeling down by the first of the bodies you make the sign of the cross before you gulp and grip the leg of one of the dead Blackwatch troopers. Gritting your teeth your think about consumption, the fact they shot at you, and anything else to put you in a killing mood. Finally, you get some response from your body, as small bits of your finger inch out and dig their way into the skin of the fallen trooper. It’s slow at first but it finally picks up pace. Soon a tendril develops, then another. You get enough that the trooper starts to deform and shrivel and try to stop but it seems you can’t keep your tendrils from continuing. Soon all that’s left is the clothing, body armor, and bloodstains that this one left over night.

He served his purpose, your arm is partly back to the way it was. And your face feels a bit smoother. You try to make your claw but it’s a lot smaller than it was before the wreck. You look around again to make sure nobody has taken a peek and then continue on with the rest of the four bodies. It was a good meal, that has left you feeling just well enough to handle yourself in a fight. Oddly consuming them hasn’t given you any of their memories and you can’t say why not. And now you have a new problem. You’re going to have to do something with the sheets to make it look like the bodies are still there, as well as disguise yourself again so nobody asks where your hat came from and why your arm is suddenly fixed.

1 for hiding the (lack of) bodies. And the other for being able to disguise yourself without having a consumed individual to base it off of. (making your default form have clothes was hard enough)
Rolled 4, 20 = 24 (2d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Shit...we couldn't hold back the feeding. Can we, regress the clothes that should be fucked up back into our body? It is our skin after all.
Fuck it, we need to roll.
Just rolling one dice to try and get something better than this guy's 4>>1545213
Woooooooo! Thank god. Now we just have to wait out the next update.
Rolled 20, 4 = 24 (2d20)

....that's fucking weird. Its the exact same as the first roll, but in reverse.
First things first you have to make these clothes look like bodies you grab a few pencils and pens that have been left around as well as some other items and prop up the dead. You even find their dog tags and commit their names to memory as you prop up their uniforms. All in all, it looks like they are still there, enjoying their final rest.

Onto yourself. You take a few minutes focusing, it’s almost like meditation, except more memory and almost no relaxing. Firstly, your arm. It takes you a long time but you eventually pull the biomass away from it and into your chest, shaping what’s left to look like a useless limb. Then it’s onto your face, you can still remember where your skin was damaged. Fake burn marks and patches of missing flesh should give you’re a decent enough cover, also your hat, normally attached permanently to your head, you have to absorb that and pack it into yourself. It feels really uncomfortable pooling all of yourself inwards like this. Hopefully you won’t have to do this for too long.

Still nobody has peeked in... these must be the most well-mannered students on the damn planet.

Welp...only thing left now is to go out with a sob story, come back in to "eat the bodies", by that we just extend our tentacles under the sheets, then show them our powers. After that, we deal with the reactions and see what we need to do from there.
umm, I think that is more trouble than its worth, show the powers, don't mess with the taboo of hurting the dead
Hmmm, yeah, that's a good point. Might as well just do it that way. Would have been better to have been able to do a slow eating, but it cant be helped. So sob story, power show, then getting these people out of sight before Blackwatch shows up to collect their shit.
I agree to this, even if we must beat the sense into the stupid skulls
How about we just carry someone with a phone and show them that way. Fighting defenseless civilians does nothing but make us the bad guy, and probably more unhinged. Save the punching for the guy that is inevitably a little bitch and swings first. BUT NO KILLING CIVVIES! On purpose at any rate.
I was saying metaphoricaly, I may be cold blooded to a fictional character, but I do have a very keen sense of what will screw me over and what wont, killing will unless we go all the way, something no-one wants to do
True, now we just need to wait to see what the writefag does next.
I am glad nothing terrible happened while I was at a meeting.
We're trying...now we have to try and not scare the piss out of a bunch of highschoolers in the middle of a zombie apocalypse...so welcome back for that I guess.
I have faith in us...

if anons want to go the sob story route please write up how you want to spin it.
I don't think we should go that way, just show our true colors
>We are an illegal experiment made from the virus and a kidnapped victim from the hospital...whatever the name of the place was, and subject to inhuman(putting it nicely) testing. The soldiers from the chopper were some friends we made, and the guys that rescued us. They wanted to use us to show the world the shit Blackwatch and the government was trying to cover up, but we were shot down. Then proceed to explain it is extremely dangerous for these people to stay here, at least for the foreseeable future, seeing as the Blackwatch might be on the way, and then go on about the...experiments they do to civilians that don't die in the raid.
If we have to show more evidence besides our body, then we can get someone with a camera(or phone, whatever they have on hand) and then go get some footage of some messed up shit. Of course this is after arming the camera man and getting these people the fuck out of sight first.
I have an alternative, if that doesn't work out, say fuck you I'm out, then wait nearby and stop any blackwatch patrols that try to take a look-see, or we make them more afraid of us than the infected outside, they get gone
Works for me.
Eh, that's probably a bad idea. If we show too much interest in the school they might find them, and when they do they might start hosing them down. We want to avoid that, so we might want to drag everything that looks important in the chopper with us...maybe even the propeller blade too.
this is the "everything else went to shit, so do something or be fucked" option that I can think of
Rolled 4, 12, 19, 9, 10, 6 = 60 (6d20)

ok, I'm going to need time to write this out, big update. ignore these rolls and give me some time.
Helicopter blades are not the awesome cutting implements that the movies would like you to believe. If this is a modern helo, the blades are nothing but carbon-fiber splinters after that crash.
im clocking out, ill see in about 9 ish hours, sont get us killed like I almost did in another quest.

good hunting, and remember FEAR is always an option with the humans. always
Yeah, lets save the oh shit nigger idea for later.
Yeah, but if you remember the blades in the game those things were solid metal, might not be that sharp but we can sure as shit swing them really hard.
....I am not liking these rolls, but I cant help but notice they are all lower than the 2 20s we got.
We will do fine by NOT doing that, and good night.
I really loved some aspects of the vehicles in game, but some parts really irratated me. Also, even metal blades are competitively lightweight, and they'd still be pretty messed up.
Gonna take a quick 3 hour nap, ya'l don't kill anyone your not supposed to while I'm out.
You open the door and say your done before waiting in the restroom for a minute, taking a deep breath. You’ve never done acting like this before, a deception on this scale is a completely new course of action for you. Running some water on your face to cool down you just think back to the good old days of what brothel taught you. don’t bend the truth more than necessary for a lie to work. Of course, he was talking about telling loose women he was “living a life of danger and excitement for a big fat payday.” But if it got him laid enough there must be some truth to it.

Going back into the gym, not many people have gathered around. You do see a teacher, a small group of students, and Jimmy. You head back near the deceased and say loudly. “Would anyone here like to know why this happened!” You get several curious looks, but keep a firm posture, nodding to those around you as if to confirm that you are indeed serious. “This happened because these men were defectors, and they were assisting me. They we’re helping me escape from a blacksite, where the organization known as Blackwatch was conducting illegal experiments, myself being one of them.”

“Sure! And I escaped from area fifty-one!” someone shouts. You hear a bit of laughter but the teachers seem skeptical. Extending your arm you begin to will it into its tendril configuration. Here goes nothing.


“Holy Shit he was serious!”

“Good heavens!”

“Oh, my god, he’s got fucking tentacles.”

The tendrils thrashing around on your arm leave the entire gym in a state of shock. The commotion comes down really quickly which you are thankful for, but now the students seem to be either cowering or skittering towards the exits. The one of the teacher seems to fare a bit better. He stands.

“S-Sir. Is what you are saying true, or do you mean to deceive us?”

“I’m telling you the truth, the group that owns this chopper is not our military as we know it. They are in a sense government contractors, and black ops at that. Blackwatch kills civilians along with the infected indiscriminately. They will come to this chopper, and they will kill everyone here.” You take a deep breath and it seems that the teacher wants to believe you, but is having a hard time of it.

“as much as I think you’re telling the truth to an extent… I’m afraid I can’t just take these children out of here, we have nowhere to run. However, on the off chance they are looking for you, then you should leave, so that those here might be spared.” So that’s it, they believe you, but they don’t. “I cannot make you leave, but I am asking you.”

>I can try to clear the wreck out of here, but you have to promise that your students will not mention anything that happened here. You didn't see me, you didn't see that fucking helicopter fall through the roof
“I can try to clear the wreck out of here, but you have to promise that your students will not mentions anything that happened here. You didn’t see me, you didn’t see that helicopter fall through the roof, and you didn’t see me crawl out of it ok.”

“I cannot make those promises.”

“And why not?”

"We are a Christian campus, we can’t just lie if the military comes asking questions, and considering what I just saw with your arm how am I supposed to trust you? you might be a demon or something!"

If I was a demon, why would I try to give you all of these warnings? If I was a demon, why wouldn't I just kill you all right now? Now you must ask yourself a question. If lying to the "military" saves your lives and lets you continue living good wholesome American lives, would you? Anyway, my morality is once again righted after warning you all. So believe me or not, but I've done all I can short of destroying Blackwatch.
“If I was a demon, why would I try to give you these warnings? If I was a demon, why wouldn't I just kill you all right now?”

“I. Look I don’t know. You, you could be trying to lead us to sin.”

You sigh, there might not be any breaking through with these people. God bless them, they helped you but they just seem unwilling to listen. “My morality is righted after warning you all. So, believe me or not, I've done all I can short of destroying Blackwatch.”

To that the educator lowers his head and makes the sign of the cross. You restore your body from its wounded state, no reason to hid it now, they know you got tendrils for arms at will. What to do now? You can return to Nina and Madison, call Alexis. However, maybe there is more you can do for these people. Blackwatch might be here soon, or at the least on their way.

We can try to intercept their convoy and give them a bloody eye, maybe give these people a few hours. After that, we're done
and I was just about to write out and post a list of options. writing.
You walk outside and just can’t help but feel a little angry. No, that would be a lie, you were angry before. Being crippled by Blackwatch this morning has forced you to hold in enough anger to rip the treads off a tank with your bare hands. It’s time for some payback, maybe you’ll spare the civilians some headache, maybe they’ll come to their senses in time. Either way, you’re not going to let them get away with maiming you like that. It’s time for a bloodbath.

Rolling for difficulty. first, how do you want to intercept, by blocking them on the street. by rooftop ambush? perhaps you want to Barricade a street they go down?

Well I would like to destroy their lead vehicle, hopefully blocking the street, then try to destroy the end vehicle so they are stuck. Any helicopters they might have will be brought down right on top of the convoy. At that point, it's a shooting gallery
Rolled 3 (1d5)

Finding a street that you know leads towards the school you get an idea. Your going to make these bastards fish in a barrel. Pulling car after car and hoisting them into a pile, you eventually begin building upwards. you strain your biomass as your certain Blackwatch might just roll up any minute now.

Where do you want to be on this barricade.
>on top of the cars?
>waiting in a building on the street it's on.
>on the roofs?
>standing right in front of it?
What's our HP?
after consumption. 150. your not in your best shape but four bodies brought you back up from 5
Well I wanted to go all Les Miserable on them and stand on the wreck, but I feel like that would be dumb.

Life's all about making stupid decisions, and making an image.

>on top of the cars?
>on the roofs
Let's not be visible with our HP so low. Get them stuck, hit and run attacks, prioritize targets.
Would Anons like to wait for support or for me to roll?
I'm too stubborn to think logically
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 on top of cars like a champion of doing horribly dumb things.
2 on one of the roofs overlooking everything like the world's worst superhero waiting to some neck beard with a nugget to plug him.

its all about image
We are both a champion of stupid and possibly the worst superhero.
You take a deep breath, and exhale. Gotta stay calm for this, right Jacob? It’s been about five minutes, then five more. Eventually you see them, your opponents. About three trucks full of black body arm clad mother fuckers and two APC’s with turrets that turn scanning the rooftops. The adrenalin rush is already hitting you, bad timing. You cock your rifle and pat your shotgun. Still there, still have all your shit, still have a chance at this fight. You also have a chance to eat it out here.

The turrets turn towards you, as the vehicles finally go too far to turn back without careful turning. Men start jumping out of the trucks, and you can already hear the mass cocking of guns. They want your head.
>jump behind your barricade.
>jump directly into them.
>Try to jump up to a building.
>write in.
>>Try to jump up to a building.
run on the top of the buildings and try to destroy the end vehicle
I would have to ask you how you would do that.
>Try to jump up to a building.
Let's not get shot first off. What's the trailing vehicle? A truck or one of the APCs? That's going to change how we go about stopping it.
Destroying the vehicle? I would say we use our tendrils to flip the vehicle on it's side
>Try to jump up to a building.
Use tentacle assist if we must.

What about shooting our tentacles into the ground and it popping up a few meters ahead under the vehicle?
Doable if it's a truck. Not so much if it's a Bradley. I don't think we can lever that much weight, especially since we're not at full.
You don't have and haven't learned claw(or tendril) spikes yet. also your tendrils only have armor pen one, so that means that unless it's something that can be breached with small arms fire it's not getting destroyed.

would anons like me to go over powers and weaponry.
I don't really want the vehicle destroyed, just turned over.

Do the APCs have those bullshit not-actually-a-TOW missile launchers?
AFVs are designed to be really hard to turn over. Tanks too. That's why it's not a problem that there's nothing actually holding the turret in.
some of the grunts probably have a Sapper in their ranks.

Claws, slashing and non penetrating.
Axe Blade, Smashing/slashing. heavy and good against hoards and light armor.
Tendrils, far reaching and slightly spiked at the tip, makes for weaker claws, minor penetration power.
Muscular structure improvement: improved strength and jump height.

AR-15 rare full auto police model.
Sawn off shotgun - think 'killing them softly'. it's that little thing.
Fancy ass Blackwatch knife.
bare hands and your dick.

writing your jump to the roof top.
Thanks for the stat brief.
You bend your knees and you can’t help but grow a smirk and chuckle as you fly towards the adjacent roof. Gunfire sounded the second you bend your knees and as your mid leap the spot on top of your barricade you were standing on is turned into a smoking jagged hole. You laugh, this whole situation is absurd. Running across the roof they fire and miss.

Can we dash and grab a guy? For a little fast food, of course. We actually might want to keep closer to the troopers. It'll hopefully keep the Bradleys from opening up on us.
Of course you have to run with your arms behind your back. The goal is just to get behind the last vehicle and maybe we can cut a fuel line or something
1d20+2 to run towards them to evade getting shot, would someone please break this tie between grab and consume or cut a fuel line so I don't have to roll.
Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Alright lets get a bite to eat
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

If it's a truck, sure, go for the fuel line. If it's a Bradley, we are not going to be able to cut anything important. Maybe break some optics or something, but everything important is under armor.
Well. Second 20 today. Snack time?
for that 20 sure, snack time and your wreck a vehicle, but can Anons please let QM go for the night so he can shitpost, jerk off, and pass out? he promises to continue tomorrow after he goes into town.
See you tomorrow!
Alright, fine.
Thank you, goodnight anons.
Hey guys, I'm back what hap...oh god damnit, we had to crash in the one religious stupid school in the area. Whatever, at least we got a crit success to use killing Blackwatch.
Saga continues in 3 to 4 hours depending on when QM can get home.
As you’re Leaping down towards the rear transport truck the Axeblade forms in your dominant hand while you pull yourself rapidly towards the pavement with your tendrils. You manage to turn a small portion of the street beneath your feet into gravel as you slide, twisted just right behind the transport. You swing from a position that can only be described as how the world’s most perfect start for a bitchslap. The truck bucks, your axeblade lifting It while severing the fuel line, and knocking over one of the soldiers who was about to shoot you with an underbarrel. You hook the unfortunate one with the inside of your axe as you use your tendrils to pull you away from the impending barrage of gunfire.

Pulling up towards a streetlamp you kick off it and pull yourself onto the top before leaping for the rooftops. As you land you slam the tendrils into your newest victim, a shame he lost that underbarrel, as you absorb him you learn he wasted a lot of money on it. Then you hear it, the sound of grenade launchers.

Gained HP

>Keep on the move!
Grenade launchers aren't super accurate, but they pack a helluva punch.
Aha! I've finally figured out how to keep my phone's ID from resetting!
Yeah, lets do this>>1548594
if we can, maybe grab one or two if they get close too us and throw them back. If we can break up the formation a bit more we can start picking them off one by one.
Good for you man.
As you start running again several gunshots fly in front of your face. The bastards are trying to pin you in. They left themselves one hell of an opening, leaving the path right to them open, you have a feeling that charging down here is going to get you on the recieving end of a shotgun. An idea! You slam your axeblade into the rooftop and let it take you down two stories as the grenades rain above you, then kick back out of the way. The blast clips you with shrapnel, giving you a few minor wounds that don’t take too long to close up.

Line of sight has been broken, giving you time to take a deep breath. Holy hell what a rush this is. This has been horrifying, graphic, and way more insane than any of your jobs with the company. You can already hear the gunfire pounding away trying to bring down the building or at the least the wall. You might have enough time to flank or run or something.

Run off, while harassing them. Try to lead them away from the school. Find a new spot to start snipping from.
Good idea.
2d20 please.
Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 19 = 23 (2d20)

Well...at least I got one. We just need one more roll to try and do better for the first part of the roll.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 17, 9 = 26 (2d20)

Don't worry about it man, you saved the day, we got double 19s to fuck their shit up with.
Rolled 15, 3 = 18 (2d20)

Okay, we don't need any more rolls. We already succeeded.
You rush through to the wall connecting this building to the next and smash it down, jumping through it with your blade trialing behind you. out of the corner of your eye you can see the marksmen turning towards you, and the rockets pounding into the building you just burst through. Your Axe smashes through the next wall, leaving a hole just large enough to slip through as the bullets fly next to your skin. You’ve had it with being on the defensive.

You stop at the fourth window, aim, and fire. Penetrating the helmet of the first trooper. You fire two more shots, maiming a few of the others in truck three before more gunfire is sent your way. Bursting through the fourth floor you head over to another window and repeat the process, and again, and again. Relentlessly sending shot after shot and fleeing window to window as they begin to unleash barrage after barrage against the structure. By now their rockets are reloaded. You get an idea, on the fourth floor you begin to sprint towards the back of the building, and as you hear the rockets go of begin running back to the front.

“Come on come on come on!” Your screaming echoes out of the building as you burst out of the window and you shoot a tendril down near a lamp post. Gritting your teeth, you hope to god this works as the rockets race past you and into the ruins. You swing the axe and to your surprise it cleaves right into the concrete post, swinging your tendril back up to the streetlight you guide it down onto one of the trucks. Some of the crew isn’t lucky but you see several pouring out, even the driver.

You got them, but now you’re in the open.

>charge one of the trucks!
>write in: there has to be a way to deal with a Bradly.
>retreat to a building! They’re still having trouble shooting you!
>>write in:
Correct me if im wrong but they have Missile launchers right? So grab one and blow it to pieces
please roll a d20-2
We can deal with the Bradly this way>>1548711
or if we have too we can just slide under it and flip it over...like a turtle. The rest of the grunts are in the open, so taking potshots with whatever we have on hand should do just fine.
Why is it a minus 2?
Because getting close means a higher chance of getting shot, that and you would panic the ground troops with rockets, so there's also the chance one of them might do something stupid, like fire a rocket at close range.
Rolled 18 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Fair enough. Rolling.
...I put a minus but whatever. I got us a good roll.
Rolled 20 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Well shit, NO ONE ELSE ROLL!
You have to put "+-2"
...That makes no sense, but good too know. Thanks.
or just put a space between the 0 and the -
Oh, that works too? Neat.
Interestingly, the "+-2" is mathematically correct.
True, I didn't think of it that way.
nat 20 -2

Sprinting towards one of the transports you swear the heat from the gunfire is making your biomass sweat. the sheer recklessness is giving you such a raging ivory tower it’s impossible to not burst out laughing. Leaping into the bed of one of the trucks you burry your claws into the face of one of the soldiers as you grab hold of his launcher. Before you jump one you can the panicked cry of “NO DON’T!”


Just as you leap of one of the sappers fired right at you, in the middle of the fellow Blackwatch troopers, inches in front of himself. It’s a rain of blood, limbs, and insides right behind you. Your laugher only gets worse as you jump off of one of the Armored Patrol Cars with big fucking turrets and pull the trigger on the rocket launcher aimed right at the light armoring of the rear doors. They fly open and smoke fills the vehicle and its immediate surroundings, by now all the soldiers are out of the trucks and onto the streets. Your standing on top of your barricade again, and the surviving troopers are taking aim.

I don't think we can tank another point blank missile, start mopping them up with the claws for those close to us and with the tendrils for the rest, leave some surviving, we need nourishment after all.
>Before you jump one you can the panicked
can hear*
And this is getting kind of bad, we are going a bit crazy...maybe we should try to get laid soon. But that can come later.
Welp. Time to RIP an Tear, eat as many that don't immediately start to run. Anybody still in arms length we can take with us and eat on the way. Don't kill everyone though, we want them to be able say the direction we're running in. Preferably the opposite direction of the school. We need to go back and check on the others at the safehouse...maybe get some therapy. Or as close as we can get with people that will listen to us and not try to kill us.
Do this, but also try to kite them further from the school.
you trapped them with a barricade and cut the fuel line to the rear vehicle.
Good point. I was thinking they might pursue on foot, but they're probably not that stupid.
Well...Heller did it.
Heller's a special case. More angry than stupid.
You leap behind the Barricade, still in a small fit of laughter. You charge into it, pushing out one of the cars from the bottom and collapsing your barricade. “This is the most insane shit!” you yell at the top of your lungs as you hurl the car into one crowd of the soldiers, before lunging at the other with your claws. ”Since the slavshit barbeque!” Ripping through the crowd you can feel a few bullets land in your back and sides, but they only phase you enough for you to pounce on the riflemen responsible. In fucking Rhodesia!

Your quest to find out ‘will it blend’ continues for about an hour, the last of the trucks and APC’s disabled leaves you winded, slightly sated in your hunger, and have overall made a complete mess of the Blackwatch here. As you run two blocks going west you stop to take a breather. This is indeed the most insane shit since the Rhodesian barbeque. More people have died, you’ve personally done more damage, destroyed more vehicles, and have done something you’ve never even considered possible multiple times in the span of a week. You ate people. Leaning up against a boarded-up house you can’t help but try to rationalize this madness to yourself. Do you have too? After all, everything you’ve done has been to help people, even if what you did to do so is a little beyond the pale.

You rack your brain with this for several more hours on your walk, even briefly considering if this has indeed dissuaded Blackwatch from going to the school and the survivors there. Nina and Madison might be worried, you have been away for a while. Then there’s other things you haven’t considered, you and Nina have family outside of Florida who are probably worried sick. You haven’t been in contact with anyone except for an insane mutant who stabbed you, a cousin, a pair of traumatized survivor, and some other random survivors who really you didn’t even know longer than a day before they were either killed or had vanished. They say war is hell but this pandemic is really crossing the line.

Your almost ‘home’ or what can be called home for now. The apartment seems to have a few of the shamblers you didn’t wipe out still dancing around the bottom floor but you couldn’t give a flying shit right now. Making your way up to the windowsill you sigh as you knock. “Nina I’m back. . . .” no reply. You knock again a little louder. Finally, the window opens and your met with someone much darker than you expected, it’s Clemence.

“ah, your back, Cousin was getting worried about-“

“morning gumbo is almost ready! JACOB GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!”

Oh god, she sounds furious. Either you pissed her off because you left her alone with no other company than a depressed pavement ape and a near vegetable or she was slightly panicking because her situational awareness told her all she needed to know about the redzone your stuck in. When you get inside she starts to get a little handsy with the collar of your duster.

“Where the hell did you go! I was worried sick! At least you could have left a note or something! I’m still stuck with a bum leg and I don’t think I can move or even get food with the only other person who can actually shoot a gun being stuck in bed all damn day! And what the hell am I going to tell my aunt and uncle if I survive this shit alone! ‘oh Jacob was turned into a squid man and then ate it because he picked a fight with some kind of dog demon.’ Do you think they’ll even take that for an answer! Huh!”

Ok, she is really fucking pissed.

>sorry i had work to do
Link back to back updates together
>random survivors who really you didn’t
you really* You flip the sentence sometimes.
>Uh....I had a helicopter crash? Fun fact, there's a super Christian school with people that helped me, said I was crazy and the government isn't killing people. Even showed off my powers to try and prove a point. By the way, can we talk? I think something might be wrong with me.
>I dunno, getting eaten by a dog demon while defending my cousin seems like a pretty awesome way to go.
Okay, I copy pasted >random survivors who really you didn’t
this once, and now I cant get rid of it whenever I post in other places. What the hell?
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must have something to do with Grammar
Funny. And its still happening.
reset comp, it's the only way to be sure.
Nevermind, it fixed itself for some reason.
“I dunno, getting eaten by a dog demon while defending my cousin seems like a pretty awesome way to go. Hahahah!”

“N-Not funny! Can’t you be serious for five minutes!”

“I am serious, that’s probably in the top ten manliest ways to bite it.”

“Eat me.”

“Nope, I could never consume a family member.”

And just like that she’s gone from angry to defeated and frustrated. This whole redzone thing is really taking its toll on her.

“Great, I can’t even remember why I came down here.”

“some nonsense about me being your favorite cousin and wanting to spend time together?”

“for the love of god, I hope you’re not still trying to be funny. Just tell me where you went so I can stop worrying.”

“sorry I had work to do, there was a chance to get us out of the redzone so I went for it.”

“Really! Oh my gosh, actually getting out of here would just be amazing! How are we doing it?!”

“Well, you remember that weird lady you shot?”

“. . . .OK. continue.”

“I just had to get into a Blackwatch camp and mess with some electronic shit, for that she would get one of us out of here.”

“oh, I see. are you sure she’ll keep to that?”
“what do you mean?”

“I mean I don’t trust her, I mean she did just crash into the window the first time I saw her, and you did say she’s the one who infected you with.. whatever the shit giving you superpowers is.”

If you’re being honest she does have a point, you don’t exactly have a reason to trust her besides how your situation is right now. “It’ll be fine Nina, besides, if I can get us all out one at a time it means we won’t have to risk running to one of the other zones and risk getting detained.”

She sighs, clearly, she doesn’t want to argue but you can’t blame her if she can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t adding up. “Alright, so I have to trust you on this then?”

“pretty much.”

“and are you going to have to take a whole day and a half to do it again?”

“Well, wait it’s been a day and a half? Your joking!”

“yeah, you’ve been gone a damn long time, the hell happened?”

“Uh....I had a helicopter crash?” She gasps in response. “and where I landed there’s a Christian school with people that helped me. I tried to warn them about the fact that Blackwatch shot up a hospital but they said I was crazy and the government isn't killing people. Even showed off my powers to try and prove a point.”

“you mean the arm thing?”

“yeah, thought I was a demon trying to trick them or something.”

“My god Jacob, why the hell were you even in a helicopter crash!”

“well it wouldn’t stop shooting at me so I kinda threw myself at it.”

Nina seems to be completely overcome with shock. “A-Are you trying to get yourself killed on purpose! Is th-there something wrong with you! Your S-sneaking onto military bases! Crashing helicopters! Fighting mutant dog man beast! This isn’t normal Jacob!”

You look over and realize the two of you have been giving Madison and Clemence a bit of a show. God, damnit you hate being the center of attention like this. “Nina, can we talk in private for a minute.”

“Su-Sure. One of the other rooms should be open.”

A short walk down the halls of the building and you and Nina sit on opposite ends of a sofa in another part of the building.

“O-Ok, so what did you want to talk about.”

>I-I think the virus might be fucking with my head...I've been having. Rushes. For lack of a better term, while fighting. And when I consume guys to heal myself, it, well, just gets easier for me to do. While I was at that school I tried to take small bites off the Blackwatch goons from the chopper, but...I couldn't stop it. Drained every last one of them. And I cant tell if its the virus super power thing fucking with me to help it survive, or if eating that many psychopaths is messing my brains up. So unless I get another job call, I plan to just relax her for a bit, maybe another day or so, then go back to the high school incognito and check on them...after that? Maybe go look for more survivors from the hospital raid, or find out what Blackwatch is up too. Or even anything on the contact.
relax here*
Well all I really wanted to tell you is that if you don't stop freaking the fuck out, you're going to have a stroke and all this work I'm putting in getting us three out of the redzone. I just got done doing some crazy shit, but I am alive, and I am going to stay that way. Also, don't worry because my moral compass is still intact.
hmmm, can we combine this somehow?>>1549436
Well Jesus Anon, after telling her the virus is fucking with our mind, it seems like we're going two completely different directions
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For the record, it would be weird if you didn't have an adrenaline (or something similar) Rush in combat.
True, the random bouts of violence and desire to eat people is new though.
Could just play it off like we're acting like a smartass. Also, didn't she say something about beans?
Oh, and the murder boner, that's a new feature too.
alright, i'm having a bit of trouble mixing these two, so i'll take a break before throwing in the next write up, in the mean time.

how are anons feeling about the >? write in prompt as opposed to the options list?

should I keep doing long ass updates or go back to the short and to the point ones?
It depends. As long as you space them out, it's fine, but you have an action quest, not a "sit around and talk about bullshit" quest
pretty much this>>1549531
You need to actually take a part of the quest instead of waiting for us to write out the plot to it.
So short post with options for combat scenarios and the prompt and long post for the slow talking portions? I get that right?
I mean I don't mind the violence descriptions
This, though they sometimes limit how we would fight, but so far you've managed to do a good job of giving decent options.
Be back soon for last rounds. By tomorrow things are going to start getting more difficult.
“Well, to start, if you don’t stop freaking out, you’re going to have a stroke and all this work I’m putting into getting the two of us out of the redzone would be for nothing.”

“I-I can understand but. No, I’m sorry Jacob. But just looking outside of the window we have a scene from a fucking horror movie... I.. I’ve never been more scared in my entire life! I just don’t know how to deal with this.”

“That’s ok, this isn’t something I can even compare to what I saw as a mercenary. But you’re going to have to maintain some composure if we’re going to get through it alright.”

Nina tries to take a deep breath. She does make an honest effort to hold herself back, not something you ever expected of her if your being honest. “Ok, I think I can manage for a day.. just promise me you won’t do some crazy shit that gets you killed, ok Hoss.”

You smile. She hasn’t called you Hoss for the last several years. “I just got done doing some crazy shit, but I am alive, and I am going to stay that way.” You manage to share a bit of a laugh about this, although you have to admit it makes you nervous too. “Um, Nina, I need you too listen to a few things. It’s probably nothing, but I am a little alarmed by it.”

“heh.. I think I can do that much. Go ahead.”

“Well… Did you and Clemence talk at all about what happened when I found him and the survivors, or Madison when she was with me on the streets either time?”

“uh, A little.. he said that your were tearing apart the infected outside the building like a madman, also that you….. I’m sorry, that you would in a way eat some of them. Madison said you did the same thing, she seemed as shaken up about it.”

“That, sort of is true. If I’m injured, I can find something that either is alive or was, and consume it. It heals me, and I’ve found with the Blackwatch, if it’s a normal person, I can take their memories…” you actually feel a little nauseous getting into this. “While I was at that school I tried to take small bites off the Blackwatch goons from the chopper, but...I couldn't stop it. Once I started consuming the bodies no matter how hard I tried to get my body to stop it just kept on consuming until there wasn’t a thing left of it’s target.”

Nina gulps. “so, it’s something automatic. You can give it a target but you can’t tell it to stop… that is pretty unsettling. But not as much as the memories thing, are you going to be ok?”

“I think so yeah, but, I-I think the virus might be fucking with my head... I can’t tell if it’s the virus super power thing fucking with me to help it survive, If I’m just getting panicked over something I can’t help, or if eating that many psychopaths is messing my brains up. when I consume people to heal myself, it, well, just gets easier for me to do.”

“W-Well.. I-I think it might have something in c-c-common with that thing about shooting people as a s-soldier. A-After all, you did say ki-killing got easier as time went on. M-Maybe this is something l-like that.”

“well, maybe, I’m not feeling too well about it so unless I get another job call, I plan to just relax here for a bit, maybe another day or so, then go back to the high school incognito and check on them. I think I need some time to get a rest from all this.”

Nina cracks a half smile before jumping on you and giving you a bear hug. It feels nice, considering you were half expecting her to entrench herself in a corner of the room. Your actually feeling pretty tired, maybe she won’t mind it if you close your eyes for a..little.


Two days later.

Fucking Alexis still hasn’t called back yet, and your calls keep going to voicemail. You’ve already been on food runs for these three, been trying to teach Clemence how not to shoot like he’s from a black ghetto, and have generally spent the last few night trying to entertain Madison so she doesn’t try to find a way to pull her own life support. Finally, that noise downstairs from the zombies has finally worn on your last nerve. You have to do something about those undead.

>go down there with intent to clear as fast as possible.
>try to have some fun with it.
>write in.
>try to have some fun with it.
When life gives you lemons...
>>go down there with intent to clear as fast as possible.
You get the fuck out of the red zone?
someone please break this tie.
Fine, fine, as fast as possible.

As soon as the elevator door begins opening you rush out an give a flying punch to the first of the infected, the straight stomach kick, followed by rear spin kick, picking up an infected that was behind you with your foot and slamming him to the earth, you form your axe blade as you begin to notice something about the infected. They have blades, spikes and some seem to be growing a hard heavy bulk of muscle and calcified bone.

1d20+3 to handle their initial onslaught.
+2 if you can think of a good way to use common items in a glorified apartment building's lobby to your advantage.
Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Take off the table legs and use them as clubs. With our strength, it'll be great
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

There might be some fancy columns for us to slingshot off of. As long as we don't knock them down though. They might be structural.
You start by cleaving your way through the center part of the hoard in a series of four swings of your blade. With infected coming on both sides of you now you hoist up a coffee table and swing it around yourself before hooking a tendril onto a column to pull yourself and the table into one wing of the hoard. Your charge plowed through a number of the infected before you jumped up towards the ceiling with your wood steel and glass shield, kicking off of the column and doing a flip, putting the table under you as it lands on the other group. The survivors begin to rush at you, so you rip off the legs of the now broken table, swinging it into the skulls of your attackers as quickly and brutally as you can. You finally have over half the hoard torn apart by the time your position on the table is being overrun.

>Just wipe out the remnants.
>consume them, you need to build up your biomass.
>maybe it’s not so bad having a few infected by the lobby.
>write in.
>>maybe it’s not so bad having a few infected by the lobby.
It makes it look like an average infected building.
>consume them, you need to build up your biomass.
They're starting to evolve a bit. If we leave them alone too long, they're going to get harder to get rid of. Besides, we could always use the extra biomass. The stronger we get, the better chance we have of getting out of the redzone.
leaving this up to be voted on overnight. goodnight anons.
>consume them
>consume them, you need to build up your biomass.
>consume them, you need to build up your biomass.
You send out a tendrils towards the nearest infected, pulling it towards you, kick it in the head, and stomp on it's skull. Now your feeder tendrils go to work as more of the hoard begins to pour in from outside.

1d20+3 to begin consuming the hoard without getting over run or taking damage.
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I guess I'm the only one here right now.
As you begin to cleave into the next infected you already have two advancing on you. still rooted to your victim, you kick away the first charger while striking the second in the head. Finally your feeder tendrils begin to lift the one you’re eating above you, putting it in orbit around yourself as you begin running along the walls. You just cleared the room out and it’s almost flooded again.

1d20+3 to re clear it.
+1 for picking a weapon or power.
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I'm liking that axe for room-clearing sweeps.
You strike one of the infected that tries to jump onto your back, swinging back down on another charger, and once the hoard is charging you again retaliate with several wide circular sweeps. It seems every time you cull a part of the hoard in one direction they gather up in another. Finally, a breakthrough, as you swing in a wide circle your blade beheads numerous infected, and leaves you the just a small group and the major hoard outside.

>clear out this group and barricade the door
>clear out this group and confront the hoard
>try to consume this group and risk the hoard coming in again.
>write in.
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>MFW Kurt Eichenwald accidently reveals he faps to 2d
>clear out this group and barricade the door
after that
>confront the hoard
1d20 for a strong barricade, if you roll a 1 your in huge trouble.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

>clear out this group and barricade the door
Rolled 15 (1d20)

We are so screwed...
Rolled 11 (1d20)

....god damnit
I think the dice have it out for us.
Or the new guy isn't allowed to roll ever again.
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These things.png
81KB, 276x183px
A few slashes of your axe and the infected have been rekilled. all that would be left was the door. you put a few chairs and tables in front of it before going outside through a window to test the strength, keeping the undead at bay with your axe of course. it seems sturdy enou- https://youtu.be/2O2Qw3-0tIg

Your back hurts, so much. It feels like your spine had been broken. as you begin to get back onto your feet, something hits you in the side like a truck, sending you flying into one of the columns. You cough up blood, you felt the column begin to crack as you slammed into it. You definitely left some biomass in it. You finally see what had thrown your through your barricade, it’s fucking huge.

>Keep your distance, try and pelt it with something.
>Try to get behind it somehow.
>maybe your axeblade will be enough to cleave through it.
>write in.
>Try to get behind it somehow.
Time to get acrobatic. Y'know, as soon as our spine puts itself back together.
>Keep your distance, try and pelt it with something.
guns and out shooty thingy arms.
.....oh fuck, okay, at this point there is someone fucking sending these things at the hideout. Because no barricade we could make would stop that thing.
Combine both of these>>1552490
we need to get it the fuck out of the building, or we will almost definitely bring the fucking building down on our heads...and out friends too.
>write in.
Lead it away from the lobby, this thing could bring the building down.
Those things are pretty armored. I don't know how much good our ranged weapons are going to be.
We just need to piss it off, like a bullfighting contest. Just shoot for the eyes. Actually, we need to see where its going to try and go, if it makes a break for the pillars then it has a purpose, and that's to hunt us...and our roommates upstairs.
Good idea. I'm all for kiting it out of the building.
Give me 1d20+2 to get around it and back to the streets.
+2 if you can come up with a plan to kill it somehow.
+1 if this plan involves dropping something heavy.
Rolled 7 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Okay, if we can get it outside then we can try dragging its attention down the street, if we can blind its eyes by blowing them out, we can get close and take pot shots with the ax, that way it gets super pissed and tries to bulrush us. Then, we start dragging it over to the largest building we are currently not using, and play dodge the bull with the building walls and structure, keeping one last pillar to keep it up, while close enough for us to jump out. Then watch as it knocks it down on top of itself. If its still moving start hacking away at the fuckers exposed bits till it dies.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

The buildings around here are damaged by Blackwatch attacks, right? I bet we could drop a wall on it or something.

Or, if there's a hotel nearby, they always have those little safes up in the rooms. They're pretty heavy, and in good supply.
...Fuck. Also, I did the plus stuff after the plus 2, do I have to space after every plus?
Shit...if we cant get one person to roll once then that's better than us, we might be boned.
And I was doing so well yesterday, too.
Yeah, lets hope someone gets a good roll. If not then one of us will have to do a reroll.
That's always tempting fate.
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

We don't have much choice do we...>>1552602
Good job! We're not hosed!
Thank you anons now i must go to sleep
Rest well hero.
Indeed, rest well
Rolled 16, 4 = 20 (2d20)

Sorry for slow updates, I've got a busy day.
You shoulder your rifle and fire three shots at it. The beast seems unaffected and continues its march after you. You begin to run up a wall around it, to which it tries and fails to throw a chair at you. Rolling back to your feet as you land, you fire some more at the meat golem. It retaliates by charging after you, and you run out the building as fast as you can, cutting through a small part of the hoard as you go.

You jump on and between cars, poles, sighs, and any other surface you can get on that gives you a bit of height so the shamblers can’t maul you. As you drop a mag from your rifle and replace it with one in your pocket, the beast charges down the power box you sitting on. Now you’re standing with your back to a cracked and crumbling wall. As the Juggernaut charges into the wall you jump off it, and it crumbles on top of it.

Give me another 20+3 to take advantage of its dazed state.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Lets see how this goes.
Rolled 17 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Fuck me, if I roll a 1, I'm just gonna call it quits for rolling today. HELP, I SUCK AT ROLLING!
Oh thank god.
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

...we should hold off on rolling today.
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The dice monster
Rolled 7 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Lunging after the buried Juggernaut you swing your left claw down where you think it should be. As your about to strike the beast raises its massive armored mitt to block your strike. As your claws shatter and a pair make it in you see it slowly begin to rise. It’s one arm exposed you swing your axe blade for it’s shoulder, and hit it’s forearm, severing the limb.
As it finally burst free from the rubble it swings its remaining massive gauntlet at you, missing you slightly and smashing some of the rubble. It begins to get up, pounding the pavement as it charges after you.

>Try flanking it now, it should be easier!
>Dive into the building you just wrecked, make it chase you there.
>throw some cars at it, they might be too heavy for this thing to deal with.
>write in.

is this feeling a bit too easy or should I switch to using d100's?
>Try flanking it now, it should be easier!
Definitely take advantage of the missing arm. We hurt it now, it can't hold on forever. We are so eating this thing.

Switching to d100s would give you more gradation in what's a pass and what's a fail, but it's ultimately up to you. I'm not finding it too easy, we did almost get killed by that helicopter, after all. Also, d100s would give us less of a chance of rolling crits, unless you widen the range of what's considered a crit.
Nah, its plenty difficult, we get shit rolls fairly often, so sticking with the way it is should be fine.
>Grab a car and push it farther into the building, use the tendrils to slow it down, then bring more of the building down on its head.
Oh hell yeah, Hammerfist are the best, second only to the tendrils and muscle mass to me.
Musclemass Throw - The absolute easiest and best way to kill the Supreme Hunter.
actually I've decided against giving hammerfist as an available weapon down the line. I have. . . other ideas.
I am intrigued...
Oh? No hammerfist huh? Well I look forward to what you have planned.
I have always thought the series had such potential for interesting, crazy weapons. It's one of the reasons I thought up that slingshot spike cannon thing from way back. Still working on that, actually, and I still plan on doing a nicer drawing once I get the design somewhere I like.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 >>1552857

2 >>1552861
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

You grab a car, and just as the Juggernaut is about to continue charging after you, you charge it.

1d20+3 vs my roll.
Rolled 19 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

....so, do we even need to roll? Here ya go anyways, but I don't see much point.
Welp...no need to get another roll here. Lets beat this Juggernaut down. Hulk: Ultimate Destruction style.
Rolled 15 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I'm rolling anyway, just to see how it goes.
Jesus tit fucking Christ.

As you slam into the hunter you see its massive fist bear down on top of the car, but your impact prevents the beast from even being able to go down all the way. You plow through a corner of the wall, another wall and stop as the car’s width prevents you from charging any further into a hallway. The juggernaut pounds it’s arm against the car but seems unable to move. It continues to struggle, and slows noticeably as it does, behind it a large pool of blood is beginning to flood the hallway.

You dig one of your tendrils through its eye before crawling over the monstrosity to see what happened. The car had been split slightly from the impact, and you had impaled the Juggernaut on a piece of the exhaust piping. The pipe pulling out its insides and spilling them all over the floor, the end result being a very large meal for you feeder tendrils to worm their way into.

Finisher unlocked.

>Massive bodily/weapon enhancement. (please specify and if weapon pick one.)
>one shot daily ability.
>permanent mobility upgrade.


sorry, no new weapon yet ;3
Well, I am making dinner, so ya'll go ahead a try an pick something out. I'm voting.
>Massive bodily/weapon enhancement. (please specify and if weapon pick one.)
general body upgrade with our Spike launcher getting a boost.
it's one or the other, not both body and a weapon. sorry anon.
I think it's one or the other. I was thinking body upgrade, myself.
Looks like body upgrade won.

New Daily ability: Warform!

>Tank: your body gains an armadillo like platting to protect you from harm, as well as a minor regeneration and mobility boost for the duration. (increase to armor, become a fast moving juggernaut, Con +3, Dex+2, Str+1)
>Slaughter: Your body grows slightly in size in size and takes on a slight monstrous appearance. (players determine appearance.) You main a massive Mobility enhancement, as well as being able to thrash most enemies you normally wouldn’t be able to move or damage. (piercing a juggernaut or forcing a tank to budge is possible for the duration. Str+2 Dex+1 con+1)
>Consumerism: Your biomass becomes more ravenous, Gelatinous, and demands to be sated. For the duration, your able to consume weaker enemies as if it was a standard course of action (because damn you’re doing it fast enough.), also gives a minor boost to mobility and your resilience. (fast consumption +2 dex +1 Str, +1 Con)
>conniving: your better apt at deception when your forced into a corner, thinking on your feet, and discerning what you can from the environment or an enemy all become easier while this is activated. (+3 Wis +3 Int +3 cha)
These choices, man. I'm torn between Tank and Slaughter.
we get caught in the middle of shit so often a bit of durability will help, we can manage to upgrade some other stuff when our survivability is up.
As your absorbing the biomass of the Juggernaut the corner of your eye spies an oncoming hunter. It barrels down the hall as your body starts producing strong, folded plates of chiton and bone. As it makes a swipe for your throat you raise your arm and it’s claws harmlessly scratch against your armored hide. With its side exposed you deliver a sharp kick to its side and tackle it through a wall. The hunter starts to jump around, apparently trying to outflank you.

1d20+3 to defend yourself.
Rolled 10 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Here goes!
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

See? Armor is making bank already.
....I am god.
Praise be to you!
how's it feel getting that 20 man?
Lets get a paint job on our new armor, I think this Hunter will make us some excellent paint.
Feels good mang, feels good.
That hunter thinks it can get around you, jumping behind you, and then flipping right in front of you. It’s fucked. You give it a harsh two windmill kicks before burying a claw into its arm and giving a harsh series of fist to the nose. Now it struggles to get out from under your grip.
Rolled 1 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Well, it's not getting away is it? It's going to be paint.
so, how do you want to kill this thing.

Lunch time! Then we better go back and check on the hoard at the base. Kind of worried about them, things that big don't just wander around often. I'm kinda worried if the fucker has a brother.
Wow...I guess this is for us getting fucked up in the chopper.
Rip its head off and tendril fuck the stump?
Test our new strength and punch it into oblivion.
That works too, we do need a new paint job. And using those overgrown guard dogs to do it just seems so poetic.
It's revenge for all those times in the first game when I'm enjoying the scenery and suddenly Hunter bodyslam.
Damn right.
damn ya'll hate hunters.
They're just hard enough to kill that they're annoying, but the game likes to throw lots at you at once, or have them drop in unexpectedly. Like that one mission with the fuel tanks inside the base. It's really hard to blow up stuff when you're getting chucked across the room every couple seconds because there's like, 5 hunters chasing you around.
Fuck those jumpy bastards.
The hunter gets on the receiving end of a good ol’ fashioned Pan Handle Man Handle. With your claws balled into fist you strike it about the head over and over. first breaking a tooth against the chiton plating covering your forearm, then actually punching out an eyeball, you maul the bastard relentlessly before striking its head from its spine and pulling it off. Your tendrils make a quick meal of the bastard and you feel like you can take on an army. Well, you do have an army of undead still in the streets, and near your groups building.

>go back and get back to clearing out the hoard.
>just go visit the religious school.
>call Alexis, maybe she’ll finally pick up.
>write in.
>go back and get back to clearing out the hoard.
Let's finish what we started.
>go back and get back to clearing out the hoard.
>Finish this, then check around real quick and see where the fucking juggernaut came from, or at least what direction it came from. Then apologize to cous for fighting another giant monster again, and proceed to go check up on the religious school...and probably rescue them.
You charge out of the building and ball yourself up in your armored plates. To your surprise this actually works and you land right on top of one of the infected, flattening it as you unwrap yourself and start charging down the street back to your apartment. There’s actually a reddish tint to the sky that you didn’t notice before and the ground is starting to get a red moss growing on it. Is the city actually on fire now? On your path you actually manage to gain a following of infected behind you, and what timing too, your right the building you and the others are staying at now.

1d20-5 to clear out the infected in under an hour.
Rolled 18 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Oh shit, this isn't good.
We need to clear these fuckers out fast and go check the school.
Rolled 10 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

I hope we don't spend forever clearing these out.
probably best to stop rolling, we don't want to risk a crit fail when we're so close.
Rolled 19 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Aaaand we have a winner!
Well, at least it was better.
This doesn't look good.
Maybe lower is better?
Rolled 11 (1d20)

As your plates retreat into your biomass, and the limb you tore off one of the infected to throw like a spear buries itself into the skull of the last survivor you begin to pant. It looks like you managed to clean out the hoard that had gathered around the street. If you’re lucky they won’t come back. You wonder how long you’ve been out fighting here until you look at the clock hanging on the wall. 50 minutes. Great, it’s been 50 minutes since you got out of that elevator. If you’re lucky you didn’t miss breakfast. Actually, your feeling rather full, it might be rude to show up for breakfast, although they probably did put in some effort. As you debate this tapping your foot in the elevator the door finally opens. Guess your showing up for breakfast anyways.

“Hey everyone! The ground floor is clear!”

“Woooo! Now come eat!” You hear Nina call over.

“. . . I don’t mean to ruin anyone’s appetite, but I think he already did.” You hear Madison retort.

“what do you mean?”

“well I did see your cousin out there getting chased by a very fat monster with huge hands.”

Nina is giving you the another one of her faux hateful looks. Great.

If this comes out lower than ten you’re going to have to tell her what happened downstairs.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Oh shit...we only beat it too death with a building, please don't hit us with the soup ladle. We are still ready to eat.
“Jacob, if you don’t tell me what you were doing that- “

* head out west, Where real women come equipped wit' scripts and fake breasts, Find a nest in the hills,*

“ThatsmyphonebebackinafewNina!” you say rapidly as you turn out the door and slam it behind you.

*Chill like – Beep!*

“why I’m so sorry I couldn’t call earlier, I was just so busy.”

You exhale “hello Alexis, I was half expecting you to have tried to get out of our deal by just not showing up at all.”

“well I would never do that, what kind of a woman would I be if I just didn’t hold my end of a bargain. I take it you want me to make it up to you for the radio silence, am I wrong?”


I said lower anon, heh heh.
What we need most right now is a bit of information. See if she knows why the monsters around here have been getting so freaky so fast.

Also see if she has any more jobs for us. That last one sucked, but we really need to be working on getting the girls out of this hellhole.
I am going to sleep folks, don't die, or kill everyone we like, or lose valuable information, or get poisoned and make us lose our powers...just don't fuck up. Oh and someone go take a quick look at the school, see if those idiots got shot to death, eaten, or captured.
“well if you’re willing to answer a question.”

“Oh, and what would it be, Tex?”

“Tex, really?”


“*sigh* Do you have any idea why the infected are getting weird? The shamblers seem to have been growing bladed limbs and spikes and there was even this huge fat thing chasing me with large bone and shell gauntlets.”

“Is that not normal?”

“hey, you tell me.”

“Couldn’t tell you, but tell you what. I’ll see if I can learn anything, and then if you remind me later, I’ll tell you. sound ok with you?”

“Fine. As much as I’d like to imagine you called for sweet talk I’m going to guess you still want to get our agreement taken care of.”

“Cute, and yes. So, you want one of those precious little ladies out of here or should I take the male black off your hands?”

Hard choice. I'd really like to get one of the girls out, but it's hard to say who. They're both injured, but Madison's the better fighter if and when she gets better. Don't let me be the only one making this decision. It's an important bit of character development and shouldn't be solely in my hands.
Nina is our cousin. We need to get her out first
I'll leave this up overnight.
Yes, but that leaves us and Clemence taking care of Madison. She's getting better, but Clemence hasn't done anything significant since he joined up, and I don't know how much help he'll be.
>get out madison
she needs medical attention we cant afford currently as we have bigger problems
as much as we like nina, she isnt injured and not as much of a burden right now
I'll back this option
>Go inside and ask the gang, recommend Clemence being sent out first.
We need to see if the lady isn't fucking with us, lets not accidentally kill off family and (maybe?) girlfriend.
If the lady is trustworthy then this>>1554724
Better get the injured out first. Then cousin, then black dude. Hell, we can take the black dude out with us when go fight shit, raise our survivability with horror movie logic.
i dont necessarily think she is trustworthy or likes us, but I think she will/would like to keep us as an useful grunt/idiot
the easiest way to do this is to get people out of the red zone as payment for us doing her biddings, so I think for the moment the deal is rather safe
True, I just don't like the idea of the bitch that is obviously going to betray us at some point knowing where our cousin is, or Madison for that matter. $5 says she knows why Blackwatch wanted to have her as a hostage. Black dudes are the best safeguard during horror movies. But...I can see for the moment your right. So lets send the Madison out first, injured get cleared out, and she is too valuable to fuck with if she does try something. Huh, now that I think about it, this is looking like a good idea. When she starts sounding shifty..er, then we can send the black dude next.
You raise a good point, switching to sending Madison out first
I have four for Madison writing as soon as I finish eating.

Good morning anons.
Wiping your forehead as you reach your decision, you can’t help but second guess yourself, but you’ve made up your mind. “I want you to get Madison out of here.”

“and that one would be?”

“the bedridden one.”

You hear a fist slam against something as well as a faint whimpering in the background. You think you can hear her screaming something in the background. “For such cute cowboy that bastards really pushing his luck!”

“Uh, sorry, didn’t quite catch that.”

“Oh, nothing trooper. Say, just how bedridden is she?”

“well, she doesn’t need the oxygen mask anymore, but walking to the bathroom leaves her winded. So I don’t think she’s going to be getting her own meals. Might be a good idea for her to see a doctor as well.”

Is she groaning, no wait, there’s two people groaning. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do, but really the next person you send better be able to get their own meals. I sure as hell am not playing house sitter for a god damn week.”

“better have another task more me soon than.”

“in due time tiger, in due time.” Is someone begging for help on her end of the line? “now just give me a minute to change clothes.” Well, than answered your question. As soon as she finished saying that the begging turned into screaming before abruptly stopping. Did she just consume someone? A masculine tone comes through the line. “I’ll be on the roof in about an hour. Make sure she is up there, I don’t even care if it’s on a stretcher or if you have to put her in a chair or something. Just have her up there.”

“O. .Ok, I’ll see to it she’s . . ready for transport. . . “

“Stay well, Tex.”


. . . . well, preparing should just take half an hour to ten minutes, but you do have a whole hour.

we should maybe tell her shes getting out and calm down nina while were at it
This really, use the argument used on the above posts for our reasoning.
>She is bedridden and needs medical help
>Not having her means that in the event that we need to leave base quickly, we can carry the other two faster, while carrying an injured person we need to move slower.
>Two people scavenging supplies instead of one.
Feel free to add anything i'm forgetting.
Opening the door, you have everyone looking at you. “Alright, everyone I have good news.” Nina and Madison notably perk up, Clemence seem to just raise a brow. “Madison is getting out of the redzone.” Clemence smiles and leans back with his bowl of morning oatmeal, Nina cheers happily raising her arms in the air, Madison just exhales and falls back on the bed.

“Thank god! And thank you Jacob, how did you do it and when am I leaving?”

“I did an errand and getting one of you out was part of the deal, your way out should be here in about an hour.”

She sits up smiling, then seems to bite her lip before asking nervously. “. . . . you’re still going to find my grandfather, right? I mean, I’m not ungrateful, but.”

I can't remember if we promised or not
"I'll do my best to find him."
supporting this
“I’ll do my best to find him.”

“. . .” tears have welled up in her eyes. Nina heads over to her to give her some comfort and gets pulled into a very tight hug, her eyes are actually bulging out. Clemence has to excuse himself for a minute, leaving you with the two of them.

“cus. . help!”

“. . You’re doing fine Nina.”

You get the bird and Madison laughs. About ten minutes end up getting spent helping Madison mentally prepare, as well as a bit of a debate over how to celebrate. Madison keeps insisting it’s kept Christian with a few glasses of water and some chips or something. Nina is very insistent that you break out the booze. Oddly, no sign of Clemence since his retreat, but you guess that’s all normal, even when you have been here he did mostly keep to himself.

go look for clemence and see if hes fine
Do we actually have booze or is just cheap beer, either way we celebrate
Oh and this.
These, lets party, though not too hard, we still need them to be able to watch out for themselves, and a hangover doesn't help.
“We’re popping open the bottles!”

“We-well I just don’t see the point. I mean. . eh.”

Nina practically climbs in top of her. “There’s now use argueing now! Your liver is ours! Mwah hahahahahah!”

“For the love of God Nina calm down, just let me get Clemence first and we’ll burn through a few bottles.”

“Gah fine.”

“M-my poor li-liver.” *gulp*

You walk down the hallway and rub the back of your head under your hat. It’s hard not to feel bad for Clemence. You had just practically promised him that he and his boy would finally be able to get out of that nightmare, and then he gets walked into a whole group of those infected monsters. It wouldn’t surprise you if that’s why he had to run off. And here you are, at his door.

*knock knock knock* “uh, Clemence, are you in there?”

“Ye-. . Yeah, just once second.” After a minute he finally opens the door, his eyes are a little red and you think you smell the telltale signs of metal grinding on metal. “Um, can I help in some way?”

“We’re celebrating back down the hall, thought that maybe you would want to join in. . We’re going to crack open the drinks we got the last two days.”

He thinks it over for a minute. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Sure. .”


The two of you start making your way back to the party. It’s a rather quiet walk until you speak up.

“Are you feeling alright? I don’t mean to be rude or anything but, you still seem pretty out of it.”

“well, tell you what, I’m doing better than I was. kinda owe that to those two. If it weren’t for them I’d probably just lock myself in here and just waste my days away. Mostly that Nina girl, scares the heck out of me.”

“You’re scared of Nina? Get the hell out.”

“She threatened to do something to me with an oatmeal packet if I didn’t start pulling my weight, something I’m not repeating in any kind of company because it’s just too damn horrible to think about.”

“Oh! . . Oh. . eugh. Not the goatmeal surprise.” You actually shudder from just thinking about that threat. Nothing she had ever threatened to do ever topped that ‘promise’. You know for a fact a line is being crossed when she brings that up.

“yeah, . . . “ he shivers.

“ok, so getting off of that nightmare of a subject, how did Madison help you exactly?”

“well, to be honest we mostly sat down and talked together about what we were doing before this whole pandemic started. If anything, the biggest thing she did was try to help me find a reason for surviving.”

Really? what did she tell you?

“well-“ you get cut off by two bottles flying at the two of you.

“Catch! The juice is loose!” Nina is standing there with a fist in the air and a forty between her teeth. You’re in a lot of trouble.

Rolled 18, 6, 7 = 31 (3d20)

Rolled 4, 12, 4 = 20 (3d20)

Rolling is now cut off, these are our numbers.
Nina, Clemence, Madison, and yourself spend some time drinking, and sharing in a bit of good humor. Somehow Nina remains able to keep her wits, although she drank enough to give any normal person a migraine in the morning. Clemence has drunken enough to get loud and seems to be stuck between laughing, getting angry, and holding himself together. You yourself, just can’t seem to get intoxicated by any degree. On the other end of the extreme however, Madison. She has managed to drink herself silly in a short number of beers, at this point she’s slurring her speech and can’t hold a conversation, and your about 20 minutes away from pickup so everyone has to be cut off. Well, everyone would be cut off, if it wasn’t for someone being insistent you try some hard liquor.

“Jaacob. Coousin. Don’t end it now! ~Don’t stop me now! ‘Cause I’m having a good time!~ hahaha! Ah, . . . . try the damn whiskey!”

“Nina, we got company coming down in twenty, can’t you just get a grip for a few minutes.”

“idiot, we’re trying to loose the grip! Let got! Enjoy yourself man!”

“we still have to get Madison on the roof.”

“Awww. I don’t wanna say goodbye.” She pouts.

You look over at Madison who is stuck giggling at everything, good to know she’s a happy drunk. Clemence on the other hand has taken up playing what looks like air banjo.

“you aren’t going to make me carry her up there myself, are you?”

“bah, no way, I’ll help ya! Just hit the bottle first.” And now she’s waving the whisky in your face.

convince her you wont drink anything and carry her herself, that sounds like the safest option
“Nina, happy hour is fucking over. I’m not greeting our best ticket out of here with three drunks. . . well it might already be too late for that. Four drunks.”

“Bah, bastard. Hey where are you going?”

“Alright everyone we’re going to take this up to the roof.”

“can I bring my fourty? I haven’t finished.”

“yes, that’s fine Clemence. Nina, can you take Madison up. I have to get a bed or couch, something for her to rest on.”

“Fine!” she tries to sound angry but you can spot her trying to stifle a laugh.

>drag up a sofa?
>maybe you can get the bed up there somehow.
>all she really needs is a cushion, right?
>write in.
>all she really needs is a cushion
try to keep it simple
>Ask if she wants a bed or a sofa. Not like we cant lift both. Or just one big cushion.
>drag up a sofa?
You try asking Madison if she wants a sofa or the bed, or just a cushion. All she replys is. "comfy here. he heh. *burp!*"

The bed might be the best long term if Alexis takes it with her, but she is rather drunk, and while the sofa would be ok it's not exactly the most comfortable thing to rest on.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

You grab a pair of the couch cushions and a folded-up blanket while Nina picks Madison up. You make it to the stairwell before the conversation you have been dreading starts. “so why are you having me carry Madison again?”

“. . Because this way I don’t have to hear you make a hundred jokes about tentacle rape.”

“Y-You wouldn’t do that to meeee would you?” Madison asks. This of course gets Nina laughing like she’s crazy.

“oh he totally would, you don’t want to know what he did to small animals before he had tentacles.”

“What!” you scream.

“What!” Madison joins in.

“What!” Clemence actually joins in.

“Bah hahahaha! Ah I’m kidding. Jesus Christ, you all need to take a joke.”

You grumble. “should throw your drunken ass down the stairs.”

“What did you say mother fucker!”

“Shit, I said I could probably win a fight with bears.”

. . . .

“You probably could.” Madison says.
It’s been a few minutes since you’ve all gotten on the roof, and Madison’s sobered up enough to where she can talk without slurring her words.

“Well, here’s to Madison, who saved my ass when the first giant mutant dog I fought almost killed me.”

“Here!” Nina and Clemence exclaim.

“Here’s to Madison, who had the nerve to stalk my cousin and then was forced to keep me company for the last several nights!”

“Here!” you and Clemence cheer as you raise the beer that is not doing its job. Probably due to your newfound biology.

“And here’s to Madison. Who helped me see that we survivors have to live, otherwise horrible events like these are just stories. And nobody honors the dead in a story.”

The three of you share a bit of a pause before raising your drinks. “Here.”

Madison looks like she wants to cry in her blankets. When the three of you finally hear the sounds of rotors. Two of them.

Right on top of the three of you a large Chinook Helicopter begins to slow and hover, before inching towards the middle of the roof and landing. The cockpit opens, and flashing everyone as she gets out is Alexis. Looks like today she chose to dress up like the sexy secretary stereotype. “Alright! Let’s get this bird its passenger. . . god damn it your all drunk, aren’t you?”

“I’m still sober, not for lack of trying.” You say with a laugh.

“Damn! You look good for someone who took a bullet. A tad skanky without any underwear though.” God damn it Nina.

“Ah yes, you as well for someone dressed as an unwashed street urchin.”

tell nina and clemence to go down and let you handle this
....Yeah, lets go with this, the non essential drunks can go wait downstairs.
Wait, adding a joke too this.>>1555924
Hey, don't get mad at my cousin for not having a kinky boss, Fifty Shades of Gray went out of season last year and that isn't her fault about your dress code.
“Oh, big words for a slutty blonde!”

“that’s it I’m going to!-“

“Ok, ok, Nina, Clemence, downstairs! Right now!”

Nina sneers and adjust her tank top while Clemence sighs. Both of them making their way to the stairwell.

“. . . AHEM!”

“Hey, don't get mad at my cousin for not having a kinky boss, Fifty Shades of Gray went out of season last year and that isn't her fault about your dress code.”

To that she smiles as she walks up to you, shapeshifting into a raunchy cowgirl outfit. She puts her face a little too close for comfort along with her chest before stomping on your foot, which hurts way more than it should. Looking down you actually see she managed to slice through your toes without forming a visible blade. You would be more impressed if it didn’t sting as much. “as you were saying?”

“Gah! Fucking petty!” Your toes are already reforming, you step on the severed portion to keep your biomass a part of yourself.

“mnnm hmn. Get that one on the sofa cushions in the chopper bay before I change my mind.”

>“Gah! Fucking petty!”
Is it supposed to be petty? Also, you should really start thinking about not having us write out your scenes for you all the time, this is your quest afterall, flesh it out yourself. Give them more character than what a bunch of crazy 4chaners can come up with.
We cary her and the cushions in to the chopper, give one last reassurance that we will try your hardest darndest to find her dad and mabe a hug.
After leaving the chopper
"So now that pleasantries are out of the way what's our next job, i want them far away from the red zone as soon as possible"
Also this.
eh alright.
>try another joke.
>try to apologize.
>maybe you can get away with a flirt.
>get Madison in the chopper as fast as possible.
>talk to Madison.
>write in.

I'll count this as talk to Madison, and get her in the chopper as soon as possible.
I think your problem is you keep making unnecessarily limiting options, most of these can and would be put together, but then you just copy the write-in answer that does that. Which is the root of your problem here>>1555980
Only a write in that specifically says, lets do something retarded like not take her to the chopper would be needed for that option. Otherwise of course we would take her into it, it wouldn't even be a question about it.
nah we should try to flirt, if it doesnt work we can just pretend we are smashed
well, if that's what your looking for.
>maybe it's not a good idea to send Madison with this woman. keep her here.
....Kind of pointless seeing as how we had the conversation bit about that earlier.
File: Ok, listen here..jpg (13KB, 265x190px) Image search: [Google]
Ok, listen here..jpg
13KB, 265x190px
coming soon, pic related.

so far.
1 vote. keep talking to Alexis and try to flirt.
1 vote. go talk to Madison and get her in the chopper.
....we can do both. Its not Alexis is going to run off without giving us a mission, or an earful in fake country girl.
. . . taking a hour break before I shove a bayonet into the screen and fire up. combining the options.
looking forward to it.
Thank god for powernaps.

You begin to pick Madison up and giggles like a school girl. She didn’t even drink that much, how the heck is she this plastered? “Madison, are you ready to get out of the Redzone?”

“Uh huh.” She tries, tries, to throw an arm over your back to hold on but you get her anyways. Your free arm you use as tendrils to wrap around and carry the cushions and sheets. “So, do you know where exactly I’m going?”

“I haven’t exactly asked, all I know is that if it’s the greenzone it definitely has to be better than it is over here in the red. That and this woman said she’d take care of you. even if she does have a rather short temper.”

“well, I’m going to try and not piss her off too much. *Burp!* . . . I drank too much.” You give her an absolutely flabbergasted expression. “what?”

“you barely drank at all! I’ve seen small dogs drink more!”

The realization seems to hit her rather hard. “Oh no, I’m a lightweight. . . Dad wouldn’t be too pleased, he always talked about taking me on a road trip drinking and getting into barfights.”

“damn, sounds like my kind of night. What ever happened to the man?”

“Car accident twenty eleven.”

“. . .” You and Madison share a tight hug for a few minutes before laying out the cushions. “Don’t worry, I’ll do what I can to find Winston and then I’ll see you and the others once I’m all done out here.”

“I’m holding it to you, Merc.” To which you tip your hat.

As you hit the switch to close the ramp you say. “Callsigns Sheriff.” Which gets you a laugh in return. You’re not entirely sure who stuck you with the nickname but you have to thank them for not giving you one of the other horrible old west related callsigns.

Deep breaths Jacob, deep breaths. “All done saying your goodbyes to the sloshed sally?”

“I am in fact. And if I can ask a few questions.”

“depends on the questions.”

“Can I get an estimate on the next job, really want to get the other two out ASAP.”

“When I need help with something or need something done, you will know. Just keep that phone charged.”

“yeah thanks for the ringtone by the way.”

She winks. “so what’s your second question, before I get board of this.”

1d20+2 for a good flirt.
+2 if you can make it ‘western’ related.
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 6 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Damn it man.
>Your free arm you use
flip this around.
>I need to take you too a hoe down, show you how to really wear out them daisy dukes.
Best I got off the top of my head.
Fuck, WE NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE! Also, why the hell is the second plus two not showing up on the roll? I spaced it apart and everything, does it only allow one?
You can only do 1 "+X" a roll, I think.
yes, now quite nit picking the fucking grammar! I'm not a god damned English professor and some anon on 4chan is not going to write like a fucking novelist! You twat!
I will improve you, make you Evolve. I don't regret the pun. Also, NEVAH!
Huh...good too know. Still, we need someone to roll, and if no one shows up we're gonna have to do it ourselves.
or I could just let you fail if nobody rolls under 30 minutes from the prompting post.
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

I guess I'll make another roll, then...
five minutes anons. mwah hahahahaha.

and nope, sorry, nice trips.
tell you what, someone new comes along before I make my sandwich and they roll high enough you get a max HP boost.
Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Oh thank god, the new guy saved us.
. . . god fucking damnit.
Hooray! I hope this is high enough!
We got a 19 thanks to the bonuses.
and don't forget, WE GET A HP UP TOO!
This is random poster signing off
Thank you, random poster!
God speed hero.
“Think I can take you to a hoe down, show you how to really wear out them daisy dukes?”

Alexis seems shocked for just a moment, but tries to immediately cover it with laughter. It’s just a little too late. “Haha! ha. Ah, you really had me going there, cowboy.”

“Getting you going is the end goal.” You give her a cocky smirk which leaves her at a bit of a momentary loss.

“Tell you what Marshal. Get yourself to the greenzone and I’ll think about it.”

“Alright, just for the record I prefer fur and hide to those fake leather cow print trousers.”

She almost immediately shifts to take on the appearance of a helicopter pilot. But not quick enough to hide the faint amount of embarrassed blushing. She can’t get into the Chinook fast enough. “Top hat this is Jackal. Malfunction is fixed, returning to HQ.”

Making your way back to the others, you can’t help but think about what you still haven’t done, and really want to do. To start you should really go back and see the catholic school. On the other, your curious what Clemence is doing that is making the grinding metal smell down the hall. Finally, there’s a part of you that just wants to relax and drink that whisky Nina was teasing you with.

>Clemence’s Arts and /k/rafts project.
>Going to church.
>Night of whisky, skip to morning.
>write in.
>Clemence’s Arts and /k/rafts project
Oh, and lets ask him if he wants to come with us to the church school. Or Nina if he doesn't feel like it.
Also, this here, this is good fun.
We need to learn how to fly a helicopter. I want a Chinook.
Well...I'm sure if we get a hold of a few more chopper pilots we can learn that way. The bitch is trying to find the tracking device on them. Better to leave it somewhere else just in case we get ahold of one.
First you check in with Nina, who doesn’t seem to be doing much except for laying down on the now empty bed. No Clemence though.

“Hey, Drunk, where’s our black guy?”

First, she mumbles a bit incoherently. “his room. Finish something.”

Well, that was what you wanted to know, so you go down the halls and knock on his door. Behind his door you actually do heat the scraping of metal on stone. “Clemence, you in there?”

“Yes, come on in Jacob.”

“So what have you been up to, whoa.” Turns out he’s been making and sharpening a very long bladed spear. “That. . . That really isn’t for chucking now is it?”

“HA! Ha ha! No, it isn’t. . . I’m tired of sitting here. I can’t just sit here after what happened back on that street. If I can’t help someone, then I want to at least take some of those damned zombies down myself.”

"I can’t blame you. but wouldn’t a gun serve you better.”

“We tried that, I’m a shit shot.”

“Well you are new to handling a gun.”

“and without the time to learn.”

“fair enough. . how’s the edge.”

“Sharp and heavy enough to cut a skull I guess.”

>come on, you can test that while we go visit the school I was talking about.
>well, give me a whack!
>alright, let’s go to a weapons store, test your blade while we go.
>write in.
As much as I want to see what happens when he hits us with it...
>come on, you can test that while we go visit the school I was talking about.
>actually do heat the scraping
hear. Its cool, sometimes my finger slips on the keyboard too. Or the keys don't register. As for Clemence...hmm.
>Give me a test whack, if you can cut my skin we can take a trip to a Christian school nearby I've been needing to check up on, if you cant then we can stop by a gun shop on the way over. Get some all around pointy things for you too use in the meantime...should probably grab some stuff for them too.
don't make me roll.
And yet, as you complain at his grammar, this is the second of your posts today with a to/too error.

As I said above, I'm wary of letting him take a test whack at us. With our luck, we're going to end up hurt, or we're going to break his weapon.
We both seem to be for going to the school and bringing him along, we just cant decide if we want to get stabbed an extra time today or not.
That's fair, he still needs to test it though. bad idea to try and rely on it only for it too break mid fight. And too/to is hard sometimes, the words just float and if it repeats its hard to see where it goes.
Alright, we might as well get a move on, Alexis did cut off our toes.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

“Well, feel like giving it a field test?”

“Don’t see a reason why not, so long as we’re not fighting a hoard or one of your giant dogs.”

“should be fine and if it’s any worse than a couple shamblers I’ll run us out.”

“sounds like a plan then. Lead on.”

Of course, the two of you take the streets and by Harley. It’s a relatively short drive over, however the two of you do have to spend some time dodging hoards and avoiding streets absolutely blocked with rubble.

Ignore the QM’s roll.
...I am worried when you roll high. Don't forget to capitalize the start of sentences. We got a Hunter pack stalking us, didn't we?
Maybe high is good this time?
You find, well, everyone's still there actually. There's a few people peaking out of the window when you drive up, and when you knock on the door someone peaks out the window. - >>1556752 that's it you son of a bitch, over the course of voting your next five post are getting ignored - before going back inside. Oddly, everyone who was by the windows does retreat back into the building before someone answers.


"Oh my, it is you."

"Hi Jimmy."

He seems a little nervous. "What are you doing back here?"


>Just wanted to make sure everyone was still alive and well.
>kinda hungry thought I would eat a few school children.
>not much really, just go bored and thought I'd visit.
>write in.
We're running around on the street on a Harley. In the Redzone. >>1556771
Chill mang,
>Just wanted to make sure everyone was still alive and well.
Now why would he be nervous? Well, besides the obvious.
>Just wanted to make sure everyone was still alive and well.

Let's be the friendly tentacle demon/monster.
Japan would be proud of us.
>>Just wanted to make sure everyone was still alive and well.
“Just wanted to make sure everyone’s alive and well, and it looks like that might be the case.”

“it is, mostly, we lost our principle thanks to you.”

“I’m sorry, what happened?”

“You managed to get most of the students into enough of a panic that they left the school. For a whole day and a half. Only a handful of us stayed behind as well as the principle. Because he told them about one of the survivors, you, they shot him, and started looking for the rest of the students in the building. They barely survived! If it wasn’t for you none of this would have happened!”

>Well it does sound like everything I tried to tell you would happen did.
>alright, blame me if you want, I’m done here.
>ok, you need to check yourself before you get decked.
>Write in.
>Well it does sound like everything I tried to tell you would happen did.
And now we need to go and see if we can find the rest of the survivors, we need to get these people out of here.
>>Write in.
Well it wasn't my fault I crashed. If it were up to me, I would have stayed in the air.
Also this
>Well it does sound like everything I tried to tell you would happen did.

Also seconding finding more survivors. It sounds like we have wandering high-schoolers now, and that's never good.
I just got High School of the Dead vibes...are we going to see a school girl with bullet dodging tits?
I was hoping more for some chemistry/physics/engineering students making far too many dangerous things.
That would be fun too, but this is a Christian school, not a engineering campus.
"Well it wasn't my fault I crashed. If it were up to me, I would have stayed in the air."

“You! Gah! Just go back to wherever you came from! Haven’t you caused enough trouble.”

“considering that I tried to warn you, and that it does sound like everything I tried to tell you would happen did, I think you need to reconsider who you’re angry at.”

“You, for getting our principle killed! We have no organization now! Our teachers have tried to pick up the slack but we’re bordering on tribalism now, all thanks to you!”

1d20+2 to reason with this idiot.
+3 for compelling arguments.
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Well I was the captain on the debate team, and I am quite charming. Let me come down there, and see if I can't get whatever you guys need to survive, and try to make better first impressions
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Oh sweet Christ, the usual, shift the blame when being blatantly warned trick. Figures.
Going to try and...help this. Shit.
...fuck, reality really doesn't want us too help these people.
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Look, the principal getting killed wasn't may fault. If you'd listened to me, it might not have happened. But that's in the past. Right now, you need to get everyone organized as best you can. I'll do what I can to help, but seriously, this is all on you people.
Fuuuuck, I hope the Qm was serious about ignoring my rolls, because we are fucked otherwise. And we have such good arguments too. We might end up just trying to help the people that ran.
You roll your eyes. "Well I was captain of the debate team-" once he heard debate team the door was already slamming in your face.

"Hey boss, maybe just leave these kids alone, they want to react poorly maybe they can survive the consequences, besides this place looks easy enough to make defensible.

>Yeah, lets just go. They should be able to handle themselves.
>Nah, leaving these kids here would leave them in danger. Maybe if we're persistent enough.
>Lets try a different door, maybe we'll meet someone nicer.
>write in.
>>Yeah, lets just go. They should be able to handle themselves.
We literally did all we could
>Yeah, lets just go. They should be able to handle themselves.
Well, we tried. If they don't want our help, then they can get eaten by zombies and/or blown up by Blackwatch.
>Lets try a different door, maybe we'll meet someone nicer.
Maybe we should try asking someone else, the angry dumb religious nut might not be the best bet. At the very least we can find out the general direction of the people who were smart and ran away.
For the emotional guys like mister doorman, yeah, we might as well ignore them now. Though asking someone else might get us better results.
just going to roll off screen to make sure this doesn't turn into lord of the flies.

You and Clemence start making your way back to the hideout. although you get a nagging feeling that you should at least do something while you out here.

>go looking for food for the three of your remaining.
>Burglarize a gun store? Burglarize a gun store.
>maybe you can find some Jerry cans and a gas station to syphon.
>write in.
>>Burglarize a gun store? Burglarize a gun store.
I mean we could gift the Christians muh guns
>maybe you can find some Jerry cans and a gas station to syphon.

This is a good idea if we want to keep using the bike. Harleys are not known for their fuel efficiency.
Huh. We do need gas, but we could also use guns, and we do need to get groceries. Do we still have a car or truck or something? We could make it like a big family shopping trip.
get some guns first
pick up a little extra gas.
>go looking for food for the three of your remaining.
then food, maybe if we're lucky we can find some of the roving bands of highschoolers...never thought I would say that before.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1. guns.
2. gasoline.

well, had to take that break. and now I'm back.
You stop off at a local shell station and park next to the convenience store. “think anyone’s in there Clemence?”

“how the hell should I know?”

“well I never gave much thought on where I would go in a literal zombie virus outbreak.”

“Shhheeeiiiit.” He says as he gets his gloves on.

1d20-2 for avoiding an encounter with anything beyond a normal infected.
Rolled 19 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Oh thank god
fortunately there only appears to be one infected inside, and even though it has a blade for an arm, it seems to be sluggish.

>have Clemence try his spear.
>take care of it yourself.
>sneak past it?
>write in.
Rolled 4 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

>have Clemence try his spear.
Oh, goodie, a walker. Be ready to assist in the event the spear doesn't work out.
>>have Clemence try his spear.
1d20+2 for good outcome.
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

You can do it, Clemence!
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 18 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

And Clemence is saved!
I wonder what the spear he is using looks like.
“Well Clemence, there’s one in th-“


Almost as soon as the door gets kicked open clemence swings his large double edged spear into the skull of the undead, and while it doesn’t go right through it, the blade does burry itself deep enough to kill the infected. A simple shake of the spear gets the corpse right off.

“Wooo! Ok! Ha ha ha. . Yeah! . . . “

You simply clap. “alright it works. . heh. Can we grab the Jerry cans?”

You have two Jerry cans. That will be 2d20 to fill them up without getting interrupted.
wooden shaft, I'm thinking broomhandle, Blade is metal, probably triangular since that's an easy shape to make, and also good for thrusting attacks.
Rolled 7, 17 = 24 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 18 = 38 (2d20)

File: 1492974813901.jpg (182KB, 706x1690px) Image search: [Google]
182KB, 706x1690px
Well that's one
now to try for the other. Rollin.>>1557519
I was thinking something like pic related. Couldn't really find the one I wanted, but here ya go.
GG, we got the gas flowin.
File: 20150923_172154.jpg (2MB, 4128x2322px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 4128x2322px
The blade shape is a little complex. A straight triangle would be better for both cutting and thrusting, and would be easier to make. More like pic, but on a spear.
You and Clemence manage to get the cans filled, you shouldn’t have to stop at another station for a while. although, you might be able to get more gas for other things.

>get moar gas!
>just get back to Nina, it’s getting dark out.
Maybe there’s some non-perishables left in the store?
>write in.
nice phone. . . . . XD I kid, great dagger.
>Maybe there’s some non-perishables left in the store?

Gas stations always have some snacky-stuff, and bigger ones sometimes have actual food, usually non-perishable. The more food we have, the better.
>Maybe there’s some non-perishables left in the store?
Might as well look for some booze snacks.
Yeah, there was something else I wanted to post, and I'm looking for it now. That is a great looking dagger by the way.
Gotta love a good Highland dirk. No one messes with a 14" blade.
File: Bank Blades fucking rock.jpg (4KB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
Bank Blades fucking rock.jpg
4KB, 400x400px
Damn straight. Found what I was looking for by the way. Its a bank blade, things are pretty heavy, good for chopping up shit. I got one myself, and I regret nothing.
I'm back in the saddle again, 1d20+1 to find a good meal in there.
Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

For munchies!
Why now, of all times? Why not when we were trying to talk to the Christian nutcases?
Holy shit, we got the best beer run snacks.
God hates willful stupid in his name?
because god hates you.
Don't you mean god hates the school teachers...and some of the students that didn't run?
well they did live.
The principle got shot, the leader that does the stupid gets punished first.
You manage to find a whole meat locker full of Cornish game hens, as well as a god damned stash of the GOOD refried beans (bushes). There’s even some bottled water, ramen, and some of that powdered milk, which goes nicely with the cereal boxes.

“Think we should go now? I mean we can probably last a week on all this.”

>Nope! Gas my bike!
>yeah, lets scram.
>maybe we can stop at a gunshop on the way back.
>write in.
>maybe we can stop at a gunshop on the way back.
we keep getting the option for the gun shop, lets do it.
>maybe we can stop at a gunshop on the way back.
File: good goy.jpg (26KB, 255x266px)
good goy.jpg
26KB, 255x266px
yes, you do keep getting it.
>maybe we can stop at a gunshop on the way back.
Our bike must have cavernous saddlebags. Also a tailbox.
You spend a minute laughing with Clemence, spouting old memes and jokes. “so, how does one get a gun going to ammunition?”

“ask for one?”

“Bah! You don’t just walk into ammunition and ask for a gun!”

“Ah hahahaahaahaha! Aye, ya know Jacob, I used to really miss me ex wife!”

“ah really now!”

“yes sir ree! But muh aim is improving!”

Eventually you pull up to a place called shoot straight. “hey Clemence, I think that’s a sign from god, just for you.”

“what now? Wait a – aww fuck you nigga.”

“Haa hahahah!”

1d20 to find some sweet firearms and not have something unfortunate happen.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

At this point I kind of want to see something go wrong, not really, I'm just curious as to what you have planned.
Eh, we could get a better roll.
with a roll as low as twelve I'd say your close to finding out.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 7 (1d20)

And a 14?>>1557866
Aw well, at least it wasn't a 1
Shit, the dubs are a 14 too. Weird.
No guns for you! 14!

As you begin to park you actually hear a very loud crashing sound, to which you get Clemence pounding on your back shouting franticly at you. "Drive drive! I'm not getting eaten by midget Godzilla!"

"The hell-" over your shoulder you see it. A huge creature that’s pounding into the street with every stomp. Its feet are the size of a tree trunk, and the mouth looks similar to an alligator, with its arms being much larger than its feet. One side of it continuously folds in and out of its body, and its eyes are all on the left side of its head.

“Gas gas gas!” the man on your back keeps shouting.

“I’m going to step on the gas!”


1d20+2 if to get away, fail and you’ll see just how fast it moves.
Rolled 13 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Oh, god, it's an infected alligator. Like those things weren't scary enough already.
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

too many memes for me
I wonder what it tastes like in a gumbo.
do anons want to roll one more time?
Are you going to let us get away from the obvious walking meal?
Am I going to?
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

I guess I will...
no samefagging.
Rolled 8 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Well...looks like our groceries just got fucking stolen by a gator...and maybe our black guy too.
never mind m8.
Oh thank god.
Fuck it, I'll roll.
Phew, not a crit fail to override the success.
18 border check.

As you shift into final gear you go up the onramp to an overpass, with the reptilian monstrosity right behind you. It roars as the overpass crumbles beneath it's weight, but that doesn't stop it. The beast keeps coming, destroying the highway behind you as you dodge parked cars. You don't even want to find out if that is Clemence screaming like Chris Tucker.

one more 1d20 no modifier to evade.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

I can't crit-fail twice in a row, can I?
Oh shit, this is way better than any Prototype game
“Hang on!” you shout as you make your axe blade.

“You’re going to fight it? are you fucking insane!”

You swing your axe down just in time. The impact forcing your bike off the ground just enough to clear the ramp of a towing trailer. Wincing as you land, the bottom of your ride sparks as it slams into the street. “we’re not clear yet just keep yourself quiet!”


“I said shut the fuck up if you want to live!” with that your shoot a tendril around the pole of a streetlight, using it to sling shot yourself around the street as you begin breaking while sliding the gear into neutral. You roll into an Alleyway and park before jumping off and pushing yourself and Clemence into a building, you hand over his mouth. Peeking back outside, the beast is circling the block you hid on, and it only sounds more frustrated before you hear it’s loud thunderous stomping, looking outside, you can see it rushing towards the swamp.

“alright, I think we’re clear.” You get out, panting heavily. Clemence looks like he’s having the worse of it. That is an easy thing to tell when he’s literally shaking.

>Calm him down.
>get a better look outside
>start up the bike and wait for him.
>write in.
>First thing tomorrow, we're going to the gun shop and getting some heavy guns. The shit we got now wont cut it much longer, so I'm going to look around and make sure its gone. You drive the bike this time so I can fight if we need too. You got a few minuets to calm down, then we are leaving.
>Calm him down.
while you all decide what to do or not do i'm going to take a eight hour nap.
Same, goodnight folks
>Calm him down.
First things first you're going to have to calm him down.

stand by for new thread.
>nude thread
>nude thread
>nude thread
>nude thread
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