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Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #38

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 718
Thread images: 116

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Loanah locations with card2.png
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Cruel to be Kind

Character info pastebin in progress: http://pastebin.com/iB0tb7rz
Dice odds for best of 3: http://pastebin.com/994WTT3g

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics involve three rolls of 1d100, taking the best, and using the base accuracy and crit ranges of the game, roughly, but the 'turn order' will be more like the anime, where sometimes you can do a few moves in a row or be hit by a combo of moves yourself, all depending on circumstances. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves, so beware of that timing. Speed is more important for closing ground, intercepting, and other things and doesn't necessarily mean going first. Infact, you can do more than one move in a row like the anime, but so can your opponents.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture, mostly likely a butt.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Belladonna (Roselia)
Dice (Totodile)

Badges: 3

Recently: You successfully rounded up a metric ton of Kecleon, and watched Laki battle a very motivated and strong one.
Time for emotional development quest!
I'm excited. Who else is excited?
But.. if it's cruel to be kind... then Herb is a monster!
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Laki slowly climbs over the sand dune. The pokeball of the Kecleon she caught is in her hand. That one really fought hard. But you can see why. From it’s perspective, it’s defending it’s comrades. And because it was doing something it believed down to it’s core, it summoned way more strength than you’d ever expect. It almost wiped out Laki’s entire team. That’s real strength. That’s a lesson you think is going to stick with you.

You look at the scared Kecleon. For a second, you think it’s relaxing, but it recoils again when you move. An older looking one seems to reassure it. It makes you feel terrible. You want to tell them that they have nothing to worry about, but you don’t think they’d understand or believe you. You did help trap them, after all. But it’s for a good cause. They’ll be moved somewhere better, and the Slaking won’t go hungry any more.

Keira yawns. “Great! Let’s get the Kecleon off the island.”

>Right. Go find the old man
>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
>Wait, let’s sweep over the island and make sure there are none left
>Keira seems bored. Why is that?
>Something else
>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
I always want to talk to Laki
Damn, these are all good options...
>>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
>Right. Go find the old man
Let's not keep them scared any longer than we have to.
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Reminder A cute herb soon.
>Keira seems bored. Why is that?
>Talk to Laki and Keira first
>>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
Fine if we're doing waifus first I'm deleting my old vote.
>Right. Go find the old man
We can talk later
>>Right. Go find the old man
>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
>>Wait, you want to talk to Laki first
“Sure. In a second.” You tell Keira, then pat her on the back as you get up. It’s not until she excitedly perks up that you realize you did it. Keira really responds to physical affection.

“Okay!” You sits cross legged and looks over the Kecleon.

You meet Laki halfway.

“Hey Soft Hands. What’s up?”

“Crazy battle.” You try to approach the subject tactfully. You’re just not sure about her reaction before.

“Yeah.” She sighs. “I really got my butt whupped, huh?”

“It wasn’t so bad. And Kecleon really seemed t-”

“It was. Don’t lie.” She says. “I barely stopped it. I was going to try taking it on myself because I didn’t think I had the skill to get Wailmer a win after he chewed through everyone else. It’s frustrating. Jane beats me in battles. Hana beats me in arm wrestling. Polu is better at surfing than I am at pole vaulting.” You don’t know about that last one. Polu’s great, but she went to the international games, right?

She seems to push all her concerns deep down. “Sorry, Soft Hands. I’m tired and complaining about nothing. I don’t complain this often, you know. You bring it out of me. Come on, let’s see if we get a reward for getting extra Kecleon.”

>Let it go. She changed the subject
>Try to reassure her she’s not doing badly
>Encourage her to train to improve one of the things she mentioned
>Offer to do something to make her feel better
>Something else
>Encourage her to train to improve one of the things she mentioned
>Try to reassure her she’s not doing badly
>Hug her
>Instead of worrying about how good you are, do it because you enjoy it. Yeah I'm good at cooking and fashion, but I only got good because I liked doing them. The more you do it the better you get. I don't care if someone beats me, I enjoy them for what they are.

>Try to reassure her she’s not doing badly
Cite things she does better than them.
Hey Gobble I just finished catching up with this quest through the archive so I'm happy to finally be here as it's happening. I'm a big fan keep up the good work!.

On topic
What this guy said.
>Encourage her to train to improve one of the things she mentioned
>Laki. You won. You did it. You've got to keep trying even when you doubt you can win. I would never have done anything in proud of doing in Loanah if I only did what I knew I could.
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On that note, any tips that would make things more noobie friendly? Like stuff in the OP? I want to be as accessible as possible.]
Does.. she mean Hana's mecha arm? Because.. I mean.. you can't beat the terminator.
I want to back this.. .and I hope it doesn't backfire.
>Try to reassure her she’s not doing badly
>Encourage her to train to improve one of the things she mentioned
>Offer to do something to make her feel better

I like this too.
A link to the lewdbins would be nice. As far as I know I'd need to hunt down the threads in the archive to find them. In one thread there was a link to a bin that had all your shit in a list but I don't have that anymore.

But that's a very minor thing. It's easy to get into and follow. I'm going to be hungry for my fix if this only runs once a week but I'll manage.
if you use the character info pastepin link you can then click gobbles account and see all the bins gobble has done.
the pastebin link is in the description
oh wait it's not, oh well you can just click on the account name from the one that is in the description.
>>Try to reassure her she’s not doing badly
>>Encourage her to train to improve one of the things she mentioned (rewards for success, such as the night before)
>>Offer to do something to make her feel better
“Wait, arm wrestling? You mean against Hana’s arm? Because that’s not exactly fair.”

“Fair is something wusses complain about. There’s never a fair fight. If you can’t overcome something because of a little unfairness, then your victory or defeat was just a coin flip anyway.” Her tone isn’t harsh, she seems to be reciting from somewhere else. To her, that’s just like correcting someone’s bad math. “And Jane just destroyed me.” You think that has more than one meaning.

You give her a hug.

“Anything to get a face full of tits, huh?” She squishes you into her chest. Oh gosh. “At least I’m doing good there.”

“You’re good in lots of places.”

She turns around to look at her rear. “You think so? It’s not too big?”

“I-I meant you’re being too hard on yourself.”

“So you want to be hard on me instead, huh?” She runs her hand below your belly button.

“You’re deflecting.”

“Maybe. But that’s better than falling so far behind that my juniors are overtaking me.

“Well, maybe you could train to get better. Like how you’ve been helping me get more fit.”

She considers what you’re saying. So much so that she removes herself from pressing against you. Your heart is happy she’s taking this seriously, but your body misses the contact already.

“How do you get motivated to get better?”

Now it’s your time to think. “I just really enjoy cooking and fashion. I try to get better because I want to explore more about it. Getting better is a side-effect of doing what I want, I guess. I don’t really care if someone’s better than me. I like those things anyway.”

“You know why I got into pole vaulting?”


“It looked easy. Competition for women looked weak and I thought it was an easy way to get glory. I wanted to win and didn’t care what I was winning.”

You’re not really sure what to say. “So you don’t know what you’re passionate about?”

“I liked it, after awhile. But I never let myself like it too much. Fun distracts from improvement. But I guess if that strategy worked, things would have gone different.” She gets up to stretch. “Alright. That’s enough . You bring out my inner Nemo.”


“Yeah, that. But I feel better. I'll think about training. I sort of have a plan already.”

You and Laki head back to where Keira is. She’s laying face up. You can’t really see her face.

Wait. She’s wiggling. No. Struggling! Something has her pinned down!

One of the net’s ropes comes loose.

>Go help Keira first!
>Attack the area around the net damage. You can’t risk them all getting loose
>Throw pokemon attacks at the Kecleon inside the net. Disable them now
>Something else
>Go help Keira first!
>Go help Keira with Dice
>Send Gobble, Mace and Bella to guard the hole.
>>Go help Keira first!
>Go help Keira first!

Guess we'll have to trust Laki to get the net.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, these are just Kecleon. No need to go to such extreme measures as unleashing the Frying Pan of +1 Dragon Smiting w/ non stick coating
>Go help Keira first!
Laki can get the rope
Chuck pokemon in Keira's general direction and then go and secure the rope ourselves.
Can Mace blast the sand so it covers everything? Might help us see any escaping kekleon.
>Attack the area around the net damage. You can’t risk them all getting loose
>Go help Keira first!
Laki growls and bursts into a run. You do your best not to fall too far behind. She’s got her eyes on her objective already.

“Wailmer!” Laki yells to her pokemon. It keeps trying to approach, but invisible assailants keep it at bay. “Don’t let them intimidate you! Rollout!”

You’re unable to resist watching the massive pokemon start rolling in. Luckily, the Kecleon all watch too. Wailmer bowls an unknown amount of nearly invisible opponents over. Laki is making her way towards the weak part of the net. You hope she has that covered.

“Keira!” You rush towards her. You see Bella, Dice, Gobble, and Mace in a circle, backs to each other and facing opponents. You know they’re all capable battlers, but without direction they seem to be unable to make much progress. It doesn’t help that they don’t know exactly where to attack. You also get the feeling that the Kecleon are only trying to keep them at bay.

Your bag is on the way to Keira, and your pokemon aren’t far from her either. You don’t want to have them all work to help her in case the Kecleon decide to swarm on them while they’re doing that. You could peel one or two of them off, though.

>Nah. Have all four work to free Keira
>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself!
>Have a pokemon use an attack over Keira
>Take your time and have your pokemon use moves that reveal the hidden Kecleon before getting serious
>Something else
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>>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself!
>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself!
>>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself!
>>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself!
>Take your time and have your pokemon use moves that reveal the hidden Kecleon before getting serious
>Take you time and have your pokemon use moves that reveal the hidden kecleon before getting serious
>Bust out our frying pan and roll for intimidation

Nice to see Laki seizing the initiative
>>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself!
Time for a beat down
>Take your time and have your pokemon use moves that reveal the hidden Kecleon before getting serious
First then when revealed join the fray and
>Use the frying pan and free Keira yourself
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[Roll it!]
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Rolled 76 (1d100)

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Herb confirmed badass when waifus are at stake
Pan-chan is best girl
Does this mean that Herb's inner Rayquaza can only be unleashed once he's obtained his harem?
what's Mallow doing to Sun??????
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oh course, it's as the legend foretold

A golden-haired hero shall rise to power over the islands, uniting the islands by taking a wife from each of them. With the power of Rayquaza beside him, he will lead the islands into a new age of prosperity
...is that a dick euphemism?
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You kick up your pan with your foot and catch it as you run forward. But you don’t strike the first Kecleon you can. Instead, you move past them and grab the one keeping the cloth over Keira’s mouth. You can feel that you have it by the scruff, and have that confirmed when it takes the colour of your arm. You toss it aside.

One jumps at you, but you block with the pan, let it drop tpo your foot, and send it flying like a sandal you’re kicking off. Another tries to get you with Fury Swipes, and once again you’re able to slap them away. You’re not even sure how. Your muscle memory just knows it, and somewhere in the back of your mind you remember playing a hand slap game with your sister. Or rather, her playing it at you.

You scoop up one Kecleon on Keira’s arm and throw it into the other. They bounce off each other and over some wet sand, getting a bit more visible.

Keira is able to get the others off her legs with her free arms. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

She isn’t able to follow up because a Kecleon swipes at her. She scurries back behind you.

Uh oh. They’re making a second hole in the net. They’re not all the way through yet, but they’ve gathered around it.

“Cut that out! We’re not trying to hurt you. We’re here to help!”

There’s a pause from the ones facing you, but not the ones near the net. Did Keira’s words get to them? Or are they just getting organized to do something?

Your pokemon gather by your side, being led by Gobble and Mace.

>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
>This is a golden chance to drive these ones into the net, then seal it
>Stop fighting and let them go free. Maybe you can figure out a way they can coexist
>Drive them away from the net
>Something else
Pan-fu, both a martial art and best girl

> try to reason with them
>This is a golden chance to drive these ones into the net, then seal it
>>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
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aether agent.jpg
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>>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
>>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
No scary Slakings
>Try to reason with them. It’s just a relocation
It has benefits like no one scary large pokemon that are one odor sleuth away from pounding them. And no people zapping random plants they're hiding near or not hiding near. And no jerks shoving you into nets!
“We’re not against you. We’re here to help.”

A few slow down on the net. But one of the stronger guards says something and they turn back to it.

“Listen to him.” Keira pleads.

“I know pokemon have lots of differences, but all pokemon want to be in harmony with nature, right?”

One makes a noise. Keira translates. “It’s humans that are out of touch.”

You ignore it. “The native pokemon of this island are suffering because they’re not able to get food. And I know you don’t like worrying about big, scary, angry, hungry pokemon coming after you. Or getting separated when only a few are moved at a time.”

They burst into noises.

“We’re not native pokemon?”

“It’s a trick!”

“Maybe he’s telling the truth. This place doesn’t feel right.”

“We can’t trust them. The last human like him was cruel.”

Keira looks frazzled trying to keep up with it all, but she gets out a few phrases. She misses most of them, though.

>Offer them some sort of collateral if they agree to be shipped away
>Max ruined any potential for trust. You’ve got to knock them out know and they’ll understand later
>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
>Appeal to their empathy for Slaking
>Something else
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>Offer them some sort of collateral if they agree to be shipped away
>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
No slaking is a pretty good one
Wait.. do they like the Slaking?
>Offer them some sort of collateral if they agree to be shipped away
>"I'll go with you."
[Not really. They don't want them to starve, but generally speaking they consider Slaking to be lazy, angry, dumb, smelly, and dangerous.]
>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
>Appeal to their empathy for Slaking
>Offer them some sort of collateral if they agree to be shipped away
>>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
>You may not trust me, but do you trust Kiera?
>You ended up here by other human's stupidity. I want to fix it unlike the last jerk.
Ah okay.

>Example: That last human was like a Slaking, dumb and lazy. You can't judge us all by one instance, just like we can't judge you based on the Slaking.
>Offer them some sort of collateral if they agree to be shipped away
>Keep telling them about how much better it will be
>Offer them some sort of collateral if they agree to be shipped away
>Example: That last human was like a Slaking, dumb and lazy. You can't judge us all by one instance, just like we can't judge you based on the Slaking.

That guy was a dick.
So, what's Laki doing right now? Just pummeling lizards left and right while we're diplomating, or what?
She's become the Lizard Queen. A faction of Keks has broken off and is deriding the others for not seeing her greatness. After all she caught the strongest of them.
>Laki brings out their former leader.
>Puts foot on his back, ordering him to order the rest to stand down
>Laki cracking riding crop
>All Kecleon bow down in submission and obey

All hail the Lizard Queen
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“It’ll be way better. No Slaking or Vigoroth, no guys like that last one who was zapping everyone.” They seem confused. “Humans aren’t all the same. Some are...well, like Slakings I guess. Angry, always hungry, lazy. You get the idea.”

They seem much calmer now. The net is loose, but they’re not pouring out. It’s more of a reunion.

“So the others that were taken are okay?”

“Yes.” You nod. Keira nods with you.

“How can we trust you?” No matter how often you hear Keira’s voice translate, it also seems weird to you. She’s always so cheery sounding.

“Collateral. I’ll go with you. That way you don’t have to worry about it being a trap.”

They discuss it among themselves. “No. Not you. Something else.”

“Why not me?”

“Too powerful a fighter. You could fight your way out. We couldn’t land a hit on you.”

Oh. Huh. Well that’s flattering. You think you’re just fluking your way through most of these.

>Offer one of your pokemon
>Ask if Keira wants to go
>Offer your pan as collateral
>Laki probably wouldn’t mind
>Something else
>Laki probably wouldn’t mind
Or, alternatively, could Laki free the Kekleon she caught?
>Offer your pan as collateral

I know it's like offering Excalibur at this point, but on the stipulation we get it back, it ought to work.
Mace, maybe? I don't wanna send one of the waifus. Gobble might do okay too. I din't trust Dice to pay attention and Bella will probably be antagonistic.
>you will be collateral.
>Offer food/feast upon reaching new location.
>If not, what would they deem a suitable gesture of good faith
>>Offer your pan as collateral
>"any volunteers?"
No, wait, I didn't see the pan option. Definitely the pan. Handle it with care. It's a family heirloom, been through four generations of pokemon journeys. Also sturdy.
Actually, I change my vote to the pan.

I want Herb to get really emotional about handing it over. Like, holding back tears and trembling hands emotional.
Laki's tradition doesn't let her release pokemon she has caught if I remember correctly.
I remember that, but there must be exceptions for extenuating circumstances, right? Like allowing the pokemon to go back to it's 'tribe'?
>Offer your pan as collateral
Gobble is kill
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“How about this?” You hold up your pan. They all gasp in amazement. It’s like some mythical weapon of old. You set it down in front of you. It feels like detaching and handing over a limb.

They scatter over it. A few of them drag it back. “Without his magical weapon, even he can’t stand against all of us.” Keira translates for one. They take turns touching it.

“So it’s a deal?” You’re incredibly anxious to be separated from it already. You hope they don’t get any ideas.

“Yes. We believe you. But we’ll return it when we’re safe.”

“What about our champion?”

Oh yeah. “I’ll talk to Laki.” You know her island has a tradition about keeping the pokemon they catch, but there’s got to be some sort of exception, right?

“Laki! Laki!” You and Keira run over to her. She’s on her knees, holding a limp Kecleon in one hand, raised fist in another. Her clothes are tattered, her hair's a mess, she’s covered in light scratches. She sees you and the Kecleon in much more peaceful situation. “What the shit?” She drops the Kecleon. It manages to scramble away from her.

“We worked out a deal.” Keira explains.

Laki just slumps back onto her bum.

You and Keira fill Laki in. She’s so worn out that she just accepts it without any questions. At least, until you get to the part with her Kecleon.

“Release it, huh?” She looks to Keira to check something.

Keira nods.

Laki stretches. “Yeah. I guess I can.” Despite her tone, you get the sense that there’s a lot going on underneath.

“But I thought if someone from your island catches a pokemon, they have to train it no matter what.”

“Kecleon doesn’t want that. There are ways around it.”

“Like what?”

“Don’t worry about it, Soft Hands.”

>Press her.
>Okay. Let’s get this going then.
>Promise you’ll make it up to her
>See if you can convince Kecleon that training under Laki is a good thing
>Something else
> Press her
If this is another vision quest, we gotta do it with her. It was our idea in the first place.

Also I want weird dream sequences with that cutie.
>>See if you can convince Kecleon that training under Laki is a good thing
>>She's stronger than I am. She trained me.
>>Okay. Let’s get this going then.
you shouldn't take a pokemon away from its tribe. Especially since it seems like this one is a leader
>Promise you’ll make it up to her
We can ask her about it later
>>Press her.
>Promise you’ll make it up to her
>Okay. Let’s get this going then.
>Promise you’ll make it up to her
>Promise you’ll make it up to her
>>See if you can convince Kecleon that training under Laki is a good thing
Sure try the other Anons reasoning.
>>She's stronger than I am. She trained me.
If diplomacy fails then we can talk about releasing, but not yet.
>Press her.
Tell her we need to understand what it is we're asking of her. We don't want to sacrifice her integrity.
>Okay. Let’s get this going then.
>Promise you’ll make it up to her

Don't want to press our luck.
I am now imagining that a bunch of Kecleon telling their children the legend of the man with the pan, a weapon so strong used by a man so great that they could never beat him.
>>Promise you’ll make it up to her
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

She smirks. “You sure love making work for yourself, Soft Hands. But don’t worry about it.”

She says that, but you’ve already made up your mind. You’ll just have to do it later, though.

“Where’s Wailmer?” Keira looks around. It’s not on the land anywhere. Was it knocked out?”

“Wailord.” Laki beams. A huge jet of water erupts from the ocean, as if she summoned it. “I think he was close to evolving before I caught him.”

You, Keira, Laki, and your pokemon find the man in charge and explain that the Kecleon are willing to leave.

“Eh? What?” He doesn’t seem to believe what you’ve said. At least, until he goes to look at the discolored blob of kecleon on the beach..“Well I’ll be. How’d you manage that?”

Keira tells him all about it. You’re feeling a bit introspective still. You keep trying to figure out what Laki’s hiding.

“Well, I have to say. I am impressed.” He bows deeply to Laki. She looks pretty shaken at the gesture. He bows to Keira next, and she accept sit with an unusual maturity and grace. She seems able to just switch that on for when she needs to be more Priestess-like.

Then he bows to you. It’s subtle, but you can tell it’s slightly less than what he did for Laki and Keira.

>Ask why
>Well, that’s fine. Let’s get these Kecleon delivered
>Shake his hand. It’s your custom
>Something else
>>Well, that’s fine. Let’s get these Kecleon delivered
> shake his hand and move on
> concern for Laki intensifies
>Shake his hand. It’s your custom
>Something else
"It was a pleasure to meet you."
>Well, that’s fine. Let’s get these Kecleon delivered
>Shake his hand. It’s your custom

>ask how far the four of you we be traveling to deliver them.

We do need to get Peter Pan back somehow.
>Well, that’s fine. Let’s get these Kecleon delivered
>Shake his hand. It’s your custom
Peter Pan?
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our panacea

the mighty frying pan
The pan above all pans. The holy pan. The one pan to rule them all.
I named our pan "Peter". The one the keks have?
I hope this name becomes Canon. I think it would be cute if Herb named his pan.
You reach out and shake his hand. He isn’t really sure what to do with that and freezes up.

“It’s a custom from the mainland. A handshake is a sign of respect.”

He considers it and checks his hand after you let go. “I see. Is it among equals? If so, you shouldn’t make assumptions.”

“I didn’t mean to be presumptuous.” Uh oh. You’re getting worried now.

“Son. I don’t think you realize what I’m saying. This island owes the three of you a great debt. Today, you carry a heavy honor.” He gestures to Laki. “You especially.” He takes out some paper and begins writing something. “When you get back to Eelilee, give this note to the temple.”

“Thanks!” Keira smiles. “Where are the Kecleon going?”

“There’s a small island set aside just for this sort of thing nearby. If they want, they can go back to the mainland on the next freighter, or stay there.”

“Great.” Laki says. “I’ll release the one I caught.” She bows and leaves.

>Ask the old man something
>Ask Keira something
>Go with Laki
>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
>Something else
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[Last update for tonight. But we'll pick up early tomorrow. Likely have the aura mixing with Keira assuming votes go that way. Thanks for coming, everyone!]
>>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
>Ask Keira something
>Go with Laki
>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting

Gotta get that practice in.
>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
>>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
>>Go with Laki
>>Heal the Pokemon as best you can while you’re waiting
Are threads always this short? Maybe it's because I only took part in /tg/ stuff and Gobs is one I've recently tried to pick up, but it seems that /tg/'s threads went on for a lot longer.

Not bashing you Gobble, run for however long you want, I'm just curious.
[This is a really short one. Sorry. Tomorrow's will be about twice as long]
Goodnight Gobble, thanks for running!

I'm really interested in whatever is going on with Laki, but I don't want to press her too hard either. I'm nervous that she's being saddled with more internal conflict than she already has. Hopefully a good dose of vitamin Herb will help her out. (Vitamin Herb is emotional support.)
>Go with Laki
Something's definately wrong.
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[Thanks, Pizza.

Before I'm off, can I get three rolls for healing? We'll use that for tomorrow's update]
I'm so glad you clarified, because I thought you were saying Laki needed HUGE HULKING HERB DICKINGS.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Thanks for running
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Come on Dice!
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Shit stain green brown is a good color for dice.
Either way, thanks for running! Always the highlight of the week.
Thanks for the reply my dude. Didn't know if that was just how people rolled here or not. I'm enjoying the quest, though, maximun comfy.
Thanks for running Gobble! You are the best!
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I have a suspicion that the champion Kecleon may not want to go with his buddies....

It seems too poetic not to happen.
Well, I think it's safe to say we are getting better at healing
That would be a really cool thing.
>Your muscle memory just knows it, and somewhere in the back of your mind you remember playing a hand slap game with your sister. Or rather, her playing it at you.

Herbs Onee-San is an even bigger badass than him. The reason for his self-esteem issues are because he's been comparing himself to her his whole life.
I realize it's a bit early to think about this, but is anyone else intetested in playing a straight-up wandering hero Aura Guardian in the next Pokemon Quest (Gobble or otherwise, thiugh preferably Gobble)?
"Keira really responds to physical affection."
Kieras cute, looking forward to aura mixing, we should be able to learn about our healing abilities.
I think she's more than impressed after the poison gym, pan ninja, diplomacy and now the 97 healing rol, she'll be more than willing to be colonised
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But Kiera was ready to from the start
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jungle temple.jpg
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then we must fulfill our sacred duty as a conquistador

Reminder that the fertility ritual is canon as well. What kind of person would we be if we didn't help Kiera with the islands' crops?
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Loanah locations with card2.png
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Top Kec

Character info pastebin in progress: http://pastebin.com/iB0tb7rz
Dice odds for best of 3: http://pastebin.com/994WTT3g
All pastebins: https://pastebin.com/u/Gobblepokemon

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics involve three rolls of 1d100, taking the best, and using the base accuracy and crit ranges of the game, roughly, but the 'turn order' will be more like the anime, where sometimes you can do a few moves in a row or be hit by a combo of moves yourself, all depending on circumstances. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves, so beware of that timing. Speed is more important for closing ground, intercepting, and other things and doesn't necessarily mean going first. Infact, you can do more than one move in a row like the anime, but so can your opponents.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture, mostly likely a butt.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Belladonna (Roselia)
Dice (Totodile)

Badges: 3

Recently: You successfully rounded up a metric ton of Kecleon, and watched Laki battle a very motivated and strong one.
The "Recently:" is the same as last OP's. Not sure if that's intentional though.
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Feels a little early.
Isn't it nice?
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Sure. Still trying to find the bathroom and kitchen, but sure.
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You decide your time is best spent healing everyone up. They gave their all and they deserve it. You’re really feeling on the ball today too. Must have been that extra sleep you got.

You start with your pokemon. They aren’t too bad and don’t need that much. You find Bella is exaggerating her injury to try to milk sympathy out of you. You also find yourself giving it anyway because she’s so cute about it. Mace is stoic about his. Looks like he was running a lot of interference for the others. Gobble doesn’t have much of note, except you notice he’s getting a lot stronger. Dice barely notices, but seems very easy to treat. He’s got to mental armor. You find that when a pokemon is nervous or upset or just not very open, they’re harder to treat. Dice is the easiest customer by far. Barely a thought is held back. Or used. But that’s okay. He doesn’t seem worse off for it.

You heal up the other’s pokemon as well. Nincada is very grateful. It opens up, but only after you’re done. It’s a shy little critter. Cutiefly seems very invigorated by it. Tropius is starting to really like you and even rests her head on your lap. You wish you could sit back and relax like that, but there are more pokemon to heal.

Wailord is open and happy, but takes a lot out of you. That’s a pokemon with a large constitution! Chatot is a bit embarrassed about it’s loss before and takes some effort. Meowth seems very entitled to it, as well as some scratches.

You go to the Kecleon now too. They’re cautious at first, but after the first one, they’re in awe. You heal them up a few at a time. You’re going way paste your previous limits on the amount you’re doing, but you guess because you’re pacing it out, had a good long rest, spent the day before relaxing, and have been eating well, you have a lot of reserve energy. You’re pretty inspired by how amazed the Kecleon are with you, too. They’re mostly not very hurt, so that helps as well. They swarm over their champion to tell him all about it when he comes back. You guess Laki is all done releasing him.

Keira turns it down. “I’m fine. I just got held down. They were actually really gentle. That cloth tasted bad, though.” She winks. “How about some cooking instead?”

“Sure. I could whip up a-”

“Herb. I was kidding.” She giggles. “You already did a lot. Relax.”

You glance over to Laki to see how she’s doing. She clearly doesn’t want to talk about it. She’s not in a bad mood, but she looks like she wants to be left with her thoughts for awhile. You all head to Wailmer, and the Kecleon board as well. Keira volunteered to take the Kecleon to the small island instead of waiting for their ship. You’re glad. That means less waiting to get your pan back.

“Thanks again, young ones.” The old man says, then looks to you. “You’re one of the good ones.”

>Cool. Let’s go!
>Wait, there’s something else I want to do on this island
>Something else
>Cool. Let’s go!
Nothing else to do here right?
>Cool. Let’s go!

Don't think so.
>>Cool. Let’s go!

So are some people gonna return to the island soon to see the Kecleon with crudely made stone or wood frying pans?
>Cool. Let's go!

>He's got to mental armor
>way paste your previous limits
>Cool. Let’s go!

>You all head to Wailmer
Didn't it evolve?
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[And this]
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edit me 35.png
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>>Cool. Let’s go!
That mirror makes her look fat. Mostly in the thighs and arms.
>Cool. Let’s go!

>“Thanks again, young ones.” The old man says, then looks to you. “You’re one of the good ones.”
Fucking Max. Should start calling him Max DICK. That'll show him.
Sounds like a porn actor's pseudonym.
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You have nothing left to do here, and decide to leave. You all get aboard Wailord. This is a huge upgrade in room. Despite the near army of Kecleon, there’s still plenty of space. You check your map for where you’re going.

“Oh! I know this island! It’s a reserve for mainlander pokemon!” Keira points.

“A reserve?”

“Yeah huh! A long time ago, when the sailors started appearing, we kept them all to one island, Take. But the pokemon they brought still sometimes found their way to other places. So we set aside some small islands. Lots of mainlander Pokemon end up here when caught. We have to be really careful not to let any on Wailmer when we leave.”

“So it has a lot of food for them?”

“Oh yeah. The grass temple even has a whole sect dedicated to keeping mainlander plants here. I’ve only stopped by for short visits, but it seems really neat. Your plants don’t do well in the heat. But with the right cooling and canopy, everything works out.”

You arrive after a surprisingly short trip. You didn’t even have time to think about training. The Kecleon depart off onto the island. They cautiously check out the beach, and slowly expand out. They don’t seem to want to leave you.

The champion holds out your pan. But it doesn’t seem ready to give it over just yet. He looks upset. But also like the pan might give him some sort of power.

You look back at Laki. She’s still on Wailmer, on the far end. Way out of earshot.

>Wait for him to be ready. No rush. Sure, you really want to get it back and you think they painted on the handle and you were worried about somebody dropping it into the ocean and just want to hold it so you can feel secure again. But no rush.
>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all
>We had a deal. Come on
>Ask it what happened with Laki
>Something else
>>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all
>Ask it what happened with Laki

Talking about feelings woo!
>Ask it what happened with Laki
>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all
>Wait for him to be ready. No rush. Sure, you really want to get it back and you think they painted on the handle and you were worried about somebody dropping it into the ocean and just want to hold it so you can feel secure again. But no rush.
Don't really want to press the poor guy, but i want to know all the things
I'm hoping we choose photography as our hobby of passion next quest, and I'm really hoping it'll be a Gobble Pokemon quest. I can't really get enough of it. Gobble, you're my only Pokemon fix atm.

>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all
That way he can still hold Peter every once in a while.
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>Wait for him to be ready. No rush. Sure, you really want to get it back and you think they painted on the handle and you were worried about somebody dropping it into the ocean and just want to hold it so you can feel secure again. But no rush.
>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all

> We have to be really careful not to let any on Wailmer when we leave.”
>>Ask it what happened with Laki
>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all
>Wait for him to be ready. No rush. Sure, you really want to get it back and you think they painted on the handle and you were worried about somebody dropping it into the ocean and just want to hold it so you can feel secure again. But no rush.
>Wait for him to be ready. No rush. Sure, you really want to get it back and you think they painted on the handle and you were worried about somebody dropping it into the ocean and just want to hold it so you can feel secure again. But no rush.
>Ask if he wants to come with you guys after all

There are a couple of instances of wailord being referred to as wailmer.
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edit me 39.jpg
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[I kept calling it Wailord before, now I've gotten too used to it!]
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10/10 would edit
You sit cross legged next to him. You really, really want your pan back. You’ve become surprisingly attached to it after it’s saved your bacon more than a few times. And in a few different ways, too.

It eyes you up and down. Keira comes and plops right next to you. And you wait.


It glances up at you, then goes back to checking out it’s magical weapon.

You patiently vibrate your leg and look around. The other Kecleon all seem preoccupied with their new home. You have to admit, they seem more attuned to this some of flora. Actually, you feel a sort of nostalgia here, too. The smell of the different trees reminds you of your old home.

“Did you maybe want to come with us after all?”

It looks offended. Angry, even. It throws the pan back at you, but it goes wide over your head and lands in the shallow beach water. You rush over to get it, as if it will float away. It huffs off in a puff.

“He said you don’t get to fight, catch, release, and re-invite it.” Keira tells you. “And some other words that my old teacher told me I should find substitutes for when translating.”

You watch it vanish into the greenery. It makes you a bit sad to part on that note. All the other Kecleon seem happy though. You get the feeling you might see him again.

“I’ll make dinner.” Laki appears out of nowhere.

“You can cook?” Keira asks.

“Of course I can cook.” She takes an apron out of nowhere. “My mom actually used to want me to make a nice housewife. I guess some of it stuck.” The apron is clearly made for someone less...shapely.

“So Herb. What do you want to do now?”

>Go for a walk. Explore the island
>Aura mixing
>Train. You need to get stronger
>Something else
>>Go for a walk. Explore the island
>Aura mixing
Sounds interesting
>>Aura mixing
>Aura mixing

It about time to learn some of the voodoo.
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>>Aura mixing
>Aura mixing
>Teach me about aura, sensei.
>Aura mixing
>>Aura mixing
[Small delay in the next update.]
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Man I'm late, we need to train more guys
I was gonna vote for having fun combo cooking with Laki and maybe teach ehr something, but aura mixing is good too

Maybe we'll have time after? Probably not, though
I agree, we've trained like once per island
We do a lot of training, it just doesn't feel like it because the one we're training is usually Herb. This is going to be the second time this thread that we do so, the first being our first casting of "mass heal."
We aren't an especially focused trainer, it's not like herb wants to become the champion. I'd be content if we never even beat the islands' elite four
“Can we do aura mixing?”

“Oh. Oh goodness.” You think she’s blushing. You can’t see it through her face paint, of course, but the way she looks away and her eyes dart, it’s hard to imagine anything else going on. “Yes. Yes of course. I’ll get things ready.”

She scurries off to the edge of the brush, but stops. “It’ll take awhile. Laki, can you keep our food aside?”

Laki looks up. “Huh? Yeah. Okay. You’re welcome.” You look to Laki, but she gives a reassuring look to let you know she’s not being serious, and that she doesn’t mind. “Go do your thing.”

Alright. If she’s okay.

“Wait. Herb?”

You stop. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for being you. I know I’ve been taking up all your time and generally being a huge mess. Just want you to know I’m good, and you don’t always have to be at my beck and call. You’ve got things going on too. I guess I’m saying I appreciate it, but I’ll be fine if you’re not always available. I don't like dumping it all on you like that, and I'm sure you're sick of it by now.”

>It's really no problem
>Maybe she'd feel better if she found a way to repay you
>You like being needed
>Give her a hug. That always says what you need
>Something else
>Give her a hug. That always says what you need
>It's really no problem
but if it really bothers you
>Maybe she'd feel better if she found a way to repay you
>>It's really no problem
>It's really no problem
>It's really no problem
>Maybe she'd feel better if she found a way to repay you
>You like being needed
>Give her a hug. That always says what you need
>Something else
All of it.
Though, instead of being needed say he likes helping.
Agree with >>1459936
>It's really no problem
>Ask her if she's up for training your pokemon together
This is fine
I imagine Herb likes feeling needed tho too
I feel like Herb is the sort of person who's demands are "don't ever be afraid to ask for help, especially from me." and means it seriously.
Seems accurate.
Also, it's interesting that Laki is thinking that she's the one taking up our time, when we're having her chauffeur us around and she's always looking out for us. Laki's a nice girl.
“I like helping. It’s really not a problem.” You go to hug her. She sets the ladle down to hug back, but not before making sure nobody is watching. “Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Especially from me.”

“You’re a sweet guy, Herb. I feel guilty making you do so much. But uh, don't tell anyone I said that.”

“I really don’t mind. But if you want, -and this isn’t an obligation-," you feel the need to add, "maybe you can find something to do for me.” Like help you sew up a nice costume for your pokemon. Or shop for exotic island spices. You don’t like asking her for a favor, but you know how you feel when you want to repay someone. You’ve learned that letting someone do you a favor can actually be a favor to them.

“I bet you’re thinking of some ways right now.” She laughs and winks. “We’ll see. But you look like you’re going to do fine in that area without me. Go get your dick wet.”

“I’m not- I mean, we-”

She laughs. “You really are the easiest person in the world to tease. But seriously though. If you need girl advice, I’m close enough to one. I’ll help you get in there.”

“Laki. Look at you. You’re super feminine.” You blurt out before your brain comes up with a better way to phrase it.

She turns you around and slaps you on the butt. “Go. I’ll keep an eye on the pokemon. Come on. What’s someone got to do to get some alone time?”

You follow her instructions and go. Now, where did Keira get to?

“Boo!” A bush with eyes scares the pasta out of you.

“Ah!” You stumble back.

“I like that word. ‘Boo’.” She muses. “Come. Sit. Oh, and get naked.”


“Well, you don’t have to, but it helps most people. It’s a symbolic barrier. Your choice, though.”

>If it helps...
>Go down to your shorts
>Keep your clothes on. You’re getting pretty good at this aura stuff
>This isn't a trick, is it?
>Ask her to stop playing so many pranks
>Something else
Thats well-built, not fat ya git. It's fucking hot is what it is.
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>>If it helps...
>>If it helps...
>If it helps...
>This isn't a trick, is it?
>>If it helps...
>If it helps...
>If it helps...
>If it helps...

When in Rome I suppose.
Steel yourself Herb.
>If it helps...
>This isn't a trick, is it?
>If it helps...
>This isn't a trick, is it?
>If it helps...

Yes good
> scares pasta out of you
I imagine Herb uses types of pasta as exclamatory phrases. It pleases me.

>If it helps...
What are other good food expressions?
Now we're cooking with gas!
The world is your oyster.
Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea!
That's the way the cookie crumbles.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Breaking bread. (Maybe)
What am I, chopped liver?
Your goose is cooked.
Herb is not to get naked with anyone but his wife, Laki

especially not some ugly warthog with a skull face
“If it helps...” You start taking your shirt off. Then everything else except your underwear. You turn around and see her completely naked.

“You’re still upset.” She says, referring to that night in the shed, looking a bit depressed. “It’s okay.”

“No. No. It’s fine.” You quickly shunt them down. “I was just surprised.”

She stares. Why does she have to stare? You’re actually almost thankful. The pressure keeps it from acting up. At least, for a moment. But then it moves.

“Great!” She finally stops and clasps her hands. Thank Arceus. “Okay. sit here. Now, this can be pretty intense. We’ll both have some control, but not all of it. It’s like two people on a canoe going down an unfamiliar river. Before we start, is there anything I should avoid?”

“What do you mean?” You keep your eyes on hers. Mostly. She doesn’t seem to be offering the same consideration for your modesty, though.

“I mean, we’re made up of our experiences, and so when you’re exploring an aura, you also explore memories. Well, sort of.”

“Isn’t that more of a psychic thing?”

“Yes!” She lights up. “So you know a bit about that? That’s neat! But we don’t just look for specific memories. They come out on their own if they represent that aspect of you a lot. But they also get modified sometimes. Or it’s not a memory, but a scenario. It’s mostly feelings, but those do pop up.”

“I don’t really understand.”

“It’s okay. You will when we get into it.” She adjusts how she’s sitting and you end up with a slightly better view. “Is there anything we should avoid?”

You inhale and consider her question. A lot of memories seem to randomly spark out at you with all these familiar trees and plants and smells.

>Nope. You want to be an open book
>Feelings of inadequacy. That’s just too much to expose
>Physical aspects. Your right hand has some muscle memory you’d like to not let her be familiar with
>Feelings of pride. It might be embarrassing if your prideful moments aren’t that impressive
>Religious feelings
>Something else
>Private memories?
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>Physical aspects. Your right hand has some muscle memory you’d like to not let her be familiar with
>Nope. You want to be an open book
We're already naked in front of her.
> Private memories. Things you can't talk about.
>>Nope. You want to be an open book
It's fiiiiine~

Also, hi Gobble!
>Physical aspects. Your right hand has some muscle memory you’d like to not let her be familiar with

This is a fair enough inhibition.
Yeah, let's keep her away from seeing our escapades with Hana and Laki. Not out of shame, but because it's not totally ours to share, you know? Oh, and Rayquaza and Polu's private conversations. Basically, secrets that are not our own.

Otherwise, I think an openness will do us good.
>Nope. You want to be an open book
>We're probably both going to know some embarrassing stuff about each other after this, so we'll be kind of even, right?
I agree. Those aren't ours to share.
I hadn't thought about that, but that's a good point. I'll back this.
You know what, I agree with this as well.
Yeah, the latter is what I was trying to get at with private memories
I had a suspicion as much, but the phrasing was a little vague. If I were to put it into words Herb would speak verbatim, it would be
>"Private moments with others and secrets I've promised to keep."
That way we cover bases like how Jane didn't want us to talk about how much she owes Laki.
>Something else
the spirit meditation dream thing with Rayquaza.

>Physical aspects. Your right hand has some muscle memory you’d like to not let her be familiar with
I want to know what this is about.
That's a good way of putting it
Jerking off I'd guess
Supporting this.
Secret carrot peeling technique.
Does that really cause muscle memory?
Try jerking it with your non-dominant hand and see if it feels the same.

Science CAN be fun!

But seriously, report back.
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“It’s not likely I’ll even see anything, but it’s better to be careful. I really wouldn’t know any details unless that one memory was the pillar of that part of you. Like if you have a bad rash for a long time and can never get rid of it, that might be the part of you that represents discomfort.”

“Well, just one thing. I have some private memories.”

She cocks her head.

“Physically intimate private memories. That involve other people.”

“Who?” She leans in excitedly.

“That’s the thing. I’d like to keep them secret. I feel like it’s not just mine to share. And a few other things that involve secrets.” You think about Jane. Then Rayquaza. Oh yeah, that’d be bad. "I guess just things that feel secret and involve other people. I don't know if that counts as a category. But yeah. That sort of thing."

She leans back, a bit disappointed. “As a priestess, I'd never reveal anything like that, but alright.” She sets a tub of what looks like ordinary body paint between the two of you, then holds out a pestle with something crushed in it. You guess she’s going to mix it in. “It’s different tea than your vision quest, but the same idea. The more we use, the more intense it can get. We don’t need it, especially since you seem to have a bit of a gift, but it helps too.”

>All of it
>Just a small amount
>Something else
>All of it

We do this all the way or the wrong way.
>>All of it
lets go mother fuckers
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880KB, 664x1050px
>All of it
>is that all you have?
>>All of it
It's a goddamn culinary experience.
>All of it

Worked fine last time. Everybody's got some baggage, but Herb's basically just got a carry-on. We should be ok.
>All of it
>All of it
Badass Herb does it again
>>All of it
All or nothing!
>>All of it

Fuck it, why not. Just hope this doesn't devolve into another grope fest or something. Not sure how I feel about Laki's responses to the aura stuff, I thought it was just a kind of meditation?
All of it
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>All of it
>All of it
Laki's just a lewd girl who likes to tease us by acting like she thinks we're lewd too.
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it can get "intimate" according to Kiera

Hopefully it devolves into a fertility ritual
>All of it

For the record, I think this is imbecilic. However, the safe option is never the fun option.
That is only during special times at certain temples iirc
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better to practice beforehand, wouldn't want to mess something up
From the sounds of things it can get intimate mentally, like a mind meld. You're sharing experiences and such.
But actual intimacy? Eeeeeeehhh. It'd feel kinda forced to me right now.
I just feel it would probably mess with Herb if he's done sexy times now with three girls in about a week.

>I want Laki to have Herb "Be A Man" and they both invite her to sleep with them.

Though then there's Laki's own reluctance to get close to a priest, and Herb's own self confidence issues.
Valeries mom is best girl.
We need a better censored version of this picture, you can't even tell that Dexio is banging Sun.
“All of it.” You tell her.

She hesitates for just a moment, but puts it all in. You watch her struggle to mix it all for awhile, and then she hands it to you. “You’ve got to help too.”

“Oh sure.” You mix. You would have volunteered before, but you don’t know if you’d just be getting in the way or not. You mix it like a typical batter, even counting the strokes to make sure you do it enough. “I think it’s ready.”

She looks it over. “Perfect! Ready?”

“Yup!” You’re glad the islands are so warm. Being naked outside in the shade is surprisingly comfortable.

“Good.” She slaps paint into both of your hands. “Follow the rhythm.” She tells you.

You have no idea what she’s talking about, but you assume you’ll figure it out. She runs her hand up yours with a thick coat of paint, then pulls back. You lean forward and run your hands over hers. Oh. you think you get it. She runs her hands back again, but this time going up your forearm. You do the same. Then up your arm entirely. You do the same.

This goes back and forth a few times, and you sort of lose yourself in it. You didn’t notice how the thrum of your heartbeat got so loud, but it’s drowned out the other sounds. The waves of your auras splash into each other. You’re no longer two people painting each other. You’re like two glasses pouring water back and forth.

You feel the tide pouring into her. She opens herself up like a book, offering to steer you wherever you’d like to start out with. You probably won’t be able to get very deep on this first go. So wherever you choose to start with, you shouldn’t expect too much with.

>Her sense of pride
>Her anxiety
>Her sense of physical movement
>Her joy
>Her guilt
>Something else
>Her sense of pride
Maybe just go down the list?
>Her joy
>>Her anxiety
> her guilt
Herb is best mom, he will do his best to make it all better
Her anxiety
>Something else
>Her sexuality
Her anxiety
>>Her sense of physical movement
>Her guilt
>Her anxiety

I hope we'll get to do all of these, and that Keira will get to do the same to us. This is really cool.
>Her anxiety
too forward man, herb wouldn't ask that, you've got to let her come to you
>Her guilt
No one handed him a manual on how to drive this spirit train.
You dip into her anxiety. You’re not sure why. You’re still getting used to this and it was there.

It’s a curious and small place. But it’s still there. You feel her waters splash in behind you, like a supervisor watching you cook and being on standby if you need help. Or after that one time you burnt some stuff and your little brother thought he was helping by watching with the fire extinguisher on hand. He couldn’t even lift it by himself.

But it’s not about you. You just felt that anxiety. Her’s comes more into focus now. Just a little bit. You see her anxiety about offending. There’s something else just a layer deeper, though. She has some sort of decision that she’s unsure about. But you’re already fall back and don’t see anything else about it.

You splash into yourself now. Keira’s aura feels more familiar and intimate by the moment, and you think you can give her just a little bit of a nudging.

She’s following the same direction; your anxiety. You’re already into it before you get the hang of adding your own push to this pendulum. But you do have the chance to guide where it touches. Your instinct is to flow into the most prominent concern.

What’s nagging at Herb the most right now, in his opinion?

>Too many secrets. You might spill the beans by accident
>You’re not doing enough to prepare your pokemon
>Too much sexy time, too fast. It’s intimidating
>You don’t do enough for your friends
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>Something else
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>Too much sexy time, too fast. It’s intimidating
>You don’t do enough for your friends
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion

I can't help but feel the suddenly much more sexual nature of the journey would be overwhelming, and the latter has come up several times. Herb spreads himself too thin.
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
This or too much smexy time, either or
>You're not doing enough to prepare your Pokemon
>You're taking on too many tasks and you're going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
We need more focus.
Also >>1460514
>Too much sexy time, too fast. It’s intimidating
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
>You don’t do enough for your friends
>You’re taking on too many tasks and you’re going to mess up eventually in a spectacular fashion
I like the contrast. "I've got too much on my plate but I'm not doing enough!"
>Too much sexy time, too fast. It’s intimidating
>Too many secrets. You might spill the beans by accident
>"What's going to happen if I have to choose between them? I like all of them, and I've done things with some of them, but what if they all start to hate me because I'm keeping all these secrets, and what if I end up hurting them because I can't choose between them?"

I think something like this is a good summary of all that's likely to be bothering Herb right now.
adding >You don’t do enough for your friends
>>Too much sexy time, too fast. It’s intimidating
>You’re not doing enough to prepare your pokemon
There’s a lot to be anxious about. Part of you is concerned about how much sexual exploration you’re doing so quickly. Do you know what you’re doing? Not just physically, but emotionally? [blocked] seemed fine with how things went. And [blocked] was ready to go all the way but respected you not feeling quite ready. But what are you ready for? What are the implications? What if you’re not big enough.

Part of you is concerned that you’re not doing too much for your friends. You can’t help but think you should be supporting Valerie at her contest, or checking in with Hana. What about Polu? He’s all alone right now. Laki seems to need a lot of help too. Oh, and there’s Keira. She seems really competent (awww) but you’ve seen her be vulnerable too. Are you helping her enough?

The biggest concern though, is about how much you’re taking on. You’ve dived into almost everything you can. Taking every job and every task. You’ve never done this much at once before. You’ve tried complicated recipes with lots of things going at once. You’ve seen outfits that had too much stuff on one person and came out looking like absurd costumes. You know how taking on too much at once ends. You’re going to let everyone down. Hard. The pressure is getting to you, and you know you won't be able to keep this good streak going. Not with your luck. Not with your level of competence.

You’re pulled out of that as the tide turns forward. You’re coming in a decent amount harder this time right into Keira. Up her fingers and wrists and arms into her soul. You decide where to nudge where you’ll splash. It’ll be a bit deeper this time.

>Her fear
>Her pride
>Her body
>Her joy
>Her guilt
>Her duty
>Her joy
>Her pride
>Her joy
>Her fear
>Her fear

Let's start with the tough stuff and gradually move into the nicer stuff.
>>Her joy
>Her fear
I really enjoy these introspective bits Gobble.

> What if you’re not big enough.
Kek. The light humor is also good.
>Her guilt
I feel like that's where Herb would focus.

I wouldn't mind
>her body
>Her joy

Let's try something more lighthearted.
>Her joy
[I'm glad. I worried about overdoing it last quest, but it seems popular. It really helps get a more solid idea of characters so I love doing it.]
>>Her joy
Can we do aura mixing with other people? It might be interesting to see Hana's body aura.
Maylene is best gymleader.
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There's not enough art of her.
I want us to enter meditation with a Lucario and then boop its snoot.
You spill into her joy. You can almost feel the giggles before you get in there.

This is a big place. Big, warm, and pretty. Like being poured into a gigantic, well lit, warm vase. To you, it’s like a hot tub. To her, it’s a hot spring. Your two visions of it merge a bit. There’s a small sense of naughtiness and fear inside the air bubbles, but they’re turned into joy when they combine.

Everything here is light enough to float. A whoopie cushion from recent memory bumps into you. There goes you panicking about the “spell” she put on you when you first met. There’s her replacing the head priest's paint remover with permanent ink.

You go deeper. Inside, you see her talking with the Grass Priest. You see her swinging from a tree. Now she’s guiding a spirit to the next life and they’re unafraid, having lived a full life. Now a warm, simple hug.

All of these things give her joy.

You’re falling back. It’s going to splash back into you. You don’t feel as separate anymore. Her water has mixed a lot with yours, and it’s only going to allow her deeper into you, and you into her. You both mix into each other and come rocketing (what’s a rocket?) into your pride. You hit a spot you were weren’t giving much conscious attention to.

What’s something Herb is proud of, that maybe he hasn’t acknowledged much?

>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You’re stronger than ever before
>You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm. Oh yeah.
>You’ve been a total badass fighting pokemon. How are you so good?
>Something else
>you're stronger than ever before
>>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You’re stronger than ever before
>You did some super crazy awesome things.
>You’ve been a total badass fighting pokemon. How are you so good?
secret agent Herb
> You're a total accidental badass
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were

>You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm. Oh yeah.
as a continuation.
>Something else
>You can heal! How cool is that!?
>>You’ve been a total badass fighting pokemon. How are you so good?
>>>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You’re stronger than ever before
>You did some super crazy awesome things.
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You’re stronger than ever before
>You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm. Oh yeah.
>You’ve been a total badass fighting pokemon. How are you so good?

yes to all
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You’re stronger than ever before
>You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm. Oh yeah.
>You made friends! Your expectations were so low you didn’t even want to acknowledge how proud you were
>You’re stronger than ever before
>You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm. Oh yeah.
>You’ve been a total badass fighting pokemon. How are you so good?

All of the above. These are all things Herb has to be proud of.
>You’ve been a total badass fighting pokemon.
>You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm. Oh yeah.
We don't normally get recognized for how baller Herb can be
You made friends! Maybe that’s sad (it isn’t) that you think it’s something to be proud of, but back at your old home, you didn’t really have many. (Really?) Now you have a whole bunch. And people you’ve been more intimate with than ever before. You wish you had them all by your side right now. It’s a great feeling to belong.

While that’s the brightest star in your prideful little water bottle, there’s more. You’re stronger now. Not just physically, but you’re also starting to feel like your willpower is increasing because of it. That you’re getting more used to pushing yourself. (You’re probably even stronger than the biggest girl in the temple now)

You’ll take that as a compliment. After all, this is the place of pride! And you’re a badass! You’ve fended off more than a few pokemon with nothing but your quick reactions and pan. How cool is that? Who can say they’ve done what you’ve done? Besides that one story you heard where that guy punched that Gyrados on some cruise ship. Still, with your track record, you bet you’re on track to be a bigger badass. Okay, you know that probably isn’t true, but you never let yourself get cocky.

Speaking of co...that word. You haven’t done bad with the girls. You made [blocked] and [blocked] orgasm! Both of them! You always keep this part of you suppressed, but the mixed water of the auras leaks in and you let a little bit of that pride get out. You know what to do to get girls off! Well, you’ve been figuring it out, anyway. (You're going around doing that and don’t want to do any of that to me?)



What were you thinking about? Oh yeah. The things you’re proud of.

All those shining balls of pride orbit the central one. The one where you've made friends. Good friends who like you. That’s the most important thing to your ego. Your ability to make friends. (You won’t regret that on your deathbed).

Things slide forward. The massive weight of the mixed auras comes crashing into Keira. It’s coming in faster and harder than before.

>Into her pride
>Into her fears
>Into her sense of body
>Into her guilt
>Into her duty
>Into her sexuality
>Something else
>Into her sexuality
>>Into her guilt
>Into her sense of body
>Into her pride
>Into her duty
>Into her sexuality
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goo it for her.png
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>Into her fears
>>Into her fears
>Into her fears
>Into her fears
>Into her sexuality

>(You're going around doing that and don’t want to do any of that to me?)

We might want to reassure Keira that we do indeed want to do a lot of that with her, but that we're in the middle of some complicated feelings. I for one want Keira to feel wanted.
I'm willing to back this
>Into her guilt
>Into her sexuality
>Into her sense of body

>that guy punched that Gyrados on some cruise ship
I wonder what Vance is up to these days.
>Into her sense of body
>Into her sexuality
I feel like this could be a combo deal.
Yeah. I'm not rooting for her specifically, but I'd rather not end this with her feeling unattractive. Because all the characters are great and I just want them to be happy, man.
>Into her pride
>Into her duty
>Into her sexuality

This ought to be interesting.
>Into her sexuality
Same. Although who I'm rooting for has changed about a hundred times since the beginning. I was never a huge Laki fan, and she still doesn't really do anything for me on a physical level, but I'm way more in favor of Herb ending up with her than I thought I'd be. I think I'll be pretty happy no matter who wins out in the end.
Yeah, I feel like she may have gotten a bit of a false impression from looking only at pride there. For one, we're not exactly "going around doing that", it's happened twice in our life. And afterwards both of them have acted a little differently. Not bad, but different. And we're very much figuring out what it all means to us too. Plus, doesn't Keira need to be enlightened or something before she's allowed to do anything like that?
>I wonder what Vance is up to these days.
He probably pulled a Scotsman and has a hundred kids.

>Into her fears
You’re zooming in towards her fears, but find you have a much bigger sense of curiosity right now, and suddenly jerk into her sexuality and sense of body. Your find yourself a bit surprised that they’re not next to fear. You’ve never done this before, but that seems like it would be unusual.

Oh. That’s an unfamiliar feeling. It’s like when you’re turned on, but different.

You feel different sensations. There’s a small window to the area of guilt, a good view point of the area of joy, and it seems to be a part of the sense of body.

It’s pink here. Smooth and pink and hazy. A swirl of imagination clouds fly overhead. You’re surrounded by pleasant smells and the sounds of gasps. But what strikes you most about this place is how small it is. There’s a cliff there that all this water could spill over. An unexplored ocean that’s only been peaked at. Who knows what’s there.

But the dam was put up there for a reason. Not fear though. Wait, you see it now. A...career choice? That's not what you expected to see here.

You see Keira at a crossroads. She was young. She had a dream, but found out she didn’t have the gift for it. The gift to be...an oracle? What's that?

(Someone who can see the future.)

That sort of thing is possible?

(If you have the gift. But I don’t. And oracles have to be virgins. I thought if I didn’t think about it, I wouldn’t want it. I forgot I even wanted to be an oracle. It was a long time ago.)

So this leaky dam is just a remnant.

(I didn’t even know I had it.)

It’s cracked all over and full of leaks. Looks like it’s taken a lot of damage recently. You don’t know how long such a thing can stay without maintenance. You feel like the extra aura water here is straining it. Just being here is making the cracks bigger. What happens when it crumbles? What's that massive, long shadow hanging over everything?

It's hard to think straight. The aura mixing alone makes you fuzzy, but the gasps and moans and feeling of thighs rubbing together make it even harder.

(I want to see what’s on the other side, but what if I don’t like it?)

>Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>If you didn’t want it, you’d have already knocked it down. Leave it be
>She should rebuild it
>Say nothing
>Something else
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skull grunt1.png
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>Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>>But we cant make the choice for her, its something she has to decide for herself
>Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
I'll second this.
> she's an explorer
But mix in a little bit of caution. Maybe
just a peek? I don't want her to break down a mental barrier, since it's bound to be there for some reason.
>Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>No matter what path she takes in life, you think she's amazing, and you want to know her better
>>Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort
>She’s an explorer, curious about everything. It’s what you admire about her
>it's a risk. You can choose to take that risk or not. You can wait to make that choice if you want. You can ask for help if you want.
I'll back this one. I don't want to force any decision on her.
>dam is her self control holding back her unexplored libedo
>we're sitting here with our hands all over eachother, naked and high, while contemplating whether to bust it down

I predict Herb is about to get raped.
Seconding this, feels like now might be a good time to stop mixing auras though and talk in meatspace.
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can't rape the willing
I want to swing into Herb's religious beliefs first though, and maybe his cultural identity.

Supporting this one
Just a moment ago Herb said he wasn't ready. So if it goes too far you certainly can.
Growth is scary, but you don’t grow in comfort.

(You know the 47 proverbs?)

You don’t know what that is. It’s just a thing you thought of. But you know that you admire how curious she is. She’s an explorer.

(So I should go over it? Knock it down)

You can’t make that choice for her.

(I want to know what’s there) You see a flash of memories of her climbing trees, going to places she should be, reading texts beyond her authority.
Exploration is her core.


You watch as nothing happens for a second, then it falls apart. But you don’t see anything because the weight shifts again, and you go tumbling back towards your own containers. The sudden flash of lust is gone for now, but you're sure that will come up later.

You find that walls between different parts of you are less far and less solid. You guess the paint being strong is starting to take it’s toll. Everything is falling together. You don’t feel danger from it though, just different avenues of exploration.

Keira let’s things fall into your religious beliefs. You guess curiosity is really driving her right now.

What exactly does Herb believe?

>Herb is agnostic
>Herb is an atheist
>A denomination of Arceusism
>In the Helix Fossil
>You’re starting to believe in the island’s religion, but you don’t know that much yet
>Something else
>Herb is agnostic
>>Herb is agnostic
>Herb is agnostic
>Maybe believes in Rayquazza. Cuz.. you know.
>>A denomination of Arceusism
>Herb is agnostic
> wave of lust
Goodbye fun naive kiera I guess
>Something else
Herb thinks all views are valid but doesn't believe or isn't sure that they pertain to him necessarily.
>>Herb is agnostic
>Sure Pokémon are powerful but nothing we've seen make me think they are gods. Servants of a God maybe, but if we can catch them they aren't a god.

https://youtu.be/jxepnIG1yQQ?t=158 Might be amusing.
>Herb is agnostic
Believe in the islands religion, but don't know much yet

Excited for the insatiable kiera curiosity
>A denomination of Arceusism
>Herb is agnostic
>You’re starting to believe in the island’s religion, but you don’t know that much yet
Cause Rayquaza
That... I need a hug.
Joke's on you. All of the [Blocked]'s so far have been Rayquaza.
>Herb is agnostic
>You’re starting to believe in the island’s religion, but you don’t know that much yet

I'd say currently is:
>A denomination of Arceusism

But due to experiences so far may be leaning to
>You’re starting to believe in the island’s religion, but you don’t know that much yet

Lets get some [BLOCKED]s for Rayquaza
>Herb is agnostic
>If there is a god, you certainly haven't seen it yet, but a part of you is starting to think there might be heaven, and it's right smack in the middle of your friends.

Also, I don't want us to have started believing in Loanah spiritualism, if only for the more interesting religious conflicts that could arise between Herb and other characters.
>In the Helix Fossil
Bunch of heretics in this thread. Praise Helix!
>A denomination of Arceusism

Gotta be that conquistador.
>Herb is agnostic leaning to atheist.

Also, since this island has foreign 'mons, what are the odds of something aura sensitive being attracted by this?

She'll remain fun and naive, she still learning about the stuff Herb, Hana, etc have been teaching her about the world. I dont think thats an aspect of herself that'll go away anytime soon. unless that wave is a tsunami and we turn her into a Dibella style priestess, then there's nothing to worry about
>In the Helix Fossil
Oh good i have to
Changing my vote to this
>In the Helix Fossil
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He warned us there will be destruction
One believe I bet Herb has that would throw Keira for a loop: Ghost pokemon aren't spirits. Ghost is just a type of living Pokémon, like grass or bug or dragon.
>Besides that one story you heard where that guy punched that Gyrados on some cruise ship
>In the Helix Fossil
>You’re starting to believe in the island’s religion, but you don’t know that much yet
Well damn. That's sorta what I was gonna suggest anyway. Loana seems to have a "linear path" model of life and death, where everyone starts "here" and goes "there". Comparing that to a model similar to the lifestream from FF7, wherein spirit follows the same model as physical matter (i.e. old stuff breaks down into component parts which are recycled by natural processes to form new stuff) would be interesting.
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do we know that? I know that they try to shepherd ghosts to the big blue hole, but do we know anything about their ideas of the afterlife once they get to the hole?
I remember something about communicating with their ancestors across the veil or somesuch.
>Herb is agnostic
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You explore your own religious beliefs, or you guess, everyone else’s. Because you don’t know what’s out there. Your mom believes in Arceusism, but she never pushed it on your dad or your siblings. Dad said he spent a summer with Helix Fossil people in a compound when he was young and traveled around a lot, and while they were nice, he wouldn’t recommend it. He’s seen a lot.

You’re agnostic. At least, you think you are. But there’s something about [blocked] that seems valid to you. (Wait, what? Why is that blocked?) Not in the way the islanders might see it, in a religious way, but in a real world, tangible way. Like the difference between ghost stories and real Ghost type pokemon.

One thing you know for sure. If there is a heaven, it’s right smack dab in between your friends.

(That’s very...heathen and heretical. But sweet, too!)

You pour back into Keira. It’s not just a mixed aura anymore, but a heavy goop made out of yours and her compartmentalized areas. You feel a safe, vague understanding that this isn’t some permanent mind melting, but it’ll make the rest of your night interesting. Your sense of self and consciousness is getting very strange.

You don’t think you’ll have a conscious understanding of anything for much longer. This will probably be the last time you get inside Keira this way tonight.

>Dive into her fears
>Dive into her duty
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.
>Dive into her pride
>Something else
>dive into her spirituality and aura control
And then after, let's have her take a look at Herb's healing
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
Maybe she can teach us something?
>Dive into her duty
>>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.
Inb4 we see our self from keira's view.
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>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
and just before we exit
>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her
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>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.

>This will probably be the last time you get inside Keira this way tonight.
>this way
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
Also, is it just me or are the captchas getting worse and worse tonight?
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>This will probably be the last time you get inside Keira this way tonight.

Aww yis
Absolutely atrocious lately. all gas stations and mexican storefronts.
>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.
We already learned plenty
>spirituality aura control.

Posting on ipad, so I have to abbreviate.
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
>Dive into her fears
>>Dive into her hunger. You could learn the perfect meal for her.
Very Herb thing to do at the end.
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
Thing that directly helps us....

Imma have to go with
>Dive into her spirituality and aura control
You dive, or rather, fall, into her spirituality and aura control.

It’s a strangely ordered place. Everything else has been chaos, but a kind of chaos that makes sense. Like a messy room where you know where everything is. But this actually looks organized. There are hierarchies and systems, all working in tandem. And it’s beautiful.

(Isn’t it?)

It’s connected to her aura control. She sees every use of it as a microcosm of this heavenly system. You can sort of see how it fits together. How when people and pokemon die, they wander the earth until finding their way to the next life. How each temple has it’s own duty and domain. How everyone has their place, and even those that aren’t very high up are still essential. Nobody is without purpose.

And there’s also the row of saints. A place on Eelilee where there are spiritual monuments to the saints of the islands. The location is a secret that even Keira shouldn’t know, but she does. There are a few dozen in total. Special people, who did amazing things, or had amazing gifts that they used to help the islands.

You see an older Keira up there, but her totem is being edged away. Moved by someone else. Wait, that’s you! You’re healing people and pokemon, and each time, her own totem is pushed farther away, until it’s knocked out of view entirely

Is that jealousy? Of you?

(...Maybe. Just a little.)

You didn’t think she was capable of that.

(It’s not fair that you have this amazing ability. People work their whole lives just to accomplish small things. I’ve always been called gifted, and I can’t even do that.)

>She can do plenty that you can’t
>It’s unfair, but consider how people not as gift as her feel
>You don’t even know how you do it
>You have no comment
>Something else
>>She can do plenty that you can’t
>You don’t even know how you do it
>You don’t even know how you do it
>She can do plenty that you can’t
>She can do plenty that you can’t
>You don’t even know how you do it
>She can talk to pokemon.
>consider how people not as gifted as her feel*
>>She can do plenty that you can’t
>>It’s unfair, but consider how people not as gift as her feel
>>You don’t even know how you do it
People aren't made equal but you can't get hung up on that
>She can do plenty that you can’t
>Without her you would not know how to use it or be able to use it as well as you can. She is responsible for your skills
>You don’t even know how you do it
>She can do plenty that you can’t
> she's done plenty you can't
> she's also a much better spiritual advisor than we are
> she's very professional and fills her roles well
You get the idea
>>She can do plenty that you can’t
>It’s unfair, but consider how people not as gift as her feel
>>She can do plenty that you can’t
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>>She can do plenty that you can’t
>You don’t even know how you do it
>>She can do plenty that you can’t
>>You don’t even know how you do it
...Could Herb use this as a green touch kinda thing and make fruits and veges grow quickly? Could he refreshen them after they start to go bad? Does Herb have the magic touch?
>She can do plenty that you can’t
>She can do plenty that you can’t
>You don’t even know how you do it
Our success is often a happy accident.
>You don’t even know how you do it
>She can do plenty that you can’t
>People wouldn't accept me up there. I've noticed the shallower bows, the suspicious second glances, the need to prove yourself to every gym leader, the surprise when you fit in. A lot of people have been welcoming too, but you doubt anyone would accept you as a priest.
your post reminded me of this
May as well.
This is a popular thread tonight
>implying gobble isn't popular ever thread
>she can do plenty you can't
>You don't know how you do it.
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You can feel her embarrassment at being exposed like this. You didn’t think she was capable of embarrassment, either.

She can do plenty that you can’t.

(You can do more than I can. I can’t even use my pokedex without help. I know it’s not a competition, but when someone can just show up with a gift like that...it’s hard not to feel jealous)

You don’t even know how you do it. You know so much more than me about all of this. It’s really more of a happy accident. And without you I wouldn’t know how to use it as well. And I-

(Alright, I understand. I can’t help how I feel. It’s not your fault. It’s not something I’m proud of. I’ll reflect on it later, alright? Please don’t be worried about it. I admire you too. We’re just not in that part. Sorry. Don’t be mad, okay?)

You want to talk more about it and reassure her, but you’re already tilting back. Back into yourself. The perspectives are nuts right now, and you’ve really lost your sense of self.

It spills into your sense of admiration. You guess that was what Keira was thinking about before and where you ended up. You both swirl around as one liquid now. You can feel her unease about her jealousy. It’s actually larger than her sense of jealousy.

You have plenty of people you look up to, but who would you say is the person most inspiring to you at this point in your life? WHo do you want to imitate just a little more?

>Mom. She always provides for the family
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>Dad, in his unusual way
>One of your pokemon
>A historical figure
>>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>One of your pokemon
He can literally fly. And he's a rock. If that's not a "follow your dreams" meme in the making, then nothing is.
>>One of your pokemon
Gobble, but also
> A historical figure
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>>Mom. She always provides for the family
>>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>>Dad, in his unusual way
>>Laki. To be more confident in yourself.
>>Mace. To be more sure and steadfast, he's always looking out for the others.
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>I want to carry on his legacy
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
He taught us so much. About people, about pokemon, about life.
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
>That champion, Kat. She's so strong.

I doubt it'll take off, but I can dream.
Hana is the one who knows Kat, not Herb silly.
I guess we don't know where he's from, but I figure he'd at least know about her.
>Grandpa. He taught you so much
He does, we mentioned her when talking with Keira about our fear of never doing anything important in the shed during the storm.
Gobble is kill
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You think about your grandpa. He’s taught you so much. Despite all the time you’ve spent together and all the talks and lessons, you still feel like you missed a lot of chances to get to know him better. He had such a long, full life. He always had a story about this or that, and knew exactly how to handle every situation.

(He sounds amazing. Maybe I could help you talk to him some time)

You have no idea how you feel about that. You sort of just melt into a puddle before you can form a coherent thought about it. But it is something you, or she, tries to make a mental note to bring up at another time.

Time. Time doesn’t seem to work at the same pace. Did a lot of time pass? Did a little? You both wake up in a big, muddy pile. Her small, naked body slides along yours. She quickly separates and pulls herself away.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to- not like before. I just-”

“It’s okay. I know.”

She exhales. “There’s a stream right over here.” She points out, keeping her eyes away from your view. “That’s why I chose this spot.”

You both quickly dip in. It’s actually not that cold. You’re too concerned with getting cleaned up to worry about modesty at this point. Even if it weren’t dark out, it just feels so silly after you and her did that together. You remember it all, like a road trip you just got back from. Other than being a bit thirsty and tired, you feel fine. Refreshed, even.

But you wonder how Keira is doing? You look over to her in the stream. She actually snuck up pretty close to you. You fall back in surprise.

“Sorry again.” She offers a hand to pull you up. You take it, but she slips into the steam instead. You both laugh. Then sit there for a second and look up at the stars.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” You ask, thinking about that wall.

You both must be a bit in sync still, because she’s thinking the same thing. “Fine. It was just a dam blocking exploration. I haven’t explored yet.” She gives you a slightly amused little smile. “What, did you think I’d just turn into a buneary in heat?” She giggles. “Oh gosh, wouldn’t that be silly? If it worked like that, I’d be all over you right now. Begging for it.”

“Haha yeah. That’d be silly.” And hot. Really hot. But your sit back and sigh in relief. She’s still the same Keira, and you’re glad for that.

“But that wouldn’t be that terrible, right?” She looks down towards your crotch again. Oh cheese and crackers! “I am pretty enough to do that sort of thing, right?” She scoots closer.

Oh jeez. You’ve already been down this path with Hana and Laki recently. Do you want to go down it with Keira, too right now?

>No lewd
>Maybe another time
>Something else
>Maybe another time
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I can't not.
>>Maybe another time
Well i can't resist.
>Keeping a friend and our Pokemon waiting
Got home in time for the most important vote!
it's half to let her know we're over the last time and half because i want to
Laki literally told us to go out and have our fun.
>Maybe another time

I don't want to take advantage of her.

We're just taking Laki's advice
Fingers or mouth no genital penetration
>>Maybe another time

no, it's happening naturally
We are now
>Maybe another time
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go girl1.jpg
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not with that attitude we aren't
>Kiss her, you fool
>>Maybe another time
Well maybe YOU aren't
>Maybe another time
>full overlewd
>No lewd
>"As much as I want to..."
>"I need to slow down."
>"I thought you needed to be sure you were super detached first?"
>literally just say we're unsure about all the sexy stuff

>jump on her like a horny male buneary

wew, all that character exploration gone
Muh natural progression of having sex with half our friends in a few days
but not too lewd
>Maybe another time
This too.
We JUST got done thinking about how we weren't sure about how we felt about all this, about going so fast.
Why are we going for lewd so quickly? Why can't we just talk about how it seems like we're dealing with so much already? She's beautiful sure but I really hate this mentality of doing sexy times with every girl and not sticking to one first.

And that's coming from a harem supporter!
Ah man I thought my original didn't go through.
You put lewd in front of anons and they take it, no matter what
But dude sex
I wouldn't say that. We learned a lot about Keira and how we are really affecting how she feels by pushing away any physical intimacy with her she feels unattractive and now she knows we've done stuff with other girls she wondering why not her when she's asked more than once. It's complicated but i feel like Herb would want to do something to let her know that she is a beautiful and attractive woman.
Lewd doesn't necessarily mean bareback pressing her into the sand on the spot. Was figuring Gobble would hold a second vote for how far we go (like the other two times) and we could go pretty light.

Waiting for heads to clear is probably best, though.
See >>1463066
They lied.
Don't project your beta-ness onto Herb.
I agree, even as a Keira supporter. Sadly, such does not appear to be the will of the masses.

Yes, we should talk to her about it.
I agree. I'm fine with lewding Keira, but not now. Not when Herb is still so confused and unsure.
>Maybe another time
With a twist of this
Herb trying to reconcile feeling overwhelmed with following his dick unironically makes me want it for that character development more than a bin
I think this is a valid point and surely something herb is struggling with, but he also has a strong desire to make others feel good and support them. herb really wants to be accepted, and keira has asked straight up more than once to do lewd and we've shot her done almost every time. I definitely agree that Herb and Keira need to have a talk about how he feels about all this as a whole, but i can also see how in his confusions he would just go with his instincts and honestly it ain't that hard to get a teenage boy to do something lewd even one as pure as herb.
You see I would maybe agree with you if it wasn't RIGHT AFTER we just had an internal meditation and part of it was having too much sex too fast
I am just slightly suspicious of the 1 and 2 posters who have voted lewd.
Anyone with 1 vote is suspicious, but its pretty fun watching people mostly not vote then come out of the woodwork for lewd stuff votes.
That's because they're often climaxes(Haha sex) to a relationship in quests, about solidifying things with other characters. So far that hasn't happened and each time it feels more and more...Anxious? Like things will be coming to a head soon and it'll wind up ugly for Herb.
Technically Herb hasn't had any sex. he done a lot of sexual experiment tho. Not only was their herb problems in that meditation but we learned a lot out keira's internal struggles as well and this ties back to one of my earlier points. Keira feels like herb is intentionally leaving her out of physical contact, and that something is wrong with her because of it. I feel like while complicated for herb internally it would be easiest to show keira that's not the case by accepting her offer. I'm mainly in aggreance with a lot of what y'all are saying. I'm not advocating penetrative sex, but helping Keira explore her own sexuality.
Maybe just something simple. Masturbating in front of each other, or kissing and handholding. As long as it's accompanied by communication and introspection, it might not be too bad.
Yeah, i'd be down for that. It doesn't have to get heavy.
Whoa there buddy
Let's not get too lewd here
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[Alright. I'm going to ask for a 10 minute revote just to be safe, since it's a bit contentious and somewhat close. It's not quote only. Any votes with just one post by that ID will be discarded. It is not quote-only.

Regardless of how the vote goes, and any saltiness, I want you all to know that I appreciate your passion and input. And that I hope even if some votes don't go the way you'd like, we can all keep working together to keep things generally fun and enjoyable.

If you're voting purely to just get a lewdbin, I can promise I'll do one regardless of how the vote turns out]

>Sexy times
>No sexy times right now
>>No sexy times right now
>>Sexy times
>>No sexy times right now
>>No sexy times right now
>No sexy times right now
>No sexy times right now
>No sexy times right now
>>Sexy times
>Sexy times
Sexy times
>>Sexy times

>Sexy times
>No sexy times right now
I just want to talk about FEELINGS
>>Sexy times
>Sexy times
>No sexy times right now
>Sexy times
Nah man check which posts were linked. That guys just slow
>No sexy times right now
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>not seeing the post he linked to
dude's just late af
>No sexy times right now
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Yeah I saw, I deleted the post for a reason.
>Sexy times
>Sexy times
>>Sexy times
>Sexy times
My ID changes a lot since I'm moving around town so hopefully it hasn't changed since last vote
>Sexy Times
>No lewd

Too much at one time is baaad.
Your id changed, might want to go back to where you last were. hue
This won't get counted
Alas, the overwhelming lewdness of /qst/ could not be beat. Not that I'm terribly upset by the outcome.
Yeah no I can't trust these votes when like a third of them are from people with only 1-3 posts.
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Good taste anon.
Sorry for being absent all day, I was at uni, so had to vote via tablet when I could.

Also, half expecting a curious Lucario or Riolu to come by, wondering what the hell was going on.
Its just the way things go, people may not vote if they see a majority is already in favor of what they want. We still vote on how lewd we go I think though.
Shit I looked away for a second.
>a curious Lucario or Riolu
That poor scarred pokemon
That sucks but it's cool Gobble is a good QM so I'm sure it'll be interesting either way
Now you are good.
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No sexy times

Sexy times

[Looks like sexy times barely wins, unless I'm missing something]
Yeah i have faith, my anon. I'll not be salty either way. That face when even a keirafag like pizza doesn't want lewd with Keira, honestly I'm sorta shocked.
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keira mega lopunny.jpg
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Ha! A bunch of wild and rare pokemon come out of the woodwork just to watch Keira go from buneary to full lopunny
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one of my favorite things about Gobble's lewdbins is how much of it is related to a character's feelings

It would be easy to churn out generic smut, but Gobble provides heart boners
More because of the aura shenanigans, but that'd be hilarious.
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I mean they said a bin would be made anyways.

Take it away and remember no matter how much salt we appreciate you
Unless herb suddenly decides to go all the way, then I mad.
Fine, fuck it. I just hope it's the exploratory masturbation though. It feels like people are just being thirsty and ticking another girl off their list to me, forcing it.
I'm a little buttblasted. Not quite at salty though.
Yea i figure it would be the aura thing that got their attention only to walk into human lewds

seriously hand holding in the middle of the woods, who does that? animals
I am ambivalent because gobble is a good writer

I'm more salty about losing Kecleon so easy...
Seems right as far as I can tell. I'm a little off-put, but maybe turning down sex is just my magical realm?
I think you've mention that before, is that an actual fetish of yours man?
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>advocates for abstinence and handholding
you sick fuck, you're lucky we don't run you out of town on a rail
[Alrighty. We'll call it there. Thanks for coming everyone. I enjoyed this a lot more than the studying I should have been doing.

I'm sort of feeling this right now, >>1463215 but any and all lewdbin suggestions are welcome.]

[Thanks. You know, that screencap should bother me, but I find it sweet in a lewd and strange way. Don't worry about salt discouraging me. It doesn't. It just comes with the territory sometimes. I'd of course love to make everything go so everyone loves it, but that's not realistic. And I feel like we're the type of group that can have disagreements and get angry but still pull together.

Good night everyone! Sleep tight!]
I support Pizza
Something light will be good
I support pizza's suggestion as well.
Pizza's suggestion sounds solid.
Gnight boss. MM is pretty good as far as fooling around goes, but if Keira is into intercrural I don't see why we should avoid it.
Pizza's is good, exploration. Thanks for running Gobs.
Thanks for running, Gobble. You are the best. I appreciate you.
we just had a thing about going too fast into sexual stuff.
night gobble, thanks for running
Thanks for running Gobble
I should pay closer attention to the thread.
I... I don't know. Maybe it's just my values, maybe it's a power fantasy? I really don't know. Nobody is asking me for sex. I don't know what I would do if somebody did. I've got some baggage about dating while living at home. I'm young and have good reason to do so, but still. So I don't date.

Like, turning down sex implies that you have lots of options, because you're sexy and confident and attractive without effort. Maybe that's something I want on some level? But it also could imply that you value other things more than sex. Like your partner's emotions or your own ideas of what sort of person you are or anything really that says you aren't controlled by your lizard brain. And that's some thing I struggle with, impulse control. I am "crazy obsessed Pizzanon" after all.

Maybe just living in accordance with my values instead of immediate pleasure is that much of a fantasy for me?

With these things I find it tends to be a mix. So it's probably something I want to see explored in media, but also fulfills a couple insecurities.

That's where kinks and fetishes come from. They're sexy solutions to unanswered problems in our daily lives.

Goodnight! I really want to see Herb and Keira talk about how this affects her "detachment" and priestess rules, and BEFORE they get down to business at that. And talk about Herb being afraid of going too fast and hard into sexual and changing his relationships or being thought of as a slut or manipulative.

I also really want to take Keira home to talk to our mom about her beliefs in Arceus.

I wonder what this technique is usually used for? It seems like a great therapy tool. And you know who has a whole host of issues and probably trusts Keira more than any other of her friends? Jane. I wonder if she ever tried to become Maema?
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comfortable tiger.jpg
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Thanks for running, Gobble!
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If I had non-pornographic Pokemon images I'd be posting non-pornographic Pokemon images.
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Also saved.

I sleep now. Have a nice day/night, anon.
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you too pal
While masterbation is great, kiera is insecure with touching us because of last time, but there's ways to do both.
Such as:
>have them side by side holding hands as they materbate
>kiera sits on herbs lap and so they're foreheads are touching as they're both gasping to orgasm
>Arm around her body pillow style and she uses our leg to materbate ( from experience I like this 1 for easy kisses and feedback like clawing and squeezing harder and snuggling into the side as they come)
>Have kiera or herb lying ontop of the other so we can kiss while it happens
>Encourage eachother to explore eachothers bodies with hands or mouth ( gentle kisses)
> progress to masterbating eachother
> help/ teach the other how to handle the other persons body

Personally I think the best part of this lewdbin is the exploration and opening up
It's a comfort and learning experience, so questions, curiosity followed by clumsy passion that pushes the others comforts so that the other opens up and accepts / encourages it.
This is teen experimentation and imo kiera is the best character to pull off a heart warming and tantalising lewd like this. The mix of curiosity, fear and uncertain yearning that both characters encourage towards ravenous lust while knocking down barriers between them. She wants to discover more and he wants to offer more for her to get lost in, which they both do. Heavy breathing, dry mouth, obsessive lust eyes exploring the body then lingering at what they want before looking into their eyes to non verbally, let me try this, voices cracking mid Sentence if they ever go beyond 1 word. Taking in all the senses, sounds of their breath, the feel of their skin, how their beautiful scent makes the others eyes strain and diahlate, the look of the other tensing up as they get close...the taste of their lips, sweat and cum.There's a reason why on the mainland it's considered so intimate ( maybe not as much as the aura mix we just did, but pretty close). And the lewd should reflect this forbidden fruit / scared teenage naivety

Atleast imo those would be cute and a good direction since you're taking suggestions, gobble's lewds are always brilliant so I know I'll love it
Basically there's plenty of ways to go while keeping it "just masterbation and kissing". If kiera doesn't wipe up a little of herbs cum from his chest and taste it I'll be disappointed, it's completely in character to try EVERYTHING herb can cook up

I'd like to do this with other characters, but I think it's probably a kiera thing, hopefully we can do this again though since it started on a whim pretty much, so it doesn't seem to need much setup.
It'll be interesting to see how things change in her internal world as the quest goes on
Cooking with semen is real here are four recipes every day we grow farther from God's light.

Also since I forgot to say, this was a 10/10 thread, loved it, aura mixing is great gj gobble

O wow, that's really not what I meant, wtf I gave myself a boner & now it's gone
I wonder, if it were an island traditional dish, would Herb make/eat that? I mean, on the one hand, he does love cooking. On the other hand, semen. But back on the first hand, are eggs or Rocky Mountain oysters any different? But on the second hand, eating your own semen. But back on the first hand, Hana seemed to like it well enough. It's like a secret sauce you're not allowed to eat unless you know the secret.
Herb would probably eat it unknowingly, then find out how to cook it in a kitchen lewdbin. I think afterwards he'd be hesitant, but considering he likes the flavour from last time, & the girls are happily eating it, he'd have a "when in rome" moment and sample a piece. Probably avoid it in future though
I say, what's this I espy in the comments? A great and very entertaining waifu war between the character development-fags and other waifu-fags on one side and Keirafags and hornyfags on the other?

Quest thread, you couldn't have given this anon a better birthday present. I love you all.
We're also a teenage boy with an absurd libido and there's a pretty, naked girl sitting inches from us. It doesn't matter how much you say that, at the end of the day Herb is a boy - besides, like other anons have said, Herb would want to make Keira feel attractive since it's something she seems insecure about.
That first part is pretty bad reasoning.
Mutual masturbation combined with sweet words and affectionate touching is pretty much the most erotic thing ever, so I'm 150% in favor of this.
How will Kecleon return?
Yeah that first reason is dumb.

Probably with the help of another pokemon, like we've been traveling with wailmer/wailord. That or maybe hitching a ride on a passing boat when someone comes to check on the island. Seems like people manage the place like a safari so they probably make sure to watch for new developments regularly.
I'd like to see it come back to rechallenge laki to overcome the loss to her. Only to lose again and join her in order to get stronger.
Well now I'm stuck with the mental image of a Kecleon staring down a Wailord as it Rollouts. A tiny bead of sweat on it's face while it just thinks about what it's done wrong in life.
Just you wait until he learns bounce.
So does no one think we mishandled releasing of the champion Kecleon?
Eh, we did what felt right.
We upset Kecleon without any gain. We definitely didn't get a great result. It's harder to say what we did wrong. Our heart was definitely in the right place- we saw Laki upset and wanted to do something to make it better if we could. But we didn't really know anything about Kecleon or his relationship with Laki or what she said when she released him. It might have gone better if we had only asked what had happened between him and Laki. But that carried its own risk of seeming manipulative by asking leading questions. Without knowing what exactly Laki's going through or what sort of personality Kecleon has, we made the best guess we could, even if it didn't work out like we'd wanted.
Clearly we should have just chained it up and had our way with it. That'd fix the attitude problem.
Lewd-wise, I think I know what might work better than actual sex: looking at Keira's face and body now that her paint is gone. Kissing her in various locations. Helping her put her paint back on in the morning.

If there's sex involved, I'd say just oral. It naturally flows from kissing, assuming they're trading kisses on different parts of the body.
We probably do want to apologize to him when we have the chance. And ask what we did wrong so we don't make that mistake with another Pokemon.
Seeing her face is for when our wedding night, anon.

Apologize sure, but I feel he made it clear what we did wrong already. Humans being fickle and toying with the lives of Pokémon. Catch-release-catch is too much. He wants consistency. Honor.
Best hope he never runs into Ash. He might mega-evolve from sheer rage.

More weird food for cooking quests.
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are we posting food now?

anyway, there was something that I missed in >>1460487
>She has some sort of decision that she’s unsure about. But you’re already fall back and don’t see anything else about it.
I want to find out what this is
That is an abomination against everything that will or has existed
She's considering what she wants to do with her life. Mostly that means what role in the temples she'll have, but there may also be some uncomfortable feelings about her faith there. After all, she's now learning that the people who worship other faiths aren't necessarily just ignorant or foolish or malicious. Herb can heal and he's agnostic. Polu's a really nice boy. Pohoa knows about their religion but seemed disillusioned.

I really want to take her to talk to our mom about her faith.
On the topic of lewdbins, how's the rule63 herb coming along?
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Is the rule 63 a lewd? And I'm becoming increasingly sure that Herb is already a 63 of a certain character from Pokemon Adventures...
I don't know much about Yellow, but I know I still hope r63 Herb is named Spice.
Just needs blue eyes, I think.

>I still hope r63 Herb is named Spice.
We all hope.
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[I was going to go with Rosemary, but Spice seems like a better fit]
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Protect her smile Gobble!

So does spice have a Male Roselia and female Munchlax, Roggenrolla and Totodile?
Moreover, is she surrounded by cute boys who want to stuff her turkey? Is she really secure in her femininity or afraid of being a stereotype? Did the kids back in Sinnoh tease her for "training to be a trophy wife"?

Man, if we meet a legendary in this quest I hope it's Hoopa, because that's a treat I'd love to see Laki indulge in, sandwiched between Herb, Spice, Valerie, and Vayle. She'd blush up to her eyebrows.
She's a pacifist with healing and empathy powers (only towards pokemon though). Although there are plenty of differences now I think about it... Herb won't hesitate to get violent in defence of his friends, while Yellow is such a pacifist that she prefers to frustrate her opponents into giving up or else force a draw (something that takes a lot of skill). And we seemed to agree that Spice has huge boobs, while Yellow is a loli.

Honestly, I'd prefer if Spice was the only 63 in the AU. I like to see how much difference a single change makes more than a mirror universe.
Single 63 would be cool.

Although Jane's fantasy warped so that she wants to fill Spice with babies is kind of hot.

Laki having a set of blonde girls though is also hot.
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>And we seemed to agree that Spice has huge boobs
We did! It's because Herb is packing a lead pipe.
A thin, long lead pipe maybe.
Spice has proportioned chest if on the slightly big side. Penis doesn't have a real counterpart.
but we totally did agree she'd have great tits, even gobble did

revisionist history will not stand
Got a source for that? I may just be forgetting, but also great boobs change depending on the person.
Split the difference then. She's an oppai loli. Her boobs are the only big thing about her (that and her heart).
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Great != massive cowtits on an otherwise petite frame.

Also I'm getting real tired of connection errors posting after I solve the captcha.
Could just give her assets that she gets frustrated at because they never go away dispite her excellent diet
Thicc ass thighs and boobs, young milf proportions
my god
So physically impossible, then.
[Oh gosh!]
I know right. Pretty lewd in here. How's life treating you Gobble?
[Good but time consuming. Hoping to get some bin time in tomorrow]
Yes. Stacked Spice is needed... for reasons.
No no, she's got a "Spice Rack"
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[For the rule 63 bin, the scope has expanded a bit. We'll have a shitload of short (lewd) blurbs for Spice + the current gang, and Spice + Rule 63 gang. Some of the characters, like Keira, have a pretty different life if born male, so there's a lot to use there.]
Well thought out, very lewd, and extremely hype. Sounds like a Gobble bin to me!
Wait, when you say "the current gang" does that include Herb?
Y-you could always re-run the quest later with Spice as the hero instead of herb! Pokemon Island! Round two! Spice!
I think that does not include Herb, as Spice is Herb.
Shame, I wanna see them talk about being immigrants and rub each other' backs and cuddle.
Great tits =/= huge tits.

Fucking juveniles, the lot of you. Breasts can be fantastic at any size, but the bell curve for where they're best at is most likely a C.
>using cupsize, which is basically unique for every woman

Opinion discarded
>I don't know what a bell curve is or how it applies here
It doesn't matter if there is a large spectrum when what I'm talking about is a spot on the spectrum.

That's like if I said the color yellow is the middle of the visibility spectrum and you said that it wasn't because there were different permutations of yellow in addition to other colors.

Makes no sense.
your spot on the spectrum is inherently flawed, or rather the choice is

"C" doesn't mean anything when it's different for every single woman that exists.
Are you saying that we should dispense with size categories entirely just because there's some variation within and between them?

Because that kind of logic is a fucking black hole of postmodern nihilist bullshit, and I'm not accepting it as rational or useful.
Cup sizes have way more variance than you might think, but I agree that big tits aren't inherently better. There are a lot of really unappealing looking big tits.
Nigger what, I'm saying C isn't one size you can lump into everything. It's a factually different size depending on the woman, what's C for one isn't C for another so the label doesn't mean anything.

Jesus you need to chill out
Holy shit, I'm agreeing with you about cup size not dictating the quality of a tit, but cool it with the discourse.
Obviously the shape of spices is spot on and size wise, they're just at the crossing point where perky boobs really start to hang at away.
Much to grab, great shale, stands out with extreme wobble, but no sway. If she would run up stairs there'd still be a good few cms / 1.5" between the highest boob bounce and her chin
could comfortably pull off a boobjob if she had to and put strain on shirt buttons

Obviously small pink nipples
I just want spice to be able to smother peoples faces in her chest. They don't have to be MASSIVE. But they need to be large enough to use as a little spice rack.

(She carries tyme rosemary and Mrs. Dash in between her breasts or something.)
I'd like massive tbqh
Breast sensei, what is the difference between wobble and sway, and what's the posture of her neck in the running scenario? What's shale? Can you post an example picture? What about nipple shape and aeola size?

Also, I like the image of strained buttons, but I doubt she'd wear shirts like that intentionally. Spice is probably too modest to want to put on ba show like that and she's definitely capable of tailoring her clothes to fit her frame.

She probably carried Bella around in there when she was a Budew.
he meant shake I'm pretty sure, not shale
That raises the question then: what's the difference between shake and wobble?
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>not loving great shale
I dunno man, rocks have some good cleavage too
you make fair points
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This is a blue board anon. I don't think you're allowed to show exposed sedimentary rock deposits. And with exposed clevage to that extent we it even shows evidence supporting particular types of crystal lattice. Just imagine if Bella saw! Mace is already blushing!
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oh, I see what you're into Pizza
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or perhaps you like artificial cleavages
Actually yes, I collect gemstones. I'd really like to add more Quartz and Opal variants this summer when I have the chance to go to more lapidary conventions.
This is too lewd! Mace could be listening to Bella describe it!
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Please, it's past her bedtime

He got Gobble to do it, those opposable thumbs come in handy
Right, my bad guys I was REALLY tired to the point of passing out when I wrote that, I meant SHAPE not shale, although looks like i'd already mentioned shape so that wasn't obvious (sleepy sorry)

The difference between wobble & sway is abit tricky to explain in words. If she were to gently shake & they were to wobble, they'd move back and forth but the thing that would be pulling it back is the fact it's actually stuck to spice, it's the taughtness of her skin & would be akin to like when the car stops and you jerk forward and instinctively resist it and pull yourself back
Sway has no resistence to the movement & is more like a pendulum that's brought back because of gravity, I'm basically saying that they've be big but not hang low, they'd be quite perky.

WHen running she'd want to just fall forward and slump but would be forced to arch backwards and stand up uncomfortably straight to prevent her boobs hitting her face & to overcompensate for the additional chest weight, giving her a sore back after a long run as well as legs
Honestly she'd probably have the button experience during fancy dress as a lumberjack or cowgirl, but after an embarrassing experience of her stretching & a button popping into somebody's eye. Never again
Some nice clothes are off limits because of the chest stopping things from fitting nicely

I can't give you a picture, this is a blue board, so here's the closest thing I could think off that wobbles instead of sways, you can extrapolate to them being bags, on your chest, & wobble more when treated more aggresively.

To anybody who's offended, I couldn't find the webm version, only this reddit version

I skimmed most of that and what I got is that spice has nice assets front and back.
More for pizzaanon's benifit
Update tonight?
>Thread Sunday and early Monday
https://pastebin.com/XRnxNama Latest pastebin
I'm not even into Keira as a romance option but that was good stuff Gobble
Thanks Gobble. That was nice.
Was pretty adorable, all things considered. Nicely written.
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great job Gobble, Keira is cute af

>He’s beat red again
think it should be beet red
eta of thread?
been soon for an hour and a half, would be nice to have a status update; this is the highlight of my day.
It's the highlight of my late night/early morning/I Should Be Sleeping But Gobble.
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[Sorry. Getting set in. Gimme 10ish]
sounds good, looking forward to it.
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