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[Hybrid] Infinite Patchworks

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There was a plan. Then it and reality divorced by mistake. Now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became. Seek it. Correct it if you can.

>Probe the legend

This quest will evolve into, or at least inform, a Skirmish I plan to run soon. I appreciate any help putting the nascent mechanics through their paces. Rules are always under construction.
>Probe the legend
probe le legend
It has been hoped that potential was greatest in the simplest legend. The mistake is known to shrink away from understanding.

You now know the legend in its entirety. But you must ask.

>There was a plan.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>Correct it if you can.
>There was a plan
>There was a plan.
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>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>Correct it if you can.

Continue or Begin.

we need more info
>Seek it
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The legend enters into an age of Soul, Memory, and Consequence, but finds its place unsteady.

>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
Consider: What question died to birth the the very beginning of this legend?
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
It? It that was, somewhere, surely?
>Now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>Correct it if you can.

Must this knowledge be lost to the beginning before which nothing mattered?
>Yes. But there are interpretations. (Answer the questions, offer interpretation)
>No. Return and Continue. (Probe once more)
>Ask after something else.

I hope to provide enough to warrant discussion for you all. Things will get odd.
>Ask something else
how did Reality and an entity divorce or separated away from each other?
Does a question die from never being asked or does it die from being answered?
What are the properties of IT?
>>Yes. But there are interpretations. (Answer the questions, offer interpretation)
What question died?
Why should we be stopping the birth of legends"
Methinks we have to stop the birthing of legends so that reality goes according to a plan
Answering and offering is up to you and anyone of like mind. That requires understanding, whether you create it yourself or change the legend to a more familiar form.

A mistake that became the beginning.
"So there was..." is an answer, or an affirmation at least. But the question or uncertainty came before, and so no longer matters. Perhaps that is death to you.
Consider the first legend. IT used to be a plan.

Your question interests me. What suggested to you they should be stopped?


As we are not probing, there is no change to the legend.
The birthing of a legend forced a question to die, questions are asked because an answer is sought, either the legend is in a way an answer, or a refusal to answer that eliminated the question
I'll admit now that maybe Question was a misnomer for something that no longer matters. Here's why:

This >>1141561 became the point of Beginning, and does not include a plan. Now that we've begun, "Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became" becomes true. The plan no longer matters. To those in the age of Soul, Memory, and Consequence... perhaps there never was a plan.


To Begin is to set the legend in motion and see how it fares. To Return is to examine it free of Consequence.

Signing off for tonight. Those who have, thanks for sticking with this. By its nature, it's truly impossible to plan out entirely. Laying it out and logicking it into stability is more doable. I hope we can create something enjoyable while muddling through it together.
>No. Return and Continue. (Probe once more)
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We return to before the Beginning. Strictly speaking, the coming age returns to potentiality. But we know it will come. How shall we Probe?

>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>Correct it if you can.
>Correct it if you can.
Though, why correct it, if nothing matters before it?
>Correct it if you can
Because not correcting it will affect what does, which is what happens after wards
>>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
"Correct it" refers back to the "it" of line 3, not line 2. Unless there is a compelling reason for the coming age to see it through differently.
Actually, disregard this. While true, it answers the wrong question.
There was a plan, but that no longer is and no longer matters. Indeed, if all that matters is what comes after - at the beginning - why correct it and return to that plan which is not, of which is only left somewhere?

Consider: for all that comes after the beginning, would that mistake truly be a 'mistake', if it alone was what allowed them to come to be? By denying what could have begun, would we simply be exchanging one mistake for another?

If all that remains of that mistake is somewhere which is not real, then what compels us to seek it, rather than let it be and a beginning begin? Other than, you know, the greentext.

What would you have be?
>Seek it.
Only by seeking it, finding it, can we know it.
So the legend goes:

>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>It needs no correcting.

"So there was..." will still be pondered in the coming age. Answer it then or deny the question.

You may Probe or Begin.
The original text before we probed it went as following; there was a plan. Then it and reality divorced by mistake. now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became. Seek it. Correct it if you can.

the first two sentences implied that reality was meant to follow a plan or reality was made to cater to said plan. Now assuming all went to plan prior to the mistake the third sentence states that whatever came before and after the mistake doesn't matter this can only mean one thing, this reality is meant to end at some sort of accomplishment but instead the mistake caused a beginning rather than allow reality to continue onwards to the resolution. You see we can't be looking for a beginning if something had happened before for if this beginning that you refer to would require us to be at the start but the third sentence also implies there was something now irrelevant to the situation at hand which proves the previous statement true, that the legend was at it's mid point or end but a mistake caused a new a beginning thus we are seeking a resolution to correct the previous mistake that IT became.

That is why I would rather find the plan and end said reality rather than let it begin anew.
>>Now nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
Everyone, don't be discouraged if your command doesn't go through. You're always free to suggest it again.

I notice that you say "whatever came before and after the mistake doesn't matter," but line 3 only states that what came before doesn't matter.

Your observation that the mistake interrupted a resolution to create a beginning instead may be an apt one, however.

And, as long as line 3 remains true, only the mistake and the beginning onward will matter to the coming age.
I also notice that we already have an interesting contrast in views: One wishing to embrace the mistake for causing a beginning, and one believing there was a worthier beginning with a worthier end.
>Seek it.
If it needs no correcting, why must it be sought?

What is this 'it'? The mistake which became the beginning, or that which is, and was, somewhere, surely?

I confess that this is all terribly meta, and I'm still wrapping my head around it.

I think you're overly concerned yourself with what was said before, when all that matters - at least now - is now.

There was indeed a plan - which no longer matters, mind you - but nowhere was it said that the plan was a good one, or one that even should have been followed. Why must the reality which would follow it necessarily hold more merit over any other?

I'm afraid I've been staring at the last sentence of your second paragraph for 5 minutes, but I can't make heads or tails of it. Sorry.
Something about finidng the resolution to the previous one but Got shot down by OP so it don't matter mah dude
All that I said was that line 3 does not prevent the mistake from mattering after the beginning. Does that undermine your conclusion, which is (as I understand it), that there is an older reality that deserves a proper ending? If so, an explanation of where exactly your conclusion fails would be appreciated. Otherwise, it's still valid.
On reflection, I will not argue with the idea that what was before, should it come to matter, should receive an ending. I did say that there is no reason one reality should hold greater merit than another, after all.

But surely to give that which will come to be the imperative to seek the ending which was first planned would also be to compel them to deny what made them into being?

Let that which is find an ending for that which was, if you must - but let this ending be an ending from the here and now, not one drawn from an elsewhere somewhere. And perhaps, in so doing, that which is may find itself closer to the ending which it, itself, deserves.
The next proper session will begin in 2 days, same hour as before. I'll post a small update before then if there is a majority on whether we will next Probe line 3 or 5. I'll also check in occasionally to answer questions and help paraphrase things.

I hope you've enjoyed this as I have.
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>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>It needs no correcting.
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The legend enters an age of Memory and little Consequence. It is as still as the forgotten.

>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>It needs no correcting.

One beginning, all preceding Consequence locked away. And nothing to correct. No Who knows what to seek. In such an age, there is no Who to be. Beginning is meaningless when all is still.

In an Age, the legend cannot change. Consequence may be withheld, but it needs only one outlet.

>Seek it.
By seeking and by taking sides we will learn.
Let us first suppose that nothing is truly created or destroyed, only altered in form by some acting force.

Then, beginning is meaningless when all is still - it is true - but no change can occur in stillness alone.

Surely if there is somewhere which was divorced from reality, there must exist some force which, up to and during this division, caused this 'mistake'.

Then, what has happened to this force? Where has it gone? And, if it still persists in some shape or form or echo, how can all truly be still?

The plan was to avert the heat death of the universe, wasn't it.
OP here, sorry for the late start and delay on updates. Unexpected call to work. No images for a while, but I can Argue occasionally.

You can not change the legend, and neither is there any Who to carry out the seeking. But you may Argue somehow that the legend allows for some outcome that I thought forbidden.

You may find comparison to our universe and its death to be true or a good metaphor. As yet, neither is merer than the other.
If there is no Who to do any seeking, then we must either resign, or seek out a Who.
Resigning is fine. Now that we have a better idea of how things actually work, we can hopefully make more effective decisions.
Consequence leaves Memory by its touch and is by Memory shaped in turn. But it is a free-flowing thing. It explores all possibilities and impossibilities with equal disregard. Somewhere, surely, it has flowed through them all.

It is knows every story. And so it may contradict the very Legend, the Memory of the Beginning. So doing, or so disproved, Consequence passes from Reality, mattering no longer.

Consequence is an unreliable teller.

The only way through is out, as far as I can see, so
Let's see where Consequence leads.
>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>It needs no correcting.

A Legend, the Memory of the Beginning, brings with it a little Consequence. That of this Legend ran its course and could not be retained by this Age of Memory and little Consequence where all is still; this is the eternal middle, and the endless end:

Somewhere was and is.
Somewhere is not real.
Somewhere, breaking, and beginning are all that is left.
The mistake is somewhere.

The Legend is infallible. Would you ask more of Consequence?

So the Legend is now immutable, and we can only Argue its Consequence?

But what happens if we
Back to the Legend, like before.
I'll vote for
then, unless anyone else has anything to Argue.
In that case, refer back to >>1150126
Let's start with:
>So there was, and is, somewhere, surely.
What is it which defines Somewhere's boundaries, and distinguishes it from Everywhere, Nowhere, or Somewhere Else? What lies - or does not lie - within Somewhere?
The Legend is, by its being, a mighty Memory, but it is a Memory only of itself.

Knowing, and whatever lies outside Memory, is for an Age when Consequence flows.

Do you doubt Consequence?
Memory, by nature, is mutable, often being remembered or forgotten with each retelling or in the mere process of recalling. Therefore, seldom - if ever - is Memory a complete telling of what has come before.

I do not doubt Consequence in itself, but Consequence cannot be explained or known in full if Memory remains forgotten.

Can I not bid that which tells the Legend to delve deeper into Memory, and recall past and present to better know the future?

The Legend tells of Somewhere. I merely wish to know, at least to begin with, where (or perhaps what) that Somewhere was and is.
Now, before the Beginning, there is no Somewhere. Not until it meets Consequence and enters an Age.
If there was, and is, Somewhere, which was divorced from reality by a mistake which became the Beginning, would that not mean that that Somewhere existed and exists prior to and beyond the Beginning?

Maybe I'm just confused over what can be changed by Probing and what can be changed by Arguing.
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>So there was, and is, Somewhere, surely.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>It needs no correcting.
Probing changes the Legend before the Beginning. Arguing changes Consequence after it.
So if the players wanted to Probe ">So there was, and is, Somewhere, surely.",
then we could only change the overarching nature of Somewhere (that it surely was and is), or else change Somewhere into something else?

Do we have any control over how the Legend changes, or have you got all the potential ways it could change already planned out?
What is your impression of your control?
We've only Probed twice. The first time was in the very first vote, and was done blindly without any discussion, so no conclusions can really be drawn from that.

The result of the second Probe seemed to be a response to the discussion on whether the mistake needs to be corrected, which suggests the Legend may change to fit players' suggestions or views on it (though it was only a single occurrence and might just have been a coincidence).
Well, for the sake not getting stuck for too long here, let me propose that it is not Somewhere, in itself, that is of great significance to the Legend, but rather Something (or Somethings) existing within that Somewhere which will matter past the Beginning.

Regardless of whether that suggestion has any effect, I'll continue to vote for Probing:
>So there was, and is, Somewhere, surely.
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>So they were, and are, contained, perhaps.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
>Now, nothing matters before that mistake and the beginning it became.
>Seek it.
>It needs no correcting.
>Then it and reality divorced by mistake.
What is this 'it', now that Somewhere is (for the moment) no longer relevant?
Sorry to keep you in suspense. Update will be posted as a new thread same time tomorrow. Discussions's a little lonely as is.
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