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Pokemon Island Adventure Quest #24

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 992
Thread images: 130

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A Trip Through Your Own Head

Character info pastebin in progress: http://pastebin.com/iB0tb7rz
Dice cheat sheet: http://pastebin.com/994WTT3g

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics involve three rolls of 1d100, taking the best, and using the base accuracy and crit ranges of the game, roughly, but the 'turn order' will be more like the anime, where sometimes you can do a few moves in a row or be hit by a combo of moves yourself, all depending on circumstances. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves, so beware of that timing. Speed is more important for closing ground, intercepting, and other things and doesn't necessarily mean going first.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture, mostly likely a butt.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Belladonna (Roselia)
Totodile (dice)

Badges: 1

Recently: You had a vision quest and were declared to be at least spiritually passable! You also promised to keep a dire vision of Rayquaza destruction a secret for now.
Looks like I checked twitter at the right time.
Here we go!
Aw yea! Highlight of my Saturday

Hope all is well Gobble
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Goddamn. Audit Quest AND Pokemon Island Quest in one day? Is it Christmas again?
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hah, time for butts
Speaking of...

>Totodile (dice)
Should be the other way around.
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You decide to train Dice. After all, he’s the newest member of the group and probably the most in need of some extra help.

Your head is still twirling from that tea. You went in pretty deep. You feel like you’re in a unique headspace right now, and whatever ideas you come up with, it won’t be like a regular training session.

You and your pokemon relax outside of the temple in an open area that doesn’t seem particularly special. You saw people running around here before and playing with pokemon, so it seems fine to train here. You’ve been trying to figure out if you want to train Dice or Mace. You decide on Dice first, and Mace if there’s time. You don’t want to neglect anybody.

You ask Mace and Gobble to keep an eye on Bella. Mace gives what looks like his best imitation of a salute. Gobble looks up long enough from digging in his fur for food to nod, then goes back to it.

Dice, who was just running in a circle with his arms out, comes to a sto looks up at you with an empty expression. He’s sort of a blank slate, isn’t he?

>Learn a new move
>Work on stats
>Work on specializing in a type of move (extra power, accuracy, or negating negative effects, etc)
>Work his lack of situational awareness
>Something else
>Work on his lack of situational awareness

This seems paramount imo
>Work his lack of situational awareness
>Work his lack of situational awareness
He will need a physical water move next time though
>>Work his lack of situational awareness
hi Gobble
>comes to a sto
>Work his lack of situational awareness

This or see if we can't find a way to communicate with him better since that could also be a bit of a problem.
>>Work his lack of situational awareness
>>Work his lack of situational awareness
Doing this while kinda high is gonna result in some six sense go with the flow bullshit isn't it? Awesome
>Work his lack of situational awareness
Drunken Fist (Zui quan) Dice?

I'm ok with this
>Work on his lack of situational awareness
Plus shouldn't it be
>Work on his lack of situational awareness?
>Work his lack of situational awareness
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nah, we just need to come up with a translation for each of his bites

it's not like he will break the skin on purpose after all
>Work his lack of situational awareness

That's sort of a crippling weakness.
>>Work his lack of situational awareness

I can dig it.

Drunken master frialigator shoots hydropumps in seemingly random directions that always fuck you up
>A Trip Through Your Own Head
Forgot to change the title eh?
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Or we can have him use Hydropump to propel himself towards his opponents, follow up with an Aqua Tail, if not just his own body weight (improvised Body Slam)
Awwwwww yeah!
Yes it's time!
>drunken master feraligatr
>can also learn dragon dance
I didn't know I wanted martial arts gator so badly.
Oh, we can bring back that idea from last quest

Have Dragon Dance double as a dodge maneuver to oncoming attacks
When we get the chance we should teach him aqua jet
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Dice seems like a swell pokemon, but you’ve noticed he’s really oblivious to the things around him. He doesn’t seem to dedicate a lot of mental energy to paying attention.

“Alright, Dice, we need to work on your situational awareness.”

He gives you another blank look.

“Let’s start with something easy. How many pokemon, besides yourself, are in this field?”

There’s Belladonna, Mace, and Gobble. He notices Mace rolling around, then to Belladonna, then to Gobble, then back to Mace. There are two bird pokemon on the other side of the field just hopping around and not doing much. That’s five total.

Gobble burps and Dice excitedly points.

“That’s nice, but how many? No looking back.”

He holds makes four noises, indicating four pokemon. From his face you can tell it’s a guess.

“Not quite.”

This will take some work. Maybe you can get a specialized exercise.

>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>Meditate (More serious, more attention span, spiritual focus)
>Work on looking around quickly (faster reflexes)
>He’s got a big nose. You bet he could use that to make up for his short attention span (Passive odor sleuth type of uses and other things)
>Something else
reminder that we will never get a Water/Fighting Mega Feraligatr
>>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
Sempai is noticing us guys!
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
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>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>Meditate (More serious, more attention span, spiritual focus)
Safest long-term bet.
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot (leads to drunken master)

Aw yea!
So how would the monks/pokemon league/professor respond if we give Dice booze?
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I think we might need to do a quote only vote, it's too close to call and obvious samefagging on both sides
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
People are still arriving and there is only one right answer. Not really feeling samefagging.
>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)

I swear my shift just ended.
I think he was kidding.

There is literally 1 vote for anything other than drunken master.
Well thats not to say the other forms of training dont have merit. That passive Oder Sleuth is really tempting, and i wouldnt mind teaching that to Dice (or another pokemon) in the future
>>He pays more attention when moving in one spot. (leads to drunken master)
T-there's been more than one counter vote.
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[There are no rules against giving a pokemon a fermented berry, although people would question why you'd do that. As long as you're not going so crazy with it that you cause liver damage (which would take so much that you'd practically have to do it intentionally) nobody will care besides thinking you have no sense of smell or something.

On that note, give me some rolls for initial success!]
Rolled 34 (1d100)

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I was

it is very tempting, I would love the stuff that would come with it, but drunken master is way too awesome
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Well the whole drunken style doesnt actually use booze, so i would hope fellow anons wouldnt want to resort to fermented berries.
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I sense strong voodoo juju going on here.
Well we are treading untested waters

Dice will pick it up as we go, i'm sure of it
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There’s just something about his brain that engages more when he’s bobbing and weaving around. It’s not an intuitive solution, but your own mind isn’t in it’s usual intuitive state.

You let your body wave around a little like plant in the wind. Dice, intrigues, follows your lead.

“Yeah, just like that.”

He’s having fun. He likes this strange game. You step it up by leaning back but stepping forward. Your upper body weight nearly makes you fall backwards, but you focus that momentum into swinging it back around instead. Suddenly, you’re able to reach out and poke him playfully on the snoot. He looks surprised and delighted, and imitates the move.

Except when he does it, he uses the weight of his tail a lot to swing himself around in reaction to what you do. As you move around, you ask him things like if the rock behing him is bigger or smaller than Gobble, or if there are any clouds above you guys, or if anyone is wearing red when people walk by. Just anything you happen to notice that makes a good question. He gets a few right without having to check, but you think he’ll need some more training. Still, it’s a start to something unique, and potentially helpful.

“Alright. Good job, Dice. Let’s take a break.”

He runs off and bites Bella gently as she sunbathes. She leaps up in surprise and he chases her around. She’s half upset, half laughing.

Mace seems to be paying a lot of attention to what you’re doing. He keeps a lookout, or an ear out, or whatever you want to call it, to Belladonna to make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble, but he also faces you. He’s never had any problems with paying attention at all.

You glance over to the temple exit. Keira comes out and waves. When she gets closer, she tells you that some of the others wanted to talk to Laki some more so it’ll be a while longer.

Probably for the best. You feel like Mace could use some special attention

>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>Let’s work on moving around quickly with that excess power. We’ll get it down, don’t worry.
>Work on using that excess energy as a strong attack
>Forget that stuff for now, work on a move
>Ask if he’s changed his mind about evolving
>Something else
>Ask if he’s changed his mind about evolving
Just a quick question, then
>Let’s work on moving around quickly with that excess power. We’ll get it down, don’t worry.
>>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.

Work on the control, then we'll be able to work on the fancier stuff with more ease.
>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.

Crit training?

Crit training.
>>Work on using that excess energy as a strong attack
Personally I think Mace has made his position on evolution clear.
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>>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
we can give him a unibeam once he masters flying ironman style

>Ask if he’s changed his mind about evolving
no need to push it, just figure out what he's feeling. Get keira to translate too
>Let’s work on moving around quickly with that excess power. We’ll get it down, don’t worry.
>Ask how he's feeling about evolving after having seen his friend Boldore
Lets not push the issue, might come off wrong
>Lets work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
Anything to help Mace focus utilizing that power so he's in control.
>>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
Let's stop him blasting off again.

>Dice, intrigues, follows your lead.
Think it should be "intrigued".

>you ask him things like if the rock behing him

I'll take my butts to go please Gobble.
>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>Let’s work on moving around quickly with that excess power. We’ll get it down, don’t worry.

And if we do ask about evolving, we should make a point that we're asking because he's seemed like he has a lot on his mind, and we want to remind him we've got his back.
>Let’s work on moving around quickly with that excess power. We’ll get it down, don’t worry.
We'll have our own accelerock.
[And here]
>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>>Let’s work on focusing that power into finer points. Really master precise control.
>Let’s work on moving around quickly with that excess power. We’ll get it down, don’t worry.
[Give me some rolls, please!]
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)

Dice for Mace!
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Rolled 70 (1d100)

Wait, is this how I roll?
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good job mate
You know what I like most about you as a QM, Gobble? Your willingness to let people run with fun ideas they have on a whim, if it makes sense.

No one could have predicted drunken fist gator, but it got proposed, had interest, and it was a choice on the next vote, and you made it work. It makes it feel more like a fun whim Herb had, too, with the way you do it.

You're good at this. That's what I'm saying. Also, Dice is the most adorable.
Bella is the most adorable!
Gobble (QM) is the most adorable!
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>not Gobble
first poke is best poke
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You sit down beside him and scratch on his head the way Hana did before, but without the vibrations. He doesn’t like it as much, but he appreciates the gesture.

“How are you doing, buddy?”

He sighs.

“I know you had a setback before, and something went on with that Boldore friend of yours. But no matter what happens, I’m here for you, okay? Not just as a trainer, but as a friend.”

He perks up. He’s about to snuggle into you when Bella and Dice run by. Then he goes back to looking stoic.

“I get it. I don’t like to look vulnerable in front of other people either.” You think about how people always comment on you being scrawny, or that time you cried in front of kids at school.

He very subtle snuggles into your hand as Keira sits by you.

“I’m going to guess something, but if I’m wrong, let me know, okay? I think you’ve been thinking about evolution lately.”

He glances up, then nods.

“Is it something you want to do because of what happened?”

He sighs again, then starts making noises. Keira translates. She says how he thought evolution changes you, and it does, but his Boldore friend changed for the better. He used to be a bully and a jerk.

“So you think if you evolve, you might become better?”

He nods. He doesn’t feel like he’s very good right now.

“You are good, Mace. Even the best have setbacks. That’s why we need to train hard.”

He looks fired up.


He leaps up.

“Let’s do this!”

You do a quick warm up first, then have him work on precision control. He whooshes out the energy like a gust of wind at first, but he very quickly starts getting the hang of it again. You hold up a leaf and he focuses little beams along the stem. Keira even helps him learn a few symbols in Loanah and he carves those into things, too.

He leaps up and fires three beams at the same leaf. It’s like a proto tri-attack. He’s really got his confidence back.

“Great job!” You pat him on the back. “How are you feeling? Do you want a new Macho Brace?”

He shakes his head. He doesn’t want it as a crutch anymore. He’s still got a long way to go, and he knows it, but he’s going to learn to handle it himself.

Laki comes out of the temple building now. She looks exhausted, but she turns a little self-conscious and almost bashful when she greats the two of you.

“Keira. Soft Hands. I just got a call from Valerie. Her and Hana will be sailing the yacht by tomorrow. They might stop in the dock if there’s time.”

>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>Let’s take the rest of the day off and rest/cook.
>Call Valerie back. You should talk about daring each other to do outgoing things.
>Let’s go explore more of the island!
>Something else
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.

Bella is technically first. As we got her egg before we met anyone else.

Also it wasn't "best" It was most adorable.
>>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>Let’s go explore more of the island!

They're also adorable, and Munchlax is one of my favorites, but as a noble Floridian, I must respect the gator.
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>Let’s go explore more of the island!
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.

And then if we have time later:
>Call Valerie back. You should talk about daring each other to do outgoing things.
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[Thanks! I appreciate that. I believe that a quest is a collaborative effort. To be honest, most of the best ideas are from player suggestions I'd never think of on my own. It's not my quest, it's our quest.]
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>Let’s go explore more of the island!
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.

>He very subtle snuggles into your hand as Keira sits by you.
Think it should be "subtly" Gobble.

>She looks exhausted, but she turns a little self-conscious and almost bashful when she greats the two of you.
Should be "greets".

We will acquire all the butts.
>Call Valerie back. You should talk about daring each other to do outgoing things.

I'm imagining Mace as a rune master now...

I wonder if mace could use his precision beams to etch ring targets and such into the opponent? Like, it'd be a welt or anime-esque scorch mark. Makes me wonder what other sorts of tags there are...
[Second butt[
>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>Let’s go explore more of the island!
Then, later tonight:
>Call Valerie back. You should talk about daring each other to do outgoing things.
>>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.
>>Ask about her interview and what happened in the sauna.


>Let’s go explore more of the island!
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You decide to walk and talk. You feel like seeing more. And Keira looks eager to show you. She hops around.

“Okay! Now that you can come up the mountain a bit, we can see the Holy Wood Path, then the Ice Flow Dip, then Traitor Lookout! Oh, it looks so nice from there!”

She jumps ahead of you, Laki, and all your pokemon. Laki’s Chatot flies to catch up with her.


“So.” She says flatly.

“That spirit quest huh? Sure makes people act strange.”

She looks like she’s going to put you in a headlock, but stops. “Yeah. I don’t really remember it.”

You think she’s telling the truth. But then again, you’re not really good at knowing.

“So how was your interview?”

She keeps her eyes ahead. “Well, you know. They couldn’t tell if my vision was just my psyche, or a prophecy.”

“A prophecy?”

“I don’t want to make a big deal out of it. t happens sometimes. It’s all vague and up to interpretation. Don’t worry about it.” She picks up Bella instead of continuing to talk.

She doesn’t seem like she wants to talk about it.

>Let it go for now.
>Go ask Keira about prophecies.
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.
>Ask about something else
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.

I've been there.
>>Go ask Keira about prophecies.
Not knowing this stuff is going to bite us sooner or later.
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.
>Go ask Keira about prophecies.
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.
>Go ask Keira about prophecies.
>Let it go for now
>Go ask Keira about prophecies
>>Ask about something else
"Cool. I made pancakes."
>Go ask Keira about prophecies.
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.
Make sure to let her know it's because we care, not just curiosity.
Forgot to add: Tell her about our visions. Leave out the stuff Rayquaza wanted us to keep to ourselves. Definately tell her about the pancakes, though.
Eh I'll back this.

>I made pancakes.
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>Go ask Keira about prophecies.
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.
She has to learn to open up.

> t happens sometimes.
Missing an I there Gobble.
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Nice trips
>Push Laki on the subject. Sometimes you wish people would push you.

And isn't that why we like Laki?
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You want to ask Keira about prophecies, but first, you should talk to Laki.

“I made pancakes in mine.”

She tries holding back a laugh, but only manages it for a second before bursting into a loud one right from the gut. She has to put Bella down to hold her sides.

“That’s the most Soft Hands thing I’ve ever heard.” She wipes a tear from her eye. “Ahh. Crap. Pancakes don’t mean anything special to you, do they?” She realizes she might be trampling on something.

“A bit, but that’s okay. What’d you see?” You push. At least, you push as hard as you can, given that you’re you and all. “I mean, if you don’t want to talk about it, I understand, but you seemed really-”

“Yeah. Yeah. I guess. Keira already knows all about it, so you might as well too.” She stretches. “Just don’t take it personally, okay? And if you tell anyone, I’ll give Keira some work to do, understand?”

You gulp and nod.

“I saw something I’ve been thinking about ever since the games. The future of the island. The islands changed into a smaller version of the mainland.”

“Oh, what does that mean?”

“It means Loanah won’t exist in the future. Not the way it does now. Mainlanders will keep coming in bigger numbers and bring their money and culture and all their children and we’ll be strangers in our own homeland. It won’t happen tomorrow, or a decade from now. But in a few generations, that’s where we’ll be. Because of people like your family.”

“But we don’t want-”

“Yeah. I know. And you’re a nice guy, Soft Hands. Really nice. That Jacob guy, you, and probably Val and others like you want to learn and you follow our customs, mostly. But It’s not just you. And even if nobody came here, I’ve seen what all the media and everything else does. That’s just how the world is now. We always kept our numbers down to make sure there were enough resources for everyone. We’re going to get washed away by the dominant power. That’s just nature. The strong dominate the weak.”

You always took Laki as a bit short-sighted and rash, but she’s thinking really far into the future.

“So they wanted to know if your vision was something that was bothering you, or a prophecy of the future?”

She nods, then picks Belladonna up again. "It's nothing personal."

>Say nothing
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>Does this mean she’s going to join that anti-outsider group?
>Something else
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>Things will change, but if we work hard we can make sure the most important stuff won't get lost in transition!
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>Mainlander's don't all share 1 culture.
>Hell, most mainlander cultures are actually a combination of other smaller cultures.
>Strong dominate the weak
Laki should just rape herb already
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>>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
Pokemon Island Adventure Quest, come for the butts, stay for the philosophical debates on miscegenation
>>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
With such a forewarning couldn't steps be taken to insure the culture is preserved?
Like Keira? :^].
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>>Maybe her culture will spread out instead
She didn't actually see how the people changed, right? Didn't see if they were like us, or something new entirely. That's an important part to overlook.

People will change in response to new ideas and cultures. It cuts every way, meaning that if Loanah disappears it won't vanish without changing the mainland as well. That's the way of things, too.
>That’s generations from now. Lots can change from now until then
>Something else
>If your people hold true to their culture and traditions, then won't it be possible for the Loanan culture to survive contact with the mainland?
It's not like the mainland is actively antagonistic toward their culture; the danger here is in the future generations choosing freely to forego their own culture in favor of the mainland's.
not sure reservations are a good outcome

biggest problem with culture is how it shifts over time, and there's really nothing we can do to stop mainlanders from moving to the islands. Best possible outcome is mainlanders get accepted into the native culture and integrate. Ironically, the antimainlander gang will cause the destruction of their culture by having the mainlanders never integrate and maintain their mainland culture on the island while they grow in numbers
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“That’s generations from now. Lot’s of things could change from now until then.”

“Maybe. But we have a saying. A tree planted today is a forest tomorrow.”

“And it goes two ways. There are lots of cultures on the mainland. And they all interact and mix. Maybe Loanah culture will spread.”

“We don’t exactly have a lot of books or television stations here. But thanks.” She tousles your hair. “Maybe you’re on to something, though.” She plays with your hair some more. “And there are a few things from the mainland I wouldn’t mind more of.” She laughs. “Oh yeah. Did Val talk about me before when you two camped together?”

You walk and chat a little longer. She seems to be in much better spirits. You’re on a roll today! It makes you feel great.

You go catch up with Keira and ask her about prophecies.

“You know about Laki’s vision?” She asks. She quickly covers her mouth. “I mean. Oh shoot. Pretend I didn’t say anything, okay?”

“It’s okay. She told me.”

“Oh thank the ancestors. I’m supposed to keep it confidential. Lots of personal stuff gets revealed.” Keira relaxes. “Prophecies can happen during vision quests too. It’s really rare and it can come to anyone, and it’s a really great honor. Our ancestors on the other side of the veil can see things that haven’t happened yet, and that’s how they let us know. It can be a warning, or help us decide if we’re at a crossroads about something, or just good news like a special person being born.”

Now the two of you chat for a bit, too. She points out different things she likes about the path, then the ice flow dip, which is a point in the river where the ice melts and large chunks flow down.

She stops. “Oh. It’s growing season. I almost forgot.” She points down a few ways you can go. There’s the main path, which just takes you to where you’re going, the path with lots of bushes with berries and things, and the very rarely walked one with rare pokemon.

>Rare pokemon path!
>Main path. You’re excited to see the lookout and spend some time up before you have to sleep.
>Berries? Let’s go that way
>Something else.
>>Berries? Let’s go that way
I imagine the one that's rarely walked is rarely walked for a reason.
>Main path. You’re excited to see the lookout and spend some time up before you have to sleep.
>Rare pokemon path!

Though maybe Berries if time. Gobble could use a treat, and we can supply up
>Berries? Let’s go that way
>>Rare pokemon path!
>>Rare pokemon path!
>Berries? Let’s go that way

BUt if we go berries have Gobble sniff em out.
>Berries? Let’s go that way
>Rare pokemon path!
New pokemon to befriend and see off without catching!
>Berries? Let’s go that way
>Berries? Let’s go that way
>Berries? Let’s go that way

I wanna use berries to train Gobbs to use recycle.
>>Berries? Let’s go that way
we don't need new mon atm

shame though, because a A-vulpix would be great.
>>Berries? Let’s go that way
>Berries? Let’s go that way
>Berries? Let’s go that way
or >Rare pokemon path!
>Berries? Let’s go that way
Ingredients for PokeFood, yes please!
We do need a snuggly fire type

Her flames would be helpful for cooking
I'm hoping for a female Snorunt, but an A-Vulpix would be nice too
People voted against even meeting an A Vulpix last time we had a chance. Apparently people some of the Anons don't like that mon. Personally I wanted to at least meet the cutie, but such is life.
>Berries? Let’s go that way
A. Vulpix is an Ice type that also gets Fairy moves.
Froslass would indeed be my pick for an ice type. We just got our gator friend, though. We don't need a fifth right now.
ah ok my bad i misread as 'a vulpix' not aloha vulpix

Though Ice w/ Fairy is awesome as well
yeah, but there aren't a lot of places to get ice types

We've already getting close to a full team, and I don't really want us to get more than 8 at max
I'd be happy with either.
Ghost would be nice, but it's a much lower priority than Fairy. That's why A. Ninetails would be p good, that sweet Ice/Fairy typing.
A. Vulpix would be very nice, but yeah we should wait a little while to train and enjoy the pokemon we've got right now.
[Ice pokemon can be found on any mountain in the region, and the islands are actually full of them, despite the lack of snow on the map]
It's an Ice+Fairy type

not just an Ice with fairy moves

I'd really like a Mismagius for the ghost coverage. It learns cool support moves and unique attack moves
Good point. I agree, but I'm sure we'll have a chance to get some more ice types later. Presumably there'll be an ice temple.
Where were all you guys like 2 threads ago when we saw one of those things on the path?
>We don’t exactly have a lot of books or television stations here.
Well maybe that could be a good way of preserving the culture.
Going around and gathering up old legends and stories and getting them published
I prefer standard Vulpix.
>8 at max
I think most people are good with 6, I think that's the popular thought anyway.

I think another egg would be cool.
Voted for it, saddened by the lack of support, and weeping into my can of soda.
I get the feeling berries will win, but:
>Rare pokemon path!

Could get something cool.
I voted for Vulpix then and even now.
[Give me some rolls, please.]
Rolled 13 (1d100)

A. Vulpix is just Ice for it's type, it's the A. Ninetails that is Ice/Fairy typing. So you aren't right, but you aren't wrong either. I also think that Mismagius would be a cool mon. But I agree with most anons in that it's still a little too soon to catch another mon. We'll see tho
>>Berries? Let’s go that way

Maybe Keira and Laki know some basic recipes they could share tonight?
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 4 (1d100)

Check my 1 out.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)


Bella guide my dice!
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Do it!
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the vote was split between a vulpix(not even an A-Vulpix, it was a fire type) and the best pokemon in the world

I forgot about that. Ice temple would be great for it, and we could go ice scating
My bad, I thought they were both Ice/Fairy. I haven't actually used one yet despite having sun and moon.

yee, way too soon. I can just dream about mismagius in the meantime.
Nah bro it was a white fox, it was totally an A. Vulpix.
I'm pretty sure it was A-Vulpix. But you are right about Swinub being best Ice type.
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>Laki's meowth
Anon that was me asking about Laki's meowth...
I'm gonna be burned at the stake for this, but I never liked snorunt. Seemed so boring.
Snorunt is dumb and Glalie is dumb. Froslass is the only cool part of the line.
I never understood the snorunt to glalie evolution...
to be honest, i didnt like snorunt originally cause i didnt care for Glalie's design.

Froslass is a fine option if it comes up. But i want Vulpix/Ninetails more
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1MB, 900x1125px
I realized that the instant I clicked post

have one of my finest apology butts
Truly an apology butt of the highest quality. Im sure anon will be pleased.
Well I've seen it before, but it is a good one.
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“Berries?” You ask. Gobble immediately perks up. “Can we go that way?”

“Okay!” She clasps her hands together excitedly. “Oh, they’re so good this time of year.”

You wave Laki over and you all head down into the brush to find some berries.

“There’s a ring around this area that makes the perfect conditions for them. It’s just cool and just warm enough. We’ll find lots! We should split up to look for them.”

And so you do. It’s a small enough area and you all agree on a spot to meet up by a really tall tree in case you get lost.

You search around and find a few berries, but you find you’re really not all that good at it.

You’re about to check out how your pokemon are doing when you step onto a chunk of ice that was in a shaded area. It comes loose and you slide down the hill. Luckily, you don’t go too far. The brush turns into a clearing very quickly.

Unfortunately, you fall very ungracefully and get covered in mud and dirt.

“Are you okay?” Someone riding a block of ice on the small river near by hops off and comes over. Looks like someone Laki’s age, or maybe a little older. “Hey, you’re a mainlander.” He helps you up. “Explains the clumsiness. So, are you lost, or what?”

“No, but thanks.” You look up the hill. You can still see where the really tall tree is. “What are you doing?”

“Ice riding. You’ve never done it?” He hops onto another chunk of ice on the stream. You look down the range and see this one feeds directly into the ocean without anyone being where you’d drink from it. They must only care about snow and ice in certain parts.

You see Laki and Keira coming out of the brush towards you. You must have made some noise on the way down.

“So you ride the ice on the river?”

“You catch on quick.” You detect a hint of sarcasm. He’s being loud enough that the girls can hear. “It’s a sport. You race someone else down and try not to fall in. It’s more of a grown man’s thing. You wouldn’t be interested.”

>Challenge him to a round. Or match. Or whatever.
>How about our pokemon do it
>Challenge him to a regular pokemon battle.
>Okay. Bye.
>Something else.
>>Okay. Bye.
>Thanks for explaining it!
>>Okay. Bye.
>Thanks for explaining it.

basically backing this anon >>1130042
This. We ain't got nothin' to prove.

Thanks for the help dude, hope you have fun!
Maybe we'll try it later.
>>Okay. Bye.
Supporting >>1130042
>Okay. Bye.
>Thanks for explaining it!
This but if he throws down a challenge or calls us chicken we gotta show him what for.
We should do it because if we make it out to sea then the ice will melt and we will be saved by our sharpido buddy
This. Hope he has fun.
Such a nice guy.
> *shrug* If you say so. Have fun. *resume picking berries with Laki/Keira*

Hmm, cant help but wonder if this is one of those possibly taboo things even if we did get approved.
I support this.
>Okay. Bye.
Backing this too. Herb's got his priorities straight.
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a fucking leaf.jpg
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my apologies, I can't post any good butts right now due to the storm
Like, it's clear to me this kid saw cute girls and is trying to do something impressive. But we're shutting him down so completely just by agreeing with him. It's great.
I just don't want to risk falling into a frigid river.
Shit's cold, yo.
12 Minutes since the last vote. Gobble is kill.
“Oh. Well, thanks for explaining it. Have fun.” You brush yourself off. You still feel a bit embarrassed by your clumsy entry and appearance, but there’s nothing you can do about that right now.

“Okay, kiddo. You too.” Even you get a bit annoyed by his tone. But you let it go.

You catch up with Keira and Laki.

“I would have punched that jerk out if I were you.” Laki says. “You start letting people walk all over you, and they never stop.”

“Laki! This is an island of peace!”

Laki holds her hand up. “Right. Sorry. I’d invite him out to a boat and kick his ass there.”

“You’re missing the point.” Keira says, half admonishing, half giggling. “Herb, you did the right thing. There’s nothing manly about defending your honor with violence.”

She’s sincere, but that still stings. Maybe you’re just oversensitive and reading too much into it. Laki called you a secret badass before, after all/

You go back to picking berries. Keira even finds different plants and root vegetables she says make great foods. You’re excited to cook things you’ve never tried before.

You gather everything up and head for the lookout before it gets dark. You cook up a few things, feed everybody, and relax.

“Remember, I want a massage before you go to sleep.” Laki says as she picks food out of her teeth.”

>Get to bed early, train tomorrow morning
>Chat with Laki
>Ask Keira more about the islands
>Bond with your pokemon
>Call someone on the pokedex
>Something else
>Bond with your pokemon
>Get to bed early, train tomorrow morning
I really want to do that fire badge
>>Call someone on the pokedex
Valeria about daring stuff.
>Chat with Laki
and massage her until she is a puddle.
>Chat with Keira and Laki while giving Laki massage
>Bond with your pokemon
>Massage (with our dick, because our hands are still ground beef, yeah?)
>Get to bed early, train tomorrow morning
Can bond with the mons in the morning.
>Ask Keira more about the islands
this >>1130197
Oh man i almost forgot about calling Val.
Add that to >>1130197 before the massage
Supporting >>1130197
>>Bond with your pokemon
>Bond with your pokemon
>Half-jokingly suggest that we give Keira massage, too, after Laki's
>Call someone on the pokedex (Valerie)
>Chat with / massage Laki
>Bond with your pokemon
>Chat with Laki

I'm tempted to call Hana just to see what happens. We could catch her in a compromising position, or she might be chatting with Val. Either or.
Changing >>1130199
Actually, I'll change my vote to this if we do call Hana. I'm sort of holding out for her.

Yup, voting for this.
supporting the suggestion
This vote is a mess.
>>Call someone on the pokedex
Valerie. I wanna gossip and swap dares because I'm basically a teenage girl at heart.

>Chat with Keira
Dunno if I want to hear more about the islands. Maybe more about the customs instead, since we can share a little more about mainland culture that way.

Yes. It's beautiful.
Supporting this.
I'll support this.
You fucker. I like the way you think.

I'm voting to throw this in there somewhere. Anywhere.
I just want to do that gym battle while the place burns down around us. It sounds awesome we have to do it.
I don't see what that has to do with Anons statement but I agree.
Although thinking about Herb's bad luck it could go horribly horribly wrong.
I'm hoping for an intense battle of stamina and wills

Probably too late but I like this.

Also Hi gobble!
I'm sure people would still like herb if he had horrible burns. He could do the phantom of the opera look.
Everyone's first time is memorable for different reasons.
Well yeah none of the chicks are horribly shallow Those horrible burns aren't anime cute. They're disgusting. So romantic relationships over.

But I'd really be worried about Bella getting burned or Mace having to evolve to stop the building from crushing his friends.
Well Jane is my favorite...
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You actually have a lot you want to do before bed. But hey, you’re full of energy at the moment. It’s been a crazy day.

“Okay. I’ll give you a massage in a bit.” You tell Laki. “I guess you’re expecting one too, huh?” You half joke to Keira.

“I don’t want to cause any trouble.” Keira says a little shyly.

Laki coughs.

“But okay! Nobody from the temple is around so it’s okay, right? I mean, it would be anyway because that’s a judgement I can make on my own, but sometimes other clergy don’t understand, and-”

“She says yes.” Laki yawns. “Don’t take too long.

You grab your pokedex and sit somewhere out of earshot. You call Valerie. The reception is better than you expected.

“Herb! Perfect timing. I just got settled in for the night. Hana did me hair. You should see it! She’s really great with her hands.” Her voice tapers off and she sounds a bit awkward. “Anyway, have you thought of a good challenge? I think I’m getting that same fire that trainers talk about when they’re excited for a battle.”

She sounds fired up. You have a feeling that she’ll suggest something for you that’s proportional to what you dare her to do.

What’s a good challenge to make her more outgoing and daring?

>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should sing in front of someone
>She should kiss someone she likes
>Something else
>>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should tell Hana something really personal
She already sang for the contest, didn't she?
>>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should sing in front of someone
>Hana did me hair.
Yargh! That be a Butt, me hearty!

>She should sing in front of someone
>She should kiss someone she likes
Goin Rouge!
>She should sing in front of someone
That's a fucking challenge let me tell you. I only ever sing by myself
>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should sing in front of someone
>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should ask Hana about something really personal
Do both! Opening up to others is important, but so is getting other people to be open with you.
>She should tell Hana something really personal
>She should tell Hana something really personal
>>She should kiss someone she likes
>She should sing in front of someone
>>She should tell Hana something really personal
>>She should sing in front of someone
best way to get some confidence
>She should sing in front of someone

I feel this is a good level.
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>She should tell Hana something really personal
Sing doesnt seem too 'out going' but i guess if its front of a crowd maybe?

>Hana’s really great with her hands
pic related
>She should tell Hana something really personal
>Ask how Hana is doing
>>She should sing in front of someone
Not too personal, not too daring. Good challenge to ease in.
What if we say she should sing TO someone?
But I dont want to massage the priestess!
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>She should sing in front of someone
Out of curiosity, how late are you going, Gobble?
Good point. That's probably better than telling personal things.
I'm hoping we can massage everyone. Our Pokémon too. Keeps the muscles loose.
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[Probably another hour or so]
I don't know why I like this picture so much, but I do. There's something especially cute about it.
Then vote for it
Anon's just salty herb is touching a second waifu. Kiera shit. A sHiiiit.

I don't disagree.
Yeah, I'll try to keep it in mind for write-ins.
That's implying that there is a first, presumptuous anon.
save the waifu wars for post thread

especially when your taste is shit
You challenge her to tell Hana something really personal.

“Oh. That’s hard. I know just the thing, though. Oh my I feel overwrought already. This is perfect.”

“What should I do?”

“Hmm. Well. I have the feeling you’re quite open with everyone already. I think you should disagree with someone’s opinion, and not back down.”


“That’s who I was thinking of. She has a lot of strong opinions, and I’m sure she says things you don’t always agree with. You tend to sidestep or avoid conflict, but I think you need to stand your ground. It doesn’t have to be her though. But next time someone says something you don’t think is right, I want you to stand your ground loudly and proudly.”

That’s horrifying. You’re okay with saying you think otherwise, but if someone feels strongly about something you tend to just sort of let it go and move onto something else to keep the peace.

>Ask for a different challenge.
>Take it farther! Go pick a debate right now!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Something else
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73KB, 540x699px
Yes there is obviously a best girl.
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!

>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Take it farther! Go pick a debate right now!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
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653KB, 714x999px
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!

>he likes Korra
shit taste confirmed
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!

And then possibly
>Take it farther! Go pick a debate right now!

If only because I'd be worried about leaving it up in the air and then running into one of the priests or something.
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!

I think we're up for this. I'm looking forward to seeing how Val's challenge goes. Hopefully we'll.

We're... traveling with at least 3 bi girls. What are the odds?
>>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!

I'm trying to think of something witty but my sleepy brain is refusing to cooperate.
>Okay. Say hi to Hana for me. Bye!
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“Okay. Say hi to Hana for me!”

“Can do! Bye!”

You stop scratching Gobble behind the ears and get up and stretch. Time to massage Laki.

“Took long enough, Soft Hands.” She teases. She’s not actually upset. She’s laying on the ground without a top on.

You lotion up your hands and get to work. “Where’s Keira?”

“She’s washing her face. She’ll be back in a bit.” Her voice trails off into a soft, satisfied murmur as you work on her back muscles.

Oh jeez.

“Something change with your hands, Soft Hands? They’re warm, or something.” She relaxes even more. You don’t think she’ll care if you don’t answer.

Oh that’s right. You had a weird trip where you had healing powers or something in your dream. That’s crazy though, right?

>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Ask about her family life
>Something else
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>>Ask if she likes Valerie
>>Ask if she likes Valerie
Why Gobble. Why give me choices I can't help but pick. I will find a way to build a relationship between these characters if you give me a chance.
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Tell her she's beautiful
>>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
Might as well, only one way to be sure!
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she likes Valerie
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
>Ask if she thinks you’re masculine
Also, if she seems like she's teasing with her answer about Herb being masculine, ask her to be serious.
>Try to heal that tiny cut on her arm
Laugh internally at the silliness of what you're thinking.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

'Ere we go!
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

prepare for failure.
Rolled 22 (1d100)


Gobble guide my roll!
I know that's Yellow and Green, but that reminds me a lot of Robin and Kat.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

I like the idea of Laki having a thing for Valerie. Not sure if I can see them ending up in anything long-term, but that's partly because they haven't had much time together. May as well find out.
I'm actually reminded of Roll from Megaman. Gobble saying "Roll" doesn't help either.

I miss Megaman Legends now.
we all do.
I like the idea of Laki having a thing for Herb.
Well, if we want to accomplish our goal of getting Val to be more outgoing we could always point Laki in her general direction and fire. Learning by example is one of the best ways to learn.
I like the idea of Herb having a thing for Laki and Hana, and Laki having a thing for Herb and Hana, and Hana having a thing for Laki and Herb.
Laki and Hana have had almost zero interactions so far. Makes me sad, man.
You go too far! Too many things can only lead to disaster!
I like the idea of interchangeable parts. You can swap things around freely all you want and it'll still work out.
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120KB, 342x192px
“Do you think I’m masculine?”

She opens her eye. There’s a long silence. “Do you?”

You work a knot. “Do I think I’m masculine? I don’t know...”

“There’s your answer.” That stings a little, but you know she’s trying to teach you something. “Some people are deluded, but for the most part, if you carry yourself a certain way, and you’re always honest to yourself, then that’s all that matters. Of course, you can be seen as masculine by just being strong and taking what you want, like cute little blondes.”

You switch to another knot. “Do...do you like Valerie?”

“Yeah. She’s alright. A bit bubbly, and she doesn’t really know much outside of her rich little bubble, but she’s nice.”

Oh man this is awkward. “No, I mean-”

“I know what you mean, Soft Hands. No, I don’t have a crush on her. But I am going to nail her.”

You freeze. “W-wha-”

“Offer’s already out there. Just a matter of time. She knows I don’t want a relationship. She knows what her body wants. And I want her body.” She turns her head and opens her eyes. “Taking what you want is what my people are all about.”

Oh Jeez. Wow. Okay. Huh. The half naked girl you’re massaging just told you she’s going to do things with the beautiful rich Valerie. And she’s so confident about it.

You need to get your mind off of this before you embarrass yourself. You focus on something else. “Where did you get that cut?” You gently poke it.

She flinches “Hmm? Didn’t notice it before. Probably from the brush.”

You put a hand on it. You close your eyes and concentrate. You imagine it sewing up and healing over.

It’s gone.

>Pretend it didn’t happen.
>Ask about healing as calmly as you can
>Something else

Herb x Hana or Herb x Keira or maybe Herb x Valerie.
>Ask about healing as calmly as you can
>Pretend it didn’t happen.
We'll freak out about it later when Keira is around. She has mystic answers about it, I'm sure.
>>Ask about healing as calmly as you can
and then
>Pretend it didn’t happen.

To Laki that is. Acknowledge it to ourself, and maybe ask Keira when we talk to her.
>Pretend it didn’t happen.

Laki must teach Herb the ways of the conquistador
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>Pretend it didn’t happen.

This update makes me only more determined to have Herb be more forward with his attraction to Laki.
>>Ask about healing as calmly as you can
while going
>Pretend it didn’t happen.
>>Pretend it didn’t happen.

You'll have to contend with every anon who disagrees.
You misspelt Keira.
Then that is what I shall do!
>Pretend it didn’t happen.
>Ask about healing as calmly as you can

Ignore it until Keira gets back.
It won't be that bad, Laki has the most fans.

We are legion, we are many.
Well duh. Everyone is gonna vote for their waifu.
>Ask about healing as calmly as you can
Not very calmly at all.
Agreed. Offering her a massage was a good first step there.
>Ask about healing as calmly as you can
You know, this might be an opportunity for our challenge. We could very well make the argument that Laki will not nail Val, as she likely wants to be romanced.
I like the idea, but I'm not sure we know that she want's to be romanced IC
Then when we calm down
>How can you heal people?
Only if we realize what we were actually talking about that night Laki was sloshed. Which we very well may, now that we know Laki has propositioned Val.
Which he doesn't. Herb is mostly pure.
Eh, we realized the "week" after a little while. We're pure, but that doesn't have to make us any denser than the comedy requires. Plus, we're empathetic. We can see things from other's impure viewpoints if we try.
Oh, fuck the hell yes.

Ought to be hilarious.
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I want to do this after the healing freakout.
He talked with Hana about vibrating arms and masturbation. His purity is gone just like people's belief that DC will ever release any good Superman stuff.
I'm down for this, hopefully we'll get a chance after finding out we are magic.
He didn't understand the subtext until after the conversation was over though.

He isn't pristine, but he's still pretty innocent.
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Way I see it, his purity comes from his actions, rather than being incapable of thinking sexual things. It's his priorities and values that constitute purity of mind.

Of course he's pure. It's not like we're challenging Laki to bed her.
You apparently haven't been on /qst/ very long.
No one has been on /qst/ very long.
>It's not like we're challenging Laki to bed her.
My point stands.
Reminder that Gobble confirmed a harem route(Though personally I prefer a love triangle, but am willing for either the monogamy or even love square!).
I don't keep up with any other quests on qst, and all the ones on aco are far less consistent.

Now that would be impure. We might have to unleash dark Herb on you.

Unless we learn to make that tea and it turns out there is no dark Herb, only a dank Herb.
...I wanna see what Polu is like with that tea.
>Wanting any waifu instead of being a chaste hermit forever
Absolutely garbage opinion
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>BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo-OOOOOO~ intensifies
It'd definitely be amusing.
Harem is trash.
>mix spirit quest tea with worry seed coffee
I wonder what would happen?
Oh yea, I'm well aware and supporting Conquistador Herb.

I could see love triangles form though i'm certain with certain waifu backing they'll probably go threesome)
Herb aint gonna stay 'pure' forever. It may not even be by our choosing.
“It’s like I was saying, Soft Hands. In this world you loudly and proudly go for what you want. Even if you can’t take it, people will respect you for trying and being honest about it.” She smirks “Why are you so interested in my love life anyway?”

You’re not really paying attention to what she’s saying. You’re staring at your hands. “AHHH!” You leap back and look at your hands.

“What! What is it?” She pushes herself up, wraps the towel around her chest, and looks around.

“Laki... Can people in Loanah heal things with their hands?”

She raises an eyebrow. She looks more confused than anything.

“Oh! Wonderful!” You turn to see Keira in a mask. “Yes. Some can. It’s a gift that comes from meditation and aura training. I’ve never heard about a mainlander with it before.”

“Wait. Wait wait wait.” Laki says as she tries to bring her arm up so she can see where the cut was. “Wait.”

“I can see it in your aura, Herb. You just healed someone.”

Laki fingers around the site of her former cut. “Holy-”

“Well, some clergy think of all healing as holy, but it’s more about the act of giving. It’s a really interesting theological debate.”

“I can heal, for real!” You finally say something.

Keira looks confused. “You just did.”

You sit down. You wonder what mom and dad are going to say.

[That's it for tonight. I have to study tomorrow, but we'll still be running. And then some more during the week. Sorry I've been so far behind on lewdbins. We should have that rectified before next week as well. Exact timeline depends on if I do well or poor on my test and how much that means I need to study. Thanks for coming!]
I'd like to see Harem in the context of interacting with solgaleo/lunala (or a link cable?) and hopping from alt ending to alt ending. But for a main playthrough? I'm all about that hot, hot committed monogamy.
Herb is a good boy!

Thanks for running gobble! Healing hands massages are amazing aren't they? I bet they are.
Thanks for running, Gobble!
Thanks for running!
So will we be starting up next time right here? Or will the night be jumping forward or even going into the morning?
Thanks gobble! Luck on exams and such
>“Why are you so interested in my love life anyway?”
Figure it out Laki!

Thanks for running as always Gobble. Looking forward to continuing tomorrow.

We are still going to get to talk with Laki and Keira and finish giving them their massages right?
>Did you just unlock a great spiritual power?Mom and Dad are gonna be pissed. You are sooo grounded.
Ha! I want that to be a dream sequence now or our next tea drinking session. Have Rayquaza pop up super close to our tripped out selves in a big booming voice "ITS COOL, BRO!"
Thanks for running, Gobble! Tonight was great!
[Yeah. I figure people voted to chat for a reason. There will be more before the night is through.]
Sweet deal!

Night and see ya tomorrow
We missed you Gobble! Thanks for running.

(I missed you the most.)
Good luck studying!

I'm wondering how common "powers" in general are.

There seem to be a lot of highly visible psychics among gym leaders, and the gym trainers below them seem to be pretty commonly psychic.

Then there's aura, which has everything from blasts to readings to healing to Jeneane's "aura massage" ( which I really want Herb to learn by the way!)

All pokemon are basically magic, but communicating with them might be another aura power? But trainers that bond with their pokemon real well seem to pick it up in a narrower form.

And with the weird disparate tech levels (candles but also teleportation?!) I wouldn't be surprised if some savant scientists basically qualified as superpower level smart.

Let's see. There's also hex-maniacs and fairy girls, who seem to have something supernatural going on with them.

Then there's niche things like those that can tell what hidden power type a pokemon can have, or move deleters, etc. etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if having powers was pretty common. If I were a scientist in-setting, I'd probably be pretty obsessed with crafting a unified theory of human paranormal abilities.
Thanks for running, Gobble.

Also, for those who are interested in lewdbins, I've been talking with Gobble about the special lewdbin I offered to write for her, and thus far I've been given two pieces of information on what she wants in it. I could use some suggestions for how to develop them and anything else you guys might want, since it's for you guys, too.

The two things Gobble has requested for this lewdbin are as follows: a crossover between Herb and Kat, and Hana with her vibrating arm.
>Herb and Kat
Mature Milfy Kat or quest Kat?

Because right now Kat is probably super Ara Ara~
Herb being taught by Kat on how to properly satisfy a women, with Hana as the willing "test subject".
Maybe even some PoV switches to Robin and Clair as they "check in" using Clair's psychic powers.
If Hana's arm was made by Robins company I bet Kat know all the special features it has.

Kat must tease Hana
That'sa solid point. It's not usually my thing, but I could work with that. My first thought was Kat guiding Herb and Hana through their sexytimes, and an older Kat would work well for that.
Hana masturbates to a fantasy of Herb being seduced by the famous Viscountess(if I'm remembering correctly) that she had seen so many times on tv. It even makes it semi-canon.
Mix it all together, and you have a beautiful lewdbin
Well I have opinions.

For the arm, I'd like something set after meeting Hana in thread 1. A quick jaunt through several kinky scenarios during a masturbatory session would be nice. Being dommed by Jane, then pneumatically riding Polu, then sensually embracing Herb, etc, as she fantasizes about all these sexy new friends. Bonus if she gets off to the idea that we know her preferred masturbatory style.

As for crossover... I'm less certain. I'd like it set up so there's no significant age difference, using the characters basically as we knew them during their runs. Maybe a "what if Kat were born later, and was adopted by a loanan?" and we skip partway into her journey with Herb where she seduces him. If you'd like to cater very specifically to me, include any number of the following ways kat might seduce Herb: Kabedon, lip-biting, pulling down her neckline with one finger, whispering in the ear, getting him alone in the woods, and hip-wiggles in shorts.

Of course, the hottest part of a seduction is when the seducer allows themselves to become emotionally vulnerable and asks honestly for physical affection.

Honestly, Herb and Kat have such strong personalities and the chemistry seems obvious, since Herb is starting off a bit like Robin after all. I want to see Herb be Katnip.
>Skip the age difference
>whole bunch of other stuff I didn't read

Slow down there hoss

So, I like a lot of these ideas, so combining them seems like a good way to go.

I like the idea of the whole thing really being a masturbation fantasy of Hana's, and I like the idea of her mentally placing Kat in her fantasy with Herb. On a personal note, Hana getting off on Herb knowing her preferred masturbation method is also very good for me. Does that all sound good to you guys?

Kat being older might work, but Hana imagining her younger could work too. That's the part I'm least sure about. What would you guys prefer on that front?
I would really like Ara ara Kat but if you feel you can right normal kat better go for it
I prefer older tbqh
I prefer normal Kat. I always imagined her as Hilda, so it makes for clear visuals for me. I don't have a very good picture of milf Kat in my head. If it's all fantasy though, I can see Hana trying out both situations.

I would like to reiterate that dialogue is important to me, internal or otherwise. Throwing in a line here or there about jow into it the characters are does a lot for me.
>I don't have a very good picture of milf Kat in my head
Hilda's mom?

I'm confident I can write ara ara Kat just fine. Age differences like this are just something I don't typically go for, but I'm not against it of that's what you guys want.


That makes sense too, yeah. And the characters really being into it is something I definitely want to highlight l. I'm a vanillafag at heart, and my biggest turn-on is people being happy and comfortable during sex.

My brother. Sounds like you'll satisfy my preferences just fine then.
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Come to think of it though...

You know who would make for a good partner for sexy adult Kat?

Sexy adult Herb.

I'd also like to see Kat's reaction to Herb's "dark side."
oh god jaime is such a dork
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>people being happy and comfortable during sex
I like your style.
I'd say go for Ara Ara Kat, but the writefag needs to be happy with it too.
Even if I am a /d/epraved person this applies to me too
>biggest turn-on is people being happy and comfortable during sex.
It makes sense for the Pokemon setting because it's Japanese.

Shintoism has pretty much bred into them a baseline culture of accepting minor supernatural shit.

In the western tradition we relate most of our supernatural shit to straight up God, but in theirs there are fucktons of nature gods and all kinds of bizarre shit can happen for no real rhyme or reason.
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>people being happy and comfortable during sex.
best fetish

followed closely by aprons
Clearly laki will only respect her through confrontation, we should argue about val, say how you SHOULD treat a lady you like, and show her to prove the point

I want her to open up as a nervous sub for herb
>wanting a nervous sub for Herb
then you just get two nervous subs
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and then Jane comes into play
Now that I'm no longer sleepy and coherent I can totally see that Laki could want Herb to be more assertive. Feels like even if she rejects him she'd probably respect Herb more. Though I really really don't want her to reject him.

She did say she doesn't want a relationship right now. Hopefully Herb can change her mind.
This seems like a good idea, Val is sort of a sheltered main-lander without much experience in physical relationships, to Laki it may not seem like a big deal but she could do real damage if she just goes in (when Val is willing) and doesn't bother with after care. Val is our friend and I for one want to protect her smile.
So, here's what I think we should disagree with Laki on, being masculine doesn't mean taking what you want, it's about protecting the ones you care About. Its About responsibility and doing your best for your friends, family, and community.
We could work these together, I think.
We need to assert dominance and tell Laki she is Herb's. We will not have an open marriage, especially when they have a child!
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nah, Laki can enjoy fucking mainlander chicks

Meanwhile Herb gets to integrate into the native culture and raise a family in the jungle with his priestess waifu
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remove this commentary immediately
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don't worry Bella, you can date Keira's Cutiefly, you're the same egg group

And her Tropius can teach you Magic Leaf, doesn't that sound fun?
Hmm... I've been thinking about this "Strength is taking what you want" thing, and decided how I feel about it. Maybe Herb would feel similar.

I think that taking what you want doesn't work when other people are involved, because then you have to ask for what you want. I think that like how bravery is overcoming your fear, strength as a person is when you conquer your weakness.

When I feel hurt, I want to give up or say something hurtful back or pretend it didn't happen, instead of trying again or being forgiving. When I do what I want instead of what I think is important or right is when I'm a weak person. When I do what I should instead of what I want is when I feel strong.

If wanting to sleep with a cute girl was all Val's only thought on the matter, She would have done so already. Maybe she needs to feel trusted or romanced. I don't know for certain. But she hasn't, so she probably has other priorities.

That's why when people give into temptation, they say they're weak. Because strength is conquering yourself.
>if there are none, click skip

You gotta read the instructions, anon.
Did gobble say what time he'd be running?
I think either of these reason for disagreeing with Laki would be great.
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Now this is a plan I can get behind.
I want Jane as the main wife and the rest as mistresses.
Low quality bait
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if we go with a tricycle, Jane would be nice. After all, she wants to be part of the native culture, and what's closer to that than being in a harem with a priestess and lusting after mainlander dick?
>I think that like how bravery is overcoming your fear, strength as a person is when you conquer your weakness.
Herb needs to use this line to Laki.

Also, I think taking what he wants is impossible for Herb, since what he wants is to give.
I want val as wife, laki as maid/mistress, jane as dog, hana as daughter & kiera as gardener
I want it to be like in Friends where everyone is close-knit and one or two relationships turn romantic but overall everyone genuinely cares about each other.
We seem to be well on our way to that, so I agree.
Is it wrong that I want this too?

I don't think we need to sex up every girl in our group, even if we are hung like a horse.
Don't worry, it is literally never wrong to agree with me.

Although I would like an AU bin for every girl we don't get to Bone Rush.
Let's try and string them together.

General thrust of the counterargument to "taking what you want is strength" is overcoming your own weaknesses and protecting others.

So, start with arguing that Laki isn't showing her strength or even assertiveness by hooking up with Val. We know she's not interested in a relationship. We can reasonably guess that that is a lie, and she's just telling herself that because she doesn't want to commit to something and get burned again when if it fails in spectacular fashion. Knowing her past, we can reasonably see her taking Val as a one-off fuck buddy without consideration for feelings or romance is a sign of Laki's personal weakness. We've inverted her logic now - taking something can be seen as a sign of weakness.

Now, we could tell Laki at this point that if we were more like Jane, we could really hurt Laki right now. We know enough about her sensitivities that we could use this opening to further exploit them and validate her worst fears about forming a relationship with someone. But she knows we're better than that. We build people up, not tear them down. And if we're calling Laki out on her shit it's because it really *is* shit that she's holding onto and we're willing to push our bond to try and help her help herself. Because if she didn't believe that we were exactly who we said we were, she'd walk off in a heartbeat and never let us into her life again.

So, moral of the story - there's far more to strength than simply taking things, and that's where our strength is going to lie because taking without giving back is *never* going to be how we or our friends walk through this world. Not on our watch.
Fucking do it.
Actually, I'll add to part of this.

If she didn't believe that we were exactly who we said we were, she'd walk off in a heartbeat and never let us into her life again. And if we didn't believe that she wasn't better than what she thinks she is, we wouldn't be having this conversation with her. We'd just warn Val off from dealing with Laki because we won't let one of our friends give away something she cares about to someone who ultimately didn't give a shit about what they were getting.
>didn't believe she wasn't better
*was better. Tripped up on on keeping track of my negatives there.
Oh, and to really, really sell it at the end when she's speechless.

"Did I do good, Laki?"

If she doesn't start cracking up at Herb wrapping back around from man with a spine of steel into his everyday self then she is officially worst girl.
I think that combining the two would work best by explaining that taking care of others means putting what others want above what you want.

I don't think that speculating at Laki's inner life will do us much good. Herb doesn't know everything that we do, and any sort of direct approach will be met with resistance if it's not 100% dead on.

Better to keep the scope of our discussion to our own views of strength and maybe Val. If our views make sense, Laki will probably give them consideration.

The important thing is we stand our argumentative ground.
I'd argue to the contrary. The direct approach definitely carries risks and relies on assumptions that Herb may not be entirely comfortable with, but it's also the approach Laki herself is most familiar with and we know how she'll respond - directly and vocally.

Part of this is designed to have her push back on us and refute our assertions. If we're right, we're right. If she can't open up on what her issues really are, then our argument would go unchallenged and we win the argument, something that would burn Laki up bad given her competitive nature. If she does and some of our assumptions were wrong, then we've learned something about her IC. That's still a win, honestly.

It's almost the same thing she's doing to Val, where we know that, given time and the right moves, we can get Laki to give us something (her inner thoughts and demons) without needing to take it directly.

If she proves that analysis wrong, good. We each get to see the other where the other stands on something that matters to them, and we know that the bond between us is strong enough to survive a direct confrontation like this.

Alternately, she does blow up at us and storm off. But I still think we'd get something useful out of it and we'd get an arc where we have to patch things up with a good friend. Much as it sucks, it does happen, and I think Herb anons in general, really would put in effort to fix that bond.
I'm not one to be risky or pushy, though when I get outvoted on such things it tends to work out fine. I am, however, resolute that telling people how they feel is a bad argumentative device. I'd rather we made our case as best we can and trust her to apply it to her own life.
[Thread starting up in like 30.]
Noooooooooo I have woooorrrrk
Ty gobbles
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Pokemon Island Adventure Quest; Superb Owl Edition?
>during the Super Bowl

>caring about a bunch of men slamming into each other repeatedly
Hot, but I'm pretty sure canuks only watch hockey.
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Because I have a diverse set of interests, Football being one of them.

People are allowed to like nerdy and non nerdy things in tandem anon.
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Loanah locations.png
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Touching and Training

Character info pastebin in progress: http://pastebin.com/iB0tb7rz
Dice cheat sheet: http://pastebin.com/994WTT3g

General rules:

There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.

Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.

Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as circumstances warrant.

Combat mechanics involve three rolls of 1d100, taking the best, and using the base accuracy and crit ranges of the game, roughly, but the 'turn order' will be more like the anime, where sometimes you can do a few moves in a row or be hit by a combo of moves yourself, all depending on circumstances. Stronger moves tend to take more time and have more cooldown than weaker moves, so beware of that timing. Speed is more important for closing ground, intercepting, and other things and doesn't necessarily mean going first.

Call me out on a mistake and receive a suggestive picture, mostly likely a butt.

Gobble (Munchlax)
Mace (Roggenrola)
Belladonna (Roselia)
Totodile (dice)

Badges: 1
Aw yea, havent missed it
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Just sat down at my computer and went through news/tabs. Feels good.
Totodile's name and nickname are still backwards I see
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I like the general thrust of the first two suggestions, but i think Anon is right. No matter of the validity of such a comment I don't think telling someone how they feel is ever as strong of a device in an argument as the person using it thinks it will be. Cause often times the person will rationalize if you are right or be completely angered if you are off. So neither gets them to the head space you want.
>Super bowl on screen
>Pokemon quest on this screen
>Podcast on phone screen
This is gonna be a good night

boooooys, get fucked tom brady
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not for Pats fans
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Aww it's okay anon. I'm just down here

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I don't know what anyone is saying, but enjoy your sports game.
Good thing I was raised in GA then.
My only regret is i cant here my people scream as we grind Brady into the ground.

Keira spends some time assuring you it’s nothing to worry about.

“Vision quests can give people a new direction in life, reveal prophecies, or help the, understand a part of themselves they didn’t notice before. Some people just have those sorts of abilities.”

“Really? That sounds so strange.”

Keira turns to Mace. “Do you think it’s strange?”

Mace makes a noise.

“He says you’re being dense.”

Mace makes an objecting noise. Keira bursts into laughter.

“Okay. That’s not what he said.” She keeps laughing. “I couldn’t resist. Because he’s a rock, and you’ve seen me talk to pokemon, and...” Her laughter tapers off as she realizes explaining the joke ruins it.

“So, what happens now?”

Keira shrugs. “Massages?”

Laki lays back down and gets settled in again. “Sounds like a plan to me, I guess.”

>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
>Isn’t burning down a temple every year wasteful?
>Ask more about your healing power (specify)
>Bring up something you know someone will disagree with
>Something else
>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
How do we not get crushed? Have accidents happened in the past? How best to avoid herbs BAD LUCK.

Mama is soo goddamn happy right now she's shouting the house down. Brady got sacked 2-3 times in a row and she was saying very unladylike things.
>>Bring up something you know someone will disagree with
>>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
what'd Mace actually say?
>Bring up something you know someone will disagree with

>what really makes a person strong?

I'm going to work now, will drop in if I can, good luck!
>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
>Ask Laki if she's enjoy herself and where else she wants us to work out her tension or is this a full body massage?
>>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym

I'm not even a Falcons fans, the Pats beat the Texans and I loathe Tom Brady
Gonna back >>1134004 including spoilers
>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
>Ask Laki if she's enjoy herself and where else she wants us to work out her tension or is this a full body massage?
>>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym

Crap add >>1134004
to my vote please
>Ask about the custom of burning down the temple
I just plain want to know more because holy shit.

>Ask more about your healing power
So does it operate though psychic mechanisms, aura, or something else entirely?
Fair enough, but I don't think Laki would actually disagree with either of those two other arguments. Those just aren't how she shows her strength. She shows her strength by doing what she wants, and we would need to argue that doing that can be a weakness sometimes.

I'll back this opening. Cede the opening argument to her, and we'll deconstruct it as necessary.
>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym

>Vision quests can give people a new direction in life, reveal prophecies, or help the, understand a part of themselves
Should be "help them" Gobble.
>Bring up something you know someone will disagree with (Laki)
These two ideas

>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
If we have time after that
>Ask for advice about battling the fire gym
>Ask about why they burn the temple down
>Bring up something you know someone will disagree with
the ideas about masculinity we discussed earlier in the thread. Without the insulting Laki bit.
>Herb's penis: remember the bit about how you've got your hands all over a topless girl
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It would be for the best
Bring out the barbarian
our thing to disagree on should be "You're both my wives now"
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You ask as you work down Laki’s legs. You avoid going too high. You’re not sure where the limit is, or if there is one.

“Umm. Are there any muscles you want me to work on?”

Laki relaxes. “My butts a bit sore.”

You think she’s joking. She’s joking, right?

“What did Mace actually say?”

“He said I’m strange.” Keira says without a hint of offense.

Huh. “Is the fire gym dangerous? How do people win?”

Keira thinks. “Well, the fire clergy really like it. They look forward to stuff like this. It’s not dangerous, though, because if anyone gets too hot they can dive into the water below. I think the important thing to remember is that the fire makes the wood weak, and that means he’s going to try to take you out quick.”

You nod. “That makes sense. But if it’s so much trouble and over so quick, why does he bother?”

“Because he likes it.” Laki chimes in. She’s feeling a lot more relaxed. “He knows what he wants and he goes for it.”

“I don’t think that makes you manly.” You say.

“What do you mean?”

“I think being a man is more about overcoming weaknesses and protecting others.”

“Oh.” Laki gets up and turns around, covering herself with her towel first. There’s a little mischief on her face that makes you feel uncomfortable. “That’s just something weak people say to justify not having ambition. Look at me, I’m protecting a bunch of stuff nobody wants!” She puts a hand on your shoulder. “Sorry, Soft Hands. The world is just a mean place. You either dominate or get dominated.”

You remember your promise to Val and keep your eyes locked with Laki. “I disagree.”

She goes from a little upset, to impressed, to mischievous again. “I’ll prove it.” She grabs you, spins around, and pins you down with an armlock. “See?”

She adjusts her towel, causing her grip to loosen.

>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>Okay! You admit it. She’s more manly!
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>Something else
...I don't even think that they would disagree
>>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
Neverlucky John let's go
Whoa, we are not some uncultured barbarian. We are a fashionable, gentleman conquistador exploring and colonizing the islands.

I dont think they'd object
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
What's the worst that could happen?
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>>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
Tell her to keep going. This should prove entertaining.

She won't hurt us, and we know that.
>>There’s a differen>>1134196
>ce between being manly and being
a bully
>>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
Everyone who's seen Herb's D would disagree.
>>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>Fight smart
>Tickle under Laki's armpit to loosen her grip
>>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
Oh actually I really like this one.
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
Channel our inner awesome
>>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
Actually I also support for the tickle attack. I like you Anon.
Ah i like this as well

Can we use the tickle attack as a counter if we fail to break the hold? or maybe as a reversal, putting us in a dominate position?
>There’s a difference between being manly and being a bully
Men don't just assert themselves, they watch out for those in their care.

Those who don't protect their loved ones aren't seen as manly, they are seen as cold, helpless, or cowardly.
>You can stay here all night, but you won’t give in.
I honestly hope she doesn't take this as a challenge
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll
>Try to fight your way out of it (requires high roll)
Overcome this mountain!
A tickle attack would actually be rather symbolic, in the sense of sheer force being overcome through other means.
I do. I'm also hoping Keira gets funny feelings over watching this.
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[Roll em!]
If you like it you should vote for it.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

Pls Herb gains
Rolled 50 (1d100)

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Herb stronk
Hah, the NeverLucky Herb strikes again!
Good job Anon.
>Herb used Tickle Tickle!
>It's super effective!
Adding on tickle attack!
Even with a weakened grip, I don't think we should be overpowering the athlete.
We've managed to find Laki's weak spot with this
That's the beauty of a surprise attack, you can overcome a superior force with it!
Herb just beat Laki almost as bad as the Falcons are beating the Patriots.
28-3 boyz

feels so fucking good
“I can stay here all night, but I won’t give in.”

“Ha! Okay, tough guy. If you-”

“But I won’t!” You slip out of her grasp and turn around. The oil on your hands helps. She grabs her towel up and that’s when you strike. Your fingers find their mark right under her ribs. You try to avoid thinking about her breasts on your wrists and you just go for it.

She jerks back in shock and laughter. “Wait!” She jerks again. She tries to reach out to grab your hands to stop you, but doing that just leaves her ribs open. She can't decide between that or clamping her arms down.

Her towel comes off. You stop to let her get it back, but she instead tries to overpower you, so you keep going.

“I! Ah! Ha!” She can’t even think of what to say as you’re pulled on top of her. Her legs can’t make up their mind either, from trying to kick you away to wrapping around you to wrestle you down.

It’s strange, but in the commotion of it all, the one thing that sticks out to you is how much small and vulnerable she looks while she laughs and screams.

“Okay! Okay! I give up!”

You stop as it becomes clear she actually means it. Then things are really awkward for a moment as the girl who is just wearing bathing suit bottoms with her legs wrapped around you has a sudden realization. Her eyes jump between looking at yours, and between her legs.

“Wow!” Keira says, breaking the tension. “You beat Laki!”

Belladonna makes a bunch of excited, happy noises. She sees it as you playing.

“He didn’t beat me!” Laki protests. She tosses a towel at your face and you flop back. You take your time taking it off and keeping yourself crouched over. “Tickling doesn’t count.” She just finishes putting a shirt on when you look again.Despite her tone, she’s got a smile.

“My turn?” Keira asks.

“Yeah. I think Soft Hands here got enough copped feels on me for the night.” She gives you a funny look. You thought she might get mad, but she looks like she respects you more. She shows it in a funny way, though.

You don’t even know how to respond to that. You saw her boobs. You know people here are more relaxed about that sort of thing, but wow. You didn’t mean to look, but wow. You still have to stay crouched over.

Keira lays down. “Thanks, Herb! You’re always doing stuff like this and cooking. How can I make it up to you?”

>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Help me learn more about healing.
>Just keep bringing me new things to cook!
>Ask her a personal question (write in)
>Something else

[Sorry, internet cut out for a minute there.]
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>>Help me learn more about healing.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Just keep bringing me new things to cook!
>>Help me learn more about healing.
>Help me learn more about healing.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Help me learn more about healing.
>>Help me learn more about healing.
>Help me learn more about healing.
>>Help me learn more about healing.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Help me learn more about healing.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>So full body service, like Laki?
>>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
then after thinking
>>Help me learn more about healing.
>Help me learn more about healing.
If it'll make you feel better, but really
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Help me learn more about healing.
>>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>>Just keep bringing me new things to cook!
Seriously Gobble, this was amazing. I'm so happy right now. Thanks Anon for suggesting the tickling and good roll Anon. Shit was cash.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
Healing seems more like a self discovery thing than something that Keira can teach us. All the other things are just kinda silly. I would want to ask her a question but i cant think of any right now. So this will have to do.
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
whew boy
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Help me learn more about healing.
Man, imagine if Hana and Valerie had seen us. I'll bet even Keira will be thinking back to this later.

>Help me learn more about healing.
>Ask her a personal question (write in)

"Is there a proper way I'm supposed to touch a priestess during a massage? I don't want to break any taboos."
>You don’t mind. It’s fine.
>Help me learn more about healing.
Aww yeah, time to put our hands all over best girl, now.
We've been waiting for this moment.
But we just took our hands off best girl. Now we have to massage jungle lice girl.
Woah, woah, I like Laki too, but no reason to put down cute grils my Anon.
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sorry your drunk waifu wants to fuck Val
Wow, I just saw that edited as jesus calling traps gay.

small world
Val is cute, so I can't begrudge her that. Laki has a thing for blondes, so she fug a herb just as likely.
Seconding this
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“I don’t mind.” You hesitate. You need to wait before you go over there. Keira is looking right over at you.

“What’s the matter, Soft Hands? Just stand up straight and go massage her.” Laki grins from ear to ear. Why is she...oh.

Oh jeez.

“Umm, Keira, you should close your eyes and relax.” This is by far the most conniving and scheming you’ve pretty much ever been, but you don’t want to freak her out. It’s bad enough that Laki noticed. And she’s still looking at you.

Keira closes her eyes and you quickly go over. “If you really want to though, you can help me learn about healing.”

“Of course!” She becomes bubbly and opens her eyes again. Luckily she’s not at an angle she can see you.”

"Is there a proper way I'm supposed to touch a priestess during a massage? I don't want to break any taboos."

“With gloves or something like that.” Keira says, eyes closed. “But that’s okay. Just treat me like any other girl. You can touch me. Besides, it’s only fair.”

After a second she tenses up.

Huh. Okay. You start massaging her.

Laki gets up and stretches. “I’m going to wash up. I feel really dirty for some reason. Don’t get into any trouble.”

It’s just you and the small Keira. She lets out a noise similar to Belladonna as you work on her shoulder.

“We did this a lot in the temple. The priestesses all know each other inside and out.” She sounds content. For some reason you picture Hana in your head for a second. “Tell me something about the mainland.”

Huh. What can you tell her that she’d be interested in?

>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Talk about planes trains and automobiles and other modern things
>Go on about different dishes
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Ask her opinion on someone else (specify)
>Something else
>>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>>Go on about different dishes
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Cooking and foods of the mainland
>Wait, what'd she mean about it being only fair?
>Something else
Tell her about Grandpa Pokemon Day Care
>talk about legends from home

>wait, only fair?
>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Go on about different dishes
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?

>“We did this a lot in the temple. The priestesses all know each other inside and out.”

George Takei, you're needed.
>>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
Also add this one to my vote.
>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Go on about different dishes
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Go on about different dishes
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>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Go on about different dishes
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Talk about the fashion shows you usually keep up with
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Go on about different dishes
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
>Wait, what’d she mean about it being only fair?
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guzma smug.png
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sorry guys
Well, I'm not a falcons fan so I'm not too upset.

But damn they pissed that game away.
Yeah the falcons always choke. Every time they get close they just shut down.
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Its OK duder it was a good game.
Down to the wire and everything.
Cheers Bros.
Reminds me of the Bengals
You talk about fashion for awhile. Different shows, walkways, the importance of proper lighting, and all the stuff you need to really understand before you can even get into the clothes. She seems really lost, but you get really into it and she doesn’t mind.

You move onto something more relatable. Food. She’s more interested in that, and interrupts you a lot to ask about ingredients you just assumed everyone knows about. Food is so different here. Lots of people fish and forage. But they do have farmlands too. It’s just that if you needed to, you could survive without going to a store.

“You’re making my tummy rumble.” She tells you.

And that’s what makes cooking worthwhile. You know, her muscles are like jelly. If there’s someone absolutely relaxed in this world, it’s Keira. You try not to think unclean thoughts as you work up her leg. You’re normally not perverted or anything, but this night is really putting that to the test. Her small, pert butt becomes visible as her towel starts to slide. You quickly fix it for her.

Um um um. Say something. “So what did you mean before when you said it was only fair?”

She tenses up.


“What’s the matter?”

“Herb.” She sound scared. Is there a ghost? “Is your culture forgiving if someone makes a mistake?”

“Umm, I guess. It depends on the mistake.” Jeez. Her muscles are rigid now.

“I... I value our friendship.” She says. She sounds like she’s on the verge of tears. “Would you forgive me if I did something bad to you?”

>Whatever it was, you forgive her. You don’t need to know the details
>Don’t answer, just ask what she did
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
>Something else
>>Whatever it was, you forgive her. You don’t need to know the details
>Don’t answer, just ask what she did

My mom is from Cincinnati and moved to Atlanta. The disappointment is awful.
>>Yes, but only if she says what it was
apologizing with saying why is just to make yourself feel better not about getting forgiveness
>>Whatever it was, you forgive her.
prompt her to say what she did though
>I'd like to think so
>>Yes, but only if she says what it was
I will not back down from this
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
>Something else
Probably. I mean, we trust her and she knows we're pretty relaxed about stuff. But it's better if we tell her that after she tells us what she did wrong because then she'll have no choice but to believe it.
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
"I want to forgive you, but you have to tell me what happened."
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
>Keira, its ok, just tell us
>Whatever it was, we can forgive her.
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
She needs to own up to her mistakes.
It's okay anon, I'm a Texans fan. We never even get the chance TO choke
>>Yes, but only if she says what it was
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
>Don’t answer, just ask what she did
Backing this.
>Yes, but only if she says what it was

Feeling less that 'she has to', and more that if she feels this bad about it that she should really get it off her chest. I don't think an apology would matter much if she still feels she's hiding something from us.
I'll back this.
>Whatever it was, you forgive her.
>But I still want to know what it was.
>Yes, but only if she says what it was
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crying charmander.jpg
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“I’m sure I will, but I have to know what it was.”

She sits up. The mask that she uses when she’s giving her face a rest from the paint still shows her very expressive eyes. She even covers herself up. She must feel really worried.

You check to see all your pokemon. They’re all accounted for and okay. If there was one thing that you’d assume that people would be worried to tell you about, it’d be if they hurt one of them.

“Herb. Remember the night of the storm when we took shelter in the shed?”

You nod.

She breathes in and out, and then tells you all about it. She explains what happened, why, but doesn’t offer any excuses. She does mention not quite understanding the seriousness mainlanders have with attitudes to their bodies, but not in a way that sounds like an excuse.

She seems to drop any hope of forgiveness as she finishes the story. “We might see each other again on our journey.” She sniffs. “You can pretend not to know me if you want.”She gets up to leave. “Please don’t let this make you hate Loanah. I hope the view on the lookout is still nice.”

>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Stop feeling bad for yourself! I’m the one that’s upset!
>Something else.
>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>You're actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>and you're so hard it hurts
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>Something else
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Something else.
Hug her. She needs it.
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>>Something else.
>Oh, uh... wow
This isn't something that can just be hand waved away and will really take some time to think and consider before giving a proper response
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
after we've had time to digest it but for now it's too soon
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.

This and the hug
>>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
also supporting Hug
>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
Don't think Keira should be forgiven outright, she did something seriously wrong, but we get she didn't completely understand what she was doing.
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.

"Nobody's ever...shown any interest in me like that before. I was starting to think I wasn't good looking."
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.

And the hug, too.
>>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
Though I'm mostly confused. I mean, we both know we're still learning a lot about each other's culture, and she's forgiven us for what is apparently some pretty serious shit over here (touching her, falling on snow while impure, etc. etc.). Even if we had a problem with it, why wouldn't we return that kindness and understanding?
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Something else
Hug the silly slut.
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definitely hugging as well
>>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
I think intentions are the most important thing here, and it's obvious she wasn't really thinking clearly. It doesn't totally excuse it, but we know Keira well enough to know she's sincere about feeling sorry, and that she wouldn't knowingly take advantage of us.

I think forgiving her right here makes sense.
You make a good point bro, we done stuff that would be punishable by lashings apparently the least we could do is pay that good will forward.
hugs can be had as long as herb's tent isn't pitched at the moment
>Hey hey. It’s alright. All is forgiven.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
We might have to roll for that
>>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>You’re actually a little flattered in a strange way.
>Stop feeling bad for yourself! I’m the one that’s upset!
That's a very good point, too.

Way to get that backwards, bro.
The tent was pitched with the last girl, the new one made it painful.

Now we only get closer in more ways than one.
>Something else
Maybe we should ask to see her face.
And freckles.
This isn't a cultural miss understanding
Molestation is something that is pretty damn understood.
Were it a guy that rubbed their dick on someone while they were sleeping this would be going very different but it's all good when a waifu does it
thats a good point, we should discuss this shit with her eventually
Rolled 5 (1d8)

Rolling for tent length.
If they're young and dumb and friends it's weird/creepy but forgivable, regardless of gender.
fairly tight pants then since herbs size was confirmed and dropped as a subject a few threads ago.
When we rolled for it it was 8. We know Herb is hung. That means that he's probably at half chub right now.

And hugs mean Keira removes her hands.
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now it could be I'm incredibly naive, but at a time like this I would say that she's forgiven, even if it's a lie. She obviously feels really bad about what she did, and needs reassuring. We can work it out later in a dream sequence, but right now, you forgive the girl
The roll was to see how erect of out the 8 obviously Anon. So a little over half mast.
This. Kids do stupid shit that would be considered awful if it were done by an adult. Kids rightfully get some leeway when it comes to stuff like this.
Can you really say with a straight face that at 15-16 you could have gone and rubbed your dick on a sleeping girl and then later tell her about it and have it instantly forgiven and have everyone be friends again?
If we had gone through all the shit Keira and Herb had, probably.
If that 15-16 year old was a literal monk and didn't quite get their sexuality then sure, man. You have to just look at the context of the situation.
and that's why i'm saying that after some thought it could be forgiven but not right here and right now
actually happened to me, it was weird but we got over it. hormones man, everyone will understand
If the active party didn't fully understand what they were doing until partway through, then yeah, absolutely. Context is important. Ignoring it changes the entire situation.
I'm not saying we should scream and shout at her, but she did do something very wrong, intentionally or otherwise.

It would probably be better to say something like:
>I need some time in order to properly process this Keira.
I get where you're coming from. I just disagree. I think forgiving her right away is perfectly reasonable under the circumstances.
immediate forgiveness still seems like an invitation to future problems, especially if keira is inexperienced when it comes to this stuff. setting clear boundaries is important and just immediately forgiving something like this is not doing that. knowing herb, a day or two to process is all that would be needed
>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
Dunno on that. I don't know how much they actually go over sex with priestesses, and if it's been mentioned before then I don't remember it. That might be another argument on the state of sex ed on Loanah and how much general curricula the priestess castes get taught, and if I go down the rabbit hole on that for a /qst/ thread that I'm not running I've gone too far.

So, to keep things simple, forgive and talk about it at some point to get her on the level. And if I'm biased on that I don't mind since I want to be more forgiving than judging in general.
It's not inviting future problems, because she understands she was wrong and won't do it again. She realized there was a boundary here all on her own.

Besides, the issue we're deciding on forgiveness for isn't what she might do in the future; it's what already happened.
From what I understand about sex and Priestess' on Loanah is that they can have sex and families, but it's secondary to their duties as a Priest. So, I imagine they know the basics like how children are made and such, but she grew up in what amounts to an all girls school, so practical experience is most likely zero on that front. At least for intercourse with the male variety, who knows about the Yuri.
I think Keira mentioned how she was taught about it.

Also I think a priest/priestess mentioned that in some rites and ceremonies, orgies are/were performed. Sex is a part of life, they wont just write it out of the picture.
I actually agree that we should take some time to process this, but I think that we should say that it's forgiven. She knows that she fucked up her first experience with a boy and doesn't need to beat herself up anymore.

We should obviously put down boundaries, but I don't think she's gonna sneak into Herb's tent and give him a BJ because she's curious about the taste

They take birth control, and she knows how babies are made. Marriage is apparently rare for ghost priestesses, because emotions are the mindkiller
I'll concede that and that Keira even realized what she was doing was wrong but was at the "I've gone to far to stop" stage but I still feel that from Herb's point of view that this shouldn't just be hand waved and forgotten.
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I think that's just hopeful thinking and the "sex on a pyramid to cause bountiful harvests" thing
It's not like forgiving her ends the conversation forever, and I think that's where a lot of people are getting hung up. This is obviously something we'll discuss in the future. Forgiving her and then discussing it further is in-character, though, and it's what makes the most sense given the circumstances.
I specifically remember it was never said outright, just alluded to. It was said around the same time as we learned about priestesses taking birth control.
I'm not saying we shouldn't forgive her but it shouldn't just come without time and thought. And I am VERY against the hug because if anything it should be even more awkward to touch her now.
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“Hey. Hey.” You hug the poor girl. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”

She sniffs into her mask and presses it against your chest. “Y-you don’t hate me?”

“I don’t hate you.” You assure her. “It’s okay.” You hold each other for a brief time. “I actually feel sort of flattered, in a weird way.”


“Not that it makes it okay.” You don’t want to teach her the wrong stuff.

“Oh yeah. Of course! Never again.” She nods. “I totally understand that. And if you’re weirded out around me or want me to sleep away from you or whatever you need, I understand.” Then she slowly looks down. You’re poking into her. “Sorry!” She leaps away.

“That’s uhh, my fault this time.” You feel so embarrassed. “Sorry.”

She pokes her fingers together. “I umm... that’s also flattering.”

Oh jeez.

The silence is as full and thick and as you are.

“I had a long talk with Hana about this stuff after. I didn’t say what happened, though.” She’s rubbing her legs together and looking at the ground. “I think I understand why we don’t see boys outside of rare duties until we’re old enough. It makes your body really confused.”

Oh jeez!

“Herb, do you want to see my face?”

Is she asking that because of the tension? Does she just feel like she can be vulnerable? Is it something else?

>Okay. If she wants to show it
>Not tonight. Maybe another
>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
>Something else
>>You’re upset, but you’ll get over it in time.
>Something else.
>It'll be awkward for a while, but I think it's fine if we still travel together. Just...Give me time to process this.
>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
>>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
>Not tonight. Maybe another
Definitely not the right time and place.
>>Okay. If she wants to show it
>But make it clear that it's not because she's guilty, but because she wants to.
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>Okay. If she wants to show it
Does it imply anything more that we don't know about? Like are we married to her if we see her face? Because

>>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
>>Not tonight. Maybe another
>Okay. If she wants to show it
>>Not tonight. Maybe another
>Something else
"You don't need to feel like you owe me anything."
>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.

Not the best time for that. Maybe in the future
>Kiera is looking a little defensive now. “Vispum can make a really effective birth control. All the women here use it during rituals
huh, didn't get that when it happened. Guess so

So, could Herb become a Fairy priest?
>>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
>Okay. If she wants to show it
>Make sure she knows she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to.
>Okay. If she wants to show it
only if she really wants to though. and only if it doesnt imply something weirder than we think it already does
>>Okay. If she wants to show it
>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
>She can show you when she feels ready, not because she wants to make things even.
>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
Yeah, I want to see them freckles, but she's acting out of guilt and that's no reason to show Herb something important.

Actually, that's better. Changing my vote to this.
>>She can show you when she feels ready, not because she wants to make things even.
I'll add that to mine as well
Supporting >>1135359
I'll support this, this is exactly what I thought too.
>Not tonight. Maybe another
>Something else
Yes, but only if it's what she wants, and not doing it because she feels guilty.
>>Not tonight. Maybe another
Better to see it after a long night of sex in the missionary position while holding hands

I agree with this one too.
>>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
It's supposed to be something really personal, right? It's not something she should show us just because she feels guilty.
Supporting this>>1135372
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supporting this, we shouldn't see it until we start dating
>Not tonight. Maybe another
I mean, I'm torn as a Keira fag. On the one hand, she's basically offering to strip for us.

On the other, two wrongs don't make a right, and we *know* she's uncomfortable with this.

I have to turn it down. I can't do it for these reasons. Give her another hug, tell her that if she wants to show us her face she can, but we won't ask it of her. If she ever does, we'll know it was because she chose to let us in for much better reasons than this.
Oh yeah

>The silence is as full and thick and as you are.
Don't think that last "and" should be there Gobble.
I'm a hard Laki fag(With the hopes of a poly reltaion) but I want Keira to get out of this "I owe you" kind of mindset when she doesn't really even understand anything.
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wait, is that a reference to Herb's pride?
Definitely talking about a Man's Pride
I like to think most people here want to help the girls be better in general. Hell, Val wasn't even on my radar when I did her long-ass write-in on what we thought of her.

They're good people, and it's hard not to help them because of that.
Eh, we did the poly thing last quest. I'd prefer not to repeat it this time.
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this is why I'm not an English major

well, that and not wanting to be a barista
Don't worry bro, I missed it on first reading as well. Gobble's dick jokes are subtle like that.
thats what makes them so solid
Yeah, they can be hard to understand sometimes.
They're hard to spot since Gobble's writing is very rarely stiff.
unlike Herb
They never disappoint and they stand up over time.
But they're completely different characters with different motivations and dreams, sure they share some common things with others but they're all distinctive and Gobble's done a wonderful job about that.

It's a lot more focused on relationships than getting stronger. Which was a constant thing in the first quest. I'm honestly grateful for that.

In terms of sessions I feel like this is now around the 30-40 mark in terms of length, and we haven't even settled on the first romance!

I'm being selfish, but I really hope that Laki, Keira, Hana, and even Valerie get a chance with Herb. Fuck it, I'm full on for the Conquistador route. Except Jane, there's being a rival, and then there's being crazy. Though I hope her journey lets her sort out her trust issues and that we can help on occasion.
Sometimes the situations can be hard to swallow.
Yeah, Gobble's writing is rarely rigid
You do realize it easy to go half the run on a quest without romance locking in, man. waifu wars are real
Yeah, Gobble seems to know her way around a penis
Yeah, I know. But I like all of them, it's why I said I'm being selfish.
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you're not alone
I'm just not really into poly relationships, my man.
I pray that Herb organically gets in a loving relationship with a girl he likes and it happens soon. It was a godsend that we met Robin super early last quest, I don't want to go through another waifu war. I've voted for girls not my waifu before and I'll do it again.
That's why I say Gobble needs to drop this quest nonsense After we finish this one of course and start making VNs. Then everyone could get the girl/s they want.
I agree. Where do I mail my money to?
Games are hard to make, Anon. As much as I love me some VNs and Gobble's writing. that would be a long and difficult road.
Don't worry I have faith that Gobble can handle all the hard work and horrible experiences for us.
Sometimes it's difficult to fully grasp Gobble's talent for characterisation since there is such a large number of members in the cast.
[That's actually my plan after this. I've messed with Ren'py before and also made simple games like Asteroids. I can't into art, but I can do a blank game and figure out an art solution later. Ren'py is really good for that sort of thing.]
I for one would be okay with Gobble just making a full-blown hentai quest. She's said before that she wants to, as long as she could do it somewhere it wouldn't get banned.
>Yfw you need to write every possible waifu combination

I'd say look at archelon's blog. He's making a VN and it's taking EONS.
will it have lewd?
Oh wow I was half-joking with that but hell yeah I really look forward to this.
Have you given any thought to what it will be about?
It doesn't help that Archelon's life is the hardest-worst-I'm-suffering-life-ever-everything-is-unfair and he has zero idea how to code anything.
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“Only if it’s entirely because you want to. Otherwise I don’t think that’s a good idea right now. I want to know more and I want you to do it only because that’s what you want. You shouldn’t do anything because you think you owe me.”

There’s a short silence. She makes a motion like she wants to hug you, but hesitates. You give her a nonverbal okay and she wraps her arms around you. “You’re a good person, Herb.” She breaks it. “Things are going to be awkward for awhile, aren’t they?”

“Yeah.” You don’t want them to be, but you know they will. “But it’ll get better in time, I think.”

“I’m glad.” She reaches a hand under her mask to wipe away a tear. “Umm, I don’t know if you know this, but it’s only my face I can’t normally show. If you ever want to see-”

“Hey!” Laki loudly comes back. “You guys aren’t asleep yet?”

You both move away so fast that you have a mental image of anime style teleporting.

Belladonna comes up and starts giving Laki upset noises. Keira looks slightly offended but doesn’t translate.

You and all your pokemon settle in for the night. Keira keeps a respectable distance for now.

Laki subtly scoots over and whispers. “Still got a tent, huh?”

You don’t have a tent. Only Valerie- oh.

“There’s a spot around the corner, Soft Hands.” She gives you the bottle of massage lotion. She smirks while watching your face light on fire. At least, that's what it feels like.

The next morning you get up early to cook. Keira has already gathered a whole harvest of food and even cored some of the stranger fruits. “We slept in and missed the sunrise, but that’s okay, we have a few days, right?”

Yeah. You have some training to do. You have almost three days.

>Everybody except for Bella gets a day of training
>Spread it out evenly.
>Give someone extra attention for the whole time. Make some amazing gains for one pokemon.
>Something else
You're not going to do a quest after this one?
>Gobble writes
>Hero Rena illustrations
>Limebreaker illustrations too
I put my credit card into my computer and smoke is coming out. Does that mean it's working?
The girls you write are wonderful, so I'm okay with this.

What sort of setting are you thinking of for it?
>>Spread it out evenly.
>Spread it out evenly.
>>Spread it out evenly.
Who knows maybe we will discover something Bella can do that will really help with this gym
>Spread it out evenly.
alternate between hard corse training and relaxing so no one gets too stressed
>Spread it out evenly.
>Everybody except for Bella gets a day of training
Makes sense we wouldn't want to use Bella in a fire gym.
>>Spread it out evenly.
>Something else
Make some more baco bread if possible? Experiment ourself with both the healing and magic? How awesome would it be to be a living pokemon center? Imagine all the activities you could do! If we ever had a pokemon with a healing move could we perhaps learn from that?
>Spread it out evenly

>I don’t know if you know this, but it’s only my face I can’t normally show. If you ever want to see-”
>“There’s a spot around the corner, Soft Hands.” She gives you the bottle of massage lotion.
Nice. Very nice.
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>>Everybody except for Bella gets a day of training
Love her, but she's not gonna be part of the battle
>Spread it out evenly.
Healing and recipes*
>Spread it out evenly.
Did Laki spy on Herb masturbating?
>Everybody except for Bella gets a day of training
>Everybody except for Bella gets a day of training
She'll be at a serious disadvantage at the Fire Gym, plus she can use that time to ahng out with Laki if she wants.
>>Everybody except for Bella gets a day of training
>Spread it out evenly
Gotta spend time with all our awesome mons.
Maybe we can train them in pairs so then everyone gets a day and a half.
pretty sure she would after just having finished herself, she probably took care of herself a second time
>that picture

well, Larro ( the guy who did the hero rena quest stuff and is currently running Audit quest at this moment) was playing around with VN programs too iirc, had a little sample download thing in one of the threads a few months back.
>“There’s a spot around the corner, Soft Hands.” She gives you the bottle of massage lotion. She smirks while watching your face light on fire. At least, that's what it feels like.

>Blush and say nothing.
>Take the lotion and do your business around the corner.
>Take what you want, squirt the lotion in Laki's hand and lay back, looking right into Laki's eyes.
I don't think Herb's quite at that level yet
>Spread it out evenly.
Not the most strategic choice, but I'm afraid of what Bella what get up to.

On this note, good night Gobble. Thanks for running and putting up with small skirmishes in the waifu wars.
[Yeah. it'd take a long time, but to be honest once you have the main loop done, you don't have to think about any programming anymore and you can just make scene after scene. I made a prototype for some friends over a weekend for a project that we never got off the ground, but the engine is super friendly if you keep things simple. At that point the real limiter is art and scope. If you organize your stuff and know what you're doing before leaping into it, you can do a lot. I don't know Archelon and am not judging in any way.]

[Why even bother if it doesn't?]

[A lot of different setting ideas. Pokemon is fun, but it doesn't lend itself well to VNs unless you want to add on a bunch of complicated RPG stuff and get shut down by Nintendo, and that'd get out of control like crazy. I have one setting idea where you're some nobody and suddenly find yourself as the appointed heir to a kingdom and have to manage factions and they send waifus to lobby you and stuff. If you've ever played Long Live the Queen, it'd basically be that but not.

The other is playing an airship captain or crew member in a fantasy world. Lots of high adventure and fantasy races.

Lastly, a Teen Titan's ripoff where you're on a superhero team and doing as much bonding and growing as you are fighting crime.]

[Eventually, but I'd take a break for a bit. Or maybe I'd be both if time permits. Run it in parallel and steal the best quest write-in ideas to use.]
>Long Live the Queen, but not
I dig it
I like the sound of the superhero one. Tight costumes and all that.
I would play any of those
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>airship crew member
reverse trap is a must

why are reverse traps so great?
I'd buy any VN that you'd make Gobble. Even a boys love VN, literally anything you made.
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You’re going to do your best to train everyone. You probably won’t use Belladonna for the next battle, but you don’t want to leave her out. And besides, you never really know. She does know Water Sport, after all.

And during breaks, you’ll cook up some nice food. You don’t want to push anyone too hard, and you know the importance of good nutrition.

“What are you guys going to do?” You feel guilty about them waiting around for you.

“Well, they don’t let you do the stuff I like here.” Laki says. “I guess I can help if you need it. Otherwise I’m going to explore around or something.” She stretches. “Probably for the best if I stay out of trouble for a few days.”

“I’ll help!” Keira runs up and gives the worst salute you’ve ever seen. It’s adorable. “If you want.”

Well, first things first then. You call over Gobble. “Feel ready, Gobble?”

He burps the breakfast you made, then stands up. Oh yeah. He’s ready.

[That's it for tonight. Not sure when we'll run next. Depends on my test score. Lewdbin for sure soon though.]
Thanks for running, Gobble. I'll start working on my lewdbin gift for you soon, too.
Huh. If Keira and Laki help train our mons they can all get a good bit of time.
Thanks for running and good luck on the test!
Also thanks for running, Gobble! Good luck with the test.
Thanks again Gobble! This adventure is getting pretty good.

Should we discuss what we want each of pokemons focuses to be before next thread?
[Thanks! Ideally it'd be something you like.

Caring, handholding, and love are also a big fetish of mine.]

Thanks Gobble, great run! Good luck on your test.
Thanks for running Gobble. You're good enough that I'd pay for a patreon if you decided to do a vn. Keep up the good work your threads always put a smile on my face.

Jane is best girl
>The other is playing an airship captain or crew member in a fantasy world. Lots of high adventure and fantasy races.
>Lastly, a Teen Titan's ripoff where you're on a superhero team and doing as much bonding and growing as you are fighting crime.]
I like both of these alot. The super hero idea is my favorite though.

Running a quest based on a vn you're writing could be helpful in several ways.

If you did make a vn it'd be the only one I'd play.
Thanks for running Gobble!
>Caring, handholding, and love are also a big fetish of mine

Best fetish
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>Caring, handholding, and love are also a big fetish of mine
Okay, time for post thread shitpostin. What kind of stuff should we have Bella focus on? Do we plan on ever getting a dawn stone for her? Or leave it up to chance.

I think the health sapping focus would be pretty fun, she'll just keep tanking while chipping away and debuffing opponents.
I agree with this anon. Super heroes would be sick. And who doesn't want to be Captain of an Airship? Also your fetishes are fetishes. I'm sure I'll be just fine.
I want to evolve her but not till way later in the quest. We are only on the second badge and I'm still a bit disappointed that we never got her in a contest as a Budew
Thanks gobble
*Also your fetishes are my fetishes.
She has poison point right?

I wouldnt mind her combining the health sapping with Toxic/Venoshock erosion
Health Drain can be fun. Right now I'm not worried about evolution, but I want to evolve her down the line.
Archelon's overly work intensive coding choices make me go nuts.

Technically Not Long Live the Queen or Totally Not Teen Titans would both be very awesome. 10/10.
>No. You don’t understand things enough for that.
Nevermind she has leaf guard.

Though i still stand by her adding more poison to her repertoire
Best thing for Bella right now is nabbing all the new moves her new body is capable of. Poison Sting, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, and Grass Whistle should all be within reach. Possibly Giga Drain and Toxic Spikes too. Between Water Sport, Toxic Spikes, and draining moves, she could actually be a decent pick. We might want to try training her to quickly put up Water Sport when the match begins.

Gobble needs needs needs to be trained to use Recycle. After that, Screech and possibly body slam should be attempted. We also need to decide on whether we want to go Recycle/Citrus berry or Silk Scarf. Extra time for special training should go to Dance training. I like Haka style or hamboning myself. Alternatively, we could see if Gobble can nab anything from Metronome. We'll also need to have a talk on evolution. I'd like to see Gobble hold off until he's learned snatch, to say nothing of his feelings or our ability to feed a snorlax.

Mace needs to attempt to learn Smack Down next, and can try Rock Slide if that's easy. There are several options for special training his energy, but personally I'd like to see us start him on learning Gravity. It'll take a while, but goddamn it'll be cool.

Dice should attempt to learn flail, and possibly crunch. Moreover, we need to practice clear communication in battle. He should also be near evolution, so that conversation needs to happen here too. There's also drunken boxing style to put our extra time into.

All of this, of course, should be after we check our damn TM.
I think a big question for Gobble is gonna be just how good are berries in the quest.
Also, Gobble, anons, great job tonight. I was at work and couldn't contribute, so I wanted to point out that I thought you guys did this episode beautifully.

I think it's safe to say that we're due for another peek inside Keira's head, Gobble, pretty please. Possibly Laki's too, but mostly Keira. Oh, I'm also curious what Bella had to say that Keira found affronting. Something along the lines of "Back away from papa, hussie!"?

Oh, and I love you guys!
Drunken Boxing means we might be able to get Bullet Punch, Ice Punch, and Power-Up Punch in the rotation as well.
Maybe next time we meet Hana her Tirtouga can teach Dice some good ol Aqua Jet.
Ice punch perhaps, but bullet punch and power up punch can't normally be learned by the toto line. If we're ordering off-menu, I think dizzy punch or fake-out make more sense. Not that it matters much, since sheer force negates secondary effects. Man, this ability is going to make me totally change how I think about Dice's moveset.

Ooh baby that's tasty. Think we can arrange to do so while training Dice for the fire gym?
Eeeh, I doubt for this gym. Best we could hope for is Crunch for just a super strong move.

I think this Gobble is gonna be the backbone of our team this time again. Thick Fat and a decent moveset. I do think we need to rely on something besides Focus Punch and be more careful about when we use it. If we rely on One Punch Gobble the dice are just gonna laugh harder when they give us a 15 or something.

Mace needs some raw special defensive training I think, energy I want to focus on dodging and slight boost to speed.
No reason drunken style can't be applied to gnawing on things. Could see lots of faking out and drunken chewing-on air, weird jaw motions, making it not clear when and where the bite is going to go. We may as well work with the little* guy's anatomy and instincts.
Is it weird to you too that the toto line only learns three water moves by level up? I may have overestimated Dice's strength... But yeah, Focus punch is good for when we have a moment to charge or use odor sleuth. Tackle, chip away, last resort, and hopefully body slam should combine into a solid variety of options to switch between, especially if we use the silk scarf.

And I can see the need for spdef training. The right nutrition should help too. If we go off-menu though, I think tri attack or hyper beam would make sense.

I was thinking it could work like tangled feet. If we go off-menu with jaw moves, I'd like to see fire fang or thunder fang.
>tangled feet
Something like that might be thematic, yeah.
The best move we can hope for is Waterfall if we go by games. Also Totodile can learn Drunk Dragon Dance maybe.
Hmm... I wonder if all this drama took Keira's lewdness levels down a peg.

I'd also really like to hear an excerpt from that long conversation with Hana.

But mostly, in glad Herb is getting massage training in. Once he's rubbed down the whole of the main cast, I might ask about how each one felt about it and felt to Herb.

Also, we should cash that favor Keira owes us by asking her to teach us how to make meditative tea.
>I wonder if all this drama took Keira's lewdness levels down a peg.
Considering that she offered John to see her naughty bits I guess not. She may try to distance herself for a while though.
Spiritual journey ahoy!
Maybe we should give Hana a call and ask if she can suggest some things to Keira?
I feel like if we talked to Hana about that she would find out Herb was who Keira was asking about when Keira went to Hana for advice. Keira didn't tell Hana all the details and I wouldn't want to break her confidence on such an emotional matter.
So... are we gonna take her up on that offer eventually, or what? Because we've seen Keira and Laki's racks now, it's not like that'd be novel.

Come to think of it, we've seen Hana in a wet t-shirt, Val in a towel, and Jane in her lace. Herb's spank bank has seen some heavy investment lately.

Bin when?
I meant offering advice on masturbation and useful aids thereof.

And it's entirely possible for us to go to Hana with the general picture (deeply sheltered girl just started realizing what those tingly feelings in her ladybits were and needs advice on how to handle it) without ever mentioning the specifics (she was desperate enough to start grinding on our dick while we slept).
That's not a bad idea, but Herb doesn't seem like the sort to bring that up to a girl. It could work if something were thrhaghereo give Hana the idea to mention it to Keira. Maybe lewd truth or dare could work. The subject comes up, Hana senses a kindred spirit of sexual frustration, and afterwards she gives her some helpful tips.
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lewd truth or dare on Val's yacht

followed pirates attacking
We and Val challenged each other to be more daring. Asking one of our female friends to advise another of our female friends on schlicking techniques would certainly qualify.
Good picture of best girl.

We did, but that doesn't mean we're necessarily going to jump in with both feet right away.
There's a difference between being more outgoing and being creepy.
It would make more sense to direct Keira to Hana rather than the other way around. If Keira brings it up, we can mention it. Until then, we know that Hana and Keira have already had an extensive chat, so we can probably trust that they covered most of the bases.
Seems like a bad idea, just have Keira talk to Laki. I'm sure Laki knows enough about self-pleasure to point Keira in the right direction. After all she does this often for Herb, always giving handy tips.
Hana would be more entertaining than Laki as a tutor to Keira. Hana knows how far she is down the rabbit hole, and watching her try to talk to a relative newcomer to all things perverted would be wonderful.

I really want her to try and explain fetishes to Keira, using examples of actual fetishes she's seen floating around the interwebs.
Well now we need a bin with Keira conducting a series of candid "interviews" with the female cast.

Good ideas. I support this.
>Hana: Fetishes
>Valerie: How women would court men on the mainland.
>Laki: What is sex like?
>Jane: ???
I was thinking more like asking each question to all the girls. Though I would add preferred method of getting off too.

Though I detailed the bin if really like to see here. >>1137277
Alright. We can roll with that instead.
>What are you attracted to?
>What do you think is your best asset?
>If you wanted to hook up with someone, how would you go about it?
>What are some things you might be embarrassed to admit to a lover?
>Boys, girls, both, or none?

Cosmopolitan, here we come.

Oh god, i'm having flashbacks to the "grapefruit blowjob"

Cosmo sex tips seem to be written exclusively by food fetishists. If that's what you're into, sure, whatever, but it's... a bit specific for the rest of us. Not every guy wants to be blindfolded while a doughnut is eaten from around his dick. But girls like Keira might be convinced they do.
That's actually not bad. It would be hilarious to see her questioning all the girls. I'd support this.
It's Jane I'd like to see her question the most, considering how Jane doesn't quite seem comfortable with Keira as anything other than an authority figure.

I'm also still kind of hoping Jane is asexual, because I think that people having different needs in a relationship makes for interesting reading/playing.

Plus, imagine how surprised/ possibly jealous Keira would be.

Or her reaction to Hana's list of kinks. Or to Val's story of when a boy from her school took her out to a five-star restaurant. Or when Laki, Hana, or Val detail their own attitudes to their same-sex attractions. Especially Val's, since she seems... less than totally comfortable.

Actually... I wouldn't put it past Laki to help Keira resolve her sexual frustrations. Assuming Keira's her type, that is. Just because she doesn't hit the blonde kink doesn't mean she doesn't do anything for her.

And now I'm horny.
>Actually... I wouldn't put it past Laki to help Keira resolve her sexual frustrations. Assuming Keira's her type, that is. Just because she doesn't hit the blonde kink doesn't mean she doesn't do anything for her.
Laki seems to hold at least a degree of respect for priests, though, so some of that might get in the way. She's seemed kind of indifferent towards Keira also. I can't really think of any interactions they've had and stood out.

If you're horny then write smut. No time like the present.
Yeah, and Keira's probably straight, too, considering she didn't have these feelings in the sisterhood.

Conservation of detail puts Keira squarely with either Herb or Polu. And I bet I know who she's more comfortable with. Of course, heresy is hot too.

Man, I wonder what all this secret religion stuff is.
>“We did this a lot in the temple. The priestesses all know each other inside and out.”

That's a direct quote from this thread.
Sounded like platonic familiarity to me. The reference to Hana seemed to imply coincidental innuendo as well.
I'm willing to bet one or two of the other priestesses did indeed have a thing going, those things tend to happen.
I think that it's safe to say some of the priestess have experimented in this way. I haven't seen any sign of Keira specially being attracted to girls.
What I'm wondering is, if all ghost clergy are female, how did a dude get to be the head honcho of ghosts? Did he transfer? Have a sex change? I think the significance of the female clergy was stated early on, but I can't remember it.

Also, the number of IDs I'm ending up with per thread is getting ridiculous, so I'm going to use a name.
I got a sort of father figure vibe from the guy or maybe he's just really protective and doesn't trust this strange mainlander boy who's getting along REALLY well with one of his more innocent girls.

And maybe he's lowkey enjoying a sort of harem fantasy.
>And maybe he's lowkey enjoying a sort of harem fantasy.
It would take god-like willpower and a huge sense of responsibility to not.
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pretty sure Jane isn't asexual. She was impressed by Herb's plantain. We had that little look into her head post thread after she grabbed it where she wondered how someone with a dick that big could feel insecure.
It's, like, 35% longer than average. I don't remember the exact words, but I think the gist was more paranoia than attraction.

If we get another peek into someone's head, I'd like it to be Keira's. What do you want?
Laki Or Bella. I already know all we'd see in Dice's is a tumbleweed.
Yeah, I like to hear the inside of Laki or Hana myself. I feel like when it comes to the characters those two girls probably leave more of their real thoughts internal more than the others.
I feel like we can kind of guess at Bella's thought process already, but Gobble would still make it interesting, I'm sure.
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I'd like to see into Keira's mind and Mace

Also want to know what Bella tried to tell Laki after Herb hugged Keira.
"Hurry up Mom, or you're gonna get NTR'd."
Pfft, imagine if Dice was posing the big questions, but all of them in a bite framework.

"Why must we bite the ones we love?"
"Is it better to have bit and tasted something bad, or never to have bit at all?"
"I bite, but why? If it is because I enjoy it, why do I enjoy it?"
"Can I truly call my friendships true if they never bite me back?"

I want so badly to hear Mace tell stories about his childhood back in the old days. Maybe even pre-fug.

Was she messing with us when she said that she thought her prank would end with us banging Val? Or does she see her as dissimilar enough from Laki that she'd be a side chick who couldn't replace mama?
Mace Stories are a must.
Bella's probable thoughts on Val: "Mom wants to share this one with Dad."
*Council of elders my foot! I've had kidney stones older than their punk asses!*

*Back in my day we just walked across Pangea if we wanted to get anywhere, none of this "ocean" malarkey.*

*Everyone I love dies.*

*You go on ahead, I want to see where this glacier is going...*

*I have watched nations rise and fall like the tides. You ain't shit, sonny.*

*Would you like a hard candy?*
I love this idea for dice

"If trainers train pokemon, then who trains the trainers?"
>*Back in my day we just walked across Pangea if we wanted to get anywhere, none of this "ocean" malarkey.*

>*You go on ahead, I want to see where this glacier is going...*

Damn it anon I'm dying

Fuck if we revive a fossil he just be like
"Look it's these shits again"
>Oh dammit that guy was a real dick, why did you have to revive him?
>You couldn't have gotten his great-grandson or something? Now there was a great pokemon.
>It's been a millions years and you fucks still can't fly?"
>inb4 Mace is only like 20
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I... made a bin.

It went in a less sexy direction than I expected.

But I felt I hit a couple nice points.
Certainly amusing, if not sexy. Good work!

I think you nailed the lack of physical/scene/appearance descriptions well, keeping that consistent with what Gobble tends to do. My only beef is that you didn't have the YOU ARE HERB right at the start and it wasn't thirty pages of smut.

Trying to write smut was an interesting experience, in that I learned:

A) writing smut is hard. Props to Gobble
B) my natural tendencies are internal monologue and jokes
C) I should probably start with an outline.
(A) and (C) are valuable lessons to learn.
Smut it taxing, first time I tried to write it, it took 2 hours
Dude, fuck being a reverse trap, let's just be a legit trap.

What are you, gay?
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>not wanting to be a trap that falls for a reverse trap
That's an intelligent response.

You have some real lateral thinking skills, anon.
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[Looks like we'll be running Saturday, Sunday, Then next Tuesday or Wednesday. Actually sitting down and working on lewdbin now, as soon as I finish reading the one >>1142555. Also, nice digits.]
How'd your test go?
[77%. I was hoping for a lot better, but I made a bunch of dumb mistakes. How was your week?]
Awesome, looks like this weekend is going to be good!
I'm sure you'll do better next time around. Keep at it Gobble!
Well, you are a sapient turkey. Entering the human education system was always going to start as a rough ride.
I liked this smut. Good job, anon. It may not have been particularly sexy, but an enjoyable read none the less.
Thanks! At first I was going to write a girl/girl fantasy, but I realized I don't really have any experience with vaginas.

Guilt and masturbation, now that's writing what I know.
S'not too bad, that's my classes average for most exams.

Highschool teacher
I believe in you Gobble.
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Gobble, I'm anxious to hear what you thought of my (sort of) smut!

Also, I found this picture of Herb under "cute anime girl pokemon" Poor guy.
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I've been browsing r/wholesomememes and I keep being reminded of Herb.
What color is Robin's eye again?

Asking for no reason whatsoever.
I think it was pretty modular. If I remember right, she was able to give herself a heart-iris (hot) and once put an aoe mind control jammer in there. Suffice to say, color really isn't an issue.

Unless you're talking about her bio-eye, in which case, I don't recall.
>Unless you're talking about her bio-eye, in which case, I don't recall.
Yeah, bio-eye. Don't recall either, and figured I'd ask before checking the first threads.
Check the final threads too, one anon did pictures of the party and made sure to get details right with info from Gobble.
>heart-iris (hot)
>aoe mind control jammer

What the fuck was Gobble's previous Pokemon quest?
>What the fuck was Gobble's previous Pokemon quest?
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It was... "high level," to put it one way. I came in around the first elite four battle, and binged hard on the archive.

It's weird looking back at the archive, this quest feels different since I've participated since the beginning. The other one was like reading a book and then getting to help write the ending. Herb feels like a piece of me.

Also, green.
Just from those bits it sounds like horrendously bad fanfiction, i can't fathom how those concepts even make sense or work in Pokemon of all things, but people seem to talk about fondly enough, so i guess i'll take your word for it
I mean there were a lot of threads. Though the ending with the anti mindcontrol was glossed over as the MC was captured. I think it just emitted a signal that fucked it up. Last quest had a big focus on Technology, Family(Or was suppose to), and Psychic shit.
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It was ramped up over time and the delivery/explanations were perfectly sensible.

I think that artist whoever they might be just assumed green for the eyes. Don't recall any confirmation from Gobble, but I suppose I should go check those threads now. Might just be my shitty memory.
I mean the quest was good for the most part yeah, but it wasn't perfect. Nothing is, like if we are gonna talk about it then Hornbeam's plans got way farther than made sense despite us thwarting him every time.
>like if we are gonna talk about it then Hornbeam's plans got way farther than made sense despite us thwarting him every time.
I think plenty of anons had the sentiment that the Hornbeam stuff was one of the weaker parts of that quest. That's already been discussed to hell and back, though.
Yeah, my main gripe though is how little we ended up using Trunks in the end. Gotta make sure everyone gets a fair share this time around.
Yeah, I really ramped up after a while. There were some issues to be sure, but the main draw was the relationship between Kat and Robin, and how they helped each other grow as people.

The climax didn't really tie into that strength, so it fell flat for some people. By the time the mad geneticist's plot was in full swing, we had already sort of tied our ancestry arc up with the princess/pauper arc. Robin's ancestry arc ended with dethroning her mother.

Among our party was us, a savant trainer (with a secret dark half), our savant strategist girlfriend, or savant psychic other girlfriend, a savant aura master, and a savant martial artist. We had caught two legendaries.

Listing flaws takes up more words than listing what was done well. It's easy to say "Vance's goal of studying pokemon movement as martial art never went anywhere, nor meaningfully dismissed." It's less obvious to say that Vance was a "nice guy" done really well. It's easy to say that Robin getting her eye shot out was an avoidable shitstorm. It's less obvious to say that it was a damn good example of consequences to player action/rolls without saying "bad end roll up a new character." Gobble pretty quickly got good at being an arbitrator of a rich pool of opinions and votes, and the player base was pretty sweet too. I remember writing a small speech that we have to our Meloetta on the nature of choice. Anons backed me and I'm proud.

Gobble's definitely learned a lot from it too. This time around has been a whole lot more grounded, the pokemon have way more personality to start, and while I loved the story-long relationship between Kat and Robin, I think introducing the most likely waifus together makes things more interesting from a game perspective.

Yeah, it was a little bit flashy and a little bit edgy, but it was pretty legendary, definitely quality, and I think Gobble and is players learned a lot about how to run a quest.
Oh, and Gobble had said if we pushed ourselves too hard trying to heal Robin, we would have played as Robin for a time while Kay recovered. I still REALLY want to play an episode from an alt perspective because that is so goddamn cool to be, props to Gobble for that idea, quality QM.
Also the "Dark Half" isn't nearly as edgy as it sounds.
Was more like "Dark 3% and occasional antagonist".
Also Psychic Repellent
>All those 'Savants'
Well, i'm glad our current cast seems more well-rounded and less sue-ish, unless you're misusing the word 'Savant', while the old quest certainly sounds interesting, its just not my tastes
They were over using it. Kat is just like John in that us anons are controlling them and she ended up a league champ. Early on she actually didn't even know type matchups without reading booklets. Robin was very smart, but was also raised to know a bunch about Pokemon by her gym leader Dad.
Gobble's writing is great. I recommend Pokemon Quest solely on the fact that you get to read of of Gobble's stuff.
I think I'm using it right. We were all both young and skilled. We went from having no pokemon to being champion In a year, and Robin went from one to champion in the same time. We taught moves easily and mega evolved fairly instinctually. The term may have best applied to Clair though- she was a gym leader and the most powerful/skilled psychic we saw, aside from mewtwo/ boosted villain.

Not that it was actually that much of a problem. The challenges were of appropriate level, and our growth felt earned. It just doesn't seem to be how we're doing things this time around.
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So, there is one thing I never understood about the last quest. How is it that Clair suddenly became busty once we got back from training with Vernon? Like, was she psychically blocking her development and stopped, did she get surgery, or do breasts do that sometimes and I just don't know?

I also forgot to ask during the epilogue if Vance's innovations in martial arts went anywhere.

Pretty sure I'm remembering these things right, but not 100%.
[I really liked it! It was very well done. I'm very impressed, to be honest.]

[Just happens sometimes. People go away for a summer and puberty hits them like a Snorlax]
Thanks! I'm really glad people liked it. Introspective, self-aware Herb is my favorite. And good god is it easy for me to sympathize with him sometimes.

Really looking forwards to getting another canon bin from you soon, and to training tomorrow.

Also, Herb's the best and I want to protect his smile.
I know we've discussed Pokémon we'd like to see Herb train at length, but are there any pokemon/teams you guys think it would be fun to battle against?

As a Spinda fan, is like to see that Spinda/Arcanine doubles team that ORAS had. There's a cool Butterfree set with grassium z going around right now too. Other than that, maybe someone with a weather control set.
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I'd like to see how we react to someone that battles like Kat.

Being on the receiving end would be super annoying, with more than half your moves not doing anything
Well, paralysis and confusion have been nerfed since then. Though just straight-up battling Kat Pokemon gold/silver style would be pretty damn satisfying. Doesn't matter that we will almost certainly lose, it'd be a damn trip to do and I like that.

I'm also looking forwards to our first battles with Laki/Hana. I'd say Keira and Val too, but I doubt they'd be interested.

I wanna see a shoving match between Snorlax-Gobble and Wailord.

I want Snorlax-Gobble to get to the airship-catching level like that normal leader's Snorlax.
So... I'm thinking about writing a somewhat lewder bin. To make certain details make sense, I'd like to ask a bit about Loanah. How recent is the industrialization of Loanah? More to the point, when did the clergy stop keeping an eye on reproductive rates?
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now I'm no expert on shoving, but I'm gonna bet on the pokemon with legs
Trubbish is the cutest little dumpster bunny
Medical form is the shit of nightmares. Imagine getting assorted medical filth injected inside you.

Still, garbodor forms would be a neat addition to the game.
You know what I would like to see in this quest? A bye-bye-butterfree type conflict. Where one of our pokemon finds some calling away from us, and we need to decide wether or not to split ways. I think a Garbador/Trubbish/(A)Grimer/(A)Muk who would be a great help in cleaning up pollution somewhere would be a great way to do that. Plus, it'd let us "have" more than 6 without guilt.

Unlike Ash, we'd stay in touch though.
I'm OK with this, but at the same time I'm not OK with this.
I feel you. Our allies (murkbro, sharpebro, hydriegon) sort of fill that role anyways. Still, I'd like to see a trade other than for evolution, for example.
Base Garbador: Poison
Construction Garbador: Poison/Steel
Medical Garbador: Poison/ ??? (Normal?)
Compost Garbador: Poison/Grass
Recycle Garbador: Water(Grass instead of Water?)/ (should it still have Poison at all?)
>Medical Garbador: Poison/Fairy
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[Industrialization was tried about three generations back. Things were slow to start, but eventually started going. Just as it was really getting off the ground, there was a massive accident and huge spill, causing vast swaths of the right-most island to be unusable. It went from breadbasket and up-and-coming industrial center to a poor, oft-forgotten chunk of land. The city that was once right in the middle is all but abandoned, and pokemon and trees have taken over. Lots of poison types now.

The priests stopped getting involved in population matters in any hard or official way during the industrialization, since food became so plentiful and any extra wood needed could be imported with trade. They didn't go back to the old ways after the collapse, but there's still a lot of cultural momentum in encouraging birth control and just general cultural stuff about being someone who has too many kids. That cultural stuff has been waning a lot in recent years, but modernization has acted as a counter-force against birthrates anyway, so it evens out. All that does is make the clergy worried though, because now they actually want to increase the population.]
whatever happened to that lewdbin Gobble? Did you decide it was too good to share? Is that it? It's too good for us?
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[You got me. It's mine. ALL MINE!

Actually I've just been slow. That's my bad. It's almost done. Then I'll be starting the next one right after. I don't even have excuses, just been drained from school and lazy. I owe you guys much lewds for the delays]
I was dipping back in the archives looking at the meditation bins. Keira said we'd make a good cleric- is that different from a priest?
School's more important. Don't worry about it too much.
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This makes me want to restore the destroyed land to it's former state.

Quick, what pokemon could do it? Celebi might be able to speed up the flow of time in the effected area, so the poison(what kind of industrial accident was it?) degrades. Best part would be the trees becoming absolutely massive so we could make a Fortree style town populated by Herb's dozens of kids from every waifu

Suicune can purify water, depending on the type of pollution, that could help a lot
Alolan Grimer eats garbage
>I think a Garbador/Trubbish/(A)Grimer/(A)Muk who would be a great help in cleaning up pollution somewhere would be a great way to do that.

A-Muk (and garbador?) canonically clean up pollution. The question is if they could be responsibly introduced to the ecosystem.

I think Herb should have one shipped in from his home country.
I doubt we have strings to pull, but Val might bee able to get it done once we give her a heads-up.
Depending on what kind of pollution there is, even the strongest time manipulation might not suffice.

Radioactive waste would take literally hundreds of thousands of years to merely reach survivable levels (for reference, recorded human civilization is around 5k years old), some plastic-based toxins like the dioxin groups just plain wouldn't degrade except via the extremely slow weak nuclear force, and chemical plants often have synthetic chemicals in them that are quite stable and not conducive to healthy life.

Time travel is pretty much not an option, though Suicune might work depending on the limits of its ability (and if it can be arsed to wander onto an island across the ocean).

>introducing new species in an effort to fix existing problems
Sure, let's just create the next mongoose, kudzu, zebra mussel, etc.

Never ever introduce new species into an ecosystem unless you want to risk creating an invasive species that will run the ecosystem into the shitter (unless the locals spend a ton of money every year to keep it under control, which I'm sure they wouldn't be too pleased about).
Alolan Grimer literally eats garbage. Though at this point it sounds like the toxic stuff has become the ecosystem.
Nothing wrong with winding down and being lazy. Gotta stay sane.
There's still half the island to potentially lose, and I don't think the islanders would take kindly to someone who wants to risk what little is left on something that could backfire terribly.
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