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Psion Academy Quest 2

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 27

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The imposter fidgets before you, her combed hair, neat clothes, and angelic aura striking you as completely alien to what you’ve seen only three days ago. She profusely apologizes for what happened, her head hanging in shame and embarrassment.

“Who are you?” you ask.

Her soul visibly shatters into pieces. “It’s me, Kaori! Kaori Etou! Katsuya, how could you forget me?!”

You rudely point your plastic fork at her, staring her down. “Nice try, but the Kaori I know would find the uniforms to be suffocating: she would never even to think of wearing a blazer.”

“Was that how you thought of me?!” she replies.

“Alright you walking fraud, what did you do with the real Kaori?”

“I’m not a fake! Is this some form of punishment?” she says, “Precisely how many times do you need me to ask for forgiveness!?”

“Hey c’mon, that’s enough,” Sorai says, sitting down across you. “Long time no see, Kaori. How’s it going?”

“Sorai!” she seems to cry from happiness, “It’s been a while. Hirundo Girls’ Academy had been particularly difficult, but it was great fun!”

You say, “They really did a number on you.”

“…Pardon?” Kaori says, “Although I cannot recall the events of that night, please accept my sincerest apologies!”

She’s been at it for a good while now.
>”It’s fine. No harm done.”
>”Well, it’s good to see you’re okay now.”
>”Just don’t let it happen again, else I’ll never talk to you again.”
>”Apology unaccepted.”
OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8q5pLbnsr4
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ConfettoQM
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Psion+Academy+Quest
>It's fine, no harm done.
>>”Just don’t let it happen again, else I’ll never talk to you again.”
Tsun Protocol activate!
>”Well, it’s good to see you’re okay now.”

Yay twitter messages!
>”Well, it’s good to see you’re okay now.”
Ending voting.
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The last three days has been uneventful, which has done wonders for you. Slowly working out the knots in your back, the stress on you had slowly disappeared along with any trace of Kaori—that is, until she suddenly showed back up today. Despite her stubbornness to tell you why, you have a feeling you already know.

“Well, it’s good to see you’re okay now.”

“You don’t hate me?” she slightly covers her mouth with her hand, “Really? Truly?”

“Really. Truly.”

Kaori tries to say something, but a small delighted sound comes out of her smile instead.

You sigh, and you check the time on your phone, finding that its approaching the end of the hour and also lunch. A day old notification reminds you of the rankings that were published: practical calibration, 32th out of 112 in the whole school; written practice exam… 34th out of 37 in the grade. You can’t tell how many of those below you just flatly missed the exam in the first place.

Maybe Kaori can help you study sometimes. She did manage to transfer into Hirundo’s…

Sorai calls out to you, “Hey Katsuya.”


“If you got some time after classes, can we talk?”

“I have to do some nighttime patrols. What is it?”

“Ahh… if that’s the case, then never mind,” Sorai says, looking off into the distance.

It’s almost time for Practicals, and you have… plans?
>Find Yamikigo to mess around with.
>Kururi’s been missing from Practicals lately, you should look for her.
>Usagi said she had a strategy meeting for the final day for the patrol?
>Clear the table, you’re not about to let Sorai drop a topic like that.
>Plans alone to train, that is.
>Kururi’s been missing from Practicals lately, you should look for her.
>>Kururi’s been missing from Practicals lately, you should look for her.
>>Clear the table, you’re not about to let Sorai drop a topic like that.
Ending voting
My text editing program is currently shitting itself. I might be about 5 minutes late.
Excellent taste
What is this weeaboo trash?
"If you can't tell him, what about me?" Kaori asks.

"Sure. Let me whisper it so Katusya doesn't overhear," he replies, to which you shoot him a look, "...Just kidding."

When you exit the building, you split away from the two.

Kaori asks, "Where are you going? The Practicals building is this way."

"I'll be there in a bit, I need to check something out."

With that you quickly slip away before they ask any more questions, looking for Kururi. She isn't in your Theoreticals class, but the Practicals' one merges the same years together. You don't see her often, but you do know she's always here. Lately, she's been avoiding the latter half of the day, striking you as odd since you remember not long ago she was asking for your help. Kururi looked so excited too, so why the sudden change of tone? What kind of a Class President skips class?

You don't know any of that. Nor does it matter, because as an honorary member of the Student Council's Disciplinary Committee, you're not about to allow for such a crime to slide.

And luckily for you, you happen to catch a glimpse of her as she enters the Theoreticals building. Her hair-bun stands out, easily spotted from a mile away.

You channel your inner snake. Well, if you had one, as it'll be a good time to call to it. Slithering from tree to tree and unknowingly catching the questioning stares of passerbys, you make your way closer and closer to the door.

And just like that, you masterfully snuck up on the open glass doorway, slowly peeking inside. Kururi's there, opening her locker. She must know what time it is, right?

She picks out a folded piece of paper, and her expression darkens.
>Confront her.
>"Coincidentally" bump into her.
>Continue stal—, you mean, investigating.
>>"Coincidentally" bump into her.
>"Coincidentally" bump into her.
>"Coincidentally" bump into her
Ending voting
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You walk in, attempting to appear inconspicuous as possible. You also open your locker as loud as possible, causing Kururi to jump.

“Eep!” she squeals, slamming her locker shut in an instant.

You turn around, trying your best to look completely and utterly surprised.

She says to you, “Katsuya, don’t you… don’t you have class?”

“Thought I left something here,” you say, pulling out an undershirt that’s a few days old unwashed, “Need to change after Practicals.”

“Isn’t that from Tuesday?”

You choke, “I have a lot of the same things. Anyways,” you say, waving her off, “Don’t you have class?”

“I… ah…” Kururi’s eyes dark around, searching for an answer, “As Class President, I have duties to attend!”

“Saki’s in class right now, probably, and she’s also Class President.”

“The duties for 1B are different, they’re completely different!”

You blink.
>”If you need anything, I’m here to help, okay?”
>”Is that so… good luck, then. Don’t take too long.”
>”Is that a love letter you’re trying to hide right now?”
>Enough being roundabout.
>>”If you need anything, I’m here to help, okay?”
>”Is that a love letter you’re trying to hide right now?”
>If you need anything, I'm here to help, okay?
>”If you need anything, I’m here to help, okay?”
Ending voting
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You meet Kururi’s eyes. “If you need anything, I’m here to help, okay?”

Half a minute passes while breaks eye contact, her right hand on her locker door slowly closing into a fist. She moves her lips to speak, but decides against it.

“I mean it.”

“Hmm…” she affirms and nods, looking away while quietly under her breath you barely make out a sentence. “I can’t get anyone involved…”

Kururi walks away, allowing you to catch a small glimpse of the letter as she turns on her heel.

Short as a paragraph. Clean. Typed. Without a signature.

You stand there for a moment, attempting to decide what to do. Then, you shake your head and walk out. If she wants to keep it to herself, you can’t stop her.


“You’re late,” Usagi tells you.

“Sorry about that,” you say, watching as Yamikigo excitedly runs into a practice chamber with Hitsujikaze who begrudgingly follows, “Had to do something really quick. What did you want to talk about?”

“I challenge you to a match.”


“You heard me! One versus one,” she says, and then after a second she adds, “The winner gets to make the loser do one thing they want.”

You give her a look of incredible suspicion, “I’m afraid.”

“Nothing sickening, you idiot. How about it?”

She must be planning something.
>”You’re on.”
>”Ehnn, I don’t know about this, I’d rather not.”
>”What brought this on?”
>”Only if we up the stakes.”
>”You’re on.”
But also
>>”What brought this on?”
>>”You’re on.”
>”Only if we up the stakes.”
Danger is my middle name.
>"What brought this on?"
>”You’re on.”
>”Only if we up the stakes.”
>”What brought this on?”
Deflect and hope that she forgets
Ending voting
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“What brought this on?”

She mutters, “If I could tell you then I wouldn’t need to this…”

“What was that?”

“Nothing!” she asserts, “Do you accept or not?”

“I don’t believe you, ‘nothing’?”

“You’ll find out after I win,” Usagi answers, “How’s that?”

“That’s… Is that something you say when you want me to accept it?’

“S-shut up,” Usagi stares at you with fixed eyes that could pierce through to the back of your skull and beyond, “What is it then?”

You cross your arms and think, “Alright. You’re on,” and then part of you let slip out—“Only if we up the stakes.”

“…What more would you want…?” she gives you a questioning look.

“Ah no, nevermi—“

“Hmm, I don’t want anything. How about if you win, I’ll be your servant for a day?” Usagi answers all too fast. Especially that last part.

“Hey, wait—“ you try to say.

“It’s a deal then, let’s go!”

You are promptly dragged into an empty practice chamber, a quick mental image Hitsujikaze a few minutes ago coming into your mind. The world shimmers and distorts, light bending and bleeding until something else is formed.

You get to input a variable.
>Zero gravity.
>Moving platforms.
I'll be back in about 30.
>Moving platforms.
>Moving platforms.
Thanks for waiting. Ending voting
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Darkness. That seems good. The world reassembles once more, coming into focus as something all too… strange.

“Why… did you pick darkness!?” Usagi cries.

You say, “Why did you pick… ping pong?”

Her variable.

“Hehehe,” she says, “You play, don’t you?”

She must have caught you in the recreation room on the floor below the cafeteria.

“A bit,” although the last time you did was at a ryokan. “Do you?”

“Just once,” with a smile, Usagi says, “That’s enough for me.”

“…” You sigh, walking to the other end of the table, “What’s your psionic art anyway?”

“You should know, you haven’t seen the camera footages of the battles?”

“…I didn’t even know they were released. So, no, I haven’t,” you say, “But you have.”

“Heheh. One game, first to 11 points. Magic allowed.”” a massive grin appears on her face. “Good luck.”

“Didn’t you say you only played once before?” you grip your paddle, “Good luck to you.”

It’s dark. A small light flickers intermittently in random spots.

What a pain.
Roll 1d100, best of three.
>Play normally, save the tricks for later.
>Use your psi barrier to help.
>The art you learned from Shiba…?
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>Play normally, save the tricks for later.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>The art you learned from Shiba…?
Rolled 26 (1d100)

>Use your psi barrier to help.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

>Play normally, save the tricks for later.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>>Play normally, save the tricks for later.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>Play normally at first, save the tricks for later
Ending voting. I don't know why I said best of three when I was going to count all three.
I guess we're a slave for a day then~
>Counting all 3
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Your psi lashes forward, forming a field in the entire playing area. The memory of her stopping the truck flashes in your mind. Does she have telekinesis or something? The confidence unnerves you, but that won’t stop you now. It’s too late for regrets!


Your paddle swings into the ball, sending it forward and out. It bounces once on Usagi’s side of the table, and then… bumps into her nose as her swing completely misses. There’s a light buzzer as the ball disintegrates and ends up in your hand again.

“Ahh! I can’t see anything!” she cries, “You’re an idiot, you know that? Who the hell picks darkness when they don’t have night vision?!”


“Sorry, but no undos,” you reply, tossing the ball back in the air.

You serve again, this time almost missing the ball completely. It goes forward and high, well above the net. At this rate, it’ll miss the table completely and hit the floor! If not for Usagi, apparently, who hits it back and sends it straight back into the net. She is, without a doubt in the world, absolutely terrible.

“Gaaah! This is unfair!” she says, “Do you destroy every beginner you meet?”

“What the hell are you saying?” you say as the ball appears in her hand. Server switches every two points.

Usagi gives you an upset pout… and then breaks into a smile. She palms the ball, and then serves it to you. High and slow, easy. You hit it back, and the ball goes over the table… and doesn’t land. Instead, it slows down right before it touches the table and flies back up, then out.

There’s a light buzzer.

26/250 - Yuu Saki (???)
(Yuu Saki) 1 - 2 (Katsuya Nekoyo)

“You’re kidding me.”

Her grin widens.

Roll some 1d100s.
It’s not telekinesis... is it? You can’t tell at all, what’s her weakness?!
>It’s not something she can use too quickly. Attack back faster!
>She can’t do anything if she can’t see where it goes, add spin to confuse her.
>Her magic doesn’t move it instantly, increase power and speed!

And from your bag of tricks.
>Rely on your psi barrier.
>Time to use Shiba’s art.
>Save your tricks.
If someone put up that slave for a day thing as a wager I'd tell them to fuck off. That isn't fun. You go from a high stakes thing (within reason) to ending up doing inane bullshit and it's kinda pointless or you end up doing shit that is mean-spirited in request.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

>She can’t do anything if she can’t see where it goes, add spin to confuse her.

It's likely fast since it can be applied to a ping pong match, might also be some premonition bullcrap, but I hope it's not.

>Time to use Shiba’s art.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>She can’t do anything if she can’t see where it goes, add spin to confuse her.
>Time to use Shiba’s art.
Don't fuck with us Dice Gods.
Rolled 20 (1d100)

>She can’t do anything if she can’t see where it goes, add spin to confuse her.
>Save your tricks.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

God damn it.
Ending voting.
Rolled 14, 14 = 28 (2d100)

Your good rolls belong to me
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>add spin to confuse her
>rely on your psi barriers
>Rolls 2 14's
>On a 2d100
No Anon, you definitely don't have the good rolls.
Good thing we didn't offer to be her servant if she wins, because we don't seem to be doing so well on these rolls.
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Is it that she needs to see where it goes? In the small light that dies and reappears, you grip your paddle tighter as Usagi serves again. As the ball flies over, you’re thankful that she’s not any better. Otherwise, you would be completely screwed. You wind your arm back… and you swing forward, sweeping in an arc with the paddle angled downward.

It slams into the ball, grinding it and sending it forth, the spin imparted causing it to curve from toward Usagi to away—it should absolutely crushing for anyone inexperienced. Or it would be, if you had hit it perfectly in the center. Instead, it floats forward, the spin completed halfway.


And does it float. It bounces down and floats up before it touches the table, and then falls back down… only to go back up. It repeats until it hits the floor. Grunting, you serve.

And you serve with Shiba’s art. Psi rumbles into action, activating the way you remember, the way you recall. It reshapes and reforms to her psi, and like that you use her magic.

69/250 Rori Shiba (Perfect Pitch 1)

Your psi lashes out in a straight path, rippling the air and carrying the ball with it. The ball is promptly sent smashing her way, cleanly hitting the table. Usagi reaches out a second later, completely missing it.

“You…” she says, “Isn’t that…?”

You break into a grin of your own, “That’s my Art, not whatever you thought it was.”

Her hair covers the light from her eyes, but her smile comes back. “Now it’s interesting.”

You toss the ball in the air again, the faint light shining. It heads toward her again, empowered by Shiba’s art.


Except it’s too dark. It’s too slow and too light, and you land straight into her paddle. Or… did it move to her paddle?

She sends it flying back this time, blasting forward like thunder—power added into her attack that her swing would’ve never allowed for. You try to reach for it, but you only partially succeed. The dead ball slams into your paddle… and flies up despite the angle of attack. Flying away from the table…

It happens again. And again.

77/250 - Yuu Saki (???)

(Yuu Saki) 5 - 4 (Katsuya Nekoyo)

Roll some 1d100s.
You grit your teeth.
>Add more spin, this time with Shiba’s help!
>Return the balls faster, faster than she can react!
>Smash them, add more power and speed!

Your bag of tricks isn’t that big.
>Use psi barrier.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Return the balls faster, faster than she can react!
Rolled 9 (1d100)

>Smash them, add more power and speed!
Save the barrier for the last second.

Nice one Anon.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>>Smash them, add more power and speed!

Make a really loud noise and try to startle her. It is dark after all.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

>>Return the balls faster, faster than she can react!
Next vote breaks tie, or I'll roll in 4
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>Return the balls faster than she can react
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If that serve had gotten you the first point… then maybe, just maybe, you have to return the balls faster. Faster than she can react!

She serves, and this time you clean closer to the table. Just as the ball bounces up…!


You hit it instantly, propelling it forward. Then, you see it clear as day. Her magic.

The ball curves despite you not adding spin, landing into her paddle as it seemingly sticks for a second. Her psi fires up once again, and the ball smashes forward. Her returns—they’re too easy to read! You instantly send it back and the girl staggers as the ball zips past her.

You send another, another and another! Your serves and returns crush through her magic, the slowing fall of your ball completely bypassed with the help of Shiba’s art.

(Yuu Saki) 6 - 10 (Katsuya Nekoyo)

You can almost taste victory. You don’t even have anything to tell her do to. She’s the one that wants the reward, but what you want is different—you want to see her magic.

86/250 - Yuu Saki (???)

You want to see it all. But it’s used far too lightly for you do proper analysis on. You always know when she uses it, but there’s nothing you can do. Like a flash of lightning, it disappears as soon as you see it.

Usagi grips the ball. “Fine. I’ll show you.”


“I’ll show you… my ace!” Her psi lashes out toward your paddle, wrapping around, but you feel nothing.

She throws the ball up, and then slams into it. You deflect.


You deflect, but the ball doesn’t go where you want it to. Instead, it shoots away from your paddle in an instant, as soon as it touched it. Far, far away.

Roll some 1d100s.
Can you even close the game? Her magic…
>It can only be…!? [Write-in.]

Bag of tricks.
>Psi barrier.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

I'm guessing her magic alters the properties of whatever it's applied to? So she can attract objects to her paddle and make our paddle repulse the ball.

>Apply Psi barrier in front of her paddle, block her swing.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

>It can only be…!? [Write-in.]
Some kind of targeted friction fuckery, vector alteration, or repulsion effect.

>Psi barrier.

Bounce it back with psi barriers! If.. that'll work and the dice will it.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

If she's so confident about her ability to win with her power, I think the thing to do is say something that distracts her and then go for broke with our tricks to close out the game. Maybe tell her we're going to make her do something embarrassing when we win to fluster her and break her concentration.
Ending voting
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Your paddle deflects the ball again, again, and again.

(Yuu Saki) 9 - 10 (Katsuya Nekoyo)

With each passing point, you attempt to bide yourself more and more time. With each time that your paddle sends the ball flying great distances away, you slowly piece it together. Repulsing your ball, having it attract to hers. Something to do with friction? Vectors? In any case, an alteration of properties of an object.

It’s time to bust out the psi barrier. It’s her serve, and she smashes it into you. Except this time, you don’t let her. Your barrier rises from the net, and the ball crashes into it. It bounces back at an angle and zooms back toward you.


It wasn’t enough…!?

The ball hits your paddle again, and it breaks away once again.

(Yuu Saki) 10 - 10 (Katsuya Nekoyo)

“First to 11, that’s what I said. Ready for the last point, Katsuya?” she says, panting as the sweat has her clothes sticking to her. She loosens her ribbon with a light tug.

You look down at the ball that had appeared in your hands. Your serve. You don’t want to lose. Who knows what she had planned for you? Then, you close your eyes. Not only are you a better player, but you have all these tricks. Not here…

You glance back up. “Yup. You ready to lose?” you say, airing out your shirt through your unbuttoned blazer.

“We’ll see,” she says.

In the most vile, sickening tone you can manage,


You utter, “I can’t wait to see what you would do as my maid!”

“W-what?!” She shoots you back a scared look, and that’s when you serve.

Your paddle smashes into the ball, the air rippling as it carries it at an insane speed. The ball closes in to her paddle as she staggers, and you use your barrier.


Cutting it off, you watch as the ball crashes into your psi, grinding until it goes back onto the table without touching her paddle.

(Yuu Saki) 10 - 11 (Katsuya Nekoyo)

“Got you,” you say.

The horn blares, signaling the end of the match.

“I… I lost!?” Usagi mutters.
>”Good game.”
>”So, mind telling me what the hell you did?”
>”I hope you have a maid outfit prepared.”
>”Don’t worry, you’re free to go.”
>”I wonder what you would’ve made me done if you had won.”
Sorry about the delay, there were all sorts of problems.
>”I hope you have a maid outfit prepared.”
>>”I hope you have a maid outfit prepared.”
>”I wonder what you would’ve made me done if you had won.”
>Laugh like a madman
>”I hope you have a maid outfit prepared.”
>”I hope you have a maid outfit prepared.”
>”So, mind telling me what the hell you did?”
Ending voting. Damnit.
I quoted by accident.
Man, you're really hopeless.
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Really living up to your name, QM
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You laugh like a madman, partly playing it up and partly happy by the victory. Then you look dead at her eyes. “I hope you have a maid outfit prepared.”

Usagi’s face reddens like a tomato. “W-what!? You sick deviant, what kind of stuff do you have planned?!”

“That’s my question, what were you even going to do?” you say, “You were so sure you were going to win too!”

“That’s…!” she chokes, “I… uh… ahh…”

“And what the hell was that magic? What did you even do!?”

“I… I…! Aaahhh!” she stammers, “I won’t tell you, if it’s the last thing I do!!”

“So that’s how you want to play it, huh!?” you step forward, ”Alright then, my reward starts right now for winning right!?”


“Then, my wonderful maid, I command you to tell me!”

“Nooo! You evil… monster!” she cries, “You can’t do that!”

“Of course I can! Now, spill it!”

“Ahhhh!” she bites her lip and tugs her hair for good measure, “Alright, fine! I magnetizing the equipment! The table, the ball, everything!”

“Oh, then your ace was…”

“I can do it without touching them if I focus hard enough! There, are you happy?!”

“Hmm,” you cross your arms, “Then what about my first question?”

Usagi shakes her fists at you and squirms, “Gaaaaaah! I was going to make you go to a Sirens concert with me! AHHH!” She cries out as she tries to cover her previous words, as if that did anything, “I was waiting on my phone all week, and I won two tickets for free. I couldn’t go alone! I’d look like a total loser! A complete, absolutely, a 100% a loser!”

“…Why didn’t you just ask?”

“Because that would make it a date!” she cries, and then much quieter, “And… what if you said no?”

She’s avoiding your eyes.
>Offer to go.
That'll be the last post for tonight, thanks for playing! Sorry for all the delays. I'll be back tomorrow, same time and it's probably going to be a bit short again.

No bully
Order your maid to take you to the concert
>>Offer to go.
Do this.
>Offer to go.
I'll back this Anon. Maximum Bully.
Yes. But in a maid outfit.
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This this this! >>1129170

All the bully
This desu
In an hour
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Praise be!
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“Then,” you say, “I order you, my maid, to take me to the concert.”

“…Ehn!?” Usagi looks at you.

At first, she only blinks, one hand squeezing her hair tighter. Slowly, she brings her other hand up to her face as she grows redder and redder, all as if she was trying to hide herself away from you.

“Are you messing with me?” she quietly asks.

You softly smile, “I want to go, so I want you to take me there.”

“…” She lightly turns her face away. “…It’s not a date.”

“Okay,” you affirm, “Dating my maid would be bad form anyway.”

“…Okay,” the girl repeats, still partially trying to disappear under her hair. “Your… RAIN ID?”

A moment later and you two finish exchanging contact information on your phones.

You say, “There we go.”

“Then… I’ll send you the details,” she says, then adds, “Don’t be late!”

“I won’t,” you say as Usagi walks out, “Don’t forget we have to do the rounds at night.”

“…Guh!” she curses.

As the chamber door closes, you become acutely aware of the cameras in the room. Out of all the recordings that happen in a day, the likelihood of someone watching yours is slim. Only special ones are marked and highlighted for all to see. Chances are if you picked one at random, you’d just be watching someone train, which is immensely boring.

Except you feel like someone’s watching you at this very moment, a pair of electrifying eyes that don’t belong to the school, through the shifting lenses.

You shrug it off, and walk out.

Practicals is over.
>Try to find Sorai.
>Wait for Usagi.
>Give her space; start patrols.
>Wait for Usagi.
>>Wait for Usagi.
>Try to find Sorai.
>Give her space, start patrols
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Stop it Psion.jpg
92KB, 1471x508px
So we're doing this at some point right?
>Wait for Usagi.

Please no
Ending voting

Well, telepathy does exists.
The ultimate defense for a psychic is to be a hardcore pervert, because then nothing will faze them.
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You’ll wait for Usagi.

It’s not even Summer yet, but the humidity of the air outside would kill you right now. Instead, you opt to stay inside to pass the time.

Your phone buzzes. It’s your big sis.

Sis: hey kats, you’re bringing it on Sunday right
You: Yeah
You: I won’t forget
Sis: k, you better not
Sis: thanks again <3
You: No problem
You: How are you feeling?
Sis: preeetty good
Sis: nurse said i was doing better than ever
Sis: she also had the cutest nails
Sis: god i’m jealous

You text for a bit before the conversation dies off. Standing there listless, remembered about the matches, and promptly walk off to download a couple of them on your phone before you forget. You’ll watch them later, when you have time. There’s one for every Practical Exam match earlier this week, meaning you have quite to go through, although you notice that the one’s that Hitsujikaze Yukikata proctored were awfully short.

A while later and you find yourself outside standing next to a shuffling bush.


“It’s the last day, I’m making it count,” she says, sounding a lot more composed than earlier. She’s also not showing her face.

“Alright, let’s do this.”
>Theoreticals Building.
>The cafeteria.
There was trouble there earlier
>Theoreticals Building
Ending voting
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dangerous bush.png
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“Let’s check out the dorms first.”

“As you wish, Mr. Nekoyo.”

You glance back, “Please don’t. I feel like I just lost my youth.”

“Oho, do you prefer something else, Master?”

Halfway through a step you jolt as your brain registers what she just said.

You think, It’s… kind of nice!? W-what the hell is this feeling, I don’t like this at all!

Usagi presumably wearing a curious grin underneath the suit as you walk into the boys’ dorm, the system lets you two passes by with two light dings. Pushing the intrusive thoughts outside, you hurry up and check around. The halls are quiet, and the rooms are even more so. Are they… soundproofed?

Usagi calls, “Clear! There’s nothing suspicious over here.”

You say, “Wait, I think I spotted something.”


You raise a finger in the air, and slowly point it at the large shuffling mass of greenery standing in the hallway talking to you, “What is that!?”

“Very funny.”

Suddenly a loud, muffled explosion catches your attention.

The stealthy bush springs into life. “It came from the girl’s dorm! Let’s go!”

Thoughts race through your mind as you run toward the noise, the sight of smoke floating out of a shattered window making you unease as you head inside the building. There’s shouting, and a cry.

“It’s the second floor!” you yell.

“Wait!” Usagi stops you, “What if there’s an attacker!?”


“They might try to run!”

You look back at her.
>Have Usagi stand post outside.
>You’ll wait outside, she can probably handle a fight better.
>Ignore the possibility, you’ll both investigate.
I don't think splitting up is a good idea, so:
>Ignore the possibility, you'll both investigate
>Have Usagi stand post outside

Time to scooby doo this shit
>Have Usagi stand post outside.
Never fear! We're the main character!
>Have Usagi stand post outside.
She can stealth there, we can't.
Ending voting
>>Have Usagi stand post outside.
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“You’re right, go stand post outside!”

“...What!? Hey, I don’t want to sit on the sidelines!”

“If you’re right, then it won’t be the sidelines for too long,” you argue, “And you have that stupid jilly suit or whatever!”

“It’s Ghillie, and it’s not stupid!” she utters before she turns around.

With that you bolt up the stairs.

“Get out!” a familiar voice cries out.

You run to the top and see recognize who it was instantly: Kururi. Dust and ash ruining her clothes, caught in the middle of a raging blaze. That’s not her art at all. Your body tenses, ready for a fight. A few doors open, but you shout for them to stay inside.

Kururi seethes, a quiet anger rising above her trembling voice, “You come into my school… and then into my room…”

You can only make out a silhouette with the light from the intense fire: a figure with two braids coming down, adding some shape to the obscured form of a hoodie. The attacker lightly twists around to see you. A baseball cap, sunglasses, and paper mask cover her face.

“Oh, is it security?” a tired voice asks, “…It’s only a student. Ah, whatever. Hand it over, scum.”

Kururi cries out, lashing out her hardened ribbon in one quick motion. The masked assailant sidesteps. It cuts into the air, psi searing forth a few inches past where the bow would physically reach.

“Give up,” the attacker says.

She lifts a hand, and the air at the end of a fingertip contracts, only to swell back. Fire leaps forth in an explosion, catching them both, but the girl skids back as her psi barrier disintegrates, leaving her unharmed.

Roll some 1d100s.
You send your psi forward.
>Focus on protecting Kururi.
>Focus on taking the attacker out.
>Try to bring the fight outside.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>>Focus on protecting Kururi.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

>Focus on protecting Kururi.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

>Focus on Protecting Kururi
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>Try to bring the fight outside.
Ending voting
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The masked girl crouches down and grabs Kururi by her collar.

“Didn’t you use to wear it around your neck?” she says, slipping a finger in and hooking out a necklace. She pulls it out, and at the end is a locket. “Tch.”

142/250 Rori Shiba (Perfect Pitch 1)

You send forth a line of psi, the air hitting the masked girl in the arm. Only strong enough to leave a small bruise, but it’s enough to surprise her and get her off Kururi. You run at her, attempting to separate the girl from her target.

Less than a few paces away, her sunglasses tilt down a little, allowing you to see her eyes. She looks at you with a bored, blank stare.

“Who are you?”

“That’s should be my question.”

You feel the space between you two shrink again, and back out it explodes. Throwing up your shield in the last moment, you feel the full brunt of the attack as it completely eats into your psi. You’re thrown back, landing onto a table and breaking it in half.

“Katsuya!” Kururi shouts.

83/250 ??? (???)

You cough as you stand up, pushing against the wall to get up. There’s fire under your hand, and you flinch back. It didn’t hurt at all, but you feel like it was eating at you—no, at your psi. Standing next to you is Kururi, who seems much worse off than you.

You ask her, “Are you okay?”

“I’m… I’m fine,” she answers.

Liar. In the corner of your eye, you catch it, and you grab Kururi and throw yourselves away as another explosion of fire appears a feet away from the attacker’s hands.

84/250 ??? (???)

Your psi field…

Wherever the fire appears, your psi is disintegrated. You can’t see what she’s doing.

Roll some 1d100s.
>Buy some time for Kururi to get help.
>It’s time to run.
>Take her on. All you need is her psi signature.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>>It’s time to run.
>>Buy some time for Kururi to get help.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>Take her on. All you need is her psi signature.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

forgot my roll for >>1133547
>Take her on. All you need is her psi signature.
Never back down.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>Buy time for Kururi to run

but hopefully we can catch her psi signature while doing that.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

>Take her on. All you need is her psi signature.

Ending voting
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Wherever Kururi goes, the girl is bound to follow. It’s clear who she’s after, and you’re not about to let this happen.

“Can you cover me?” you ask Kururi.

“I’m running low…” she answers, “but I’ll do my best.”

You nod. “I’m counting on you.

179/250 Rori Shiba (Perfect Pitch 1)

Wind ripples again as it thrusts forward, aiming straight for her eyes. She flinches as she blocks it with her arm. Zipping by are flying orbs of psi, courtesy of Kururi. You take the chance to close in, reaching forth with everything you got. Her sunglasses slide up, and you see that she was watching you the whole time.


You throw up a barrier, but it was too slow. The world lights up into stars as you are flung to the side. Your feet barely catch the ground, and you steady yourself. This is becoming a terrible habit of yours.

85/250 ??? (???)

The fire grows. You curse. You can’t read her signature with your field when you can’t even establish one. The only way left is physical contact, and at this you’re more likely to break your back before you even grab even a single strand of her hair. If only Usagi was here…!

“Kururi, call for Saki! The window!”

It takes her a second to process what you said, and then she makes a break for it.

“You’re not running away,” the masked girl says, seemingly gliding forth.

255/250 Rori Shiba (Perfect Pitch 1)
5/250 Rori Shiba (Perfect Pitch 2)

Something clicks. The air bends and breaks under your psi, a wave of perfect resonance that crushes forward, straight into the assailant’s psi barrier.

She’s caught off guard by the sudden increase in power, and she falls back.


Roll some 1d100s.
>Escape. Out the window is a good idea.
>Play defensive and stall for time.
>Go on the offense.
I'll be back in thirty
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>Escape. Out the window is a good idea.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

>>Play defensive and stall for time.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Lets direct Kururi to escape out the window, and then follow her. We should try to group up with Usagi again.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>Go on the offense.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>>Go on the offense.
What can I say? I'm an absolute madman sometimes.
Next vote breaks tie or I'll roll in 5
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 = window
2 = attack
I was never quite sure, whose signatures have we actually learned so far?
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last look.png
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You step in front of the mysterious girl, separating her from Kururi.

“…Why?” she asks.

The question catches you off guard. “Why… what?”

“Why do you protect her?’

“I don’t think you know how things look right now,” you answer, panting.

“Says the unaware one,” she replies, “Do you think I would attack her for no reason?”

“As if you could justify any of this,” you say, “But you’re going to try anyway.”

“She’s trash. Scum. Absolute human garbage,” the girl seethes. “By associating with her you are only hurting yourself. She’s a traitor, and a thief, and she will always be one no matter how far she runs. Now step aside,” she says, “this is none of your business.”

She takes a step to your left, and you match it.

“I hope you weren’t expecting me to back down,” you say.

The girl raises her hand, but before she can do anything—

71/250 Rori Shiba (Perfect Pitch 2)

The ground distorts, knocking her off balance. You rush forward, reaching outward. Your arm suddenly stops, caught by her psi shield. Uniform and powerful, and yet...!

“You asked me why,” you say, “but I don’t need a reason to protect my friends.”

Your hand clenches in a fist as your psi lashes out.

Psi Signature recorded.

The air contracts, and fire starts spilling forth.

Psi blast.


There’s a flash of light as the barrier explodes, psi pouring from every square inch. It lashes out, tearing and burning everything as the eruption of coincides with her magic. You are blown back, and you feel your head hit something.

Your ears are ringing. Your face hurts. Your eyes want to slam shut. As your vision blurs and swims, you look up to see the masked girl stand up, her clothes charred from the front. You see people entering the hallway, pointing at the mess of a room.

The assailant gives you once last glance before she runs to the window. Kururi steps back and falls down, getting out of the way for her to leap onto the windowsill and then out.

The faint sound of someone calling you is the last thing you hear before you close your eyes.

[Chapter 2 “Side B” - End]
ED2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-798tOiM_s
Twitter: twitter.com/ConfettoQM

Thanks for playing! There was a lot of action scenes in this thread, so I’ll try to balance that out next thread. The keyword is “try.”

As always, comments, criticism, and questions are very welcome.
Thanks for running! It was a lot of fun.
Okay cool, thanks for that. What is the benefit or recording someone's signature? Sorry if everyone else understood this implicitly and I'm just the only one too dumb to work it out.
Of everyone mentioned thus far, it's
Big Sis
Kaori Etou
Sorai Sotora
Rori Shiba
Kururi Kururu
Masked Girl

In case of any confusion, having their signatures recorded doesn't mean you can use their art. Like not all rectangles are squares, that sort of thing.

Also I'll post a little something later. Just a tiny extra thing.


Enables you to 1 hit KO with psi blast.
I might have only come in in time to participate in the second half of the quest, but I'm excited for the next "chapter"!
Thanks for running, QM!
Thanks for running, it's been fun.
>Enables you to 1 hit KO with psi blast.

>each time he's used it thus far he is getting KO'd

So not technically incorrect. We did at least knock out freako not-sister with it simultaneously, right?

MC is such a jobber
Yeah it was a triple KO.

I can't stop you guys if you want to job.
Jobbing builds character, it's fine.
We are the Fandango of psions.
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Class of 110
Practical Exam - 03
April 03, 107

Proctor - Hitsujikaze Yukikata
Student - Sorai Sotora

Chamber Location: Default (None)
Variables: Default (None)

“…Understand…?” Yukikata asks.

“Got it. I touch your emblem and I win, right?”

“Correct…” she nods quietly, “Let us begin…”

With that, the girl takes a step back slowly, and Sorai crouches into a sprinting position.

“Here I go!” he shouts, bolting forward.

The space between them seemingly shatters, as if the world had split and slid alongside each other. A brush of fire bursts from Yukikata, stopping at the divide, where it transforms into a tide of ice. There is a crushing whirl of wind, barely missing Sorai as he jumps back at the last second. He tumbles and quickly gets back on his feet. Then, he takes a deep breath.

The psi field he sends forward is invisible to everyone but you, and even then, you only know because of the flickering of light in his eyes. Sorai runs forward again, leaping atop the ice. There’s no response from Yukikata. Instead, the footage freezes and skips forward a second later. A small hint of surprise shows her face, and then the horn blares as Sorai touches her emblem.

He tilts his head back, smiling at the camera.

Another sweeping victory thanks to the Null Field.
Huh, I didn't realize Sorai kicked so much ass.
Ah. So Sorai is the "turns out to be the BBEG" kind of best male friend.

So it was Rori Shiba we just fought?
What's the benefit of the second level of signature recording?
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lesson 1.png
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That was certainly not Shiba because you would have recognized her signature instantly. See: the "Masked Girl" on the list. And that wasn't a second level of signature recording, but your proficiency at her art. How skilled you are at using it, in other words.

To elaborate and help clear the confusion, I've made this manga-styled explanation for absolutely no reason when I could've did an info dump instead.

Actually, maybe this can make up for the fact I can't run next weekend. Sorry about that!
Your art is awfully cute.
QM, your art is adorable
Thank you! That makes me happy to hear.
>Psion Academy
"Ara~ why hello there children!"

What could go wrong?
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