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Dragonball Quest #121

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 409
Thread images: 47

>>Previous threads


>>Writeup Pastebin



This quest, as the title suggests, takes place in the world of Dragon Ball. You're playing as a twenty-two year old man named Tofoo, and will adventure through the story of the Dragonball series alongside characters such as Goku, Yamcha, Bulma, Tien, and many others. Through your actions, you can make significant changes to the story, and perhaps even become the strongest fighter on Earth.


At the end of each update you'll have ten minutes to vote on options. Write-ins are allowed, but I do reserve the right to veto them.

In the event of a draw, the option to receive the next vote wins

Rolls will be used on certain occasions, such as attempting a technique for the first time or attempting something extremely difficult. You will have three rolls, and if one succeeds, you succeed. There are no crits.

Rolls are made AFTER an option wins, not during the voting process

I hope everyone has fun.

>>Current Saga

24th World Martial Arts Tournament

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Tofoo for strongest Human, fuck off Krillin
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Here we go boys
The time before the first match passes, and you leave your family in the stands, floating down into the ring to the gasps and murmurs of the massive crowd.

The announcer, not particularly blown away by such things at this point, addresses the crowd as your feet touch the tiles of the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" the man shouts, causing a hush to fall over the crowd. "The twenty-fourth World Martial Arts Tournament begins now! Our first match is between Tofoo and Shen. Tofoo has competed in the last three tournaments, making it as far as the finals in the past. Though the title of champion has always remained just out of reach, Tofoo has returned to give it another go, and is sure to provide some major excitement!"

The crowd roars its approval, and you can't help the smile that comes to your lips. It feels good to be back in the ring after so many years.

Shen emerges from the contest hall, silently strolling toward the ring. He ascends the stairs, stepping to a space across from you, where he turns and faces you with that same smirk he's been wearing since he found out he was up against you.

"Shen, otherwise known as the Crane Hermit, is considered one of the greatest martial arts masters in the world," the announcer explains to the crowd. "His students have competed in the past two tournaments, displaying incredible skill and power. Now, the master himself has stepped into the ring, giving us a rare opportunity to see the creator of the crane style in action!"

As the cheers of the crowd are renewed, you take a moment to assess your situation. Shen should be no match for you. You've outclassed him in terms of speed and power for years, yet here he is with that smug little grin, almost seeming as if he expects an easy victory.

"You're expecting a quick win, aren't you, Tofoo?" the Crane Hermit questions, taking a fighting stance.

>A. Of course

>B. Don't forget easy

>C. No, but you're still going to win

>D. You're sure he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve

>E. Say nothing

>F. Something else
>C. No, but you're still going to win
>D. You're sure he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve
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obviously, ya dingus
"After all, you and Roshi did put a dent on Vegeta when he transformed"
"I'm still gonna take that hat"
"Of course, you idiot," you tell him as you take your own stance. "But, you forgot easy. And, by the way, I'm still going to take that hat."

Shen laughs. "We'll see, fool. I can't wait to beat that confidence right out of you. Losing in the first round should teach you a bit of humility."

"Well, folks, some good old-fashioned trash-talk has erupted between our competitors," the announcer informs the crowd. "This match is sure to get heated."

He looks between you and Shen, who keep your eyes locked on one another, each of you waiting eagerly for the match to begin. You've both made your confidence quite clear, now all that remains is to see which of you can better back it up.

"Fighters, are you ready?!" the announcer asks.

"Ready," you answer.

"Ready," Shen tells him.

"THEN LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" the announcer calls.

Shen holds his position, continuing to stare right into your eyes.

"Go ahead," he invites. "Make the first move, end this quickly."

>A. Alright (charge)

>B. Blast him

>C. Stay on the defensive, and challenge him to strike first

>D. Something else
>B. Blast him
Send a light shot at him
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

1 more roll, make it count
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Taking Shen's advice, you thrust your hands out toward him, gathering a small bit of your energy and firing a ball of light toward your opponent.

Shen stands his ground, not moving so much as an inch as the attack comes streaming toward him. True, you're holding back, but he seems entirely unfazed. It's only at the final moment before your attack hits that you realize what's going on.

He's not really there.

Your blast passes through him, and Shen's figure fades away into nothingness. You quickly attempt to locate your foe, feeling vibration in the air behind you, and spinning just in time to block a chop thrown at you by your foe.

Shen strikes again, this time aiming for your throat, but you lean back, avoiding his attack and kicking upward toward his gut. Shen's reflexes are too fast for that, and he leaps back just in time, avoiding your attack and landing across the ring from you.

"Tofoo seems to have allowed Shen the chance to attack from behind," the announcer shouts. "Yet neither opponent has managed a hit in their first exchange."

"Let's fix that, shall we?" Shen asks, rushing toward you at top speed.

>A. Rush to meet his charge

>B. Stand your ground, and attack when he reaches you

>C. Stay on the defensive

>D. Blast him as he rushes you

>E. Something else
>B. Stand your ground, and attack when he reaches you

Use his momentum against him, stay on the defensive before he reaches us and counter attack.
>>E. Charge and double After-Image.
Rolled 98, 38, 43, 18, 36, 46, 81 = 360 (7d100)

>>B. Stand your ground, and attack when he reaches you

Shen's fast, and probably has some type of pressure point "I hit you and you are disabled" move.

Not to mention he knows the Dodon ray, so he can apply that disabling from range.

His weakness is gonna be the explosive wave, and presumably also the lightning claw IF we can bait him into fucking up and getting hit.

I'm thinking Multiform might be a decent option here, since he'll only be able to disable one of us at a time, and the other ones would be able to land a stunning hit.

You, anon, are on the right track
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Imma need to find lewd aren't I
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Shen's gotten faster, but you should still far outclass him in terms of power. If you can face him in a proper exchange of attacks, you should be able to overwhelm him fairly easily. So, as he keeps running, you stand your ground and prepare to strike once he reaches you.

You see Shen's lips curl upward as he closes in, and you smirk back at him, thrusting your left arm forward and punching at Shen's face, only for your eyes to widen in shock as your attack once more passes right through your opponent, who cackles as he fades from your sight.

That's when the real Shen makes his move, striking your extended arm before you have the chance to react. You hiss in pain, and Shen strikes with his free hand, aiming for the side of your head. Spinning, you allow Shen to shoot right past you, and attempt to strike him as he passes, only to find that you can't so much as lift your left arm.

Shen stops, turning to face you with a wicked grin on his face.

Looking down, you find your left arm hanging limply at your wide, with you unable to do anything to move it. It doesn't seem broken, but you can't even feel it, much less use it. What's more, you feel a sudden rush of fatigue.

No, that's not quite right. You aren't tired, but you feel weaker somehow.

"Once again, Tofoo has struck at nothing, and this time Shen has used that to his advantage, disabling his opponent's left arm!" the announcer tells the crowd.

You hear confused chatter among the audience, and even your wife shouting, asking what's the matter with you.

Shen chuckles. "So much for that quick win you were expecting."

>A. Ask what he just did to you

>B. Ask how he got so fast

>C. Charge

>D. Take to the air, and rain blasts down on him

>E. Explosive Wave

>F. Prepare to defend yourself

>G. Multiform

>H. Kuma-Ken

>I. Something else
>F. Prepare to defend yourself
>E. Explosive Wave

>I. Something else
Hang on. Did he ... block the energy flow in our arm?
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

I shudder to think of what this is gonna do to shen
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Rolled 18 (1d100)

*clatters the dice across the table in an unnecessarily dramatic fashion*
Holy shit
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276KB, 486x463px
Nicely done
"Hang on. Did you....block the flow of energy to my arm?" you question your smirking adversary.

Shen erupts into another round of laughter. "So, there's a brain in that head of yours after all. Yes, I've stopped the flow of energy to your arm."

He breaks his fighting stance for a moment, facing you with relaxed posture and raising his left hand almost mockingly. "And, I'm sure you've realized that in doing so I've accomplished more than disabling your arm. Stopping that flow of energy has unbalanced the energy in your entire body."

He lowers his hand, his grin widening. "Meaning, you won't be able to draw on your full power. I can already sense that your energy's sunk like a stone, and another strike or two like that, and you'll be helpless."

The Crane Hermit drops back into his fighting stance, readying himself to strike. Frowning, you drop into your own stance, preparing yourself to defend with a single arm. This only seems to amuse Shen, who delays his attack to speak again.

"You're a real glutton for punishment, aren't you?" he asks. "Well, that's fine, I've got plenty to give!"

Your eyes meet, and he continues. "I'll strike you again and again until you can't lift a finger or foot to fight me, then I'll take my time beating that arrogance out of you."

He takes a step forward, and you instinctively step back.

"You thought I was some weak old man you could pick apart without so much as a thought, but you forgot you're facing Shen, the greatest martial arts master in the world!" he gloats, taking another step.

Doubt is beginning to fester inside of you. If he can manage to disable your other arm, you're pretty much doomed. And if he disables a leg, you'll have a much trickier time running. You should be able to fend off his attacks even with one arm, but he's already managed to catch you off-guard once.

It's too much of a gamble to keep on doing what you've been doing. You need to try another approach, and you think you have just the trick in mind.

With a yell, Shen springs toward you, but before he gets within striking distance, you let out a yell of your own, lifting your right arm, hand clenched into a fist, and unleashing a massive blast of energy in all directions around you, essentially covering the ring with the light of your power.

Shen yells as his body dissolves into nothingness, but the noise isn't coming from in front of you. Rather, it's coming from your right.

You turn your head to see Shen fly from the ring, slamming into the wall right in front of the stands with such force that he becomes stuck in it, groaning.

"Shen has been knocked out of bounds!" the announcer shouts. "Tofoo is the winner!"

The crowd cheers, and you make your way out of the ring, returning to the contest hall where the others are waiting for you.

"Are you alright?" Krillin asks as you approach.

>A. You'll be fine

>B. You're surprised Shen was such trouble, but you're alright

>C. Worried about the next battle
>B. You're surprised Shen was such trouble, but you're alright
Also a more reasonable and better written form of: "My fighting autism tells me that is a move that could become extremely useful in the future."
>B. You're surprised Shen was such trouble, but you're alright
>C. Worried about the next battle
Is our arm still fucked?
>B. You're surprised Shen was such trouble, but you're alright
>C. Worried about the next battle
"I kind of need to have this reversed."
We should probably talk to Piccolo about that. He seems to be able to pull off any move sees, so he should be able to fix our arm. Or we could talk to Mutaito about it.
"I'm surprised Shen was so much trouble," you admit. "But, I'm alright."

"Underestimating your opponent to such a degree is a rookie mistake," Jackie Chun comments from nearby. "Had Shen not allowed himself to get overconfident, you may well have lost that fight. Don't make the same mistake as you continue this tournament."

"Look, Mr. Chun, I know that you're a great fighter and all," Krillin says, turning toward the old man. "But Tofoo's been through a lot since you last saw him, and he's gotten so strong that it's kind of hard to believe."

Chun frowns at Krillin with disapproval. "Strength alone does not decide a battle, Krillin. You should know that as well as anybody."

"Well, to be honest, I'm a bit worried about the next match," you admit to everyone. "I kind of need whatever Shen did to me reversed if I want to stand a chance."

"Right, you'll be facing Piccolo or Tenshinhan in the next round," Yamcha points out. "You're kind of screwed if you only have one arm."

Footsteps alert you to someone approaching, and you turn to see Mutaito walking up to you. He stops right in front of you, holding out his left hand.

"Hold still," he instructs, placing his hand on your left arm.

You feel a rush of energy shoot through your body, and feeling returns to your arm. Not only that, but you can feel your power return to normal.

"I've reversed Shen's damage," the old master tells you. "But you should heed Jackie Chun's advice. Never assume raw power will win you the day, and never underestimate a skilled opponent because they appear weaker than you."

Without another word, he turns away and walks off, leaving the majority of the competitors alone as he goes and takes a seat, crossing his legs, placing his hands on his knees, and closing his eyes.

"The next match of the tournament will be Tenshinhan versus Piccolo!" you hear from outside.

The two warriors in question glance at one another before stepping side-by-side out of the contest hall and walking toward the ring.

>A. Watch their match

>B. Go take a break

>C. Go talk to someone (specify)

>D. Something else
>>A. Watch their match
Lets see the fruits of their Space Adventure
>>A. Watch their match
Whoever wins is gonna have to pull out a whole bunch of shit. This is gonna be a good look at what we're gonna be up against.
>A. Watch their match
>D. Something else
Rest a bit, try to recover the energy used in the Explosive Wave.

I'm guessing we'll need to Kuma-Ken if we wanna beat Dr. Dose or Professor Paradox.
I assume we'll be resting if we're just watching the match.
This is a match you're interested in watching. One of these two men will be your opponent in the next round, and you want to learn as much about their abilities as you can. Krillin, Yamcha, Chichi, the old men, and Lapis look interested as well, while Mr. Satan and the others largely ignore the battles, either relaxing or practicing as they wait for their battles.

As you and your friends watch, Piccolo and Tenshinhan reach the ring, lifting into the air and floating to opposite sides, where they land facing one another.

"These two warriors are also notable veterans of this competition," the announcer explains to the crowd. "Majunior reached the semifinals of the previous tournament before his battle was interrupted. This time, he plans on seeing things through, and proving himself the greatest warrior on the planet. Tenshinhan is a student of the Crane School, and has taken part in fierce battles during the last two tournaments. These two warriors possess great skill and resolve, but only one of them can win this battle and advance to the quarterfinals."

"So, who's it gonna be?" Yamcha questions.

"Piccolo, no contest," Lapis answers with confidence.

"No way, Tenshinhan will win this for sure!" Chaozu promises.

"Either way, I don't envy you, Tofoo," Krillin remarks as the two warriors stare one-another down.

"BEGIN!" the announcer shouts, and the two warriors rush into combat.

Piccolo and Tenshinhan close the distance between each other faster than any untrained eye could keep track of, each of them throwing a fast barrage of punches and kicks at each other while dodging each-other's attacks as well.

Piccolo pulls his leg back for a strong kick, but before he can make his move, Tenshinhan hits the Namekian with a knee-strike to the gut. As Piccolo hunches over, Tenshinhan uppercuts him with such force that the Namekian is sent airborne.

Tenshinhan gives chase, taking to the sky and rushing toward Piccolo. As the three-eyed man pulls his left arm back for a punch, however, Piccolo lands a punch of his own to Tenshinhan's face, following it with a double-axe-handle that sends the Crane Student crashing into the ring below.

Mutaito growls in irritation as Piccolo smirks down at his foe, who picks himself off the ground and stares up at the demon defiantly.

Piccolo calmly extends his right hand toward Tenshinhan, gathering energy and unleashing it in a wave of light.

Tenshinhan holds his ground, making a series of gestures before bringing his hands together. You can see a glow surround his body, and as the blast draws closer, he thrusts his hands toward it, sending the attack right back at the one who sent it.

Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolling to help the Doc
Oh sweet, Tien is using the reflecto beam we used against Tao
Piccolo's eyes go wide, and he moves quickly to backhand the blast, sending it flying off into the sky. Piccolo trembles just a bit as the blast disappears into the distance, turning his head back to his opponent just in time to see Tenshinhan right above him, striking with a double-axe-handle that sends Piccolo plummeting into the ring below.

The impact sends dust flying everywhere, partially obscuring your view of Piccolo. The announcer says something, but you pay him no attention, instead watching closely as Piccolo picks himself back up.

Tenshinhan charges down to continue his assault, but Piccolo's arms stretch up to meet him. Gritting his teeth, Tenshinhan nimbly avoids the grabbing hands, rushing between Piccolo's long arms and firing an energy blast into the Namekian's face.

Piccolo stumbles back, and Tenshinhan continues the assault, pummeling Piccolo with a series of punches that quickly drives the green man back. Piccolo's arms retract, attempting to grab Tenshinhan, but the triclopes backflips, kicking Piccolo in the jaw and avoiding the attempted grapple once again.

Piccolo falls to the ground, and Tenshinhan lands a short distance away, holding his right hand out, and pointing his index finger at his fallen opponent.

"DODONPA!" he shouts, firing a wave of energy from his finger.

Piccolo growls, firing two beams of light from his eyes that clash against Tenshinhan's attack. The two blasts push each other back and forth for a few moments before both of them detonate, creating a cloud of smoke that blocks each fighter from the other's sight.

A ball of light shoots through the cloud toward Tenshinhan, who effortlessly bats it away. This proves to be a mistake, however, as doing so leaves Tenshinhan just open enough for Piccolo to make a real attack.

The Namekian rushes through the cloud, grabbing Tenshinhan by the face and slamming the human warrior to the ground on his back. Piccolo's arm extends so that he can hold Tenshinhan down by the face while still standing at his full height, and he rushes across the ring, pushing poor Tenshinhan forward before releasing the man's face and firing a blast of energy right into it, sending him speeding toward the edge.

"Tenshinhan, no!" you hear Chaozu shout in distress as Lapis smirks.

At the last moment, Tenshinhan lets out a yell, a bright light surrounding him and causing the blast to detonate. You shield your eyes, and when you look again, Tenshinhan is lying in the ground just before the edge of the ring.

Chaozu lets out a sigh of relief.

Hopping back to his feet, Tenshinhan glares across at Piccolo, whose arm has retracted, and who glares back with equal intensity.

"This is nuts," Krillin gulps. "These two are on a completely different level from the rest of us."

"In terms of power, perhaps," Mutaito comments. "But they are not invincible."

"They feel evenly matched," Yamcha comments. "I honestly can't tell who's going to win."

The energy surrounding the two warriors picks up, the air around the ring sparking with their power. Neither one says a word, simply staring each other down.

Slowly, Piccolo reaches for his turban, removing it and revealing his antennae. He casts it aside, the piece of weighted clothing landing outside of the ring, then proceeds to remove his cape, sending that to join the turban in the grass around the ring.

>A. Piccolo should have the speed advantage now, this might be it

>B. Piccolo's getting nervous

>C. You aren't sure which one would be worse to fight

>D. Don't say anything

>E. Something else
>>A. Piccolo should have the speed advantage now, this might be it
>C. You aren't sure which one would be worse to fight
Tien better pull something out of his ass
>A. Piccolo should have the speed advantage now, this might be it
>B. Piccolo's getting nervous
>C. You aren't sure which one would be worse to fight
oh boy
I'm with this.

-but instead of nervous he's just getting mad that Tien's giving him such a rough time.
>"These two are on a completely different level from the rest of us."
And goku is on a level above that.

SOM. Do you think Tien, Piccolo and Tofoo working together would have a chance against Freiza? Or will we require Goku to Goku his Goku out of this situation?
>E. Something else
Stay calm.
Sense the vibrations in the air.
I'm willing to bet one of them is up to something.
"Piccolo should have the speed advantage now," you tell the others. "So, this might be it. But still, Piccolo's...unsettled. I can't tell if he's nervous or angry that Tenshinhan's giving him such a hard time, but he's definitely getting more than he bargained for."

"Yeah, sure seems like it," Yamcha agrees.

"And what about you?" Krillin questions, looking up at you. "You'll have to fight one of these guys in the next round, what do you think?"

"I'm not sure which one would be worse to fight," you admit.

"You've gotten a lot stronger," Piccolo tells Tenshinhan. "I have to admit, I'm impressed."

Tenshinhan smirks. "Thanks, you aren't half-bad either. You're every bit the challenge I was expecting."

Piccolo chuckles. "You put up a good fight, but you're familiar with the weighted clothes I wear. There won't be any keeping up with my speed now."

Tenshinhan doesn't respond, and so Piccolo attacks, rushing toward his foe with amazing speed. It seems the demon's boast was truthful; there's no way Tenshinhan will be able to keep up with speed like this.

"KAIO-KEN!" Tenshinhan shouts at the top of his lungs, becoming surrounded by a red aura as his power shoots up.

"Kaio-what?" Mutaito asks in disbelief.

Tenshinhan's left arm shoots up, catching the punch Piccolo was about to hit him with. First giving a smirk, Tenshinhan yells, pulling back his right leg and sending Piccolo flying into the air with a powerful kick.

"Alright!" Chaozu shouts happily at the display.

Piccolo stops high in the air above the ring, but Tenshinhan doesn't give chase. He remains right where he is, staring up at the demon and waiting silently.

You think you can sense something else coming from Tenshinhan.

>A. Try and figure out what it is

>B. Ignore it for now, just watch how things play out

>C. Something else
We'll see after the next saga
>A. Try and figure out what it is
>C. Mention that you're glad that something as useful as the Kaioken is becoming more common.
Backing >>1125137
Also let it hit us that Piccolo knows the Kaioken as well, and that Tien's only going have fun for like 3 seconds before Piccolo's beating his ass again.
This, glad King Kai thought it to them while they were in Otherworld.
>A. Try and figure out what it is
Well shit.
Watch Piccolo put it up to X10 just to be a dick about it
Tenshinhan's not an idiot, he knows that.

Good ol' King Kai
>Tenshinhan's not an idiot, he knows that.
I meant us, as in Tofoo, Tofoo has been known to be an idiot.

Guessing he decided to teach it to some of them after he saw us pull it off after a couple of days of training.
Yep, several of the others can use it
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Can ChiChi do it?
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Can I roll too?
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)

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google pls.png
828KB, 1235x657px
... Why does google autocomplete Supreme kai of time to "feet" and "twerking"
I search for neither of those things, nor anything related to them, so it's not google tailoring its results to me.
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Videl a cute
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Because some people are just nasty motherfuckers who don't know how to use book marks. The only thing it should autocomplete to is concept art because HOLY SHIT
Taking a moment to focus, you try to make sense of what you're sensing (no pun intended). With proper concentration, it only takes a few seconds to figure out what's going on.

Tenshinhan's got a plan.

The energy of the Kaio-Ken is covering it up, and Tenshinhan's trying to be subtle about it, but you can just barely sense that Tenshinhan is channeling a great deal of energy into a single finger. You're almost positive that you know what he's doing; he's gathering energy for one ultra-powerful Dodonpa that he intends to use on Piccolo.

If he can manage to hit Piccolo with that attack, then he just might win this battle.

Smirking down at Tenshinhan, Piccolo repeats the word, and his own body becomes surrounded by a red aura as his power shoots up. With a yell, he rushes down toward Tenshinhan, whose own power suddenly jumps even higher to match the Namekian.

The two warriors collide, and the ensuing shockwaves of energy cause several in the audience to cry out in fear. Piccolo's power suddenly shoots up further, and Tenshinhan's quickly does the same to match it.

The two fighters slowly lift off of the ground, and sparks flash all around the ring. Small chunks begin to break off of the tiles, lifting into the air before being reduced to nothingness by the massive energy of the combatants. The ground begins to shake, and still their powers climb.

"What the hell are they doing?!" Krillin shouts. "At this rate, they'll destroy everything!"

Chichi shields her eyes as the wind picks up, and Chaozu begins to tremble in fear. Mutaito stares at the spectacle, his eyes narrowing as the two warriors continue to trade blows.

>A. Tell everybody to take cover

>B. Shout for Piccolo and Tenshinhan to stop it

>C. Ask Mutaito what he makes of this

>D. Don't say anything, just keep watching

>E. Something else
>>A. Tell everybody to take cover
I figure if this is gonna be as powerful an attack as I think it is, there might be some collateral damage.
>A. Tell everybody to take cover

Dis gunna be gud.
>E. Something else
Prepare to protect spectators. Especially Bulma and Trunks.
Changing to this
Not changing, but adding this
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825KB, 960x1284px
Don't mind me, just feeding the dice
"TAKE COVER!" you shout to the others.

"That won't be necessary," Mutaito tells everyone calmly as they prepare to flee.

"What are you talking about?" Yamcha demands of the old man. "They're about to blast this stadium to bits!"

Mutaito continues to stare at the two fighters, watching as they rise higher and higher over the ring.

"No, they won't," he assures everyone. "They can't sustain this for much longer."

"They don't need a whole lot longer to blow us to bits!" Krillin shouts over the howling wind that has grown progressively louder as the seconds pass.

Mutaito, Chun, and Lapis stay where they are, though Lapis is forced to shield his eyes from the intense winds. None of them seem particularly afraid.

And then, it happens. Tenshinhan cries out in agony, the aura around him fading as he plummets to the ring below, his body twisting and convulsing in some extraordinarily painful-looking manners.

"Tenshinhan!" Chaozu shouts, rushing toward the ring as fast as he can fly.

The red aura surrounding Piccolo fades, and he breathes heavily as he stares down at his fallen foe. Slowly, he begins to descend toward the floor of the ring as Tenshinhan continues to convulse on the ground, his muscles bulging and twitching in disgusting manners.

However, you see Tenshinhan weakly raise his right hand, fighting through the pain and pointing it at Piccolo.

"Dodonpa...." he manages to breathe, unleashing a colossal wave of energy up at the approaching Namekian, who cries out in fear and raises his arms in defense.

"PICCOLO!" Lapis shouts in worry.

The blast consumes the Namekian, and the arena shakes with a massive explosion. To your horror, you spot chunks of green flesh falling to the ground below.

"Dammit, Tenshinhan!" Yamcha shouts. "How could you go and pull a stunt like that?!"

Tenshinhan's head falls back, and you can tell that he's fallen unconscious.

Meanwhile, the smoke in the ring above begins to clear away, revealing Piccolo.

His entire body is trembling, covered in scorch-marks from head to toe. His lower arms have been blown off, and there's a gaping hole in his chest. Spit drips from his mouth, and blood falls from him, staining the tiles of the ring.

You hear members of the audience gasp in horror as the maimed Namekian falls from the sky, crashing into the ring below.

"L-ladies and gentlemen," the announcer addresses the crowd nervously. "Tenshinhan has fallen unconscious, a-and Majunior has sustained severe injuries. Tenshinhan has lost the match, but it appears that Majunior will be unable to progress to the next round."

Mutaito rushes forward, leaping into the ring and kneeling at Piccolo's side. You feel a rush of energy from the pair, and Piccolo's power begins to return.

With a deafening roar, Piccolo regenerates his arms, and closes the hole in his chest, breathing heavily and pushing himself to his feet.

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Here's my bracket predictions
>Krillin losing to Mr. Satan
Only if he has the good sense to pull an Android 18 and cut a deal.
Mutaito turns away from Piccolo, ignoring the stunned and rather loud reactions from the crowd as he walks toward Tenshinhan. He kneels at the warrior's side, and you feel power begin to return to the three-eyed man as well.

As Tenshinhan sits up, Mutaito turns and walks out of the ring, passing you and the others before disappearing into the contest hall.

"Folks, I'm not sure what we've seen here today, but it appears that Majunior will be facing Tofoo in the next around," the announcer informs the crowd.

Piccolo glares toward Tenshinhan, stepping out of the ring and making his way to the contest hall. As he passes, you can see sweat dripping down his face, and you get the feeling that it's more than exertion that got him sweating.

Tenshinhan, meanwhile, stands in the ring with Chaozu, talking with his friend as tournament staff attempt to clean up the mess made from the previous battle.

>A. Go talk to Mutaito

>B. Go talk to Piccolo

>C. Go talk to Tenshinhan and Chaozu

>D. Go back into the contest hall and wait for the next match to start

>E. Talk to someone out here (specify)

>F. Fly to the stands and see your family

>G. Something else
>A. Go talk to Mutaito
And if we have time afterwards
>E. Talk to someone out here (Lapis)
>A. Go talk to Mutaito
Hey. You wanna know what a Kaio-Ken is? I can show you.
>Implying he's gonna accept the busted ass Kaioken as the true technique
Uh, no; to the Kaioken thing anyways
>A. Go talk to Mutaito
Thank him, but at the same time
Ask isn't he worried about tiring himself from transferring some of his energy to them.

He's probably the only one that can help us further on the track for perfect ki control.
Don't we already have pretty much perfect Ki control with the Kuma-ken?

Or do we have to take our control ONE STEP BEYOND and make it so the Kuma-ken doesn't glow or release any excess energy, so that we can permanently stay Kuma-ken'd?
With a bit of time to kill before the next match, you follow Mutaito, finding him talking with Shen inside of the hall. The Crane Hermit glares when he sees you come in, but his master tells him to calm down. Scowling, Shen walks off, leaving you to speak with Mutaito.

>End Updates

That's all for tonight, anons, I hope you all had fun

I'm hoping to run again Saturday night. If I can't, it will probably be Monday

Follow me @qmdralo to see when threads are up

As always, I'll stick around for a while
Rolled 71 (1d100)

rollan for good weekend
Thanks as always for running. Always nice to see a human doing something cool in Z.
Who has better Ki control, us or Mutaito?
Thanks for running, so how worried was Oolong about losing his bet?

Let alone what happened with Lapis and Piccolo in space with the way he reacted to the Doc.


Piccolo's the one that's been teaching Lapis
What, he became his gohan? What the hell happened out there.
Lapis decided he wanted to learn to fight like you guys, and figured Piccolo wouldn't go easy on him. Piccolo agreed
What gravity did Lapis manage to make it up to? Can he fly and shoot ki blasts? If he can, did Piccolo teach him the Masenko?
This wouldn't have happened if we had installed a stereo system on the ship.
He can

So, just wanna' put this out there.

Whether we win or lose the tournament, I say we open up our own Dojo finally. This is something I've been wanting for a while, the Bear School to be its own thing, and with all the recent orphans after Slugs attack I say it'd be a good time to teach some angry children how to harness their feelings.
Hindsight, anon
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Nice, and I saw the new entry to the pastebin, can't wait for Goku to come back with his new friends.

Yeah, I hope the next saga will be fun

>Not wishing them back with the balls
Well yeah, I guess if you don't wanna' train a bunch of orphans you could do that.
Start an orphanage/martial arts school. Basic way to keep Yamcha from fully quiting and keeping the others to keep up with their training by asking the them to help teach out from time to time, whenever they are free.
You do realize there's plenty of orphans without having to rely on aliens blowing shit up, right?
We might as well start financing an orphanage and attach our dojo to it.

They'd all be dead in three years
>It's getting good again but I missed the thread

Also, why are people saying Tien is on another level above Tofoo? What did I miss?
The others don't really know the full extent of your power, and were mostly referring to themselves
I don't we ever said that.
Is it
In terms of just PL?
Piccolo, Tofoo, and Tenshinhan are all pretty close in terms of raw power

Goku is still above all of them, though
Can Piccolo/Tofoo match base Goku with their max Kaio/Kumaken?
Wait a minute, what do you mean it's getting good again?

They can easily surpass base Goku that way. Actually, base Tofoo/Piccolo/Tenshinhan might actually be roughly equal/superior to base Goku
>Wait a minute, what do you mean it's getting good again?
Wasn't really a fan after Namek, it didn't really grab my interest by this thread.

So what you're saying is that we need a Kumaken Times Fifty-Five?
Kumaken doesn't have extra multipliers like Kaio-Ken
*until this thread
But it powers Tofoo up right? I'm sorry to ask SOM, but could I just get a rundown of how it works?
Base Goku isn't THAT strong. Probably a bit higher than everyone else's base power level. The power gap is mostly due to Super Saiyan being an easily sustained x50 boost, while a x20 Kaioken would mcfuck up almost anyone after a few seconds. I don't think it was ever established exactly how much of a multiplier the Kumaken was, though I vaguely recall some suspicion that it floated around a x10.
Train our base pl instead. In canon Beerus stats that Goku ( while he was in his base form) couldn't beat freeza unless he transformed. Now whether or not he was suppressing his power is up for debate, but I doubt all those zenkais he received after turning SSJ were as effective when couldn't go SSJ.
It's like the Kaio-Ken, only better controlled and less harmful to the body. You can sustain it for longer, it offers more power than a basic Kaio-Ken, and it won't cripple you if you use it for more than thirty seconds. That being said, it drains stamina over time to sustain it, and if you push your body past its limits, the form could damage you
Would using Kumaken if we had our Potential Unleashed make us explode like Kaioken would?
Didn't we already have our potential unlocked?
Yeah, by Guru, but I meant an Elder Kai, or even possibly Angel? Potential Unleashed.
I think he's referring to Old Kai's powerup.

How do you feel about the Universe Survival ( AKA the "Toei can do whatever they want and you stupid assholes will still eat it up") Arc?
It looks fun
I stopped expecting DB to be well written and make sense more than a decade ago. I just hope it's fun and the fight scenes are well animated as it's just fan-wank at this point.

Thanks for running, Som. I gotta thank you for continuing to run this quest.

>tfw Shen is doing energy blocking and using advanced Afterimages

I gotta compliment ya on showing raw power isn't everything for the most recent threads. To compare to a previous GM of mine, he absolutely struggled with creative fights that don't rely on brute forcing. You're already heads and above many GMs because of this alone.


There's a new pastebin entry? Where??
Fuck, we should have Mutaito teach us more about ki control.
Crusher Corps, in the OP.

Thanks, anon

Maybe a good idea
are we stil wearin our weighted clothing ?
God no
Speaking of weighted clothing, I think we need to drop that idea for good.

We have a super scientist as a wife, if we asked she could probably make us some armbands or something similar that would do the same thing as weighted clothing, but it'd be way easier to remove.

Also Som, are we able to pass Ki onto other fighters?
Like, give them your energy to temporarily power them up while weakening yourself? Yeah, pretty much everyone could do that
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We are back
how strong would toffo become if he manages to eat the fruit of the tree of might?
Who knows?
Time to job in public.
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Wonder how the fight between Yamcha and over protective brother is going to go.
With a bit of time to kill before the next match, you follow Mutaito, who seems to be in the midst of a conversation with Shen on the far side of the contest hall.

Some of the fighters appear to be sizing you up, you notice as you look around. While Mr. Satan, Pintar, and Jewel all appear disinterested, both Spopovich and Killa seem to be trying to assess you as a threat. Had they watched your battle with Shen, they'd know that they're out of their league. Still, you suppose this proves that they aren't total failures as martial artists, at least.

Ignoring them, you cross the hall, approaching the two old masters.

Shen turns away from Mutaito, glaring at you with some intensity. It isn't as murderous as he first used to look after he heard you "killed" his brother, but he's clearly more than a little upset at your public victory over him, and the bruise that most likely caused to his ego.

"Shen, take a walk and calm yourself down," Mutaito tells his student in a stern tone.

There's but a moment's hesitation from Shen, who continues to glare before obeying his master, turning and making his way out of the contest hall, leaving you alone with Mutaito.

"Is there something you need?" the ancient master questions. "I hope you weren't just coming over to gloat at Shen."

>A. Shen deserves it

>B. Ask how he knew that Piccolo and Tenshinhan would run out of energy before they could cause too much destruction

>C. Ask if what he did tired him out at all

>D. Something else
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>A. Shen deserves it
>B. Ask how he knew that Piccolo and Tenshinhan would run out of energy before they could cause too much destruction
>C. Ask if what he did tired him out at all
>D. "Can you teach me how block off Ki? There's been a lot of super powerful guys showin' up lately and being able to disable them would be a big help."
>B. Ask how he knew that Piccolo and Tenshinhan would run out of energy before they could cause too much destruction
>C. Ask if what he did tired him out at all
>B. Ask how he knew that Piccolo and Tenshinhan would run out of energy before they could cause too much destruction

>C. Ask if what he did tired him out at all
I'm down
me too
Basically I've realized that whenever Som has some new shit happen to us that totally knocks us down a peg, that's our cue to investigate it more.

We're the Ki Master after all.
"How did you know that Piccolo and Tenshinhan would run out of energy before they could cause too much damage?" you ask, moving the topic away from Shen in short order.

Mutaito closes his eyes. "I've become much better at reading spiritual energy over the last three centuries. I could see the immense strain that "Kaio-Ken" technique was causing their bodies, and I knew that it would turn on them quickly. But Piccolo's body seemed to be repairing the damage the technique was doing to it, so it would appear that Piccolo intentionally forced Tenshinhan to keep pushing himself beyond what his body could handle."

That does sound like a Piccolo strategy.

"But, you fixed them," you point out.

Mutaito's eyes open, and he glances up at you. "Not exactly. I simply used my energy to correct the flow of theirs. If Piccolo couldn't regenerate, he'd be without hands, and that hole in his chest may have proven fatal."

"Did fixing me, Piccolo, and Tenshinhan tire you out at all?" you inquire.

"No," he answers, his voice strong. "Had your injuries been more severe, perhaps it would have taken a good deal of energy to help you. But Tenshinhan and yourself simply had problems of energy flow and depletion, and Piccolo's body was already working to repair itself before I reached him."

>A. Ask how he learned that trick

>B. Ask if he could possibly teach you Shen's energy-blocking trick

>C. Ask what sort of training Roshi is up to

>D. Go talk to someone else (specify)

>E. Go wait for the next match to start

>F. Something else
>B. Ask if he could possibly teach you Shen's energy-blocking trick

Or at least be willing to train us for sometime after the tournament. And if he wants a reason tell him about the fact we've been looking for someone who knows more about ki for sometime.

>E. Go wait for the next match to start
>A. Ask how he learned that trick
>B. Ask if he could possibly teach you Shen's energy-blocking trick
by the way do you want to know a version of that technique that doesnt kill you?
>B. Ask if he could possible teach you Shen's energy-blocking trick
>E. Go wait for the next match to start.
>A. Ask how learned that trick
and also this >>1128110
"How did you learn that trick?" you ask the old master.

"With three centuries as a being of nothing but spiritual energy, I had ample opportunity to learn about how that energy flows through our bodies, and how to better control it," Mutaito explains. "Given enough time, I'm certain that you could do the same."

"Could you teach me?" you ask excitedly. "Or maybe teach me Shen's energy-blocking trick?"

"It's far less difficult of a technique than you seem to think," Mutaito explains. "I think you should figure it out on your own. And as for the other technique I mentioned, I'm afraid neither of us have the time for me to teach it to you. I may have been restored to life, but my time on this world will soon come to an end. Even if we had an entire lifetime for me to teach you, I doubt it would be enough."

He turns toward you. "I mean no insult, but it took me two centuries to figure it out myself."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next match is about to begin!" you hear from outside, followed by thunderous applause.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to have a look at this battle myself," Mutaito tells you, making his way toward the arena.

Wanting to see how this plays out yourself, you follow the old man, stepping out of the contest hall to find Lapis and Yamcha standing across from one-another in the ring.

"I understand that both Shen and Roshi taught this young man, and I'm curious to see the results for myself," Mutaito explains.

"You should know that Lapis was trained by me," Piccolo says as he approaches from behind, coming to stand to your right. "The results of his training should be interesting as well."

>A. Really, Piccolo trained him?

>B. Ask Piccolo why he decided to train Lapis

>C. Ask Piccolo if he thinks Lapis can win

>D. Something else
>A. Really, Piccolo trained him?
>B. Ask Piccolo why he decided to train Lapis
>A. Really, Piccolo trained him?
>D. "How come he's not wearing a Demon school gi then?"(tease)
>>A. Really, Piccolo trained him?
>>B. Ask Piccolo why he decided to train Lapis
>>A. Really, Piccolo trained him?
>>B. Ask Piccolo why he decided to train Lapis
"Really, you trained him?" you ask the green man in surprise. "Why?"

"After all he'd seen, Lapis wanted to learn to fight," Piccolo explained. "And with you out of commission, and Appule abandoning us, it didn't seem like such a bad idea to have another fighter on our team, even a weak one. He was sure I wouldn't pull any punches, so he'd get the most out of training with me. I put him through Hell over the past few months, but he's come a long way."

"Why isn't he wearing demon clan clothes, then?" you tease.

"Because dressing like he is will give him an element of surprise in this match," Piccolo explains. "That idiot Yamcha's expecting an easy win, he's in for one big shock."

"Thank you for your patience!" the announcer tells the crowd. "The third match of the World Martial Arts Tournament is about to begin, with Yamcha facing off against Lapis. Yamcha has competed in this tournament since its twenty-first competition, though this is only the third time he's made it past the preliminaries. Yamcha has trained under both the Crane and Turtle schools of martial arts, surely making him a dangerous fighter. His opponent is a test-driver for Capsule Corporation, and has surely stared death in the face more than once. He may be new to the martial arts scene, but he's clearly no stranger to danger!"

Yamcha drops into a fighting stance, a smirk on his face. "I hope you're used to pain, too. Being Lazuli's brother doesn't mean I'll take it easy on you."

Lapis smirks, amused by Yamcha's tough talk. He holds his arms out at his sides, palms facing Yamcha and seemingly inviting the other warrior to attack. "Well, I'm right here. Why don't you go ahead and take your best shot?"

"BEGIN!" the announcer shouts.

Yamcha rushes across the ring, and you get the feeling that he intends to try and end this battle with a single attack.

"You asked for it!" he shouts, pulling back his right arm and preparing for a punch.

Lapis only continues to smirk, not making the slightest effort to dodge or take any sort of defensive stance as Yamcha comes charging in. It's only at the last moment, when Yamcha throws his punch, that Lapis makes a move.

With speed that surprises you, Lapis brings up his left hand, catching Yamcha's wrist inches away from his face, and stopping the punch from landing. He looks into Yamcha's eyes, the smirk not leaving his face as his right hand clenches into a fist, and he throws an uppercut into Yamcha's gut.

The veteran fighter cries out in shock and pain, spit flying from his mouth as he hunches over against the young man's fist.

Lapis slowly pulls his fist back before leaping up and slamming his knee into Yamcha's face, knocking your friend onto his back, sprawled out in the middle of the ring.

"Lapis has quickly taken the advantage in this battle!" the announcer states. "With two simple but devastating attacks, he seems to have done some serious damage to Yamcha. This match may have just ended just as quickly as it began!"

Lapis crosses his arms, frowning as he looks down at Yamcha. "Is that really all you've got? I wasn't expecting much, but that's pathetic. Really, I don't get what my sister sees in you."

You see Yamcha's body tremble as he struggles to get back up. Lapis makes no move to stop him, simply sitting back and watching the other fighter struggle with clear amusement.

Giving a pained chuckle, Yamcha looks toward Lapis, forcing a smirk. "You didn't think I was going to go down that quickly, did you?"

"Well, not really," Lapis admits. "If there's one thing you're good at, it's taking a beating."

"Don't get carried away," Yamcha warns, dropping back into a fighting stance. "Now that I know what you can do, I won't pull any punches."

Lapis smirks. "Oh, is that what you were doing? I seem to recall you saying that you wouldn't go easy on me just because of my sister."

"He sure is cocky," Krillin remarks as he comes to stand with you and the others.

"He's a young man who has come into a great deal of power in a short period of time," Mutaito tells your friend. "For him, it's intoxicating, he feels almost invincible."

"With the training I've put him through, he's getting close," Piccolo comments with confidence.

In the ring, Yamcha takes a step back, dropping into an entirely defensive stance.

"What's wrong?" Lapis asks. "Lost your nerve?"

"I figured I'd give you a turn to come at me," Yamcha replies.

Closing his eyes, Lapis smirks wider, uncrossing his arms and locking his elbows at his sides. "Alright, that sounds like fun."

Lapis launches himself forward, chopping at Yamcha, only for his hand to pass through an Afterimage. You see his eyes widen in recognition a moment before Yamcha attacks from above, bringing the bottom of his foot into the back of Lapis' head, slamming the younger fighter's face into the ring.

Yamcha quickly leaps back, gaining some distance and pointing toward the ground. You see his finger glow with light, and he raises his arm to point at his sprawled opponent.

"DODONPA!" he shouts, firing a beam of light that shoots across the ring.

Dust is kicked up in the blast, creating a cloud that obscures the area of impact. That's not really a problem, however, as you sense Lapis' energy in the sky above. You lift your head to see him floating above the ring, looking down at Yamcha, who looks right back at him.

"Not bad," Lapis remarks, wiping a bit of blood from his lip. "Of course, that was really a lucky shot. I can't believe I let myself fall for such an obvious trick."

"Your sister was always the smart one," Yamcha tells him, earning a chuckle.

"Maybe, but you can't blame me for being confident," Lapis tells him. "Weak attacks like yours can't hurt me."

"We'll see about that," Yamcha promises.

Lapis slowly descends, standing across from Yamcha once again.

"Piccolo, do you really think Lapis can win this?" Krillin asks.

"Maybe," Piccolo answers. "I've made him strong enough where he can certainly defeat Yamcha. This is just going to come down to which of them uses their head."

>A. Yamcha will win

>B. Lapis has this

>C. They seem rather evenly matched, this could go either way

>D. Something else
>B. Lapis has this.
>D. "Unless Yamcha keeps mentioning Lazuli. Lapis is way over protective of his sister, that might distract him enough for Yamcha to pull a win."
>C. They seem rather evenly matched, this could go either way
"It all comes down to whether Yamcha's lifetime of battle experience or Lapis's body still remembering the harsh training will beat the other."
>A. Yamcha will win

If it comes down to who uses their heads, lapis' overconfidence in his new strength, combined with yamchas experience against stronger foes,plus craftier tactics from crane school should give yamcha the win,unless piccolos taught lapis some special fighting tactics
Might as well go with C, since its two opposites from >>1128379
But c doesn't make a decision, we've got +,- & 0
I hope yamcha wins, it'll knock lapis down a peg so he can be a better fighter in future plus itd suck for yamcha to lose to an op newbie straight away just because he's outclassed strength wise, tactics are better story telling plus can give inspiration for beating foes in future we can't match with raw power, especially based on the masters being here, I think it'd make this tournament more interesting thematically
I went with C, since Yamcha has been slacking for sometime, while Lapis was busy getting stronger. It basically comes down to whether or not Yamcha slacked too much that it gives Lapis a chance to win, since his body is still freshly remembering the training he had to go through to Yamcha using his battle experience to compensate for the strength lose.
Fuck it, let's just go with C
"This could go either way," you admit. "I'd say Yamcha has this, but it looks like this will all come down to who uses their head better. Lapis is overconfident in his new techniques, and Yamcha has a great deal more experience, along with techniques from the Turtle and Crane schools. But, if Lapis has been put through the ringer by Piccolo, he might be able to outlast Yamcha."

The two fighters rush toward one another, only for both of them to fade away into nothingness as each of them use the Afterimage in the same moment. In the sky above, Lapis punches through another Afterimage, and Yamcha attacks from above once more, unleashing a Dodonpa. This attack simply passes through Lapis, however, and the real fighter moves behind Yamcha, firing a blast of energy into his back.

Yamcha is sent plummeting toward the floor of the ring, but he turns over, letting the blast roll off his back and keep falling without him. He cups his hands together, and with a yell, sends a blue beam of light up at Lapis, who raises his arms to block.

Yamcha lets himself drop to the floor of the ring, waiting for the smoke cloud caused by his blast to clear. When it does, Lapis is revealed to be relatively unharmed, though his clothes have been torn a bit, and he has some scorches on his arms.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Lapis asks, slowly descending toward the floor of the ring. "You're too weak to beat me, Yamcha. You should really just quit now while you can still step out of the ring with a little dignity."

"In your dreams," Yamcha shouts up to him. "I'm not going to just let a smug brat like you beat me."

"You never did know when to quit," Lapis remarks. Even when you have no chance, you won't stop until you've made a complete fool of yourself."

Yamcha chuckles. "It's funny, your sister used to say the same thing."

Lapis frowns for a moment, then smirks, landing across from Yamcha. "I'm not my sister."

"No, you're not," Yamcha tells him.

Lapis doesn't miss the insult, and his eyes narrow. "You fool, I've been trained by Piccolo. I've endured training you couldn't even dream of, running your mouth really isn't in your best interest."

Yamcha smirks. "Maybe, but you're missing the bigger picture here."

He rushes forward, and Lapis prepares to defend.

"You may have trained with Piccolo, but I trained with Roshi," he shouts.

Lapis strikes, but only hits an Afterimage.

"Shen," Yamcha continues, firing a Dodonpa at Lapis, who leaps into the air to avoid it.

Lapis flies higher and higher, but Yamcha appears above him, surrounded by a red aura.

"And King Kai!" he finishes, hitting Lapis with a double axe-handle, and sending the younger fighter slamming into the floor of the ring.

>A. It's over

>B. Ask Piccolo if Lapis has any tricks left

>C. Something else
>A. It's over
>C. *Pretend to throw voice* "And Tofoo, yaaaaay."
>>B. Ask Piccolo if Lapis has any tricks left
cuz yamcha trained his entire life lapis less than a year
>B. Ask Piccolo if Lapis has any tricks left
>B. Ask Piccolo if Lapis has any tricks left

and if not then
>A. It's over
"Does Lapis have any tricks left?" you ask Piccolo.

The Namekian nods. "Still, I doubt it will make a difference. Yamcha's realized the threat and is using his full abilities. Unless Lapis is very lucky, it's over."

Yamcha lands a short distance from Lapis, watching as his opponent struggles to stand.

"You should give up and leave the ring with dignity while you can," he taunts the younger man.

Looking genuinely furious now, Lapis raises his hands above his head, placing the back of his left hand into the palm of his right.

"MASENKO!" he shouts, firing a yellow beam of light that heads right for Yamcha.

Your friend stands his ground, raising his arms in defense, and quickly finding himself pushed back under the power of the attack. Further and further the beam pushes him, until he stands at the edge of the ring, inches away from falling out.

With a yell, he redirects the blast into the sky, but in doing so leaves himself open for Lapis to rush in and attack.

"YOU LOSE!" Lazuli's brother shouts, bringing his leg back to kick.

When Lapis strikes, Yamcha reaches up, grabbing the younger man by the ankle, spinning and throwing him from the ring.


The crowd cheers, and Piccolo frowns.

>A. Go congratulate Yamcha

>B. Go talk to Lapis

>C. Fly into the stands and find your family

>D. Go back into the contest hall and take a break, you know how this next match is going to play out

>E. Something else
>E. Flash them a patented Tofoo thumbs up and grin
>C. Fly into the stands and find your family.
>C. Fly into the stands and find your family
what did i say life time of training with the greatest martial artist ever (and king kai) is beter than what? 6 months of torture with a demonic space slug
Supporting this.
"Well at least you know what you have to work on next for Lapis."
>C. Fly into the stands and find your family
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Giving a grin and thumbs up to both competitors, you take to the air and make your way into the stands, finding a spot beside your wife to take a seat.

Trunks has fallen asleep in her lap, and she gives you a smile when you land beside her.

"Well, you made it past the first round," she teases. "Maybe you won't have to sleep on the couch tonight."

>A. Admit that Shen was tougher than you expected

>B. Tell her to wait and see; you'll win the whole tournament

>C. Tell her the competition's better than you were expecting

>D. Look for someone else in the crowd (specify)
>B. Tell her to wait and see; you'll win the whole tournament.
Gotta' be cocky.
Oh also.
>D. Look for someone else in the crowd(Goku)
Just in case. I still find it hard to believe he isn't back yet.
>E: shen caught you off guard with an interesting technique you need to look into
>B. Tell her to wait and see; you'll win the whole tournament

No problemo dollface
>A. Admit that Shen was tougher than you expected
>C. Tell her the competition's better than you were expecting
>D. Look for someone else in the crowd (tien)
just want to make shure that he is okay and also hera what he rhink about the fights as they involved his teacher and comrade
>C. Tell her the competition's better than you were expecting
>B. Tell her to wait and see; you'll win the whole tournament

I feel like we should stop being so arrogant, before overconfidence gets us beaten or killed again
>B. Tell her to wait and see; you'll win the whole tournament
>C. Tell her the competition's better than you were expecting
"Shen caught me off-guard. Whatever training he did with his master has made those assassin techniques of his more dangerous than they were before."
"The competition's better than I was expecting," you admit. "Shen put up a much better fight than I thought he would. Whatever training he did with his master, it made his techniques a lot more dangerous than they were before."

"I saw," Bulma tells you. "I can't believe that creep managed to take out one of your arms. Speaking of which, how'd you fix yourself up? I thought you didn't bring any Senzu Beans with you."

"Mutaito helped me out," you explain. "I'll be fine."

"Oh, so that thing he did to help Tenshinhan and Piccolo," Bulma says, looking back down into the ring, where Jackie Chun and Killa are moving to stand across from one-another.

The battle lasts about three seconds. While Killa's clearly a decent fighter, against Chun he's nothing. A single move from Jackie sends the young fighter flying from the ring, and the announcer declares Chun the winner.

"I wonder if he's gotten any stronger," your wife remarks.

"It doesn't matter," you assure her. "Just watch, I'll win the whole thing."

Bulma throws a flirtatious glance in your direction. "If you do that, there'll be more than just prize money in it for you."

"Next up, Krillin versus Chaozu!"

>A. Like what

>B. Watch the battle

>C. Go back down toward the contest hall for a better look

>D. Enjoy time with family and friends, and just half pay attention to the fights (basically less detailed descriptions to speed things along)

>E. Something else
>B. Watch the battle
This means staying seated next to Bulma and Trunks, right?
If so

>E. Something else
Use our Tofoo Hawkeyes to watch the battle just fine from up here.
>A. Like what
>D. Enjoy time with family and friends, and just half pay attention to the fights (basically less detailed descriptions to speed things along)
>B. Watch the battle
>A. Like what
>B. Watch the battle

and for the others
>D. Enjoy time with family and friends, and just half pay attention to the fights (basically less detailed descriptions to speed things along)

Since we won't get a full extent of how strong the others are until the next round of matches.
>A. Like what
>B. Watch the battle
Ok, so you guys want full writeouts?
Nah, just give us the basics. Like if there's suddenly an increase in Ki or something that'll catch our interests .
At least for Krillin v Chaozu. I don't care so much about the chumps
Krillins yeah, the others no since the only ones worth watching is Chichi and Mutatio and they are paired with scrubs at the moment.

Alright, just wanted to make sure y'all aren't getting bored
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That new DBS opening is hype as fuck.


>tfw Goku's fighting autism is going to end universes, but we'll get a multi-versal tournament which'll grandly increase the DBZ lore
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"Like what?" you ask Bulma.

She leans over, whispering things into your ear that leave you red in the face, and the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. Giggling a bit, Bulma goes back to the way she was sitting, looking down at the ring, where Chaozu and Krillin stand facing one another.

"Like many who are with us today, Krillin and Chaozu are veterans of this competition," the announcer explains. "Chaozu is a student of the Crane School, while Krillin has trained under the Turtle School."

The crowd watches with great interest, anticipating another intense fight. For your part, you aren't entirely sure what to expect. Krillin's one of the most skilled martial artists you've ever met, and his training with King Kai has surely made him even more formidable. But Chaozu had the same training under the king of worlds, not to mention whatever intense training allowed Tenshinhan to become a close match for Piccolo. Chances are that he far outclasses Krillin in terms of power by now. Still, Krillin has fought foes way outside of his weight class before, and even saved your life from the terrible Lord Slug not too long ago.

"BEGIN!" the announcer calls.

Krillin takes a fighting stance right away, but Chaozu remains motionless, no expression on his face. He simply stares blankly at the slightly taller man, who seems a bit confused by his opponent's behavior.

You can't hear it from here, but you're pretty sure that Krillin says something to Chaozu, who offers no response. After a few more moments, in which the crowd seems to grow impatient, Krillin finally moves, thrusting his hands toward Chaozu and unleashing a wave of energy at the strange fighter.

A smile appears on Chaozu's face, and he vanishes as the blast passes right through him, heading straight for the audience, who scream in terror. Krillin quickly redirects the blast, sending it flying into the sky.

His body jolts in surprise as Chaozu appears right in front of his face, sticking out his tongue at your friend and waving his hands mockingly. Krillin throws a punch, catching Chaozu in the face and sending him flying back, but the little man quickly recovers, flipping and landing on the ground, once more taking that stiff, doll-like appearance.

Krillin rushes forward, throwing a series of punches and kicks that Chaozu manages to fend off surprisingly well, even as he's forced back. Suddenly, Chaozu shoots into the air, raising his right hand and gathering energy into a single finger.

Krillin leaps back toward the center of the ring, cupping his hands at his side and gathering up his energy. As the two fighters prepare their attacks, you quickly realize that the Kamehameha Wave Krillin intends to use won't be a match for Chaozu's Dodonpa.

Fortunately, Krillin seems to realize this too, and stops charging his attack. Instead, he stares up at Chaozu, waiting for the Dodonpa to come.

"What's he doing?" Bulma asks.

If you had to guess, he's either buying time while he thinks up a strategy, or waiting for Chaozu to make a move so he can counterattack.

Chaozu points down toward Krillin, firing a beam of light that your friend quickly leaps to avoid. Chaozu begins to charge another, but stops as he sees Krillin raise a hand above his head. When Krillin's arm begins to spin in a circle, Chaozu's eyes go wide with fear.

A large, thin disk of energy appears above Krillin's upturned palm, a deadly blade of energy that can cut through just about anything.

>A. Ask Krillin what the hell he thinks he's doing

>B. Shout for Krillin to stop it

>C. Stay silent

>D. Something else
>A. Ask Krillin what the hell he thinks he's doing
>B. Shout for Krillin to stop it
>C. Stay silent
I think he knows what he's doing.
>C. Stay silent
Well its Krillin, he has something planned.
>C. Stay silent
>C. Stay silent.
As Krillin prepares to launch a potentially deadly attack upon Chaozu, you remain completely silent, even as Bulma loudly asks Krillin what he thinks he's doing. You trust that your friend has a plan, and that he won't kill Chaozu.

Chaozu seems to have less faith in Krillin, and trembles with fear as he stares at the massive disk.

Krillin smirks, pulling back his arm and leaning in Chaozu's direction. That's when the disk-shaped energy dissipates, and a blue beam of light shoots from Krillin's feet, launching him toward Chaozu at incredible speed.

Of course, Chaozu is caught off-guard by this, and receives a nice headbutt from Krillin that sends him flying back once again. The two warriors exchange blows, continuing to fly further and further away. They soon leave the stadium altogether, and soon after that, they're out of sight.

"Uhh....folks, our competitors seem to be going on a trip," the announcer tells everyone, pulling out a capsule. "I'll go after them to see if anything happens that will decide the match!"

He throws the capsule down, producing a hoverbike, which he uses to chase after the two competitors.

The crowd murmurs in disbelief, some questioning if both Krillin and Chaozu should be disqualified over this, or if anybody has any idea on how to keep watching the match.

You can still feel the energies of both fighters, with Krillin's climbing fast to match Chaozu's. If you had to guess, he's using the Kaio-Ken. Still, you can't tell exactly what's going on from here.

>A. Fly after them

>B. Stay where you are and wait

>C. Something else
>A. Fly after them.
>C. Do damage control.
>A. Fly after them
Should probably grab one of the cameras that are filming near the stadium, unless the announcer has one.
B. Get up if anything crazy happens.
Thirding, but only if we stay out of the ring in relation to where it is on the ground.
>B. Stay where you are and wait
Yeah, let's do what ended the last tournament and got us disqualified to boot.

And after that, let's kill Piccolo!
This is kind of different. Following them as they fight is different from jumping in the ring and attacking a competitor
Right, let me just totally go back on that decision. Tofoo needs a pompadour and to abandon his friends.
Anon, pls

Don't forget getting a pet killed, accidentally trapping a friend in an avalanche, and letting yourself get taken out of a fight and another friend get kidnapped
I dropped EbQ harder and earlier than your mother must have dropped you as a baby, sorry SOM, I love you man, but anons are cancerous and you have a warped view on difficulty.
This could get messy.

Getting up, you fly from the stands, following the announcer after your friends as they continue their fierce battle.

>End Updates

That's all for tonight, anons, I hope you all had fun

Follow me @qmdralo to see when I'm running

As always, I will stick around for a while to address questions/comments/concerns
Thanks for running SOM. I hope that Chiaotzu _____ Krillin.
Thanks for running, Piccolo still recovering his ki?
He'll be at full strength when you fight him, don't worry about that
Mutaito's current opinion of the fighters in the tournament?
Piccolo: A lot less brutish than his father, and far more deadly

Shen: Greatly improved, but his disposition leaves a lot to be desired

Yamcha: Arrogant and clearly out of practice, but with determination and a fighting spirit

Lapis: A child who still has a lot to learn about being a martial artist

Jackie Chun: A skilled fighter

Tofoo: Powerful and resilient, and with a clear willingness to learn

Tenshinhan: Strong and skilled

Chaozu: Powerful, but not too bright

Krillin: Seems to be a decent thinker
Drinking a lot of water I'm guessing. So are Kori and Konattsu in the stands or did they go off somewhere?
I'm pretty sure that he can eat, he just has to make sure to vomit.
Nah, they're watching the matches, Konattsu really wants to see her parents fight, and Kori thinks the battles are exciting
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Konattsu x Kori when?
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You didn't post "get out" or Mindy, so I still have hope.
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Hey Som. With all the madness and salt that happens, do you think you could run a tabletop game? I can't imagine how many contingencies you gotta make, because you know full well the audience can at any time turn the story on its head.


Get out.
I have never tried, might be fun, though.

For quests, how much do you prepare beforehand? Do you, for example, have several main plot points per quest, and pre-write what actions will definitely impact the story if it happens?
I never write posts ahead of time. I usually do have plotpoints planned out and an overall idea, but with you guys I can't plan specifics very well, so I kind of fly by the seat of my pants a lot
for this paranormal quest, we talking like season 2 supernatural shit or what?
Pretty much
So whats our chance of beating Piccolo?
In base? 13%, with Kuma-ken? 46%, if we roll crits each roll? 99%
We'll see
Mutaito's a dick. Just because it took him two centuries to INVENT a technique doesn't mean it will take that long to LEARN it.

I mean, it took Roshi fifty years to come up with the kamehameha, but goku and everybody else learned it in seconds.
Be better at out dodging him.
Mutaito also might not be around long enough to teach it to you

Unless he's going to die in the middle of the tournament, even just a few days left of life is plenty of time to teach it. According to dragon ball logic, learning an already existent technique (even faster if there's an actual master to learn from) takes very little time, and some techniques can even be learned in a matter of minutes just from watching it in action once.
Sorry if it's already been asked, but how are you deciding the winners of the battle, Som? Coin flipping and then writing what you can, or doing rolls and filling in the blank? Or is it just who you personally think would, or what would be most interesting to read plot wise?
How long until we start up earthbender quest again?
Mostly the last two

Probably Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday

We back
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That opening is amazing
This could get messy.

Getting up, you fly from the stands, following the announcer after your friends as they continue their fierce battle. Following their energy is easy, though you notice the announcer having to use binoculars to track down the combatants.

Krillin's energy is rising, but Chaozu's quickly grows to match it. You aren't sure whether Tenshinhan's partner is making use of the Kaio-Ken, or if he's simply been holding back with his power so far, but you soon get your answer.

In the distance, you can just barely make out the shapes of Krillin and Chaozu, the two having finally stopped moving further from the ring. Now, they face one another in stationary melee combat, trading punches and kicks at great speeds, causing powerful gusts of wind with each move that they make. Krillin is surrounded by the red aura of the Kaio-Ken, but Chaozu is not. His power is matching Krillin's without the need to use such a technique.

It seems that if Krillin doesn't do something quickly, Chaozu will be the victor.

>A. Shout for them to take it back to the ring

>B. Sit back and watch

>C. Tell the announcer that he may want to keep his distance

>D. Something else
>B. Sit back and watch
>C. Tell the announcer that he may want to keep his distance
>B. Sit back and watch
>C. Tell the announcer that he may want to keep his distance.
Goddamn when did Chaozu get swole?
250 times gravity or so during the space trip with Tien.
>A. Shout for them to take it back to the ring
>C. Tell the announcer that he may want to keep his distance
"You may want to keep your distance," you warn the announcer, deciding to simply sit back and observe now that the two fighters aren't out of control anymore.

"Right...." the announcer agrees, watching in awe as Krillin attacks with incredible speed and ferocity, and Chaozu fends off each strike with an expressionless face.

It's difficult to believe that this is Chaozu. True, the little man's strong, but he's never been this powerful or skilled. Besides that, Krillin's one of the best fighters you know. For him to be having so much trouble, Chaozu must have truly become a force to be reckoned with. You suppose his gravity training with Tenshinhan has given him a significant advantage over Krillin, and wonder just how much power he has to offer.

Krillin yells in frustration, using the Afterimage technique to attack from behind, and kick Chaozu in the back of the head. This sends the smaller fighter shooting toward the ground, but Chaozu quickly recovers, turning to face his attacker, who has already vanished again with another Afterimage. This time, Chaozu calmly turns around, throwing a punch that catches Krillin right in the face. As the Turtle student falls back, Chaozu reaches up and removes his hat, holding it as he begins to spin around and around like a top. He shoots forward, headbutting Krillin in the stomach and causing your friend to cry out in pain.

Still, Chaozu keeps going, spinning as he pushes Krillin back. You think you can see smoke rising from Krillin's chest, and imagine that he's not feeling very comfortable right now.

Krillin grits his teeth, raising his hands over his head and firing a large beam of energy down into Chaozu, who falls head-over-heels toward the ground below before stopping himself once again.

Krillin clenches his right hand into a fist, trembling in frustration as he glares down at Chaozu.

>A. Tell Krillin to keep it together

>B. Tell Krillin to be careful with maintaining the Kaio-Ken for that long

>C. Tell Krillin to give up

>D. Don't say anything

>E. Something else
>D. Don't say anything
This ain't our fight
>D. Don't say anything
>D. Don't say anything
>D. Don't say anything.
This isn't your battle, so you don't say anything. No advice for Krillin, or for Chaozu. You just stay where you are and wait for the next phase of the battle to begin.

The approach of three other powers momentarily distracts you, but when you realize who they are, you return your attention to the fight. Krillin continues to glare down at Chaozu, who smirks up at him in a manner that only seems to infuriate him further.

The three powers arrive; Tenshinhan, Chichi, and Yamcha. You can sense Konattsu approaching as well, thought it'll be a few seconds before she arrives.

Krillin thrusts his hands town toward Chaozu, firing two large blasts at the other fighter, who swiftly moves out of the way, letting the blasts move toward the ground below. Looking down, you see a city full of people beneath you, unaware of what's coming their way.

"Damn," you hear Yamcha curse. "We need to stop those blasts!"

That proves unnecessary, however, as Krillin simply redirects them, bringing them up behind Chaozu, who remains stationary and blissfully unaware.

"LOOK OUT!" Tenshinhan roars, but all this does is cause Chaozu to turn around and take the two blasts head-on, throwing him back and leaving him open.

Krillin takes advantage of this, swooping down and slamming his knee into Chaozu's back, pushing the smaller man toward the ground. Krillin keeps with Chaozu the whole way, almost surfing on his back as they move toward the city below.

But, Chaozu isn't going to lose like that. He lifts his hands in the air, toward Krillin's face, and fires a ball of energy that knocks the larger fighter off his back. Now free, Chaozu turns toward Krillin, holding his hands out.

Krillin readies himself to respond to another blast, but that doesn't happen. Instead, Krillin's eyes suddenly widen, his face turns blue, and he hunches over, clutching his stomach. His body trembles, but he doesn't move from his spot.

"Krillin!" Chi-Chi shouts in worry. "What's wrong?!"

Tenshinhan watches the match, his expression difficult to read, but Yamcha gives the woman some explanation.

"Chaozu's using his psychic powers to attack Krillin," he tells her. "And there's really nothing Krillin can do to stop it."

"Krillin, blast him or something!" Chi-Chi shouts.

"It's not that simple," Yamcha tells her. "Krillin's being attacked on the inside. He might be in too much pain to move, or Chaozu might be restraining his movement."

Krillin's wife frowns.

>A. Chaozu's probably trying to buy time until Krillin can no longer sustain the Kaio-Ken

>B. Unless Krillin can think of something fast, this battle's over

>C. Say nothing, but continue watching

>D. Something else
>B. Unless Krillin can think of something fast, this battle's over
>A. Chaozu's probably trying to buy time until Krillin can no longer sustain the Kaio-Ken
>B. Unless Krillin can think of something fast, this battle's over
"Chaozu's probably trying to keep Krillin under control until he can't use the Kaio-Ken anymore," you guess. "So, if Krillin doesn't think of something fast, this battle's over."

Krillin continues to tremble in pain as Chaozu slowly rises higher into the air. He's able to raise his head to glare at the little man, but unable to do much else. You see him try to raise his hands and fire a blast, but that doesn't work out, as Chaozu ups the intensity of his attack, and Krillin's hands return to clutching his stomach.

Soon, the red aura surrounding Krillin fades, and his power sinks like a stone. You see Chaozu smile, then give Krillin a psychic push, throwing the bald man back. Chaozu quickly moves above Krillin, giving a kick that sends your friend plummeting. This time, your friend can't stop himself in time, and crashes to the ground below.

"Krillin!" Chi-Chi shouts, flying down after her husband.

Tenshinhan smiles at his friend, who grins excitedly in return. Yamcha offers the little guy a thumbs up, unable to resist a smile himself.

"Well, folks, if you can hear me, the match is over!" the announcer shouts into his microphone. "Krillin has touched the ground, making Chaozu the winner! Now don't move, because in the next match, we have Mr. Satan facing off against Spopovich!"

>A. Congratulate Chaozu

>B. Go check on Krillin

>C. Return to the ring and watch the next match

>D. Something else
>A. Congratulate Chaozu
>B. Go check on Krillin
>C. Return to the ring and watch the next match
>A. Congratulate Chaozu
>B. Go check on Krillin
>A. Congratulate Chaozu
>B. Go check on Krillin
"Great job," you tell Chaozu, who grins just a little bit wider.

"That was great!" Yamcha tells his friend. "You sure have gotten stronger!"

"That's because HE hasn't slacked off on his training," Tenshinhan remarks toward Yamcha, who groans, slumping his shoulders a bit.

Chi-Chi comes flying back up, Krillin in her arms. You rush down to meet them, finding that your friend does look pretty banged up. Still, you're sure that he'll be fine.

He gives a self-depreciating chuckle. "Not my proudest moment."

>A. Tell him he fought well

>B. Ask how he's feeling

>C. Head back to the ring and watch the match

>D. Tell him that maybe he should train harder from now on

>E. Something else
>A. Tell him he fought well
>D. Tell him that maybe he should train harder from now on
"Could always use a sparing partner, you should drop by whenever you have the time."
>C. Head back to the ring and watch the match
>E. "Right now, that was your best. Nobody could ask for more."
>C. Head back to the ring and watch the match.
"Right now, that was your best," you tell Krillin reassuringly. "Nobody could ask for more than that."

"That's right," Chi-Chi agrees. "You did great, dear."

Krillin smiles, getting himself out of Chi-Chi's arms and giving her a kiss. She smiles happily when they break off, and you decide you'll give them a bit of space.

On your way back to the ring, you pass Konattsu and Kori, who quickly move toward Krillin and the others. You guess that they just won't be present for the next battle. The announcer is already back in the ring, along with Mr. Satan and Spopovich, the latter of whom has an eager, almost savage look on his face. As you hover above the arena, you listen to the announcer give a bit of background on the warriors.

"Mr. Satan is a rising star in the martial arts world," he explains. "Now master of the dojo Satan Castle, he has won several regional tournaments, and now sets his sights on the title of World Champion!"

Mr. Satan smirks to himself, then raises his right hand into the air, making a victory sign with his fingers. The crowd goes nuts, and Mr. Satan shouts at the top of his lungs.


The announcer clears his throat, looking over to Satan's opponent. "And competing against Mr. Satan is Spopovich, a newcomer in the martial arts community. He's here today to make a name for himself, and perhaps even claim the title of World Champion!"

The crowd cheers, and Spopovich readies himself to fight.

>A. Go back to the stands

>B. Go down toward the contest hall for a better look

>C. Stay where you are

>D. Something else
>D. Something else
Find a private quiet spot and try to start a bit of early homework Mutaito gave us on getting an even bigger picture on how our energy is flowing through body.
This >>1137725
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

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Well, fuck me
Can't stop the ki, well except for Shen.
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>Mutaito's face when we figured it out in between matches
Meh, that was step one
We're the Ki Master Som, you could give us fifty steps and we'd come out on top every time.
Deciding that this match won't be worth giving much attention, you decide to find a nice quiet spot in which to stay while you wait for this to end. You fly down to the contest hall, stepping inside and making your way to one of the corners. Once there, you close your eyes, and think on what Mutaito told you earlier. He had said that in order to use techniques like the one he'd used to heal your arm, you'd need a proper understanding of how energy flows through the body. So, as the match rages on outside, you look inward, drowning out everything as you try to figure out the flow of your energy. To your surprise and delight, you're able to get the gist of it rather quickly, observing your energy as it moves through you. You experiment by moving and seeing how that influences your energy, taking note of the results. In order to get a full understanding, you may need to observe your energy while engaging in more physically demanding activities. Still, it's a great start.

Your eyes open when you hear that Mr. Satan has won his match, and that Chi-Chi will be fighting Jewel in the next battle. You notice the blonde man smirk as he makes his way toward the ring.

>A. Go watch the battle

>B. Go sit with your family

>C. Something else
>B. Go sit with your family
We did good, time to check up on our loved ones.
And Oolong.

>B. Go sit with your family

>B. Go sit with your family

Also this thread b Autosagin.
I know it is
Rolled 61, 91, 100, 35, 16, 44, 82, 32 = 461 (8d100)

Time to waste some high rolls then
This match might be somewhat entertaining. Leaving your corner, you step outside of the contest hall, returning to the stands once more and finding a seat beside your wife.

Chichi stands in the ring across from Jewel, Krillin standing just out of bounds on her side and saying something to her, possibly wishing her luck.

"Our next battle will be between Chi-Chi and Jewel," the announcer tells the crowd. "Chi-Chi competed in the previous tournament, where she was defeated by Majunior in the quarterfinals. Now, this fierce fighting female is back, hoping to redeem herself and show just how tough a lady can be."

The crowd cheers, the women seemingly the most enthused, though you notice more than a few men whistling and catcalling at her, which seems to irritate her slightly.

"Her opponent will be Jewel," the announcer goes on. "This young man has made some serious waves in several regional tournaments, and amassed a small army of female admirers."

As if to prove his point, several women shout out, proclaiming their love for Jewel. The smirking man blows kisses to a few of them, and you see a few give over-the-top reactions to this, basically passing out.

Beside you, Bulma makes a sound of disgust. "Take him down, Chi-Chi!"

"Fighters, are you ready?" the announcer asks.

Jewel turns toward Chichi, and appears to say something to her. She seems taken aback, then angry, shouting something back at him. Jewel shrugs his shoulders, saying something else that really seems to piss Chi-Chi off, as you can feel her power spike just a bit.

"BEGIN!" the announcer shouts.

Having a vague idea of how powerful Chi-Chi is, you know she could easily end this battle with a single strike. Hell, she could probably just punch near the guy and send him flying out of bounds, but she clearly has other ideas.

Chi-Chi rushes the man, moving faster than he can keep up with, kneeing him in the stomach and causing him to hunch over in pain. She then follows up with several punches and palm-strikes to various parts of his body, from his face to his stomach, quickly driving him back, and probably causing a great deal of pain. Finally, after a few seconds of this, she brings a leg back, jumps up, and kicks Jewel in the face. You think you see a tooth fly from his mouth as he's thrown from the ring, crashing into a wall with such force that he becomes stuck in it.

This time, Mutaito doesn't come out to treat any injuries.

"Jewel has been knocked out of the ring, and unconscious!" the announcer shouts. "The winner is Chi-Chi!"

The crowd cheers, as does Krillin, jumping up and saying something to his wife. Chi-Chi glares toward Jewel before turning around, stepping out of the ring, and walking over to Krillin. You see her bend down toward him, and the crowd erupts into more cheers.

"Well, Chi-Chi and Krillin seem to be doing a bit of celebrating," the announcer jokes. "Let's let the lovebirds have their moment and start the next match!"

At that moment, Krillin and Chi-Chi separate, and you can see how red in the face they are from your seat.

A pair of tournament staff rush out with a stretcher, running over to Jewel and attempting to remove him from the wall. In the meantime, Mutaito and Pintar step out of the contest hall and make their way to the ring.

>A. Stay where you are and watch

>B. You know how this is going to turn out; return to the contest hall and get ready for your next battle

>C. Go congratulate Chi-Chi

>D. Something else
>B. You know how this is going to turn out; return to the contest hall and get ready for your next battle
>C. Go congratulate Chi-Chi
Big green
>>B. You know how this is going to turn out; return to the contest hall and get ready for your next battle
>>C. Go congratulate Chi-Chi
There's no doubt in your mind that Mutaito will be the victor of this battle. And, unlike with Chi-Chi, you somehow get the feeling he won't give Pintar an amusing beat-down. So, you get up, fly from the stands, and make your way down to Chi-Chi and Krillin, offering your congratulations for her win.

"Oh, come on, Tofoo, was there ever any doubt?" Krillin laughs.

Chi-Chi glances toward the wall, where the staff have finally managed to free Jewel and place him on a stretcher. You imagine he's going to remember this match for quite some time. As he's carried off, Chi-Chi looks back toward you.

"Good luck in the next match," she says kindly. "Piccolo will be tough."

>A. You can handle him

>B. Honestly, you're not sure you can beat him

>C. You're counting on it

>D. Ask her why she took her time with Jewel

>E. Ask Krillin how he's feeling

>F. Go find Piccolo

>G. Something else

Just a note, next update might be a tad late, have to run out and pick up some food
Let's do this.
>>C. You're counting on it
>C. You're counting on it
>A. You can handle him
>C. You're counting on it.
>G. "So I've been thinking of opening up my own Dojo, the Bear school."
Back, sorry, update coming
"I'm counting on it," you tell her.

A scream draws your attention, and you turn to see Pintar hit the wall not far from where Jewel did, groaning as he slumps to the ground.

"Mutaito is the winner!" the announcer shouts. "The quarterfinals will begin in five minutes, with Tofoo facing Majunior!"

The crowd roars with applause, and Piccolo steps out of the contest hall, slowly moving toward the ring and taking a spot on one side. Once there, he closes his eyes, probably just waiting for the match to start.

"So, think you can beat him?" Krillin asks.

>A. You know you can

>B. Probably

>C. You really aren't sure

>D. You don't think you'll win

>E. Tell him not to bother sitting down

>F. Something else
>F. Shrug. "Anything's possible Krillin."
>F. Something else
I train with Capsule Corp technology, I can't lose!
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No, no we're not.
Yes you are
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Let's ask the dice
1-20: The extra hard way
21-40: The hard way
41-60: No particular way
61-80: The easy way
81-100: The extremely easy way
Well, looks like I was right
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Have all of my keks.
You give a non-committal shrug. "Anything's possible, Krillin."

Stepping forward, you hop into the ring, standing across from Piccolo and waiting for the match to begin.

The announcer looks between you, confused. "Uh, you gentlemen have a few minutes, you know."

Piccolo smirks, opening one eye. "We're just really eager for this match. We'll be ready to go when five minutes pass."

And so, you and Piccolo remain in the ring, neither one of you saying a word as you wait out the five minutes in silence, the only sounds to be heard coming from the crowd. Though you and Piccolo don't address one-another, you do take a moment to try and feel out each other's energy, wanting to get a sense of where you stand in relation to one-another. From what you can gather, your powers are quite similar, meaning this battle has the potential to go either way. You expected as much, and know Piccolo well enough to understand that you need to be on your toes if you hope to win.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" the announcer suddenly shouts, pulling you from your pondering. "The quarterfinals will now begin! The first match will be between Tofoo and Majunior!"

Piccolo opens his eyes, looking across at you.

"For those of you who weren't in attendance at the last tournament, these two competitors have a bit of history," the announcer explains. "In the semifinals of the previous tournament, Majunior faced off against Goku, only for the match to be interrupted by Tofoo, dashing the hopes of any of the three being crowned champion. Now, Majunior has returned, hoping to claim the title, and surely to give Tofoo a bit of payback as well."

The crowd seems excited for this battle, some cheering for Piccolo, but most cheering for you. You guess when you make a name for yourself and don't look like a ruthless demon king, you can get some support from the masses.

"Now, let the match begin!" the announcer shouts.

Piccolo smirks, reaching up and removing his turban. He them does the same to his cape, wrapping the turban inside of it and throwing both from the ring, letting them land in the grass with a thud.

"No sense in playing games," he explains, doing some quick stretches. "I'm expecting a real fight out of you, Tofoo."

>A. Then you won't disappoint him

>B. Likewise

>C. Ask if he can call crushing defeat a good fight

>D. Kuma-Ken

>E. Fire energy blasts

>F. Charge him

>G. Bear Shout

>H. Bear Claw

>I. Wolf Fang Fist

>J. Lightning Punch

>K. Kamehameha

>L. Go on the defensive

>M. Something else
>D. Kuma-Ken
>J. Lightning Punch

Do we remember the Ki deflection we used on Tao?


Perhaps we can bait Piccolo into slowly burning himself out with Kiaoken.
>B. Likewise.
>D. Kuma-Ken
>A. Then you won't disappoint him
>D. Kuma-Ken
>J. Lightning Punch
Get him to keep his attention on the hand that's generating electricity in order to hit him with our real attack the, bear claw. He'll be to focus on the hand thats shooting sparks and won't notice hopefully us slow charging energy on the other hand, expecting it to be a normal punch.
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Do it for her, anons, and your boy
Rolled 56 (1d100)


Too soon, Anon. But thanks still for getting rid of that mediocre roll.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

We rollin?
"Likewise," you tell him. "And I promise, I won't disappoint you."

Locking your elbows at your sides, you give your foe a smirk, brace yourself, and shout at the top of your lungs.


A bright green aura surrounds your body, and your power shoots through the roof, climbing higher and higher as a powerful wind blows around you. Piccolo looks on in shock at your display, and you can't help but let a smirk come to your face. Your energy builds and builds, until you let out a sigh, keeping your power completely in-check.

"W-what in the world is that?" Piccolo asks you.

>A. You'll tell him after you use it to defeat him

>B. It's an improves version of the Kaio-Ken. You get several times more powerful, but with far-less strain on your body

>C. Charge at him and attack

>D. Get ready to defend

>E. Lightning Punch

>F. Wolf Fang Fist

>G. Bear Shout

>H. Something else

>A. You'll tell him after you use it to defeat him

>E. Lightning Punch
>H. Smirk. "Come and find out."
>D. Get ready to defend.
This is where the Kuma-Ken really helps us out. It doesn't fuck our body up over time like the Kaioken does, so we just have to wait it out till Piccolo tires out.
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>A. You'll tell him after you use it to defeat him
>E. Lightning Punch

Use his moment of shock against him! Don't lose the advantage of these couple of seconds.
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Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 80 (1d100)

Big Green vs. Aura Green
Rolled 97 (1d100)

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Rolled 65 (1d100)

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>Twisting the techniques of a God and wielding them to this effect
"I'll tell you after I've used it to beat you," you promise, channeling energy into your right hand.

You can already feel sparks dancing around the inside of your palm, and soon, your fist begins to crackle with electricity as well. You're going to give Piccolo another shock, that's for sure.

With Piccolo still trying to figure out what you've done, you take advantage of his distracted state, moving forward at speed that even he can't keep up with, and delivering your electrically-charged punch to his face without any trouble.

Piccolo screams in pain as electricity courses through his body. Beyond that, the force of your punch knocks him to the ground, sending him sliding across the ring, his head actually hanging over the side.

"INCREDIBLE!" the announcer shouts. "Tofoo has made an amazing first strike that seems to have put Majunior down for the count. Speaking of which."

As the count begins, you watch Piccolo, doubting that such a strike will be enough to take him down, even if he was caught off-guard. Sure enough, when the announce reaches three, Piccolo raises his head, struggling to get up.

>A. Rush him

>B. Bear Shout

>C. Stand your ground and prepare to defend

>D. Something else
>A. Rush him
>D. With a ki sword (He can regenerate)
>D. Something else
Fire light shots at him and then sense for the real him, cause I'd doubt Piccolo will stay laying down like a good boy for our blasts to hit him.
>B. Bear Shout
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15 - 1.jpg
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Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

My ningen, maybe.
Sorry, that wasn't quite high enough
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I do not know what that image is trying to convey
Disgust, how is that not high enough on a grounded Piccolo.
With Piccolo in such a vulnerable state, a single good shot could be all that it takes to end this battle altogether. You thrust your hands toward your foe, unleashing a ball of light that zips right toward him. But, as you'd expected, he moves out of the way, a red glow surrounding his body as he closes in on you. You fire a Bear Shout, but his power increases further, as does his speed, and he's able to move out of the way, causing your Bear Shout to fly harmlessly into the sky.

"TAKE THIS!" he shouts, giving you a solid kick to the face that sends you sliding back.

When you come to a stop, you find that Piccolo has landed, the shock gone from his face. Instead, when you look into his eyes, you see that he's focused and ready for more.

>End Updates

That's all for tonight, anons, I hope you all had fun

Next time I run will be Wednesday in all likelihood, but that will probably be Earthbender Quest, so follow me @qmdralo if you want to know when I'm running this again

As always, I will stick around to address questions, comments, and concerns
Thanks for running, so he was whispering the words.
Will Turles and his crew be stronger than in cannon? Since in the anime they are suposed to be weaker than Slug and with power leves bellow first form freeza
Of course, they're going to be far more powerful than Slug and his men

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Booty Warrior don't lie.png
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Piccolo ain't gonna job that fast. Just hope that his Kiaoken wears him out enough for us to secure the win.

Hey Som, saved this for posterity and lulz. Looks like you can't stop the Booty Warrior.
Nobody can
So is Mutaito giving the others a ki lesson on the difference between our Kaio and Piccolos?
So even he doesn't know how it works.
How exactly you did it? No, but he does understand the difference between the two powerups
Sad I missed the thread due to unforseen circumstances, but thanks as always for running Som. I'm also glad we're getting a rematch with Big Green now that's he's now the only one with multipliers. What would last longer between our Kuma-Ken and Piccolo's Kaio-Ken anyways? His healing factor certainly makes it a hell of a lot more viable for him then it does most.
Depends how hard you two fight
That makes sense. I figure it should be easy to get Piccolo of all people mad enough to wear himself out.
Whatever happens, Xeno scum will know their place by the end of the tournament.
We shall see

Finally that word is used correctly.
Hopefully Tofu keeps using his head and uses Kuma-Ken to just barely match Piccolo's Kaio-Ken use so he won't tire himself out.

I'm pretty sure that if this is an endurance match, Tofoo can outlast Piccolo. He can regenerate the injuries kaioken causes, but not the energy it eats away just to stay active.

Now, the thing would be to not get OHKO'd by him, Piccolo has his fair share of super powerful abilities that would send Tofoo into a world of pain and who knows if he further expanded his skillset during his bizarre adventures in space.
Good, keep using your heads
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Forgot to ask this on the night of the thread, but how much of a bad time did we give Piccolo with that surprise Kumaken Lightning Punch? I've sure, as an analogy, a noticeable chunk of his life bar disappeared before the fight even began.
That hurt like Hell for him
I hope we actually win this.
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