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Beleaguered Prince Quest #61

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Twitter: @BeleagueredQM
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/FEc6v8FP

Previous threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=beleaguered+prince+quest

You are Prince Meirion auk Gwyrren, the only sane man in a royal family with dubious concepts of strategy, justice, taxation, and governance in general. You have made it your goal in life to keep your family on the throne and your head firmly attached to your body.


Eleri helps you touch up your formal attire so you're royally presentable rather than just plain charming. It took some time to make things work, but representatives of Duchess Maed and Duke Fiachus will arrive shortly.

"Anything else I need to know before the meeting?"

"Officially, this is just another state visit," Sir Connor says. "Unofficially, the sword didn't work when Duke Ferrid tried it, so the other dukes have decided to play nice instead."

These negotiations are important. You need to get on their good side and gain some allies, but you also need to make it clear that Reagan will the one ruling Olstren with your assistance once the dust has settled. There are some issues that you simply can't budge on.

"Don't forget the reception," Eleri says. "We should welcome our guests properly. It's a shame we don't have the space for a proper ball."

"It would be nice to show off again," you agree, "but we can save that for later."

The delegations will arrive shortly, but their visit isn't so important as to require days of preparation. It mostly depends on the kind of first impression you want to make.

>[Intrigue/Autosuccess] Keep the meeting low-key.
>[Sovereign/1d10] Meet them in your audience chamber.
>[Dilettante/1d10] Put a banquet together.

>You have an active crit on all skills, as well as an active crit on Intrigue which will take precedence if you choose that option.
>>[Sovereign/1d10] Meet them in your audience chamber.
>[Intrigue/Autosuccess] Keep the meeting low-key.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


>[Sovereign/1d10] Meet them in your audience chamber.
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"I'll receive them in the audience chamber," you say. "Reagan and Olwen can join me in ceremonial garb."

You'd like to approach this professionally, and it might be awkward to get too personal with a banquet right away.

"That is the safest option," Eleri says, "even if it is rather bland. Still, I'll let the ladies know."

"Thank you.

>Roll 1d10, best of three.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

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You motion for Sir Connor to come along. Having him on your side shows that there are some in Olstren who have accepted your influence and that you're willing to reward any of the Olstren nobility who decide to support you and Reagan. As long as he doesn't offend anyone, it'll be fine.

So you sit in your throne and listen to the petitioners. There are no complaints today, fortunately, but there are some requests and reports that require your attention. Reagan joins you after some time, accompanied by Olwen. Then Myrddin comes and orders the room cleared of anyone who's not absolutely necessary; the guests have arrived.

"Might I present Lady Ciara mac Maed and Lord Aodh mac Fiachus," Myrddin announces.

The two nobles stand at the pavilion's entrance. They step in boldly, but their bodyguards stay outside. Sir Connor makes a high-pitched squealing noise as soon as he sees Ciara.

"Someone you know?"

"His sister," Reagan explains. "As I understand it, they don't get along very well. Sir Connor might have impregnated one of her maids and refused to take responsibility."

That would cause some friction in the family. It's awfully unseemly for a man to impregnate one of his relatives' maids. At the very least, he should have impregnated his own.

Ciara looks much like her brother, with curly black hair, while Aodh has long reddish hair. They both kneel, though they're angled towards Reagan rather than you.

"Greetings, your majesty," Ciara says. "My mother and I are honoured by your invitation."

"Not at all," Reagan says. "It's only natural for me to call upon my loyal vassals at a time like this."

Wow, Reagan is not being subtle about her position.

>[Dilettante/1d8] "It's always a pleasure to host such worthy guests."
>[Sovereign/1d10] "The Crown recognizes and appreciates your service."
>[Intrigue/1d10] "Thank you for coming. We have many things to discuss."
>>[Sovereign/1d10] "The Crown recognizes and appreciates your service."
>>[Intrigue/1d10] "Thank you for coming. We have many things to discuss."
>>[Sovereign/1d10] "The Crown recognizes and appreciates your service."
>>[Sovereign/1d10] "The Crown recognizes and appreciates your service."
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You smile pleasantly to show you're glad to see them as well.

"The Crown recognizes and appreciates your service."

Let them guess which Crown you're referring to.

>Roll 1d10, best of three.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

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"Of course, we thank you for the invitation as well, your highness," Aodh says. "My house and I that Duke Ferrid's rash actions have not negatively impacted your disposition towards Olstren."

"I could hardly hold a grudge against my wife's kingdom," you say, "and I do believe it is possible for all of us to come to a mutually beneficial agreement."

"My mother and I tentatively share that belief, your highness," Ciara says. "However, you must understand that such a thing will not be easy to achieve. We all have our own interests to look after."

"We are well aware of this, Lady Ciara," Reagan says. "You have my assurances that Prince Meirion and I wish to treat with both your houses fairly."

Getting two ducal houses to turn on one of their peers isn't going to be easy, but there's certainly enough bounty involved to satisfy them both if they agree, and you do need their help with this. Duke Ferrid must be removed in order to prevent troubles with Reagan's ascendance to the throne.

>[Sovereign/1d10] Approach the topic of Duke Ferrid directly.
>[Intrigue/Autosuccesss] Be more circumspect about it.

>You have an active crit on Intrigue.
>[Sovereign/1d10] Approach the topic of Duke Ferrid directly.
>>[Sovereign/1d10] Approach the topic of Duke Ferrid directly.
>>[Sovereign/1d10] Approach the topic of Duke Ferrid directly.
>[Sovereign/1d10] Approach the topic of Duke Ferrid directly.
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"Since we're all here, we might as well begin," you say. "Duke Ferrid has raised his banners against me without cause. That invasion was foiled, but we need to remove him permanently if we are to have peace."

"Duke Ferrid's actions were nothing less than rebellion against me," Reagan says. "The only acceptable punishment is his death and the dissolution of his house. Those who can be married off will be, and those who cannot will join their lord in death."

Aodh and Ciara both glance at each other.

>Roll 1d10, best of three.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

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"We understand what must be done," Ciara says, "and we also understand that we're in the best position to assist with and benefit from the situation, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to come to an agreement."

You motion for her to continue speaking.

"The Duchy of Danargh wishes to obtain Machain in order to gain more arable land," Ciara explains. "We can survive, but we don't have enough farmland to feed an expanding population, so Danargh's development is limited."

"To be honest, our Duchy of Nogren is much wealthier and easier to live in than Danargh," Aodh says, "but Nogren and Danargh would need to make an equal contribution to the war effort in order for this endeavour to succeed, so we can't settle for less than an equal share of the bounty."

"In other words," Reagan says, "Danargh wishes to obtain more than half of Machain, but Nogren won't allow it."

"That is correct, your majesty," Ciara says. "My mother is concerned that going to war for any less simply isn't worth the effort."

The easiest solution would be to join the war effort yourself and turn your share of the land over to Duchess Maed so that Duke Fiachus can save face, but that would mean expanding more of your resources and going back to war for no gain. Alternatively, you could promise to send food from Degfford to Danargh. You don't have enough to feed an entire duchy, but it would help a little once Machain is carved up.

>[Military/Autosuccess] You will commit to the war effort and turn your share over to Duchess Maed.
>[Merchant/1d10] Machain will be split in half, and you will provide additional foodstuff to Danargh as a gift.
>[Sovereign/1d8] Duchess Maed can settle for half of Machain.
>[Sovereign/1d8] Duke Fiachus can settle for a smaller share of Machain.
>>[Merchant/1d10] Machain will be split in half, and you will provide additional foodstuff to Danargh as a gift.
>[Merchant/1d10] Machain will be split in half, and you will provide additional foodstuff to Danargh as a gift.
>>[Merchant/1d10] Machain will be split in half, and you will provide additional foodstuff to Danargh as a gift.
so if we had better enchantment or alchemy, I guess the option would have turned up to share magical farming tools/supplies?

I wonder how far along enchantment is towards hydroponics.
>>[Merchant/1d10] Machain will be split in half, and you will provide additional foodstuff to Danargh as a gift.
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"If food is the problem, I can help you resolve it," you say. "I do have some grain and preserves to spare. I can't match the entire Duchy of Machain, but if you're willing to accept half of it, I should be able to make up some of the difference. Enough to make it worth your while, at the very least."

It's a decent compromise. Your mercantile endeavours are paying off, so you do have the coin to spare if it means gaining another ally or two.

Ciara mulls your suggestion over.

>Roll 1d10, best of three.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

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"That would be acceptable," Ciara says.

"And you're authorized to speak in your mother's name?" Reagan asks.

"I am," Ciara says. "Some of us take their responsibilities and learn how to handle them, Connor."

Sir Connor groans at his sister's rebuke.

Aodh chuckles. "That's one problem taken care of," he says. "However, my father has some concerns about your contribution. We are aware that you significantly undermined Duke Ferrid's military force, but there will be some reticence on our end if you ask for our help and shy away from the battle yourself."

In other words, his father will go to war, but he won't think much of you if you don't muster your army in some capacity.

>[Military/1d12] You'll personally join the war.
>[Military/1d10] You'll lend your allies some of your elite troops.
>[Military/1d8] You'll deploy your troops on the border to constrain Ferrid's forces.
>[Intrigue/1d10] You'll have Duke Ferrid assassinated beforehand so his army is leaderless.

>You have an active crit on Intrigue.
>[Intrigue/1d10] You'll have Duke Ferrid assassinated beforehand so his army is leaderless.
>[Intrigue/1d10] You'll have Duke Ferrid assassinated beforehand so his army is leaderless.
>>[Military/1d12] You'll personally join the war.
>[Military/1d12] You'll personally join the war.
>[Intrigue/1d10] You'll have Duke Ferrid assassinated beforehand so his army is leaderless.
>>[Military/1d12] You'll personally join the war.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


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"I'll take care of Duke Ferrid as soon as possible," you say. "Without a clear leader to follow, his vassals will fall apart."

Arranging an assassination in another kingdom isn't going to be easy, but it is possible thanks to the work Myrddin's done so far. You don't know if Duke Fiachus will approve, but you don't care. Your reputation is worth a lot, but it's built on victory, and you won't forget that.

>Roll 1d10, best of three.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

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"That's not how we usually do things," Aodh says, "but it would make our job much easier, so I certainly won't complain if you can pull it off. I would appreciate it if you weren't too obvious about it."

"I'm quite familiar with subtlety," Myrddin says.

"In that case, we'll leave you to your duties, your highness," Ciara says.

"Thank you for coming," you say, "and please enjoy the rest of your stay here. If you require anything, I'll do my best to assist you."

Your two guests bow and exit the pavilion. Myrddin clears the place out completely this time and you move the discussion to one of the offices.

"So, Duke Ferrid's assassination. Ideas?"

"I think I can have him poisoned in his sleep if you want it done quickly," Myrddin says. "Some of Duke Ferrid's vassals have become… sympathetic to our cause, and might be willing to assist us as well, but that would take longer."

>[Intrigue/1d10] "Find us a collaborator. We need every advantage we can get."
>[Intrigue/1d8] "Kill him in his sleep. It's better to do this ourselves."
>>[Intrigue/1d10] "Find us a collaborator. We need every advantage we can get."
>>[Intrigue/1d8] "Kill him in his sleep. It's better to do this ourselves."
>[Intrigue/1d10] "Find us a collaborator. We need every advantage we can get."
>[Intrigue/1d10] "Find us a collaborator. We need every advantage we can get."
>>[Intrigue/1d10] "Find us a collaborator. We need every advantage we can get."
A disgruntled vassal? An easily bribed servant like a maid perhaps?
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"Find us a collaborator," you say. "We need every advantage we can get."

"Olstren takes hospitality very seriously," Reagan says. "It'll be extremely difficult to find someone willing to kill Ferrid after inviting him."

"That's fine," you say. "They just need to force him to move."

>Roll 1d10, best of three.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

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i wanna die.png
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goddammit, two 1s in a row
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Nice save.
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"Duke Ferrid will receive some invitation he won't be able to refuse," Myrddin says. "He can be dealt with during the trip."

Now it's just a question of the timing. Ferrid will have some guards with him, but you should be able to have him killed in a "bandit" ambush. It'll be more suspicious if you kill him on his way to the meeting, and he'll probably be on his guard, making a successful assassination even more difficult. Indeed, killing him on the way back would be much easier.

Timing is the key issue, however. The sooner you kill him, the sooner you can move on his territory.

>[Intrigue/1d10] "Kill him while he's on his way to the meeting. I want this done soon."
>[Intrigue/1d12] "Kill him on the return trip. It'll be easier."

>You have an active crit on Intrigue.
>>[Intrigue/1d12] "Kill him on the return trip. It'll be easier."
>[Intrigue/1d12] "Kill him on the return trip. It'll be easier."
>>[Intrigue/1d12] "Kill him on the return trip. It'll be easier."
>>[Intrigue/1d12] "Kill him on the return trip. It'll be easier."

>[Intrigue/1d10] "Kill him while he's on his way to the meeting. I want this done soon."
Almost missed this tonight.
>>[Intrigue/1d10] "Kill him while he's on his way to the meeting. I want this done soon."
CKII style assassination time
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"Kill him on the return trip," you say. "It'll be easier. As much as I'd like to do this quickly, having more time to prepare is also an advantage during war."

"Are you sure?" Reagan asks. "That might give him time to find out what we're doing and prepare for war."

"It should be fine," you say. "If anything, it's better if he does make preparations and those preparations die with him. Besides, his military force is severely depleted at the moment."

>Roll 1d12, best of three.
Rolled 1 (1d12)

Rolled 4 (1d12)

Rolled 12 (1d12)

y'know, maybe i should just stop rolling
the Dice Gods do not smile upon us tonight. someone sacrifice a goat or something
Performs Sudoku to appease the dice gods
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"In the meantime, we do have work to do here," Myrddin says. "The investigation into the assassination attempt is ongoing, although I expect to hear back soon. I'm almost done organizing the secret policy as well."

"It's almost a shame to put so much work into Degfford even though we'll have to move to Olstren eventually," Reagan sighs. "I do enjoy this place, so it's a little disappointing that we won't be able to fully enjoy the benefits of our work."

You shrug. "Kingdoms are built over centuries, but humans live only a few decades," you say. "That's why heirs are so important. Someone else will inherit Degfford and continue to improve it in our stand."

A king's work is never truly done, even after death. That's what a legacy is.
Rolled 8, 9, 5, 3 = 25 (4d10)

Time for the bonus XP!
Rolled 9 (1d12)

Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d6)

And that's all for today. Beleaguered Prince Quest will return Friday February 10th at 7PM EST.

I'm not quite sure how much longer this is going to last. I thought I'd have everything wrapped up by thread 50 at most, but I'm still going. Anyway, I might put a strawpoll up on twitter for my next quest at some point in the next few weeks. I've got a few ideas, but I'm not sure which one to go with.

Goodnight and thanks for playing.
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cheers, boss
As long as we can have a proper epilogue to it and see if we get a good end to it all. Beleaguered, You are the best QM i have seen in quite awhile. You do have the heart and skill of a great writer.
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