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The Haunting Quest

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The Haunting quest.jpg
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Between the conscious of Man and their perceived reality, lies another reality: the unknown . The unsolved answer of Death, Curses, and Alien resides in these realms and its action unknowingly alter the known reality. The phenomena of these events are called the Haunting

(This Quest is basically about haunting families that unfortunately enter your territory. Each otherworldly factions have different end-goals, perception, and fetters that linked you to the human reality. Planning to help/kill the inhabitant is your job as a player.

You will have sustenance to power their abilities. This will help you in your quest but each beings have different sustenance.

Beware:This is my first quest and English is my third language so expect a staggering amount of mistakes. Feedback is welcomed. Thank you and enjoy)

The old house stood strong and its land filled with withered leaves. The old, creaking wood and chipped paints hold the house together while the old style architecture design made it more nostalgic and menacing. Its is the house that whispers in terrified children's stories and places for curious teens to test their bravado.

They say that those who lived in the house are doomed to caught misfortunes, killing themselves in the process. The old tenants of the house...

>Committed suicide or some even say murdered... (The ghost type. They could easily filled their sustenance but their abilities are simple haunting abilities. Their fetters could be objects or the house itself)

>Are cult members and sacrifice their own family for the glory of Satan. Some people who ventured there sometimes get possessed... ( the demon type. They can get sustenance from negative emotions but the best sustenance are souls. Their abilities are are based on trickery and harm and their fetters are symbolic objects)

>Lost their children or specific members there. Some people who entered, never came back (The hunter type. Their only sustenance are souls and they are picky eater but if you love to plot, this one is for you. Excel in hunting ability. Their fetters is the house itself)

>Are kind and loving people but one night, they went insane. They pull out their own organs while laughing hysterically (The outsider type. Powerful but they are the Malkavian of the type. Have strange sustenance,perception and fetters.)
>Are cult members and sacrifice their own family for the glory of Satan. Some people who ventured there sometimes get possessed... ( the demon type. They can get sustenance from negative emotions but the best sustenance are souls. Their abilities are are based on trickery and harm and their fetters are symbolic objects)

I'm down with some mind games

Also no worries on typos, if the OP is anything to go by you're a better writer in English than some natives I know
>Are kind and loving people but one night, they went insane. They pull out their own organs while laughing hysterically (The outsider type. Powerful but they are the Malkavian of the type. Have strange sustenance,perception and fetters.)
>Are kind and loving people but one night, they went insane. They pull out their own organs while laughing hysterically (The outsider type. Powerful but they are the Malkavian of the type. Have strange sustenance,perception and fetters.)
Oh and if you would like some example of what these ghost are like:

>Ghost type are your typical humanoid spirits
>Demons are your typical demons such as the Possession or the conjuring movie
>Hunters are cunning being such as Coraline or that movie about kids filming murders movie. They need to fulfill certain rituals.
>The outsiders are Lovecraftian types. Just be careful when you pick them

Alright. votes are:
>1 demon
>2 outsider.

Ill give few last 5 min before writing
Sure, full lovecraft ahead.

...Are kind and loving people but one night, they went insane. They pull out their own organs while laughing hysterically. People who venture there sometimes fainted and lost their memories, feel some scratches inside them or briefly get a glimpse on a strange world but they rarely lost their minds. The property became cheap as the Estate Owner will do anything to get rid of it.

An Outsider. You are an outsider of this world and reality. A strange world you've come to but with it comes a great thirst to watch them. They are your ants. They are your gears. These things that you witness and the horror that came with it.

You are....
>The Guardian angel. Those who are chosen to protect humanity. ( Sustenance: Faith, Ability: Miracles, Goal: Save the human from their own misdeed. Your fetters is the sanctuary which you create in this house, which means the rooms that have religious icons or blessed rooms)
>The Curious. Those who want to know about our reality. (Sustenance:knowledge,Ability: Analyze,Goal: Fully understand the human and their reality. Your fetters is the place where the human analyze their surrounding while they became immobile)
>Write in
>The Guardian angel. Those who are chosen to protect humanity. ( Sustenance: Faith, Ability: Miracles, Goal: Save the human from their own misdeed. Your fetters is the sanctuary which you create in this house, which means the rooms that have religious icons or blessed rooms)
Only 1 vote?
Ill extend the time for 5 more minutes
Needs more eldritch vibes.

>The Faceless. That which would steal the crumbling masks of others to replace the one it had lost. (Sustenance: Human interaction; Ability: Physical and mental mimicry; Goal: Sufficiently imprint upon and thereby deceive this reality into thinking that its place of belonging, stolen so long ago, is still here. Your fetters are the scattered reminders of your true once-identity that never was, your past and face and name from a past eternity.)
>The Guardian angel.
>The Guardian angel. Those who are chosen to protect humanity. ( Sustenance: Faith, Ability: Miracles, Goal: Save the human from their own misdeed. Your fetters is the sanctuary which you create in this house, which means the rooms that have religious icons or blessed rooms)
Interesting. An echo of the past eh?


Alright. Votes are:
>3 Guardian
>1 write-in

Ill give a 3 minute if you guys wish to revote for the write in
Rolled 2 (1d3)

ill set the family difficulty. It is the factor that challanges your sustenance
1: it is in your favor
2: bit difficult
3: need to plan carefully
Hmmm, panic time yet?

You are the Guardian Angel. Those who are chosen by the Lord Almighty to saves these sons and daughters of Man. Praise unto Him.

Your first care was an innocent baby boy, yet he was unbaptized. You helped him with your miracles and messages, prompting the faithful parents to help him. With the holy water that you blessed, the faithful parents baptized their child in it for countless hours and the child now reside in your sanctuary. He is now forever eternal,pure and safe. Praise the God Almighty.

You blessed the parent with the appearance of you before their very eyes. They smile and laugh as Adam and Eve did on Paradise. They crush their eyes for they do not need to see anything else, for you are beautiful. They ripped out their intestines so no more impurities shall infect them. Now they reside in your sanctuary. Praise Him.

You do not know how long did time pass but you are slowly weakened for without Faith, how will you guide them to Paradise. This house that you had blessed is devoid of Humanity but as God work in mysterious ways, you felt the presence of faithful approaching.

A family of five. The faithful father smile as he saw your sanctuary while his sinful wife carries their baptized daughter. Beside them are two boys: the elder who reek sin and blasphemy and the young who reek neither sin nor faith. There are the sheep that you need to save. Praise the Lord for this blessing.

As the guardian Angel, you are powered with miracles. Choose 2 Miracles:
>Healing ( eliminating small wounds. Uses 3 faith)
>Guidance (Sending messages into the faithful's dreams. Uses 3 faith)
>Bless ( removing impurities as well as increasing Luck. Uses 4 faith)
>Sign ( bend a small part of reality such as creating light to show them something, uses 5 faith)
>Write-In ( The miracle are the positive forces of the world. Write the name and effect and ill see how much faith needed)

>your sustenance:Faith (15/15, level 1 (0%). To level up, you must convert, bank faith or save a soul. Faith will be replenished by how much faith the family produce
Added note:
>The more powerful you are, the better your ability to bend reality so higher level ability are powerful.
>In level 1, you are just an unseen force. As level progresses, you can choose how to reveal yourself.
>You must study and understand the human to save them. As you studied them, ill try to make some list of the characters.
>If i am in the mood, ill show you the POV of the family as you grant them your miracles
>Guidance (Sending messages into the faithful's dreams. Uses 3 faith)
>Bless ( removing impurities as well as increasing Luck. Uses 4 faith)
I've really no idea where to go with this, so I'll just pick two that seem generally useful.
>>Guidance (Sending messages into the faithful's dreams. Uses 3 faith)
>>Sign ( bend a small part of reality such as creating light to show them something, uses 5 faith)

Alright, votes are:
>2 guidance
>1 bless
>1 sign

Ill add few more minute while i get some snacks. If still no more votes, ill use dice
>Guidance (Sending messages into the faithful's dreams. Uses 3 faith)
>Bless ( removing impurities as well as increasing Luck. Uses 4 faith)
Btw, what are your timezones? Ill try to adapt accordingly
>Guidance (Sending messages into the faithful's dreams. Uses 3 faith)
>Bless ( removing impurities as well as increasing Luck. Uses 4 faith)
Middle European for me, that's why I'll go to sleep now

PST-West Coast America

>Miracles: Guidance and Bless. To guide and to bless, such are the tools of angels.
>Faith: 15/15

"James, are you sure this is the right place? It looks...old", The wife sounds concernas her husband unlocked the door.

"Anna, I am sure this is the 'Nuh's Manor'. I know it's old and rickety but we just need to survive this for a year until our house is fixed. This is the cheap one", assures James." The Landlord will fix most of the utilities and it's a free service".

"I hope we dont have to stay in this dump. It'll make Little Bree sick" Anna looked at her baby as Brianna giggles in her mother's arms."

Suddenly, the younger boy run into the house," Dibs on the best upstairs room".

"Wha- John you little shit! That's mine" The older quickly follows. Such foul language. His tongue should be cut for this.

"John! Rick! Dont run in the house! I swear if any of you broke something, you will pay" Anna screams.

"Our own house...",James Mumble." God please bless this house and protect us from Evil within. Let this be the safe sanctuary which the Holler family resides. Amen"

>+1 Faith

"James! quit mumbling and get our stuff"

"Y-yes dear"

>The Holler family:
James Holler- The father(faithful) (generate 1 faith everyday)
Anna Holler- The mother (sinful)
Rick Holler-Elders son(sinful)
John Holler- The middle son (neither sinful nor faithful)
Brianna Holler- youngest daughter (faithful due to baptism) (generate 1 faith)

As the holler made themselves at home, they noticed that almost all room have a cross and religious icons. Some covered the room while others have one or two of them.

"Look at all these old religious shit." Rick tore one of them off the wall and toss them out of his room while his brother gently remove them from his room. Their mother also do not like them but they only kept few in the insistence of James.

(lemme draw the map. Just be patient. And just so you know, the QM is in Asia)
(nevermind, QM cant draw shit)

The one called Rick infuriate you as his words tainted this blessed house of yours. He must be cleansed so his soul can enter your sanctuary.
>Rick Holler:Cannot be converted. He must be spiritually cleansed by holy rituals AKA Death by holy ritual

As you watched the Hollers slowly move their belongings into the house, you felt that the wife and their second son can still be saved from Damnation. Such is the will of the Lord. You must first guide the father to help you.

The day slowly turn into night while the family unpacked and have a small dinner. With their bellies full, the family went into their bedroom. Before bed,James pray

"Dear Lord, please protect us an-"

"James, get to sleep. We have more things to unpacked tomorrow" Anna harshly whispers

"in a minute. Please bless us and help us in our path. Amen"

Such faith he has and those faith shall be rewarded

>use Guidance
>use bless on him
>skip the next day
>Write in
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(The blue shaded part are places you cannot visit.)
forgot the image
>use bless on him

Let's give him some good bonuses first without revealing ourselves in a dream
alright. writing

And so you blessed him, tearing away the misfortunes and tweak the threads of fates to his favor. You feel a bit drained but it is for the best.

Faith (11/15) (day 1 faith collected: 3% till level up)

The next morning, James woke up without sore or tiredness. It is as if he had been blessed while his wife still snores in their bed with tired face. He smiles.

"This is going to be a good day", he thought to himself.

>James fanaticism: +2.(out of 20 due to already faithful)

The day drags on as the family finally done with unpacking their items. James kept finding his lost items in the boxes and his mood kept improving. The plumber came early to fix the pipes and clean waters flow through the pipe. His family still complains about how there are no hot water but for him, this is better than no water at all and give his thanks to the Lord.

>Faith gained: +1

"And that's why you should pray sometimes..." James preach while the Holler eat their lunch.

"Sure Dad...sure", Rick says sarcastically.

"Dad, you know i dont believe in fairy-tales. Rick said so" John chew his meal energetically. "Why dont we play catch later?"

"Kids, listen to your father. Imagines how much money we could get if we prayed everyday". Anna smiles mockingly and prayed." Oh Dear Lord, Please blessed me too. Amen"

Faith lost -1 (due to mocking prayer)


>Blessed Anna (need to roll due to sinful)
>Blessed James
>write in

(alright. i think i will end the quest for now due to lack of player. Ill resume later tomorrow. Thank you for playing)
>write in

Use Guidance on John

Let the dream show the ways our blessings helped James throughout the day, then if he does whole-heartedly pray we can bless him and hopefully that'll reinforce both the Dad and Sons faith
So...skip till night or just store it in him? The effect of guidance occurs when people are sleeping but blessings can be used anytime

I would say just skip til tonight, I don't want to spend faith on people who haven't willingly come to us first and I am hoping that continued blessings on the faithful or unbiased parts of the family will cause her to have a sincere prayer

Also hoping some other folks will come in and vote, thanks for running
Any feedback?

I really like it and I am not seeing any glaring technical mistakes as far as grammar or formatting.

I am excited to see us start to really fuck with this families heads once we get a couple well under our control and I like the twisted perspective that you have us viewing this through. Causes the Outsider's narrative voice to come through really strong.

Really solid start, I look forward to playing.
Thanks dude. Thankfully the Guardian Angel have humanistic perspective.

If players choose The Curious, they will have to decipher what the humans are doing

Might not be a bad one for a different run, the description is for object where humans observe reality while immobile, would that have included any TV's or computers?
You could say that but telling ya more would be spoiler

Fair enough, I like the idea of messing with those transmissions or altering the websites that they view, hopefully we find a way as we level up
(alright, lets resume)

Once again the world turned as the Lord reward those during the day with a peaceful rest. The Hollers went to their respective bedroom after a cold bath and a light dinner. You have your shining hands gazed toward John as he closed his door. You wished to enter his bedroom, yet you are repulsed by the aura of the room. You have no sanctuary there but you might bypassed it with the faith collected inside your eyes. Yet, will it be worth it? Lord,Please guide Us.

>Bypass the unblessed room (-3 Faith)
>Use Guidance on other people
>Use bless on other people
>Bypass the unblessed room (-3 Faith)

Same sort of prodding plan

Good to see you again
Damn... not even a minute an ye already replied. Good to see you too, Good Anon

This is just about the perfect time to run because this is when I start work and I always have the quests I follow on auto refresh in another tab
>Bypass the unblessed room (-3 Faith)
Bypassing it is...

Ah...yes. Those who do have strength to do good must used them for the greater good. Such is the will of the Lord. You let your skin inside and dragged the rest of your organs into this foul space, slowly spreading your essence to resist the repulsion

> -3 faith (Faith: 8/15)

A strange child,John is...

The walls are covered with tanned skins of trees, even where the Picture of the Lord resided. The art on those skins depict the Progress of Man, the very pride in which Tower of Babel falls while others depict of Laws of Reality and the formula to break them. It is a heresy of the highest order. On the table lies not the holy Book, but a book of Progress and transgression to God Himself.

This room disgust you.... You felt your ears vomiting...

> -1 Faith (due to environment factors)

Can his soul still be saved?

>Proceed with the plan and use Guidance
>Use bless instead
>write in
>Proceed with the plan and use Guidance
>Proceed with the plan and use Guidance

Let him see the light of the Lord
MAn, you guys took the tough road.

Wouldn't have it any other way, I am sure there's a Bible quote about taking the difficult path

YeS...YUo are the GuarDian Angel. EverYone WiLL be Saved.

Your arms frantically gazed on him. As John's spirit temporarily left his earthly vessels, you slowly slipped your tooth inside his mind.
>-3 for guidance (faith 5/15)
Yet a Barrier blocked you as such is the Law of Reality. You persist for the bountiful harvest is within your skin's reach

>roll 1d10 (difficult roll due to John's Atheism status)
Really? hmm...let me search it

(to be frank, QM is not a christian)
Rolled 5 (1d10)



No worries, I am not one myself and it's a long book, I have found that you can find a quote for basically anything in it
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Ill roll too i guess. DOnt worry, there wont be any crits


But the tooth vanished into the void and you are repelled out of the room. There is no anger for you are the Guardian Angel but such rejection of blessing must be met with punishment. You must gather more faiths if you wish to save them. There is always the next day.

>The Holler family:
James Holler- The father(faithful) (generate 1 faith everyday)(fanaticism 2/20)
Anna Holler- The mother (sinful)
Rick Holler-Elders son(sinful)(death marked)
John Holler- The middle son (Atheist)
Brianna Holler- youngest daughter (faithful due to baptism) (generate 1 faith)

>Faith gathered:1 (3-2=1). (3% until upgrade)
>Faith owned:5/15

>Bank the faith for upgrade or used it for our sustenance?

>Do you wish the QM to give a tip?
>Bank the faith for upgrade or used it for our sustenance?


>Do you wish the QM to give a tip?
Yes please

>Faith (6/15)

>Think outside the box. You are not bound by the Law of Man or their reality but only your reality.
>Learn about your sheep as they are individual and have different triggers
>By saving the sheep, you do not necessarily need their body
>You are not human so everything is permitted within your own law
>Sinful will sometimes reduce your collected faith.
>You must kill ritualistically for them to be save
>Atheist are the most difficult since they are the black lamb, use everything necessary to save them

Hope this helped

Another blessed day for you as you consume your sustenance to stay sane. As usual, James prayed in the morning while his family went to do their own things.

>+1 faith

With all the furniture and personal belongings finally in their places, they Holler were left to their own schedule.

>James and John went outside for a session of catch in the frontyard
>Anna is in the kitchen, cleaning and arranging the dish
>Rick went into his room (remember the map, there is no sanctuary here)
>Bree is asleep in the parent's room

>what do you wish to do oh Blessed Guardian?
>Bless someone
>use guidance on bree
>go to rick's room?
>write in
>use guidance on bree

Perhaps they'll listen to wisdom coming from the mouths of babes
>use guidance on bree

You float into the parent's room where the baby girl is sleeping. A blank vase of purity that you must protect but she is also a Shepard that can guide the lost.

>-3 faith for guidance
>faith 3/15

And SO YOu cAst A messaGe InTo tHe Mind of thE CHILD.For when spirit temporarily left HER earthly vessels, you slowly slipped your TOOTH inside HER mind. Just as the LAW of Reality state that an identical materials CAN bypass each other, so does a part of your faith with HER. You implant your will onto HER.

>WHAt is YOur MEssage Dear GUArdiAN?

This house is a sanctum for the faithful, and I am your Guardian Angel. Pray to the Lord and the Lord shall answer through me.Tell your father for he is one of the faithful and we shall work to save your family. You will find a favored seat in heaven for you, protected always.
This sounds great.
Alrighty then, writing.

In the underdeveloped dream of a young child, where faces of her families gathered and her favorite food flows like wine.


And suddenly a light shine in front of her. A brilliant and beautiful soft light in the form of a fetus.

CHilD...HeED me FOr this house is a SAnctum for the FAIThFUL, and I am your GUARDIAN ANGEL. Pray to the Lord and the Lord shall answer through me.Tell your FATHER for he is one of the faithful and we shall work to SAVE your family. You will find a FAVORED seat in heaven for you, PROTECTED always.

And like a hot brand, the message was forcefully imprinted into Brianna's mind. The pain jolt her into consciousness and it lingers for quiet some times. She screamed and cried as the worried mother run towards her.


"There,there my baby girl..",Anna tried to sooth her,"Momma's he- blood?"

A small trickle of blood fall from her nose and Anna quickly wipe it with her cloth. Anna smile thinking the silly girl bumped into something.

YoU WaTched As the girLs went down to Prepare for DINNER.

James' blessing has diminished but not his good mood as John kept telling stories about how he and his father play some catch on the dinner table. Rick just nod while playing with his phone while Anna attentively listen to her son and Bree plays with her food beside her.

"That was a very interesting game John. I wish your brother would do the same", She remark as Rick rolled his eyes." Oh, and James dear, I think we need a bigger room for Bree. She bumped her nose while sleeping"

"Really now? Is my poor baby hurt?"

"nu-uh. The light says you are a faithful"

Slowly the dinner table turned silent as they watched Bree nonchalantly played with her food

"C-could you repeat that? Honey", James swallow his nervousness

"He said that you are faithful and he said to pray more so you can be saved", Bree continues as if perfectly reading a script," He says that we are protected and this house is the sanctum of the faithful".

"Who said that, Brianna?"

"The Guardian Angel" she scream cheerfully.

The table went silent for a full 5 minute until John break the Ice.

" That is one heck of a dream,Bree"

And the Holler family let out a nervous laughter. After the dinner, Anna scold her husband for excess 'religious bullshit' but it does not deter James' faith

That night,James began to pray harder and kissed Bree goodnight before he went to bed. He is truly blessed.

> +2 faith and +3 Fanaticism

YoU Watch As a Small TeAr began to formed In the FamilY

>What WIll You DO OH Guardian?

>Faith (3/15)

>USe guidance
>Skip to morning
>Write In
>Skip to morning

We're running low as it stands, if we go to 0 do we automatically go into hibernation?
>Skip to morning
Almost similar state
You will go into starving mode where you have to gain sustenance in 2 night or you will 'vanished'.
It also break your perception so you missed out the relevant clues

Alright, posting the result for today's work

>The Holler family:
James Holler- The father(faithful) (generate 1 faith everyday)(fanaticism 5/20)
Anna Holler- The mother (sinful)
Rick Holler-Elders son(sinful)(death marked)
John Holler- The middle son (Atheist)
Brianna Holler- youngest daughter (faithful due to baptism) (generate 1 faith)

Suspicion meter: 5%

>Faith gathered: 5 (3+2) . (3% until upgrade)
>Faith owned:3/15

>Bank the faith for upgrade or used it for our sustenance?

DOin pretty good there. Be careful not to mindbreak the girl

Bank 2 for upgrade, use 3 for sustenance

I am thinking we use guidance on the Father and take the chance have him hang more fetters around the house

As the night turn to dawn, you quickly devour your sustenance. It keep you sane. It keep you to work the Lord's work but you invest some in your head.

>+2 faith
>Faith owned:6/15

After a morning prayer and a breakfast, James went to work while the brothers play outside. Anna let her daughter sleep and start to clean the house. While humming and cleaning the living room, she looked at an old cross on the wall. Still a bit disturbed from the previous night, she ripped the cross from its place and threw them to the bin

>Lost the sanctuary in the living room

The sun slowly rise to the sky and a knock can be heard. Anna quickly opened the door and greet the electric technician. With a lustful eyes she let him enter to fix the house but the unknown man stayed for extra hours to defile your blessed house. The sight and smell of sin disgust you.

>-1 faith

>What will you do ?
>leave it (timeskip)
>Bless someone
>Use guidance on Bree again
>Scare that repairman
You are not strong enough to alter the human reality and your ability is only guidance and blessed
QM I have trouble seeing where you can take this quest. With how scarce faith is, and how fast it is being lost everyday, we cannot do things without draining ourselves dry. We can't even be assured that our spent faith will work either. Unless we spend the next week doing nothing or constantly skirting empty while the family tears itself apart (while also tearing apart the house and losing us faith) I don't know what you expect us to do.

tl;dr: We lose faith too fast to be effective, and we don't have powers that allow for flexibility. The faith mechanic is interesting, but the resource is currently so scarce it both takes the fun out of this and leaves us unable to actually haunt them. Do you have any plans to change that or are we playing wrong/fucking up terribly?
>That night use guidance on James Holler. Tell him he is one of the faithful and blessed. Tell him that he needs to replace the icons his wife has cast away.
Switching to this.
The outsider class have this disadvantage since it is the difficult class but you guys are beginning to to play it right. Unlike other classes, they have great abilities but

The guardian angel is pretty reliant on faith but miracles is also a powerful tool when used correctly. I know you guys have difficulty in this because as i see it, you guys are still experimenting and you guys must be viciously cunning

I can feel the quest slow pace and i am planning to ramp it up after this third night.

Other than that, ill try to meditate with this problem
And this is the level 2 difficulty. If you get the level 3 difficulty, you will have a family of atheists.

anyways, writing

Seconding this, need to get our fetters back and once we have greater control of him we can use the infidelities to convince him to cleanse her

With Anna quickly dispose her infidelity evidence, the boys went home for supper while Bree woke up from her nap. Nothing seems to happen today and the Hollers slowly forget about the event beforehand as James went home.

>Suspicion meter reduced

After a rarely delicious dinner from Anna, The Hollers went to sleep and so does your work began. The effect of your works are beginning to show itself as you can easily slide your tooth inside James mind.

>(no faith lost due to fanaticism increase)

His dream was a simple one. To dream of healthy family and a blessed one. To be saved in the Grace of the Lord. Such a simple creature he is. Slowly he heard a soft voice and like a beautiful chorus of thousand singing children, he listen.

Blessed and Faithful James. It is I, the Guardian Angel. You must remember after the first night that you are rewarded with your blessings and now i must give you a task to replace the lost icons in the house. DO this and you shall be awarded

James nod vigorously.

"It shall be done, your Holiness" James mumble in his sleep

>Do you wish to add information about his wife's infidelity?

Not yet, he needs to be a bit more fanatic first
And so you left him to sleep. He might have a bit of a headache but his mind is developed enough to receive your message clearly as if he was waiting for you.

>+5 fanaticism

Ignorance is bliss, after all.

>The Holler family:
James Holler- The father(faithful) (generate 1 faith everyday)(fanaticism 10/20)( easier to 'convince' now)
Anna Holler- The mother (sinful)(sin: Lust, infidelity)
Rick Holler-Elders son(sinful)(death marked)
John Holler- The middle son (Atheist)
Brianna Holler- youngest daughter (faithful due to baptism) (generate 1 faith)

Suspicion meter: 4%

>Faith gathered: 3 (5% until upgrade)
>Faith owned:6/15

>Bank the faith for upgrade or used it for our sustenance?

You felt James faith as you left the room. It is dazzling as the first light of creation and it empowers you. Such a bountiful harvest. Praise the lord.

>James fanaticism gave you a minor strength. What do you want to power up?
>Increase sustenance to 20
>Healing ( eliminating small wounds. Uses 3 faith)
>Sign ( bend a small part of reality such as creating light to show them something, uses 5 faith)
>Watch (give the power to analyze and what the sheep are thinking, uses 5 faith)
>Whispers ( let your words flow into the sheep's mind, uses 5 faith)
>Write-In ( The miracle are the positive forces of the world. Write the name and effect and ill see how much faith needed)

HAve fun discussing what to choose. Ill need to buy some food

Bank 1, Keep 2

I am torn between Healing and Sign, sign will be useful for stuff like pointing out the wife's Lust but healing is a very direct and obvious miracle that might be able to sway the Atheist
>Faith: 8/15 (6% until upgrade)

Healing and sign it is then. SHould i flip a coin or do you need more time?

Go with Healing if you could please, nothing quite so obvious as that
Sorry. Just done with food.

Healing it is then
I think ill rest for a while and try continue early.
Ill set the pace faster in the next day.
Thank you for playing and i love to get feedbacks.
Thank you for running
Oh and post any questions ya want. ill try to answer them the best i can

Thanks for running, so what sort of actions would the Atheist kid have to take before we deemed him irredeemable?
An outright declaration of God's questionable existence...or where he goes cursing on God and ripping all the religious icons. Thing that makes religious people pissed

Other than that, he is harmless but highly defended. You can feed the Curious days with an Atheist
Thread posts: 99
Thread images: 2

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