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Kamen Rider Quest #1

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Thread replies: 268
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Tokyo, Japan, modern times. Your country has had a long history of being visited by many beings for various reasons. Sometimes, its people from other parts of the world. Other times, however, it is a bit more “foreign. Monsters, or “kaijin” as they are called in your native tongue, have always been a threat for the last few decades. However, these threats have always been beaten back by the heroes of your country, most famously the Kamen Riders, heroes well known for their motorcycle riding and their ability to fell these beasts with a mighty kick.

In recent times, however, the number of kaijin invasions have drastically decreased, and peace seems to be returning to Japan. However, lurking in the shadows, a new evil is preparing to spread its darkness across the Japan, and maybe even the world.

This is where your story begins. Who are you?
>Jun Kaseki, 23, an inspiring paleontologist who has currently taken up work at a Museum famous for its fossil selection

>Kenta Akimoto, 19, a mechanic who works at a motorcycle repair shop and has experience in riding various vehicles

>Naomi Ichimonji, 21, a NEET who idolizes the Kamen Riders and is trying to find her place in the world

>Kenta Akimoto, 19, a mechanic who works at a motorcycle repair shop and has experience in riding various vehicles
>Kenta Akimoto, 19, a mechanic who works at a motorcycle repair shop and has experience in riding various vehicles
>Kenta Akimoto, 19, a mechanic who works at a motorcycle repair shop and has experience in riding various vehicles
Motorcycle Repairman it is. Writing now
>Kamen Rider Quest
Watching Optimistically.

Also glad we didn't pick the girl, that's a death sentence.
How so?
Electro-Wave Human Tackle.

'nuff said.
Female Riders always die, barring like one or two exceptions.
The Sun’s rays shine on your face as you groggily wake up from your slumber. As you wipe your eyes, you look around your sparsely decorated room before looking at your clock… which reads 7:10. “Crap, I’m late”, you yell as you begin to quickly prepare yourself for work, throwing on some jeans, a T-shirt with a Shooting Star on it, and an old leather jacket before rushing outside. As you run down the streets towards your job, dodging and weaving through those who share the sidewalk with you, you lightly bump into a lady carrying a rather large bag, knocking it off her. You stop and look at the bag before look up to see the lady who dropped it, oblivious to what has happened. Whatever is in the bag is heavy as you try to lift it up, so you assume it must be important for the woman to be running with it so frantically.

What will you do?
>Pick up the bag and return It to its proper owner. Whatever it is seems to be very important

>Leave the bag and continue to work. Whatever is inside can wait, you’re late enough as is.

>Take the bag with you to work. Maybe what’s inside can benefit you.


Female riders have a very long track record of either dying or having misfortune thrown at them
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if you feel up to writing us in: we choose Naomi Ichimonji.
>Pick up the bag and return It to its proper owner. Whatever it is, it seems to be very important
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we are not afraid. come what may. we shall survive.
>Pick up the bag and return It to its proper owner. Whatever it is seems to be very important

How can we (eventually) call ourselves a Rider if we do not do the right thing? Furthermore, we were the ones who caused her to lose it in the first place.
>Pick up the bag and return It to its proper owner. Whatever it is seems to be very important
Nice guy locked in. Writing now
What kind of a man would you be if you didn’t try to help out a lady who dropped something important? Besides, it is your fault that this event to occur in the first place. You pick up the bag, carefully placing it over your shoulder, as you run towards the bag’s rightful owner. As you catch up to her, you tap her shoulder tap her on the shoulder, making her let out a surprised shriek. “Sorry for startling you, but you had dropped this earlier when I had bumped into you” you say with a bashful smile as you hand the bag over to her. She looks at the bag, then at you, then back to the bag several times before taking the bag from you, “Thank you for bringing this back to me” she says, “My superiors would’ve had my head on a platter if I had forgotten this”. As she is speaking, you are able to get a better look at the person you just helped. Standing at about 5’ 5”, she’s definitely shorter than you, who has always been considered a little tall. She’s wearing a simple black business suit with a white shirt, with her black hair slightly above her shoulders. She stops talking for a brief second before saying, “How rude of me to not introduce myself before blathering off! My name is Chika. Chika Yatsude” she says as she extends out her hand. “Kenta Akimoto” you reply as you shake her hand. “Well thank you very much Mr.Akimoto, but I have to hurry to work” she says as she begins to head towards her job. Her words remind you of your own situation as you look at your phone to check the time. It’s now 7:45. You begin to freak out as you hurtle yourself down the street. “The boss is going to kill me!” you repeatedly think as you hurry towards your job.

You finally reach your job, the repair shop simply called “Hopper’s repair shop”, you try to quietly sneak to your designated work area, hoping that your boss hadn’t noticed your tardiness. Before you even take your second step in the door, you hear a loud “Kenta!” to your left as a 6’0”, gruff, middle-aged man walks towards you, obviously not very happy with you. “Kenta Akimoto,” your boss, Akiji Tachibana, bellows, “where the hell have you been!”. “You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago, and we are already swamped with customers who are growing impatient with our service! You better have an excellent reason for why you’re late and why I shouldn’t fire you right now!”

How do you respond?
>Tell him the full story, leaving in every detail

>Tell him what happened, but exclude your encounter with Chika

>Try to come up with a lie to get him off your back (roll 1d20 for the effectiveness of the lie)

>>Tell him the full story, leaving in every detail
Sorry boss.
>Tell him the full story, leaving in every detail
Locked in. Writing
>Tell him the full story, leaving in every detail

Virtue of being a Tachibana alone, he probably is very understanding despite the gruff exterior.
Well what do we have here? Interesting....
>Tell him the full story, leaving in every detail
We good guy Kenta, who can't catch a break.
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You tell him all of the details of the events prior to you arriving at work, his face at first irritated as you tell him you overslept, but he appears to calm down as you recall the event of how you helped out Ms.Yatsude. “So, your late cause you were helping a lass out, eh” Tachibana says with a soft chuckle, “It would be heartless of me to fire you for being a good Samaritan”. “Thank you, sir,” you reply, barely hiding the smile on your face as you hear how you won’t be losing your job. “Alright, Alright, now get to work ya lazy bum!” Tachibana belts as he gives you a hearty push on the back, moving you towards your work area. As you begin working on your first car, your mind starts to wander towards the events that lead to you being late. “What was in that bag that was so important? Why was that girl, Chika, in such a tasked to deliver such an important object by herself”? The questions swirl around in your head, as the minutes turn into hours, and before you know it the day is over. As you wipe of the dirt and grime that cover your body and begin to head home, Tachibana stops you. “Come here kid, I’ve got something for you” he says as he directs you towards the back of the repair shop, where you see something covered up by a large cloth. “You’ve been one of my longest, and best, workers, but you’re always late” Tachibana says as he walks towards the cloth “So, I decided to get you a little present for all your hard work”. As he removes the cloth, you gasp as it reveals a white and black Suzuki GSX-R600, and seems to be in great condition. “I… I… how much did this cost you? Why all of this for me” you stammer out, still shocked by what is in front of you. “Don’t worry about all of that” Tachibana says, smiling at how shocked you were “I used to collect motorcycles, and I knew you used to be a motorcycle rider before your old bike gave up on you”. “Thank you, sir, but how am I supposed to repay you for this?” you say, still lightly stunned by the events that have occurred in front of you. “The only payment I need” Tachibana says, with a fire in his eyes, “Is for you to no longer be late, you hear me?”.
You wave boss goodbye as you hope onto your new motorcycle. Excitement fills your head as single question begins to form in your head.

Where to you want to head to now?
>Head home immediately. It’s been a long day and you need some rest

>Try to find out where Chika works so you can find out what she was carrying

>Just Drive around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)

>Write in

Pic is our new bike
>Just Drive around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)
Roll now or after?
>>Just Drive around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)
>Just Drive(?) around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)
Surely the most fitting way we can show our new bike the appreciation it deserves is to take it for a ride?
>Just Drive around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)

On a side note, could you separate the text into paragraphs when able? Reading mass wall like that is rather hard at times to read, especially when dialogue is being said.
>>Just Drive around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)
Roll now
Sure thing, I'm fairly new to this so any feedback is greatly appreciated
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Just Drive around and see what you can find (roll 1d20 for results)

A nice drive to break in our new ride is always welcome. We might even find something interesting along the way.
... or not. Sunnuvabitch.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Paragraphs would be cool. still fun so far though
Locked in writing now

We are an awful biker...
Hoping that was the Finding Roll and not the Riding Roll.
What we lack in skill, knowledge, and talent; we make up for in enthusiasm!

Why it cannot be both? As in we find something that destroys our bike? Being attacked by monsters while not having Rider power yets is quite common.
So we die and get rebuilded[?] as a rider?
You're assuming the worst way too early.
Nah man, obviously we run over rider, who then tells us we have to take over his mantle. It's like the Santa Clause.
It’s not too late, so why not ride around the city in order to break in your new bike? As you start to move, your bike almost immediately falls down, slamming you into the ground. “Oww” you groan as you pick up yourself and your bike, remembering that it has been a while since you had been on a motorcycle. You begin to get on your bike again, this time being a bit more careful. The bike wobbles at first, but you manage to stay on the bike this time as your race down the road, the wind blowing through your hair.

As you drive around, you hear a strange noise coming from one of the alleys near you. You turn towards the alley, your bike’s headlights revealing a heavily injured man lying on the ground. Immediately, you hop off your bike and head towards the injured man. “Hey, are you okay? What happened?” you say looking side to side as you approach the injured man. When you get close the man suddenly screams “Get away from me! You get hurt too!” You stop, the man’s word’s confusing you before a figure lands, no hangs, in front of you.

In between you and the injured man is an utterly disturbing combination of a man and a spider, its six yellow eyes all looking at you with… hunger, as its four extra limbs begin to move in glee. “We can’t have any witnesses to what has occurred” the man-spider says with a high pitched, raspy voice, “so, my little insect, you must be eliminated.” The monster’s words strike fear in your heart as you consider what you should do next

All choices require a roll of a 1d20:
>Get on your bike and run away. You can’t possibly beat this thing

>Fight the monster. It wouldn’t suspect you to try to fight it, so you could get the jump on it

>Try to reason with the monster. Find out what we can learn from it and maybe not die at the same time


It was a combination of both, you bruised yourself pretty badly
>>Fight the monster. It wouldn’t suspect you to try to fight it, so you could get the jump on it
>Fight the monster. It wouldn’t suspect you to try to fight it, so you could get the jump on it

Literally jump on it and punch it in the head, spiders suck.
>Fight the monster. It wouldn’t suspect you to try to fight it, so you could get the jump on it
>Rev up the bike and ride it at the monster, and jump off it as it hits it.
>Try to reason with the monster. Find out what we can learn from it and maybe not die at the same time
Keep it talking, and maybe we might find an opening. As it is, we haven't anything to fight it effectively with.
>Try to reason with the monster. Find out what we can learn from it and maybe not die at the same time
Fight and reason are both fairly close, so i'll mix these to together. Time to roll
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Guess there's no need to roll now eh?
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

"If there's someone in need of help, I cannot call myself a man... no... I cannot consider myself a human being if I simply left them to die! In the face of evil, I will fight!"
Overall fairly good rolls writing now.

Can this be running over the monster with the bike?
We punch really hard!
While at first you are nervous, you start to calm down as you begin to devise a plan to get out of here alive. “Hey now, let’s not get hasty” you say with a smile on your face as you approach the kaijin, “Is the death sentence really necessary? Even if I tell someone what I saw, who would believe me about seeing a Spider-man combination in the middle of an alleyway at night?” The kaijin puts its “hands” upon its face, thinking about what you’ve just said before replying, “You’re right what do I have to worry about some random pest getting in the way of our plans? You make a good point, so I’ll let you good, put our friend here”, the kaijin says as he turns towards the injured man, “will be my dinner for tonight”.

Seeing the kaijin’s blatant disregard for the injured man’s life filled you with fury. “I can’t call myself a man if I would just let a man die like this!” you think as you begin to run towards the kaijin, your right fist balled up into a fist. When you get in range, you throw a punch directly at the monster’s head, your hand bouncing off the monster’s exoskeleton covered head. The mutant turns around, it eyes filled with murderous fury, “you little maggot!” it screams out as it turns to face you, “I was planning on letting you go free but you had to get in my way. Now you are going are to be on my menu too!”

The spider kaijin swings its arms at you, but you swiftly duck under his swing as you head towards your bike. As you jump on the bike and begin to accelerate, the spider kaijin charges at you, preparing to try to swipe you. You ride your bike directly into the kaijin chest, hitting it at almost 30 MPH, while at the same time jumping off the bike, kicking the beast in the head at the same time as your bike crashes into its body. As your foot slams into the kaijin’s eyes, you use its face as a jump pad, pushing off its face to flip and land on the ground. As the kaijin reels in pain after getting simultaneously ran over and kicked in the face, you try to run at the monster for another hit, but the injuries from your crash earlier combined with the amount of force you used for that kicked causes your leg to give out for a split second.

As you winch in pain, your combatant, hobbling towards you says “I’m impressed! For a mere bug to be able to injure me this much… I’m sure that the commander wouldn’t mind me bringing you in.” The kaijin begins to approach you, its fangs shining in the night’s light, some sort of fluid dripping from their ends.

Roll 1d20 to see if you can escape the Spider-man.
Kick you mean.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Fall back on the age old escape device.
>Pocket Sand
He has eight eyes, so it'll be eight times as effective.
Rolled 17 (1d20)


How fast a Kamen Rider does rescue us you mean. All monsters have over regular human stats and with injuries and without a bike even with a 20 we can only hope for a rescue or at least a really good distraction.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Nuh-uh, we're not getting the SHOCKER treatment just yet!
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Sand? Were? We are not in the beach. and is not like we near a contruction site.
Not Sand. Pocket Sand, Cha, Cha, Cha.
Nice rolls, writing the final post of today

We didn't pick a character who eould carry stuff like that. We are a mechanic not a yankee.
Everyone has accumulated grit inside their pocket that can be used as pocket sand.

Also, please don't determine what we would and would not carry yourself. You're not the QM, he's the only one rightfully who should be telling us if an idea is or isn't acceptable.
Sorry no sand but hopefully what i used instead will satisfy you
Just a suggestion, but if you're going to do more threads in the future, it might be a good idea to think up a name.
The kaijin’s words brings you distress as it approaches you. “Who is this commander this thing is talking about?” you wonder as you try to come up with a plan that keeps you alive, “What will this group that this thing is a part of do with me if I let him capture me? As you kneel of the group you feel in your jacket, hoping that you left something in there from work. “Yes!” you think as you grab the familiar piece of metal in your jacket pocket.

“Please be still”, the kaijin coos, “this will only hurt for a moment”. As the kaijin lower’s its head to bite you, you remove the metal wrench from within your picket and hit it in one of its eyes with all the strength you can muster. The wrench slams into the monster’s eyes with enough force to force it shut, as the kaijin howls and pain, cursing you at the same time. Seeing your chance, you hop on your bike and ride off as fast as you can, trying to put as much distance as possible between you and that… thing. As you ride towards your home, you try to make sense of everything that you just witnessed. The injured man you left behind, the monster you somehow fought off, and that somehow this was a part of a bigger plot. But the biggest question on your mind was who do you tell about what you just witnessed tonight. These questions continue to float in your head as you attempt to fall asleep.


Thanks you all for participating, i'll be running again tomorrow afternoon. Tell me what you guys thought about the quest so far. Any feedback is greatly appreciated
Thank you for running
So every one could say he's railroading for not allow it?
Thanks for running. Might want to pick up a name and trip so we know it's you next time?
Thanks boss when can you run again?
No problem, and thanks for the reminder about using a trip

I'll probably be up and running around 4pm EST
Now if i could remember to actually use a trip this time that would be nice
Same thread?
Testing out the bbcodes?
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Super Hero Time.png
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Kamen Rider Quest will begin in about 30 minutes
Yep you caught me
Last Time on Kamen Rider Quest

You are Kenta Akimoto, a mechanic working in Tokyo, Japan. After a series of events that led to you being late to work, as well as being chewed out by your boss, you are given a brand-new motorcycle as a reward for your hard work. Deciding to test out your new bike, you ride around the city before finding a heavily injured businessman in an alleyway. You soon discover that the man was assaulted by the Spider Kaijin, a member of a mysterious organization with mysterious goals. After a close fight, where you rammed your bike into the monster as well as temporarily blinding it with a wrench you had left in your jacket, you escape, trying to make sense of everything you had just experienced as you make it home.

Now Back to the story

The sound of your buzzing alarm clock awakes you from your troubled sleep as you try to find the button to shut it off. You struggled to fall asleep as the events of the prior night haunted your dreams. As you put on your pants, a plain blue shirt, and your jacket, trying your best to hide the injuries you sustained from the bike falling on you and the fight with the Spider Kaijin, you consider what you should do next. “Should I tell someone?” you think as you head towards your new bike, fortunately not visibly damaged from yesterday’s events, “Who would I tell?” As you hop on your bike, the conflicting decisions begin to wear on you mentally.

What will you do?
>Tell Tachibana. He’s the person you trust the most right now, and he would be less likely to call you insane.

>Tell the police. You DID see a murder last night, and you can potentially back up your claim with your injuries.

>Find Chika. You think you saw a similar logo on the man’s suit that you saw on the bag she dropped, so maybe the company she works for may know something.

>Ride around to clear your mind. You won’t be able to function properly with all these thoughts swirling around your head, and the ride would give you extra time to think

>Write in
>>Tell Tachibana. He’s the person you trust the most right now, and he would be less likely to call you insane.
>>Tell Tachibana. He’s the person you trust the most right now, and he would be less likely to call you insane.
>Tell Tachibana. He’s the person you trust the most right now, and he would be less likely to call you insane.
Maybe he has friends who are on the force?
Locked in. Writing
>Tell Tachibana. He’s the person you trust the most right now, and he would be less likely to call you insane.
>Find Chika. You think you saw a similar logo on the man’s suit that you saw on the bag she dropped, so maybe the company she works for may know something.

I'd go for a combo of both of these. Tell Tachibana first, and once our shift's over, we see if we can't locate Chika.
Aw dangit.
After a few minutes of thinking, you decide that going to see Tachibana would be your best plan of action. You ride to the repair shop, parking in the back before entering the building to see your boss. “Hey you’re actually on time…” Tachibana says, his smile quickly becoming a worried frown, “Hey what happened to ya? How’d you get all bruised up in only one day?” You tell Tachibana about the events of the prior evening, the crash, the injured man, and the encounter with the Spider Kaijin. As you tell him the story, Tachibana’s face visibly grows paler and more concerned, especially as you mention the monster attack.

“I’m sorry that happened to you Kenta, and I hope that you didn’t get too banged up.” Tachibana says as he begins to pace around the room, deep in thought. “I came to you because I needed some advice on what I should do next” you say, Tachibana stopping as he hears this. “Wait here” Tachibana says as he runs towards his desk, opening the various drawers and shuffling through them. As he is looking through the various objects he has, Tachibana says “my family has had a history of getting involved in the conflict between good and evil. You can say that it is a curse of us Tachibanas.”. “What are you…” you begin to say before a loud cry of success from your boss interrupts your train of thought. He hands you a piece of paper while saying “This is the address of a… certain friend of mine. Don’t mind his attitude, he can be a little rough around strangers, but if you tell him I sent you, he should simmer down a little” “Also be sure to go to him before it gets too dark. I don’t want you getting ambushed or anything” Tachibana says as he motions for you to get to work.

You thank Tachibana as head towards your work area, trying to finish up as quickly as possible. After you finish you shift, you hop on you bike and look at the time. It’s still fairly early, so you should have some time to kill.

Where to now?
>Head to Tachibana’s friends place immediately. The faster you go there, the less likely it is of an incident occurring.

>Head somewhere else first. Maybe you can find something that may benefit you later. (specify where)


Now's your chance
>Head to Tachibana’s friends place immediately. The faster you go there, the less likely it is of an incident occurring.
No time to dally
>Head somewhere else first. Maybe you can find something that may benefit you later. (specify where)
Home to pick up whatever may constitute as an item of self-defense, and to whatever seedier friends place to leave behind what could a last will and testament on a deadman switch.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Welp we got tie so i guess i'll flip for this one
You decide to head home first before going to see Tachibana’s friend. You arrive home and as you get closer to the door, you see that it is ajar. As you run into your home, you see that almost everything has been turned over, as if someone was looking for something. You look through your apartment, trying to see if you were robbed, but discovering that nothing seems to have been stolen. “Why would someone break into here if they weren’t trying to steal something” you wonder as you head towards your bedroom. As you enter you stop dead in your tracks, as on your pillow you see a message written in what appears to be… webs, reading “My little insect, I hope you aren’t to share our little secret, because if you are, I’ll have to kill you.

As read the message, your blood starts to run cold as you the implications of the message start to flood your head. “Whoever this thing working for knows where I live, and how knows what else” you think as you begin to grab things you think may help you out: the metal wrench you used yesterday, some money you’ve been saving up for a while, a switchblade your father gave you when you were 16, and several other things you shove into the various pockets. The gravity of the situation begins to weigh down on you as you consider what to do next. You consider the high likelihood of your death occurring soon. Your family lives far away in a rural area, and work made it difficult to make any friends. Well except for one, being Karen Onodera, who you haven’t spoken to in a while after a certain incident.

Where will you go?
>Tachibana’s friend. You’ve wasted enough time, it’s time to get help before anything worse happens

>Karen. After these string of events it might be a good idea to wind down with somebody, and it would be safer to be with someone else than alone

>Tachibana’s friend. You’ve wasted enough time, it’s time to get help before anything worse happens
>>Tachibana’s friend. You’ve wasted enough time, it’s time to get help before anything worse happens
We rider now.
Lock on. Writing
Oh, glad i didn't missed it.
“I’ve waited for long enough” you think as you hop on your motorcycle, preparing yourself for what might come next, “It’s time for me to go look for that friend of Tachibana.” You input the address that the boss gave you in your phone before riding down the road. After about 30 minutes of riding around, you finally arrive at a secluded house in the middle of the countryside. As you get closer to the door, you see a familiar symbol on the door, the same symbol that is used as the logo on the repair shop you work at. You ring the door bell, hoping that the man is home as you didn’t see any vehicle in front of the house. After waiting about 10 minutes, you start to try to ring the doorbell again, but the rumble of a motorcycle catches your attention. The bike is old, but it seems that it has been kept in excellent condition, with some of the older parts even being replaced with their modern equivalents. “What are you doing here!” the rider yells as he gets off his bike and approaches you. The man, while older, has an unusual sense of timelessness about him, as if he is more than a man.

“I asked you a question, if you don’t answer question I will not hesitate to force you out of here” the man says, his dark eyes piercing through your body, as if he was evaluating your soul at this very moment. “Tachibana!” you shout, startling the man, “I mean, Tachibana sent me here as he said you had experience in a certain problem I’ve been facing”. The shock on the man’s soon fades, being replaced with a relaxed, yet still slightly irritated expression. At last, the man says “So that fool Akiji sent you here eh. Come in, it would be best if we discussed your ‘problem’ inside” As he says this he opens the door, motioning you inside. As you enter the house, you realized that the rather drab exterior of the house severely underplayed the ornate interior, which had various do doodads the man had gathered throughout his life. As he motions to a chair at his table the old man say “Right, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Goro Fujioka”. You give you name to the man after his rather cold introduction, Fujioka rubs his chin before saying “Kenta’s your name eh. Akiji had mentioned you before, and pretty highly at that, so I guess I can trust you”. Fujioka suddenly turns to face you while saying “Now than, why don’t we begin our little talk”

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You begin to recap the events of the prior night and this afternoon, not leaving out a single detail, as Goro nods and takes notes, all with a very grim expression on his face the entire time. As you finish your story, Goro looks up from what he had written and says “So I guess they have returned.” “They?” you reply with a confused on your face, “Just who are you talking about?” “For years, an organization has threatened the world as we known, with plan on ruling over all with an iron fist. The have gone by many names, but their original name was “Shocker”. “Shocker” you say, the word brings back memories of the past “but weren’t they defeated by the legendary seven kamen riders?” “Yes, they were,” Goro says with a blank, sad expression on his face, “but evil always finds a way to revive itself. I have lost many loved ones due to the schemes of Shocker and its ilk.” “I have grown old, and I’m finding it harder to be able to even consider myself fighting again” Goro says as he rising from his chair walking towards the entrance to what appears to be a cellar “But I think I have something that should help keep you safe.”

As you wait for Goro to return you hear the shattering of the windows around you as several figures land in front of you. The large majority of the invaders are dressed up in a black outfit, the design on them imitating that of a skeleton. In the front of these oddly dressed men, however, is a familiar face. The Spider kaijin stares at you, a creepy smile, or as close to a smile as a spider head can make, slowly creeps on its face. “So, this is where you went, ” the monster cackles, “I see you decided to go against my advice and sought out help. And from one of our old enemies at that! ” “What does Shocker want with me?” You yell to the kaijin, “What interest would you fiends have in me” “Shocker? ”, the kaijin says before laughing, “ we abandoned those old fools years ago! We are the conquerors of life itself! We are Genome! ” As the kaijin announces the name of their organization, the “troopers” raise up a black flag with a sinister Skull and crossbones, with the bones below the skull being replaced with warped strands of DNA.

The leader would be most please if I would eliminate the two of you, my little insect, some our little game of predator and prey will now reach its end! ” the kaijin says as it charges towards you, fanged bared and its six arms prepared to attack.

What will you do?
>Assume an offensive stance; you are the only one right now who can beat this thing

>Assume a blocking stance; you’ll try to hold out as long as you can so that Goro can return with whatever he was getting

>Prepare to dodge; let’s try to avoid adding more injuries to the ones we already have, and it will likely wear the monster down


Pic related is the symbol from last post
>Assume a blocking stance; you’ll try to hold out as long as you can so that Goro can return with whatever he was getting
>>Assume a blocking stance; you’ll try to hold out as long as you can so that Goro can return with whatever he was getting
A defensive stance with counter attacks. Use the counters against the soldier's and defend/dodge spider-face attacks.
Defense locked in. Roll 1 d20 for results
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Old riders guide my dice!
The dice have spoken. Writing now
Well the old riders can't defeat the Geonome. Let's join then maybe we can become some cool kaijin
Dam...now i want to watch some tokusatsu...
As the kajin charges at you, you assume a defensive stance in order to stall as long as possible so Goro can return with whatever he was trying to get from downstairs. As the Spider kaijin tries to sink its fangs into you, you deftly dodge out of the way, ending up behind the monster. A swift kick sends the kaijin into the ground as the troopers begin to charge at you, 6 in total. The first mook throws a punch, but you duck out the way at the last second, causing him to hit another mook, knocking him to the floor. Two more troopers rush at you, but as you try to dodge out of the way, two more are successful in grabbing and restraining you.

Excellent work, nucleotides! ” the spider kaijin says as it rises from the floor and walks towards you, “ Well end last words, my little pest? ”. “Genome, nucleotides, the DNA on your flag” you say with a light smirk on your face, “whoever is the head of your organization must really be a fan of genetics for names this poor.” “Well would you look at that ” the spider kaijin says as it runs one of its arms along your face “seems like our prey is a comedian. Suddenly, the kaijin punches you directly in the stomach, taking all the air from your lungs, the only things keeping you from collapsing being the two nucleotide troopers’ tight grip on your body. “ What a beautiful noise! Now let me hear even more of you lovely voice ” the kaijin says before sinking its fangs directly into your shoulder. You scream with the reaming strength you have, as the kaijin’s fangs begin to inject a fluid into your bloodstream.

As the kaijin finishes sinking its fangs into your shoulder, the troopers suddenly let go of you, causing you to fall to the ground, gasping for breath. As you rise to your feet, the spider kaijin looks at you mockingly and says “ Oh, so you’re still able to stand I see. But I wonder… how long can you stay on your feet? ” As if on command, your body suddenly gives out on you, causing you collapse to the ground. You try to rise again, but despite your best efforts, your body refuses to listen to your command. “ having some difficulty down there? ” the spider says patronizingly as he looks down at your barely moving body “My fangs secrete a toxin that can paralyze an elephant!” The monster stepping on you back, the pain barely registering as you prepare for what might be your end.

At that moment, a figure emerges from the Cellar! You struggle to turn your head to look as you see a masked figure standing in front of you, holding a package in its hand. The costume the figure is wearing reminds you of the ones the double riders wore, being a very simple design, with a black arms and legs with a green stripe wrapping around each limb, the torso was also green, imitating a muscular chest, complete with six pack. The grasshopper obviously inspired the helmet, with its twin antennae, large, red compound eyes, and mouth guard. “ Just who the hell are you ” the spider kaijin yelled out, obviously irritated that its “meal” was interrupted. The figure suddenly struck a pose, thrusting his right arm across his chest, the other arm at his waist, the hand balled up in a fist, before announcing, “ I am, Kamen rider Zero! ” before rushing in to attack the members of Genome.
The first two mooks, who were caught by surprise are quickly knocked out by a side kick that knocked the first mook into the other. The four other troopers, after shaking off their surprise, surround the rider, who suddenly throws the box he was holding into the air. He quickly takes down another trooper with a punch it the face, followed by a chop in the neck. The four mutant tries to punch the rider while his back is turned, but his plan backfires as the rider grabs his arm and slams him into the ground. The last two charge at the rider at the same time, only for the rider to trip the first mook, then slamming the second mook on top of the second one, defeating all six nucleotides just in time for the rider to catch the box he was carrying.

After displaying his strength, the rider faces the kaijin and plainly says “I’ll give you this one chance to run while you still can. ” The Kaijin lets out a cold laugh before saying “I’m impressed that you could even defeat my troopers. But I doubt you have the energy needed to beat me old man! ” The two begin to clash, block and dodging each other blows one after the other. However, this stalemate begins to break as it become apparent that the rider, no Goro, was having trouble keeping up with the kaijin as his attacks became sloppier and he would react slower to his combatant’s assaults. Eventually, the kaijin successfully land a hit on the old rider, sending him rolling along the floor, the box he was carrying land a few feet in front of you. As the Spider kaijin, begins to approach the fallen rider, preparing to end their fight, you begin to have feeling return to your limbs, allowing you to begin moving as you consider you next plan of action.

What will you do now?
>Try to reach the box; whatever is inside might help you save Goro’s life, as well as defeat this monster

>Rush at the monster from behind; you can try to give the rider enough time to get up and deliver another surprise attack
>Try to reach the box; whatever is inside might help you save Goro’s life, as well as defeat this monster
>>Try to reach the box; whatever is inside might help you save Goro’s life, as well as defeat this monster

So Op, did you have multiple rider paths planned out?

Holy shit, a Rider Quest! Instant following.

>>Rush at the monster from behind; you can try to give the rider enough time to get up and deliver another surprise attack.
I had multiple plans for how our character would achieve his powers, including the classic forced conversion by the evil group,a willing conversion a la super-1, use a experimental group developed by a certain company, and even us accidentally uncovering an ancient belt from times long gone. But the scenario we ended up with felt pretty unique for a rider series to me
>Try to reach the box; whatever is inside might help you save Goro’s life, as well as defeat this monster
Accept the power that is fury untamed in its release.
It is time. writing

Meant belt not group
>Try to reach the box; whatever is inside might help you save Goro’s life, as well as defeat this monster
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Belt Basis.jpg
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Mustering all the strength you can currently muster, you pull your body toward the box that Goro had pulled out from his cellar. You open the box, revealing a device slightly shorter than the length of your torso. The device is very simple, with the main body being silver with black lines running through it, in the center being what appears to be a large, red turbine, waiting to be activated. As you see the kaijin approach the injured man, your body is filled with fury as you, almost instinctively place the belt on your waist. As soon as you do, a pair of straps flight out of the sides of the buckle, securing it to your body. The noise then alerts the spider kaijin, who turns around to see you standing up, wearing a rider belt. “You should be able to even move a finger! Just what on earth are you?”, the Spider kaijin stammers, very disturbed by your resilience.

“I am the little insect that has now matured and sprouted wings!” You should as you slowing pull you left hand across your body, you right hand flat with its palm facing upwards. “I am the light that will shine on, no matter how dark the world gets. I am… a Kamen rider!” “ Henshin! ” you cry as you thrust you right arm across your body, as the turbine on your belt begins to spin wildly, creating a barrier of wind around you protecting you as your body transforms. The wind dies down as your turbine slows down to an unnoticeable hum, your transformation now complete. You can’t see yourself fully right now, but you can feel that you are no longer the same, you feel… stronger. As you finish thinking about you new form you look at the Spider kaijin, which has a terrified look on its face, and Goro, who is struggling to stand, thinking about what you will do next.

What will you do know?

>Go on an all-out offensive. You will make this monster feel all the pain and suffering it caused you and Goro

>Prioritize rescuing Goro; the kaijin is afraid of you, so you can save the old man while it is distracted


Pic and the original kamen rider's belt are the inspirations for our belt
>Prioritize rescuing Goro; the kaijin is afraid of you, so you can save the old man while it is distracted
>Prioritize rescuing Goro; the kaijin is afraid of you, so you can save the old man while it is distracted
>>Prioritize rescuing Goro; the kaijin is afraid of you, so you can save the old man while it is distracted
Rescuing our fellow rider set. writing now
>>Prioritize rescuing Goro; the kaijin is afraid of you, so you can save the old man while it is distracted
"Even if I can no longer stand! Even if my body will break! I will never stop!"
That..doesn't make one heck of sense....
Sure it does.
>You shouldn't be able to even move a finger! Just what on earth are you?”
>“I am the little insect that has now matured and sprouted wings!” “I am the light that will shine on, no matter how dark the world gets. I am… a Kamen rider!”
>"Even if I can no longer stand! Even if my body will break! I will never stop!"

Just go full showa with the speeches and justice.
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>Prioritize rescuing Goro; the kaijin is afraid of you, so you can save the old man while it is distracted
>If Goro is up to it, double-team the kaijin with him once he's back in the fight.

We don't need to make any sense! Our sense of justice is all the sense we need!
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>We don't need to make any sense! Our sense of justice is all the sense we need!
Glad to have you aboard, brother!
You rage calm a little bit after you reconsider the situation. “The kaijin is clearly scared shitless by me, and the old man is in no condition to fight right now, so you should probably get him out of the way before you try to fight of the kaijin. Immediately you take off, running several times faster than you possible could in your normal form. You quickly tackle the stunned Spider kaijin, send it careening into the wall, leaving it dazed. You rush to the elderly rider, helping him to his feet while asking “ are you alright? You got hit pretty badly out there.” “ I’m… fine… ” the elderly rider replies, despite struggling for air. As you successfully get the elderly rider on his feet, you see the Spider kaijin start to get up again. “ You should probably go back into the cellar you say to the elderly rider, “I got a feeling that I’ve got a better chance at beating this creep than you do.” The elderly rider at first tries to protest, but it seems his mind change, as he heads down into the cellar, you standing tall as you block the kaijin from trying to attack Goro.

After Goro fully enters the cellar, the kaijin smirks and says “ You’ve got some nerve saying you got a chance at beating me. Luck has been on your side for a while, but the luck… has just run out! ” You charge at the kaijin, throwing a right punch at its side, but it parries the blow with one of its extra hands, countering with a quick hook that hits you in the chest. This blow fills with anger as you grab two of the kaijin’s extra limbs, one in each hand, as you suplex the kaijin, knocking the wind out of it. You deliver a quick series of punches to the kaijin as it lays on the ground, before a kick causes it to roll along the ground. As the kaijin unsteadily begins to rise up, you think to yourself “It’s time to end this ” As you begin to prepare for one final attack.

How will you finish the kaijin (This will decide what your main finisher is)?
>Rider Kick

>Rider Punch

>Rider chop

>Combination of two (specify)

At least some people appreciate a healthy dose of over the top speeches of JUSTICE
>Rider chop
>>Rider Kick
We need to think of a name for it, but totally need our Rider Title First.

>At least some people appreciate a healthy dose of over the top speeches of JUSTICE
We picked the most showa protag, with the most showa rider origin.
Probably be abit less JUSTICE if we picked a Heisei origin.
>Rider Kick
The choice's were fairly close so going with a kamen rider black-esque chop-kick combo
Could we have our mega-finish be that powered up punch from HxH (via Gon of course)
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As you prepare to deliver the final blow to your foe, the turbine on you belt suddenly starts to spin fasters than ever. You look down to see that not only is you right hand currently surrounded by a gale of wind, your let foot is as well. “ I guess that this belt is capable of telling when I need a boost in striking power. you ponder as you consider what to do with this new technique. After a quick second of thinking, you come up with an idea, as you begin to run towards the now weakened Spider kaijin. You leap into the air, using your strength, momentum, and the wind around you hand in order to deliver a powerful chop at the kaijin shoulder, creating a gash in the monster’s side. After you land, with a might “ TOH” you leap even higher into the air, doing a flip before sticking your left leg out to deliver a powerful drop kick. Despite the kaijin’s best efforts to block the blow, your kick hits the kaijin with all of its force, forcing the Kaijin to its knees. As it struggles to stay up, spider kaijin finally mutters “What are you ?”. “Just a lowly insect ” you reply, as the Spider kaijin finally collapses. As the kaijin collapses, its body suddenly explodes, causing you to jump, but more importantly, leaving no trace of its existence behind.

As you approach the cellar you think about how much you and the world you thought you knew had changed. From the discovery of a secret organization hellbent on conquering the world, to suddenly gaining superpowers via a belt you receive from a random old man. But the one thought that goes through you mind is “I’m a Kamen rider!”

“I am Kamen rider…”
Give a name for our new rider

>Too be continued

That's all for today's session. Sorry for the long periods between updates.Being nervous combined with a cold do not make for the fastest fingers in the world.

What do you think of the story so far or what little their is right now
Thank you for running
Well, since our abilities seem to derive power from air and wind,

Kamen Rider Kaze?
Eh. It doesn't really roll off the tongue, you know? How about Kamen Rider Storm?
Zephyr? Typhoon?
"I am the wrath of the storm given form... A fighter for justice! I am Kamen Rider Bolt!"
Gust. Gale. Microburst. These could also be attack names.
That sounds more like a series, ala Power Rangers.
They do normally use the name of the main rider for the name of the season, so isn't that a plus?
No update today due to being sick. Sorry about that.

Also, I'm liking the wind related names that you guys are coming up with. Kamen rider storm is one that a really like
I like Kamen Rider Bolt myself but i can go down for Storm.
I'm more inclined for our Rider name to be Gale, it is simple and to the point. We're a Showa Rider, we're relatively normal like that.

You know, thunder...I guess.
or Hayate, which is gale.
Even more fitting.
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Feeling a bit better, so we're going to be running in about an hour
Last time on Kamen Rider Quest
After telling your boss about you encounter with the Spider kaijin, Tachibana told you the address of his friend, Goro Fujioka, who, after discovering that your house was vandalized by the Spider kaijin, decided to go see that afternoon. You go to Goro’s house and, after a rather cold introduction to the man, you go inside and tell him about the mysterious event that you had witnessed. As he leaves to grab something from his cellar that he believes can help you, The Spider Kaijin, alongside several foot soldiers break into Goro’s house. The monster reveals that it is one of the members of an organization known as Genome, a group that form after breaking off from Shocker. You stalled for time for Goro to return, but as you do the Spider kaijin manages to paralyze you. At this moment, Goro returns, having transformed into Kamen rider Zero , defeating the foot soldiers, but ultimately being defeated by Spider kaijin. As you watch Goro being defeated, you muster up your strength to reach a box that Goro had retrieved, which contained a mysterious belt. By using this belt, transform, defeating the kaijin as it explodes into nothingness. As you walk back to where Goro had retreated you begin to about how much your life has changed in just two days.

Now back to the story
You begin to climb down the ladder that leads to Goro’s cellar, worried that the man was okay after the first battle he had probably been in in years. As you enter the cellar, you look around in amazement as the room had been converted into a base of some kind, complete with several monitors that were recording several areas you recognize around the Tokyo area, including Tachibana’s repair shop. In the middle of the room was a large conference table, with Goro sitting in one of its chairs, in his normal form and covered in sweat.
As you approach the man, he gives you a pained grin as he says, “I guess that noise I heard up there was you defeating that kaijin, eh?” “Yes sir” you reply as you look his body over to make sure that he wasn’t too badly injured, “But can you tell me why that monster exploded after I defeated it? Also, what is this device you gave me?” “These evil types tend to have their minion explode after to make sure that nothing about their operation is spilled in case they get captured” Goro says as he gets closer to the belt on your waist, still spinning quite happily, “Your belt, however, has a slightly darker origin”

After taking a deep breath, Goro says “The device you are wearing was originally created by one of the incarnations of Shocker as a method of countering the Kamen riders without the need to covert people into cyborgs. The belt was going to be mass produced as a way to create an army of “Shocker riders”, if you will, as an ace in the hole against the Kamen riders. Before this could occur, the Legendary Seven Riders invaded the base, taking the belt along with its blueprints to prevent it from being used for evil.” You look down at the belt you’re wearing, shivering at the idea that it was going to be used as a weapon of mass destruction in order to try to take over the world, before asking “But if it was so dangerous, why does it still exist?” Goro gives a faint smile before saying “The riders argued about whether or not the belt should be destroyed, but an agreement was ultimately reached to hide it away, in case evil decided to rear its head again.”

As he explains the history of the belt, a single, burning, question form in your head “Why did you trust me with such a powerful device?” “I asked myself the same question as I came down here to retrieve it, but I saw a great sense of justice within you that made me believe that you would not try to misuse this power” Goro’s words resonate within in you as you look at the reflective surface of the table, getting your first good look at yourself. The belt had generated a generated a suit around your body with two, parallel white lines running diagonally across your limbs. Your helmet was a slightly darker shade of blue, with burnt orange eyes with a yellow jewel on your forehead, in between what appeared to be a pair of curved antennae. As you continue to look at yourself, the last of the adrenaline in your body leaves, as the turbine on your belt begins to slow, causing you to transform back into your normal state.

As you begin to head out, Goro gives you his number while saying “If I notice any suspicious activity, I’ll be sure to inform you. Remember kid, this power come with the promise that you will always fight for humanity and justice.” You wave goodbye to the old rider as you hop on your motorcycle and begin to ride home for a well-deserved rest. As you ride off, you begin to think of names for yourself as a rider, as you can’t go around calling yourself by your real name while trying to save the world.

What is your name?
>Kamen rider Storm

>Kamen rider Gale

>Kamen rider Bolt

>Kamen rider Gale
>Kamen rider Gale
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Kamen rider Gale it is. Hayate could work as the name for our bike. Writing

Picture is the insect our rider is inspired by, the steel-blue cricket hunter
>Kamen rider Gale
Storm is pretty good too but it could also be the name of our edgy/loner secondary.
Kamen Rider Gale, huh? Nice name.

Our basic attack names would probably be something along the lines of "Galeforce (X)!" or something like that, I'd wager.
As you continue to ride towards your home, an idea for a name pops into your head. “The turbine, the tornado when I transform, the air the powers up my strikes” you say to yourself as you pull up to your apartment complex, “ Gale sounds like the perfect name for my powers!” As you enter your still trashed apartment, dreading the amount of time that will be needed in order to fix this place up, you say “ Kamen Rider Gale huh, has a nice ring to it.” You wipe of the “message the Spider kaijin had left on your bed, thinking about what will come next as you drift off to sleep.

In a secret base in an unknown part of Japan, a meeting is beginning between four individuals and a man on a screen. The room is colored a dark metallic grey, with illumination being provided by a scanty amount of lights on the ceiling, giving the room a foreboding atmosphere. On back wall is a giant banner with the emblem of Genome on it. The first to speak is a man wearing a set of armor stylized after a cobra, who says to the man on the screen, “My lord, we have just received word from some of our troops in the field that the Spider kaijin has fallen in battle.” Before the figure on the screen, who is covered in a tattered black cloak, hiding all his features, a second voice speaks up “Good riddance!” echoing through the room, coming from a wiry man, who is sitting across from the first man, wearing a distorted version of a court jester’s garb, the combination of green and black on the suit haphazardly being mixed in his clothes, who lets out a psychotic chortle before saying “That fool had it coming to him, boasting about how he was going to rise up and become one of the admins of Genome.” “Silence!”, The man on the scream says, causing the smile on the jester’s face to immediately fade “Alichino, must I always remind you that all members of Genome, no matter how much you may disagree with them, are a necessary asset in our plans?” “Captain Geryon” the mysterious man says, now facing the armored figure, “continue with your report.” “Yes, my lord” Geryon says, quietly laughing at the embarrassed Alichino, “The kaijin was reportedly defeated by a Kamen rider who has never been seen before.”

The man on the screen thinks deeply before saying “You are dismissed; Geryon, Alichino, begin training the troops for combat.” “Yes sir” the pair reply before exiting the room, the man then turn to the remaining individuals, a woman with half of her body being mechanical, and a frankstein-esque man, pure power coursing through his body. “Invidia, Jotunn” the mysterious figure says to the pair “How is our new member doing?” He is in excellent condition, and is ready to be sent into the field at your call.” “Excellent” the man says, clearly pleased with what he has heard “Please continue with your work.” Invidia smiles and gives a bow to the screen before exiting the room, Jotunn following soon after, not making a single sound. As the last person leaves, the Don of Genome sighs before saying “We will not make the same mistakes Shocker did when it came to the Kamen riders. I will have him eliminated before he becomes a horn in my side.” As soon as he stops speaking, the screen shuts off, with the light flickering off, covering the room in darkness.
Taking a short break to eat dinner.Will be back shortly
Obligatory villain lair music:
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So our belt was created to make Shocker riders? I can't help but worry that this fact's gonna bite us later on.

Also, watching with interest.
It has now been three days since your battle with Spider kaijin. Today is your day off and as you get prepared for the day, putting on a pair of jeans, a shirt with a two x’s on it, and your jacket, you begin think about what you should do with this free day. You walk towards the door of your apartment, which has for the most part been repaired, a task that took much of your time yesterday as you tried to return the room to as close to its original state as possible. You hop on your bike, the sun shining on the gift from Tachibana, which you have begun modifying with the assistance of Goro in order to prepare it for what lied ahead for you.

What would you like to do?
>Visit someone (specify)

>Start training in your rider form

>Ride around and see what you can find

I actually hadn't thought about that. You just gave me an idea for later
>Start training in your rider form
>Start training in your rider form

Might as well see our limits before a sticky situation.
>>Start training in your rider form

>You just gave me an idea for later
Training it is. Writing
“Even though I have free time, I shouldn't slack off on my duties as a rider” you think as you rev your motorcycle, riding away. Deciding it would be train, you go to a rock quarry that sits a fair distance away from the city, thinking that any damage you cause wouldn’t affect much out here. As you hop off your bike, you grab the belt from a holster you had installed on you bike as it was too large and heavy to comfortably store anywhere on your person. As you strap on the belt, memories of your first battle begin to flood your brain, which you have used as your way of consistently triggering your transformation when your tried practicing transforming in the past. “Henshin! ” you announced as you thrust your arm across your torso, causing the turbine on your belt to spin, causing your body to transform into your rider form. After quickly looking at your new body, you say to yourself “ Let the fun begin

You decide to start your training of by testing the limitations of your new form. You first test out your speed by running as fast as you can across the width of the quarry and back, the entire trip only taking about 45 seconds, placing your top speed at around 80 MPH as the quarry was about one mile long across. Next you test out you jump height, jumping about 50 feet into the air. As you continue your experimentation, you realize that you don’t even feel tired, “ This belt is amazing! ” You think to yourself as you move on to testing you striking speed and power “I feel like a could fight for days with the help of belt!

You decide to use one of the sides of the rock quarry as the recipient of your blows. You throw a simple jab with your left hand, which leaves a small dent in the stone wall. Somewhat satisfied, you then kick the wall, which causes a loud crack noise to echo through the empty quarry. You continue you assault on the stone wall, striking faster than you thought you ever could, but you stop as you hear a barking noise. You look up to see a stray dog, its caught by some rocks. You jump up to try to save the dog, but as you do you hear something falling. That “something” being a rather large boulder, no doubt knocked free by your actions, falling towards the trapped dog. As you get closer you begin to coming up with how to free the dog.

What will you do?
>Jump up and catch the boulder; this would be a good time to see the limits of your strength

>Break the boulder and shield the dog from the resulting debris; you have no doubt that you can shatter the boulder, and you can take a much worse beating that the dog can

>Move as fast as you can to free the dog; no time for anything fancy, you have to get that dog out of the way

>Move as fast as you can to free the dog; no time for anything fancy, you have to get that dog out of the way
>>Move as fast as you can to free the dog; no time for anything fancy, you have to get that dog out of the way
>>Move as fast as you can to free the dog; no time for anything fancy, you have to get that dog out of the way
>>Move as fast as you can to free the dog; no time for anything fancy, you have to get that dog out of the way
Fast rescue it is, Writing

Also the closest thing i have to the inspiration for this series of events:
Deciding to not waste any time, you move as fast as you can, trying to reach the dog before the boulder does. As you scramble up the quarry, your turbine begins to move fasters, and you move noticeable faster, your legs being covered by wind, giving you a boost in mobility. With this increase in movement, you reach the trapped dog, freeing its leg before running out of the way. By the time you had reached the bottom of the quarry again, the boulder crashes into the spot where the dog would have been, shattering into many pieces that land haphazardly across the quarry. Seeing are is safe, you put the dog on the ground, it barks happily at you before walking away, hopefully to a place with less danger. “ I guess a belt that boosts the user’s traits when the need arises would be a useful tool in what was supposed to be a tool for conquering. ” you think to yourself as you walk towards your bike, shuddering at the prospect of someone using the device for evil. You calm your body down in order to cancel your transformation, considering your training for the time being as you take off and store your transformation device. As you sit down on your bike, you feel a slightly more prepared for whatever may come next, especially after learning that your belt can give you a boost in times of need. You consider what to do next as you begin to rev up your bike

Where to next?
>Visit someone (specify

>Go home and rest

>Ride around to see what you can find

>Visit Karen Onodera

If we can, we might find something interesting. Plus, we might be able to learn more about our estranged relationship.
>Ride around to see what you can find
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Flipping to see which option to go with
Of course I land on the option that needs you guys to roll so i can see what we get.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Whats the worst that can happen mister quads
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d200)

I'm going to mess around and see what this brings. I'll round it to whatever it would be in a 1d20.
Oh for the love of god.
That's eleven, Anon.
Two good, one okay, and one bad, what could possibly go wrong....
>Equivalent to a nat 1
This is going to be fun
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69KB, 509x238px
Only the best times for our hero.
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Godai the Kuugai.gif
439KB, 300x163px
Trust me it will be just fine.....
Are we a Showa Rider or a Hesei Rider? Showa Riders are the justiest, but Hesei Riders have some really cool stuff.

We are the "Rider mentored by an older Rider who uses the Rider Brlt created by the bad guys and might have to deal with the Belt controlling or corrupting him."
Showa, clearly. We're going MAXIMUM JUSTICE here.
We are basically Showa rider with a Showa-Hesei fusion for the origin of our powers
>Modern Era Showa Rider
OH BOY HERE WE GO. Thank Ichigo we're not in America.

Don't say Ichigo it reminds me of Bleach - -

Also America treatment of sentai series is horrible they basically horrible rewrite them, put them in awful time slots or don't show the whole series.

Even series written in America get that treatment like several cartoons... and not even for lack of popularity.
After training for a couple of hours, you decide that riding around would be a good way to wind down. Hoping on your bike you ride back into the city and going around to see if you can find anything interesting. After about 30 minutes of riding around, you end up in front of a large building with a familiar symbol. In front of you is the company where Chika works. You park your bike outside of the building as you begin to head towards the entrance. As you are about to enter the door, two burly men suddenly move in front of you barring your entrance. “What business do you have here” The man on the left says. “Uh, well, I’m…” you stutter, the realization that the building may not be open to the public suddenly hitting you. “We don’t allow just anybody to come onto our premise” the man to you right says, cracking his knuckles “Either you leave not or we force you to leave.” “Wait I… know… just… please…” You stammer out, trying to find some way to have the two let you inside, but clearly failing, your words utterly failing you. “So, I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way eh” The two say as the approach you, grabbing you by your shoulders, throwing you down off the stair that led to the inside of the building.

“Owwwww” you moan as try to get up, still sore from how hard they threw you, “come on guys, just lets me in…” As the pair begin to try to force you out again, the door to the building opens, grabbing the attention of the guards. Standing at the door was Chika, mouth wide in shock at what she was seeing. “What are you brutes doing!” She yells as she pulls the two of you, allowing you to pick yourself up. “We thought he was suspicious.” the first guard says, clearly afraid of the women in front of him, despite being much bigger than her. “This man here is one of my friends” she says as she turns to give you a wink “And you will show him the upmost respect and let enter next time, you hear?” The two quickly apologize to Chika and especially you, forcefully dusting off your body and making sure that they didn’t hurt you too badly. “Why did you help me out back there?” you ask Chika as you begin to walk to the parking lot with her. “It’s always fun to mess with those two” she replies with a light smile “Besides, now that I helped you out, I’d say we’re even now.” Feeling grateful to the women for helping you out, you come up with a way to pay her back. “How about I get you something to eat to more properly pay you back for not letting me get my ass kicked back there?” Chika barely stifles a laugh before saying “geez you could at least try to get to know me better before trying to go on a date” Your face becomes extremely red before finally saying “Ju… just get on the bike” Chika laughing at your embarrassment before complying.

The linguini, it's all over the bike seat.
>Don't say Ichigo it reminds me of Bleach - -
Ichigo is the first Kamen Rider, do not take his name in vain.

>Also America treatment of sentai series is horrible they basically horrible rewrite them, put them in awful time slots or don't show the whole series.
No, I mean we're literally a Showa Rider who fights for Justice and beats the crap out of those of the Villainous Sort. We wouldn't fly to well in America, an unnerving amount of them are too busy screaming inconsistencies and hypocrisies at each other while causing the problems they complain about to begin with. They'd hate the shit out of us for manning up and actually fighting the good fight (LITERALLY FOR "THEIR" SAKES) instead of bending over backwards for literally anyone who demands it.

>Even series written in America get that treatment like several cartoons... and not even for lack of popularity.
I'm not going to treat Japan like a Saint. Some of the stuff we bring overseas very rightfully gets modified because that shit wouldn't fly here. Of course while I care about if it flies here or not (for matters of judging character or morals), the more important thing to think about would be "Would Ichigo approve?". If Ichigo doesn't approve it isn't Just enough, so it should be fixed.

In relation: That case was a Rider Suit at the beginning, wasn't it?

We would also get shot.
Yep, that was one of the alternate method of us gaining our rider form.

For bad or worse the second one was more popular. But I am not that familiar with Kamen Rider save for Decade.

Fun thing is while Decade had the potential to be the most powerful Riders, some Riders that came after him literally make it seem that the writers are doing an overpowered SI.
As you and Chika ride to get something to eat, Chika holding on to you so tight it becomes slightly difficult to breath, you ask “so what is that company you work for and what do you do?” Chika, who was staring off into the distance, focuses on you and replies “Oh I work for Vector corporations as one of its head researchers on a very important project.” Her response makes you become curious, leading to you asking “so what is this ‘project’ you working on about?” Chika looks as if though she is about to say something before shaking her head and stating “Sorry its top secret. Company policy and all that jazz.” As you ride around, eventually you see a man standing in the middle of the street. Or what at first appears to be a man, until you realize that the being standing in front of you is far too hairy to be a human, has a tail, and the head of a wolf, its golden eyes locked on you.

You hit the brakes, stopping a good few feet in front of the kaijin. You turn around to apologize about the sudden stop, but Chika is somehow in front of you, completely enamored by the kaijin. “Wow!” She says, as she looks around the beast man “Just who made you and how? They must have been a genius! This perfect ratio of man and beast, the combination of a wolf’s ferocity and a human’s intellect!” Before she gets too close, you grab Chika pulling her back as you say “Don’t get too close to that thing. I’m certain that this thing is another creation of Genome!” The kaijin, looking genuinely offended by your comment says “ Oi, that really hurt, call me a thing an all! I am pleased that someone here can appreciate my dashing looks, but I was sent here to kill you. ” the kaijin pointing at you as finishes his last sentence. “Well whoever sent you should have given you a warning on who I am” You say as you reach for your belt. Only to grab air. You look at the holster to see that there is nothing within it.

You know, you’re right! ” the kaijin replies with a smile on its face “ that’s why I was sent here with a little back up. ” As if on cue, the air besides the kaijin begins to ripple, revealing another kaijin, this one appearing to be a chameleon hybrid, its long tongue occasionally lashing in front of it, in its hand, the belt you need in order to transform. A feeling utter terror begins to fill your body as the situation sinks in.

To be continued

Thank you to everyone for participating. As always,any feedback is appreciated. Do you guys like our main character or does he need a bit more development?
Thank you for runnign
I like the character development for now.
Thanks for running. I like our current character but more development and/or suffering is always fun
Is there a chance we get a Second Rider buddy, G3-style or Ixa-style, with that Suit in the future?

We're a Showa Rider. We suffer moderately, then we take that suffering by the throat, strangle it to death, and beat our enemies senseless with its corpse. For Justice.

Also Old Man Zero should try getting a bit stronger, if only for one last Rider Kick before he permanently retires. Also I like the idea of a new Rider Duo with an Old One being the "Old Bruce" who helps them as the Operator.
Kamen Doggo! :)
You want to give Kamen Rider the Batman Beyond treatment? I can get behind that. I'd also like us to pick up a more traditional Second Rider later on though.
Actually should develop the romance arc, and go full hentai kamen alternate form
I wouldn't mind seeing Jun Kaseki and Naomi Ichimonji show up, Naomi might be a good support outside of Goro.
The Old Rider teaching us JUSTICE! and the Rider Neet acting as information and tech support.
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Disgusting “Men”.gif
591KB, 480x270px
I'll be updating today a bit later than usual. Also i'll probably be making a new thread
Thanks, just link it here please. (Mobile browser suuuuuucks.)

Yeah, it would be pretty cool if the non chosen main characters end up also becoming part of the story and maybe even get rider powers through the means we haven't picked.
Dude, /qst/ threads last FOREVER. We haven't even hit bump limit yet.
Good point. We will be starting in about 30 minutes.
Last time on Kamen Rider Quest
Three days after your encounter with the Spider Kaijin, you decide to use part of your free day to improve your abilities as a Kamen Rider. During your training, you discover that your belt is able to give a boost to your stats in times of need when you had to save a trapped dog from being crushed by a bolder knocked loose by your training. You then drive around the city and the discover Vector Corps, the company where Chika works at as one of its head researchers on a secret project. After Chika saved you from Vector’s less than friendly guards, you decide to repay her by taking her out to eat. As you ride down the road, your path is blocked by the Wolf Kaijin, who was given the task of killing you. As you prepare to fight, you soon realize that your henshin belt had been taken when you weren’t paying attention by the Chameleon Kaijin, leaving you in a desperate situation.

Now Back to the Story
Countless thoughts begin to fill your head as you start to analyze the situation that you have found yourself in. “This is probably the worst possible thing to happen right now” you think to yourself, fear filling your body “I can’t transform, I’m outnumbered two-to-one, AND I have a civilian involved in this whole mess!” The Wolf Kaijin, see you struggling to find a way to get out of this situation, gives a sinister smile before saying “ What’s the matter ‘hero’, can’t find a way to win without your little toy over here? ” “You should get out of here Chameleon, I can handle him from here and that belt is by far the most important thing we have right now. ” The Chameleon Kaijin nods quietly before beginning to run down the street, your belt still in his hand, while the wolf kaijin rushes at you, running on all fours. As this happens, you begin to formulate an idea that should get you and Chika out of here alive.

What will you do?
>Focus on the Wolf Kaijin; he’s the immediate threat at this time

>Focus on the Chameleon Kaijin; your belt is the best chance you have at surviving this whole ordeal

>Retreat for now; you can’t take on the two of them at once, especially without your belt

>>Focus on the Chameleon Kaijin; your belt is the best chance you have at surviving this whole ordeal
Can't let that thing get back in Genome's hands.
Chase the Chameleon it is. Roll for results
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolls are in. Writing
Oh boy, sure sucks to not have a secondary rider to help us. Also, it is nice how OP keeps things realistic with the belt, usually, the riders pulls the belts out of their asses when they transform, probably Gale should ask Goro how he does to keep his belt concealed but at the same time ready for action.
“My belt is my best bet of getting us out of this mess alive” You say as you as you begin to run towards your bike, grabbing Chika as you do. As the two of you get on the bike, Chika, her voice slightly quivering in fear, asks “Wh… What are you planning on doing?” “Getting back our best chance of survival” you reply as you rev up your bike, speeding along in order to catch up with the fleeing kaijin. The Wolf Kaijin, seeing what you’re trying to do, runs up in front of your motorcycle and jumps on it, limiting your field of vision. “ So you’re trying to get back your belt back, eh? ” the kaijin says, as it gets closer to your head, further restricting your vision “ I admire your determination, but I can’t let you do that. That belt would make my job harder to complete, and I ‘m trying to end this as quickly as possible! ” “Well think of this of this as a way to spice of your job you say!” you yell as you begin to swerve wildly, trying to toss the extra passenger off your bike. Chika, who has grip on your torso so tight you can barely inhale, says “Wait, let work together to get back your belt! This guy can’t block both of our vision at once”

You give her a quick nod before leaning to your right, trying to see past the fur wall the Wolf Kaijin had formed, Chika doing the same but leans to the left. As the kaijin alternates between blocking your and Chika’s line of sight, the two of you begin yell back and forth in order try to keep up with the escaping Chameleon kaijin, performing what was probably the weirdest tag team act you’ve ever seen. The Wolf Kaijin, becoming frustrated howls “ I’ve had enough of this childish stunt. It’s time I get around to kill you lot! ” As he says this, the Kaijin lets one of its hand off the bike, and proceeds to swipe at your tires. Seeing this you begin to try to knock off the Kaijin, but it seems hellbent on remaining on the bike. You look forwards to see how far the Chameleon Kaijin is before considering what you should do next.

What will you do?
>Keep trying to shake off the kaijin; once its off you can chase the chameleon with more efficiency

>Accelerate and slam your bike into the Chameleon kaijin; the crash would not only stop the Chameleon from running, it would probably knock the Wolf off as well

>Try to jump off and tackle the Chameleon Kaijin; the extra speed from the as well as the surprise factor would help you get your belt back


The belt being stolen was actually the result of someone rolling the equivalent of a nat one. Now about that secondary rider...
>Accelerate and slam your bike into the Chameleon kaijin; the crash would not only stop the Chameleon from running, it would probably knock the Wolf off as well
>>Accelerate and slam your bike into the Chameleon kaijin; the crash would not only stop the Chameleon from running, it would probably knock the Wolf off as well
>>Accelerate and slam your bike into the Chameleon kaijin; the crash would not only stop the Chameleon from running, it would probably knock the Wolf off as well

Time to perform yet another pseudo Rider Break. And once we get our proper Rider Bike and all the cool shit that comes with it, perform proper Rider Breaks.
Rider break it is. Writing
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

I actually had forgotten to ask for rolls, so thanks. I'll make sure to specify when a roll is necessary from now on
Rolled 19 (1d20)

As you continue to chase after the thieving Chameleon Kaijin with the Wolf Kaijin still trying to wreck your bike, a crazy idea forms in your head. “If he wants me to crash, then I’ll do just that” you think to yourself as you begin to line your bike with the Chameleon’s body. You turn to Chika, looking as if though she knows exactly what you’re going to do next and isn’t exactly the happy with what is going to happen, and say “Hold on tight, this going to get really rough in a little bit. She looks very worried before giving you a nod of understanding as you begin to accelerate even faster, pushing the bike to its limits. The Wolf Kaijin looks up and sees you driving straight for its comrade, but by the time it notices, it’s too late. You proceed to slam your bike into Chameleon Kaijin, it letting out a surprised scream as it is sent flying into the air, its grip on the belt being lost as the device is flung out of its hand. The impact of the crash causes the Wolf Kaijin to be flung off your bike, its body being sent rolling across the concrete before stopping itself with its claws.

Seeing you chance, you begin to turn around, speeding up in order to try and catch your belt. You drive towards where your belt was going to land, raising your hand in an attempt to catch as, Chika holding on to you for dear life as you attempt to steer your motorcycle with only one hand. Success! The belt falls in your hand, the turbine on it being spun slightly by the movement of the Bike. You hit the brakes, stopping about 5 feet from where both kaijin had landed. The pair begin to stand up, battered from the crash but still able to fight. You get off your bike, managing to slip out of Chika’s iron grip before approaching the Kaijin duo. “You two are going to pay what you did!” you announce as you out on the belt, a slight breeze blowing as if though the earth itself is waiting for your transformation. “ Henshin! ”, the shout initiating your transformation into the blue Kamen Ride Gale, your eyes flashing as you complete your metamorphosis. The wolf kaijin, seeing your rider form, lets out a bestial snarl before shouting “ Just who the hell do you think you are ” Your body tenses with energy before you proclaim “ I am the wind of justice! The light that will always shine as long as there is darkness in the world. I am Kamen Rider Gale! ” You assume a fighting stance as you begin to look back and forth at your two adversaries.

Who will you target?
>The Wolf Kaijin; it appears to be the more combat oriented of the pair, so it would be wise to defeat it first

>The Chameleon Kaijin; it was the one to take your belt, so it should receive a healthy dose of Justice first

>Fight both at once; the pair were pretty banged up by you crash, so you could take them down

>>The Chameleon Kaijin; it was the one to take your belt, so it should receive a healthy dose of Justice first

Really, fuck that guy.
>>The Wolf Kaijin; it appears to be the more combat oriented of the pair, so it would be wise to defeat it first
>The Chameleon Kaijin; it was the one to take your belt, so it should receive a healthy dose of Justice first
Chameleon it is. time to roll
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Alright. Writing now
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Your turn towards the Chameleon Kaijin, your rage towards it growing as you start to recall how this whole situation could have been avoided if it hadn’t taken your belt from your bike. You charge at the Chameleon, but before you can land a blow, the Chameleon turns invisible. As you look around to try and locate the Chameleon, the Wolf Kaijin takes this opportunity to lash and out bite down on your arm. After letting out a sharp cry of pain, you strike the Wolf on the top of its head with your fist, causing it to let go of your arm, at the same time you kick the Beast man in the chest, pushing it away from you. You proceed to run towards the downed Kaijin, but you suddenly feel something tighten around your neck taking away your ability to breathe. As you struggle to not asphyxiate, the Wolf Kaijin smiles and calls out “Thanks for the assistance partner! ” as it begins to run at you, it clawed hands at ready.

As you continue to struggle you hear a familiar voice say to you “kid what are you doing out there? You’re embarrassing me with how poorly you’re fighting.” “Goro?” you say, ignoring the offensive remark before asking “Wait, how are we talking right now?” “The antennae serve as receivers for radio waves, allowing us to communicate with each other without anyone finding out.” Goro replies, his voice calm and focused “Now then, you seem to be in a pinch right now so let me give you a little advice: turn your opponent’s strengths against them, and you be almost unstoppable!” Goro’s word give you an idea as the Wolf Kaijin continues to draw closer. You start grabbing around the air near your neck, grasping something solid after a few seconds. You wait for the Wolf Kaijin to get closer before pulling the object in your hand down with all your might, turning the Chameleon Kaijin into a flail, slamming its body into the Wolf Kaijin. As the pair struggle to get to their feet, you prepare to finish the fight.

As you prepare yourself to perform a finisher, the turbine around your belt begins to spins faster, wind forms around your right arm and left leg, similarly to what happened when you fought the Spider Kaijin. You rush the pair striking the Chameleon with your hand, sending it sprawling across the floor. You the jump into the air and as you stick out your leg to deliver the final blow you yell out “ Gale Kick! ”, striking the Wolf Kaijin and pushing it into its fallen comrade. The pair lay on the ground, the wolf on top of the chameleon, before an explosion occurs, erasing the pair.

As you begin to walk towards Chika, Goro cheers, saying “Good job kid, thinking on your feet and using the Chameleon’s tongue against it” Under your helmet, you smile before replying “ thank you sir, I probably would have died if you hadn’t give me that advice. ” “Ahh, don’t say anything about it. It would leave a bad taste in my mouth if I’d just leave you out here alone in the field without some assistance!” Goro replies, quite pleased about how well you did “However, you should probably check and your friend over there, she seems more worried about you then I do. Any who, I’ll speak to you later.”

Remembering that Chika was still here, you run to check on her, powering down as you slide to a stop in front of her. Her face full of worry, Chika begins to check on you while saying “Are you okay? How long have you been fighting? Where did you get that belt? What were those things that you fought?” Chika onslaught of questions pelt you as you reply “Chika I’m fine, my arm is a bit sore from it being bitten earlier. I just became a rider three days ago, I received my belt from an old rider, and those were members of the evil organization Genome, a group that broke off from Shocker” Chika begins to absorb the information, obviously wanting to ask more question, but holding herself back only asking “Do you mind if I look at your belt? I haven’t seen anything like it before.” You comply, handing her the belt from your waist as she begins looks over the belt, pausing around the back of the belt before asking “Was there always a piece missing from it?” Confused, you look at what she is talking about, realizing that a sizeable chuck of the back had been torn off, the internal mechanisms completely visible. As wonder how the belt was still functioning, you then hypothesize that it must have come off when you crashed into the Chameleon Kaijin. “I need to see if I can get Goro to repair the belt” you think as you and Chika hop on your bike, finally get back to getting some food, the sun now beginning to set as you begin to ride off, “Even if the Chameleon had a piece of my belt it would have gotten destroyed when he blew up.” As you ride off, your stomach growls, ready to eat after a long day of fighting.

On top of a rooftop, Alichino sits near its edge, a bag of popcorn near him. “That was titillating!” the demonic jester cackles, having thoroughly enjoyed the fight, “That Gale kid is preeetty strong, being able to take on two of our kaijin, and defeating both of them!” Suddenly Alichino turn around, a noise from behind him getting his attention. That noise coming from a seriously injured Chameleon Kaijin, its grasping the broken off piece of the Kamen Rider’s belt. “Well, well what do we have here?” Alchino say, sliding around the heavily injured Kaijin “I thought you had died back there, so how are you here now?” “ Before Wolf’s Explosion hit me, I turned invisible and escaped, and your obnoxious laughter brought me here.” The Chameleon Kaijin replied, barely able to breathe. As the Chameleon opens it hand, revealing its prize, Alichino’s eyes light up with glee. “What’s this? Is this a piece of that belt you tried to steal?” Alichino asks, the Chameleon barely being able to nod. “Excellent! Invidia should at least be satisfied with even a little piece of that belt, so may the boss will let you off easy, even after you screw up!” Alichino shouts, giving the Chameleon a pat on its back that almost knocks it down as the pair walk towards the edge of the building, disappearing as they jump down.

To Be Continued

Thank you for participating again! Ending a bit early today as i need to plan something for tomorrow. What did you guys think of today's session? As always, feedback is appreciated
>the Chameleon got part of the belt

Even though I missed the run I liked reading it.
I'll be starting up in about 30 minutes.
Last Time on Kamen Rider Quest
After being attacked by the Chameleon and Wolf Kaijins, as well as having your belt stolen, you proceed to partake in a wild bike chase across the city while the Wolf Kaijin tries to kill you and Chika and prevent you two from retrieving your belt. You then crash your bike into the Chameleon kaijin, retrieving your belt and winning the battle with a little advice from Goro, who you discover can communicate with you via the antenna on your helmet. As you and Chika ride off to finally get some food, Alichino, who was watching the fight, is given a piece of your belt that was broken off during the scuffle by the Chameleon Kaijin, who had barely survived the encounter by turning invisible at the last second.

Now back to the story
You and Chika continue to ride through the city, trying to find out where to eat, Chika says “So you know what I do, so what do you do for a living? Must be pretty nice to get a bike like this” “I work a repair shop called ‘Hoppers’ and my boss gave me this bike as a gift due to my hard work” you reply as you finally arrive at your destination, a small diner owned by a family whose son you knew when you were younger. “Huh, you must be pretty good at your job for someone to give you something like this.” Chika says, as she looks at where you’ve taken her, “I just hope that your taste in food is as good as your repairman skills”

As you enter the restaurant, the greeter welcome you and leads you to your seat. As the waitress begins to take your order, you realize that it is the older sister of the boy you knew as a child. “Hana!” you say, the waitress looking in surprise as she begins to recognize who you are, “long time no see, how’s Ryo doing now?” “Kenta is that you? It sure has been a while” Hana says, giving you a warm smile “Ryo went up to Sapporo for some business a couple of months ago, but I haven’t heard from him recently. But enough about us, who is your friend over here?” “Oh… I had wanted to see him, but I’m sure he’s fine” you reply, her question making you pause, “Oh her this is…” You start to stutter as you begin to wonder how to introduce Chika to someone you’ve known for a few years.

What will you say?
>Introduce her as your friend; it’s the closest thing to what your relationship is right now

>Introduce her as your date; You DID as her out to eat, so you’re technically not lying

>Motion for Chika to Answer; you really have no way to answer right now


Plot will be a little light for a bit, sorry
>>Introduce her as your friend; it’s the closest thing to what your relationship is right now
>Introduce her as your friend; it’s the closest thing to what your relationship is right now
Alright. Writing.
After stammering for a couple of seconds, you regain your composure and reply “This is my friend, Chika Yatsude, who I’m treating to dinner as payment for a favor she did for me earlier.” Hana gives you a strange look before give you two another smile and saying “Oh, I understand. Now if you excuse me, I’ll go place you order in right now.” As Hana walks away, Chika lets a light chuckle before saying “Wow… is this how you introduce all your lady friends to people you know?” The sarcasm dripping from her voice let you know she is joking as you reply “Sorry, it’s been a little bit since I’ve been here, and I was in a relationship at that time.” The darkened expression that appears on your face signals to Chika that know is not the right time to dig deeper, Chika then saying “Its fine, I was just with messing with you a little bit. So, you mind telling me about this Ryo character you had mentioned earlier.” As you clear your mind of the dark thoughts your response had brought up, you look up with a more cheerful expression and say “Ryo Kobayashi was a friend of mine from junior high who I was very close with. Last time I had talked to him he said that he was working on becoming a salaryman, but that was about 7 months ago.”

As you and Chika continue you small talk, your food finally arrives. As your food is set in front of you, you stomach growls in anticipation as you thank those who made the food before digging in. Chika looks at your frantic eating before taking a small bite of her food, letting out a delighted hum before saying “This actually tastes pretty good. Sorry for doubting your tastes in food my friend.” As you two continue to enjoy your long-awaited meal, you decide to ask “I noticed you didn’t seem as surprised as I thought you’d be when you saw my transformed, why was that.” Chika, quickly wiping a little bit of sauce left on her face before replying “I really was surprised, but after see your belt, I realized that it was like what I’m working on at work.”

As soon as the words escape her mouth, Chika begins to stuff her mouth with food, obviously trying to distract you from the fact that he had said something she wasn’t supposed to say. You let out a hearty laugh at her reaction before lowering you voice to a whisper and saying “So you’re working on a transformation belt similar to what I have, but why?” Chika looks up from her food, her face still flushed from embarrassment before whispering “It’s for a secret, well formerly secret, project to create a way to combat any supernatural threats that pop up in our country. So now you know. Please don’t tell anyone, as I would get fired if one of the higher ups discover I let this info slip.

You give Chika a nod to acknowledge the promise as you continue to enjoy the excellent meal, it being a while since you’d enjoyed a meal this good. Shortly afterwards, Chika says “Since you learned something about me I have a question: how did you learn to drive a motorcycle that well. Most people I’ve seen with that much are typically a bit older than you.” Chika’s question catches you off guard, almost causing you to choke on your food, a series of coughs escaping before you reply “My father taught me most of what I know when I was young, him being an avid motorcycle enthusiast. However, it’s actually been a while since I’ve ridden a bike as the last time I did, I got in a pretty bad accident.” Chika covers her mouth is surprise as you say the last part, look at you before saying “I didn’t see any scars that would indicate an accident, so what happened?” You look a Chika, at grim look covering you face, saying “I didn’t say I got hurt in the accident. I actually had made it out with barely any injuries, but I… had killed someone in that accident.” Chika looks down in silence as the two of you go back to eating your food, a foreboding air forming at the small table you were sitting.

After finishing and paying for your food, you head towards your bike, Chika following closely afterwards. As you and Chika get on the bike, you say “I hope that was good enough to make up for almost getting you killed earlier.” “Eh, I guess it will work for now.” Chika replies as you begin to ride down the road, a small chuckle betraying her earlier statement. After getting lost a few times due to Chika giving you the wrong directions a couple of times, you finally arrive at Chika’s home, a moderately sized house fitting someone with such an important position. As you walk Chika to her door, she gives you a smile before saying “Thanks for everything. I really enjoyed today, even after I almost died.” As she begins to enter her house, Chika turns around and pulls out a business card, saying “I almost forgot, here’s my phone number. Call me if you want to hang out again or if you need something. For example, I might have some tools at my job that may help with repairing your belt.”

You part with Chika, riding towards your apartment, the day’s events buzzing through your mind. “I’ll go see Goro to ask if he can repair my belt “you think to yourself as you get closer to your apartment. Despite seeing kaijins’ death, your mind continues to drift towards what had happened to the missing piece of your belt, the question plaguing your mind as you prepare to sleep.


Meanwhile at Genome Headquarters
In the meeting room of the Genome Headquarters, the four admins of Genome gather again to report to the Don of Genome and share the day’s events. Geryon speaks first and says “Sir, the Wolf has fallen in combat against the new rider.” The Don, taken aback by this news, replies “How did this happen, I thought we had sent in another operative to prevent the fool from transforming.” “We did sire but by some miracle, he got the belt back. Now sir, I have but one simple questions “why not send me to deal with the new rider? Surely I would be more fit to defeat the rider before he gains any more experience.” “No!” the man on the screen shouts, stunning everyone at the table except Alichino, who laughs under his breath, “You are need here to train our troops, and if you fell in battle, we would have lost one of our greatest soldiers and commanders.” Geryon gives a solemn nod, Alichino interrupting to say “But sir, it’s not all bad. The Chameleon managed to retrieve a piece of the rider’s belt during the struggle.”

Hearing this news, the cloaked figure lets out a sinister laugh, saying “This is excellent! Invidia, I have a task for you.” “Yes sir” Invidia says as she takes the belt part from Alichino’s bony hands, a wide smile forming on her face. As the four begin to leave the room, returning to their duties, the Don of Genome says “The riders are the only thing standing in the way of Genome’s plan of creating of perfect world. As long as impure beings like them exist, our goals will never be achieved!” Soon after muttering the words, the screen displaying him shut off, the lights following soon afterwards, the room being coated in darkness once again.

Taking a short break so I can eat dinner, will return soon.
The next day, you wake up, grumbling as you wipe your eyes, your clock making you realize that, for once, you woke up earlier than usual. Taking this time to get prepared for work as you wash up and get dressed, putting on a pair of slacks, a striped red and white shirt, and your jacket. After you finish getting ready, you sit down in the living room, thinking about what to do with your day. “The main thing I need to do is see Goro about my belt.” You say out loud, your thoughts echoing throughout the apartment “The last thing I need is for my belt to stop working due to me procrastinating.” Finally, you head outside and hop on your bike, riding to work, the hole in your belt still on your mind.

As you arrive to work, Tachibana gives you a surprised look before saying “Well, what do we have here? Akimoto, not only on time but early? Son, what’s gotten into ya to make this miracle happen?” You chuckle at your boss’s comment before replying “I just felt like coming in early today. It’s nothing to be concerned about or anything. As you continue talking to Tachibana, you suddenly think “I forgot I never told him about my encounter with Goro. I’d been meaning to bring it up to him, but it just kept slipping my mind.”

What will you do?
>Don’t tell Tachibana

>Tell Tachibana, but leave out that you’re a kamen rider

>Tell Tachibana, including every detail

>write in
>>Tell Tachibana, including every detail
>Tell Tachibana, including every detail
Full honesty it is writing
Deciding to keep nothing hidden from the man who was technically responsible for you becoming a rider in the first place, you decide to speak up and say “Sir, I want to talk about what happened when I met your friend Goro four days ago.” You tell Tachibana about what happened when you met Goro, as well as your encounter with the kaijin duo the day before, Tachibana giving you his full attention, his eyes focused on you. When you finish recapping the week’s events, Tachibana lets out a sigh before saying “So that old coot decided that giving you a dangerous weapon was a good idea. At least you have a good head on your shoulders, or else I’d be concerned that you would blow up the city or something.” Your boss’s calm response gives helps relieve some of the tension you’re feeling, giving you enough confidence to ask “Can you help me and Goro modify my bike to be more suitable for heroic duties? We’ve started, but there is still a few kinks to be ironed out.” “Of course I’ll help you out kid!” Tachibana replies, pride shining on his face, “That Goro may be better at me at some things, but he was always hopeless when it came to working with motorcycles. I’m surprised he even knew how to ride one with bad he was with them!”

After your talk with Tachibana, you proceed to go to work, fixing whatever vehicles came to you. After a long day of work, you finish your shift and head towards your bike. As you hop on, you think to yourself “It’s still early. In fact, I’m not even sure if Goro is even at home yet. As you sit on your bike, you contemplate what to do next before it gets dark.

What will you do?
>Go to Goro’s house; it would be smart to visit him now before something else happens.

>Check on Karen; it’s still early and you’re fairly sure that by the time you reach her place, Karen will be home

> Vist somewhere else (specify)

>Write in
>>Go to Goro’s house; it would be smart to visit him now before something else happens.

I don't like the idea of the belt malfunctioning in the most critical of moments, lets get it to work on it right now, otherwise we might end up joining the ranks of cyborgs if we get half-killed due not being able to transform.
Vist Goro it is. Writing
Since there is a storm making my life difficult by knocking out my power and deleting my progress, the next update will be saved for tomorrow. Sorry for the cliffhanger
Forgot to mention that I'll be running around 10am EST
Safety first, Sky. Sleep well.
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