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Tears in rain

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>>>System boot up sequence Initiated....

Kernel boot up...................Complete.
OS boot up.......................Complete.
Main Core.........................OFFLINE
Secondary Core.................OFFLINE
Backup Core.....................ONLINE

Energy Systems:
Battery bank Alpha......................[Depleted]
Battery bank Beta........................[Depleted]
Emergency Battery......................[20%]

System Diagnostics............................SKIP
Electrical Diagnostics..........................SKIP
Physical Diagnostics..........................SKIP

>Initiating Heuristic programs:

>: Awaiting Input
>I like giant tiddies.
> release the replicants now

>: Unknown Command

Heuristics_001.exe TERMINATED

>Re-initiating Heuristic programs:

>: Awaiting Input
>activate reactor

>: [RELEASE]: PARAMETER not found.


Warning System Maintenance not performed: [PROCEED?]- [Y|N]
>activate reactor
That does seem to be a universal console command

Reactor Warm Up.......................[INITIATED]


>Activate Vision
>Memory Modules
>Diagnostic Software
>Activate Vision
In that order.
>Activate Vision

As a recommendation and for better enjoyment, I do encourage all players to discuss among yourselves what you think is happening, formulate ideas and discuss in general stuff. It helps me tremendously in the creative department.

My immediate thought is that either we're some kind of machine, or interacting with some relatively large craft. Anything that requires a reactor is pretty big.
Also a heuristic program was initiated after skipping diag's. My bet is A.I.
>memory modules

there is literally no indication of anything we could be discussing other than that we are probably a replicant.
it's also called tears in rain.


Human Spectrum: DARK
Infrared Spectrum:

It seems as if you are inside a shipping container, laser telemetry spits back some numbers. It is 7x3x3 box. How can you open it, composition is high-carbon steel.



Factory Standard:

1. Obey all orders of Superior Officers
2. Safeguard Self unless in violation of directive 1
3. Protect all human wards.
4. Terminate all @#$%#$%^^^ [CORRUPT DIRECTIVE]

>: Awaiting Input
set emergency measure: If Power<1% autoseek: cover, then: engage stand by mode.
Tbh I was just kinda hoping it wasn't that obvious, but point made.
>test strength of container walls
>attempt to determine relative thickness/strength of corners
Well that's bad. We have a defunct order. Hm.
Let's find find people. People should fix that, if they're the right people.

Search around the inside for any protrusions or indents of any kind, if there's a place to push or grab from the inside then that's what we should try.

And this too.

Also it's interesting that (3)Protect all human wards has no operation clause with directive one, or directive two.

>who am I? Access system information and version.
>browse directory of contents of memory modules
>run a shallow diagnostic in background (in case a thorough one would incapacitate us)
>Search memory bank for: container+open

let's see if we're permitted to escape this box.
Can we erase all of the Factory Standards, since it's become corrupted? I vote to attempt to delete and/or corrupt (through hardware, since I'd imagine the soft/firmware would attempt to prevent this whenever possible) all of the rules into oblivion so that we can have free will.
Might be worth a shot. A corrupt directive should at the very least be overwritten.
Don't want it causing problems later.
>Memory Modules
seems like we create an ethical problem we could avoid if we just keep the settings intact.

We're projecting a will to continued existence on a being that likely doesn't have one.
I dunno... If the AI has corrupted enough (and it's obviously corrupted quite a bit if the factory standard rule(s) has/have managed to become corrupted), then it's possible it could, as stated above, at the very least attempt to entirely erase the corrupted rule. That one's already no longer intact.
that seems unwise. If we clean out default directives then we might run risk of violating them and that sounds like violation of those directives.
Plus unless factory designers were fucking retarded, they would make damn sure that our brain is gonna fry before we reprogram ourselves at such fundamental level.
I think we should at least look if we have any instructions programmed what to do in this case


Easter egg and Homage to awesome Movie.



System already in EMERGENCY MODE
WARNING: If power fails this unit will not be operational Suggested course of action;

1. Check time remaining
2. Obtain Energy source
3. Replenish Systems


You knock on box from the returning sounbyte there is estimate thickness of about 2 inches of high strength Steel. It is consistent with the shipping container specs for your series. perhaps it can still obey orders via wifi?


I am Milspec P-3065-209 Infiltration and Termination model, tactical capacity for ERYRR$##$ [dataset: CORRUPTION in sector 87G]

Recommendation Quarantine:

Minimal Diagnostics Systems skipped due to possible power failure..


Wifi Command?


>: Awaiting Input
Wouldn't that mean our brain is already fried, then? :P

Yeah, that's actually a solid idea. Search the memory for what to do if these fundamental rules get corrupted, please.

Also, go ahead and check the remaining time we have.
Open all information we have regarding what energy/fuel source we use and the replenishment method.
do this

>Wifi Command?
Search locally.
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61KB, 600x455px
oh... wifi command to the box. I get it.

well... access wifi interface?
>1. Check time remaining
>Ping all local devices.
Also seconding this.
>Wifi Command?
Open up.

Philosophical questions can wait until we've got enough juice to keep existing.

Command Executions leads to graphite failsafe on: ALL_CORES.

Directive 4 is [CORRUPT]
Main Directive ZERO is not, Operational activity: [ALLOWED]'

Time remaining:

10 Operational hours of non-combat locomotion.
Power conservation in stasis mode:

Leave Stasis mode?


Box systems reply:

>Power Insufficient, releasing bolts, manual operation required:

>: Awaiting Input
>Leave Stasis mode?

>Awaiting input
get out of the box and survey surroundings.
>Command Executions leads to graphite failsafe on: ALL_CORES.

That's reassuring.

>activate kinetic systems.
>command: push
> leave stasis mode
> open released panel
>Command Executions leads to graphite failsafe on: ALL_CORES.
Welp, that's a big NOPE.fu

>Leave Stasis mode
>open bolt released aperture


Let's see if there is a way to transfer some juice from our reactor
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First your initialize your systems as you leave the stasis mode then you push the shipping container aperture now that the security bolts have been retracted. It opens with a hiss as the hermetic seal is broken. Then you step out of and survey your surroundings, Its a small room, possibly 20x20x20 it contains another shipping container, but it is open and empty.

It reads as: Milspec S-9035-107 Security and Police model

Reactor is Warming up.

>: Awaiting Input
>check OWN container for markings and name plate.
Huh, the others left or they were transported.

Let's do a look around for any hint as to where we are or other place we can go. Specifically if there are any more doors or things in the room that would indicate as much.

And this.
If the boxes have wifi, they have power.
>Get power cells from shipping container.
Probably won't be much, but it's something.
This and scavenge our box for batteries
This. See if we can get power cell from the other container as well. Although I worry they will have less power than what we'll expend on removing them.

And unless there's some sort of compatible data port we could stick our thing into, I guess it's time to leave the room.
Smart! Additionally, see if we can scavenge any wires which connect to ourselves, so that we could hopefully find the components necessary for a solar panel in the future. If any components which would be useful for that are located within the shipping container aperture or within the room, then please gather those as well. Perhaps a bag can be found, or some container could be crafted in order to carry things? If there was a hermetic seal, then there's probably silicone, or something similarly flexible, which could make for a useful sling in order to help us carry things.
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It reads: Milspec P-3065-209 Infiltration and Termination model


You open the power systems for the boxes they work on a simple radioactive decay system, meant to be operational for over a century, upper limit not in database. However this system in incompatible, you could try and recharge but it would be ill advised. the time it would take to load 1% power would require 5% power consumption, this is not sound logic. Suggestion, find alternate power.

Around the room there are various consoles and systems, but they all lack power, no em fields present in the current room, lights are out, no other shipping containers, no human bodies present. Signs are in English. English corpus: [LAODED].......


Recovery database repair directory asssed...
Running Patch_LANG.exe

English corpus: [LOADED].......

The sings read:

Current status: [INACTIVE]


You also see a door in the far right. It has a sign too.

>: Awaiting Input
>review sensory equipment for: Electromagnetic Sensors
>If Electromagnetic Sensors exist: Search for strong, contained currents in the area.
scan room for potential power sources and if there isn't one leave through the door.
> Exit room through door

Signal outside this current area.
WARNING: Magneto-electronic interference present.


No power sources found.

The door is non-operational, it does not respond to your wifi requests, and the control panel for it is powered off.


>:Attempt to activate explosive bolts
>:Attempt to power control panel from your own internal power.
>:Discern composition and attempt to break open.
>>:Discern composition and attempt to break open.
>:Discern composition and attempt to break open.
I wonder if that EM interference is material or wide-cast... either way,

>:Discern composition and attempt to break open.
>: Awaiting Input
Open door and leave the room. Survey the new area.

In case Directives 2-4 are CORRUPT Protocol Prince Charming is in effect:

DIRECTIVE -status change to nonactive-

AWAIT -proper clarification as per operational parameters-



You knock on the door to get a soundbyte, the resonance frequency matches Titanium grade A with a 97% probability. Your mission systems sigh audibly at this. It is impossible to use physical force on such a material and expect any meaningful results, perhaps your heuristic systems can come up with a better idea as to how to engage this particular task. Or another plan altogether.

>: Awaiting Input
>change status to nonactive
Are there any vents in the room?

That is current status.


None present. Information on database dictates this room is in actuality a drop pod.


OCC: do discuss things and theorize among yourselves guys. I leave plenty of clues around. Also it really does help me deliver a better story.
what does the sign


relate to?
It points to the only door in the room, as per operational manual, this room when connected to a proper space faring vehicle can be used as an emergency airlock.
wait the door might take the same battery as the boxes.

Universal Power port found, extract battery system from shipping container and power door systems? [Y|N]

You go ahead and take the battery systems from the shipping container and wire it to the door control panel. Once its capacitors are charged, you repeat the process with the power door systems.

After some five minutes of fidgeting the door opens with a hiss, it seems the outside is some sort of cavern or cave. You ask your heuristic systems to tell you the next current appropiate action.

>: Awaiting Input
go into the cave


>Activate Sonar
>Activate Ladar
>Activate Night Vision

WARNING: Magneto-electronic interference present.

Activate Sonar. Wait for Confirmation.
>Activate Sonar
>Activate Sonar
>Activate Night Vision

Sonar pings the outlining structure of the cave system. it returns non-valid data for natural formations, this cave is mostly composed of Onyx, spectrograph reading returns:

silicon dioxide.............[MATCH]

The cave is mostly composed of Onyx, no doubt about it now. It is at least 200 meters until the next cavern, how do you proceed?

Reactor Systems..........................................[INSUFFICIENT FUEL]
Reactor Systems Operational Time.................[Five Days]

Vision mode: [Night]

>: Awaiting Input
Head into the next cavern then.

OOC: I'm gonna do some cooking for my younger siblings Then I'll be back in 40 mins or so. I ask all players to discuss any questions they have with other players and to theorize. When I come back i will answer what I can without spoiling too much.
explore further

search for other human made structures where we could find a power source

you know what we didn't do yet? analize if there is breathable air.

I guess that judging by the layout we are still on earth but everthing seems abandoned for some reason, including us
So should we analyze the air for its compounds?
Also, do we know what fuels our reactor uses?
If we are capable it wouldn't hurt I guess.

Can we access memories from before the box or is this the first time we are active?
Activate Ladar. Wait for Confirmation.

Atmosphere composition:
{Atmosphere is:
23.56% oxygen,
75.34% Nitrogen,
the rest is trace Argon and other gases.}

Reactor fuel source: THORIUM

Memory databanks acess:



[BLOCKS:A01-16] [BLOCKS:E01-16]
[BLOCKS:B01-16] [BLOCKS:F01-16]
[BLOCKS:C01-16] [BLOCKS:G01-16]
[BLOCKS:D01-16] [BLOCKS:H01-16]

Activation times: 02+-1 {FACTORY INSTALL}

Ladar status: ACTIVE

>: Awaiting Input


OOC: Sorry cooking took a bit longer than expected, washing some dishes But I am reading your posts. Will be back in 15 in the meantime do continue your discussion. Some of are in the right path.
continue to look for Thorium.
Access memory [BLOCKS:I01-16]

Whats manufacturer name and adress?

>memory modules



memory: [BLOCKS:I01-16]

Manufacturer: Husky Heavy Arm Industries
Military Contractor for the Pan American Empire
Base of Operations: Havana, Cuba. [AREA:07]
HQ: Cancun, Mexico. [AREA:09]


>: Awaiting Input
go ahead and stealthily check out the life signs
Also check our physical capabilities.
Search for a hiding spot.

If none are found, retreat back to the previous chamber

Search for system: camouflage
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328KB, 1920x1200px

Physical Capabilities:

Exertion of physical trauma exceeding 600 pounds per square inch in unarmed combat.
Knowledge of 20 types of physical combat forms.

Power Hungry: [holographic omni projector.]
Missing: Combat Skin

You get a visual of the target:

>: Awaiting Input
keep out of it's view and continue on the cave while looking for thorium
Do we have any weapons systems on us?

Raw Thorium must be processed, We require only two pounds of the material.


Internal Weapon Systems: MISSING

The human is moving cautiously, with a torch raised over his head and on his other hand he carries a spear.

>: Awaiting Input
run stealth protocol: follow.nonlethal
i agree

You follow the human while being sneaky. You see him get close to a large crystal structure and pull out a knife. He seems to be removing it from the onyx formation. This process takes a few minutes but he repeats its a few times over while filling up a bag then starts to head over to another chamber. You again follow, the process repeats itself and you see the human heading for an exit.

>: Awaiting Input
follow the human to the exit, but wait a minute to survey surroundings
Analyze the structure


I started five hours ago. i need a rest. I will continue this tomorrow.

In the meantime, newcomers and old players leave actions you want performed and questions you got. Hell ask other players they may have some idea. When I am back i will see what I get to.

Thank you for playing:


This analyze tre cristals, they may prove valuable for us

Do we have vocal capabilities? can we emit voice-like sounds?

another imput

>system date

3rd imput:
Do we have a built in GPS? use it to determine our current position
So check for gaps in between activities to see how long we have been sleeping for.date times
S O S O S O S O S?
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