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The Absolute State Of /qa/.png

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Thread replies: 323
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The Absolute State Of /qa/.png
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Barneyfags should die
Shut the fuck up Lee
thanks for making it worse, retard
So where are the /mlpol/ thread?
Die retard
dumb weebposter
Not enough weeb to be accurate.
Is this really the drawfag dude?
Good thread op, You fixed everything.
wish hiromoot would make it so you can't quote more than six posts
Not enough weebfaggotry
quads lol checked
Go away horsefucker subhuman. You think I can't tell who you are?
Yeah, no, more /pol/shit would be welcome by now. These stupid wannaboos are the biggest fucking faggots on the face of the Earth.
That's the defeatist attitude of someone who would turn back after tasting glory, believing that no further destination exists. This website is deeper than the memes of weeaboos and ponyshits, believe it or not.
Defeatist my ass. These autistic faggots have been running roughshod on /qa/ for how long now? At least when /pol/ was constantly here they either wised up when they realized the people here were smarter than them or they'd keep being amusingly retarded and were at least somewhat funny when it came down to it. This new crop of faggots simply makes template threads all fucking day, employs meme responses when they're told to stop being such faggots and ruining PARTIALLY viable threads, or they just flood threads they don't like that have conversation in them. These faggots aren't even from here; they're from fucking spinoff sites like /ota/ or /ghost/ and you can tell it by the people they mention, and our moderation tolerates them and does fuck-all to curtail their faggotry and outright bans people who report their one-word template thread nonsense and flooding. Defeatism implies one hasn't considered their options or gone the distance. That's the wrong word there.

The thing is, these pepe threads aren't /pol/ or /mlpol/ or whatever other bogeyman you have in your head at the moment, they're /tv/. Shit /tv/ memes from a /tv/ that is already in a terrible state to begin with. They're only doing it for the luz.
I didn't say anything about /pol/ or /mlpol/, you victim complex sufferer.
And they never create any OC. Never.
Always exactly the same pics.

At this point you can't even say if their threads are actually made by humans or by bots.
> pick a pic from a pool of 200 anime pictures
> create thread with a one word OP
That's the most hilarious problem.
You have some of these retards genuinely believing they're the last bastion of true imageboard culture and they can't even commit themselves to being original. They're always posting someone else' work but you'll never see them with an original thought in their fucking heads. And to your credit, they actually do have a bot they let loose when people say things they don't like or someone's having a conversation that's not geared toward their "interest" that they pretend to have to look like true /jp/ers because anonymous opinion is very important to them.
>These faggots aren't even from here; they're from fucking spinoff sites like /ota/ or /ghost/ and you can tell it by the people they mention

You inadvertently contradict your anti/pol/ stance here, and I don't disagree with that assessment.
>Anti-retard is anti-/pol/
Huh, who knew. My problem's never been with /pol/, but with the retards that sometimes stumble out of it in a redpilled stupor and act like retards. I might not like retarded /pol/ users but I gave my reasons for why I appreciate them a hell of a lot more than these new faggots.
You are now doing exactly what he said here >>1386265 what you will do.
You don't like how the conversation is going, so you refer to some very simple template answers.
And you don't even care how stupid your answer is. You just want to derail the thread.
> someone who complains about faggots from spinoff sites can't hate /pol/
This doesn't even make sense! And you know it!
English isn't your first language I take it.

Die retard.
Kill yourself horsefucker subhuman. You lost. Give up already.
t. butthurt kraut
Fuck off Lee.
> Muh, you made a typo! Your whole post is invalid now!
> Everyone i don't like is a horsefucker
Like he said, you are now just posting stupid template answers. Pathetic.
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>he thinks his autistic posts haven't become extremely recognizable by this point
>is online at the same time other horsefuckers are
>he is so butthurt, he starts to greentext
wayq butthurt kraut
> everyone who is online now is a horsefucker
Again some very stupid answer. And i am totally sure that you know exactly how pathetic your postings are.
This is just your common reaction to any thread you don't like. It is like a bot. It is like picking your postings from a list.
Lee is autistic.
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>doesn't know there are /jp/ spinoffs that use greentext

I even admit I post on one, but I've been on /qa/ since it's inception. What you gonna do about it, bitch boy? You /mlpol/ shitters are cross-siters too.

No, no. I've learned to differentiate between 8gag and mlpol spam posts now. My only doubt is whether you're working together or not now.
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> Yes, i am from a spinoff and i am raiding /qa/. What you gonna do about it?
At least you admitted it.
>You /mlpol/ shitters are cross-siters too.
/qa/ created /mlpol/
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>I even admit I post on one
>It's in my best interest to admit that I'm cross-siting cancer as I spite cross-siters.

Everything that person agreed with was entirely true. /qa/ is cancer and is aided and abetted by useless idiots and the apathetic.
>/qa/ created /mlpol/
do not expect cross site posters to understand a single thing about this boards history...
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>My only doubt is whether you're working together or not now.
Of course we are.
We are even working together with Putin.
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>missing the part where I said I've been here since it's inception

I asked a question to moot himself (even though it didn't get a response). Can you say the same?
Yep. Where is your god now?
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Riddle me this.

Why is it okay for people who aren't from here to spam this board up as long as they're agreed with, but the minute /pol/ or 8gag or whatever starts doing it again it's wrong and should be undone? Seems like there's a rather tenuous grasp on moral consistency or integrity with some of you.

I haven't missed anything, as I was too busy focusing on the part where you said you use another site as you're bitching about people from another site "shitting this board up." I'm not answering your appeal to 4chan culture at the moment, I'd just like you to explain your cognitive problems that allow to to accept the aforementioned contradiction.
>allow to to
allow you to*
Maybe your answer will help me fix my problems with spelling.
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> I am here since the inception of /qa/
> the best thing i ever accomplished is to ask a question… and i didn't get an answer.
Wow! Respect!
No one from /jp/ spinoffs is spamming this board you retarded avatarfag. Go be a horsefucker enabler somewhere else. They aren't coordinating scheduled spams unlike 8gag and mlpol.
I think your claim's dubious at best and outright untrue at worst. You can't attack my argument and so you apply all of these labels to me because you're a coward who can't admit to wrongdoing.

It would be fine if you were just stupid, but you're stupid and prideful. That's always good for a laugh. Submit an argument.
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R yu reterded my fren?
>No one from /jp/ spinoffs is spamming this board you retarded avatarfag
> always exactly the same anime pictures
> always some one word OP
What is the difference between /jp/ spinoff spam and a fucking bot?
Oh… wait! You even have a bot to spam here!
>I asked a question to moot himself (even though it didn't get a response). Can you say the same?
Wow, good for you. I'm sure that means a whole lot when you're shitposting here with your buddies from another *chan.
>No one from /jp/ spinoffs is spamming this board you retarded avatarfag.
Oh gee is that why other retarded avatarfags are constantly flooding the catalog and flooding threads with /jp/-themed bullshit you stupid faggot? Please go kill yourself. At least /pol/ had the balls to own up to their faggotry.
I totally know the net celebrity moot guys, I even fruitlessly emailed him once

"Yeah, he and I are friends you could say. I asked him a question he didn't even see, but our friendship was written in stone for life."
Insufferable egotistical bullshit.
How long before till someone goes full "shut it down" mode and starts spamming?
Raiders got called out lmoa
The best thing i ever accomplished is to get modcat fired.
Give them a few minutes, they're busy spamming some Facebook page with animemes and changing their Steam avatars to let everyone know how weeby and nerdy they are.
mad respect
I guess that the botfag is currently sleeping.
And the butthurt kraut can't do anything alone.
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Reminder that it's impossible to conclusively prove someone's identity, sites they frequent or how long they've been browsing /qa/, because 4chan is an anonymous imageboard. What matters at the end of the day is that there are two very different kinds of posters on /qa/:
1) People who frequent the board because they enjoy the community
2) Outsiders who come here to try and shit up the board every way they can
After all is said and done, only one group will remain here.
>Why is it okay for people who aren't from here to spam this board up as long as they're agreed with, but the minute /pol/ or 8gag or whatever starts doing it again it's wrong and should be undone?

Because I like /jp/sies and their spinoffs, while I dislike /pol/tard retards or whoever the fuck these frog spammers are. Talking about "claims" to an unlisted topicless board is really kinda retarded but if we really have to go that way I'd say the people invested in anime subculture have more of a "claim" than these mongoloids.
>Outsiders who come here to try and shit up the board every way they can
Yeah, people from /jp/ spinoff boards are cancer.
>After all is said and done, only one group will remain here.
And that one group that came to shit it up has been here since at least March of this year.
You are the one who needs to prove that they are first, enabler. There is zero evidence of that. The 2D/R threads aren't posted with malicious intent unlike the mlpol and 8gag spam.

>quotes a [s4s] thread

Fucking retard lmao.

I can tell you for sure that these guys who keep posting about Touhou all the time aren't from ota by the way, which is the one I post in. Ota doesn't have these type of threads. They're probably from warosu or this /jp/ itself.

They aren't posting those threads with any malice, you subhuman. It's not spam.
> just people i like are allowed to post here
You don't know imageboard culture at all. If you want a safe space, you should go to reddit.
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>Because I like /jp/sies and their spinoffs
>I agree with the people who are shitting up a board so therefore they have carte blanche to do so.

I'm pretty sure those /pol/tards you hate so much thought in exactly the same way, completely inconsiderate of the middle ground that existed for people who just want to congregate and talk without someone else forcing their bullshit. So you're a hypocrite but at least you're willing to admit it.

That will be all.
I didn't mention any names, but you can interpret it however you like. It really doesn't matter to me, as I belong to the former group.
>Malice is what makes spam, spam.
You really are a fucking idiot, Lee. Get back in your box before you get hurt.
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Pic related is the perfect summary for every weeb that started lurking since 2013
Kill yourself retard. I hope you get banned for avatarfagging.
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They don't ban your faggot buddies for doing it, and I've been here far longer than they have and I've been doing it.

Why don't you make like Kurt Cobain, and kill yourself?
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> they are not from my spinoff board, they are from another one.
This thread reminds me of some [s4s] drama. I don't get it, why do people who hate this place so much try so hard to gain control of it? This faggotry that's been prolonging endlessly for months... what's the point? Someone answer a lurker.
i think the issue's pretty much in the inorganic domination of certain groups here as they try to maintain cultural hegemony over this board. first /pol/ tried their hand at it. /pol/ has since been displaced by the current incarnation of an inorganic and forced community that tries to dictate what goes on here.
Some people are megalomaniacal, some people are vengeful, not enough people focus on things they like.
Yeah exactly like these faggots.
They are never posted in rapidly succession unless it's to kill other spam threads. You don't even know what "spam" means?

Don't see anyone but you and Hibikid avatarfagging now. Both cancerous retards which should be banned.

Warosu doesn't really count as a /jp/ spinoff.
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You're neglecting to mention the fact that when people try to do things that they like on this board, another group of people comes in to shout them down and out with spam, memes and other detritus.
Good God Lee, you're a fucking idiot. Stop talking.
>Spam as long as I do it is okay

Please be ironic, spamming is never ok.
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I don't think the moderators are going to take the opinion of a guy who thinks spam is okay to get rid of other spam into opinion, especially when this person is as autistic and hypocritical as you are.

Cry more, bitch boy!
I'm not neglecting anything, the mods are.
Because that's the very nature of /jp/ spinoff boards.
They always hate each other and force each other to go and spread to somewhere else.
Most of the /jp/ spam would fit perfect into [s4s] or /jp/ itself. Or one of the 100 other chans. But their community is just so cancerous, that they can't stay together.

Didn't you notice that they always try really hard to fit into their small group and to reject everything which is not exactly like them?
You could have 500 /jp/ like boards and they would still spread to somewhere else.
It's topicless, hidden with few users board. You wouldn't go for it?
I said you're neglecting to mention it.
All I'm saying is right now, there are some people in this thread who wished a spam bot owner was very, very available right now because they want this disgraceful-ass thread buried.
Do you even know that it's a longtime /qa/ user who kills all your shit threads?
You JUST got off your well deserved ban and now you're angling for another one. Stupid fucking Brazilian sub human.
And I said I'm not neglecting it, it's just not worth mentioning as it's inevitable for an unmoderated board.
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It's like nerds. There used to be a time where nerds, geeks ans video games were outsider trash.
Suddenly you had gamer girls and douchbags being "sooo nerdy haha I play Mario" because it was suddenly considered cool.
What? It's been quite a while since I was banned and I'm not Brazilian.
>It's a longtime /qa/ user-
Who is acting like a faggot? If all you have to contribute is backseat moderation that's both unauthorized and self-defeating, how much time you've spent on /qa/ is absolutely Goddamn worthless. If all your time is spent being a stupid faggot, it's useless.
>Do you even know that it's a longtime /qa/ user who kills all your shit threads?
Yes, and?
> spamming and using a bot is ok, if the user is a "longtime /qa/ user" (even though that /qa/ is a pretty new board)
And now the faggots desperate for the weeaboo approval are moving right on in.
Who the hell do you think I am?
You are so full of shit my friend.
I don't have to think about who you are to know who you are. I know you're an immense faggot.
What kind of game are you trying to play here, horsefuckers?
>bullying prose
That's my job you fucking newfag.
Why can't we just all accept to coexist? This is obviously a small community that gets even smaller as people lose interest and we see the same fights happen with the same posters. This board has such a broken relationship it's sad even watching.
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So you fags will argue about shit you won't ever change every day
feels like older /qa/
Pretty sure the whole 2D/random thing began already in february, but whatever.

>You don't know imageboard culture at all. If you want a safe space, you should go to reddit
>imageboard culture

There's no such thing , unless you think the "we are anonymous we are hackers on steroids and we're going to be belligerent dickheads for the sake of being belligerent dickheads" is some kind of universal mageboard culture, because it's not but /b/tard behaviour.

/pol/tards live for adversary, I assure you if all the dreaded "weaboo leftist SJW cuckolds" left they wouldn't set another foot on this board.
>Generic anime background
>Cropped hentai picture
>Ironic aggressive status
>Le ironic self deprecating name
>Le unfunny and unclever attempt at race bait
Yep. Cancer.
I said "at least March." It's one fucking month off.
No seriously, go back on reddit.
>/pol/tards live for adversary, I assure you if all the dreaded "weaboo leftist SJW cuckolds" left they wouldn't set another foot on this board.

And I'm fairly certain this has absolutely fuck-all to do with what I said. I find it highly amusing that you people are okay with people spamming shit that you agree with to get "spam off the board," whatever the fuck that means. I'm assuming two of you at least have had some crippling brain injury that completely disables any sort of logical inclination, because that's backwards-ass retarded.

"Hurr I like spamming when it gets rid of spam so that's okay!"
Literally just die. At least when /pol/ was here, they had the fucking decency to not be this God damn stupid.
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Ohh, I get it now. It's because /mlpol/ has flags there, isn't it? So someone with a Brazil flag posted there and now think I am him? I'm not telling you where I'm from, but it's pretty far away from there.
Cool KYM images, faggot.
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>there and now think I am him?
>That broken English.

Brazilian detected.
>playing dumb
Nigger we all saw you on that thread.
We saw your meltdown on /bant/ on the "what do you guys think of /qa/?" thread, BR monkey.
Look at /qa/ from perspective as one of containment board.
>only users are crossboarder
>no topic, no culture
>owner of site post from time to time here
>mods are lurking this board, but don't care so much
>owning this board means more room for posting and breaking chains of containment
Add an "you" there, dumbass. It was a typo. And just because English isn't my first language doesn't mean I'm Brazilian.
why are you all so racist? /qa/ isn't fun anymore :(
Maybe, just fucking maybe, you should read your post before posting you goddamn monkey.
Not me. You also seem to randomly accuse people of being German as well. Is it because of the same thread too?
>Add an "you"
>an "you"

Reported for avatarfagging, retard.
It was literally Big A bringing hims American Dream skills to the unwashed redditor masses.
I thought y is a vowel?
Because groups of people think they should have ownership of the board for them and their interests instead of letting it belong in the rightful hands of everyone on 4chan, where everyone with differing interests can come together and directly talk about a major hobby in their lives, that hobby being 4chan.
>announcing reports.
I've read this post a thousand times, but it never gets less truthful.
Yeah, whatever. They usually only give you a warning for it. Go ahead and report it too. I don't care.
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>I'm not telling you where I'm from, but it's pretty far away from there.
Says increasingly nervous hue for seventh time today.
>I reported you for avatarfagging!
>But it's okay when my fellow faggots I agree with do it!

Die, huemonkey.
You're an autistic retard you know that?
I wish I could see what thread you're talking about but /bant/ doesn't have an archive does it?
I just want to enjoy a little bit of everything from all boards and cultures. Tired of this king of the hill crap, when will /qa/ get along? Do we really need a leader for this sort of thing?
>Do we really need a leader for this sort of thing?
Yes, and it should be Catholic Anon.
Stop making so many posts about yourself, Andrew.
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When people stop doing the thing I said they should stop doing. Trying to claim ownership of the board for themselves, those like them and their interests. We have gone through this cycle twice now.

Kill yourself.
>And I'm fairly certain this has absolutely fuck-all to do with what I said.

How does it not? One group wants to establish itself on a board while one is here simply because of a real or perceived notion that people they do not like are there. Why are you even being so fucking belligerent anyway?
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Stop reddit spacing.
Listen retard and listen well. You're on thin ice. One more chimp out from you and it's back to the slums of Rio de Janeiro. The mods are keeping a close eye on your autistic self, so it would behoove you to conduct yourself like a human being you simple simon saying nothing.
Please do, it's embarrassing. If you're going to do it you should at least learn a thing or two about subtlety.
No, I'm a peacock and I need to fucking show off to make people nervous.
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If you don't have basic reading comprehension, try fucking off. I'm not further expanding on a simple explanation.

Stop attributing the formatting of a post to a fucking website you retarded goon fuck.
"My impotent whining, bitching, screaming about Reddit and general faggotry makes people nervous."
Mighty high opinion of yourself.
Stop double spacing you rude Jew Yorker.
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Go kill yourself, sped.
How are you making people nervous?
The fuck is a sped?
No one will listen to anyone when they all think of themselves as having authority to some degree. Seems like there'll never be a compromise made.
I never posted on /bant/ before and never will. Whatever. Keep believing I'm Brazilian, German or whatever, retarded horsefucker.
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>When people stop doing the thing I said they should stop doing.

I'm curious, what do you think will happen when people stop bumping 2D/random threads?
One more thing. All this shitfest is caused by /qa/ wannabe janitor team. They draw eyes of /pol/ on /qa/ and now we have this wasteland. And they fired modcat
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-SP-ecial -ED-ucation.

The problem is, was, and always has been started by people who think they know what's best for a board and think they can forcefully control it by constantly spamming it. It's what happened with /pol/, it's what's happening right now.

I'm not quite sure where people are getting this misconception that /qa/ was this strange void of a board or was just filled nonstop full of pony stuff or /pol/ nonsense, but it really wasn't. There actually was a period that genuinely felt like normalcy for this board. I'm not saying things will go back to "normal" if it were to stop happening, but people shouldn't just be able to come from a website and commandeer a board. I'd hope people would be able to come and actually talk about 4chan again, their boards, their hobbies.
>All this shitfest is caused by /qa/ wannabe janitor team.
e.g. the people who think it's okay to spam shit they don't like. Any other answer is willful wrongness.
That's retarded.
You're f************.
Could you repeat that?
Stop capitalizing reddit.
I read it.
On Reddit.
I read what on reddit?
> able to come from a website and commandeer a board.

But I was here during and before the whole fucking 2d/random thing began, the concentration of /jp/sies was at an all times high here because they fucking liked bitching about their board, what makes you think they were a latter addition to the board and that the whole 2D/random thing was machinated by spinoffs?
>that the whole 2D/random thing was machinated by spinoffs?
Hold on, let me take a look at the catalogue to make sure we're both on the same board.
Yep. They were calling themselves ICE from reporting illegal content and were avatarfagging with cirno
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You keep accusing people of being from ota yet /qa/ doesn't look anything like ota when it comes to it's 2D/R threads. It's warosu + 4chan /jp/ mostly.
>You keep accusing people of being from ota
The words that you put in my mouth taste funny.
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>You keep accusing people of being from ota yet /qa/ doesn't look anything like ota when it comes to it's 2D/R threads. It's warosu + 4chan /jp/ mostly.
Yeah, you wouldn't want people who post exactly the same shit to get the wrong label, would you?
Eat shit Dio
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Epic animeme from your stupid teenbro faggot anime.
It's not the same though.
Yeah, don't post evidence to convince me of what I know otherwise, just say "you're wrong" and end it there. Ya fuckin' bitch.
I say this as an ota browser myself that it's mostly not ota. It looks much more like warosu and 4/jp/'s style, neither of which you can call "/jp/ spinoffs".
It's obvious you're an /ota/ browser, you don't have to tell me. But you are wrong, and willingly too. Because you're lying. I'd see the exact same shit either way and I know you know I know that. And fuck off back to /ota/.
>not all /jp/ spinoffs
Made me giggle
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You can't tell me to go anywhere. My first post on this board was in 2015 when moot was still around.
>neither of which you can call "/jp/ spinoffs".
4chan.org/jp/ is a 4chan.org/jp/ spinoff
I absolutely can, especially since you're defending a cancerous and forceful occupation of a board with an offsite population. You can pull the I was here since the Big fucking Bang card all you want, doesn't and hasn't made you any less of a completely unaware faggot.
>/jp/ and the ghost of /jp/ is a spinoff of /jp/

sasuga retard
>intentionally neglected when he said that shit about waruso
keep running cunt
Are you retarded? Warosu is a 4chan archive, that's what he meant by ghost.
warouso is /jp/'s ghost, you utter imbecile

I'm not even a /jp/edo and I know that through sheer osmosis on being around them on /qa/, just how fucking new must you be?
lol nah m8, fuck off. don't defend a dead man, he made his grave and he can lay in it. so can you.
and that's not a spinoff how exactly? I didn't say what it was or wasn't beyond that you utter fucking newfag wretch
you hang around a bunch of retard nerd girl tier faggots so of course you rush to defend them
wouldn't want to get a bunch of meme responses and replies now would you?
both of you fuck off - I'm done whipping you
lol anime
I can't understand why you people act in a way that you know would give you negative attention, and then when it happens you people get so damn butthurt over it.
Someone says something bad after you've been annoying for X amount of time, you rush into threads and shut them down with sheer numbers.
Someone tries to have a thread that's genuine conversation and you bump a bunch of 2D threads so theirs is never seen, making the place exactly like Reddit while you call yourselves champions of old image board culture.
I'm having a hard time parsing why people who deliberately do negative things get upset when they're reacted to in kind?
I'm not defending him, just mentioning a basic fact that anyone who has been on 4chan for a while already knows, given that warosu is probably the oldest external archive still in activity.
How is a 4chan archive a spinoff, retard? They still technically browsed 4chan.
Because it's a fucking archive site with ghost capability, by your asinine reasoning every fucking board on the god damn site has spinoffs because archival sites allow ghost posting, you utter mong. How do you even manage to feed yourself?
>hurr he doesn't know or care about muh one weeb detail he must be new
you're fighting for that easy dismissal after you've already been told to fuck off
i'm aware of what you're telling me. what you aren't cognizant of is that it's still a spinoff.
look, you lost. i'd tell you to take it like a man but you don't know what that is lol.
y'all mad
>They still technically browsed 4chan.
Huh, but are they POSTING to 4chan or to another site?

That's... that's so weird. It's almost like they are two separate places. You all need to stop fucking crying.
Except it's not "one weeb detail", warosu archives 13 different boards and /jp/ is just one of them. If you didn't know what warosu was until now, then yeah, you're probably pretty new.
Warosu was a /jp/ spinoff. People would make threads for the sole purpose of getting them onto ghost so they could take about retarded shit like milggggggg for three thousand posts.

In most ghost boards, the discussion on the ghost board consists of continuations of threads from the actual board. Warosu was its own thing.
and you apparently don't know that you're posting to an offsite community, a spinoff of a preexisting one
man, now that I had to spell that out for you I guess its pretty clear that you're dead to me. you cant understand that?
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These horsefuckers are all pre-2015 cancer. I'm pretty sure. Their cancerous /pol/edditor mentality gives it away.
0 to 4 word threads suck
Apparently you don't know that warosu's /jp/ ghost hasn't been a thing for 2 years now, but even when it was alive I didn't post there. It's just basic knowledge.
Warosu is the community that originally spawned all the /jp/ spinoffs save one.
And yet you both still posted in places that weren't 4chan and had nothing to do with 4chan beyond archiving prior posts, but what you're failing to recall out loud in fear of making yourselves look stupid is that you all used Warosu's ghost to host your own little splinter community.

Dude's right, you all are just being faggots. I love how neither of you didn't respond to me after I pointed that out.

Huemonkey's back after he just got banned for being a massive faggot again; takes you that long to reestablish a connection after disconnecting your cheap plastic modem, huemonkey?

Evidently he did know, because he knew that you were all fucking around on the ghost. Funny.
>Quoting the same post twice
I am so fucking retarded and tired.
Warosu was never meant to be a community. The fact that people used it as such has no bearing on its actual purpose, and it also led to ghost mode being disabled.
lol i already mentioned that you all were posting on ghost. quite clearly i know what you're talking about. it's not my fault you don't read everything because you're so concerned about what anonymous individuals think of you you spinoff faggot
>Warosu was never meant to be a community
and yet it became one anyway. those gymnastics though
>Warosu was never meant to be a community.
It wasn't supposed to be, but it was. And warosuko closed the archive because of the spam, not because it was an absolute shithole. I emailed him about it a few times.
I don't know who you think you're addressing here because I already said I didn't post on warosu.
You can't call warosu a /jp/ spinoff no matter what, stupid horsefucker.
Concerned about what you think of me? It seems like you're far more concerned with pinning a label on me, since I was never a warosu poster. The only reason I butted into this conversation at all was because >>1386583 didn't know what warosu was.
He clearly knew what Warosu was because he later mentions you all were ghost posting on it in the separate SPIN OFF COMMUNITY that existed there. I think you care very much for the opinions of others and don't want to be made to look stupid.
The poster he was replying to (>>1386579) specifically mentioned "the ghost of /jp/", in other words, warosu.
seems like you're concerned with trying to convince yourself and everyone around you that i didn't know even after i brought up the whole bit about there having been established a community in the ghosting
you didn't want to acknowledge that though
didn't know my opinion mattered so much to some spinoff faggot who says he's not a spinoff faggot
Yeah, you brought it up after people pointed out that warosu is and was always an external 4chan archive.
That doesn't mean he was unaware of it. I basically sat back and watch you go NEWFAG NEWFAG NEWFAG even after he said "that shit about waruso" which clearly referred to "the ghost of /jp."

You're trying too hard.
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The community was the same as regular /jp/. They simply used it to post what they couldn't there because of the janitor.
He wasn't "intentionally neglecting" anything about warosu.
>The community was the same as regular /jp/.
That's some neat anecdotal evidence.
Be 100% honest: why are you here? Bored? You just like shitstorms? For the internet arguments? Your homeboard has become shit so you lurk /qa/? Trying to help this thread reach the bump limit so you don't have to see it anymore? Why are you here anon?

Could you explain to me in your words what do you thing the word "ghost" means in the context we're using it right now?
Not to mention that the original argument was that both warosu and /jp/ itself (?) are /jp/ spinoffs.
>The community was the same as regular /jp/.
Right, everybody on /jp/ also posted on /jp/'s ghost.

It was the same community! That's like saying 8gag is the same community as 4/pol/ because 8gag left after /pol/ Harbor happened.
>Not the first post from this IP.
Fascinating, just pin it on the people you disagree with, that'll show 'em.
4fun. And raids. And to acquire title the king of /qa/
Let me break it to you: they didn't stop posting or browsing on normal /jp/. Warosu was for what you couldn't do there because of no fun allowed jannies.
>Yeah, posting on this Reddit site about 4chan is as good as posting on 4chan.
Please stop.
They were literally forced to browse 4chan itself to look for what threads on /ghost/ to post in.
Stop capitalizing reddit.
That doesn't mean they still didn't coordinate into a different community.
They were still posting to a different site. You don't get that.

This is the part of the argument I don't even care about. Whether or not who or what is a spinoff, the spamming shit needs to stop and /qa/ should have its right to be its own board without people trying to force their idea of rightful hegemony onto it.
>tfw you're old and these arguments are practically gibberish to you
They posted on a different site AND used 4chan at the same time. What's wrong with that? You can't call them off-siters.
>Posting onto a different site and looking at 4chan are the same things.

You didn't even glance at the last part. If you're not one of those off-siters, why does it matter to you? If you're so sure you're right, why are you trying to convince me?
A different site that was never supposed to replace /jp/. A complementary site, if you will. Regardless of what does and does not count as a spinoff, I've yet to see any of the people who claimed /jp/ itself is a /jp/ spinoff try to explain themselves.
Point is that they weren't off-siters, retard. You only become one when you stop browsing 4chan. They didn't.
Ah finally you concede that you don't know shit about anything and come to the point, I was kind confused where were you going with all this. You see, I wish I could tell the /jp/ ghostposters to stop posting on /qa/, but alas, warosu ghostposting has been defunct for two years already.
Warosu was a lot like that [s4s] interface copypasta, if you think about it.
>I've yet to see any of the people who claimed /jp/ itself is a /jp/ spinoff try to explain themselves.
Said no one. Ever.
You're still ignoring that last part, off-siter. You're not making a point, you're aggressively trying to drive away from that.
Right here's where you just know I blew you the fuck out. That aggression to distract away from the discussion I was having, oh man.
Yeah, and you can imagine why people know that they suck as much as they do. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. You'd think le ebin oldfag boards like /jp/ might know that but since they've been filled to the brim with ironic weeaboos, they're pretty fuckin' retarded.
>Said no one. Ever.
Try reading the thread.
>Try reading the thread.
Nobody said that /jp/ was a spinoff of /jp/. I think you better stop looking for easy victories to boost your ego over an anonymous medium.
You can't call someone who still uses 4chan an off-siter.
"Easy victories"? I think you're the one who cares way too much about anonymous internet arguments and are just projecting.
If you're resorting to making shit up, it doesn't take projecting at all for someone to notice you doing exactly that. Especially since you haven't linked to the claim you're making after several posts now. Think you better pack it up, Jack.
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how long have you been in this thread amigo?
Start reading from the following post: >>1386540
And he can't even put the exact post number down.
I didn't think you could. That's fine. Just know that I'm leaving this thread behind, and with it about five trashed off site pieces of non-functioning garbage.
>Nobody said that /jp/ was a spinoff of /jp/.

But they did, or at least implied so, then pretended they knew what they were talking about all along later on.

Look, I'll be so courteous to even link you the post in case you've forgotten >>1386574
That's because there is a context to it which you conveniently overlook. This is about /jp/ itself and warosu, but you're ignoring that warosu's ghost board has been dead for 2 years, which leaves /jp/ itself.
Warosu was the source of and indistinguishable in posting from any /jp/ spinoff. Except possibly more garbage.
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Warosu's ghost was for what you couldn't post on regular /jp/. Now that it doesn't exist anymore, some /jp/ users post their stuff on /qa/. Really, that's the end of it. They aren't off-siters. Spinoffs play a very small part into it.
>The community was the same as regular /jp/.
Easymodo was. Warosu was a nest of immigrants and retards.
lol you can't generalize /jp/ spinoffs, retard. They're extremely different from each other. /ota/ is which what the horsefuckers keep obsessing about it doesn't seem to be here in large numbers at all.
>/jp/ finally admitted they're raiders
How can you say that when earlier this week people were talking about stealing threads from /ota/?
Immigrants from where, retard?
Using more than one board =/= raiding
That was just Trevor being a fag.

Fucking go on /ota/ right now and tell me if it looks anything like /qa/.
What the fuck, some ota faggot is stealing threads from /qa/.
Bringing content en masse from one board to other = raiding
>You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-4chan) raids is also not permitted.
>calls to invasion
That's Trevor as well. I meant in general. Ota doesn't have any of these gorillion 2hu and "regular /jp/" threads like /qa/ does.
That's what I'm talking about. What do you want from me?
>lol you can't generalize /jp/ spinoffs, retard.
ota - retards and tripfags
gnfos - retards and trevor
hima - retards and pedophiles
warosu - all of the above
There's no /jp/ raid unless you use your own personal definition for raid.
shitposting general /spg/
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Another thing which sets up ota apart from /qa/: they don't care if you use greentext incorrectly there while someone will always ask "who are you quoting" when you do it on /qa/.
I won't search for how many spinoffs were linked to this post
I thought we were talking about 4chan's /jp/, now it's spinoffs? Either way you're just speculating.
hima is based
it never has anything to do with actual /jp/ and nobody is ever talking about actual /jp/

actual /jp/ stays at home and doesn't interact with anything, not even itself
What the fuck you want more as a proof. I linked to call for a raid, as for raid itself you got countless similarly themed threads and asuka spammer and bumpbot,
This post >>1386697 clearly has to do with /jp/.
There's no reason to believe it's anyone but actual /jp/ posting here in large numbers, because the kind of threads posted here aren't common on /jp/ spinoffs.
You have a very fertile imagination if you think GR15DF's thread was a call for a raid, and furthermore, it was posted on /qa/ itself. If you're claiming that thread was linked on spinoffs, the burden of proof is on you. Asuka spammer was already here way before the GET, and the bumpbot bumps dozens of threads that have nothing to do with /jp/.
Why are you still denying you are raiders
they're even less common on /jp/
Like I said, the burden of proof is on you. I'm denying I'm a raider because I'm not, I've been browsing /qa/ since the first Q&A session (remember those?)
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Wow this bullshit is still going on. What the fuck guys?
Yeah I member. But you can't deny connection between this failed get and state of this board today
They are definitely this /jp/'s style even if you don't actually see them there. I remember there was a thread here on /qa/ which mentioned /ota/ doesn't feel like /jp/ at all and it's true. It's only /jp/ in name.
There is a connection, albeit not as strong as you're making it out to be since there was already a demand for an Anime/Random-style board even before the GET attempt. What I'm denying is your claim of a raid.
The only thread on the front page right now that stylistically reminds me of 4chan /jp/ is actually the web radio thread that has nothing to do with it.
Your demand for 2d/random was from endless shitting /qa/ by /pol/ after some wannabe janitors were ICing /diy/ threads. And that was good until some /jp/ retards took it to far and you ended with one word threads protected by bumpbot and asuka.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't even dream of claiming /qa/ is perfect in its current state.

How do people STILL misunderstand Asukaspammer when they have posted many times here already what their goal is. Holy fuck
Yeah it could be better. I wish someday /qa/ will be comfy /meta/ just to talk about stuff, with occasional anime. It's sad threads like this one don't occur more.
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Why would you want the board to go back to being about /pol/shit, ponyshit and retards bitching about retarded shit? I can't fathom anyone seriously enjoying posting in this kind of environment.
Just wait until all the raiders from 8gag/mlpol leave and we will return to that state
seconding this.
It's no better right now, but at least then it was diverse.
>asuka spamming occurs
>only animu threads stay afloat
I am from mlpol. You want me to go back?
>/jp/ likes meta because the only thing they like more than being disgusting pedo creeps is complaining about their shitty ass board
>the meta thread about /qa/ is the fastest thread
>this undeniably proves that /jp/ is in fact raiding /qa/

Check fucking mate you goddamn weaboos I'm going to the IRC and you're all getting fucking banned.
>I am from mlpol. You want me to go back?
Why, I'm not making new threads, just lurking and occasionally post
There are no raiders from 8gag/mlpol
>There are no raiders from 8gag/mlpol
You're wrong through
/qa/ vs ota

well dudes???
ota steals threads from /qa/.
/ota/ is done for

Liberia vs Sierra Leone tier
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This shit will go forever, this is the shitposting general after all.
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Man, why the fuck do I keep visiting this garbage board?
based shinji
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Fuck your stolen posseur tryhard warosu and /ota/ mannerisms
holy shit
He's right you know.
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The [E]nd of /QA/
go wwank to your robutt porn somewhere else thanks ``kudasai''
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