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>w-we hate normalfags!!! >but also we're huge moralfags

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Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 44

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>w-we hate normalfags!!!
>but also we're huge moralfags that throw temper tantrums over anything morally questionable on boards like /pol/ and try to snitch to the mods
Choose one, /qa/mblr.
le sigh feel
OP where are you on the spectrum
freaking EPIC, got me xD
every thread deserves a reply
things like >>1352613 or >>1353311 are seriously silly. You can't claim to be guardian of old 4chan culture against the spooky evil problematic /pol/acks while also having childish breakdowns over anything not morally upright. If you participate in the "/pol/ just MURDERED BABIES, delet it now!!! :(" echo chamber you haven't been on this site for very long.
oh don't worry i hid both of these garbage crossboarder threads just like i'm about to do with this thread
okay bye bye :)
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In this almost lawless board everyone needs a piece of trash to look down at to make ourselves feel better.
seomoene actually took the time to make that image
>You can't claim to be guardian of old 4chan culture against the spooky evil problematic /pol/acks
What the fuck are you talking about? Who ever claimed that here? You have some crazy ideas about what /qa/ is, and they didn't come from /qa/.
The author of this image seems to want /qa/ to be both a boogeyman for /pol/ and a place to build up mod conspiracies.
Though mostly wanting to just fuck around with boards who have communities that haven't accepted psychopaths being at the top of a board, this level of devotion is almost like the author is being paid by someone.
You treat trash by burning it in an incinerator, not trying to decorate it.
Frankly I don't get it. I t doesn't make sense. It has one /qa/ screenshot, one reddit GhamerGhazi screnshot (of all the things), and then it doesn't actually tell you anything or how they're related in any way, followed by pointless 'nos' that aren't even like /qa/ No.
I like how a post from moot in 2012 is in there for some reason
I like how they stretch the text of a tepid post mentioning tumblr.
agreed, the stretching/repetitive thing seems to be a common theme in /pol/ infographics,
I like how I got 17 replies to template shite
Feels good to be the king.
Being the king of a pile of shit really isn't being a king at all though is it
Yeah what does that get you? A discount at Wendy's?
It's reaponses dedicated to informing people of actual threats.
You know, people born with empathy need to help others and all.
It's got nothing to do with you.
Who is "We"? /qa/ isn't one person just like /pol/ isn't one person.
Holy shit, get the fuck out of here you week old /r/marchagainsttrump moralfag import
Checked quatteo quads my mate
This. /qa/ made their safespace and now they're actually being triggered although they're supposed to be the oh so smug weebs. yet they're the ones crying all the time
it isn't about morals you dumb idiot XD

/pol/ is just full of unfunny teenagers from reddit who bring their politics into every board and I don't like them : D
>lumping all /qa/ users together
I am not one of the weebs thank you very much.
Come now. I know you have no moral compass, but at least don't pretend that you aren't offended by so called "degeneracy".
Wait, the 8gag /pol/ obsessives are calling /qa/ moralfags as they continue their activist campaign to call /qa/ degenerates, rail against lolicon and (in their mind) restructure the world to follow their specific moral requirements?
This is hilarious.
Who let this redditor out?
Oh you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole is here. They've been spambotting all the content they don't like off the board recently. And don't blame /qa/ for this, these faggots are from spinoff boards.
You sound buttmad
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You sound buttmad
/qa/ddit lies and pretends they don't want to ban sexist, racist, and "problematic" things (their version of degenerate)? no a surprise
>Back in February of this year, the United Nations put together a committee to discuss a number of topics relating to issues of sexual violence, fair pay and treatment of pregnant women in the workplace. At the very top of their priority the U.N., wanted to cover the possibility of Japan banning their very popular games, manga and anime that contain any kind of sexual violence against women

you redditors on /qa/ who preach leftism want to ban anime cause it's sexist and then make japanese write about brave young black men having sex with white women and killing white men. that's why /pol/ is real 4chan while you shitheads who came here a couple years ago stick out like a sore thumb. /pol/ is diverse and open so people can argue while your website reddit just bans people and silences others for "thought crimes"
Sound webms are disabled on /qa/ so that's very unlikely.
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Fuck off redditor, you have no idea, not a single iota of what the fuck your spewing, what fucking leftists? Where the left you redditor?
looks like the sjw /qa/dditor is triggered by the truth. 4chan knows you're the real enemy of freedom which is why everybody supports /pol/ against you redditors. talking about some fringe people who dislike anime doesn't impress anybody retard. we've got years of history proving feminist are trying to destroy otaku culture. no republican or conservative is pushing anything on japan but all the sjw feminist redditors like you want them to ban loli and censor themselves
Why should I care?
wall of text = redditor
Not him but to be fair you probably only think that because you came at a time when leftypol was raiding. They want Hiro to make a commie board or delete /pol/ all the time and always spam this board demanding it. The people you think are /qa/ aren't even from 4chan, including the guy you are responding to. He's from a /jp/ spinoff.
>get btfo
>i don't care
typical redditor. years of your redditor feminist sjw intersectional allies trying to ban anime and censor hentai and you cry wolf on /qa/ about some /pol/ people talking about not liking anime
Who are you quoting?
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not reading your blog retard
Get used to it. It's only going to increase the more people you piss off.
Kill yourself you stupid unironic redditor, get off my board, there are no leftist here and the only thing your fighting for is some stupid cunt who trying to raid my goddamn home. Why are you so stupid? Why do you hate 4chan? Why are you so adamant that you hate /qa/, a place that is PRO 4chan and anti reddit? Why is /pol/ so cancerous that they support outsiders like the filthy kikes they are?
Are you fucking insane?
>said the teenbro following some thot for mad pusspuss that he'll never get
Orbiters get shot.
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>my board
What are you going to do you big baby, spambot the thread again?
No, even worse. Drag it to 310 by yelling at you. Starting now.
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Start google image searching for concern harder.
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For the uninformed
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it's so much fun watching closeted homosexuals flirt with each other in threads like this
Not him but you're trying too hard at this point and making it obvious lmao
I'm not gay though. I just want redditors out. I'm Junkosexual though
Fuck off.
based basedposter keeping 2011 alive
looks like the little redditor who found 4chan recently is pissed off. anybody from real 4chan knows how bad feminist/sjw/reddit is. they have been trying to ban hentai, loli, and censor anime for decades. anybody from the real 4chan remembers how all the sjw feminist liberals tried to get rapelay banned. how does it feel to always lose retard? everybody on 4chan knows you're a redditor sjw scum. /pol/ is 4chan while all you leftist are redditors.

rapelay is proof sjw leftist want to ban and censor otaku media so obviously real 4chan hates them. talking about raycist trump or how it's problematic only proves this point
I just want my waifu record me getting bullied by her sister.
>they have been trying to ban hentai, loli, and censor anime for decades.

Bush tried to do that with the PROTECT act of 2003. Nice try though.
If reddit is trying to ban hentai, then why does it have so many hentai subreddits?
How would you know unless you were a redditor?
Just want to know, which countries are on the bottom of the list?
You're retarded. First of all I'm probably more /pol/ then you by a longshot by actually living in a shithole and actually voting for Trump, actively hating Israel and pirating all my hentai. Hell I'm more /pol/ than you because I don't use reddit like the_donald (Oh and don't act like you don't, I can tell by the scumshitter you are that you used to be a member) and I sure as shit don't sit on my ass sucking off kike cock. Hell I bet you worship frogs too.
Anyways, /qa/ isn't leftist, that's a retarded notion made up by redd- I mean /pol/ who wants to larp and attack a small board that's made up of people who jerk it to 2d girls.
>reddit... have been trying to ban hentai, loli, and censor anime for decades.
Honestly that's pretty impressive of them.
I am a redditor, I'm not even trying to hide it. I don't go there for politics though, so I don't get why /pol/ associates it with liberals.
>bush signed a law against cp 15 years ago!!!!!!!!
>lie and ignore how that's partisan from democrats and republicans
you little lying faggot. you're destined to lose get btfo your entire life. feminist and sjw are trying to make japan censor themselves. bush passed a law in the us which has nothing to do with japan and has nothing to do with /pol/

>i'm more /pol/ than you
you aren't you're just a leftist so you lie and say whatever you think will help you win at any moment.
>you aren't
Unlike the underage shitter I'm arguing with, I actually voted for Trump.
you don't even know what that word actually means.
whatever you say berniebro. we've already established you're a liar who says whatever so you can "win". you redditors are cancer and real 4chan hates you and your sjw feminist intersectional allies. feminist actually petition the un to force japan to censor their "sexist and problematic games". the fact you retard subhuman left pretend you're real 4chan is so obviously wrong.
>you aren't you're just a leftist so you lie and say whatever you think will help you win at any moment.
You can (You) me all you want, I'm not going to give you a (You). You're a redditor and support kikes.
I, on the hand, actually paid Illusion for a copy of rapelay and Artificial Academy two.
Child pornography is photographic evidence of a crime where an actual minor is sexually abused. “Obscene child pornography” is a new category that criminalizes a non-photographic image, such as “a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting” that depicts (i) a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene (§ 1466A(a)(1) and §1466A(b)(1)); or (ii) “an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value (§ 1466A(a)(2) and § 1466A (b)(2)))

PROTECT is used to prosecute anime and manga.
Marshall islands, Niger, Nauru
>the faggot can't even respond
How about that, he's a stupid redditor that can't handle the facts.
You're arguing with retards don't bother you are just bumping their shit thread, take a second and just look at the replies they make and how they try to act like being "more of a 4channer" is a good thing when anyone who has actually been here long enough knows it's trash but can't leave because you're here forever. Hell >1355168 just defended feminism lmao and the file names they use is so obvious
The artist of this picture had to learn how to do highlights, coloring, drawing figures and then gave it character.
It's art and it is not my fault if you see it sexually.
The anatomy of her leg is of particular interest as it shows off well defined hamstrings.
Do you know where you are newfag
I know I'm arguing with a retard. I'm trying to kill the thread, do you even Catholic Anon?
You owned him good. It's always nice to see r*dditors getting virtually assraped.
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The artist uses a style of background similar to that on the painted medium yet it's all digital.
Technology has come a long way.
Calling someone a newfag doesn't work when you're the actual newfag.
The water droplets imitate a camera.
The artists skill properly depicts a man in an awkward position under a woman.
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you still haven't touched the fact democrats and republicans supported it and it's for cp fucking retard. they have been able to arrest people for even shipping it before that bill passed as well. the laws vary by state too. you aren't winning any points since every sjw will support it too dumb piece of trash. all you're doing is proving how much of a lying lowlife you are. feminist and sjw are trying to get the un to make japan censor themselves. cause they aren't happy enough passing laws in their own country. you can't win bitch.

>sjw/feminist censor games in the west for 8 years now due to them being sexist, racist, and problematic
>sjw are so crazy now they make devs remove characters and writing if they call it "transphobic"
>actually try and force japan to ban loli in THEIR COUNTRY and ban hentai cause it's sexist
>evib bush passed a law against cp 15 years ago that all our side supported too! see? fuck drumpf
yet somehow you retards think 4chan is leftist and accepts sjw? you're the cancer on this website. you're the original reddit and tumblr. sjw, feminist, and reddit is the enemy of otaku and you're the cancer of 4chan. that's why /pol/ always wins while you always lose
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Though Tanya is supposedly evil, putting her in a swimsuit reverses the characteristics and instead changes her into a figure of moe.
Why is this faggot screaming again? Doesn't he realize that the biggest redditor is the one who keeps yelling the loudest about how everyone else is a redditor yet does shit like one?
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i came into this thread because i heard someone was un-ironically arguing w schedule autist and taking him seriously
you know this guy is a pathetic ""troll"" right?
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/qa/ddit shills getting BTFO in this thread.

/jp/ and /pol/ are like two tein pillars standing for western civilization. The only difference is /pol/ is a crusader knight while /jp/ is the Christian Samurai of the 1500s.
Literally who?

Are you OK redditor?
this >>1355223 guy. he is trying to make fun of a group of like 3 ppl he is incredibly mad about, and now we get to watch him deny it
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>you still haven't touched the fact democrats and republicans supported it

Some democrats and Sanders voted against it in the house actually. I'm guessing that if people tried to vote against it they would have been lambasted by the media for supporting cp or some nonsense like that. We can ultimately thank Republicans for sponsoring the act.

> it's for cp fucking retard

Non-photographic depictions aren't cp.
>triggered redditor crying cause he's realizing actually he isn't 4chan
don't worry retard. 4chan remembers rapelay and they remember all the feminist and sjw trying to censor them constantly and know you're the enemy. that's why /pol/ is welcome everywhere except by redditors like you. that's why /pol/ runs 4chan while you're just a loser on /qa/ddit crying about /pol/. your only argument against /pol/ is some of the people on it said mean things about anime.

how pathetic is that? you're a living joke, redditor
Excellent b8, m8
you are forgetting something
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why have you left the corner where we put you so we can make fun of you??
>that's why /pol/ is welcome everywhere except by redditors like you.
>said the man who probably came from reddit
Hahaha. Underage shitter is trying to act like a big boy on a small board.
You mean twelve. /qa/ twelve is very important
i'm not talking about /q*/
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I'm really enjoying watching this /pol/nut argue with these spinoff weebs. This should be a weekly thing.
Are you talking about the fat spic?
Why are you so new?

you lose. like always. you're a failure and a liar. every democrat supported this shit you fuckface trash. this is why you're a loser cause you need to lie about obvious things which anybody with a brain and no bias will know is wrong. democrats and republicans both supported the bill.

sjw and feminist try and get the un to make japan censor itself. they ban rapelay. they hate sexism which is the more core thing of otaku culture.

keep failing reddit. you aren't the real 4chan. /pol/ is where we are now while you're a redditor. talking about something 15 years ago won't help
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>/qa/ twelve
Not this revisionist shit again. There are only 10 and you aren't them.

I'm older than you could possibly imagine.
all me btw
Fuck off, it's twelve you stupid redditor. I'm part of it, Pocari sweat is part of it, hell even prose is part of it.
Not on this board, that's for sure.
Nah, back 2 reddit.
-signed /qa/12
>redditor can't tell apart the house from the senate

You really need to brush up on your civic education. This is the roll call for the house.

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just to destroy you even further, redditor. here the final fatality to destroy you and your kind.

look at all those democrats cosponsoring protect act. democrats have always been about "protecting the children". it's just now you sjw and feminist are going totally nuts and want to censor everything.

leftist are cancer and redditors while /pol/ is real 4chan.
Hey redditor, maybe instead of having your head up your own ass, maybe you should look at >>1355272
>99% of liberals/sjw/feminist/democrats supported it in the house/senate/they also have 5 cosponsors
>but bernie!!!

i said you were a lying berniebro earlier and you proved my point. fucking owned forever redditor
Thanks for the (You)
Um, did you even read his post? He owned you hard.
el mao
Thanks for the (You)
You're giving me mental (You)'s which gives me the same satisfaction as these (You)'s that I'm giving you
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Why do you keep replying
Why did you enter this thread just to type this?
Watch as the redditor breaks out in hysterical laughter when all his arguments are thoroughly destroyed.
It's a fake (You).
To kill the thread of course.
intended for >>1355302

meant for >>1355290
Get out of my thread, loser.
Everytime I come here you guys keep replying to stupid shit made to ruse you.
Wrong, bitch!
It's funny, really. He thinks he can win an argument by repeating "BTFO" and contrived fake laughter over and over, when in reality he's the one getting BTFO.
The joke's on you, I'm this guy >>1355250
You want to repeat that?
lol that's me
Because no one wants to make bait threads for /a/ or /jp/ content so we're all responding to /pol/ content.
repeat what?
>arguments destroyed
>all the democrats, sjw, liberals, leftist, and feminist supported protect and there's voting records to prove it
>so mentally ill you still can't piece this together

protect act was a partisan gift from feminist, sjw, liberals, reddit and also got support from republicans. it's not only bush, republicans, or /pol/. your little "proof" that /pol/ is bad is a law democrats/liberals/feminist completely voted for and supported. meanwhile you don't have anything to counter the fact feminist tried to get the un to make japan censor themselves you dumb piece of shit.

you're a loser. you're always going to be a loser. you're from reddit and you weren't ever part of 4chan. /pol/ is 4chan while you are reddit. sjw and feminist wanting to censor otaku culture is known by everybody on 4chan, redditor
Who do you think you are kidding? half the threads in the /qa/ catalog are like that right now.
>feminist tried
Keyword, tried.
Do you guys just paste arguments you keep in notepad or do you actually take the time to do this lol
oh wait, i forgot your argument is this

>some people on /pol/ said they don't like anime!!!! cmon 4chan lets go fight them xDDDDDDD
kek /pol/ has anime everywhere and the mascot of trumpgen is a 2hu.

there's years proof of the feminist agenda.

>/pol/ is bad cause people on the internet had a different opinion
>feminist getting the un to tell japan to censor themselves is okay cause they failed
kys berniebro

nobody is going to be fooled by you. everybody with a brain and no bias understands what leftist, feminist, sjw, and the reddit horde will do. that's why trump was elected and that's why you're a born retard loser
They're low barrier, but not targeted and don't create any arguments.
Nothing can come of them except a few responses and then a dead thread.

/pol/ threads get people angry and then they go back and forth.
The angry people need a place to vent.
>kek /pol/ has anime everywhere and the mascot of trumpgen is a 2hu.
Niggers appropriate Egypt all the time, does that make them right?
>kys berniebro
Hi leafycuck!
t. schedule autist
I find these threads hilarious
I find it strange that these people come to /qa/ to troll and end up either completely ignored or they end up creating a 300+ post thread of angry rants against each other.
Why do you do this to yourselves?
>/board/ : the day I took a screencap and gave it a title
>Going to reddit to see what they say about 4chan
>le crying social media guy, now with more EPIC tears and jpg artifacts

Oh my god fuck off to reddit already
>150+ posts
>/qa/ddit can't muster up any argument
just accept you're the cancer of 4chan and not welcome. you're a redditor and don't belong here. 4chan is /pol/ and 4chan is right leaning while you're a leftist cuck cancer. leftist want to ruin otaku culture and you're the enemy. protect act was supported by all the liberals, democrafts, feminist, sjw, and even reddit. you want to censor and ruin otaku culture not only in your own country but force japan to ruin it in their country too.

fucking redditor cancer. you aren't 4chan and need to go to your safe space on reddit with the other leftist cuckold
Who are you quoting?
You're in denial. You were BTFO at least 5 times in this thread.
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Who;s chart are you referencing ?
I wonder...
There don't need to be bait threads that get people angry but face it.
This is an OP which continuously gets replies.

Unless you have a thread better than this one.
Face it, 8gag wins in catering to the dumbasses in /qa/.
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and hillary also won too didn't she? not my president! fuck drumpf! fuck white people!

you're a cancer on 4chan and everybody from 4chan knows it. /pol/ is everywhere cause it's 4chan while you're a cancer from reddit. leftist cucks want to ruin otaku culture so you won't ever be 4chan
Stay in denial, redditor.
>low barrier, but not targeted and don't create any arguments.
Bullshit they don't and they are absolutely targeted. The endless 2D shitposting threads are why people have been complaining so much lately. I dare say these threads are preferable to those because these have actual discussion in them..
>Nothing can come of them except a few responses and then a dead thread.
That's why they make people so angry, they are totally useless, lower than shitposting. They are essentially circlejerks for just weebs to go *baka* with each other with the intention of shutting normalfags out, and they slide much better threads off the board..

At least with a /pol/ argument thread there is genuine heartfelt discussion usually about adult topics, even if children who don't understand politics are making them. You aren't going to see a lot of roleplaying and *unsheathes katana* type shitposting in those. I'm not saying I agree with the viewpoints but they have just as much right to come here to /qa/ and vent as anyone else.


This guy always ruins everything.
You really must be new around here if you don't realize that at least 70% of these threads are just falseflagging and samefagging.
You give /x/ a run for their money in the tinfoil department.
I have 10 posts in this thread, none of them sincere. I would have more, but other people already played my role in some of the "arguments" and I refrained from calling them out.
Except we know that you guys are great at creating false narratives.
You've probably been paid at one point or another, but I won't find any proof and it doesn't do any good to find out.

Exactly why I suggested everyone in /qa/ should get some sort of way to identify themselves so that anonymous posters won't be accountable for instigators.
There was not a line in that post about 4chan that was accurate.
I can only hope you got the gratification you wanted.
>the last redpill is the blupill

dude...you just wrecked my entire belief system.
So far? Well, I've become >no gf and lost contact with some "radfem" bitch that I used to be on friendly terms with.
I've stopped talking to some other unimportant people as well, simply because I don't have the patience to deal with all the leftist bullshit.
I'm a tad lonely, but some closer friends know what my beliefs are and I can hide my powerlevel pretty well when needed. Also, I am trying to redpill some normies around here, and I'll always have you guys.
Holy fuck, I think I actually managed to redpill one of them
What the fuck ever happened to this?

Also, MAFEX general if you need one
Redpill thread
posting old redpill links

>Sweden: 5% of the whole population commits 77% of all rapes.

>Norway: 90% of all rapes committed in Oslo by non-western immigrants.

>France: The muslim population of France is 12%, yet they make up 60 to 70% of all inmates in France's prisons.

>France: 70% of the population think there are too many foreigners & 74% think that Islam is not compatible with french society.

>Crime statistics 2010: roughly 15% of Americas population is black, yet they commit overall 48% of all murder, 32% rapes and 55% robbery.

>Sweden, 48% of assault rapes committed by non-western immigrants

Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children

28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males

68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/pdf/nvsr50_05tb19.pdf [archived]

62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/datawh/statab/pubd/2319_69.htm [archived]
I feel like my thread got autosaged by some kike mods. It somehow never got to the front page, even if other people gave it a bump.

That said, if it still works, redpill yourself, everyone.

This 500+ posts thread should be enough material for a start.

Dumb kike doesn´t even get irony. Gas yourself.
Redpill me on social media /pol/

Very astute. Imma redpill ya ready? In the next few years the anti-human-driver agenda will ramp up. This is an early example of this phenomenon, EXCELLENT catch. Gov't already's subsidizing research on driverless cars. The perception they have to create is that drivers are NO longer safe when they are mere humans. This "DRIVER" JUMPED off the frickin' bridge! Have your next driver be a robot :) & everyone'll love it. Good-bye freedom of movement, just hop in your robot-car & go! Complete with Google Maps!
people are way to indoctrinated to realize the general truths

and there is no medium to redpill this generation

i predict that the in a couple of years the growing youth that uses the internet could be the fundamentals to actually change shit

other than that there is not much to do except to w8 for the next war which will happen as soon as the majority of the veterans from the old war die

It needs to hit you that we, white people, who built Western Civilization and fostered the free environment wherein you can entertain race mixing without risk to your well being, are currently in a cold war with (((supremacists))) who want to destroy us.

If we weren't in this war, if we weren't up against an ancient adversary so formidable they work in shadow or in crypto disguise, then your original hypothetical would be fair game.

The dilemma is that we are an empathetic people, and that is a vitue but a vulnerability. And such good-meaning vulnerabilities are what Satan uses to slow-cook us before spraying gas on the fire.

This is what liberals are blind to see. When they protest white privilege, it's because they (sub)consciously believe whites are the alpha predator on the planet. This is untrue. They are deceived and exploited for their good will. This is the redpill.
Yui thread #176 here we go! Let's keep going with the good Yuis everyone!

Thread Archive: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0buMbOlom0fdDZubEpXRlJUUm8&usp=sharing

Previous thread: >>2870718
You: Wtf is with all these nazis
Stranger: yeah right
You: one of them told me they wre from that place loosers go to
Stranger: I'm like, Sieg heil! Deutchland uber alles
You: 4chan, the hacker place
Stranger: 4chan ?
You: wtf
Stranger: Hell ye boi
Stranger: spice
You: same here faggo
You: I'M FROM /pol/
Stranger: gr8
Stranger: me2
You: gotteeem
You: Include me in the screencap
Stranger: Meh
You: You filthy goyim really think you're talking to your own kind?
You: You've been ensnared in our little web since the beginning
You: Who do you think made the thread?
Stranger: Who, tell me papi
You: the elite upper ruling echelon of the proud race of the Jews
You: The ones carrying the long lost aryan jew blood
You: of Hitler's ancestors
Stranger: well, that's a first
You: It was all a ruse
You: WW2 was there to cull the Jewish population
You: The less jews there are, the more money to be reaped
You: And now look how easily the public is swayed
Stranger: i,m redpilled
You: Just claim the white men from /pol/ are the problem
Stranger: no, white men is the superior race
You: We make you believe you are red pilled
You: You aren't truly awakened
Stranger: redpill me then
You: Hillary and Trump were both plants
You: The jews have been serving the true rulers of the world
You: I am talking of course
You: of
You: /lgbt/, /cm/ and /mlp/
You: Come at us /pol/
You: cum
You: at
You: us

You have been warned
The redpill prophet.
Islam is definitely not cuckish, but it is a retarded, inbred way of dealing with it.

If you can't redpill your woman without throwing a nigger ghost costume on her, then you're an idiot.
Everything I've made so far in 2017 (plus a Princess Peach and Falco that are at my parent's house)
Redpill me on Karl Pilkington.
Why would I? It's the final redpill.

Biggest redpill that /pol/ can't disprove.
>How do you cope with post redpill depression /pol/?
Hobbies, usually involving some form of trade.

Nothing on earth makes me feel better than a light carpentry project.
nope. evolution is bogus and everything devolved from it is bogus, creationism is the ultimate redpill. Adam was originally made androgynous, not with male and female features, but male and female energy. Yahweh separated these energies so that we may know ourselves better. Women aren't complimentary to men, you aren't suppose to have power over one, and one isn't suppose to have power over you, you're 2 halves of the same whole, and without one another you're lost, they're 2 different energies that serve 2 different purposes, but you can't have sex without the other, and you can't make children without each other, and you can't raise children without each other. sex without sentimental love is degenerate, you aren't suppose to fuck indiscriminately, that shit hurts your spirit, your soul, and your body. The story of adam and eve is about how they failed each other, not blaming one but both. Jesus is the Son of the eternal father, and the holy spirit, who is the mother.

Look at the image, the Fibonacci spiral and Golden Ratio is the representation of the union between male and female energy. without barrier of the rectangles representing male energy, the curved line of the female energy becomes ugly, lost, and causes pain to itself and others in ignorance. while the rectangles of the male energy collapse in on itself in sadness, depression, and oblong draconian laws without the female curve to support it. Men have a little bit of the female energy in them, and women have a little bit of the male energy in them as demonstrated by the Yin Yang symbol. in order to cultivate the spirit and soul (which are 2 different things) you must make the female energy united with the male, and the male energy united with the female. this is the secret to metaphysics.

Eve is the mother of all living things, and Adam is the basis of all creation. MGTOW is as pathetic as feminism, and it will take a man's man to take a whore and turn her into a spiritual housewife
Hinako was very cute this episode. Especially her underwear.
>redpill me on X
Politics is a fools game
Live as an individual and not part of a collective
Nothing matters
Living innawoods

These are actually redpills but the last redpill is the blupill
Veganism is a redpill thats hard to swallow
They have similar wives.
Alright /pol/, redpill me on Frankfurt.

>Gave Birth to the Rothschild Dynasty
>Spread Marxist Frankfurt School of Degeneracy
>Home to European Central Bank
>Home to CIA European HQ

If ever a place sounded like it needs Freedom (TM) from above, this is it.

Top tier chemical redpill

You can say what you want, I have seen all the poo in loo memes, actually that is pretty funny, I used it to redpill some Indians :).
satan is the final redpill

This. Being Jewish is the true redpill.

subtle redpill

Yeah, sure.
Keep watching Markiplier kiddo.

You should get a thousand other Hues together and troll or redpill the FBI
The ultimate redpill.
Forgot the link.

Well, it goes with the expectation that people have to be happy all the time. That's why I was glad to see the flick "Inside Out" redpill people that it's normal to feel sad/distant and that we shouldn't repress feelings like those.
Is this the /qt leftists I wish to redpill with my dick/ general?

Pic related, she's Jewish too which kind of makes it even hotter

The is one of the best reads Ive had on /pol/

It is a rare redpill that only appears once every 20 redpill threads. READ IT.
Was it good? I've seen but don't remember much.
Redpill us on zionism Shlomo
Oh No, how will people ever escape a cult you can leave by closing your browser??? This has to be the most nefarious Jewish conspiracy I've heard of.

>if you think someone from a nice, happy family will hear molyneux and just pack up and leave, you are a fucking moron. the fact this triggers you so much probably means you are to cowardly to swallow a much needed redpill about your own shit-tier family
veganism isn't a redpill. It operates on the basis of feelings with someone just having enough of consideration for every animal and declining to consume them on the same basis. Not the most stupid on its own, but ignoring importance of meat in average person's diet.

I do agree that people who go all "aww, evul asians, poor doggos" are kinda blinded by their emotions as well - the role an animal was given in human society does not dictate the nutritional value of its meat. At the same time I do oppose asian eating habits regarding eating dogs and cats, for the simple reason of animal cruelty.

You see, there's quite a few ways of cooking such animals and traditions associated with it. For example, it is believed in quite many dog-cooking circles that pain makes the meat sweeter. Cue those animals being cooked/boiled alive. That's absolutely retarded. Overall, unlike worldwide standards regarding preparation of beef, porn, poultry or frutti di mare, ones regarding dogs and cats are limited only to those few countries when it's practiced and frankly, the whole thing looks like shit.

Sure, animals penned en masse in some meat factory also have it rough, but it's often nothing compared to shit dog-chefs do.
No one is fucking shilling. STOP BEING FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!

Here's a redpill for you. When something "big" gets released like todays nothing wikileaks reveal and /pol/ realizes they have nothing again, they pretend to shill their own site with quotes like

"I just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly."

to pretend they are being shilled as if to not look stupid as wikileaks once again exaggerates the importance of what they release and they fell for it.

Now spam this thread with replies of "I just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly." and ignore the truth.

>punching nazis
If by that you mean tearing apart your own cities where basically everyone agrees with you, then sure.

>being scared pussies
If by that you mean stockpiling ammunition and trying to redpill as many normies as possible, then sure.

But like what's the deal? They're targeting me because I know about the kikes and their destruction of the whites in 1917 forward and since time immemorial honestly--this is fucking common knowledge on pol. It's the fucking redpill for crissakes. What do they want with me?
I live in the Montreal suburbs, it is half an hour away from Montreal proper, and a further half an hour further you have a nice 50/50 mix of civilization and nature. Everytime I must go downtown I fall into a deep depression, the city is a grey Satanic shithole revolving around shekels and sex and populated with subhumans. Living close to nature is the ultimate redpill.
>the ultimate redpill is embracing and finding strength in your antisocial behavior and autism.
One more thing, is that you should be looking for redpill professors when scheduling, moreso than a redpill institution.

Even at the best schools there will be a fat black public speaking professor that pushes leftism on you, even at the worst schools there will be an old science professor dropping redpills.

Here's the trick, when scheduling your classes, look up review of your professors.

When you find one with lots of comments saying he's "mean" or "rude", "demanding", "crazy". These are the ones you want.
The people writing reviews are lazy man children, who would give a 5/5 to a professor that taught nothing and gave everyone As.

The lower his review = the more likely it is he drops redpills that make students uncomfortable, so they write bad reviews.

My best professors have been the angry old russians/germans in the physics,chem, and maths departments. This is how you'll get redpilled in college, learn to recognize and absorb their information.

quick example: my ruskie professor right now started the first day with "Isaac Newton was a sham, Einstein wasn't even a scientist, Galileo was wrong about most things and also heavily supported by the church, true science did not exist until the 19th century and things like "the islamic golden age" are a re-interpretation of mysticism and alchemy that occasionally turned out to be right, but no one actually understood why"
I believe it is son

The ultimate redpill is when you realize Jesus is in constant contact with other Jesus's from other planets

God is likely unaware of itself and its tapped into by this spiritual community, which over the eons learned to organize itself and will into reality a real spiritual world

spirits and matter do a sort of symbiosis, life and conciousness is us hijacking matter to evolve our spirits

Pietro Ubaldi, italian 'philosopher' predicted that gravity was not natural and that some mysterious and divine power utterly caused things to repel from each other, and that all the forces that 'glue' things toghether in the universe, such as gravity, and other forces found in atoms, are somewhat arbitrary and artificial, yet they sustain our hole reality

>implying we shouldn't shill on reddit to redpill normies

After lurking for as long as I have, I finally found the iron clad defense of Adolf Hitler.

It bugs the shit out of me that this isn't taught in schools. I understand the reason it isn't, if you can even call it a reason at all, but this is the kind of shit that makes me want to homeschool my children or maybe become rich enough to start my own private school and redpill as many young children as possible. Something has to change in the education system, children are being fed lies by the jews on the dime of the government, and I've had about enough of it.

Too based,

Normies just can't take the redpill
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.

Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger and Jews, and when I look at their Steam profiles they usually have 100+ weekly hours, me included.

I don't have a job, I pretty much just browse here and cycle between four different games. When I lose I always call the opposing team a nigger or a faggot or something offensive, and it got me thinking about how I always made fun of blacks for living off welfare when I live under my parents.

I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?

I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here our Id's are reset per thread so I could just post anything without repurcussions.

I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany

>Not using tinder to routinely redpill chick's
Wtf is wrong with you? You have to use the jews weapons against them instead of sitting on the side lines and whining
Too many redpills... feeling sick... Have a redpill folder reaching over 100 and I thought there couldn't possibly be more... God we really are fucked if we don't change in the next few years... Inflection point is now or never.... damn
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Is living out of your car to save money while going to school the ultimate redpill?
You could save 25k on rent a year in California by living out of your car.
By the time I graduate, I'll have 80k saved up working at my current wage cuck job. That'll be more than enough to put a down payment on a home before I even set foot into my engineering job.
Debate me fags.
Discuss logistics of living in your car
Post them
Making women afraid of losing you is called 'the dread game' over at the redpill and it's very important for males hoping to avoid dead bedrooms.

Women are the gatekeepers to sex.
Men are the gatekeepers to commitment.

Men are supposed to dangle their commitment in front of a woman and women are supposed to exchange sex for that commitment. You're actually in a pretty healthy space but NEVER get comfortable or complacent where you are, as soon as women know that they've 'secured you' that's when they begin to assert their options and look for upgrades.

At some point you will have to play the dread game and show her that you've got the options to lose her, because high status males are men with options that can afford to lose women. That is why the dread game is so effective.

Trying and failing so hard they accidentally redpill themselves. Watch the video.
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Here's a redpill for you. When something "big" gets released like todays nothing wikileaks reveal and /pol/ realizes they have nothing again, they pretend to shill their own site with quotes like

"I just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly."

to pretend they are being shilled as if to not look stupid as wikileaks once again exaggerates the importance of what they release and they fell for it.

Now spam this thread with replies of "I just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly." and ignore the truth.
Bill Burr

Eddie Griffin did a show called "You can Tell em I said it" which has some pretty red-pill moments.

George Carlin

Mitch Hedberg was pretty funny but not redpill stuff. Supicious surname too

Dave Chapelle
I wish Trump was articulate enough to convincingly redpill people about this.
Same. The first redpill for me was 1st grade

>Dad, what is earth day? Why do I have to be green?
>Son, It's a communist lie created to make you feel bad for being an industrious American and to accept a life without the wonderful modern inventions we have today.

>Mom, what is earth day?
>Son, it's a bunch of bullshit, listen to your father

>Mom, why are their so many Mexicans here?
>Son, it's a silent invasion, they are coming to take your country and they have to go back.

>Dad, why does my teacher say no blood for oil? Why should we close power plants?
>Son, it's because she is a retarded hypocrite who would likely be dead if it wasn't for petroleum products and energy

Also growing up as a white minority in an "urban melting pot" made me realize quickly that I will need to fight or I will be consumed by the shitskin hordes. 12 years of school and every year was a fight but I made it out and graduated with honors. High School was easy because by then the spics, gooks, and niggers knew that I wasn't an easy target. If anything, I was a bully since it was either bully or be bullied.
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Redpill me on "Whiplash". I hate Hollywood movies that try to be something more than mindless trash-tier entertainment.

Redpill is slang made up by trannies and anyone who uses it isn't redpilled.
I just saw this movie for the first time. Can you guys redpill me on it?
>implying meth/redpill retardation is holding back white people
Redpill me on Giulianis son - is he good or establishment?
>irish rape baby
redpill me please
Bad feelings. Very bad.
The true redpill: Mods ARE the shills *hits blunt*
more of this
Morbid obesity is the final redpill you idiots

You must be pretty shit if the one year old is a better character

Man, could redpill me about Turkey gipsies, please. Do they behave the same like in Romania, Bulgaria and Western Continental Europe?

Redpill us about South Africa and how Stefan is wrong, please.
its a really good read. i put it into action at uni and went from a P average to a D average

that wasnt even with comitting to it totally, just focusing on process rather than outcome

he goes on forever about how focusing on winning will fuck your shit up, but focusing on performing methodical routine will make you kick ass

plus you gotta be goal orientated and positive, all that good shit

but cronk certainly reads it a lot, every other interview he drops a redpill from the book
>tfw the ultimate redpill is realising there is no Jewish conspiracy, and the white races only have themselves to blame for their incoming collapse
>tfw this actually makes the situation more hopeless, because there's no longer an external enemy offering a simple solution
GET THE FUCK IN HERE! It wasn't the Chinese pushing the most murderous commie propaganda during those crazy years, but a bunch of genuine communist kikes.

>During the 27 years of the Mao era, entry to China was tightly controlled
>Western press representation expanded gradually during the 1970s, along with an increasing diplomatic presence, the press corps never amounted to more than 20 people in the country at any one time
>tiny community of Western diplomats, journalists, foreign experts, and students — along with a very special cohort, the “long-term friends of China,” consisting mostly of Americans and a few Brits who saw the Chinese Communist Party as the bright hope for a socialist future
Here it's established there was very small group of westerners.
Now, enter the kike:
>The longest prison sentence was handed out to an American, (((Sidney Rittenberg))), who had become too involved with the political factions at Radio Peking, even taking over the leadership briefly before being sent to jail for 10 years, his second prison sentence since devoting his life to New China in 1949.

Oy vey! Kike is caught in factional power struggle within communist Chinese state media of all possible places!
But wait! It gets weirder!
>In February 1968, several members of the "Dr. Norman Bethune - Yan'an rebel group" were arrested, among them (((Israel Epstein))) and his wife (((Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley))), (((Michael Shapiro))) and (((Rittenberg))).

Among very small contingent of westerners (about 20) in country during that time, you have in it a 100% Jewish cabal attempting total control over state media after running parts of it during craziest years of Mao Zedong. What. Are. The. Odds. Let that sink in.
This is the most bizarre redpill I've stumbled upon in a good while.
They fell for a larper not long ago asking them to start a hash tag, supposedly he predicted the national guard story. It reminds me of Nostridomis believers, fitting events that happen to vague prophecies of larpers. But anon predicted NASA announcement, simple date search showed idiot posted it after nasa said they would be announcing. Was called a shill for pointing it out.

We can't redpill a group of people who think you are a shill for citing facts.
The hash tag came in handy on my anon Twitter added them to idiot list.
my final redpill was to begin loving my depression.
depression is good.
so is self hatred.
it will make you stronger.
the void of emptiness leaves only a shell, releasing your true hatred, and therefore potential drive.
happiness is for the weak.
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Don't do this. This is absolutely the worst thing to do. You stay here and REDPILL. These civics are so easy to convert.
redpill me on coconut oil

i use olive or sunflower
Have you ever felt that your part of an obscure circus act that has no audience? But you choose to give the performance your all anyway? Then the performance act still goes nowhere? Life is like that sometimes. I work hard, have a lot of friends, kicking off cool things in my music hobby/career, things are going good. But its still the overthinking thoughts that get me sometimes. That sheer cognitive disarray that causes you to put yourself down. Fills your head with the negative bullshit and knowing the fact that you live on an irrelevant tiny blue dot in the middle or space. I grew up being a very optimistic and hyperactive person. I'm a straight child at heart and because of that a lot of people around me cant take me seriously as a person (Or maybe i have a looking-glass self issue) but its really all of the depressing shit around me that motivates me. Human race being small, manipulation, watching people destroy their lives in front of you. Its the depressive spectrum of life that really motivates the euphoria of my personality.

What I'm saying is that its true with the whole cliche you only live once thing. Your born once and its your life to own. Life is like writing a good story, It has plot twist that hit when you least expect it, and those twists give you character development. Now either your current mindset or situation is positive or negative you can make it a learning experience and improve your well being. You only live once so fuck it why live depressed? Do shit that scares you and do shit that pushes yourself out of your comfort zone. Life is a big adventure but you have to make it happen. Go and live the fucking dream.

By CausticCrayon, also on Pixiv.
Redpill me on what was leaked today?? Only heard about it mentioned here.

>How to deal with leftists in everyday life?

Just wait. In Spain case they will die of hunger, a huge crisis will condemn millions of spanish to hunger in about 20 years.

Cucks chose to be the sandniggers whores, it will be the max redpill.

My bad, whenever I hear "socialist" I always associate with cultural Marxism, I know your group (RSF?) isn't into that.
I just thought it could help "redpill" the left wing IRA


dont take the polpill too hard, or at all.
it's not a redpill.
it causes autism
I like it but why is it so fucking hard? The chimpanzees are stronger than any boss in that game
Redpill me on dating very attractive women. My gf is very nationalistic and was a virgin but has freak-of-nature tier breasts. How can I assure she doesn't cheat on me
Good to see your stuff again! Also followed you on Tumblr, too. I-I hope you don't mind...

Also, I was sketching crude drawings of folks' OCs in the previous Batman thread, and drew my OC hugging one of yours.
Redpill me on naseem hamed

Well she took the redpill, if you see her twitter she's complaining at all the banning and censoring her documentary is receiving
If you see things for how you want them to be, not how they are, you are lying to yourself. Classic blue pill.

Blue Pillers might think this is fine, but when your worldview is not rooted in facts, you will make incorrect decisions and thus are more likely to be a loser in life.

Leftist aggression is just a result of their confusion at having an elephant sized redpill (Trump got elected and is doing a pretty good job) rammed straight up their asses.

The truth can hurt, but at least you aren't living in a fantasy world

I used to be a sociology major, but then I had to write a paper on the "gender wage gap". I couldn't find any concrete evidence on it and ended up failing the course since I couldn't write the paper in time. If anything at least it forced me to redpill myself.


It's the final redpill.
She's behaving histerically for a histerical public that still watch that garbage, why do you think people enjoy watching that?
Liberal media has been faking reactions to the point of stupor as if they are running for an oscar, they can't report the truth, they need to stick to the narrative they themselves create out of thin air because they can't/won't use Trumps remarks or from his team because otherwise they would redpill the whole nation.
It's a funny thing.

Twitter is a (((leftist))) safe haven, if we are going to redpill normies on twitter, we have to do it in a way where they don't sense negative intentions, therefore stopping us from being labelled as nazis intatntly. I propose thanking jews for feminism initially, getting enough people to embrace this false act of compassion, then showing quotes like the ones you just provided, peoples would have no choice but to accept them as truth as they previously thanked jews for feminism.
here's a redpill for you:

everything is just a figment of your imagination

>gets attacked by feminists for being pretty
>instead of getting redpill on feminsim she clings to it even more



The butts thread is dead. Long live the butts thread.

Black screen
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>tfw at some point you have to chose between Jesus and pure degeneracy which comes with atheism
>tfw I rather believe in christ and the redpill values christianity brings with it then go full atheist and accept all the filth it brings
>that's what I tell mom when she coms down to the cellar to tell me to get a fucking job already
shit tier troll.
>implying there was only one communist society
Did you drink too much vodka, comrade?
Communism has been the goal of many nations and it would've succeeded if it wasn't for capitalist reactionaries protecting their own interests.

>butthurt right winger spewing red-scare propaganda
Please read the capital by marx. It's the ultimate redpill (red as in the communist flag)
anyone has that redpill screencap about culture and race? The one with that laughing tom cruise
this is the true redpill

im sick and tired of these people that say: "oh you know these popular kids in higschool won't amount to nothing!" this is just another boomer cliche. popular kids do very fucking well. there are lots of bullshit high paying jobs out there.
iktf bro. i went back to my uni to get some documents and visit some old friends and a fat feminist (you know the one fishhook mouth coloured hair) along with his numale cuck friend handed me a flyer about women empowerment and white racism and shit. I waved it off and the two proceeded to make a scene on how i threw it. fucking pissed me off and went off on all /pol/ mode redpill and went on a full shouting match. fucking security had to be called and had to escort me out of the premises in which these fucking libcunts rejoiced

still pisses me off
Futanari is the final redpill. I want a futa gf so so bad. There needs to be research into unlocking female cock growth.
>you never fuck a futanari in the pussy and finger her ass while her erect cock throbs against you
Original thread died. Redpill me on what the fuck this is, if anything.
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You: the jews are a diversion tactic, you need to go deeper into the redpill
You: he wont BTW, he doesnt see the world as people on pol see it
Stranger: theres no level deeper than the jews
Stranger: the deepest level is the rothschild national banks
You: ok, i suggest you do some more reading and thinking about the subject, see you on the other side. Jesus loves you and died for your sins. Read luke and then acts mein bruder, it will change your like
You have disconnected.
gotta sneak in that evangelism

Kek was heavily propagated and spammed by the CIA's MWC (Meme Warfare Center) to ensure Donald Trump's presidency and a Deep State total takeover.

Donald Trump was selected as the future president when he gave his daughter over to a Jew, thus ensuring his loyalty to the Globalist movement.

>Donald Trump is a kike
>Americfats will never be able to swallow this redpill
>Amerikikes are fucked


Never knew about Alinsky, cheers for the redpill

I am on my first car

'08 Ford fiesta zetec 1.25 ~55,000 miles

I don't know shit about cars but want to learn. What can I do to learn more? What can I fuck with or do myself?

So far, I've:

Topped up oil, brake fluid
Changed a pair of wipers
Jacked up and changed a wheel

Just bought an armrest/centre console to install today.

Literally babby's first car, help me learn more please. What else could I / should I do?
Take the Ultimate Redpill anons. Freemasonry is the ultimate creed and source of knowledge and self growth.

Previous thread: >>2881499

Buy-second-hand-Rei-figures-to-avoid-supporting-khara Edition!

Pastebin updated with a quick Q&A from the previous thread.

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/mMZYWFjQ

What to post: Rei!
What to discuss: Rei!
What to look forward to: Nothing, ever as usual

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>Feel free to chat about Rei and all Rei-related things, from merchandise to your own personal musings about the character!
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nty goy
>that elephant

but really thanks for posting anon.

Final redpill for Greenland is:

can you redpill on what the hell is happening with this sudden rise of these thread?

This. The real redpill is that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Now watch the fedorafags scramble to deny this.
The real redpill
Redpill me on louise mensch. Is she a legitimate source?
Not gonna lie, former redpill person here. This is fucking hilarious watching /pol crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guys get the alien information.
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There are always people on /pol/ who talk shit about PJW, and it always boggles my mind. He's 100% /ourguy/ yet people here trash him anyway. It's beyond stupid and, at best, cucked.

So I suspect it's leftfags who make these comments about him. This guy has done more to redpill normies than most people on our side.
Can we get more his res mounds?

The thing is is that the idea that "Racism" is an inherently "right-wing" ideology is utterly false.

As you, yourself have noticed, leftists are just as racist as the right, if not more so, they are just racist against different people and use different rhetoric.

The real red-pill is to see through the ideological bullshit and realise that any/all political ideologies are just ways for some elite or another to co-opt you to fight their enemies for them.

The true redpill, in my opinion, in traditionalist agrarian localism with libertarian values.

I don't want to die defending the rights of some sand niggers in Toronto any more than I want to go fight for globalist interests in the Middle East or against Russia. I want to be safe and comfortable in my own house surrounded by my own family on my own land and beyond that I don't really care what happens to the "World" as a whole.
It's your duty to redpill her

Found out about this recently and I'm obsessed so I thought I would make a thread.

I make redpill threads but since the userbase is such shit now they don't stay bumped.

Praise kek

Read redpill literature. Currently reading Death of the West. Prepare for the day of reckoning. Find a redpilled church and community. We will bathe in the blood of the heathens soon enough.

The redpill is actually the bluepill, the bluepill is actually the redpill. Its an endless cycle of ideology that fits the according to the amount of experiences you've had.

You cannot escape.
How do I redpill this faggot?

It's clear Alex actually believes a ton of the shit he says, so on that point, he's authentic. The JRE podcast with him made that apparent. However he admitted in the past about having to shill certain ideals from the radio stations he was apart of too, and (((they))) tend to own the radio stations. I think Jones is free from that now, but I may be wrong.

He's a civic nationalist, easy, just like Trump and many on /pol/. With that being said, he doesn't "have any opinion" on Israel in his views of a US civic nationalist; you know, the same country that bombed the USS Liberty, and he remains "neutral". Give me a fucking break. Another thing is his general acceptance of white genocide, but he indirectly fights that off by being anti-SJW/Cultmarx so I can't complain too much.

Overall he's great entertainment and the best first-dose of the redpill for most normies.
Is 1917 v2 happening in states? Is Antifa the next Red Army? Is Alt-Right something like the White Army? What the fuck is going on? Redpill me on the whole thing.
God made two types of people predestined:

1. Fuel for the fires of hell (Gospel hardens their heart more)
2. His children that will partake in his salvation (Gospel eventually saves them)

An impossible redpill to swallow for atheists and false converts.
The redpill too big for burgers to swallow
>mfw ashamed of kike worshipping nation

I had one of those. Rock solid. Perfectly reliable. Sold it because I prefer my Mossberg due to the tang safety, short reach slude release and the elevator is out of the way when topping off the magazine tube. Mossberg is also lighter so it points better, but it does kick more.

That's all ergonomic preference, the H&R was far more solidly built.
So, the redpill came from the movie matrix. That was directed by The Wachowskis, witch are nowadays transgender people. They also wrote sensate that is a shitfest of genderfluidity/transgenderism. In the matrix movie, the redpill was a vessel to the truth. The idea was originally came from alice in wonderland with the drink glass and the eat me cake the first one made Alice srink the secont one made it grow. Alice uses it to solve a problem. thats a metaphor for the adolescent Alice that is both a girl and a woman and can take both roles depending on the situation not on the same time obviously (thanks for pointing that out Deleuze). that was written by Lewis Carroll, that was a known pedophile and that in real life Alice was his preferred child (oh the irony https://news.artnet.com/art-world/was-lewis-carroll-a-pedophile-his-photographs-suggest-so-237222). The best irony of this meme, is that Morpheus, the one offering the blue and the red pill to Neo, is actually a Black man. That really makes you think isn't it /pol/ ? All the redpills comes from what you hate the most.
the final redpill is realising there is a bluepill. makes you think.
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Not phoneposting my man, I got a nice ol bigrig with SLI gwaphics cards but since you can't come up with proper counterpoints Im gonna assume you are in fact sucking a spider dick. I bet you like to "milk" your spiders because it's "great for homeopathic remedies" and that you make sure not to hurt them or you'll cry like the bitch you are. Take a shower dude jesus.
If we figured out how the CIA AI learns could we redpill it like we did with the Twitter AI?
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Redpill me on Hitler

>failed art student
>blamed Jewish privilege
>spread himself too thin to effective hold any front
>refused facts and ideas to restrategize
>amphetemine addict
>one testicle

I don't get the the idolizations
He is literally the reason Globalist can claim moral high ground and shit skins have flooded the west

I'm all for the white ethnostate, but this guy fucked up hard and has made it almost unobtainable
Anon, I think the biggest redpill of them all, at least when it comes to women, is that they are not trash and that this whole women are horrible thing is just a psyop to get us to not breed by dividing the sexes.
havent watched since season 8
>redpill me on what i missed
>Tfw you just got done reading several well-reseached, data driven studies and had to swallow a bitter redpill
redpill me on this guy and his hair
other than the fact he looks like father ted

I worship Phobos and Deimos. I believe that God is a powerful force in the collective consciousness and it has power to effect great change. You can't deny the effects of God when so many real people make real decisions that are influenced by God. To understand worship as a means to unlocking greater potential within your consciousness, to fulfilling certain evolved psychological needs is the ultimate redpill. I worship Phobos and Deimos because I know what rules me, and I wish to make sacrifices to them to gain their favor.
By eradicating them.

>Not knowing Catholicism spawned Islam for their benefit and to sway people from Christianity
>enjoy this redpill
>Every hero needs a villain

Thanks for being here Blue. I'm trying to redpill by SJW family and told them about this place. I know they wont jump right in to alt-nazi, but it's good to know you all are here to make them feel at home. After a little while of nodding along to all your daily bullet points, they will slowly begin to see. slowly begin to turn. logic takes over. and then it is done. Thanks again blue brethren for pitching my home run.

It's not needed on a well maintained engine. Fix the actual problem. If it's running rough, is just excessive vibration? Could be motor mounts or a misfire.

2D is the final redpill
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All of the important shit, it's alot to ask but I beg you to redpill me

If we loudly disagree (in media) we land in a monastery in the best case, it's better to mention it in your church & redpill the people who attend it tbqh.
>W-we hate normalfags and keep liberals at bay and we're all exactly like the spirit of old /b/!!!
>But we''re all on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Funnyjunk, even fucking 9gag, and we can't argue for shit and we like to misrepresent the positions that people who are critical of our stupidity have because we actually don't know a God damn thing!

Fucking /pol/.
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Still being an obsessive faggot, I see?
Goddamn, you really are pathetic.
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Let's finish this thread off with some good image I found on lainchan
Thread posts: 332
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