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Has anyone discovered where is this "8gag" group from

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Thread replies: 147
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Has anyone discovered where is this "8gag" group from yet? What is the name of their board and why are they raiding /qa/?
they're all watching lucky star right now
They congregate on a super secret unlisted 8pl board apparently.
Go back there.
It doesn't matter. Make good threads instead of threads like this.
The only point of this thread is to put yet another 2d anime girl in the catalog
can they at least leave [s4s] alone, we never did anything
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buttdevastated 8gagger
195### images are nearly exclusively shitposting concern trolls trying and failing to blend in
Your avatarfagging will be your undoing.
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You're avatarfagging too because I can recognize your shitposts.
That's may or may not be true, but when even actual /jp/ is telling the spinoff people to fuck off then you have to wonder
>even actual /jp/
that was copied from another thread, retard and that cynic has been on /qa/ for months telling /qa/ to stop having fun. Just one of many /qa/ antagonists obsessed with this place like yourself.
How are you spinoff faggots any better than the discordbros you constantly bitch about? You're both cut from the same cloth.
I don't see anyone pretending to be /jp/ here though? Fuck off 8gag/mlpol shitter.
You don't deserve the 500th explanation, concernbro
Well get used to it because I'm /qa/ and if you post on /qa/ you're going to have to deal with al/qa/eda.

Also, I'm not your bro, guy.
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It's a fat paranoid schizophrenic beaner and her beta orbiters who think /qa/ is some sort of conspiracy to delete /pol/.
Didn't you people raid them into oblivion?
This is some embarrassing shit. Maybe women shouldn't be let on the Internet after all.
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Who cares this shit is gay.

They're gay
y'all gay
why is y'all so gay??

>you people
No. Their /pol/ "free speech" board is unlisted and hidden and apparently it has at least six mods for such a small group to maintain that "free speech".
Even if it wasn't, who cares? Focus on making /qa/ better.
>making /qa/ better
Stopping the 2D *action oriented* shitposting epidemic would go a long way.
If you want 80 frog threads in the catalog for months at a time then those people will have to work harder to realize your dream.
*shits on your opinion*
Don't you think you are exaggerating just a bit? There hasn't been more than 10 frog threads in the catalog for many months now. Meanwhile, threads like >>/1348612 and >>1348296 and >>1348810 are somehow great threads and totally not shitposting, right?
Shitposting is a buzzword. Make threads you like instead of whining and people will post in them if they're interested.
>There hasn't been more than 10 frog threads in the catalog for many months now
lol at least try to sound credible
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Stay buttdevastated, 8gag. You have to hide almost the entire board if you want to hide the 2D/Random threads while I just need to hide 20-30 of your shit threads.
What an stunningly ineffective thing to say. Do you not see how the /ota/bros make 20 or 30 anime shitposting threads per day? What are my 5 threads per day going to do against that? They do exactly what they accuse 8gag /mlpol/ discordbro boogeyman of doing, and then they accuse everyone else of being one of them. And then you tell me to quit whining when the OP made this thread to whine about his 8gag boogeymen? Truly chortle-wortthy.

There hasn't been some big invasion since /qa/ came back except for you /ota/ faggots thinking this is the new 2D/Random board

The more you accuse me of being 8gag the more you destroy your own credibility.
Why is accusing everyone of being 8gag is bad but accusing everyone of being /ota/ good?
>There hasn't been some big invasion since /qa/ came back except for you /ota/ faggots thinking this is the new 2D/Random board
Again, lol
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Go ahead and hide all the 2D/Random threads if they bother you then, crybaby falseflagger. I can assure you'll have to spend way more time doing this than what I do with your shitposts, but I'm sure you'll enjoy your lonely shitposting club better that way.
the ota stuff is well documented in threads like >>1343828 and the previous one before it

I dont know what the endgame is. Some of them act like they want to turn this board into anime only and bully away the crossboarders.
lol go tell it to the OP of >>1340954.
The spinoff faggots are the invaders. Even the /pol/kids and [s4s]posters are actually from 4chan. The /ota/bros can't say that.
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>Even the /pol/kids and [s4s]posters are actually from 4chan. The /ota/bros can't say that.
You really think an /a/-esque spin-off with 300 posts a day, constantly shoved around by teenbros and freaks is conducting some sort of successful organized invasion here?
Who's talking about 4/pol/ or [s4s] in this thread?
Helpful hint: Nobody who is from 4chan ever says this.
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>anonymous unlisted board
>no rules of subjects designated
>it's complete anarchy
>tribal warfare non-stop
>everybody is creating different boogeymen to blame and attack
>2d is the majority with an insurgent frog minority
>2d split into many factions like ota, gnfo, warosu, hima, and other spinoff
>frog minority is is loosely organized around frogs, mlp, and possibly 8gag
>there's lots of loose actors taking advantage of the chaos
>lots of random acts of spam (terrorism)
>tens of thousands of meta discussion posts (causalities)
>everybody is fighting space in the catalog
>tactics are always evolving and skirmish can break out in any thread 24/7
>alliances are formed and broken depending on the strategy
Protip: The kids raiding /qa/ are not from 4chan, at least not lately.
wtf why is there so much green up there
I mean 4chan's /pol/. Obviously all of them started there.
Indisputable fact: People from the spinoffs wouldn't be here if there weren't people who wanted them.
Why would they be here if they had their spin-offs? This Anime/Random thing was a homegrown ideal on /qa/.
I clarified my post. I wasn't talking about "/jp/". Obviously the spin-offs were invited and some of their users were already here.
I wonder if this guy in the thread is the one that was sure /jp/ was just a front for /pol/.
>This Anime/Random thing was a homegrown ideal on /qa/.
This is very wrong. That ideal came from /jp/ half a decade ago.
I wasn't referring to the entire scope of 4chan obviously, but /qa/ a few months back, rather.
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The irony is that the 8gag shitters are also driving out the people who unironically think /qa/ is a meta board with their raids and shitposting. I think spamming the board with garbage like this is even more effective than redirecting them to IRC or the feedback page.
/qa is a meta board and we aren't from 8gag. You people are the only ones spamming the board with garbage like >>1347342 when we could be discussing crossboarder problems.
It's not really ironic because the only goal is to "destroy" it.

Everyone in this thread is retarded.
I tried to tell you guys this was a false flag planned by >>>/c/, who is vying for total site domination. Nobody ever suspects the cute ones.
bumping as a reminder
We don't care about the name.
I could run 3 brute force scripts on 2 of my servers + home IP and have it in two weeks.
do it
do it fgt
I'm glad my side as stayed the same.
Fuck off reddit.
every thread in which someone from 8gsg provided info.
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everything about this image is wrong
posts are by schedule autists not fug
and image is some random chick spread as a meme from some discord, fug is a ginger
enjoy delusion bby <3
Any teenbros interested in internet warfare around here?
>being a betacuck
you can tell he doesnt care because he types in lowercase and attaches reaction faces to his posts
Die retards.
damage control lol
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you are very mad
stay away from me quotenorm
22 in this thread.
21 i fucking hate this thread
made a strawpoll
holy autism
8gag scared
disgusting tryhard teenbro
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about 2 drop the biggest, most post ironic redpill on you.......
aww she is qt
the other thread got deleted, but I'm getting tired of your autism so I'll have you know that my "move" would be to remind you that when they come to put all the kiddly diddlers in gas chambers your 5 person "revolt" endchan circlejerk won't be there to protect you.
Which beer is it?
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I like where this thread is going
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Yeah, you would have to be pretty angry to spam the same silly image on every community a board you're eternally ass mangled about touches. pedophilia is a mental illness [spoiler]and you're no better than schedule autist[/spoiler]
Are these freaks serious?

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shitty censoring rulecuck you STILL worship .jpg
If you're an epic resistance fighter like you larp about being than post br's name. do it faget
Can't we all just get along? Hostility breeds even more hostility.
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more anger
pls grow up and stop throwing 3rd grader temper tantrums over imageboards
Do you see what you did, OP?
Take your 8gag drama somewhere else.
the /qa/mblrtard only exists to organize a space for the "8gagger" to shit all over. The pedo probably even agrees with me on that
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So what you're saying is...
t. 8gagger
Can you guys sage and stop bumping this thread. It's sooooooooo irrelevant.
You mean you don't like gossiping about teenaged crusaders from 8gag?
you said it was a fat mexican and now it's some bonobo-looking canadian? I don't know what to believe in any more if I can't believe in teenaged drama...
Yes, no one cares. 404 this thread mods.
why do I feel like you're the only teenager here and you're obsessed with projection?
This is stupid shit.
The fuck is this stupid shit?
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Can we all agree that Catholic Anon did nothing wrong?
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L.O.L. what a simplification of a complex situation. amazingtolerance, a mod there and probably the most universally respected oldfag who's the closest to the b.o., is very anti-/pol/ and leftist and will say things like "go back to the_donald" or whatever. plus everybody congregated there originally after being banned for 8/pol/. plus they like to fuck with TRS and "alt right" voats and reddits and other normalfag social media. so, uhhhhhh, get educated, subersive.
atlasfugged is such an old username for her. brings me back to the pedo vs. anti-pedo arguments on /b/ desu
oh ok
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is this anarchobro sperging out with epic libertarian reaction images or night autist pretending to be anarchobro making fun of him
i... cant tell @ this point :^=[
this is a very one-sided relationship and /qa/ doesn't care about you...
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Don't worry gurl, everything you disagree with is schedule anon ;)
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How do you rate the BT-7 in war thunder?
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Then why do they whine about us constantly

dude you still think she is that mexican chick.. try posting that image on BR, nothing will happen. But she gets asshurt if you post >>1350280
>Then why do they whine about us constantly
because you spend more time here than there
/qa/ isn't the one on an activist crusade to destroy other boards
These guys are so boring, they're never compete with big personalities like T.
reminder that t tried to usurp Andy and he got destroyed
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>mfw kinospam is literally a /leftypol/ mod
Who are you quoting?
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fugthelug when she discovered it
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the best way to fight br rulecucks is to post image macros of nudes of their leader with funny things superimposed over it. find them on revolt boards on endchan or mchan

wasn't that was spamming pepes or seth rich or something here? his is /pol/ as fuck, at is the leftycuck mod, they are both pro censorship though
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Fuck off pedo. this guy is a pedo, don't listen to him
what's a "rulecuck"
i like loli too though
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sometimes you just need a hug.jpg
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This actually happened and they both permabenned each other from the sub for 2 weeks.
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>What's a rulecuck
See pic
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fuck bro i get it, board more like subreddit!!!
what does janny have to do with this 8gag board?
Janny is just one manifestation of the eternal rulecuck
they're literal teenbros
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Shut up bitch
>what's a "rulecuck"
It means you're talking to someone from /int*/ who are basically internet anarchists following the "heh pill" ideology.
I miss the spambot.
it's still here, it's just that it targets blatant /pol/ threads only
The spambot is still around, it's just not going to be used on every shitty thread nor should it be.
what makes a thread shitty to you?
You mean like Andy, right?
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That's not all the pills there are to choose from.
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Have you tried the brown pill? It's a tough pill to swallow!
who nippon pill here
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It's well known that AT and fug are the same person.
Who cyanide pill here?
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i wish the text didn't get more fucked up each time i see it but that's part of it i guess. it needs a beat and sodomize /qa/ anime posting communist pill
Redditors don't know what JPEG is.
D-, resize the picture, not the text.
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go back there
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