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Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 119

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CNN hillary helps two men.jpg
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>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>Trump tells dana/cnn to fuck off
>Trump Rally in Kinston NC 10/26/16
>Trump Rally in Charlotte NC 10/26/16
>Trumps at Grand Opening of Trump Intl DC 10/26/16

>Trump on on Rush Limbaugh 10/25/16
>Trump on FNC 10/25/16
>Trump interview w/Pat Robertson 10/22/16

>Trump Rally in Tallahassee FL 10/25/16
>Trump Rally in Sanford FL 10/25/16
>Trump Speech in Doral in Miami FL 10/25/16
>Trump's Gettysburg Address 10/22/16

>Fight For Western Civilization
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

>Okeefe Video Leak #1 - Inciting Violence
>Okeefe Video Leak #2 - Voter Fraud
>Okeefe Video Leak #3 - shillary loves donald duck
>Okeefe Video Leak #4 - Wire Transfer

prev >>94728504
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/ourguy/ OBAMA
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looks like a movement to me
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Fuck Hillary and fuck SJWs
i have been out since friday

what is new?

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Trump calls obama nigger on tape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbryz0mxuMY
The last one I went to I brought my own food and my home brewed cider to share.
This time I changed up my brewing process.
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Crooked is toast
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Can someone red pill me on the guy who played Young Anakin Skywalker? WTF happened to him? Why did he become embarrassed of his movie role? How did he go to jail?
Why so much Reddit in the thread tonight?
Obama was just posting on here a little while ago.
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1: Jeb! vs Clinton

2: Jeb! vs Sanders

3: Cruz vs Sanders
Jake Lloyd? Didn't he get arrested for street racing?
This time next year we'll be saying how obvious it was that Trump would win. Hillary has no enthusiasm, is actually autistic, and is openly corrupt.
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>buying into the Obamacare meme
wew lad the red pill's one hell of a drug
Where were you when you first realized Michael Moore was based? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud1tWx_im8w
Been planning an hero after voting...

Do you think my PA vote will even matter?

Should I wait?
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not mad at all.jpg
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Canadians and Australians stand aside, this is how you really shitpost

does she feel in charge?
What does a fallen Jedi have anything to do with Trump?
He got relentlessly bullied in school for playing Anakin

He hates Star Wars now
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>letting the government dictate your healthcare
Trump will win

>Blue Texas

Fuck off CTR shills.
how long do you reckon Dobbs has before he outright names the jew?
>wahhh, they have a different opinion than me, even though its completely obvious trump would have no idea what to do if he actually became president and everyone in congress hates him
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1. JEB!
2. JEB!

1. Jeb would lose because he's an establishment shill just like hillary.
2. Jeb would lose because he's and establishment shill.
3. Cruz would win because Bernie turned out to be an establishment shill.
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Yeah in Pennsylvania, California right?
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mfw a fucking baby is smarter than drumpf

That's one loyal dog
>created over 2 years of butthurt with one tweet

Thats it fuck you America I officially claim Trump for Australia. You cant have him anymore.
Why are many liberals smug?
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What is the proper way to get comfy after you say your prayers and get ready to dream of an America made great again, lads? How do you get comfy?
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>Two of the highest hit states are MN and AZ.
>AZ that was supposedly "leaning blue"
>MN which has surprisingly shown itself to be a potential swing state this election.

You know, for once I mean this sincerely. Thanks Obama.
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holy shit trump btfo for all eternity
Someone tell the Trump campaign about this shit.

He needs to start running ads on this and talking about it on Twitter.

Personalize the message. Do what O'reilly does. Ask people for their first name and their town, how much their premium has increased, and a short comment.

Start posting these on twitter and on TV ads in the affected states.

It's a political nuke.
Yeah okay but what's that got to do with Star Wars?
He really has honed his skills to a razor's edge. No idea what the fuck he was on about with the sharks though.

Oy Vey! Americans don't know what is good for them, having shekels is OUR business only! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adrdmmh7bMo
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I sometimes throw in off topic stuff to mix things up when I'm bored.
You guys act like you don't know Lou at all.
He was "Red-Pilled" before you was even born
Goodthing Muffins is staying in his own containment state. Who knows who he'll run into outside the Mormon zone.
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Trump will make NASA great again.
We gonna conquer the stars.

Newt for NASA

don't taint my b8

Non-flags are my target you misogynistic fascist fuck
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Try this one.
Except the general. Since he kinda looks like Trump.
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Good fucking God we're going to get 400 electoral votes at this rate.
Lou Dobbs was redpilled before we were born.
We have to bring education local.
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we /realtrumphours/ here
Lou Dobbs has awaken.

Globalists will never be safe again.
I'm glad that the anti-postmodernists and anti-globalists have lost their defeatism. A defeatist has never helped anybody but his opponents.

Even if Trump loses, don't return to your old ways, /pol/. We WILL rid this country of this cancer, hopefully before it becomes irreversible.
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>20 - 29% increase
>will soon be fresh out of college
Just end my fucking life boys. Better hit that employer with benefits trail hard.

How the fuck are all the old folks in Arizona going to survive?
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Can you get the pic and post it?

>inb4 reddit
Sanders at least would get SOME people woke.
you do it, i gotta go wash my ute

Quads of utter butt devastation

CTR and leftypol BTFO eternally.
Because they live in a bubble where they are always right, all the time.
They can't comprehend that they might be wrong, as there is an entire entertainment and arts industry that reaffirms what they believe in a massive circle-jerk of smug, slick hair, dyed hair and contempt for unbelievers.

Next couple of decades are going to be rough for them, especially in Europe.

I'm waiting for the media to nail him on criminally consuming oxygen and exhaling worthless carbon dioxide.

It's gotten that fucking ridiculous.
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DAILY REMINDER that Trump's health care policies are WAY more 'liberal' than that of Hillary (but applies free market principles rather than socializing everything, like in Canada)

DAILY REMINDER that Trump supported universal health care ("taking care of everybody") even at the start of the race to get the republican nomination

DAILY REMINDER that Rubio and Cruz tried to grill him on this subject, because Trump's position is so un-republican

DAILY REMINDER that even leftists have no excuse not to vote for Trump
wtf I hate star wars now
>How the fuck are all the old folks in Arizona going to survive?
Most of them are eligible for Medicare and thus immune to this assfuckery.
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MFW riggedpolls can't even suppress the landslide ensuing
Member when Epic Rap Battle was decent? I member.
How will you do that if your leaders push for war with Russia? I'm not sure yet if they're that crazy.
Try it you bogan poofter
I get Sanders over Jeb!, but not over Cruz. Why wouldn't you support Lyin' Ted?
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This is a two way street nigga.
He already is and has been this entire election. The media can't ignore this because it would show too much of a disconnect.
pick one
they are the most asleep of them all
Will Trump make German Engineering Great Again?
They pandered to the Young Turks crowd.
A dying crowd.

This election has proven to all the doubters (myself included) that a successful nationalist movement in the United States is 100% possible
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>mfw Obamacare's collapse means literally every taxpayer in swing states will be receiving letters tripling their premiums before Election Day
Is that thing still around?


He was the only one yelling about the border 10 years ago. He must cum every time he hears build the wall.

I didn't know he helped make Space.com though, I loved that site as a kid. He's pretty fucking based.
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Who's going on /trunpgen/? I missed the O'Keefe video this aftetnoon. was it ducking nothing by /pol/'s standards?

Where is TNN for a recap of the days events? Can someone get me up to speed?

Anyways, how ya'll doing?
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found this image, i think it's pretty persuasive...

spread it around like wildfire

>yfw that cute girl in the bottom pic ain't even a real victim
Probably an Apprentice thing where a group tried to market something with sharks.
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Who else /joiningthemilitary/ after a Trump victory?

I'm going infantry personally. I know chair force / Navy is safer, but fuck if I don't want to kill some mudslimes/globalists.

>Implying there's a difference
>Cruz because Judges
>Still calling it obamacare

Remember its Hillarycare
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Real AWOO hours. Smash dat MF (You) button!
That's the problem, though. If Trump loses we might already be too late. We need to remove at least 50 million Hispanics from the country and remove the welfare state to prevent the remaining nonwhites from breeding like rats if we are to preserve the character of the republic. Hillary wants open borders with Mexico.
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>a week and a half before the election and Democrats drop a turd bigger than anything Trump has said in 2 years

Post >yfw Obama was a Trump plant the entire time.
Makes sense. That explains why they can't handle different views.
But for how long? The most depressing thing from this election cycle is that 8 years down the road the support base that makes the movement possible now might be too small later
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Will this affect the election?

I'm glad to see so many former democrats being able to see through the media bullshit and supporting Trump.

It's a tough thing to do in politics.
Told us nothing that we didn't know before, though more succingtly.

Essentially Obama fucking knew Hillary was working on a separate private email server, and didn't give a shit.
And her staff knew, and his staff knew, the whole administration knew.

But unless Trump gets in, nobody will prosecute.
What if Obama hated Clinton so much that he made a messed up healthcare system for her to support, only for it to collapse in on her and be part of her undoing?
I don't trust your flag. Is this a real letter or was it just typed up and printed by an australian?

If real then this would fucking end the election. There is no damage control that can explain this away.
ha. holy shit. jewish mafia and now mormon mafia
I remember watching the Romney vs Obama version of this.
US Armed Forces recruiter pls go
>>Implying there's a difference
I wasn't implying that. But I was asking who you would support.
Not voting, voting third party and writing in Trump are all valid answers.
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Remember when you got to play with the GameCube controller because it was your house and your friends got stuck with the shitty MadCatz ones and you were convinced you were the best at Melee ever?

That's libs. They ride atop a media they don't want to understand, one that does the heavy lifting for them. The smug comes from the fact that they genuinely believe they're right and did this work themselves.

Except now, Trump just challenged them to a Fox-Fox no items battle for use of the GameCube controller, and he won on the fucking MadCatz, and now they are FUCKED.
There have been so many public red pills over the past few years that it was bound to happen with Trump around to call the entire narrative out. The turning point for me was the Snowden leaks.
Revolutions are almost never peaceful
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>sunkist and twix

s m h Gary.

NTNN is here.
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The Obama/Romney one is at least half good
This Trump shit has him bashing himself in the second half
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>"I gotta feed the jew"
>"I'm just a jacked up white boy"

He voted absentee for Trump, didn't he?
that gave my noggin a good joggin (made me think)

who was the earliest red-pilled man?
Yes, for once the overall news is bad for Clinton, and sadly for her, her supporters, and independents leaning to her, trust the media, live by the sword die by the sword.

Consistent bad news on her will wreck her shit, unlike Trump who, despite getting fuckton of bad press, republicans and right-leaning independents hate the press anyways.
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Lot of loyalty for a hired puppy.
OCTOBER 26, 2016

Happy 7th anniversary to Ivanka and Jared!

>man damages Trump's "Hollywood Walk of Fame" star with pickaxe
>Trump and family dedicate Trump International Washington DC hotel
>former Bill Clinton lover, Dolly Kyle, dishes on the family
>DK: Bill wanted Hillary to have a baby so they looked like normal couple and take away attention from H's "lifestyle"
>DK: Hillary had a frumpy, greasy appearance
>DK: Hillary "emitted an overpowering odor of perspiration and greasy hair. I hoped that I wouldn't gag when she got in my car"
>Alex Jones: "I mean it’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they [the Emanuels] are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States."
>"They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you."
>new email show Huma granting access based on donor status
>new Okeefe video
>Creamer says he talks to H camp every morning
>group taking foreign donations
>Hillary needs help going up a single step after rally
>Pence's dog, Maverick dies at age 13
>Trump rally in Charlotte, NC
>from the high desert: Art Bell votes for Trump
>new Fox News poll shows trump rising 4pts, now just 3pts behind nationally
>Trump rally in Kinston, NC
>says Hillary has less energy than Jeb!

Site: https://sites.google.com/site/trumpnightlynews2/home/october
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Guys, I know Newt is an insider but HOLY FUCK IS HE OUR BOI OR WHAT?
Lou is the best thing Fox has and I actually like a couple others out of their anchors Like the Judge and Sean.
O'Keefe's new video sets up a Hillary meeting at the end.
Probably his best video yet, they showed that Hillary's campaign knowingly took a foreign donation illegally and it also teased a future video where they have a meeting with Hillary herself
>who was the earliest red-pilled man?
Adam. It took literally one day for one woman to ruin everything forever.
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>I-I'm not fascinated with sex

I'm serious though.

I would die for Trump's America.
That would tarnish his legacy, and I still think he loves himself more than he hates Hillary.
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Fuck I need to write an essay, but I can't leave an Awoo unanswered.
Its fake. Shes an actress and the photo was made for some sort of TV show. Its was debunked months ago.

The ither pics are still persuasive enough and real tho
Stewart Varney on FBN also good

Trish from FBN (Or Kim G from the 5)> Megyn
the original Moonman
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First time I'm going to say "thanks obama" and actually mean it

That trip is compromised. Squawk under your new trip to verify your ident.
>Happy 7th anniversary to Ivanka and Jared!
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Interesting analogy.
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You misunderstand.

Trump talks about repealing and replacing Obamacare in general.

What I'm saying is he needs to personalize that message by highlighting what individual people are suffering through, both on social media and with conventional ads.

Damn it, I wish O'Keefe wasn't such an artist. Just get to the bad stuff about black people.
My concern is, when is he going to drop that if he has that? LATEST is Wednesday next week, but I cannot imagine that being a good idea.. cuts it close I think.

Man started out redpilled. You think numales would've survived in the wild?

It's the decadent trappings of modern society that obscure reality.
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>You almost lost the primary to a Socialist Jew
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>Megyn getting assblasted
Good, fuck that lefty cunt.

I think they all knew it was at best a shitty half measure. The point was to move the ball forward. In that, you could say they succeeded, even though they made healthcare worse.
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>Midterms in two days
Shit I should be studying but Trump is life!
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I love when Trump cracks up. Does anyone have the gif of him giving a speech and somebody says something in the audience and he tries to turn away and hide himself cracking up?
ya don't spread this bullshit. you talk about "persuasion" its persuasive without the bullshit picture that can be resarched and debunked. if they see it was debunked, they think the whole thing never happened
It's going to be this week. The end of video #4 teed up their agent getting a job IN HILLARY HQ. It's not going to take long for them to encounter the Hildebeast in her own lair.
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CNN getting nervous!
>he named his son Turk
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>but I can't leave an Awoo unanswered.

>Shit I should be studying but Trump is life!

Mission accomplished, anons.

>Now, go fight your other battle. We've gotta stay on point for The Don.
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How hard are we winning?

How are early voting days going on?
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Trump is being followed around by little puppies? Holy shit he predicted the future.
I just found out how many people hate trump more than Hillary. You can't even talk sense into them. Hillary is going to win by people voting her just to spite trump. Fuck America.
Thanks for keeping me posted.

My consumables are nothing to boast about. I can't take lunch since I'm solo so this is the best I've got.
On November 1 everyone will understand.
nah about a week before the election is perfect timing

more than enough time for the news to be spread around and for outrage to reach a fever pitch

if it were released a few weeks ago people would've already moved on by the time the election came around
Texas Tribune set to release a 'shocker' poll in ~40 minutes:


Waste of time polling a state that will go red by double digits without question.
Historically Thutmose III was recorded as "Red-Pilled".
Someone else my know of another who was alive and on record for being more.

still my favorite I fuckin' died watching this
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>That kid
Jesus, what kind of a father would let his child be the subject of such humiliation?
/pol/ I'm scared I need Trump to win, he is the last hope to start the fire, look at Canada as the future of the west of nothing is done, please Burgers please
Yeah I noticed the big "DNC" on the glass of the HQ...he didn't mention it verbally but thats not one of the PAC buildings at all..
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Explain the processes involved in the formation of chemical sedimentary rocks and describe several examples
Oh, God, it's gotten to the point where I know EXACTLY what speech that was. This fucking election.

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Have you ever had a leader that inspired you to care about the future of your country?

Have you ever been willing to die for the betterment of your country?
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If it's a shocker poll it's clearly some fake TEXAS GOIN' BLUE XD poll.

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Any Texans here to redpill on the Texas Tribune and whether or not this poll will be worth a damn?
Someone convince me not to drop $100 on Trump's odds right now

I'm in for 60 bucks and I'll get 250 if he wins. If I drop a hundred on that I'll be at around 700 total. SHOULD I PULL THE TRIGGER? My girl needs some new go fast parts

That's a good one, but not the one. I may have saved it. Trudging through my folder now.
how about i shove my fist on your ass you fucking faggot


I REPEAT: THAT TRIP IS COMPROMISED. Squawk under your new ident, or you will be fired upon.
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Stop poisoning yourself, mate.
If he did get inside the HQ with her, you know they're thinking of some excuse why she said shit.
Professor who created the model has bet a bunch of money on him too
if you hype the results of a poll before it's released, its more than likely a propaganda poll
Agreed BUT.. if the media really wants to ignore it or damage control it / slide it, they could if it was that late, also risks with early vote.. though I guess, you dont need to win BIG, you just need to BTFO some persuadable voters minds just a percent or two and Trumps winning way over 270.
He's adorable

You'll never see a genuine moment like that out of Hillary
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Who wants to laugh at the delusional Shillarytards?

Any thread in particular you guys want to check out?

This place is fucking dead btw, it's like the same guy always posting delusional shit and like 100 people upvoting this crap. Can't believe this is the official reddit for a General Election candidate for the Democratic party after Obama
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over 9000 hours
You know the only thing stopping me from dropping 2000 is the rigging
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Ahahaha I forgot about this.
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That was a speech in Nevada I believe, right after he called Cruz a pussy.

Trump was talking about Cruz and then he paused for just a second and someone shouted "HE'S A PUSSY" really quick and he keeled over laughing
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A true man of the people.
Check out "primary model". He will likely win, unless the fraud gets him.
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He works at walmart and tripfags on 4chan, a swift death is probably what he is aiming for
bretty gud
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What's wrong with her face?
You should edit in MSM or Hilary for the other guy.

inb4 he hang draws and quarters himself in a freak barbell accident
You could tell he was processing it for a second, determined he shouldn't laugh but said fuckit I can't contain myself.
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(((Dana Bash))) begging Trump for advertising shekels on CNN
That's what I'm afraid of. The state that we need the most right now is PA and its primed for rigging
The early voting is not looking good...
Hit up the Nate Silver cherry picking one
tried "MSM", looked silly

She's a nigger.
>Obama '08 supporter
wow so someone really didn't learn much
You think I give a shit what you do faggot?
save this for the montage thread where we compile all the BTFO faces
I will unironically fight and die before I let Hillary Clinton claim the Oval Office

They're all at r/politicaldiscussion. Was a nice sub until the primaries ended.

I'm almost certain there's DNC people posting there.

Which is the best Trump rally of the past 3 days? I can not keep up with the madman's rigorous schedule and have only watched like, 3.
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I know which gif you mean, trying to find it.
what have we done to john?
I hate her stupid face

why does she look so punchable?
Hillary is leading in el Paso
I'm wondering if it'll be something along the lines of democrat early voter turnout. I don't really think it will be that much.

A +7 Trump poll hit today: http://www.mystatesman.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/new-texas-polls-shows-trump-with-small-but-safe-le/nsx2d/

Usually hyping polls means nothing. Push polls at best. Propaganda as you said.
Only the final result matters.

Just as I thought. Fake ass nigger.

FYI a lot of us were here when he generated the new one. Smoke poles for hillary in hell.
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only like 100 replies to the biggest threads

lol they get less posts than half of a trump gen
Nothing, she's just black
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>Matthew 20:16
>So the last will be first, and the first last.
>For many are called, but few are chosen.

YFW you realize Trump was literally chosen by God to become our president in the year 2016.
What is El Paso?
A miserable pile of beaners.
I honestly didn't expect it to reach that level of reported
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There you go Canada

Rebbit is shit m8

Pretty low energy if you ask me
Don Lemon whipped his dick out and she is shocked at how small it is.
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Hello concern shill
>el Paso
a border town

literally at the border
I honestly wouldn't put it past them at this point. Considering the best reasoning they gave us for the massive involvement in Lybia and Syria was:
>Lmao because reasons
We've been at war in the Middle East since 1990 man, there are people pushing 30 who have never known "peace time". Hell even if we haven't been at war, we've been heavily involved there.

So if the cunts want to start a war? I'm not fucking fighting in it. I spent all my youth seeing reports about our involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., and what did it get us? Fucking nothing. The extremists always come back. Their secular citizens never fight back. We always get stuck with the bill. I figure I can do more here at home to actually help my country, be it calm or drastic, than anywhere else in the world. And I don't think I'm the only one with those views.

You 8gag faggots are the best.
You think anyone who posts on here who don't kiss your ass is a Hillary supporter.
I was on here as well and I know his new trip is TrumpHulk dicksucker.
"They" are too busy looking for the moles O'Keefe still has in there.
A mexican shithole of a city in Texas
>a nigger with lazy eye
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Taco company
>30 points per comment
Kek, our Reddit board gets 200 per comment, and that's WITH CTR voting them down, not up.
Who in the fuck decided to pull this two weeks before an election? lol
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>there are people pushing 30 who have never known "peace time".
I'm 27 and the only "peacetime" I ever knew was the brief lull between the Balkan intervention (sorry about that, Serbia, in hindsight we should have bombed the Muslims) and 9/11.
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Where's the source of these polls?

That's a cool avatar 2bh
City that straddles the Texas-Mexico border. Literally "the pass" in Spanish.
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god damn i love pharma bro!
If it's being reported, the AG will have to go down and investigate.
anyone have the michael moore video with dramatic music?
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I remember this album. At least he had his smokes before he died.
Never mind, found it.


>I got caught playing pretendtrip

Of course you were here, hence how you stole the old broken one.

Remember, it's down the block, not across the street. Now, get to cutting. The faster you fuck off and die the better the board will be because of it.
>the AG
Motherfucker, Lynch'll just go down and make it worse.

Even if he wins (which I expect will occur unless fraud is absolutely out of control), he will be facing immense opposition when it comes to getting things done in Washington. He'll need to pull another powerplay and get competent and trustworthy allies to fix all those institutions.
Looks good.
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oh noes.webm
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STATE AG, not Loretta "Otabe" Lynch.
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How do we solve the Hillary-Pepe problem?
That's been a very interesting tracking poll. It's not overly bias towards either candidate. Seems to follow general trends pretty well.
michael moore video with dramatic music plz
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>Megyn just triggered Huck
Goddamn bitch
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>mfw Trump can't win ONE blue state
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like dis
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Holy Kek
You actually think you can control shit faggot?
Please make you wish come true and make it happen then.
Filter the shills
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poopoo peepee
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>mfw he wins all of them
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>all this in response to some 76ers not letting some chick sing the natl anthem because she wore a "we matter" shirt
is PA gonna go red?
Like how Anonymous MA treated awoos; shop pepe killing them.
This post is what the word "shill" actually means, BTW.
incredible those undecided
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she just needs to eat some flies on national tv

it will be fine

Shows that PA and CO are within snatching distance, especially if Trump gets the monster vote.

There's no way there's still 10% undecided at this point, it's more like 10% Trump voters in hiding.
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There is no way those undecideds wont break for Trump.

Clinton has been around for decades. You know what you're getting with her.

That's probably why the guy is highlighting them.
What happened?

Pepe is a white supremist symbol, so if one posts it, they are racist. Is Hillary racist?
Made him into a man.
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like dis?
>Is Hillary racist

Most certainly.
she hates blacks and jews so yes
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"Trump NEVER talks about the issues."
What did she do?

Huck is pure, what the fuck did she do?
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CT native here I swear if this state goes red after being blue balls mode for so long I'm going to pop my prostate in glee holy fuck yes (also I can confirm Trump signs are EVERYWHERE!)
She showed some video of a nigglypuff talking shit about the flag and then she defended it.

Nothing. Shitty memes die off through natural selection.
Kek approved.
Reddit just went through and wrote the most comprehensive examination of who is opposing Trump I've seen anywhere.


It seems that Israel is openly discussing their efforts to undermine his campaign and why they're doing it in their own Newspapers.

Why does Israel consider Trump to be such a threat to them?
I basically think of all undecided and a chunk of Johnson voters as Trump voters who are too afraid to say anything.
>A new deal for Black America

What does /pol/ think of this?
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>SJW's are on the decline.
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Hope your relatives get hexxed, styx.

No shit she is, but liberals are supposed to be "anti-racist" and we want to trigger them.
Connecticut is a wonderful state ruined by a horde of leftists infiltrating from Poo York and Boston. I have fond memories of the years I spent in Storrs as a kid.
90% of what he says it's about issues.
I fucking hate it when people say this. Trump has talked about issues and policies way more than Clinton has.
If it results in more woke blacks and fewer niggers, sounds great.
Don't you see burger, it doesn't matter if he gets stuff done, he needs to set the fire. When Europeans and White Anglos see that it is okay to vote for your national interests again

>linking to Reddit
>not realizing t_D mods are good goys
For you

If PA doesn't go red, it should be classified as deep blue. There's never going to be anyone else that fights as hard for it.
People are waking up to the bullshit. Feels good.
Removed by cuck mods.
What was it?
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Sanders (This may come as a shock to some but Sanders is not open borders like Jeb! and Clinton)
yeah it'll matter. And I'm in PA too anon, not gonna tell you to not an hero but I left my email if you need someone to talk to.
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[deleted] - those mods are compromised too btw
Holy shit, an Art Bell endorsement. This nets the truckers and the conspiracy theorist vote.
What an interesting man. Kek.
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We don't do anything.

Their forced memes are an affront to Kek.

>He'll fucking deal with them soon enough.
Those are Trump voters that don't want to be lynched. They don't want to be on record supporting Trump. They fear for their job and their safety and they are not wrong to.
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I'd lick her feet and ram her ass if you know what I mean.
Is that really Michael Moore though?
>party of lincoln
>"They don't think it be like it is, but it do"

Clinton never, she's the biggest establishment shill

Sanders over Jeb, because he's not in the establishment, and let's face it nothing he would do would ever pass and he'd be so terrible everyone would vote red forever after

Cruz because he's basically so Trump on all issues. He just plays dirty and is more evangelical.
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>these comments
>these typing styles
>this "analysis"
>that reasoning
Holy damn, what am I reading?
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Nice one CTR, since you're being paid one would think you'd pay more attention to your posts.
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