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New document signed between Catholics and Orthodox >On t

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New document signed between Catholics and Orthodox

>On the significance of appeal to Rome, which Eastern bishops in the early centuries sometimes exercised when local synods ruled against them, and which Western apologists have stressed as proof of papal authority in the early Church, the document is unambiguous: “appeals to the bishop of Rome from the East expressed the communion of the Church, but the bishop of Rome did not exercise canonical authority over the churches of the East.”

>The Chieti document unambiguously rejects this simplification of history. It recognises that even in the West the understanding of Roman primacy was the result of a development of doctrine, particularly from the fourth century, and that this development did not occur in the East: “The primacy of the bishop of Rome among the bishops was gradually interpreted as a prerogative that was his because he was successor of Peter, the first of the apostles. This understanding was not adopted in the East…” The East, in other words, rather than reneging on a common heritage, simply never accepted a development it had not been part of.

Orthodox are bros
t. Roman Catholic
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Ecumenism is heresy

"The Church does not chase after unity, but rather, possessing it as an ontological attribute, simply maintains it, “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”[30]. It is an essential characteristic of the Church, since “the Church’s name is not a name of separation, but of unity and concord”[31]. A divided and broken apart Church is a monstrosity and mere imagination. St. Nektarios of Aegina, while targeting the Protestant theory of an “invisible Church”, seems to be asking the Patriarch: “Why the name Ecclesia, when the members are isolated and unknown to each other, and do not constitute an organic system or an unbreakable unity in the true sense of the word?”[32]

Therefore, the unity of dogmatic faith is also the given reality of the Church; because, just as Christ, the Head of the Church cannot be broken apart – Christ is not divided[33] – so too in the Church there is “one Lord, one faith, one baptism”[34] and not dogmatic polyphony. The Church forms a single faith in the Christ-believing flock, so that “for all the faithful, the grace and calling of faith joins each one to the other in a single form”[35].

Synaxis of Orthodox Clergy and Monastics "The New Ecclesiology of Patriarch Bartholomew"
This document is a Catholic concession to the Orthodox stance, though. Not a compromise. Neither does it say the Catholics and Orthodox are One Church in separation.
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Poor cucklicks. When will they learn?
They're taking a step back toward the One Church, so that's a step in the right direction.
>Instead of being people that don't agree with us, they're people that never agreed with us!
>also they think ever reconciling is heresy

I really don't care. I have no interest in what a church I have nothing to do with cares about me, especially when the only people from that church I have ever met are annoying internet zealots. They can do their own thing, and we can do ours, it's not like we exactly interfere with each other. I never understood this idea of trying to be friends with them.
It's a little more than, it's agreement that the Catholic idea of the Bishop of Rome having universal jurisdiction was a doctrinal development that arose hundreds of years after Christ, and that it never arose in the East.
The One Church is Orthodox. Roman Catholics aren't even a church. You were on here 2 days ago. You're a propagandist.
No I wasn't and no I'm not, I'm not sure why you're flipping out over Catholics acknowledging the Orthodox were right all along about the Pope. This isn't some sort of a compromise agreement, or one saying both perspectives "have something to offer," it's an unequivocal acknowledgement that the Pope, as conceived by the Latins, is an innovation and not of the original doctrine.
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>Telling us what we already knew 1000 years ago in a way that benefits (((you))) and as a part of some hostile takeover.

No thx.
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>Roman Catholics aren't even a church

We are, and we rule our city too.

>acknowledgement that the Pope, as conceived by the Latins, is an innovation and not of the original doctrine.
It's not, you're just as bad as that fucking monkey over there by attempting to see whatever you fucking want in it. It's an acknowledgement that you guys never followed it at any point, it's not a change in doctrine at all.
This isn't Ecumenicism in the sense of compromise or acknowledging the validity of multiple perspectives. It doesn't give equal validity to Catholics, it gives less validity.
>The primacy of the bishop of Rome among the bishops was gradually interpreted

> the bishop of Rome did not exercise canonical authority over the churches of the East
with all the free college, internet learning, and science at the click of ones finger it's hard to believe these folks are still in business! I guess everyone likes a great fairy tale with a happy ending and eternal life! With that fallacy you have to believe the earth is only 7 thousand years old. Picture should read: To anti science cults call a truce?

The Based Russians are completely opposed to (((you))) so we have nothing to worry about, unless the jews end up nuking us, in which case everybody dies. OCA is 10x better than any greek denomination we know of here.

>No gay agenda shit
>We remember Jews, we Name them
>All schismatics BTFO for all eternity

Most of the Cucklicks on here are just pissed their '''church''' is super gay now and they call themselves Traditional Catholics that don't observe Vatican II maymay.
sort of like the Pope suddenly changing his stance on gays to recruit more donations?
>Neither does it say the Catholics and Orthodox are One Church in separation.

Yeah well the EP has said as much, of course he was present during Vatican II and studied in Rome so his leanings are well documented.
What exactly is heretical about signing an agreement with Catholics that Papism is a doctrinal innovation?

The EP is not the Orthodox Pope, he's just a bishop, and he's wrong on that.
The agreement in the OP, by the way, was signed by the Russian Church.
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It's also completely meaningless...It's like that time when the Hot girl let's the dorky m'lady guy buy her a drink. We don't want to be Rude to M'lady Cucklicks who spent all that time in their pope planes and popemobiles coming out to visit us, but we don't take you too seriously neither, as you aren't in Communion with the True Church, like we are with the Oriental Orthodox.
>The EP is not the Orthodox Pope

Some people say he thinks he is, they call him a pope-in-training
They can also call him a unicorn or an alien, but he's not either of those.
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Is the Orthodox church as entwined in politics as the western church? I hear tell the Papacy not only spawned the two world wars but almost every war and revolution previous for 1000 years and also why Protestantism hatched in Germany and England. Orthodoxy seems a lot more secular to me, a westerner but sweet Jesus Christ, orthodoxy? It's the 21st century and the Papacy is already coming out of the closet skeletons be damned?

In any case there is not much to be gained in all these dialogues with Rome. If Rome wants to return to the one true Church they'd have to end papal supremacy, go back to the original creed, change how they minister the eucharist, abolish the novus ordo, vatican 1&2 reforms, immaculate conception dogma, married priests, etc. Unless they're willing to do all that sorry but we're gonna stick to the truth.

The EP has been a big advocate for the EU as well as Turkey's entrance into the EU.
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>mfw Reformed Protestant

Glad to see some unity possibly coming back to the Churches
Fuck me.
I could provide so many problems with this.
Not least of which was the tradition of the Patriarch of Constantinople referring to the Pope as father; whereas, the Pope always referred to him as brother. So it's bullshit to say nothing of papal primacy was accepted in the East.

Be that as it may, the whole canonical aspect might be different. But primacy? I don't it can be doubted in practice ever.

These guys in the Church these days are really, really pushing it. Borderline just lying about history to appease others - like jeebus.
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Orthodoxy isn't so concerned with power politics, or besmirched by it...as evidenced by the fact we don't have a man who claims to be a demigod in the form of a pope who cannot be questioned....
The EP tends to be political for things like the environment. The Russian Patriarch tends to be more political about being anti-EU and abortion and gay marriage. Greek bishops also tend to be extremely politically vocal, and in the opposite direction of the EP.
If you put so much stock in the Pope, you have to go with what he says, including the current one.
Catholics and orthodoxes are Democrat cucks that voted for Obama. They need to get out of America. America was founded on Christianity, not globalist trump hating kikery
That's not how it works, dude. The Pope doesn't have the authority to determine historical issues. He must only be followed when declaring issues of faith and morals.
whoa whoa whoa. Kikery? Orthodoxy stand up to kikes unlike you bible thumping protties. We don't even care about your politics, idiot--unlike the Catholic who are so quick to become toadies it seems like that Kaine character :DD What a cuck-lick.
Catholic reporting in. Can we just agree that Jews are literally agents of Satan on this Earth? I'd like to see an American Inquisition.
I'm a Catholic and I have no problem with this. At this point, there's no longer a reason for papal supremacy; it was designed as a bulwark against heresy and now it's just as likely to encourage heresy. An orthodox style inter-pares system based on ecumenical councils would work just as well, and we could keep our unique liturgy as different orthodox churches have different liturgies.

He must be followed when he speaks ex-cathedra
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Dammit first Based comment I've seen you Cucklicks make in Ages! Here, Here! :DD
Just one more thing, I think the reason our Church (Catholic) is so infiltrated with crypto-Jews and shills is simply because the Jews identified us as more of a threat the Jewery (I'm talking way back). I'm glad to see the Orthodox church taking an anti-Jew stance. Side note, my grandmothers family was Orthodox before immigrating to America. I think becoming a Catholic was just the American thing to do back then though. Bottom line, don't hate on all of us Catholics please. Sure, the baby boomers are cucks and shills, but not so much the younger (barely existent) generation.

If you feel that way then its unfortunate that your pope teaches that God still has a covenant with the Jews.
Are 20% more Democrat. Than Republican
I'm wouldn't be surprised if the pope is a crypto-Jew.
Actually I was wrong. They are 11% more I'm favor of obama. Still cucks regardless
Okay--I'll believe it when I see it. I went to mass a while ago it it was a sea of Mexicans and the priest was spouting Biblical Marxism. Awful shit, man. You should come to one of our services sometime at Orthodox Church of America. I don't think you'd feel the same way I did about you Cucklicks. :D Find a church in the link below

What fantasy world do you live in? The head of the Russian church is a corrupt tool of the goverment given the ability to peddle cigarettes to make quick tax free money.

I hope the Turks make it straight to Kiev.
>implying the republican party is good

I mean I'm voting for Trump but fuck the GOP.
I think you dropped something, m8
The Democrats have always been much worse, there's not a lot of options in burgerland
I've thought about it before. When I have transportation again I might.
Most people who poll Orthodox don't practice.
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Very Good! Godspeed!

That's debatable desu, it used to be it was the Republicans wanting amnesty and cheap foreign labor and it was the Democrats talking about protectionism. The populism that has been a big part of Trump's campaign is more from his Democrat leaning.
The pope isn't christian and is a false prophet
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> In the West, the primacy of the see of Rome was understood, particularly from the fourth century onwards, with reference to Peter’s role among the Apostles. The primacy of the bishop of Rome among the bishops was gradually interpreted as a prerogative that was his because he was successor of Peter, the first of the apostles.(12) This understanding was not adopted in the East, which had a different interpretation of the Scriptures and the Fathers on this point. Our dialogue may return to this matter in the future.

It just mean that easterns were material heretics from the start, due to their low IQ.
>All these Papists and Orthodox memeing each other
>gradually interpreted
> the bishop of Rome did not exercise canonical authority over the churches of the East
Many things were gradually comprehended during the first decades and centuries of Christianity. The Trinity, the Canon of the Scriptures, the dogma of Theotokos, the nature of the Petrine Ministry aswell.

No concesions, only blatant ecumenism there.

Those aren't gradual comprehensions, they were all present from the start. Well, except the Scriptural canon, but that's a canon, not a doctrine. The Scriptural canon is accepted because it teaches prior doctrine infallibly, the Scriptural canon itself is not a doctrine, at least among the Orthodox.
>I hear tell the Papacy not only spawned the two world wars but almost every war and revolution previous for 1000 years and also why Protestantism hatched in Germany and England.
Such stupidity. It's clear as day the 30 years' war was caused by protestantism.
Sorry but neither of those doctrines were present from the start. They were latent as part of the deposit of faith, as a dogmatic truth, but were later developed with an appropiate language and theology behind.

Anyway, no concessions about the Petrine Ministery, which is part of the Deposit of Faith aswell:

>The Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, in its ongoing work to overcome theological divergences, has been considering the relationship between synodality and primacy in the life of the Church. Different understandings of these realities played a significant role in the division between Orthodox and Catholics. It is, therefore, essential to seek to establish a common understanding of these interrelated, complementary and inseparable realities.

I repeat: Primacy and synodality are INSEPARABLE REALITIES at the very least. We recognize synodality, you don't recognice primacy.

Until then "orthodox" are separated from the Church. It's that simple.
30 Years War was largely a product of the political power of the Pope and the Hapsburgs encroaching on the power of barons and monarchs. The Reformation thinkers might not have been driven by that, but that's where their political support came from, the kind required for a war.
The quads of falsity.

Spanish GTFO. Your country is so fuggin gay dude I went there and it was all gayclubs and lezbos party all the time and absolutely no one is actually religious just culturally identify as type shit. Fuck m9 ahahh. Stuff that used to be semi-real like the camino del santiago are just tourist traps now and no one lives in the monestaries, because the '''religion''' is so Marxist and impoverished (((Cucktholicism))) is dead.

Orthodoxy...come back. We'll be waiting when you're tired of the faggotry.
>Sorry but neither of those doctrines were present from the start.
Are you saying the Apostles didn't believe Christ was God? Or that the Theotokos was his mother and a virgin?
I see the silly schismatic "orthodox" church is finally coming more in line with the one holy apostolic church that Christ founded.

Now all they need to do is leave all their sinfull slavic pagan nonsense behind and we can be a united church again.
This document only affirms that the Orthodox were right in saying they were never under the jurisdiction of Rome.
You schizmazed from us, Papist. Orthodoxy is True. Pope is fake.
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Spain was the last country in the West in publicly denouncing the word Jewish and masonic anglo conspiracy, until your CIA killed Franco's successor to impose your homosexual NWO regime. No one with your flag will never ever have a say about my country or any european nation.

>implying ortho eastern countries arent the most degenearte shitholes

Tell me an apostolic writing mentioning the Trinity, literally.
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you fucking post this same shit in every thread Auzzie Commie. No one reads it anymore. Go kiss a boy, and let him finish you off
These abortion rates are according to nationality, though, not religion.
Kys. Good bye.
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Are you the tranny who creates the "orthodox" threads?
>Tell me an apostolic writing mentioning the Trinity, literally.
The term wasn't in use, but the doctrine that the Father, the Son and the Spirit are each distinct, yet each God and ontologically one, was in use. The term "Trinity" was not about changing or adding to that, but about affirming it and preventing its change.
So your point is that you're a faggot now spaingo and it's supposed to be a tragedy to me? Ahah.

Orthodoxy don't give a shit about politics in the west. Fuck the west. It's where I shit now, currently. West is where religions go to die, the east is where they're born and live.

BTW Europeans lost the right to look down on anyone the moment they collective first name became Achmed.
Sorry, but it's "Roman Catholic", implying a center on Rome. Rome broke off from the Church, which is commonly known today as the Orthodox Church.
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This desu.
while catholics were fighting back, orthodox were busy writing letters to the sultan in order for the ottomans to not be so rough on them
This is good. There were worries lately that the patriarch was planning to sell Orthodoxy out to Rome on the sly.
yeah after your crusaders betrayed us and burned down our churches and raped our nuns. Fuck you schismatic heretics. Go kiss a Koran like your popes. Paybacks a bitch.
the quads of honesty. Great job lad
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This will never happen. Thank God, Brother!
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Just when I was starting to feel bad about being a Catholic, I get some zeal back for my faith.

Can't believe Orthodox slander almost got to me.
Catholics got cuck'd by their pope again
Can't say I'm suprised, hopefully they will see the light of the true church soon enough.
A shame you choose a man over Christ anf His Church.
>New document signed between Catholics and Orthodox

impossible. catholics desire only one thing- control over mind and body and fucking children.

Therefore fruits of their works resulted in protestants(most amazing example is USA) and atheism (communists and satanists).
To be fair, most of that is slander as well, not factual.
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>Implying Orthdoxy is wrong


>papal authority in the early Church, the document is unambiguous

Idiotic, super based claim by a german (GERMAN) that Constantine gave his right to a illiterate fuck who are learned about letters and speech - uber alles come hither anglo someone is calling for you
vicar of Christ = 666
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