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Why are there so many poorfags on /pol/? I'm only 21 and

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Why are there so many poorfags on /pol/?
I'm only 21 and my watch costs over $12000 dollars
Yeah ok mod, you don't make anything from doing your job for free ^)
What time is it?
13:46 senpai

I own thousands of properties worldwide.

My primary residence is a 1,100 km^2 private estate in the US.

I have 200 cars.

My toilet is worth more than your watch.
That's nothing, I gave my wife's son 20000€ for his first communion last week
>My toilet is worth more than your watch
I would love to poo in your loo

A non-white shall never step foot in my mansion.
Thats nothing, I just went to an asylum center and I ordered 5 star kebab meals for all the refugees there. It cost about 6000000. Then I bought for them their favorite gold chains from the local jewelry shop, another 6000000.
Can I have a house pls?
all mega poorfags in this thread
>tfw flip burgers at Wendy's and own more than 4x the entire wealth of the entire planet Earth and have investments all around the galaxy
>tfw I bought the moon for my wife's son last Saturday
i sold a rare pepe for 55 million sheqels

Not everyone has right parents.
>I'm only 21 and my watch costs over $12000 dollars

Will you be my sugardaddy :^)
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klokka mi koster 2000 traadstarter

kan jeg slikke ballene dine???

hvordan ordna du deg saa mye spenn a traadstarter??? har pappa mye penger eller??

faar du laant bort noe kroner til meg eller traadstarter??? din rike lille horeunge hehe

kom hit a saa kan jeg suge deg og banke deg saa stjele klokka di hehe neida

jaavla homse hehehe slapp av hehehe kodder med deg lille nigger



mora di suger kuken min hahaha neida joda neida joda hahha
what an absolute waste of money
i can.
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>paying the jew $12K for a watch at a 10000% markup
>plz notice me
well my papa is gone and my mama is mentally gone
Are you cute though? :^)
my dad could beat up your dad
such a horrible thing Hitler did to your parents
it was literally the shoah
>why is everyone so poor
>why don't people waste money like me


jewelry is one of the most degen things you can spend a lot of money on. The only redeeming quality is you can make some of your money back when you realize what a retard you are
Because /pol/ exists because white trash neighborhoods can get internet now.
You sound poor, I'd never suck your dick :^)
How come you guys post so many finnish memes ?

>implying white trash didn't pioneer this 'ere corner of the web

member when there was no women here? member when there was no blacks?
please suck my dick if ur a girl senpai

lmao I have bad news for you :^)
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Why would you pay 12000 for a tiny band on your arm that your phone can do more and then some? I mean I just graduated and got a job and have about 12 grand now after a few weeks but I'm thinking even as a rich person you probably must know this is a stupid investment and will only depreciate. Jewelry is literally rocks in the ground there is no inherent value except among other rich people stupid enough to buy it. Advise you sell it asap before rich people wise up t b h
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lmao k

12k can buy you a lot of things and a 12k watch might as well be a fastlane to mug city

it could buy a jetski

look how happy this motherfucker is

it's simon motherfucking cowl and this motherfucker doesn't even like his own birthday

but look at his face when he is on the jetski

tell me again you didn't waste your money

money can't buy happniess but it can buy jetskis which is nearly the same thing
Go brush your tooth, Britbong :^)
What a waste of money
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What is that language? I thought you guys basically spoke Swedish.
>12k watch
> watch
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IN the name of Rolex Corporation I would like to thank you for your modest contriution. We will make sure to use it for a greater purpose. :)

You have rich parents.

fuck I dunno
it's fun

or maybe I just wanna get culturally enriched
I shall
but my dad has literally 6 million dollars in liquid cash in his bank account
but still swiss
solid 18k gold
also the bracelet is solid gold
I'm 26 and I don't wear a watch.

>21 years old
>still riding father's coattails

My uncle has about 16 million from oil industry and lives in a little ghetto house and eats home cooked gumbo. There is nothing impressive about blowing off money because you have it and is typically the downfall of most rich people. Another friend of mine is about to foreclose their home of 6 million usd literally over stupid shit like this
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>he doesn't know my grandfather is a billionaire
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Yeah that's cool and all, but I'm better at video games than you. Check mate, faggot.
To me it looks like a drunk person wrote in Swedish without ÅÄÖ. I like Norwegian, it sounds funny.
>wasting money on frivolous goods instead of investing your money to work for you
>telling lies to strangers on the internet
Why don't you ask your dad for some money and start a business? do you yourself do anything to earn money?
You will get the watered down inheritance and judging by your flag your money will be depreciated by the time you get it anyway

Idc t b b as I am also going to land a few million in inheritance but wasteful spending is just painful to watch
>6 million
>in a bank account
Dumb shit like this is how rich people end up poor.
sage this shit
I just want to make 6 figures a year
How do i do it without sucking a single dick /pol/
You motherfucker! I fucking died from tjat post. Gut gemacht mein neger!
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On a more serious note, you are pretty pathetic. Once a week you make a thread bragging about your rolex and you rich daddy.

Truth is you are nothing. There are people browsing here that could buy you and sell you on the black market. And then buy you again. A memewatch and some change in a bank account don't make someone rich.

Do you have a network? How many powerful jews do you know? Do you have at least 3 people with the last name "Rothschild" in your contacts?
You don't. You are the worst. A wannabe. How does it feel being despised by everyone? Rich people hate you for your pathetic gloating and peasantry, poor people hate you for your arrogance. And as soon as your daddy dies you are gonna hand over his fortune to a jew worthy of it like the good and stupid goy you are.
>Why are there so many poorfags on /pol/?
Nothing else to do but shitpost all day when you're a NEET.
OP's dad here nvm the flag business trip, cuz he's a little shit head that spends money on watches, we have to spoon feed him still
literally get higher education if you dont have any capital
Why though? Buying a 12000$ watch for what? Just to virtue signal dumb sluts?
>tfw dad credit's card babby

hows it going 3rd worlders
triggered much, poorfag?

he said w/o sucking dick
How much is his net worth?
well then you gotta get fucked in the ass instead
Well you're probably a skinny little autist who has zero social skills so enjoy telling people the time on your shitty watch you fucking faggot
I am currently enrolled in my town community college and majoring in computer shit
I would like to invest but i habe about $1600 to my name

19 y.o.

What the fuck do you know about making money anyway?

Everything you have was spoonfed to you.

Stop wasting time on trying to "invest" with pennies and just focus on your career.

Until you are good enough at investing that someone is willing to pay you for investing advice, don't bother investing your own money.
If you're not larping, where'd you get the money?
Yeah, well my uncle works at Nintendo
Anon we still like you, there's no need to lie
Ive never invested and i dont plan on burning it on penny stuff. Currently the direction id like to take if i sticl with computers is developing mobile games and leech peoples shekels
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You don't get rich with 19. Not consitently. You can take some risks, play your autism if you have some and get lucky. Probably you don't have the prequisites.

What you want to do is be very dilligent. Always go the extra mile, start already now at school, I know it's hard I was a terrible student, but it's easier to learn it early than late like me.
Do stuff. Stop shitposting here, you can return when you earn your 6 fiures. Get hobbies, develop a passion for something.

Then specialize. Computer science is a meme and every year there are 1 Million pajeets graduating on a higher level than you will ever be. You need to find some niche and specialize in it. Then you need to be excellent.

You don't get rich by programming the millionth mobile farm game. You get rich by being a software security consultant for a company that is selling WiFi controlled pressure cookers and by selling them your NSA grade firewalls.
Go to university retard

t. Software developer at Lockheed Martin
This is bullshit
Don't do that, the mobile market is highly saturated. What you want to do is get a useful specialisation like cyber security/Web development/networking while building excellent all around programming skills in HTML, scripting, Oracle, SQL, et cetera. Then go to university to do comp engineering/sci. This way you can pretty much enter any field you want.

If you want to invest read Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham then Intelligent Investor by Buffett.
>MBA, no college debt
>Business owner
>Own my house (2500sf not including a full finished basement in northern NJ)
>Own a summer house & boat
>Own all my cars

I'm done buying shit now that I'm settled. Just going to save and invest for the foreseeable future.
You again?

You realise youre a homosexual, right?
Those one million pajeets have specialisations too.
What's your degree? How did you get in?
Software engineering. I applied online and also attended career fair. My entry is not typical though they were desperate and I fit the bill
Lockheed Martin was desperate? Are you some super rare specialist?
They consolidated their companies and it's a huge mess in our department. They might be spending 30 mil fixing it honestly. I'm just a bandaid
dear lord this is a cancer thread. i want old /pol/ back

Important people also retire on a moments notice
>This is bullshit

Why the fuck would you want to invest your own money, before you are good enough so that someone else pays you money to do it for them?

Sure if you want to just give away your money to buildings full of people getting paid ridiculous amounts of money to take money from retards like you, then go ahead and buy some stocks.

Check out shit stocktwits, because that will be right up your alley.

Retail investors have absolutely no idea what the fuck they are against.

Just focus on your career.

t. Graduate analyst at an asset management firm
Thanks anonos
Ive been planning to use some of the money to build a pc but i know my inner autismo will just want to play games on it nonstop
What are some good learning projects i could get into with it that arent being a gaymer
Watches are fucking gay, dude.
I'm not in IT, should have maybe added that, the examples I gave are maybe not the best.

I'm in financial consulting now. But I started with real estate management. I did a certain aspect of it that none else wanted to do because it paid shit. I changed some established structures and it quickly became profitable for me and my small company.

Since real estate and investing etc are pretty close together I later took a bigger interest in investing and financial consulting and now I'm helping the jews outjew each other.
give me and my husband a property so we can preserve /pol/'s values
money is worth nothing desu
That is nothing, I'm a Wendy's chef and make about 100k a day in tips and also have a 19 inch dick
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money is worth everything
maybe in Poland
who cares about watches geez i bet you're not even proper rich
>What are some good learning projects i could get into with it that arent being a gaymer

Figuring out what you want to do without asking for advice.
keep crying poorfags I own several western nations as well as tremendous real estate assets on Saturn and Nibiru
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Some watches are fucking phenomenal works of precision. Cheap pieces of shit are ugly to look at and break easily.

A watch today is a total anachronism. It is a useless trinket, but is an investment and a statement. Much like how women buy ridiculous bags and shoes and shit, men buy watches and cars.
>keeps 6 million liquid instead of investing it
>spends $12k on a watch for his son
lol retard
in a country where its people arent bought? true
Because it's good practice and with some decent sense he can make money. Everyone should captialise on the economy's growth.

>give your money away to buildings full of people getting paid ridiculous amounts
So you're a graduate analyst but you don't know there are decent brokers who charge several dollars per trade regardless of the value of the trade?
we just sold a hotel senpai
>jew owning estates in literal demon land
Checks out
looks like a swede writing pretend norwegian
How disciplined are you? If you have the discipline you can pick up books on SQL, HTML, Java et cetera and learn from there. If you know you'll lose interest because it's too dry, find a project to work on with your friends. It could be Web development, making a game, anything.
did you ask on /biz/ a while ago about which watch you should get? story sounds familiar
If you get in to that area you are in for a blast.
le that's the joke you retarded monkey
I know you fucking reptilian mole.
>$1 dollar

You don't need both the symbol and the word senpai
what kind of retard buys a 12k watch? even if i had 1 billion dollars I wouldn't be that retarded. why are rich people faggots?
they're inheritance niggers, they don't know the value of a dollar

>brokers who charge several dollars per trade regardless of the value of the trade?

And robinhood has no fees at all. So what?

Doesn't change the fact that investing is a zero-sum game and that on the other side of the trade more often than not is a person who is not even on the same planet in terms of knowledge and available resources.

Unless you want to get a career in finance or you have very large amounts of capital, investing should be the last thing on your mind.

Following your logic everyone should capitalise on the growth of e-sports by learning how to play LoL.
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tfw your grandpa is so based he actually your inheritance to charity and disavowed you by publicly claiming that he has no heirs.

Better hold on to that watch.
My Russian poljet movement is just as accurate.
>investing is a zero-sum game
>Unless you want to get a career in finance or you have very large amounts of capital, investing should be the last thing on your mind.
for crying out loud

take it to >>>/biz/
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Finish mems r de best
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