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Migrants rape in Germany

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I'll keep it short, I promise..

So a group of """"Serbian"""" migrant teens rape a teen girl, or at least that's what the media is telling us. Lets see who they are, and how the look like:

>guy on the left, obvious gyppo from these parts
>Alexander Kampf, hmmm rely maek u thnk, pure Serbian name ain't it
>Dennis Masser, wow nice name again

I fucking hate the media. Just because someone has our fucking passport that doesn't make him ethnically one of us. It's literally our version of "tanned Germans". It is also hilarious when burgers or others geographically illiterate people comment on this and think Serbia is a country neighboring Syria or Siberia kek.

Anyway, have a pic and see for yourselves
They should be euthanized regardless.
I completely agree
Slaves are not white.

There was a case with a Bosniak criminal and the media called him Serbian.
>implying there's a difference
Serbs, like polish, are the cancer of Europe.
Slave =/ Slav
Except for mudslimes, then i agree
If they are born in serbia, then they are ethnically serbian. Same with muslims born in Denmark. They're 100% Danish.
>this meme again
Hate to break it to you Ahmed but none of these are Slavic regardless. The guy on the left is a full blooded Gypsy(Romani), and the other two have Germanic names(Kampf, Masser) so you should explain it to me honestly.

Western media is anti-Serb to the bone. You should've seen it in the 90s with the Clintons shilling for Albos and other muslimshits hardcore. It was obvious to me even then that the media cannot be trusted.
Fuck, they're ugly.
>migrant girl filmed it
Why isnt she arrested too?
Wouldnt this count as possession and production of cp?
t. bosniak german
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Slavs are the aryan's slaves.

Learn the History if your inferior race.
Poles are fine Mehmet, you just hate them and serbs because both remove kebab.
>Cancer of Europe
Remind us which country invited Africa and is now shoving them off on everyone else?
Don't sweat it Nigel. These threads always lure out the bosnian muslims and albos living in Germany and other diaspora 'gibs me dats' countries to show how much they hate us
Polish are invading UK.
You, traitor.
Used by pooinloos to describe "noble people", then hitler fucked around with history
Further dividing the people doesnt exactly help.
Learn the history
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Goddamnit these 3 guys literally look like gods abomination, they look like they grew up in a nuclear plant. Agreed on the euthanizing part, you might aswell just enslave them somewhere where no human has to see these pathetic little ghouls. Fuck em all
Oh and how we blame them for all our problems even though they literally din do nuffin.
Which ethnicity does the one on the right belong to?

Niggers of the Balkans, with their own "WE WUZ" memes
I wouldn't know but he looks funny and has a fully Germanic name. Dennis Masser is no Slavic name
Neither are you muhammed
Fuck off polish scum
I know why they are branded Serbs, it's because you guys had a problem with them in the 90s, got bombed, and now they are just thanking Germany for saving them, while making actual serbs look bad.
Poles arent invading. Poles come here to do shit jobs that most people wont do. Not cant, wont. The problem with Poles was the numbers, while we got many good Poles, we also got utter scum, add in the shitty immigration system within the EU and "muh human rights", and those guys got it undetected and were hard to kick out. Hatred of Poles is just another result of poor EU management, if it wasnt for that there wouldnt be a problem aside from chavs scapegoating them, and the few Poles retarded enough to swallow the bluepill and play the victim assuming we hate them just because we are anti EU, and have vocal chavscum.

Most of the immigrants people hated, were pakis. They voted out of the EU becuase your shithole invited Syria in, and got Syrians, Eritreans (that horrible war in Eritrea right now) Afghans, Pakis, Libyans, all sorts of Africans. Basically more of the group we didnt want. Germany is why Brexit happened, no one wants to deal with the bullshit you caused. Even in the EU you still have the V4 (Fuck you Hungary, whining about Brexit, when you are part of a group refusing rapefugees, yet whine when we do the same).

TLDR, most Poles arent a problem. The problems just stem from the EU shitshow. Germany damages the UK more than Poland.
Dennis is a Turkroach name, it means "the sea" i believe.

not sure if subtle trolling
I'm Welsh m8.
I am guessing you're chav or paki.
its funny when you see Germans and Austrians saying something bad about Slavs(le Servs,slaves...)while talking to Serbs
When they are more genetically Slavs than Serbs(and other south Slavs).
Guy on the left looks like a gypsy, guy on the right looks like a Turk/Gypsy, but wtf is the guy in the middle? Guy looks like a mongol hybrid.
>what is ethnicity
>what is nationality
>why did I get baited

Only one man was jailed, the four other, including the girl, simply walked free.
The judge reasoned: "They regret it and have a bright future ahead".
Then the family and friends cheered and celebrated for not having to do time for rape and attempted murder of a minor.
the girl is a serb too
everything went better then expected
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careful, those hateful comments could get you arrested ahmed
>with their own "WE WUZ" memes
Literally everyone in the Balkans has their own we wuz meme.
>Inb4 """""""""""""""""serb""""""""""""""""""
the left rapist doesn't even look like a serbian, most likely he is a fucking gypsy, and all balkans know that gypsies are plague in all balkan countries.
How come the Gopnik style is more popular with serbs in germany than with russians?

Every Serb I met dresses like a Gopnik in their free time meanwhile most russians dress normally even the youth.
no, its cool to insult countries that dont take in rapefugees
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serbien muss sterbien
Oh btw this is a shit thread. Romanians deal with this shit all the time. It's nothing new.
only fags don't wear track suits religiously
Exactly! Both that, and actually gypsies. For example we never waged wars against them as a group but most people hate them here, they're like niggers. They're different and way worse than your Travelers or whatever you call them. These are ethnically poo in loos actually. So our country gets fucked by the West via US neocohen foreign policy and all the fucking scum from this area including mobsters like those gypsies move to Germany to leech off of their welfare state. And of course, in the end we are to blame.

I wouldn't say it that way. Slavic nations differ genetically. South, west and east Slavs are all different. We are more of a linguistic group than a closely tied genetic one. We are specific as we are mostly Dinaric/south Slavic genetically whereas you are right about some German people having west Slavic ancestry while hating them at the same time lulz
Germany, you have cucked yourself into eternal inferiority.

Don't talk shit about Slavs. We are gonna need them to invade you again in an attempt to rape you back into being white.

Are you implying they are German? Do you have eyesight problems?
>Poles arent invading
Come on jacob: why don't you go back to Poland?

Kid in the middle looks a decade away from being a short fat bald acne covered neckbeard.
Dennis is an English name
>The judge reasoned: "They regret it and have a bright future ahead".
Fuck Germany. I hope CLinton does star WW3, the UK for whatever reason joins Russia and then we can firebomb Dresden all over again. Fuck, Japan got firebombed to hell, then nuked twice, left with fuckall. That should have been Germany. Atleast Japan still has pride and nationalism despite this.
I'm not even a weeb, I genuinely think seeing Modern Japan v Modern Germany, the Japs deserved less punishment and Germans more.

I have said it several times now, I bet they regret tearing down the Berlin wall, I would be rebuilding that ASAP.
>Won't show their face if they are Muslim
>But if they are White it's front page news

Fucking kek
thats what i meant
good old uncle Ivan(and cousin Genghis from the mongol planes) had their ways whit their women during WW2,and now they have this superiority complex TOP LEL
Also,Yes we are Dinaric Genetically
>be tallest people in the world
>get called subhumans
top kekec
obviously whites are the problem, thank god for that migrant girl who helped bring these cis shitlords to justice!
there is not enough quotation marks in the world to put around the word white
But that is what happened to Germany, only on a more destructive covert scale. Germany was nuked by leftist Jewish taking possession of the country after the war and the resulting out-breeding of favorable qualities to the point we now have beta males and non-productive females.
Thats 2 whole diffrent things. That hamster was born in a aquarium. Hasan was born in a Country.
One of them is German.
The Turk genes are more than noticable, I want to see these faggots hang from a tree.
It's why I feel bad for Romania and Bulgaria.
>Oy vey, stop hurting those poor gypsies
>Gypsies move from those countries, and have unchecked populations
>Everyone now blames Romania, Bulgaria, etc for unleashing gypsies on us

I would if I were Polish. White, less terrorism, better looking women, etc. Shame Polish women were/are turbo sluts though, they are hot as hell but no where near conservative. A damn shame because they had sexy as fuck accents.
I need to meet Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and other slav groups to compare. I already know Ukraine and Russia arent much different. But something about that part of the world (East Europe) gives women such great accents.

Germany has good accents too, but your women are trash. Not British tier (not fat enough), but no one likes self loathing.
Some countries actually existed before 1912 here, but I'll give you credit for trying Mujo/Hashim.

I agree but I needed to rant it off. Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria also have a huge number of them I know it's not just here.

He is a gypsy. The worst thing is they actually take normal sounding names and when people hear it they think its his original ethnicity

I've never seen it in real life, only parody videos on youtube. I feel sorry for people who dress like idiots like that, honestly

Are you retarded? I explained it, the one on the left is a gypsy from Serbia, however the one in the middle looks German and has a German name. The one on the left is a mystery and also hasn't got a Serbian or ever remotely Slavic sounding name. Try again

Topkek this
>but I'll give you credit for trying Mujo/Hashim.
that's tonibler to you sir
WW2 was the last dying breath of civilization.
WW1 was us shooting ourselves in the head, and lingering before death.
>We could have joined Hitler and murdered the USSR
>Patton wanted this too
>Instead we saw an unholy alliance of Jewish capitalism and communism.
Jews would even be happy with a Hitler victory, some just wanted to get Israel and fuck off and stick to themselves. Now ironically, Israel will get fucked by the same bullshit it used to dominate America.

>not bilj kljintoni

I would love to believe that Serbians are good people, for the sole fact they fought Muslims.

But lets be real: the former Yugoslavia is a fucked up, corrupt place. Of course it produces lots of fucked up, twisted individuals.
they're not serbs tho
arteezy is that u?
Well I mean. I agree that in some extent the plan was to deport Jews and not simply exterminate them, which got complicated during the war. But since Zionists cooperated with Hitler at first, there must have been some aspect of simply displacing the German Jews (to Israel).
Ultimately what Hitler sought is now reality. A Unified Europe, by coin and centralized government. What he said about the Jews being in control is also undeniable. Ultimately we got a parallel universe, just the shitty version.

I knew a Serb in Serbia, he was genuinely a good guy. Redpilled, educated and kind as well as the opposite of a cuck. But yeah, a shit load of Serbia is organized crime and low level scum.
What are they then, and sources?
>Left to right: a gypo, somebody that looks like a FTM tranny and an arab

Slavs are subhuman scum.
I don't understand why people are not doing something to these judges that allow rapists to walk free.

OP argues that these people are not "true Serbs", but I so not buy into this argumentation.

That is the same as "not all Muslims are terrorists". As a German that cares about bis country, I will be less accepting of Serbs as a group whenever a Serb does something negative here.

They have to go back. All of them.
yes messer and kampf
very serbian names
Go back? They need much worse.
>They have to go back. All of them.
Got to make room for those bulls, there are only so many poor German families you can evict before you have to start evicting Serbs.
I never denied that. There are loads of sick scum here but these in the pic are not Serbian and it's really blatant to anyone who has a brain

>Dennis Messer
>Alexander Kampf
>That is the same as "not all Muslims are terrorists"

am true serb, remob gebab :DDD
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Yeah, immigrants would never do something like throw away their passports and assume a new identity in order to reap benefits.
Agreed. I hate Slavs so much, all of them. Turks too. The only immigrants I want to see here are those from Western cultures.
ay greekbro y u do dis?
>change to german name
>to reap benefits
i dont follow
True, they're far too white to be serbs.
t. Tonibler Shaqiri
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It's just bantz Miroslav

Who cares what names they chose to have?
its funny
post more
I dont know man,dude bro
we are all children of nature ,man!
why should we let names seperate us,man!
like dude brooo
opusti se decko , koga boli kurac realno.

nemas zasta da se pravdas
A nice reminder of who started WWI.
RIP in peace Franz Ferdinand
I hope we get to march on Budapest and Vienna one day while the Russians retake Berlin and more. Krauts never fucking learn.
Okay so you're claiming I have no evidence that they're not Serbs. What evidence do you have they are(except their passports)? If they threw their passports away how are they our citizens? Please make some more sense you buffoon
nemamo sta drugo da radimo
pa se jebemo sa wehabije iz zapada kekec

They had Serbian passports, had they?
Why did they have Serbian passports? Could they possibly be Serbs?
so you can rape some more? :^)
The one in the middle looks fucking terrifying. Lynch them.
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>implying bosnia isn't Serbia

Ne volim da cigane obelezavaju kao Srbe, mrzim da ih vidim a kamoli ovo.

Inace bas nas je puno na polu, odakle ste svi vi?
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You have more explaining to do than I.
You claim that people with Serbian nationality aren't Serbian.
>implying it should be
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>serbs dinndu nuffins

Get the fuck out of my country you parasite.
Stay mad, turkish rape baby :^)
>Yeah, immigrants would never do something like throw away their passports and assume a new identity in order to reap benefits.
>They had Serbian passports, had they?Why did they have Serbian passports? Could they possibly be Serbs?

This image is from an Egyptian show. They were talking about Muhammad Ali of Egypt, who was an ethnic Albanian. He tried to secularize Egypt. Just some context behind it.
>Everyone now blames Romania, Bulgaria, etc for unleashing gypsies on us

We honestly don't care, lad. People that actually visit find out that it's quite nice here.

>Turkish rape baby
>says the bosnian shitskin that literally worships allah

wew lad. These threads just remind me of how fucked up Germany really is. It's like over 40% muslim now I bet
You are a Turkish rape baby too, through and through. Look at the color of your skin. Croats and Bosnians pass as white, but Serbs are the worst.
go back to fagddit albanfagg,even if he is born in Serbia,he is isolated in his shitty muslim/gypsy community with his shitty genes.Like blacks in America they are born like americans white in one country but they commit more crimes.P
those guys would not pass as white in the USA
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try as you might
you will never divide the dinaric people
Smiri se brate, nisam bosanac. Samo pricam malo gluposti da te triggerujem. 4chan nije dobro mesto za tebe ako odma tako poludis. ~5% muslimani su ovde, btw
Serb rapecamps 2.0
Inshallah. Your cover is blown, you might as well shitpost it all day you're still a diasporafag
You have to go back, Slavscum.
What about the mass rapes in the Balkan Wars? Did they happen or was it lies?
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Allahu akbar kome ezan i tekbiri
>What about the mass rapes in the Balkan Wars? Did they happen or was it lies?

The correct term is "mass bestiality". It's only "rape" if the victim is human.
It's funny that you should say that after your people having been Turk and Arab collaborators in every major conflict the last 120 years. Not even to mention that your women are constantly being raped by the very same people on a daily basis. By the time your children grow up, most other "German" will have blood from the Middle-East, Africa and Asia.
>Fuck you Hungary

Well laad, i have to say fuck you too.

Just wondering what would you say if your country would be forced to accept the goatfucker who organised the Brussels attack?

By the way he lived here in my disctrict for 2 weeks. Okay maybe he is 1 from 1000, butt hell i have my own rights and my country is soverign.

By the way my the place where my dad was born was anhiliated one time in the middle ages. And guess what? It was the fucking goatfuckers who did it.

So befoure you start telling us to fuck off, do your fucking homework and sometimes try to think with other people's head.
Angelina Jolie made a movie about it so it must be true.
I honestly don't get what this thread is supposed to achieve.

We're discussing a rape committed by Serbian citizen on German territory.

And OP seems to expect that Germans totally buy into the - completely hypothetical - version that they're "not true Serbians" and go like "Yeah, TRUE Serbians would never do that, haha xD".

Really? Again, we're discussing a gang rape, not a petty crime, and you expect some sort of sympathy, because the rapists MIGHT not be Serbian?
Eigentlich geht's mir hier aber ganz gut :D
Es gibt echt nix leichteres als Serben zu triggern haha
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Deniz means the sea.
>He is a gypsy. The worst thing is they actually take normal sounding names and when people hear it they think its his original ethnicity
yeah exactly the same thing happens here, i see daily their faces arrested in police reports and all of them have adopted our most common national full names.
wow dude
your like so cool :^)

I am. You're not, and I explained why.
They supposedly have our passports. Their looks and names are not representative of my people. I'm not saying Serbs don't ever rape or gangrape, but only that these are not Serbian by ethnicity. If that's hard for your tiny little muslim brain to comprehend imagine all the guys branded as 'tanned Germans' all over the world, and people actually thinking they're German only because they have a German passport
:^) keep venting
This. They call Bosnians shitskins but the truth is, Bosnians converted on their own and didn't mix with turks, while serbs got mass-raped by them in order to spread islam. That's why most serbs are very dark-skinned compared to bosnians

You should know by now, they change the names from something like Muhammad to Chris, to hide the face that they are muslims and blame it on white people.
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t. Mujo
propao konac u kurac

Thanks, I will.


Well, they're not looking like Arabs either. The left one is a gypsy. The middle one does look like a Slav.

The names of the middle and right one are obviously not their given names, but the left has a Serbian one.

Serbians have little reason to hang out with tanned Germans. They do not go well together. So if one of them clearly has Serbian roots, his gang is also likely to be Serbians.
>this is what mudslimes actually believe
i repeat they are gypsies and gypsies are plague and live like parasites in all balkan countries, basically their synonymous to lawless criminals.
>ss-s-stop posting facts!
>y-y-you're probably an ahmed!!!
>pls stop :(
Truth hurts, eh?

Possibly. It still means that welcoming people of Balcan descent to Germany means also welcoming gypsies.
Ilhamdillilah brother, you go showing those shitskins your pure german ways!
really it dosen't matter now if they think they are gypsies or not
they will all be Ahmeds by the next couple of decades
konac postao vasar za govnolepljenje
A fellow CG-fag, greetings!
I already mentioned above that I'm just trolling but they still keep losing their shit. It's good entertainment. Pozdrav iz BP
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>never forget muh 10 gorrilion innocent muslim boys
t. Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Hussein al-Almania
>I already mentioned above that I'm just trolling
>I'm only pretending to be retarded

... you do realize they're only called Serbs by your media because they have Serb passports, right?

They're gypsies who changed their names, that's all.
What do you call a Serbian without a knife?
Well said, Frietje
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here is some oc
What do you call a German in a relationship?
The sub.

Those guys look Serbian as fuck m8
me in the fourth pic
thank u USA
u r my best friend
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>t. quintessentially British man
>Roma (Gypsies) originated in the Punjab region of northern India as a nomadic people and entered Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries C.E. They were called "Gypsies" because Europeans mistakenly believed they came from Egypt.
fun fact! the term ROMA was made up by GEORGE SOROS and his friends in 1991 to piss on Romania and it's image.
the more you know
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Lad I can't wait for the Serbia-EU accession negotiations to take place. Everybody is going to be so apathetic, thinking "We just became 10% less white, and now we have to let in these gypsy Yugos, fuck sake".

And when your children emigrate to Sweden, which they obviously will, every will literally blame them for tekking jerbs.

Center one looks like a bleached Mike Tyson turned into a transsexual, you know?
I knew that term was quite new as people here have loads of slurs for them(as do burgers for niggers,spooks..etc). But I never knew the origin of it all, and why people today force that term. I just say gypsy in real life(cigan) even if people get insulted but most people dislike them anyway. Can you source me on that Soros stuff?

also a fun fact: there is a group of gypsies here that actually larp as Egyptians! Ashkali is the name of that ethnic group and it's epic memery with these idiots playing the WE WUZ narrative like the niggers in the US.
no, the same principle applies. your place of birth does not determine who you are.
Hungary has been bitching about us leaving the EU, Hungarians on here have.
We want to leave because all that shit in Germany will happen here. Those people will get citizenship, then move here legally. We cant stay in the EU and keep them out. You can becuase you're poor and they only want wealthy countries.
But us doing what we can to keep them out, has just resulted in bitching. From countries who also rejected them and built fences.

V4 countries should know exactly why Brexit happened, and not bitch at us for leaving. Otherwise you're just hypocrites.
It wont happen. We will never join the EU despite our cuck leaders efforts. It's just for the stupid poor uneducated masses here to look forward to it..

Anyway, seeing how much you hate "gypsy Yugos" I hope you drown in all the paki dick and nigger dick you have over there. Brexit doesn't mean less African and ME immigration you tool
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It does? It's 2016 Ethnicallity is a myth. You're from where you were born.
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>He helped the gypsies to ''speak up'' in the European council.
the only source i have is an Article written by Andrei Plesu a Romanian philosopher, essayist, journalist, literary,art critic and minister of Culture but i don't have the English version.
>mongol hybrid
i.e. a roach.

>but i don't have the English version.

Post it, I know Romanian enough to read it.
I know a lot of NGOs here that prop gypsies up and make them seem like the 'muh oppressed minoritay' to sheep but 90% of people especially older ones hate them. I hear it being Soros but I wasn't sure about it now I'm glad I know.
>i.e. a roach.
Thats arab + Greek + Roman + Mongol.
Finngolians are fine people.

Pro tip: Jevreji finansiraju Albance da dolaze ovde u Beograd i prave izlozbe o tome kako su bili tlaceni od strane Srba. Uzmu pa iznajme galerije za njih stalno.

I sve feministicke organizacije kod nas, Hrvata i Slovenaca, su finansirane od strane Jevreja.

Uzas zivi.


Act like sluts

Import horny foreigners who hate your culture


This Germany is why no other country on earth takes this seriously.
Slavic is a language group /like latin/ not racial. Stop listening your imam, Mohammed, and learn History, Genetics and Linguistics.
Also acc.Stephanus Byzantinus /Ethnika/ Arya is the old name of Thrace...
Znam, strasno je. Ja sam mislio da je to samo kod Amera tako ali svi ti americki jevreji su i ovde pustili pipke. Neke od centralnih figura kada su nas bombardovali su profitirali od nezavisnosti Kosova:

Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Wesley Clark..npr.

Rudnici i telekomunikacije na Kosovu su u njihovim rukama ili u rukama njihove kopiladi od dece. A dobro je poznato ko je stojao iza Otpora kad se rusio Sloba(takodje Soros)
stop calling gypsyes romani. it's too close to romanian
I only said it in case people were unaware who are gypsies. I myself never use that term anyway, and I know it's damaging to Romanians

Ja sam znao, kad sam bi mladji, jednu Jevrejku.

Ludaca apsolutna. Veganka, opsednuta Svedskom, i stalno ima onaj "Jaoj, jadne (((izbeglice)))" i, uopste ne zajebavam ovde, proseravala se o holokaustu.
Odakle si? Ja ovde nisam jednog jedinog jevreja ni video ni upoznao a ne znam ni jedan grad pored mog u Srbiji da ima sinagogu.
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?????? What the fuck??


Ova ludaca je bila sa filoloskog fakulteta. To je bilo.... 2005 ili 2006.
auu davno bese. Ta ti je sad u Svedskoj u nekom multikulti centru sigurno

Ne znam, klonio sam je se i tada.

Nimalo mi nije bila draga.

Ali sto jes jes, dobro je izgledala ta Jevrejka, sa svetlom kosom i svetlim ocima, u dobroj formi, niska i velike sise.

Ne kazem da ne bih jebao, ali ono, nikad se ne bih petljao sa takvima.
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>Serbs aren't nigger

Then why do Serb diaspora always act like niggers? You're hated in every single country you reside in, fucking turk rapebabies.
>turk rape babies

When you use this term I automatically know you're a diasporafag. Bosnian muslims just looove residing in Nordic countries, enjoy your time up there either way
Su bili KANGZ
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2MB, 1641x1094px
>pic related
on the right:
>memeber of the serbian rape gang that just raped a 14yo girl and left her to die in the cold like trash
on the left:
>the albanian from the Ficki Ficki video
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ultra råre.png
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>Muh KURDS!!!

Wow, you're even acting like Roaches on the internet.

That is pretty fucking hilarious.
Si bio bre u Vojvodini?
>Dennis Masser
>pure 100% serb amirite guise???

Don't you have a bull to prep?

Zivim u ns-u
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Don't you have a jewelry store to rob, you worthless nigger?

The day Balkanites stop being being sub-saharan Africa tier, will be the day the white race ceases to exist.

where are you from unknown bro?
Tudo bem? Timor Leste
Onaj ne zna svoj lusofon kultur
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You're starting to sound like a nigger with 'dey school shooters n shieet' memes
The community flourished and reached a peak of 33,000 before World War II (of which almost 90% were living in Belgrade and Vojvodina).


Bre koliko dugo nisi iz stana izlazio?

HAHAHHA evo upravo cu sad izaci malo na vazduh, lep je dan. Al ozb, znam pola grada i ni jednog jedinog Jevreja. Znam dosta i Nemaca i Slovaka iz okolnih mesta. Cak i ponekog Ukrajinca ali jesa ovde bas nema

If you can't speak English worth a damn, don't try and pull of any fancy lingo, you utter nigger.

Still hilarious you called me a Bosnian, like a Turks tries to call out "Muh kurds".

Not my fault you're a country of worthless rapebabies that can't even economically compete with Gambia.
>you can't speak English worth a damn
>like a Turks tries to call out "Muh kurds"

try again

>worthless rapebabies
[citation needed]
>can't even economically compete with Gambia
It's true we are a shithole. In the meantime, Nordic countries are literally becoming Gambia and Africa, ethnically and culturally.
they look pretty serbian to me tbqh
many morons from serbia go to germany and austria to wash cars, toilets and steal
why are you autists going on about

just fucking go outside and you'll see how many degenerates, low lives and scum we have in our streets
>Masser, Kampf are pure Serbs u guisee

Thank you for correcting the record, tonibler
we live in a shithole
that breeds crime and degeneracy
sure those ain't serbian names and two of them look like gyppos but doesn't change the fact that serbia has quite a lot of scum
Did I ever claim we aren't a shithole? Read the OP, I only exposed the media narrative about this event and nothing more
daily reminder that serbs are only 10% slavic
t. someone with no turk blood
why even bother exposing it
this is just another jab at serbia being a 3rd world shithole
not sure if funny or sad that even gyppos that clean toilets and steal around germany get away with rapefugee tier stuff
rape the rapists with lubricated broomsticks if you can't get justice from the government. rape them with non lubricated baseball bats if the government protects them and gives them permission to rape.
>t. hitler said we wuz white n shieeet

ubij se kmico prljava
Gas the gypsies
Wow they're not even Serbs.
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No. Killed.
Hehe my name
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If they're not Serbian (and I agree) then what on earth are these subhumans? Could it be that all three of them are gyppos?
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Was ist des Deutschen Gefühl.jpg
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oh uh master should i get on my knees?
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>German intellectuals
The Judge and all Media that underreported should also be euthanized.
>all those liberal shills yesterday claiming 3 out of 4 guys where "german natives"
>turns out it was one tanned and rest just pale gypsy slavshits east block mongrels

Should be around ~10.000% overrepresentation of of raping east "europeans" compared to native German population population now.

StA, Dr. Halbach, Georg
StA, b.d. LG Hamburg BN: 9.43.2291
Geschäftsstelle: 9.43.2109

Georg Halbach
Georg Halbach, Hamburg
Poststr. 9A
20354 Hamburg - Neustadt
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