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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 331
Thread images: 104

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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist - Fuck The Bot

>Ad: Blueprint
>Trump Rally in Newtown PA 10/21/16
>Trump Rally in Johnstown PA 10/21/16
>Trump Rally in Fletcher NC 10/21/16
>Fight For Western Civilization

>Trump at Alfred E Smith Dinner NYC 10/20/16
>Trump Rally in Delaware OH 10/20/16
>Ivanka Q&A in Wauwatosa WI 10/20/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Junction CO 10/18/16

>Trump on NBC4 10/20/16
>Trump on Joe Pags show 10/18/16

>American Hero
>The Vicious Snake
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

>Okeefe Video Leak #1 - Inciting Violence
>Okeefe Video Leak #2 - Voter Fraud
>Okeefe Video Leak #3 - Bully Women
>Okeefe Video Leak #4 - Huma tired of shillary's worn rug, wants arab cock

prev >>94084158
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Fuck anime

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>It's saturday
I need... my morning joe...
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Pack it up lads. Trump is finished.
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What evidence does shitlery have that russia did the hacking?
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What was that "I'm much smarter than you and have political expierence and know so much more about Trump than pol" shill last thread
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>yfw it's going to be okay
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>le blue florida
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>and no morning mark

I started hating weekends in the last months
Cringe from the last thread
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new hampshire will not go red, if it's one delusion I see here. it's the red NH meme
Shills are getting more complicated, I'm starting to feel like we're fighting the bosses of CTR at this point but Portuganon is really good at debating them since their only defense is poll flogging.

Another thing i noticed is that shills are hitting the second half of threads more often when it's not really worth filtering them, but that just may be paranoia of mine.
>reading Florida Clinton +4 methodology
>Margin of error is 4.2%
>based on historic voter turnout and internal projections
>only 538 LV

Fucking wank.
It might happen depending on how things go.

If Trump is doing good by election day, several states that we think of as unlikely could be on the precipice of flipping.
Trump will Florida. He's already winning in early voting big league.
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I've spent the last decade in various national campaign teams and polling groups and I can assure you that my formulas and intense research have led me to believe I'm a cocksucking faggot and that I should kill myself.
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is the FBI doing something against the voter fraud or the attacks on the GOP buildings?
That's what I was joking at.

Florida is red as fuck, it's actually a pretty based state. The meme hillshills press that it's in any kind of danger is hilarious.
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Probably not
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D-did somebody say disavow?
They're probably investigating that "anthrax attack" at the Clinton office in New York instead.
The guys who did such a great investigation against her said so.
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why the fuck is there a Clinton General
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>CO early voting starts on the 24

I cant wait to see that
NH is the only state out of the X WILL GO RED memes that is actually very possible imo.

Bernie won in a landslide, Trump won in a landslide, I think Bernie had like a 20k lead on Trump but Trump had way more votes than Crooked did

I know muh primaries but still, seems like a legitimate case
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That really sucks.
Will Trump make punkrock great again?

Non American cucks here for the election like fat people at a gym in January.
Abby Huntsman is so hot jesus
That pandering is more obvious than when Trump kissed that baby.
It's completely baseless.

I think she came up with the idea of "PUTINDEDET" after the Guccifer attacks hit the DNC and she needed to deflect the tension away from the fact her campaign chair had to leave. Her solution? Seeing that Guccifer said he was Eastern European, she immediately stuck the "Russian" label on him and said Russians were responsible for all the leaks and hacks that happened afterward, including those which were entirely anonymous and probably from moles in her own fucking campaign.

I swear her little moment at the last debate where she sperged the fuck out was the final nail in her campaign's coffin.
how can the FBI recover after this election?
I cant imagine the ammount of people who lost all hope in the US justice system thanks to hillary
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>it's the red NH meme

Mainstream media seems invested in that meme then resident Romi as the polls there show a dead heat.

Maine CD2 must be spilling into NH
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Seeing all the wiki leaks emails are making me fear for our election.
It's clear this "shadow government" has already selected Hillary.
I'm feeling depressed about this election pol.
Not trying to make this a feels thread. I'm just saying
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>tfw Trump is giving his gettysburg address today
h-hold me lads
The FBI will be an attack dog organization for Hillary if she gets elected and will be tasked with hunting down prominent people who supported Trump.
>Blue Colorado
Please unfuck this. We are red. MAGA
FBI is part of the swamp that will be drained. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has his FBI contact purge the place and bring back old veterans to rebuild it.
Is Joe Biden the boss of this gym?
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One more for the collage.

All you missed was the "I want to believe", "you promise?" and "prove it".
Fuck i'm working till late in the evening, can't catch it live
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>Tfw it's already 11am but burgers are too slow
Abe looks like a goofy fuck in these photos
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Fucking Mint!.png
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>Donald role-playing as Lincoln
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Hillary's campaign has already stated this. Alex Jones is first on their hit list.
That shadow government is who we've been fighting all along, and we've won this far.

We've made it through the primaries against people protected, funded, and endorsed by this shadow government and took every form of attempted assassination short of a bullet and we're still running strong.

>"But I never knew as bad as it would be, I never knew it would be this vile, that it would be this bad, that it would be this vicious. Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you -- gladly. "

The days are dark and this is truly a war, but love for our country and people will triumph in the end.
You were red until you fell for the weed meme. It's a shame becasue Colorado was my favorite state, just the name feels right to me.
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>Going to sleep now
>Won't wake up in time

What song should mods sticky/loop when Trump wins?
Fearing a culturally enriched shit organization

Fuck the FBI and fuck you
I don't think I'm registered to vote. What do I do?
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Gotta run now pals.

Someone volunteer to make next thread so Indont come back to 12 Trump Generals in the catalog

Attacking Alex is adding to fuel to the fire
Register to vote
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disqualifying tbqh
Shills, shitposting, and shitposting shills.
It's not too late? I'll print it out and mail it by tomorrow
Stars and Stripes Forever
wew lad
that burger looks good
assuming they aren't hunted down first
What ddid the LA times poll show?
who got it?
Ode to joy
Bye Portanon
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U.S. field artillery march
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-if youve been getting headaches heavly its your brain removing now false information and tendentious is a side affect of being senstive enough to the world around you, devjavu is multiple timelines hiting the same experance at the same time and dreams are mearly glimpses into those other experearnces
-im from the other timeline and CERN did a test that changed what timeline we where on, it happened 2015 September 23-24th, the anime show actualy explained the ideas pretty well, and it kinda proves my personal theorys that everything exists, and we could also be dead, unrealated pic do the research
- also check the world map we dont have a north pole ice sheet anymore and panama canel goes north to south instead of east to west
-CERN tested time travel based of jhon titors time travling experiance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor
where not the only people to be translplanted but where the largest tranplantation of people becuase of how new time travel technology also stephen hawking said black holes are a gateway to another universe look at how much light has changed or other scienctifc ideas have changed
- i finally found out why me and my many coworkers where having heavy headaches for three weeks straight in the month of November. originally in my timeline thanksgiving was on the THIRD Thursday of November and after that time had passed my headaches which i stated was a means to wash away false memory's had slowed after thanksgiving and is subsiding now for everyone,.
Cern time travel= successful




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg85IH3vghA [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvOYEu5Lbb0 [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEtPAV_QIFk [Embed]



I already got my ballot in the mail..It varies state by state.
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>Florida is red as fuck
Depends on your state's deadlines and rules. You might be too late you might not.
Have a good day
Nah m80. The weed dudes hate Hillary and everyone else is for Trump. Trump signs are everywhere and the rallies here are high energy. Colorado is red.
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Best version

I keep ending up in the second half of threads because it takes me forever to type it my long-winded replies on my phone...no grand strategy to it.

(I'm that guy from the last thread, the Dunning-Kruger libshit)
My states deadline is 21 days before election...
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All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too
Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl

fwiw, I'm also a Dem with actual campaign experience (dating back to 1992) and I completely agree with you that Trump's weak ground game is gong to lead to problems matching his polling numbers.

I think we'll start to see this as we get back more absentee and early results in various places.
Kid's probably swimming in thirteen year old sjw pussy.
take this shit to /x/, retard
Welp anon, I reckon it's too late. Offer to help ride your trump supporting family and friends to the polls or poll watch for fraud if you still want to help, if I couldn't vote I'd want to make up for it.

And with your admission of presence I leave the thread.
Still here, but going to bed in a moment.

If I don't sound like normal CTR, it's cause I'm not a shill. I'm just a full-on Carl the Cuck liberal who enjoys reading right-wing forums as a hobby - going on twenty years (I'm 32) and still not red pilled.

I don't even usually post or get in arguments, but felt like jumping in tonight for some reason.

Any others like me?
I think I've finally stopped giving a shit about who wins this thing. Like, yeah, I'm voting for Trump and It'll be great if he wins, but I'm also okay with watching the world burn down under Hillary, and watching the shitshow that the red states will put up in the face of Trump losing. Either way, it's going to be entertaining.
Why have recent polls been a lot closer than the ones from beginning of this month and most of last month?
I agree
she's fucked is why
Kindred spirit...how the fuck did we end up here?

(Just kidding, /pol/, we meet in the break room at CTR)
>Donald trumps chances of victory has slimmed to just 6% latest polls show.

Damn. Really feel bad for people who put so much of themselves into this. Suicide must be weighing heavy on you all :(
Because many americans actually watch the debates instead reading their confirmation shills on the news.

>Trump is for Expanding the NSA
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for renewing the Patriot Act
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for Citizens United
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for leaving the Fed alone
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for expanding, not reduce the black hole of a "Defense" budget
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for trade deals that destroy American jobs
So is Clinton.

Gee, it's almost like I have a functioning brain and used it.
So you see right wing as some sort of spectacle as you act Holier-than-thou?
lefty translation:

>I'm going to be hella suicidal when Trump wins
*Instead of
>1 post by this id
really makes you think
nice one
>only found the cut version, have the whole 50 or so minutes as video
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le funny finn.jpg
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kinda looks like this
11am EST?
>tfw was gonna sleep then
>tfw I'll just watch it from the comfort of my bed before I go to sleep
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Did anyone confirm if this is valid? If that's the case Trump is already turning a 22 year traditionally blue state red and that's a massive fucking implication.

It should also be shared for motivational purposes.
Theme from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
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yes so much neural activity, I don't know what to do with myself
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Looks like pretending not to hate Catholics isn't working
I actually like /pol/ and /trumpgen/ even though i think they're all deluded

just another broken toy
Its a test site man, just random numbers entered to see if it works. Check the last thread, somebody posted that and the real website, only 200kish votes are in yet.
I wish it were, but it's not. Too many votes to be early voting or absentee. It's a practice site I think
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Greetings fellow /POL/ users

I am a long-time Nazi and Trump supporter. It will be Hitlerific once Trump can get in power and can get rid of all the non-whites. Am I right?

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>Hahaha I'm about to make an antiTrump post and it's gonna make people so PISSED! *snickers* I'm gonna get so many replies!!
Good morning.

A Brazilian journalist admits the bad coverage of US election in Brazil

She stated
>"In Brazil there is no coverage of US elections. There is only longing for Hillary Clinton's victory."


Note: She is a reporter from Globo, the largest brazilian public TV station in Brazil. Globo is 100% pro Hillary and only reports what is said on CNN. She works there for more than 15+ years I doubt they will fire her but you never know...
There's a lot of evidence that says it's not fake. Pasting my comment from the other thread:

>Kristin Dohm appears in the Wisconsin White Pages, again giving the genuine address of Wisconsin Public Television. This looks legit, guys. Trump is winning.


>These number probably include early voting
Well it's showing as the valid address for Wisconsin voter registration and has instructions, etc.

I think it might b the real deal goys.
You want the hillary general, pepe is their meme
It's a test run, only something like 200,000 absentee ballots have been returned
Still, it's not that unbelievable
Wow, did what she say about Catholics really have THAT big of an impact?
Jesus Christ

I come back an hour later and retards still think that Wisconsin thing is real
Why do you have picture of Sam Hydeberg, the Jewish mastermind of the Shadow Government in your hard-drive?
Not exactly. I got hooked on right wing talk radio as a kid (I had insomnia and it was the only thing I could get away with listening to past bedtime) and have been interested in this stuff ever since. Not so much the spectacle as just the existence of a whole complicated alternative culture.

Also, I already pretty much know what people on my own "side" think, so it can be interesting to get outside views... like, really far outside.
is that bob saget?
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Does this mean I can still vote If I didn't register beforehand because I'm in person voting?
@CNN Presidential nominee Donald trump campaign woes further after staff walk out
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Stop Him.gif
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Said they were 'backwards' and that Bishops were 'Medieval Dictators'
Wow looks like trump can't win and you all need to leave for plebbit.
Are we in March again? Or was it June?





I'm not a Trump supporter but I always thought you guys were harshly treated by the MSM. Now I see that there are some really dark sections of his supporter base.

Never thought I'd say it but I hope Hillary wins now.
That and partial birth stance, she never quite openly stated her stance on it, it was just safely assumed but the pro-life confrontation inevitably worked out massively in Trumps favor.

Consider this, most true conservatives know a third party candidate is a wasted vote and now that he made his pro-life/2a stance clear he won those back, then to top it off only the most extreme of liberals support partial birth abortion and appealing hyde amendment. In essence, despite Trump explaining it horribly, his stance and Hillary's stance only garnered him votes.
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Reminder that Trump is the God Emperor and will win

No, you have to be registered to vote first.
Sorry anon
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it's already begun in some counties.
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How do you visit /pol/ (tg no less) and forget to register. Anon what are u doing
All of trumps top staff have left him, campaign is finally over. Nov 8th make /pol/ great again.
Welp, at least she's honest.
pretty sure the two to the right aren't pictures.
I'm gonna be in every Trump gen from now on though, Tank Gunner Palin Tracker.
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redpill me on the anime hat girl trump general
fuckin LEL

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This is awoovement!
Wow campaign is in meltdown. All top staff gone.
What happens if I take off the hat?
Pretty good.

I love European music and am always looking for more songs to add to my playlist

Are you sure? Why isn't anyone saying anything about this? Bill Mitchell would be creaming his pants all over twitter if this were legit.
It really rustles my jimmies that so many "man" are pretending like they don't say lewd things behind women
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That explains everything.
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>those cucks
It means he has things to show us
show me dad
Trump wont win Wisconsin
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someone should have a sitdown with those "lads"
I wanna meet that dad.
Did he put new irons on his pistol?

kill yourself.
Maybe now they will get some girls to talk to them.
>tfw Trump's already awake and you haven't even gone to sleep
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what a bunch of cucks
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the consequences would never be the same

Or we talk about pussy..just not yours
Fake. It's not showing up on my feed.
I dont know why I keep reading the comment section on Wikileaks, these people are so dumb.. makes me mad.
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Countdown to assblast day.
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How are the spirits in the Trump General? I haven't been following in a while.

The people I follow like Stefan Memenoux, Styx, Mark Dice, pretty much everyone seems to think that Trump has already won.
Is it the same here, or are we preparing for the worst?
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dont try to compete with him
its unreal he sleeps like 3 hours a day and does rallys every fucking day
I couldnt do this stuff for a week and Im not even 30
>I'm still white I swear
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>there are 5 Clinton generals and it's only 5AM in US
Shills really working overtime
wish i could speak russian. Tried to get into courses at my university for two years straight, always no place left.
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This is going to happen and there's nothing /pol/ can do about it
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>Countdown to assblast day.

But, trump will make sure that lobbying dies a swift death.
>the middle and the right is now "alternative culture"

I've always seen both sides as two majorities with different views. Trivializing the other end of the spectrum doesn't really help your case.
Clinton would say or do anything to win, she has no pride or shame in copying Trumps policies where he has her beat
This fucking cuck entered the race so late he's not even on most of the states' ballots.

Who the fuck cares about him anyway?
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Recent polls have him ahead tho
To think people used to say Obama was a great orator.
maybe for their generation it isn't.
Give me state polls nigger
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a sea of whites.png
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literally who?
Sweet Victory or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoQ_jPWoQg0
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Yeah bud, Drumpf will win RI for sure
Nobody else noticed but nice delegates get
Donald, Take the delegates
its 2016
Does this figure include all Hispanics?
Its pretty much a given.

The only people squealing otherwise are the shills and trolls.
A certain amount of noise is to be expected during gelding.
It's 2017 tho
(he will)

Yup, Drumpf will just flip a state that Romney lost by 32 four years ago
>september 7

Discarded, dumb nigger
now you get it
the only positive thing taxpayer money for TV/culture programs results in. To bad more and more goes into diversified shite.
>requesting video of abbos clamping sticks and growling to piano
clinton is only leading by 20 in the polls, doesnt look like a positive trend
Rhode Island is the Belgium of America
"In Wisconsin, the number of early voters to date more than tripled, jumping from 46,389 to 142,190. In-person early voting started in late October four years ago. But after a federal court struck down Wisconsin's strict voting laws, early voting began several weeks earlier in the Badger State this year."

I'm almost positive now it's fucking real guys, we're winning Wisconsin.
Fucking faggots. Shamed for life. SAD
I can clearly see that people are trolling and CTR are at it.
I am more interested in what the people who have to deal with shills 24/7 think.

I am expecting a lot of people being down because all this constant ''DRUMPF FINISHREED XDDDDD'' shit in these threads.
>Drumpf is only down by 20!

That's when you know you're desperate
Can anyone open this?
You missed your jump Time Traveler

Its 2016
Was it not Wisconsin that allowed felons to vote?
No, you're retarded http://elections.wi.gov/node/4305
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Good morning /trumpgen/, feels like Trump is already President.
Republicans made up
16.4 percent of the poll
vs democrats 249/600
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Watched almost exclusively by whites and white allies.

It's funny. I was watching F&F the other day and they had a segment with some barbershop. The barber would give a discount on haircuts if the kids would read a book. All were niggers of course.

The kid reading the book looked absolutely miserable. He was then asked what he wanted to be when he grows up. His response..."football player".

It just writes itself.
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Prove it
Hmmm, perhaps because it's fucking Rhode Island

You're not worth my time drumpftard
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I tried to draw Hillary when she laughs.
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Site states ballot received other site states processed via 21 onward, updated last at 22/5:00 AM

What's the problem? I'm pretty sure this is real man.
Anyone have the pic of Donald and Paul Ryan, where Donald is wearing the mask and asking Ryan if he feels in charge?
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well /pol/?
You have a bright future ahead of you.
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I wish I could support Trump guys. But Bernie is just the superior choice.
yeah but get this he got majority of the independents,

Lmfao you people are legitimately mentally handicapped

Yeah, they got over a million votes in one state before election day, and illegally published them online

Fucking drumpftards, Jesus Christ
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>tfw sister calls me a racist for defending guns and Trump
>all she says is "why do you need a gun, and Trump said all mexicans are rapists"
>she talks about how they should just assassinate both him and clinton

feels bad man
Who is that? Wait, I don't care.

Genocide, you dumb faggot. Your people invented it, assuming I'm not talking to a tanned German.
>implying laws ever stopped them
nice meme
football player is the same as train driver or firemen though, little boys dreams. The sad thing is that kids stopped reading. I wouldn't even care what they read. I really wonder what way our societys will take, it's looking pretty grim
ask her shy does she need to vote? its not like it makes a difference anyway.

real talk tho senpai you're sister sounds kinda retarded
they probably should assassinate both and start fresh desu. They're both god damn awful, Trump is just slightly less awful.
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He's at it again!!!
the tactic is unsound

you can't demoralize 4chan

we were demoralized when you got here

but nothing is going to stop us from voting Trump

the concern trolling makes people panic sometimes, but we all know what's going to happen next month
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My attempt
Explain to me how they could have over a million votes from one state over a month before the election

I don't believe whites are superior. I don't believe my home country or my countrymen are superior. These differences are the results of evolution, talking about superiority is asinine. What is better, a brown bear or a polar bear?

But it's still MY tribe, MY home. Just because my house is not the best house in the world it doesn't mean I want strangers to come squatting it.
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Better than my sister, she's voting for Hillary. Tomorrow is her bday though and I'm wearing my MAGA hat to our family get together.
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Easy Ahmed. First we feed the Jew into the oven. And then your subhuman race.
>no knowledge of basic history 101
nazis explained it 80 years ago, how can you talk about shit like that and not know about what's commonly called "stab in the back myth/Dolchstoßlegende"?
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>tfw too intelligent to vote
>white power
>whites are superior to niggers and spics and sandniggers

how can you be superior to people that fuck your women and genocide you?
She moved to melbourne a few months ago, so i'd say she's a tiny bit retarded

Voting is mandatory here anyway

fuck off leaf
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Oh it certainly feels like that.
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What did they mean by this?
>"Why do you need a gun?!"
>"Trump and Hillary should be killed"
Your whore sister played herself
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Poor Dave racemixed with a kebab refugee from Iraq, hence judgement is clouded.
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>Whites support Trump
>Sandnigger looking ones support Hillary
Really maeks u fnk...
They're publishing some of the stuff that barley hurts Clinton so that they can claim they did infact talk about the emails/Wikileaks

I'll put a fiver on this song.
Hillary is a neo-con. She could have run as a Republican.
The Lugenpresse has no fucking shame

fuck, i should have thought of that
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No niglet wants to be either of those. It's either a sports player or rapper. Because that's all they're capable of.

Dr. Ben Carson is a marvelous rarity. For every Ben Carson, there are millions of worthless subhuman feral niggers.

The only solution is increased eugenics, but that would require a heavily redpilled population and government.
Remember: Politico posts anti-Clinton stuff only on Friday-Saturday, when normies literally don't care about news
It's true and you know it, cuntuck
Trump is a much better leader than Pence would be.

Pence also still has a few neocon ideals i dont agree with
Normies don't like Hillary
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Is Joe /our guy/?
That's why I said they should just start fresh, fuck the vp's
>reverse racism isn't real but this is!
Cum up your filipina butt
Joe is Joe
>trump is gonna lose
>the rigging will become undeniable shortly after election.
>civil war
>america depletes its military and civillian militia
>descend into anarchy
>Britain steps in and reclaims the colonies.
>The greater united kingdom is born.
>iinfrastructure and manufacturing quickly repaired, full war mode activated.
>europe iis a bitc and sins most of its west coast to get further away from glorious UK
>we fill in that fucking tunnel
>retake canada for a laugh
>australia is suitable impressed and genocides its migrants and abos as tribute to us and rejoins empire.
>rest of commonwealth follows suite.
>merkel melts.
>Putin kneels.
>china quivers.
>all the brown people in the shithole desert go back to digging up oil for us and stop acting so fucking pissy all the time.

saw all this in a dream guys, its gonna happen.
i cringed
I didn't. That would be wonderful
Trump will win, then he will get assassinated.
Mike Pence is going to take over and US is going to have a very moderate cuckservative as a president.

Trump is going to be assassinated. It's guaranteed.
The only two presidents who were anti-establishment were assassinated.
>I took a shit and it ended up in a post
people said this about obama
mind your tongue, subject.

Obama wasn't anti establishment.
I had a dream that Hillary sold America to the Russians
Obama's not anti-establishment.
You guys can't even control London, nevermind projecting your power overseas.
Obama wasn't anti-establishment.
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Anything juicy happening this weekend?
Watch the Al Smith dinner
This is why Trump should have his own night of the long knives before they can.
can we get a new bread up in here?
Obama isn't a legitimate president and should be reported back to Kenya to play obongo on the drums.
o ok thx guys really enlightening
You're welcome.
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Momiji ( AWOO) is our girl. Kek willed it and she showed up for us.
I just bet 500 € on MAGAMAN winning the election mates.Getting 2500€ profit from that. How smug should I be on November 8? pretty smug
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That's quite a ways off if we do win. Have to consolidate power first.

No, this is how the thread of trump dies.
Can you kill yourself
london is happily beavering away thinking theyre something special while in fact they arre financially supporting the rest of the country, why do you think theres so many muds down there? britons willl never be slaves.
To further the point, the only reason people said he would Obama would get assassinated was because he was black, and they feared a racist element would try to take him out.

The only leaders who get assassinated in western nations are those who upset the balance of power.
Obama didn't do that. Kennedy did. Trump is planning to.
Anyone who's a patriot within government already has his back. Plus he has the people.

Leftists and cuckservatives would say its a fascist takeover. And they'd be right. Except it's go save the country from its true puppet masters.

Fuck off, cuck.
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We're gonna have to be a bit more quiet about it until we're officially in senpai.
kys fag
Shill Thread
Go play in traffic
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I hope all of Germany burns like it deserves.
I'm not talking about civilians. I mean him and his team once he wins.

Not like we can actually do anything. We're just supporters.

I hope he knows this as well.
Fuck you and your retarded ass country full of retarded ass shit posters
>papa trump cleared how lyin nytimes wapo vice boigboing smeared fred trump kkk
Sit on a pike and rotate, at least we have a good immigration policy
This is the only right answer desu
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