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/cfg/ MEME DIVISION : Late Night Penetration Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 120

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This is a thread for dumping, creating, and discussing anti-Hillary memes for immediate insertion.

Advanced Meme Warfare:

the meme starter pack contains:

guide of advanced meme warfare 1.0
guide of using gimp to make a /cfg/ memes
blank folder - containing images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - completed memes collected from previous threads
Social media tactics
Kek blessed our campaign today
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We aim to hit that sweet spot
Post by other anon, taken from pastebin:

The importance of this can't be understated. We need to turn ourselves into a well oiled meme factory. For this any photoshop fags are going to need a crash course in mass persuasion. The reading list is great but I'll write a few points here since most people don't have time to read 10 books, and time is of the essence.

The most effective political propaganda appeals to emotion. The idea is to stack up so much doubt, emotional appeals, and circumstantial evidence ON TOP of facts that we create a landslide of anti-Hill sentiment that permeates through society. This is what you see the MSM doing against Trump. They play the racism card because it's extremely effective, albeit being low hanging fruit.

Trump has to keep his image squeaky clean because everything he does is under the microscope of MSM. Notice how hard the media pushed the star of david angle.

We, on the other hand, have the advantage of being an anonymous swarm with a singular goal. We don't have to play fair. We can say and spread whatever we want.

Take a look at some of the most effective historical attack propaganda. You'll see racism, rape, murder, and slander. The worst shit you can think of.

We need to create a feeling of disgust towards Hillary when the users see our images.

The idea is to create one liners that we can memify and mass produce. These need to appeal to emotion strongly. We have to literally be the hate machine we're known as.
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This is a legit pro-Hillary meme. THIS is the level of garbage that we're up against. The only reason Shillary gets any traction at all is because of her having, at this point, the MSM in her pocket,
>pic definitely related
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another for keks. ACTUAL pro-Hillary meme. The word "autistic" doesn't even come close.
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Wtf seriously
Can these fuckers even ENGRISH
aggressively greedy or grasping apparently. It's mostly just trying to sound smart. Complete cancer in every other respect
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Freshly baked
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yeah that turned out pretty well. The "well qualified" does it for me

no, the 2 pro-Hillary memes I pulled from an ACTUAL twitter acct.
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nice template some anon made
Thanks anon. Taking requests.
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Here's some ammo, some are useless but there's a good many points here that would be meme-worthy. See what tickles you
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one of the more incendiary ones
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Better question for another /cfg/ thread is what happened to the 6 gorillion dollars she lost?
>what happened
slush funds, kickbacks, money laundering through HSBC, multiple options which are probably all true.
that's pretty damning, damn. DAMN
She was just extremely careless with that 6 billion dollars.
Vote for Hillary.
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Marvel made a version of M.O.D.O.K. featuring Trump's face, so I retaliated and made one with Hillary instead.
If we got some names connected to receipts that would be killer.

She didn't mean to fuck everything up, she's still super qualified though.
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Another great template from today, or yesterday should I say.
>that's pretty damning
Fucking right. Just have to trust that the 140+ pages of material compiles by the research dept. has the information needed to bring it all down, or at least sway public opinion against her
>Vote for Hillary
fuck, I hate Trump now.
What a bunch of cuck(s).. Your pic is kek-worthy, but maybe not meme-worthy imo. Who the fuck is Modok?
>If we got some names connected to receipts that would be essential

Absolutely, I read in the research bread today about some pretty compelling evidence that someone in the HRC camp used to be high level at HSBC and that he was going to be indicted but Hillary veto'd it when she was at state dept. Or something.
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Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, M.O.D.O.K., an agent of Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M., which is a branch of Hydra created by Baron Van Strucker, a nemesis of Captain America.

Your image thumbnail made me think
>hillary as a nasheed holding a decapitated hillary head doing the nasheed finger pose
and now the image is burned in my mind.
you can make one of Hillary with a cop as the victim after this fucking tweet
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I read that. Shame it wasn't our memes that were pictured. That would have been yuge. Seems kikebook is banning even the most inoffensive anti-Hill stuff. Kind of brazen, really
and they made a trump image out of it? Almost flattering that they consider him some sort of evil mastermind. They really can't meme for shit.
that would make for a cool pic, no doubt. But my skills are very inadequate for that level of shooping. Later in the morning if you ask again somebody could make it happen. You could also give it a try if youre up to it.
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decent one from today
transparency fits better than democracy
Apparently Comey was a director on the HSBC board, didn't that same company make donations to the CF?
Is fbi anon aware his boss might be a piece of shit too?
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She stated really weird things about children's rights. Some of these quotes might look scary next to pictures of families and infants.

>But Hillary’s advocacy of massive and immediate expansion of federal child-care programs was relative tinkering compared to the radical redefinition of the relationship between state and family that she called for as a champion of the “children’s rights” movement. In “Children Under the Law” (a 1974 essay reprinted by the Harvard Educational Reviewin 1982) she proposed three measures for obtaining “children’s rights”: (1) the immediate abolition of the legal status of minority and the reversal of the legal presumption of the incompetence of minors in favor of a presumption of competence; (2)the extension to children of all procedural rights guaranteed to adults; (3)the rejection of the legal presumption of the identity of interests between parents and their children, and permission for competent children to assert those independent interests in the courts. (In effect, when parents and their teenage kids don’t agree on who’s the boss, a judge steps in.)

>I prefer that intervention into an ongoing family be limited to decisions that could have long-term and possible irreparable effects if they were not resolved. Decisions about motherhood and abortion, schooling, cosmetic surgery, treatment of venereal disease, or employment, and others where the decision or lack of one will significantly affect the child’s future should not be made unilaterally by parents. Children should have a right to be permitted to decide their own future if they are competent.
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when you're right you're right
Again, the left doesn't give two shits about the emails. Emotional appeal all the way or you might as well just spread dank trump memes.

>Ihave read all she has written on children’s rights and can only conclude that Hillary suffers from a massive misunderstanding of the function of parents. “The presumption of incompetency has profound significance not just because children are reliant on adults to exercise their right for them, but because a child denied the opportunity to exercise responsibilities is effectively denied the opportunity to mature into a responsible adult,” she writes. She seems to miss the obvious: as children mature, sensitive parents gradually relax the reins and give their children greater freedom and greater responsibility. Hillary Clinton doesn’t appear to grasp how spontaneously evolved socialinstitutions like the family absorb and retain knowledge and wisdom through the ages, an ignorance typical of the left to which she belongs. GarryWills laments with Hillarythat we don’t have a “calibrated scale of increasing competence applicable to all children.” Of course we don’t. We don’t need one. Because we have something far better, families: millions of calibrated scales of increasing competence tailored individually to millions of individual children by millions of parents.

>Truth be told, Hillary Clinton harbors a deeply cynical view of the traditional family, its origins, and its defenders. In “Children Under the Law” she likens arguments against her plan to eliminate the legal minority status of children to arguments in favor of black slavery and against the emancipation of married women. In the same article, she goes even further, equating the family itself with slavery:

I don't mean to derail but if the twitter lords have extra time i think we can do more to divide the left and conquer. we all know that the left is eating itself in its hypocrisy but we can quicken this with fake accounts, for example:

>Dumb white women that aren't informed. They trigger BLM with their ignorance of PC-ness (cultural appropriation, insensitivity, making it obvious that they don't know any black people IRL, accidentally pointing out obvious flaws in BLM logic)

>Blacks that hate all white women allies, call them fake and privileged, say they steal black music and fashion without paying their fair share.

>Black women that hate black men for choosing white women, calling them race traitors (think of a new phrase because this is associated with us!), cite statistics! They also hate white women for stealing the black men. Say the white women want to erase black genes.

>Black women that hate white pro-choicers, call them eugenicists for promoting black genocide through abortion, cite statistics

>Muslims that openly hate gays citing religious freedom and islamophobia, Gays that hate muslims

>MTF Trans vs muslims! An MTF with a personal guilt-tripping story of how an anonymous muslim man assaulted "her"

>Anon feminists with guilt-tripping stories of how black men raped them, say BLM has an oppressive patriarchal culture, the real issue is gender not race. Do not name a real black man as the perp, that's illegal.

>Sex positive hot feminists vs negative fat feminists

>Straight black men vs gay black men, there is already bad blood that we can exploit.

Lmk if anyone is already doing this, or if you think this should be its own thread. Gimme suggestions too. We need to out-jew the Jews!
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The basic rationale for depriving people of rights in a dependency relationship is that certain individuals are incapable or undeserving of the right to take care of themselves and consequently need social institutions specifically designed to safeguard their position. Along with the family, past and present examples of such arrangements include marriage, slavery and the Indian reservation system.

>In her view, the family as we know it, in which children are legally dependent on their mother and father until achieving majority at 18or 21, is not a social institution adapted over time to meet children’s needs of protection, sustenance, and love. It is instead a breeding ground of perpetual conflict that was “invented” in the nineteenth century in response to organized labor demands aimed at protecting adult workers against competition from children:

> Many of the modern conflicts between parents and children arise because of the ‘invention’ of adolescence. Children in the Middle Ages became adults at the age of seven.… The concept of childhood gradually was expanded until children became more and more dependent on their parents and parents became less and less dependent on their children for economic support and sustenance. During the nineteenth century in this country, the idea of compulsory education provided an opportunity for children to be trained, and took them out of an increasingly smaller work force, so that they would not compete with adults. Child labor laws continued this trend and so did the imposition of age requirements for school attendance.… Because children now remain in the family for longer periods, during which they are still dependent but becoming more and more adult, the opportunities for intrafamily disputes have increased dramatically.
>Again, the left doesn't give two shits about the emails
It's only partially true. Berniefags spam anti-Hillary hate constantly, but mostly with shitty image macros and/or boring appeals to justice or whatever. It's not whether they give a shit about they emails, the biggest pro-bernie accts hate her for a variety of very legitimate reasons. Those bernie supporters that don't hate her, might hate her in the future if we do the job correctly.
what is this pasted from? Did you draft this?


>Start a LEGIT #AsianLivesMatter or #LatinoLivesMatter. Can't use #AllLivesMatter, it has to be centric around the asians or spics just like BLM is nigger-centric. BLM will never accept this but you should pressure the white allies, say they are racist if they don't support ALM or LLM, cite jap internment or deportations for guilt tripping. If white libs support you, BLM will hate them.
I drafted this:

The other posts are quotes from an article I think
Stupid bitch is growing plants in sink.
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>i drafted this
nice job putting this all together. capped for future reference. The possibility of a Trump vs Hillary showdown is inevitable, and the task of converting rabid leftards over to Trump is going to definitely require some serious planning. Twitterfags will have to have built up sufficient numbers at that point to get the memes across. Also, we need other angles to attack from; definitely not enough liberal white women + ethnic women accts online at the moment. That will have to change soon.
>black women's version of race traitors
Cracker chasers?
White worshippers?
It's hard to think of what would be authentic from the mind of a black woman who is proud to be black and detestes race traitoring black men.
Bleach drinkers?
Black bleachers?

No card carrying feminist would ever say any black men raped them, no matter if it actually happened to them because "you can't rape white women, rape is power and whatever" and neither would they say blacks live in a patriarchal culture because it's rayciss but also because they don't have any fathers present for there to be a patriarchy kek. Similarly no card carrying feminist will admit to the treatment of women under sharia law both because it is rayciss but also because the goal of all feminism, even overtly now, is rather stark plain-faced misogyny.
She also did business with De Beers while Apartheid was still the law in SA. Normies will hate that, especially Blacks.

>Powerful though it may be, there is a pattern of details about their relationship that suggests it is not as fully fused as an old-fashioned marriage. The Clinton’s financial assets are separately held; Bill draws a modest salary as governor, and basically the rest of their assets are under Hillary’s name. (Despite her husband’s frequent public complaints about the investment in non-productive assets and “paper profits” of the eighties, Hillary appears to have done well by such an aggressive strategy in the decade of greed. “At Wharton business school this spring, [Clinton] was yelling at them about how many of them went off to be investment bankers and did this sophisticated financial stuff instead of doing something that was actually productive,” says a source familiar with the couple’s tax returns. “Hillary herself in 1987 bought these straddles, Standard and Poors. She’s done the kind of stuff that he thinks is bad. The way they’ve actually gotten the richest is that in 1986 Hillary sunk alot of her money into this thing called the Value Partnership. It’s very aggressively managed: they short all of these stocks, there are all these puts and calls, and it did very well for them.” But Hillary has never been one to let principle stand in the way of pecuniary gain: in 1981 she reported a tidy, if politically incorrect, capital gain from the sale of stock in De Beers, the South African diamond barons.)
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type of normie memes also made here. This is one of mine
Here's the article bro.


She still does business with DeBeers which still profits from blood diamonds.
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Christoph Laughs.gif
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Send some proof to our bros in the research department. This could be another "gold mine".
Thanks anon. Just FYI the posts about family values is not from me but it is very good material for shillary memes. I will help with a fake twitter or two soon.
>De Beers
Definitely meme material there. We've made a few outrageous ones going on speculation alone, so we can surely spin this into a nice little meme-missile. When the morning shift guys come in somebody will definitely get on that.
> I will help with a fake twitter or two soon.
fantastic. as i said in my post, we need to hit the non white fucking male angle hard and soon. The earlier you start farming normies and leftards as followers, the better. Time-consuming af but also hilarious and strangely satisfying. But that angle will need some thought, after some sleep i'll throw together a simple guide on how to approach that based on ideas ITT and out.
i might be able to think of something too over time but nice ideas.

>No card carrying feminist would ever say...
Lots of good points anon and I agree in general but I do believe there are outliers as with everything. I can think of ways to twist "you can't rape white women, rape is power" into a guilt-tripping argument against gender oppression. So if we made some outliers who go against the grain, yes they will be attacked but that is good for us, it will show sane people who the crazies are. We should also make fake accounts that attack our own fake accounts with even more vitriol. And if we can twist the narrative to make our characters more victimized, that will silence, confuse, and demoralize white liberals who can't pick a side.
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De Beers memes can show. Poor Black children working in open pit mines. Apartheid imagery. Maybe something with Nelson Mandela. So to target the Black community while Nelson Mandela was imprisoned Shillary enriched herself off of the labor of poor Blacks in Apartheid South Africa.
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I'm going to find some images that might work well in a De Beers meme.
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Nelson Mandela himself.
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In his cell.
Shillary wearing diamonds.
Love all of it. This is exactly the type of info we need. Hillary supports apartheid, apartheid was bad. Barely any spinning required, but short and to-the-point catch phrases to write in bold fonts.
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Shillary wearing a diamond ring with a glib expression. This might be a good center piece for the meme.
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Start #Presidentpoopypants on Twitter and Leddit!
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Diamond minors.
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More diamond minors.
/pol/ is now a white area
whites only
Now don't pay attention to any of the flags from nonwhite countries, pretend they don't exist, like back when flags didn't exist on this board and everyone assumed everyone WAS a white 12 year old neckbeard autist shitlord, which somehow still remains the angle CTR/MM/CF/Tavistock shills are still trying to pull without any ceasing.
Honestly hilarious.
Chicago is an apartheid, it's pretty bad but it's not without being also a gibs state that's rife with corruption and machiavellian scheming put on full blast.
Park Ridge is just north of Chicago.
Rahm Emmanuel is very familiar with Obama and Hillary.
She is trying to get the support from the rich Indian Diaspora in US by showing that she too share the freedom to poo anywhere.
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Apartheid Cops.jpg
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Shillary's true opinion on Black Live Matter.
that'd be great. a while ago i had a masterplan to do this sort of thing but i couldn't think of how to get numbers without hiring a bunch of people. obviously can't afford that, so i gave up until i saw how many /pol/acks are contributing to this /cfg/ movement. This is definitely the most interesting thing I've ever seen coming out of 4chan with everybody coming together for research, memes and red team.
Don't forget to use hashtags to get followers on twitter. Use what is trending. Mine photos from a target individual on Facebook and apply hashtags that make the concert they went to in 2014 look like last night's blm rally.

Once you got the followers you can blast the memes!

For example:
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Guys reminder that the Lynch broad is getting her hearing which will only be in audio form

you're a good sport pajeet
>This is definitely the most interesting thing I've ever seen coming out of 4chan
Well, at least the most interesting thing I've participated in directly, for sure. That's why it's so damn hard to do anything else. I'm serious though, make like a paki chick acct, you'd be my hero. Completely untapped memosphere as of yet. Imagine the possibilities
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link to c-span stream in pic related
This one is gold. Have your puppet share their history of sexual abuse as a child and drop this one. Devastating.
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One more. This cop is one bad motherfucker.
We have to get a decent source we can add at bottom of memes, and put some shoopers on the debeers thing at once. I'll DM some guys on twitter so they get the message. Maybe we can have a few choice cuts out before noon.
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Guys, i know I'm the OP and all, but it's 6AM and i have to get some sleep. I'm completely useless right now. If the thread slows down too much just bump until reinforcements arrive


>But Hillary has never been one to let principle stand in the way of pecuniary gain: in 1981 she reported a tidy, if politically incorrect, capital gain from the sale of stock in De Beers, the South African diamond barons.)

Here's the abridged sauce.
thx senpai. Gotta crash see:
thx for contribution
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I vaguely remember this. No matter how much dirt you dig up on the Clinton Crime Family, it's always shocking.
i could do a muslim chick, are paki chicks any different? i don't actually know much about pakis
This would be a lot more efficient if we had character producers focus on the accounts and the meme people just chugging out assets that fit the character narratives.

Any idea how to distribute these tasks without doxxing?
wow, some bernout autist must have defected to team $hillary
paki women are 50 shades of scheherazade
Keep in mind we have to have a chance of turning the target audience, and that the turned target's value is determined by their liklihood to turn others when they talk about how they got redpilled to friends. Pakis might not be worth the effort. It takes a lot of time and effort to build a character with reach.
i don't see how that can't be done here. puppet masters say: i have x character, content please. meme masters produce content and post it.

there might be some platform that would make it spiffier but i say best to use what we're all familiar with to avoid losing anyone, as every user counts here. just my 2 cents.
If people have Twitter they can DM with pseudonyms. Honestly though people need to step up here. No one feels safe meeting anywhere else. I found some information and some pictures, but my shooping skills are zilch. That's why I posted them here so people can put something together.
Aye thats a nice shitpost meme
i agree. paki's might be a better choice for influencing britain. maybe he just meant a muslim chick. my idea with muslims would not be to focus on fellow muslims but to try to be the white liberal's "one muslim friend". they would fear disagreeing with me and I could confuse them by attacking gays or feminists etc. What do you think i'm just wading into these waters.
I got you. The Muslim angle will definitely work to some extent I'm sure, but in light of recent events i'd think that the efficacy of a BLM negro puppet would be a lot higher on the feeble minded cuck or coal burner. Can't say I can see the towelheads upstaging BLM in terms of getting whitey to seek their acceptance.
bumping with this from the research thread

goodnight yall, i'll try to be back tomorrow. stay strong brothers.
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They really do hate the secret service

This is a weird angle.
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fair enough bro. until another omar mateen does his thing at least. alright i'm out for real now.
Agreed. Can use the existing /cfg/ title to make content requests. If some shill wants to cry conspiracy it plays into our hands anyway.
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Oh shit remember to add that weird child lib shit she supported in the 1970s to some of these child labor pics.

"black genes"

no, black SKIN. Genes is a white word. Skin is their word.


Love the Bleach Drinker one. Original and never heard before, extremely vivid imagery. Seen as a VICE, a negative.

We're reaching persuasion levels that shouldn't even be possible
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>White Privilege
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This here is some grade A psychological fuckery if deployed by the right character. Kekkety kek
It's the actual serious opinion of the feminism/SJW marxist tribe, if you haven't been paying attention to them for the past 5 years.
Can you faggots try to meme without fucking us over in the process?

People use this kind of shit to justify us getting slaughtered
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The 3 lines make it worse, it should stick to 2 somehow

Word placement is very important. If something sticks out and breaks the pattern (even if it's just designed to look like a 'cheap mspaint job'), it should be an important word or phrase. I don't mean specifically bolded words or anything, but just ones that break that pattern.

Like look at http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1468312330023.jpg, that Criminal Chinese stands out even though it just seems accidental and not terribly important. use such methods to your advantage.




It's an old image actually, but never really got off the ground. But after Dallas, I'm feeling a certain meme in the air:

>"Real Violence is really actually Violence + Power, you need Power to be truly violent, so BLM and blacks aren't violent, that murder wasn't a real murder, it was minorities righteously PUNCHING UP against the oppressor class - of cops (ie. whites)"
It's not surprising that the Clintons would've been so paranoid in the WH. They were surrounded by people they couldn't directly control and who did not answer to them alone. Obviously with all the murders they've ordered, they wouldn't want some Secret Service guy blowing the whistle on them.
Yes that's great! Hope you're here when the other leaf organizes this better. I like your input.

wouldn't that be fucking hilarious if we made racemixing a vice by getting black women to shame black men?
I'm sorry about this, but remember these memes are for normies. We want them to think that Clinton is an evil racist.

Seriously though you should get out before Malema kills the lot of you. We give citizenship in exchange for military service and you get to bring your family too.
What is max age to enter service?

I'm top fit, but I think I'm to old for that
The Army is 41 without a waver. You can even do the guard or reserves. So you can be a citizen from part time service.

Nevermind, I'm still within the age range

>The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34 and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42, although each service sets its own policy within that limit.

Thanks anon, this is definitely an option

Thanks. basically, Bleach Drinker reminds me of alcoholism, a vice.

Most important layer I think is is invokes images of being subservient. Basically, an innuendo to cunnilingus instead of fucking.

Ain't nothing worse than being subservient to a WHITE person. That's slavery.

"You should drink bleach!' is enough of a common internet threat that Bleach Drinker shouldn't be too shocking to be absorbed by the masses.

There still might be a better choice though, idk
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>We want them to think that Clinton is an evil racist.
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US Gangs.png
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I'm glad to help. Protip the western states have a low Black population. Some even have based gun and self-defense laws. Tell your White friends all about this and remember they can bring their families.
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Thanks for the thread.
OP picture is powerful. Will use it and others should too.
This contrast is painful on so many levels.
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"History ruined" is a great idea, but use a picture where she is looking down, in an ashamed way, or she is looking like an idiot with opened mouth. Don't use positive pictures of her.
Good point. Scott Adams mentioned the H sign looks like the sign to find a hospital in any American city. That certainly has some good subconscious effects.
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Bump the thread, everyone
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All the division members can read Scott Adams, he can condense important points enough to be understandable for everyone.
Fukken saved.
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I will always hunt youuuuuuuuuu!!
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Get your castrated black slaves here folks!

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Well done.
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Truth to be told, I am getting worried that maybe the Democratic nominee will actually be Bernie... His leadership skills will surely mop up the floor with Trump's head.
That's why we have to make sure hillary gets nominated, then Trump victory is guaranteed.
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Yes. I think we should start phonebanking for Trump. If everybody would call 2000 persons a minute only, we could turn around everyone in the whole country in a year.


I don't understand how this is incriminating to Hillary? You should've used some quote about arming Syrian rebels or something. Here she comes across as being correct and consequent.
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I think this could spread like wildfire among Bernsters
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>Why is that anon a complete idiot and seems to be doing the opposite of what we are doing here?
>2 posts by that ID
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That makes Bernie look lazy. Awesome
I don't think our target audience would read the text.
Bernie lets niggers take over his rallies. I would rather not have a cuck as president
Can't find research thread, have link?
Doesn't matter. Most of the house is republican. None of his shit will get passed, and he'll back down as soon as they tell him to fuck off.
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Attention all Libertarians. Gary Johnson has SOLD OUT to Soros and company. Don't waste your vote, VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Watch short video with proof.
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Are you from Plebbit where I must say that I am being sarcastic in order to get the sarcastic message of my post?

You have to go back.

Bump for I'm awake and moved the documents over
Going through you comments now
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2MB, 1500x1500px
Just write in Stefan Molyneux after you sold all your child prostitutes for that day and you have bough your daily cocaine dose from a thrice-convicted murderer. Be sure to tell them how the Non-Agression Pact is the basis of this peaceful politics called Libertarianism so that everyone can live in bliss.

Added to memetics section of website

The memetics section will be rather static, I'll just update with the latest memes, if the leaf managing memetics could ensure the latest is in the copypastas, I can continue to update with each new bread.
Please save everything,
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510KB, 1068x1167px
Keep it up


They are starting to scratch at the surface

On a side note, is anyone looking into the accounts/transactions?
I don't understand why the meme gallery links should be put up on the site. If anybody wants to get the memes, he just has to come here and look at the OP. Also we have put up memes that are lies and misquotes and disinfo. So I would advice to


It could be exploited by the mainstream media, calling us liars and desperate memesters and etc. It could be put on Trump also.

If you want to add a link to a gallery on the site that much, I can make a gallery for you that only contains true and high quality memes. But that will take some time.
No one honestly gives a fuck what the lugenpresse has to say anymore.
The lugenpresse is for the eternally uninformed.

But we need more ppl working on SRS BIZ, then Dank memes.
How would anyone look at this and go crazy for bernie?
.I hate trip codes #thisisgayandihateit
do that then
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>No one honestly gives a fuck what the lugenpresse has to say
You are an idiot if you think that is true for anyone outside of right wing circles.
You want to change that password right now and I would adsvise to get a secure password with two hashtags put after your name.
No hungary, you aren't in America. You don't know what actual Americans actually are thinking and doing. Until you come over here and see firsthand just how much NO ONE ever GIVES A FUCK what ANY OF THE FUCKING LUGENPRESSE DOES you can fuck off with your assumption.
There's a reason why /pol/ is massively popular, and it isn't because anyone takes "the news" seriously at all period.
o well
New trip code incomming
I'm very very tired
A secure trip**
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John Oliver Current Year.jpg
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You'd like to think that.
No you fat ugly canadian nigger, YOU would like to think that it isn't the fact.
Kek confirms
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Not an argument
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>mfw for love of country, we must become the hate machine

It's all coming to fruition lads.
This is our destiny.
This is a 18+ only board.
Come back when you have passed that age.
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KEK Final Form.jpg
184KB, 500x500px
And it feels good.

We all know Adams has built a whole room behind a secret door in his basement, used only to praise KEK, with shrines and ancient books written by Egyptian persuasion masters of a lost era.
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Use this one to create more bad blood between nigs and leftist fags. Not OC, but it should help the cause.
Is this to somehow imply that the castration of blacks is not desirable?
Bernie is a soggy old noodle.

Trump refused to debate him because it wasn't worth his time.

The DNC has already buried Bernie and lined up behind Shillary.
Three soldiers and a US ambassador, pham.
Mastodon kicks ass, yo.
Thank you, I will correct it.
Sadly, but luckily for us, I don't think Bernfags and normies care enough about the case to know this.
This meme was already shared about a 100 times from my Twatter. They use anything to virtue signal and pander.
Should be "knowingly defended."
I don't really get this meme, its money, its not like its suddenly tainted or something. There's probably loads of money circulating that once belonged to and abuser.
Too many words. Needs to be shortened.
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Hillary Comp 355.png
345KB, 628x481px
fresh off the presses
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I need some holes Shiallry.
I want to scare my Shillary supporter friend.
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Yo memeteam, I'm unable to skip past the twitter phone number verification but I can't. I'm using an iPad and a temporary russian email adress. What do?
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613KB, 677x601px
Strange how the people who come here and tell us how a useless "meme" should be implemented are always
>1 post by this ID

I hope you got that $0.5 added to your account though
U wot?
I just need images of that makes people skin crawl.
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750KB, 1444x901px
You can try pic related.

Someone said that the phone verification message only pops up if you have opened the verification email.

I don't know, I used a burner phone's number.
But I know that all those temporary email services are on a blacklist on Twatter so it automatically thinks you are a bot.
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Wrong picture.
I meant this one.
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1MB, 1000x1000px
May I suggest linking this with "Extremely careless"
That's potent
didn't see a new bread
jesus the memes make themselves
Has been already mined a lot.
i should stop trying to make threads...
The anon who makes the templates in PS must use this.
No problem it is good enough
/CFG/ is here

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Gandhi-nig here. Bring out the big "sanders is a cuck" memes for us to splatter all over twitter my boys, the time is ripe!
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"Bernie Sanders" is trending on Twatter. You don't have to put a # before it. Use it with hashtags like #BernieOrBust, #NeverHillary and spread our memes.
Where to find black girl face picture?
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82KB, 800x430px
use google my friend, also checked.
One other tip could be to go into /soc/ and try and get some in there.
Go on some social media, find some obscure black girl's profile and steal her pictures. Easy.
DONT: >>80738771

Go to /soc/ and search for a black girl or look up a random negro on your Kikebook because Twatter people know celebrities and social media celebrities, they will know. I've got called out today because I wasn't responsible enough.

Also soc and Kikebook cant be imagesearched, while pictures from Goygle and Instagoy can be backtraced very easily.
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this is new bread
This is a bread that was baked at the same time
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Combine "Bernie Sanders", #LynchHearing, and #ClintonContamination/#NeverHillary/#JillNotHill for maximum exposure
Use "#NeverHillary or #Trump", not "#NeverHillaryOrTrump" so that you seem anti-Trump but you are using #Trump too for Trump agents to share you and give more visibility to our subversion of Bernlosers
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Zuckerberg is deleting our memes
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I'm sarcastically posting memes on normiebook. I'm getting a bunch of likes and some bernouts are doing it too
>Hope Hillary doesn't delete this dank meme

>Hope I don't get deleted for posting this meme
source? pretty interested in this one
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847KB, 1000x1000px
Search for "Hillary voice recording rape/pedophile" on Goygle.

Gyere és röhögj a Bernfageken Twatteren.
File: Spread this.png (387KB, 800x434px) Image search: [Google]
Spread this.png
387KB, 800x434px
Spread this..


kek bless u brother u guys kept the thread alive!!



I am out in an hour, the rest of the day belongs to you.
Cuckners endorsed Hillary if you didn't know.
>Cuckners endorsed Hillary if you didn't know
To the surprise of no one.. Got to tap into that Berniefag disilusionment somehow.

>I am out in an hour, the rest of the day belongs to you
Lot of shit to do today, you hear about the Debeers angle? we can memefy that. also I want to get some ethnic women accts online by tonight.
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404KB, 1118x910px
NEW MEMETIC WARFARE FONT PACK including the fonts shown in the attached image






NEW MEMETIC WARFARE FONT PACK including the fonts shown in the attached image
No they'll get angry and think thats its illogical. When you claim it is no different from the quasi-definition of racism in modern times, they will see the connection but contend that "It's different" with no justification. If you inquire for one, they will act as if you are stupid for not seeing the "obvious difference", even though they will not explain it.
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>Debeers angle?
South African Apartheid and blood diamonds? I've read a bit about it but was memeing all afternoon long. My idea is to first make noise with #BloodDiamonds, nothing about Hillary. We need accounts acting like charities. This will need more people than simply Bezmenov Squad.

We need that hashtag about poor African slaves who were Kangz n sheeeit but evil nazi whiteys opressed them, like De Beers and other South African Apartheid men. Also if there is any holiday or remembrance day in South Africa in the upcoming days, we can hijack it or make a non-political hashtag (first) about it, then hijack it.
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28KB, 523x344px
>using sendspace
Twatter has deleted #NeverHillary from the upcoming menu. Now it is only #NeverHillaryOrTrump.

What a coincidence.
Push this too

Push the most evil, vilest things about her.

This is our biggest chance.
>South African Apartheid and blood diamonds?
Yes see:
Supporting an overtly racist and oppressive industry is something the leftists will respond to. We can use this in the anti-hillary push.
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blank image without sendspace address if you upload the file again.
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hill didnt know.jpg
677KB, 1200x1527px
ohhhh I'm here, rest assured, I'm here
Ok all. Bernie is officially out of the race now, which means that disillusionment within the #Feethebern camp is at an all time high. People feel betrayed and are NOT, atm, feeling the love for Hillary, Berniefags have been pushing the #NeverHillary harder than anyone. You don't just switch to loving her overnight, as Hillary has not managed to win them over yet in any way.

Thus, we need to move to the next phase:
We need more push from different angles now, specifically we need accts for ethnic/poc women, asian/paki etc. MEN, of the leftist persuasion NOW. We are looking for volunteers. We can give advice as to tips on how to build followers. We are now in a critical phase boys. Going to the store for some smokes, back in 8-10 mins.

>I'm here
Thanks senpai. Good to have you back
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382KB, 1118x910px
Use mat ( https://mat.boum.org/ ), there's some info in the image hidden (probably in the files in the archive as well)
>date:create: 2016-07-12T21:05:30+02:00
>icc:copyright: Copyright Apple, Inc., 2016
"Imwithher and vote Jill Stein" should push bernies supporters to vote green they are not likely to vote trump
Didn't read through the whole thread. But in terms of ways to emotionally convince the left you should show news articles (I guess local news) of black on white crime and stats. What really moved me from being so left was seeing all the stories of white people being attacked by blacks at a higher rate per capita. Remember, people will call out institutional racism if it's not middle class or wealthier black people being involved.
wow nice job
still at work for 4 hours but tonight Ill giver

can confrim. fuck twitter
Your waifu retweeted your Stevie Wonders meme and it got really popular.
I think you have a chance at >her
No, too risky.
Also, don't use Google Chrome. Use Firefox instead, disable Firefox Hello and Pocket. I don't know if Icecat is available for mac, if so use that instead.
>Stevie Wonders meme
holy shit kek, thanks for exposure senpai.
>tonight i'll give her
You're my hero. Lurk back when you're ready for action and we should have a tactics guide set up. This is going to require a lot more work and planning. Going to have to switch our meme game up somewhat.
Good idea frog, thank you
thanks for the info anon.

I use firefox and chrome for different things. Thanks for the advice though.
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1MB, 1045x1082px
I am out, will have a night with the lads.
I will be sure to talk to them about Berncucks' falling.
Be the next OP.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Keep up the good work.
KEK bless you
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27KB, 600x600px
posting memes.
just made a shit twitter account to meme bomb everywhere. i'm done trying to talk and argue with people. it's time to out-meme them and spread our glorious propoganda.

post your twitter accounts and i'll follow/likeyour memes/redpills/subversives when i can

@ the joe ballin
> will have a night with the lads
Good. Do that, and enjoy yourself mane.
dont post your acct here
I dropped a nuke as a goodbye, but as they say, "YOLO".
Lmao nice nuke, see you mate.
Also #SelloutSanders is trending, so go ahead and bomb that tag boys.
>Also #SelloutSanders is trending
good idea
really? it doesnt for me. ive been spamming it while watching the lynch hearing.
Actually, it seems the just "Bernie Sanders" is trending. The #Sellout isn't that hot rn
>emotionally convince the left
Bashing Hillary for her poor track record, the Foundation's misdeeds etc. is a good enough angle. Most leftists will NOT turn ant-black over some memes, "equality" is deeply ingrained in them. Pushing racism against blacks will out you as a trump shill
Lotta hate getting out across Twitter.

Looks like a good wave to ride to convince Bernie bros that Big Government has corrupted him.

Time to play to their rage. Mention Obama meeting him at the White House.
Suggest Obama is blackmailing him.
Let them make the links.

We must fire up the memes to make this happen

We must let Bernouts know that Lambright supports most of what Bernie supports.

We can crack the DNC in half! Toss Bernie supporters to Lambright.

Strike now while the emotions flow.

Hillary is a CUNT, we all agree on this.


wtf, im a #lambrightghini now
>We must let Bernouts know that Lambright supports most of what Bernie supports
This is a tough nut to crack. The common discourse will be, if it isn;t already, that Hillary is the only way to defeat Trump. They are not wrong, there will be a significant portion of berniefags that will view the possibility of voting Stein or Lambright as giving the election to Trump.
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What if you get sort of like a political dynasty meme

Like you have Bush Sr and Bush Jr with Bill and Hil flanking each other with kingly clothes with the quote

"I thought this was a republic"

That'll get them confused
>political dynasty meme
Berniefags do indeed view Hillary as the 1% elites that Bernie was fighting against. You are welcome to try and pump out a meme on the topic if you have the time.
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This got RTd like mad the other day, hundreds of times.
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Zyklon Ben bringing ammo
bump for meme teme
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Ben is a valuable asset, but he's preaching to the converted imo. There's a whole slice of ppl that wil NOT be turned to the trump team
Can someone pull the3 vids from the Lynch Hearing from
needed for yt meme productions.
#LynchHearing @BernieSanders
#NeverHillary or #Trump
working on it

>war on drugs

>a democrat's war

Thanks bro.
appeals to emotion are very effective senpai
am extracting vids with videograbber, will upload to mfire if thats good enough. Too large to post here obvisouly
That's good enough. I'm just working with a shitty macbook and my usual plugins don't work on it.
Bullshit Bernie?
Bernie the bullshitter?
Bernie BS?
BS Bernie?
>Bernie Bullshit?
Bullshit Bernie?
Bernie Bullshit?
the tag I saw (that was censored) was #SelloutSanders
it's going to be a while. 10-20 min before it's all uploaded
My internet is absolute shit-tier, but here's how:
Download youtube-dl ( https://yt-dl.org/downloads/2016.07.11/youtube-dl.exe )
open command prompt
go to the downloads folder (type "cd downloads")
paste (use right click)
youtube-dl.exe http://www.c-span.org/video/?412357-1/attorney-general-loretta-lynch-testifies-capitol-hill
youtube-dl.exe http://www.c-span.org/video/?412357-101/attorney-general-loretta-lynch-testifies-capitol-hill
youtube-dl.exe http://www.c-span.org/video/?412357-102/attorney-general-loretta-lynch-testifies-capitol-hill
Mac: download virga.app ( https://github.com/kopurando/virga.app-youtube-dl-GUI-for-OS-X ), follow instructions in readme (see link)
Note: youtube-dl can, despite its name download from c-span (and others)

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Meme suggestion from info department we need to turn blm against the New Socialist Party that is rallying behind like when blacks were turned into the official slaves for america after bacon's rebellion we need to split blm to prevent the ultimate goal that was suggested by special insider anon in a previouse thread

>>80632581 #
The plan is to use Martial Law to prevent the election. Killing Trump wouls be a huge mistake, the country would split in half

An idea came up awhile back on a different thread to claim that the New Socialist Party which is predominately white college students are taking advantage of blm as slaves for their personal objectives (pic related that the groups are mingling with each other)
Thread posts: 299
Thread images: 120

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