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/cfg/ Follow the Foundation Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 61

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Who is Mr. Cheng?

Cherie is the London Connection!
the London School of Economics and Political Science"
The U.S. State Department also donated money to the Cherie Blair Foundation for women


>TLDR info here (also see first few comments):


>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread


>Hillary nuclear file here



>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 → → → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

Add content to the Reddit or Website
I forgot soz

>Step 3: Post results
>Self explanatory. Just remember to try and get real hard evidence that we can spread and repackage for normie consumption.
Critical links:

CF Donor List:


CF Highest paid contractor list:


HRC Paid Speaking engagements:


HRC Private Jet Travel:

Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.

>Miscegenation Shilling
These posters often create bait threads in which they create a single op with the sole topic being about some form of miscegenation. These could be shock images of Black men with White women, or other types of threads where it is a picture of a non-white Woman with the OP asking if that woman is hot.


>Trump General Shilling
Generally, the main Trump general shills are those who try to D&C the common posters in the thread. They tend to attack NAZI posters for being 1488ers, and AWOO/Anime posters for being r9k weebs. These types of posts serve no real purpose. Sometimes they are purely defeatists.


>General Leftist Baitposting/Sliding
These are low-effort non-miscegenation posts that generally involve some image macro and a very low-effort comment. Examples include "Really makes you think..","pol BTFO","pol will defend this", "conservashits (With Occupy Democrats Image)". Sometimes these threads have no purpose but to slide more useful threads.


>Dedicated Shilling
These are posters who constantly everyday on the clock post about a specific topic that goes contrary to most of pol. In the album linked you will see a very dedicated Canadian leafposter that for 3-4 months would argue how Obama did such a great job creating 14 million jobs. Any actual good arguments against Obama's capability as a president he would ignore, however, he would destroy posters who were not good at debating. The best way to defeat these guys is simply to ridicule them with memes, because you will never convince them they are wrong. They are very likely paid shills.


>The Art of Shilling
You can find a very good guide here https://i.sli.mg/MRmGUs.png
You can find further examples of shilling in the parent album.


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Look up the Clinton Tainted blood scandal.
Where the Clintons sold blood tainted with HIV to the Canadian Red Cross
That Infected 5000 with HIV Canadians.
The blood was collected from Prisoners in Arkansas Jails.

Repost of this since I don't know how legit it is. Never looked into it.
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>it happened

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Ok, over in red team thread an anon posted something they found and that sent me off on a hunt, and here is what I've brought back:

>The Advanced Multi-Role Infrared Sensor is a targeting pod that is mounted on the weapons station of the CF-18. It is a state of the art electro-optic and infrared sensor, which includes a laser designator, a laser marker and a tactical data link capability.

>“The AMIRS pod will provide the CF-18 with enhanced targeting as well as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities that make it an invaluable asset for the Canadian Forces’ air, land and sea operations,” said Lieutenant-General Steve Lucas, Chief of the Air Staff. “The modernized, combat-effective, multi-purpose and globally deployable CF-18 fleet will continue to play an important role over the next decade as the Air Force transforms to meet the 21st century security needs of Canada.”

>The contract was awarded to Lockheed Martin following a competitive procurement process. The total contract value is estimated at $126 million, which includes $101 million for the acquisition of 36 AMIRS pods and $25 million for in-service support through to 2020. Canada will take delivery of the first AMIRS pod in the spring of 2007, with an initial operational capability delivered by April 2008.


When did Comey work for LM?

And remember our work is blessed

Another interesting strand in the Clinton-Comey connections was that James Comey, fresh off a 2 year stint as the deputy attorney general, worked for Lockheed Martin as "general counsel and senior VP" from 2005-2010.

Lockheed Martin was heavily involved in funding the Clinton Foundation as well as one of the 3 main beneficiaries of the much lauded foreign government CF donations to arms deals that have been brought up before. Many around the same time Comey was working there.

>Boeing was one of three companies that helped deliver money personally to Bill Clinton while benefiting from weapons authorizations issued by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The others were Lockheed and the financial giant Goldman Sachs.

>Lockheed is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to speak at an event in 2010. Three days before the speech, Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved two weapons export deals in which Lockheed was listed as the prime contractor. Over the course of 2010, Lockheed was a contractor on 17 Pentagon-brokered deals that won approval from the State Department. Lockheed told IBTimes that its support for the Clinton Foundation started in 2010, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

>“Lockheed Martin has periodically supported one individual membership in the Clinton Global Initiative since 2010,” said company spokesperson Katherine Trinidad. “Membership benefits included attendance at CGI annual meetings, where we participated in working groups focused on STEM, workforce development and advanced manufacturing.”

>Federal records show that ethics staffers at the State Department approved the payments to Bill Clinton from Goldman Sachs, and the Lockheed- and Boeing-sponsored groups without objection, even though the firms had major stakes in the agency’s weapons export decisions.
Teneo/Tiger/Tavistock/Zebra/Dyncorp/Boeing/LM/BAE Systems/Lagardere et all are all intimately connected.
Has anyone tried pouring water on hillary?
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there's coincidences and there's *coincidences*

great googly moogly!
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>Teneo/Tiger/Tavistock/Zebra/Dyncorp/Boeing/LM/BAE Systems/Lagardere

I know about Teneo, Tavistock, Lagardere, but how do the rest relate and what are they?

Also you left out BlackLivesMatter LLP
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It's been known that Infowars has been a misdirection filled with half truths to keep the internet placated for a while now. Ignore and continue your work.
bread bump
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Posting some caps I've made, I don't know how relevant they are anymore.
They're worth keeping around, I'll save them as well.
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b u m p
Anybody working on the Haiti stuff?
We definitely need a french-speaking anon in order to figure out who was in charge and what did he receive for that gold mining contract.
We need all information of Bureau des Mines et d’Energie around the time of the sale.
bump for justice


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All I've got.
Keep up the good work.
Bumping with I have no idea how recent this is

So has anyone looked into the CF and mining?

loo, perfect cover.

a site I frequented a lot in the past has a Hoax section in which I learned some of the most astonishing things.

>there is a LOT of research into earthquake predictions by agencies you would not think would be interested in such things, other than the USGS; NASA and JLP, for example.
Good lord the sliding shills are out in full force.
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a m i r s advanced multi role infrared sensor
amirs advanced multi role infrared sensor

Elsevier aquires Amirsys.

David A. Ruth at Elsevier. Been at Merck, American Express and appointed Sr Coordinator for Business Affairs at the State Department by Clinton Admin.

No other info but in HC's emails:
Has FBI anon said anything since the original 2 threads?
Interesting emails.

CETUSA is a group that brings in students from abroad. These students are often put in homes where they are sexually abused around the country:

Apparently a close friend of Hillary's passed away and was notified by email. Her response was "Did I send a statement?" There seems to be confusion here. Her staff made up a statement for her and thought she might want to have it sent to her again.
Related to >>80670375 right?
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The really disgusting thing here is that this cunts campain has any success. It is just a fucking old delusional cunt with some money and the monkies still are hard to convince not to vote for her. It is like saying "dont drink the gasoline" and they still do it. But then again "i got nothing to hide" but some hipster glasses and a retarded opinion my retarded peers spew, that must make me smart, thinik of the slightly elevated iq of libshits. You go girl. Vote! vote for hillary that will make your opinion more elevated amoung your retards. Because after all you voted for the democrats and the wymyn. Dont mind all the muders and dont mind the paylist, after all she is liberal n sheet.
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Error: You must wait 3 minutes 3 seconds before posting a duplicate reply.
I thought it was, but it isn't. The company Amrisys is a medical technology company.

AMRIS is advanced multi role infrared sensor

think the little IR sensor on your tv and remote.

But similar technology is used in military applications and defense technology related to aiming modules.
Ah I see now, interesting.
See, this is the HUGE Tavistock influence we're trying to counteract and it has a lot of inertia.

We need to think like judo wrestlers and delfect that momentum until it is directed where we want it to go.
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Do what GodLikeProductions does and ban the word so it doesn't attract as much attention. call it tstock or TS or something.
OP, please note there is a massive spelling mistake in your image. If you made the image, please fix it. If someone else did, seek out an updated version and delete the one you posted. See the word: Privilege.

God forbid people start posting it and get called out as "ignorant rednecks" or some bullshit like that.
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Hi y'all creator of the OP meme here. It has a spelling mistake, here's an updated version.
Well you are right in a way still this is a fucking disgrace. But remember goyim flaunt your hillary priviledge, makes you one of the cool kids. Well not really but your chances are higher to have some of that distorted ham. Then you can report back to your "followers" that you had some real pussay, unlike the shit you jerk off to. Some really hard to get pussay and she was supporting hillary too. That connect you, and your 5inch dick and her pussay that made some troubles "connecting" since you had to move some of that lady lumps.
It's not the word that is the influence, it's their research. And they've been at it longer than I've been alive, and I'm probably the oldest poster on this board.

Hell, they've been at it almost longer than my dad has been alive; and he was a wee lad when they dropped Fat Man and Little Boy.

They developed methods of mass psychological control decades ago.
The thing is, they don't care who wins this election, only that the US is disrupted and brought low for their agenda.
Go watch I, Pet Goat again.
Brexit was a sure thing.
1:30 a British pound is under Obama's feet and he starts to sweat.
Next big event is at 1:47 with the US flag being torn in such a way that 1 star is missing. Possibly Texas succeeds, Alaska is given back to the Russians, or Hawaii goes under.

You're already seeing the rise of an anti-christ coming from the destruction of Anonymous and rising through its ranks with all of the political crap it's doing instead of just for the lulz.
Yeah, I just grabbed one from the meme thread when I made this OP, should have looked more closely before I posted it.
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Everyone needs to save that image. It is still one of the weirdest parts of all this.

tl;dr There is a single small building in London with 128 companies registered to that one location, some of which are donors to the Clinton administration.

Dyncorp is one, if no the largest contractor of the DOD. They contract out for logistics, security, management, maintenance, you name it. Boeing, LM and BAE are the biggest names in the Defense Industry. They build military aircraft, weapons, vehicles, ships, you name it. They are the Military Industrial Complex. The main thing is many of them have shared CEOs and VPs between themselves and the Clintons, etc.
This shit works in relativly simple ways. It uses the targets inner protection and memories and molds it into different ways.
What you precive of mass control is just a focus on the general behaviour and outlining simple rationalizations. Just like in that movie where that guy puts off his sunglasses and sees that the money you use to buy something is just paper. Over amplification leads to resistance and over sensifity leading to certain actions. The same methods your libassholes react to gender shit or all that toilets because they are toilets. You shit down on them and they polish that. But remember to vote for hillary, that shit is for the cool kids you certainly arent controlled by certain donaters. One of the cool kids, one of the cool kids once in this lifetime.
We need to get back to researching the connections and news stories related to the people we are trying to track.

I'll start on the Bonner Group, I remember an anon asked about them.
Media Liason anon around? We were talking last thread before it fell off about reaching out to media sources.
He's over there >>80676490
Haven't dug here for a while. Found some more info about Precis (XXXX) Ltd.
>It has been common practice for Company
Formation Agents and other organisations to create ‘off the shelf’
companies ahead of time. This provided a facility for individuals,
companies or businesses to purchase them from the agents and after a
change of name, for them to start trading immediately.
>Number of companies previously called Precis (numerical suffix) Ltd - 4959
So, any company named Precis is most likely a shell corporation.
There's some offshore companies involved in this as well.
Children's Investment Fund Management Ltd
incorporated in the Cayman Islands (tax haven)
Carbon Willow Developments Jersey Ltd, incorporated in Jersey. It owns Tiger No. 5 Limited (W1S 2FT, O'Flynn)
How do you make those graphs/mind maps?
I can't remember the websites that people were using that were more secure, but bubbl.us is what a few of the big ones were made on.

Intersting answer to this question

>Soros owns tavistock.
>Tavistock owns the government.


>Someone is on to something.

>Soros owns tavistock.
>Tavistock owns the government.

>Soros owns tavistock.
>Tavistock owns the government.

>Soros owns tavistock.
>Tavistock owns the government.

I'm gonna go back through FBIanon thread 2 real quick, I got a lot by going back to the original as seen in this post.
You need to be tweeting these to the masses. /pol/ already knows this stuff
That seems merchant. I'll do it offline.
Sounds good.
I've been travelling across thebxountrybfornthe last nearly 36 hours, anybody got a tl;dr version of what we've accomplished in that time? Last i was researching was clifford st.

Maybe there is some kind of religious organisation in Qatar which help to transport people around the world as pilgrims? Maybe it or one of it branches has some student-exchange program with USA? The whole country is like USA Aviation base with the command center set up to control Syria.

I doubt that weapons nowadays is something that terrorists|useful idiots need most.

They can get them from local gangsters or corrupted officials. Even documents is not that much of problem.

I think we should focus on transportation. Putin once mentioned it too.
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Enough to throw 50 more pages onto the megadoc and a few news outlets to start looking at it.

Best I had from being busy was connecting the Blairs, CGI and Qualcomm together, pic related.

I'm very devoutly in the camp that affirms Tavistock is the lynchpin to all of this. As such, I'm sure any information which is even remotely incriminating will be remarkably difficult to obtain, but it just seems like the hub of all this dirty money.
Hey I've been over at red team mostly of late, but a redditer mentioned that we should be digging into Hogan Lovell law firm. Insinuating they've handled a lot of the dirty work. Have we dug into law firms much??

this cannot be real?
this is too evil even for clinton
Hogan Lovells is the Lynch connection straight off the top of my head. Lynch started her US attorney career as a Bill Clinton appointee to Eastern New York. After that, she worked for Hogan Lovell for years before getting the AG spot.
Wait...wait...wait. is Blair the London connection from FBIAnon? And we have a megadoc now? Holy shit I leave for nearly 2 days and we get this far? Damn. Link to megadoc?
Good lord those partners are interesting.
Yeah it was supposedly the missing link between Qatar and the Bataclan we were looking at.


Infowars found this and our website so I don't know if the viewers get maxed out at 100, but try and view it.

The Blairs are in everything, it seems. Even on Qualcomm's partners with the CGI.

Pretty gross.

Megadoc's already been picked up by a few """"fringe"""" media types as well.

Megadoc is always in the OP:

Hey guys, I've been mildly active in the /cfg/ threads for a while and I just want to say that what you are all doing is amazing. I feel like this is one of the few things that is bringing people from all walks of life together, a universal cause. One day in the future I hope that I can sit with my grandchildren and tell them about how a group of people who didn't know a single thing about each other banded together and despite all of their differences. took down the Clinton Foundation. I don't even care how sappy this sounds anymore you guys make me proud to go on this site. We started doing without even knowing if the things FBIbro told us were real. We did this off of belief. Imagine if nobody had replied to FBIbro's thread. How long would it be until the truth was revealed? Would it ever have happened? If we didn't do this now, the Clintons could have been long dead by the time the foundation was exposed and then there would be no repercussions. People would say, "wow, I can't believe nobody took action. They were so blind back then." Who's to say it would be the last time? Everything that we are doing here sets a precedent for the future. If we chose inaction, good people would continue to be exploited by monsters who think they can oppress us. But we decided to take a stand and tell them to go fuck themselves. When this is all over, I hope that the public will never allow anything like this to happen again. But, if they don't, and another shadowy organization rises to try to destroy our freedom, I know that there will always be people out there who are willing to defend our freedom. I hope all of you guys take to heart that each and every one of you is making history right here. Although history books will never mention that a bunch of random people from /pol/ were the catalyst for bringing down the Clinton Foundation, we all know what we did here, and nobody can take that from us. Godspeed to all of you.
t. a sleep deprived, mildly drunk /pol/ack
We don't know for sure. I was the one who located the Blair connection initially, but I'm not an FBIanon camper. What the Blair thing shows is that Blair connected the Qatari Sheika with Hillary in order to leverage one of her sons. Whats important is that the Qatar Investment Authority, tied to terrorist financing, is the largest non-owner share holder of Lagarange. Lagarange bought the Bataclan a month or 2 before it was attacked. It was previously owned by two Jews, and the Bataclan was a hotbed of pro-isreali activities. I.e., probably a Mossad front.

Whats important about the Blair-Hill connection is that a lot of it is women empowerment and outreach for global business women. Especially ME ones... especially Gulf State ones...
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Thank you anon.
Items of interest from FBIanon2

Re: Brexit that was voted on:

>It is very likely Britain will remain in the EU.
Spelled privilege wrong.
>> The company that just paid $4bn to purchase UFC -> WME-IMG
has ties to CF through a public relations girl - Lauren Flemming
>> Why does this name sound familiar?
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He followed up saying they will be "in" the EU without formally being in the EU and not to trust the next conservative PM. We now have Theresa May.

Pic related, I can see what he meant.
Thanks fellow researchers. I'm gonna hop hack on the research train here in the next few minutes. Any direction I should head off in?
Check out some of this if you want. The Department of Corrections for Arkansas seems to be the bad one here.
>> Sorry, jumped the gun, found it
She was high level and part of the "leadership team" in CF

Clintons are useful idiots.

She will become president and Matrix would be remembered as a funny naive comedy compared to real life.

Hah. Holy shit. I didn't realize they'd already torpedo'd Leadsom.

Poor Nige. Chap got bamboozled.

So, that's now four extremely prescient predictions from FBIanon?

>In advance of the campaign launch, the Clinton Foundation's “No Ceilings” initiative released a comprehensive report on women’s progress over the last twenty years. Its conclusion was clear: when it comes to gender equality, we’re not there yet.

We have dirt on No Ceilings. Oh boy.
I'd recommend
Either >>80677647 (we haven't looked as hard as we should at the Clinton Arkansas Feifdom)

Or more Hogan Lovells, starting with the Lynch link.
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That would be me. Could use some help investigating the Bonner Group. I've uncovered a lot. Planning to write up and post a pretty lengthy review tomorrow or the day after.

This should help get you started, took quite a while to dig up.
yea the clintons have no blame

The blood trade program stayed in operation until Bill Clinton moved to Washington. It was finally shut down in 1993 by his successor, Jim “Guy” Tucker.
oh and

By the late 1980s, Arkansas was the only prison in the United States still running a blood program. In 1991, a reporter for the Arkansas Times asked John Byus, medical director of the Arkansas Corrections Department, how much longer they planned to continue the operation, and was told, “We plan to stick with it till the last day, to the last drop we’re able to sell.”
Alex Jones noticed what you're doing here
oh wow he included the website and the document. We're really gaining ground here
Looks like the blood trade is in my sights now. That screams corruption and wholesale evil. But that's just my initial take. I'll report back with findings in a while. Good hunting everyone.
good luck sir i believe that it screams evil and corruption. good luck finding proof
We need a link to that doc and hopefully have the pic put on the mega doc.
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It's in there at the very end of the section.
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I've lurked for years. You hit the nail on the head. Enough is enough. I pledge my free time and Adderall script into investigation, specifically Saudi links like FBIanon said. Let's get to work. Can someone TL;DR or give me a a jumping off point on this topic?
Thank you for making a difference friend. Just be careful with the adderall, I've been up for about 61 hours and I've only had a 4 hour break to sleep.
Sure you found this already:

>Over the past several years, the groups, which include American Bridge 21st Century, Media Matters for America and the super PAC Ready for Hillary, have paid Ms. Bonner’s consulting firm in excess of $6 million to help them cultivate wealthy donors and raise money, according to tax filings and campaign disclosures.

>Ms. Bonner’s contracts give her firm a commission, typically 12.5 percent, on any money she brings in. Her tenacity, ties to wealthy givers and mastery of making donors happy have made Ms. Bonner, 48, among the most successful practitioners of a trade that is virtually invisible to voters but has taken on immense power and influence in the post-Citizens United world.

same article I linked earlier confirms Qualcomm moving money in the the US through bonner:

>Irwin M. Jacobs, the billionaire co-founder of Qualcomm, said in an email that Ms. Keller had merely helped arrange for him to meet with two Priorities officials.

If anyone wants something to do: Here's my angle on the Bonner Group:

>They fund the Democracy Alliance
>None of their funds or doners are traceable
>They are Pending Registration in the State of Virginia as a "Professional Solicitor"
>Full registration entails submission of financial documents
>each state requires professional solicitors to acquire some type of registration in order to even ASK for donations

>I've searched Virginia and DC, no registration for the Bonner Group to solicit donations.

I suspect that they aren't officially registered to solicit donations in any state, which means that they may be operating illegally.


Or, they're only soliciting funds from OUTSIDE the country. Since there's a number of organizations in the Democracy Alliance that are funded primarily through the Bonner Group, that would put their "Public Charity" status at risk. We could potentially uncover massive charity fraud/fundraising fraud for a number of pro Clinton 501(c)(3)'s.

Even better...those shell companies in London (clifford street I think)? What if they're funneling dark money into the Bonner Group, to be dispersed, tax free, into the states? That would be very hard to prove, but it's definitely a possibility.

Many angles to this. Most of my work has been finding documentation/laws/tax code to back up these claims. Could use help finding more raw data for anything connected to the Bonner Group.
I've been there. I had some serious dependence issues with, it literally got me through undergrad. I have a much better handle on it now... mainly because I can't show up to a corporate office like a disheveled zombie
look here and search Saudi or Huma and find what we've already got to see what still needs to be done:

Forgot the (you), pretty sure thats a sign I need to finally get some sleep. As for a jumping off point, your best bet is to read the doc or the tl;dr doc or check the archives. There's probably something in there that hasn't been researched. Try going from there. Good luck addiebro.

Nice! Skimmed right over that piece.
If you feel like just doing something, I suggest joining the Bonner search.

If you want Saudi links,
CTRL+F Saudi 14 of 47 to get up to speed and just follow where your suspicions lead, that's exactly how a lot of this was found.


If you are feeling EXTRA SUPER AUTISTIC, we do need a list of every Bill Clinton visit and/or speech to the Middle East from 2009 to 2013.
when I wake up I'll work on that one. If there's a doc of it when I'm awake I'll contribute, otherwise I'll make one
Thank you. I will post a report of my findings.
that one being the clinton list
apparently there's a shitload of people looking at it right now
>same article I linked earlier confirms Qualcomm moving money in the the US through bonner:

Thought you'd like that.

I'll see what else I can find.

We do need a standardized tl;dr for newfags.

My submission:

What we need to understand about the widespread corruption within the Clinton Foundation is that it is not limited to a small number of individual instances. It is a wide-reaching, systemic issue within the organization, to the point where the Foundation itself seems to be little other than a immense machine which trades political favors and state secrets for foreign donations, and actively undermines its own 'charitable efforts' as a means of siphoning local wealth from vulnerable countries under pressure and laundering it into the Clintons' pet political projects. The truly frightening part is that the Foundation itself is just a mere part in a greater global geopolitical machine which is actively pushing modern nation-states towards a future which is borderless and monocultural, pushed forth primarily by Soros-owned Tavistock, as well as a veritable army of other shell corporations.

We are amassing evidence that the Clinton Foundation is not only complicit in a scheme which seeks to actively undermine nations' inherent right to sovereignty and self-determination, but is actively selling our own country down that very same river. The Clintons have sold state secrets to the Saudis and Qatar, and used the money collected in exchange to exert political pressure back home. This unholy alliance, this globalist cabal, uses unethical and illegal tactics to pressure nation-states into forfeiting their sovereignty in the name of short-term economic good. In the States, the root of this rot lies within the Clinton Foundation.

Which is exactly why we are working to undermine it.
wow, it jumped nearly 2000 views from when I last looked at the view count just a little while ago.
At the end of the decade, will we have saved our country or will we be purged by the budding NWO?

This seems big. I think it's wise to consider points of access a formal investigation could take. Charity fraud in the Bonner Group could be exactly the kind of thing auditors need to get their foot in the door so they can find the bodies.
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We will be the first ones to go
Yeah, there are 88 people currently on it. The view count of people on at any given time tripled in the past 12 hours.

My thoughts exactly. That's why I'm currently going through tax laws, state and federal laws to make this exact case.
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We're all doomed to the incinerator.

But hey, I never thought my death would serve some sort of purpose, so at leas there's that. If you want to cuddle on the way to crematorium I can get down with it so long as we both say no homo.
Steven Dishon "but I'm not Steven Dishon":



Sinsinawa - are Dominican Missionaries:

Direction 2016-2021 Called forth by God’s expansive love and mercy for all creation, we claim and embrace God’s mission to be our mission. As contemplative women of the gospel, preachers of truth, and ministers of mercy— we hear the cries for mercy and compassion moving us to a radical gospel response of unconditional love we call ourselves to respond to the needs of immigrants and refugees and to seek ways to relieve suffering we are compelled to risk our comfort and privilege to confront the evil of racism we commit ourselves to the urgent summons of Laudato Si’ to care for Earth, our home. Graced by the Spirit and strengthened by our Sinsinawa Dominican legacy, we promise to hold each other in radical grace and respect as we set out anew together. - See more at: http://www.sinsinawa.org/about_us/about_us.html#sthash.SkjfECFE.dpuf

Maybe the population will one day retake the world from them, and we'll be remembered in the history books.

>6 million anons sent to FEMA camps and purged

Oh the irony, if /pol/ of all places gets rounded up into camps and holocausted.
Bonner and Brock:

>Bonner, who sources say now shares office space with Brock inside Media Matters, also did not respond to an emailed request for comment.


More from that NYT piece:

>“Without Mary Pat, we would never be where we are today,” said Craig T. Smith, a senior adviser to Ready for Hillary.

Bonner Group is KEY to Hillary's money machine.
I've actually lurked these threads since 7/5, but never posted. That is a very concise mission statement that doesn't make people perceive this as tin foil hat shit.

Also liked: “We’re part of a group of concerned citizens who have started to pull on the threads of the curtain we’re not supposed to look behind,”

Fucking brilliant. You may not realize, but people are interested, people are lurking, people are joining. I am one.

Link can be found by looking up SCC ID Number Search and plugging their digits in.
Al Jazeera is headquartered in Qatar. Wonder if there is a connection there?
>That is a very concise mission statement that doesn't make people perceive this as tin foil hat shit.

I second this anons summation.


Did you write the welcome letter for outreach that was also posted on the home page of the website?

I uncovered lots by just looking at organizations IRS 990 reports.

I haven't looked up Ready for Hillary 990's... do a search for them, ctrl-f "Bonner", report results. It's that easy.
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Shit, I wasn't aware of that.

Could be a major contribution to general shilling.

No, I'm the one who's been pushing for a compiled eBook with blurbs about the major players, various corporations, and historical scandals which are in the googledoc so we can seek some sort of online publication.

I can do the compiling / editing myself as I have experience with that and software which can make fully-functional eBooks. I just need active writers who can express themselves coherently and professionally to help write the various articles and blurbs which would, theoretically, be able to be ordered to paint a very specific picture of what we're looking at here.

The googledoc is great raw data. I want to make it presentable.
If the powers that be declare us a threat to their cause, we will not shirk from our duty to the people. We will continue to scream the truth, be it from the rooftops or from behind a computer screen. We will not stop until the world sees what nefarious acts go on behind the scenes. We will not stop until they are defeated. We will not end until they do. They cannot purge us because we are the Purge. The Purge that will burn away the shroud of lies and evil and expose the infection that exists in our governments. The Purge that will engulf the Clinton Foundation and anything of its ilk in the fires of truth. The Purge that will never stop until the truth is revealed.

Also, 990's contain information regarding Grants given to other organizations.

For instance,
>Media Matters gives $1,000,000 to American Independent in 2013
>American Independent reports income of $1,000,000 from The Bonner Group (no mention to Media Matters) in 2013
>American Independent reports $450,000 Grant to the Colorado Independent in 2013
>Colorado Independent reports $450,000 in funds from The Bonner Group (no mention to American Independent)

And so on. Numbers/org names may not be exactly correct, I recited that all by memory. Look into the IRS 990's, people. 501(c)(3)'s and 501(c)(4)'s are required to publish them, they can be found. Lot's to be uncovered.
Get some sleep. I'm tagging you out bud. Heres a tip: put all electronics away (besides maybe a mike duncan podcast) turn off the lights and just breathe. Slows down your heart and helps with blood pressure for me. Corruption is best rooted out after a good night's sleep.
I'd be interested in helping you write this. I had already been working on some reference notes of the major players for personal reference but I think having an organized document would benefit anyone who wants to help

Yep, this is absolutely critical for some of us non-autists who are watching this intensely.
The co-CEO of the group is Rahm's brother.

Found this while browsing a bit, but it's too late here for me to read it. Might help out a bit, but it's basically someone claiming that there's bombshell evidence of Clinton corruption. Feel free to skim it and tell me what you think.

So is the Muslim Brotherhood, or atleast the financiers.

Do you see this man?

Guess who Huma's entire family has worked for?

Is the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" on the list?
>Ready for Hillary 990

>Ready PAC

>Top Vendors/Recipients
>Rank Vendor/Recipient Total Expenditures
>1 Windward Strategies $459,015
>2 Paychex Inc $225,543
>3 KK Promotions/ Aia Corporation $179,023
>4 Bonner Group $163,055
>5 Ngp Van $145,000
>6 Rising Tide Interactive $135,000
>7 Pivot Group $95,000
>8 The Pivot Group, Inc $89,331
>9 Paris Associates Limited Partnership $85,860
>10 CTS Global Partners $80,000

yeah youre right. Im getting a bit hungry so I've probably come down enough that I can sleep.
Goodnight everybody! See yall in the morning
Also, wasn't Lorette Lynch involved with the Clinton Foundation?

Does this then mean that we can show a tie between BLM and Hillary Clinton? This is a link showing the hacked BLM leader's account. They're basically trying to interrupt the republican national convention with riots.

>start writing small, professionally worded blurbs about the major players, such as the writeup penned earlier by anon about Huma Abedin. A few pages at most, detailing their personal histories and connections, as well as specific examples which provide ample suspicion of their credibility and intent. This is our cast of characters.

>More short blurbs about the various corporations linked to the Clintons. These are our players in the money laundering framework.

>Essays on various instances of questionability, deceit, and outright corruption from the Clintons and other major players like Soros. Here, we start to link the misdeeds of the individuals to the acts of the companies. We begin to develop a cohesive picture of how these players fit together, and how they cooperate to turn invisible profits.

>Once we reach this point, we can accurately asses the strength of our compiled narrative. If it's strong enough to bring out other implications, such as child sex trafficking and intentional destabilization of political bodies during the Arab Spring, we wheel those out. These will likely be longer pieces, as they are more working theories rather than fully fleshed-out and provable histories.

>One more edit for posterity and to make sure the grammar and syntax is crisp, then seek publication.

This is what I put forward over in Red Team as a general mission statement for the dossier / manifesto / expose / whatever the hell you want to call it. It falls quite squarely in between the two arenas of Red and Research.

If you're knowledgeable on certain parts of the overarching investigation, and feel like you're capable of writing short-form essays (750-2.5k words ideally) about specific pieces of the greater whole, then I implore you to get writing and paste your results here in a google doc. I'll go over editing and formatting with you, then plug it into my own software.
I can help out with this. Contact me when you need me.
that john was a boipucci compared to the real whirled bizniz
I would be willing to assist with this also. Presentation and accessibility are critical to this investigations legitimacy. This isn't "the jews did 9/11". This is the people exposing corruption in the very same public servants who are supposed to be serving them.

What is the best way to collaborate on this? I won't always be on because of work.
Came out today, simply links to Charles Ortel and his work and shows the FBIanon 1 kidnap. Interestingly enough, its actually linking all that from Stew Webb, who appears to be tin foil tier.Just a fridge picking us up.

Lorette Lynch worked for Hogan Lovells till she got appointed AG by Obama. She was first appointed to a federal position by Bill Clinton.

More from Zeus and Prince Julian de Medici


aayyyyy. The Bonner Group shows up everywhere

There's a fundraising section in 990's that contain the exact dollar amount raised through vendors. It's a pretty big undertaking, but it would be very useful to uncover the exact dollar amount raised by The Bonner Group (and other shady fundraisers that possibly show up) for a single fiscal year.

NYT article referenced $6 mil in contracting fees (12.5% commission = ~$50 mil total funds raised), but I doubt they uncovered anywhere close to the full picture. Total haul could be a lot higher once we scrub through all these 990's
Ok, so do you want help looking through documents, or would you prefer news stories similar to what I posted previously?

I think the news articles help give some details the raw data of the official filings might not show.
Prince Jullian de Medici was cast into hades and is trying to rise back up

I'll be checking threads nightly, as that's when I have the most free time. Might invest in a tripcode although I'm loathe to. If you post essays you've written here under a locked google doc sometime after 5pm EST I'll see it, copy it down, and see if there are any rough edges that need to be smoothed over with regards to syntax and the like. I've done professional statement and document editing for several years, I know how to format ideas in the right fashion for mass consumption.

Write what you know, post it here in the evening, I'll announce when I've received it and if any edits needed to be made and I'll reupload it on some medium for you to sign off on before I add it to the master compile. Once I start getting enough content to justify publication, I'll seek help here to help figure out the best way to order the articles to form a cohesive narrative, ask for cover art, and when we get all that, I can produce a fully-formed eBook.

We can discuss where to go from there when we have something fully realized and workable.
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>The company also marketed blood taken from Haitian slums.

I didn't see this, but you are correct. A solid foundation comes before you discuss which the color paint will be in the dining room.

Not for this. The NYT article is pretty much the only one published for the Bonner Group.

I'll be frank, it's cute how we are finding all these published articles, but that's NOT where we will find incriminating evidence (if it was already published, we wouldn't need to do this).

We need to put much more focus on mining for raw data. That means diving into Financial Statements, IRS 990's, Business License Filings, Addresses. It sucks, but it needs to happen if we want to take this to the next level.

The way I see it, combing articles is like casting a net. It's through them that we figure out points of interest in the broader picture. From there, we can start picking out individual fish we drudged up with this wider net and start hacking away at them to see if there's anything interesting there.

If anybody here has industry experience in accounting or even general record-keeping, you are sorely needed. It often takes professional eyes to find discrepancies.
godlikeproductions is owned by tavistock
For fucks sake, CSPAN is only airing the Lynch Hearing over radio, no video tommorrow at 10:00 am.

when you're right, you're right.

Ok, I'm going to take a quick smoke break and then come back for a bit. I'm dog tired since I stayed up way late last night and had to work today, but I think I have a little dig left in me.
>tfw we are the 6 gorillian

Good shit anon!

Keep it up and America will be great again in no time!

Addendum: You can also post in the Red Team thread, as I'm there pretty frequently as well. I'll do my best to catch everything that gets posted, and I'll let you know when I've received something. If you don't hear a direct response from me, repost it.

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I've done work with financials before. It's tedious, but not hard. Accountants are as dumb and dull as bricks; if they can do it, anyone can.

Every non-profit has an Employer ID. Start with one IRS 990, then follow the trail. Any grants given will have the EID of the organization Find out who raised their funds. Are there no fundraising vendors? Then they may have done it themselves. Do names keep on showing up? David Brock sure does. Who else does?

Here's a secret: there's no such thing as investigative journalism anymore. Nobody has looked into these angles. Need proof? Some 4chan Hacker dude managed to uncover more dirt on the Clinton Foundation IN A WEEK than any news organization in the past 2 decades.

We need this post in the OP from now on. This is how we - quite literally - follow the money, and it's the logical next step in this.
I'm putting together yearly summaries of pertinent info for Clinton entities.

Weaponized autism
Interresting when I search this SCC ID on the VA website, I get the following:

>Due to the current status of this corporation an annual report is not allowed.

Somebody please read this org. chart of US govt...DOJ and SoS are equals...DOJ/FBI doesn't have jurisdiction over SoS.
Goddamn saturn eats his children

the occult maintain their psychic abilities by eating children physically and spiritually
well, shit.
plan landed
updates tomorrow morning
can someone reply this with the latestgoogledoc or w/e
nice work an0n
that means the info is starting to get around

Still updating, don't know how long I'll be awake.

You may notice the royal shitload of people on there.

Infowars and Charles Ortel may or may not have picked up on this.
A name that I came across months ago was Rajiv K. Fernando.

Rajiv K. Fernando is a major Clinton Foundation donor who was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board, even though he has no obvious experience in the field. This appointment baffled the department’s professional staff.

Here are links referencing this claim:

Other reference link: http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/emails-show-major-clinton-donor-put-on-intelligence-board-despite-lack-of-experience/

>Infowars and Charles Ortel may or may not have picked up on this.

Both confirmed to have picked up on it. A lot of people think Infowars is controlled opposition, so if we're poking actual hornet's nests I doubt they'll give it much more than a retweet. Ortel is the real deal, though, and he seemed genuinely interested.




>but seriously this name does keep coming up
(https://newrepublic.com/minutes/134158/damaging-clinton-story-breaks-no-liberals-whine-media-conspiracy): " am shocked that the name Rajiv Fernando hasn't made the headlines. He is the one that donated hundreds of dollars to her foundation and suddenly became a bizarre and unexplained and unqualified member of The International Security Advisory Board due to Hillary's insistence.... until Hillary's emails were handed to the news media and he was forced to quickly resign.
But don't go to the State Department's website, where former board members names are always kept, his name has been deleted.
Buying access is what the Clintons' have always been guilty of and it just doesn't stop."


"You seem to be right. Is anyone else shocked that the name: Rajiv Fernando
hasn't made the headlines. He is the one that bribed.... I mean "donated" hundreds of
dollars to her foundation and suddenly became a bizarre, unexplained and unqualified member of The International Security Advisory Board...all due to Hillary's insistence.... that is until Hillary's emails were exposed outlining the whole nasty plot and he was forced to quickly resign.
But don't go searching on the State Department's website, where former board members names are always kept, his name has been deleted."
Again with forgetting shit in my original post, updates have been really slow today, so you can probably start transferring whenever. Only one that's getting a lot of attention right now is Bonner Group and possibly Blood if the anon we directed it to picks anything up.
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Thank you. I will be checking and reporting nightly as well. Godspeed anons.

That's pretty damning. Fits with the overarching theme we're sitting on at the moment as well. Good work, anon. Is there any way we can get any personal background on this guy? Was this just a vanity appointment, or were there interests he needed to be on that Board to push?
this is meant to rustle jambos right?
thanks anon

things are moving quite fast

Editing will start late tomorrow or wednesday
I'm going to be less present and commit to editing the site



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Uh... shit?
>this is meant to rustle jambos right?
read the thread fagoot

>actually I just grabbed the first meme that struck me when I made OP, oldbread slid right off the page while everyone was busy doing other things and I didn't look too closely at the image.

won't happen again.

>better not you shitlord

I gotta stop being so mean to myself.

I wonder if religious organisations can be tracked the same way since they are non profit too. Who and how pay for transportation of terrorist? Who rent their cars?
Cool beans, that'll give plenty of time to add whatever we need there before the site gets an update. I did do some cleanup of general not-safe-for-normies words/swearing/slurs, so you might stumble across a few grammatical differences here and there.

What? Whose site were you on?
I'm going to start abiding by a 7:00 update schedule regardless of context to introduce some consistency into our program
Stew Webb, very much a global elite are blood drinking occult guy who picked up our stuff and now other fringe sites are spreading it. This is weird.

In the google doc


there's a link saying guccifer is dead, but apparently this is just some ruse for clickbait, and not the actual truth?
7 am EST I'm assuming?
Which one?
Editor anon here. Trip for posterity, although I feel dirty doing it. This code is where you'll want to send written blurbs and articles for compilation. I'll be posting my own on occasion. Better editor than writer, but this is expose stuff, it isn't exactly classical literature.
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"A Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation that has raised millions from mining executives has spent far more on salaries and administrative costs than charitable programming in the two most recent years for which numbers are available, according to financial statements from the Canada Revenue Agency."

"The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), a registered charity based in Vancouver, B.C., devoted $737,441 — amounting to 78 per cent of its expenditures — to management and administration in 2014. The amount includes spending on office supplies and expenses, salaries and professional and consulting fees."
The one linked in the article.


According to this, he'd have TS security clearance for a period in July to August 17th, 2011. If there was someway to link when the SAP's got on the server, we might have connection.
i'm on mountain time right now
but yeah normally e.s.
Shocking: Romanian Hacker With Access to Clinton Emails Found Dead In Jail Cell
Ok, This guy started a company called Chopper trading


That was taken over by DRW in 2015

>Chicago trading firm DRW Trading Group has agreed to buy a smaller rival in the city, Chopper Trading, a deal that continues recent consolidation in the industry.


>In 2016, Fernando launched Scoutahead.com


>serving on the Foreign Policy Leadership Committee at the Brookings Institute


whoa shit, it looks like this guy might be one of their headhunters:

>What is Scoutahead?

>Scoutahead™ is a platform for both individuals and organizations to get confidential information and reviews from the people they trust. Scoutahead is uniquely designed for both the person providing information and the party receiving it.


Honestly at this point if people here start disappearing I'm going to have a hard time believing that you merely got bored and quit.
Ah looks like a shitty developing story nobody decided to update. I'll take it out since clearly they have no idea if he's actually dead.
I have some editors set up for the site
please contribute
some will drop out obviously
i can set you up with whatever you need

Fernando started this company after his brief stint on the International Security Advisory Board and getting top security clearance for a brief period, right? Is there any way to find their clients? I want to see if there's a foreign connection there.
>Rajiv K. Fernando

>As CEO, Fernando designed, implemented and managed some of the most sophisticated risk management, communications, trading, monitoring and source code security systems in the financial industry.


it's a fake headline m8

well, maybe not but it's basically unverified and only shows up on clickbait sites when it would otherwise be pretty big news
Lookup Haiti, Walmart, and Sae-A

Sent you something.

Artemis obtains blood:
also fwiw bayer was the company that sold blood contaminated with HIV (possibly related to the scandal involving similar with the clintons?)

After they got a literal slap on the wrist for it, they shipped all the contaminated blood to be sold overseas to south america, africa, etc. instead of destroying it.
OK so I'd say he definitely has the technical knowledge to plausibly extract information from a secured platform, without being noticed...
100 motherfucking per cent.

Ah, lame then.


So is the implication here that Fernando could be a CF codemonkey, or some sort of equivalent tech advisor?
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Sounds about right.

Yay, my edit comes full circle.

Alright, this guy is important. From what we know about SAPs, their information is housed in specific facilities which are difficult to access and not connected to the internet for security reasons. Presumably, Hillary is not savvy enough to figure out a way to clone and smuggle information from one of these facilities undetected on her own. Someone like Fernando conceivably could. His TS clearance was brief, too, which further supports the theory that he was brought on for a specific reason, which he then carried out and was summarily dismissed from clearance.

This is good stuff.
>Obama and the DNC raised over $15.6 million from the financial industry for his 2012 reelection
>Obama’s third-largest source of cash in >Chicago-based Chopper Trading Chopper Trading’s CEO Raj Fernando held a fundraiser in his home with Joe Biden
>Chopper Trading raised at least $200,000 for Obama’s campaign and for the DNC
>Chopper Trading employs a controversial high-frequency trading technique
>A federal study of the 2010 “flash crash” placed the blame on high-frequency trading technologies
>Other studies have cited high-frequency trading as contributing to stock market volatility

I doubt he would have had the clearance necessary to obtain the kind of SAPs said to have been on the server.
What's with the Obongos holding fundraisers at people's houses?

Irwin Jacobs did the same shit.

That's true, scratch the prior then.
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I found Rajiv Fernando's blog - http://www.rajfernando.com/

He goes by Raj Fernando. My uploaded file has an e-mail where he is referenced. Here is the context I found - "Not sure why Mills put him (Raj) on that board. Months after he resigned, another slot on the board opened up. Mills communicates about it to Clinton, referring to Rajiv Fernando as "Raj". He's on a first-name basis. That's how money gets you a top secret clearance."

I went on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/askhillarysupporters/comments/4nlulw/what_is_your_take_on_rajiv_k_fernandos/) and used http://uneddit.com/ to find any censored material.

I'd still consider the possibility. He could have socially-engineered higher access while he was there, or engineer some way of privilege escalation based on his technical background. But yes there's no way to know for sure.

Wait, so does that mean that Raj actively sought to be on the ISAB?
I believe so. I'm still searching.
not sure, but I posted that to set up for this:

>PRISM, PROMIS, and Systematics, Inc. (later Alltel):

>A company in Little Rock, Arkansas -- Systematics, Inc. -- is alleged to be behind adapting the PROMIS software to their core banking systems allowing backdoor access to data used to predict changes in the global economy and perhaps even launder money.

>Attorneys who have been connected to Systematics and Promis include Webster Hubbell, Hillary Clinton and the late Vince Foster.


>Have installed and tested all Systematics software products at dozens of domestic client locations as well as many major international institutions in England, large banks in Puerto Rico, the National Bank of Greece and Riyadh Bank of Saudi Arabia.Developed the source translator system for the international version of Systematics software.Assisted in opening first SI data center in England and consulted with client (American Express) in the conversion to Systematics ATM Card processing for U.S. Military personnel in England and Germany.


PROMIS is the forerunner of PRISM and sits inside all banking software. This might be the backdoor they are using to move hidden money.

This is fucking brilliant.


Yes, I think it does.

Question is why. Was it to secure some sort of personal enrichment? What could he learn on that board which would strengthen the position of Chopper Trading looking forward?

Anyone have alternative possibilities?

I'm reading up on his wikipedia page and he was described by others as "cyber security expert", which gives a lot of credence that if he actively sought to be on the board, he was on there for a reason, like to obtain SAPs.
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>All members shall hold a Top Secret security clearance

Well shit, he had Top Secret while attached to a mother fucking Nuclear Weapon advisory panel.

>arms control, disarmament, nonproliferation, international security, and related aspects of public diplomacy. The ISAB is sponsored and overseen by the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security.

This is bad.

Did he not have a security clearance before then? What if his appointment to the board was a way to quickly gain a TS clearance?


This implicates Cheryl Mills was the main reason he was able to get the position. Also, seems like media suspicion was talked about in some of these emails.
>This is bad.
yes, it is.

Wasn't one of the lines of conjecture about finding out about the decommissioning of a nuke and stealing the material from it?

This might be something, or it might be coincidence.

Unlikely, no one on the ISAB knew who this guy was, so I doubt he'd have any sort of clearance prior.
From what I'm reading, Raj was appointed to the ISAB (The International Security Advisory Board) first.

Raj being on ISAB with no experience is what baffled people.

Raj used his position on ISAB to get other jobs, especially after he was found out by ABC back in September 2012 (http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/obama-clinton-fundraiser-rajiv-fernando-appointed-national-security/story?id=17153449).
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PRISM? Like the NSA thing or is it just a coincidence the company had the same name?
jesus christ. these threads are so focused and potent they scare the hell out of me.

It's like TrumpGen learned /sg/ tactics

Let's zoom out a bit, consider the broader picture for a moment. What do people like Hillary and Mills have to gain by placing this man on the Board? He was there briefly, likely for a specific reason. Is there anything in his personal history which can clue us in to goals he may have been pursuing by being a part of this Board? Is there knowledge one can gain on this board to, say, increase a firm's trading potential after leaving it? Geopolitical or economic information which is relative to private firms in the market?

If that's the case, then it's pretty reasonable to assume that he sought appointment in an effort to quietly gain a TS clearance. I'm digging through the PDF you linked earlier and it's pretty clear that they were working pretty hard to spin this and stall the media. They didn't want people digging into his appointment.
yeah, *that* PRISM

PROMIS came first and apparently it sits underneath banking software around the world.

No mention of his appointment on the ISAB. They talk up his international financial market knowledge. Looking at the bigger picture, maybe he sought intelligence on foreign financial markets to benefit the CF?
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Phone posting, but it's important.
I have not yet seen anyone mention Danny Casolaro.


He was doing exactly what everyone here is doing now. Told his friends he was writing the greatest story of his life. A week later found dead with his wrists cut. He called the story "The Octopus"
Guys I just found more information.

James Comey used to be on the board of HSBC. HSBC laundered money for 7 accounts in their Geneva Bank Division for Clinton Foundation. HSBC was found to have laundered money for Mexican Drug Cartel's and was going to be charged billions of dollars in a fine but Eric Holder got them off in 2012 while HRC was SecState. Bill has given 6 fig speeches to HSBC before too....
>and was going to be charged billions of dollars in a fine but Eric Holder got them off in 2012 while HRC was SecState
That's GOLD, Jerry, GOLD. prime attack ad material keep it up
i think answer is here
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>I have not yet seen anyone mention Danny Casolaro

I used the Octopus Conspiracy pic from the wired article for one of the red team thread images:

yeh HSBC is rotten to the core it stands for hongkong shanghai banking corporation and hong kong is considered a tax haven there's a shit-ton of dirty money in that place

Now that's fucking important. My guess is personal enrichment in exchange for favors - after all, Fernando seems to be pursuing a strategy of capital accumulation since his brief stint on the Board. Good link.


Link some sources, that's a big corruption implication but we need something to legitimize.


Securing funds for a future campaign using state secrets in the market? That's juicy, but we need something linking the two. Also, I feel personally doubtful about the need to do so. In 2012, Obama's opinion ratings were nowhere near as abysmal as they are now. He had a solid chance of winning that election even without illegal money - why take the risk of being exposed to fund a reelection bid which was more or less in the bag? We need a a knee between that thigh and shin.

FBIanon mentioned something about Microsoft developing algorithms to use in the general election, presumably for rigging purposes.
They did also have the whole "oops our polling stations were shit" *wink wink* during the primaries. Ben Garrison even made an illustration out of it with Rubio.





Loretta Lynch was involved in the HSBC case.
>high-frequency trading

I asked a while back in one of these threads if anyone around here remembered totse, but no one bit.

It was also called the Temple Of The Screaming Electron.

It was a text repository of literal shitloads of articles on nearly anything you could contemplate, a lot of which we have touched on within these threads.

There was one particular hosted there called "Hacking the Banksters" and it dealt with very short term, high-frequency forex trading.

I wonder if that was related to what was mentioned in the post you linked as a possible answer to the other anon's question?
I'm with you on the wealth analysis side. Remeber that his company is one of the few High-Speed trading companies, super sleak robo-trading.


He really, really liked dogs.

Danny Casolaro and the Octopus

This carries the stink of cronyism for miles. Linking these articles together stitches the narrative tight. I like it.


Another technicality that nobody is reporting on. We have all of the names together for a blowout piece - we need to orchestrate this bullet and prepare it in a way where it can pick up mainstream traction. It's obvious to anyone who has seen the mere INTERVIEWS that these people are working in concert with one another. Imagine it being filtered through a favorable lens.
early zerohedge, back when it was good, used to dig into HFT on practically a daily basis but you'd have to go back to articles ca. 2009-2011 to get much info on that

They did get charged but it was only a 1.9 billion settlement. It would have been way more massive than that. I haven't read the entire 282 page report but.

“[I]t is clear from internal Treasury records that DOJ’s decision to decline to prosecute HSBC was not due to a lack of evidence of HSBC’s wrongdoing,” the report says. “Rather than lacking adequate evidence to prove HSBC’s criminal conduct, internal Treasury documents show that DOJ leadership declined to pursue AFMLS’s recommendation to prosecute HSBC because senior DOJ leaders were concerned that prosecuting the bank ‘could result in a global financial disaster.'”

I think they were mostly testing the technology, logistics and methods of cooperation with the State.

I would look at it as an Exercise with a side result of raising some money for local DMC.

Remember attack on Russian and Chinese Stock Markets? To perform such task you have to train.
... Didn't one of Clinton's major donors who owned the voting machine company get mysteriously murdered last week? I kept seeing references throughout the board but I'm having trouble finding it.

You are a fucking genius! I mean that in all sincerity.

Check out the pdf document, and read the whole thing. Holy shit! It is a great way to link all the pieces.

This is what I'm able to gather from the pdf:
-ABC asked the ISAB about Raj, and how Raj got on the board.
-ISAB sends e-mails out seeing if anyone has any information on Raj's background.
-No one has a fuckin' clue about this guy, and his expertise (lack thereof)
-ABC pressures ISAB for a bio, ISAB is scrambling and delaying.
-ISAB finds out that Raj was appointed to the board by Hillary Clinton because Mills added him to the list of people consider for a spot on the team
-ISAB can't give ABC a reasonable answer, so Raj quits. He fuckin' quits because he's been made public!
-ISAB tells ABC that Raj quit, and ISAB basically gives ABC a bulshit/shortcut answer out of the dilemma
-Funniest thing is that ABC asked about another member (Rep. Naughton) of ISAB, and ISAB was quick to have a full biography on the guy. ISAB couldn't even find enough info to bullshit their way as to why Raj was on the team! Raj is completely unqualified, and should have never been on there and was only on there because he donated money!
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k..keep us posted.
I think this Raj Fernando might be a clearing agent for info as well as a head hunter:

From his linked in

>He developed Scoutahead to deliver the most trusted information to both companies and individuals, in order to increase corporate and professional growth and productivity.

On his profile, it also lists FX options, this is foreign exchange derivatives market.

This is the kind of shit Soros does when he leverages a country's currency against world events he planned out.

Holy FUCK!
>link to high-frequency trading stuff starting from last page of results (2009)
>‘could result in a global financial disaster.'”

Literally the go-to globalism defense. Recession!


DNC analyst. Prior ties to Clinton but nothing ""shocking"".


I think this can be our official timeline of Raj Fernando's time as a top-secret clearance member of ISAB. It doesn't seem to skip anything unless I'm missing something crucial.
Here's a juicy article. >>80693533

That's an extremely interesting angle. What if he was using high-speed trading to destabilize foreign stock markets?

Specifically, would there be any way to see what markets Chopper worked in?

You want to know what I think is the most damning implication of this article?

Obama's Secretary of Treasury, Stuart Levy, became HSBC's Chief Legal Officer in the swap with Comey becoming the head of the FBI. It's just an orchestrated exchange - professional sporting teams do this all the time.

Any info on Levy after he became HSBC's Chief Legal Officier?
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Great shit anons.

Keep it up, we've got good momentum going.

Revolving door politics. Not surprising Obama would pull this kind of shit.
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>Voter Expansion Data Director


Spooky, but not AS spooky as I thought.
Just stopping in to say it's unbelievable how hard this board is getting slided today
Well, I found a mirror of the site, but I cannot find the particular article I am thinking about, which is odd.

Anyway, the site began a a bbs in 1989 and eventually made the switch over to the internet.

Think of it as a grandfather to 4chan.

I've talked abot it enough that other anons could easily find it now, but I don't want to link to it directly because it has some /b/ and /k/ tier level shit hosted there.

Pretty sure it has the original Jolly Roger cookbook too.

All of which is more or less of topic.

Point of all this being, there are ways to make money out of nothing that have naught to do with central reserve banks.

I am reminded of an alleged leaked Clinton speech (?) where Hillary was supposedly talking about forming their own version of a central bank and wonder if it is related.

I think the important part is that it reveals that D.C.'s revolving door has an entryway in the banking elite. Essentially, they're swapping out personnel from the very same financial institutions they're supposed to be regulating. This is important, for us at least. We know which private establishments to most closely examine.


He's the so-called "votemaker", the types who are deployed to find new ways of capturing the popular vote to serve the aims of one side. I'd bet anything the DNC has twice as many employees on payroll as the RNC.

>Pretty sure it has the original Jolly Roger cookbook too.

Link it you asshole, I want that cookbook.
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This has all been so dynamic, I'm so glad we haven't derailed. So much info flows through here, way to go keeping it altogether anons great job
FBIanon said to watch carefully to see what happen?

Is "Pokemon Go" connected to CF?

I have seen so many going outside with phone where i live right now.

It's excellent way to distract people to real happening.

They are linked to the CIA. Niantic got money from CIA's venture capital arm

Oh I know, I didn't mean to sound dismissive at all. Just jaded at reading that kind of shit, I guess.

How long was he employed? I think I have a hypothesis.

Niantic invented Google Earth and used to be a part of Google. The government used to massively fund Niantic thru CIA
>has the original Jolly Roger cookbook too.

Well, it might not. that one article I was looking for does not seem to be there, but there is still of shit tone of stuff there that could injure the unwary, though.

Quick disclaimer, this is an answer to the questionable legality of some of the material posted on the site:

>A: The topics on this system cover a wide range of activities that if you actually DID them, you'd probably be breaking a law in some part of the world. In some places, just TALKING or WRITING about these activities is a crime, in other places, THINKING about these activities is a crime.


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I'm about to crash. I've stayed up way too late, and have work tomorrow.

I did find a trove of information on Raj. Too much text to paste into these small boxes.

What is the best way to provide the information? Basically, this user was Perm Banned from Reddit but I used http://uneddit.com/ to find out what he posted.

Here is the Reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4q3aei/donor_promised_to_make_clinton_look_good_if/?sort=old

Here is the website I used to uncensor the page:

Here is the user account in question: ecloc

My uploaded file has a screen shot of the beginning part of what I found.

I'm going to bed. I wish ya'll the best of luck. Good night.
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>Really wants to keep playing Pokemon Go
>Doesn't want to get spied on by the government
Someone give me a TL:DR about the latest Clinton stuff. I thought she was about to be shot for treason because FBI man mentioned she'd been throwing top secret documents around like candy and classifications didn't matter to her. Then her false flag operation worked and everything got slid to hell. Is she completely off the hook now?

Shit, I knew!

Since when Clinton scandal came to light then all suddenly, Pokemon Go came out of no matter and became so popular.
I meant "where" not matter.

A unspecified date in July 2011 to August 17 2011. ABC was onto him August 15.
I believe he was only employed for two months
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That company was just a test machine to feel the power of the privilege.

After research is done there is no need in it that much.

Now with the obtained knowledge and protection even ordinary anon can create one at his home and become the Agent.

With Cloud Tech you do not even need a powerful machine anymore.

See >>80695436

Looks like he was appointed from July to September 2011. But from my research, it looks like he submitted his resignation in August 2011.

>Is she completely off the hook now?
with the government? yes

with us? hell the fuck NO
chopper trading was investigated by the new york AG a few years back

Has anyone looked into Gorelick? She's been a Hillary fixer for awhile, and seeing where her name comes up on apparently unrelated matters might allow us to make connections that have gone overlooked

I will make new thread
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You are correct. He quit on August 17, 2011.

I uploaded his letter of resignation.

Good night ya'll. I have to get to bed.
Oh jesus christ. HSBC is heavily involved with Hogan Hartson which would be Cheryl Mills and Loretta Lynch's lawfirm.

Lynch and Comey both served as U.S. attorney in New York, Lynch for the Eastern District of New York, and Comey for the Southern District of New York. They crossed paths in the investigation of HSBC bank, which avoided criminal charges in a massive money-laundering scandal for which the bank paid a $1.9 billion fine.
I'm fading all, plum tuckered out.

You guys are the fucking shiz!

Keep on and don't let these bastards elude you!

FUCK OFF captcha with a Malaysian airliner plane in one square.
I remember totse
I was on dailyrotten from day one until it stopped updating, the forums were like /pol/
I was on consumptionjunction before 4chan was created

anybody else?

I remember.



lel, he openly states that foreign currencies in now his main focus.
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