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The /cfg/ research division has been hard at work finding connections, analyzing data and producing the fuel that has been injected into the memes, designed by our memefags, which have formed the brunt of our assault.

This is the place for the data found in the research divison to really do it's work. We provide suggestions to the meme team and I know most of us are also active in the research division.

Come on in, grab a chair and let's game out scenarios that we might have to deal with and see if we can't just help save the world from ruin.


Should we game out scenarios as our own Red Team with the updated info within these threads?

If they are concerned their own strategists might not be on their side, that would mean the task would need to be outsourced.

Did FBIanon mention RTP first or was it an anon who brought it up?

If FBIanon is the one who mentioned (and emphasized?) it, might that also be a clue?

Should we form our own "Red Team?"


Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.


>/cfg/ Official Website (WIP!)
>develop lines of master narrative
>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal
>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros

>Develop short term extensions of current trends
>>public acts of mass violence trend
>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend
>>increasing pressure for gun control trend

Apply three step formula:
Find a thing to do
Do the thing
Post results.

>beware shills. the latest tactic is to imitate the recent influx of "insider with intimate knowledge" for the purpose of instilling a sense of futility, and urging us to abandon the effort. They are scared.


Hey fuck it if we're dragging up all the old dirt to see if anything sticks it's worth a look at Mena.


>The Crimes of Mena




This is more about Bill but that would be a good start.
Some pertinent discussion for continued consideration:


>Just to put my two cents in. The world is on the verge of another financial crisis, this time worse than 2008. In a nut shell it has to do with the amount of debt in the world. Since the collapse of the commodities bubble in 2014, things have accelerated. Global trade is collapsing. Stock markets are crashing. Bond markets have to be near the top of their bubble (13 trillion in negative yielding bonds, effectively you as an investor are paying the borrower to take your money). The first signs of banks going under are starting to appear. Deutche Bank will likely go bankrupt before the end of the year. This will be catastrophic as they have $54 TRILLION in derivatives bets on their books.

>All this to say that they are pushing their timeline because they want to use the global economic collapse as background to consolidate power. Governments will go under during the next 10 years.

Carryover from oldbread

If Orlando wasn't enough to get gun grabs passed, nothing will be.


>here's my big problem to solve:
>If I were a leader of a global cabal who's plan is hundreds of years in the works, why would I let so many (((coincidences))) out in the open right at the final stages? because the next step is either install central bank in syria/iran, or fracture the usa into a few countires and install central banks in each one (make usa look like europe). out in the open? no one will fucking notice once that plan starts. we will be busy with famine and hot war.

>the global cabal has one agenda. the protocols of zion. and to implement that they use the federal reserve to control the global economy. which is actually good. 2 billion people raised out of poverty in the last 25 years. 5 billion people will have a cell phone with wikipedia in 20 years. so fuck yea lets crash syria and iran and get them bitches using the central bank model becuase they're cheating us out of money in the current market.

>uhh so my red box idea is a continuation from 2011 arab spring. arab spring saw a few governments fall. all from protestors. BLM is that catalyst. but i think a civil war from protestors is the desired outcome of the elites, because it will fracture the country into countries. a central bank was installed one week after gadaffi died. syria and iran are only countries w/o. but if illuminati hillary or obama can start martial law, which as we saw in egypt and syria, would make anti blm fight blm, cause a civil war, and give the banksters a split union which they've salivated for since Lincoln's civil war.

>i reckon the new america country lines will be drawn around regional federal reserve branches


>Alternatively, in similar vein, attack against a black-majority sports team "protected" by police? Anyone in sports a vocal BLM supporter? Drive wedge b/w police and populace via well-planted "failures" on behalf of police while justifying increased powers and armament. Additional outcomes same as previous point.

>There is more to come from black team re: police vs. the people, because as it stands there is

>1 - No way in current climate 2nd Amendment will be repealed.

>2 - American police not ready/not reliable in event of martial law. Defection/work stoppage would cripple efforts to control population.

>Cultural steering in regards to geopolitics with Russia seems like it would try to discredit the notion (supported by Trump) that our military could be made so strong no one would want to mess with us. Female draft bill currently in committee might be part of this.
>do not respond to shills and baits

I'd like to expand on this. /pol/ is clearly full of these faggots making dumbass threads to take our attention away from the important stuff. I submit that at least for the remainder of the election cycle ignore all these bullshit distractions.

I know it's hard not to shitpost in the 50 daily "is x white?" threads but we are at a tipping point in our nation and we need to be focused on the important things, namely HRC and CF. Meme all you want, just make sure it's about those things and make the magic happen.

I love you guys. God speed.
And finally:


>Let's say that violence continues to rise and something major goes down at one or both of the conventions.

>What event might be serious enough to give 0bozo enough political capital to use in an effort to do something, "for the good of the country," but not serious enough to get the people to put down their cheese doodles?

>If Orlando wasn't enough to get gun grabs passed, nothing will be

There are some other possibilities, but they can't touch the 2nd too directly, otherwise there would be open revolt.

What kinds of things could occur that would help them in this area of their machinations?
thats a real 50/50 mix of legit speculation and tinfoil hat poisoning.

This cabal started after the horrors of WWII. The European Trade Commission [now known as the E.U.] was the beginning. The Clintons signaled this leftist ideology making its way into North America.
The activities that were present then are still happening now, they've just got a little better at concealing them within legit looking enterprises.

up to date archive, the other had been made 9 hours previous.

>thats a real 50/50 mix of legit speculation and tinfoil hat poisoning.

And that's the thing. The people we are talking about surround their activities in the tin foiliest crap you can imagine to purposely make it difficult to tease out legitimate details.

In the same vein as FBIanon's plausible deniability that was thrown in among the legit info.

The bigger problem with that is that the tinfoil shit the cabal gets up to might not be all that tinny, if you kwim.

Clinton Foundation Fraud

Different Tags/Headlines
#LolitaExpress #Hillary #ClintonFoundation #Soros

#Fraud #Hillary #ClintonFoundation #Soros

Flight logs show Bill Clinton traveled at least 10 times on Epstein's private jet, dubbed the "Lolita Express"

Obama is the anti-Christ and was hand picked to be prez.

Mahdi Barack H Obama


love the work you guys are doing, if i find anything ill post it here
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>What kinds of things could occur that would help them in this area of their machinations?

|<patatje met
Another very important post:


>Just to put my two cents in. The world is on the verge of another financial crisis, this time worse than 2008. In a nut shell it has to do with the amount of debt in the world. Since the collapse of the commodities bubble in 2014, things have accelerated. Global trade is collapsing. Stock markets are crashing. Bond markets have to be near the top of their bubble (13 trillion in negative yielding bonds, effectively you as an investor are paying the borrower to take your money). The first signs of banks going under are starting to appear. Deutche Bank will likely go bankrupt before the end of the year. This will be catastrophic as they have $54 TRILLION in derivatives bets on their books.

>All this to say that they are pushing their timeline because they want to use the global economic collapse as background to consolidate power. Governments will go under during the next 10 years.
research thread for info:


like to keep this thread for website suggestions and strategy discussions regarding what research team finds and to make sure the meme teams are hitting the important points and counteract whatever black team is trying to push forward.
He couldnt find Churchill if the man was up his ass and biting his earlobe.

Dutchies man...
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I'm trying to do normie work and map out areas to research, document, and post work on the CF investigation.

Potential areas of focus to show interconnections with the CF:

- UnitAID - WHO - UN - UNICEF [$600 million from UnitAID to the CF]
-Does UnitAID share its business address?
-Who chairs UnitAID?
-What were committee topics, hot button issues at the UN when this massive donation was made?

- George Soros - Alex Soros [Obama now frequently meeting with Alex Soros per Alex Soros's Instagram]
-Who is Alex Soros? What is his ostensible profession?
-What clubs does A.Soros belong to?
-Obama casting couch: Did the White House record this 'red couch sitdown' visit to A.Soros officially?
-What were A.Soros' travel pattern leading up to this meeting?

- BLM - Open Societies - Soros Link
-What is the leadership of the BLM in Dallas, New York, Chicago, Charlotte, DC?
-Do these leaders have previous links to Soros? Governor's School, Rhodes Scholars, High School Model UN/Congress, etc?
-What connections are there involving old guard ghetto hustlers (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc.)?

- Jewish Humanitarian Organizations
-Often on the state level, help 'resettle' 'refugees'
-Soros cash?
-CF/Clinton Initiative interlocking boards?

- Tavistock
-Connections with Cambridge Analytica?
-Operations in Austria/Germany/France to oppose FPO/AFD/FN?
-Operations in USA
-Soros link (hard button ownership/funding mechanisms)
-Links with big music labels (Are these CF/Clinton Init. contributors?)
Red alert!

Just occurred to me, what if BlackTeam has a pro-Trump group on their payroll as a guarantee that that there will be violent response to BLM?? I'm pretty sure this tactic has been used before, but I don't think we've mentioned it here before. What better way to stack the deck for causing the "need" for martial law??

Anyone more familiar with the BlackTeam/Zoros mind map able to make any connections like this??
>If Orlando wasn't enough to get gun grabs passed, nothing will be

Here are some scenarios I can think of that could lead to a renewed anti-Second Amendment push. [NOTE: In each of these Cases, they can be false narratives, false flags, or organic incidents.]

> Case 1: Right-wing/Neo-NAZI group ambushes Black church, neighborhood, playground, e.g. In other words, a Dylan Roof style event. Allegations of 'high powered weaponry' used, i.e., AR-15s, 30+ mags. Black areas go into full blown LA tier riots.

> Case 2: Repeat of Newtown, CT style shooting. 10+ dead pupils; 'high powered weaponry' i.e. AR-15, 30+mags, etc.

> Case 3: Right-wing/Neo-NAZI attack on Leftist politician.

> In ALL Cases: Obama/et al attempt to link assailants to /POL/, Daily Stormer, Traditionalists. Claim that the 'Internet radicalized these people to the point of making them violent.' Goal: Shut down POL et. al., institute EU style hate speech laws, ban sale of firearms.
>> In ALL Cases: Obama/et al attempt to link assailants to /POL/, Daily Stormer, Traditionalists. Claim that the 'Internet radicalized these people to the point of making them violent.' Goal: Shut down POL et. al., institute EU style hate speech laws, ban sale of firearms.

This scenario, as all other Sorosian plans advance multiple agendas.
>> Case 1: Right-wing/Neo-NAZI group ambushes Black church, neighborhood, playground, e.g. In other words, a Dylan Roof style event. Allegations of 'high powered weaponry' used, i.e., AR-15s, 30+ mags. Black areas go into full blown LA tier riots.
>> Case 2: Repeat of Newtown, CT style shooting. 10+ dead pupils; 'high powered weaponry' i.e. AR-15, 30+mags, etc.
>> Case 3: Right-wing/Neo-NAZI attack on Leftist politician.
>> In ALL Cases: Obama/et al attempt to link assailants to /POL/, Daily Stormer, Traditionalists. Claim that the 'Internet radicalized these people to the point of making them violent.' Goal: Shut down POL et. al., institute EU style hate speech laws, ban sale of firearms.

Is there a way such scenarios could be defused or made less impactful?
So what happens when we have enough evidence and enough clear evidence shared amongst us that we can have debates on the matters?

Would this mean we could lead a protest outside 9 clifford street or something?

How do we get the message out there?
>Is there a way such scenarios could be defused or made less impactful?

Possibly. If assailants:

- appear to be criminally, not ideologically, motivated
- are registered Democrats
- are Federal informants
- are homosexual
>ncreasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal

South Sudan, the world's newest nation state, which was created as a result of the Sudanese civil war, and which creation was cheered by the Bongo administration, returns to the brink of a new civil war.



US calls for regional troop deployments

>>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal

Rapefugees much worse than reported, "conspiracy theories" validated, few trials, fewer convictions, as Germany sacrifices its women to globalists goal:



We're not quite there yet, but once we have some real solid connections linking the various parts of this web, we can write a manifesto and seek publication. Plenty of people here are good writers and are capable of expressing coherent thoughts through the written word.

Once we establish our counter-narrative in the form of a published written work, anyone with experience in video editing can make 5-10min Youtube videos based on smaller arguments within the context of the larger work as more easily digestible alternatives than reading a three hundred-odd page manifesto on the CF. There are plenty of avenues we can take this thing, we just aren't quite there with the research yet.
>Once we establish our counter-narrative in the form of a published written work, anyone with experience in video editing can make 5-10min Youtube videos based on smaller arguments within the context of the larger work as more easily digestible alternatives than reading a three hundred-odd page manifesto on the CF. There are plenty of avenues we can take this thing, we just aren't quite there with the research yet

Too true anon, you don't eat the entire elephant in one bite.


>Heads up anons!
>Right after I made this post my dsl went down at work and I had to reset the modem
>Possibly. If assailants:
>- appear to be criminally, not ideologically, motivated

This could be counteracted by the meme team if we have a large enough digital footprint in place, especially among the demographics which would side with such a ploy.
>>>public acts of mass violence trend

Projecting forward the trend in planning, scope and scale of the Islamist terror attacks in San Bernadino to Orlando, a similar increase in magnitude of casualties, from 14 to 49, would suggest the next attack will kill 171 people.

Such an attack would require multiple attackers assaulting multiple soft targets; or, multiple attackers assaulting a large soft target; or, a single attacker assaulting a very large soft target, such as a place where tens of thousands have gathered in a single place. The final scenario would result in collateral trampling casualties from induced panic.

This is a key prediction for this prong of red team game-out, because it can be tested both before and after the attack....
Idea for the website,

Along with a FAQ, we need a reading list.

See here for items for inclusion:

The presumed black team planning, or preparation, for such an attack would leave footprints that could be visible. If the black team, via its military and intel service presence in failed state areas filled with terrorist candidates, were able to recruit new terrorist candidates, or subvert or co-opt existing terror plans to the target of their (black team's) choice, everyone involved would have to be killed, since the treasonous nature of the attack is far too explosive to ever risk even minimal chance of discovery.

The death of US military personnel, even if their identities are not made public, are still reported in the open source. As are the deaths of US intelligence officers serving, and retired. Therefore, a news reporting "signature" which could indicate an impending attack of unprecedented scale, would involve reports of the deaths of US military, SOCOM, or civilian intelligence officers of sufficient rank, or number killed, to warrant coverage in the press.

Due to the highly mobile nature of secret work, the locations where the reported deaths take place is less important than the timing - they would take place within days of each other.

The attack itself, were it to materialize, would itself be a partial confirmation of this line of thinking. Did it match the trend parameters - multiple soft targets, or a single huge soft target, such that the casualty count reaches or exceeds 171? That alone would be, in intelligence analytics terms, sufficient evidence to suspect a specific agenda behind the attacks, other than the obvious goals of the notional group assigned responsibility.
Its there a blue team?
>The final scenario would result in collateral trampling casualties from induced panic.

Is there something that could be done to counteract this scenarios, or lessen it's impact?
>the locations where the reported deaths take place is less important than the timing - they would take place within days of each other.

Are you the anon working on the code for the heatmap of news events?
>Its there a blue team?
the FBI, America in general?

Black Team is Soros et al. Red Team (us) is trying to think up scenarios Black Team would put in place to further it's goals and possible ways to get in front of such events and either mitigate impact or determine possible responses.
GREAT video link anon.

Ortel's work deserves serious review and our full support. If anyone's effort has real potential to take the CF down it's Ortel's exhaustive PROOF of charity fraud.
Such catchy. Wow.

I really like this thread now. Very informative. The idea of teams makes it easy to categorize all the shit going on without having to resort to
>da joos
Such words although fun for us are a double edge because it costs us credibility. At least with this team thing an outsider looking in won't be so "OMG RACIST!"

Also since India does its own thing can it be team brown?
New /cfg/ research thread here:
No, but I was there yesterday. I found the TED talk video of the dynamic bubble displays.

If there is an active black team involvement in the planning and/or execution of "terror" attacks against the US homeland, we are severely handicapped in our ability to detect them, let alone take action to mitigate.

Such influence, or control, would involve official actions by legitimate soldiers of intelligence officers on the ground in hot spots hosting failed states, and terror candidates. Place like northern and western Iraq, and eastern and southern Syria, as well as Libya (all of it), Chad, Sudan, Congo (DPR), Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea, and possibly the Niger valley and delta.

These places are extremely difficult for non-natives and non-officials to gain access to, and even more difficult to get information visibility from. Opacity makes detection very difficult, but the news signature indicating that official personnel having been in such locales were killed, especially in large numbers or in unexpected circumstances, would be one of the things that could signal an impending attack - it would indicate the covering of official tracks prior to the event.

If such a news signature were detected, the only realistic option available to us, would be to submit our thinking and posting about it to federal authorities, or to the press, or both. Since the federal government is, we presume, completely compromised, submitting our reasoning to the press, with admonishment that they pass it long to any outposts of loyal LEO or Security apparatus, is the best we could hope for.

Would DHS heed such a warning, based upon its own style of methods, but coming from a source like us? Probably not.

But imagine the fallout if we turn out to be right.
Been following for a day or two now. Has anyone found any rock solid condemning evidence?
Like 1-3 BIG points?

Not for nothing but, anyone who's watched the Alex Jones show for 5+ years semi-regularly would be able to tell you literally everything FBIanon said.
This may be new to y'all but most people in the "conspiracy" scene know the CF is corrupted to the core. She set up a charity in the name of children and used it as her own personal slush fund. To the tune of ~$250 million if I'm not mistaken. She hates niggers, old news. She sells weapons for cash, old news.
Benghazi was a weapons deal gone bad resulting in Al-Qaeda firing surface-to-air missiles directly at the ground blowing up the embassy. Heard this from AJ not long after it happened.

What I'm asking is if you guys have actually stumbled upon any hidden gems on her?

I wonder because I don't think FBIanon works for the FBI. I could have faked his story just as well. Any avid Alex Jones fan could tell you as much as he did.

Not to piss anyone off or be "that guy" but FBIanon sent us all on a hunt for dirt on Hillary.
Possible a Clinton shill getting us to do the digging for them.
Get these shitlord neckbeards to scour the internet relentlessly to see if theres anything there. That way the Hillary camp KNOWS we can't find anything on her. Get them to look in advance.

Again, not trying to throw a wrench in the gears but it all just seems fishy.

Has FBIanon proved himself in any way other than using big school book words and proper grammar?

This may be real, and the CF no doubt is rotten to the core, but everyone knows this already.
Hopefully we aren't wasting our time on something stupid.

/pol/s objectives are this

If we follow these points, shillarys gone the way of the dodo anyways. Crypto-kike traitor.
So far, other regional players are categorized as their own entities. Alliances or adversarial relationships between the different factions are areas for discussion.

And yeah, I agree that the use of the standard colloquialisms does damage the image of most if not all content that originates on the chan with most people.

We're up against a behemoth and if we can actually make a difference, all the shitposting ought to be somewhat limited.

But far be it from me to attempt to impose an order on this madhouse.

I do my best with what I have and despite outward appearances, /pol/lacks seem to be pretty bright.
The "Red Team / Blue Team" terminology does have authentic US military origins. Every year in California, select, elite members of the infantry and officer corps of the Army are invited to participate in highly specialized combat training exercises designed to spin up a force (Blue Team) whose unique tactical specialty is defeating a vastly superior force (Red Team).

The exercises combine combat maneuvers, tactical planning and execution, communication tactics, methods of structuring instructions, and dynamic planning methodologies to defeat superior numbers, arms, and comms.

The Blue Team has enjoyed many years of winning streaks. Given the success of that initial program, "red teaming" has spread to become a general term for "military learning simulation."

More here:

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Hillary Clinton part of a human trafficking gang?
C'mon guys...

I think it's a false flag by Clinton shills to make Trumpets look like right wing conspiracy nuts which of course they are not! *cough*

Infowars, the controlled opposition snakes as they are also in on the job to gain attraction.
Thx 4 the bump m8
I mean, Clinton involved in human trafficking isn't even a stretch of the imagination. She's a witch in human clothing. I was wondering if anyone found any damning evidence on her.

Which I imagine no one will because you would have to know the people she knows. Real players in this game don't go posting about their business on the internet.

So why make a big stink on /pol/ about the CF? FBIanon possible trump shill?

Jesus Christ what a shitfest.
FBIanon made, at minimum, these forecasts that later turned out to be true:

>Gen. Flynn as a serious VP candidate
>No indictment
>Cherry pick of damaging information to fall on the heads of those already under scrutiny
>CF investigation by the FBI

The mention of SAPs in Clinton's email was already public, from January, so I don't count that here. It is possible that he is a feint, a provocateur, or a troll. It remains possible he is genuine.

/cfg/'s position is that it does not matter. There are multiple, independent efforts under-way to spread awareness of the CF's criminal nature. We are one. These multiple efforts reinforce each other. Everything "discovered" or conjectured is valuable in the effort to derail the Clinton campaign. If there were a recipe for "going viral" everyone could do it - we are spraying and praying in the dark at the viral target, as all social media do. As posted elsewhere, large segments of the electorate do /not/ know about the CF, much less its criminal activities. The more, the merrier.

Furthermore, whether or not we uncover a "smoking gun" is less relevant than whether any official with subpoena powers is willing to do anything about it. Once again, this is a matter of public pressure, to which we have decided to contribute. CF is already in violations of numerous state and foreign laws, as evidenced both by documents they have released, and not released, and which do not exist, but are required to. Again - Public pressure....
...As for Red Team, we have made one specific cluster of predictions:

1. the next "terror" attack will be proportionately larger in scope than Orlando. 171 is the magic number.
2. If such an attack happens, and if it is preceded by a cluster of news stories reporting the unexpected deaths of two or more official US or Allied SOCOM or intelligence personnel or units, such a cluster of deaths would over-lay the expected pattern of evidence-elimination a high-level, and treasonous, cabal of conspirators would engage in to clear their path of connection.
3. Such an attack itself, if it were to match the predicted parameters, would support, though not prove, an assertion that elements are involved beyond the nominal "terror" group ultimately assigned blame.
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Okay, fair enough. That makes sense actually. Might as well expose the animal for what it is, whether it dies immediately or not.

Fuck, count me in. Ill rack my brains throughout the day for anything relevant.

Well put anon. You should put this explanation somewhere for noobies like myself.
Thanks, btw.
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Red Team has also posted supporting evidence that the trend of failed and failing states, consistent with the goal to weaken borders and flush failed state area populations into the North and West, has regressed under the administrations of Bongo and Merkle, and continue apace.

Syria, stable under Bush; Libya, same; Yemen, same; Sudan, divided by Obongo; South Sudan; Ukraine, same; Chad, same; and Central African Republic, same; all joined failed state status under the current regime.

Pakistan and Afghanistan teeter on the brink. In all cases, the call has been clear - come to Europe and the US. As predicted by theory.
Maybe go ahead and tell us exactly what we are looking at here. Is this after-the-fact messaging effort?
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>FBIanon made, at minimum, these forecasts that later turned out to be true:
>>Gen. Flynn as a serious VP candidate
>>No indictment
>>Cherry pick of damaging information to fall on the heads of those already under scrutiny
>>CF investigation by the FBI
>The mention of SAPs in Clinton's email was already public, from January, so I don't count that here. It is possible that he is a feint, a provocateur, or a troll. It remains possible he is genuine.
>/cfg/'s position is that it does not matter. There are multiple, independent efforts under-way to spread awareness of the CF's criminal nature. We are one.

Your entire post is brilliant. I agree entirely with your perspective. Personally, my heart tells me FBIAnon is essentially real, but it doesn't matter as you write.

I would add that in addition to the SAPs, the media is continuing (at this second on CNBC) to shill the South China Sea dispute. Now all of the sudden we're supposed to hate the PRC. FBI Anon highlighted this region as a Soros opt. We can't count it because it has been fairly public as a hotspot, but it is notable that he thought to mention it in the context of Soros.

Look at all of the work we have achieved in less than 10 days. On NormieBook, your run of the mill GOPers are posting on the CF. This is huge. We are starting to affect the collective consciousness.

Don't get too distracted by the semi-lewd Taylor pic related. But I want to say the only way I know, good work, Anons!
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>we have decided to contribute.
I support this but pls don't get too crazy with it.
If Clinton shills can manage to paint Trump as a far right tinfoil head it would be a death sentence.

I'm scared, it might be a trap

This is probably one of the more important connections to the original FBIanon sentiment that there is, indeed, a cabal of wealthy elite who are subverting governments in volatile parts of the world in order to create refugee populations to flood more stable nations with. It plays perfectly to the endgame of a borderless world without national identity. What we really need from research on this end is some sort of correlation of the toppling of these failed states with actions from either the CF or Obama administration. Were there any warning signs pre-collapse? If we can identify those markers, we can more feasibly locate the next domino the globalists are planning to push over.
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Exactly. As I recall, Egypt was the first to commence the 'Arab Spring.' Did FBI Anon mention Egypt?

If I recall correctly, there was some kind of food subsidy change not long before the collapse of the Mubarak government. Who pushed for this? This could be a clue.

Research is already investigating links between the Qatar connection and the food industry. Important to keep in mind is that the year of the Arab Spring a massive drought rocked India and destroyed a significant portion of their rice crop, which shot up food prices. Obviously it's impossible to orchestrate a drought, but it could have been the sort of thing Black Team was waiting for in order to get the ball rolling on Middle Eastern political upheaval.
Sry, didnt intend to derail. I havent looked into it, was just randomly chosing an image from my anti shillary folder to bump.

t. meme divison, anon digging into american officials in austria
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>Man fatally shot in D.C. neighborhood was a Democratic National Committee staffer

>Seth Conrad Rich, 27, was shot several times, according to D.C. police, and struck at least once in the back. The attack occurred about 4:20 a.m. on a quiet residential street across from a closed convenience store at Flagler Place and W Street NW. Rich died at an area hospital at 5:57 a.m.

>The younger Rich had worked on computer database to help voters identify and map their individual polling locations.

>Police said that this time there is no immediate indication robbery was a motive, but it is one of the scenarios police are exploring.



While I agree that some parties (generally the US and Russia) are working to collapse certain nation-states (although a few eg Venezuela appear to be failing out of sheer incompetence), it seems more likely that the intention is to make it easier to acquire the assets in these countries at discount rates, or to secure a political foothold (eg Ukraine, Syria). The refugee crisis was an expected side effect, but the magnitude of it was unexpected as nobody expected the refugees to actually try for a life in the West rather than stay in a refugee camp.
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Great point.

To me, Egypt had the feel of a 'beta test' for the entire region. So that would fit with your hypothesis that they lunged when opportunity presented itself in the form of the Indian drought.

So possible threads regarding Egypt:
- Qatar and the (region?) food industry

- Grain contracts held by Mubarak government

- Subsidies provided by Mubarak government and any adjustments in 2010/2011

- Was foreign aid money redirected to mandated suppliers/vendors, if so what were their connections to CF, Open Societies, Soros?

- Did key security officials stand down? If so, to what extent did these officials have backchannels with Mossad?
The situation in the Middle East is similar to China where the population lives under severe restrictions (we all know about women driving in Saudi Arabia), in exchange for large financial bonuses from the government. The moment the government becomes incapable of supplying these benefits, something has to go. So the initial riots would have happened anyway, but the memeing into the Arab Spring was probably courtesy of the US.
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Did he flag certain precincts that will be pivotal cheating locations for HRC? Perhaps he created the blueprint and needed to be eliminated? Could also have been standard DC vibrancy.
Hey red team, meme bread is up

And that's why I don't go grocery shopping at 4am. /s
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I disagree. The 'refugee' ruse seems entirely contrived. Many had been in Turkish camps for years. Then suddenly, there was a massive lift of boats and terrestrial marches. There were many reports that these 'refugees' had fresh 500 Euro notes that they were trying to break for change when they got to Hungary.

Soros all over this.
Seems likely to me that BLM tensions will continue to build, and anyone anti-BLM will stay out of the picture as long as they can.

At that point, all it would take is one real major terrorist-style attack from a cell with BLM connections, and the conservatives would be out the door in force to exercise their open-carry, in an attempt to defend civilians from another major attack. From there, it wouldn't take much more than an anti-BLM protestor shooting a protestor (even in self defense, or protecting a civilian), and the whole thing would blow up overnight. We'd see some real large-scale riots, and martial law would be inevitable on the city-level.

Even if I'm wrong, there are 2 very distinct groups being formed on either side of this election, and some of these people want blood. It's just a matter of time IMO.

Thanks Leaf.
np senpai, just doing my job
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Bump. Would appreciate a tl;dr
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Upon closer and closer re-reads, cross-checking, and refreshing some, uh, experiences, I would defend an argument that FBIanon has a greater than 50% chance of being a legitimate "green badge" employee of a federal intelligence agency, most likely the FBI.

Doing this from my head:

>He is almost certainly /not/ a "GS15" regular "blue badge." That pay scale starts, on the low end, above $100,000 per year. The entire FBI has only a handful of those, and the nature of their career experience and character it entails would make leaking to 4chan a suicide-inducing consideration.

>"I work in the purple." This is extremely cryptic. However, in the current scheme of classification markings, way out on the right-hand end of the slash divided string lives a purple-coded amending set of restrictions, substantially like this: TS//[etc][etc]/[etc][etc]//NON-IC CONTROLS. Which stands for Non-intelligence community related controls. Examples include NOFORN (no foreign eyeballs), and LES (law enforcement sensitive).

This can all be found in the CAPCO Register and Manual (which news reports today, Clinton was never trained in, so if you so much as glance at the TOC, you know more about secret classification than Hitllary Clinton).

Pic related, "in the purple."

These two statements, together, suggest a sincere effort to blend truth and faslehood for the purpose of deniability. The "purple" thing would denote an analyst whose duties include, among other things, standing on the perimeter (not the center) of the investigation as part of the perimeter of analysts which assure that IC information does not escape to non-IC entities. Most often in the current bureaucratic setup, those jobs (much closer to GS-10) are assigned to green badge contractors.
>The "Red Team / Blue Team" terminology does have authentic US military origins.


Corporations utilize these exercises also. And I linked this article in the OP as I felt it applicable to our efforts. Anyone wanting to join in our game out sessions would be well advised to read this.

Well, it looks like y'all have been busy while I was at lunch. Good to see. Now to address a few specifics.

>Again - Public pressure....

This is practically the only arena where we might conceivably have some sort of measurable impact.

Unless we were to be infused by some sort of angel organization that works in opposition to Black Team, it is highly doubtful we would actually be able to manage any sort of 'force projection,' other than within the realm of ideas.

>Ill rack my brains throughout the day for anything relevant

You may want to go take a look at the research thread if you have not; this thread is an offshoot of that thread which is descended from FBIanon's OPs.


>No, but I was there yesterday. I found the TED talk video of the dynamic bubble displays.
I hope that anon has had some success then ad returns with something we can to good use.

>But imagine the fallout if we turn out to be right.
Having those potential scenarios documented and time stamped in these threads within the context of our discussions would give a lot of weight to our efforts here.

I doubt we'd come up with something the pros wouldn't think of, but we are doing so in an open sourced fashion they are unable to operate at.

This allows us to possibly give the MSM information and analysis that the intel community might want to have placed in the public domain, but don't or can't get out there due to their methods of operation.
tl;dr - what if it is all true - Then what? What is the story? Where does it lead to?

The creation of the red team thread compartment of /cfg/ was created to answer this question.

The framework reveals the hypothesis:

>develop lines of master narrative
>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal
>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros

>Develop short term extensions of current trends
>>public acts of mass violence trend
>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend
>>increasing pressure for gun control trend

Apply three step formula:
Find a thing to do
Do the thing
Post results.

tl;dr George Soros is using his billions to fund efforts toward the goal of a single world government, presiding over a miscegenated single race of passive mocha-colored serfs.

"Conspiracy lunacy!"

So was the idea of a continent-wide, representative, constitutional republic A. ever existing, B. winning the bloodiest war in human history, C. inventing weapons which can literally end the species, and D. ruling over the entire planet.

Soros dream is not going to happen tomorrow, or next year. According to the US census (I'll have to find it) if every miscegenation trend in the US continued from current levels, it would take 125 years to reach the race-mixed average. It is a long game.

We seek evidence consistent with it.
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holy fuck niggers I wish I could help but im wrapped up with dumbass irl shit god bless you

have an OC
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Here's a baseline thought, too

Who is the black team, exactly?

In summary, short of linking to the detailed mind maps of /cfg/ central, the black team is:

>George Soros, et. al.
>Any institution captured by an ideology which embraces, or exhorts:
>>"No person is illegal" - the rally cry for a borderless world.
>>"Immigration is among our core value traditions" - No western nation has ever held among its core traditions inviting terrorists to commit acts of warfare upon its soil. (That includes the warfare act of mass rape). The conflation of immigration with invited infiltration is a key rhetorical magic trick to keep a keen eye out for.
>>"World peace," "White privilege," "No oppressed group can be racist." - all candy land follies formulated to erode ethnic identity, consistent with the Soros-ian goals of a single mocha-colored serfdom.
>>Gun control. Gimme a D. Gimme a U. Gimme an H. What does that spell.
>Institutions thus include, the Democrat party of the US, the post-secondary learning institutions of the US, the federal bureaucracy, and any stated globalist organization.

The black team is not a conspiracy, it is an ideology. It thrives on the left in every infected nation, but the right of many is also infected, especially in the US. It's values are progress toward its goals by any means. It's tactics are falsehood as truth, victimhood as a weapon. As we have seen, the black team will sacrifice entire populations (Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq) to its goals.

Who is not the black team - patriots. In the US, Trump's base is best described as the Patriot movement. America first. Constitution as manifesto, rule of law above all else. There is evidence (forgive me, Kirk) that Russia stands against the globalist programme. Nationalists wherever they are found my be counted as allies. Pic related.
RED TEAM, look here:

>Recently, two people have died from Tesla's self driving cars. One of them (you guessed it) was a former SEAL Team 6 member Joshua D. Brown.
It is interesting. But by itself, it does not constitute a signature for Orlando. Hang on for a bump...
Aside from /cfg/, I've been looking for (credible, dot-connecting, evidence supported) footprints of hinky doings behind Orlando, because combined with SanBern, this notion that that US citizens are being "radicalized" by muh internet is thin. To say the least.

The bright sign in the Orlando story is the dad. A native born Afghan, operator of two non-profits, both centered around Afghani politics; his youtube channel containing videos in which he appears to be practicing (media: pretending) to be the president of Afghanistan. The way the dad was able to parade around inside the US Capitol building days after the attack. It looked spooky. Like the dad was being developed for some nefarious purpose, and the crazy son, skull-fucked beyond belief, flapped the op in the process. But there were no footprints to really go with, just circumstantial suggestions.

Now, if we could put Brown and the Orlando dad together, somehow, that would be a thing.

Also, in terms of planning and resource allocation - black team will have its hands full, not only in Cleveland, but also in Philly. I expect any escalation of domestic terror to occur in August, or September. Most likely September.

Hillary was warned human trafficking would be and issue after the earthquake in Haiti. She continually ignored this issue and in fact human trafficking is up according to a recent State Department study. Camps for internally (eternally) displaced at the most risk. Haiti seems like easy target for the meme committee.

I have a feeling that an electrical grid infrastructure attack is soon to come. We did it in Ramadi Iraq. We are coming into the hottest months, people are already fired up.

Destroy the ability for cities and normies to use electricity and people will freak the fuck out. Generators will not work in this mass scenario. Lives will truly be at risk in hot cities.

Safe spaces have been used the past year to make people aware of their existence. These new safe spaces will be walled up camps with electricity, air conditioning and the ability to communicate.

I feel the weather conditions in Texas are similar to Iraq, and the power grid will be collapsed there. The populace is already near a boiling point.

Money has no value, when there is no electricy in the middle of the summer. Traffic lights don't work, generators will be sabotaged, the lucky ones with private jets will flee. People will stop going to work, gas pumps wont work as well. Car A/C will only last as long as a tank of gas.

True equality in misery will be emplace.

If such a thing occurred, NATO would declare a war against Russia citing the recent decree that a cyber attack does not have to be proven in order to be blamed on Russia.
You guys got trolled hard. Still going on about this nonsense. The guy literally provided no proof.
According to the timeline of his obit, Brown was last tied to anything spooky in 2008.


So that is not nothing. In future habenings, any sign post that points to 2008 has a check point with a SOCOM spook.
Go ahead and unpack that - who would do it, and for what longer purpose? Say one of the regional grids for the US is knocked out. Probably the northeast. Remember Texas is independent.

So the cities of Acela are back in the nineteenth century instantly - then what? Who benefits?
Shutting down /pol/ would be counter-productive, just look at the 09F9 incident.
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Map of NERC regions.
>I feel the weather conditions in Texas
Texas has it's own grid separate from the national grid and it is a bit more robust.

That being said, it would not take much to bring down portions of the gird with the proper knowledge.

>Now, if we could put Brown and the Orlando dad together

Not sure if this will lead that way, but this might be something:

>Johnson shared two things in common with Omar Matten (Orlando gunman), James Wesley Howell (suspect in failed assassination attempt at Gay Pride parade) and Michael Sandford (assassin who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump in Las Vegas NV.)

>In an exclusive interview with Marcus Dwayne Robertson, he informed us that Micah Johnson enrolled in his online “Fundamental Islamic Seminary Course” in August of 2015.

>According to Fox News, the FBI has identified Robertson as a convicted bank robber and for his recruiting terrorists and inciting violence.


I had a look @ the google doc.

regarding Soros and the globalist agenda, and their buying of gold and land for the when it all collapses - it feels like somethings missing. gold and land is all well and good, but you need only look to California to see how little it matters if WATER gets scarce.

asia, middle east, north africa, the water supply is threatened by climate change and rising populations already, he who controls the water will control half the world.
>>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal

Obama's footprint with regard to Syria has been to midwife catastrophe. While Hitllary was running State, multiple overlapping fuckups, with predictable, and predicted outcomes. Not least of which, for the black team narrative, is that the US and Russia, are, in fact, engaged in a proxy war there.


"After a slow start — and despite wishful Western assessments that Moscow could not sustain a meaningful military effort abroad — the Russian campaign is finally delivering results for the Assad regime."

"Russia, however, has been not only been able to increase the tempo of its military operations, but also to justify the mounting cost. And contrary to some pundits, who hailed the Russian intervention as the best chance to check the expansion of IS, Washington knows all too well that the result of the Russian campaign is the strengthening of the jihadist group in central Syria in the short term. This is a price Washington seems willing to pay for the sake of keeping the Geneva process alive."

"All actors understand that Obama, who has resisted any serious engagement in the country, is unlikely to change course now. And they all assume, probably rightly, that he is more interested in the appearance of a process than in spending any political capital over it. As a result, all the parties with a stake in Syria’s future are eyeing 2017, trying to position themselves for the new White House occupant. This guarantees brinksmanship, escalation, and more misery. 2016 is shaping up as the year during which Assad will lock in significant political and military gains."


As a former U.S. Marine who became the leader known as "Ali Baba” of a notorious New York gang “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”, Robertson and his crew robbed more than 10 banks, private homes and post offices at gunpoint, shot three police officers, and attacked one cop after he was injured by a homemade pipe bomb.

During the same period, federal authorities claimed Robertson served as a bodyguard to Omar Abdel Rahman, nicknamed the “Blind Sheik,” who led the terrorist group that carried out the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and donated more than $300,000 in stolen funds to mosques he attended, both claims Robertson denied. Robertson has adamantly denied the claims.

After he was arrested in 1991 along with most of the other members of the gang, prosecutors cut a deal with Robertson, and let him serve four years in prison before going to work undercover for the FBI between 2004 and 2007 to document terrorists’ plans and networks in Africa, Egypt and the United States.

Many of the court’s filings, including Robertson’s own testimony from his most recent criminal case, remain under federal seal, which means only prosecutors, the judge and the defense can review the records.

Cohen told FoxNews.com in a statement that his client “never taught or condoned violence in any way.”

“In fact for his federal case the judge did not find terrorist acts, which led to his sentence of time served,” Cohen said.

>An FBI informant is recruiting "lone wolf" mass shooters.
busy at work bump
Cheryl Mills

>Served as deputy White House Counsel for President Bill Clinton, whom she defended during his impeachment

>Served as Senior Vice President for Corporate Policy and Public Programming at Oxygen Media

>during her first 4 months at the State Department she continued to work at NYU on a part-time basis negotiating with officials in Abu Dhabi to build a campus in the UAE

>She worked for no pay in those first months at the State Department, and was officially designated as a "temporary expert-consultant", which allowed her to continue receiving outside income while serving as Clinton's Chief of Staff. On her financial disclosure forms, she reported $198,000 in income from NYU in 2009, during the period her university work overlapped with her time at the State Department, and that she collected an additional $330,000 in vacation and severance payments when she left the university’s payroll in May 2009.

> Additionally Mills remained on the Clinton Foundation’s unpaid board for a short time after joining the State Department. Another Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, spent her final six months employed as Clinton’s deputy chief of staff in 2012, while also simultaneously employed by the Clinton Foundation.As has Abedin's, Mills’ employment arrangement has raised questions regarding potential conflicts of interest, in Mills' case about how one of the State Department’s top employees set boundaries between her public role and a private job that involved work on a project funded by a foreign government. Under Federal ethics laws, employees are prohibited from participating in matters that would have any direct and predictable effect on themselves or an outside employer.

>In 2011 Mills joined the Inter-American Development Bank, Sae-A and the IHRC

>Inter-american Development bank- Enclude client, CF donor, 1-5mil

>she founded BlackIvy Group and is CEO of BlackIvy group, a company which builds and grows enterprises in Africa

>BlackIvy is also under an extreme amount of fire for proposing for a 23 cent minimum wage in Ghana, despite all the founders and CEOs calling for a 15 dollar minimum wage in the U.S. Here is another article explaining that and the actual powerpoint used to attract businesses to Africa.
You don't actually think nestle is selling all that water they're bottling do you?


>Inter-american Development bank- Enclude client, CF donor, 1-5mil

>Clinton Foundation

> Interim Haiti Recovery Commission



>Haitian Government
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>225 replies

That's not even the bump limit, next time make sure to archive it again when the bump limit is reached and the thread is off the catalog. I just rearchived it but please remember to do that next time: https://archive.is/kHgzA
>>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend

"At the top of the winner’s list in Warsaw are the Eastern European members of the organization. For at least six years, they have constantly chided NATO for failing to provide more protection “on the ground” within their borders. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland will now permanently host a full multinational battalion comprised of 1,000 NATO troops from countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada. While not enough to actually blunt a full-on Russian invasion, the additional forces will increase deterrence significantly."

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Link old threads in the first replies if you can and always remember to link the next thread in last replies too (eg. after 300), it helps a lot.

Are you guys archiving all links that are being posted in these threads too? whether they're relevant or not, is better to archive all for future reference, so even if those sites are taken down people can still find the archived version at least.
"On the losing side of the ledger, Putin tops the list. Given that his overarching goal remains weakening or breaking the NATO alliance, the continuing unity demonstrated by the nations in Warsaw is a setback. Even worse for Putin is NATO’s decision to deploy troops on Russia’s borders, which the Russian president will find difficult to explain to his constituents back home. And, finally, the potential increase in defense spending will mean that Russia may feel compelled to increase defense expenditures as well — a difficult move to make given the ongoing sanctions levied on Russia since its invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, as well as flat oil and gas prices.

Other losers coming out of Warsaw are the two nations that aspire to NATO membership — Ukraine and Georgia. Both have been invaded by the Russian Federation (Ukraine in 2014 and Georgia in 2008), and the Russians continue to occupy significant chunks of their territory (Crimea and arguably parts of southeastern Ukraine; and the tiny regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia taken from Georgia). Given these disputes with Russia, the likelihood of full membership seems quite distant, and the Warsaw summit did not offer much in the way of hope for their goals. While the alliance provided platitudes about an “open-door” policy and pledged continued military cooperation, there is not much of a glimmer of actual membership."
>>here's my big problem to solve:
>>If I were a leader of a global cabal who's plan is hundreds of years in the works, why would I let so many (((coincidences))) out in the open right at the final stages?

This particular tidbit keeps surfacing in my mind.

From the red team article on armed forces journal

>Based on hypotheses and conjecture, their reports are speculative and often controversial.

Taking these items both in to consideration, are there any black swan events we might want to consider?

What would cause Black Team to shorten what is otherwise a long game?

Possible answers are:

>1) I have so little faith in the general pop/so much faith in my side
>2) up against something big so risks must be taken

Striking option 1 off, we are left with option 2.

Option 2 could represent a natural disaster black swan event that was:

1) predictable as happening
2) of such a scale as to make shortening an otherwise long time frame
3) something they, only, would know of
4) absolutely unavoidable

What could such an event be?

for those unfamiliar with the term:


It wouldn't be the Collapse of Deutshbank seeing as they have control over when that would occur.

This is the reason I think it might be some sort of natural disaster, and there are a few possibilities which are of a significant enough scale that if they had some way of knowing with enough certainty of said event actually happening, would cause such (coincidental carelessness) with their plans.

Is this line of inquiry even worth pursuing?
>>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros

"Secretary of State John Kerry is facing criticism after departing a major NATO summit early in order to watch a showing of the hit Broadway play Hamilton, according to sources familiar with the situation and State Department officials.

Kerry had been attending a major summit of NATO powers in Warsaw, Poland this weekend, but departed early from the powwow, dubbed by a U.S. official as “one of the most important political events of the year,” so he could attend a final showing of the musical, which has received rave reviews."


>Because the 'deploy NATO troops along Russia's border thing is a done deal.'

>Democrat "doves"
I did here:


Sloppy I know. I am a relative newfag (i know, lurk more damnit!), so if another, more capable anon wants to make the next thread, I would not have a problem with that so as to ensure consistency and best practices were followed.
Cheers, anon. Makes sense
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I Think this will help you all:


W/r/t breaking borders, it is possible that starting a shooting war with Russia over Eastern Europe could accomplish much. But the goal of doing so is secondary, rather than primary - weakening or dissolving Russia into balkanized fiefdoms only eliminates a bastion of nationalism. An accelerant, but a weak one. Nationalism has caught on, and is gaining globally. Gaining control of central and or eastern Europe doesn't go very far toward miscegenation either, unless the unified territory were to be used as a giant spillover for millions more rapefugees from Africa and the ME.

There's the angle worth gaming out.
How do I upload some files having to do with gold mine in Haiti?
Oh well it's good then, I typed in the thread url on archive.is and it wasn't found so it was rearchived automatically (you used the full url /pol/thread/80505694/cfg-red-team while I always use /pol/thread/80505694 without thread title just for convenience).
>How do I upload some files having to do with gold mine in Haiti?

Would probably better suited to the research thread, however.


Ok, so taking those ideas and applying them in the western hemisphere we see much the same activities in South and Central America as has been happening in the Middle East:

1) Foreign intervention in local politics
2) Active intelligence agency programs
3) Local power players taking advantage of chaos for personal enrichment
4) U.S. based power players facilitating 1-3 in order to further the larger overall goal of miscegenation

The above would seem to apply as there has been migration from those areas to the U.S. for some time now and there have been news articles about a 'surge' of immigrants including unattended minors.

Taking all of this into account, and looking at what has been done in Europe, can other conclusions be drawn?
great resource anon! I will add this to my OP pasta when I get home.

Will also include this:


I figure after a few iterations we will have a concise pasta with necessary links for the task we have taken upon ourselves.

I still fully plan on being involved in research, but this exercise gives us a way to use the information found through research for something other than meme making.

Ortel just picked up the raw google doc on twitter.

If you are working on, or were interested in working on distilling information from that doc into a clean, normie-friendly narrative, it's probably time to light a fire on it. The googledoc is picking up steam, but it's going to turn people off a little bit due to the chanspeak. We need refined pieces of the overall picture written up coherently, and we need them pronto.

If you are working or want to work on doing a write-up of a specific piece of the puzzle to distribute via social media, call it out.
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Keep up the hard work! Do it for her!
I made my case in the research thread here, and at least one other anon gets it without me having to explain why.

I was somewhat fearful of this kind of backlash, and it looks like those fears were somewhat well founded.
>>I honestly don't see the fucking problem.
>The problem is if you shut minds against you before you can even begin your argument, you're wasting all your time preparing said argument in the first place.
>These are the cheese doodle eaters we're talking about here and yes they've been tavi'ed so it is not an easy task to get them to look up from the trough long enough to capture their mooncalf gaze.
>If we want this effort to have the impact it needs to have, we need to speak in a language they will understand and not alienate groups which would otherwise applaud our efforts other than the fact that they are completely triggered by certain words and phrases; you have to be able to overcome their taviness to get them to understand how tavi'ed they are.

my post there
ok, anons, I'm off work for now and have a few things to finish here at the office.

Will check back in once I'm home and settled in after enjoying some herb.
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I'm doing my fitness for the next two hours, but translating to normal English is somehing I'll gladly do.

How do we want to define file segments? I'm assuminf we will cross post here in CFG Red Team and the WP site Courageous Anon reserved. Agreed?
Try leftypol /trumpuniversitygeneral/

That assumption seems right to me. We might want to designate an anon to work on keeping the rewrites organized. A compiler of sorts. I can do this if no one else volunteers.

I'm going to put forward a proposal for how we go about compiling the manifesto:

>start writing small, professionally worded blurbs about the major players, such as the writeup penned earlier by anon about Huma Abedin. A few pages at most, detailing their personal histories and connections, as well as specific examples which provide ample suspicion of their credibility and intent. This is our cast of characters.
>More short blurbs about the various corporations linked to the Clintons. These are our players in the money laundering framework.
>Essays on various instances of questionability, deceit, and outright corruption from the Clintons and other major players like Soros. Here, we start to link the misdeeds of the individuals to the acts of the companies. We begin to develop a cohesive picture of how these players fit together, and how they cooperate to turn invisible profits.
>Once we reach this point, we can accurately asses the strength of our compiled narrative. If it's strong enough to bring out other implications, such as child sex trafficking and intentional destabilization of political bodies during the Arab Spring, we wheel those out. These will likely be longer pieces, as they are more working theories rather than fully fleshed-out and provable histories.
>One more edit for posterity and to make sure the grammar and syntax is crisp, then seek publication.

I haven't seen any memes following this style, though I admit I haven't followed most. I think some memes with known corrupt/bad public figures using the #imwithher slogan would work well.

You could do it with pretty much anyone.

George Soros -> #ImWithHer
Martha Stewart -> #ImWithHer
Random Jihadi -> #ImWithHer

hell, even the black dude who shot up Dallas -> #ImWithHer

That slogan has already backfired, but it being her official campaign slogan, would be good to get the slogan itself associated with corruption.
Disregard, thought I was in the meme thread.
Please look into Hogan Lovells, everyone you're looking at is connected to them. Largest lobbying law firm in DC and LONDON
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