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President Trump General /ptg/ - Good luck Houston Texas - Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 84

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TrumpTV Weekly Updates: https://pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis - Hold The Line 8/27/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #29 8/25/17
>Weekly Update #5 - Lara 8/25/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, TreasSec Mnuchin, NSA McMaster, HSA Bossert) 8/25/17
>This Week@State 8/25/17
>DeptInt Video - Eclipse Across America 8/25/17
>WH Video - VP Pence in Miami 8/25/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/Ukr Pres Poroshenko presser 8/24/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 8/24/17
>State Dept Press Brief (Heather) 8/24/17


Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>President Donald Trump Video - Tremendous/Incredible 8/21/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>139320975
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ancaps get the rope too. anarchists not welcome.
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> Deported Painesville mom: 'They treat us like insects, they don't care if we live or die'
> NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO -- Beatriz Morelos Casillas still can't believe that a few seconds changed her life forever.
> On July 23, she was driving home on Interstate 90 in Painesville when she saw that an Ohio Highway Patrol officer had pulled over a car. She pulled into the other lane to give him space, but not completely. The trooper pulled her over for violating the law that says police must be given a wide berth.
> In that moment, the life she knew for the past 16 years in America was over. It was the first time she had ever been stopped by police. She had always been careful driving because she knew the consequences.
> But nine days after this traffic stop, she would be back in Mexico in one of the most dangerous cities in the country, alone in the city where two other Painesville residents had been kidnapped just days earlier when they were deported.
> She was lucky, she and a companion were only robbed.
Top kek

> fail to signal
> get stopped
> 9 days later: deported
> get robbed, feel lucky for not being kidnapped

Truly ICE is working fast, 9 days from local police encounter to Nuevo Laredo, must be a record
>big if true

Brietbart's twitter handler is obvious polack.
every single one of them has to go back. immigrants not welcome.
Truly a flood of biblical proportion. Get right with God anons, this is only the beginning.
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Trying D&C between Trump and Tillerson now.
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Forgot pic
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did everyone die?
god is a ten year old boy with autism. jesus was a pedophile who fucked boys and married his mother. abraham was a childfucking schizophrenic. hail satan.
black people need to be sent to liberia.
Fuck Tillerson.

Deep state traitor.
An undead dragon breathed blue fire at the wall and destroyed it.
*tips deer mask*
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Looks like FRUMPF was BTFO'd once more. Literally LMAOing at his so-called "presidency".

Image by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!
>part of KKK
but Trump is not a democRAT...?!
based ICE
hopefully they're competent when it comes to whites
Can someone else bake? I got to step out.
Yeah I was expecting an undead dragon unoriginal writers.
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kek, saved
the fuck is game of thrones?
if you don't want me to say the truth then keep the jesus freak nonsense on /x/ and in your pedophile churches, you sandnigger.
If she was willing to break the law to get into the country how can anyone in the new country rely on her not breaking other laws?

Mind you I know how life is hard on violent places, I live right next to a shanty town, but this type of mindset is exactly why her home country was shit in the first place. Gotta earn her way into a better place.
OK, but what are the numbers?
please go back to /b/
We warcraft now.
Am I an evil person for not caring if they die? It's not even my country, but hope this will discourage all future illegal aliens
Jack Probiotic, apart from ripping of /pol/ is an obvious /tv/ browser, he's been echoing their criticisms all night tying to be cool.

Such a fucking faggot wannabe.
please kill yourself. know your place jesus freak, and that's six feet under as fucking worm food. heaven is a lie. hell is empty and all the devils are here. they're known as christians, jews and muslims.
As in how many are actually deported?
Frostwyrm spam is best spam nigger game of thrones undead dragons dont even breathe ice.
males with names that start with the letter j tend to be assholes.
nothing at all Hungarybro
Merck CEO Kenneth C. Frazier claimed he stepped down from the Trump business panel because he felt “a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism.” But Frazier, who served on President Obama’s Export Council, felt no equivalent responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism when the White House invited leaders from the violence-inciting Black Lives Matter movement for a forum on policing in July 2016. At least 11 police have been shot dead and at least nine more wounded by BLM protesters, activists and/or supporters to date.

Instead of recriminations, the militants of BLM enjoy continued praise and coddling from corporate America.

Tech execs from Netflix, YouTube and Google all donated to BLM leader DeRay McKesson’s failed mayoral bid in Baltimore. Business execs have been coughing up untold hundreds of millions of dollars to BLM and related causes, funneled through left-wing nonprofits such as the Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy.

On Tuesday, Walmart executive Doug McMillon wagged his finger at Trump, urging “elected officials to do their part to promote a more just, tolerant and diverse society.” This from the head of a retail giant that only recently stopped selling racially divisive, anti-cop taunting, violence-glamorizing T-shirts that bragged: “Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter.”
Fucking flying niggers freezing muh buildings
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Yay or nay? Going to reply to trump tweet replies with this
*not at all
Jesus, how hard do you tip you fedora? And is once a day enough or do you have to refresh it on an hourly basis?
>tfw no 3m cyber waifu
fuck off european you're not even people. you're target practice.
use the ™ properly. superscript that shit
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In their defence they did just finish 8 years of having a Racist Gay Nigger President and a Gay Racist Cross dressing nigger transvestite for a first lady.

What did you think that country would turn out like?

Never put a nigger in charge of a white country, all niggers hate white people.
Never put a gay in charge of a god loving nation. Now it's almost a crime to be straight and white.
Now all white people are racist Nazis
There is zero control of the media by Americans with any values at all. Its all Jews.
How much more could we say.
Yes USA is complete shit. Trump is trying to save their sinking ship
kill yourself jesus freak.
>had been kidnapped
Funny way of saying "tried for the border again"
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Didnt watch that shit, but whatever happened i bet he rewrote the part just to attack trump
looks like the s in "stop trump" should be capitalized
and fix the trademark symbol
Suicide is a sin my friend. If you want me gone you have to do it yourself :^)
*cripples your base kills your peons*
Who are some infamous trump repliers I can include?
>Can someone else bake? I got to step out.
Go in peace, I'll bake if I'm around and, otherwise, people will figure it out
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How will the insurance companies deal with this shit? Is this another government funded payday for jewish insurance scammers?
Will Trump make the wall out of mexicans?
ICE only releases numbers once every fiscal year, that goes from October to September. This particular fiscal year goes:

> Oct 16 to Jan 17: Obama admin
> Fev 17 to Sep 17: Trump admin

Let's see how the numbers progress taking in consideration that the important numbers are those of "internal removals" considering "turned away at the border" will have a sharp decrease with the 70% of so decrease in crossing attempts
Video evidence shows his car was quickly set upon by a mob wielding bats, who smashed his back windows and would presumably have smashed his skull had he not backed out quickly. That’s clearly self-defense.

What about the initial plunge into the crowd? Video evidence shows the car was struck before hitting anyone—meaning Fields could have panicked and hit the gas.

Most importantly, he did not accelerate after hitting the crowd, he braked and paused. He threw the car into reverse only when his window was smashed.

Fields’ car also shows signs of having sustained damage before encountering the crowd—meaning a confused and frightened Fields was driving around a town he didn’t know, perhaps chased by Antifa, and then hit the gas when his car was struck. Already, there are reports saying that just this occurred.

Fields may have views that many people consider repugnant. He may have committed actions in his past that are deeply troubling or even disgusting. But the key question in the upcoming trial is not whether he is a good or bad person, but whether he was attacked and in fear for his life.

If Fields is acquitted, or convicted of a lesser charge, this country may see further riots like the ones that followed the acquittal of the officers who arrested Rodney King—which apparently scared our Ruling Class permanently

But if Fields is convicted of murder, it may be another example of a System using “exemplary sentencing” to tell Whites this isn’t their country any more—and that the Constitution no longer applies to those who have the wrong, Politically Incorrect, opinions.


Fields, for those who can't remember, is the one who plowed his car into the disgusting, overweight, hideous blob Heather "Fatty McFatfat" Heyer, aka Heavy Heffer, or whatever her fat name was.
>How will the insurance companies deal with this shit?
Households in areas prone to flooding need to get specific protection against it, not covered under normal house insurance.

> Is this another government funded payday for jewish insurance scammers?
If New Jersey response to Sandy is any precedent governments in every level will end up footing the bill for the house owners stupidity.

I'm outraged!

...that they don't also have to pay reparations toward the wall for freeloading off us for so long.
Probably. Keep hearing that "there's no flood insurance"
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... What is this new Jewry?

Shit, we better hope the Mexicans don't have any blue-fire-breathing undead dragons then.
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Noticing a lot more of ''le christcucks xd'' threads, in the last few days.. I know there's a big number of of atheists/agnostics browsing /pol/ but they don't usually post like that.. did we trigger reddit or something?
>But if Fields is convicted of murder, it may be another example of a System using “exemplary sentencing” to tell Whites this isn’t their country any more

Actually, his sentencing will all depend on what they can dig up. All it takes is one little post like pic related (see [1]) and he goes down for murder and get federal civil right charges tacked on. If he was retarded enough to play "race warrior" online he will get what he sowed (even if he didn't deserve).

Otherwise he'll likely get vehicular manslaughter or an appropriate sentencing. Which one you guys believe a Nazi LARPer will get? Will his online history be his undoing?

[1] http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/49618433/#49622718

[1] http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/49618433/#49622718
Show me a 500 foot ice wall and I will show my necromancy undead dragon ninjutsu drumpfkin.
Atheistic christianity is a thing

It's like atheistic judaism
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I'm a bit creeped out now

I guess they figured siding with ANTIFA would eventually result in them losing more power?
Dunno, Mezcal and Tequila can do strange things to people if they drink too much.
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My family is in one of the flood areas, not Houston though.

I asked them about flood insurance and they said it was too expensive at 500/month or so to ever really consider buying. This for rental properties and trying to keep them profitable.
of course, anytime there's a "street battle" they flock here to take credit for what someone else did and, gloat.
A/B test the blue and white backgrounds. I like the blue better.
Why not only take it for flood season?

You meme like a leftist.

Brevity is the soul of wit, faggot.
Based Newt

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The asian one is some attentionwhoring doctor just to let you know. Even feels the need to put MD in his twitter handle.

I suggest to remove the asian one and find someone else to take his spot.

Jose Turdmoustache is the worst.
Based moonman (no relation)
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They are making their move.
well this basically ensures his impeachment. the liberals have finally bested us
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>Macron's approval is even less than Trump's right now
How the fuck do you blow your popularity that fast with the French media sucking your dick
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You do realize we're never going back to enjoying social media again right? After Trump will come a democrat, like it does every other 8 years, and the 1984 will shift into level 10 and things will never be the same again.
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>we're living in the golden age of internet freedom and don't even know it
WHAT?! Martina Navratilova is lesbian? How can a sexy and feminine woman like her be gay?!
Next you'll be telling me George Michael is also gay.
Trump is not a dictator.
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That's exactly what I said.
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President Donald J. Trump

>he stared directly into a total eclipse, and the sun went blind.
>he built a sandcastle on a beach in Dubai, then sold it to the Saudi Royal Family as a vacation home.
>he won a golf tournament with a single stroke.
>he folded a paper airplane and threw it out the window; it bombed 4 ISIS bases.
>he signs legislation with feather quill pens plucked from a bald eagle perched on his desk.
>he follows witches around on a stage while standing perfectly still.
>he wanted to adopt a new pet, so he went on a safari.
>he was held hostage by terrorists; when negotiations were finished, they paid him a $30 million ransom.
>his online shitposting directs the course of human history.
>he sells rice to the Chinese.
>when his car was blocked by violent rioters, he walked the rest of the way.
>eating fast food makes him healthier.
>at the end of his 2 terms of President, he’ll look 30 years younger.
>when he visited the Vatican, the Pope prayed to him for forgiveness.
>he made employee of the month after his job interview.
>he was the guest speaker at his own college graduation.
>he issues pardons for crimes that weren’t even committed.
>the wives he divorced sing praise of his sexual prowess.
George Michael was never gay. He was forced to "admit" that for reasons I cannot share with you on this format.
They've realized siding with antifa would be their death. Or the CEO told them to cut it out.
Didn't they change the title or content? I saw another post comparing the before/after screen caps
> George Michael was never gay.
Can I at least get the basic gestalt?
>After Trump will come a democrat, like it does every other 8 years, and the 1984 will shift into level 10 and things will never be the same again.
That's why you have to prevent it.
And to begin with, looking to past as advice without context is horseshit. Just because recently the parties have switched genrally every 2 terms doesn't mean it will happen in the future if, well, it doesn't happen in the future. Things don't just happen because they did in the past, the Democrats need to run a better candidate in 2024 to win. And if their one and only current platform fails ("fuck Trump and fuck all of his policies") in 2018 and 2020, they will have a terrible time after that. They'll be forced to adopt now policies that are popular to the American people, and I don't think they are capable of that especially since you have so much disagreement on almost everything within the Democrats. And increasingly less tolerance for disagreement. The only reason they aren't on each others throats right now is because they have their bogeyman to distract from each other.

Not to mention that there have been plenty of times in US history where one party has had long dominance over the other. If Trump wins in 2020 and passes the torch to a "Trumpian Republican," I say we are headed to another such era.
>see walls don't work because some dumb blonde might go over and give the other guys something to destroy it with
>Town underwater
>Populace rolls out the airboats

America, you magnificent bastard. When we have floods we wait around in our houses for the fire service to come rescue us in rubber dingies.
Request denied.
> Not to mention that there have been plenty of times in US history where one party has had long dominance over the other.

Too lazy to look up. Reagan passed the baton to Bush Sr (who promptly dropped it) and Roosevelt had 4 terms (but that's not allowed anymore). Other than that which were the longest stints by a single party at the presidency?
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No. I literally wouldn't care if ICE was actually executing them. Foreign invaders deserve no mercy.
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Update. Yay or gay?
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> Meanwhile in Madam President timeline

Replace China with America and you're set.
Replace "adults" by millenials for maximum butthurt.
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Reminder to always show libshits pic related. I would but I don't know any or have a social media account.
This is only because a photographer of theirs was attacked.

Luckily more reporters are showing up to report on antifa and so the violent rioters inevitably are attacking them. Antifa is too stupid to realize they shouldn't attack people on their side.
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>not knowing the definition of treason
>thinks disrespect is treason

Why the fuck do conservatives defend big corporations again?
Republicans will also need to produce a candidate that is similar to Trump
But the entirety of GOP are NeverTrumper neocons who'll easily survive 8 years on baby blood
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Sloomp btfo
I do not think there will ever be a President that can continue Trump's policies
It doesn't count if he isn't a legitimate president

By not being as much of a cuck as the french want you to be. Really.


> Why isn't the democratically elected party doing what the losing party wants it to? This is FASCISM, damnit!
He is not wrong

Violence gets shit done
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If you ignore the time of founding the Republican party and the civil war that followed, the answer is still by time from Roosevelt to Truman (20 years, 5 terms) Now you can argue that it was mainly due to Roosevelt, but the Republican party was unpopular by all measures during that time, so I say it is unlikely that during those 20 years any Republican would have beaten any Democrat. (within reason) Other than that you have had 3 term stretches.

However, again, just because it is rare doesn't mean it cannot happen. As you said, Bush Sr fucked up terribly. Had that not happened who knows how long the Republican victory stretch would have been! All 3 presidencies before the splitting of the Republican vote were massive Republican landslides! And combined in BOTH elections that Bill Clinton "won" the combined Republican vote would have beaten him. So it was clearly entirely possible to have 4 R presidencies in a row had the party not monumentally fucked up.

Then there is the matter of the Senate and the House.. both of which were dominated by Democrats for almost 60 years.
>I'm not suggesting we use violence
>But we should totally use violence
Yeah, no, read the actual article for the caveats

> Shortly after, violence began to flare. A pepper-spray wielding Trump supporter was smacked to the ground with homemade shields. Another was attacked by five black-clad antifas, each windmilling kicks and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself. A conservative group leader retreated for safety behind a line of riot police as marchers chucked water bottles, shot off pepper spray and screamed “fascist go home!”

"A pepper spray wielding Trump supporter".

> But antifa protesters — armed with sticks and shields, and clad in shin pads and gloves — largely routed the security checks and by 1:30 p.m. police reportedly left the security line at the Center Street and Milvaia Street entrance to the park.
Now the money line

> Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood told the AP the decision was strategic — a confrontation was sure to spark more violence between the protesters and police.
> “No need for a confrontation over a grass patch,” Greenwood said.

The local police just waved the anarchists in, according to them, "to prevent violence".
Now, I ask: why are these retards organizing these marches in deep blue cities with clear leftist mayors and police chiefs? Why not start at swing states or red states, demonstrate their point and prove they're peaceful and only then move to blue haired college towns?

I'll answer my own question: it's because they're not interested at all in being heard and having their ideas disseminated. All they want is to force a confrontation in the hopes people over the fence will join their side.
That won't happen without a through media operation backing up their actions on the ground. Fucking amateurs
Something up with the servers?
wouldn't it just be revolutionary if Mexicans elected a President that gave two shits about his nation and his people?
>it's because they're not interested at all in being heard and having their ideas disseminated.
Perhaps it's to demonstrate that freedom of speech and following the law are still important in this country and just because there are differing ideals, a pro trump rally can be allowed in a liberal city and vice versa.
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>So it was clearly entirely possible to have 4 R presidencies in a row had the party not monumentally fucked up.


> Then there is the matter of the Senate and the House.. both of which were dominated by Democrats for almost 60 years.
Yep, not impossible to happen again, in any direction.

On a related subject: did you see the 1960-2016 county result gif I posted?
To clarify, why is a couple twitter accounts shitposting/falseflagging international news?

Wow. I mean, I knew niggers were dumb, but... hot damn.


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>On a related subject: did you see the 1960-2016 county result gif I posted?
Yes I did. Interesting, but we will see how it holds up. Certainly there is will in the country to head towards a type of Republican policies.. now if only the Republicans would understand that and we ideally wouldn't end up with a 1992 situation in 2024..
> Perhaps it's to demonstrate that freedom of speech and following the law are still important in this country
They're doing a piss poor job at that as well. Trying to demonstrate anything as complex and counterintuitive like that without a media operation is like starting a aerial bombing campaign without boots on the ground: you will get the chaos you planned for but then you will have hundreds of telegenic victims to be blame for without any strategic gain at all.

> and just because there are differing ideals, a pro trump rally can be allowed in a liberal city and vice versa.
So it's not about preservIng heritage, preventing their removal, preventing the active discrimination and erosion of white people rights or even as support to the president.
It's actually about sticking it to the left. Ok, sounds a good strategy, carry on, that will win hearts and minds.
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Help America.

All right, what the fuck happened last night? I haven't watched a single episode this season but know spoilers. Did they really do the Ice Dragon shit that blew up or somehow felled a piece of the Wall?
i actually though that was the point being portrayed and i was laughing at the irony until i saw it was a woman and realized she had no idea what she said, then it became sad
the year we freed the slaves, how fitting
They picked it up from regular BBC, that covered that stunt as "Those 4chan rascals are totally trying to pin these false flyers on Antifa".
They missed the point by a nautical mile and and they keep missing it and unwittingly helping. Much like "#draftourdaughters" the point isn't make it look like a real campaign but to highlight what they (be it Hillary or the alt left) believe: in the first case, that war against Russia is justifiable and the later, that violence against a person is acceptable if it carries political undertones.

Great campaign and flawless victory if it is already getting airtime.
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Also, I say there will be a split in the Democratic party assuming they'll lose in 2020. How can the far left part of their party possibly coexist with the (at least much closer to) centrist part of the party?
I say they can't and wont.
(((White Person))))
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>tfw taught my housemate's pupper how to awoo~

>tfw she curls up in front of the tv whenever Trump is on
> now if only the Republicans would understand that and we ideally wouldn't end up with a 1992 situation in 2024
It all hinges on 2018. Trump already replaced Ohio GOP party structure with loyalists. If he can do the same in Nevada and Arizona (ousting the 2 weak links of the GOP senate race there) while picking up 2 or 3 seats his 2020 campaign will be completely different.
>So it's not about preservIng heritage, preventing their removal, preventing the active discrimination and erosion of white people rights
White people will never win that fight if that's what it indeed is about.
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They're already threatening it. I'd love to see them keep it up and actually split their party. Also I find it hilarious that Trump is considered a "radical" president when all he wants to do is enforce the law and get good trade deals for the US.
How long will the beatings from antifa continue?
>If he can do the same in Nevada and Arizona (ousting the 2 weak links of the GOP senate race there) while picking up 2 or 3 seats his 2020 campaign will be completely different.

I agree, but why stop there? I get that Arizona will be especially important as they'll likely have both seats up for grabs, but can't he do the same for each of the states?
There is actually no "beatings". Compared to 2016 Trump rallies it's a lot of barking and no biting.
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Trump has publicly named them, your average American that knows about them has nothing but pure disgust for them, and the media is slowly starting to turn on them. Soon. Be patient.
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To paraphrase a meme from both 1936 and 2006:

>The beatings will continue until Concentration improves.
He needs to push the antifa issue like he does all other issues, naming them is a good first step, but it's been 7 months of their shit and I'd like a little more progress by now

Almost all of them. Unlike in Germany, we Physically Remove people after their deportation hearings rather than letting them go, telling them to leave, and calling it a day.
Not for 2018. Here is the list of republican candidates up for reelection in 2018:

> Orrin Hatch (Utah, since 1976)
> Bob Corker (Tennessee, since 2006)
> Roger Wicker (Mississippi, since 2007)
> John Barrasso (Wyoming, since 2007)
> Dean Heller (Nevada, since 2011)
> Jeff Flake (Arizona, since 2012)
> Deb Fischer (Nebraska, since 2012)
> Ted Cruz (Texas, since 2012)

Maybe Nebraska (I seem to recall this Fischer on the wrong side of some issue) but other than that it's a lot better to focus on Trump States and Romney States like he is right now (doing after McCaskill, for instance).

Romney states
> Jon Tester (Montana, since 2006)
> Claire McCaskill (Missouri, since 2006)
> Joe Manchin (West Virginia, since 2010)
> Joe Donnelly (Indiana, since 2012)
> Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota, since 2012)

Trump states
> Bill Nelson (Florida, since 2000)
> Debbie Stabenow (Michigan, since 2000)
> Sherrod Brown (Ohio, since 2006)
> Bob Casey (Pennsylvania, since 2006)
> Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin, since 2012)

seriously Portubro, what the hell is up with your constant downplaying of Antifa?
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Be patient, faggot. The more they chimp out the less sympathy they can garner when Trump comes down on them hard.
They're literally a domestic terrorist group. They should be classified as such.
I think maybe 50% of it is reddit, 40% is TRS and the other nazi larpers, and the 10% is homegrown atheists.
well you're all a bunch of basement dwelling bitches so I would say forever
contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
Technically they are only classified as one in 1 state.
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Jokes on you, I live in the attic.
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>mfw when wating for President Trump to take a dumb and shitting on the media via twitter
Because it's the reality. US has 50 states, show me which states had Antifa related violence. Show the same for BLM.
Actually, that's the question I should be making. What's up with you guys with lionizing a bunch of retards in fire prone dwellings? Why not BLM, whose leader even made a run for mayor and whose self professed members have at least a dozen cops dead.
Yes. It was dumb as fuck.

They also added the idea that the entire wight army will die if the White Walker that made them dies - seeing as they only have a few White Walker generals plus the Night King that really means the massive war is basically all the good guys VS 10 White Walkers.
I think it's more of an "if" tbf. I know you guys think there's some master plan with Trump to take down antifa, but it's never been one of his goals while he was on the campaign.
desu they are pretty damn small fry
bunch of larpers on MSM's and the establishments preferred side, but they don't actually do much of anything. They've killed 0 people.
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>tfw the current Globalists had the gall to assume that (((Antifa))) would unironically work in the US

I almost feel bad. What was once a gathering of keen and ambitious minds that simply chose the wrong path has morphed into an abomination that can't even gain traction in a supposedly good goy country.

IMAGINE being one of the OG Rockefellers or Rothschilds and seeing the absolute STATE of your subversion.
Shame that the two by far most important seats are also the most vulnerable.
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Well I'd hope the "Law and Order" Candidate wouldn't just let a bunch of violent leftists continue to cause civil unrest now that he's president.
Didn't they execute that one guy in his house, or at the very least cause it with their whole "everyone left of Chairman Mao is a fucking Nazi" views.
Can someone create a template for the guy with the police cap?
Yes, undead dragon with undead king on it destroyed part of the wall. Westeros is utterly buggered.

I am loving that the left thinks walls don't work because mythical creatures might suddenly become real and breathe blue fire on a southern border wall. I knew they were dumb, but that is impressively stupid.
>Well I'd hope the "Law and Order" Candidate wouldn't just let a bunch of violent leftists continue to cause civil unrest now that he's president
7 months and counting and the best he's done is name them.
>inb4 shut up fag and be patient
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They'd probably think their subversion wasn't as through as they thought it was.
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Legit question, are they still holding up all of Sessions' appointees in the DOJ?
So basically westeros is being culturally enriched into the dark ages like Romano-Celtic Rome was?
Why take them down?
They are our useful idiots now
I think he got one guy in last month.
>Law and Order candidate
>useful idiots we can use
Pick one
Fuck all you guys i want to start the revolution now! Kill all commies!
Well they did already sail an army of horseback savages to Westeros to conquer it so yeah...
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Alright, just 90% of his staff to go. Really activates my almonds when the Dems want to hold up the DOJ like that.
I don't see your point
They'll fuck up eventually and then the hammer will drop on them
Trump probably could have gotten ALL the boys Sessions needed during the recess appointment but Ted Cruz and Rand Paul ruined that possibility.
Is the water still rising? It's a Big storm.
Constantinople lasted hundreds of years simply because of good walls. But these people prefer literal fiction!
blm and antifa are both cancer i thought that was pretty well established. if antifa had the "not all niggers" excuse they would be doing it too.
>Ted Cruz and Rand Paul
That's wrong though
Them existing is fucked up enough. Law enforcement should not be allowing this! Intimidation, harassment, burning shit, stopping traffic, pepper spraying people, violence towards cops, violence towards random innocents. That's enough in my god damn country for me to drop the hammer. I don't want to see someone die because of these asshole before the ball starts rolling.
Pretty sure it was them.
rescue the doges!
>Law enforcement should not be allowing this

They aren't. However, the liberals that tell them what to do are. Notice you don't see these faggots pulling this shit in places like Texas
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>2nd coming of 1776 soon
All these could have been prevented if Trump disavowed David Duke.
Good thing they didnt charge her with tax evasion too since its ILLEGAL to stay in a country without any permits. Hence the term "illegal immigrant". But all the stupid fucking lefties think theres no costs when people cross the border.

Ever wondered why minimum sallarys are so low? Why the infrastructure is collapsing ? Or why we pay taxes?

Think before you drink before you drive me mad
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>Looting and rioting in the areas hit by the storm.
Why can't A*ericans behave like humans?
For Houston.
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Blame the dem mayors telling their lapdog police chiefs to give a stand down order to the police then.
When are celebs gonna help this people?
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Is there a Faceberg filter yet?
yo does anybody got a link to that synth-wave cartoon with the neo-nazi guy?
They've gone completely mad. Their progeny are worthless and people are rapidly waking up to their bullshit.
They don't care about red staters
> Well I'd hope the "Law and Order" Candidate wouldn't just let a bunch of violent leftists continue to cause civil unrest now that he's president.

Well, thank God America has a president that knows the attributions for each separated power and the division between state and federal government responsibilities.
Asking "why isn't the federal government doing anything about law enforcement" is the same stupidity leftists do when they say "why isn't the federal government doing anything about healthcare". IT'S NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY

If you guys spent half the energy you do petitioning your governors instead of screeching about an institution that cannot do what you guys request.

Question: did your state governor followed the example of Chris Christie and put Antifa on their listed proscribed organization? Did your mayor? Did you petitioned them?

Do it like te anti abortion crowd folks: even in states where it already isn't an issue they always pressure their state legislature to pass even a toothless bill forbidding funding for that. If you guys got Tennessee state legislature to put them in some list or at least make a official declaration, same for South Dakota, North Dakota, Lousiania, Alabama, etc. maybe you guys could achieve some national goal.

As it is that's no better than "why isn't the federal government providing healthcare" screeching. Call your state representative, get him to introduce a bill even if it will never go to vote.
Why is thread dead?
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I fucking love Miller's mannerisms. Like how he moves his head to the side a little bit while compiling an entire argument in half a second to destroy whatever bullshit comment was given to him.
slow news day
truml is kill
>Why can't niggers behave like humans?
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Posts are being held up in Security Screenings
See, Portubro, that would take effort. Concern trolling on /pol/ is guaranteed to be much more effective!
it shouldnt have been this way :x

thank God 4 those rescuers
When is Trump?
What an insane definition for treason.
Is every portuguese cool like you?
So glad I don't watch that faggot show
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>trump will never send me a letter
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>As it is that's no better than "why isn't the federal government providing healthcare" screeching
>Things that can be handle by states or just local must need the hand of federal government.
Just realize how familiar it sounded.
I have a cat that comes whenever I Awoo, Every Single Time .
It's hilarious.
Why do internet-Liberals live in fiction? At least internet-Nazis live in history, so to speak.

Texas is flooded and they can't get on Reddit
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Yeah, it seems so.

Here retards, consider this free consulting if you guys are actually part of anything organized with this respect. Call your state representative and get him to introduce something similar [1]

> State Senator Jim Honeyford, who two years ago suggested in a legislative committee that "colored people" commit more crimes, has introduced a new piece of legislation that attempts to curb an element of protest commonly seen on May Day.
> Today, Honeyford proposed a bill that would prohibit wearing a mask, hood, or device "whereby any portion of the face is so covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer" in public places.

> Honeyford's bill resembles other anti-mask legislation proposed in the wake of mass protests like Occupy Wall Street, Ferguson, and demonstrations against the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.
> Other state legislatures considering anti-mask measures have cited these events—as well as the Malheur wildlife refuge occupation and the violent clashes as Berkeley—as rationale for such bills. Anti-mask laws have also been passed in states trying to limit the activity of the Ku Klux Klan.

Also even you guys in blue states can check your legislature for the existence of such laws. It may not pass or even go to vote but it's enough to get national attention.

[1] http://www.thestranger.com/slog/2017/05/22/25159343/state-senator-introduces-bill-to-ban-masks-and-hoods-in-public
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Floridafag reporting in. Hurricane season is eight months out of the year. Tropical storms with storm surge flooding can spring up outside hurricane season. A lapse in flood coverage in a flood prone area can make it difficult to purchase a policy, even at a high price.
A homeowner's best bet is good design. Cement slab floor with tile or terrazzo instead of carpet or wood on the first story. Cement board walls for the lower 4 feet when replacing soggy drywall, so it doesn't happen again. Furniture that's easy to clean and dry. Simple steps you can take so you avoid a lot of expensive damage so you don't need a flood policy.
>whenever I Awoo
What the fuck? How do you even awoo IRL? What pitch do you use? I read "awoo" when accompanied with Momiji as going higher pitched at the "oo" part, but I assume a man with testosterone who isn't a pansy faggot wouldn't go as high pitched as a wolf girl. And then it seems like it would sound weird as fuck. Vocaroo that shit, anon. I need to know what it sounds like.
how do they get her deported so fast? I thought it took years in front of judges OR they had to proove they lived in the US longer than 2 years to prevent expedited removal?
One of trumps executive orders was literally "beans are back on menu boys".

You still haven't provided a good counter as to why they are not domestic terrorists, considering they fit the legal definition.
>anti-mask legislation
Interesting idea. I wouldn't be surprised if these kinds of bills were to get challenged in court, but not a completely terrible idea by any stretch. I see it as more useful for the "X mayor or Y rep in Z city or state isn't going to tolerate violent protests" signal to antifa and other groups than for the actual legislation. Depending on how the laws are written they could become an undue infringement on others' free speech.
Joe trashing antifa now
how do we stop the Chinese from conquering the world. I really hope Trump is taking this seriously.
They only carefactory about criminals
Unleash the viets
Trumps main concern right now are his approval rates.
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Trade war. The Chinese are scared of the IP theft investigation because it will cost them trillions. Once we start tariffs the Chinese will bleed.
Let other Asian countries war on them.
like who?

who could stand up to an army of billions. Especially 30 years from now when they're all genetically-engineered super soldiers.
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The vietnamese
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Way too long

>We are the Resistance. White male millenniums who stalk the Presidents twitter. Any day now he'll resign in shame thanks to our snark. Please respond.
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You and me talked extensively about this. We discussed RICO charges (among other things) at the same time and how they don't qualify even for that. Feel free to look up on 4plebs, it's there. Search for "rico" filtered by "pt" and follow the conversation if it was not wth you.
The "tl;dr" is that you are using the definition of "terrorist act", stretching it to the limit to fit to some of their actions (any violence in the name of politics is terrorism), exaggerating their numbers and organization to pretend they're a national organization instead of a bunch of local chapters in deep blue college cities and then applying the definition of "terrorist act" to "terrorist organization".

Fetch our conversation and you'll see that I argue that BLM fits the description better for actually having a national organization and a body count. I also argue that MS13 would warrant that description much better.

But I won't make the argument at length again, you can fetch our previous discussion because I don't have any additional point left undiscussed.

The question is a little bit loaded as well. "Antifa is a terrorist organization, prove they aren't"
>The Chinese are scared of the IP theft investigation because it will cost them trillions.
They paid off Bill Clinton with like 50 thousand bucks, whoever goes to investigate will come home with three model wives and a sportscar, and will say everything's fine

The black in red, at the end, robs him.

we will have to make the wall dragon-proof i guess
We have Trump now. That won't happen, Magyar.

Might not be a huge war, but this was without US backing
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the financial sector has billions of dollars in bonds in Venezuela
Trump just dropped sanctions on Venezuela
so he's holding their money hostage and using it as leverage right as he's deciding what to do about China
I think that he's pretty serious
now think of all the dogs who haven't been saved
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What soecifically caused the flooding in Texas? Is it one or more cities? Bloody news just talks about Trump and his tweets.
>What soecifically caused the flooding in Texas?
A slow hurricane that dropped a lot of water on the same area over a few days.
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That's going to turn off even more normies. Even people who never cared about politics are starting to hate the guts of these "People"

With that said, how is the situation in Texas?
>t. reagan battalion
Trump is fucked in 2020
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I thought u said Iberia and panicked for a moment there
They have hard ground it doesn't sink in, also they don't normally get so much rain, so they don't have the canals and systems to deal with that much
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Two competing high pressure systems kept the hurricane in one spot, dumping the entire load on south Texas' face.
You deserve it for not keeping it in your pants when you went to the Americas and gave us the spics we have today.
Nigga the spics are probably better than the death cult psychoindians who never discovered the wheel but built mountains of skulls

shit we probably improved the general stock of the continent, take a second to ponder that
Thanks anons
Well, MSNBC is freaking out that Trump is letting the police receive all military equipment now and is saying Trump is a bigoted racist after Charlottesville and the pardoning of a hateful bigoted thug sheriff.

The Trump presidency is over.
It apparently might go offshore and restrengthen?
>Nigga the spics are probably better than the death cult psychoindians who never discovered the wheel but built mountains of skulls
>shit we probably improved the general stock of the continent, take a second to ponder that

kek, true that. Should have done like us and built a proper designated racemixing zone (like Brazil) and prevented them from spilling over the borders.
They are definitely not that bad, especially the legal kind. It's the illegals that are nigger tier, and I can account that white illegals are also shitty, for the most part. Plus, they are religious and are somewhat conservative/traditionalist, and some of their women are even cute. You can't say that about niggers
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You mean it's just starting.

What kinda equipment are we talking about?
The murder cult loving Aztecs would have given us more reason to nuke the place. Should have wiped them all out.
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So it's okay when the police get militarized under obama, but not under trump? Makes sense

What's the details on the equipment, and why?

this has been multiple times per thread, every fucking thread, for about 650 days now

this will be correct in about 7 and 1/2 years
Hurricane slowed down, then is going back to the sea, and is now setting up for round 2
>9AM Monday
>still no happenings

Wait, but I though strengthening the police to crush those bigioted Nazi's is what they were calling for?
>Plus, they are religious and are somewhat conservative/traditionalist, and some of their women are even cute.
They are Christian only in name. They mixed whatever the Spanish taught them with their only pagan faith. Plus the Church in Latin America got a heavy dosage of subversion.
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At least they believe in something. Met quite a few good ones
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Maybe I'd have a higher opinion of them if a certain Argentine wasn't fucking shit up in the Church.
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This country has no future.

Trump is nice, but the normal people are all so fucking retarded. Just nuke the USA already.
>normal people
What anon?
normies are always retarded man, you just have to mould them.
Majority of amerisharts believe it
we don't because america is going to become a shithole filled with brown subhumans and the entire humanity is going to relocate to asia while europe and america turn into slumlands.

even if you shitskins want to stop them you're never going to. while the west is trying to make all the ceo black muslim women with disabilities and 60 iq china is letting their high intelligence people lead them
Just because they say they're the most trusted name in news doesn't make it even remotely true.
Isn't is schedule for the 23 in September?
And it's blood for the blood god.

Who the fuck eats ice cream that reminds you being pissed on by prostitutes?
Hillary won the popular vote. Most amerisharts are dumb as fuck.
It's not real, Malta.
Voter fraud.
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Goddamn Poe's Law.
Trump has every right to run his presidency as he sees fit. Obamas liberal policies are not trumps.
After CNN said Trump doesn't want people to do that? 100 000 blue haired hipsters even if it's made of real piss
Forgot if its 21 or 23.
Man, I sure wonder why the dems are fighting the voter fraud commission so hard.

If it's supposed to fall on the day of the Revelation 12 sign, that would be September 23

noice. Also trumps attack Jew was fucking terrifying last time after the hearings.
The equipment is mostly defensive military grade. It keeps police safe in violent situations, its mostly armored vans and riot gear.
I know it's depressing. I just kind of wish there was some way to cure it. It's a little disappointing that the Chinese will implement all our good ideas and then enslave us all.

Why are our politicians so incompetent?
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